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Mom of 3 Who Lost Over 150 Lbs. Shares Weight Loss Inspiration

Kristy, a mom of three who lost weight with a good old-fashioned diet and exercise, inspires us with her story. She’s lost 150 pounds so far, allowing her to achieve things she never thought possible. When you lose weight, it frees up your mind and body to experience life more fully.

After getting rid of excess weight, most people say it’s not the physical transformation that matters. The mental and emotional changes you experience are far more significant because you see the world through new eyes.

After she lost weight, Kristy says she could do more with her kids and husband. Now, they enjoy activities such as hiking and going for long walks. Before her weight loss, she couldn’t do things like that with her family, so she’s very thankful.

Getting healthier transformed Kristy’s entire life, from her relationship with herself to those around her. Here’s her story of losing weight and the advice she offers others on a similar path.

Mom of Three Lost Weight, Here’s Her Inspiring Story

“I started in December of 2018 when I started to not recognize who I was anymore. I knew that I needed to just start making some changes, I just didn’t know how,” Kristy says. “So I started small, and the first thing I gave up was regular soda. And then I started making other small changes, like changing from fried food to grilled food.”

She also cut her portion sizes in half, which helped reduce her overall calorie intake. Additionally, Kristy decided to eat more vegetables and fresh foods, increasing energy and providing essential nutrients. When people eat more fruits and vegetables, they reach satiety more quickly. This happens because foods from nature have more fiber and volume than processed items.

“I eventually joined online communities that were talking more about healthy lifestyles, and I eventually discovered calorie counting. And that’s what I did for my entire weight loss journey,” Kristy said.

In addition to eating healthier, Kristy eventually began an exercise regimen. Both diet and exercise play a role in weight loss, though the foods you eat make a more considerable impact. However, Kristy lost weight and toned up by committing to regular workouts.

“So as far as working out goes, I started working out about 4 or 5 months into losing weight. My dad was in an accident, and he was refusing to go to physical therapy. So, I told him: if you go to physical therapy, I will go to the gym. So, to support me in my health journey, he started going to physical therapy, and I started going to the gym and just continued to go,” Kristy explained.

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She began her workout regimen with something fun, a dance routine called Zumba. Many women ease their way into working out with dance classes if they’re not familiar with workout equipment. Or, some just enjoy dance and workouts that “flow” more than traditional activities.

“Eventually, I started taking different classes that the gym offered, which included things like weight lifting. So eventually, I got comfortable with using those things, and I did research online on how to use the equipment at the gym. I also got into cycling, which is what I do now and really love,” Kristy said.

Kristy Lost Weight, But Faced Challenges Along the Way

The greatest obstacle Kristy encountered on her quest to lose weight was herself. Negative self-talk affects most of us; those who have lost weight can attest to how it impacted their journey. When that voice in your head says you’re not good enough, it can keep you from reaching your goals.

Halfway through her journey, Kristy realized that her negative self-talk hurt her mind and body. If she wanted to keep going, she’d have to change her view of herself beyond just her physical appearance.

“it didn’t matter how good I looked on the outside if I was feeling bad and negative about myself on the inside,” Kristy said.

“So, my health journey also turned into a mental health journey. In total, I’ve lost 150 pounds, something that has kept me motivated.”

She said that pain-free also encourages her to continue a healthy lifestyle. Frequent joint and back pain from carrying excess weight can make you mentally exhausted. So, Kristy says she’s thankful not to feel that way anymore.

Also, anxieties about being overweight, such as breaking a chair or not getting enough to eat, disappeared after she lost weight. She added that not thinking about food anymore freed her mind to focus on other things.

If she could offer a piece of advice to those wanting to lose weight, she would say, “just start.” Even if you don’t hit the ground running, you can still make small changes at first. Emptying your pantry of unhealthy foods, joining a gym, or making other minor changes can make a world of difference.

“But I think the most important thing is to not give up on yourself. Things will be hard, things will be difficult, it will be challenging, but do not give up on yourself. You are worth it. You are worth every single obstacle that you will face, and you can get through it, I promise you,” Kristy concluded.

smoothies lost weight

Final Thoughts on How a Mom of Three Lost Weight (And Kept It Off)

You know the mental and physical battle it requires if you’ve ever lost weight. However, Kristy found that the mental aspect proved the most challenging, as your body follows your mind. In other words, your body only moves when your mind does. Moreover, changing the human brain doesn’t happen overnight.

It takes small daily changes to your routine and mindset to reach your goals. For instance, deciding to practice positive affirmations can help shift your focus and increase mental energy. No matter what path you take, remember to love yourself where you’re at now. Remember, your mindset attracts your reality, so choose accordingly.

20 Signs Your Partner Is Leading You On

Throughout history, songs, poems, cards, and many other sentimental statements have been written about the intense feeling of love. There’s nothing quite like it, and once the love bug has bitten you, you become a whole different person. When you care deeply about someone, you want the feelings to be mutual, but how do you know if someone is leading you on?

Twenty Signs Your Partner Is Leading You On

It’s scary to consider that you might develop unreciprocated feelings, but it happens all the time. How can you break free of  manipulation? And how do you know you’re in the friend zone? Sometimes, it’s easy to see, but other times you need to analyze the relationship. Here are twenty signs that indicate someone is leading you on.

leading you on

1. A Partner Leading You On Might Keep Your Relationship a Secret

If you’re dating someone, you want them to shout it from the rooftops that you belong to one another. However, when someone fails to classify that you’re their boyfriend or girlfriend, you must question the hesitancy. It could be that they have a fear of commitment that stems from childhood issues or bad relationships, or it could be because they’re just not that into you.

2. They Have No Serious Past Relationships

According to Psychology Today’s Dr. Karen Franklin, the best predictor of future behaviors is to look at the past. If you want some real answers, you need to look at what’s happened before. Do they have relationships that never worked out, or have they never had such a connection?

You may have heard some rumors that they’re players, but you ignored it because you couldn’t imagine them being toxic. It can be a red flag if there’s no significant love history.

3. They’re Needy When You Question Things

When someone is playing you, they may string you alone and act like you’re not needed until you threaten to end things. While they don’t want to commit, they don’t want to consider you being with anyone else either. The thought of losing you hurts them as they have a good thing going.

4. They Play Mind Games if They Are Leading You On

Sometimes people have more problems than a math book, and they like to play games with you to guess how they’re feeling. You may be onto them by this point, and you’re tired of playing cat and mouse.

According to Health Guidance, if you’ve been through the psychological ringer, you should know that mind games are there to test you and gain control. This tactic is a toxic method that many narcissists use to ensure they keep you interested enough and keep you right where you want to be.

5. They Make Plans That Don’t Include You

When the one you love makes plans that don’t include you, it’s a cause for concern. If someone sees life with you, they will alter their strategies to ensure that you will be together.

Things like vacation plans or career goals will be discussed with you and worked around your schedule. If they don’t consider you in all their tomorrows, they may be leading you on.

6. They Only Want to Get Together On Their Schedule

A person who won’t commit only allows you to hang out with them when it’s convenient. They want you to abide by their schedule, and they only call you when they’re free. It doesn’t matter what you have or your time constraints, as everything is all about them.

7. They Only Want Intimacy

You never thought you would be someone’s booty call, but here you’re being used for what you can provide. It’s hard to admit, but the only time you hear from this person is when you can fulfill their lustful desires, and other than that, you’re not a top priority.

8. They Have No Problem Seeing Other People

When someone puts you in the category of “just friends,” it frees them to hook up with others. This person won’t think twice about going on dates with other people. It’s just very confusing when there’s no commitment and poor communication, as you don’t know where you stand in their heart.

9. You See Mixed Signals From Someone Who Might Be Leading You On

Out in public, everyone knows that you’re only friends. However, it doesn’t change how they act when you’re alone. They want to hold hands, make love, and cuddle while watching a good movie.

You’re going through the roles that make you think that they’re into you. Yet, it’s evident when they won’t make the declaration of love that they’re leading you on.

10. They Refuse to Say How They Feel

Your partner might not want to tell you that they see you as nothing more than friends. They’re fearful that if they put their heart on the line, they’ll go the other way. While you may want to push the relationship further, they’re perfectly content to keep things the way they are.

leading you on

11. Their House is Off Limits

It’s always in public or at your house whenever you see each other. They don’t invite you over, and you might not even know where they live. It could be they’re married or in a committed relationship or don’t want you in their space.

12. They Get Angry If You Look at Someone Else

Even in “just friends” situations, the old green-eyed monster can rear its head. They don’t want to commit to you, but they will get angry if someone else looks at you or you look at another person. If a person gets jealous quickly, they’re into you and don’t want to admit it.

However, some narcissistic people like to own you without making it official. Poor communication is the cause of much jealousy, as they can’t be honest.

13. They’re Often Moody and Distant

Forget future plans! This person is so moody sometimes you don’t know how to be friends. They tend to be distant when they’re in these dark moods, and they shut you out. They may stop calling and won’t respond to text messages either.

You feel confused and like you took a few steps forward and many steps backward in your relationship. They’re leading you on.

14. They Flirt with Other People

If you’re in a crowd or hanging with some friends, though you arrive together, they have no qualms about flirting with others. It’s as if you’re only friends, and they’re free to flirt with whomever they want.

15. They Act Committed in Front of Your Family

Some say it’s one of the most significant signs that someone is leading you on. When you’re in front of family or close friends, they act like you’re exclusive. Their actions confuse you even more, as you don’t honestly know what you’re doing when you are together.

They put on the façade because they don’t want to bring these people into their twisted game.

16. They Text Constantly

Does this person constantly keep tabs on you? Narcissists like to ensure they have their victims right where they want them, so they will keep tabs on you to ensure you haven’t found them out. They may constantly text and call repeatedly, and they seem to know your schedule better than you do.

17. They Say One Thing and Do Another

They might tell you you’re only friends, but when they snuggle up to you on the couch and kiss your neck, it sends another message. When they say one thing and do another, it can be because they’re confused or leading you on. According to Dr. Abigail Brenner from Psychology Today, when someone says one thing but does another, it’s a sign of a classic manipulator.

It’s challenging to realize that some people aren’t interested in you only but as a vehicle to allow them control. They will twist their words and say anything to get you to hang around. They can promise the stars, but their words are like a vapor that fades away.

18. They Want Everything but the Emotional Attachment

Emotional attachments are challenging for some people. They may want everything a relationship has to offer without the official tag. Why not classify what it is?

The problem is that emotional attachment can make the situation messy. Many people can be intimate with others without any real feelings attached, as they don’t let their emotions get involved. Love tends to cloud people’s judgment, and even the selfish can’t stand getting too close to someone because it can cause them to clam up.

19. It’s a Push-Pull Game When Someone Is Leading You On

It seems like everything is going great, and your relationship is progressing. However, once you mention making things official, they freeze. You’re in a push-pull relationship where it’s a constant back and forth.

You’re together, you know you’re together, but once you mention anything about being a boyfriend or girlfriend, they will clam up and run. If you ask them for an all or nothing commitment, they will say “nothing” and run.

20. Someone Leading You On Might Run Hot and Cold

It seems like you’re stuck in a weird situation where one minute they’re hot and the next they’re as cold as ice. They will cling to you like plastic wrap if you decide to take a step backward.

However, if you want to push forward and try to make it official, they will give you the cold shoulder and avoid you. You’re so confused at this point that you don’t know what’s the right thing to do.

leading you on

Final Thoughts on Seeing the Signs That Your Partner Is Leading You On

Don’t waste your time or energy on someone who isn’t emotionally unavailable. Sure, they had terrible experiences in the past that impacted their perceptions of a relationship, but this isn’t your problem.

You deserve to have someone love you truly without confusion and issues. Isn’t it time you make them decide once and for all? Just make sure you’re strong enough to withstand the pain if they turn and walk away. Though it might alter your plans, it’s better to be alone than with this manipulator.

Meet a Senior Pup With an Adorable Floppy Tongue 

If you love dogs with floppy tongues, you’ll adore this Pekingese senior dog named Sugarplum. She gets the royal treatment from her mom, and Sugarplum returns that loving energy ten times over. Even though she’s an older dog, she still offers so much affection and companionship. Here’s her story and what makes her so unique.

“She was really healthy when she came to me. But she was already missing several teeth and had to have several more removed. Because of that, she can’t keep her tongue in her mouth; it kind of flops around. She’s full of sass and vinegar; I think she’s kind of earned that right to be sassy since she’s going on 17 years old,” her mom Janessa says.

Meet a Senior Dog With an Adorable Floppy Tongue

She currently has two Pekingese dogs, Sugarplum and Popsicle. Popsicle is her one-and-a-half year old service dog, and Sugarplum is her senior rescue dog. Sugarplum was 11 years old and had spent three years in a shelter when she adopted her. Unfortunately, the senior dog developed health issues, likely related to her old age.

“She’s in stage 4 heart failure, which is end-stage of heart failure. She was diagnosed just over a year ago, so we’ve been very blessed and very lucky to have had over a year with her after basically living with a terminal diagnosis,” Janessa says.

However, she’s living a wonderful life with her mom and canine sister. Senior dogs may have a more challenging time getting around, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy life.

“She does currently live on our farm; the apartment was just too hard for her to get in and out of. But she’s so happy there – she loves the snow, she loves to run around the pastures with the horses,” Janessa says.

She added that the senior dog doesn’t fear anything, which wasn’t the case when she first brought her home. When she came to her forever home, she seemed pretty nervous and had to take anxiety medication. Sugarplum would even start shaking if she went anywhere outside her routine. However, she’s done a 180 and now lives a fulfilling life, even as a senior dog.

“I got to watch her just blossom into this really beautiful, adorable, happy dog that just loves to talk and bark and run.”

Janessa said, “I was nervous about adopting a senior dog at first, but I was really lonely. I had lost my first dog a month before I got her, and I just really needed to kind of pour my energy into another dog. I will never regret bringing her home.”

Janessa says that currently, she spends most of the time with Sugarplum sleeping and napping. But, the senior pet used to love going kayaking, camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Now, Janessa takes Popsicle along for any errands or adventures and saves the naps and cuddles for Sugarplum.

“She’s great, she’s my service dog, she goes everywhere with me, and I love her to pieces, but there’s something different about a senior dog. And I would really encourage anyone who wants a dog to consider a senior dog because they have so much love to give. It’s been an amazing experience to have Sugarplum in my home with me,” Janessa said.

Fun Facts About the Pekingese Breed

  • They originated in China, where they served as companions to imperial families. The Chinese revere the breed and consider it sacred; one legend says that they’re miniature lions shrunk by Buddha.
  • They were introduced into the Western world in the 1860s when British invaders brought them back to England.
  • They’re still recognized today for being stubborn and dignified, just like lions.
  • However, this breed also remains loyal to its owners and quickly becomes attached. As such, Pekingese make lovely family pets.
  • Pekingese are brilliant and don’t like being told what to do. Obedience classes are recommended due to their stubborn qualities.
  • This breed loves cold weather since they historically endured long, brutal winters in China.
  • Their coats require a lot of upkeep and need brushing several times per week. The fur can become matted and coarse if not regularly maintained. Some owners also trim the hair above their pets’ eyes to help them see in hot weather, so they stay cool.
  • They perform well in dog shows because of their dignified walk, appearance, and intelligence. The Pekingese has won four times at the Westminster, putting it in fourth place for overall wins.
  • They may look tiny. But they have a surprisingly robust and muscular frame underneath all that fur. They can weigh up to 14 pounds!
  • They prey on small animals such as birds, mice, and rabbits in the wild.

Pekingese Senior Dog Care

If you have a senior dog at home, whether a Pekingese or another breed, they will need specialized care.

  • In Pekingese, it’s essential to pay attention to their oral health, particularly as they’re prone to periodontal disease. Make sure to brush their teeth at least a couple of times per week to eliminate plaque and tartar buildup.
  • Take your senior dog on daily walks as well, if they’re able, to maintain their physical health.
  • Ensure your dog eats a high-quality diet with plenty of protein and fiber. Avoid feeding your Pekingese table scraps as this can cause digestive problems.
  • Brush your dog’s coat every week, so its hair doesn’t become matted. When a dog’s fur gets tangled, it cuts off airflow and can trap moisture, which may lead to sores.

senior dog

Final Thoughts on the Adorable Pekingese Senior Dog Sugarplum

It’s not every day that you meet a senior dog with a floppy tongue, and Sugarplum doesn’t disappoint. She’s sassy yet sweet, giving Janessa so much love and support even though she’s an older dog. When you’ve had a dog for many years, it strengthens your bond and makes the connection even more special. We hope you enjoyed meeting Sugarplum! Let us know how many dogs you know with floppy tongues in the comments.

French Bulldog Displays Much Love for Her Human Baby Sister

Peyton and french bulldog Truffles live in Ontario, Canada, and have become best friends. Growing up with a dog is one of the greatest treasures in life because you always have someone to count on. This little family enjoys every second they get with their adorable Frenchie. In fact, they love her so much, they decided to adopt another french bulldog named Jellybean! Here’s the story of a girl and her two best fur buddies.

“In the summer of 2019, I became pregnant with our first child Peyton, and over the next few months, Truffles became extremely protective of me,” mom Adrienne says. I gave birth in April 2020, and sadly, at that time we were at the very peak of a whole new pandemic.”

Due to pandemic restrictions, hospitals, unfortunately, weren’t allowing anyone besides doctors in the room during births. So, for Adrienne, it took a huge toll on her emotionally and mentally to give birth alone. Not only that, she had to recover by herself since hospitals didn’t even allow spouses into the room.

“It was an extremely hard period of my life and I am just very glad that Truffles was with me during that time. As soon as Peyton was born, I noticed Truffles started to really gravitate towards her and spend a lot of time with her,” Adrienne said.

Dogs have been known to become very protective of little children. Animals are more intuitive and perceptive than we think, and they know to be careful around something tiny and fragile. That’s why dogs make a great addition to any family, even if you have small children. You’ll always have someone to look after your kids and alert you if something’s wrong.

French Bulldog Displays Much Love for Her Human Baby Sister

“I started taking photos and videos of Peyton and Truffles together because it really warmed my own heart so much. And I really wanted to bring joy to our social media audience which Truffles had established a little bit already at that time. And especially during these difficult times, I felt that it was really important to just share these happy photos with everyone,” Adrienne said.

She added that the photos have garnered a lot of attention, and people have messaged her saying they actually helped them through hard times. It’s hard not to feel better after looking at cute images of dogs and babies, after all!

“To me, that’s the biggest compliment that I can ever get for those photos, because the whole point of them is to spread joy more often, and positivity to the Instagram community,” Adrienne added.

We’ve been dealing with a couple years of difficult times, and many people find comfort just looking at animals. Even if you don’t have pets yourself, watching animals playing and cuddling with babies can ease anxiety. Humans naturally gravitate toward cute things, so babies and dogs make the perfect combo to melt stress away.

“Truffles has always brought a lot of joy to everyone, everywhere. Truffles has a knack for just lighting you up even in your worst of days,” Adrienne says. “This past year a lot of things have happened, including the fact that we adopted another little Frenchie called Jellybean who keeps Truffles busy all day.”

Adrienne says the three of them will actually become big sisters in March when her second child is due! Hopefully, the new baby will love french bulldogs as much as Peyton.

Advice for Anyone Wanting a French Bulldog

Dogs are honestly awesome. Maybe we are a little bit biased; obviously, they are very important members of our family and our lives. It seems as though during this pandemic, we’ve had a lot of people get puppies. My advice for anyone who has or wants to adopt, rescue or acquire a new pet is that you need to be prepared for all the work that’s going to be involved,” Adrienne says.

She added that taking care of a dog resembles raising a toddler or baby. So, you’ll have to make sure you have enough time and resources to care for their needs. This includes food, toys, vet bills, bedding, emergency care, and other essentials. If you’ve been working from home and have to return to the office, make sure you have a plan for your dog. Perhaps think about hiring a dog walker or putting your dog in daycare so they have attention during the day.

Adrienne ended the video with this: “We hope you enjoyed our story and we hope to continue to share the Power of Positivity through our Instagram!”

A Few Interesting Facts About Frenchies

  • French bulldogs likely originated in England. Most sources link Frenchies back to English bulldogs, as lacemakers in England wanted to create a smaller version of the dog. So, when the lace industry moved to France, they took their English bulldogs with them and bred them with terriers to create the Frenchie.
  • They’re affectionate, loving, warm dogs who love cuddling and attention! Because of their gentle nature, they make wonderful family pets.
  • The French bulldog isn’t the best swimmer due to its small, squat frame. So, make sure to watch them closely around bodies of water.
  • They’re great at babysitting, as you can see from Peyton and Truffles! The French bulldog may be small, but they love to protect their families at all costs.

Final Thoughts on the French Bulldog Who Adores Her Little Sister

If you’re in need of a best friend, consider getting a French bulldog! They’re loyal, protective, and affectionate, making them the perfect pets for the dog lovers out there. Plus, dogs can help ward off anxiety, depression, and stress, which are all too common in today’s world.

Peyton and her dog Truffles have the best life together, spending time cuddling, posing for pictures, and playing in the snow. We hope this story brought your heart joy and reminded you of the goodness in the world. In these times, we all need something to boost our spirits, and dogs never fail to do just that.

20 Harmful Habits That Drive People Away (and What to Do Instead)

Everybody has undesirable characteristics that make them unattractive, but did you know that these things can threaten your relationships? How often did you get asked out on the first date, but you never made it to the second one? Your undesirable traits may be to blame, as they can drive people away.

Think back over your life about when you were passed up for a good job or had significant upheavals and broken relationships that you never understood. Your method of interacting with others can make you seem attractive or unattractive to others.

Now, you must realize that no one is perfect, and everyone has a toxic trait or two floating around, but it’s essential that you get these things under control for your long-term happiness.

Twenty Harmful Habits That Drive People Away

Do you know when you’re behaving poorly enough to make a shift to your mindset? Perhaps you’re oblivious to what’s going on and need some direction. Here are some of the most common traits that drive people away and what you can do to resolve them.

drive people away

1. Being Self-Absorbed Will Drive People Away

Self-absorbed individuals think of themselves more so than others. The chances are that you don’t realize you’re behaving this way. However, it could be one primary reason no one wants to spend time with you.

According to Dr. Leon F. Seltzer from Psychology Today, being self-absorbed is a psychological dysfunction. He furthers states that this is commonly observed manners in pathological narcissism.

To fix this behavior, act engaged about other people’s lives and talk less about yourself and your daily occurrences. Additionally, the help of a psychiatrist might be necessary as there could be an underlying personality disorder.

2. You’re Insecure

Do you constantly need someone to affirm you and bring comfort to your problems? It’s very annoying when you’re always insecure and need validation, and people don’t like friends that need to be supported continually.

While everyone has things about themselves that they don’t like, you need to love yourself for who you are in life. Start working on your insecurities to become a better person.

3. Being Rude Could Drive People Away

No matter how justified you feel in being rude, it’s never okay to be unkind to others. If you’re known for making a big scene, becoming loud, calling names, or kicking up a ruckus in public, then you could drive people away.

To fix this, learn to be silent even when you’re dying to say something. It’s wise to observe more and talk less. If you’re constantly being rude, then you need to examine yourself and see why you feel the need to lash out at others.

4. Envious of Others

Jealousy is often dubbed the green-eyed monster because it’s a complicated feeling to engage in. If you have high expectations of yourself, you’re going to fall flat every time. Start being thankful for what you do have, and all the blessings given by the Universe.

Remember that life is not a competition, and you’re not measuring progress. Live the best life you can for yourself and your family.

5. A False Victimhood Mindset May Drive People Away

One of the worst people to be around is someone who is constantly playing the victim. Everyone has things in their life that have hurt them or caused significant trauma, but you learn how to rise above these things.

You must stop complaining and see yourself as a whole person and not someone who’s broken into a million pieces. Get counseling if it helps you process what’s happened and learn to move past it.

6. Cheating and Cutting Corners

You’re never going to win if you cheat and cut corners. These are deliberate behaviors that you do by choice, so don’t make excuses for them.

If you want people to love and respect you, you will make sure you don’t do immoral things. Cheating can be considered fraud, and it’s also not being honest with yourself or those around you.

7. Bragging

A conceited person is just as wrong as one who is self-centered. No one wants to know how much you paid for your home or what’s in your bank account. Focus on being humble and leaving the dollars and cents out of your conversations.

8. The Outside is More Important Than the Inside

Don’t put a lot of focus on what’s on the outside, but you need to concentrate your energy on perfecting the inside. The clothes you wear, the hairstyle, or the purse you carry isn’t going to define you as a person. However, how you treat people will be what individuals use to judge you. Be kind!

9. Lacking Empathy Could Drive People Away

Empathy for others is essential. You must have compassion for those around you. Never engage in behaviors like backstabbing or cruelty for any reason, as it only shows how insensitive you’re being.

When someone is hurting, go out of your way to step into their shoes and understand their situation. Sometimes, you need to dig deep to find that compassion that lies within you.

10. Constantly Needing Validation

It’s exhausting to be around people who always need the validation of others. You don’t have to prove your worth, which is very draining to those around you. Stop being overly concerned with how you look to others, as you must love you for you.

According to an article published by MSN, social media has fueled the fires of those who need validation. Some folks will base their decisions and life around the approval of others. Dr Kocchar was consulted on the article, and he states that these attention-seeking behaviors often begin in childhood due to issues of neglect or other traumas. Stop fishing for compliments and learn to make your own choices based on what makes you happy.

drive people away

11. You Are Unreliable

When you say you’re going to do something, you must do it. People hate when someone isn’t reliable, and you won’t make many friends when they can’t count on you.

12. Stubborn Perfectionism

Perfectionism is the folly of many, as it causes you to become moody and never content. Remember that no one is perfect, and life is full of evolutions. Be patient and stop demanding so much of yourself. Not only will this behavior drive others away, but it will drive you crazy.

13. Being Overly Competitive Might Drive People Away

It’s good to have a minor competitive nature as it helps you accomplish things. However, making constant comparisons with others can be dangerous. You don’t have to “one-up” your neighbor, and you must learn that if you have less or more doesn’t matter. Life’s journey is about helping each other along the way.

14. Can’t Let Go of Things

Why can’t people just let things go? Sure, change isn’t an easy process, but it’s healthy to let go of the things that hold you back. Try refocusing your thoughts and learning to change your mindset, as it will help you release feelings you harbor inside.

15. Pessimism

No one wants to hang around people who are moody and pessimistic all the time. It would help if you started by having an attitude adjustment. Cynical people aren’t happy, and you can always find things to be thankful for and happy about.

16. You May Drive People Away If You Are Judgmental

A judgmental person is looking at everyone else and pointing out their faults and failures, so they can avoid looking at their own. If you engage in this behavior, you likely have some serious issues that you need to fix.

When someone is having trouble, why not reach down your hand to them rather than judge them? Your high expectations will drive people away for sure.

17. Dishonesty

No one likes a liar, and remember that your lies will always come to the forefront. Be honest no matter how much it hurts, and don’t hide behind stories and other creative tales you make to escape the truth. If you want to drive people away, then dishonestly is the one way to do it.

18. No Emotional Self-Control

If you can’t manage your emotions, you’re like a bomb waiting to explode. People don’t like being around hot-headed folks, and they don’t want to be associated with individuals who lose their cool constantly. You’re likely stressed out, have too much on you, and have some anger issues. Counseling and self-care can work wonders to get these emotions under control.

19. There’s No Line Between Friends and Enemies

You don’t make any comparisons between friends and enemies, as you see them both in the same category. Stop picking fights with others and learn to trust people for once. It would help if you were rooting for your friends and not waiting for them to stab you in the back.

20. You Might Drive People Away if  You Take Things too Personally

Do you think that everything said or done is directly targeted at you? You must realize that many people say and do things more centered around themselves, and they’re not usually a direct insult towards you. However, you need to learn to accept constructive criticism if it’s done with the right attitude.

If you want to have a healthy life and be productive, you will learn to stop letting the opinions of others define your feelings.

drive people away

Final Thoughts on Harmful Habits That Drive People Away

Do you see any of these toxic behaviors on this list that you struggle with in your life? Even the best people have some deep-buried personality flaws that sneak up on you occasionally. The key to fixing these issues is to be aware of them, and once you recognize the things that drive people away, you can stop these behaviors and develop new, healthier ones.

Former Lawyer Quit Law and Enjoys a New Career as an Artist 

Unsatisfied with her career as a lawyer, Ann Nguyen found renewed fulfillment as an artist. She lives in Brisbane, Australia with her husband and three children, who also help with her new career. As her website says, “It’s a family affair at Grimmer HQ.”

She named her business The Artful Grimmer, and she sells items such as pottery and artwork. Additionally, she teaches in-person workshops on painting terracotta pots, making felt creations, and painting tote bags. Being able to express herself creatively makes Ann excited for work, something she didn’t always experience as a lawyer. Here’s her story on how she found her calling and what gets her creative juices flowing.

“I’ve always loved arts and crafts. I was and still am the happiest when I am painting something, making something, or putting something together. I came to be an artist in a pretty unexpected and roundabout way,” Ann explained. “Although I loved art as a subject, I dropped it in high school because I thought that I had to focus on more academic electives in order to get into law school.”

Many times in life, the creatively inclined are discouraged from pursuing their true passions. Teachers and parents may tell them they have no future in the arts, and to choose something more realistic.

However, they never seem to consider a person’s happiness when giving that advice. Ann followed the safer path, but her love of art never diminished. Luckily, the stars eventually aligned and she found a way to turn her hobby into a career.

Former Lawyer Quit Law and Enjoys a New Career as an Artist

“During law school and for the next 13 years that I practiced as a lawyer, I did still paint, but usually in my spare time as a hobby. I eventually left my career in law and now I am grateful to be doing what I love everyday,” Ann said.

“Like a lot of people around the world, I discovered my green thumb during the pandemic when I was at home a lot. I started painting terracotta pots for myself and to house my growing indoor jungle. And then I started painting them for family and friends, and before long, I was painting them for plant lovers around Australia and the world.”

The silver lining to the lockdowns was the fact that it gave people time to rediscover themselves. Many people found new interests or, like Ann, delved deeper into their favorite hobbies. Little did the former lawyer know that her side business would become a hit with people worldwide. She loves being able to work on her terms and create art that people truly resonate with.

“The thing that keeps me motivated to keep creating is the love and support that is out there for makers like myself. There’s just no feeling better than having somebody really like the thing that you’ve made with your two hands, and like it enough to want it in their own homes,” Ann says.

Her style combines natural elements like leaves and plants with various patterns, creating eye-popping designs. If you look on her website, the many pots and planters she’s crafted just draw you in with the fun, vibrant colors! It’s easy to see why so many people have fallen in love with the former lawyer’s artistry.

Creating Art Gives Ann a New Sense of Purpose

“I am really drawn to bright colors, bold shapes, and shiny metallics. So naturally, that’s where my art goes. I am inspired by nature, colors and patterns. I love traveling and exploring new places because it really sparks a lot of inspiration for me. It’s like the more I see, the more I am inspired,” Ann says.

It may seem like a drastic change to go from being a lawyer to an artist. But, it’s important to feel connected to your work, and Ann found that with creative outlets like art. Being an artist taught her to go with the flow and follow her intuition, a stark contrast to working as a lawyer.

“I create because it makes me really happy; art is wonderful for perspective and for mental health. I think that it’s taught me not to be invested in the outcome of a particular project and to trust in my instincts when it comes to creatively problem solving,” Ann said.

“It makes me want to make more, experiment more and create more every day. The advice that I would give to people who want to start creating art is to just start. Try all of the mediums until you find the one that brings you a lot of joy and happiness, one that is really fun for you. Watch videos, scroll through socials, and find artists that inspire you, and most of all, just give it a go!” she advises.

A Former Lawyer’s Inspiring Story

Ann’s story reminds us to keep growing and expanding our horizons, and to not just settle in life. It’s never too late to redirect your life and career if it’s killing your soul. Being a lawyer, for example, is demanding and doesn’t allow for creative expression – not ideal for right-brained people.

If you work in a job that doesn’t match your true interests, let Ann’s story encourage you to take that leap of faith. When you follow your heart, the universe conspires to make your dreams come true. After all, when you have an intense desire for something, it’s bound to manifest eventually.

Final Thoughts on the Lawyer Who Quit to Become an Artist

Lawyers and artists are about as different as they come, but sometimes, their worlds collide. Ann worked as a lawyer while pursuing her hobby as an artist, but never thought it could become a career. Luckily, the pandemic gave her plenty of downtime to reflect and work on her art, though. During this time, she created many new pieces and piqued the interest of people around the world.

Now, she gets to work from home doing what makes her heart sing, with her family by her side. She’s living the dream, and we hope she motivates you to chase yours, too.

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