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Psychology Explains Why Some People Like Watching People Fail

No one wants to believe that they could ever be a bad person, but people fail. Going through life day by day isn’t hard enough; you can’t also handle the idea that you might be secretly mean. This internal struggle often mirrors the experiences of players who explore UK non Gamstop casinos as an alternative to more regulated platforms. These casinos offer a tempting escape from self-imposed restrictions, much like how we sometimes wish to escape our better selves. But being nice and rooting for everyone at all times can be very tiring. Sometimes, you might even find yourself rooting for someone else to fail. And you might even like it.

Although that might seem like something that just a straight-up evil person would do, that’s not the case. Feeling joy while watching people fail is something that everyone experiences. It actually can be explained by psychology. In all honesty, feeling joy at others’ misfortune is so common that the Germans even have a word for it: schadenfreude.

Your life is hard enough as it is. You have to fight tooth and nail every day to make money to provide for yourself and your loved ones. But somehow, there always seems to be someone brighter, more successful, more affluent, or with more opportunities. So, typically, you are bound to feel good when you see certain people fail. But this doesn’t mean you are an inherently bad person.

Five Reasons Why Some People Like Watching People Fail

It is better to understand why you feel this way rather than beating yourself up around it.

people fail

1.      Watching People Fail Is Self-Affirming

Quite a few studies analyze human reactions to watching people fail. But one of the most well-known is the one conducted at the Leiden University of Netherlands. The lead researcher, Wilco W. van Dijk, says that you enjoy others’ misfortune only if you can derive something good out of it. In other words, it’s a tremendous self-affirming boost.

In the study, 70 undergraduate students read two interviews about a successful student who was about to land a great job. Then, they read an interview with the student’s supervisor, detailing how the student’s grades have started falling. The results found that people with lower self-esteem were likelier to experience schadenfreude.

This seems to be because they are more threatened by people who seem to be doing better than them. So, whenever those people fail, it allows them not to feel inferior anymore. And it also appears that if you are already self-affirmed, you are much less likely to feel joy when others fail.

There is a link between feeling inferior, having low self-esteem, and being glad to see others fail. But there is no proof that this makes you nasty or unkind.

2. It’s A Biological Response

What society deems as a normal response to seeing others suffer is compassion. But that’s not the standard response your brain goes to. Without empathy, no one would feel bad for someone who failed at something. The truth is, some people aren’t hardwired to be empathetic, and they have to make a conscious effort to turn it on.

And, especially when you envy someone, you might be that much more inclined to root for them to fail. Because the human brain is wired for self-preservation, it constantly wants to be on top. So, when someone is seemingly better than you, your normal biological response will try and end up on top. Schadenfreude is a part of everyday life, just like any other emotion.

When you see your rival blunder so bad that it can cost them the promotion you are after, at least some of you will feel good. When you see a big slacker co-worker get the punishment they deserve, you will smile a little. Some people are more individualistic and are glad to see that they can edge over their peers. And that’s a perfectly normal and natural response, just as natural as being compassionate.

3.      You Feel Like Those People Got What They Deserve

Life can be very unfair, especially for people who don’t come from any privilege. If your parents aren’t wealthy, chances are you will have to learn twice as hard as rich kids to have the same opportunities. If you are part of a minority, you will have to struggle with stereotypes and discrimination your whole life. And the worst part is those entitled people take full advantage of their position without any consequences.

Of course, you will always meet people who will get ahead of you without deserving it. And that’s when feeling happy to see others fail is the most common, when you feel like they deserve to die. Everyone has that one colleague who seems to have their whole life together without working for it. Or that rude person who, for some reason, is the most famous around.

Or that person who is best friends with the boss and gets promoted all the time. And then there’s you. Just an average person must work, earn everything, and take failure in stride. So, of course, it doesn’t seem fair how easy life is for others and how hard it is for you. And when these people fail, it finally seems like they are getting a piece of what they deserve.

Like someone took care of the payback for you. And that doesn’t make you the wrong person. Just because some people have the magical ability to let everything roll off their backs doesn’t mean you have to either. You are allowed to feel happy that the playing field is evening out somewhat.

people fail

4.      Watching People Fail Is A Form Of Dehumanization

Before you get all riled up, dehumanization is not precisely what you might think. In the worst case, it means completely denying that someone is human, just like an executioner would. But that’s not how psychologists use it because the term is more nuanced. Psychologists show that dehumanization happens in about all aspects of human interactions.

And people will usually see their peers as more human and look at outside groups as less human. And in some cases, the dehumanization can even be that complete denial of humanity. This usually happens because it is impossible to care about everyone. If you don’t want to be smashed by all the suffering in the world, you have to not care about some of it.

For example, someone living in Western states can’t afford to worry about the working conditions in Eastern countries all the time, or they wouldn’t be sad all the time. To a certain extent, they have to dehumanize those outside groups to protect themselves. And schadenfreude is just another form of dehumanization.

Again, if you don’t understand the concept, the word in itself seems pretty bad. But it just means that people have a way of protecting themselves from being affected by all the bad things around them. So, sometimes, you can even get a little satisfaction from watching other people outside your group fail.

5.      It Shows That You Want Something Others Have

Achieving what you want is something that’s notoriously easier said than done. Everyone talks a big talk about how you should follow your dreams, but no one tells you how hard the road is. And, when you see someone else living your dream, it can sting a lot. So, when those people fail, it can signal that you want what they have. The reason you are happy is that if you can’t succeed, neither can they.

It might seem like a mentality that only an evil person would have. But it’s very common, especially when you can’t follow those dreams. When you see someone living the life you want, it’s normal to feel envious. And from envy, it’s a quick way to start to feel upset or even mad at them.

And it feels like if you can’t do what you want to do, no one should. All this lashing out happens because you are unhappy or feel trapped. But, if you stop to take into account when you feel schadenfreude, you might figure out what sets you off. You might even figure out what your dreams are and what’s worth going after.

This often happens when you see people who are close to you succeeding while you are stuck doing something you hate. And it can feel horrible to be happy when a friend or a co-worker fails. But don’t beat yourself up. You are not a bad person if that’s how you feel.

people fail

Final Thoughts On Why Some People Like Watching People Fail

Schadenfreude is such a common feeling that the creators of Inside Out even considered having a character based on that emotion. In the animated movie, the main characters are the five most common feelings humans feel: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger. The interesting thing is that everyone knows how normal these five feelings are. But no one seems to know just how common people feel joy when others fail. Even though this emotion hasn’t been as discussed as others, there is still a psychological consensus on why people think it.

There seem to be a few reasons why people like seeing others fail. However, studies show that people with low self-esteem experience it more than most. Because some people always feel like they are not enough, it can be reassuring when they see others failing. It’s the best reaffirming boost, even if most people don’t realize it. Not just that, but it’s how some people’s brains are wired. Not everyone can be empathetic and compassionate all the time.

Sometimes, the need for self-preservation takes over, and you see others’ failures as a way to get ahead. And it’s pretty common to feel schadenfreude when you think some people don’t deserve what they have. Some people don’t have privileged connections and must struggle for everything they have. So, when someone else gets ahead without putting in the work, you will want to see them fail. Or maybe it’s just a sign that other people have something you want.

And sometimes, it’s even done as a form of dehumanization, which is just meant to protect you from feeling all the weight of the world. No matter how much others might judge you for feeling schadenfreude, know that everyone feels it to a certain extent. And it doesn’t make you a bad person or a bad friend. It’s normal and even biologically determined, and you should never be ashamed of feeling that way.

Research Proves the Best Way to Help Overweight Dogs Lose Weight

New research reveals that overweight dogs respond best to a high-protein, high-fiber diet for weight loss. Researchers from the University of Illinois found that dogs who followed this diet for 24 weeks had lower inflammatory markers and reduced weight. In total, they had lost over 30% of their starting body weight, with about 1.4% weight loss per week.

They said the positive changes in the dogs mirrored those seen in humans following a similar diet. The dogs lost weight without losing much muscle, and their triglycerides, insulin, and inflammation all declined as well.

These changes benefit health in dogs, said University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign animal sciences professor Kelly Swanson, who led the new research. Prior studies have found that being overweight or obese led to premature death and reduced quality of life in both canines and humans, Swanson added.

“Some of the problems we see in humans with obesity also occur in pet dogs,” he said. “There’s added stress on the joints, there’s an intolerance to exercise and heat; there’s also glucose intolerance, insulin resistance. And if you look at pet insurance claims, obesity is a big factor there.”

The findings have been published in the Journal of Animal Science.

 The study marks the first to measure changes in the dogs’ fecal microbiota after losing weight, Swanson said.

Research Proves the Best Way to Help Overweight Dogs Lose Weight

overweight dogs

He added that dogs and humans have similarities in metabolism and digestive processes. However, they have different microbe species living in the gut, though they still perform similar functions.

They both metabolize proteins, carbohydrates, and other molecules from food that don’t break down during digestion. They also disassemble fiber and produce short-chain fatty acids that help regulate glucose and appetite, lower inflammation, boost the immune system and transmit energy to colonic cells.

Swanson said the team had difficulty understanding some of the microbial changes seen in the dogs. However, the canines likely benefited from a decline in fecal ammonia, which occurred due to eating less protein.

“High concentrations of ammonia are toxic,” he said.

The team also observed that the previously overweight dogs had increases in bacteria of the genus Allobaculum. Having more of these bacteria was associated with increased fecal butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid formed from fermented dietary fiber. Prior studies have linked butyrate to lower inflammation and anti-carcinogenic effects in the gut microbiome.

However, the team said that total short-chain fatty acid concentrations didn’t fluctuate over time. They added that this probably occurred since most compounds get absorbed instead of excreted.

It’s interesting to note the similarities and differences between gut bacteria and function in dogs and humans. Most gut bacteria studies have focused only on humans thus far. However, the latest research on overweight dogs shows that both canines and humans benefit from similar diets. Eating a reduced-calorie, high-fiber, high-protein diet leads to weight loss in both species.

More research will be needed to clarify the findings, Swanson said. The study was funded by Perfect Companion Group Co. Ltd., Thailand.

Statistics on Obese and Overweight Dogs

Just as in humans, obesity in dogs occurs due to modern living. Many dogs sit at home all day and don’t get enough exercise. They also eat too many calories, which leads to weight gain. Sadly, many owners with overweight dogs don’t realize their pet needs to lose weight. If you can’t feel your dog’s ribs when you press their sides, that means they’re too heavy.

According to the eighth annual survey from the Association For Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), about 53% of US dogs are overweight. In 2014, the organization found that almost 18% of dogs had been diagnosed as clinically obese. And, it’s not just an American problem; international surveys suggest 40% of dogs around the world suffer from canine obesity.

Some pet owners may think their dog looks cute carrying a few extra pounds, but it can lead to serious health problems. These include:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis, especially in the hip
  • High blood pressure
  • Orthopedic issues, such as ligament injuries
  • Skin disease
  • Heart and Respiratory Disease
  • Decreased life expectancy (up to 2.5 years)

Weight Loss Tips for Overweight Dogs

Believe it or not, overweight dogs can benefit from many weight loss tips as humans. In addition to putting them on a high-protein, high-fiber diet, make sure to do these things:

  • Count calories. The study above found that a reduced-calorie diet helped overweight dogs shed unwanted pounds. So, make sure to measure their meals before feeding time.
  • Schedule feeding time. Some owners like to leave food out for their dogs during the day. However, this can lead to weight gain if the food isn’t measured beforehand. It helps to have a feeding regimen, so your dog gets used to eating only at certain times.
  • Go easy on treats. Many dog treats, like human snacks, have lots of calories but few nutrients. If you want to give your dog treats, try to find low-calorie options. Some dogs may even enjoy fruits and vegetables, which often have lower calories than treats.
  • Exercise with your dog. Take your dog for walks or runs at least twice per day. Overweight dogs may have a more challenging time exercising, but it’s crucial to get them moving, even for 10 minutes each day.

overweight dogs

Final Thoughts on How Overweight Dogs Can Lose Weight

It’s difficult to watch a dog struggle to do simple tasks, such as walking or fetching a bone. However, overweight dogs are becoming more common in our modern world thanks to unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles.

Luckily, a new study by University of Illinois researchers offers a solution for overweight dogs. They found that dogs who ate a high-protein, high-fiber diet for 24 weeks lost 30% of their body weight. They also had lower inflammation, triglycerides, and insulin levels. So, if you have an overweight dog, consider putting them on this diet, as it’s the best way to ensure canine health.

Not Interested in Someone? Here Are 10 Ways to Tell Them

When someone wants a romantic relationship with you but you’re not interested, it can be hard to tell them. However, telling them how you feel is essential, so they don’t get the wrong idea and make things weird. Ignoring them isn’t the way to get your point across, and there are kind ways to tell someone.

When you kindly tell someone you’re not interested, you can remain friends. If you work with the person, you can maintain a non-awkward co-worker relationship. However the person is involved in your life, it’s best to ensure things won’t be weird later on.

Even if you think you won’t see that person ever again, you never know when you’ll run into them. It’s best to stay on good terms with people whenever possible, so ghosting isn’t the way to go. Instead, be kind and let them know that you don’t want a romantic relationship with them.

You might be afraid to hurt the other person’s feelings, but they’ll be okay. When they know the truth and won’t be left wondering what happened, it’ll be easier for them to move on. Plus, doing it kindly limits the hurt they might feel about the situation.

Ten Kind Ways to Tell Someone You Are Not Interested in Romance

Soften the blow with these words.

not interested

1. Have the Conversation in Person When You’re Not Interested

When you tell someone that you aren’t interested, it’s best to do it in person. While it’s easy to send a text message to break the news, it’s not a kind way to handle it. Having the conversation in person can help the other person process the rejection.

Breaking the news in person also shows that you respect them enough to look them in the eye as you say it. Plus, they’ll see that you’re serious and won’t try to change your mind or keep pursuing you.

However, you must prepare yourself for the in-person conversation. The other person will be disappointed or hurt, but it’s inevitable in this situation. It will only be worse if you don’t get it over with, and taking the easy route by sending a text isn’t kind.

2. Don’t Apologize for How You Feel

You don’t have to reciprocate someone’s feelings, so there’s nothing for you to apologize for. Even if you’ve already been on a couple of dates with the person, you have no reason to say sorry. Instead, be polite and direct without apologizing for how you feel.

An apology can make it seem like there’s still a chance, and you want to be as firm as possible. In this situation, the best way to be direct is to keep your message short and direct. Let them know you aren’t interested, and then leave it at that.

3. Reject Them in a Way You’d Want to Be Rejected

No one wants to experience rejection, but it’s part of life. When you tell someone that you aren’t interested, think of how you would like someone to break the news. Put yourself in their position and be kind about turning them down.

If you reject them in a way you’d want to hear this news, you won’t have to overthink about it. You’ll go into the situation knowing how to behave and what to say. Plus, you won’t have to stress out later about things you said.

4. If You’re Not Interested, Just Be Honest

You might consider lying about why you’re turning someone down, but it’s not kind. Instead, be truthful with your words and emotions.

One way to make sure you stay honest is to avoid overthinking your answer. Overthinking sometimes leads to complications and exaggerations. Instead, say what you mean without thinking of downplay it first.

You don’t have to be mean when being honest. You can explain that you don’t think there’s chemistry between you. Or, you could say that you’re interested in someone else or not interested in dating at all.

Being upfront and honest can help the other person accept and cope with the rejection. Plus, they will appreciate your kindness and honesty, making it easier to be friends later on. However, they might try to change your mind, and you must remain firm.

5. Give Compliments, but Don’t Give False Hope if You’re Really Not Interested

Giving compliments with the rejection is one of the kindest ways to tell someone you are not interested. When you give compliments, it helps decrease the negative feelings accompanying rejection.

Tell them what you think is great about them, and follow it up with your direct message. People can have great qualities and still not be suitable for you, so add a buffer to be kind.

However, please don’t say things that make it sound like there’s hope for a relationship. When you give false hope, it negates everything else you said, and the other person will still hold onto hope. They might even continue pursuing a relationship with you.

not interested

6. Be Clear About Your Needs

It can be more painful for the other person when you don’t tell someone why you are rejecting them. They’re left wondering what they did wrong or if something is wrong with them. However, being clear about what you need in life allows them to remove blame from themselves.

You might need someone with different life goals and aspirations, and it’s okay to say that. Everyone has differing plans for their life, and part of dating is finding someone who fits. If you aren’t looking for a relationship, tell them you need to dedicate your time to other things.

Whatever your needs are, be clear about them. You don’t have to go into too much detail, but briefly touching on your needs is essential to being kind. Telling them your needs can make it possible to continue being friends without making things awkward.

7. Don’t Blame Your Disinterest on Their Traits

While honesty is essential, you don’t have to be entirely transparent. If you are not attracted to some of their traits or features, don’t point it out. It won’t make them feel good, and it won’t help them cope with the rejection.

If you tell them their traits or physical characteristics are why you aren’t interested, it worsens everything. They will feel self-conscious and think they aren’t good enough for anyone. Avoid negative comments about their height, stature, facial expression, shape, or mannerisms.

Pointing these things out as negative qualities is a personal attack, even if you don’t see it that way. In this situation, tell the other person that you don’t think you’re compatible.

8. Don’t Wait to Break the News That You’re Not Interested

If to want to kindly tell someone you are not interested in romance, do it right away. Don’t leave anyone hanging or drag anyone along out of fear of speaking up. As soon as you know there’s no chance, plan to tell the other person.

The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to tell them how you feel. Plus, waiting to discuss it makes it seem like you aren’t sure what you want, encouraging the person to pursue you. The sooner you speak up, the sooner they can move on and stop hoping for more with you.

9. Be Casual

If you reject someone you like or see regularly, you’ll want to keep it casual. If things get tense, it’ll make things awkward for the two of you in the future. However, keeping it low-key doesn’t have to be weird after turning them down.

When someone in your life voices interest in you, politely tell them you appreciate their vulnerability, but you aren’t interested. Then, act as you always do around that person to let them know it doesn’t have to be weird.

10. Don’t Sugarcoat It

You might want to sugarcoat the situation to make it less uncomfortable for both of you. However, doing so gives false hope as the other person won’t realize how serious you are.

Many people want to tell someone they are at a stage where they don’t like or can’t have a relationship. While this message is an easy way out, it isn’t practical. It sends the message that you are interested and might be ready later.

Then, the other person might keep pursuing you or waiting for you to change your heart. Sometimes, it might even make them push harder to get you on board.

They might even find ways to help you so that you’ll be ready sooner and give in to their desires. If you stick to the truth without sugar-coating it, they’ll know that it’s time to move on.

not interested

Final Thoughts on Kind Ways to Tell Someone You Are Not Interested in Romance

It’s never easy to tell someone you are not interested in romance, but you can be kind while you do it. Remember that it’s never a good time to be on the receiving end of rejection, either. Don’t make it worse for either of you, and prevent awkward situations in the future.

Being kind when you reject someone helps them process and cope with the information. Please don’t wait, or it’ll only worsen the situation for both of you. You can get through the conversation, and you’ll be glad that you did.

25 Behaviors That Increase Anxiety Levels (And How to Reverse Them)

Anxiety is an overwhelming problem that plagues the masses. However, while you would like to throw a magic pill at this condition and hope it will all disappear, it’s not always the case. You can do many things to increase your anxiety levels rather than make it better.

25 Things That Increase Anxiety Levels

If you desire fewer anxious feelings throughout your days, you need to know what causes these levels to elevate. Here are twenty  things that can send your anxiety levels soaring, and learning the appropriate stress response to these triggers can mean everything.

1. Putting Unrealistic Expectations on Yourself

You can only do so much, and everyone has limits. Stop putting unrealistic expectations on yourself, which only adds to your overwhelming stress levels. Realize that you have limitations in what you can do, and it will help you stop overloading your plate.

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2. Negative Thinking Increases Anxiety Levels

Changing your mindset from the pessimist to an optimist mindset can do wonders for your anxiety levels. When you think negatively, it can affect your overall mood and anxiety.

3. Consuming too Much Caffeine

All the good drinks have tons of caffeine in them, but what your body needs is water. If your anxiety symptoms are out of control, it could be what you’re drinking is having an impact.

4. Procrastinating Causes Elevated Anxiety Levels

When you put off things you need to do today till tomorrow, your to-do list grows to epic proportions. Stop making your list so long that no one could accomplish such a feat. If you’re too busy, ask for help, and above all else, learn to say “no.”

5. Not Having Sufficient Boundaries

Boundaries are there to protect you, and when you don’t have adequate limitations, it can cause significant distress. It will help if you set limits both in your personal and professional life, as they’re there to protect you.

6. Not Making Time for Self-Care

Do you take time for yourself? If you’ve noticed that your anxiety is in overdrive, it could be that you need some downtime to rejuvenate your mind and body. Take some time off to do things you love, like reading a good book or driving in the country.

7. Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Alcohol and anxiety are a terrible combination. Many people drink to kill the pain, but it’s only acerbating things. Don’t turn to alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to mask the unease you feel, as it will cause an even bigger problem in the long run.

8. Avoiding Sunlight

It would help if you got outside and let the sun regulate your serotonin and melatonin levels, as well as give you a healthy dose of vitamin D. So, you must get out in nature. If it’s cold and you can’t get outside as much, opt for a sunlamp to help replenish these hormones.

9. Anxiety Levels Can Raise Due to an Unhealthy Diet

When you consume a diet full of sugars, carbs, and processed junk foods, you’re not fueling your system with proper nutrition. Your sugar levels will go up and down when you don’t have protein and healthy fats to help regulate you, ultimately affecting your anxiety.

10. Battle This Illness on Your Own

Anxiety is a significant problem, and according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, it affects over 6.8 million people in this country alone. The good news is that it’s easy to treat and responds well to therapy. Realizing you need help is one of the best ways to love yourself.

11. Having Healthy Stress Management Tools

Your stress response means everything when it comes to dealing with anxiety. Do you run and hide, isolating yourself when you feel angst, or do you call a friend and talk through your problems? Developing a plan of attack can help you the next time a panic attack comes your way.

12. Moping and Wanting to Be Alone

Staying busy and active is the key to combating anxiety. If you want to have fewer anxious feelings, you need to get out and do things. Sure, it may not always be comfortable to get out when your anxiety is soaring, but you will find it gets easier.

Plus, locking yourself away or avoiding things because of your anxiety levels can lead to problems like agoraphobia. According to The National Library of Medicine, agoraphobia occurs when people avoid places and things that bring on an anxiety attack.

13. Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

Your body should move, and when you’re living a couch potato lifestyle, you’re not getting the exercise you need. Did you know that obesity comes with a higher rate of anxiety than someone who’s at an acceptable weight?

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14. Ruminating About Your Problems

If your problems are running through your mind 24×7, then it’s going to affect your quality of life. Stop worrying about things that might not happen, and if these things do happen, you’ll deal with them at that time. Too many people waste their time worrying when they should be invested in mindful living instead.

15. Obsessing Over Every Little Thing

Do you tend to be a little high-strung? Perhaps, you’re just so overwhelmed that the slightest little thing sends you into orbit. It’s time you stop making mountains out of molehills and soaring your stress response for every little thing that happens in your life.

16. Criticizing Yourself Can Increase Anxiety Levels

When you put yourself down, you’re doing severe damage to your self-esteem and self-worth. Additionally, your anxiety levels are going to increase from the pressure you’re putting on yourself. Learn to love yourself again and stop with the negative self-talk. Instead, you should be your biggest cheerleader.

17. Not Drinking Enough Water

Many people can’t stomach pure water, but it’s the best thing you can drink to rehydrate your cells. According to the National Library of Medicine, having insufficient water intake can affect your cognitive function, which can cause anxiety. Water isn’t just something you’re told to drink because it’s good for you; it’s vital to keep your system going.

18. Magical Thinking Causes Anxiety Levels to Increase

Magical thinking can get you into a lot of trouble. This means things like buying into superstitions and old wives’ tales and engaging in rituals and traditions. If you’re consumed by things like knocking on wood to prevent misfortune and other such practices, you’re driving yourself mad.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is another type of anxiety that can cause these behaviors to overdrive.

19. Unhealthy Work/life Balance

Americans are obsessed with working. Did you know that you’re not allowed to discuss business or work on the weekends in some countries? According to Global Citizen, France is one country that’s made it illegal to discuss or conduct business outside of regulated hours.

They’re trying to improve the mental health of their people, so this should speak volumes to you about how imperative it’s to have a good work/life balance.

20. Insufficient Rest

One of the symptoms of a person with high anxiety is insufficient rest. Sleep is not optional. You need to get enough rest to allow your body to go through the therapeutic process.

If you’re up worrying all night about the next day, you’re causing more damage than you could imagine. Make sleep a priority in your life.

21. Thyroid Disorders

Your thyroid helps to regulate your bodily functions. If your anxiety levels are out of whack, it could be your thyroid to blame. A simple blood test can rule out or provide answers.

22. High Anxiety Levels May Come From Hormonal Imbalances

Having a hormonal imbalance can cause you to feel very off. It’s most common for women during their menstruation cycle. The good news is these imbalances can be fixed, and anxiety can diminish.

23. Food Sensitivities

If you have food sensitivities, like intolerance for gluten, it can mess with your anxiety. According to Today, studies have shown that food sensitivities can cause stomach pain, difficulty breathing, and anxiety.

24. Herbal or Over-the-Counter Supplements

Some folks notice a spike in feelings of anxiety when they take herbal supplements or over-the-counter pain remedies. Many of these treatments have high caffeine and other additives that increase anxiousness.

25. Anxiety Levels Can Come From Food Additives

If you develop mood swings and anxiety after eating things with sugar alcohols, MSG, or Red #40, it could be that you have a sensitivity to additives. Monitoring your labels could help to reduce or eliminate this issue.

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Final Thoughts on Things That Increase Anxiety Levels

Anxiety is unavoidable in most respects, as a little bit can help keep you safe. Your body has an internal regulator that gives you these anxious feelings to power you to safety. The surge of hormones like cortisol or adrenaline is there to assist you, but in significant quantities, it can be overwhelming on your system.

Thankfully, you can reverse anything on the list above by doing the opposite. If you notice that you’re susceptible to caffeine, eliminating it can change everything. There’s no magic pill when it comes to anxiety, but you can learn some practical tools to control it.

25 Positive Emotions Everyone Needs to Feel

When you have positive emotions soaring through you, you feel good. Who doesn’t want to feel amazing and live each day to the fullest? If you want happiness and live a healthy life, you want to experience the good things like joy, peace, contentment, and love.

Many benefits link to positive emotions, such as good health and an optimistic outlook on life. These are the emotions that make all your struggles seem bearable and worth it. Plus, you can consider them the spice that adds the pop of flavor to your existence. Can you imagine cooking without herbs and seasonings?

Of course not! So, life would be pretty crazy if you didn’t have these feelings that make the journey even more memorable.

25 Positive Emotions Everyone Needs to Feel

When you consider all the positive emotions out there, the list is nearly endless. The feelings listed here are not scholarly by any means, but they are things that people experience every day. Here are some of the most positive emotions you’ll encounter on life’s journey.

1. Serenity

The best way to describe serenity is that tranquil and calm feeling that gives you peace. You’ll feel this when you accept yourself and are proud of the person you’ve become. Some may describe this as the feeling of sitting near the ocean hearing the waves crash on the shore, as an overwhelming sense of harmony encompasses you.

positive emotions

2. Pride

You feel pride when you’ve accomplished something great. You find that your skills have a sense of approval, and you beam at your achievements. You feel pride when you get a promotion at work or do the impossible, or you may experience this when your spouse or children does incredible things.

3. Elevation

Your soul and spirit feel elevated when you show kindness to others. A sense comes with aspiring to do good and accomplish it. Some might say it’s the feeling you get after volunteering to help the homeless or cooking for a soup kitchen during the holidays.

4. Joy

Joy is an overwhelming sense of elation when something good happens in your life. You will experience joy on your wedding day, when you welcome a child into the world, or when the sun seems to be shining bright on you. Joy and contentment run together, as does the feeling of joy and excitement.

5. Satisfaction

When you experience a sense of pleasure and contentment, you’re feeling satisfaction. You’ll feel this way when you fill a need for your family, like buying your first home. You can also experience this emotion when you reach those long-term goals you’ve been working towards.

6. Affection

You’ll experience affection when you develop an emotional attachment to someone you love. A feeling of love and happiness often accompanies this, but it can also be associated with warmth and friendliness.

7. Relief

You know the feeling of relief, as when that situation you didn’t think would turn out good came out better than expected. Some folks feel comfort once they do their taxes each year or pay off a massive bill hanging over their heads. Relief is a break from the tension and strain that makes you feel like your load just got a little lighter.

8. Happiness

What does it mean to be happy? Well, it’s a feeling that you’re satisfied and that life is going your way. You’ve stepped from existing to living. To be happy means that you’re experiencing contentment and joy.

9. Gratitude

A heart of thanksgiving shows gratitude. You will also feel positivity coming from other accompanied feelings like humility. Being grateful for the things you have will change your life, and it will help you find contentment.

Having an attitude of gratitude means everything. A blog post on Linked In confirms that having gratitude is a huge deal. Many people don’t realize that it’s part of your relationships, your association with the Universe, and it affects how you view humanity.

10. Euphoria

Euphoria is one of the intense feelings you experience. It’s an overwhelming sense of joy or pleasure, often felt when something very encouraging and exhilarating occurs. Some folks have these feelings when they’re in love.

11. Interest

Your interest is a sense of curiosity or attraction that demands and grabs your focus. You experience interest in a good television program, movie, or person you want to enter a relationship with.

12. Inspiration

Inspiration is often an engaged, heartened, and encouraged feeling that occurs by something you observe. You might feel inspired by someone who overcomes impossible odds and comes out on top. Additionally, you might feel inspired when you connect with your spiritual side.

13. Love

Some would agree that, hands down, love is the greatest of all emotions. Though some say love is a choice, it’s an intense and all-encompassing feeling. To love someone or something means you elevate them above yourself, including their needs.

positive emotions

14. Hope

When you feel hope, you have good energy and optimism. You embrace positivity, and there’s an anticipation of good things. You have hope when you are on a journey of better health and that something in your strained relationship will work out.

15. Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is a feeling of pleasure, accompanied by inspiration and engagement. You might feel enthusiastic when you get a job promotion or get married. It also runs hand-in-hand with a feeling of joy.

16. Cheerfulness

You feel joyful and chipper when you’re cheerful. Your views change from negative to optimistic, and it seems as if everything is going your way. Simply put, the world is your oyster, and you feel like you can conquer anything in your way.

17. Awe

Awe is an emotion that is aroused when you observe something magnificent, spectacular, or astounding, and It’s a feeling of complete overwhelming appreciation. You might feel awe the first time you look into the eyes of your newborn child or when you meet one of your heroes or idols in person.

18. Confidence

Confidence is essential as you can’t do anything without it. Indeed, having faith in yourself and believing you can conquer all the challenges you face. This emotion is linked directly to your self-esteem and how you view yourself as a person.

19. Altruism

Altruism isn’t a word you hear commonly, but it’s associated with a feeling of selflessness and generosity towards other folks. Some might feel altruistic when they help others or give back. It’s a feeling or word that connects to philanthropy.

20. Amusement

Amusement is one of the positive emotions you feel, associated with pleasure or enjoyment. Good energy comes from being humorous or watching something that you find funny on TV. Amusement is entertaining and always comes with laughter and pure fun.

21. Abundance

When you have everything you need and some to spare for others, you feel the overwhelming peace of abundance. This emotion makes you feel good because you have so much that you don’t have to worry about running out of things. While most people would want this feeling attached to money or their finances, some would say it would be better to have an abundance of food or friends.

22. Blissful

When you’re blissful, you’ve reached a state of deep or improved satisfaction or gratification. Some feel blissful around the holidays, while others think this when they have true joy inside.

23. Dynamism

Dynamism is vitality and vigor; you will feel this excitement when you reach a goal or conquer something that’s overwhelmed you. When you experience this emotion, there’s been a shift in your favor, and you’re ready for the next challenge. When you graduate from college, you may share this and are prepared to face the world with your degree in hand.

24. Freedom

Freedom is the sense of having chains taken off you. The chains are a proverbial feeling of something that holds you back. Some may feel freedom when they break free from a toxic relationship or a job that made them miserable.

25. Goodwill

When you desire only good things for someone else, you feel goodwill. You don’t care if they think the same way about you, but you want to see this person happy, healthy, and fulfilled. Goodwill Ambassadors go to different countries, promoting global brotherhood and helping one another.

According to UNICEF, they stand up for human rights and do nothing but good. UNICEF is the organization that sponsors these people.

positive emotions

Final Thoughts on Positive Emotions Everyone Needs to Feel

As you looked through this list, you probably recognized all the emotions mentioned, whether you’d experienced them or not. Still, the greatest of all these feelings is love. When you have an enduring affection for someone that supersedes material things and your needs, it’s a feeling like none other.

15 Self-Esteem Affirmations to Say in the Mirror Every Morning

A lack of self-esteem can stand in your way of achieving your goals and making your dreams a reality. Boosting your self-esteem can help you get through challenges and obstacles without giving up along the way. If you need some help, these self-esteem affirmations can get you started.

Low self-esteem damages your life and interferes with your happiness. It causes you to develop negative opinions about yourself, further fueling the issue. While everyone struggles with confidence occasionally, you must get it under control if it’s constant in your life.

Persistent low self-esteem can cause depression, anxiety, guilt, anger, sadness, or shame. These feelings can quickly overwhelm you, leaving you feeling pretty bad. Luckily, you can use daily affirmations to shift your mindset and get you back on track.

The Issues with Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem affects your relationships, too, as they don’t have the confidence for a healthy relationship. You might let people in your life treat you in unacceptable ways because you don’t realize that you deserve better.

It can also cause you to pass on new opportunities or experiences because you’re afraid to try. Low self-esteem makes you doubt your abilities and feel like you can’t get through challenging situations.

Plus, you might avoid activities that you enjoy because you’re too self-conscious to spend time around other people. You’ll constantly look for signs that people don’t like you, convincing yourself that no one wants you around. If your self-esteem gets low enough, you might turn to alcohol, drugs, or other harmful coping mechanisms.

low self-esteem affirmations

Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem

The symptoms of low self-esteem are different for everyone, but they tend to follow a trend. You’ll notice certain behaviors, decision-making processes, and reactions that indicate an issue. These signs include:

  • Being hyper-critical of yourself
  • Downplaying your positive attributes
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Feeling inferior to others
  • Using negative words to describe yourself
  • You tend to take a self-blame approach to everything
  • Believing that luck gets people further than hard work
  • Not believing compliments people offer

Causes of Low Self-Esteem

You might experience low self-esteem at any time in your life, especially if you feel like you failed at something. It poses a problem anytime your lack of confidence makes you want to give up or do something harmful. Understanding the causes of low self-esteem can help you get to the root of your issue.

Some of the causes of low self-esteem include:

  • People telling you that you aren’t enough
  • Mental illness such as anxiety or depression
  • Persistent medical problems
  • Continuous stressful life events
  • Not reaching your expectations
  • Mental or physical abuse
  • Significant people in your life being overly critical of you

Fifteen Self-Esteem Affirmations to Say in the Mirror Every Morning

If you want to stop putting yourself down and living with a negative mindset, these self-esteem affirmations are for you. Use these self-esteem affirmations each day, repeating them for at least five minutes at a time. Choose one or two phrases to start with and see what works best for you.

1. I can live the life I’ve always dreamed of.

Think of all the dreams you had for your life before you started telling yourself you couldn’t achieve them. Now, use this affirmation to help you undo the negativity and start believing in yourself again. You can live the life of your dreams, and you have to convince yourself that you can do it.

2. I have everything I need to build a meaningful life.

You might not have everything you want in life, but you do have everything you need. When you want to go further, look within and find what you need to reach your next goal. By acknowledging that you have everything you need, you’ll be ready to tackle anything.

3. I deserve success and work hard for it.

Your hard work and dedication make you deserving of success. Nothing else matters except the work you put into it. Use this affirmation to convince yourself that you deserve success, and you’ll suddenly start to notice improvements in your life.

4. I am putting myself first and focusing on my well-being.

When you put yourself first, it reiterates how important it is to care for yourself and your well-being. With low self-esteem, it’s hard to put yourself first when everyone demands so much of you. Use this affirmation to gain the courage to prioritize yourself.

5. I am embracing what makes me a unique person.

Everyone is different, and that is one thing that makes the world such a beautiful place. Don’t let your unique qualities bring you down and make you feel bad about yourself. Embrace each individualized feature because they are what make you who you are.

6. I am a valuable person and contribute to the world around me.

When you don’t feel good about yourself, it’s easy to think that you have nothing to contribute to the world. However, each small act of kindness you do, even if It’s only smiling at a stranger, can make a difference. Never underestimate your value in society.

7. I radiate confidence and positivity.

When you tell yourself that you radiate confidence and positivity, you’ll start to notice that it’s true. Your mind believes what you tell it, so keep repeating this affirmation until it’s solidified.

self-esteem affirmations

8. I am worthy of love and happiness.

You are worthy of all the good things in the world, including love and happiness. Don’t let these aspects of life pass you by because you think you’re not good enough. Use this affirmation to remind yourself of your worth.

9. I share my thoughts and opinions because my voice is important.

This self-esteem affirmation will give you the confidence to state your opinion. With low self-esteem, you might be afraid, assuming no one wants to hear what you have to say. However, your thoughts are important, and you should voice them every time.

10. I believe in who I am and what I can do.

When you believe in yourself, anything is possible. Use this self-esteem affirmation to give yourself the courage and confidence to tackle all of your goals. Anytime you notice negative self-thoughts creeping in, give yourself a minute alone to repeat this affirmation.

11. I love myself for who I am right now.

You develop more each day, but that doesn’t mean you can’t love who you are today. It’s okay to have goals and want to better yourself, but that requires loving yourself right now.

You are amazing just the way you are, and there is no reason you should change for anyone. Practicing self-love each day can quickly boost your self-esteem and help you live the life of your dreams.

12. I am achieving my dreams, and nothing can stop me.

Sometimes all it takes is a statement like this one to get you moving toward your goals again. You will encounter setbacks and obstacles, but nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. This is your life to live, so don’t miss out on any opportunity to go further.

13. I am strong, powerful, and brave.

Nothing can hold you back when you feel strong, powerful, and brave. You can’t face any challenge that comes your way, and you won’t be afraid to try something new. Remember that you are stronger than you think, so empower yourself to take a chance on new opportunities and give it your best.

14. I am creating the life I want.

While other people might tell you what they want you to do with your life, it isn’t up to them. If you follow their desires, you’ll experience low self-esteem because you are living the life of your dreams. Choose your path and set your goals without listening to what others want for you.

Use this self-esteem affirmation to remember you can create any life you want. Once you set your goal, keep it in mind so that you don’t get swayed by the opinions of others. When you live your life the way you want to, you’re sure to feel more confident in yourself.

15. I can express my true self because people want to know me.

This self-esteem affirmation reaffirms that people want you around, and you can be yourself. A lack of self-esteem will convince you otherwise, but empower yourself to know better. Don’t be afraid to speak up or get involved because people want to get to know the real you.

low self-esteem affirmations

Final Thoughts on Self-Esteem Affirmations to Say in the Mirror Every Morning

These self-esteem affirmations can help you feel better about yourself and allow you to focus on self-love. You deserve to feel good about who you are, so make a change for the better right now. These affirmations will help you eliminate negative self-thoughts as you work to boost your confidence.

Once you boost your self-esteem, you’ll embrace your unique qualities and acknowledge your talents and strengths. Affirmations for self-esteem encourage you to develop the life qualities you desire while helping you achieve your goals.

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