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This Sweet Ginger Cat Will Melt Even The Coldest Heart

Tommy, a 4-year-old ginger cat, lives in the UK with his loving cat parents. The adorable tabby cat garners a lot of attention on social media for his fashionable bandanas and bowties. He’s the perfect model for them, if you ask us! We hope his story brightens your day and warms your heart during these cold winter days.

“When Tommy first came to our home, he was very nervous and he used to run away and hide, but after a couple days he was absolutely fine,” Tommy’s mom said. “We were looking to adopt another kitty, so we found through another friend that there was one in need of a home down the road.”

This Sweet Ginger Cat Will Warm Your Heart

Once they found a ginger cat close by, they decided to provide a loving home for him. They adopted him when he was just eight weeks old in July 2017. They also had two other cats at home that got along wonderfully with their new furry addition. Just like any ginger cat, Tommy loves the simple things in life.

“Tommy loves his treats as any cat would; one of his favorites are the nice, licky treats. Tommy is very lovable and loving, and he loves to sit on our lap to cuddle. He loves playing with his toys and he loves to go out to explore,” his mom says.

When he’s not doing normal cat things, he also loves being a ham on social media! You can find the ginger cat on Instagram @the_ginger_tom.

“We love to spend time cuddling with Tommy; it makes us happy and makes him happy too. If you’re thinking of adopting a pet, we recommend lots of cuddling, lots of love, lots of pet playing as well,” Tommy’s mom said.

Enjoy perusing his Instagram page and admiring his luscious good looks! He probably makes all the other ginger cats out there jealous, because he’s one handsome fellow!


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A post shared by Tommy (@the_ginger_tom)

Interesting Facts About Ginger Cats

  • National Tabby Day is April 30, so if you have a ginger cat, make sure to celebrate him or her on this day!
  • Tabbies got their name from their resemblance to silk sold in Baghdad’s “Attabiy” district. In the 14th century, the French named them “atabis,” which became “tabis,” and nowadays, we simply call them tabby cats.
  • Tabbies aren’t an actual breed of cats, but a way of describing their physical characteristics. One of the telltale signs of a tabby is a unique “M” mark in the middle of their forehead.
  • You might think tabby cats only come in the color orange. While most people think of a ginger cat as a tabby, they have other coat colorings as well. Black and grey tabbies also exist, and you can usually spot them because of certain patterns on their coats.
  • About 75-80% of ginger tabby cats are male, and only 20-25% are female.
  • Ginger cats have five distinct coat patterns. Classic tabby cats have striking swirling patterns, mackerel tabbies have long, thin stripes, and spotted tabbies have large or small spots. Ticked tabbies have unique markings on their faces and agouti hairs (hairs with more than one band of color) throughout their bodies. Finally, patched tabbies may showcase one or more of these patterns, with most of them residing on their legs and head.
  • Tabby patterns come in handy in the wild, as they help camouflage big cats while they hunt for prey. Large ginger cats like tigers benefit from these markings on their coats. Leopards also bear these patterns.
  • Ginger cats and kitties have a warm, affectionate, playful personality. They also have high intelligence, but unfortunately, that can make them incredibly stubborn as well.
  • Tabby cats make wonderful family pets due to their social nature. They enjoy playtime and will gladly participate in activities with their human family.
  • Like most cats, ginger cats love a good hunt. If you have a mouse or other rodent in the house, a tabby cat won’t hesitate to chase it down.


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Basic Ginger Cat Care

If you decide to adopt a ginger cat, you’ll need to ensure you can properly care for him/her. Follow these tips to keep your tabby safe and healthy:

  • Cats are carnivores, so make sure to feed them foods made only for cats and not table scraps.
  • Make sure to spay or neuter your cat as soon as possible. Skipping this step can lead to thousands of unwanted cats being born each year, with an average lifespan of just two years. As you can imagine, homeless cats have very rough lives on the street. Also, feral cats can cause significant ecological damage. They’ve been linked to declining bird populations in Australia and North America, and have even caused extinctions on islands across the globe.
  • Avoid declawing your cat, as tabby cats need their claws for scratching. This behavior is instinctive and helps them stretch, remove dead parts of their nails, and mark objects with their scent.
  • Take your cat to the vet at least once a year. Even if nothing seems wrong, a good check-up will keep your ginger cat healthy and happy.
  • Keep a few toys around the house so your cat stays occupied while you’re gone. Some ideas include strings, balls, sticks, or fake mice. Also, consider buying a cat stand or tower, because cats love to climb!

ginger cat

Final Thoughts on Tom the Handsome Ginger Cat

Have you ever seen a cat as photogenic as Tommy? We didn’t think so! He just looks like a pro model in all his pictures; his parents should feel very proud! Tabby cats aren’t just beautiful to look at; they also have a heart of gold and offer companionship to humans. They love to play and will happily engage in any activity with their humans.

If you’ve ever owned a tabby cat, you probably remember their warm, friendly demeanor. Everyone talks about dogs being a man’s best friend, but ginger cats have just as much love to give. Have you ever owned a tabby cat? Let us know your experience in the comments.

Are You Using Negative Affirmations Without Realizing It? Here’s How It Hurts

Many people use negative affirmations without realizing what they’re doing. Your thoughts play a role in how your life plays out, and they impact your overall well-being. It’s harmful in many ways, whether you realize it or not.

Negative affirmations are statements and words that lead to negativity. This non-constructive type of self-talk is severely damaging to your self-esteem and overall outlook on life. While you might not realize that you’re engaging in negative self-talk, you can learn to identify it and address the issue.

Positive affirmations are popular, so you’re likely familiar with those already. However, many people don’t realize that negative affirmations exist, too. Negative phrases work the same way as the positive ones, but they attract negative energy instead of positivity.

Whether you say the phrases aloud or you keep them in your mind, they’re detrimental in many ways. Learning to identify negative affirmations is essential for overcoming them and shifting your mindset. Once you’ve identified it, you can replace it with something positive about your life.

How to Determine If You’re Using Negative Affirmations Without Realizing It

negative affirmations

1. You Say Sentences Starting With “I Will Never.”

When you say things similar to this phrase, you’re setting yourself up to be unsuccessful. Whatever you’re saying you’ll never do, you’re probably correct.

So, shift your thought process and tell yourself that you can do anything. Rephrasing the statement allows you to make it a positive thought instead of a self-limiting idea. Nothing is impossible unless you tell yourself it is.

2. You Think Negatively About Yourself

Anytime you experience negative self-talk, it’s an affirmation. These thoughts manifest other negative things in your life. You don’t have to say the words out loud for them to affect your life, so always be aware of your thoughts.

If you often experience negative self-talk, start memorizing positive affirmations to replace them. When you make this beneficial change, you’ll see how detrimental the toxic thoughts were.

3. You Have Negative Thoughts About Money

You might be surprised to know that you can manifest money. However, even more, surprising is that negative thoughts about money can cause you to run into more financial issues.

Anytime you talk or think about money negatively, you only exacerbate the problem. Plus, you start to convince yourself that earning money is hard and that not everyone can do it. This false idea quickly harms your finances as you stop being open to new opportunities.

One big issue is constantly thinking about debt. While you must address the problem, you shouldn’t obsess over it at every moment. Try focusing on your income instead of on your debt and see what a difference it makes.

4. You Talk About Your Problems, Limitations, and Obstacles

When you discuss your limitations with yourself or others, it starts an endless cycle of negative thoughts. Likewise, complaining about the obstacles you’re dealing with can hinder your progress.

While it’s okay to vent, you must know when to stop and let go of the negative thoughts. If you find yourself talking about your problems, limitations, or obstacles, take a moment to refocus. Replace the negative thoughts or comments with positive ones, like how you’ll overcome each issue.

5. You Tell Yourself That You Will Fail

If you ever tell yourself that you can’t do something, you probably won’t be able to do it. This negative affirmation is one of the most detrimental because it holds you back in every way.

Many times, you won’t even attempt because you’ve convinced yourself that you will fail. Other times, you will still have the negative thought on your mind as you try to do something, hindering your success. Your thoughts become your reality, so you must stop telling yourself that you’ll fail.

negative affirmations

6. You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Problems

If you don’t stop thinking about your problems, they’ll never get any better. Think of things in the present that allow you to move forward positively. The negative thoughts only recreate the situation instead of changing it with the help of positivity.

7. You Constantly Tell Yourself That Life is too Hard

Focusing on how hard life can be is sure to hold you back. Telling yourself that things are too hard for you to do limits your abilities instead of letting you push your limits.

When you say phrases like this, you subconsciously give up on whatever task you need to accomplish. Even when things get complicated, it’s never too hard to overcome by finding a creative solution.

8. You Feel Like You Have Bad Luck

If it seems like bad things keep happening to you, you might think you have bad luck. However, it is more likely that you’re manifesting negativity. Pay attention to your thoughts and see if you subconsciously refer to negative thinking. If so, now is the time to shift your mindset.

How Negative Affirmations Hurt You in Life

Negative statements and thoughts make you feel bad and unhappy about your life. They make you feel like you can’t change anything and that you’re stuck where you are right now. When you allow these thoughts to continue, it worsens the problems instead of inspiring a solution.

Not only do negative affirmations exacerbate the problem, but they also invite other harmful things into your life. You teach yourself to expect bad things to happen, and you start subconsciously looking for negative things around you.

Additionally, after hearing negative self-talk often enough, you start to believe what you tell yourself. When you say that you’re bad at something, you’ll begin to feel insecure about your abilities. Likewise, if you tell yourself that you are lazy, you’ll stop doing the things you do now.

Whatever your self-talk is about, you’ll experience a setback in that area of your life. You might even stop trying to do anything because you have convinced yourself that you are a failure. Even if you don’t notice a dramatic effect from your negative thoughts, it’ll still interfere with your happiness and self-appreciation.

Unfortunately, you can’t unthink a negative thought or remove it from your mind. It’s a part of life, but you must learn to overcome it to undo the damage and avoid further harm. Let go of your negative self-talk and embrace positivity instead.

Replacing Negative Affirmations with Positivity

Replacing negative affirmations with positive ones can make all the difference in your life. You’ll notice an overall improvement, and you’ll start to see the good all around you. Positive affirmations are inspiring and encouraging words regarding what you want to happen, receive, or achieve.

Anytime you acknowledge a negative thought, replace it with a positive comment about yourself or your life. If you shift your thoughts each time, it’ll become a habit that helps you get further and feel better. The statements should improve your life and cultivate a positive mindset.

You can also shift your mindset by countering every negative thought you have. For example, you might think about how you don’t make as much money as someone else. You can oppose the ideas by acknowledging that you get to spend more time with your family because your job is less demanding.

When you focus on positivity, you can always counter your negative thoughts. After consciously doing this, you’ll find that you don’t have as many negative thoughts anymore.

Examples of Positive Affirmations

To help you get started on replacing your negative thoughts, here are a few examples of positive affirmations:

  • I am capable of getting this job.
  • I can get this promotion.
  • I’m successful and living up to my full potential.
  • I love myself as I am right now, and I embrace my unique qualities.
  • I’m attracting positivity into my life.
  • I’m enjoying a remarkable career that brings me joy and allows me to have everything I need.
  • I know that everything in my life is gradually getting better, and hardship doesn’t last forever.
  • I watch for signs from the Universe to guide me forward.
  • I’m happy with my life right now, but I continue to improve myself every day.
  • I let go of any fear that might hold me back.
  • I’m worthy of positive things in my life.
  • I choose happiness even when things get complicated.
  • I’m excited to become a better version of myself every day.
  • I learn from my mistakes, so I have a better chance of success next time.

negative affirmations

Are You Using Negative Affirmations Without Realizing It? Here’s How It Hurts

Now that you know how to recognize negative affirmations, you can start making a positive change in your life. Start by addressing the negative thoughts and figuring out how to overcome them. Shift to positive thinking and countering your thoughts and comments.

The more often you challenge your negative thoughts or replace them with positive affirmations, the sooner you’ll see an improvement. Use positive affirmations each morning and night for the best results, and use them anytime you need a boost during the day. As you become more comfortable with positive affirmations, you’ll experience fewer negative thoughts.

15 Daily Affirmations for a More Disciplined Mindset

Having a disciplined mindset is one of the most important skills a person can have. It helps with all areas of life, helping people achieve their goals and accomplish tasks. However, many people fail to recognize the importance of a tenacious mindset, and fewer know how to achieve it.

You can strengthen your self-discipline by reciting daily affirmations. These positive phrases help you manifest the things you want in life. Luckily, many positive phrases can help you achieve a disciplined mindset.

Self-discipline doesn’t require living a restrictive lifestyle. Instead, it requires using common sense, setting priorities, and thinking things through before acting. It also requires self-control and inner strength in all situations.

With a disciplined mindset, you’ll have the power to make decisions and follow through with them. It helps you get things done, allowing you to live the life of your dreams. Get started by using these daily mantras and developing the best mindset to improve your self-discipline.

What Self-Discipline Means


Understanding self-discipline can help you develop the skill in your daily life. Having a better understanding of what discipline means will also help you use the affirmational statements. Self-discipline means that you:

  • Exhibit self-control
  • Avoid unhealthy excess of anything
  • Persevere in all situations
  • Have the inner strength to keep trying
  • Keep your goal in mind
  • Continually pursue your plans despite setbacks and frustration
  • Can delay instant gratification
  • Avoid procrastination

People with self-discipline exhibit certain behaviors, too. They are more punctual than others, and they take responsibility for themselves. These people know that they control their lives and focus on doing what’s best long-term.

These people also set goals and determine which steps they must take to achieve them. If you work to develop these behaviors yourself, it’ll help you be more focused.

Fifteen Daily Affirmations for a More Disciplined Mindset

1. I am using my time wisely today.

When you use your time wisely, you’ll maintain a focused mindset. You can’t get wasted time back, and being self-disciplined means you’ll resist distractions and procrastination. This affirmation will also help you prioritize the essential tasks on your list.

2. I am giving my best effort in all situations.

It might be easy to slack off sometimes, but you must resist the urge. Even when you don’t feel like doing something, you must give your best effort anyway.

3. I always finish what I start.

When you start a project or a task, you must see it through to the end. Avoid giving up on things you’ve already started by using this affirmation each morning and night. You can also use it to gain motivation in the middle of a task you feel like quitting.

This affirmation shifts your mindset and awakens everything you need to accomplish the task. You’ll feel positive and content as you finish what you started.

4. I practice self-discipline each day.

Self-discipline takes daily practice and consistency. It isn’t something you can occasionally do and expect it to become a habit. Work on it every day, resisting temptation and being the best version of yourself.

The more often you practice self-discipline, the better you’ll get at it. Before you know it, it’ll be a habit that you no longer have to think about.

5. I am setting realistic goals and sticking to them.

As you set your life goals, you must think realistically. Set goals that you can create a plan for, and make sure your dream correlates with your vision of the future. Once you choose your goals, stick to them no matter what obstacles come your way.

There are many ways to reach the same goal, so avoid switching paths mid-way. If you feel like your plan isn’t working, keep pushing forward because you might already be on the right path. Choosing a new plan halfway to your goal could set you back and cause other issues.

6. I am doing things that I don’t want to do because they are good for me.

Having self-discipline helps you do things you don’t want to do. Not everyone wants to exercise or eat healthy foods, but it’s beneficial to their well-being. Likewise, some people don’t want to quit smoking or give up other bad habits, but they want to be healthier.

Whatever it is that you don’t want to do, remind yourself that it’s good for you. If the task is beneficial to your health and well-being, practicing willpower can make all the difference. This affirmation will help you get those tasks over with, allowing you to move forward with your day.

7. I am making the best decision for myself and my family.

Remembering that you’re doing what’s best for you and your family makes it easier to maintain self-discipline. Having something or someone to keep trying for can make all the difference.  This affirmation can also help when you have a tough decision to make. It’ll help you choose the right option for you, giving you confidence regarding your decision.


8. I am in control of my actions, thoughts, and choices.

You might sometimes feel like other people control you and your life. However, that is never truly the case because you are the only one who can control your actions, thoughts, and choices. Other people might influence them, but they can’t ever control you.

Use this affirmation in the morning to start you on the right path for the day. Repeat it before bed to help solidify it in your mind. The more often you say it, the better off you’ll be regarding discipline.

9. I am conquering every obstacle I encounter.

You’ll encounter obstacles even with extensive preparation. By telling yourself that you are conquering every setback, you’ll be ready to tackle everything. You’ll always be on the lookout for learning opportunities and other solutions to your problems.

10. I am creating results.

You are responsible for creating your results in life. When you want something, do what it takes to make it happen. Go after the things you want that will help you accomplish your dreams.

Using this affirmation can help you develop and maintain a disciplined mindset. It reminds you that you’re responsible for creating results, and it won’t happen without your determination. When you keep this in mind, you’ll want to keep pushing forward even when things get hard.

11. I am resisting distraction today and staying focused.

Getting distracted is one of the most common reasons for not getting things done. You might miss deadlines or events, or you could get behind on work and feel overwhelmed. Plus, you won’t work as effectively if you give in to distraction.

12. I am making progress every day.

It doesn’t matter how quickly you reach your goals, only that you keep working toward them. Make progress each day by taking small steps to get you going. Each small step leads to the bigger picture, so the ultimate goal is to persevere.

Keep pushing when things get hard and find new ways to do something when your original plan didn’t work out. Obtaining a more discipline mindset means working on your goals even when you don’t feel like it. You can’t reach success overnight, so use this affirmation to help you focus on progress.

13. I am disciplined and highly organized.

By repeating this affirmation, you’ll start to exhibit that behavior. Being highly organized helps with discipline as you can find things easier. It helps you accomplish more and remember everything you have going on, too. Staying organized plays a huge role in your discipline levels, helping you reach your goals and accomplish tasks.

14. I am following through on all commitments.

When you say you’ll do something, make sure to follow through. A disciplined mindset requires doing the things you say you will. When you don’t do what you committed yourself to do, you start to make a lack of self-discipline an issue. Then it’ll be harder to accomplish anything, including reaching your goals.

15. I am making choices that get me closer to my long-term goals.

Your decisions should always align with your goals. There will be times when you must choose between something that doesn’t get you closer to your goals and something that does. In every instance, choose the option that will get you where you want to be long-term.

The other option might sound like a fun time, but it could set you back. Choosing between the best option and a fun experience is where a disciplined mindset comes into play because you’ll have to choose the best option. Using this affirmation each morning will help you with decision-making throughout the day.


Final Thoughts on Daily Affirmations for a More Disciplined Mindset

These daily affirmations can help you develop a more disciplined mindset and reach your goals. Indeed, developing your discipline skill can make all the difference in how quickly you accomplish your dreams.

With discipline, you’ll experience positive guidance heading toward your goals. You’ll know what you must do. Besides that, you’ll be able to choose the best option for your long-term dreams. Use these affirmational statements each morning and at night for the best results.

15 Behaviors That Help You Have a More Abundant Life

Living an abundant life allows your mind and body to experience freedom. You’ll have what it takes to reach your full potential, living up to all of your dreams.

Many people believe that living an abundant life requires being rich or having lots of extra money. However, this belief isn’t accurate because it only requires is happiness, determination, and eliminating self-limiting thoughts. If you fulfill your needs and reach a state of contentment, you’ll have everything that it takes to live an abundant life.

You’ll feel free to live a happy life while chasing your goals and living in the moment. Living abundantly creates a barrier of positivity, helping you be more resilient in life. You’ll know that everything will be okay because you have everything you need.

Once you understand that you already have everything it takes to be happy, you’ll start living an abundant life. However, it’s not always easy to shift your mindset, but there are some things you can do to help yourself.

Fifteen Behaviors That Help You Have a More Abundant Life

Learning the behaviors that help you have an abundant life can make all the difference.


1. Practice Self-Love Fosters a More Abundant Life

When you love yourself, you’ll feel like you have everything you need right now. Accept who you are to boost your self-image, confidence, and sense of self-worth. When you know what you’re worthy of, you will have an easier time loving yourself and living a fulfilling life.

Love yourself by focusing on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Make sure to live life on your terms, too, and avoid following societal standards. Do things that bring joy to your life, and don’t accept things that don’t feel right for you.

2. Prepare for Opportunities

While you must live in the moment, you must take some time to better yourself. Preparing for opportunities allows you to feel confident when the time comes. If you’re always ready for a new opportunity, you’ll continue advancing in life and becoming better at what you do.

When you prepare for opportunities, you’ll start by identifying your strengths. Then, continually develop your skills related to what you’re good at. You’ll also want to be observant and on the lookout for unexpected opportunities.

3. Be Consistent

When you practice consistency, you won’t have to struggle with willpower as often because you’ll form beneficial habits. Being consistent allows you to make steady progress toward your long-term goals.

Come up with a plan to develop healthy and beneficial habits and stick to them. There are always many ways to reach the same goal, so don’t keep switching your methods to see if another way will produce faster results. If you want to achieve a goal, consistency is essential.

As you implement new habits, practice them daily for short increments rather than weekly for a longer time. Daily activity will help develop a consistent routine more than weekly or monthly.

4. Time Management Can Help You Be More Abundant

It’s easy to get distracted, and even a quick interference can cause you to lose focus. With time management, you can knock out the essential tasks each day. Plus, it helps keep track of time, productivity levels, and efficiency.

Practicing time management requires preventing procrastination, defining your goals and tasks, and breaking your tasks down into smaller chunks. It helps with relieving stress and getting more done in less time. You’ll also want to determine your distractions and work on eliminating those.

5. Avoid Comparisons

Comparing yourself to other people will make you feel like you’re lacking something in your life. Remember that everyone has flaws, and no one has a perfect life, even if they lead you to believe that they do. Focus on becoming a better version of yourself and avoid comparing your life to anyone else’s.

While it’s detrimental to compare yourself to people in person, it’s even worse to do it on social media. People on social media only see what other people want them to see. They’ll post the good parts of their life and gloss over the rest, attempting to look perfect to everyone else.

6. Continually Improve Social Skills

Fostering healthy relationships is essential to living a fulfilling life. Surround yourself with positive people and improve your social skills along the way. Focus on listening to others and spreading happiness, hope, and love.

Having negative people in your life will bring you down, so fostering positive friendships is essential. The law of attraction describes how positive people attract positivity, and negative people attract negativity. Make sure you surround yourself with people who have the same mindset you want to achieve.

7. Take Responsibility for Building an Abundant Life for Yourself

Taking responsibility for your happiness and life fulfillment is essential. Don’t blame misfortunes and bad moods on anyone or anything around you because you can make a change at any time. The sooner you take responsibility for your happiness and fulfillment, the sooner things will improve for you.


8. Keep an Open Mind

Keeping an open mind allows you to recognize opportunities and think of ideas you wouldn’t have otherwise. It’ll help you think critically and reasonably, even in challenging situations. With an open mind, you’ll learn new things, feel empowered, become insightful, and experience optimism.

You must move beyond limiting beliefs and understand that with focus and determination, anything is possible. Challenge your existing thoughts and look for ways to build on them. Keeping an open mind will also help you explore new strengths that you didn’t know you had before.

9. Accept Risks

Fears can hold you back in all areas of your life. The fear of the unknown might stop you from changing certain areas of your life that aren’t beneficial. When you get used to how things are, it’s easy to want to stay in your comfort zone, but it won’t help you.

Staying in your comfort zone doesn’t allow you to broaden your mind or fulfill your potential. Instead, it holds you back from becoming a better version of yourself. Accept risks and try new things, even when it would be easier to stay where you are.

10. Express Gratitude to Receive an Abundant Life

Expressing gratitude leads to more happiness and fulfillment in life. It helps you focus on the things you have right now and limits thinking about the things you don’t have. When your mindset shifts to one of gratitude, you’ll quickly realize that you’re living a fulfilling life.

Think about all the people and things in your life that make you happy right now. Focus on those things each day, and you’re sure to realize how blessed you already are.

11. Avoid Overthinking

Your thoughts determine how you live, so make sure you focus on positivity. Overthinking leads to negative thoughts, enticing negative results. If you can shift your mindset and avoid overthinking, you’ll find that you feel happier and more fulfilled.

Overthinking is a habit you’ll have to overcome, but you can make it happen. Focus on living in the present and thinking about the things that could go right instead of wrong.

12. Focus on One Task at a Time

It’s great to have long-term goals, but you must focus on more minor things each day. Break your long-term goals down into more manageable tasks, helping you make steady progress. When you break down your goals, make sure you separate them into manageable tasks that you can focus on daily.

Working a little each day will help you get further, promoting consistency. Don’t set too many goals for yourself, or it’ll lead to overwhelm and lack of progress. If you want to feel like you have everything you need, set one small goal at a time, guiding you a little closer to your overall dream.

13. Manifest Happiness, Don’t Chase It

When you manifest happiness, you’re more likely to find it than when you chase it. Happiness and fulfillment come from within, so don’t bother searching elsewhere. Focus your mind on one goal, and use affirmations to help you feel empowered.

When you believe in your goal, it’s more likely to come true. Visualize living in abundance as you manifest happiness, and you’ll find what you’re looking for.

14. Practice Mindfulness to Feel More Abundant

Mindfulness helps you become aware of the present moment, allowing you to enjoy life. You don’t have to do anything special or take much time out of your day to practice mindfulness, either.

To practice mindfulness, you can look outside, do acts of kindness, observe nature, or meditate. Other options include reflecting on your situation, smelling food or different scents, or sitting quietly.

15. Let Go Of Resentment

Holding resentment is harmful to you and doesn’t often affect the person you have a grudge against. It causes unnecessary stress in your life, causing you to feel like something isn’t right. Focus on forgiveness and moving on instead.


Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Help You Have a More Abundant Life

Living an abundant life doesn’t require being rich. Instead, it only requires having the basic things you need in life. If you can remember that you have everything you need, you’ll start to realize how blessed you are.

With that realization, you’ll start to make more significant strides toward your goals. Living an abundant life helps you excel in life and do more than you ever thought possible. Implement some of these behaviors into your life and see what a difference they make.

10 Exercises to Help Reduce Distractibility and Refocus Attention

If you struggle with distractibility and focus, you likely want to know how to overcome the issue. It interferes with every part of your life, holding up the progress toward your goals. Even when you know it’s holding you up, it can be hard to resist distractions.

Many people get distracted by their phones, so it’s hard to escape things that pull your focus away from your task. Everyone seems to have their phone nearby and within reach even when they’re busy with other things. It’s hard to stay focused on anything else with nonstop notifications, text messages, emails, video games, and so much more.

There are also many other distractions surrounding you, including your stress levels. When stressed, it might seem like your mind is racing, creating distractibility. Plus, things like cravings, the weather, and other people can cause distractions, too.

Studies show that the mind wanders for nearly 50% of your waking hours, making it hard for you to focus. Luckily, you can make some changes to reduce distractibility and refocus attention. A few brain exercises might be all it takes to refocus your wandering mind.

Ten Exercises to Help Reduce Distractibility and Refocus Attention

When you first hear the word exercise, you likely think of physical activity. However, mindful exercises are the way to go regarding reducing distractibility and refocusing attention. Training your brain to stay on track can be life-changing, helping you accomplish more and go further.


1. Mindfulness Training Decreases Distractibility

Mindfulness training is the best way to control the distractions around you and in your mind. Research indicates that mindfulness training is helpful for people in high-stress groups.

Additionally, those who regularly practiced mindfulness training experienced improved attention over time. It helps you remain stable and focused, even when things go wrong.

However, the people who didn’t practice mindfulness training experienced a decline in distractibility when they experienced stress. They struggled to push away distracting thoughts and ignore external factors that caused them to lose focus.

Mindfulness training requires that you pay attention to the present moment. You focus on starting aware without letting your emotions distract you. As you practice mindfulness training, aim for at least fifteen minutes a day, five days a week, for the best results.

The more time you spend, the more benefits you’ll experience. You might not see a difference right away, but it’ll come with time and practice. An essential thing to remember when practicing mindfulness is to return wandering thoughts to the task at hand.

2. Single-task instead of multitasking

Multitasking sounds like a great idea, but it won’t get you very far. Your brain can’t do multiple things simultaneously, so you believe multitasking is just switching tasks quickly. You lose productivity each time you switch jobs because it hinders your focus.

Instead of doing multiple things at once, list everything you must do. Then, prioritize your list and start doing things one at a time.

In between each task, you can reward yourself by checking your phone or getting another cup of coffee. Your goal should be to avoid these distractions during the job, so rewarding yourself afterward can help.

3. Get enough sleep to lessen distractibility

Life gets busy, and it’s easy to assume you’ll function well with little to no sleep. However, distractions will be hard to ignore if you don’t get enough sleep each night. Your brain will struggle to concentrate on one thing, and everything around you will pull your thoughts from your task.

Try to get at least seven hours of sleep each night to reduce distractibility and refocus your attention. With more rest, you’ll find that you get more done during the day, evening out the extra time you spent asleep.

4. Open monitoring

Open monitoring is mindfulness training that helps you pay attention to the world without becoming attached. Instead of latching onto a specific object or person, you remain open to any experience. You will embrace every situation and allow it to happen without overthinking or overprocessing first.

You’ll want to sit comfortably when you first start practicing open monitoring. Then, focus on your thoughts, sensations, and emotions, but don’t hold onto them.

Instead, name the feeling and then release it. Making the conscious choice to remove feelings and thoughts helps you stay focused on the essential parts of your life.

5. Listen to music

Background music can help you stay focused on your tasks. Music can help your brain release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that entices happiness. When you’re happy, it’s easier to concentrate and push away distractions.

You don’t have to play classical music quietly, either. If you’re up for it, you can turn it up louder than background music and listen to your favorite songs until you feel like you can focus again.


6. Body scanning can lessen distractibility

A body scan directs your thoughts to specific things, helping you train your brain to focus on one thing at a time. Start this brain exercise by concentrating on your toes and taking note of the sensations you feel. Acknowledge that you experience tightness, tingling, warmth, cold, or anything else.

After your toes, move on to the soles of your feet, your legs, stomach, chest, and so on. Continue your focus up your body, only thinking of one part at a time. As you get better at focusing on one aspect at a time, you’ll begin to handle distractions much better.

7. Mindful breathing

Mindful breathing is a brain exercise that increases your ability to focus on one thing at a time. Start by sitting in a comfortable but upright position to do this focused attention exercise. Then, focus your thoughts on your breathing.

As you focus on your breathing, think about how it feels or what it does to your body. You could think about the cool air coming in and out of your nostrils or how your abdomen moves. Focus on any aspect of the breathing process, but ensure it’s tied to a sensory experience.

Don’t get frustrated if your mind wanders as you focus on breathing. Instead, acknowledge the thought and then refocus on your breathing. It’s normal for the ideas to creep in, and the more you practice, the easier it will become to push them away.

By gently redirecting your thoughts back to your breathing, you teach yourself to ignore distractions. Practice this exercise daily, and it’ll quickly start helping in your daily life.

8. Ease stress to lower distractibility

It’s hard to focus on something when you’re overwhelmed with stress. If you want to decrease distractibility, find ways to cope with stress and eliminate it from your life. One way to burn stress is through physical activity, but there are other ways, too, including:

  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing techniques
  • Hugging a loved one
  • Finding a creative outlet
  • Positive affirmations
  • Expressing gratitude
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Therapy
  • Getting some fresh air and basking in the sun
  • Counting backward
  • Stretching or yoga
  • Closing your eyes for a few minutes
  • Squeezing a stress ball
  • Organizing your space
  • Finding something to laugh about
  • Writing in a journal

9. Start with a small and simple goal

Spend some time thinking about what a reasonable goal is for you. Then, cut that goal in half and use what you come up with as your first milestone. Set a timeframe so you’re more motivated to keep going and accomplish your goal on time.

Starting with small goals gives you a break to look forward to at a specific time. You’ll want to keep pushing to get it done, allowing you to focus and ignore distraction. When you make a habit of working this way, it’ll become easier to resist the distraction.

10. Mindful Walking

Like mindful breathing, mindful walking requires focusing on one thing at a time. However, you’ll walk around rather than sit still as you focus.

As you walk, pay attention to how your feet feel on the ground or the breeze against your skin. Listen for the sounds all around you as you walk through nature, too.

You can focus on whichever sensation you want, but don’t keep shifting your focus. Once you’ve chosen a focal point, stick to it as you practice. You can also do this exercise inside if you can’t go out.


Final Thoughts on Ten Exercises to Help Reduce Distractibility and Refocus Attention

Distractibility is often considered an issue for kids, but adults struggle just as much. If you need help refocus your attention, these tips can help you. Don’t let your wandering mind stand in the way of your career or reaching other goals.

Learn to stay focused on the task at hand so that you can get things done and enjoy your time later. You’re not too old to learn how to focus and reduce distractibility. If you start practicing now, it’ll quickly make a difference.

This Artist Paints Stunning Watercolor Illustrations Using Brush Pens

Katie Smith, an award-winning artist and nature lover, expresses her zest for life through beautiful watercolor illustrations. However, as a multidisciplinary artist, she enjoys experimenting with other mediums. Her art has been featured in local shops, won many awards, displayed in galleries, and sold worldwide. Here’s her story about how she got into watercolor illustrations and where the journey has taken her.

“I am an artist, and creativity is my way of life. I love drawing, art journaling, painting; pretty much if it’s creative, I love it. I started my journey as an artist as a kid who pretty much just drew on everything, including her homework,” Katie explains.

Since she attended a homeschool, she had spare time to draw and doodle as she pleased. That passion only grew as she got older and blossomed into a small business where she could create to her heart’s content. Over the years, her interests have shifted more towards watercolor illustrations as her primary means of expression.

“As a teenager, I got into scrapbooking and was published in multiple magazines. At 17, I started a DIY blog where I posted my art and my work online and started my journey as a freelancing artist by doing DIY projects for crafting companies. And then in 2014, I discovered art journaling which is when my love for crafting switched more towards fine art and illustration,” Katie says.

“So, now I am most passionate about drawing and painting, and everything artsy. One thing about the creative process that excites me the most is actually the creative process itself. I like to say that I learn as I paint, so I enjoy the process of creating the work just as much or possibly more than the finished artwork itself.”


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This Artist Paints Stunning Watercolor Illustrations Using Brush Pens

“I love working with watercolors, pens, markers, and different collage papers, also, especially oil paints. I love all of the mediums, but if there was one thing that I just cannot live without in my studio, it would definitely be my Tombow dual brush pens because I use those in pretty much all of my illustrations,” Katie says.

Her watercolor illustrations have a way of making you fall in love with nature and the universe. Using vibrant colors and delicate patterns, she takes the viewer on a journey to other worlds. Her art radiates calm, tranquil energy because of the natural scenery and otherworldly images.

Katie says this:

“What inspires me most is nature and the world around me. My goal for my paintings and my illustrations are to really capture the beautiful spirit of mother nature. And, just sort of transport you into another world through colors, animals and any surreal, magical vibes, or galaxies and outer space.”

On her Instagram page, you can see her imagination come to life through her watercolor illustrations. She’s painted mesmerizing pictures of bears, whales, deserts, galaxies, and other nature scenes.

Many of her paintings feature overlapping images of nature, such as a whale with a relaxing seaside landscape as its body. In another, she painted a woman’s face overlaid with a beautiful forest scene. One of her favorite paintings features a woman with galaxies as hair and a mountainous landscape as the body. It’s simply breathtaking!


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A post shared by Katie Smith | Artist (@studio.katie)

She’s become a master of her craft after years of dedicated practice! Aside from painting watercolor illustrations and other art forms, she also likes to teach others how to paint. On her website, you can find various online courses such as painting galaxies and sketch faces. She also teaches small business owners how to market their products on social media and create a unique art style.

“The more you practice, or if you do art like every single day, you will get better, you will develop your own unique style. It will happen – you’ll find your style, you will definitely improve and grow your art. It just takes time, it’s not like an overnight thing. I hope that inspires you to pick up your art supplies, get in your studio and start creating.”

We hope you enjoyed learning about Katie’s magical art! If you want to support her, please check out her original art pieces on Etsy.

Tips to Create Your Own Watercolor Illustrations

Want to start painting watercolor illustrations? If you’re a beginner, these tips will come in handy to get you started.

  • Gather the necessary supplies: paint, paper, and brushes. You’ll want several brushes of varying sizes depending on what you’re painting. For example, an all-purpose round brush with soft bristles works well for most paintings. However, if you want to paint details, you will need a smaller, fine-tipped brush. As for paint, start out small with a watercolor set of 12-16 colors. This will give you a good idea of how certain colors mix and what they look like on paper. Watercolor paper comes in different varieties, but it’s advisable to choose textured paper for beginners because it’s easier to control. One watercolor illustrator recommends 140-pound cold-pressed watercolor paper with a slight texture for beginners.
  • Practice basic techniques, such as glazing, wet on wet, and washes. Glazing involves painting in layers to achieve different effects. You need to dampen the paper first and then add color for wet on wet. Then, the paint will spread, creating a beautiful rippling effect. Finally, washes are categorized as flat or graded; flat means a smooth layer using one color. After wetting your brush with water and paint, apply the brush to the paper with slight pressure. Then, as you run out of paint, you add more as needed. It involves the same process with graded washes, except you’ll reload the brush with water instead of new paint to create a lighter color.

watercolor illustrations

Final Thoughts on the Magic of Watercolor Illustrations

Anyone can paint watercolor illustrations with enough practice and determination. Katie started her journey as a teenager and now makes a full-time income with her artwork. If you truly have a passion for something, the universe works in mysterious ways to fulfill your deepest desires. Have you ever experimented with watercolor illustrations? Let us know in the comments!

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