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15 Signs the Universe Is Guiding Your Life Plan

Is your life plan to wander about aimlessly in your life, searching for direction and purpose? Fortunately, the Universe will help you if only you listen to its loving whispers. How can you recognize your destiny and follow it?

Once you learn the signs of divine guidance, you can learn how to follow your heart.

Fifteen Signs That the Universe Is Guiding Your Life Plan

As a human, you have free will, and your higher power won’t override your decisions. However, it has your best interests at heart and will drop you hints along the way. When you notice one or more of these fifteen subtle hints, the source of all may be trying to tell you something.

1. Perfectly Timed Coincidences May Suggest Hints About Your Life Plan

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Even if you tend to be skeptical, some events overlap so precisely that it defies coincidence. A study published by the University of London calls these serendipitous moments “happy accidents” that may provide valuable insight for successful outcomes. It all depends on the moment and what your inner voice tells you about your life’s plan.

For example, you have an interview for a new job you want, but you’re afraid to make such a leap. The day of your interview, you see a billboard that says, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” You’d never noticed that sign before, and you drive down that highway every day.

Maybe you hadn’t paid attention in the past, or someone just posted the new billboard sign today. Is it coincidence, or are the cosmos trying to speak to your heart? You’ll never know until you trust your inner voice and take that first step.

2. Dreams That Give You Guidance

Since recorded history, people from all cultures have been fascinated with dreams. Many ancient traditions linked dreams with the spiritual realms and believed they could predict the future. Although most scholars associate dreaming with the subconscious, medical science remains a mystery.

Sometimes, your inner voice will speak to you in your sleep. The brain uses symbols and other mental scenes that can be nonsense or pertinent in your life. If you’ve had prophetic dreams that have come true, maybe your higher power is revealing your life plan as you sleep.

3. Writings that Speak to Where You’re at In Life

One of the reasons you may love to read is because certain books resonate with your spirit. Whether they are nonfiction or your favorite fiction genre, you choose them because you feel part of each page. Of course, you may also find inspiration in poems, articles, and even a heartfelt message.

The words you consume in your mind can connect with you mentally and spiritually. The cosmos can use what you read to send messages about your life plan. Some of these messages can be surprisingly obvious.

4. Roadblocks Everywhere You Turn

Sometimes, spirit opens doors for you to consider, and other times it closes them. How often have you stuck your foot into a spiritually closed door, walked through, and regretted it later? While you have the right to decide as you please, a roadblock should be a red flag that says, “wrong direction” or bad karma.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try anything new just because you face resistance. Achieving worthwhile goals takes patience, diligence, and hard work. However, if every road on the path is blocked and your intuition says “no,” then perhaps you should heed the warnings.

5. Meditative Messages May Reveal Your Life Plan

If you practice meditation, you realize its many benefits, from relaxing your body to soothing your mind. Another benefit that you may discover is that you’re more in tune with the divine messages for your life plan. Meditation allows you to quiet the negative messages in your head to hear your inner voice.

6. Divine Appointments with People in Similar Places in Life

Have you ever thought of a friend you’ve not seen for a long time, only for them to call you that day? Or maybe you’re in a rarely visited store, and that person runs to greet you? It gets even more spiritually authentic when your longtime pal says they’ve been thinking about you and mention things you’ve not told them.

It’s all about your higher power bringing people into your life when you need them. Let’s say you’re a graphic designer and you’re trying to get some clients. As you talk to a stranger on the bus, you discover that they’ve been searching for someone to design their new book covers.

In this case, the divine has planned a connection that benefits you both. It’s another solid reason to treat others with kindness and respect. You never know if the stranger next to you isn’t there by coincidence, but instead, they’re there by divine appointment.

7. Recurring Numbers and Sequences Give Hints About Your Life Plan

Numbers are more than just symbols to quantify things for many cultures worldwide. They have a mystical significance that creates patterns related to your life plan. You may notice patterns and synchronicity that are too obvious to ignore.

Numerology is based on the belief that your higher power sends messages through numbers and sequences. Each number from 1 to 0 holds a specific interpretation. You can research discovering your number and how it relates to your goals.

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8. Physical Symptoms that Signify Something More Profound

Not only does your intuition speak to your mind and spirit, but it will manifest messages in your body. It stands to reason why your inner voice is often called your gut feeling. The divine can send messages that connect with you physically, and you’ll often say you “feel” rather than “think.”

Sometimes, the message may come in strange sensations or even pain. Why do you get a pounding headache around a potential love interest? Perhaps your inner voice is telling you this person isn’t right for you.

9. Answered Prayers

Whether you call your spiritual desires prayers or positive affirmations, receiving an answer is glorious. Remember that the source of all is pure love and wants what’s best for you even more than you do. You attract blessings by using prayer and positive affirmations to agree with this power.

10. Triggered Memories

When spirit triggers a memory that will eventually benefit your life plan, there are times. It could be pleasant or uncomfortable, depending on the message you receive. Your higher power can use painful past experiences to warn you not to make the same mistakes.

11. Noticing Animals Repeatedly

If you’re an animal lover, you probably connect with nature on a spiritual level. Many cultures, such as most Native American tribes, consider animals and nature as sacred connections to the divine. Think of your favorite animal and its attributes and why it may be used to get your attention.

12. Gut Feelings May Reveal Your Life Plan

An article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine describes the link between your brain and your gut. Researchers still don’t understand how your inner voice, or gut instinct, works with your brain to decide about your life plan.

Have you ever been unsure of something and had that overwhelming sensation in the pit of your stomach? Sometimes, the feeling is a positive green light, and sometimes it’s a definite “no.” Your intuition is interwoven into the divine, which keeps you safe and helps you reach your potential.

13. Repeating Song Lyrics

Everyone has a favorite song or group, and you’ll pump up the volume when you hear it. Somehow, the music and lyrics transport you to another place in time and bring you joy. The words may hold significant meanings for events in your past and present, and you’re hearing them repeat for a reason.

14. Your Life Plan May Adjust Due to Weather Changes

Have you ever had plans to go somewhere and had to cancel because of the weather? While you were probably frustrated and disappointed then, a spirit may have protected you from something that could have caused injury or even death. This sacred Power can use weather to keep you safe to fulfill your life plan.

15. Finding Objects or Losing Objects

Nothing can be more frustrating than losing something important or valuable. What’s more, you often lose it right when you need it the most. While some can attribute this situation to natural consequences, sometimes it’s something more divine trying to get your attention.

You may also receive a divine message when you find a fascinating object. It could be a symbol to you about a crucial decision. For example, maybe you find a vintage art book and have been thinking about attending art school.

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Final Thoughts on Signs that the Universe Is Guiding You

You have the right to choose your life plan, be it in the perfect or permissive will of spirit. Learn to be sensitive to the small, still voice that speaks to you in many ways. Soon, you’ll be more in tune with your higher power, and you’ll be on target for your destiny full of good karma, happiness, and total fulfillment.

15 Signs of a Disloyal Spouse Never to Ignore

Marriages and long-term relationships come with hardship and strain sometimes. While relationship problems are common, you might worry about having a disloyal spouse. This worry can be overwhelming, and you might search for answers about whether your partner is cheating.

Current technology and social media make it easy for people to have affairs. They can easily find someone else to engage with, and it’s easy to be secretive, too. While it might be easy for a disloyal partner to hide the obvious signs, there will be behavioral changes, too.

Knowing the signs of a disloyal spouse can help you figure it out and stop wondering. If you can identify the signs and intervene early on, it can prevent the other relationship from escalating. However, if it has already escalated, you can use this chance to decide what to do next.

Disloyalty doesn’t only come in the form of another physical relationship. Emotional relationships with someone else are just as essential to address. Either way, it puts a strain on your relationship and can change everything.

Fifteen Red Flags of a Disloyal Spouse

Do you see any of these behaviors?

disloyal spouse

1. Changes in Expenses or Money Issues

When your spouse is disloyal, you might notice sudden changes in spending habits. Look at the credit card statements and see if you notice anything unusual. Unexplained cash withdrawals from the bank account are also a bad sign.

While financial stress is common in marriage, unexplained changes aren’t. Don’t hesitate to investigate money issues, especially if you think your partner is up to something sneaky.

Likewise, if money starts to become a source of tension between the two of you, it could be a red flag. If your partner stops planning for large purchases with you, such as a trip or buying a house, there could be a reason. Asking about the spending changes can offer some insight, but a disloyal spouse might not give you an answer.

2. There’s a Noticeable Change in Communication

Anytime there’s a communication breakdown, it’s a bad sign of an underlying issue. If your partner stops communicating or fighting with you, there’s a reason they don’t want to talk. Whether they don’t want you asking questions or don’t care anymore, it’s a sign that something is wrong.

A disloyal spouse will often exhibit sights on stonewalling, including refusing to listen, respond, or accept what you’re saying. Sometimes they’ll change the subject to avoid an uncomfortable conversation with you. Other times they’ll leave the room without saying anything at all.

Pay attention to excuses they give for not being able to talk. You should also make a note if they flip the conversation and start accusing you of something instead. Additionally, they might use dismissive body language like rolling their eyes or closing them while you speak.

3. They Act Weird with Their Electronic Devices

People who cheat typically use their phones or other electronic devices to communicate with another person. If your partner becomes unusually protective over their electronic devices, it’s a bad sign. They will likely start spending more time on the devices, too.

Their technology usage might change subtly, or you might notice more obvious red flags. They might start using unusual apps, setting up new accounts, or clearing their history regularly. New social media accounts with no friends or activity are a bad sign, too.

You might also notice that your partner starts deleting messages without explanation. They’ll likely only delete messages from certain people, even as the messages continue to roll in. It’s a reason for alarm anytime your partner hides messages to or from someone.

4. They Stop Saying “I Love You.”

If your spouse stops using these words, it’s a clear sign of an affair. Your partner might have another reason for not saying they love you, but if they can’t explain, it’s likely because of another person. Their sudden change might leave you feeling afraid and confused, but it still won’t prompt them to say it.

 5. Their Friends Become Uncomfortable Around You

If your spouse is unfaithful, their friends will probably know about it before you. Pay attention to how their friends act around you and, if anything has changed without an apparent reason, you might want to take it as a bad sign. They might be uncomfortable lying to you, and it’ll make them feel weird.

In extreme situations, you might ask their friends if something is going on that you should know about. If you ask and the friends can’t look you in the eye, they’re likely hiding something.

6. They Suddenly Want to Know Where You Are All the Time

If your partner wasn’t always curious about your location before, but they are now, it could be a sign. They want to know where you are to avoid getting caught with the other person.

Your partner might want to know so that they know how much time they have to sneak around. Or, they might be curious because they’re meeting with the other person in public and don’t want to see you. If it’s a new behavior, your partner wanting to know where you are might not be for a good reason.

7. There Are Times When You Can’t Reach Them

It’s a bad sign if your partner ever disappears and you don’t know where they are. They might be unreachable because they are with another person and don’t want to tell you. They likely won’t answer your calls or text messages while with the person, so they’ll avoid you instead.

Once you finally reach them, their explanation for the unreachability will be inconsistent. Your partner will try to give you the same story each time, but they’ll offer conflicting information if you press them. It might be inconsistency regarding where they were and what they were doing, or it’ll be regarding how well they know someone.

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8. They Keep Complaining About Being Tired

It’s exhausting trying to balance two relationships, especially when they have to cover their tracks. If your partner is disloyal, they might feel emotionally and physically drained by it. Their complaints of being tired will stand out because you likely won’t be able to see a valid reason for it.

9. A Disloyal Spouse Might Tell You They Want Space

When infidelity is an issue in a marriage or long-term relationship, it creates a barrier between you. If your partner suddenly says they want space rather than desiring the closeness they once desired, it’s a bad sign.

While sometimes people want space for other reasons, they should tell you what it is. If your partner has no explanation for wanting space, they might be having another relationship.

10. A Sudden Change in Sleep or Work Patterns

Having an affair requires a time investment that results in a lifestyle change. Your partner might say they have to work late or go in earlier than usual.

Likewise, they might start sleeping at different times to accommodate their other relationship. Sometimes, they’ll come to bed later than usual as a way of avoiding intimacy with you, too.

11. They Become Overly Critical

Disloyal partners don’t want to feel bad about their behavior, so they’ll find ways to justify it. They might convince themselves that you deserve the disloyalty, and they’ll look for reasons why.

When they do this, they will likely start being overly critical of you and the things you do. They might criticize your appearance, work ethic, or anything else they know will get to you. If your partner suddenly has a problem with everything about you, it’s not a good sign.

12. They Falsely Accuse You of Cheating

A disloyal partner will often accuse the innocent person of being unfaithful. They project their actions onto you so that they can feel better about their bad behavior. The cheater wants to imagine that everyone else is just as guilty as they are, resulting in false accusations.

Sometimes the false accusations come from the other person’s insecurities. Even if they haven’t done anything yet, they’ll use their accusations as a reason to start now.

13. Your Sexual Interaction Changes

A few ways that a disloyal spouse might change regarding your sexual interaction. Sometimes a cheater might want interaction just as often, but they’ll change it up. They’ll do things differently than you’re used to, and they might even want to do it more.

However, an unfaithful partner might not want sexual interaction as often as before. It could even cease entirely, which is a serious red flag. The changes could go either way but watch for other signs of infidelity if this is an issue.

14. Their Hobbies Change

While it’s okay to develop new hobbies and passions, a sudden, drastic change doesn’t typically happen. A disloyal spouse might start spending all their time on something they never showed interest in before. It’s not always a bad thing, but if you notice other signs along with it, you should keep an eye out.

If their new hobby requires hours of commitment each day, you might want to consider if they are spending time with someone else. Plus, you might notice that they become evasive and try to change the subject when you ask about their new hobby.

15. Their Appearance Changes

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to dress nice, but a sudden increase in their appearance could be a red flag. Your partner might get their hair trimmed more often, spend more time getting ready, or start buying lots of new clothes. Sometimes, their style will even change altogether when they’re secretly seeing someone else.

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Final Thoughts on Signs of a Disloyal Spouse Never to Ignore

If you think you might have a disloyal spouse, watch for these signs to help you figure it out. While portraying one of the signs might not be a big deal, exhibiting multiple signs is a red flag.

You know your partner well, so you’ll notice changes that other people might miss. Don’t miss the warning signs and let things worsen in your relationship. Finding out about a disloyal spouse is the beginning of your next chapter.

15 Habits to Help You Finish the Things You Keep Putting Off

Benjamin Franklin made a powerful statement declaring that your time and money are intertwined. However, if you know that every minute of your life is costing you something, why do you keep procrastinating to get things done? You’re not alone, as everyone puts off unpleasant and mundane tasks for a later date.

Sadly, there’s a price to pay when you keep putting things off. Rolling tasks from one day to the other creates a snowball effect, and soon your to-do list is as long as your arm. The good news is that you can fix this issue, but it will require a change in mindset.

Fifteen Habits to Help You Finish Those Things You Keep Putting Off

If you’re one of the people who believe putting off things till tomorrow is a great way to clear your to-do list, then you need to reevaluate your methods. Here are some ways to break the procrastination habit and learn how to get things done promptly.

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1. Device a Plan

Many folks can’t progress on some tasks because they don’t have a plan. Some jobs require no real thought or effort, but those more challenging things require structure. Instead of getting overwhelmed by looking at the big picture, you need to break the task down into smaller bits.

Sure, you might not get it all done today, but you can get at least a portion of it completed. By making a plan, you can allow yourself the joy of accomplishing this overwhelming feat.

2. Get Over Your Fear of Failure

Another primary reason why people put things off is they suffer from the fear of failure. Maybe you know that you need to start the job search as your current position is at a dead end. However, you’re scared to leave a company you’ve been with for years, and leaving your comfort zone is not something you’ll accomplish with ease.

However, you must realize that life is not without risks, and some of the most significant risks have the greatest rewards. The key is never to let fear define you.

3. Take Frequent Breaks Outside

Maybe your task is to clean out the garage, and you would rather have all your teeth pulled from the dentist than attempt this project. However, when you take frequent breaks outside, it can make things better. You may feel closed in and surrounded amongst all the storage, but you can get out in the sunshine and breathe the fresh air to rejuvenate yourself.

4. Get Help to Finish the Tasks You Keep Putting Off

If you know the task is too hard, and that’s why you’re putting it off, then it’s okay to ask for help. Getting someone to assist you in whatever you need to do is not a sign of weakness. Instead, it shows that you’re taking control of your life and getting things done by improvising a bit.

5. Address Issues as They Arise

Are you worried about potential issues in this project? First, don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow, and second, there will always be problems. It’s better to tackle things head-on than to run from it.

People who run from their troubles have an escape mentality, according to the Taylor Counseling Group. These avoidance behaviors will follow you in every aspect of your life, and they will always cause significant issues.

6. Find A Reason and Get to Work

It’s possible that you need a reason to push yourself. Maybe you’ve neglected to update the bathroom because it’s an overwhelming task. However, if you encourage yourself by putting in a heated towel warmer and a jetted tub, then it might be the extra push you need to get it done.

Adults have an inner child that likes to be rewarded for a job well done, and you can use your experience to motivate you. So, stop putting things off and find a way to motivate yourself.

However bathrooms are a popular choice for home improvement projects. So if you decide to upgrade your bathroom, make sure to contact a trusted services like bathroom remodeling Waukesha for the reason that bathroom makeovers are their specialty!

7. Pace Yourself and Go Slow if You Need

Take little steps and pace yourself as you tackle this job. If you’re cleaning out your attic to remodel it, you’re probably not on a strict schedule. Pace yourself so that you don’t burn out and won’t get it done at all.

Remember the old saying that those who go slow and steady are the ones to win the race? Well, putting off the task won’t get it done at all, but if you do a little bit at a time, you will eventually accomplish it.

8. Find a Way to Counter Low Energy

Part of the problem is you may put things off is because you have low energy. Therefore, you must take little steps and go nice and slow. If you use all your energy on this task, then you won’t have time or effort for any others, so pacing yourself is advisable.

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9. Learn to Enjoy The Work That You Keep Putting Off

If you have to work anyway, why not have a little bit of fun while doing it? Have you ever seen people throwing paint on each other while redoing a room? Sure, it made a big mess, but it also created a mundane task like painting seems more enjoyable.

10. Stop Putting Off Tasks by Creating a Schedule

If procrastination is a problem because you can’t find time, why not create a schedule? Maybe you need to repair your extra vehicle, but you don’t have the time and don’t want to pay excessive mechanic prices. Instead of getting all overwhelmed, devise a plan.

Make it a priority to spend one hour a night working on the car. By the end of the week, you should have even a major repair done, and you can relax knowing it’s fixed.

11. Get Rid of Distractions

Your boss just gave you a report that he wants in one week, but you know that it’s going to take lots of research and your undivided attention. You can make this task simpler by getting rid of distractions. Please don’t sit down at the kitchen table and try to do the work, as the kids and noise will not make it easier.

Additionally, turn off your phone and any other electronic devices that can interrupt you during your dedicated work time. When you need intense focus, then the distractions must go.

12. Admit You Messed Up, Forgive Yourself, and Move On

You can make progress mentally in this process too. Don’t give up if you mess up things and need to start over. Just admit that you made a mistake, forgive yourself for having such a blunder, and move on. Do you think you’re the only person in history who didn’t get things right the first time?

13. Give Yourself Deadlines

If putting off things is an issue you often have, why not give yourself a deadline. For instance, your spouse wants the kitchen remodeled before the big family reunion this year, so you have plenty of time to get it done. Set a time limit between you and your partner, and make sure you follow through.

It helps when you have someone else on board with you that can give you those gentle nudges to get moving. You may also get professional help from sites like

14. Fix Your Lack of Vision

If you’ve ever watched one of those home renovations shows, you know what it means to have a vision. These master carpenters and decorators can see the outcome in their minds. They can restore old Victorian mansions in chaos because they can see a clear picture.

You may have physical sight but no vision, which is dangerous to start any project. According to Philosiblog, vision occurs in the mind’s eye rather than your physical ones. When you keep dreams alive in your mind, they will power you to do whatever possible.

15. Commit to Quit Putting Things Off, No Matter the Setbacks

Realize that there will be setbacks, as it’s just a part of life. You can’t control everything, and you must learn to roll with the punches. Being flexible can undoubtedly help you, and it can help keep your stress levels in a reasonable range.

You’re not doing yourself any favors by putting off things that you can accomplish today. Just realize that there will be issues, prepare for them in advance, and have a mindset that you will tackle this job come what may.

Procrastinating Facts

According to Brandon Gaille many people delay tasks or projects because they have so much on their plate. Here are some other facts to consider.

  • 95 percent of the population admits to having major procrastination issues.
  • The rate of people who put things off is growing, as it was only five percent back in 1978, but today it’s over 90.
  • More than 85 percent of students admit that it’s easier to put things off than to do them now.
  •  You’re procrastinating ways can cost you 40 percent or more in financial loss.
  • Twenty percent of folks admit to having a chronic problem pushing things to the side.
  • One-fifth of people in this country postpone things so bad that it costs them jobs, health, and other significant things.

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Final Thoughts on Finishing the Projects You Keep Putting Off

While you may resonate with many things discussed here, you should also know that you’re human. It’s normal to put some things off for another day on occasion. The problem begins when you constantly move things around and avoid specific tasks.

However, by following a few of these tips, you can stop putting off things you need to do and start taking control of your life and schedule. It’s possible to make progress if you only change your mindset.

15 Signs of a Cruel Person Who Likes to Belittle Others (Avoid Them!)

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone in the world wore a badge that said either “good” or “evil?” You would automatically know who you could trust and who you should shun. However, the Universe designed a plan to discover people’s true colors by trial and error. People who belittle others and actively engage in harmful behaviors are evident.

Unfortunately, you may learn a person’s malicious intentions only after they’ve hurt you. How can you guard your heart and well-being without building walls to shut out everyone?

Fifteen Signs of a Person Who Likes to Belittle Those Around Them

How can you distinguish between an unlikeable person and simply a cruel person? Are their deviant actions apparent, or is their negativity a toxic cloud that subtly blocks the light of joy? These are fifteen tell-tale signs of a cruel person and their twisted motivations.

1. They Tell Offensive Jokes to Belittle Others With Cruel Intent

It’s enjoyable to be around people who know witty jokes and have a good sense of humor. However, jokes that belittle or hurt people aren’t funny, but they’re offensive. Cruel people get a twisted thrill from degrading others about their race, gender, national origin, or other unique factors.

While crowds appreciate off-colored humor, it’s often offensive in polite society. Unfortunately, many vicious people like to see how uncomfortable they can make others with rude jokes. It creates a toxic atmosphere for everyone.


2. Their Teasing Is Mean-spirited

Light-hearted teasing is natural in close relationships, both personal and professional. In an article published in Psychology Today, Dr. Angela Grippo explains the difference between good and bad teasing. Good teasing, says Grippo, shows affection, and bad teasing intentionally hurts and belittles others.

Toxic people don’t know when to stop, and their teasing goes beyond the limits of good-natured banter. You dread meeting up with them because you know they will belittle you. If you get offended, they will try to laugh it off and say you “can’t take a joke.”

3. They Mock Others to Belittle Them

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but mocking is another matter. Many good comedians like Rich Little are renowned for their spot-on impressions of other celebrities. However, most of these professionals do it kindly and without harming anyone.

On the other hand, mocking has a nasty edge and targets other people. It’s never acceptable to mock and stereotype the characteristics of others. Mocking is just another weapon in a cruel person’s arsenal of malice.

4. They Roll Their Eyes While You’re Speaking

Anybody who’s ever raised a teenager recognizes the classic eye roll as a signal that the teen isn’t listening. They think whatever you’re saying doesn’t matter, and your voice is a significant burden for them. Maybe it’s karma for all the times you rolled your eyes at your parents when you were a teen.

Many adults also roll their eyes when frustrated with another person talking. It’s a way to signal aggression without being physical. Callous people often roll their eyes to dismiss you and anything you’re saying.

5. They Disregard Personal Boundaries

In any relationship, be it personal or professional, you set mutual boundaries. These are like the fences that poet Robert Frost said make good neighbors. Respecting boundaries shows validation and mutual respect that everyone needs and deserves.

Mean people usually don’t care about boundaries and whose toes they trample. They don’t respect your privacy and consider your personal space. They push the limits to belittle you and make themselves more important.

6. They Belittle by Shifting the Blame

Responsible and mature people know how to own their mistakes and shortcomings. They will promptly apologize, make amends, and avoid repeating it in the future. Spiteful people insist they are always right, and everyone else takes the blame for their mistakes and failures.

Not only do they shift the blame to others, but they’ll often do so aggressively. They want to push the spotlight on you, so they look like an innocent bystander. These hard-hearted folks have no problem throwing you under the bus and using harmful behaviors to get their way.

7. They Don’t Feel Guilt or Remorse

People develop a sense of empathy from childhood lessons and experiences. Like most folks, you instantly feel guilty and remorse for doing wrong. This empathetic sensation compels you to apologize and try to fix the damage.

Unfortunately, some people don’t develop empathy, and they experience little or no remorse for their evil deeds. Such a characteristic is typical of both sociopaths and psychopaths. While they may never be physically violent, these people inflict mental, emotional, and psychological abuse on those closest to them.

8. They Don’t Have Many Friends or Family in Their Life

It stands to reason that cruel people don’t usually have a wide circle of close family and friends. Their negative energy and nasty attitude repel more people than it attracts. Usually, those in their circle do so out of a sense of family duty or pity.


9. They Have Significant Control Issues

Negative people crave control, and they take barbarous glee in controlling others. It may be an overbearing boss or a smothering partner or family member. Some may resort to violence and other abuse to keep other people in their iron grasp.

However, some negative people are subtle, controlling with passive aggression. They can make the atmosphere so heavy and miserable that you’ll give in to their wishes every time. They depend on taking advantage of compassionate, patient, and good-natured folks.

10. Someone Who Will Belittle Others Might Also Show Cruelty to Animals

A study published by the Journal of Interpersonal Violence reiterates the link between animal cruelty behaviors in childhood and interpersonal violence in adults. Some malignant personalities got their start by torturing and killing defenseless animals.

Animal cruelty is intolerable, and those who perpetrate such savage acts don’t belong in your circle. Any merciless person who would harm an innocent animal may soon be callous enough to start hurting people. Not only should you be intolerable of this person, but you should also report them to authorities.

11. Emotional Blackmail is Commonplace

Negative people often work tirelessly to find “dirt” on other people. They delight in discovering any of your faults and failures to use as ammunition against you. They also often use emotional blackmail, in which they play with your emotions to control you.

For example, an abusive mate may say something like, “If you love me, you’ll co-sign for my personal loan.” Even when your logic tells you that a decision is wrong, they’ll badger and threaten you until you surrender. Emotional blackmail is abuse, and it has nothing to do with love or kindness.

12. They Lie All the Time

The best way to tell if an abusive person is lying to you is if their mouth is open. These negative personalities are so adept at stretching the truth that they often deceive themselves. While most folks admire honesty in any relationship, cruel people couldn’t care less.

What makes it more frustrating is that they’ll often embellish and lie about insignificant things. If you can’t trust them with the small things, how can you trust them with more significant issues? Pathological lying is a personality flaw that affects everyone under the liar’s influence.

13. There’s a Total Lack of Empathy

People with evil personalities somehow didn’t develop empathy skills as a child. These are the ones who feel nothing when they observe someone hurting or grieving. Who cares who gets hurt in their selfish world if it’s not them?

14. They Manipulate to Belittle Other People

It’s a mistake to assume that cruel people have a lower mental aptitude. They may be some of the most intelligent and talented people you’ve met. They are geniuses when it comes to plotting and manipulating others.

Indeed, they can expertly twist the facts and gaslight you until you’re convinced that you’re the one with the problem. These conniving characters work overtime to create false scenarios and roadblocks to break your will. You’re only of use to them when you are submissive and obedient.

15. They Take Pleasure in the Misfortune of Others

It’s natural to feel a tinge of happiness when an evil person gets the punishment they deserve. You suppose that their long prison sentence will give them time to think about their crimes. However, the darker side of human nature makes people secretly smile when someone they don’t like gets their just desserts.

Malicious people embrace their penchant for rejoicing when others have problems. They may giggle with glee when a successful person in their circle loses their job, has financial woes, or gets a divorce. Such perverted pleasure in others’ misery is often based on jealousy and hatred.


Final Thoughts on Signs of a Person Who Likes to Belittle Others

For now, the world will always have its share of cruel people. They may be strangers or often family members, friends, or coworkers. While you may not be able to change their poisonous personality, you needn’t allow them to belittle or influence your life. Avoid these toxic people at all costs–or at least keep them at arm’s length.

15 Reasons Why Having Too Much Stuff Holds You Back in Life

Do you feel like you’re trying to manage a storage facility by living in your home? Do you classify yourself as a maximalist or a minimalist? Maybe you’re so sentimental and practical that it bothers you to get rid of anything.

However, sometimes your stuff may be controlling you rather than the other way around, creating an unhealthy place to dwell. Minimalism is the way to go as there’s no need for mounds of storage.

Making Sense of All That Stuff

Whether you consider yourself a collector, hobbyist, or extremely thrifty, you may have a lot of possessions. Since the difference between trash and treasure is subjective, others may not see your collections as you do. They may see a bottomless hoard taking over your home, while you see it as valuable things you could never let go of.

Where do you distinguish between keeping things that matter or clearing the clutter? Do you find yourself in a defensive mode with your partner or family? Look around the room you’re in right now. What can you let go easily, and what are you adamant about keeping?

That never-ending pile of papers, books, and old magazines may look harmless. However, an article by the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners says drowning in clutter can have negative consequences. The report says extra stuff can cause visual distractions, depression, anxiety, emotional distress, and a lack of focus.

Fifteen Signs You Have Too Much Stuff


Getting caught up in a cluttered vortex is easy when you have many interests and enjoy beautiful things. How do you know when you have too much stuff? These 15 clues may help you decide that it’s time to declutter and breathe again.

1. You Can’t Find What You Need When You Need It

One of the most common arguments for mounds of clutter is that you save things for a rainy day. Unfortunately, you can’t find anything you need when the emergency does come. Organizing essential documents and other things is challenging when they are in piles everywhere in your house.

2. Every Surface in Your House is Covered

Everyone loves to decorate their homes with the things they love. It’s your way of displaying your style and what matters to you. When your décor and collections are within reason, it creates a beautiful space for you and your family.

However, there is such a thing as having too much of a good thing. For example, maybe you like to collect dolls. It loses appeal if almost every inch of your place is covered with these classic keepsakes.

Some people enjoy the maximalist style, while others are minimalists. It’s okay to maximize your style within reason. You may need to rethink your scheme if you don’t have space to sit, eat at the table, or sleep in a bed.

3. You Spend Money on Too Much Stuff You Already Own

You’re not alone if you are always looking for a good bargain. Consider how many people browse retail, grocery, and thrift store aisles to find sales and other hefty discounts. It’s a financially responsible habit.

The downside is if you’re throwing merchandise in your cart, you don’t need it, as it’s on sale. Plus, you may be buying duplicates of things you already have because you can’t find the ones you own. The problem is you may be losing money instead of saving it.

Sadly, the problem can escalate, and you may find yourself racking up credit card debt to buy things you don’t need. Such compulsive spending and hoarding have destroyed people’s credit and relationships. No material goods are worth that sacrifice.

4. Every Item Doesn’t Have a Designated Spot

It’s easier to find what you need when you have a place for everything, and everything is in its place. Too much stuff piled up with no designated storage caused frustration and wasted searching for things.

5. Too Much Stuff Creates Chaos

Your home should be a peaceful haven where you can relax and close the door to the world. Serenity is a state of mind when relaxed and at peace in your surroundings. Clutter creates a visual distraction and an atmosphere of chaos and stress, which is no way to live.

6. Meaningful Pieces Can Be Deteriorated or Ruined

There’s nothing wrong with holding on to precious family heirlooms. They evoke memories and love from generation to generation. Maybe you enjoy displaying your keepsakes around your home for all to admire.

What beauty do any sentimental pieces bring when piled in boxes in the garage or basement? Some of your favorite keepsakes risk being ruined by improper storage. Instead of finding a place of honor in your space, they must compete with meaningless junk.

7. You Feel Like You’re Drowning

Many people who have clutter issues describe it as drowning in stuff. It’s as if they are surrounded by clutter over their heads that rob their breath. Do you feel content or relaxed in your space or like you’re sinking deeper and deeper into your collections?


8. It’s Hard to Concentrate Amongst the Clutter

According to an article published by Stanford University, people surrounded by clutter are more likely to be distracted. For instance, maybe you’re trying to finish an important project for work. Instead of focusing on your task, you’re worried about a bookcase that’s about to burst with DVDs you never watch.

9. Can Affect Your Physical Health

When you have vast collections of nick-nacks, dusting them takes much extra time. You may also have tons of stuff stored in boxes and totes, quietly collecting dust, pet dander, hair, mold, or mildew. Not only are these primary sources of allergies, but they can also cause respiratory issues and other severe conditions.

Another threat to your health is the possibility of vermin invading excessive clutter. Rats and mice are notorious for hiding in piles of decaying newspapers, magazines, or old clothes. It can also attract roaches and other disease-carrying critters that can destroy your belongings and jeopardize your life.

10. Too Much Stuff  Is Not Good for Your Mental Health

Just because you have a bit of clutter around your place doesn’t constitute mental illness. However, an article by the Mayo Clinic shares that overwhelming clutter and hoarding are tell-tale signs. Moreover, it’s harder to let go and may cause you even more anxiety and depression.

11. The Dwelling on Excess Can Affect Your Weight

Another health issue that extra clutter may contribute to is weight gain and obesity. A study published by the Journal of Abnormal Psychology discusses a possible genetic connection between obesity and compulsive hoarding. You may also be too obsessed with your clutter to follow a proper diet and exercise regimen or too overwhelmed to take on a new task.

12. You Block Feng Shui

Did you know your house has a natural energy that can positively or negatively influence your body, mind, and spirit? It’s the leading principle of Feng Shui of ancient China and India. According to these philosophies, clutter blocks your home’s energy, creating a stagnant and negative atmosphere.

Think of this positive energy as a river. It needs open space to flow and nourish life in and around it. When you declutter your home, you open the positive energy flow throughout each room.

13. You Can’t Relax

It’s difficult to kick back and relax when your home is cluttered. For one, you may not have enough room to sit because of the boxes and other piles of things. Secondly, you feel chronic guilt because you think you should clean and organize each time you see your hoard rather than relax.

14. Others Don’t Feel Welcome or Comfortable

How long has it been since you’ve invited family or friends over for dinner or to watch a movie? Even if you have the occasional guest, how do they react when they enter your home? Are they instantly at ease or feel claustrophobic because your belongings surround them?

Are you embarrassed to have company because your house is overflowing with stuff? You may think your family and friends will judge you harshly or think less of you. If your possessions are more of a hindrance than a blessing, it’s time to sort and prioritize.

15. Too Much Stuff  Makes Transitioning from Work to Home More Challenging

When you leave your job for the day, do you often bring it home with you? Understandably, your career may require extra work after hours. However, do you have a separate workspace, or is it spread throughout each room?

Not only does stuff from work clutter your private space, but it also clutters your brain. It’s primarily a hindrance if you make the mistake of creating office space in your bedroom. Your mind is focused on the stacks of work instead of relaxation, sleep, and romance.


Final Thoughts on Having Too Much Stuff

You can regain control of your life when you learn how to control the clutter. There’s nothing wrong with having beautiful and sentimental things that bring you joy. If you balance maximalism and minimalism, your items can enrich your home life instead of overpowering it.

15 Daily Affirmations to Help Make Self-Love a Priority

It’s easy to put yourself last when everything seems out of control in life. However, no matter what’s going on in your life, making self-love a priority is essential to your well-being. Self-neglect will only worsen your situation, but when you love yourself, even your worst days will be manageable.

You might put too much time and energy into people that wouldn’t do the same for you. When you give so much of yourself to people who don’t deserve it, you sacrifice essential time in your life. Think of how better your life would be if you used that time and energy for self-love instead.

When you love yourself, you treat yourself with kindness and respect. You’ll nurture your growth and make your well-being a priority. Loving yourself allows you to have a favorable view of yourself and the world around you.

Daily Affirmations to Help Make Self-Love a Priority

Life is too short not to prioritize yourself, your needs, and your desires. You deserve to live a life you love, full of positivity and joy. Daily affirmations will remind you to make self-love a priority no matter what is happening around you.


1. I deserve to make loving myself a priority, even when life gets busy.

When you’re busy, you’ll feel pressured to cram everything you can into your day without allowing for downtime. You’ll remove the things deemed unessential from your schedule, starting with your self-care time. However, after living this way for a while, you’ll experience burnout and feel dissatisfied with your life.

This affirmation can help pull you out of that mindset and allow you to prioritize self-love again. If you know you have a busy day coming up, make sure to use this affirmation as you get ready. Don’t let a day pass where you don’t take some time to care for yourself.

2. I feel the love flowing within me.

It’s impossible not to love who you are if you feel love coursing through your body. With positive, loving energy flowing through you, you’ll start your day out on the right path. It’ll help you look for ways to practice self-care and make your well-being a priority.

3. I am gentle with myself and forgive my mistakes.

No one is perfect, and that includes you. When you make mistakes, be gentle with yourself and give grace when necessary. Reflect on what went wrong, but don’t dwell on it or spend time overthinking.

Learn what you can to do better next time, and then forgive yourself. If you’re holding onto any mistakes, this affirmation can help you move forward.

4. I am enough and worthy of love and being my own top priority.

You might encounter people who make you feel unworthy of love. They’ll say hurtful things, implying that you aren’t good enough. Sometimes, it’ll be you that makes yourself feel that way. If you experience not being sufficient or being unworthy of life, start using this affirmation each day.

This affirmation will help you overcome those feelings, and you’ll be able to push away negative self-thoughts. You are enough, and you are worthy of love. This knowledge will help you make self-love a priority each day.

5. I am complete just the way I am right now.

If you’ve lost someone you love, you might feel incomplete. Likewise, if you lost something that defined you, you might feel like you aren’t whole anymore. These feelings can cause you to neglect yourself as you search for what you already have inside.

6. I prioritize my mental and physical health over everything else.

Your mental and physical health should be at the top of your list of essential things. Please don’t put anything else before them, or it could cost you everything. Using this affirmation each morning will help you remember to put your needs first throughout the day.

7. I love the things that set me apart from others.

Your unique qualities set you apart from everyone else in the world. Embracing them can help you love yourself for who you are. When you start being critical of your unique qualities, repeat this affirmation to help you push away the negativity.


8. I am allowed to have and enforce boundaries–it will be a priority.

You are allowed to set boundaries for yourself and expect others to respect them. No one should be allowed to push your limits, let alone cross them. This affirmation can help you stay firm if there’s someone in your life that urges you to ignore what you’re comfortable with.

When you set boundaries and enforce boundaries, you make your well-being a priority. Never let anyone make you feel bad for having limits, either. The people in your life should respect what you want and need.

9. I am allowed to feel good about how I look and who I am.

Some people experience guilt for feeling good about themselves, but that’s not how it should be. When you feel good and embrace the sensation, you’ll be happy and love your life even more. You deserve to feel good about who you are on the inside and outside.

Spend time taking care of yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself. Don’t guilt-trip yourself for wanting to feel good, and don’t let anyone else give you a hard time, either. This affirmation will help you remember that there is nothing wrong with feeling good and loving yourself.

10. I am free of negative self-talk.

When you say that you’re free of something, it helps you envision it leaving your mind. It’s a reminder that while you once experienced negative self-talk, you’re now free of the burden.

This positive phrase helps reaffirm your mindset shift, allowing you to think good things about yourself. When you stop thinking negatively about yourself, you’ll find that self-love comes a little easier than before.

11. I choose myself in every situation.

When you make the conscious decision to choose yourself, you’ll have an easier time staying firm. It’s not uncommon for people to try to sway your decision, so keep this affirmation at the front of your mind.

If you use this affirmation each morning, you’ll feel more confident in yourself, too. It’s empowering when you know that you matter and that you can prioritize yourself.

12. I am embracing life and all it has to offer me.

Life is a blessing, and embracing it will help you live intentionally. Part of embracing life is doing the things that make you happy and feel fulfilled.

This affirmation will help you remember to prioritize what you need from life rather than putting everyone else first. When you take care of yourself, everything else will fall into place. Add it to your morning routine, and you can reap the benefits from the start.

13. I am letting go of those lower priority things that take my time and energy.

Letting go of things that aren’t beneficial to your life can make all the difference. You might spend your time doing things for others, knowing that they wouldn’t do the same for you. Or, you might struggle to say no when people ask you to do something, even when you know that you don’t have the time.

This affirmation will help guide you to let go of things that don’t bring fulfillment to your life. You could be using that time and energy to take care of yourself and become a better version of yourself. Don’t waste any more of that precious time on things that don’t matter.

14. I am kind to myself no matter what happens.

Things won’t always work out the way you hoped they would, but you should still be kind to yourself. It’s easy to beat yourself up and think about what you could have done differently. However, this easy way of thinking won’t help you at all, and it’ll only make you neglect yourself.

Repeat this affirmation when things don’t go how you wanted them to. You deserve self-love, especially when you’re upset. Push away the negative self-thoughts with these positive words, and focus on the things you did well instead.

15. I am successful, and I believe in myself.

Everyone’s measure of success is different, so don’t care yours to anyone else’s. Comparison only leads to disappointment and negativity rather than growth and development. Instead, consider where you are right now compared to where you were in the past.

If you’ve grown at all, you’re successful. You’ve learned and developed to get where you are today. This affirmation will remind you of your achievements, and it’ll help you remember that you can keep moving forward.


Final Thoughts on Daily Affirmations to Help Make Self-Love a Priority

It’s easy to neglect ourselves when things go wrong, or life gets busy. However, these are the times we must make self-love a priority the most.

Be gentle with yourself, and let go of anything that doesn’t make you feel great about life. Forgive yourself for your mistakes, and use them as guidance for something greater in life. Don’t waste any more time putting other people and things before yourself. When you prioritize yourself, you’ll experience all the joy and fulfillment that life has to offer.

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