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10 Hidden Things Causing Worry in Life (and How to Fix Them)

Do you lay in bed at night and worry about things you can’t control? What’s causing your worries, and is it rumination about things like bills, relationships, and job stressors, or is it the negative thoughts about the future you cannot control?

Did you know that a survey showed that 42 percent of people in this country are unhappy with their lives? According to the World Happiness Report, which did an in-depth study on countries worldwide, fears and worries increased by seven percent in the past five years.

Let’s not forget that when you have excessive worrying and negative thoughts, it can cause mental and physical health problems. How can you fix the things that are causing worry?

Ten Hidden Things Causing Worry in Your Life

Life is full of ups and downs, and the world contains both good and evil. However, worrying is dangerous if you let it overtake your life. While this emotion is strange and unnecessary, everyone struggles with it occasionally.

The key is to uncover it and get to the heart of the matter so that you can fix it. Here are the most common worries that people face.

causing worry

1. Your Finances Might Be Causing Worry

Finances come in at number one because worrying about debt can significantly strain your life. Do you wonder how you will make your next rent or mortgage payment? Do you have little to no savings and are less than one paycheck away from total ruin?

You’re not alone. A poll conducted by Mind Over Money Surveys and reported by CNBC found that 77 percent of the American population worries about bills. This can affect all aspects of your life, including your sleep.

•How to Fix It

First, create a monthly budget where you cut out frivolous purchases. Do you need that latte in the morning that costs nearly $6? Eat home more than you eat out and make yourself accountable for every purchase. If this doesn’t help, there are numerous side hustles to make money and work from home perfectly legal.

2. Health

As you age, you develop things like high blood pressure and cholesterol troubles. You might also gain a middle-aged spread. Your health should be a top priority, but worrying about it isn’t going to help the matter.

•How to Fix It

For general things like your overall well-being, make sure you’re eating right and exercising as it counts even more as you get older. Second, consider trying some holistic therapies if you have a significant medical condition you’re fighting. People would have never considered acupuncture or cupping therapy two decades ago, but now they’ve become go-to methods to help ease the pain from arthritis and conditions like fibromyalgia.

3. Jobs

Work stress is inevitable, and you must work to support yourself. Your job will be stressful, especially if you have many responsibilities in a high-paying position.

•How to Fix It

Life is too short to stay at a job that you hate. If your job is causing worry, taking away from your family time, and leaving you feeling like your work and life balance is out of whack, do something about it. You were looking for a job when you found one, and there’s plenty more out there.

4. Relationships

Relationships and the worry that comes with them are a wide-encompassing category. While one person might be scared about their partner leaving, another person hasn’t spoken to a family member in years. Your life is made up of relationships, some good and some bad.

•How to Fix It

Don’t be eager to sweep it under the rug when an issue arises. If someone offends you, call them out and handle the situation immediately. When it comes to toxic marriages and relationships, don’t stay where it’s unhealthy for you to be.

Cut your losses and move on if you cannot fix a relationship. Even if you must set healthy boundaries for your parents or siblings, it’s better than being miserable.

5. Overworking Might Be Causing Worry in Your Life

How often do you feel there are not enough hours in the day? If you’re running around with barely a chance to grab lunch, it’s not a realistic schedule. You’re running ragged, and your health will pay the price.

•How to Fix It

Don’t schedule more in a day than you can accomplish. Second, learn how to say “no.” Lastly, it would help if you got up early and took a power nap during the day, rather than sleeping in or staying up late trying to get things done.

Many people work many hours as the balance of work to pleasure in America is off. However, according to an article in the Washington Post, the four-day workweek that’s become standard in Europe is gaining steam in this country. People are tired of working all the time, and their relationships and health issues suffer.

causing worry

6. Getting Older

Remember the old story about Ponce de Leon searching for the fountain of youth in the 1500s? Well, you can visit this site in Florida; it smells like rotten eggs. Sadly, this story demonstrates that there’s no way to turn back the clock.

Getting older comes with advantages like wisdom and disadvantages like wrinkles. However, even having plastic surgery will only buy you some time, as getting older is a blessing that many people never get.

•How to Fix It

Learn to embrace your age and change your mindset. You deserve every gray hair and wrinkle you have from life. However, there are things you can do to make yourself feel better. A new stylish haircut or cute clothes may be just what you need to pep your spirits.

7. Children

Whether you’re in the sleepless nights of infancy or your children are grown and out of the house, a parent never stops worrying. You will probably worry more about them when they’re out from under the safety net of your home than you did while they were living there.

•How to Fix It

Developing a good relationship with your children early can help them feel free to talk to you. You’ll worry less when you know what’s happening in their lives. However, children crave independence, and this is when you need to learn to pray and trust your higher power to protect them.

8. What Others Think

If worrying about what other people think is causing you distress, you must reevaluate some things. The only people you need to be concerned with in this life are yourself and your immediate family. When you have a negative mindset that you must keep up with everyone else, you only set yourself up for excessive failures.

•How to Fix It

Stop looking in other people’s yards and thinking the grass is greener. You don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. Even the most enormous mansions have dark secrets. Do what makes you happy and live your life with your happiness in mind, and never adjust your plans or life to please someone else.

9. The Past Might Be Causing Worry

Is your past causing worry and affecting the present? It’s not abnormal for the failures and regrets of yesterday to creep into today. Rumination about things that happened long ago is only robbing you of today’s blessings.

•How to Fix It

It would help if you reminded yourself that everyone makes mistakes, and no one is perfect. When thoughts about past failures pop into your mind, counter them with something positive. You can’t engage in mindful living if you’re stuck constantly turning around to what’s behind you.

10. Crime and Catastrophic Events

Perhaps crime and catastrophic events are a significant worry in your local neighborhood and the country. It’s easy to be taken in by all the bad things happening around you. However, you must find peace and stay knowledgeable but not let it consume you.

•How to Fix It

You need to ensure you have a security system for your home. This system will help to ensure that you’re protected and can monitor things when you’re gone. You may also upgrade the locks in your property with the help of a commercial locksmith. It would be best to stay informed about things happening in the world but never become obsessed. Find a channel that you like and listen to one update a day.

Don’t keep checking or leave the news play all day long. These anchors will keep looping the same things and putting their spin on it and its negativity that you don’t need.

causing worry

Final Thoughts on Hidden Things Causing Worry in Life

Worrying about something every day is typical, but things causing worry can quickly envelop your life if you allow them. The key to living a happy and healthy life is to be present at the moment. Don’t be preoccupied with your past, don’t worry about tomorrow, and focus on being present.

Instead of worrying, you need to be proactive. If you know you’re not making enough money to cover the bills, you must find a side hustle to help with income. Rather than fretting about all your troubles, pray and turn to your higher power for direction.

Life is stressful, but you can learn to manage this stress without getting physically or mentally sick. What changes can you make today to the things causing worry so that you can have a better tomorrow?

20 Things That Prove Why Emotionally Intelligent Men Are Most Attractive

Most crushes begin with physical attraction. While this will sustain you initially, it takes much more than looks to keep you together for the long haul. There must be an emotional attraction that helps bridge the gap when the good looks and beauty fade away. But women who choose emotionally intelligent men stay attracted to their partners.


A couple grows emotionally to progress their relationship. While mutual interest and a hot body get things started, they certainly won’t keep the fires burning after a while. What do women look for in emotionally intelligent men, and how does this factor into one’s decision to enter a long-term relationship?

Why Emotionally Intelligent Men Are the Most Attractive

It would be nice if there were a magic formula that figured the emotional compatibility of a couple, but alas, there’s no such thing. So, you need to follow signs that a man is emotionally intelligent before you commit. Here are a few things to consider.

emotionally intelligent men

1. He Honors His Word

When someone tells you they’re going to do something, you expect it to be the way they say. Emotionally intelligent men who keep their promises are a man of their word. In fact, you learn to trust them so much that when they tell you something, you can take it to the bank.

In the writings of Steven R. Covey’s book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People®, he talks about the importance of putting things into the bank of trust. Each time a man follows through, it adds to this account. However, each time he lets you down, it reduces the balance. Those with a higher bank account balance are more attractive than overdrawn and constantly in the red.

2. Emotionally Intelligent Men Exhibit Unwavering Confidence

Having limiting beliefs can hold you back in life. When a man struggles with self-confidence, their body language will show it. However, emotionally intelligent men stand up straight and keep their heads high.

They will look you right in the eye when speaking, and they are comfortable in their skin. Without attraction, curiosity, and chemistry, you would end up in the friendzone. However, this guy knows how to show his lady just what he wants and is not afraid to go after it.

3. He Has No Qualms About Telling You No

Did you know that as a human, you crave boundaries? Perhaps it’s why so many people are attracted to those that play hard to get. Women like it when a guy is challenging and doesn’t give them everything they want.

While bending over backward to make you happy is excellent for relationships, the pleasing tendencies soon get old. Emotionally intelligent people don’t care to tell you no, and you don’t mind that he’s in control and sets limits for himself.

4. When You’re with Them, the Phone Is Out of Sight

Is there anything more annoying than a phone that’s buzzing and ringing during dinner? How can you have a conversation when someone is constantly on their phone. While the World Wide Web is necessary, it’s nice to have a guy that knows when to turn it off.

Women love emotionally intelligent guys because they will turn off their phones and be concerned with them while spending time together.

5. He Remembers the Smallest Details About You

Women are great at remembering the little details, but it’s even more attractive when a man has this keen eye. If they remember the way you smell, how your hair was fixed, or the clothes you’re wearing, they’re very observant. A man who pays attention to all these small things is in touch with their emotional side.

6. Emotionally Intelligent Men Will Give You the Space You Need

No one wants a partner who is clingy and needy all the time. A woman likes someone who will give her the space she needs when she needs it. When a man is confident enough within himself to let you be alone and not worry whether you’re cheating, it signals self-security.

7. He’s a Tender Defender

You’re probably wondering what the term tender defender means. A strong man who is also in touch with his gentle side is someone you want to keep. They’re not afraid of being caring and nurturing to those closest to them, but they will also step into a leadership or defensive role if they need to.

8. Emotionally Intelligent Men Do Not Engage in Gossip

This guy’s sensitivities let him know that listening to other people’s problems is okay, but he would never dream of repeating them. Plus, he isn’t engaging in gossip as he doesn’t have time for this foolishness. Additionally, there’s an aura of suspicion and distrust with the man who eagerly joins in the bashing of others.

9. His Style is Impeccable

A guy who knows how to dress is certainly eye candy, but it goes beyond their clothes. A man who has style doesn’t forget clean fingernails, quaffed facial hair, and staying fit. They’ve got it together both physically and emotionally.

According to an article by Inspire, you will know a person’s inner beauty by looking at the outside. True beauty radiates from the inside out as it shines from the heart. A man who cares enough to make sure his exterior is put together probably has the inside in good shape too.

10. Emotionally Intelligent Men Exhibit Patience

Life is flawed, and there’s not a perfect person alive. Still, the emotionally intelligent man knows that he must be patient and longsuffering when it comes to his woman. He must also learn to read between the lines when hormonal surges take over her sensitivity, and his lady doesn’t make good sense.

emotionally intelligent men

11. He Values Confidentiality

You want a man to share your deepest and darkest secrets with, and you expect them to keep these secrets to themselves. If a man should tell your stories, he’s betraying your trust and not in touch with his emotional side. To make a relationship work, you must be able to respect not only the privacy of one another but also those secrets you keep.

12. He’s Congruent with Thoughts, Words, and Actions

Emotionally intelligent men say what they mean and mean what they say. They’re honest, a good listener, and sensitive enough to have those tough conversations. Additionally, he lets his intentions be known.

13. He’s Great at Communication

Men don’t always know what’s happening inside that head of yours, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about your thoughts or feelings. Communication is one of the foundational building stones of a relationship, and having a good listener is essential. While the man has emotional intelligence, he needs you to tell him what you want and not assume anything.

14. Emotionally Intelligent Men Are Not Afraid to Speak Their Minds

Men who can speak their minds regardless of what the world thinks are endearing. They’re not trying to win the approval of others, but they’re being true to themselves. Women find this quality in a man highly desirable.

15. He’s On-Time to Everything

Women don’t just want a guy to show up, but they want them to be on time too. Your time is just as important as his, and it’s attractive when a guy is emotionally considered enough not to leave you waiting.

16. He Has an Edge

Most ladies like their men to have a bit of an edge to them. It means that they have a fun side and know how to be spontaneous, but they also have something unique that they do that’s downright impressive.

They may speak many languages, volunteer at a homeless shelter, play music, or make their wine. These little qualities make them unique and stand out from the crowd.

17. He Displays Positive Leadership Skills

They’re a natural leader who shows their compassion and strength with others. A lady likes a man to be emotionally in touch enough to lead her by the hand and the heart. This guy doesn’t use tactics like threats or controlling her, but he has a soft masculine energy that’s irresistible.

18. He’s Vulnerable with You

You have hurt, and he has hurt from the past. However, he’s not afraid to open up his sensitivities and be vulnerable with you. He knows that opening up to you will only strengthen your relationship.

19. Emotionally Intelligent Men Know How to Live in the Moment

While life is crazy chaotic, he treasures each day he’s alive. He doesn’t miss those little things because he practices mindful living. Therefore, he notices that the roses outside your apartment are in full bloom or that you’re wearing your hair in a new style.

20. He’s Positive in a Negative World

It’s hard to keep your spirits up with all you face each day, but he’s become your bright spot. Emotionally intelligent men are known for their sensitivity, and he knows when you’re having a bad day, cheering you up can happen with a bit of positivity.

emotionally intelligent men

Final Thoughts on Emotionally Intelligent Men

Some ladies find it harder to pinpoint the exact reason why someone feels emotionally attractive, but they know that it’s just as important as physical attractiveness. Hollywood parades people on TV and in magazines that show a lovely physical appearance, but these people often showcase emotionally unattractive conduct. Is it no wonder that the old saying beauty is only skin deep has stuck around for generations?

Emotionally intelligent men are magnetic, and they will value you as much as they love themselves. Their actions show that their good on the inside, where it counts most. By looking for core values rather than looks, you can soon learn to pick out gentlemen with emotional intelligence that are worthy of a life-long commitment.

20 Reasons Why Men Prefer Emotionally Intelligent Women for Long-Term Relationships

Some men are very particular about their women. There is the kind of girl you date, and then there is the perfect someone to enjoy life with for the long haul. The difference between the two is the maturity of emotionally intelligent women.

Everybody wants to have fun and enjoy a fling or two, but when it comes to settling down and building a life with someone, you want it to be a person of substance. You want a woman who gets you on a different level and is mature enough to have children, a job, and keeps your relationship alive.

Why Do Men Prefer Emotionally Intelligent Women?

Have you ever heard that men are interested in some women because of their brains? Part of that is true that there needs to be some intellect to make conversations interesting. However, there are many reasons why intelligent women are so much more appealing than most.

For starters, they can maneuver the world of emotions and use their feelings to get positive results rather than negative ones. Not only is this trait an asset in a relationship, but it’s also good to have in the workplace.

These ladies know what it takes to live a balanced life and empower others to be a better version of themselves. Here are some other reasons why an emotionally intelligent woman attracts more men.

emotionally intelligent women

1. Emotionally Intelligent Women Do What They Say and Walk the Walk

Emotionally intelligent women don’t just say all the right things; they make it a habit to practice them too. They’re anything but hypocritical as they practice what they preach. They are not a dictator who doesn’t follow their lead, as they have no qualms about living the lifestyle they represent.

2. They’re Not Afraid of the Future

It’s effortless to worry about the future when you don’t have control of the here and now. However, men like that the emotionally intelligent gal isn’t worried about tomorrow because she doesn’t need a scripted routine. She’s flexible, open-minded, and up for the adventure.

3. They Embrace Mindful Living

Some folks live each day with the mentality that they hope they make it through. However, this is not the attitude of those who are emotionally intelligent. Every single day is another blessing and something to learn. They embrace mindful living and don’t want to waste one minute they’ve been given.

4. They’re Fascinated by What Makes Them Tick

Emotionally intelligent women like to people watch as they’re mesmerized by human behavior. They embrace diversity and find something in each person that makes them unique. They’re also observant as they watch body language and facial expressions.

5. Emotionally Intelligent Women Have Excellent Communication Skills

You may be a stranger when you meet the emotionally intelligent woman, but soon she will act like she’s known you forever. They find conversations easy, as they can talk to anyone. They don’t care what you believe, where you live, or how much money you make because they embrace the diversity that makes people so amazing.

6. They’re Aware of Their Strengths and Weaknesses

One thing that a guy likes about this lady is her strength. Sure, she knows she has weaknesses, and she’s working on them. However, she doesn’t talk about all her problems. Rather, she prefers to work on her issues without publicly announcing them, as she would rather let her good qualities shine.

7. They’re Skilled Active Listeners

This strong woman has mastered the art and knows the difference between “hearing” and “listening.” To ensure that she’s engaged in the conversation, she will re-phrase your statements to ensure she gets things right. You never have to guess if she’s truly listening to you or just nodding her head and hoping the conversation quickly ends.

8. They’re Always Willing to Lend a Helping Hand

Emotionally intelligent women don’t have to have a reason to help those around them, as she’s just a kind soul who loves to do this. She wouldn’t hesitate to help an older man with his groceries or work in the local soup kitchen. Her warm personality is endearing to all who meet her.

9. Emotionally Intelligent Women Have a Desire to Achieve

One thing that men love about this strong lady is that she is success-minded. She won’t stop until she hits her goal, and she’s not a quitter. No matter what comes her way, she will keep going and striving till she succeeds.

10. Emotionally Intelligent Women Make Peace with the Past

Sure, she has a past, and some parts of it are more complicated for her to handle. However, she ditched that emotional baggage long ago. She’s ready to have a new relationship because she’s not letting her past dictate her future.

emotionally intelligent women

11. They’re Willing to Say “No”

This woman is strong and determined, which makes her so attractive. She also knows she can say “no” if her load gets too heavy. She loves herself enough to know when she’s taking on too much. Her compassionate nature extends to herself as well as others.

12. They Keep Ethical Qualities in Both Business and Relationships

Emotionally intelligent women have mastered keeping their moral compass in the corporate world and their personal life. They know how to control their conduct and treat each person with kindness regardless of their beliefs or views.

13. They’ve Mastered How to Read People

Reading people is art; the intelligent gal can do it quickly. She knows to look for phrases they use, a particular look on their face, or body language.

You can never focus on the speech pattern alone, as some folks can say the best things with a scowl on their face and hate in their heart. No matter, she won’t let the fakery get by her.

14. They Remain Positive

It’s effortless for emotionally intelligent women to stay positive as they’ve learned how to silence the negative self-talk that tries to overwhelm them. Instead, they take the time to see why they might be feeling these negative emotions rather than giving in to these overwhelming feelings.

15. They Maintain Motivation from Within

This lady doesn’t need a pep talk from her man or someone to light a fire under her to get her going. Men love that she is focused and driven and has learned to enjoy the process. She understands that the process will bring growth, and the best part of the journey isn’t always winning but the lessons you learn along the way.

16. Emotionally Intelligent Women Welcome Change and New Experiences

Why do people fear change so much? Naturally, people fear the things they cannot control, and you have no way to predict the outcome during change. However, those with emotional intelligence don’t fear such shifts as they know that if they want to grow and have the best life, they must pursue good opportunities.

17. They Embrace Their Progress and Know They’re Not Perfection

A woman needs to accept herself for who she is before she can love someone else. A man is very attracted to a compassionate and warm personality towards others and herself. She knows she won’t be perfect, and she’s okay with knowing she’s a fallible human.

18. They Express Themselves Assertively and Not Aggressively

Being emotionally intelligent means this lady has mastered the difference between assertive and aggressive. Assertive people know how to advocate for their rights respectfully. While an aggressive person is vastly different because they don’t have the assertive individual’s calm control.

You don’t have to be domineering to ensure people stay within your boundaries. According to an article in Personal Development Master, an assertive person tries to avoid any altercations or resistance, while an aggressive person embraces it. It helps that she’s open-minded when it comes to conflict resolution.

19. Emotionally Intelligent Women Are Empathetic

Since this lady is so in touch with her emotions, it’s effortless for her to relate to others. She also can read people, so she uses these emotional cues to see the hurt. A man loves that a woman can understand what’s going on in his mind, and he doesn’t even have to open his mouth.

20. They’re Receptive to Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism is hard for even the strongest person to take, but this lady knows that it’s what’s necessary for growth. While no one likes to hear how they can improve things, she knows this isn’t a personal attack. She embraces people who take time and effort to help her become a better version of herself.

emotionally intelligent women

Final Thoughts on Why Men Prefer Emotionally Intelligent Women

After looking through this list, it’s easy to see why men are attracted to emotionally intelligent women. When you’re looking for someone to have a long-term relationship with, you want them to be intelligent, assertive, compassionate, and have empathy toward others. Anyone who displays just a few of these characteristics is a breath of fresh air and worth investing time in.

10 Habits to Help Maintain a Clutter-free Home

Do you wish your home was clutter-free? Is the extra stuff around your house driving you mad? Living a minimalist lifestyle has become a trendy topic these days, especially since people want to live in smaller spaces. Before starting this journey, you need to adjust your mindset on what you need to live and what’s not necessary.

Sure, you love that you have 25 pairs of shoes in your closet, but how many of these shoes do you wear? You’ll find that you collect more things than you use, which is an excellent place to start the decluttering process.

The good news is that once you become accustomed to living with less, you’ll find that you love the feeling, and it’s easier to accomplish a clutter-free space. Some say it’s peaceful to have fewer things to worry about, but it’s the clean space that will do wonders for your mind. According to Positive Words Research, a clean home can have many benefits.

The article states that having a clean home can help you clear your mind, which benefits your depression and anxiety levels, productivity, and even sleep better at night.

Ten Tips to Maintain a Clutter-free Home

If you’re ready to embrace minimalism, you must be willing to let go of all the extra stuff. Here are some tips to get you started on de-cluttering your abode.


1. Designate a Space for Everything to Remain Clutter-Free

You’ve probably heard a hundred times from your parents or teachers that everything needs to have a place and be in that spot. It would help if you used this analogy when taking on a minimalist lifestyle. It would help if you never had more things in your possession than you had places to put them in.

If you’re renting storage units or trying to dig out your garage from extra things, chances are you don’t even know what’s in there. Make a rule to keep only the items you have a designated space to keep, and you will notice the clutter takes care of itself.

2. Use the ‘One In, One Out’ Policy

There’s scarcely a person alive who doesn’t like getting new things. However, you must go through a purging process before you can effectively manage your newly acquired treasures. Adopt the idea that if you buy one thing, you must take another out.

So, if you want to buy another pair of shoes for your collection, you must donate, gift, or sell one item you already own. If you stick to this mindset, you won’t have to worry about clutter or a space that’s overrun with stuff.

3. Don’t Let Your Mail Pile Up

Why is it that people don’t read and deal with their mail as it comes in? You should sort your mail each day and handle it right then. Sure, it’s easier to put it in a pile on the table or in a drawer to be managed later, but it can stack up rather quickly.

Junk mail comes in by the tons, and there’s no need to keep all this lying around if you have little use for it. Instead, toss it in the trash as soon as you get it. If you have bills, separate them, and put them in a designated area.

Magazines are another item that classifies as mail and seems to pile up. You don’t need more than a month or two’s worth to read. Once you’ve read a magazine, donate it to a doctor’s office or your local library. There are always places that will be more than happy to take those magazines off your hands, and it will free some space at your home too.

4. Go Clutter-Free by Setting Goals

If you want a clutter-free home, why not establish some rules for your stuff? Start your children from the cradle knowing that toys go in designated bins, and when there are too many, you donate to someone in need. They won’t fight you as it’s become commonplace to them. While minimalism is hard to grasp initially, it becomes easier when you practice.

5. Donate to Charity Frequently

Many wonderful charity organizations welcome your donations. Some sell these items to help those with disabilities or to fight hunger or homelessness, but others will take them and distribute them for free. Find an organization close to home that can take these items, and it’s one way to declutter your space quickly.

However, before donating to these organizations, make sure the items are usable. Goodwill Industries was exhausted with dealing with the number of trash items they received, and they announced ABC News. The defective or worn-out things that don’t do you any good can’t benefit these businesses either.

The Goodwill stores in the New England part of the country spent more than $1.2 million hauling away trash and unusable items that were donated. So, before hauling it off to a local establishment, make sure it’s still got life in it.


6. Stay Clutter-Free by Creating a Junk Drawer

Every home has a junk drawer, but you need to limit what goes in there and how full it gets. There are always things in your home that don’t seem to have any dedicated space, so a junk drawer is the perfect transition spot to catch all. However, you need to make sure that you clean out this space when it’s full and fight the urge to start a second drawer.

7. Use the Six Months Philosophy

Most home organizers use the six-month policy to educate people on making their homes clutter-free. If you have items you haven’t touched or needed in six months, they need to be donated or pitched. The only exception would be family mementos, pictures, and things you do not need except for special occasions.

You likely have gadgets in your kitchen you haven’t touched in years, and it’s safe to say you don’t need them anymore.

8. Don’t Let the Clutter in Your Home

One way to embrace the lifestyle of having less is never to let the clutter in your home in the first place. You have the power to resist those yard sales and antique stores you pass on the way to work. Some people can go to a garage sale and have the ability only to buy things they know they will use, while others fill the car with items just because it’s a good deal.

Know your limits and what you can withstand. Many people who have hoarding disorders start their collections by overspending on deals they couldn’t resist. Some even have the intention to resell these items, but the pile becomes so big they’re completely overwhelmed by it all.

Did you know that hoarding is an anxiety-based condition that affects many people who have been through trauma? The accumulation of stuff becomes a passive way to deal with their inner conflict.

9. Know It’s Okay to Have ‘Clutter Zones’

What fun would life be if you didn’t have a little bit of clutter? You can’t live in a museum, especially if you have children. Designate specific areas where you can be freer, like the family room or a playroom.

These rooms are where you can allow a small accumulation. It will help if you let your children have some breathing room and know that they must keep their stuff in this designated area for the sake of your inner peace. Plus, it helps to have a relatively kempt home if people drop by unannounced.

10. Buy Only What You Need to Maintain a Clutter-Free Household

If you don’t need the item and won’t use it right away, don’t buy it. This is a straightforward concept that people can’t seem to grasp. Did you know that hoarding disorders often start because people buy things that they believe will be beneficial or valuable in the future?

According to an article published by Psychology Today, many folks don’t realize how much a good deal costs them. There can be a severe downside to collecting, such as financial strain, emotional unbalance, and even legal problems. Hoards that grow outside of the confines of a home can face legal action by the city.

Thankfully, you can avoid these issues if you only buy what you need and save your splurge purchases for small things.


Final Thoughts on Maintaining a Clutter-free Home

Sure, it will take you some effort to get your home to a clutter-free state, but it becomes easy to manage once you establish some ground rules. Another trap that you shouldn’t fall into is buying expensive organization centers. These units make your “junk piles” look organized, and they can trick you into thinking you have less than you do.

Learn to let go of things that aren’t of any real value to you. If it helps you keep your home clean, live by the philosophy that when in doubt, throw it out. There are so many benefits to living a clutter-free life, and you will feel so free and happy when you can relax in your home that’s free of extra stuff you don’t need.

15 Surprising Ways Living Within Your Means Increases Happiness

As an adult, you know the importance of living within your means. It doesn’t matter if you work a minimum wage job or make more than six figures; everyone has a budget that they must use. The simple principle is that you can’t have more going out than coming in, or it will get you in financial hot water.

Living within your means seems so easy when you have a paper or pen in hand, but it’s not so straightforward when you implement the use of that budget. What happens when you have an emergency or when there’s an unforeseen event happen that you didn’t prepare for in advance? Such an occurrence can wipe you out.

Cash and payday loans become a way out of trouble, but it’s all too soon that these loans become due. Additionally, the interest rates and high fees cause you to need another one to cover the previous loan. It’s a vicious cycle that many people find themselves in all because they don’t live within their means. At a helpful site like, their aim is to always create better solutions for everybody’s money needs.

Fifteen Ways Living Within Your Means Increases Happiness

The cost of living in this country continues to skyrocket, which means more people are living at the poverty level. An article by Market Watch states that 44 percent of the population can’t cover an unexpected $400 bill. The ability to withstand financial disruptions is something that many people don’t consider, but it can make or break your finances and contentment.

There’s no stress like financial debt, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some reasons why living within your means can increase your happiness.

living within your means

1. You Learn to Control Impulse Spending When You Master Living Within Your Means

No matter how good you’ve done with your finances all month, one impulse shopping trip can ruin everything. Just think, one moment of weakness erases all the hard work and effort you’ve made.

When you learn about living within your means, you understand the real impact of these purchases and avoid them at all costs. It might take some real effort to stay away from the malls or that big-box retailer you frequent, but soon it will become an old habit.

2. You Find That Less Stuff Equals Less Stress

If you have a shopping problem, you might have quite an accumulation of things. The more stuff you have around you, the more uncomfortable it is to live. Take, for instance, someone who is always at the thrift stores or flea markets.

It’s effortless to accumulate a hoard. Having a cluttered home can bring anxiety and stress and counterproductive to joyous living. However, when you learn to spend within your budget, you’ll realize that you were making lots of purchases you don’t need.

3. Living Within Your Means Could Help You Attain Financial Security

The goal of living within your means helps to achieve financial security. Remember that pennies turn into dollars. You learn to develop a new attitude when you’re in the mindset to save and not splurge.

Money issues are a huge source of contention. By using a bit of wisdom, you can be happier by learning to secure your future and not worry about it.

4. You Quit Living Paycheck to Paycheck

Living a minimalist lifestyle can stop the vicious cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. You learn that maybe you don’t need cable TV or a subscription to a candle of the month club, as these are frivolous and not required for living. Your mindset tells you that you can put money back into a rainy-day fund so that you don’t have to worry about paying the rent.

5. You Don’t Worry About Paying Your Bills

Minimalism is laying your head on the bed at night and knowing that you have enough to pay your electric bill this month and the next. There’s a peace that comes from knowing you can still take care of things if you can’t go to work for a week. It’s a security that brings you peace of mind, as money problems can rob your joy quicker than anything.

6. Living Within Your Means Helps You Start to Shop Smarter

No one says that you can’t shop when you’re budget-minded, but you learn the art of shopping smarter. You will be much happier when you can get what you need for less. As an adult, you know to put back the name-brand toilet paper because you found the generic pack for $1.00 cheaper, and all these savings add up.

7. You Build Your Income Not Your Debt

You learn to develop your bank account by living minimalism rather than building debt on credit cards and personal loans. If you get a raise at work, most people will get a new car, home, or make a luxury purchase, all of which are unnecessary. There’s probably nothing wrong with the house you have now.

Living within your means teaches you that you put the extra away if you get a larger income. There’re always unforeseen things that happen in life, and you’ll be prepared.

living within your means

8. You Embrace Delayed Gratification

Most people need the motivation to help them stay on course, as saving money isn’t easy. You’ll need to make sacrifices and give up those little treats you’ve come to love. However, it would help if you learned that saving today can help you have a joyous tomorrow. Some folks focus on the perks of delayed gratification.

It would help if you psyched yourself by saying that while you can’t have that fancy Italian dinner tonight, you will be sitting on a beach in the tropics one day. Living frugally means that you can have money for memorable experiences later.

9. Your Attitude Changes as You Don’t Whine About Money

No one likes someone who is down and out about money problems all the time. Your entire attitude changes when you don’t have this dark financial cloud hanging over you. You may have friends come around more often and feel like socializing a bit more.

According to Psych Central, more than 15.8 percent of the population has depression due to their overwhelming debts. So, worrying about money can really take its toll on you.

10. You Don’t Try to Keep Up with Others

There’s a lot of pressure to keep up with your neighbors, friends, and family members. The problem is that this “fake wealth” can only last for a short season. If you’re running up credit cards and living outside of your means, there always comes that day when you face the harsh reality.

You can set yourself free and be happier when you learn to be thankful and live with what you have been given. You don’t need to keep up with other folks and their materialism to be cheerful. True happiness comes from within you and can’t be bought.

11. You Cook Nutritious Meals from Home

Have you ever tracked your spending habits? Eating out is a high cost, even if it’s just a burger at the local drive-thru. Plus, it’s not healthy to eat all that food laden with fat and carbs. When you start cooking at home, not only will your wallet thank you, but your waistline will show stunning results.

12. You Build an Emergency Fund by Living Within Your Means

According to Fortunly, over 70 percent of the population has less than $1,000 in savings, which isn’t even enough to cover a major medical crisis. Building an emergency fund can help you have peace of mind that you’ve got it covered when things happen. You can finally lay your head on the pillow at night and rest rather than worrying about transferring money around to make your minimum payments.

13. You Become Budget Mindful When Living Within Your Means

Being budget mindful is a top priority when it comes to money management. You set aside a certain amount, and if you have anything left over, this can be your spending money. When you learn that your budget is boss, you adjust to these parameters.

14. You Feel Comfort and Security

While money shouldn’t be the basis of your joy, it can certainly make or break your happiness. You can learn that life can be comfortable and secure when you handle your money smartly.

15. You Learn You Don’t Need Unnecessary Money Suckers

Do you stop for a gourmet coffee on the way to work each morning? The average coffee from a shop can be anywhere from $3-$7, and you can brew that same cup of Joe at home for pennies. These purchases are called money suckers, as they drain your resources without realizing the impact of their hit.

You probably say that it’s not too expensive and only a few bucks, but it adds up quickly. Let’s assume that you spend $5 a day on a mocha latte every workday or five days a week. That equates to $25 a week and roughly $108 a month. There are 52 weeks in the year, and you’re spending about $1,300 to get your coffee.

Now, what can you do with an extra $1,300? When you start learning to identify your money suckers, you will learn how to save and live a minimalist lifestyle.

living within your means

Final Thoughts on Ways Living Within Your Means Increases Happiness

The whole world is fixated on shopping online and instant gratification. After all, just about anything can be delivered in two days or less. However, you must banish impulsive spending and take a better approach to your money.

By simply making some healthy changes to your spending and using strategies that help you live within your means, you will find that your happiness soars to a whole new level. It’s the best feeling in the world to lay your head on the pillow at night knowing your bills are paid, and you have some savings to fall back on. What financial changes can you make today that will impact your overall wellbeing?

15 Signs You’re Settling for Less Than You Deserve

You should never settle for anything less than the best for yourself. You were designed and built to be something great. Stop settling for less when it comes to your job, relationships, life goals, or dreams. You should feel free to live a meaningful life.

Many people take the least because they’re fearful that they will have nothing if they don’t settle for something. Take, for instance, a woman who is 35 and has never married. Her family pressures her for marriage and children, so she settles with someone who isn’t a good match. She let the condemnation of others dictate her motives, and now she’s in a messy situation that makes her completely miserable.

The key is that if she had just waited a little bit longer, her prince charming would have arrived. You can do the same thing with jobs, friendships, and self-journeys. The truth is you’re so much more than you give yourself credit for in this life, and it’s time you make some changes.

Fifteen Signs You’re Settling for Less

So many people fall into the trap of settling for less, so it’s become commonplace. However, it takes your life from a happy place to one of dread when you make such bad choices. Here are some typical indications that you’ve settled for less, and now you’re miserable because of these selections.

settling for less

1. Your Inner Circle Drains the Life Right Out of You

Those around you don’t have any respect for you or your beliefs, and they’re draining the life right out of you. You’ve lost your happiness, and there’s no life energy inside you.

It’s time for you to make changes to ensure your health and overall wellbeing. You must live for yourself and do what makes you feel complete. Just place the opinions of others in file 13 with your other rubbish.

2. You Are Controlled by Money When Settling for Less

Most people in today’s society allow money to dictate their life. However, if the love of the almighty dollar controls you, it’s a good sign that you’re settling. If every shopping trip reminds you of how little money you have, how much the price of things has increased, and that you will need to work overtime to get the things you need, you’re settling.

Finding the perfect job can bring financial freedom and relieve you from suffering from living paycheck to paycheck.

3. You’ve Lost Faith in Yourself and Your Dreams

It’s a difficult position when you lose faith in not only yourself but your dreams for tomorrow. The Bible states that in Proverbs 29:18 that if you don’t have a vision, you will perish.

This means if you have nothing to dream about and live for, then your tomorrow won’t be promising. This is a good way for depression to set into your life, as you’ve lost your faith in your abilities and hope for a bright future.

4. Your Job is Nothing More Than a Paycheck

The old saying states that if you’re doing something that you love, you won’t work a day in your life. However, you dread the alarm clock every day as you will have to drag yourself to another ordinary day on your tedious job.

There’s no joy in what you do, as you’re just there to scrape by and get a paycheck. This is not how you foresaw your life going, but somehow, you’ve arrived here by settling.

5. When You’re Settling for Less, You Operate On Autopilot

You feel like one of those cars that drives themselves, and all you need to do is push a button. You’re on autopilot, and it feels like you’re just going through the motions rather than enjoying the experience. You may even feel numb to the things around you because you’ve learned to turn off your emotions to save yourself the heartache.

6. If  You Are Settling for Less, Your Confidence is Low

Do you ever feel like your inner sparkle is gone? Perhaps you’ve lost all confidence in your ability to make good choices and have a happy life. You’re settling for less when you notice that your faith is on the low side, and nothing seems to help.

7. Your Views Are Negative

You can tell that you’re settling for less when your attitude is constantly negative. You feel like a dark cloud has settled around you as you can no longer see the sunshine. Your expectations of the day and your life are on the south side, and you’re starting not to care anymore.

8. Your Standards Are So Low They Can’t Get Any Lower

It’s not uncommon for people to lower their standards to have friends or romantic relationships. However, if you keep dropping your standards, you might as well not have any. While you shouldn’t be too picky, it’s a sign you’re settling when you become careless with your choices.

settling for less

9. You Appear to Others as a Know It All

You come across to others as someone who knows everything, and there’s no way you need to learn everything new. In fact, some might call you a “know it all” based on your attitude. The truth is that you don’t know half of what you let on to people, and you’re settling for so much more than you want in life, so you need to put on a facade.

10. You’ve Stopped Caring About Yourself

One of the scariest places to be is when you stop caring about yourself. You don’t care how you look, if you have a nice haircut, or if your clothes are in style. Things that once were so important to you don’t have nearly the same meaning. You’ve lost your self-respect, and it shows on the inside and out.

11. Your Decisions Are Influenced by Others and Not Your Feelings

You don’t have a say in your life, as you lead by the dictations of others. You let your family and friends control your thoughts and beliefs, and you don’t have a mind of your own. When others control your life, you’re not going to be happy.

According to Psychology Today’s Dr. David Schnarch, the people that try to control you do it because they feel like they have no power over their own lives. It’s a vicious cycle that repeats itself, and only you can stop it.

12. Your Rational Mind is Leading You

When you make decisions, you must think about things rationally, but you also must connect with your heart and soul about matters. If you’re letting your rationale lead you because the connection to your soul is lost, it’s a sign you’re settling for less in life. It’s time for you to make some changes and put passion back into your daily existence.

13. You Surrounded by People but Feel So Alone

There are folks all around you, but you’ve never felt so alone before in your life. The people there don’t support you, and they’re not concerned about loving or helping you out. Making new friends is one of the goals you need to work on, but you’re settling for less right now.

14. Every Morning is a Dreaded Experience if You’re Settling for Less

You hate to see the sun come up as you know it’s another day of mundane life. You’ve become so disciplined with your schedule that you feel like a prisoner. You would love some diversity and something to look forward to, but you feel like there’s no differentiation between one day or another.

Be careful, as this is also a common sign of depression. Make sure you don’t have any other symptoms that might go along with this that indicate a mental health disturbance.

15. Having Fun is a Foreign Concept to You

What’s fun? You can’t remember the last time you’ve laughed or had a good time. All you do is work, come home, do chores, and go to sleep. Your expectations are too low, and your decision to settle is draining the life right out of you.

settling for less

Final Thoughts on Signs You’re Settling for Less

One of the most popular reasons people settle is that it is most convenient. They took the job that paid less because it was closer to where they lived, and they wouldn’t need to move from their comfort zone. Had they been willing to relocate, they could have had a whole different life and a real chance at financial freedom.

There’s a vast difference between being alive and living, and you must learn this concept to change things. You can go through the motions each day on a lackluster life, or you can take charge and make things happen. Never pass on your passions, as you will look back ten years from now and realize that you deserved so much better than you got.

Respect yourself enough to take the road less traveled, the path that’s a bit more challenging to you. When you choose and settle for mediocrity, it’s never going to be good enough for your life. Remember that ‘the sky’s the limit, and the only thing that’s holding you back is your mindset.

Isn’t it time you stop settling for less?

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