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10 Causes of Chronic Anxiety Most People Don’t Realize

Anxiety is a common problem in this country, but many people suffer in silence as they don’t know where to go or what to do for help. Why is there still a stigma around mental health issues when there’s help readily available? There’s no reason to choose to be miserable when you can make your life and this condition better.

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, there’s an estimated 40 million adults in this country that suffer from some anxiety disorder. Anxiety can affect how you think take care of your home, work, relationships, and overall well-being. It’s time to understand this condition and bring things to the forefront so that more people get the help they need. Consider seeking counseling Napa to help you manage your mental health condition.

Ten Causes of Chronic Anxiety

When anxiety is persistent, it becomes chronic. Chronic anxiety is an episode that lasts for six months or more.

While you know things like stress and social situations can cause you to be anxious, did you know there are some other triggers that you may not realize are affecting you? Here are some causes of anxiety that many people don’t consider.

chronic anxiety

1. Relationships with Toxic People Can Cause Chronic Anxiety

Negative people are toxic to your life. They bring you down and can make you view things in a pessimistic way. It can be pretty overwhelming when you hang around with someone who gossips, is manipulative, and always talks about their troubles.

The next time you avoid a phone call or try to ditch a date with someone that makes you feel uneasy, it could be that this person has a dark cloud of depression that’s making your anxiety worse. Please make sure you choose your friends wisely, as they can undoubtedly have a dramatic impact on your mental health.

2. You’re Spending Too Much Time Alone

While it’s good to have some time alone to recharge your batteries, spending too much time alone can be counterproductive. Nothing good happens when you isolate yourself behind four walls, and it causes you to dwell on things that may or may not ever happen. Don’t spend your time overthinking things when you can get out and do something productive.

3. You’re Not Eating Properly

Did you know that some things you consume can increase your anxiety? Things like caffeinated foods and beverages are notorious for surging feelings of angst. The good news is that you can eliminate all those extra sodas and coffee you drink, or you can switch to a caffeine-free beverage.

Another primary consideration is consuming sugary foods and carbs. They influence your blood sugar levels, which can cause you to feel ill. When you feel off and dizzy, your body can react to these scary feelings with anxiety, and if you consume these foods regularly, your chronic stress can link directly to it. You will feel a significant difference in your mind and body when you switch to eating healthy foods; ask anyone on the keto diet.

4. You’re Deficient in Vitamins and Minerals

Okay, so now you know that eating right is imperative for your health. However, you could suffer from anxiety when you don’t get enough vitamins, specifically B6, B12, and magnesium. Your brain needs these vitamins to keep things functioning and thrive, and if you’re lacking, you can be stressed, achy, and irritable.

5. Bad Memories

Everyone has a past, which can be overwhelming to manage at times. If you’re constantly ruminating on things that happened to you, then you’re not living in the here and now.

You can feel a great deal of anxiety when you hear a song you shared with your special someone or pass by a restaurant where you went on many dates. Anything that brings back painful memories can contribute to your feelings of angst.

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6. Click Bait and the News Can Cause Chronic Anxiety

It’s no secret that the world is a melting pot of trouble. Natural disasters, crime, and economic situations can weigh you down. Even if you try to keep on the sunny side, there’s always a way to stumble across current events.

Social media is supposed to be a fun place to connect with family and friends. However, many entities take out clickbait ads to lure you in. Even if you’re not looking for the latest news, it’s scrolling on the side of your screen.

Some folks are overwhelmed by reading about the world’s happenings, which can trigger your anxious nature.

7. You’re Dehydrated

You’ve heard a thousand times that you need to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated. If you’re deficient in your supply of H20, it can significantly impact you. There’s a direct connection between hydration and your mood, as your brain cells need water to operate.

If you’re dehydrated, you’re not getting the unwanted toxins out of your system. It would help if you were drinking at least 11-15 cups of water each day, depending on your gender. According to Harvard Health, dehydration causes a deficiency and the inability to carry nutrients and oxygen to your cells, and you’re also not maintaining your electrolyte balance.

8. You’re Living for Others

Sometimes there are people in your life that like to control things. These people can be your spouse, parent, friend, or relative. You can’t live your life trying to please everyone else, or it’s going to make you miserable.

When you have a thought pop into your mind, it’s either going to increase your insecurity or increase your confidence, but the choice is up to you. Don’t worry if someone looked at you and whispered, as they may not have even been discussing you. If you continue to over-analyze everything that others say and think about you, it’s going to drive you mad.

9. Social Situations Can Underly Chronic Anxiety

Chronic anxiety can be caused by the inability to deal with social situations. Social anxiety is a genuine problem, and it can be crippling if you don’t get it under control. This is also known as agoraphobia, where your angst turns into a full-blown phobia that rules your life.

People with social anxiety find it hard to go to school, enjoy a trip to the mall, watch a movie at the theater, or any other situation where many people are involved. According to the National Library of Medicine, Agoraphobia creeps in when you start avoiding these places so that you don’t have these intense feelings of anxiety. Any situation where you feel you can’t escape quickly will be avoided, and some even become housebound because their fears dominate every aspect of their life.

10. You’re Full of Self-Doubt

Have you ever seen those cartoons that depict an angel on one side and a devil on the other? While it’s a humorous attempt at your inner voice, it’s based on many truths. Anytime you’re faced with a choice in life that requires thought, you hear the good and bad voices telling you what you need to do.

Your inner voice can be pretty loud, and it might be enough to make you have self-doubts. The world has a lot of negativities in it, so if you ingest this pessimism all day long, it’s only natural that the fears are the things your inner voice talks about. You must learn how to control this small voice inside you and look at things through optimistic views.

Self-doubt will destroy your esteem and keep you from the job of your dreams, buying that new home, or starting a relationship that will fulfill you. Additionally, if you’re constantly thinking about all the things that you can’t do or that might harm you, then it’s the perfect breeding ground for chronic anxiety.

chronic anxiety

Final Thoughts on Causes of Chronic Anxiety

Dealing with anxiety or any mental illness is no fun. Thankfully, there are many things that you can do to help you get through this challenge. The good news is that anxiety is a highly treatable condition, especially when you learn how to change some of the things listed above.

Anxiety can be medically-based, or it can be circumstantial. Some folks will notice their anxiety increases when dealing with a medical illness or going through a divorce. For other folks, it’s the nagging inner voice of self-doubt or a diet rich in carbs and sugars that’s causing them to feel anxious.

Chronic anxiety is a growing problem that must be treated. Did you know that many people addicted to drugs and alcohol often have underlying mental health conditions like depression and anxiety? These folks suffer from poor coping skills, and they turn to unhealthy ways to try to self-medicate the pain away.

You can try things like meditation, yoga, exercise, eating a plant-based diet, and getting out in nature more to control the angst you feel. Counseling is another excellent option to help with these feelings, especially if you’ve been through trauma, abuse, or suffered from childhood neglect.

What changes can you make today that can help with your chronic anxiety? Rather than popping a pill to mask the issue, why not get to the core of the matter that’s causing the overwhelmed feelings? You can start working on these emotions and problems that are likely at the root of how your angst.

8 Reasons Why Overthinking Causes Emotional Distress

Have you seen images of Auguste Rodin’s The Thinker? This iconic statue seems lost in his contemplation. Is he brainstorming or enduring the emotional distress of overthinking everything?

Maybe you can relate to this stressful habit that affects countless people. Simply put, overthinking is worrying. It’s needless to stress whether it is a life-altering decision or choosing what to wear to a party.

Eleven Key Signs That You May Be an Overthinker

Are you just highly cautious, or do you overthink too much? It’s normal to stress a little over decisions, but not until it affects your daily activities. Here are some common signs of worrying and overthinking:

  1. You are always wondering “what if” and “if only”
  2. You replay embarrassing or painful moments in your mind.
  3. You’re constantly second-guessing the actions and comments of others.
  4. You constantly relive mistakes from the past.
  5. You replay conversations and rewrite them how you wish they would have been.
  6. You’re lacking sleep well because of your brain’s constant chatter.
  7. You replay hurtful words and actions from other people.
  8. You can’t enjoy the present because you constantly fret about the past and future.
  9. You’ll often focus on circumstances you can’t control.
  10. You tend to be a “worrywart.”
  11. You can’t get your mind off your worries.

The underlying reason that most people overthink is the desire to control. An article published by Changing Minds says that humans need a sense of control. You can feel insecure and threatened without it, as stated in the report.

emotional distress

Why Overthinking Causes Emotional Distress?

While you may have a sense of control, things in your life are beyond your command and stressful. Overthinking might seem to help manage the situation, but it’s only an illusion. These are eight reasons why overthinking and worrying can cause you emotional distress.

1. You Feel Emotional Distress When You Can’t Control Everything

No matter how hard you try and how much you overthink, you can’t control everything. There are people and situations in your life that you can’t change, and you must comprehend the things you’re powerless over. However, overthinkers often bypass reality by managing everything in their lives.

Such needless thinking can cause emotional distress and make your situation worse. For example, will you ever change a coworker’s negative attitude by worrying about it? Or how can worrying help a family member who is bent on self-destruction and refuses any assistance?

2. It May Boost Your Insecurities

The more you stress and overthink situations, the less self-confident you feel. Ruminating about the past often increases the volume of your negative inner voice. You constantly run the scenarios through your brain like a never-ending video loop.

Unfortunately, no amount of re-thinking these instances will change anything. Then, you may feel pessimistic about the future and think that you’ll fail at everything. This emotional distress may become a pattern that leads to a lack of self-confidence and self-respect.

3. It Minimizes Your Positive Energy

Thinking is your brain’s process of forming opinions and beliefs, whether positive or negative. When you think about something too much, you may minimize your positive energy. You need positive affirmations if you expect to attract positive outcomes from the Universe.

According to the law of attraction, you attract whatever energy you send out. Positive affirmations attract positive energy, and negative ones attract more of the same. Maybe you can experience a turn-around in your life if you stop joining the crowd of overthinkers.

4. You Foster Emotional Distress If You Focus on Problems Instead of Solutions

Of course, you must define or admit there’s a problem before you can solve it. However, overthinking the issues may prevent you from finding appropriate solutions. Sometimes, you can be inspired by a solution when you’re not even worrying about the problem.

5. You May Lose Your Sense of Gratitude

Have you ever heard the old saying about the good outweighing the bad? No matter what unfavorable circumstances you face, you still have positive ones. Overthinking emphasizes the negative, and you may lose sight of your many blessings.

Plus, the emotional distress it creates may cause ingratitude. All you can ponder are your problems, and you can’t be thankful for anything. It’s a downward spiral that can lead to anxiety, depression, and dark pessimism.

6. Emotional Distress Continues When You Perpetuate the Cycle of “What if” and “If only”

Until someone invents the working time machine, you can’t go back in time to fix a mistake. No matter how you meditate, wish, and beg, it’s not going to happen. How many times have you started a sentence with “what if” and “if only?”

The desire to change the past is a normal human response. What if your ex-partner had been faithful? If only you had been wise about your spending, you wouldn’t be in financial trouble.

Do statements like this sound familiar? Not only are “what if” and “if only” messages unhelpful, but they set negative precedence. You’re too preoccupied with the past to live in the present.

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7. Overthinking Can Affect Your Mental Health

Have you ever felt secure and joyful when you’re overthinking things? Instead, the emotional distress probably makes you feel sad and hopeless. An article published by PsychAlive explains that overthinking may lead to the most common mental illnesses.

Constantly questioning yourself not only erodes your confidence but can lead to anxiety. You’re always worried that you’re making the wrong decision, no matter how sensible it is. Chronic stress and anxiety can contribute to physical problems like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and stroke.

8. It Can Limit Your Creativity

Listening to your inner voice is part of your imagination and creativity. However, using it negatively can hinder them. Creativity often requires spontaneity and being confident with your choices.

Think of all the masterpieces of art, literature, and music that have graced the world since the beginning. What if these gifted creators would have overthought their work and tossed it? There would be a lonely void left across the globe.

How to Overcome Overthinking and Emotional Distress Triggers

Don’t let it become another issue if you see much of yourself in these scenarios. You don’t want to identify the problem and become worried about overthinking. There are positive ways you can overcome your thinking addiction and be more assured of yourself.

1. Divide Your Worries

Consider making a list of the current problems that give you emotional distress. Write whatever comes to mind, whether you think it’s essential or not. Now, take another sheet of paper, make two columns: Solvable and Unsolvable, and categorize your worries.

Solvable worries are situations where you can identify cause and effect and figure out viable solutions. Unsolvable worries aren’t so concrete and have components beyond your control. Focus on things you can change instead of things you can’t.

2. Schedule Time to Worry

It may seem silly at first, but it’ll make more sense as you get used to doing it. Instead of allowing overthinking to monopolize your time, make a daily schedule for it. It’s a lot easier than trying to thwart the habit all at once.

Schedule twenty or thirty minutes each day to sit, close your eyes, and worry. Give yourself permission to fret and worry about anything, everything, and anyone. Write it on a worry list as you give attention to each worry.

When your timer buzzes, you’re finished with overthinking. For the rest of the day, resolve to be worry-free and not second-guess yourself. If a rogue worry slips into your mind, write it down as a worry for your next session.

Reflect over your list during each scheduled session and see how you feel about it presently. These sessions may give you different perspectives and help you find solutions. Some may discover that some of your worries are out of your control.

3. Meditation Decreases Emotional Distress

One of the best ways to bring yourself into the present is to meditate. Dedicate a quiet place in your home to meditate for 15 to 30 minutes daily. It can be a spare room or even a cozy little corner in your bedroom.

Wherever you create your sacred space, it should be a space of beauty, calm, and solitude. You are mindful of each breath as your body relaxes at the moment. As you focus on breathing, be aware of your thoughts and allow them to dissipate like vapors.

Feel free to adorn your sacred space with colors and items that make you smile and are emotionally significant. Light candles and your favorite incense to encourage you to relax. However, you can sit or lie down in the space where you feel the most comfortable.

Meditation gives your mind a break from chronic overthinking. If your mind wanders, gently acknowledge it and bring yourself back into focus. This ancient practice teaches you the joy of being present.

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Final Thoughts on the Emotional Distress That Results from Overthinking

There’s a difference between making informed decisions and overthinking everything. Once you’ve identified that overthinking is a problem, you can take positive steps to overcome it.

You’ll have freedom from emotional distress and more energy to live in the present. It’s time to stop ruminating and start living life to the fullest.

9 Signs Someone Has Outgrown Their Surroundings

Specific characteristics separate the realms of the living versus non-living. Perhaps the most fundamental of differences is the need and ability to grow. Feeling frustrated when you’ve outgrown your current life is normal.

You grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as a human. The physical aspect usually stops by age 21, but you’ll continue to grow in the other elements for life. They are often the most difficult changes to recognize.

Nine Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Surroundings by Personal Growth

Has your inner voice told you that change is in the air? Personal growth can include expanding your knowledge, skills, and ways of life. Here are nine signs to recognize when someone’s outgrown their surroundings and what to do next.

1. Everyone in Your Circle is Changing if You Have Outgrown Your Surroundings

Some things that bring people together are things they have in common. Many friends in your circle probably are around the same age and place in life. You may have common goals like raising your family and flourishing in a career.

Have you noticed any life changes within your circle? Maybe they are expanding their goals and moving in different directions than you. It doesn’t mean you’re no longer essential to them, but you’ve outgrown your surroundings.



How are your friends’ lives changing, and where are your places? Maybe you’ll be happier in your circle if you make some life changes. Friendships can evolve over a lifetime.

2. You Can No Longer Relate to Your Friendship Circle

How can you be sure you’ve outgrown your friendship circle and surroundings? Pay attention to the conversation the next time you’re out with close friends. Are you chatting effortlessly from subject to subject, or do you quickly run out of things to discuss?

That period of awkward silence may be your clue that you have a few things in common. Either you are still in their place in life, or you’re searching for something more. For example, you may no longer fit in the single crowd if you’ve decided to settle down in a committed relationship.


Perhaps the changes you want to make don’t mesh with your friends and vice versa. You can outgrow friendships, which doesn’t mean you hate each other. It’s okay to go your way and let them go theirs amicably.

3. When You Have Outgrown Your Surroundings, Your Interests Will Change

An article published by NPR states that your personality changes throughout your lifetime, usually for the better. While you retain most of your personality traits, they will mature and change with you, says the article.

As your personality changes over time, it stands to reason that you’ll develop different interests. You may have been a die-hard football fan for years and eventually get a taste for basketball. Or you may do the complete opposite and become an avid reader.

Outgrowing your interests doesn’t always mean you kick them all aside. You may combine new hobbies with old ones or develop new ones. It’s all about your life-long maturity and constantly evolving interests.


The best time to discover new interests and skills is in the present. Listen to your inner voice and try whatever interests you. Learn a foreign language, take up painting, or do anything exciting that speaks to you.

4. You Don’t Feel Satisfied in Life Anymore

Think of your life as the seasons of the year. Your needs and wants change as you transition from one life stage to another. As a young adult, what was fulfilling may not be satisfying in middle age.

These restless feelings are the Universe’s gentle clue that you’ve outgrown your surroundings. At some point, your goals need to advance with your maturity. You may need to set new aspirations to get out of a rut.


Think of your life as a body of water that needs to move. Water that stays pooled and never moves becomes stagnant, and nothing can live in it. Never settle for a boring life with nothing that makes you strive to improve.

5. You’ve Planned New Goals to Reach

At what stage have you “made it” and can sit back in a rocking chair and stop dreaming? No matter how old or what you’ve accomplished, you never quit dreaming and setting higher goals. Of course, many of your new goals may be mental and spiritual accomplishments.

When you’re spending more time daydreaming about stepping out of your comfort zone, it’s time to do it. You’ve outgrown your surroundings, and your past goals no longer satisfy you. Yearning for different scenery and experiences is your call to action.



Creating a dream board is an excellent way of defining your goals and reminding you each day. Design it however you want with pictures, inspirational sayings, and ideas. Use it as a plan to bring the changes you need in your life.

6. You’re Just Bored When You Have Outgrown Your Space

Boredom is the enemy of a creative mind. Your brain craves a challenge and isn’t content with the status quo. In his article published by Psychology Today, Dr. Shahram Heshmat discusses the psychology of boredom. At least 30 to 60 percent of adults in America experience it at some point in their daily lives, says Heshmat.

It’s marked by your lack of interest and motivation in something. Maybe it’s something you’ve done for so long that you’ve outgrown it. The best remedy for boredom is discovering something new and exciting for your life.


If you’re bored with daily living, you’re not working up to your potential. What are some ways you can challenge your brain and do something new? Boredom often masks the fear of walking into the unknown.

7. You Constantly Dream of Another Life

Your dreams can be a glimpse into how you feel about your life. If you’re content, your nightly visions will probably revolve around aspects of your current situation. However, human satisfaction is never static; you’ll soon dream of brighter shores.

Let’s say you’ve worked at the same job for several years and feel like there’s something more. You start binge-watching travel shows where people start a new life in a foreign country. Soon, you look beyond your hectic city life to a tranquil setting in the country or on a beach.

You may be dreaming of reinventing yourself with a new career path you’ve always wanted. The only thing holding you back is the fear of making a mistake. Since you’re outgrowing your environment, the biggest mistake is not taking a chance.


What’s holding you back from living the dream you’ve always wanted? Create a plan including your goals, time frame, and what you must accomplish first. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be where you long to be.

8. You Feel a Void that You Try to Fill

Aristotle once famously stated that nature detests empty spaces. When there’s a space in the physical or spiritual world, it must be filled. A tell-tale sign that you’ve overgrown your surroundings is a void in your soul.

Many people don’t recognize this void as a sign of stagnation. Your entire being wants to grow, but some aspect is missing. Unfortunately, they often plug this space into unhealthy habits and substance addiction.

However, you may understand that this emptiness is your sign of needing changes. It could be your job, your relationship, or even your home. Being honest with yourself and defining your goals will seal the gap with contentment.


You’ll never fill that void in your heart until you follow your dreams. What is missing from your life? Don’t use substance abuse to keep from making necessary changes.

9. You Feel Envious of Other People’s Lives and Accomplishments

While you may not be a jealous person in general, it’s a natural emotion. Smiling and congratulating a coworker who got your desired promotion isn’t easy. As you park your jalopy next to your in-law’s sports car, the old green-eyed monster may appear.

However, the feelings can go more profound when you envy other people’s lives. It can happen even if you have the most and most successful. What’s probably behind your jealousy is wanting the joy and satisfaction you see them have.

Outgrowing your environment is also a common impetus of envy, significantly beyond materialism. Do you want the peace and contentment others in your circle have? Maybe it’s time to think about opportunities to learn, grow, and expand your life experiences.


Jealousy is only a helpful emotion if you use it constructively. Instead of envying your friends’ lives, do something exciting with your own life. Remember that there’s more to life than materialism.


Final Thoughts on the Understanding That You Have Outgrown Your Surroundings

Growth means you must adjust and alter something; not everyone is comfortable with change. The Universe will give you subtle clues when it’s time to move farther and higher. Challenging yourself with new goals can keep your life exciting as you realize your potential daily.

7 Things That Prove Love Is a Choice, Not Just an Emotion

Is loving someone a choice or an emotion? It’s fundamental to the human condition yet challenging to explain. Throughout the ages, mystics, philosophers, and religious leaders have discussed it at length, but there’s still much debate.

It’s one of those subjects that has two distinct sides. Many people believe that it’s worth the risk of getting heartbroken to fall head over heels for someone. The main question is, do you form relationships out of feelings, or is it a moral choice?

Ten Characteristics of Love

The first book of Corinthians in the Bible devotes an entire chapter to describing this feeling, also called charity. These characteristics remain an excellent guide stone. Here are the things that this classic chapter in this book explains: what love is and isn’t.

  1. Patient
  2. Shows kindness
  3. Doesn’t envy others
  4. Isn’t haughty and doesn’t brag
  5. Isn’t rude or selfish
  6. Isn’t easily angered
  7. It doesn’t “keep score.”
  8. Doesn’t rejoice at others’ mistakes
  9. Protective and trustful
  10. It goes the extra mile

love connection

The Bible even further suggests that God is the personification of love. Examples in other religious traditions and sacred texts are abundant. It’s also described in countless secular literature throughout the ages.

Seven Reasons Why Love Is A Choice

Your loving spirit is a beautiful gift that you give to your mate, family, and close friends. It’s a singular kindness and empathy that goes beyond human emotion. Here are five reasons that make it a choice.

1. Love Is a Commitment

Loving someone is a decision you make to be faithful to their heart. It’s not to be confused with infatuation. It’s physical when you meet a person and are attracted to them. As you both cultivate a relationship, you are committed and choose to be loving partners.

Let’s say you’re in a committed relationship, and you see an attractive person across the room. You can’t help the emotion of finding this person attractive. However, you choose not to act on the thought because of your loving commitment to your mate.

A wise person once observed that you couldn’t stop the birds from flying over your head, but you don’t have to let them nest in your hair. In other words, you have control over your emotions and can’t always blame somebody else.

2. It Remains Even in Bad Circumstances

If you’re in a romantic relationship, you can verify that it’s not always champagne and roses. There’ll be times when you’re so angry at each other that you want to walk away forever. Grief, loss, frustration, and dark seasons of the soul are inevitable, but you’re still together.

Whether married or in a committed relationship, you’re together through the blessings and the woes. Your heart is steadfast regardless of whether you’re wealthy, poor, sick, or healthy. If you cherish your significant other only by emotion, it will diminish when the going gets rough.

3. You Pick Who Stays in Your Circle

There’s an old saying that you can’t pick your family but can select your friends. Unless you believe in predestination and reincarnation, you weren’t consulted about the family in which you were born. Maybe you often wish you were born into fabulous wealth.

Yes, you choose your friends by the things you have in common. You can also decide that you’ve outgrown the friendship and part ways. Loving your friends is totally up to you.

However, the adage is only accurate to a point. Just because you’re related to people doesn’t mean you have a loving bond. Your DNA may have randomly put you together, but you decide whether they stay in your circle later in life.

4. Love Is Often Altruistic

Consider the various emotions that you can share with another person. According to an article published by the University of California-Berkeley, researchers have identified at least 27 human emotions. According to the report, these feelings often overlap and don’t have distinct borders.

When your body and mind react to something or someone, it’s not a choice. You don’t decide to feel angry when a thoughtless motorist cuts you off in traffic. If you lose a friend or relative, you don’t ponder whether you’ll feel anguished.

It’s a choice because you often decide to put others first. You volunteer to help people in your community because you want to do it. You and your mate compromise and sacrifice for one another because you’re committed to the relationship.

5. It Knows How to Forgive

Forgiving a person is just as much a choice as loving them is. It is not a compelling emotion like empathy; you offer it with your own free will. It’s an unmerited favor that benefits you just as much as the offender.

You automatically feel hurt, betrayed, and defensive when someone says or does something to offend you. These are emotions that you don’t choose. However, you can decide to forgive and not be bitter, and that’s a loving choice.

You, your mate, and those in your circle will offend and forgive countless times in your life. Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you excuse or forget the offense. You’re thoughtful and choose to acknowledge the insult, forgive, and move on with your life.

6. Love Designates Boundaries

Setting boundaries is another choice you make when loving others. You and your partner cherish each other, but you set healthy boundaries. These rules define how you expect them to treat you, and vice versa.

You choose what you’re willing to do or not do for that person. For example, you may decide not to live in the same city as your extended family. You still have loving connections, but the distance is better for all of you.

You may adore your children more than anything in this world, but they know how far to push you. Establishing boundaries also allows you to cherish yourself. Loving folks doesn’t mean you’re a welcome mat to be trampled.

declare your love

7. It Looks for the Good in Everything

The late Will Rogers, an American humorist, once observed that he had never met someone he didn’t like. Of course, Rogers wasn’t saying that people didn’t have faults and other disagreeable habits. He had learned to see the good in everyone despite the bad.

It doesn’t make you so naive that you think they are perfect when you love others. You empathize with their imperfections and adore them anyway. When there are difficulties in your relationships, you choose to be positive and find the blessings.

Four Reasons Why Love Is Also an Emotion

As if the discussion couldn’t be any more confusing, there are compelling reasons why it’s also an emotion. It has choice characteristics, but it still appeals to your thoughtful nature, as well as your senses and feelings. Here are four reasons why it’s an emotion.

1. You Can’t Explain Love

No matter how many books or scriptures you read, you’ll still never have a complete definition of love. However, it’s easier to explain the reasons why you made a choice. You cannot describe loving someone because you “do.”

You may be attracted at the beginning of a relationship and not even know why. As the relationship evolves, you’ll be more able to identify the attributes that won your heart. Even then, it’s a feeling that exists without cause and explanation.

2. You Say that You Fall in Love

Loving your significant other is a process that starts with attraction. It was a matter of the heart, and you felt drawn to this person. This infatuation is an emotion because you didn’t choose to have it.

An article published by Good Therapy states three stages in a loving relationship. According to the report, they say love comes in the following stages:

  • Stage 1: Romantic
  • Stage 2: Power struggle
  • Stage 3: Mature love

The first stage is emotional and works through to the adult stage, which is a choice. Perhaps you’ve experienced what many people call “falling out of love,” which is a decision they make. However, the initial “fall” was an emotional experience.

3. It’s Constantly Evolving

You don’t choose your loving relationship to evolve because it does it naturally. For example, you may be best friends with someone, and your friendship develops into a romantic relationship. Even couples who have been together for a while discover a more profound connection over the years.

4. It’s a Strong Urge

Some of your life’s decisions may be more important than others, but they aren’t as compelling as an emotion. While you can’t explain loving someone, your heart and soul urge you to do it. Sometimes, you may stay in a rocky relationship because your emotions keep the attachment.

quotes about love

Final Thoughts on Reasons Why Love Is Both a Choice and an Emotion

Loving people in your life is both an emotion and a choice. The sentiment may be the motivation of the relationship, but you choose to evolve with it. As an emotion, it surpasses them all, and as a choice, it’s the best you’ll ever make.

11 Signs the One You’re With Is the One You’ll Stay With

You may know a couple who seem so perfect for one another. They must have seen something in their relationship that confirmed they should always be together. If you asked them, it might surprise you to learn good looks or a “spark” wasn’t what clued them into the fact they were suitable for one another. They would say that what clued them into knowing they were with “the one” was something much deeper and more reliable.

Eleven Signs Your Partner is The One for You

These are the ten signs these couples would say can show you that you’re with the one you’ll stay with long term.

the one

1 – Respect for one another

Without respect, a relationship won’t last long. Respect is not just admiring the other person but showing regard for their wishes, feelings, and their rights in the relationship. When you respect someone, you value their thoughts and opinions. You’re saying, “you’re the one for me.” A healthy relationship includes respectful initiatives, such as:

  • Listening to each other: Listening means you look at your significant other when they talk to you. You allow them to finish their sentences instead of interrupting them. They feel you care about what they say and how they think. Listening shows them you respect them, which is a sign you two are definitely on the right road for a successful relationship.
  • Accept advice: If your person takes your advice, this is a sign they respect you. They value your thoughts enough to take them to heart when they decide. Couples who can give one another’s advice show humility.
  • Kind words: Respect means you refuse to resort to mockery or name-calling, even during an argument. You choose kind words over rude ones. It takes self-control to explain your frustration during a fight. But if you respect one another, you make the extra effort it takes to be kind rather than rude.

2. Laugh together

Laughter is a powerful bond to a strong relationship. Couples laughing together helps them feel more positive about one another. They feel more in love with one another. Here are things you can do to add some laughs to your relationship. Whether you watch a funny movie, tease one another, or go out on a fun date to an amusement park or comedy show. Your ability to laugh together is significant and worth cultivating together.

Besides being a good bond with your relationship, laughter is also good for your health. When you and your significant other laugh together, you’re helping one another stay healthier. Laughter affects your body in many ways, including the following:

  • Lower your stress
  • It helps your heart health stay healthy by improving circulation
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Lowers your blood pressure

3. Encourage one another

Words of encouragement go a long way in helping your relationship. Encouragement is affirming the other person’s worth. It’s saying things like these words:

  • You are special to me.
  • I’m crazy about you
  • I couldn’t have done this without you.
  • I love you!
  • I’m so grateful to you.
  • You are all I have ever wanted in a partner.

When your partner tells you these things, you feel motivated to make the relationship work. You see the sparkle in their eyes when they look at you, and it makes you fall in love with them all over again.

4. Don’t always feel “in love”

Contrary to what you’ve heard, being in a relationship doesn’t mean constantly feeling “in love” with the person. Sometimes you feel mad at your significant other for what they said or did. That’s okay. All relationships have their ups and downs. Love means commitment and keeping your promises. It’s more than a feeling. Instead, it’s an emotional connection to the other person and being the best companion you can be to them. Love is an action more than a feeling. If you notice this in your relationship, there is a good chance you with the one you’ll stay with long term.

5. Vulnerable to one another

Being vulnerable means, you’re willing to take emotional risks. You let down your guard to talk about your weaknesses, fears, and disappointments in life. It takes courage to express your emotions with your partner. Vulnerability is essential for the health of your relationship. It gives your relationship more meaning and depth. When you’re both vulnerable, it allows both of you a sense of security and feelings of love. It’s a sure sign you are with the right person. If you’re not experiencing this, you need to see this as a big red flag.

6. Make one another a priority

People who are in love make time for one another. They want to be together. Making your partner a priority speaks volumes to them. Your actions tell them they are your most significant relationship. It’s a clear sign of someone’s commitment to you if they regularly carve out time with you. If this isn’t happening, it could be a sign that something is broken in your relationship, so speak up and find out what’s going on.

the one

7. Resist blameshifting

Happy, strong couples resist the urge to blame one another when they’re upset.

It’s easy to slip into blaming, especially when you’re angry. Usually, several things contribute to your angry feelings. Maybe you had a hard day at work, then when your partner says something that pushes you over the edge. It’s easy to see them as the problem when it was the culmination of it all. In a strong relationship, a couple can sit down and unravel what is going on instead of lashing out at one another.

8. Have trust

Trust is a massive component of a relationship. The best way to earn your partner’s trust is to live your life consistently. Let your actions speak louder than what you say. Earn your partner’s trust by refusing to do these things, including these:

  • Lying to them
  • Breaking your word to them
  • Not keeping your promises
  • Not being there for them emotionally or physically
  • Not flirting with others

Show your partner you are trustworthy. It will help your relationship grow strong.

9. Create unique rituals

If you find your relationship is a slump, try creating simple rituals to make it more unique. Things like breakfast in bed together or weekend walks around a lake are simple ways to start small but significant rituals as a couple. These are often the simple things that build happiness in a relationship, making it unique for you and your partner. Use little pet names or nicknames to add a special sparkle to your relationship.

10. Good communication

Good communication in a relationship is open and honest. There’s the freedom to be yourself and share your private thoughts without fear of judgment. Both partners can talk about anything. Plus, good communication means you can talk about your concerns or things that bother you about the other person. If this is done with humility and kindness, the corrected person will feel grateful their partner cares enough for them to point out their shortcomings. If your partner refuses to hear your criticisms, this should be a big red flag for you. It would be best if you found out why this is the case. Ask good questions to draw out your partner. It could mean they aren’t as committed to the relationship as you thought.

11. Commitment to the relationship

Long-lasting relationships are made up of couples who are genuinely committed to their relationship. They both want the relationship to succeed and work towards this goal. They use language and do things that show their commitment to each other. One partner isn’t pulling the other one along to make things work out. They are both in it for the long haul. These couples speak in a way that shows their commitment to a strong relationship. They say things like:

  • Saying “we” instead of “I.”
  • Seeking to build up rather than tearing one another down.
  • Doing the hard work to strengthen their relationship, like reading books on relationships, attending couples’ seminars, or getting counseling if necessary.

If you are the only one making all the effort in the relationship it may be time to step back and reconsider your partner’s commitment. Ask some good questions to determine how they view the relationship and how committed they are to it.

the one

Final Thoughts on Deciding if Your Partner Is the One You’ll Stay with Forever

If you wonder whether you and your partner will stay together, hopefully, this list will help you answer your big question, “Is this person the one?” If these ten things are in place in your relationship, there is a good chance you’ll stick together for a long time. If not, it could be time to re-evaluate the relationship. Choosing to respect, encourage, and be vulnerable with one another will create a strong relationship. Trustworthiness and good communication are foundational to strong couples. Of course, laughing together and creating unique rituals that make you a spectacular pair will also help grow your happiness. If you’ve got these in place, you two will be a loving couple, just the ones you admire.

23 Vegan Substitutes Most People Don’t Know About

If you’re vegan, you’ve probably become accustomed to making exchanges in recipes to conform to your diet. However, those beginning this all-natural eating journey may not know all the tips and tricks and vegan substitutes available. When it comes to cooking for a natural lifestyle, plant-based alternatives will save the day and won’t take away from the flavor.

Did you know that more than 15.5 million Americans have turned to veganism? This is according to a study conducted by the World Animal Foundation. The numbers consuming a plant-based diet have steadily increased in recent years, continuing to ascend. As it grows in popularity, the need for more effective vegan substitutions exists.

23 Vegan Substitutes Most People Don’t Know About

When folks start this healthier eating style, the first thing they believe is that they will have to become accustomed to bland, tasteless foods. However, with a little creativity, you can make mouthwatering main dishes and desserts. There’s no reason you can’t make dishes just as delicious as those made by non-vegan counterparts, especially with this list of substitutions.

Vegan (Plant-based) Substitutes for Eggs

vegan substitutes

A baker’s most significant challenge is finding an egg replacement. If you leave eggs out of your recipe, you will have a product that lacks volume and texture. While nothing perfectly mimics the egg, a few tasty options will get the job done.

1. Bananas

Bananas are very versatile, and they’re great to have on hand as a vegan replacement. The key is they’re rich in fiber, so they act as a great binding agent. You can exchange one average-sized banana for one egg.

Now, remember the mixture will be a bit thicker than an egg, so you may need to adjust your liquid content slightly.

2. Applesauce

Applesauce is used in many vegan-based dishes because the apple is quite versatile. To use it as an egg replacement, you need four tablespoons per egg. Now, it’s important to remember that apples are naturally sweet due to their fructose content, so you may need to adjust your sugars to balance things out and opt for a sugar-free variety.

3. Egg Substitutes

You can find egg substitutes on your grocery store shelves. These powdered substances you mix with water to give you the egg benefits. You will find that the substance is a bit sticky when you mix it up, but it will get the job done.

4. Aquafaba

Aquafaba is the brine from chickpeas, and it’s very healthy. The key is that this is economical, which is often an issue in vegan cooking. Also, the composition of the liquid and the flavor are perfect for an egg substitute.

Did you know you can make a vegan meringue with this composition? Who knew you could have lemon meringue pie that’s animal-free?

5. Chia Seeds

You cannot talk about egg substitutes and not mention the chia seed. These tiny seeds have become quite popular these days, and their versatility is undeniable. When you add water to chia seeds, its poofs up and becomes a bit slimy, just like the egg.

Take three tablespoons of water to one tablespoon of chia seeds to make an egg-like substance. Now remember that chia seeds can become clumpy, so you don’t just want to add them to your dish without some time to rest. Allow the mixture to sit for ten to fifteen minutes before mixing it with your other ingredients.

6. Tofu

Vegan substitutes like silken tofu are another option. Most people prefer to use this as their egg replacement because it’s as close as they come. If you want to get creative, you can use this tofu to make things like mock scrambled eggs, and it will be challenging to know the difference.

Vegan Substitutes for Cheese

Being vegan doesn’t mean you must give up cheese or a product that tastes very similar. What would your soy burger be without it? Here are some fantastic vegan substitutes for cheese.

1. Nutritional Yeast

This plant-based product is made from yeast, so it has a very similar taste to cheese. Though it’s hard to pinpoint an exact way to describe the taste, it does the trick. Vegetarians cannot ignore the health benefits of this product. But it will make a noticeable difference in your vegan mac and cheese and other dishes.

2. Tofu

Tofu is an excellent product because of its versatility, but since it’s so malleable, it is one of the best vegan substitutes for cheese. While the flavor isn’t as spot-on as other products, the texture is pretty close. You must play around with different spics and flavor combinations to find the right balance for you.

3. Cashew

It seems the vegan baker can do just about anything with nuts these days, but when you turn cashews into cheese, it’s just miraculous. You want to make a paste from the nuts, and you can do this by soaking them in some water.

They become pretty flexible so that you can manipulate them. To complete the cheese, you want to add some nutritional yeast along with your favorite spices and herbs to finish it off. You will honestly be amazed at the result.

4. Sweet Potatoes and Carrots

Veganism requires you to get quite creative, so turning potatoes or carrots into cheese will bring out that creativity. This is more for making a nacho cheese-type product. However, it’s as easy as can be, as you just put the sweet potatoes or carrots into a blender and puree.

Once it’s complete, you add some spices to make it cheesy. Remember that this is better as a spicier cheese sauce than your traditional sliced variety.

vegan substitutes

Vegan Substitutes for Meats

If you want to eat a plant-based lifestyle, your most significant task as a cook is to convince people they’re eating meat and not plant-based products. Here are some of the best options available.

1. Beans

You know that beans are good for your heart, but did you know that they can also be used to replace ground beef. It’s easy to make, high in protein, and the meaty flavor is a hit. You can also flavor these in many ways to fool even the staunchest critic.

2. Tofu

Tofu is often used as a meat substitute because it absorbs the flavor. You can make it into anything you want. If you’re starting on this vegan journey, tofu is an excellent product for you to experiment with initially.

3. Jackfruit

Jackfruit is a super-hot trend among vegan substitutes. When you cook this unusual fruit, it transforms into something else. The inside fruit is a bit stringy, and the flavor cooks away, allowing it to be seasoned into one mock pulled pork sandwich you won’t believe.

4. Seitan

Seitan is made from wheat gluten and is very similar to tofu. This should be your go-to substitute if you want to make a product that resembles chicken. It’s very flexible and can be manipulated for the perfect chicken flavor.

5. Eggplant

You can slice your eggplant into burger-sized portions and season them to perfection. Not only is it delicious, but it will smell and taste just like a burger.

Vegan Substitutes for Butter

Yes, most people forget that butter is an animal product, so you need to find an alternative. Here are a few to consider.

1. Plant-Based Butter Alternatives

These are inexpensive and easy to find in any local grocery store and taste just like the real deal.

2. Coconut Oil

The fact that coconut can be used at a 1:1 ratio for butter is fantastic. Plus, it tastes great and has fantastic health benefits.

3. Vegetable Oil

While it won’t replace stick butter, it certainly has its place in stir fry and other cooking where you need a liquid alternative.

Vegan Substitutes for Milk

Here are the most common milk substitutions, and you can find them in most grocery stores across the country. The good news is that you can use all these vegan substitutes with a 1:1 ratio of cow’s milk.

  • Rice Milk
  • Oat Milk
  • Soy Milk
  • Almond and other kinds of nut milk
  • Hemp Milk


Final Thoughts on Vegan Substitutes Most People Don’t Know About

Choosing veganism or a plant-based eating style is healthy for you and helps make a more sustainable planet. Many studies show the vast benefits. According to Plant Based News, the phytochemicals and antioxidants in the fruits and vegetables you eat can help protect you from certain health conditions and chronic diseases.

The key is these antioxidants fight free radicals, which offer protection. Additionally, if you’re fighting the battle of the bulge, adopting a vegan lifestyle can help you manage your weight. You can easily make your favorite dishes and enjoy a well-rounded diet with the substitutions listed above.

Editorial update 10.10.2023: Updated statistics regarding the number of vegans in the United States.

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