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15 Quotes for Closure After A Relationship

Going through a breakup is hard, especially if you haven’t gotten closure yet. When you want to find comfort, it can be hard to do at first. Luckily, there’s lots of comfort and wisdom found in the words of others because many people have experienced breakups before.

It’s essential that you find closure, whether you broke up with someone or the other person ended the relationship. Your life changes either way, and there will likely be some pain, regret, or rumination during your journey. However, the sooner you find closure, the sooner you can find happiness again.

Quotes are a powerful method for overcoming the experience and helping you move forward. It allows you to readjust and cope with the change, giving you the inspiration that you need to move in the right direction. When you refocus on the positive things in your life, you’ll find purpose once again.

Moving on is a process, but you aren’t alone in it, as these quotes will prove. Remember that many other people have gone through it before, and they found happiness again. These quotes can help you get through the process of letting go and finding mental closure after a breakup.

Fifteen Quotes for Mental Closure After Ending a Romantic Relationship


1. “It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.” – Paulo Coelho

A crucial step in finding happiness again is recognizing when the relationship is over. Once you’ve acknowledged the fact, make an effort to leave the past alone. The moment is over, so don’t reach out through texts or phone calls, and let go of anything that brings you back.

2. “Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.” – Dalai Lama

While it might not feel like it at the time, not getting what you thought you wanted is sometimes a good thing. When something doesn’t work out, it means that there is someone better for you out there. Life changes are unavoidable after a breakup, so you’ll likely encounter new experiences and opportunities, too.

3. “There’s a trick to a ‘graceful exit.’ It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, or a relationship is over – and let it go. It means leaving what’s over without denying its validity or its past importance to our lives. It involves a sense of future, a belief that every exit line is an entry, that we are moving up, rather than out.” – Ellen Goodman

A graceful exit can make the healing process more manageable, as you won’t have so much to regret in the end. When it’s time to part with someone, don’t get stuck in denial or waste time ruminating on the past with your ex. Instead, focus on the future and remember that something greater is coming.

4. “Ending something, whether it’s a dream, a goal, a friendship, a relationship, or a tie with someone, is always hard. Always sad. There’s a lingering regret of what went wrong and questions that will never be answered. But I came to realize that as a page of my life ends with them, somewhere, somehow, a new chapter is waiting to start.” – Unknown

There will be a little sadness involved, no matter how things end. At one point in your life, your ex was an essential person in your life, and you’ll likely think back to those times. You will also likely think of what went wrong and wonder why things happened the way they did.

Your questions won’t always get answered, so you must learn to accept not knowing. Learn to look at the situation differently and think of it as a new chapter that you get to experience in your life. Thinking of it this way will help you with finding happiness again.

5. “One of the best times for figuring out who you are and what you really want out of life? Right after a breakup.” – Mandy Hale

As Hale explains, the best time to learn about yourself is after a breakup. When your relationship ends, you’ll begin thinking about things differently, and your life will change significantly.

You can reevaluate what you want in your life and start making the changes right away. With no one to tell you otherwise, you are free to start fresh and make your life whatever you want it. Plus, you can spend time reflecting and figuring out your deepest goals and desires.

6. “Closure happens right after you accept that letting go and moving on is more important than projecting a fantasy of how the relationship could have been.” – Sylvester McNutt

When you accept that your relationship is over, it offers the closure you’ve been looking for. Accept things as they are right now, and focus on moving forward instead. Don’t waste time or energy imagining how the relationship could have been because your reality is right in front of you.

7. “Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.” – Denis Waitley

Dwelling on what went wrong in your relationship won’t help you move forward. Instead, follow Waitley’s advice and focus on what to do next in your life. When you think about your next step, you can move on and find happiness again.


8. “It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to has power over you.” – Leon Brown

Your mind is powerful, so focus on what you want for your life. If you want to be happy, focus on happiness and make sure your thoughts align with it. Please don’t focus on your pain, anger, or other negativity because it’ll take over your mind. If you ever need a reminder, use this quote for mindful inspiration.

9. “Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” – Deborah Reber

When a relationship ends, it’s sometimes hard to let go because you still care for the other person. However, as Reber explains, you can let go and still care about someone. You can’t control the other person, but you can control yourself. So, even if you still care for the other person, you must let go and move on to find happiness again.

10. “If you really want closure… at some point, you have to shut the door.” – Jacki Wells Wunderlin

You can’t keep looking back and hoping for things to be different. Moving on requires shutting the door on your past and moving forward toward something else.

11. “It was strange, really. A couple of months ago, I had thought I couldn’t live without him. Apparently, I could.” – Gabrielle Zevin

This powerful quote is a reminder that you can live without your ex. No matter how much you loved your ex, you can get through it and find happiness again.

12. “Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.” – Walter Anderson

Life doesn’t always go the way you hoped it would, but you must accept things as they come. When you can release the negative feelings and embrace life as it is, you’ll feel much better.

13. “The end of a relationship is not always a failure. Sometimes all the love in the world is not enough to save something. In these cases, it is not a matter of fault from either person. Some things cannot be, it’s as simple as that.” – Ashly Lorenzana

As Lorenzana explains, the end of a relationship doesn’t indicate failure. Instead, it only shows you that this person isn’t the one for you. Don’t beat yourself up over what you could have done differently because sometimes it just wasn’t meant to be.

14. “Someday, you’re gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing.” – Elizabeth Gilbert

When you’re in mourning, it’s hard to see that things will ever get better. Remember this quote and know that someday you’ll look back and see that this time in your life isn’t all bad. As your heart breaks, you’re at the beginning of something great.

15. “Ends are not bad things, they just mean that something else is about to begin.” – C. Joybell C.

The end of your relationship doesn’t signify a lousy situation. Instead, it means that you’re going to experience something even better. Your life is changing hugely, so embrace the moment and allow yourself to be happy again.


Final Thoughts on Quotes for Mental Closure After a Relationship and Be Happy Again

Finding mental closure after a relationship ends can be tricky, and you might feel like you’ll never be happy again. However, many people have gone through it before and found that it was a blessing in their life. Follow their advice and remember their words of encouragement to help you get through.

It’s normal to grieve the end of a relationship, but don’t beat yourself up over what went wrong. Instead, pick up the pieces and move forward in your life. Before you know it, you’ll realize that you’re happy again.

Instagrammers Tell Stories of People Who Helped Others in Extreme Weather

Extreme weather events have been ramping up in frequency and severity due to climate change. The unstable weather caused by warming temperatures leaves many communities reeling from one disaster after another. While we can’t predict when the next storm will strike, we can count on each other to make it through.

After hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and any other natural disaster, you’ll always find people coming together to help. If you’re worried about climate change, perhaps you can find reassurance in humanity’s resolve and empathy during trying times. After all, we’re one big, human family, and we should remember what unites rather than divides us.

Instagrammers Share Stories of People Helping in Aftermath of Extreme Weather

We hope these stories provided by Instagrammers can bring you hope in times of great change. There’s nothing we can’t overcome if we simply open our arms and hearts in times of need.

1 – Hurricane Harvey devastated Southeast Texas, but it couldn’t destroy the Texas spirit of giving.


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Many people used their own boats or jet skis to rescue others from rising floodwaters and sea levels. Houston, shown in the first photo, was hit particularly hard, with some places reporting 50+ inches of rain in a matter of days. Thousands of homes and cars were destroyed in the extreme weather, but many selfless citizens risked their lives to save others. People also donated whatever supplies they could in a time of need.

Hurricane Harvey was the worst flood event in U.S. history and caused over $125 billion in damage. More than 100 people died from the storm, making it one of the deadliest in Texas in a century.

While some communities lost everything, it didn’t stop people from extending a helping hand. For instance, the grocery chain HEB traveled to south Texas where Harvey made landfall to deliver groceries. Restaurants cooked meals for citizens who couldn’t access stores due to flooding. Houston’s Muslim community opened its doors to thousands of people who’d lost their homes and needed a temporary shelter.

2 – Recent tornadoes in Kentucky took dozens of lives and upended communities, but the heart of humanity lit a candle in the darkness.


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Rare December tornadoes tore through the cities of Mayfield, Dawson Springs, Bremen and Princeton. A violent EF4 tornado tracked 165 miles, forming in northern Tennessee before it finally dissipated in central Kentucky near Falls of Rough.

Making a dangerous situation even worse, the tornado outbreak happened during nighttime hours. The night sky and heavy rain hid the tornadoes from view, so many people never saw them coming. Some worked shifts at the local Amazon warehouse and Mayfield candle factory, both of which were leveled by the tornadoes.

In wake of the catastrophic damage and unseasonable extreme weather, organizations all over the country mobilized to help. Mercy Chefs, a non-profit that serves warm meals to citizens following natural disasters, traveled from Virginia to serve Kentuckians. They cooked hot food for victims, first responders and volunteers, providing comfort in a dark time for the state.

Other nonprofits and community members helped with cleanup efforts and collected funds for those who lost everything. Some even sifted through rubble to save others trapped beneath piles of wood and debris. One of the most heartwarming stories from the tragedy came from the Hopkins Country Sheriff’s Office. In Dawson Springs, police officers rescued two babies from a debris pile; one child suffered a head injury, both both survived and will make a full recovery.

3 – The 2021 Snowpocalypse knocked out power for millions of Texans. But Southern hospitality got them through the harrowing extreme weather event.

When historic Winter Storm Uri blasted Texas with cold temperatures, many weren’t prepared. Since Texas usually doesn’t get below freezing in February, it came as a shock to most. The extreme weather left millions in darkness when it froze the main power grid, and many had to use firewood or blankets to survive.

Some people even burned backyard fences or furniture to make it through the cold, bitter nights. While they struggled to survive, this didn’t keep them from checking on their neighbors. One woman who was a nurse decided to check on her elderly neighbors after power had been out for 24 hours. She brought them food, refilled their toilets with melted snow, and checked their pulse each morning.

Another Texas couple even let their delivery driver, Chelsea, stay the night with them as the roads became impassable. They cooked her a steak dinner for Valentine’s Day, and Chelsea returned the kind gesture by baking them a coconut cake. After a few days, they had become family, all because of the kindness of strangers.

4 – A car accident left drivers stranded on I-95 in Virginia for over a day. Luckily, some of those drivers stepped up and helped however they could.


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Many drivers ran out of gas since they had to run their cars constantly to stay warm. Some had no food or water, and it quickly turned into a dire situation. However, one truck driver dipped into his food supplies so people trapped on the interstate could have a meal. Another woman begged an EMS driver to let her kids stay the night in an ambulance since she’d run out of gas. Without a second thought, the paramedics allowed her and her children to take refuge in their ambulance to stay warm.

In extreme weather events, it’s the kindness of strangers that makes difficult times a little more bearable. Sometimes, those strangers even end up becoming family. It’s heartwarming stories like these that help restore our faith in humanity.

extreme weather

Final Thoughts on Stories of People Helping Others in Extreme Weather

No one wants disaster to strike, but it seems that extreme weather events have become the new normal. However, when it’s a life or death situation, it’s comforting that thousands of strangers usually come to the aid of others. Sometimes, they put their own lives in danger to rescue others, proving that humans act selflessly when it truly counts. With everything going on in the world, we hope these stories remind you that good always trumps evil in the end.

10 Twitter Users Clearly Define Depression to the World

People usually define depression based on their personal experience with it. Two people suffering from depression may have different perceptions and symptoms. While mental health stigma isn’t as prevalent nowadays, many people still misunderstand what living with depression means. Like anything in life, it’s challenging to comprehend what someone else goes through without being in their shoes.

For example, severe depression may have difficulty getting out of bed or taking showers each day. People without depression may view themselves as lazy or lacking willpower. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. They have a chemical imbalance which makes it almost impossible to live normally.

On the other hand, someone with high-functioning depression may have no problem completing daily tasks. They may have a successful career, a thriving family life, and appear happy on the outside. However, they still experience depression, though not severe enough to interfere with their lives. To an outsider, they seem “normal,” even though they’re still struggling inwardly.

10 Twitter Users Better Define Depression to People Who Don’t Understand

Indeed, how people define depression will vary, but everyone deserves to feel heard and seen regardless. Below, we’ll share a few accounts from people living with depression who explain the battles they face each day.

define depression

1 – Depression doesn’t mean you don’t care; it just means you don’t have the energy to.

Many people define depression as the lethargy and lack of energy they frequently experience. After taking care of the necessities in life, they may not have anything left for other activities. Battling your mind every day takes a toll on you after a while, so you do what you can to survive.

2 – You can have the whole world in your hands and still suffer from depression.

As we said in the beginning, depression looks different for everyone. A person with a stable job and loving family can still suffer from severe depression, even if they don’t show it. Even if you have a reliable support system, it doesn’t change how you feel inside.

3 – Taking pills to control depression symptoms does not make you weak. It’s an illness that requires medication to treat in some cases, and that’s perfectly okay.

There’s no universal answer to depression; some people respond to lifestyle changes, and others need medical interventions. No matter how you treat or define depression, you’re not weak or inferior for seeking help when necessary. Many people need medications to ease depression symptoms, including doctors, so never feel ashamed at taking something that makes a living a little bit easier.

4 – Men also suffer from depression and other mental illnesses, even if they’re not always vocal about their feelings.

Check on the men in your life because they deserve to have their voices heard. Men suffer from higher suicide rates than women, so let’s end the stigma surrounding male mental health. They’re human, too, and it’s high time we recognize the struggles they face.

5 – Your mental and emotional health should come first because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Love yourself enough to look after your needs and nurture your soul. When you’re feeling good, you’ll have more energy to devote to others in your life as well.

6 – This image captures the internal battle many people face with depression.

No matter how you define depression, you can probably relate to this picture. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed trying to fight your inner demons because they never seem to disappear. Remember to honor your feelings and practice self-care – the world outside can wait in those moments.

7 – A person living with depression may appear selfish, but they’re just trying to get through the day. They need love and support more than anything else.

Like this Twitter user, some people define depression as irritability or emptiness. These are common symptoms of depression, as the illness drains your energy and capacity to deal with everyday life.

8 – Depression isn’t a character flaw; it’s a mental health condition. Just be kind because everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.

9 – Depression can make you feel like you’re losing yourself slowly. It’s painful to watch yourself fade away and not know how to feel like you again.

Others define depression as a feeling of brokenness, like being shattered in a million pieces. In many ways, it’s like depression steals your identity, which can lead to feeling empty inside.

10 – Perhaps this sums it up best: depression just ‘is,’ and needs no further explanation.

So, in summary, it’s not always easy or necessary to define depression. Everyone suffers through it differently, but one truth remains: the need to spread love and kindness without asking who’s worthy of it.

Coping Skills for Depression

No matter how you define depression, it’s important to have coping skills in place to manage symptoms. The following can help boost your mood when you’re feeling depressed:

  • Spend time in nature. Sunshine and the great outdoors can lower stress and temporary relief for depression. Studies confirm this, saying that contact with nature boosts positivity and gives a sense of purpose in life.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation. When you’re depressed, it’s essential to listen to your intuition. We’re so disconnected from ourselves in the modern world, but we can start healing by simply being present with ourselves. Set aside at least 30 minutes per day to meditate, practice yoga, or any other exercise that fosters mindfulness.
  • Cut down on work or other responsibilities. We’re obsessed with productivity but often forget to look after our well-being. Health, happiness, and peace should come first, so don’t feel ashamed to cut back on responsibilities if you’re overwhelmed. Everything else can wait, but your search for inner fulfillment can’t.

Final Thoughts on How Twitter Users Define Depression

Millions of people live with mental illnesses, and they all experience them differently. Because people today feel more comfortable talking about mental health, it’s helping end the stigma and normalize seeking help. Hopefully, the accounts featured above provide clarity and understanding of what it’s like to live with depression.

These 20 Habits Can Help Recharge Your Positivity Batteries

Do you ever feel an emotional slump during the day as if you’re running on empty? Maybe you can’t focus or feel drained of all your energy. Life is no fun when you feel negative and downtrodden all the time, but there is a better way to live. All it takes is learning how to recharge your positivity when you feel depleted.

Have you ever seen someone so down and depressed that it seemed to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders? Negativity doesn’t make for a great look on you. Thankfully, walking through life with a positive outlook is like stepping from the darkness into the sunshine. It changes everything.

These Twenty Behaviors Can Help Recharge Your Positivity Batteries

If you’re tired of the slumps, and you want to have a more positive life that’s full of joy and happiness, then it’s a choice you must make. Here are 20 easy ways to recharge your batteries and get back on course.

recharge batteries

1. Reconsider Your Eating Habits

You can’t expect to put soda pop in your car’s gas tank and get very far. In fact, not using the correct fuel could cause irreparable damage to the engine. The same thing can happen when you don’t refill your body with the healthy foods it needs to survive and thrive.

One of the best ways to recharge your batteries is to maintain healthy eating habits and avoid junky processed food. According to an article published by Harvard Medical School, a nutritious diet keeps your brain working at optimal levels.

2. Try to Exercise Each Day

Have you ever noticed how pumped you’re physically and mentally after a good workout? It’s because exercise stimulates your brain to produce endorphins and other “feel good” hormones. Even taking a brisk walk, 15 to 20 minutes a day, can strengthen your body and help recharge your batteries.

3. Recharge Your Positivity by Performing Stretches

Pet parents can learn many lessons from their fur babies about relaxing and recharging their batteries. You’ve probably seen your dog or cat do a few stretches from head to toe when they awaken. They also like to stretch after running and playing with the family.

When you get out of bed each morning, consider doing some stretches to get your body limber and ready for the day. Yoga and other traditional gentle stretches are ideal for adding to your daily routine. A body that’s fit and relaxed is less vulnerable to injury.

4. Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping is a natural state of relaxation that allows you to recharge your batteries physically, mentally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, many people are sleep-deprived and go through an overwhelming brain fog throughout their day. If this condition is chronic, you can develop severe health conditions.

Like most people, you probably feel your best with at least six to eight hours per night. Keep your bedroom as dark as possible and maintain a comfortable temperature. Your bedroom should be a serene oasis reserved only for sleep and romance.

5. Take a Power Nap to Recharge Your Positivity

When you listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. Sometimes, you need to recharge your batteries mid-day or early in the evenings. Maybe you’ve had an incredibly stressful day and need a little siesta.

A quick power nap for 15 to 20 minutes can energize you and clear your mind. Be careful that you don’t nap for too long. When you oversleep during your power nap, you’ll be wide-awake in the middle of the night. Sadly, you’ll be frazzled the following day.

6. Enjoy a Warm Bath

Pamper yourself and wash your stress away in bubbles by enjoying a warm bath. There’s something about water that relieves muscle tension while it soothes and calms your nerves. Lock the bathroom door, light a few candles, and enjoy a rejuvenating soak.

7. Recharge Your Positivity Batteries with Aromatherapy

Are there certain smells that evoke pleasant memories and boost your spirits? An article published by Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience explains that your sense of smell links to emotions and past experiences. The next time you need to recharge your batteries, use some of your favorite essential oils as aromatherapy, such as rose, orange, or ylang-ylang.

8. Tap into Your Creativity

It’s easy for your brain to get bored, and you feel like you’re on autopilot. Nix the boredom and give your brain a creative challenge. Schedule time for doing hobbies or learning something new.

9. Take Regular Technology Breaks

How did humans survive without smartphones, computers, and other modern technology? These are inventions that are supposed to make your life easier. However, these same gadgets can rob you of precious energy and quality time with family and friends.

Try to give yourself well-deserved technology breaks, especially during family dinners. Put away your phone and mobile devices, turn off the TV, and forget social media for a while. Not only will your eyes get some rest, but so will your brain and the rest of your body.

10. Reconnect with Family and Friends

While you’ve determined to take regular technology breaks, use the time you save for reconnecting with those in your circle. Of course, that doesn’t include social media. Make a date, go out to lunch with your besties, and recharge your batteries.

recharge your positivity

11. Avoid Negative People and Emotional Triggers

The best way to keep a positive attitude is to avoid negativity as much as possible. While you’ll always have some grump in your extended family or at work, they needn’t monopolize your time. Also, try to avoid emotional triggers that damper your spirits.

12. Meditate to Recharge Your Positivity Batteries

You can recharge your positivity batteries by spending fifteen or twenty minutes a day in meditation. Designate a quiet space at home or work, close your eyes, and be mindful of breathing. Meditation provides respite for your mind and energy for your body and spirit.

Don’t worry about the intrusive thoughts. Acknowledge them and let them float away like fading clouds. If it helps, you can meditate with music or other calming sounds.

13. Reduce Your Multitasking

At some point, multitasking became the buzzword for everyone’s resume. It’s a badge of honor that proves you can exhaust yourself doing a dozen things at once. Not only do you quickly deplete mental and physical energy, but the quality of your work will suffer.

Although you must juggle various duties, try to keep them at a minimum. You will have more creative stamina, and each project will be your best. Even when you have pressing deadlines, you can pace yourself and not be in a nervous tizzy.

14. Write in a Journal to Recharge Your Positivity Batteries

Sometimes, it recharges your battery to be alone with your thoughts. What better way to do that than a personal journal? It’s an ideal tool for recording your innermost thoughts, dreams, and ideas.

Plus, reviewing your accomplishments ever so often boosts confidence and positive energy. Your journal can be as straightforward or as creative as you like. You can write in it as often as you like, and nobody has to read it.

15. Have Some Fun

The most obvious way to catch a break and reboot your system is to do something fun. Whether it’s doing something artistic, traveling, or participating in a sport, it’s a break from routine. Why not do it with your family and make some beautiful memories.

16. Make a List of Your Goals

How do you know when you’ve arrived at your destination if you don’t know where you’re going? That’s why it’s essential to list your goals and how you plan to achieve them. This list will also inspire you to create more aspirations as you reach each level of success.

17. Let Go of the Past

Adverse events in your past can drain your present energy if you meditate on them. At some point, you acknowledge past failures, hurts, disappointments, and toxic people and decide to forgive. Or you may be the person who needs to apologize and make amends.

Either way, you have to free yourself from these massive weights so you can go on with your life. When you’re no longer shackled by bitterness and love undone, you feel lighter and more positive. You will revitalize your mind for today and whatever lies ahead for you.

18. Tune in to Music to Recharge Your Positivity Batteries

Few could deny music’s emotional and spiritual impact on every living thing. Another way to reboot your energy is to listen to some of your favorite songs, no matter what genre. Get your body grooving to the beat, sing, laugh, and get lost in harmony.

19. Show Gratitude Each Day

How do you feel when you give someone a gift and express their sincere gratitude? You’ll often find that the giver is just as blessed as the recipient. Make a habit of showing your appreciation to others and the Universe, and notice how your positive energy grows exponentially.

20. Spend Some Time Outdoors

The Universe is an ever-expanding source of energy that resonates in all things, including every cell in your body. So, it stands to reason that spending time in nature is a superb way to recharge your batteries. You wonder what secrets the breeze whispers through the trees as your heart rejoices in the chorus of birds overhead.

Make it a point to spend a few minutes outdoors every day. Instead of sitting at your desk during lunch break, go outside and commune with nature. You can’t help but feel more positive about your connection to everyone and everything.

recharge your positivity

Final Thoughts on Recharging Your Positivity Batteries So You Can Shine On

Your body isn’t meant to be in perpetual motion, and you need a chance to rest and revitalize yourself. When you combine these suggestions with a healthy dose of positive thinking, you’re on the right track. Remember to be kind to yourself and get the rest you need to kickstart another day…and SHINE ON!

These 7 Metabolism Myths Can Harm Your Weight Loss Efforts

Metabolism is a common word regarding diet and healthy living. Since everyone is talking about it, misinformation gets passed around often by well-meaning people. It’s hard to tell which metabolism myths are real and which aren’t, but learning about them can help your weight loss efforts.

Many of the myths have been in existence for decades, making most people believe they are real. Once you know the metabolism myths to stop listening to, you can ditch the ideas that hinder weight loss. For more ideas, you can read about intermittent fasting here. Then, you can work toward hitting your goals, as you won’t waste time or effort on incorrect rules.

Metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that allow your body to burn calories. It includes your resting metabolic rate, physical activity’s thermic effect, and feeding’s thermic effect. These concepts are a lot to understand, which is why they are often misunderstood and have many associated myths.

Seven Metabolism Myths That Can Harm Your Weight Loss Efforts

Without debunking the myths, you’ll waste time and energy worrying about things that don’t matter. It’ll prevent you from reaching your weight loss goals and interfere with your overall health. While it’s impossible to debunk every metabolism myth, here are seven to get you started.

metabolism myths

1. Exercise can Increase Your Metabolism, and You Don’t Have to Eat Healthily

Many people believe that their metabolism will increase if they work out enough. People assume that they’ll lose weight if they burn more fat than they take in each day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way, and working out won’t eliminate the effects of a poor diet.

One of the reasons that exercise alone won’t boost your metabolism is that there isn’t enough time in the day. Most people don’t have enough time to burn more than a few hundred calories, and junk food will put you well beyond that. Even if you plan to work out that day, you must consciously choose healthy eating.

Eating unhealthy foods takes a toll on your body and weight loss efforts. While exercise is essential, you can’t count on it alone. Pay attention to your eating habits and daily dietary intake to see if you’re hindering your weight loss efforts. You must get a healthy mix of physical activity and essential nutrients daily to fulfill your metabolic needs.

2. Eating Breakfast Boosts Your Metabolism (myth alert!)

Most people have heard that breakfast is essential daily and boosts your metabolism. However, experts say breakfast might not have anything to do with speeding up your metabolism.

The myth comes from the thermic effect of food, which occurs when your body uses energy to break down food. This process happens no matter when you eat your first meal, so it doesn’t have to be breakfast. You can eat whenever it works best for your lifestyle and schedule.

3. Cardio is Better for Your Metabolism Than Strength Training

This metabolism myth is common because cardio burns more calories than strength training. However, burning more doesn’t always mean it’s better for your metabolism. Instead, a higher metabolic rate requires more muscle mass.

Studies show that resistance and strength training reduce fat while increasing muscle. Cardio only reduces fat without doing anything for your muscles. So, speeding up your metabolism requires more than just cardio; strength training is the way to go.

Additionally, cardio will only boost your metabolism for at least one to two hours. If you opt for strength training, the boost can last up to 24 hours, helping your weight loss efforts all day. You’ll get more out of your workout by implementing strength or resistance training daily.

It’s essential to note that any physical activity helps burn fat. Don’t skip out on cardio altogether because it reduces the risk of health conditions. The best option is to combine strength training and cardio each day.

4. Eating After 7:00 PM Ruins Your Metabolism

A long-held metabolism myth is that you shouldn’t eat after 7:00 PM or you won’t lose weight. However, it doesn’t matter if you eat late at night or not because it doesn’t affect your weight either way. The only thing that matters regarding late-night snacks is what you choose to eat.

If you choose a healthy snack after 7:00, it won’t harm your weight loss efforts. It will help keep your metabolism going overnight, regulate your blood sugar, and help you meet your protein goals. Choose something healthy, like a low-fat cheese stick or Greek yogurt.

However, if you choose an unhealthy snack, it could hinder your weight loss efforts. Junk food and desserts can cause weight gain, but eating them early in the day or late at night affects your outcomes. So, enjoy your late-night snack, and don’t assume you have to eat your treats early, either.

5. Many Small Meals Throughout the Day Boosts Your Metabolism

One myth that can hinder your weight loss efforts is that eating many small meals is better than three big ones. Eating small meals doesn’t boost your metabolism at all, and it can do more harm than good. Most people struggle with portion sizes, so eating many small meals leads to overeating.

People believe this myth because frequent eating throughout the day can curb cravings but doesn’t boost metabolism. However, there’s nothing wrong with this eating schedule as long as it works for you and doesn’t lead to overeating.

As further proof that eating many small meals doesn’t boost metabolism, you can skip meals and lose weight. Your body won’t suffer from skipping a meal unless you’ve missed multiple meals. However, skipping meals can cause you to miss out on essential nutrients that keep you energized throughout the day.

If you eat three full meals a day, you can eat snacks in between. Eating healthy snacks can help curb your cravings the same way eating many small meals does. Snacks can prevent you from getting too hungry, helping you resist overeating.

healthy diet

6. Some Foods and Drinks Boost Metabolism

Many people believe that caffeine, green tea, and spicy foods boost metabolism, but that isn’t accurate. These foods and drinks can give your metabolism a jolt, but it isn’t enough to make a difference. Plus, the jolt doesn’t last long, either.

The only foods that can truly boost your metabolism are those with nutrients and vitamins. You must consume more than one food to receive adequate nutrition for improving your weight loss efforts. Don’t focus on adding something specific to your diet, but ensure eating many nutritious but low-calorie foods daily.

To add a variety of nutritious, filling, and low-calorie foods to your diet, look for the following:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Lean meats

7. Metabolism Slows with Age (the most surprising of these metabolism myths!)

A common myth is that your metabolism slows down as you get older, so people think there’s nothing they can do about it. However, this decline only occurs if you become less active. If you continue being active as you get older, your metabolism won’t slow down.

Three Ways to Boost Metabolism Naturally (Without Relying on Those Debunked Metabolism Myths!)

So what can you do to increase the metabolic process?

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Your body needs water to function, including processing the food you eat. If you aren’t drinking enough water each day, it slows your metabolism down. Studies show that those who drink water throughout the day burn more calories than those who don’t.

If it’s hard for you to drink enough water, start drinking a glass of water before every snack and meal. You’ll get used to drinking so much water and consume more than you did in the past. Water also helps suppress your appetite, making it highly beneficial for weight loss.

2. Get Enough Sleep

You’ll be more energized and focused during the day when you get enough sleep. You’re more likely to make better food and movement choices with energy and focus.

You won’t feel as sluggish, giving you the energy to move whenever the opportunity arises. Plus, you can make nutritious choices with a focused mind rather than reaching for a sugar-filled treat.

3. Take Time to Move During Your Workday

If your workday takes up a significant portion of your day, finding time to move regularly is essential. Schedule short breaks throughout your day, making sure to get out of your chair and move around.

Taking short breaks to move around isn’t only beneficial for weight loss. It also helps boost productivity and concentration, allowing you to work more efficiently.

metabolism myths

Final Thoughts on Metabolism Myths That Can Harm Your Weight Loss Efforts

Knowing the truth about metabolism myths can make all the difference in your weight-loss efforts. You can adopt new and eliminate old habits, guiding you closer to success.

Don’t hold up your progress by believing the myths you’ve heard all your life. Do research to see what will work best for your weight loss efforts because these aren’t the only metabolism myths you’ll find. Aim to eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, move frequently, exercise, and get plenty of sleep.

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