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Scientist Explains How Good Sleep Quality Creates Healthier Relationships 

An Ohio State University study reveals that good sleep quality promotes better relationships. The findings revealed that not only does poor sleep increase inflammation, it also amplifies conflict in relationships.

Of course, sleep deprivation doesn’t cause all marital problems, but it can exacerbate any underlying issues. When you’re well-rested, you feel more emotionally balanced and discuss disagreements rationally.

Even if you have a smooth-sailing relationship, poor sleep can quickly muddy the waters. Sleep deprivation makes your moods fluctuate, and you’re more likely to lash out at your partner. Conflict is inevitable in a healthy relationship, but it’s easier to overcome when both partners feel their best. Lack of sleep can trigger physical health symptoms that fuel the fire.

“We know sleep problems are also linked with inflammation and many of the same chronic illnesses. So we were interested to see how sleep related to inflammation among married couples, and whether one partner’s sleep affected the other’s inflammation,” said Stephanie Wilson, lead researcher on the study.

Results of the study have been published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Scientist Explains How Good Sleep Quality Creates Healthier Relationships

good sleep quality

The researchers gathered 43 couples for the study, which involved two separate experiments. For both, the couples gave blood samples and reported how much sleep they’d gotten the previous two nights. Next, researchers asked the pair to discuss a topic that typically leads to conflict in their marriage. They took another blood sample after the discussion.

“We found that people who slept less in the past few nights didn’t wake up with higher inflammation, but they had a greater inflammatory response to the conflict. So that tells us less sleep increased vulnerability to a stressor,” Wilson said.

When both partners slept less than seven hours the previous two nights, it increased the likelihood of an argument. For each hour of sleep lost, researchers observed that levels of two common inflammatory markers increased 6%. Couples who had particularly hostile statements exhibited a more pronounced inflammatory response. Their inflammatory response rose by nearly 10% with each hour of sleep lost.

Wilson said this:

“Any increase isn’t good, but a protracted increase that isn’t being addressed is where it can become a problem. What’s concerning is both a lack of sleep and marital conflict are common in daily life. About half of our study couples had slept less than the recommended seven hours in recent nights.”

The CDC reports that 35% of Americans sleep less than seven hours per night. So, the participants in this study got even less sleep than the national average.

“Part of the issue in a marriage is that sleep patterns often track together. If one person is restless or has chronic problems, that can impact the other’s sleep. If these problems persist over time, you can get this nasty reverberation within the couple,” said Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, senior author and director of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research.

However, researchers noted that a partner with good sleep quality had a protective effect on the relationship. They helped smooth out any disagreements, even if the other partner lashed out due to poor sleep.

“We would tell people that it’s important to find good ways to process the relationship and resolve conflict — and get some sleep,” Kiecolt-Glaser said.

Better Sleep Makes Couples More Empathetic

Another study reveals that good sleep quality enhances empathy in relationships. Understanding how your partner feels strengthens the bond and creates more harmony in relationships. On the other hand, sleeplessness can lead to more discord between partners.

UC Berkeley psychologists Amie Gordon and Serena Chen have discovered that poor sleep quality leads to more conflict in relationships.

“Couples who fight more are less happy and less healthy,” said Gordon, a doctoral student in psychology and lead author of the study published online in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.

“Our research helps illuminate one factor that leads couples to engage in unnecessary and harmful conflict by showing that couples experience more frequent and severe conflicts after sleepless nights,” she added.

The psychologists analyzed how good sleep quality vs. poor sleep quality impacted relationship conflict in one experiment. They recruited 71 couples who reported how they’d slept the previous night. Next, the team videotaped them while the couples discussed a source of conflict in their relationship. Each partner then rated the interaction and assessed whether the dispute had been resolved.

Not surprisingly, the participants who slept poorly reported feeling more negatively during the discussion. Both partners also had decreased empathic accuracy. Conflict resolution occurred most often in relationships where both parties reported good sleep quality.

Tips for Experiencing Good Sleep Quality

If you want to experience good sleep quality, it’s essential to practice proper sleep hygiene.

Make sure to follow these tips for more restful sleep:

  • Stick to a sleep schedule. Even on weekends, go to sleep and wake up simultaneously. This will reset your circadian rhythm and lead to deeper sleep.
  • Turn off technology a few hours before bed. Try reading a book, meditating, or doing other relaxing activities instead. Blue lights from devices can trick your body into thinking it’s daytime – the exact opposite of what you want before bed.
  • Clear your mind. Many people toss and turn at night because of restless thoughts and worries clouding their minds. Try writing your concerns in a journal before bed, so your mind doesn’t keep you awake.

good sleep quality

Final Thoughts on Studies Linking Good Sleep Quality to Stronger Relationships

With so many people suffering from sleep deprivation, it’s easy to see why marital conflicts have increased in the modern world. When you’re not well-rested, you tend to unload your frustrations on your partner. Multiple studies have confirmed that couples who report poor sleep have more frequent relationship conflicts.

So, if you want a healthier relationship, prioritize your health first. This means getting good sleep quality, eating well, exercising, destressing, and not taking your worries to bed with you. After following these tips for a week, we guarantee you’ll feel more refreshed and have a deeper connection with your partner as well.

Doctor Explains How The Brain Can Unlock Conscious Awareness

A 2021 study by the University of Michigan reveals the gateway to conscious awareness in the brain. They found that a critical area in the cortex helps process sensory stimuli and, therefore, our conscious experiences.

While we’re awake, the brain must filter through a near-constant stream of sensory information. For years, scientists have pondered why our conscious awareness picks up specific signals and overlooks others. They wanted to know what part of the brain separates unconsciousness from consciousness.

Who Conducted the Study on Conscious Awareness?

So, scientists from the Department of Anesthesiology and Center for Consciousness Science at Michigan Medicine decided to investigate. Their findings first published in the journal Cell Reports.

“Information processing in the brain has two dimensions: sensory processing of the environment without awareness and the type that occurs when a stimulus reaches a certain level of importance and enters conscious awareness,” explains Zirui Huang, Ph.D., research investigator in the Department of Anesthesiology.

conscious awareness

Huang, along with lead researcher Anthony Hudetz, Ph.D. and colleagues, aimed to verify the location of this ‘gateway’ in the brain. They determined that this switch occurs in the brain region called the anterior insular cortex. It acts as a filter of conscious awareness between low-level sensory information and higher awareness.

Researchers gave participants the anesthetic drug propofol for the study, which caused loss of consciousness. Then, they placed participants inside an fMRI machine to monitor brain activity. As they gradually lost consciousness, the team asked volunteers to imagine themselves doing various activities. These included playing tennis, walking down a path, and squeezing their hand. They were also asked to complete a motor response activity (squeezing a rubber ball).

Prior research discovered that mental imagery activates similar areas in the brain as actually performing the activity. So, when participants imagined themselves playing tennis, the part of the brain that controls movement (frontal lobe) lit up. Other brain regions become deactivated as mental energy shifts toward the activity.

Doctor Explains How The Brain Can Unlock Conscious Awareness

Researchers observed that deactivations occurred less often in the study as participants lost consciousness. When they lost consciousness completely, their brain regions didn’t light up during mental imagery tasks. However, when they regained some consciousness, these brain areas became a bit more active. With full consciousness, their brain returned to normal activation.

As the team analyzed their brain activity during varying stages of consciousness, they discovered the anterior insular cortex governed conscious awareness.

“A sensory stimulus will normally activate the anterior insular cortex,” says Hudetz. “But when you lose consciousness, the anterior insular cortex is deactivated, and network shifts in the brain that support consciousness are disrupted.” He added that the anterior insular cortex might influence conscious awareness by filtering trivial information.

The team wanted to confirm the findings with another well-known psychological experiment. For this second experiment, researchers flashed a person’s face on a screen for just three-hundredths of a second. Then, they showed participants a high contrast image designed to interrupt conscious awareness of the face. Afterward, the team asked volunteers whether they saw a face on the screen. Researchers determined that participants saw the image if their anterior insular cortex was activated.

“Anterior insular cortex has continuously fluctuating activity,” says Huang. “Whether you can detect a stimulus depends upon the state of the anterior insula when the information arrives in your brain: if the insula’s activity is high at the point of stimulus, you will see the image. Based on evidence from these two experiments, we conclude that the anterior insular cortex could be a gate for conscious awareness.”

The brain is the most complex organ in our bodies, but scientists continue to uncover more of its mysteries each day. Since we’re a projection of consciousness, understanding the brain can help us unlock our full potential.

How to Expand Your Conscious Awareness

Since the dawn of time, humans have longed to experience higher states of consciousness. It’s in our nature to desire knowledge, bliss, and love, but our material environment limits us. However, we can access greater conscious awareness through meditation. Sages and saints throughout history have become enlightened or achieved full consciousness through various forms of meditation.

If you want to practice meditation, Kriya Yoga offers one of the best ways to enhance consciousness. Paramahansa Yogananda, considered the Father of Yoga in the West, taught this technique to Americans in 1920. It involves various deep breathing exercises, body relaxation, and contemplation to achieve higher awareness. While it takes practice and dedication, it’s worth the effort to realize your full potential.

The basic idea behind yoga involves uniting your limited human consciousness with the divine, or cosmic consciousness. The breath ties the soul to a physical form, so you can overcome body-consciousness by controlling the breath through yoga.

Teachers of this meditation method call it the fastest way to expand your conscious awareness. For perspective, one Kriya, or series of spiritual techniques to realize the soul, equates to one year of spiritual growth. Plus, it only takes about thirty seconds to perform one of these meditation techniques. Theoretically, you could achieve millions of years of development in one lifetime with intense practice.

If you’re interested, you can order Kriya Yoga lessons and practice at home to achieve greater conscious awareness.

conscious awareness

Final Thoughts on the Seat of Conscious Awareness in the Brain

There’s arguably nothing more fascinating than learning about the intricacies of the human brain. After all, it dictates our entire conscious experience on Earth and guides us through this crazy thing we call life. Researchers have discovered that one part of the brain called the anterior insular cortex plays a critical role in consciousness. In fact, they call it the “gateway to conscious awareness” since it helps us process sensory stimuli.

The study found that only participants with an activated anterior insular cortex could perceive real or imagined images. This brain region controls much of our perceptions and awareness. Our minds have infinite potential, and we can only realize it by diving deep into our consciousness.

18 Habits That Can Improve Your Cognitive Abilities

Your brain is one of the most complex computers in the universe. Although most of its tasks and abilities are hard-wired, you still must maintain them. Boosting your brainpower may be easier than you think, and it will help improve cognitive abilities.

18 Habits That Can Contribute to Better Cognitive Abilities

Do you want to keep your mind sharp throughout your lifetime? It can be as easy as developing new habits that aren’t difficult and enjoyable. Here are 18 practices to improve your cognitive skills and other brain functions.

1. Play Games That Improve Cognitive Abilities

Who says you can’t boost your cognitive abilities and have fun simultaneously? Bring out your favorite classic board games and enjoy a family game night. Games like chess, checkers, and cards involve concentration and sharp reasoning skills.

Video games can benefit your brain function and memory when you play in moderation. According to an article published by Frontiers in Neuroscience, an occasional video game can also help your focus and motor skills.

cognitive abilities

2. Limit Your Multitasking

Multitasking seems to be the golden ability everyone wants to put on their resume. The more you can do simultaneously, the more efficient you’re. The problem is that your brain is single task-oriented, and too much multitasking can raise your stress levels.

Juggling several tasks at once often means that you might jeopardize the quality of your work. Plus, you don’t always get the satisfaction of completing a job well done. Less brain stress can improve your cognitive abilities and benefit your productivity in the long run.

3. Minimize Your Sugar Intake

Are you one of those people with an insatiable sweet tooth? It can be challenging to keep your eating habits in check when you’re craving a sugary treat. Sugar may be okay for rare occasions, but it can wreak havoc on your health in excess.

A study published by Clinical Intervention in Aging suggests that consuming sugary foods may impair cognitive skills. It can especially be an issue for older adults, as stated in the article. Try your best to limit your daily sugar intake and read labels carefully for hidden sugars, like anything ending with “ose.”

4. Get Enough Sleep to Increase Your Cognitive Abilities

You couldn’t survive past a couple of minutes if your brain went to sleep. Fortunately, your brain powers down when you’re asleep and only maintains vital functions. It also uses this time to recharge, revitalize neurons, and file essential memories.

When you don’t get enough sleep at night, your challenge your brain in the wrong ways, as it doesn’t get the rest it needs. That means your neurotransmitters don’t get optimized, and your cognitive abilities may decline over time. Remember to get at least six to eight hours of quality sleep for your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

5. Enjoy a Glass of Wine

Perhaps the Europeans knew long ago that a bit of wine was good for the body. It turns out that a daily glass of wine has many benefits, such as improving cognitive abilities.

According to a study published by the University of Rochester, alcohol in moderation can benefit your brain. It may reduce inflammation and help your brain eliminate toxins. However, excess alcohol can have the opposite effect, warns the article.

6. Try to Exercise Each Day

Your body is a living machine that requires proper food for fuel and daily exercise for optimal performance. Changing your daily exercise routine may be a practical challenge to your memory.

Aerobic exercises may improve blood and oxygen flow to your brain. Plus, a good workout can release endorphins to boost your mood. Just a simple walk for 15 minutes can get your body moving and your mind clicking.

7. Put on Your Dancing Shoes

Dancing is a natural response to the beat of the music. It’s a lot of fun and is an excellent exercise for all ages. Did you know that getting on your groove can also improve your cognitive abilities?

An article published by the Journal of American Geriatric Society states that exercising and dance may boost cognitive performance, verbal fluency, and working memory. Turn on some of your favorite music and dance to your heart’s content.

8. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Did you play a musical instrument in a high school band and never pick it up again? Maybe you’ve always wanted to play an instrument but were afraid you weren’t good enough. Don’t let hesitation stand in your way of a life-enriching skill.

No matter which instruments you want to play, you can do it. Take professional lessons or watch online tutorials. Learning music notation and playing can improve your cognitive abilities and boost your creativity.

9. Socialize with Family and Friends

Socializing and belonging is basic human need, not just a suggestion. Even confirmed loners can benefit from connecting with someone. These social bonds can positively affect your life and improve your cognitive abilities.

Interacting within your circle of family and friends helps build trust and empathy. You can also learn fascinating things by talking with people from different walks of life. Socializing can keep you mentally sharp and well-rounded.

10. Practice Yoga or Tai Chi to Enhance Cognitive Abilities

The ancient yoga and tai chi practices offer a balance of body, mind, and spirit. They involve smooth movements and poses that strengthen your bones, muscles, and joints and give you more flexibility. You’ll also discover mindful breathing and how to live in the moment.

Another benefit of yoga, tai chi, and other movement practice is improving brain functions. A study published by Cambridge University Publishing cites a possible link between yoga, memory function, and mood. The study also suggested the need for more studies.

cognitive abilities

11. Take a Power Nap

Taking a little nap during the day doesn’t mean you’re a lazy person. You’ll often recharge your batteries and perform better for the rest of the day. Your brain could use some extra downtime to improve your cognitive functions.

Try resting for about fifteen to twenty minutes on a break and see how you feel. The chances are that you will refresh your mind and improve your mood. Don’t nap for too long because it can affect your sleep at night.

12. Work Puzzles Improve Cognitive Abilities

There’s a reason they often call word puzzles “brain teasers.” Boredom is your brain’s worst enemy, and it thrives on challenges. Improve your cognitive skills and memory with crossword puzzles, riddles, sudoku, or any fun way to make you think.

13. Enjoy Arts and Crafts

You needn’t be a world-famous artist to enjoy doing something creative. Arts and crafts are ideal for relaxing and tapping into your creative inspiration. They also provide hand-eye coordination and cognitive skills that will benefit other areas of your life.

14. Learn A Foreign Language

The world is a fascinating place overflowing with diversity in culture. Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language? Now’s the best time to start, whether from a teacher or online programs.

Learning another language challenges your mind to learn new words and concepts. It is a detailed comparison between vocabulary and syntax that builds brainpower. Speaking a foreign language can also open new doors for you to travel or talk to people from other countries.

15. Savor a Bite of Dark Chocolate

If you ever need an excuse to divulge in a little taste of heaven, this is it. There’s been some preliminary research that suggests a link between dark chocolate and health benefits. An article published by the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology mentions that flavanol in dark chocolate may improve cognitive tasks, but the research is still in the preliminary stages.

16. Eat a Balanced Diet

Since you’re what you eat, it only makes sense to eat what’s best for you. A nutritionally balanced diet keeps your body strong and healthy and benefits your brain health. Your brain needs protein, vitamins, and minerals to thrive and boost your thinking and memory abilities.

17. Spend Time Outdoors

When you feel the pressures of work and home overwhelming your mind, it’s time for a break. There’s nothing quite like going outside and walking among the stunning beauty nature offers. Among the majestic trees, colorful flowers, and the harmony of the birds, you’ll discover unfathomable tranquility.

Not only will you be giving your nerves some respite, but you can also improve your brain functions. According to an article published by the American Psychological Association, spending time in nature can improve your cognition and mental health.

18. Practice Meditation to Support Cognitive Abilities

Meditation is an Eastern practice that goes back thousands of years. Nevertheless, its benefits are just as relevant today. It helps calm your mind and allows intrusive thoughts to pass like billowing clouds. You’re more in tune with your inner voice when you meditate, and you discover the joy of simply “being.”

Another possible benefit of this ancient practice is that it may positively affect your brain functions. An article published by the Annals of the New York Academy of Science reports promising benefits of meditation on cognitive skills. Per the article, it may also improve memory, processing speed, and attention.

cognitive abilities

Final Thoughts on Habits to Improve Your Cognitive Abilities

When you challenge your brain with daily habits like these, you may notice a positive difference. You may have better mental clarity, focus, and problem-solving skills. Paying attention to your brain health may help minimize cognitive decline as you get older.

12 Facial Cues A Liar Shows to Reveal Themselves

By now, you know that lying is a terrible thing to do. It can get you into real trouble, such as ending relationships, causing you to lose your job, or even sending you to jail. However, many people think it’s acceptable to be dishonest when faced with high-stake issues. The problem is that your facial cues will often give away that you’re being untruthful.

Yes, your face will rat you out before anyone has time to investigate the story. Someone trained in reading body language, like those who work for the FBI, can easily pick up on these subtle cues that the untruthful give.

Twelve Facial Cues a Liar Shows to Reveal Themselves

Your facial expressions mean everything. It’s all caused by chemical reactions that occur within the body when you’re nervous. When you know a person, you can observe their normal reactions versus those they use when they’re deceptive.

Even the master manipulator will show lying indicators, but you may have to look closer if you’re dealing with a habitual liar. Do you think you have the skills of some of the top trained behavioral analysts in the country? Here are some facial expressions to observe when someone is dishonest.

facial cues

1. Rapid Blinking Facial Cues Reveal a Lie

According to the National Library of Medicine, the average person will blink about once every 10-12 seconds. However, experts use blinking to indicate mental health disorders like schizophrenia, where blinking becomes excessive, or Parkinson’s disease, where blinking is slowed. It’s also true of the one who’s being dishonest.

When the body is under stress, a person will blink more than usual. It’s called rapid succession, and it comes from an alteration of dopamine levels in the brain. If a person is lying, it’s not uncommon for them to blink up to six times faster than usual, and it’s hard to ignore when someone’s eyes are blinking rapidly.

2. They Look Down and to the Right

Behavior analysts have noticed that dishonest people have a habit of looking down to the right. When they’re trying to recall events, they shift their eyes down and to the left when they’re deep in thought. The real problem is when the eyes move down and to the right, which indicates they’re about to tell you a whopper.

3. Watch for the Inability to Stop Touching Their Face

The liar will touch their face repetitively. That same chemical reaction that makes the eyes twitch can also make the skin itch like it’s on fire. So, the person who’s being less than honest might feel the need to scratch their face to calm the irritation.

4. Facial Cues Like Pursed Lips or a Dry Mouth

When observing facial cues, make sure you look at the mouth. When someone is lying, their mouth will go dry from nerves. You might observe a white coating on the outside of the lips that indicate things have gone dry, which is expected.

Their lips may become pursed, and some even go as far as making a sucking motion or licking their lips trying to rehydrate them. While they may be speaking lies, their lips tell another story by their appearance. Dry mouth is a big issue, and they will need plenty of water to cure this issue.

5. Their Eyes Move Back and Forth

The eyes are quite expressive, as they’re the window to the soul. When someone is uncomfortable with the questions they’ve been asked, their eyes will quickly dart back and forth. This behavior goes back to prehistoric times and the body’s physiological reaction when in danger.

It’s common to think that someone who is about to be caught in a lie will be uncomfortable, and they will seek an escape route. In cave dweller times, people would always be on guard for other humans or animals that put them in a dangerous situation, and the body feels similar when faced with telling the truth. So, they’re naturally looking for a way out and escaping being caught being dishonest.

6. Not So Subtle Facial Cues…Their Entire Head Shakes

Other facial cues to notate include the movement of the entire head. Have you ever seen someone with Parkinson’s disease shake their head up and down or back and forth? It’s a natural reaction they cannot control, but the liar will do this when they agree or disagree with what you’re saying.

The key is to pay attention to the direction in which the head shakes. If they agree with you, they will nod their head in the up and down motion, but if they disagree, their head will go from side to side. While they may seem to control these movements, it can be a natural response to the questions.

facial cues

7. They Look Up and To the Right

Again, you need to pay attention to where the eyes look when asked an uncomfortable question. If a person is naturally right-handed, they look to the left when remembering things about the line of questioning. However, when they shift their glance to the right, they’re working hard to invent a story to get them out of trouble.

If a person is left-handed, they will look to the right when remembering and the left when lying. To throw another confusing wrench in things, some folks stare straight ahead when their brain is working hard to recall events. Just make sure you pay special attention to the eyes as they’re shifty when a person is being deceptive.

8. Their face Turns a Bright Red Hue

One of the most telling facial cues is blushing. Your sympathetic nervous system, the same one that triggers your body’s fight or flight response, can cause you to experience this involuntary reflex. According to Body Language Matters, when someone is dishonest, their body releases the hormone adrenaline, as they feel cornered and in trouble.

Some folks blush when they’re in pain or when they’re angry, but when someone is lying, the color of their face can be very expressive. This is all caused by the abundance of adrenaline in their system.

9. They Give a Fake Smile

While it’s not a frown, a fake smile is something that they’ve pushed. You can always tell a fake smile from a real one because wrinkles appear, and the eyes are bunched. When you smile naturally, your eyes are bright, and there’s no wrinkling, but the one you force is noticeable.

10. They Close Their Eyes for Long Periods

You blink to keep your eyes hydrated and free of debris. However, when you’re speaking to someone, and they close their eyes for a few seconds, it’s a significant indicator that they’re dishonest with you.

It’s one of the facial cues that many people miss, but people close their eyes because this is a defense mechanism. They’re probably trying to keep from looking you in the eye, or they’re concocting a story and need a minute to come up with it.

11. The Eyes May Reveal Powerful Facial Cues, Shifting to the Right as They Speak

Have you ever talked to someone, and the whole time they’re speaking, their eyes are looking everywhere else? While this can signify someone being shy or having a nervous condition, it’s also an indication of deception. Facial cues like looking to the right when answering your questions indicate fraud.

The way to tell between a mental health disorder like anxiety and lying is to always look to the right when speaking. They wouldn’t just do it when they’re being asked something that makes them uncomfortable.

12. Their Sweating Kicks into Overdrive

One of the most common facial cues that someone cannot control is profuse sweating. When a person is dishonest, their face will get a sweat on the forehead and cheeks.

If they’re sweating hard, it may even appear on the chest or the back of their neck. This is another indication of the sympathetic nervous system working overtime. Additionally, some people are more prone to sweating than others.

facial cues

Final Thoughts on Understanding the Facial Cues A Liar Shows to Reveal Themselves

There are many ways to tell if someone is lying that it’s hard to be dishonest to the trained eye. Of course, you probably know the person you’re asking on a more personal level. You can notice cues and changes in their body language that indicate something’s not right.

Other things to pay attention to include crossing the arms, twitching or squirming in their seat, or a frown when they speak. Anything out of the ordinary or abnormal for this person can indicate deception. Police and FBI agents look for a defensive demeanor, and a good investigator doesn’t need a lie detector machine to do anything other than proving what they already know.

Even the most skilled liar may find it hard to be deceptive when their body starts producing hormones that activate their “flight or fight” response. Their system kicks into defense mode, and their facial cues give them away. The next time you’re questioning someone and you think they’re being deceptive, make sure you watch their face as it will tell you the truth.

20 Ways to Impress Your Crush (Without Making It Look Hard)

Having a crush is a fantastic feeling unlike anything else. Isn’t it amazing when you get butterflies fluttering in your stomach, or your heart skips a beat just thinking about their smile? Whenever this person crosses your mind, you can’t help but beam.

You know you’re crushing hard on someone, but how do you take it from attraction to a relationship? When you’re in these problematic situations, you must be careful as it can get messy and complicated if you don’t handle things correctly.

Twenty Ways to Impress Your Crush

Before you start on the journey to impress someone, you must ask yourself a few questions, such as:

  • Are your feelings superficial, or do you have a deep connection?
  • Are they available, and is there a chance of you being together?
  • Is your life ready for a committed relationship?

If you can answer yes to all three of these questions, then the chances are that you’re ready for the next step. Here are some ways to impress that special someone with your personality, sense of humor, and effortless charm.

impress your crush

1. Impress Your Crush With a Handwritten Note

Anyone can text these days, but the handwritten note takes time and effort. Why not write them all the things that you long to say in a beautiful card or letter? Women get incredibly sappy for a guy that takes time to write them something, as it’s very nostalgic and personal.

2. Make Them Laugh

Everyone loves to laugh, chuckle, giggle, and smile, as it just makes life so much better. However, they will love you for making them feel good. While they may like your charming looks, your sense of humor is what will captivate them.

3. Impress Your Crush by Revealing Your Vulnerabilities

It’s challenging to be vulnerable when you’re in love, but your particular person needs to see you as rugged and unafraid. No one likes a person that comes across as a fake. Plus, it will make them feel comfortable to do the same when they see that you can let your guard down.

4. Be Captivating

A captivating person is both charming and attractive. This person exhibits a specific behavior around people that they want to impress. You don’t need to be anything other than yourself, but of course, you want to be on your best behavior to charm the one who stole your heart.

5. Don’t Be Desperate and Clingy

Sure, everyone in love feels a little desperate and even clingy when they want to get a person to commit. However, it can be very off-putting, and it can come across like a toddler hanging on the mother’s skirt tale. Save your desperation for another situation because, in this case, you want to come across as calm, relaxed, and collective.

6. Listen Attentively

Is there anything more frustrating and disheartening than when someone is not interested or not paying attention to what you’re talking about? So, since you know how annoying it is to be ignored, don’t do that to the person you want to impress. Communication and good listening skills are all part of having a successful relationship.

7. Be Independent to Impress Your Crush

Coming across as an independent person who has their ducks in a row is undoubtedly impressive. If you’re more co-dependent, then you can quickly overwhelm this person, and they won’t give you a second glance.

8. Display Kindness

Find ways to display kindness and generosity. Sure, these are undeniably good traits to possess, but they’re also things people look for when choosing a mate. Every man and woman wants a partner that shows compassion to others and is always kind.

9. Always be Punctual

Being punctual is critical for many aspects of your life. Just ask Robert Haft, the infamous headhunter for top companies in 300 countries. In a recent blog post, he addresses the importance of being punctual. He states that a punctual person is organized, dependable, and reflects professionalism.

Now, all those things are great on the job, but it’s even more of an issue when it comes to your personal life. It’s insulting and annoying to leave someone waiting simply because you can’t show up on time. You won’t win any brownie points by making someone sit and wait on you, and it can be a big turnoff.

10. Be Flexible and Free Spirited

Knowing that everything isn’t going to go as planned is essential, as life always throws curveballs your way. Your crush needs to see that you can throw caution to the wind and be free-spirited and that you are flexible and can roll with the punches. It’s very endearing when someone doesn’t flip out when everything doesn’t go their way, but they adjust and go with plan B.

impress your crush

11. Show Respect for Wait Staff

How you treat others will speak loud and clear to a potential mate. If you’re rude and unfairly dismissing wait staff, it can send a bad vibe. Part of being kind and treating others with respect starts with people that many folks think it’s acceptable to walk all over.

12. Be Supportive During Hard Times

Maybe the person you’re crushing on is having a challenging time. They may have been through some things that have knocked them down a bit. However, they will remember how you helped them during this challenging situation, and they will find it impressive when you help them keep it together when their world is falling apart.

13. Do the Little Things That Impress Your Crush

Girls and guys both like the little things. While some people are geared towards grand gestures and going over the top to win the heart of the one they love, it’s those little things that will do it. For instance, taking them their favorite cup of coffee or having lunch brought to them when they’re busy are the things that mean so much.

14. Be Assertive and Strong-Minded

Everyone knows women like “bad boys” because they have their own set of rules. Their solid-minded and assertive confidence is a real turn-on to some. However, the psychology behind this is quite fascinating.

According to the Gentlemen’s Journal, women like guys who are wild, dangerous, and even mysterious.

However, most of all, they love their confident nature. Confidence is beautiful, and the article further states that “proud” or “angry” looks are way more appealing than a smiling face. So, when you’re considering your crush and how to act, remember that the assertive and strong-minded individual will fare much better.

15. Express Your Feelings

Communication has already made a list, but you also need to learn to express your feelings without being shy. Both men and women don’t like people who play games and won’t say how they feel. Nor do they like folks who like to keep them in the friend zone. If you want someone, go after them, and tell them exactly why you think they’re so amazing.

16. Be Secure Within Yourself

Before you can love anyone else and bring them into your life, you must first learn to love yourself. Having security and knowing that even if this doesn’t work out, you will be fine is an excellent quality to have in life. Not only does it make you more attractive, but it lets you know that you’re going to be okay regardless of how things go.

17. Get Fit and Healthy

If you want to improve your self-esteem and build confidence, you need to be healthy. If you want your crush to notice you, your self-love speaks loud and clearly.

18. Dress To Impress Your Crush

When you look good, you feel good. If you want someone to notice you, why not dress to impress. It will give you an extra boost of confidence that looks amazing on you.

19. Remember the Little Details

While you’re doing all the little things for this particular person, you also need to consider the little details. Remember the color of the shirt he is wearing or the scent of her perfume that caressed her skin. If you want to impress, having an eye for details is the way to do it, as it will help further the attraction to you.

20. Impress Your Crush by Preparing a Delicious Meal

You know the quickest way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. So why not make them a meal that’s worthy of a five-star restaurant? Show off your cooking skills and give them a candlelit dinner they won’t forget.

impress your crush

Final Thoughts on Ways to Impress Your Crush, But Make it Look Effortless

Some folks find impressing a crush effortless, while others struggle a bit. If you put in all the extra effort and this person seems uninterested, don’t sweat it. Remember, you’re the bomb, and any man or woman would be delighted to be with you.

There’s someone out there that’s made just for you, and they will be as crazy about you as you are them. You must know your worth, whether your crush falls head over heels for you or not.

8 Reasons to Be Emotionally Transparent in a Relationship

Scarcely a person alive hasn’t lied to their significant other. Lies can be lightweight, like where you spend money meant for bills, or it can be something heavier, like having an affair. On the flip side, you’ve probably also been less than transparent to your partner at some point or another. Dishonesty results in a lack of trust in the relationship, and everything is affected from this point forward.

It’s as if you drew a line in the sand, and the person you once trusted now can’t trust. Being transparent in a relationship is essential for survival, including emotional transparency. How often do you push your thoughts and feelings to the background because you don’t want to offend or anger someone you love?

While this is a common issue in romantic relationships, it’s also essential in spiritual ones. If you can’t tell your mother or father what they do that upsets you, you’re not being honest. A relationship with dishonesty under the surface is unhealthy, and it can even be a toxic association in some respects.

Vulnerability and Being More Emotionally Transparent

When you’re emotionally transparent with someone, it requires that you be vulnerable. Think of transparency as the visibility of the deepest parts of your inner self. When these things are out in the open, it leaves you in a position to be accepted or rejected.

So many people avoid being transparent with their emotions because they fear rejection. If you tell your mother that you don’t like when she corrects your children when you’re in the room, you risk that she will get mad and stop visiting. So, some risks go along with being so open and honest.

However, you must remember that honesty is always the best policy, even regarding your emotions. The love for yourself and your overall mental well-being is more important than dealing in dishonesty.


Eight Reasons to Be Emotionally Transparent in a Relationship

Perhaps you’re afraid to show your transparency. You might fear you will be disliked, cause disagreements, or end up alone. However, you show open up and be honest for various reasons. Here are some main reasons being emotionally transparent is essential in any relationship.

1. Being Emotionally Transparent Boosts Trust

When you’re honest with someone, you learn to trust one another. You open yourself to expose the deepest part of your soul, and they’re grateful that you trust them with their heart. It’s always better to shoot from the hip and be honest than beat around the bush and hide things under the rug.

A study by Northwestern University and Redeemer University College better explained this matter. They concluded that partners consider the other person more considerate when they trust one another. They also noted that the other party feels safe, validated, and loved when there’s transparency.

2. There’s Healthier Communication

The goal in most relationships is to have healthy communication. When you’re sharing your innermost thoughts and how you feel, you’re opening the lines of communication to flow. Additionally, being upfront and honest with your emotions can alleviate the snowball effect that always ends in disaster.

Healthy communication allows you to get through anything that comes your way. As long as you’re talking to one another and being honest, you can make it through some of the most traumatic things.

3. It Builds a Healthy Foundation

Do you remember the story of the Three Little Pigs? They each build a house with different foundations. The first pig used straw, the second sticks, and the third bricks. While the other two were done with their homes much quicker, the one using bricks took a great deal of time to finish.

The first two pigs wanted to build a house and move on with their lives, but the third pig was concerned with the finished product and its stability. However, all his hard work paid off when trouble knocked as his house stood. When you’re transparent about your feelings, you’re helping to build a strong foundation that can withstand whatever storm life throws your way.

Sure, it’s hard work, and you might not reap the benefits right away, but eventually, you will see why it’s best to “build your house” without taking any shortcuts.

4. Being Emotionally Transparent Encourages Acceptance in the Relationship

Every healthy relationship is going to have disagreements. Nothing that says loving one another means that you must agree on everything. In fact, some conflict is healthy.

According to Psychology Today, there are many benefits from arguing. Dr. Jennifer Samp states that when you argue, that doesn’t mean there’s a crack in the relationship, but it’s just the opposite. These heated disputes allow you to talk and be aware of the other person’s stance.

She states that having social conflict isn’t threatening but helps understand each other more profoundly. But those who argue constantly aren’t in a healthy situation. The occasional dispute is acceptable, but if you’re arguing more often than not, it’s time to counsel or go your separate ways.

emotionally transparent

5. It Stops the Mind Games

Some people are masters of manipulation and mind games. When you’re not being honest about your feelings, you create a situation where the other person must guess. Take, for instance, the wife that comes home and isn’t speaking to her husband.

She goes straight to the bedroom and closes the door. She doesn’t make dinner, and she refuses to have communication. The husband is stunned because he has no clue what he’s done that’s upset her so, and he spends the entire night going through the daily events trying to figure things out.

Rather than just being honest and telling him that she was upset because he didn’t text or call on his lunch hour, she chose to close herself off. It’s very childish to play games, and if she had been transparent with how she felt, they could have avoided this unproductive time.

6. Transparency is Good for Your Health

When you’re dishonest and keep things inside, it can cause great stress on the body. Take, for instance, a man who is having an affair. He lives secretly and is always on edge about his wife finding out.

He screens every phone call, always watches over his shoulder, and must be proactive to hide bills and things that might tip off his spouse. All these actions can wear considerably on the nerves after a while. Now, if he had been open initially, he might have moved on with his life without so much stress.

Stress from being emotionally closed off can cause anxiety, depression, sleepless nights, and even a weakened immune system. According to a study conducted by the University of Notre Dame in Indiana and posted on US Newsweek. Stress kills, or so they say, but it also kills relationships.

7. It Prevents Romantic Boredom

Being honest and feeling safe and secure in your Relationship is imperative for survival. Regardless of what some might think, being confident with one another doesn’t create a monotonous relationship. However, when you and your partner are emotionally transparent, you boost your good mental health and increase self-love.

The University of Houston decided to study if folks securely attached believe they are worthy of love and a good relationship. They found that those who are secure with one another don’t have excessive worries about being abandoned or left.

8. You Show Respect When You Are Emotionally Transparent

Finally, when you’re honest in your relationship, you respect one another. It’s just like calling your spouse or the person you live with and letting them know you’ll be late for dinner. No, you don’t have to tell them about every move you make, but you don’t want them to worry about you.

So, when you’re showing transparency, you respect each other. You let this person into your heart and don’t have time for the silly mind games that many people play.

emotionally transparent

Final Thoughts on Being Emotionally Transparent in a Relationship

People get confused about honesty, and showing transparency doesn’t mean you have to say everything you feel. Some things are better left unsaid, significantly if a random thought might hurt them. The difference between lying and keeping things to yourself should be observed.

However, when it comes to the big things, the stuff that matters, it’s essential that you be just as transparent as possible. Your relationships will benefit from your honesty, and your partner will learn to love, trust, honor, and respect you. Now, you must understand that this new way of living isn’t happen overnight, especially if you tend to be more emotionally closed off.

The key is that if you want a prosperous future with your partner, you must start laying the groundwork for a good foundation early on. Honesty and transparency are a way of life and not just a behavior that you must acquire. Once you learn the value of being honest with everyone in your life, they will have a more profound respect for you because they always know where they stand.

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