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Adventure Lover Takes Pet Photography to a Whole New Level

Emily, an adventure and pet lover, takes pet photography to new heights with her two dogs, Loki and Journey. She’s currently living in Germany where she explores the countryside with her furbabies, simply enjoying life. Her photos truly capture the magic and love that dogs bring to life, and hopefully, you’ll think so too! Here’s the story of the trio that’s transforming the world of pet photography.

“I am originally from Australia, as is Loki, and we flew over to Europe about 4 years ago. We traveled for two years in our teeny-tiny little camper van and drove all around Europe,” Emily said. “And I’ve been taking photos the whole way through while we were traveling. Right towards the end, I decided to look into pet photography and set up my little business, and yeah, that’s us!”

Meet Loki and Journey, the Stars of the Business

Loki’s almost eight now, and Emily says he’s really come into his own. They’ve had an amazing time traveling and adventuring together in their tiny home on wheels. The two of them have seen mountains and lakes, and gotten to meet many incredible people along the way. She says he’s a pretty easy dog to get along with.

He’s a Border Collie, a breed that usually needs a moderate amount of exercise. However, Emily describes him as being “very happy to just relax and sleep.” When he’s not lounging around, he also loves to work, hike, paddle board, or whatever activity Emily wants to do.

“He just lives life and enjoys wherever we are or whatever we’re doing basically. Journey is still very young, he’s only two. He is really funny, he kind of lives life to cheer people up. He loves to carry leaves in his mouth and bounce with them and bash his little mouth against your hand because he’s so fierce with his tiny, little leaf,” Emily jokes.

“He’s got all this kind of young boy energy where he just wants to race everywhere all the time. But he’s also really sweet and sensitive. If I’m a bit upset or I’m having a hard day, he’s with me and he’s cuddling, he’s looking after, me so he’s a really good boy.”

Adventure Lover Takes Pet Photography to a Whole New Level

“The most interesting part of it for me is getting to meet lots of cool dogs along the way and their owners, and you know, trying to really capture their personalities and their stories in a photo,” Emily says. “I really like making photos that are more, I guess, artistic or kind of dramatic. So yeah, I love the challenge of creating photos that really speak about the dog, or that create some kind of fantastic story, often using an ai tool that transforms photo to cartoon to add a unique artistic flair.”

Emily describes the creative process of taking pet photos as kind of a puzzle. She loves being in control of the pieces and how she portrays the story to her audience. She enjoys storytelling through writing books as well, but now, she’s put her energy into pet photography. Emily wants all her photos to make her audience stop and go ‘Wow! I’ve never seen a dog photo like that’ or ‘This is so magical’ or ‘This is so dreamy!’”

In the future, Emily hopes to continue growing her teaching business where she reveals the tricks of the trade in pet photography. It’s rewarding for her to show other pet owners how to capture beautiful photos of their dogs at her workshops. She’s love to set up retreats in the future where she can keep making connections in the pet world.

Learn Pet Photography Through Inspawration Photography School

Millions of people post photos of their pets to social media. However, if you’re truly wanting to create magical, professional photos, Emily can show you the way. She runs both online and in-person workshops where she teaches lighting, posing, style and more.

Or, if you’re not into taking your own pet photos, Emily also offers portrait packages. All that’s required is sending her the details and location, and she’ll capture your pet in ways you never thought possible!

“If you are serious about wanting to get into pet photography, then investing in education is the biggest thing. I think what keeps me motivated is continually trying to push the boundaries of what I can do and what is considered pet photography,” Emily says. “For me, it’s the biggest compliment if someone looks at one of my photos and goes, ‘I’ve never seen a pet photo like that before,’ or ‘I didn’t know pet photography could be like that.’”

Basically, she wants to keep pushing the envelope with pet photography, trying out new styles and props. This would include experimenting with lighting, using different creative lenses, or exploring new scenery.

“You know, pet photography doesn’t have to be a photo of a dog sitting in a field. It could be something really interesting, something different or it can capture some really special moment, or something unexpected. So, that’s what’s motivating me is just to continue finding new ways to do pet photography,” she says.

We hope you enjoyed hearing about Emily’s journey traversing Europe with her two best friends. She believes it’s important to cherish every moment with our pets, as they’re with us for such a short time. Make sure to take a few photos of your pets, because you’ll savor those memories long after they’re gone.

Final Thoughts on Woman Adventurer Who Loves Taking Pet Photos

Nowadays, traveling with your pets has become the latest trend. Why not take them along for the ride and make some new memories with them, after all? Some people, like Emily, have even made a business doing pet photography while getting to travel the world. It’s a dream come true, and if you’re feeling called to this path, let Emily’s journey serve as your inspiration!

You can explore forests, mountains, and beaches with your furry friends at your side. It truly doesn’t get any better than that. Let us know which photo was your favorite in the comments!

20 Reasons to Be Lazy and Just Enjoy Life Once in a While

Today’s society pushes you to work more hours and make more money to buy things you probably don’t even need. It’s an endless race to see who can have the most prestigious careers, the largest homes, and expensive cars. You can’t take a break from this grueling schedule because you’d be lazy, and your well-heeled neighbors would notice.

What thoughts flash through your mind when you lie in bed at night? Are you fretting about a report due at work or how you can outdo a coworker? Do you define yourself by your career or your assumed ability to outwork everyone else?

Maybe you consider it laziness if you’re not always doing something productive. But what if advanced age or disability prevents you from working as you’ve always done? Will you have lost your identity and never know how to relax?

Twenty Reasons to Be Lazy and Enjoy Life

Even if you believe in reincarnation, this present life is all you have. You can have all the luxuries the world can afford and still have no joy. Here are 20 ways to learn how to balance work and play and live your best life.

be lazy

1. Be Lazy, Just Because You Need to Relax and Unwind

Your body needn’t run in perpetual high gear. Work can become an addiction, adversely affecting your relationships, health, and leisure time. If you want to work more efficiently and have quality time with family and friends:

  • Relax a little.
  • Make your leisure time just as much a priority as your work schedule.
  • Do anything you want, relax, and recharge your batteries.

2. Your Brain Needs a Well-Deserved Break

Even asleep, your brain is on autopilot to keep your vital organs working. As it recharges, it files away experiences and replaces countless neurons and other brain cells. When taking a break from mental stress, you give your brain some distraction and rest for optimal performance.

An article published by Johns Hopkins Magazine discusses how having fun can benefit your brain. It registers in the pleasure area and produces “feel good” hormones like dopamine. According to the article, having fun or playing helps develop your sense of freedom and self-expression from childhood to adulthood.

3. It’s Good For The Spirit to Be Lazy Sometimes

It’s a common mistake for people to care for themselves physically and mentally but neglect their spiritual health. The third component of your triune being is just as important as the other two for total well-being. An unbalanced spirit will negatively affect your body and mind.

You needn’t be a religious person to be spiritual. You can nourish your spiritual being with whatever traditions or methods work for you. Meditation, yoga, and other spiritual workouts can provide a necessary break from your daily chores.

4. It’s A Fun Thing to Do

When was the last time you put a few tasks aside and just had fun? Whether you go on a minivacation or sit on the couch to watch your favorite comedy, you’re empowering your joy and positive energy. You can learn a fun hobby or do nothing and take a Sunday snooze in a hammock under the trees.

5. Be Lazy–It May Restore Creativity

Creativity is born in your spirit, developed in your mind, and produced by your hands. Many artists and writers create a mental block when they push themselves too much. Taking time away from a project can help you gain new perspectives and boost your creative energy.

6. Get Some Sleep!

Perhaps you don’t want to be lazy, so you skimp on your sleep. No wonder you roam through the office in a sleep-deprived brain fog. Do yourself a favor, get six to eight hours of sleep daily, and treat yourself to restorative naps.

7. Everyone Needs a Little Bit of Self-Care

You work so hard to provide the things you and your family need. Caring for yourself isn’t laziness but a necessity. Go ahead and pamper yourself with a long bubble bath or spend time alone in meditation or journaling. Show your body gratitude for all it does for you.

8. Spend Much Needed Time with Your Partner

Being lazy with your mate is the only thing more rewarding than lounging alone. Spend a leisurely weekend just relaxing in your pajamas and enjoying each other’s company. It helps you reconnect on a romantic and spiritual level and enhance your relationship.

9. More Focused on Long-Term Goals

You won’t know when you’ve arrived at your destination unless you’ve planned where you’re going. Giving yourself a break from work and other tasks can allow time for reflection and reevaluation. It also gives you quality time to enjoy and be grateful for your accomplishments.

10. Opportunity to Improve on Yourself

Learning and growing are two essential characteristics of living things, including people. When taking a much-needed break from your daily routines, use it to enhance your life. Discover a new hobby, study a foreign language, or visit a place you’ve always dreamed of.

be lazy

11. Be Lazy to Gain Clarity

Nobody says it’s easy to juggle family and work responsibilities. When you feel bogged down with multitasking, decision-making can be complex. Schedule time to relax, and you’ll gain more mental clarity and a better sense of purpose.

12. It Makes You More Productive

Some people think that workaholism is the key to success and leisure is just an excuse to be lazy. However, a study published by Social Indicators Research discussed a positive link between relaxation and increased productivity. So, when you take some time, you will probably have more energy and productivity.

13. Better at Handling Stress and Pressure

If you’ve ever used a pressure cooker, you understand the safety reasons behind the vent. The cooker maintains full steam as the pressure builds, and the vent releases the excess. It allows you to cook a delicious meal without the dangers of an exploding cooker.

Likewise, your leisure time is a vent for your pressure and stress. It helps you reduce stress and “let off a little steam.” Balancing work and play are necessary to cope with daily anxiety.

14. Lowers Blood Pressure

Chronic stress can lead to severe mental and physical issues, like high blood pressure. If you want to beat the stress, try to be lazy occasionally. Relaxing your body and mind can lower your blood pressure and other risk factors of undue stress.

15. Mindless Fun is Necessary

Remember the old saying that all work and no play makes you dull? Having fun isn’t just beneficial for children. Your body needs to be lazy occasionally, so smell flowers, jump rope, blow bubbles, and lose yourself in mindless joy.

16. Less Likely to Burnout

No matter what you do for a living, burnout is a real threat to everyone. You get bored with the same tasks and habits. Taking a break and recharging can give your brain the diversion you need to go back to work with more determination.

17. Be Lazy to Increase Emotional Intelligence

Daily stress is hard on your emotions and can cause negative energy. Did you know that kicking your feet back and watching tv can boost you emotionally? Some shows offer social cues and other opportunities to develop more empathy.

18. You Can Catch Up on Things

Like most people, you probably spend your time off catching up on chores at home. You don’t want to be lazy, and you’d feel irresponsible if you weren’t working on something. While that’s okay, you also need time to catch up on leisure and other exciting things you put off.

19. You Can Reconnect with Your Circle

So, why does it matter if you have all the wealth and success in the world if you have nobody to share it with? The family and friends in your circle are your most delicate treasure, and they deserve time and attention, too. Make it a point to connect with them and make memories full of leisure, laughter, and love.

20. It’s Good for Your Body to Be Lazy Once in a While

Your body needs rest just as much as work and exercise. You understand the importance of cooling down and recovering if you have a daily workout routine. In the same way, give your body a chance to recharge so you aren’t exhausted and mentally drained all the time.

be lazy

Final Thoughts on Reasons to Be Lazy and Just Enjoy Life

You can develop a healthy balance when you learn to be just as good at relaxing as working. It’s okay to have a lazy day occasionally, but your well-being depends on it. You’ll discover the benefits of resting your mind, body, and spirit while being joyful in the moment. After all, self-care is just as important as work and bringing home a paycheck.

20 Methods of Calming Your Mind When You Feel Overwhelmed

Do you feel overwhelmed? You have a million things to do today, and you were tired before you even began. You’re caught in the never-ending process of the daily grind. You’ve got a job, family, responsibilities, bills, and there’s never enough time for you.

It would help if you took time for self-care. Society and many employers expect you to work long hours and forgo those vacation days, but you cannot survive for long with this type of schedule. According to Southern New Hampshire University, you must consider your health physically, mentally, and spiritually, as you must reset.

According to the article, when you take time for yourself, it improves your anxiety and depression, reduces anger, enhances your energy, and you’ll be much happier.

Twenty Methods to Calming Your Mind in Times of Stress

You know that calming your mind is something you must do, but you’re unsure where to start. Here’s a list of the best ways to bust through stress, calm yourself, and rejuvenate your mind.

calming your mind

1. Get a Massage

Few things in this life feel as great as a massage. When you’re under stress, your muscles hold a lot of tension. By manipulating and rubbing these sore muscles, it can instantly calm your entire body.

2. Take a Nap

A power nap may be just what you need to reset. The best thing about these short 10–20-minute siestas is that you can do them during your lunch hour or before you cook dinner at night. It gives you a chance to zone out and relax your mind and body before continuing your day.

3. Use Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to cure what ails you. Essential oils have potent effects on the body, and they can calm you. Scents like lavender, peppermint, and bergamot are known for their tranquil abilities to relax you from head to toe.

As a bonus, they also make your home or office smell unique too so that others can enjoy the peaceful scents as well.

4. Phone a Friend

Sometimes, you need to get what’s on your mind out of there. The best way to do this is to phone a friend. You can spill your stress to someone who can help you get through the troubling day. A good friend will listen to you and offer sage advice on how to keep going even when you feel like throwing in the towel.

5. Get Out in Nature

Did you know that many people who have panic attacks want to run outside? This is especially true for those who have claustrophobia too. Being outside tends to release something inside you, and it helps calm you.

Mother Nature has a profound effect on the body and the mind, and it’s one of the best and most inexpensive remedies.

6. Journal

According to Daily Stoic, there are science-backed benefits of journaling. Dedicating just 10-15 minutes a day can help with physical and psychological health. Studies show it decreases emotional distress, as well as decreases cognitive rumination.

7. Box Breathing

Box breathing is prevalent among those who have issues with panic and anxiety. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to calm your mind, you may find it works for you too.

You breathe in and hold it, then slowly release the breaths. It tends to cleanse your mind as you exhale negativity and breathe in a more positive outlook.

8. Turn off Technology

Maybe all you need is a break from technology. Turn off your cell phone, computer, tablets, smartwatches, and anything else that can make noise. Sometimes sitting in the quiet is all you need to release stress and those feelings that overwhelm you.

Some families have incorporated things like technology-free dinners, where everyone puts their devices in a basket. It allows you time to reconnect with the ones you love without constant interruptions.

9. Meditate

When it comes to calming your mind, meditation is the best thing to do. According to Positive Psychology, meditation has been around since 1500 BC. The reason it’s still in use today is because it works, and the vast benefits of this cleansing act cannot be denied.

10. Take a Bubble Bath

Grab some candles, turn on some relaxing sounds, and fill the bathtub high with relaxing bubbles. Taking a bubble bath is a great way to calm yourself when overwhelmed. The hot water soothes aching muscles, and the time in solitude is also healing. Just make sure you lock the door so you’re not disturbed, and you can take as long as you like.

calming your mind

11. Take a Drive

If you live in the city, maybe you need to get out of the hustle and bustle. Why not jump in your car, roll the windows down, and blast your favorite music? There’s something euphoric about listening to great music while you take a little road trip to rejuvenate your mind.

12. Write a Poem or Music

Did you know that some of the greatest songs come from times of trial and stress? Your inner artistic abilities come through when you’re hurting. Remember the famous song by Eric Clapton, “Tears in Heaven?”

According to Little Things, Eric Clapton’s four-year-old son fell out the window from the 53rd story of a high-rise building. The gut-wrenching ballad was written to help him cope with the tragedy, which shattered his world.

Though you may not be facing such a horrific event, you can use the power of music to help you cope with your stress. Who knows, you may have a song that could launch you into stardom.

13. Organize Your Space

Sometimes people feel stressed and overwhelmed because they’ve got clutter all around them. Your environment has a direct effect on how you think. You can feel much better by getting up, getting your blood pumping, and decluttering a space.

14. Spend Time with Your Pet

Pets have always been known to have a profound effect on people. It’s one of the main reasons they’re used for comfort in nursing homes and hospice centers around the country. Just petting your favorite dog or cat can help you relax and destress.

15. Color

Adult coloring has become all the rage these days. Some psychologists say that it’s just as good as meditating, but it depends on your patience. Some adult coloring books are a bit advanced, and you may want to start with something less challenging if you’re overwhelmed.

16. Read a Book

Why not escape your problems by getting lost in a good book? Curl up with your favorite blanket in a comfy location and read to your heart’s content. You can find many great novels out there, and it’s better than sitting in front of a TV for hours.

17. Draw

You can explore your artistic abilities by drawing or painting. Maybe you can unlock your inner Picasso with a painting that’s gallery-worthy. Even if you aren’t ready for an art show, it can undoubtedly help clear your mind.

18. Exercise

Calming your mind may be as easy as running on a treadmill, taking a walk, or doing something like jumping jacks. When you exercise and move around, your body releases those feel-good hormones at higher levels, which will only make you feel much better.

19. Sit Outside and Sip Your Favorite Drink

Many songs talk about sitting on the front porch, as there’s something very calming about swinging and relaxing. Grab a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade and enjoy some fresh air. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel in a short amount of time.

20. Netflix and Chill

While it’s not the best method, you certainly can have assistance with calming your mind by turning on a good show and calming down. Millennials have coined the term “Netflix and Chill” because it’s one of the best ways they feel to relax. True, there’s something nice about just having downtime and being able to calm down after a long, stressful day.

calming your mind

Final Thoughts on Calming Your Mind

Calming your mind isn’t always easy, especially when you wear many hats during the day. However, it’s essential for your mental and physical health that you have times to destress from all the angst you feel. If the stress doesn’t subside no matter what you do, it’s time to be proactive.

Some people are stuck in dead-end jobs or relationships that are sucking the life out of them. It’s time to evaluate things and see what you can do to improve life. You’re responsible for your happiness, and you can let circumstances or people get in the way.

You can make a conscious decision that you’re going to be happy no matter what happens, which might require making some changes. However, calming your mind is an essential part of routine stress management, as you need to purge the negativity you pick up throughout the day.

20 Behaviors That Reveal the Most Independent People

Among the most admired character traits is independence. You see it highlighted on school grade cards and professional resumes. Independent people are pillars of professional and personal relationships.

Maybe your solid, independent spirit has been a source of pride since you were a child. You were probably a fast learner, and you often wanted to show adults that you could do it independently. Unfortunately, too much of this spark may have got you in trouble because you refused to follow the rules.

Such individuality is the hallmark of the movers and shakers of the world. They are the scientists like Copernicus who defied traditional views in the light of scientific discovery. They are the artists, writers, and activists who wouldn’t accept the status quo.

Twenty Behaviors of Independent People

Are you an independent spirit, or do you prefer to disappear in the crowd of public opinion? Do others often depend on you to make informed decisions without undue influence? Here are 20 habits of independent people and how they affect their daily lives.

independent people

1. Independent People Can Do Most Tasks Without Assistance

Independent people like you’re confident that you will do your best on any task. If you don’t know the answers, you can use different resources to find them. However, you’re not too proud to ask for help when needed from people with more knowledge and experience.

2. Incredibly Driven

Independent people know what they want and are willing to work hard to get it. They are often gifted thinkers and understand how to use the law of attraction. They send positive affirmations into the Universe, which will attract positive outcomes.

If this sounds like you, you likely tend to be an optimist who believes in yourself. You’re highly driven and inspire those around you. Even when you have mistakes and failures, you use them as learning tools and refuse to give up on your aspirations.

3. Independent People Prefer to Do Things Alone

If you’re an independent person, you may consider yourself an introvert. It’s not that you don’t like people or can’t relate to them. You often have your way of thinking and prefer to be and do things by yourself.

On the flip side, you aren’t a narcissist who wants all the glory. You understand the value of teamwork and give credit where it’s due. It’s just that you’re more comfortable doing solitary tasks and helping when necessary.

4. Knows When to Say “No.”

In an article published in Psychology Today, Dr. Hank Davis discusses the social reluctance of telling others “No.” It’s a passivity that most people must avoid conflict, explains Davis. The ability to offer a polite but firm “no” shows that you are honest, self-confident, and you’re an independent thinker.

In having the courage to say “no,” you give yourself the freedom and opportunity to say “yes” when you want. You have the option to choose what you want to do without resentment. When people see that you won’t be a pushover, they are less likely to try to take advantage of you.

5. Tend to Feel Like a Black Sheep Among Family

Independent people usually show their streak of independence at an early age. You naturally go against the grain and refuse to have a cookie-cutter lifestyle and thought process. While you and your family love each other, you often feel like you don’t belong because you do and think so differently.

6. Independent People Are Very Focused

A complication for those too dependent on others is a lack of focus. They are often so concerned about everything around them that it’s hard to think. When you’re an independent spirit, you narrow your focus on the task and hand and try not to get distracted.

7. Internally Strong

It’s only human to have moments of doubt, despair, and weakness. The difference is that independent folks recognize their negative emotions and don’t stay focused on them. You cultivate an inner strength that helps you overcome these feelings to move forward with your intentions.

8. A Leader and Take-Charge Person

If you’re an independent spirit, others often recognize your strengths as a natural leader. You’re an innovative thinker, and you’re not afraid to take a new direction. You also often inspire other people to be their best and think independently.

9. Doesn’t Like to Borrow or Owe Anyone Anything

An article published by Debt says that the stress of debt can cause a storm of emotions like denial, depression, and anxiety. Not only do those drowning in debt have money shortage fears, but they face losing their homes and other necessities.

Those who value their independence don’t make a habit of borrowing things. While you probably have a mortgage, rent, car payment, and other small bills, you try to keep debt at a minimum. You don’t want creditors controlling your emotions or your future.

10. Independent People Are Not Afraid to Speak Their Mind

Most people admire those who aren’t afraid to speak up when necessary. Independent thinkers aren’t swayed by popular opinion and openly state what they believe. Although you are usually kindhearted and generous, you won’t let anyone take advantage of you.

independent people

11. It’s Hard to Ask for Help or Admit Defeat

In a perfect world, everybody would stand independently and win every time. Unfortunately, humans are fallible and experience many failures throughout life. As an independent spirit, you have difficulties admitting defeat or asking someone for help.

12. Always Looking to the Future and Making Plans

You may have learned the value of living in the moment, but you’re wise enough to plan for the future. You’re an independent thinker who knows how to define your goals and devise plans for accomplishing them. Although hurdles will be inevitable, you are creative and find solutions to these problems.

13. Can Live Alone and Be Content

Many people who are independent spirits crave solitude. If this is your nature, you are probably a self-described loner. If necessary, you can connect confidently in a group, but you’re at your best when you are by yourself.

Perhaps you’ve had difficulties with personal relationships. It may not be easy for you to compromise or share your space. However, your sense of compassion and love may overcome these issues so you can enjoy a healthy support system.

14. Independent People Are Not Easily Swayed

Some people are so timid about their opinions that they won’t voice them. When faced with more assertive personalities, they will often give in and waffle their views and decisions. As an independent thinker, you’re determined and not easily pushed into changing your opinion.

15. Wants to do Things Their Way

One of the challenges of being strong-willed is that you like to do things your way. You’re often a creature of habit, and you believe that you shouldn’t change things that have always worked. Such an attitude can lead to stubbornness and inflexibility if you don’t keep it in check.

16. Keeps an Open Mind

Your saving grace against stubbornness is your willingness to keep an open mind. You may prefer your tried-and-true methods, but you realize that others have valid points. You’re a big enough person to be open to suggestions and see things from another person’s perspective.

17. Having Friends is Challenging as it Requires Some Dependency

The beautiful part of friendship is that you know you can depend on each other. If one of you is in need, your friend has your back. This may be a bitter pill for you to swallow because you don’t like the feeling of obligation or dependency.

What helps you in these relationships is to understand that friendship is reciprocal. Your friends need your support just as much as you need theirs. Acceptance and validation are basic human needs met by these friendly relationships.

18. An Emotional Rock

Those in your circle value your inner strength and emotional stability. Even in the middle of a crisis, you are level-headed and support others involved. Your independent spirit keeps you afloat when you feel like you’re in a whirlpool of problems.

19. Independent People Often Admit to Having Hermit Tendencies

Many independent people have few close family and friends in their circle. Your tendency to be introverted may turn you into a hermit. You cherish peace and dislike the drama often involved in socializing, and your support system is small.

20. Always Wanting More Out of Life

There’s a fine line between contentment and complacency. While you are grateful and content for all you have, you value the things money can’t buy even more. You usually greet each day with expectations and the joy of a challenge.

Final Thoughts on Behaviors of Independent People

It’s the independent people who dared to make a difference in the world throughout the ages. They often go against conventional wisdom and stand for their beliefs, regardless of the consequences. When you guide your independent tendencies in a positive direction, you can benefit yourself and others around you.

15 Ways to Burn Calories and Melt Fat Without Exercise

Regardless of hype in the media, there are no miracle foods, supplements, or inventions that will melt fat. The only way is to eat less, burn calories, and boost your metabolism. How do you do that effectively and keep the pounds off for good?

Fifteen Ways to Burn Calories and Melt Fat Without Exercise

Do you want to lose weight but can’t spend hours in a gym? While your body does need exercise, it’s not the only solution for permanent weight loss. Here are many ways you can vanish fat without exercise.

burn calories

1. Watch Your Caloric Intake

Ultimately, the key to losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. When you reduce your caloric intake, it can make your exercise regimen more successful. Planning your daily meals is a matter of a simple mathematical equation.

An article published by the Mayo Clinic explains how to do it. If you cut 500-1000 calories from your daily intake, you can lose 1 pound a week. Try to skip high-calorie and low-nutrition foods, per the article.

2. Switch Regular Soda for Diet (or Better Yet… Water) to Burn Calories

Do you habitually guzzle sugary soda all day without thinking of the calories? Some of these bubbly concoctions can have over 150 calories for twelve ounces with a whopping fifty grams of sugar. That equals about four tablespoons of sugar per soda you’re drinking.

If you have six sodas a day, you may be consuming 900 empty calories in these beverages alone. Consider switching to diet soda that has zero calories per serving. Better yet, trade them out for a refreshing glass of water.

3. Burn Calories and Melt Fat by Getting More Sleep

When you are chronically sleep-deprived, you may be creating more than just daily brain fog. Those restless nights may be contributing to weight gain, shares an article published by the Sleep Foundation. Sleep is linked to neurotransmitters responsible for hungriness and satiety, says the report.

Plus, you’re more apt to munch mindlessly on junk food when you’re groggy from lack of sleep. Try your best to get at least 6-8 hours of rest a night for optimal health. You’ll feel more energetic, and you may see a lower number on the scales.

4. Drink Coffee

Are you one of those folks who isn’t yourself until you’ve had a cup of java in the morning? Not only do people get hooked on the rich flavor and aroma of the coffee, but caffeine is an energy booster. You may sip on coffee throughout the day to keep mentally sharp.

The National Library of Medicine suggests that caffeine may also burn calories. It may also reduce your total body mass index, says the study. Have your coffee in moderation and try to skip the cream and sugar.

5. Drink Green Tea to Burn Calories

Perhaps your beverage of choice is a steaming cup of tea. You may receive many of its purported health benefits if you drink green tea. A study published by the American Journal of Nutrition explains that green tea may boost your metabolism and help you burn fat.

Another benefit is the antioxidants found in this beverage that can fight inflammation in your body. It also has a kick of caffeine to give you more energy. Enjoy your tea hot or cold throughout the day.

6. Focus on Protein

Have you ever noticed that high-calorie junk food doesn’t stay with you long, and soon you will be hungry again? Those wasted calories aren’t nutritiously dense, and they may even increase your cravings. Instead, focus on lean proteins to stay healthy and burn fat.

Enjoy foods like fish, poultry, and red meat in moderation. You can also get protein power from green leafy vegetables, beans, and legumes. Protein builds a strong body that helps you exercise and lose weight.

7. Keep a Food Journal

Most people don’t pay much attention to their daily food intake. You probably remember your meals but forget portions and snacks at the end of the day. It’s human nature to disregard the bites and little snacks as they don’t count.

When you keep a food journal, you may be shocked at the portions and calories you consume daily. Recording your meals, portions, and snacks makes you aware of your calories and create personal accountability. You can discover ways to burn calories each day.

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8. Stock Your Cabinets with Healthy Foods

It stands to reason that you won’t eat it if you don’t have junk food in your house. However, it’s easy to give in to cravings when your refrigerator and cabinets are loaded with sugary, fat-ladened junk. Set yourself up to succeed and only stock healthy foods for you and your family.

9. Go Shopping

If you want to be healthy and burn fat efficiently, learn how to shop smartly. First, never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach. You’ll be tempted to throw every sugary and high-carb treat in the cart.

Also, make a menu for the week that includes nutritious meals and snacks. Use your menu to compose a grocery list and stick to it. Finally, limit your shopping to the perimeter of the store where most of the healthy whole foods are displayed.

10. Pay Attention to What You’re Eating

It’s a shame that so many people rush through their meals without tasting their food. Choosing a mindful lifestyle includes being aware of what you eat. You express gratitude and savor the flavors of each bite.

Create awareness at your dinner table with a temporary technology ban. Turn off your TV and mobile devices and enjoy your meal in good company. When you practice mindful eating, you’re less likely to overeat.

11. Fill Up on Fiber

One of the reasons you may overindulge, and gain weight is because you don’t feel satisfied. Junk food is notorious for creating the sensation that the more you have, the more you want. That’s why your body needs nutritious foods high in satisfying fiber.

Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are loaded with fiber that makes you feel full and clears your digestive system. An article published by Harvard Medical School claims that at least thirty grams of fiber offers several health benefits. The article says it can lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, and help burn calories.

12. Reduce Your Plate Size

Thanks to marketing ploys over the years, portion sizes have expanded in America. In the age of “super-size” and “gigantic” portions offered in fast food restaurants, the average family consumes much more than people from decades ago.

Trick yourself if you want to reduce your portions, burn fat, and lose weight. Serve meals in smaller plates and bowls that look sumptuous but have smaller amounts.

13. Burn Calories by Incorporating Healthy Fats

It seems counterintuitive to eat fat when trying to burn calories and lose weight. However, not all fats are created equal, and your body needs certain fats to survive. An article published by the Cleveland Clinic recommends 44 to 77 grams of fat per day on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Saturated fats come from animal products, and too much can lead to obesity and other health risks. Trans-fats are chemically altered and should be avoided entirely. Plant-based, unsaturated fats like olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocado are the best fats to consume.

Even though these heart-healthy fats are better for you, they must be used in moderation. In general, limit your intake of fried foods and stay away from refined oils. Choose lean cuts of meat and enjoy healthy-fat fish like salmon and tuna.

14. Do Housework

Cleaning your house is an endless chore. The multiple tasks in each room include walking, lifting, stretching, and running up and downstairs. No wonder most people are exhausted after a day of housework.

The good news is that not only will you have a sparkling clean house, but you’ll burn calories. All those activities keep you moving and can help strengthen and tone your body. It’s almost like a daily exercise routine.

15. Cut the Refined Carbs to Help Burn Calories

Perhaps you’re on an eating plan that helps you burn calories by increasing protein and limiting your carbohydrates. While your body requires some carbs to function, some are better than others. Knowing the difference can help you choose the right carbs for your daily meals and snacks.

An article published by the Cleveland Clinic explains that complex carbs come from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They are loaded with fiber and don’t spike your blood glucose. The article says that refined carbs like white flour, white sugar, white rice, and most junk food negatively affect your body.

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Final Thoughts on Ways to Burn Calories and Melt Fat Without Exercise

The best way to lose weight is to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and fitness. While your body needs exercise to stay strong and toned, you can still burn calories in other ways. Your goal is to be healthy and happy for a long and wonderful life.

15 Things That Perfectly Explain Why Introverts Crave Solitude

Are you an introvert who needs time in solitude to recharge your batteries? Some think that introverted people are too timid to be leaders, but it’s just the opposite. The introverted crowd makes some of the best leaders around because they’ve learned to listen before they speak.

Introverts are not quick to jump on a situation, as they want to weigh each part of the scenario. According to an article on Business Insider, Adam Grant is a psychologist who studies introverts and extroverts at length. In his research, he found that the introvert makes a much better leader than the extroverted personality.

The introverted person knows how to balance being social and alone. They don’t panic under stress and won’t give up easily because they’re frustrated. Yes, the shy kid in your high school who seemed like the classic nerdy guy may be the billionaire running a major company today.

Why Do Introverts Crave Solitude?

Have you ever wondered why the introverted person needs solitude so much? This alone time is just as important to this person as getting 6-8 hours of rest each night. During these times, many good things happen. Here are a few reasons why they crave and need these times of solitude.


1. Solitude Creates a Thoughtful Atmosphere

If you need answers to your problems or want to ponder some things in your life, you’ll likely find your answers during solo times. When you’re alone, you have a contemplated atmosphere that allows you to clear everything from your mind.

Today’s world is so fast-paced that people don’t even have time to think before they act, and they often make the wrong choice. Introverts like the thoughtful atmosphere as they’re very particular about each move they make.

2. Increases Self-Awareness and Confidence

During these times of silence, you learn to understand your emotions and your thought processes. Self-awareness is crucial as it’s the springboard for self-improvement. These times spent in solitude help introverted people learn to be comfortable in their skin and accept themselves for who and what they are.

3. Improves Relationships

You often find that you will enhance your gratitude and appreciation for your family and friends when you’re away from them. Have you ever read the scriptures in the Bible in
Proverbs 25:17 that states that you shouldn’t step foot in your neighbor’s house too often because they will grow very tired of you?

This scripture was likely written with the introverted person in mind. Too much of a good thing can be just too much. So, when you spend time apart, you learn to treasure the times you get to spend together.

4. Solitude Reenergizes Introverts

To the introvert, solitude is like refreshment for the soul, and it allows them a time and space to slip away from exhausting social situations. Getting away from the noise with a book, their pet, and a lovely beverage is a self-care package they need. They can reenergize themselves when they’ve spent their energy, and during this time, they can strengthen and restore their resources.

5. Don’t Feel the Need to Talk All the Time

Alone time strengthens your communication skills as you learn that you don’t need to talk all the time. It’s so much better to listen more and speak way less, as you will be considered a great conversationalist. The introvert might say very little, but they hear every word you communicate loud and clear.

6. It Gives a Great Sense of Calm and Peace

Closing off the chattering world brings peace and serenity. Introverts feel like they can’t breathe when the noise of life surrounds them, so they like to find a space to allow themselves to calm down. Like a baby, these adults find ways to self-soothe, which helps calm everything around them.

7. By Understanding Themselves, It Helps Them Help Others

These individuals learn about themselves and what makes them tick during these quiet moments. However, these lessons also help them to understand others too truly. It’s easier to relate to others when you’ve experienced similar emotions. Introvert is very in touch with their feelings.


8. Solitude Improves Productivity in Introverts

Picasso believed that unless you lock yourself away from the world, you won’t get any real work done, and his belief resonates with many. Today’s world focuses on productivity, but the push to do something every second of the day may be counterproductive. Have you ever heard of an author having writer’s block?

Many movies show these writers going to a cabin in the woods to be alone to reengage with their work. They offer these things because sometimes you need a diversion and time alone to think and get your creative juices flowing.


9. Surges Inner Joy

You can’t expect anyone else to make you happy, as that’s a job that you must tackle. Sure, others can influence your thoughts and feelings, but it’s ultimately your responsibility to choose joy.

When you spend time alone, you learn to focus on the things that bring you happiness and avoid the things that bring you down. These times of reflection are so needed for the introvert, as it’s a way to discover themselves and what makes them happiest.

10. They Become Intouch with Their Needs

Introverts have a proverbial on and off switch, and they need to turn things off when they become exhausted. They need this time away so that their mind and body can rest. The introvert hangover is a term used to describe the feeling when they need to unplug for a while.

People experience headaches, nausea, dizziness, and are agitated by background noises. Being introverted makes you much more in tune with your body.

11. Learns how to Function as a Team of One

While it’s great to work as a team, you need to have the ability to work solo too. There won’t always be someone there to help you out. Fortunately, an introvert knows that they must learn to function as a team of just one, getting them through times of solitude.

12. Enhances Independence

It’s easy for people to go with the flow and follow the crowd, but it takes real power and strength to stand alone. Having an independent nature should be encouraged from childhood, as it helps cultivate resilience. The crowd can stifle your thoughts and opinions, as there will always be someone negative to downplay your brainstorms.

Thankfully, you can increase your independence when you’re alone, as well as avoid conflict and develop low self-esteem as you march to the beat of your drum.

13. Hones Listening Skills

During these times of self-care and solitude, the introvert learns the true art of communication. As the platitude warns, you need to know how to listen more than you speak. You only accomplish this by listening to your body and mind and understanding your needs.

14. Adds Simplicity to Life

People in today’s society have things backward. They feel that joy comes by acquiring things, but the reality is that true joy comes from within you. When you live a simpler life, you have less stress and embrace mindful living.

The introvert could never live on the merry-go-round that many people use in their life as it would cause a breakdown. They need a social reprieve to live a more simplistic and peaceful life.

15. Solitude Fosters Creativity

If you want to stimulate your creative mind, then you need to find solitude. Most epiphanies don’t happen when people surround you, but most greats, like Albert Einstein, do their best work alone. Remember it was Einstein who had to lock himself away while he developed the powerful theories and the laws of physics?

Another fascinating story of an introvert was Ludwig Beethoven. Not only was this man blind and deaf, but he still could create masterpieces that are still played in concert halls to this day. How did he accomplish such a feat?

Well, according to Beethoven-Haus Bon, the museum dedicated to his work, he often wrote the best music while being sequestered in his attic. While these two people are famous and everyday examples, many more folks use the benefits of being locked way to charge their creativity.


Final Thoughts on Why Introverts Crave Solitude

The introvert often gets mislabeled as selfish, a hermit, or shy. The truth is that this person is much more than what meets the eye. They have different mental needs to keep their sanity.

Spending time alone and recharging your batteries is an essential part of self-care, and everyone needs this from time to time. The introvert needs this time and space for themselves more than others. However, like Beethoven, it’s during this time of solitary confinement that amazing things are birthed and created.

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