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Whole Foods Market Just Revealed Cutting-Edge Checkout Technology

Whole Foods Market just opened its first U.S. store using Amazon’s innovative “Just Walk Out” technology. The advanced system tracks customers’ purchases while shopping, allowing them to skip checkout lines entirely. Customers scan into the store using their palm, debit card, or a QR code in their Amazon app.

Then, in-store sensors track their selections while they shop and add up the total cost of their basket. After finishing their shopping, they check out of the store the same way they checked in. However, shoppers can still pay for purchases at the self-checkout or customer service booth.

However, before diving into using such advanced systems, it’s wise to check reviews. For instance, visiting a website like can provide crucial insights into the effectiveness and reliability of this new technology. Reviews on such platforms often detail user experiences, potential issues, and overall satisfaction, helping consumers understand how well these technologies perform in practice.

The first Whole Foods Market to employ cutting-edge checkout technology is located in Washington, D.C. The massive 21,500-square-foot store in the Glover Park neighborhood will carry all the everyday products that customers would expect from Whole Foods. These include over 800 locally sourced products in addition to Whole Foods Market staples. The store will be staffed with Team Members in each department ready to answer questions and provide product recommendations.

Ever since Amazon bought Whole Foods in 2017, the company planned to upgrade the grocery experience with its technology. In 2020, Amazon opened their brick-and-mortar Fresh stores, utilizing the “Just Walk Out” technology.

The company also employs the checkout service at select Hudson stores, Resorts World Las Vegas, and the TD Garden area in Boston. Whole Foods Market also plans to open a second store equipped with “Just Walk Out” technology in Sherman Oaks, California, later this year.

How Whole Foods Market “Just Walk Out” Technology Works

whole foods market

Amazon’s Just Walk Out Technology utilizes advanced deep learning, sensor fusion, and computer vision to track customer purchases. These technologies work similarly to self-driving cars.

Cameras and sensors track customers’ movements in the store and create a virtual shopping cart throughout their experience. These sensors are placed under each item, and deep-learning software simultaneously analyzes shoppers’ selections to increase accuracy and predict patterns. Dozens of cameras also watch customers from overhead during their shopping experience.

It may sound a little dystopian, but Amazon and Whole Foods Market vow to protect customers’ privacy. They said the company wouldn’t use video surveillance and other Whole Foods customer information for advertising or its recommendation systems.

About Cashierless Technology

The Whole Foods Market cashierless technology makes shopping more convenient for customers since it eliminates checkout lines. Of course, customers can still check out the “old-fashioned” way at self-checkouts or the customer service booth.

For those opting into the “Just Walk Out” method, customers scan into the store at the entrance gates. They have three options to do this: scan the QR code in the Whole Foods Market or Amazon app, insert a credit or debit card linked to their Amazon account, or hover their palm using Amazon One.

However, anyone can shop at Whole Foods Market; they don’t need an Amazon account to buy groceries. Customers can enter the store through a separate gate labeled “pay at register.” After finishing their shopping, they pay for purchases at self-checkout lanes using debit cards, cash, prepaid cards, Whole Foods gift cards, EBT, or eWIC.

Customers who choose the cashierless checkout experience can sign up for Amazon One in less than a minute. Then, they insert a credit card linked to their Amazon account. Customers can enter and pay with their palms from that point forward.

Once they’re inside the store, customers can shop like usual. Team Members will assist them in departments that require additional services, such as the meat, cheese, or prepared foods counters. However, for items on the shelves, customers can place them in their basket, and in-store sensors will track their selections. If they put something back on the shelf, the technology removes it from their virtual cart.

After customers finish shopping and leave the store, those who opted for the Just Walk Out experience can view their receipt in the Whole Foods Market app. Of course, those who use self-checkout will receive a receipt in the store.

Future of Whole Foods Market Technology

Currently, Amazon wants to try out the advanced checkout technology as a pilot program in the D.C. and Sherman Oaks stores. For now, the company wants to see how customers will react and make adjustments if necessary. If it’s successful, perhaps they will expand the technology to other stores in the future.

They will employ a comparable number of Team Members in the two stores as existing Whole Foods Market stores. However, the employee roles will shift from cashiering and bagging to customer service. The Just Walk Out technology allows Team Members to provide a more personal, interactive experience for customers. However, the stores will offer a customer service booth with Whole Foods Market Team Members for shoppers who want to check out the “old school” way.

Amazon Prime members who shop at these Whole Foods Market stores can still enjoy discounts on select items in addition to 10% off sale items.

It’s unclear what the future of the Just Walk Out technology holds. The company will monitor the two pilot stores to see how customers like the experience. It may seem a bit impersonal, but it’s hard to ignore the convenience factor. After all, no one likes standing in long lines to pay for groceries.

whole foods market

Final Thoughts on New Whole Foods Market Checkout Technology

Whole Foods Market recently launched its first cashierless store in Washington D.C.’s Glover Park neighborhood. The advanced checkout technology allows customers to scan in and out of the store using their palm or Amazon app. They can then shop as usual while in-store sensors track their purchases. The receipt shows up in their Amazon account two to three hours after the shopping experience.

Customers who don’t want to use the Just Walk Out method can still pay in the store. So, you don’t need an Amazon account to buy groceries at these stores. Would you shop at these Whole Foods Market stores? Let us know in the comments.

Ukrainian Newlyweds Fight to Defend Their Country

Ukrainian newlyweds Yaryna Arieva and Sviatoslav Fursin decided to take up arms and defend their country just hours after saying, “I do.” Their marriage ceremony wasn’t exactly what they had envisioned months before. They had initially planned to tie the knot on May 6 and celebrate at a restaurant overlooking a beautiful river.

However, when Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a military assault on Ukraine, their plans quickly changed. Their future suddenly seemed very uncertain, so they wanted to get married while they still could. With the sounds of air raid sirens and bombs exploding in the background, the couple wed in a traditional Ukrainian wedding at Kyiv’s St Michael’s monastery.

Ukrainian Newlyweds Fight to Defend Their Country

When the ceremony ended, they went to the local Territorial Defense Center and asked how they could help defend their country. Government officials gave them AK-47 assault rifles and other armor to join the fight against the Russian invasion. While this wasn’t their ideal honeymoon, the couple couldn’t just leave during an attack on their country.

In an interview with CNN, Arieva described the situation as “very scary,” an understatement. Russian forces began invading Ukraine on February 24, a few hours before dawn, with missile attacks. Since then, the military has spread into eastern and central Ukraine, attacking significant cities such as Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Odesa.

At first, the Russian army only targeted military bases and airfields. However, videos have shown them also striking civilian areas to quell Ukrainian resistance and slow the military’s advancements. Tragically, many innocent people have been injured or lost their lives during the invasion. Some civilians have taken shelter in underground subway stations, which also double as bomb shelters.

Arieva and Fursin don’t regret their decision despite the imminent danger of staying behind. Arieva told CNN that they want to protect their land and the people they love. They hope for peace and the chance to celebrate their marriage someday, but for now, their duty lies with their country.

Ukrainian Newlyweds Display Great Courage

Many people have commended their courage after coming across their pictures on social media. Other Ukrainian citizens have also decided to stay behind and defend their land. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy asked all men aged eighteen to sixty to help fight Russian forces and protect the country’s freedom.

However, some opted to flee with their wives and children to neighboring countries such as Poland. Videos have emerged of crowded refugee trains trying to leave the country. While Russian bombs have destroyed some train routes, the trains have transported hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians so far.

Others have packed their cars and driven towards the safety of bordering nations such as Poland, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, and Slovakia. An estimated 520,000 people have fled Ukraine due to the Russian invasion; however, the UN says the conflict could result in over 4 million refugees. The numbers of refugees continue to rise quickly.

The World Stands With Ukraine

President Joe Biden offered Zelenskyy a safe evacuation route out of Ukraine, but he refused. The Ukrainian leader says he won’t leave Kyiv under any circumstances, even though he believes he’s the enemy’s number one target. While he fears for his family’s safety, he will remain in the government quarter. In a televised message, he called on world leaders for help in defending Ukraine from Russian attacks.

In response, President Biden, along with the 27 EU members and G7 members, announced strong sanctions against Russia. Biden also announced that US exports to Russia would be limited.

The sanctions he announced include:

  1. Limit Russia’s ability to do business in important global currencies such as dollars, euros, pounds, and yen.
  2. Halt financing and growth of Russian military.
  3. Impair Russia’s ability to compete in the global economy by limiting exports.
  4. Impose sanctions on Russian banks that hold over $1 trillion in assets.

He added, “we’re also blocking four more major banks. That means every asset they have in America will be frozen.”

He said the sanctions would severely impact the Russian economy, both immediately and over time. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called the Russian invasion a “brutal act of war.” He said that the security alliance would bolster land, sea, and air forces on its eastern flank in response.

Ways That You Can Help Ukraine

If you want to support Ukraine during this crisis, consider donating to the following charities. These organizations provide food, medical supplies, shelter, water, and other necessities.

  • Razom for Ukraine. The nonprofit supports Ukrainian citizens by collecting donations for its emergency response. The donations go toward medical supplies, humanitarian aid, and volunteers that help distribute items.
  • Global Giving. The charity launched a Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund, which will go toward shelter, food, and water for Ukrainian refugees. According to the charity’s website, funds will also go towards health, psychosocial care, education, and economic assistance.
  • International Rescue Committee. The organization collects funds for necessary supplies and helps refugees find new housing in the US and abroad.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations refugee agency, accepts donations to provide health care, legal assistance, and supplies to Ukrainian refugees.
  • Airbnb. The online rental company currently offers free, short-term housing for up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Ukraine. If you’re an Airbnb host, consider opening your home to support Ukrainian citizens during this difficult time.

Final Thoughts on the Global Efforts to Support Citizens as Inspiring as These Ukrainian Newlyweds

These are terrifying times for Ukrainian citizens as Russian forces have turned their country into a war zone. Hundreds of thousands have fled the country to the safety of neighboring nations. Some Ukrainians, however, stayed behind to defend their country, like newlyweds Yaryna Arieva and Sviatoslav Fursin. Shortly after tying the knot, they went to their local defense center, which supplied them with rifles to support the Ukrainian military. Many have commended their bravery and loyalty to their beautiful country.

Our thoughts and prayers are with anyone affected by the brutal Russian invasion. The world stands with you, Ukraine, and we can only hope that peace will be restored to your home very soon.

Psychologists Explain the Top 10 Benefits of a Shorter Work Week

Most countries on the planet have a norm of five-day work weeks. This means most people clock a total of forty hours in their work environment, with only two days to rest, recuperate, and complete other tasks. In some countries, the total hours worked are even greater. Thus, some workers advocate for a shorter work week.

Furthermore, with the increased accessibility via technology, employers expect workers always to be “on” when working. There’s more pressure to answer calls, emails, and other messages from work, even on days off. This stretches the length of hours worked out even further.

This is why many people desire a shorter work week, with fewer clocked hours and more flexibility. But would that work, or would it ultimately do more harm than good? Here are the top ten benefits of a shorter workweek for mental, physical, and workplace health.

1.      A Shorter Work Week Increases Productivity

One of the most significant benefits of a shorter work week is also a somewhat surprising one. Many people believe that working fewer hours would contribute to decreased productivity. On the surface, this makes sense. If you work for less time, surely you’d get less done. Right?

But this is not the case at all! Research into the subject has shown that long working hours can be bad for productivity. In fact, some countries have found that a four-day work week may increase the amount of work done.

There are different schools of thought on the matter. Indeed, some show that six hours per day is ideal. Conversely,  others show that 35 hours per week is the perfect amount. And, of course, those who have tried the four-day work week have so far reported success. Ultimately, evidence has indicated improved productivity over fewer hours. So, how can this be? This happens for the following reasons:

shorter work week

·         It Reduces Busywork

Contrary to its name, Busywork is the act of filling time with unimportant tasks to appear or feel “busy.” How many times have you found yourself procrastinating on important tasks with many smaller, less urgent ones? A shorter work week can help to decrease this phenomenon. To fit numerous necessary tasks in a shorter period, workers will have to manage their working days better and will focus more on what matters.

·         It Reduces Sustained Energy

The University of Toronto’s associate professor of organizational behavior, John Trougakos, told the BBC that most people could not sustain their energy for more than eight hours at a time. The longer a person’s critical attention is stretched, the worse their efficiency will become. This reduces productivity and forces many people to break up their attention with unimportant tasks.

·         It Ensures Everyone Has Time To Get Their Ducks In A Row

When you have more time away from the job, you can deal with personal issues. You can devote enough time to your home and family life, finish up external errands, and have sufficient “me-time” before getting back to work. This reduces the need for you to attend to other things during the business day.

2.      A Shorter Work Week Reduces Stress

More time spent working means less time to unwind. There’s more to do and not enough time to do everything, and your inability to sustain energy and focus means you get even less done. It’s no surprise that anxiety and stress are prevalent among cultures where people have to put in more hours.

In our previous point, we mentioned everything that ties into higher productivity with a shorter work week. These things are just as relevant for reducing stress for somewhat obvious reasons. This means that lower levels of stress can improve workplace performance and productivity, so it’s quite a win-win all around.

3.      A Shorter Work Week Improves Restedness

Feeling rested is crucial to mental and physical health. When people work longer hours, they may lose valuable sleep time. This is because they have to spend more time catching up on various non-work responsibilities instead of resting.

Even just a little bit of extra sleep goes a long way when it comes to feeling better and energized the next day. Workers who get sufficient rest are likely to experience improved job performance.

Furthermore, studies show how long working hours can even increase sleep disturbances! This means that long hours can be a vicious cycle for someone’s nighttime rest, causing lower sleep quality even when they do try to get to bed on time.

4.      A Shortened Work Week Reduces Our Carbon Footprint

A shorter work week could be the positive step forward that the world needs towards improving the environment. Or, at least, that’s what Andrew Barnes, the pioneer, and expert behind a significant part of the  four-day workweek movement, says in The Guardian.

To explain this, we can consider the following things that occur in the shorter work week:

  • The headcount of staff in an office drops, thus reducing the number of vehicles on the road.
  • Fewer vehicles on the road improve the traffic flow on highways, enhancing productivity and economic activity through faster travel. Research on this topic in New Zealand has supported this theory.
  • Decreased congestion on the road through shortened commutes reduces the amount of carbon dioxide produced by vehicles and the amount of fuel. This has positive implications for the environment.

Studies have supported this concept; households that have more work hours have way more giant carbon footprints. This is according to analyzed data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labour Statistics. This is because electricity and transportation are the two most significant causes of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Both of these things can be decreased with fewer working hours.

shorter work week

5.      It Gives You Time To Be Creative

Between the commitments of work, family, and physical health, it can be challenging to find time for creativity. Hobbies and other forms of expression get pushed to the side to focus on earning money and getting enough energy and fuel for work. A shorter work week could potentially free up much more time for this creativity.

People often don’t realize how beneficial creativity is for mental health. Studies have found that the trait allows people to experience higher happiness and life satisfaction. This also increases the amount of motivation that you have, as it gives you a more incredible feeling of purpose in life. This feeds back into improved workplace performance.

6.      A Shorter Work Week Can Improve Relationships

Relationships are crucial to mental health. Those who have a tumultuous marriage, for example, are likely to struggle with their psychological wellbeing. In addition, a healthy circle of social support is vital to many people’s lives. Without harmony at home and support outside, it’s tough to keep up the best possible wellbeing.

Research indicates that a shorter work week may benefit marriages, families, and various social circles. Being able to devote sufficient time to a spouse, children, or friends is vital to maintaining those relationships. This healthy social life can then contribute to improved life satisfaction.

7.      It Can Improve Workplace Equality

The shorter work week could also reduce the gender pay gap. The Government Equalities Office in the United Kingdom has shown that numerous people desire more flexible working hours to choose to be employed. This especially applies to women, who often have childcare responsibilities at the end of  a long day.

While the research here applies to the UK, it’s not hard to imagine that those in the United States may feel similarly. A shorter work week could provide people of all genders the opportunity to split their responsibilities between work and care commitments. It’s not the only solution here, but it can help many people feel that pursuing a career can be worth the juggling needed.

8.      A Shorter Work Week Can Contribute To A Happier Retired Life

People can get so caught up in work that they forget life after it. If your entire existence is devoted to either working or getting enough rest so you can work again, you’ll have nothing to yourself when it’s time to retire.

A sense of purpose in later life is crucial to mental health and wellbeing. Older individuals who feel that they’ve wasted their lives at work may suffer additional adverse effects on physical and psychological well-being.

Ultimately, no one wants to feel like their life has been spent in a cubicle or focused on things that, in the end, didn’t matter. A shorter work week could mark a complete change in how people retire and the difference they feel they’ve made in the world.

9.      It Reduces The Risk Of Certain Diseases

Long working hours and workaholism are prevalent in numerous cultures across the globe. We already know that this opens people to the risk of physical health issues and potentially fatal diseases. This includes, as studies have shown, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and many more.

People who work high-risk jobs or work with potentially dangerous equipment suffer even worse from this. They’re not just at risk of more diseases, but their physical health can be subject to more injury. Research indicates that workplace accidents happen less among those who work fewer hours.

10. It Helps People Engage With Their Work

The very idea that most people hate work and can’t wait for the weekend is a pretty sad concept when you think about it. People spending so much of their lives doing something they ardently dislike is undoubtedly terrible for mental health.

A shorter work week may be the key to encouraging people to engage more positively with their work environment. As tried by Sweden, six-hour workdays saw people taking less time off and doing more for their workplace than usual.

Then, there’s a possibility that we don’t have to dislike our work. Getting a better balance between it and the rest of our lives could be the change necessary to encourage people to enjoy their careers more, even in less-than-ideal circumstances.

shorter work week

Final Thoughts On Some Benefits Of A Shorter Work Week

There are some challenges that a shorter work week poses, and there are certainly downsides to the idea. But, at the same time, the benefits have shown us that it is a concept worth considering. A shorter workweek may be in our future!

15 Positive Behaviors That Make the World a Kinder Place

Turn off the news, stop scrolling through depressing social media feeds, and get ready to make the world a better place. You know that you can’t change the world as a whole, but you can brighten the corner where you live by displaying positive behaviors. It’s hard to make a difference when you surround yourself with negativity, but your little light may be the beacon that others draw near during times of adversity.

These Fifteen Positive Behaviors Can Make the World a Kinder Place

It doesn’t take much to get a blaze going when building a campfire. All you need is a spark to start an explosion. Once those around you feel the heat and warmth of your compassion, it will ignite something in them. Together, you can allow the light of positivity to overshadow the darkness. So why not focus your efforts on setting the world ablaze with kindness?

Positive Behaviors to Be a Better Citizen

positive behaviors

1. Adopt a Rescue Pup or Kitty

According to the ASPCA, more than 6.4 million animals enter shelters across this country. Sadly, more than 920,000 will be euthanized. Pets provide fantastic support and help you find a bright spot in your day.

Rather than going to a pet store or spending thousands on a pure-bred dog, why not consider giving hope to one of these precious fur babies who might be on death’s row? Adopting a pet is one of the positive behaviors that help make this world a better place, as it shows compassion to something in need.

2. Share with the Less Fortunate Than You

The very act of sharing is a concept that’s been around since the dawn of time. In Luke 3:11, John was speaking to the people. He told them that they should feed the poor, and if they had two shirts, they should give one to their brother. Giving back is an old concept that is still in use today.

Go through your closet and pick out the clothes you don’t wear. Donate them to someone in need of a local establishment that helps people. You can do the same with food. If you’ve been blessed, sharing the blessing you’ve received puts out good karma into the atmosphere.

When it comes to positive behaviors, sharing with someone less fortunate is at the top of the list.

3. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

There are so many things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint. First, turn off the water when you’re brushing your teeth, as you’re just wasting resources. Second, turn off the lights and let the light of Mother Nature flood your home.

Not only will this save on your electric bill, but the light from the heavens is free to use. Second, unplug any devices not in use to reduce phantom electricity. There are many little ways to reduce your energy and other consumed resources, as the earth only has so much to go around.

Positive Behaviors to Make You More Grateful

These actions can help you clear your head and make room to be more thankful for your blessings.

4. Keep Your Space Clean

Did you know that how you keep your personal space is a direct reflection of your mental health? Have you ever seen someone who hoards stuff and has it piled all around? They’re suffering from an anxiety-based disorder, and the things you see are just a glimpse of the internal torment.

What you see on the outside directly reflects what’s on the inside. So, take some time and clean your space. There’s something to be said for being neat and organized. Plus, it’s one of the positive behaviors that directly impact your overall well-being.

5. Tun off Electronics

You’re undoubtedly spending too much time plugging into your electronic devices. Why not unplug and get to know the people in your house, neighborhood, and community better?

Too many folks have their nose in a cell phone and miss the beautiful relationships waiting for them. Being present in the moment is one of the positive behaviors that everyone should strive to attain.

6. Practice Gratitude

The concept of wanting more is what drives many people to bankruptcy court each year. Learn to be thankful for your many blessings in this life. Learning contentment will help you in so many ways, and it will be easier to help others when you realize your gifts.

7. Choose Honesty

While honesty doesn’t directly impact Mother Earth, it certainly positively impacts those around you. Learn to be a man or woman of your word. People should know that what comes from your mouth is the truth when you speak.

8. Repurpose, Recycle, and Reuse

Sure, it’s great to go to the store and buy what you need, but many times people throw out good quality things just because they’re tired of them. Have you ever watched those home renovation shows? It’s sickening the suitable cabinets and fixtures busted and tossed out.

There’s still life in many of these pieces, and it helps to show that there’s value in everything but new and old. Get your creative juices flowing and repurpose, recycle, or reuse something.

Positive Behaviors That Increase Appreciation

positive behaviors

9. Learn from Others

Did you know that life is all about conversations? It’s time to embrace diversity and learn that the differences in one another can be the blessings we never knew we needed.

It’s fascinating to learn the culture and methods of people different from you, and it helps to teach your children and others the art of acceptance. Different is good because no one wants everyone to be the same, and what a boring world that would be.

10. Travel Wisely

Sure, everyone loves staying in a four-star hotel with all the amenities, but what if you can reduce your carbon footprint and spend time in nature? Don’t take a plane to a far-away land when there’s much beauty to see close to home. Why not plant some flowers or a tree and a beautiful area around you on your next vacation?

11. Move Your Body

Did you know that Western society is known as one of the laziest in the world? According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Americans are content to sit on a couch after they get home from work. Your body should move, and sitting around only adds to illnesses.

Did you know that your body can lock up on you if you don’t move your joints, muscles, and bones? Have you ever seen someone that hasn’t walked in years? Their muscles are atrophied, and it makes walking nearly impossible. You can help reduce obesity and have better mental health by simply becoming more active.

Positive Behaviors to Help You Be a Better Friend

12. Spread Cheer

Did you know that your smile to someone down on their luck can mean everything? It takes little effort to show kindness to others, but these positive behaviors can change the entire atmosphere around you.

13. Stick to the Golden Rule

Many folks have forgotten the golden rule, and it shows by the attitude in society. Remember to do unto others and consider your brother before yourself, as it dramatically impacts the world around you. According to Forbes, Portugal is the friendliest country in the world.

Making friends there is easy due to the pleasant turn of the natives. Wouldn’t it be nice if America made the top ten on that list? Sadly, out of 65 countries studied, the USA came in at 36.

Positive Behaviors That Expand Your Mind

14. Stay Open-Minded

People are all around you with different lifestyles and beliefs, but this doesn’t make them any better or less than you. One of the positive behaviors you must learn is being open-minded to others. It doesn’t matter if someone doesn’t think or believe like you, as you must like them for their individuality.

15. Meditate

Even if you’re trying to make the world around you a better place, you’re going to pick up plenty of negativity throughout the day. It would help if you purged all the toxicity you collect, as it can be mentally and physically draining. Meditation is a great way to clear the mind and spirit from all the garbage you ingest during the day.

positive behaviors

Final Thoughts on Engaging in These Kind and Positive Behaviors

What positive behaviors can you utilize that can help to make your day, life, and the world around you a little bit kinder? Helping someone with their groceries who’s having a tough time will undoubtedly put a bright spot in their day. What about giving a coat to someone with an old one full of holes?

If you look around you, you will find tons of things that you can do to help make planet earth more kind and friendly. Sure, you’re not going to change the entire world as it’s an impossible feat, but you can create a little spark that will spread like wildfire.

15 Self-Motivation Quotes to Achieve All Your Goals

Even when you love what you do and have a vision for your life, some days won’t be as easy as others. You’ll have days when you want to give up or choose something more fun than working toward your goals. When you experience days like this, you’ll need to boost your self-motivation to keep you moving forward.

With good habits, you won’t have this kind of lousy day frequently, but you’ll still experience them once in a while. When it happens, you can use self-motivation quotes to give you a boost of inspiration. These quotes will help you focus and get back on track to achieve your goals.

If you haven’t developed good habits yet, these quotes can help you every day as you work on your new routine. When you set new goals and implement a plan, it can take some time to become accustomed to the schedule. These motivating quotes will give you the willpower to establish beneficial habits.

Whenever you need a boost of motivation, revisit these quotes on self-motivation. The words come from people who have been in your position before, so they can help guide you through. With determination and a positive mindset, you’re sure to achieve your dreams.

Fifteen Self-Motivation Quotes That Will Inspire You to Achieve All Your Goals

self-motivation quotes

1. “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” – George Herbert

If you wait for the right timing, you might never find an opportunity to chase your dreams. Follow Herbert’s advice and get started right now using whatever you have handy. You can collect better tools as you make progress, but you have everything you need right now.

2. “It’s up to you to make your life. Take what you have and stack it up like a tower of teetering blocks. Build your dream around that.” – Cheryl Strayed

You are the only person who can control your life. Make the most out of your situation using what you have right now, and build on that foundation.

3. “I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals, and I try to ignore the rest.” – Venus Williams

When you focus on what you’re up against, it only causes fear and insecurity. However, when you focus on your goals, you can ignore the negative feelings. Plus, it’ll make the obstacles seem a little less daunting.

4. “Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it.” – Diane Sawyer

You might be afraid to go for your dreams because other people want them, too. Self-limiting thoughts can make you think that you’re not worthy of the position or that someone else is better than you.

However, you must follow Sawyer’s advice and believe in yourself. You deserve good things, and you are worthy of obtaining them.

5. “We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.” – Arianna Huffington

Chances are, you have more than one life goal. You’ll have at least one career-related goal and one personal goal. If you want to put in time for both, you’ll have to figure out how to manage your time wisely.

Self-motivation requires you to get started and focus until the task is complete. When you work this way, you will get more work accomplished in less time, and the work will be of a higher quality. Then, you’ll have time left over to dedicate to your personal goals.

6. “Set your goal, don’t give up when you face obstacles, and stay focused, as the power within is truly amazing!” – Catherine Pulsifer

Pulsifer makes the road to success sound easy in this self-motivation quote. Follow her advice and stay focused as you overcome obstacles. You have the power within you to make it happen.

7. “Impossible is just a word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is potential, impossible is temporary, impossible is nothing.” – Muhammad Ali

Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and focus on making positive changes in your life. Only people who don’t want to put in the effort to do great things describe things as impossible. Keep your goal in mind and ignore anyone who tells you that you can’t do it.

8. “Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses, focus on your character, not your reputation, focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes.” – Roy T. Bennett

Everyone has weaknesses, but they also have strengths. Don’t fixate on the things you aren’t good at because it won’t help you get anywhere in life. Instead, focus on your strengths and build your life around your unique talents.

self-motivation quotes

9. “The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.” – Barack Obama

As Obama explains, good things come to the people who persevere to accomplish their goals. Don’t waste time wallowing in self-pity when you could put pushing forward and getting one step closer.

10. “Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” – Zig Ziglar

Everyone has the same amount of time in their day, so using a lack of time as an excuse isn’t a plausible reason. It all depends on how you choose to use your time. Focus on the essential tasks first, and you’ll see more progress.

11. “We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in.” – Sheryl Sandberg

When you need motivation, focus on building self-confidence and speaking up. Participate in discussions, ask questions, and take in all the information you can. When you live this way, you’ll always find the inspiration to persevere.

12. “Whenever you want to achieve something, keep your eyes open, concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want. No one can hit their target with their eyes closed.” – Paulo Coelho

Keep your eyes on your goals, or you’ll stray from the path. Focus on making progress toward your dream life so that you always remember what you’re working toward.

13. “I had 22 jobs before I started my own business at the age of 23, and I didn’t want one more boss telling me what to do. So I was motivated simply because I didn’t want a boss.” – Barbara Corcoran

One of the best ways to achieve your goals is to figure out why you want them. Spend time thinking about why you want what you are working toward so that you can remind yourself whenever necessary.

As Corcoran explains in this quote, your self-motivation can come from surprising places. Think about what you want most, figure out why you want it, and then you’ll feel more motivated to work toward it.

14. “Stay focused and don’t allow distractions to fill your mind or derail you from taking continued action.” – Byron Pulsifer

Distractions are a part of life that you must learn to ignore. Don’t let things get you off course and cause you to miss out on opportunities. Keep taking action and stay focused on your goals.

15. “Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration. The rest of us just get up and go to work.” – Stephen King

You’ll get all the inspiration you need in life if you just get started. Don’t sit around waiting for inspiration to strike because it might never happen that way. If you want to experience new opportunities and take steps toward your goal, you must get out there and work for it.

self-motivation quotes

Final Thoughts on Self-Motivation Quotes to Help You in Reaching All Your Goals

There will be days when you feel like giving up or skipping out on your priorities. You can’t give into too many days like this, though, or it’ll stand in the way of reaching your goals. When you need a boost of inspiration, these self-motivation quotes can change your mindset.

As you read these self-motivation quotes, spend time reflecting on the words and thinking about the meaning. If you feel like you’ve lost sight of your goals or you’re just having a bad day today, these quotes can make all the difference. Remember the words or write down your favorite quotes so that you can recall them later on, too.

The more often you read inspiring quotes, the more they help influence your mindset. They will help guide your mind back on track, allowing you to refocus on your priorities.

Psychologist Reveals 7 Easy Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

Everyone has bad habits, and many people wonder how to change them for good. They resist change even when they know it’s what’s best for them, hindering their progress with breaking bad habits. If you are in this position, you’ll be relieved to learn that it isn’t as hard as it seems.

Cleveland Clinic psychologist Scott Bea reveals that people resist changing their bad habits because the behaviors bring them comfort. It’s not that they don’t want to be healthy or happy, but they crave comfort. This information can help you address the issue and make positive changes in your life.

Breaking bad habits is essential because they prevent you from reaching goals and affect your health. Bad habits can also be detrimental if you’re in charge of others, whether in a leadership position or as a parent. Your behaviors will likely influence others to form the same bad habits, affecting everyone involved.

When you know what you’re up against, you can make a plan and focus your effort and energy on change. While breaking habits can be challenging, you can find success and stop reverting to your old ways. To help you get started, Bea explains seven ways to find success.

Breaking Bad Habits Starts With Understanding How Habits Form

breaking bad habits

Before you can effectively make a change, it’s helpful to know how habits form to begin with. Essentially, your brain finds comfort in the rewards that come from each pattern. It creates a neural pathway that makes the repeated activity a subconscious habit.

Habits start with a trigger or a cue that tells your brain to react automatically. Your automatic reaction might be a physical, mental, or emotional behavior in response to the stimulus. Once you act, your brain decides whether the reward is worthwhile.

Your brain determines which actions offer pleasant rewards because it releases dopamine when you experience pleasure. If a behavior relieves stress or makes you feel good, your brain releases dopamine, rewarding your brain.

Your brain remembers the habit loop, starting with the trigger. Then, anytime you encounter the cue, you’ll automatically respond the same way you did before. It creates a cycle that becomes hard to break during your daily routine.

Seven Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

While bad habits are wired into your brain, you can make a change for the better. You can break bad habits and replace them with healthier ones through constant repetition. These tips can help you with breaking bad habits once and for all.

1. Set Achievable Goals While Working on Breaking Bad Habits

One mistake people tend to make when breaking bad habits is setting unrealistic goals. They want to change everything about their life all at once, and it’s more than anyone can handle. Instead of falling into this trap, start with one habit at a time, adding in others as time goes on.

Once you set your first goal, make sure to ease into the change. Pushing yourself too much the first day can cause you to stop trying altogether. Instead, set smaller goals leading up to overall improvement. Make sure your plan is specific and gives you something to focus on.

If you want to be healthier, choose certain achievable behaviors that you can consciously do. For instance, start eating a healthy lunch each day, consuming essential vitamins and nutrients. Then, once you become comfortable with that, you can change your breakfast routine and then dinner routine.

Similarly, if you want to become more physically active, you’ll want to start with low-intensity exercises that are short. Start with 10 minutes, working your way up to more extended periods. These small increments make developing a new daily routine easier as you gradually eliminate the harmful actions.

2. Avoid Temptation

Avoiding temptation is sometimes the best way to go when you’re breaking bad habits. Whenever possible, stay away from your trigger. If comfort food is your problem, stop buying it and remove it from your home.

However, it isn’t always possible to avoid your bad habit triggers. When encountering the cue, use the words “I don’t” instead of “I can’t” because research shows it’s more effective. Saying “I don’t” helps you avoid giving into temptation, whereas “I can’t” can cause you to resist change.

3. As You Are Breaking Bad Habits, You Will Be Uncomfortable

Breaking bad habits is uncomfortable, so you must prepare for it. You’ll want to resist discomfort by giving into your usual behavior, but it won’t help you long-term. Remember that the pain will ease as you get used to the change.

This situation is where willpower comes in because you’ll have to tell yourself no. Accept that it will cause discomfort, and you’ll be more likely to succeed.

breaking bad habits

4. Acknowledge That Breaking Bad Habits Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Breaking bad habits is a journey, and there will be many ups and downs along the way. You can easily fall back into the cycle, starting all over again. However, if you experience a relapse, know that you can start again.

It often takes many tries before you successfully break a habit, so remember that it is a journey and not a one-time process. Your mind and body will likely resist the change at first, sending stress signals because of the new action. This situation is all part of the journey, and you’ll eventually adapt to the change, allowing you to embrace the new rewards.

It might help to plan for moments when you want to give in. You know they’ll happen throughout the journey, so prepare for what you’ll say to yourself to entice willpower.

5. Reward Yourself

To overcome bad habits, you must find an even better reward to replace them. The incentive doesn’t have to be something tangible, as it can simply come from the way your action makes you feel.

One incentive could be saving money. Every time you urge to purchase the product, set the money aside instead, saving up for something you want. If your habit doesn’t involve buying anything, you can put a dollar aside every time you resist the urge.

Establishing incentives makes it more likely that you’ll continue breaking bad habits. Figure out the reason for your bad habit, and then find a beneficial way to handle it instead. For instance, if you eat snacks as a distraction from work, find a better distraction such as taking a walk.

6. Come Up with a Plan for Breaking Bad Habits

Having a plan is an excellent way to encourage successful change in your life. Start by choosing a start date and writing a list of the behavior you’re starting with. Remember to use specific goals that lead you to the overall change.

Another way you can plan is by thinking about your triggers and what you can do to avoid them. Consider whether someone else leads you to the behavior, and consider distancing yourself from them. If your habit is related to a specific location, limit your time at that place.

Likewise, if your habit is about the feeling that follows it, come up with something else that gives you the same emotion. Ask yourself why you keep doing the action and then find something positive to replace it with.

7. Find Ways to Maintain

As you work to reach your goal and even after you’ve achieved it, maintaining your objectives is essential. It will take time and effort for your mind and body to adjust, so be patient with yourself. It’s easier to maintain the change when you make gradual improvements, making it less daunting.

If it helps, carry a list of benefits with you to reference at times of weakness. Make some of the benefits immediate instead of ones you won’t experience until later. In a moment of weakness, you need something to help you overcome right away.

Tracking your progress also helps with maintaining your new habits. When you see your progress, it’ll motivate you to keep going with the change. Don’t obsess over it, but take time once a week to evaluate your progress.

As you track your progress, pay attention to your improvements and shortcomings. The progress will help motivate you, and the imperfections will show you where you need more resiliency.

However, don’t change your plan after just one week if your results aren’t what you wanted. It sometimes takes a few weeks to see results when breaking a habit. Instead, see how things progress for a while, and then switch it up if it isn’t working.

The ultimate aspect of maintaining your new habits is to keep practicing them. Reinforce them until it requires less willpower and becomes your new automatic behavior.

breaking bad habits

Final Thoughts on Psychologist Reveals Seven Easy Steps to Breaking Bad Habits

Breaking bad habits can be tricky if you don’t know the best steps to follow. However, you must replace bad habits with good ones to improve your overall well-being. Bad habits are incredibly detrimental to your mental and physical health, so it’s worth the discomfort.

These tips can help you make a beneficial change in your life. Remember that you will likely experience setbacks, but it’ll get easier the more you consciously change your behavior.

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