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10 Yoga Poses That Instantly Release Body Stiffness and Feel Better

As you get older, muscle and joint issues are more prevalent. You may notice that your body is more uncooperative upon awakening and after a long day at work. What can you do to alleviate this chronic stiffness and have a stronger and leaner body?

Ten Yoga Positions to Relieve Body Stiffness

Yoga is an ideal stand-alone practice, or you can add it to your morning or evening routine. These ancient poses can benefit you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Here are ten classic poses for you to try.

stiffness exercises

1. Forward Bend-Seated

This simple pose can reduce stiffness in your spine and hamstrings and boost flexibility. It’s easier to do the seated option rather than the standing one. There’s less strain on your back, and you won’t feel a dizzy headrush from gravity.

•Sit comfortably on your mat with your legs pointing forward. As you keep your palms flat beside your hips, press your heels into the mat away from your body.

•Next, inhale deeply through your nose while keeping your torso straight. As you slowly exhale through your lips, lean forward from your hips toward your feet. It’s almost like trying to fold your body in half at the hips.

•Each time you inhale, reach toward your feet and a little more forward as you exhale. Try to hold for 1 minute, then return to the starting position. Your goal is to strive for at least five to 10 repetitions.

To make this position more comfortable, use a small pillow or folded blanket under your behind if your back is a bit weak. Do you have tightness in your hips or hamstrings? You can also use a strap looped around your feet to help bring your body forward.


Try this modified move if you can’t do a forward seated bend.

2. Tree Pose to Relieve Stiffness

For a classic yoga pose that improves balance and relieves stiff muscles, you can’t beat this one. The tree pose offers you a sense of being centered while gently stretching your shoulders, torso, and lower body.

•For the starting position, stand naturally on your mat with both arms at your sides.

•Gently inhale while balancing on your left leg. Bring your right foot up and position it above or below your knee. Don’t place it directly on your knee because it can cause too much pressure on the joint.

•As you exhale, bring your hands together in the praying position in the center of your chest and gaze forward. Use your hand to position your foot on your standing leg. Hold this position for three to five breaths, then repeat the steps on your right side.

balance tree pose

Young woman practicing yoga Tree pose.

3. Spinal Twist

Here’s a pose that twists your body to align your spine while stretching your neck, shoulders, and hips. Another benefit is that it can stimulate your stomach and intestines. This pose is called the Half Lord of the Fish in the yogic tradition.

•Start by sitting comfortably on your mat with your legs pointing in front of you and your arms at your sides.

•Next, bend your knees to place your feet flat on the mat. Gently lower your right knee to the mat and bring your right foot under your left leg.

•As you inhale, raise your right arm over your head. Now, exhale while twisting to the left to bring your torso against your right thigh. Put your right elbow against your left knee.

•Gently twist your torso from your behind to your head. As you keep mindfully breathing, twist your torso a bit more. Turn your head and look over your left shoulder.

•Firmly press your left foot into the mat while stretching your torso. Hold this pose for about a minute and return to the starting position. Repeat these steps for your other side.

4. Mountain Pose to Reduce Stiffness

When you stand tall, it helps you maintain better posture. An article by Michigan State University states that proper posture can reinforce self-confidence. The mountain pose naturally stretches your body from top to bottom and can help relieve stiff muscles from sitting.

•Begin by standing naturally on your mat with your feet together. Inhale deeply and imagine a string pulling you upward from the soles of your feet to the top of your head.

•Tighten your thighs and knees as you feel your body pulled tightly and straight. Pull your shoulder blades together, then relax them. Gently raise your chest toward the ceiling while bringing your arms up at your sides, palms facing outward.

•Keep mindfully breathing as you bring your body back to the starting point. Try to keep your body as aligned as possible. Your goal is three to five repetitions. This pose relieves stiffness throughout your body and provides stability.

5. Warrior Pose II

Connect with your inner warrior strength with this yogic pose. It is excellent for relieving stiffness and strengthening your arms and legs. You can modify this pose by using a sturdy chair for balance.

•Stand firmly on your mat with your feet spread about three to four feet apart. Raise your arms until they are shoulder level, palms toward the mat.

•Now, turn your left foot to face the front of the mat and turn your right foot to a 45-degree angle. Bend your left knee so it’s aligned with your left ankle. Try to keep your right thigh parallel to the mat.

•Hold the position for two to three breaths, then return to the start position. Repeat the steps for your other side. Try to do three to five repetitions.

6. Cat/Cow Pose

Have you ever watched a cat stretch its back into a high arch after a cozy nap? This yoga position uses the same technique and flows to the downward stretch of a cow’s back. The combination can soothe your spine and help relieve painful stiffness.

•Get down on all fours on your mat with your hands aligned with your shoulders and your knees behind your hips. Keep your head and back in a neutral position. Inhale, then exhale slowly while arching your spine and tilting your head toward the mat, creating the cat.

•On your second inhalation, become the cow by gently lifting your head, chest, and behind toward the ceiling. It will curve your spine downward. Go back and forth for each pose five to 10 times, careful not to strain your neck.

cat cow sciatica

7. Bridge Pose Alleviates Stiffness

The bridge pose may benefit you if you have stiffness in your hips and lower back. Feel free to use a pillow under your tailbone if needed.

•Lie flat on your back and bend your knees so your feet are flat and close together on your mat. This is the starting position. Now, inhale, and on the exhale, squeeze your glutes to raise your hips off the mat.

•Bring your arms behind and clasp your hands on the mat, aligned under your hips. Bring your shoulder blades together, hold this position for another breath, and return to start. Your goal is three to five repetitions.

8. Pigeon Pose

Sitting for long periods can create stiffness in your hips and back. This pose helps release the tension in those muscles and joints.

•Sit on all fours on your mat, then extend your left knee towards your left wrist. Feel the soothing stretch in your hip. Next, bring your right leg backward until your toes point behind you and your heel points to the ceiling.

•Draw your hips together. Inhale as you lean upon your fingertips and gently stretch your spine and chest. Exhale while moving your hands forward and lowering your upper body towards the mat.

•You can make this step more comfortable by resting your forearms and forehead on your mat. Hold the position for five breaths and allow the tension to melt in your left hip. Come back to the start position and repeat for your right side.

9. Triangle Pose

Many yogic positions, such as this triangle pose, are a general stretch that relieves muscle stiffness throughout your body. If reaching overhead is problematic, you can use a yoga block for support. Workouts that flow effortlessly are best; if there are issues, you can modify the pose.

•Stand tall and face your left foot, which should be angled at about 45 degrees in front of your mat. Lift your arms parallel to the mat with your palms facing down. Angle your right foot at about 45 degrees to your left foot with both heels aligned.

•Inhale deeply while facing your left leg, then bend toward the left to be as close to your left foot as you can. Your right hand will be pointing toward the ceiling. Return to the start position and repeat the steps on your right side.

triangle pose stiffness

10. Dolphin Pose

The dolphin pose is a bit more challenging than the other examples. However, you can do it with some practice. Not only does it benefit your body, but it also engages the muscles in your feet.

•Sit on all fours on your mat. Position your forearms on the mat with your elbows aligned under your shoulders. Place your palms downward or interlace your fingers, then inhale.

•Gently exhale as you curl your toes under a bit. Tighten your lower stomach while lifting your knees from the mat. Bring your behind up as you straighten your legs and bring your heels towards the mat.

•Now, tighten your thigh muscles as you draw in your lower gut and press your forearms against the mat. Tighten your shoulder blades and stretch your back. Position your head off the mat and between your arms.

•Hold this position for five to 10 breaths, then exhale, relax and return to the starting position.

Final Thoughts on Yoga Poses To Relieve Body Stiffness

Consider these ten yoga steps if you want to spend your day feeling revived with less tense in your muscles. They are easy to do, and you don’t need fancy equipment. You can give your body stability by incorporating a few of these poses in the morning, and your body will thank you for it.

10 Behaviors That Highly Compatible Partners Display

Besides physical attraction, compatibility is another thing that attracts people to each other. Sharing common interests brings you and your partner together and is the foundation of a strong relationship. Highly compatible partners are also more compassionate and empathetic of each other.

At first, your potential love interest’s appearance caught your eye. Some may say infatuation or love at first sight. While pondering a relationship, you’re also wondering about compatibility. Cultivating a healthy relationship takes work and determination, no matter how much you love each other.

What Does it Mean to be Compatible?

Many couples are together, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re highly compatible partners. Remember the old saying about birds of a feather flocking together? It means that you are drawn to someone with whom you have things in common. Not only do you co-exist, but your relationship is harmonious and reciprocal.

In her article published by PsychAlive, Dr. Lisa Firestone explains that their relationships thrive when couples share activities and companionship. It’s about respect and equality, says Firestone. You and your mate are in sync with each other’s personalities.

Unfortunately, some people just aren’t compatible with one another no matter how hard they try. Maybe you can’t agree with any of your lover’s suggestions, ideas, or perspectives. If neither of you can make concessions and find common ground, your relationship may not last.

compatible partners

The Individuality Clause

Just because you and your significant other are compatible doesn’t mean you’ve lost your identity. You are a couple, but you remain individuals with your own thoughts, opinions, and dreams. If you must push your individuality aside to stay in a relationship, you’re only hurting yourself.

Successful compatibility doesn’t negate differences of opinion. However, you still have enough in common to create a lasting bond. You learn how to make a few compromises and lovingly adapt to one another.

You’ll see red flags in your initial courtship that can reveal whether you’re highly compatible partners. It’s wise to listen to your gut instincts before getting too involved. It’ll save you plenty of frustration and heartache in the long run.

Behaviors That Highly Compatible Partners Display

How do you know if you are with your soulmate? There are a few questions to ask yourself about your relationship. While you don’t doubt you love them, how can you decide if you’re compatible with each other?

As you spend time with your significant other, do you often wish you weren’t in the relationship? Do you feel frustrated if they don’t respect your thoughts and opinions? Are you always the one who must back down in an argument?

Perhaps when you honestly answer these questions, you’ll decide whether you and your partner belong together. When you are sure you’re compatible, your relationship can be healthy and strong. Here are ten behaviors of highly compatible couples for you to consider.

1. Highly Compatible Partners Both Want the Same Things in Life

You know you’re in love when you see sparkles in your lover’s eyes and feel the butterflies in your stomach. Another facet that brings you closer is your similar dreams and aspirations. Although you may have different opinions on how to get there, you are unanimous in your desire to be a couple.

For example, maybe you’ve both dreamed about having your own business. Deciding what company to have won’t be challenging when you share interests. You are both agreeable and can meet the challenges of following your hearts.

2. You Have a Mutual Understanding of One Another’s Values

Most couples have obstacles to creating a loving and lasting relationship. Even if you are from the same city and state, your upbringing and family traditions are likely different. You can learn to assimilate and compromise if you try to understand and respect your differences.

For example, perhaps you and your personality come from different religious backgrounds. Those differences don’t necessarily create a deal-breaker for you. As a couple, you find common ground and have mutual respect.

Regardless of your differences, you still have enough in common to be compatible. You may never agree on the little things, but you are harmonious with matters. Focus on your shared values and give each other liberty and respect with different opinions.

3. There’s Definitely a Spark Between Highly Compatible Partners

Yes, inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. However, it’s that physical attractiveness that gets your attention in the first place. That attractive person may have caught your eye, but their inner beauty will be what keeps your heart.

Highly compatible people are not only in sync with their values and interests but also attracted to one another. Your smile still wins your partner’s heart, and their beautiful face still makes your heart flutter.

You may not always have the fire of a new relationship, but you always need a spark. What attracted you to each other in the past should still draw you today. Mutual attraction is a vital point of solid compatibility.

4. Highly Compatible Partners Respect Each Other’s Diversity

Let’s face it, even the most loving couples have arguments. You’re still two individuals with different thought processes and opinions. Compatibility doesn’t mean you’re always going to agree with each other.

On the other hand, you respect those variations and can disagree respectably. While there are slight differences, you can set aside, at some point, you understand non-negotiable ones. You won’t have the same arguments all the time.

5. The Communication is Excellent

According to an article published by the American Psychological Association, good communication is key to a healthy relationship. The word relationship is to relate, and you can’t do that without communication. Neither you nor your partner is mind readers, so you must talk and listen to each other.

There’s a marked difference between hearing and listening. When you love and respect each other, you want to listen to them actively. You maintain good eye contact and listen without interrupting.

You also use neutral body language that shows you are receptive to what they’re saying. It’s also helpful to mirror their emotions and ask for clarification so there are no misunderstandings. When you communicate effectively with each other, you stay connected.

compatible partners

6. Highly Compatible Partners Compromise Well

The classic Latin phrase that explains compromise well is quid pro quo, meaning “this for that.” You learn to give and take in a healthy relationship and strive to keep it equal. Highly compatible partners know how to choose their battles and make compromises where necessary.

The art of compromise takes practice, but it’s worth it. It helps you improve your relationship while maintaining your individuality. You and your mate have mutual respect and have one another’s best interests at heart.

7. You’ve Similar Interests

Just as a snowflake, everyone is unique and doesn’t have every single thing in common. This explains the oxymoron that like calls unto like, yet opposites attract. You have enough similarities to make you highly compatible, partners. Plus, you each have singularities that make you happy.

The point is that your similarities outweigh your differences, and it brings you closer together. For example, you may be a dog person, and your lover may adore cats. Or their idea of an exciting time is to watch a football game while you’d instead go antique shopping.

The good news is that you don’t have to have all the same interests to be in a healthy relationship. In fact, it’s beneficial if you have a few separate interests that you do on your own. You’ll have enough common activities that will keep life exciting as a couple.

8. You Enjoy Traveling and New Experiences Together

The test of any ironclad relationship is when people travel and enjoy new experiences as a couple. The togetherness you share in your favorite cafe at home isn’t like being in a car together for hours. Do you have more than enough mutual subjects to discuss, or is there awkward silence for endless miles?

Perhaps the most significant new experience for any couple is moving in together. Now, you get to see the best and worst of each other. Can you deal with their snoring, and can they cope with your quirkiness for neatness?

These go beyond the dating stage and into a committed relationship. You’ll both be up-close and personal and can decide if you’re highly compatible partners. If you’re fortunate, you’ll both have enough similarities to meet the new challenges.

9. There’s Never Lingering Feelings of Resentment

People in lasting relationships have learned the value of never going to bed angry. This adage can be taken literally and figuratively. Holding a grudge can drive a wedge in the strongest relationship and cause irreparable damages.

If you and your person have bonded in unity and affection, you don’t want resentment to destroy your relationship. Learning to apologize and forgive are golden qualities that will keep you together. If you have any lingering bitterness, it’s time to ask yourself if it can be resolved.

10. Highly Compatible Partners Can’t Stand Being Apart

Simply finding someone you can live with isn’t the point of love. Instead, it’s finding that person you can’t live without at all. Although spending some time apart is natural and healthy, you’re still happiest when you’re together.


Final Thoughts on Behaviors That Highly Compatible Partners Display

You need a partner who complements you in every way. While you’re both a complete person in and of yourselves, your shared interests bring you closer as a couple. Compatibility can also keep you together for years to come.

6 Soul Connection Exercises That Can Instantly Strengthen Every Couple

Although you may feel like “one flesh” with your partner, you’re still an individual. You both have different thoughts, ideas, and opinions that can cause occasional arguments. Fortunately, you can enhance your relationship with techniques that strengthen your soul connection.

Are you content with your relationship, or could it use some work? According to an article published by PR Newswire, at least 64 percent of Americans say they’re happy in their relationship. It takes love, loyalty, and a lot of work to have a fulfilling relationship that can last a lifetime.

Happy couples understand that they are composed of body, mind, and spirit. If any of these components are out of balance, it can compromise your relationship. When you have a spiritual connection with your person, it boosts your physical and emotional ties.

If your spiritual bond needs work, it will affect your intimacy and emotional well-being. Sometimes, there could be issues, and you don’t realize it. How can you bring your spirituality back into sync?

Six Soul Connection Exercises to Explore

No relationship is perfect, and there’s always room for improvement and growth. If you feel like your relationship is a bit lacking, take heart. You can try couples therapy exercises at home that can bring you closer together.

These exercises help you communicate on a deeper level to build more trust. They can also teach you how to be fair in an argument and to set lifetime goals together. Whether you’re married or in a committed relationship, these exercises can benefit you.

Here are six soul connection exercises for you and your partner to consider.

soul connection

1. Breath-Forehead Connection Exercise

They say that the window to your soul is your eyes. When you look into a person’s eyes, you can see their true feelings. It’s one of the reasons why you should practice good eye contact when actively listening to each other.

This spiritual connection exercise brings you face-to-face so you can refocus and alleviate stress. An article published by the Good Men Project calls this exercise Soul Gazing. You can do it while lying down or sitting in chairs. Do it whenever you want to feel closer to each other:

•Lie or sit facing each other and gently bring your foreheads together. You can keep your noses out of the way by tilting your chins down a bit. Try to focus on each other’s eyes with a gentle gaze.

•Now, bring your breathing into sync by inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Try to breathe 20 to 30 times while focusing on your partner. This exercise can help you slow down and reconnect after a stressful day and you’re feeling anxious.

2. Express Gratitude and Appreciation Frequently

It’s challenging to be in a relationship when you don’t feel appreciated. According to a study published by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, gratitude has an influential role in social connections, especially romantic ones. Do you and your mate show gratitude, or do you often take each other for granted?

Expressing gratitude and appreciation for each other is an integral part of your soul connection. Make it a point to say a sincere “thank you” each day for what you do for each other. Another way of showing your gratitude is to reciprocate with acts of kindness and not expect anything in return.

3. Fill Your Intimacy Bucket to Build Your Soul Connection

As a committed couple, you and your person have intimacy needs. They are basic human needs just as food, shelter, and clothing. Intimacy is a multifaceted physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual connection.

How are you meeting each other’s intimacy needs? Most couples say that quality time is worth more than quantity. Spend time with your partner on an intimate level. Consider making a list of things you would like to do socially and as a couple, such as vacationing, sports, or learning a new hobby.

4. Have a Meeting of the Minds

One of the greatest downfalls of relationships is miscommunication. When you and your partner don’t communicate effectively, you have misunderstandings that lead to hard feelings. How can you know each other’s thoughts, feelings, and dreams if you don’t discuss them?

soul connection

5. Practice Using Active Listening Skills

Remember the classic game of gossip? It starts with one person whispering something into someone’s ear until it’s gone through the whole group. The last person says the phrase aloud, often far from the original one.

You can modify this game to improve your active listening skills. Have your partner talk about something that happened to them during the day. Afterward, you repeat what they have said the best you can.

Make a habit of sitting together each evening and discussing the day’s events. Talk about any problems or ideas you have. It’s an ideal way to set goals together and discover areas in your relationship that need work.

6. Do a Trust Fall to Build up a Soul Connection

When you’re in a committed relationship, you want the assurance that your mate has your back. You know that they’ll be at your side as a loyal and trustworthy partner no matter the situation. You can’t have a soul connection without trust.

First, find a place with plenty of room, so nobody gets hurt. Place a couple of pillows on the floor, just in case. Stand up straight and cross your arms over your chest. You can either close your eyes or wear a blindfold.

Have your partner stand behind you distant enough to catch you. Now, take a deep breath and fall straight backward. Your partner will see you before you hit the floor.

It may feel awkward at first, but you’ll soon discover how much you trust each other. Even as much as you believe in your partner, were you hesitant to fall? For a brief second, did you think they may accidentally not catch you?

Take turns doing this exercise until you have built enough trust not to be anxious. If you have any physical conditions, you may want to find another trust-based activity.

Some couples like to build trust by telling secrets that nobody else knows. Of course, these shouldn’t be anything illegal or dangerous. Just things that you would tell your partner and see that they wouldn’t share with anyone.

Other Ways to Strengthen Your Soul Connection

While you’re doing these exercises to strengthen your union, you must also remember the importance of cuddling. Sure, life is busy, and you don’t have enough time to snuggle, but this physical activity is more important than you think. Many couples develop a tighter bond when they spend quality time together and snuggle with one another, becoming emotionally connected.

Give yourselves a technology break and turn off the phone, television, and other mobile gadgets. Wrap your arms around each other and feel the warmth of your loving touch. Try to make this a habit every evening when you both have quiet time.

Whisper sweet nothings into each other’s ears and giggle about personal jokes. Don’t be in a hurry and enjoy each other’s company. Remember that precious and few are the moments you can share, so you must make the most of them.

Lastly, you will have days when you don’t get along well. Let’s say that you and your lover have a big spat. Nothing was resolved that moment, and you both said unkind words in the heat of anger. Now, you are both seething mad and can’t stand the sight of each other.

It’s normal and healthy for couples to argue, but your relationship can suffer if you sweep it all under the rug. Of course, this doesn’t include arguing that escalates to physical, verbal, and mental abuse. After an argument, you may want to go away and be alone.

You may give each other the silent treatment or continue to make snide remarks back and forth. The last thing you want to do is crawl in bed and sleep with them that evening. So, you pitch your partner’s pillow and blanket on the sofa, or maybe you lock yourself in the guest bedroom.

Instead of getting a good night’s sleep, you’ll both meditate on the argument and build up resentment. Make up your mind that you’ll never go to bed angry. That doesn’t mean you’ve resolved everything and forgotten about it.

It just means that you’re calling a truce so you can discuss the situation when you’re calmer. If your argument had some heated and hurtful statements, be the first to apologize and ask for forgiveness. If it’s still early in the evening, try to make some compromises before you hit the hay. You can disagree with each other but still do it in the right way.

soul connection

Final Thoughts on Trying These Soul Connection Exercises With Your Partner

Every relationship weathers a few storms and has its share of trouble. However, a soul connection provides the anchor to keep your ship afloat. Discuss these connection exercises and how they can benefit you. Any relationship worth having is worth the effort it takes to keep it strong.

6 Meditation Methods Never to Overlook (Your Brain Will Thank You!) 

Various meditation methods can help you relax and calm your brain when you feel overwhelmed. The practice of meditation began in India millennia ago, when sages and saints sought to overcome the limitations of human existence.

Wall art in the Indian subcontinent dating back to approximately 5000 to 3500BC provides the oldest documented evidence of meditation. However, some historians believe this ancient wisdom existed for thousands of years prior.

Nowadays, people all over the globe practice meditation for different reasons. Some seek enlightenment, while others want to ease their stress or increase brain power. Meditation can benefit everyone, no matter your intention for practicing it. Below, we’ll list a few techniques to incorporate into your life for increased vitality, wellbeing, and spiritual growth.

6 Meditation Methods Never to Overlook (Your Brain Will Thank You!)

Try these techniques to free your mind.

meditation methods

1 – Kriya Yoga

This meditation technique has existed since time immemorial and was revived in the modern era in 1861. The great yogi Mahavatar Babaji taught this yogic science to his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya in the Himalayas. Then, Paramahansa Yogananda, considered the Father of Yoga in the West, brought it to America in 1920.

The meditation technique involves deep breathing exercises, contemplation of God in whatever form you believe in, and quieting the mind. Since our breath ties us to our physical bodies, Kriya Yoga aims to overcome this body attachment by controlling the breath.

Practitioners of this meditation method consider it the ultimate yoga, as it’s the fastest way to achieve self-realization. As you dive deeper into the practice, you will learn to control your life-force energy in the spine through willpower and breathing techniques. In doing so, you can tap into the astral and causal bodies that illuminate your physical self.

According to Yogananda, one Kriya, which takes about thirty seconds, equates to a whole year of spiritual growth. With intense practice, you could achieve enlightenment using the technique in this very lifetime. If you’d like, you can look online for Kriya Yoga lessons to practice at home or visit a Self-Realization Fellowship center in person.

2 – Loving Kindness Meditation Method

This meditation method focused on developing compassion for other beings and originated with Buddhist teachings. In the Pali language, loving-kindness, called metta, means having unconditional love for all beings. It doesn’t discriminate or ask if someone “deserves” love or not. By expanding your heart and including everyone in your passion, you’ll feel more connected and appreciative of life.

To do this meditation, sit quietly in a comfortable meditation pose and extend love to yourself first. You can say mantras like “I am enough,” “May I be happy and free from suffering,” or “May I live in this world joyfully and with ease.” Breathe in and out slowly while doing this, focusing your attention on the heart center.

Next, move on to others in your life, repeating the phrases and focusing your awareness on them. After feeling unconditional love for close friends and family, think about neutral people in your life and even enemies. Wish them well and expand your heart’s passion to include them as well. Allow the love to permeate throughout your whole being during this process.

After practicing for several weeks or months, you’ll feel more loving and compassionate toward yourself and other beings. In fact, a landmark study found that loving-kindness practitioners experienced more positive emotions after just seven weeks of regular practice.

3 – “Who Am I” Meditation

This meditation method involves self-inquiry to discover the real Self beneath many layers of ego. Our thoughts, feelings, habits, and limiting beliefs keep us from experiencing a blissful, peaceful soul. But, it’s important to remember that you’re the awareness beyond these body-conscious states. You’re consciousness itself, but you can’t realize it when you’re focused on the senses.

To practice this technique, sit in a quiet place and assume a relaxed meditation pose. Then, ask yourself the question, “Who am I?” As you do this, pay attention to any thoughts or feelings that pop up. Notice that it’s your consciousness or awareness examining them, which means you’re not them. You’re “something” beyond them, so to uncover it, you must keep asking, “Who am I?” After doing this regularly will calm the mind and allow you to experience more profound levels of consciousness.

4 – Body Scan Meditation Method

The common denominator among all meditation methods is increasing one’s awareness. Doing this meditation involves scanning your body to pinpoint any areas of tension or discomfort. You can do this either lying down or sitting in a meditation pose.

Start by bringing your attention to your feet and toes and gradually working your way up to your head. While doing this, consciously tense and relax the muscles to release any discomfort. You could also visualize a wave of healing light moving over your body and healing each area as it passes. This technique helps particularly before bedtime, preparing you for deep sleep.

5 – Mantra Meditation

This meditation method includes reciting mantras for stress relief and evoking a sense of peace. Since it’s one of the most straightforward meditation techniques to learn, it’s perfect for beginners. Close your eyes while seated comfortably, and choose a mantra to repeat. Examples include spiritual phrases such as “Aum” or positive affirmations such as “I am at peace.”

Once you’ve chosen a mantra, begin reciting it either aloud or to yourself, and focus on how it makes you feel. Try not to think of anything else during your practice except the mantra. Repeat for anywhere from 10-30 minutes, depending on your experience level.

6 – Vipassana Meditation

One of the more popular meditation methods involves being aware of your thoughts without judgment. In the Pali language, Vipassana means “seeing things as they are.” To do this, sit in a meditation pose and focus on your breath. As thoughts or feelings arise, view them as an outside observer and avoid dwelling on them. If you experience muscles aches or leg pain, observe the distraction but don’t move your body. Learning to sit through discomfort will help you cultivate serenity through life’s ups and downs.

meditation methods

Final Thoughts on Meditation Methods to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Thousands of different meditation methods exist, so it’s essential to find one that resonates with you. Whichever you choose, make sure to devote at least 30 minutes per day to the practice. Before you know it, you’ll experience life more fully while feeling at peace in the deepest parts of your soul.

5 Dangerous Things Never to Let Your Child Do, According to Experts

Every kid wants to explore the world and learn as much as possible about how everything works. They are curious and sometimes even mischievous. Kids aren’t always aware of the repercussions of their actions, which can sometimes be dangerous. They aren’t afraid of falling because they don’t know it will hurt or don’t care about the pain. All children want to have autonomy and do things because they want to. But, as all parents know, that’s no way to raise a kid.

But not even the parents aren’t always aware of how dangerous some things might be for your child. And sometimes, no matter how hard parents try, they can’t shelter their kids from everything. And, with so much pressure on them, it can be easy to give up and let your kid do whatever sometimes. As a parent, you know that saying no will result in a big fight.

Your kid will scream, cry, and yell to get what they want. And if we’re talking about candy, saying yes to your kid having some isn’t the end of the world. But some things can be so dangerous for your child that you should never let them do, no matter what.

5 Dangerous Things Never to Let Your Child Do

If you want to know the top five most dangerous things, keep reading.


1.    Don’t Let Them Play With Whatever They Want (Some Toys Are Actually Dangerous)

Most new parents are pretty wary of what toys end up in their kids’ hands. But, as time passes, and the parents get more and more tired, that attention starts slipping. Instead of making sure they only play with safe toys, you might give them whatever they want just to shut them up. While that might be the easy way out, it’s perilous for a child. And, just giving them your phone whenever they are whining won’t teach them anything valuable.

When you leave your kid to their own devices, make sure there’s nothing around them that could harm them. Please don’t leave them alone with toys that use batteries, as they could swallow or choke on them. Earring and safety pins are commonly found lying around the house, but those are also dangerous. Any sharp objects, like pens and cutlery, while the kids might consider them fun toys, can be very harmful.

Just because your kid wants to play with your earrings or with one of your pens, it shouldn’t mean you should oblige them. Please don’t give them all they want because that’s the only way to teach them discipline. And, make sure you never leave anything dangerous around them or don’t encourage them to play with what they shouldn’t. Being careless as a parent and letting your child play with seemingly harmless household objects can be more harmful than you imagine. They might swallow particular objects, choke on them, and otherwise hurt themselves.

2.    Don’t Let Them Play In The Dirt

Most older people remember when they were kids, and they always played outside in the dirt. And they might be inclined to want their children to have the same childhood. Playing in nature is fun, and it can be healthy for young kids. Especially in today’s society, where technology dominates everything, it is more important than ever to get kids to play outside.

But most parents let their kids play outside, maybe in the backyard, often unsupervised or without considering all the dangers. For example, most people know that living in older houses painted with lead is dangerous. But they seem to forget that barns or other constructions can contain lead. The second leading cause of lead poisoning is actually from the environment. Paint from garages, barns, and neighboring homes can peel and end up into the ground. And, because kids are curious, they might even eat dirt just because they aren’t aware of the dangers.

And that’s not all the dangers that come from dirt. Many bacteria are hiding down there, and that’s if you don’t consider the trash. Even if you know that your backyard is clean, that doesn’t mean you are safe from lead or other dangers. The best thing you can do if you want your kid to play outside is to monitor them.

And take that monitoring seriously. Don’t stay on your phone or get busy with something else while your kid is playing outside. Be present and be careful. If you think that you don’t have the time to monitor your child properly, it’s better to stay inside.

3.    Don’t Let Them Spend Too Much Time In Front Of A Screen

One of the most dangerous things for children and parents alike is using technology for too many hours in a day. But parents are busier and busier in today’s context. Life is expensive, and usually, both parents have to work to support the family. And there are loads of single parents that have to struggle alone. For these busy parents, but even for the parents who have more time, it just might seem easier to put on some cartoons and get the kid entertained easily.

Kids learn that screens can be entertaining from a very young age. They always see their parents on their phones, so they start asking to play on the phone too. The parents are busy, and they don’t have money to hire a nanny, so they leave them alone with the TV playing. Not only does this hurt the kids’ physical health, but it also makes them distracted. The more time they spend on screens when they are complex, the harder it would be to live without their stimulation when they grow up.

It would be harder for them to study and read or even interact with people. And, if this screen addiction perseveres, and they start using social media without supervision, that can be even more dangerous. They become vulnerable to trolls, haters, and even predators. If you want to protect your kid, create a strict schedule for them. Let them use technology for just an hour or two a day, and monitor their use.


4.    Don’t Allow Them To Be Disrespectful And Spoiled

Parenting is one of the hardest things to get right. And, every family has its own different needs, so every parent needs to act according to their kids’ needs. But that can get tiring quickly. Being a parent is a full-time job, and sometimes it just seems easier to say yes to whatever your kids ask for. Plus, parents love their kids so much that they want to give them anything they desire.

But this only spoils them and encourages them to be disrespectful. They need to learn from the beginning that they have to work for their wishes to come to fruition. Of course, as a parent, you will always make sure that they have all their needs covered. But that doesn’t mean you should let them bully you into getting them the latest model of shoes or whatever other whims they might have. It would help if you showed them that hard work and kindness are more important than having designer clothes.

If you allow them to be disrespectful, and if you spoil them, you won’t make them any favors. They’ll grow up to be entitled and lazy. But, if you teach them the value of goods and show them why discipline is essential, you will help them in the long term. They will become better, kinder, and more complex adults.

5.    Don’t Let Them Keep Secrets (Some Can Be Dangerous)

Surely everyone has heard the phrase “it’s our little secret” at least once in their life. Maybe your parents told you that in hopes of getting some information out of you. Perhaps you heard that from a friend, a teacher, or a co-worker. But, most often, that phrase is used between family members. Your mom might buy you some candy, and she’ll tell you, “don’t tell dad about this. It’ll be our little secret”. For a parent, this seems harmless enough. It might just seem like you and your kid is bonding and having a little fun together.

In reality, all this does is encourage your child to keep secrets in their day-to-day life. They might start keeping secrets from you, from their teachers, from their peers. And being secretive is a very unhealthy behavior to have in life. But it’s incredibly harmful when it comes to the relationship between parents and kids. If your kid keeps secrets from you, they will end up keeping you at arm’s length. They won’t communicate with you or tell you what their needs are. They might even start lying to you about where they are, who they are with, and what they are doing.

If you want to be close to your kid, and help them when they get in trouble, teach them the importance of honesty. Get rid of the “it’s our little secret” mentality, and focus on being as open and transparent as possible.


Final Thoughts On Dangerous Things Never to Let Your Child Do

Kids are curious and energetic, and they often get into dangerous and absurd situations. As a parent, it’s hard to make sure your kid is always safe. You can’t work, do chores, and simultaneously make sure you always have an eye on the kids. Someone, they have to be alone for a few minutes. And, when they grow up, the kids will have to become more and more independent.

But still, parents need to keep their kids safe and keep them away from dangerous situations. No matter how tempting it might be to grant every their every wish, sometimes you need to say no. Don’t let them play with dangerous toys, and don’t try to entertain them by putting them in front of a screen the whole day. Be wary of letting kids play outside without supervision.

And most importantly, don’t spoil your kids and don’t teach them to lie. Please make an effort to discipline them when they need discipline and don’t get them everything they ask for. Teach them that they have to work for their wishes to come true. And, make sure you teach them how important saying the truth is if you want to make sure you can communicate with your kid.

3 Tips to Empower Your Children to Live a Successful Life

As a parent, you want nothing more than to empower your children and ensuring they lead the most successful life possible. But most people think that all you can do is put those kids on the right path. That, when you take them to the right school and sign them up for the right extracurriculars, they will become successful. But that’s not exactly the case.

Success is in the eye of the beholder. For some people, seeing someone who has three houses and five sports cars at forty is a success. A small home in a nice neighborhood with a loving family is the best possible outcome for others. Some people are passionate about art. Others like exact sciences better. Some people want to be activists, politicians, doctors, bankers, singers, or whatever else.

But success can never be something narrowly defined. And no amount of extracurriculars will make sure that your kids become successful. Sure, you might have a kid who graduated from Harvard. But, if you forced them into going to Harvard Law, and they hate it, they might not even take advantage of that degree. So, there’s no way to make sure they are successful, even if you make sure they have the best education and opportunities.

And that’s precisely why you can’t rely on always being there to hold your kid’s hand and guide them through life. It would be best to teach them how to make the best possible decisions. If they can define their success, they will also reach it on their own. So, instead of controlling your kids’ life, you need to empower them to live that victorious life.

What Does It Mean To Live a Successful Life?

As mentioned previously, there is no such thing as a single way to be successful. Success comes in all shapes and sizes. Just because most people are money-hungry doesn’t mean that money is the metric of success. A billionaire might be more miserable than a farmer. Even though having a career and supporting yourself financially is essential, that’s not all there is to life.

empower your family

Teenagers work themselves to the bone to get into an Ivy League college. Recently, there has even been a scandal related to parents who tried to bribe schools to accept their kids. But if you ask professionals in the education area, they will tell you that these colleges aren’t even better than many others. Still, American teenagers have one of the highest rates of depression and anxiety in the world.

This example shows that, as successful as getting into Yale might seem, it’s not worth it if your kid is killing themselves over it. Or better yet, success is all about balance. And, no matter how prestigious something is, it doesn’t mean it will lead you to a better life. When it comes to success, everyone will describe it differently. Some will say it’s all about family. Others will say that it’s about building something of your own. But everyone will say some things that seem to be true for everyone.

Being happy, following your dreams, and doing something that makes you feel helpful seem to be signs of a successful life. Most people also add being able to provide for the ones they love in the mix. That special someone doesn’t have to be a partner or kids; they could also be parents, friends, or pets. And, above everything, being true to yourself is something that everyone believes to be part of a successful life.

3 Tips to Empower Your Children to Live a Successful Life

If you want your kid to be happy, prosperous, and lead a meaningful life, you need to teach them to follow their dreams and work hard. Don’t try to force a career on them, and don’t make them pursue your dream. Just give them the tools they need, but let them decide how to use them. This way, you empower them instead of controlling their life.

1.      Guide Your Kids Instead of Limiting Them

No matter how smart it might seem to map your kid’s whole life, that won’t do them any good. If you decide that they will take ballet classes and tennis, they won’t have time to find their passion. If you decide to go to a specific school and take typical APs, they won’t have time to nurture a hobby.

Or if you make them pick between majoring in business, law, or medicine, then you aren’t giving them a choice. Everyone can be successful if given the right opportunities. Even though people look down on art majors, if you are good and support your family, you could make some real money. So, there’s no field where people can’t be successful if they are passionate and work hard.

You need to give your kids a lot of flexibility and guide them instead of making them follow rigid lines. If you want them to play a sport, maybe ask them what they want to play before signing them up for soccer. If you want them to play an instrument, don’t just go for the cello because maybe your kid wants to play something else.

You will not do your kids any favors if you start enforcing rigid rules. It will never seem like they do enough. They will never be enough extracurriculars they can take. Their grades will never be high enough. And they will never have the time to understand what makes them happy.

So, if you want to empower your children, enable them to discover who they are. And, when you give them a choice, you also make them more responsible. Knowing they can choose what hobbies to pursue will make them understand why those things are essential.

2.      Listen to What They Have to Say

Most people believe that kids can’t have anything meaningful to say just because kids are young. Just because they haven’t had forty years of life experience, there’s no way they could know what they want or need. Indeed, you’ve heard someone say, “I’m the parent. I know what’s best for you”.

And, though parents indeed have their kids’ best interest at heart, that doesn’t mean they know what’s best for them. Sometimes, to empower your children, parents need to take a step back and listen. Let go of the steering wheel for a little while, and try to understand what your kids need.

empower your child

You’d be surprised how much you can find out about your kid by simply letting them speak. But most kids will never say, “mom, I want to be a writer” because it is not a risk-free career path. Most kids won’t ever tell you what they want to do because they are afraid their parents will get mad at them.

They think that if they say they want to do something that’s not in your plan, they will disappoint you. So, what you need to do is let them know that they can say anything without being afraid of getting yelled at. You need to let them dream and find out what they like. But, most importantly, you need to let them know you will be there to listen and support them no matter what.

You will teach them essential life skills by simply communicating with them. They’ll learn how important it is to speak their mind. They’ll understand that their dreams are worth following even if not everyone wants them to. And it will empower them to stay true to themselves.

3.      Teach Them to “Walk the Talk.”

It’s great to teach your kids to dream, but the most important thing they need to learn is the value of hard work. They need to understand that talking a big game about something is all fun and games. But nothing is going to be offered to them on a silver platter. They need to work as hard as they can for what they want. And, they need to stay true to their morals, without trying to cut any corners or otherwise cheat.

Even if you are rich, you still shouldn’t spoil them. Even if you can afford help around the house, you still make the kids do some chores. And even if you can get them the best tennis classes, it might still be a good idea to make them work for it a little. Please don’t get them all the fanciest equipment. That will only teach them that being wealthy can make everything in life easy. But it would help if you showed them that’s not how the real world is.

Besides that, you need to teach them how important it is to respect others and develop meaningful relationships. Teach them that they always need to be nice to people no matter how successful they might get. Discourage them from stepping on other people’s heads to get ahead. Teach them the value of integrity and companionship.

The best way to empower your kids and ensure their success is to lead by example. Be a role model, and your values will eventually rub off on them. Don’t just tell them that they have to be nice to others. Teach them how to do it. Help random people on the street who need a hand. Act kindly towards your peers. This way, you won’t only teach them a sound theoretical base, but you will also teach them how to apply that theory.

empower your children

Final Thoughts on How to Empower Your Children to Live a Successful Life

It’s normal to want what’s best for your kid. And it’s normal to feel like the best way to make them successful is by mapping their whole life and eliminating all obstacles. While that can make them get a good job, it won’t necessarily succeed. But what will make them successful is empowering your children to follow their dreams and build their path.

As a parent, you need to make sure that you guide them along the way. It would help if you never made them feel like there’s only one path they can take. Let them have a choice and learn to be responsible. Listen to what they have to say, and teach them how important communication is. Lastly, teach them that actions are more important than words.

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