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5 Dangerous Things Never to Let Your Child Do, According to Experts

Every kid wants to explore the world and learn as much as possible about how everything works. They are curious and sometimes even mischievous. Kids aren’t always aware of the repercussions of their actions, which can sometimes be dangerous. They aren’t afraid of falling because they don’t know it will hurt or don’t care about the pain. All children want to have autonomy and do things because they want to. But, as all parents know, that’s no way to raise a kid.

But not even the parents aren’t always aware of how dangerous some things might be for your child. And sometimes, no matter how hard parents try, they can’t shelter their kids from everything. And, with so much pressure on them, it can be easy to give up and let your kid do whatever sometimes. As a parent, you know that saying no will result in a big fight.

Your kid will scream, cry, and yell to get what they want. And if we’re talking about candy, saying yes to your kid having some isn’t the end of the world. But some things can be so dangerous for your child that you should never let them do, no matter what.

5 Dangerous Things Never to Let Your Child Do

If you want to know the top five most dangerous things, keep reading.


1.    Don’t Let Them Play With Whatever They Want (Some Toys Are Actually Dangerous)

Most new parents are pretty wary of what toys end up in their kids’ hands. But, as time passes, and the parents get more and more tired, that attention starts slipping. Instead of making sure they only play with safe toys, you might give them whatever they want just to shut them up. While that might be the easy way out, it’s perilous for a child. And, just giving them your phone whenever they are whining won’t teach them anything valuable.

When you leave your kid to their own devices, make sure there’s nothing around them that could harm them. Please don’t leave them alone with toys that use batteries, as they could swallow or choke on them. Earring and safety pins are commonly found lying around the house, but those are also dangerous. Any sharp objects, like pens and cutlery, while the kids might consider them fun toys, can be very harmful.

Just because your kid wants to play with your earrings or with one of your pens, it shouldn’t mean you should oblige them. Please don’t give them all they want because that’s the only way to teach them discipline. And, make sure you never leave anything dangerous around them or don’t encourage them to play with what they shouldn’t. Being careless as a parent and letting your child play with seemingly harmless household objects can be more harmful than you imagine. They might swallow particular objects, choke on them, and otherwise hurt themselves.

2.    Don’t Let Them Play In The Dirt

Most older people remember when they were kids, and they always played outside in the dirt. And they might be inclined to want their children to have the same childhood. Playing in nature is fun, and it can be healthy for young kids. Especially in today’s society, where technology dominates everything, it is more important than ever to get kids to play outside.

But most parents let their kids play outside, maybe in the backyard, often unsupervised or without considering all the dangers. For example, most people know that living in older houses painted with lead is dangerous. But they seem to forget that barns or other constructions can contain lead. The second leading cause of lead poisoning is actually from the environment. Paint from garages, barns, and neighboring homes can peel and end up into the ground. And, because kids are curious, they might even eat dirt just because they aren’t aware of the dangers.

And that’s not all the dangers that come from dirt. Many bacteria are hiding down there, and that’s if you don’t consider the trash. Even if you know that your backyard is clean, that doesn’t mean you are safe from lead or other dangers. The best thing you can do if you want your kid to play outside is to monitor them.

And take that monitoring seriously. Don’t stay on your phone or get busy with something else while your kid is playing outside. Be present and be careful. If you think that you don’t have the time to monitor your child properly, it’s better to stay inside.

3.    Don’t Let Them Spend Too Much Time In Front Of A Screen

One of the most dangerous things for children and parents alike is using technology for too many hours in a day. But parents are busier and busier in today’s context. Life is expensive, and usually, both parents have to work to support the family. And there are loads of single parents that have to struggle alone. For these busy parents, but even for the parents who have more time, it just might seem easier to put on some cartoons and get the kid entertained easily.

Kids learn that screens can be entertaining from a very young age. They always see their parents on their phones, so they start asking to play on the phone too. The parents are busy, and they don’t have money to hire a nanny, so they leave them alone with the TV playing. Not only does this hurt the kids’ physical health, but it also makes them distracted. The more time they spend on screens when they are complex, the harder it would be to live without their stimulation when they grow up.

It would be harder for them to study and read or even interact with people. And, if this screen addiction perseveres, and they start using social media without supervision, that can be even more dangerous. They become vulnerable to trolls, haters, and even predators. If you want to protect your kid, create a strict schedule for them. Let them use technology for just an hour or two a day, and monitor their use.


4.    Don’t Allow Them To Be Disrespectful And Spoiled

Parenting is one of the hardest things to get right. And, every family has its own different needs, so every parent needs to act according to their kids’ needs. But that can get tiring quickly. Being a parent is a full-time job, and sometimes it just seems easier to say yes to whatever your kids ask for. Plus, parents love their kids so much that they want to give them anything they desire.

But this only spoils them and encourages them to be disrespectful. They need to learn from the beginning that they have to work for their wishes to come to fruition. Of course, as a parent, you will always make sure that they have all their needs covered. But that doesn’t mean you should let them bully you into getting them the latest model of shoes or whatever other whims they might have. It would help if you showed them that hard work and kindness are more important than having designer clothes.

If you allow them to be disrespectful, and if you spoil them, you won’t make them any favors. They’ll grow up to be entitled and lazy. But, if you teach them the value of goods and show them why discipline is essential, you will help them in the long term. They will become better, kinder, and more complex adults.

5.    Don’t Let Them Keep Secrets (Some Can Be Dangerous)

Surely everyone has heard the phrase “it’s our little secret” at least once in their life. Maybe your parents told you that in hopes of getting some information out of you. Perhaps you heard that from a friend, a teacher, or a co-worker. But, most often, that phrase is used between family members. Your mom might buy you some candy, and she’ll tell you, “don’t tell dad about this. It’ll be our little secret”. For a parent, this seems harmless enough. It might just seem like you and your kid is bonding and having a little fun together.

In reality, all this does is encourage your child to keep secrets in their day-to-day life. They might start keeping secrets from you, from their teachers, from their peers. And being secretive is a very unhealthy behavior to have in life. But it’s incredibly harmful when it comes to the relationship between parents and kids. If your kid keeps secrets from you, they will end up keeping you at arm’s length. They won’t communicate with you or tell you what their needs are. They might even start lying to you about where they are, who they are with, and what they are doing.

If you want to be close to your kid, and help them when they get in trouble, teach them the importance of honesty. Get rid of the “it’s our little secret” mentality, and focus on being as open and transparent as possible.


Final Thoughts On Dangerous Things Never to Let Your Child Do

Kids are curious and energetic, and they often get into dangerous and absurd situations. As a parent, it’s hard to make sure your kid is always safe. You can’t work, do chores, and simultaneously make sure you always have an eye on the kids. Someone, they have to be alone for a few minutes. And, when they grow up, the kids will have to become more and more independent.

But still, parents need to keep their kids safe and keep them away from dangerous situations. No matter how tempting it might be to grant every their every wish, sometimes you need to say no. Don’t let them play with dangerous toys, and don’t try to entertain them by putting them in front of a screen the whole day. Be wary of letting kids play outside without supervision.

And most importantly, don’t spoil your kids and don’t teach them to lie. Please make an effort to discipline them when they need discipline and don’t get them everything they ask for. Teach them that they have to work for their wishes to come true. And, make sure you teach them how important saying the truth is if you want to make sure you can communicate with your kid.

3 Tips to Empower Your Children to Live a Successful Life

As a parent, you want nothing more than to empower your children and ensuring they lead the most successful life possible. But most people think that all you can do is put those kids on the right path. That, when you take them to the right school and sign them up for the right extracurriculars, they will become successful. But that’s not exactly the case.

Success is in the eye of the beholder. For some people, seeing someone who has three houses and five sports cars at forty is a success. A small home in a nice neighborhood with a loving family is the best possible outcome for others. Some people are passionate about art. Others like exact sciences better. Some people want to be activists, politicians, doctors, bankers, singers, or whatever else.

But success can never be something narrowly defined. And no amount of extracurriculars will make sure that your kids become successful. Sure, you might have a kid who graduated from Harvard. But, if you forced them into going to Harvard Law, and they hate it, they might not even take advantage of that degree. So, there’s no way to make sure they are successful, even if you make sure they have the best education and opportunities.

And that’s precisely why you can’t rely on always being there to hold your kid’s hand and guide them through life. It would be best to teach them how to make the best possible decisions. If they can define their success, they will also reach it on their own. So, instead of controlling your kids’ life, you need to empower them to live that victorious life.

What Does It Mean To Live a Successful Life?

As mentioned previously, there is no such thing as a single way to be successful. Success comes in all shapes and sizes. Just because most people are money-hungry doesn’t mean that money is the metric of success. A billionaire might be more miserable than a farmer. Even though having a career and supporting yourself financially is essential, that’s not all there is to life.

empower your family

Teenagers work themselves to the bone to get into an Ivy League college. Recently, there has even been a scandal related to parents who tried to bribe schools to accept their kids. But if you ask professionals in the education area, they will tell you that these colleges aren’t even better than many others. Still, American teenagers have one of the highest rates of depression and anxiety in the world.

This example shows that, as successful as getting into Yale might seem, it’s not worth it if your kid is killing themselves over it. Or better yet, success is all about balance. And, no matter how prestigious something is, it doesn’t mean it will lead you to a better life. When it comes to success, everyone will describe it differently. Some will say it’s all about family. Others will say that it’s about building something of your own. But everyone will say some things that seem to be true for everyone.

Being happy, following your dreams, and doing something that makes you feel helpful seem to be signs of a successful life. Most people also add being able to provide for the ones they love in the mix. That special someone doesn’t have to be a partner or kids; they could also be parents, friends, or pets. And, above everything, being true to yourself is something that everyone believes to be part of a successful life.

3 Tips to Empower Your Children to Live a Successful Life

If you want your kid to be happy, prosperous, and lead a meaningful life, you need to teach them to follow their dreams and work hard. Don’t try to force a career on them, and don’t make them pursue your dream. Just give them the tools they need, but let them decide how to use them. This way, you empower them instead of controlling their life.

1.      Guide Your Kids Instead of Limiting Them

No matter how smart it might seem to map your kid’s whole life, that won’t do them any good. If you decide that they will take ballet classes and tennis, they won’t have time to find their passion. If you decide to go to a specific school and take typical APs, they won’t have time to nurture a hobby.

Or if you make them pick between majoring in business, law, or medicine, then you aren’t giving them a choice. Everyone can be successful if given the right opportunities. Even though people look down on art majors, if you are good and support your family, you could make some real money. So, there’s no field where people can’t be successful if they are passionate and work hard.

You need to give your kids a lot of flexibility and guide them instead of making them follow rigid lines. If you want them to play a sport, maybe ask them what they want to play before signing them up for soccer. If you want them to play an instrument, don’t just go for the cello because maybe your kid wants to play something else.

You will not do your kids any favors if you start enforcing rigid rules. It will never seem like they do enough. They will never be enough extracurriculars they can take. Their grades will never be high enough. And they will never have the time to understand what makes them happy.

So, if you want to empower your children, enable them to discover who they are. And, when you give them a choice, you also make them more responsible. Knowing they can choose what hobbies to pursue will make them understand why those things are essential.

2.      Listen to What They Have to Say

Most people believe that kids can’t have anything meaningful to say just because kids are young. Just because they haven’t had forty years of life experience, there’s no way they could know what they want or need. Indeed, you’ve heard someone say, “I’m the parent. I know what’s best for you”.

And, though parents indeed have their kids’ best interest at heart, that doesn’t mean they know what’s best for them. Sometimes, to empower your children, parents need to take a step back and listen. Let go of the steering wheel for a little while, and try to understand what your kids need.

empower your child

You’d be surprised how much you can find out about your kid by simply letting them speak. But most kids will never say, “mom, I want to be a writer” because it is not a risk-free career path. Most kids won’t ever tell you what they want to do because they are afraid their parents will get mad at them.

They think that if they say they want to do something that’s not in your plan, they will disappoint you. So, what you need to do is let them know that they can say anything without being afraid of getting yelled at. You need to let them dream and find out what they like. But, most importantly, you need to let them know you will be there to listen and support them no matter what.

You will teach them essential life skills by simply communicating with them. They’ll learn how important it is to speak their mind. They’ll understand that their dreams are worth following even if not everyone wants them to. And it will empower them to stay true to themselves.

3.      Teach Them to “Walk the Talk.”

It’s great to teach your kids to dream, but the most important thing they need to learn is the value of hard work. They need to understand that talking a big game about something is all fun and games. But nothing is going to be offered to them on a silver platter. They need to work as hard as they can for what they want. And, they need to stay true to their morals, without trying to cut any corners or otherwise cheat.

Even if you are rich, you still shouldn’t spoil them. Even if you can afford help around the house, you still make the kids do some chores. And even if you can get them the best tennis classes, it might still be a good idea to make them work for it a little. Please don’t get them all the fanciest equipment. That will only teach them that being wealthy can make everything in life easy. But it would help if you showed them that’s not how the real world is.

Besides that, you need to teach them how important it is to respect others and develop meaningful relationships. Teach them that they always need to be nice to people no matter how successful they might get. Discourage them from stepping on other people’s heads to get ahead. Teach them the value of integrity and companionship.

The best way to empower your kids and ensure their success is to lead by example. Be a role model, and your values will eventually rub off on them. Don’t just tell them that they have to be nice to others. Teach them how to do it. Help random people on the street who need a hand. Act kindly towards your peers. This way, you won’t only teach them a sound theoretical base, but you will also teach them how to apply that theory.

empower your children

Final Thoughts on How to Empower Your Children to Live a Successful Life

It’s normal to want what’s best for your kid. And it’s normal to feel like the best way to make them successful is by mapping their whole life and eliminating all obstacles. While that can make them get a good job, it won’t necessarily succeed. But what will make them successful is empowering your children to follow their dreams and build their path.

As a parent, you need to make sure that you guide them along the way. It would help if you never made them feel like there’s only one path they can take. Let them have a choice and learn to be responsible. Listen to what they have to say, and teach them how important communication is. Lastly, teach them that actions are more important than words.

Say These 15 “I Am” Statements to Bring Happiness to Your Life

Your thoughts are powerful, so replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations can be life-changing. Positive thoughts produce action, and when you implement positive action in your life enough, it’ll become a habit. Over time, you’ll start to notice long-lasting results that bring happiness and other good things to your life.

Your thoughts determine your destiny, so you must embrace empowering beliefs. Think about the life you want to live and what you can do to make it happen right now. Shifting your thoughts to think this way can help you find happiness as you take small steps toward your dream life.

You can use daily affirmations anytime, but they are the perfect way to start and end your day. Using these statements in the morning and night will fill your awareness with positive ideas. It will allow you to focus on the good in your life.

Fifteen Affirmations to Bring Happiness to Your Life

When you tell yourself that you are happy and your life is excellent, then you’ll begin to notice all the good things around you. However, if you spend your days thinking negatively, you’ll only notice the not-so-great experiences happening in your life. Your thoughts dictate what you see and feel each day, so filling your awareness with positivity is the key to finding happiness.

i am

1. I am living the life intended for me.

If you have people in your life who disapprove of your life choices, this is the positive phrase for you. It’s common to have family and friends who want you to do something different with your life. Living with this thought might make you unnecessarily question your choices.

2. I am blessed with everything I need in life.

While you might want more, you don’t need it. Remind yourself that you have everything you need right now. When you use this positive phrase, you’ll feel happier at the thought of all the good things in your life.

Additionally, as you focus on your blessings, you’ll use what you have to take small steps forward. You’ll start noticing more progress toward your goals as you won’t waste time wishing for what you don’t have.

3. I am confident and exhibit a positive attitude.

With confidence and a positive attitude, you’ll feel good more often than before. When you feel good about yourself, you feel good about the world around you, too. You’ll start to see the good in the universe instead of fixating on the things that are going wrong.

4. I am surrounded by people who love and care about me.

Your loved ones can play a role in your happiness levels. When you need a joyful boost in your day, use this phrase to think of all the people you care about. Having a loving, caring support system is a blessing that frequently brings happiness.

This daily affirmation not only helps you think of these people but it’ll also encourage you to spend time with them. If you can see them in person, it’ll only further boost your happiness levels.

5. I am happy with my career and work life.

You spend so much of your time working that it’s essential to be happy with what you do. Use this affirmational statement to remind yourself what you love about your job.

When you think of the good parts, you’ll feel much happier getting started each day. You can also use this phrase throughout your workday to keep the positive feelings going.

6. I am excited to experience the joys of the day.

By starting your day with this affirmation, you set yourself up for happiness. You’ll be on the lookout for exciting or joyful things going on around you. This positive phrase promotes a positive mindset that allows you to embrace every situation and stay excited even when plans go awry.

7. I am focusing on self-care because I deserve it.

You deserve to be happy and feel okay in life. Self-care will improve your mental, emotional, and physical health, allowing you to be the best version of yourself. When you feel good, you’ll be open to new experiences, opportunities, and adventures. You’ll also look for the positives in every situation, even when it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to.

8. I am overcoming any challenges that get in my way.

No matter how well you prepare, you’ll encounter challenges and obstacles throughout your life. If you give up every time you experience a challenge, you won’t reach your goals or find happiness. You’ll always feel like you can’t get anywhere, and it’s all because of your mindset.

This phrase will help you push through and overcome every challenge. Then, you’ll feel good about your resiliency and ability to move forward. Plus, you’ll be happy with the progress you make toward your goals.

i am

9. I am not afraid to fail because I learn from my mistakes.

Sometimes it’s hard to do what you want to do in life because you’re afraid to fail. While it’s always great to succeed the first time you try, it often doesn’t happen that way. It usually takes people multiple tries before they succeed at something new.

Give yourself some grace and let go of the fear of failure. Each time you fail, think of it as a learning opportunity instead. Learn from your mistakes so that you can do better next time, putting you a little bit closer to reaching your goals.

10. I am making smart decisions for success in life.

Success doesn’t only have to be career-related. You can strive for success in your personal life, too. Whatever your goals are, they’ll require intelligent decision-making on your part. Believe in yourself and the decisions you make for your life, and you’ll have an easier time making it happen.

Use this phrase each day to help you make confident choices for yourself. It’ll also help you identify the best option for your life. When you’re confident in the decisions you make, you’re sure to be happier.

11. I am determined to be happy no matter what happens.

With determination and a positive mindset, anything is possible. This affirmation will help you focus on the good things around you, even when you aren’t in the best situations. It’s okay to strive for more in life, but you also must focus on happiness with how things are right now.

As you repeat this phrase, think of what makes you happiest in life. It’ll give you a boost of joy from the start of your day, helping you keep the positive feelings as you go about your tasks. Then, use the positive phrase again anytime you need a boost of happiness.

Make sure you always think of the things that make you happy as you say the words. As it becomes a habit, you’ll subconsciously think of the good things in your life throughout the day.

12. I am the only person who can determine my fate.

It might feel like other people hold some control over your life, but that isn’t true. You are the only person who can decide what you’ll do and how you’ll handle things. While other people can influence your mood, the way you feel is ultimately up to you.

This statement can help you remember to take responsibility for your life instead of letting things go. You’ll experience greater happiness in your daily life when you feel like you are in control of your life and decisions.

13. I am free from habits that hold me back.

When you tell yourself that you’re free from self-limiting habits, you’ll experience much more happiness in life. Everyone has bad habits, and the mere thought of them can bring you down and cause frustration. However, you don’t have to let these habits control your life.

Instead, use this statement to help shift your mindset each morning. Then, as you go through your day, you’ll remember to avoid doing those things, setting you free. The more often you use this affirmation, the easier it’ll be to build new habits that help you move forward.

14. I am open to opportunities that allow me to be successful.

A negative mindset can cause you to miss out on or turn down opportunities that would lead to success. If you can refocus your thoughts and open your mind to possibilities, you’ll find success and happiness.

Keep an open mind and do what you can to set yourself up for potential opportunities whenever you can. Knowing that you’re open to new things will bring happiness so, accepting these opportunities will be even more exciting.

15. I am happy with who I am.

When you’re happy with who you are right now, you’ll find joy in all areas of your life. You’ll continue to grow and develop into a better version of yourself, but you must love yourself right now, too. Practice self-love whenever you can, and don’t let anyone convince you that you aren’t worthy.

i am

Final Thoughts on Affirmations to Bring Happiness to Your Life

Using affirmations is a great way to bring happiness to your life. You’ll find joy all around you, even when things don’t work out the way you’d hoped. Even as you work toward a better life and become a better person, you can be happy right now. Repeat these phrases in the morning and at night to shift your mindset.

These 15 Phrases Can Help You Connect with Your Soulmate

When you connect with your soulmate, it means that you share a similar vibe with someone and that your lives mesh together well. You’ll likely share many of the same values and principles, and you’ll have similar goals and visions for life. It might seem like you’re viewing life through the same lens.

When you meet your person, they’ll quickly become your best friend as you have an instant connection. They’ll open up your mind to the possibilities of the future, and you’ll start to plan your life around them. Your special person will be a daily reminder of everything you strive to do and be in life.

While a soulmate doesn’t always have to be a romantic partner, it typically works out that way. When you want to spend all your time with someone, romance is bound to follow. Plus, there will likely be a strong attraction you can’t deny for long.

Fifteen Phrases That Can Help You Connect with Your Soulmate

If you’re having trouble connecting on a deeper level, you must find the right things to say. Tell your person how you feel so the truth is out there and you can take your relationship further. These phrases can help you connect with your partner and say everything you’ve been trying to get out.

These Phrases Help You Describe How Closely You Connect with Your Soulmate

connect with your soulmate

1. Things feel so right when we’re together.

When you use this line, it’ll help your partner understand how you feel about them. By saying that being with them makes everything seem right, they’ll know that you want to spend more time together. They’ll recognize that you choose them, and you’ll continue choosing them whenever you have the choice.

2. You’ve become my best friend, and I want to do everything with you.

One of the first signs that you’ve found your person is that they quickly become your best friend. You’ll feel a deep friendship even if the relationship is a romantic one. The two of you will balance one another out, and your lives will fit together seamlessly.

Plus, despite your differences, you’ll rarely clash. Make sure your partner knows you feel this way, and that you’re happy they are part of your life.

3. I just know that you’re my person.

When you find the right person, you’ll feel compelled to them. You won’t have to question whether they’re your person because you’ll know it. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them because you’ll recognize when you’ve found the person you want to spend your life with.

When you feel something profound, listen to your intuition. You might not find anyone else in the world who makes you feel like this person does. Don’t be afraid to let them know because they likely feel the deepness of your relationship, too.

Connect With Your Soulmate By Describing Your Affection for Them

4. I feel so respected when I’m with you because you’re attuned to my feelings.

Feeling respected in a relationship is one of the most important aspects. You’ll feel comfortable and safe when you’re with your person because you know that they respect you and your boundaries. Plus, they’ll seem to know how you’re feeling each moment you’re together.

You might notice that your person picks up on your hidden feelings, too. They’ll notice when you feel anxious, sad, angry, or anything else. Rather than pretend they don’t see something wrong, they’ll do what they can to comfort you and make you feel better.

If you have found this person, let them know you appreciate their respect and awareness. They’ll feel good knowing that you recognize their effort, making them want to keep doing it.

5. I love that our goals align with one another.

Pointing out that your goals align will help your soulmate see it, too. They likely already know, but saying it aloud will bring the two of you closer. Plus, it opens the conversation up to talk about the future.

After saying this line to your partner, you might find the two discussing the next step of your relationship. This conversation lets you see if you are on the same page and want similar things soon. However, don’t be disappointed if the conversation doesn’t go this far because your partner will still have it on their mind.

6. I feel a sense of calm and peace anytime I’m with you.

Finding someone who makes you feel calm and peaceful can be life-changing. You don’t want to spend most of your time with someone who creates chaos and anxiety. If your person brings these calming sensations to your life, make sure to let them know it.

Your partner will be thrilled to know that they have such a positive effect on your well-being. It’ll also encourage them to continue being this person for you because they know you appreciate it. Appreciation and acknowledgment go so far in a relationship that they can deepen the connection quickly.

Connect With Your Soulmate by Explaining How You Feel Safe With Them


7. I feel safe when I’m with you.

When everything flows easily between you, you’ll feel safe and at ease in their presence. Your feelings for one another allow you to trust them implicitly, knowing they would never do anything to hurt you. They’ll feel instantly familiar, allowing you to be vulnerable and open up deeper.

All of these sensations feel good, especially if you’ve never experienced them before. Share the way you feel with your partner so that they can feel good about it, too.

8. I love that I can always be myself around you.

It’s a blessing to let your guard down and be yourself. Knowing that you can say anything, express your innermost thoughts, and communicate your feelings without judgment is a good feeling. You’ll recognize that you’ve found your person when you feel like this with them.

You can’t be yourself around just anyone, so embrace this blessing and vocalize how you feel. It’s refreshing to have someone like this in your life.

9. I can hardly remember what my life was like before we met.

Meeting your soulmate is life-changing because it happens so quickly. You develop a close bond, and they quickly become a regular part of your life. Before you know it, you’ll struggle to remember what your life was like before them.

By telling your partner that you can hardly remember life without them, they’ll know how deep your feelings are. They’ll love knowing that you think about them so much and that they’ve changed your life in such a meaningful way. Plus, it’ll help them understand that you plan on sticking around.

Explain How You Connect With Your Soulmate and Look Forward to Growing More in Love

10. I’ve learned so much from you, and I can’t wait to see what else I learn.

Spending your life with someone you can learn from will lead to an exciting future. You’ll even learn from them when you disagree on something, and you’ll gain respect and understanding.

Having someone in your life that you can learn from and teach things to in return is a special feeling. While you likely have many things in common already, it’ll help you bond as you teach one another other things.

Plus, telling your partner that you can’t wait to see what else you learn reminds them that you want to spend more time together. You can find things to do that neither of you has done before, allowing you to learn together, too.

11. I feel like I can do anything with you by my side.

Your soulmate will make you feel like you can do anything. They’ll give you the confidence you need to do things you wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Plus, they’ll encourage you to take chances and accept new opportunities that come your way. You won’t be afraid to try something new when you know you have their support.

12. I’m attracted to more than your physical appearance.

Your partner will be thrilled to know that you find them physically attractive, but there should be more to it. Being attracted to who someone is on the inside is even more special.

Show love by complimenting your partner’s wisdom, thoughtfulness, and other positive characteristics they have. When you’ve found your person, you’ll have plenty of non-physical aspects that you love about them.

Connect With Your Soulmate by Describing How Lucky You Feel

13. We met at the perfect time in our lives.

Saying this line to your partner will get them thinking about where you’re at in your relationship. Thinking about perfect timing and your relationship will get them thinking about where you head next. It also lets them know you think it was the perfect meeting time because you’re ready for the next step.

14. I feel like I’ve known you for so long.

When you meet your soulmate, the bond will happen so quickly that you’ll feel like you’ve known them forever. You won’t feel nervous or uncomfortable around them because everything fits well. They’ll make you feel at ease more than anyone else can, eventually becoming your comfort space.

15. I love how much you make me laugh.

Complimenting someone’s sense of humor is one of the best things you can do. When your person makes you laugh, ensure they know you appreciate and love it. It’ll remind them to take time to make you laugh, and it’ll encourage you to find humor in things, too.

connect with your soulmate

Final Thoughts on Phrases That Can Help You Connect with Your Soulmate

When you’ve found your person, you’ll want to find any way to connect with them. Never miss an opportunity to tell your soulmate how much they mean to you. They’ll see how much the relationship means to you when you voice what you love and appreciate.

These phrases will help you show love and deepen your connection. They might even open you up to a conversation about your future together. Either way, saying these meaningful things to your partner will boost your relationship.

University Explains How AI Pets Can Help People With Hearing Loss

Researchers from the University of Cincinnati have found that AI robots can help patients with hearing loss. Art and pet therapy can heal those with physical or mental disorders. However, the healing usually stops after the patient’s therapy sessions end.

The research team wanted to solve this problem by creating a way to practice self-guided therapy. The multidisciplinary collaborative study by UC researchers analyzed how an art therapy app and robotic pets boosted patients’ moods.

UC’s Soma Sengupta, MD, Ph.D., said the pandemic lockdowns prompted the therapy app idea. During this time, certain patients, such as those with brain tumors, could not attend hospital art therapy sessions. Also, their therapy dogs and trainers couldn’t come inside, which left these patients with virtually no options.

“You know it’s really depressing that all these people that depended on these therapies during the pandemic couldn’t get anything in person,” said Sengupta, associate professor and Harold C. Schott Endowed Chair of Molecular Therapeutics in the Department of Neurology. “Why don’t we develop something that is independent of people physically having to be there or an animal physically having to visit a home?”

Combining AI Pets and Art Therapy to Heal

hearing loss

Sengupta’s research focused on patients with vestibular schwannoma or acoustic neuromas. These benign tumors develop on nerves traveling from the inner ear to the brain. Because of the tumors, many of these patients suffer some degree of hearing loss.

For instance, patient Sankhya Jejurikar suffers from deafness in one ear due to a benign tumor removed in September 2020. The permanent hearing loss also left emotional scars, as Sankhya says she often feels depressed and isolated.

“In a big crowd when everybody’s laughing at a joke, and you’ve not heard it, you feel frustration, anger and realize that sometimes your friends forget,” Jejurikar said.

After her successful surgery, she decided to give back to the medical community by participating in the study. Since Jejurikar works as a professional artist, the study was right up her alley.

Jejurikar said this:

“I said that’s great because as an artist I hope to be of some help to them, given the experience of going through the surgery and having acoustic neuroma and now having one-sided deafness. And the fact that it was art therapy was absolutely the cherry on top for sure.”

For the study, Sengupta partnered with Claudia B. Rebola, Ph.D., associate dean for research, associate professor, and director of the new Center for DAAP Research and Innovation (CDRI) on Health and Wellbeing.

They’d previously collaborated on a music therapy app and began work on an art therapy app as well. Rebola also worked tirelessly on improving robotic pets for older adults who need a companion but can’t care for a real animal. Specifically, she improved functions where pets could monitor patients’ vital signs or provide additional care.

Meera Rastogi, Ph.D., a psychologist, art therapist, program coordinator for the pre-art therapy certificate program, and professor at the University of Cincinnati, Clermont College, also participated to help design the art therapy prompts for the app.

The Collaborative Study Also Included:

  • Diego Gomez Enriquez, DAAP master of design candidate
  • Iris Lachnit, visiting scholar and clinical psychologist
  • Abigail Koehler, clinical research professional
  • Jamie Denlinger, UC Brain Tumor Center nurse navigator
  • Yehudit Rothman, neuro-oncology physician assistant
  • Peirce Johnston, MD, UC Department of Psychiatry

The Study on How AI Pets Can Help People With Hearing Loss

hearing loss

The team developed a 12-week pilot study to analyze how art therapy impacted patients’ moods. Psychologists Rastogi and Johnston will monitor the patients’ perspectives and well-being with self-reported assessments.

“It’s more than just interacting with art materials. They’re specifically designed art activities to help people think about whatever issues they’re facing in a different way,” Rastogi said. “So it’s interactive through the app and would be similar to the type of art activities an art therapist would ask their clients to do, as well as reflection questions to think and write about after they do the artwork.”

Participants in the study will meet with an art therapist for instructions on using specified art tools. Each will receive a sketchbook and a 24-pack of colored pencils. The participants will also consult with medical staff to learn how to use the art therapy app.

People With Hearing Loss Will Also Take a Pet Home

In addition, the team will give half the patients robotic therapy dogs to use at home.

“Each pet will have a smart bandana, with sensors that help us monitor the number and length of interactions that the user has with the pet,” Rebola said. “So our hope is to quantify and correlate how much they interact with the pet and how their well-being performs through a 12-week study.”

Jejurikar worked with Rastogi and other psychologists to create questions and prompts for participants during the study. She helped tailor the questions toward hearing loss patients by eliminating questions about cancer, for example, since these patients have benign tumors.

Researchers say that while their focus is treating vestibular schwannoma, they also want to address patients’ mental health.

“It’s not so much about cure, but treatment,” Rebola said. “How can we elevate the health and well-being of our patients through alternative interventions?”

Patient and artist Jejurikar said that she’s happy to see the patients’ overall well-being considered in the study.

“The fact that Dr. Sengupta and her team have actually thought beyond just the physical correction of the surgery but also the emotional problems that come after, I think that’s the future of medicine,” Jejurikar said. “For them to work on it and think about the patients after the surgery really made me feel like I was at the right place. I’ve come to the right place and the right team.”

Future Research on Therapeutic Methods for Loss of Hearing

Sengupta noted the study could have wide-ranging implications beyond the hearing loss population. For example, cancer patients, those with neurodegenerative diseases, and people with mental illnesses could all benefit from self-guided, at-home therapy.

“It is important to design technologies that allow people to take care of their health with their own hands,” Rebola said. “And in an indirect way, it’s kind of responding to the needs of having more equitable access to health and distributing and having the users have control of their health.”

The team is currently recruiting patients for the pilot study and plans to publish initial findings shortly after. Future studies may also analyze how patients respond to other therapies, such as completing art with tablets or interacting with more advanced robot pets.

“We’re designing things as ways of understanding,” Rebola said. “It’s something we don’t do much in the sciences. We’re learning through this iteration, having an impact, generating the second generation.”

The Jejurikar Fund for Vestibular Schwannoma Research and the Harold C. Schott Chair helped fund the study.

hearing loss

Final Thoughts on How AI Pets and Art Help Those With Hearing Loss

As science advances, new technologies and therapies emerge to improve patients’ health. Researchers have devised an art therapy app and given patients robotic therapy dogs to analyze how they impact patients with hearing loss. Hopefully, the study will succeed, and the team can move forward with treatment plans.

Researchers Warn That Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at Exceptional Rate

Researchers have discovered that the Himalayan glaciers have begun melting at an unprecedented rate. According to the study, the rapidly melting ice could impact the water supply for millions of people in Asia.

University of Leeds researchers analyzed ice melting rates throughout the last 400-700 years when the glacier expanded during the Little Ice Age. They concluded that the Himalayan glaciers had melted ten times more quickly over the last few decades than on average.

Even more troubling, the study found that Himalayan glaciers are retreating much faster than other glaciers in the world. In fact, researchers call the rate of ice melting in the Himalayas “exceptional.”

The paper, published in the journal Scientific Reports, reconstructed the size and ice surfaces of 14,798 Himalayan glaciers during the Little Ice Age. The researchers found that the glaciers have shrunk by about 40%, from their largest surface area of 28,000 km2 to about 19,600 km2 today.

They also lost between 390 km3 and 586 km3 of ice during this timeframe. This equates to the combined ice totals in the central European Alps, Scandinavia, and the Caucasus. Sea levels have risen by between 0.92 mm and 1.38 mm due to melting ice from these peaks.

Dr. Jonathan Carrivick, corresponding author and Deputy Head of the University of Leeds School of Geography, said:

“Our findings clearly show that ice is now being lost from Himalayan glaciers at a rate that is at least ten times higher than the average rate over the past centuries. This acceleration in the rate of loss has only emerged within the last few decades, and coincides with human-induced climate change.”

himalayan glaciers

Researchers Warn That Himalayan Glaciers Are Melting at an “Exceptional Rate”

The Himalayan mountain range, which includes Mount Everest, contains the world’s third-largest glacier ice, following the Arctic and Antarctica. It’s frequently called ‘the Third Pole’ because of the amount of snow and ice in this area.

The unprecedented melting rate in the Himalayan glaciers could create significant problems shortly. Asia’s major rivers, the Brahmaputra, Ganges, and Indus, supply food, water, and energy for hundreds of millions of people.

In fact, over 1.4 billion people rely on the Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra, Yangtze, and Yellow rivers for water, according to research in Science magazine. Upstream of these basins, snow and ice pack in the Himalayas form the river systems’ headwaters and impact the seasonal water availability. Due to climate change, these basins have already started shrinking, though future impacts are unclear.

Melting water plays a crucial role in the Indus and Brahmaputra basins, supplying food to an estimated 60 million people. However, these two basins are the most vulnerable to declining flows due to climate change.

Which Areas of the Himalayas are Melting Fastest, and Why

To quantify the volume of ice loss, the team used satellite imagery and digital elevation models. They constructed outlines of the glaciers’ extent during the Little Ice Age and ‘reconstructed’ the ice surface. The satellite images showed ridges that marked the boundaries of the former glacier. Next, researchers relied on the geometry of these ridges to estimate the former glacier extent and ice surface elevation.

By comparing the glacier reconstruction to the glacier in its current state, researchers could measure the ice loss between the Little Ice Age and now. The team found that the Himalayan glaciers have lost more volume in the eastern areas of the mountain range. These include east Nepal and Bhutan north of the main divide.

The study suggests this occurs due to differences in weather patterns resulting from varying geographical features. Also, how the mountain range interacts with the atmosphere plays a role in melting rates.

Researchers found that the Himalayan glaciers have started retreating faster in areas that end in lakes rather than land. Since the number and size of the lakes have increased, the team expects further acceleration of ice melting.

Also, glaciers with large amounts of natural debris on their surfaces have started losing mass more rapidly. They accounted for 46.5% of total volume loss even though they comprise about 7.5% of the overall number of glaciers.

Dr. Carrivick said:

“While we must act urgently to reduce and mitigate the impact of human-made climate change on the glaciers and meltwater-fed rivers, the modeling of that impact on glaciers must also take account of the role of factors such as lakes and debris.”

Co-author Dr. Simon Cook, Senior Lecturer in Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Dundee, said: “People in the region are already seeing changes that are beyond anything witnessed for centuries. This research is just the latest confirmation that those changes are accelerating and that they will have a significant impact on entire nations and regions.”

The Importance of Glaciers

Glacial ice accounts for about 75% of the world’s freshwater, and millions rely on it for drinking water. Other than that, glaciers provide resources for different aspects of life, including:

  • Irrigating crops: India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan have relied on melting glaciers to irrigate their crops for thousands of years. Many communities today still count on ice melt from glaciers for agriculture.
  • Generating hydroelectric power: Scientists and engineers in Norway, central Europe, Canada, New Zealand, and South America have collaborated to create electricity from damming glacial meltwater. However, it’s unclear how reliable it will be to power hydroelectric power dams with glacial runoff due to climate change.

himalayan glaciers

Final Thoughts on Study Showing the Alarming Melting of Himalayan Glaciers

Due to climate change, the Himalayan glaciers have started disappearing at great rates. In fact, over the last several decades, they’ve retreated ten times more quickly than average. Warmer air temperatures and less active monsoon seasons have significantly contributed to the accelerating ice melt. With all this evidence at our fingertips, it’s clear that we’ve caused the climate to change at an alarming rate. Hopefully, we can reverse many of these changes with clean energy, lower consumption, and a better relationship with Mother Earth.

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