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10 Signs Someone Is Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Many people believe that the only signs of drinking too much alcohol are getting arrested or losing a job. However, there are many other signs you can look for to see if someone is consuming too much. Understanding alcohol use disorder (AUD), formerly known as alcoholism, can help you recognize the signs. Studies show that one in eight adults in America have AUD, and many don’t realize it.

However, you can look for alcohol use disorder in yourself and others to help you identify an issue.

Unfortunately, many people turn to drinking too much as a coping mechanism. Not everyone knows when they’ve gone too far or partake too often. Understanding when someone is drinking too much will help you recognize the signs in yourself and others.

How Much is Drinking Too Much

Experts say that drinking in moderation is different for men and women. Men can have up to two drinks daily, and women can have only one. Drinking more than these amounts is considered too much.

The differences between men and women are due to physiological differences. Women feel intoxicated quicker than men because their bodies contain less water, fatty tissue, and enzymes that break down foreign substances. However, it ultimately depends on an individual’s tolerance and metabolism.

drinking alcohol

Ten Signs Someone Is Drinking Too Much

The severity of AUD differs based on the number of symptoms over 12 months. A mild case of AUD means that two or three symptoms are present. If someone has four or five symptoms, it becomes a moderate case, with six or more severe symptoms.

1. They Drink Even When It Risks Safety

Everyone knows drinking and driving isn’t safe, but some do it anyway. Other activities are unsafe when drinking, too, including:

  • Skiing
  • Swimming
  • Hiking
  • Using machinery
  • Operating a boat

If someone does any of these activities while under the influence, it indicates they are drinking too much. Research shows that excessive drinking causes 10% of deaths for people between 20 and 64 years old. Drinking at the expense of safety is common for those with AUD.

2. It Creates Problems at Work, School, or Home

If someone has unexplained issues at work, school, or home, they might have a problem. Drinking in excess can affect all areas of someone’s life.

Research shows that one in four college students miss classes or get behind on schoolwork because of their drinking habits. Regularly drink employees report frequent tardiness, careless mistakes, or missed deadlines. After a while, these issues can lead to disciplinary action.

Excessive drinking can create problems at home, too. Studies show increased debt for those who drink excessively because they spend money carelessly. They also forget about paying bills later on.

Also, drinking habits affect a person’s partner, kids, friends, and loved ones. Drinking too much forces others into the role of caregiver and leads to codependency. However, some people might react differently and walk away from the relationship.

Children who have a relative with AUD are also at an increased risk of emotional issues and thoughts of suicide. Plus, the children are four times more likely to develop AUD at some point in their lives, too.

3. It Takes Up Too Much Time, or They Drink More Than Intended

If someone spends every weekend morning recovering from a hangover, it’s a sign of overconsuming. Having headaches and nausea indicates someone is overdoing it. Additionally, if someone is too tired to do any necessary tasks, it shows they are spending too much time drinking. They might also spend lots of time visiting the liquor store.

Not only will they spend too much time on drinking and obtaining alcohol, but they might drink more than intended. The person might say they will only have one drink and go home but then order a second and third. Before they know it, midnight rolls around, and they’re still out drinking.

4. They Develop Anxiety and Depression

There are many causes of anxiety and depression, and drinking too much is one. Alcohol affects the central nervous system, causing mental health issues. If you notice a sudden change in someone’s mental health, look at their drinking habits.

Additionally, it’s not a good sign if anxiety and depression worsen because the person doesn’t have a drink. They might become angry or overreact to little things and have a negative mindset.

5. Changes in Appearance and Balance When Someone is Drinking too Much

When someone drinks too much, it can lead to malnutrition. It causes them to lose interest in eating healthy foods, which lacks nutrition. They can lose weight quickly and often get tired after doing simple tasks.

Additionally, the person’s skin might change severely. You might notice they have red palms, a flushed face, and spidery veins throughout the body. Due to liver inflammation, part of their skin might also turn pale yellow.

You might also notice that someone who drinks too many struggles with balance. They might be unable to walk and remain stable, and their physical coordination decreases.

6. They Keep Drinking Even When They Know It’s Affecting Their Wellbeing

When someone keeps drinking when they know it’s negatively affecting them, it indicates a problem. It can cause sleep problems, and affect how someone thinks, feels, and acts. Many people with AUD know these issues are happening in their lives, but they still don’t stop.

The longer it goes on, the more it negatively affects their life. They still keep excessively drinking, making it difficult to get much done or do things they enjoy.

7. They Crave It When They Aren’t Drinking

Many people have cravings, but not everyone craves alcohol. If someone craves a drink, it’s a sign that they depend on it a little too much.

They will likely have intense cravings when experiencing anxiety in a social situation. Heartbreak or sorrow are other sensations that might trigger cravings. The cravings occur because alcohol abuse releases endorphins, promoting temporary feelings of happiness and pleasure.

8. They Experience Withdrawal

Anxiety is a typical result of excessive drinking, but it can indicate withdrawal. Sometimes the anxiety might get to the point of shaking, sweating, and experiencing chills. The symptoms indicate withdrawal, typically within five to ten hours after having a drink.

When someone has AUD for a long time, and their intake is reduced, it’s hard on them. Some of the other symptoms of withdrawal include:

  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Racing heart
  • Tremors
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Hallucinations

Eventually, the person will drink to prevent these terrible experiences rather than enjoy the beverage. They will no longer use it to have a good time or cope but to survive.

9. They Can’t Stick to Limits

When someone sets limits for themselves but can’t stick to them, it’s a sign of AUD. They struggle to stop drinking and end up getting drunk. When the issue becomes a consistent pattern, it’s a sure indication of AUD.

The person might promise their loved ones that they’ll cut back but fail to follow through. Or, they might promise themselves but struggle to stick to the plan. Someone without AUD will have no issue making a change for the better, so it’s a sure sign when someone struggles.

10. They Can’t Sleep and Often Lose Attention

Those who drink too much often have trouble sleeping. Part of the trouble comes from disruptions to their sleeping routine, which can also cause insomnia.

Heavy drinkers also have trouble paying attention to the world around them. One reason for the lack of awareness is that they didn’t get enough sleep. However, their inattention can also occur because they struggle with memory loss.

How to Stop Drinking Too Much

Helping a loved one or yourself stop drinking too much might sound like an intimidating experience. However, working toward recovery is possible. These tips can help you or your loved one get started:

  • Make a list of reasons to stop.
  • Set a limit on how much you will drink, and regularly decrease the limit.
  • Keep a journal to track every time you drink.
  • Sip slowly.
  • Choose specific days of the week that you won’t have alcohol at all.
  • Avoid peer pressure.
  • Stay busy by taking a walk or doing something fun.
  • Reach out to your support system.
  • Identify your triggers and avoid the temptation.
  • Talk with your doctor about how to quit – your body makes physiological changes when you consume alcohol daily. Thus, stopping can cause stress on your body.



Final Thoughts on Signs Someone Is Drinking Too Much Alcohol

When someone is drinking too much, you must address it as soon as possible. AUD can have long-lasting effects on both physical and mental health. Additionally, it affects professional and personal relationships and can take a toll on your life progress.

Don’t ignore the signs if you think you or someone you love overindulges in alcohol. The sooner it’s addressed, the easier it’ll be to overcome. Look for these signs and do whatever you can if you see a problem. Help is out there, and anyone can overcome AUD.

8 Isometric Exercises That Make You Stronger Every Day

Isometric exercises are when you tense your muscles but don’t move them. Many people believe that training requires lots of movement, but these exercises prove otherwise. These exercises are low-impact, and you can do them with no gym equipment, no matter where you are.

When doing isometric exercises, you strengthen your muscles by holding them in certain positions. You will maintain the poses for at least six seconds at a time, being careful not to move. These exercises make your muscles work overtime, strengthening them in ways other activity doesn’t.

You can do these exercises with weight-lifting or resistance training for optimal benefits. The activities often include yoga poses or Pilates but aren’t limited to those areas. With regular use of these methods, you’ll notice improved muscle endurance.

If you aren’t familiar with isometric exercises yet, this article will tell you all you need to know. Plus, it includes quite a few bodyweight exercises to help get you started.

How Isometric Exercises Work

You’ve likely done these exercises before without realizing it. Anytime you experience tension in your muscles, and your joints aren’t moving. It sounds easy, but holding still while contracting your muscles is challenging.

These exercises work because they activate your muscle fibers. When equal forces act against each other, but there isn’t any movement, it triggers the muscle fibers, building strength. You can target specific muscles, too, allowing you to use them to achieve your goals.

Static exercises don’t only strengthen the muscles, either. As you do these bodyweight exercises, your muscle tissues fill with blood and create metabolic stress. The metabolic stress increases physical endurance and stabilizes the muscles.

Eight Benefits of Isometric Exercises

Studies show that these exercises have a range of health benefits, including:

  1. Lower blood pressure
  2. Higher pain threshold
  3. Improved jump height
  4. Increased kicking ability
  5. Quicker recovery after surgery or an injury
  6. Decreases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis
  7. Improves muscle stability
  8. Decreases pain in the lower back

Health benefits aren’t the only thing you have to look forward to. Other benefits include the following:

  • No gym equipment
  • It can be performed anywhere
  • Targeting specific areas without straining joints
  • Requires less practice to develop good form
  • Safe for those with restricted movement

Risks of Isometric Exercises

Similar to any form of exercise, these exercises come with some risks. While they are less intense for major muscle groups than other dynamic movements, they can still affect injuries. You shouldn’t perform these exercises unless your doctor clears you to do so after an injury or surgery.

Tips to Keep in Mind When Starting Isometric Exercises

Remember to squeeze your muscle as you hold each pose. Since you aren’t relying on movement to fatigue your muscles, you must tighten them to reach that point. Tighten up your muscles as much as possible, but stop if it becomes painful.

It is also essential that you remember to breathe correctly. When you tense up your muscles, it’s natural to want to hold your breath, but it isn’t suggested. Your muscles require oxygen to enhance performance, so you’ll want to focus on your breathing.

The proper way to breathe during static exercises is to fill up your belly with air on the inhale. On the exhale, push the air out through your nostrils until your belly contracts. Continue inhaling and exhaling this way throughout the exercises.

You’ll also want to ensure that you maintain proper form to avoid injury. If you don’t stick to the position, it could damage your shoulders or lower back. Plus, you can only target your muscles effectively if you hold the pose correctly.

Don’t overdo it, even if you want to keep pushing. If you can’t hold the correct position anymore, it’s time to stop. Anytime the pose doesn’t feel right, move on to another one and try that one again another day.

Another tip is to switch it up every day. Do different isometric exercises, and mix in other types of movement, too. You don’t have to give up running when you take up isometric options.

Try These Eight Isometric Exercises

isometric exercises

Now that you know what isometric exercises are and how to do them properly, it’s time to get started. Here are a few of the best static exercises to begin with, but you can add them to your routine at any time.

1. Wall Sit

Wall sits are a simple but powerful leg workout, targeting the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings. They also strengthen the hips and promote balance. Stand about two feet away from the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, lean toward the wall so that your back is flat against it.

Slide down the wall slowly until your thighs are parallel to the ground. You’ll be in a sitting position but using the wall for support. Make sure your knees don’t go out past your toes, and don’t put too much pressure on your knees.

Flex your legs as tightly as you can, and hold them for six to fifteen seconds, repeating the action two or three times. You should also keep your core tight so that you feel tension there, too.

2. Triceps Extension Against the Wall

Triceps extension against the wall works your triceps. You’ll start in a lunge position, but put your palms on the wall at head level. Then, use your triceps to push your hands into the wall. Don’t tense your shoulders during the exercise, and make sure you breathe deeply.

3. Glute Bridge

The glute bridge targets the gluteal muscles, which are behind the quadriceps. You’ll start by lying on your back with your knees bent upward. Keep your knees planted flat on the floor and extend your arms with your palms facing upward.

Then, engage the core muscles as you lift your hips off the ground until your torso is in a straight line. Use your arms throughout the exercise for stability, and hold the post until you can’t anymore. Do this exercise two or three times, holding for thirty seconds each time if you can.

4. Low Squat

A low squat works your glutes, quads, and adductors. You’ll start with your feet shoulder-width apart before squatting until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Once you become comfortable holding the position, push yourself by squeezing your feet inward without actually moving them.

When you try to squeeze your feet together, your inner thigh muscles will contract even more. Make sure your knees don’t go in front of your toes, or you won’t sit back far enough.

While squatting does require moving down into a sitting position, the muscle tension happens while you stay still. Hold the squat for ten to thirty seconds before returning to the starting position. Repeat the activity three to five times or until your muscles become fatigued.

5. Self-arm Wrestling

Arm wrestling with yourself sounds silly, but it’s an effective way to work out your biceps and triceps. You’ll start by bending your right arm at a 90-degree angle and then grab your right hand with your left. Push your hands together as hard as you can without moving them in either direction.

After six to fifteen seconds, switch to the other arm. Don’t tense your shoulders while you do it. The focus should be on using your biceps to prevent your arm from dropping and your triceps to push your arm down.

6. Forearm Plank

The forearm plank works your abs, but you must focus on your form. Keep your spine straight and tighten your abs as much as you comfortably can. Don’t let your butt fall or go too high, as your shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles should align.

7. Bent-over Press Against the Wall

The bent-over press against the wall works your shoulders. You’ll start in a low lunge position with your hands on the wall at chest level. Then, you’ll lean into the wall and push, staying upright. The lower you go into the lunge position, the more exercise your shoulders receive. Staying upright allows it to work out your chest, too.

8. Side Plank

The side plank works your obliques, spinal stabilizers, quadriceps, glutes, serratus anterior, shoulder stabilizers, and hip abductors. You’ll want to start by lying on your left side with your legs straight. Keep your hips, knees, and feet stacked over one another.

Then, bend your left elbow and place your forearm on the ground directly beneath your shoulder. Push your left forearm into the ground and lift your torso and hips. As you do this, keep your core tight and body straight.

You can keep your other arm straight in the air or by your side. Hold the position for at least ten seconds before switching sides.

Final Thoughts on What Are Isometric Exercises? Try These Eight Moves

You can do isometric exercises anywhere, as most don’t require any equipment. They are quick workouts that make a big difference. Consistently doing these exercises builds muscle and tones your body.

Combine these exercises with other workouts for optimal results. You’ll quickly feel stronger and more toned, and you’ll be able to push yourself further. Try these eight moves to get started, but don’t be afraid of branching out after a while.

Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Helps Pets Find New Homes

When Courtney Bellew opened a special needs animal rescue in 2011, she didn’t imagine how many lives it would save. The shelter prides itself on saving the toughest dogs to rehome – those that were abused, neglected, or have medical conditions. These dogs and cats would have otherwise been euthanized if not for SNARR Northeast, the shelter founded by Courtney.

SNARR stands for Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation. Our mission is giving hope to the hopeless, and we just celebrated our ten year anniversary,” Courtney says. “So, we were founded in 2011, and in those ten years, we’ve rescued thousands and thousands of animals. In 2021 alone, we rescued over 1,500 animals, and we are really proud of where we’ve come.”

Many of the dogs that come to the pet rescue have serious health conditions. Some are paralyzed, blind, deaf, severely underweight, or suffering from neurological conditions. They may have behavioral issues, injuries, or orthopedic problems, as a few examples. However, the shelter doesn’t turn away any dogs, aiming to save as many as possible.

They also promote fostering as a way for the public to get involved, as they rely on volunteers to step up to the plate.

“For us, every foster home represents saving lives, because if we have one more open spot at our shelter, it allows us to pull one more animal to safety,” Courtney says. “Foster homes are also really important because it allows animals to live in a home environment.”

Fostering also conditions the dogs to human love while the shelter searches for their forever homes! Courtney says many people come into the special needs animal rescue asking to foster pets. If you’d like to get involved, the shelter accepts foster homes all over the country! However, if you’re local to New York and want to adopt or foster, you can stop by the rescue in person.

Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation Helps Pets Find New Homes

“SNARR is still a very small, personalized rescue; we like to have a really personalized experience for adopters. We kind of live and breathe rescue every day – there’s so much that goes into it. You know, we have lots of volunteers and lots of moving parts to make everything happen,” Courtney explains.

The special needs animal rescue takes in dogs from all over the country in addition to locally. Many of their out-of-state dogs come from Texas and Tennessee. In order to transport so many dogs, it takes a lot of work from everyone involved. Volunteers help process applications, workers help transport the animals, and the public comes in to adopt and/or foster dogs. It’s a group effort and well worth it to save so many souls who want a loving, warm home.

Courtney says transport days are some of her favorite times at the shelter. They usually have regular transport once a week and significant transports one or two times per month. This entails a van or bus full of dogs arriving with between 20-50 animals.

“I always think that it’s such a powerful experience because it brings together all the different components of rescue. You’re watching these animals arrive to their new life and to safety,” Courtney says.

She also loves watching adopters and foster homes pick up their new furry friends off the transport. Many volunteers help out on these special days as well.

“You are watching these animals come off the van, and sometimes they’re nervous, sometimes they’re excited, but again, they’re starting their new life. So to me, transport is always a very important, memorable experience, no matter how many of them I do over the years,” Courtney says.

Saving Lives, One Animal at a Time

Other than that, Courtney greatly enjoys watching the beautiful transformation the dogs go through. They come in broken, both physically and spiritually, and the special needs animal rescue helps them heal. They get a chance at a new life, and it always warms Courtney’s heart to take part in that process.

The shelter pulls dogs from high kill shelters all over the New York and New Jersey area. While the special needs animal shelter mostly takes dogs with medical conditions, they also take in healthy dogs. If a dog needs help and a place to live, the shelter will do their best to accommodate them. They not only give the animals a warm place to lay their heads, but provide costly medical care and help train them.

After Courtney opened the shelter, she said, “I had found my passion and wanted to do more to help in my own area.”

“We take a lot of dogs with special needs, a lot of dogs with severe medical conditions that have been neglected for years, and I just love watching those transformations. It will never get old, it will never get boring, and it’s what continues to drive us to do what we do,” Courtney says. “And to be better and bigger every year, and save more animals. If you want to be involved, the best way is to visit our website at We can always use new volunteers, fosters, donors of course; there are so many different ways to be involved.”

If you’d like to help, you can also visit your local animal shelter and consider fostering or adopting. We can all do our part in small ways to make our four-legged friends feel loved and appreciated!

pet owner

4 Red Flags a Pet Owner Has Become an Animal Hoarder

Final Thoughts on Special Needs Animal Rescue in New York

There are hundreds of animal shelters around the country, but not many special needs animal rescues. The SNARR Northeast takes in animals with severe medical conditions, rehabilitates them, and tries to find their forever homes. They’ve saved thousands of animals over the years and continue to rescue as many dogs as possible. The shelter doesn’t turn away any animal, accepting dogs as they are.

We hope you enjoyed hearing about this beautiful special needs animal rescue! It’s always heartwarming to hear about people going out of their way to help the most fragile and vulnerable among us.

Northwestern University Develops Method to Shrink Tumors

Northwestern University scientists have created a new device that can shrink tumors rapidly by harnessing immune cells in tumor tissues. To do this, the team multiplied, sorted through, and harvested hundreds of millions of cells using a configurable microfluidic device. This method recovered 400% more of the tumor-eradicating cells than prior techniques.

Compared with other cancer therapies, the new approach tested in mice subjects could significantly shrink tumors. The findings were published on January 27, 2022, in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering.

Currently, many cancer treatment therapies use dangerous chemicals and foreign substances that may cause unwanted side effects. Not to mention, these therapies tend to harm the body’s immune system, making patients more vulnerable to illnesses.

While immunotherapy – using the body’s cells and tissues to treat cancer – can shrink tumors in some cases, it’s not a foolproof method.

“People have been cured in the clinic of advanced melanoma through treatment with their own immune cells that were harvested out of tumor tissue,” said Shana O. Kelley, an expert in translational biotechnology and corresponding author on the paper. “The problem is, because of the way the cells are harvested, it only works in a very small number of patients.”

Kelley is a biochemistry and molecular genetics professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She’s also the Neena B. Shwartz Professor of Chemistry and Biomedical Engineering at the Northwestern University Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences and McCormick School of Engineering.

Shortcomings of Current Cancer Treatments

shrink tumors

The targeted cells, called tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), are potent, natural immune cells that penetrate tumor tissue. Researchers harvest these cells to shrink tumors; however, previous approaches haven’t always been successful.

In adoptive cell therapies used in clinics today, scientists use TILs with various phenotypes. This refers to the cells’ observable characteristics resulting from the interaction of their DNA with the environment. In many cases, scientists combine older and newer cells in cancer treatments. After they’ve extracted the TILs, they transport them to a lab to multiply and harvest them.

However, after they’ve populated and can return to the body, many cells have no energy left to fight the tumors. The cells have exhausted their resources after being in the body for so long.

Northwestern University Develops Method to Shrink Tumors

The team created a new technology to address this problem with current treatments. Researchers can identify the most active cells with microfluidic affinity targeting of infiltrating cells (MATIC). Using cell sorting techniques powered by nanotechnology, the scientists found the “Goldilocks population” of cells.

The scientists said this: “Compared with conventional cell sorting, immunomagnetic cell sorting recovered up to 30-fold higher numbers of TILs, and the higher levels and diversity of the recovered TILs accelerated TIL expansion and enhanced their therapeutic potency.

“Immunomagnetic cell sorting also allowed us to identify and isolate potent TIL subpopulations, in particular, TILs with moderate levels of CD39 (a marker of T-cell reactivity to tumours and T-cell exhaustion), which we found are tumour-specific, self-renewable and essential for the long-term success of adoptive cell therapies.”

By focusing on one cell phenotype, they noticed a significant shrinkage in tumors in the mice population. In fact, compared with traditional TIL cell therapies, the new method led to a dramatic uptick in survival rates. Also, the new technique could shrink tumors entirely in some cases.

“Instead of giving mice this mixture of cells with different phenotypes, we’re giving them the one cell phenotype that can actually help them,” Kelley said. “You see much more potency and a much higher response rate when you really home in on the sweet spot of T cell reactivity.”

The Future of the Cancer-Fighting Technology

The 3D-printed device offers another advantage that makes it feasible for hospital settings. The unimposing, easily replicated design means the technology doesn’t have to remain in laboratories. Having the cell therapy closer to patients would reduce costs and improve accessibility, benefiting more people.

Kelley joined Northwestern in August from the University of Toronto and continues researching how her device could improve cancer therapies. Currently, she’s using the technology to identify the same types of TILs in blood samples. This way, patients wouldn’t require surgery to remove small tumors before this type of cancer treatment.

She’s already launched a small company to make the technology commercially available. She also plans to collaborate with industry leaders and others at Northwestern to expand applications for the tool. So far, the platform has been utilized primarily for studying and measuring rare cells in the body.

“When we take on the development of a new technology, we typically end up with a hammer, and then need to go find a nail. We got introduced to problems in cell therapy, and it was immediately apparent that this was a perfect fit.”  -Shana O. Kelley

The study’s first author, Ph.D. student Daniel Wang, also joined Northwestern from the University of Toronto as a postdoctoral fellow. He plans to keep improving cell therapies that shrink tumors in Kelley’s labs on the Chicago campus.

With this high-precision approach to treating cancer, hopefully, cancer rates will dramatically decline in the future. Sadly, cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020, according to the WHO.

While cancer therapies play a pivotal role in treatment, you can reduce your cancer risk with lifestyle changes. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, reducing stress, avoiding tobacco and overindulgence in alcohol, and protecting yourself from UV radiation can help prevent cancer.

shrink tumors

Final Thoughts on Scientists Finding a New Method to Shrink Tumors

As scientists continue to uncover new cancer treatments, it provides hope for millions worldwide. A team of scientists from Northwestern University developed a cutting-edge technology that improves the recovery of cancer-fighting cells. The device pinpoints the most active cells in tumors, which improves immunotherapy results. They’re currently working on making the devices commercially available for use in hospital settings.

PoP Features: The Rescue Husky With a Special Walk

Rescue Husky Fenix Lumiere lives with his loving human parents in beautiful southern California. He’s known for having a special walk due to a neurological condition called cerebellar hypoplasia. It affects his coordination and balance, but doesn’t cause any pain.

After Felix’s mom Zoe shared his story on social media, his cute prancing earned him thousands of adoring fans. They love that he’s not afraid to be himself, and his confidence inspires people around the world. We hope his story encourages you to show the world your authentic self as well!

“My best memory with Fenix, I’d have to say, is all the ordinary moments just day to day, getting blown away by how adorable his prance is. It never gets old; my husband and I often talk about how adorable it is,” Zoe says lovingly of the rescue Husky.

Since Felix is a rescue, Zoe says she’s unsure if he’s a purebred Husky. However, he’s definitely got the features of Huskies – the piercing blue eyes and bushy tail. They adopted Fenix when he was just 4 months old from a rescue called ‘I Stand With My Pack.’

Before that, he’d been abandoned at a kill shelter, likely because his previous owners couldn’t care for special needs pets. He would’ve been put down if the rescue didn’t intervene.

However, he still had a long journey ahead.

The rescue spent the next month taking care of him and bringing him to vet appointments. They knew he had a condition, but weren’t sure if it was parvovirus, distemper or some other virus. Finally, they discovered he had cerebellar hypoplasia, but he can still live a long, happy life. His adoptive parents have given him a second chance and make sure he enjoys every moment!

Meet Fenix the Rescue Husky Who Has a Special Walk

“We do spend a lot of time with Fenix; we take him everywhere. He loves to go in the car, even on long trips. We took him up to Truckee recently to the snow and he was great in the car for 9 hours, but mostly, he loves being outside,” Zoe says.

“He loves prancing, he loves walking; we take him for about 4 or 5 walks a day, mostly because his disability means that he can’t walk for a long time. But he loves it so much!”

Zoe added that Fenix has a goofy, fun-loving personality. She also describes the rescue Husky as being temperamental like a cat; one moment, he wants your attention and the next moment, he’s very independent. Overall, he’s a happy, silly, free-spirited type of guy. His laidback, rosy disposition also helps remind his parents what truly matters in life.

“Fenix brings so much positivity into our life. I think any dog really helps us to connect to more happiness because they have a profound gift to enjoy the little things – to be out on a walk, to be in the sunshine, to have a bone – just the ordinary, simple pleasures of life,” Zoe says.

She added that since Fenix seems so happy, it also brings them joy to know they’re adding value to his life. Not to mention, they’re both inspired by how much he’s overcome and grown through in life. The rescue husky has faced many challenges, but he continues to show up no matter what lies ahead.

For instance, many times at the dog park, the dogs don’t want to play with him since he can’t run. Even though he gets left behind sometimes, he follows them around to the best of his ability. His tenacity and self-confidence are truly inspiring!

“He just has the best attitude of any being I’ve ever met,” Zoe says proudly of her beautiful rescue Husky.

Fenix Spreads Joy Wherever He Goes

She says one of the most rewarding things about owning a dog is the cuddles. It never gets old waking up to him snuggled between her and her husband! Also, the fact that he teaches them both how to love unconditionally makes owning a rescue Husky totally worth it.

When he’s not cuddling with his mom, Fenix loves going on adventures with his dad! He also loves inspiring people online to live blissfully and not let anything stand in their way. For a dog, he makes a wonderful life coach!

Other than that, he enjoys playing with his other dog friends in the neighborhood. They often have playdates and pool parties. And thankfully, Fenix found an accepting group of friends who doesn’t judge him for his special prance. In fact, they love him for it!

He felt shy for a while because of his condition, but now, he owns his uniqueness! It took him a while, but he realized that embracing his differences helped others feel happier with themselves, too.

When he goes places with his parents, everyone loves to come say hi! They often ask about his condition and if he’s in pain; thankfully, he’s perfectly content as he is. It warms his parents’ hearts to see so many people care about him! They feel so thankful to have a rescue Husky like Fenix in their lives.

“I would just highly recommend adopting a dog from a shelter or from a rescue. There are just so many dogs out there that don’t have homes right now,” Zoe says. “And there is nothing like the reward of giving one of those dogs a home. I know when we were looking for Fenix, we just saw his photo and I started crying, because we used the PetFinder app and I knew he was my dog straightaway. And sure enough, everything happened really gracefully.”

Final Thoughts on the Rescue Husky Known as the ‘Happy Dog’

Fenix goes by the name “Happy Guy” on TikTok, and it’s very fitting for him indeed. Despite his neurological condition, he enjoys every moment to the fullest and makes so many people smile. He’s truly a special dog, and we hope his story encourages you to love yourself exactly as you are. Accepting yourself creates space for everyone around you to embrace themselves, too!

Meet the Graphic Designer Who Creates Typography Art

Dave Towers, an artist based in the UK, creates eye-catching typography art using little more than a pencil and graffiti pen. He’s won awards in both the UK and internationally, including a D&AD for graphic design and the certificate for excellence from the New York Type Directors Club.

Typography simply involves arranging letters and text in a way that makes copy legible, clear and appealing. So, every typography artist will have their own unique design and method of self-expression. Dave’s art is colorful, simple, and visually attractive at the same time, drawing viewers in with the giant letters and inspiring messages.

Typography plays a crucial role in marketing, as it directly impacts how your message is perceived by your audience. A well-thought-out typography strategy enhances the readability and clarity of your content, making it easier for potential customers to engage with your brand.

In today’s digital landscape, responsive web design has become essential, ensuring that typography looks impeccable across various devices and screen sizes. By utilizing distinctive fonts and thoughtful layouts, brands can create an inviting atmosphere that draws users in, encouraging them to explore further and connect with the brand’s message.

Moreover, effective typography not only elevates aesthetic appeal but also helps convey brand identity and values. It allows for a unique style that reflects the essence of the brand, setting it apart from competitors.

Here’s his story on how he got into typography art and what he loves most about creating it.

Graphic Designer Creates the Most Unique Typography Art

“I’m a graphic designer by trade. I’ve been practicing graphic design for 25 years, but I’ve always been looking for an outlet for self-expression. Lots of things inspire me – graphic design inspires me, typography, architecture,” Dave says.

“I began the art I create around about 2013, influenced by a large graffiti pen. I saw it on a design blog and I’ve been experimenting with that technique ever since. I create because, you know, I have a desire to express things I like. I work in the creative industry, I work with large clients, and creatively, you can’t be as adventurous as you might like to be.”

Many people find that they’re not fully satisfied with their careers for different reasons. Some want more freedom, flexibility, or autonomy, while others desire to create from the heart. Artistic types, especially, find the nine to five lifestyle too rigid and monotonous for their tastes. Luckily, Dave has been able to experience the best of both worlds.

“I find my personal projects help me loosen up the frustrations. And the joy and love I get from creating art then translates back into the commercial work. The discipline of meeting deadlines helps me in the art as well,” he says.

Dave Brings Positivity into His Artwork

He’s always looking for new ways to level up his creations and break new boundaries. Currently, he sells his typography art through his website and at solo shows occasionally. His original artwork displays uplifting messages such as “Love,” “Joy,” “Hope,” and “Dream.” It’s always nice to see an artist use their platform to bring positivity into the world!


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“Something I can’t live without in my studio: masking tape. It just helps the process so much. I suppose the things that motivate me are to see how far I can push the art and the technique. I’ve got some large-scale work that I’m in the middle of at the moment. I gain new experience and I’m learning all the time, and being outside of your comfort zone is always good,” Dave says.

Dave proves that you can still follow your passions while holding down a “normal” job. Many people have turned their hobbies into careers, but keep their 9-5 until things start taking off. In the meantime, they create art on the side and find that this brings balance to a hectic schedule.  Plus, being able to share your creative works with others makes the process even more fulfilling.

“Posting things on social media and getting a positive feedback gives you encouragement to keep on posting, to keep on doing more. My advice to people starting out is to not procrastinate, just do what you have planned,” Dave says.

He added that it’s better to create something and realize you could improve than never try at all.

“You learn by doing things, that’s the most simple advice I could give you. Just keep on doing it!”


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Typography Tips for Beginners

Do you want to become a typography artist? If so, make sure to follow these tips for getting started.

  1. Master your understanding of fonts. Fonts are broken into font families, or sets of fonts with a common appearance. By studying various fonts, it will help you understand how to use them in your work.
  2. Stick with a few fonts. You don’t want to create art with too many fonts, as it can be distracting for viewers. Your pieces will have more unity and clarity if you use three or fewer fonts.
  3. Practice “kerning.” This involves creating space around letters to make fonts more visually appealing. Some fonts have letters closer together, which makes it harder to read in some cases.
  4. Understand typographic hierarchy. If you’re creating typography with multiple words, you’ll want to establish a logical content order. For example, the header should include the main message, and the subheader should provide further explanation. The body would include details and bring the message home for the reader.
  5. Use layers. Compare and contrast colors and illustrations to make your typography captivating. This may include contrasting black and white, gray and color, or words with photography, patterns and other graphics.
  6. Practice with stencils. Remember those from your childhood? Stencils make it easy to stay inside the lines and create uniformity in your lettering. It’s also a great way to practice with different font styles and designs.
  7. Create your own style. Most importantly, don’t focus on what other people are doing. Keep practicing until you’ve gotten into your groove and feel comfortable with typography. Then, keep building on that and learn as you go. Have fun and enjoy the journey!


Final Thoughts on Man Who Creates Amazing Typography Art

Dave, a graphic designer, decided to try his hand at typography and inspires many with his positive messages. He’s won multiple awards for his art and loves getting involved in new projects that test his limits. Typography isn’t just words on a paper – it’s an art form that can help convey powerful messages. Font, colors, and design all play a role in the perception of the message.

Anyone can get started with typography, especially if you have a message you want to share with the world. Whether you enjoy graphic design, hand lettering, painting, sculptures, or anything in between, there’s something out there for everyone!

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