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20 Ways to Become a Positive Role Model for Children

The generation of tomorrow is molded by the adults of today. If you want your children and those around you to succeed, you must set an example. Being a positive role model is not an easy job, especially when considering your kids are always watching you.

They see you when you’re upset and tell off the clerk at the grocery store, and they’re watching when you tell that little white lie to your boss. The best thing you can do for the future generation is to set a good example for them to follow. After all, you do want to shape your children’s future positively.

Twenty Ways to Become a Positive Role Model for Children

You have a big responsibility to mold and shape the world’s future, but it can all begin with the little things you do each day. Here are some ways to be a positive role model, and many you will do without even noticing.

1. A Positive Role Model Is an Excellent Listener

Sure, you’re busy, and there are not enough hours in the day. However, it would help if you make time for those important to you. Take a moment out of your busy day to listen and truly hear and understand what these little ones say to you.

If you brush them off in haste, they will think that’s an acceptable way to communicate. There’s nothing more important than your kids, so give them a little bit of your time.

positive role model

2. A Positive Role Model Understands Expressing Affection

Never let one day go by that you don’t tell your children how much you love them. Even if you’re not an overly emotional person, they need to hear that you care about them. Sure, they already know, but there’s something powerful about speaking it to your kids that makes a difference.

3. Encourage Them

Often, adults look at a child’s problems and feel they’re not significant. However, their minor issues are massive in their life. Take time to encourage your child when they’re down, and never downplay their problems.

Just like you, sometimes they need someone who will pat them on the back and tell them to keep going. Don’t ever trivialize their issues as they’re just as important as yours.

4. Positive Role Models Should Be Optimistic About Life

Your children will mirror your emotions, and they can feel when you’re full of negativity and downtrodden. It’s up to you to remain positive to set the tone for your home. Sure, you had a bad day at work, you’re exhausted, and you wish you could run away on occasion, but you can’t ever let your children see these things.

Instead, they need to a see a parent that doesn’t stop no matter what life throws at them, and they will learn to mimic these actions.

5. Watch Your Tone

Your tone means everything when it comes to being a positive role model. Never yell at your children or use a hateful tone with them, as it’s offensive. You can say the same sentence with a different tone, and it will have a whole different meaning.

6. Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Do your children see you eating a well-balanced diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep; then they will think these are good habits for life. However, if they see you binging on junk food, lying on the couch for hours, and not getting out and enjoying Mother Nature, they will think this is the way of life. Bad habits are learned, and you need to show your kids positivity by living healthy.

7. Be Involved in Their Life

Be an active part of your children’s life. If there’s a play they’re involved in at school, you need to be there. Show up for the little things, and when the roles reverse, they will be there for you. Parents always wonder where the years went with their kids.

However, as grown adults, your kids won’t stray too far from you if you show up for them when they’re younger.

8. Be a Positive Role Model by Setting Goals

As adults, you set goals every day, but you should learn to set them as a family. Children need to see you crushing your goals so they can learn the value of reaching your dreams.

There’s no reason they can’t set goals and things they aspire to be and knock them out of the park. Their age doesn’t matter, as they can become goal-oriented early on.

9. Never Give in to Peer Pressure

Even adults face challenges and peer pressure. However, remember your children are watching you. They won’t forget those times when you do less than honorable things. Make sure you stand up for yourself and don’t fall for anything.

10. Live a Moral Life

Being a moral person is an excellent way to spread positivity to your kids. If they see you smoking, using excessive alcohol, and engaging in other harmful things, they will think this is acceptable behavior.

positive role model

11. Never Raise a Hand to Them

According to studies conducted by Harvard University, spanking your child can have detrimental effects. Not only can it make them more prone to developing mental illness, but it can also affect their mental development. Some experts say that spanking is an adult temper tantrum. Learn to discipline your child without resorting to violent measures.

12. Have Fun and Smile Often

Your kids might remember how hard of a worker you were during their youth, but they will more so remember the times you had fun with them. Never miss the opportunity to laugh with your kid. The world is hard enough, but they need to see you smile, laugh, and enjoy life.

13. Be Present in the Moment

What does being present mean to your child? It means that they will learn from you how to live each day to the fullest. They will learn to tune out the negativity of the world around them and enjoy the freshly bloomed bush outside their window.

They will notice the bird in the tree singing a beautiful song. One of the most incredible things you can do for your children is teaching them to be present.

14. Be a More Positive Role Model by Displaying Kind ness

When you show compassion to others, your children are watching. When you volunteer at a food pantry, buy a meal for a homeless person, or take gifts to a child who wouldn’t have a Christmas, your kids are watching. When you’re kind to others, they will see that this is an acceptable way to live life.

15. Don’t Go Overboard

Some parents want to be a good example so severely that they go overboard with their attempts. While you need to be conscious of your efforts, you must keep things in perspective. You don’t want to smother your children with lessons while trying to be a positive role model and come across as fake.

16. Show Them Stability

While children want your love and affection, having stability in their life is of the utmost importance. According to How to Adult, they state that it’s been discovered that stability is the backbone of a child’s life through research. A lack of structure can cause behavioral issues, anxiety, and health concerns when there’s a lack of structure.

17. Be a Positive Role Model by Displaying and Encouraging Good Behavior

When your kids do something good, praise them for it. When they get a good grade on a stern test, reward them. There’s nothing wrong with rewarding good behavior and punishing evil. However, it’s better to make a big deal about those shining moments as they will outshine all those that aren’t so good.

18. Mentor Them

Remember that your goal is to raise your kids to be good human beings. Why not take them to work with you on occasion? Let them see what you do and how you interact in the business world to get a sense of life after graduation.

19. Be Honest

It’s easy to tell children things to get them to quiet down or get them to let you have peace. However, you must be honest with them above all else. Never let your children think it’s acceptable to lie to those you love.

20. Walk the Walk as You Grow Into a Positive Role Model

Above all else, make sure you practice what you preach. Don’t show them that you say one thing and do another. You must walk the walk if you expect them to do the same.

positive role model

Final Thoughts on Being a Positive Role Model for Children

Being a good role model is essential to your children and the children around you. Family members like aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents have a crucial role in developing a child. Molding the future generation is not easy, but the job becomes much easier when everyone works together.

A positive role model is in tune with their limits and strengths. They’re not afraid to be vulnerable, but they also know how to shine. They are never too busy to listen and communicate with a little one, and they’re always there with a smile and helping hand.

Children learn more about you by observing rather than hearing you tell them what to do. Make sure your example is consistent and unwavering. Just remember that those little eyes and ears are watching and listening the next time you start to lose your cool.

20 Fiber-rich Foods That Improve Gut Health

Everyone is concerned about getting enough protein and healthy fats that fiber often pales in comparison. However, it’s time that it gets the attention it richly deserves. Fiber-rich foods are essential because they’re a type of carb that your body cannot digest, so it doesn’t turn to sugar.

Instead, it goes through the digestion process and aids in gut health. Your body cannot digest this complex carb, so its only benefit is to provide pure nutrition to your system. If you don’t have regular bowel movements, your doctor will tell you to increase your fiber intake.

However, these foods have many other benefits than just helping your gut. They can improve your blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and help to keep heart disease at bay. If your body doesn’t get the fiber content it needs, you can have constipation and nutritional deficiencies.

You can find fiber in many foods at your local farmer’s market or grocery store, but you need to ensure you’re getting the right kind. First, there’s soluble fiber. This type is the kind you dissolve in water and drink.

It helps you slow down the digestive process and assists in getting rid of the bad cholesterol in your body. Insoluble fiber is the one that keeps things flowing nicely through your colon and bowels. It gives some bulk to your stools and helps them exit the body quickly.

Are You Getting Enough Fiber?

Many folks don’t know how much fiber they need, and you must be careful because too much can pack on the pounds. This is especially true if you’re consuming wheat bread to get your fiber intake. According to Web MD, women need around 25 grams of fiber each day, while men need 38.

It’s alarming to consider that only around five percent of the people in this country are getting enough fiber-rich foods in their diet. People here are more concerned with eating tacos, burgers, or fries rather than fueling their system with what it needs. If you’re relying on packaged foods to get your proper intake, then you will fall short every time.

It concerns since processed foods are higher in fat, sugar, calories, sodium and have a relatively low fiber content. So, if you’re hoping your processed foods and the local eatery is giving you what you need, you’re not going to have sufficient amounts of fiber for good gut health.

fiber-rich foods

Fiber-rich Foods to Improve Gut Health

It’s not difficult to add more fiber to your diet, and you don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy health foods either. You can alter your eating habits to include fiber-rich foods with both soluble and insoluble types. As you start this journey on becoming a healthier you with improved gut health, you need to remember to go slow.

It can upset your digestive system if you add too much fiber in too quickly. Some might say it will backfire. You should start with 1-2 servings a day, or you can experience painful gas, diarrhea, or even constipation.

Here are twenty foods you can add to your shopping list that taste great and give you the fiber content you need.

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are undoubtedly delicious, and with a fiber content of around three grams per cup, it’s an excellent option. You can eat them raw or include them in a delicious fruit smoothie. You can’t forget that they’re also packed with vitamins and give you a boost of necessary vitamin C.

2. Artichokes

Artichokes are an acquired taste, but they can easily be added to a sandwich or made into a dip. Just half a cup of this vegetable will give you five grams of fiber. Vegetables are great for having hidden fiber that’s so beneficial to you.

3. Ground Flax Seeds

Make sure you get ground flax as you won’t get the benefits from whole seeds, as your body can’t digest it. You can add these tiny seeds to your yogurt, cereal, or even a salad. You will get one gram of fiber per tablespoon.

4. Apples

There are many apples, but they generally have around the same fiber content. Apples are so versatile that you can do almost anything with them, including eating them with some healthy, natural peanut butter. You will get five grams of fiber just by consuming one large apple.

5. Quinoa

One cannot mention fiber-rich foods without talking about quinoa. It’s an excellent substitute for rice, and it goes well with soups or in a stir fry. It has around five grams of fiber per cup.

6. Barley

Barley is undoubtedly one of the best fiber-rich foods, with almost six grams per cup. Use it instead of rice, and you will stay satisfied longer and have better gut health.

7. Chia Seeds

When it comes to fiber-rich foods, the chia seed reigns supreme. They have around ten grams for two tablespoons. They will help balance your blood sugar as well as fill you up. Plus, they’re so small and have little to no taste that you can add them to anything.

8. Garbanzo Beans

Garbanzo beans are another food that you need to add to your diet. They often don’t get the credit they deserve. They have nine grams of fiber per cup, and they taste fantastic in just about any dish you desire.

9. Oats

Oats are one of the most versatile foods around. You can make delicious muffins or eat them in a bowl with cinnamon and pecans.

One surprising fact about this whole grain is that it has both fiber types. Another good point is that you will get four grams of fiber in a half cup of oats.

10. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter goes great with anything. With over one gram of fiber per tablespoon, it makes it a good option. You can have a peanut butter sandwich, eat it with an apple, or whip up some healthy cookies. Just make sure you choose an all-natural or no-sugar-added variety.

fiber-rich foods

11. Collard Greens

Add some collard greens to your sandwich wrap or as a side with your favorite meal. It’s a wise investment in your gut health with a fiber content of nearly six grams per cup.

12. Green Peas

Peas have around nine grams of fiber per cup, and they can be made into a soup, added to a salad, or served by themselves. Be careful, though, because this one does have a higher sugar content than most veggies.

13. Turnip Greens

Okay, they’re not as popular as some greens, but they’re a good choice. They have five grams of fiber per cup, and they do have a flavorful taste that you need to try.

14. Pears

Pears may shock you with seven grams of fiber for each one, but they’re a delicious way to obtain better gut health. Think of all the fantastic things you can do with pears.

15. Raspberries

These little red wonders pack a fiber punch. With eight grams per cup, they’re one delicious way to get your fiber intake. Plus, they’re so versatile you can think of many ways to use them.

16. Brussels Sprouts

These spouts are vegetables that don’t get near the credit they deserve. While they have a mere two grams of fiber for a half-cup serving, they have a fantastic taste.

17. Almonds

According to Living Nutz, instead of reaching for an over-the-counter pain reliever for your headache, grab a handful of almonds instead. The high fiber content, nearly 18 grams per cup, is not only filling but has anti-inflammatory agents that can calm your aching head. You can even use them as grains by grinding them into powdery flour.

18. Spinach

Spinach has about four grams of fiber per cup, but it’s loaded with tons of vitamins that your system needs. It’s low in carbs and can be used 1,000 different ways.

19. Lentils

Lentils have a super high fiber content with nearly 16 grams in a cup, and they can be added as a filling to just about anything. Why not add them to soups, salads, or have a bowl by themselves?

20. Avocadoes

Avocado toast, anyone? When you enjoy this green fruit, you’re getting a fiber boost along with a nice serving of healthy fats. In fact, you will enjoy ten grams of fiber in just one cup of this green wonder.

fiber-rich foods

Final Thoughts on Fiber-rich Foods to Improve Gut Health

Fiber-rich foods are an essential part of your diet. If you have diabetes or need better gut health, it’s the best option around. When you fuel your body with delicious grains, you’re increasing your heart health as well as preventing disease.

So many people want to take a supplement to mask poor eating habits. Nature provides all you need to stay happy and healthy, but it requires making better choices. Sure, fiber-rich foods don’t taste as impressive as burgers and fries, but they can be flavorful and delicious with a bit of creativity and some good recipes.

10 Science-Proven Benefits of Meditating Every Day

Meditating has been a revered practice for thousands of years in the East. It’s only become popular in the West in the last few decades. Today, people all over the world are discovering the benefits of meditating.

No doubt you’ve heard of the ancient practice or know someone who meditates. The more you learn, the more you’ll want to do it. You don’t need any special tools or an entire room to devote to your practice. All you need is an open mind and about 10-15 minutes of quiet time.

Ten Science-Proven Benefits of Meditating Every Day

While many religious traditions such as Buddhism and Hinduism include meditating, the practice is more than just spiritual. When you meditate, you may have better health physically and boost your mental health. Here are ten science-proven benefits of meditation for you to consider.

1. Meditating Every Day Helps Control Pain

If you battle chronic pain, you know how miserable it can make you feel. Meditation helps you release bothersome thoughts and focus on being present in the moment. Although the practice may not alleviate the pain, it can help you feel more relaxed and lower your pain sensitivity.

An article published by the Cleveland Clinic suggests that meditating can stimulate your brain to produce endorphins. These chemicals are natural pain relievers that relax your muscles and joints. The result is that you may feel less pain.

meditating every day

2. Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is linked to several severe conditions like heart disease and strokes. The good news is that not only can meditating lower your risks of cardiovascular disease, but it can reduce stress. You can also see lower blood pressure readings as you decrease your stress levels.

Sitting quietly in a meditative state calms your mind and body, thus lowering your pulse. A slower vibration can bring down your blood pressure. Sometimes, the sense of peace and relaxation is almost instantaneous.

3. Lengthens Attention Span

Multitasking is the buzzword for this modern world. It’s a skill that almost everyone wants to highlight on their resumes. While you may do more work for a while, you may notice a shorter attention span in the long run.

Meditating every day helps you learn to focus and release wandering thoughts. According to a study published by Frontiers in Psychology, the practice may improve your attention span. You’ll be attentive to the task at hand and maybe more productive.

4. Meditating Every Day Helps to Improve Sleep Quality

Do you often feel like a zombie when you awaken in the morning? The swirling brain fog may not lift until late morning and a pot of coffee later. Maybe it’s because you’re not getting enough quality sleep.

Among the benefits of meditative practice is training your mind and body to relax. You can have a meditative session before you go to bed. You’ll be in a more relaxed state, and you’re more apt to get some revitalizing sleep.

If you toss and turn at night, you needn’t stay awake and watch the clock. Consider meditating instead of counting sheep. It will allow your mind to relax so you can get back to dreamland.

After practicing for a while, you may notice that you have more energy in the day. It’s probably because you sleep better, and meditating can increase your endorphin production. Endorphins increase the blood flow to your brain, so you get an energy and mood boost.

5. Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss

As you get older, it’s common to become a little forgetful on occasion. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll develop Alzheimer’s or dementia in later years. However, age-related memory loss can be frustrating when it disrupts your daily routines.

According to an article published by JPND Research, meditating and listening to music may help reverse early memory loss in adults. No wonder why so many people often pair their practice with soothing music. The article also mentions that meditating may boost your cognitive skills.

6. Meditating Every Day Enhances Self-Awareness

As you age, you’re constantly discovering more about who you are as a person. One of the most rewarding benefits of meditating is boosting your self-awareness. You become more mindful of each breath and realize that you’re more than just your thoughts.

Meditating daily helps you appreciate life more by enjoying each moment. You’re more aware of your thoughts and feel your emotions to the core. The practice enhances your connection with your higher self and those around you.

meditating every day

7. Reduces Depression & Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are some of the most common mental illnesses. Statistics published by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America say that at least 40 million Americans have an anxiety disorder. At least half of these people have also been diagnosed with depression. Anxiety can also be co-diagnosed with ADHD and eating disorders.

Have you been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, depression, or both? You may wonder how to get through these horrible conditions. Dwelling in the past can lead to depression, and if you’re chronically worrying about the future, it can cause anxiety.

Meditating encourages you to live fully in the present, and it helps to reduce these disorders.

8. Meditating Every Day Can Boost Your Positive Energy

Think about an appliance you must plug into an electrical outlet. If you connect it to a faulty circuit, it will not work correctly. In fact, it could eventually short out and need a replacement.

Likewise, your energy depends on the polarity of your source. If you constantly surround yourself with negative people and situations, you’ll attract more of the same. This “faulty circuit” can keep you concealed in a shroud of negative energy.

Boosting your positive energy is another one of the benefits of meditating. You practice releasing negative thoughts and cultivating positive ones. It allows you to use the law of attraction and boost your positive energy.

9. May Help You Overcome Addiction

It’s easy for a non-addicted person to cast judgment on those addicted, but those who find themselves with this problem want better health. They glibly suggest that the person has no willpower and needs to stop the self-destructive behaviors. As any former addict will tell you, it’s not that simple.

It wasn’t until the last few decades that addictions such as alcoholism and drug addiction were classified as diseases. Addictions may come in substance abuse, such as alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. People can also be addicted to food, gambling, shopping, and even video gaming.

Anything that controls you to the point of affecting your life is an addiction. Fortunately, there’s help to kick the habit, no matter what it is. One of the benefits of meditating is to help recover from addiction. An article published by Psychology Today says it can help identify emotional attachments and help people release them.

Plus, meditating each day can help you cultivate compassion and forgiveness for others and yourself. It’s a step-in addiction recovery that many find the most difficult. The 12-step program motto of living for today resonates with the principles of meditating.

10. Meditating Every Day Increases Resilience

To better understand the concept of resilience, consider the Great Pyramids of Egypt. For thousands of years, they have survived intense heat and drought. They’ve been assaulted by savage sandstorms and endured countless looters and centuries of vandalization.

Yet, they stand as a testament to the resilience of Egyptian history and ingenuity. A person isn’t resilient because they’ve never experienced pain and loss. Instead, they use these hurts as a tool to build resilience and continue their zeal for life.

Benefits of meditating include learning how to be more resilient. The practice doesn’t change a painful situation, but it may help you feel differently about it. You bolster strength and courage that you never realized you had.

Will it turn your heart to rubber, and everything will bounce off it? No, but better equip your psyche to deal with life’s problems. You’ll get a better sense of the “big picture” and how this situation fits into your destiny.

Creating Sacred Space to Meditate and Reflect

Start enjoying the benefits of meditating by finding a quiet spot in your home. It can be a spare room or even a corner in your bedroom. Feel free to play soft music or light candles and incense in your sacred space.

Try to spend at least fifteen to twenty minutes a day meditating in your space. Gradually, you’ll get used to releasing invasive thoughts and focusing on the moment. You may keep a journal to help you along the way in your practice.

meditating every day

Final Thoughts on Science-Proven Benefits of Meditating Every Day

You needn’t devote hours of sitting to reap the benefits of meditating. Be patient and compassionate as you develop your mindfulness skills. Soon, you may be noticing a positive change in your attitude and general well-being, as well as your mental health.

10 Lower Back Pain Exercises for Instant Relief

There’s nothing quite like the sting of lower back pain. The root cause can be vast, but the most common reason people fight this discomfort is that they have poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle. Fortunately, these lower back pain exercises can give you fast relief. So if you sit in an office chair all day, it can wreak havoc on your spinal column.

Pinched nerves and twisted vertebrae can cause agony that lingers. According to the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Dr. Joseph Gjolaj, poor posture causes your core muscles to be weak. However, when you strengthen this vital area, it can help to reduce or alleviate the pain in the lower back region.

So, the key is to find various core strengthening exercises that can help you reinforce that region. If you’re considering resistance training, it’s a great way to work out, but it’s not as effective at pain relief as core strengthening. What’s the difference?

Well, core strengthening helps you increase the blood flow to the affected area. You know the importance if you have issues with the sciatic nerve. When the body sends more blood to a region, it helps to promote healing, as your blood is full of white blood cells that attack inflammation.

Ten Lower Back Pain Exercises for Instant Relief

The good news is that you don’t need an expensive gym membership or fancy equipment to start the healing journey. You can start by doing some simple lower back pain exercises to help with core strengthening right at home. Here are a few to consider.

lower back pain exercises

1. Supine Transversus Abdominis Bracing

The transverse abdominis muscles are stimulated by stiffening your abs and pulling your belly button inward and upwards in the direction of your spine. For instance, you must preferably brace your abs before any significant lift for safety. Before crouching, you naturally contract your abs to get ready for physical activity.

•Start by lying on your back in a comfortable place.

•You want to bend your knees slightly, but make sure you keep your feet flat on the floor.

•You want to place your fingers around the hip bone area on your stomach.

•Now, pull your navel up and in the direction of your spine. If done correctly, you should feel your abs tighten with these movements.

•Strive to hold this stance for five seconds, then take a breather and relax.

•You need to do two sets of ten to complete this task. If done correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in this region.

2. Side Plank – On Knees

You’ll feel like you’re getting a full-body workout in with just this one exercise, but it’s one of the best lower back pain exercises around. Not only will you be working your hip, back, and stomach areas, but you will also get some strengthening in your shoulder muscles.

The key is not to let your hips or shoulders sag during these movements, or it won’t be as productive.

•Lay on the ground on your side.

•Your weight should be propped up on one forearm. Keep your knees bent slightly as you ensure your elbow is aligned underneath your shoulder.

•Now you want to get those abs working. Raise your hips till you come into the traditional side plank position. Make sure your knees are on the ground.

•You want to hold the position for 20-30 seconds, then bring your body back to the original post. Now, repeat on the other side.

•You should strive to do four reps on each side for a complete set.

3. Plank with Hands on the Table

While this is a relatively easy maneuver, you must keep your back straight while tightening your abs. Also, make sure the table you use is secure as you will be putting your weight against it.

•Face the table, and place both of your hands flat on it.

•Put your weight onto the table, but make sure you keep your arms straight.

•Now, you want to walk your feet backward until you reach the plank position.

•Do this 3-5 times and hold the position for 20-30 seconds.

4. Abdominal Crunch

The classic abdominal crunch is a go-to if you need something to help with sciatic nerve pain. It’s a fundamental maneuver you can build on to improve your lower back pain exercises routine.

•Lie flat on the ground.

•Place your feet on a wall in front of you.

•You need to keep your abdominal muscles clenched and keep your knees and hips at a 90-degree angle.

•Slowly lift your head and shoulders slightly off the ground.

•Hold for three seconds.

•Go back down to the ground and repeat.

*Note that some find it easier to cross their arms over their chest when they come up to avoid straining.

5. Superman

If you have a pinched nerve, this is the exercise for you. It can help with that agonizing sciatica pain.

• Lie on the floor on your stomach.

•Get a small pillow to put under your hips to provide extra support to the back region.

•Tighten your abdominals as hard as you can.

•Now, raise your left arm off the floor. Try to hold for two to three breaths.

•Alternate arms, and now do your right one.

•Now, do the same thing with your legs.

6. Segmental Rotation

The lower trunk rotation will help activate those core muscles and sharpen them. By doing this exercise, you can learn to stretch your trunk muscles and decrease any abnormal tone in the area. It would be best if you keep your shoulders on the ground during this maneuver.

•Start by lying on the ground on your back.

•Your arms must go out to your sides and flat on the floor.

•Make sure your knees are bent slightly, and you must keep your feet flat on the ground.

•Now, turn your head to the left as you drop your knees to the right. Your head and knees go in opposite directions.

•If you’re doing this right, only one spinal segment should move at a time. So, you need to make sure you’re going slow.

•Next, you want to bring your legs back to the midline area, and as you move your legs, tighten your abdominal muscles.

•Now, switch and move your knees to the left and your head to the right.

•Strive to do ten repetitions, five on each side.

7. Quadruped

If you need lower back pain exercises, segmental rotation is a great way to help bring strength to your core.

•Start by getting on your hands and knees.

•Your hands need to be below your shoulders but in alignment with your head.

•Lift your left arm off the floor and reach ahead of you.

•Hold for two to four breaths and lower the arm back to the starting position.

•Now, do the same with your right arm.

•Switch and lift each leg and hold for two or four breaths.

•Repeat the lift with each limb for three sets.

8. Squat (Using Counter for Support)

Many folks have trouble squatting because they have nothing to support their balance. However, using the counter is an excellent way to do this and helps to strengthen your core.

•Start by facing the countertop and place your hands on it. It would be best if you keep your feet spread wide.

•Now, get into the squat position, where you bend your knees. You should be at a 90-degree angle if done correctly.

•You want to press hard on your feet and then return to the standing position.

•Repeat this maneuver by doing three sets of ten.

9. Heel Touches

This is the exercise if you’re a beginner who needs to develop a good form.

•Lie down on the ground flat on your back.

•Keep your feet flat on the ground, and you want to make sure that your heels align with the front of the knee.

•Your lower back should remain flat, and your core muscles tightened.

•Come up into the crunch position and reach the back of your heels. Tap them with your hands and come back down.

•Repeat this maneuver ten times, and you should feel your core working hard during these sets.

10. Bent Knee Fallout

The bent knee fallout is a fantastic exercise for those who like Pilate’s style workouts. It can help you in time develop your pelvic stability. Additionally, it can help you learn to move your legs without your torso following, which can help with hip pain as you age.

•Start by lying on your back.

•Keep your knees bent, and make sure your feet don’t leave the floor.

•Now it’s time to get the abs moving. You want to pick a knee and move it down to the floor.

•Then, move that knee back to the starting position.

•Now, move the other knee to the ground.

•Keep rotating back and forth between legs until you’ve done three sets for each leg with ten reps.

Final Thoughts on Lower Back Pain Exercises

Many say that movement is medicine for the body, and by doing a few lower back pain exercises, you will find it’s true. Having any bodily ache can inhibit your quality of life. Using a few of these exercises can help relieve things like pinched nerves and sciatica.

10 Red Flags That Reveal Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Passive-aggressive behavior is something that you or anyone else will undoubtedly use at some point in your life. However, when you make these manners part of your regular conduct, it’s a cause for alarm. Being in a relationship with this type of narcissist is no picnic, and you will undoubtedly play into their many games that keep you questioning your sanity.

You may be confused on the exact definition of a passive-aggressive person, as it’s not a mental health diagnosis but more of a grouping of behaviors. According to Psychology Today, this person has a pattern of indirectly showing harmful reactions to situations rather than addressing things openly.

According to the National Library of Medicine, someone who displays passive-aggressive tendencies has a type of personality disorder that little is known about. Previously, this condition was included in the American Psychological Diagnostic Manual. However, the most current edition, the DSM-5, removed it.

The article further states that familial aggregation is almost always an underlying factor. While it’s a common problem, few studies and research are devoted to this area of mental illness for further understanding.

Red Flags of Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Do you know how to spot passive-aggressive behaviors, or perhaps, you’re guilty of using these tactics yourself? Rather than getting angry at a situation, you will use techniques to confuse or hurt the other person.

This person is the king/queen of denial, as they will become defensive should you accuse them of anything. Here are some of the common signs of this personality disorder.

passive-aggressive behavior

1. Passive-aggressive Behavior Shows That Someone Is Stubborn

The passive-aggressive narcissist is stubborn, moody, and may even express hostile behavior. It’s scarce that you will find one of these folks that aren’t sullen and argumentative. Sure, everyone acts this way on occasion, but they make it an everyday part of life.

The problem occurs when someone displays these behaviors continually whenever a situation they don’t like occurs. It’s undoubtedly a red flag. Keep in mind that no two people are going to agree with everything.

However, disagreement is not the issue. Instead, they won’t disagree straight to your face, as they would rather pout and play mind games to get their way. Their mouth says one thing but their actions another.

2. They Hold Grudges

Everyone feels resentful at various times in their lives. If you didn’t receive an invitation to a friend’s barbeque, then you might feel anger towards them for excluding you. These feelings are entirely normal, but most people get over them.

However, when someone is passive-aggressive, they will hold grudges indefinitely. They may refuse to ever go to this person’s home again because they didn’t invite them this one time. They don’t know the situation or the circumstances around this event, but they’ve cut them off from their life because they were offended.

3. They Use Silent Treatment as Punishment

Consider this scenario. Curtis is upset because his wife didn’t pay a bill and went shopping instead. He didn’t speak to her rather than talking about his feelings and getting things into the open. He refused to talk to her for over a week.

Day by day, they lived in the same home without a word between them. Finally, Curtis got over his anger and told her why he was so upset. Her financial irresponsibility had brought them in severe trouble too many times. A person with passive-aggressive tendencies wants to punish others for their actions or situations.

To get his point across, Curtis didn’t know how to discuss his feelings and tell his wife how angry he was, so he resorted to child-like behaviors.

4. They’re Undependable

The passive-aggressive person is not someone you can depend on. They often miss deadlines at work and use denial or the blame game to pin it on others. They have no regard for a schedule. In fact, they like to be fashionably late. They have 101 excuses and can’t seem to get anything done.

While this person can be lazy or a procrastinator, these often indicate passive-aggressive behaviors and an underlying mental illness that’s probably untreated.

5. They Use Backhanded Compliments

Did you know that people with narcissistic personality disorder are also passive-aggressive? The symptoms overlap a great deal, but one thing is for sure, it’s a toxic mix that you don’t want in your life. This person uses their efforts to destroy your self-esteem.

Now they’re not going to do anything directly, as they would work indirectly initially. Instead, they do things like these passive-aggressive behaviors:


•Play the blame game

•Give backhanded compliments

•Use other manipulative techniques

Backhanded compliments are commonplace, especially if there’s jealousy at the root. Assume a relative said to you, “I didn’t think you would ever amount to anything in life, but congratulations on your new home purchase.”

They were congratulating you for your purchase, but they made sure they put their little dig into the middle of it. If you hang around this person for too long, they will have you losing faith in yourself and your abilities.

6. They Subtly Insult People

Another classic passive-aggressive action is using too much cynicism and satire. Now everyone uses a little irony and sarcasm on occasion. However, the passive-aggressive difference is using it as a camouflage for their true feelings.

These people know exactly what they’re doing, and they would rather insult you than speak their true feelings. Consider Janelle and her family barbeque. She was happy to see everyone until a relative looked at her and asked if she had considered weight loss surgery.

Rather than telling the person that they hurt her feelings and shouldn’t ask such questions, she replied with “I will get weight loss surgery when you get a facelift for all those wrinkles.” It was a veiled attempt at humor with a little bit of sarcasm rolled in the mix.

7. They Have Major Jealousy Issues

The green-eyed monster is undoubtedly on display within the passive-aggressive behaviors. They feel inferior to the success of others, so they will use whatever possible to make you feel bad about yourself. For instance, if you just got married and they wanted to be in a relationship with you, they may spread vicious lies and try to break you up, so they can have another chance.

Their jealousy issues can drive you to the brink of insanity, as they will do anything in their power to get back at those who seem to get a leg up on them.

8. Passive-aggressive Behavior Often Reveals Hostility

Putting down others gives this person a feeling of power that they crave. They often take on a prominent role to feel dominant, and they will address you as a child. They’re critical of you and your ideas and don’t want you to do or say anything that might change this dynamic.

9. They Are Always the Victim

If you’re around this person for too long, you will learn that they want to play the victim card. Not only does it get them attention, but it can be used to manipulate a situation. This individual is not against exaggerating things or making up an illness to get you right where they want you.

Be careful, as this person might also have other underlying mental health disorders that can be a dangerous combination.

10. Complaining Goes Along With Passive-Aggressive Behavior

Someone who has a negative personality disorder often has many passive-aggressive behaviors. These conditions cause a person to be pessimistic and unable to see anything positive in their lives. It’s hard for you to be around them for too long, as they will constantly complain and never have anything nice to say.

Some folks use the word “grumbly” to describe their personality. The real issue is that they’re not happy at all with themselves, but they don’t know what to do to fix it. They would rather go around spreading their negativity all over the place and destroying everyone else’s mood.

passive-aggressive behaviors

Final Thoughts on Passive-Aggressive Behavior

The passive-aggressive person would instead act childish and use tactics to show their feelings rather than address them. There’s a significant disconnect between what the person says and what they do. On the outside, it seems that they agree with you, but they can sabotage things by spreading rumors, not being dependable, and missing deadlines.

The most common red flags of someone with passive-aggressive behaviors are not always easily detected. However, after spending time with them, you will see they have resentment issues, resist authority, make intentional mistakes they blame on others, have a negative or hostile attitude, and are moody.

These folks are not easy to be around, let alone be in a relationship with them. The American Psychological Association does not call passive-aggressive behavior a mental illness. However, many behaviors and features of this condition appear in the DSM-5 under other personality disorders. If you’re involved with someone who shows these passive-aggressive tendencies, you need a therapist and help to navigate this situation.

5 Causes of Cognitive Impairment (And How to Manage It)

Cognitive impairment is the slow and steady deterioration of someone’s mental function and faculty. This can involve difficulty in learning new things, making decisions, memory, and concentration. The severity of impairment differs from person to person. The most severe cases can cause someone to lose their ability to speak, write, or take care of themselves.

The CDC states that over 16 million individuals in the US have a form of cognitive impairment. For many, this involves Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and the number is only rising. With the irreparable, incurable nature of cognitive impairment and the high cost of treatment, people must focus on reducing their risk or managing their conditions.

There are many known causes of cognitive impairment. Those trying to lower their chances of the condition would do well to stay aware of any potential risk factors in their lives. And, if they are diagnosed with cognitive impairment, they’ll need to work hard to handle the complications that arise correctly. Here are five causes of cognitive impairment and three ways to manage them.

5 Causes of Cognitive Impairment

These five things can lead to reduced cognition.

cognitive impairment

1.      Metabolic Imbalance Can Cause Cognitive Impairment

Metabolic imbalances refer to any unusual features of the chemistry of someone’s blood. In some cases, these features are severe enough to affect everyday life. Instead, they are metabolic disorders. Regardless of severity, these metabolic issues may include:

  • Liver or kidney dysfunction that taints blood chemistry
  • Abnormal levels of calcium or sodium in the blood
  • Exposure to heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, manganese, or arsenic
  • Difficulty processing glucose and abnormal blood sugar levels
  • Hormonal issues, such as thyroid conditions, sex hormone imbalances, Cushing disease, and Addison disease
  • Nutritional deficiencies, especially B1, B12, protein, and pellagra deficiencies
  • Ingestion of poison
  • Substance abuse, such as severe alcohol consumption

Metabolic issues can cause decreased reasoning, thinking, and cognition, claim studies. These cognitive symptoms may be short-term or otherwise non-permanent. Cognitive impairment occurs when the effects become more permanent, which can even cause severe disorders like dementia.

2.      Psychiatric Conditions Contribute to Cognitive Impariment

Since they’re mental illnesses, it’s little surprise that cognitive impairment can result from psychiatric conditions. They also connect to late-life psychosis, paranoia, thinking issues, memory problems, and lack of concentration.

While the symptoms of most psychiatric conditions involve some degree of cognitive deficit, cognitive impairment is most common in disorders such as:

·         Schizophrenia

Studies prove that schizophrenia can present with multiple different types of cognitive impairment. This disorder has no prominent neuropsychological signature, so exact impairments exist across patients in various styles and severities. Common issues involve working memory, attention, general intelligence, verbal learning, verbal fluency, and executive function.

·         Bipolar Disorder

The exact details of cognitive impairment among those with bipolar disorder aren’t very well-understood. Still, research has shown that many patients with the condition experience various neuropsychological struggles. These struggles mainly involve long-term memory, attention, declarative function, and executive function.

·         Major Depressive Disorder

With the vast prevalence of depression across the globe, it’s certainly concerning that cognitive impairment often occurs in those who have had the disorder. Research has found that even after major depressive episodes, the cognitive deficits of depression continue to persist. Worse still, the more episodes someone has, the higher their risk of long-term cognitive impairment of a more severe degree.

·         Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is yet another prevalent psychiatric diagnosis, and its connections to cognitive impairment raise many concerns. Research shows that generalized anxiety disorder may have a worsened risk for future cognitive deficits. Those who have experienced the condition should monitor it as they age to identify the signs of cognitive impairment quickly.

3.      Damage To The Brain May Cause Cognitive Impariment

Since cognitive impairment has to do with the brain, it makes sense that direct damage to that organ can increase its risk. This damage may cause slow and steady impairment over time or may impart sudden, extreme changes in cognition. Causes in this vein include:

  • Head injuries (which may also cause more temporary cognitive deficits)
  • Brain neuron damage from injury, neurodegeneration, disorders like frontotemporal degeneration, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Lewy-Body
  • Vascular neuron damage, such as damage to the blood vessels that affects the brain, as is common in cerebral vessel diseases or after strokes
  • Infections that directly affect the cells in the brain
  • Delirium as a result of non-brain infections, such as urinary tract infections and pneumonia

4.     Cognitive Impariment Can Come from Medication

Medications often come with a laundry list of side effects. They may temporarily interfere with cognition as side effects, but some can have more lasting results, especially those already at risk. Common medications that cause this problem include:

·         Benzodiazepines

These medications assist those who have anxiety or insomnia. Few can deny that they work well, but they also cause habit formation that can increase the risk of dementia, say studies. As used for sleep and calming purposes, virtually all sedatives can harm the brain, which puts those who need medical aid for those functions in a tight spot.

·         Mood-stabilizers and Antipsychotics

These medications dampen the brain’s responses and sedate them to some degree, increasing the risk of cognitive decline. Ironically, many older adults with cognitive impairment take these medications to help to manage symptoms like psychosis and paranoia. However, it is a bit of a catch-22.

·         Anticholinergics

These medications are usually purchased over the counter as sleep aids, though a doctor can prescribe some. They work by blocking acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, to produce calming effects. Research has found a link between high usage of anticholinergics and Alzheimer’s risk.

cognitive impariment

·         Opiates For Pain

Opiates are not as severe in risk when promoting cognitive impairment, but long-term users could be putting themselves in harm’s way. To begin with, opiates already dampen one’s ability to think, so it’s easy to see how that can translate to further issues of that nature down the line. More studies must conclude before we know the effects with more certainty.

·         Other Prescription Sedatives

The trend here is evident – if it sedates you or calms you, it could harm your brain. Sedatives have to reduce your brain’s reactions to various stimuli by nature. When taken in excess or for a long time, sedatives can permanently change how your brain responds to different inputs.

If you’re worried that certain medications you’re taking may harm your brain or increase your risk of cognitive impairment, speak directly to your doctor about these worries. They may be able to give you medications that are safer or offer additional insight into your concerns. You should also never stop taking a drug suddenly without a doctor’s approval!

5.      The Connection Between Advancing Age and Cognitive Impariment

Age-related cognitive impairment is far from uncommon. It’s widespread, and studies have long shown how age affects cognition and brain function. Like most parts of the human body, the brain begins to slow down and experience a greater risk of disease as it ages.

This is why cognitive impairment is a significant concern for those aged 65 and above. Indeed, people of any age can still develop cognitive impairment, but those in their senior years are much more likely to face difficulties in this realm.

Worse still, in most cases, once you’re cognitively impaired, you can’t undo the damage. Your brain will likely continue to deteriorate as you age even more. You can only work on better managing the symptoms to slow their progress.

3 Ways To Manage Cognitive Impairment

How do you build brain health? Try these tricks.

1.      Train Your Brain

Like the rest of the human body, the brain needs to be flexed and strengthened with training. Studies show that brain training activities can help to boost cognitive function, even if it’s just a short-term boost. These methods can include:

  • Doing number, word, or space-awareness puzzles
  • Challenging yourself to learn something new or experience something novel
  • Regularly participating in various hobbies and activities that require prolonged focus and attention to detail
  • Exercising to get the body moving and develop better coordination
  • Meditating or performing a meditative practice, such as mindfulness, visualization, tai chi, or yoga

2.      Review Medications

Earlier, we discussed the many types of medication that could lead to cognitive impairment. This means that, once you’re diagnosed with an impairment issue, you’ll need to review the medicines you take to ensure none of them are worsening your problems. In the process, you should:

  • Discuss alternatives for sedative-related medications, as they’re the worst for your cognitive function.
  • Organize your medications so that you know you’re taking the right amount at the proper intervals. Cognitive impairment could make you forget how much you’ve taken.
  • Talk to a doctor about any over-the-counter medications that you’ve been taking.

When you receive new medication prescriptions, schedule follow-up doctor’s appointments a month after the change. You can check if you have worsened signs of impairment at the next meeting.

Research shows that medications, especially antipsychotic ones, are not always the best options for those with cognitive impairment. Behavioral issues may require a calmer, more organized environment instead of more drugs.

3.      Outline A Care Plan, If Necessary

In some cases, cognitive impairment is significant enough that additional aid is needed for the patient in question. Severe impairment can prevent someone from being able to take care of themselves. In that scenario, you must come up with a care plan.

It’s a good idea to ask a professional for help when determining a care plan. Doctors will provide you or your loved one with suitable recommendations for safety and health. If you’re doing it on your own, keep these tips in mind:

  • Determine what the cognitively impaired individual can do on their own. Everything that they’re unable to do will require external support.
  • List down potential avenues for support, be they family, friends, or hired staff.
  • Set a time frame for any planned activities, actions, and general goals. Create backup plans for what will happen if these time schedules fall apart.

cognitive impairment

Final Thoughts On Some Causes Of Cognitive Impairment And Ways To Manage Them

Cognitive impairment is a complex topic, and its effects are anything but easy to manage. Knowing how to address these issues is extremely important, with many potential causes for long-term, permanent impairment. So train the brain, ensure correct and healthy medication consumption, and develop a care plan if necessary.

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