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CEOs Reveal Secrets for Making Employees Happy at Work

Even though you might think your boss hates you, that’s usually far from the truth, as they only want to see you happy at work. No matter how power-hungry a CEO might be, their employees’ happiness is one of the main factors that increase effectiveness, thus increasing profits.

So, even if you don’t know your CEO, they’re still interested in giving you the best working conditions they can. And if they don’t, it’s time for you to look for another job. It’s hard for a CEO to make sure that all their employees are happy at work, especially if your company is significant. A CEO can personally get to know all their employees in a start-up or small firm.

But with hundreds of employees, that becomes impossible. So, all CEOs need to make sure they have some tricks up their sleeve to ensure everyone gets the treatment they deserve. If you are a CEO, an aspiring CEO, or want to understand your boss better, read on to find out what those secrets are.

Why Is Employee Happiness Important?

Of course, it would be great if all CEOs cared for their employees and wanted to make them happy out of compassion. But because of corporate structure, most large employers don’t even get to meet all of their employees. And because a private company has to provide the shareholders with the most considerable profits possible, CEOs need to make sure their company is as efficient as possible. And, believe it or not, one of the best ways you can boost efficiency is by making employees happy.

happy at work

A fact that perfectly portrays the importance of happiness is that U.S. companies lose up to $550 billion annually because their employees are unhappy. And replacing an employee is about 33% more expensive than ensuring their work conditions are the best they can be. We examine a few reasons why being happy at work increases efficiency. A Swarthmore study showed that people tend to make better decisions when they are happy.

When people are sad and stressed, they can easily get distracted. They might not concentrate or even be motivated enough to make an effort. They are also less likely to quit, which is good because they won’t have to suffer the additional costs of finding a replacement. An employee who stays with the company for a long time will develop all the right skills for the job. They will grow and develop in an indispensable way to the firm.

When employees are happy at work, that demeanor will show on the outside. Because of this, they are bound to provide customer support, which will improve customer satisfaction. Lastly, the happier someone is, the more creative they can be. This is useful in a business because it can lead to innovation and growth.

The Secrets CEOs Use To Make Employees Happy

Making sure that employees can be as productive as possible is great for any company. Besides, it’s great to know that you can provide the best life possible for the people who work for you. But you always need to know some secrets if you want to make people happy. What are the tricks that CEOs use to make sure employee satisfaction is as high as possible?

1.      Make Sure They Have A Work-Life Balance

At first glance, it seems like an employee who works many hours is productive. But that’s rarely the case. Maybe an employee can work over 10 hours a day for a few weeks and be productive. But in the long run, this will lead to burnout. As a CEO, if you want to avoid that, you must ensure your employees have enough time for a work-life balance.

The idea of work-life balance is almost a buzzword at this point, but that doesn’t mean you should dismiss the idea. Being able to have a life outside work is significant. Someone who has time for a social life can build and maintain relationships. They can pick up hobbies or develop skills. These people can go home after work and eat a home-cooked dinner with their kids.

They can go on weekend trips to relax or go to a pottery class if they want to. They are the people who will be less likely to be depressed, alone, or burnt out. Burnout is a real issue that can lead to psychological or physical problems, like heart conditions. Some estimate that burnout costs U.S. businesses upwards of $190 billion in healthcare spending per year.

If you want to make sure your employees stay happy at work, try offering them a flexible schedule. Maybe they can do some of their work remotely so they won’t have to waste the extra time commuting. Perhaps you could start measuring employee performance by productivity and number of projects rather than hours. Make sure you offer shorter hours and more vacation days. If you implement any of these changes, happiness and productivity will increase.

2.      Listen To Your Employee’s Needs

Even though everyone has gotten used to employees listening and CEOs and managers commanding, that might not always be the best approach. Feeling left out, like their opinions are irrelevant, can make people feel disrespected and overlooked. If your employees are never involved in decision-making, they will feel forgotten.

This will lead to a decrease in happiness, which in turn will hurt the business. If you want to make sure your employees are motivated, you need to occasionally involve them in the decision-making process. Of course, a CEO won’t be able to decentralize everything. But that doesn’t mean they can’t ask managers to listen to employees more. Even employee satisfaction surveys can go a long way in making them feel heard and raising morale. This makes them happier but also strengthens the bond between managers and employees.

And you can even try letting them make some decisions alone, like choosing the team for a particular project. Sometimes, employees might even know more than managers because they are directly involved in the firm’s activity. Employees will be happy at work when they feel they control their actions. If you want to be the best CEO you can be, that’s what you should offer them.

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3.      Create Opportunity For Growth

Employees who start a new job don’t want to be stuck in the same position forever. They want to know that their job can lead to growth and that the promotion process is transparent.

If employees feel like they are stuck doing the same entry-level job for years and years, they won’t feel valued. And an even bigger problem is if the promotion process is not transparent. Employees who feel like they are getting promoted for unfair reasons will not be happy. In turn, they will not be productive or motivated to work harder. They will be more focused and more accountable for their actions.

Career mobility is a great way to ensure your employees have goals they can strive towards. They motivate them to be innovative, pitch new ideas, and work on their skills. And when they feel valued, they are more likely to be loyal to the company. If they know the company will reward all their hard work, they are less likely to take other offers. It also adds a safety net and a notion of stability that people value. When someone is looking for a job, one of their main interests will be having growth. A good manager will always look to reward their employees when they deserve it.

4.      Offer Them Employee Benefits

A positive and healthy workplace is crucial for any employee. And one of the best ways to make sure you make it positive is to offer your employees extensive benefits. Some of the most considerable costs for most people are healthcare, education, housing, etc. However, depending on demographics, these needs will differ from company to company.

Giving your employees healthcare insurance or paying for their rent might seem very costly, but all those costs are offset by increased employee productivity. Instead of having to pay to hire more people or replace someone, it’s much better to ensure you increase your profits. Even if the costs are a little higher, something as simple as covering the most basic healthcare insurance can make all the difference for an employee.

Knowing that they won’t have to pay thousands for consults for something as familiar as the flu will improve employee satisfaction. You don’t need to worry if you are a smaller business and your budget doesn’t give such expensive benefits. Employees want to know you care, so your benefits can cover the expenses for an office birthday party. Or you can offer wellness benefits, like a gym membership.

When the CEO starts giving these benefits, the overall well-being and productivity will increase. And employees will generally be happier at work.

happy at work

Final Thoughts On Secrets for Making His Employees Happy at Work

As a CEO, it’s essential to make sure your profits are as high as possible. But you also have a responsibility towards your employees. Not only do you have a duty to make them happy, but when people are happy at work, productivity and efficiency increase.

To ensure your business runs as smoothly as possible, you need to focus on creating a positive workplace. There are a few ways through which you can do that. But the real secret is that you need to listen to your employees. You need to have an open line of communication between managers and employees and always take their feedback into account. Other than that, a few guidelines show the most important aspects for employee satisfaction.

Having the ability to balance work and social life is at the forefront. At the end of the day, every CEO needs to remember that if you push your employees to the limit, they will break at some point. But if you give them a nurturing space, they will grow and flourish.

Harvard Discovers New Hormone That Helps Regulate Metabolic Health

Harvard scientists recently discovered a new hormone called fabkin that enhances metabolic health. This hormone may contribute to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, according to research led by the Sabri Ülker Center for Metabolic Research at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The study found that mice and human patients with either type 1 or 2 diabetes had abnormally high blood levels of fabkin. Researchers discovered that inhibiting fabkin activity stopped the development of both types of diabetes in the mice. The team found that fabkin behaves similarly in humans and believes that the hormone could lead to new medical treatments.

“For many decades, we have been searching for the signal that communicates the status of energy reserves in adipocytes to generate appropriate endocrine responses, such as the insulin production from pancreatic beta cells,” said senior author Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, director of the Sabri Ülker Center. “We now have identified fabkin as a novel hormone that controls this critical function through a very unusual molecular mechanism.”

The findings first appeared in the journal Nature on December 8, 2021.

Several hormones play a role in regulating metabolic health, such as insulin and leptin. However, fabkin behaves differently from these hormones because it’s not a single molecule with a defined receptor. Fabkin consists of a functional protein complex with multiple proteins:

  • fatty acid-binding protein 4 (FABP4);
  • adenosine kinase (ADK) and;
  • nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDPK).

How Fabkin Impacts Metabolic Health

metabolic health

Researchers performed several experiments and found that fabkin regulates energy signals outside of cells. These signals then move through several receptors and control target cell function. For instance, with diabetes, fabkin governs the operation of beta cells that contain insulin production in the pancreas.

Over ten years ago, Hotamisligil and colleagues found that fat cells secrete the protein FABP4 during lipolysis. This process occurs when lipids stored within fat cells break down, usually due to starvation.

Since then, multiple studies have found a link between FABP4 and metabolic conditions such as obesity, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. However, scientists couldn’t identify the mechanism driving this reaction in those studies.

In this study, researchers found that when fat cells secrete FABP4, it binds with the enzymes ADK and NDPK in the bloodstream. It then transforms into the protein complex they’ve now identified as fabkin.

Newly Discovered Hormone Helps Regulate Metabolism

In this protein complex, FABP4 changes the behavior of NDPK and ADK to regulate levels of ATP and ADP. These molecules play a critical role in metabolic health and functioning. They’re found in all living things and provide cells with short-term energy.

Researchers found that surface receptors on nearby cells pick up on changing levels of ATP and ADP. After sensing the molecular shift, the cells respond to the changing energy status. Thus, fabkin helps regulate the function of these target cells and plays a vital role in metabolic health.

The authors revealed that fabkin targets beta cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin. This hormone contributes significantly to the development of diabetes in humans. However, when the research team used an antibody in mice subjects to neutralize fabkin, they didn’t develop diabetes. Also, when the team gave the antibody to obese mice with diabetes, their health returned.

“The discovery of fabkin required us to take a step back and reconsider our fundamental understanding of how hormones work.” said lead author Kacey Prentice, research associate in the Sabri Ülker Center and Department of Molecular Metabolism. “I am extremely excited to find a new hormone, but even more so about seeing the long-term implications of this discovery.”

Four Ways to Boost Metabolic Health Naturally

Until scientists can formulate a treatment using fabkin, it’s helpful to know natural ways to enhance your metabolism. Thankfully, you can ramp up your metabolism with some simple lifestyle changes.

  1. Get moving. Aerobic activity, in particular, helps boost metabolic health because it triggers the release of signaling molecules. When these molecules get released into the bloodstream, it gives the muscles more energy. This increases your metabolism over time as your fitness levels improve. Start with 30-minute workouts at least three times per week.
  2. Prioritize sleep. Sleep deprivation can seriously affect your hormones, making you feel hungrier and more impulsive. In one study by Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin, adults who slept five hours or less per night had higher ghrelin levels. This hormone stimulates your appetite, and sleep deprivation only increases this feeling. Participants in the study also had lower levels of the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite.
  3. Eat more fiber. Many Americans severely lack fiber in their diets, but it can help boost metabolic health. Fiber-rich foods take more energy for your body to digest, speeding up your metabolism in the process. Opt for foods like beans, whole grains, dark, leafy greens, berries, and apples to get more fiber in your diet.
  4. Also, eat plenty of protein. You know from the previous point that eating increases your metabolic rate, also known as the thermic effect of food (TEF). It’s the extra energy required to digest and absorb nutrients from your food. One study found that protein causes TEF to rise more than carbs or fat. Protein increased metabolism by 15-30%, compared with 5-10% for carbs and up to 3% for fats.

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Final Thoughts on Discovery of Hormone that Regulates Metabolic Health

Harvard researchers recently discovered a new hormone called fabkin that helps boost metabolic health. The study found that the hormone may play a role in developing type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It also revealed that blocking the hormone in mice prevented both types of diabetes from developing.

This study shows promising results for those with diabetes, as scientists hope to develop treatments with fabkin in the future. For now, they will continue to perform more research to solidify findings.

Metabolic health is crucial for many functions throughout the body. If you want to boost your metabolism, make sure to follow the fundamental pillars of health – diet, exercise, proper sleep, and a positive mindset.

Buddhist Monk Reveals Habits for Happiness Never to Ignore

It’s a part of the human condition to strive to be happier. When we see happy people around us, we want to feel what they feel and experience a similar joy. Deep down, this innate desire for happiness fuels us and motivates us in our lives. But for some, it can be challenging to find habits for happiness to discover that kind of inner joy and peace.

Luckily, a well-learned individual has some nuggets of wisdom on the field. Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk who resides at Nepal’s Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling Monastery. He’s also a translator, photographer, and author and has a Ph.D. in molecular genetics. The French philanthropist is famously called the Happiest Man in the World – though he dislikes the moniker!

At a TED event in 2004, Ricard got on stage to discuss the concept of happiness and well-being. Joy is a subject he’s very much considered a bit of an expert in. During his talk, he revealed some fascinating insights into the human mind and train ourselves for happiness. And you don’t just need to take his bare word for it; he’s also gone on to public research papers on the topic.

So if you’ve ever wanted to improve or increase your happiness, you know who to ask! There are some great lessons we can take away from his informative talk, so strap in and open your mind. This article explains how a Buddhist monk reveals habits for happiness never to ignore.

1. Stop Looking Outside For Happiness

Many people look outside when they’re seeking happiness. There’s a subconscious process where you believe you’ll finally be happy if you have certain things and fulfill specific external requirements. For example, you might think:

  • Items will be smooth sailing once I get a better job.
  • Once I have my own house, I’ll finally be happy.
  • I’ll feel so much better once I’ve made a few new friends.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting better things in life. And it’s certainly not a stretch to know that living in a problematic situation can damage mental health in a way that affects happiness. Conditions of poverty, abusive homes, and other similar adverse environments aren’t what we’re talking about when looking outside for pleasure.

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The Dangers Of Relying On External Influences Instead Of Internal Habits For Happiness

Instead, the concept of looking outside means staking your entire happiness on external factors. According to Ricard, this alone can already spell out the destruction of happiness. This outcome is because:

  • The outside world is unpredictable and is often temporary. The only thing that can’t and won’t change is that the world will change. If you hinge your happiness on something so fickle, you can quickly lose that happiness.
  • External factors in a checklist for happiness automatically create dissatisfaction. The second one of the desired factors isn’t in existence. You become unhappy. You’ll focus more and more on negative things even when there’s so much positivity around you.
  • External factors don’t guarantee happiness. You’ve likely seen numerous wealthy individuals discuss their struggles with mental health and depression, for example. Accumulating outside accomplishments and objects isn’t a good habit for happiness.

This is why many habits for happiness necessitate internal work. It would help if you built a strong foundation within yourself geared towards positivity. When the core of your being is joyful, then you’ll find that joy no matter what is going on externally!

2. Strengthen The Consciousness Of Your Emotions

Any change that is desired must be born from awareness or consciousness. Simply put, you cannot change things you’re not entirely aware of. If you are in denial about these truths, you push them away and never address them. This is why many habits for happiness rely on training heightened emotional consciousness and intelligence.

Ricard describes consciousness as an unmodified and untainted mirror, allowing actual images to arise in them. This means that the mirror only displays what is seen without altering negative emotions like jealousy, hatred, and selfishness. It simply reflects what is presented to it in its most accurate form.

As such, the consciousness of your emotions is a way to view your feelings in a validating but detached way. Your senses come and go, and your consciousness allows you to view them as witnesses and bystanders. You see and understand what they are in their plainest forms, without the pains of bias and negativity.

One great example of this is anger. When you’re in a moment of anger, it can feel like a powerful, overwhelming storm. But when you allow yourself to take a step back and view a situation with objectivity and an open mind, it suddenly seems much more manageable. You may still be upset, but you’re able to navigate in a much more productive and helpful way.

You can develop a more vital consciousness of your emotions using some of these habits for happiness:

·         Name and Identify Emotions

Labeling emotions allows us to bring that metaphorical mirror up in front of them. It gives you the chance to stop yourself from blindly reacting to each feeling. You can even excuse yourself and take a few moments to correctly identify your emotions and choose your responses to them wisely, calmly, and logically.

·         Express How You Feel

Once you know how to label and identify your emotions, you can also express them healthily. Studies indicate that those who can effectively articulate thoughts and feelings have higher self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This allows for improved communication and social relationships.

·         Challenge Your Thoughts When Building Better Habits For Happiness

While you should undoubtedly validate your feelings, you must also examine them, the roots behind them, and the thoughts born from them. Ask yourself questions about your feelings to determine where they come from. Ask further questions to evaluate your subsequent responses to them. Some questions to ask are “How would I have felt in their place?”, “What triggered this emotional response?” and “How can I better handle this feeling in the future?”.

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3. Focus On Building Habits for Happiness and Positivity

It sounds a little inconsiderate to suggest that the best way to be happier is to focus on happiness. To be fair to Ricard, though, this goes a bit deeper than generally just thinking about being happy.

Ricard, along with co-authors Antoine Lutz, Nancy B. Rawlings, Lawrence L. Greischar, and Richard J. Davidson, has published a study on the effects of focusing on happiness. The study is titled “Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice.” Specifically, Ricard and his fellow researchers have discovered something rather extraordinary about the brain’s plasticity.

Supposedly, training your brain to change aspects of its structure is possible. For example, those who practice an instrument several hours a day may experience changes in relevant parts of their brain. These changes allow them to rise above the typical trajectory for a casual instrument player, with special dedicated abilities and responses to their practice.

What does this mean, then, for habits for happiness? As it turns out, when you put your mind in a state that focuses on positivity, you get progressively better at finding and experiencing those good things. Your capacity for positive affect increases, and you naturally seek good in the world. Your viewpoint and the way you think about the world entirely changes.

Of course, most typical individuals can’t do what Buddhist monks do – that is, to meditate for three to twelve hours a day! There are some habits for happiness that you can do to train your brain for positivity slowly. These methods may take time to show their full effects, but they’re certainly worth it!

·         Develop A Positive Explanatory Style

An explanatory style is a method through which you narrate and explain the events in your life. For example, if your style is pessimistic, you might say that good days in your life result from chance, and bad things result from your inadequacy. You might say, “I’m just lucky that people liked the work I did,” instead of “I’m proud of myself for doing that work so well!”. This makes all the difference! Research shows that a better, more optimistic explanatory style is central in happy people!

·         Incorporate Visualization In Your Daily Habits For Happiness

The technique of visualization is one of the most effective habits for happiness. It requires imagining the desired outcome in your brain, thus training your mind to accept this outcome and manifest it with internal motivation. Studies have shown that visualization boosts optimism, emotional resilience, and even chances of success! The more vividly you visualize this positivity, the more powerful the practice becomes. If you already have a meditative practice, incorporate visualization into that routine.

·         Be More Grateful

In a world as chaotic as ours, getting caught up in negativity is easy. Actively focusing on silver linings and being grateful for them, even in difficult times, is a powerful way to train your brain. Think about the lessons you learn, the things that you can fall back on, and the little things you still enjoy in hard times. Research indicates that developing and training gratitude for your brain is a gift that keeps on giving for both physical and mental well-being!

·         Replace Your Inner Critic When Establishing Habits For Happiness

Many people have a very strong inner critic, and one of the habits for happiness is learning to replace that with something more positive. Studies show that self-talk, when done positively, is a great regulatory mechanism. Retrain your voice and catch the inner critic when it matures up. Speak over it with something realistic but kind to yourself. How you speak to yourself changes so much about how you perceive the world!

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Final Thoughts On Some Habits For Happiness Never To Ignore

We can all learn from Matthieu Ricard’s work and expertise in the field of oh-so-elusive happiness! Training your brain by looking inward, strengthening emotional consciousness, and focusing on happiness can allow you to find true happiness. It’s the kind of joy that has substance and is rooted in your brain, allowing you to see the world through a realistic but joyful pair of glasses!

Behavioral Experts Reveal Why Dogs Lick Humans

Dogs and human relationships date back thousands of years. Over the years, dogs have gone from human work animals or protectors to household companions. Having a dog in your home is suitable for your physical and emotional health. You love your dog, but sometimes you may wonder why they do some of the things they do, like licking. Have you ever wondered what makes dogs lick? Here are some of the things behavioral experts say about why dogs lick humans.

Why Do Dogs Lick Humans?

Here are seven reasons why dogs lick humans (these are fascinating!).

1 – Licking shows your dog’s submission

The number one reason behavioral experts say dogs lick their human’s face is to express submissiveness. It’s a dog’s way of showing positive social behavior towards humans. Dogs are pack animals. In a pack, dogs submit to their dominant counterpart by licking the sides of their mouth. Your pup, in turn, sees you as their superior in rank. After all, you’re the one who feeds and cares for them. So they see you as the one in charge. Your dog’s licks express submission to you.

dogs lick humans

2 – Licking could be affection

Dog owners typically feel that when their dogs lick to show affection. It makes sense since you are your dog pack leader. They’re only showing you submission but respect and greeting. Dogs lick to groom themselves. They learned to groom from their dog parent, usually their mother, early in life. Dog mothers cleaned their pups by licking them. So, it’s thought that dogs may lick their humans to comfort themselves and connect with their humans. It’s also a social gesture that puppies learn to strengthen their bond with their people.

3 – Licking may be to get attention

It’s hard not to enjoy a slobbery kiss from your canine. Your dog learns early on that you appreciate their kisses. They use licking to communicate with you, usually to get your attention. Young dogs lick more than older dogs. Puppies lick to get attention or care from you or their dog parents. So, it makes sense that another reason your puppy licks you is to get your attention when they want something like a treat or a good belly rub.

4 – Licking could show your dog is anxious

If your dog is nervous, they may lick your hand or arm to release some of their pent-up anxiety. You’ll know if your dog is fearful or upset because they’ll keep licking you until you give them attention. If your dog licks you all the time, speak with your vet or trainer about it. This canine behavior could show your dog has developed an anxiety disorder. These professionals will help you find strategies to relieve your dog’s anxiety and stop their compulsive licking.

5 – Licking is an instinctive behavior

Another reason why dogs lick their humans is probably rooted in instinctive behavior. Wolf pups licked their mother’s mouth to know they were hungry or thirsty. Modern dogs are no different. They use licking as a way to let you know they need something. Of course, it could be your dog is letting you know they feel loved and protected, similar to the way their mother dog cared for them. It may feel weird that in a dog’s eyes, you’re just like their mother dog, but it’s a compliment of your good care for them.

6 – Licking could mean you taste good

Some researchers suggest dogs lick humans because they’re craving salt. Their tongues lack the salt receptors that your tongue has. Human tongues have receptors around the edge of their tongue, including the tip. Dog tongues have just two small areas on their tongue that can detect salt. Since dogs are carnivores, they may crave salt. When your dog licks your skin, it’s like a salty snack to them. This idea does not provide irrefutable proof, but it could explain this canine behavior of licking.

7 – Licking may show that dog is seeking emotional support

Dogs are intuitive to human’s feelings. Service dogs of veterans nudge or lick their owners to help them stop having negative feelings or emotions. This is because dogs watch human faces. They notice a change in a human’s expression from positive to negative.

dogs lick humans

Is It Healthy When Dogs Lick Humans?

Probably not. Most people feel that their dog’s lick is safe, but studies show otherwise. Dogs and puppies’ licks can transmit infection and pathogens to humans. Pasteurella and Capmocytophaga have both been transmitted to humans by their pets. Pasteurella multocida meningitis has been reported in infants exposed to dogs’ or cats’ secretions from licking or sniffing. Certain bacteria found in a dog’s mouth can cause eye infections.

At one time, people thought that dog salvia was sterile, but this isn’t true. Dog saliva contains hundreds of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Immune comprised individuals are particularly at risk of infection, but even healthy people who a dog has licked can develop sepsis, this could become a bigger problem if dogs drink pool water.

It’s essential that you practice good hygiene when feeding and housing your dog to prevent the spread of bacteria. Be sure to wash your hands after handling your dog’s waste before you rub your eyes or eat food. Avoid allowing your dog to lick your mouth or eyes. Little licks once in a while are okay, but it’s best to help your dog learn not to lick you.

Can you teach your dog not to lick you?

Dogs are smart. You can train your dog to stop licking you and your kids. When your dog licks you, give a common, “No lick.” If you use a clicker, click it once as you give this command. Your dog will know that their licking isn’t positive behavior to you. They will eventually stop doing it when they hear the order. When your dog stops licking you when you give the command, be sure to provide them with praise, saying something like, “Good no lick! Good dog,” or give them a treat. Over time, your dog will know that you don’t like them to lick you. Because your dog may try to get your attention when they lick you, be sure you pay more attention to what they need, so they don’t resort to this behavior.

What if your dog doesn’t like to lick you?

Some dogs don’t like licking their humans. That’s okay. If your dog doesn’t lick you, it doesn’t mean they aren’t well adjusted or don’t like you. Dogs have many ways of showing their needs. Licking is just one of them. Your dog can learn to express affection and the need for attention in other ways. Of course, some dogs are naturally more reserved and tend not to lick much. Maybe they weren’t licked as puppies, so they don’t consider licking as a way of showing affection or getting attention.

Which dog breeds lick humans the most?

Labrador Retrievers lick a lot. This breed is naturally friendly and eager to please. They are typically relaxed and super loyal to their humans, so it makes sense they lick their humans a lot. Another breed that likes to give kisses is the Golden Retriever. They’re friendly to everyone, even strangers. This could be their way of showing submission to everyone they meet since they’re very docile dogs. Other dogs that tend to lick a lot include

  • Poodles
  • Chihuahua
  • Pugs
  • Bichon Frise
  • American Pitbull
  • Dachshund
  • Beagle
  • German shepherd
  • Rottweiler
  • French Bulldog
  • Yorkshire Terrier

dogs lick humans

Final Thoughts on Why Dogs Lick Humans

Most dog licks are harmless canine behavior. Your pup is trying to communicate their submission and loyalty to you. A few doggie licks are okay, but generally, it’s not healthy to let your dog lick your mouth, eyes, or nose area. Dog salvia is swarming with germs that can make you sick. Your dog may lick you instinctively or because they lick the saltiness of your skin. You can train your dog not to lick you. With patience and consistency, your dog will learn that you don’t like licks over time.

Remember, your dog relies on you for survival. So, be sure to pay attention to their needs, so they don’t need to lick you all the time to get a drink of water or fed. If your dog is licking themselves, you, or other things in the house all the time, it could mean your pooh has anxiety. Get help from a trainer or your vet to find strategies to help your dog relax.

15 Quotes Guaranteed to Give Your Mind A Reality Check

Everyone is bound to get off track sometimes, and when it happens to you, you’ll want to give your mind a reality check. Staying on track requires determination, dedication, self-discipline, and lots of effort. While it’s hard work, staying on task will help you reach your dreams and find success.

If you’re distracted and focusing on things that don’t matter long-term, you must switch your mindset. You’ll want to give yourself a reality check immediately to prevent wasting time or energy. Being brutally honest with yourself and learning to let go of things that don’t matter will make a difference.

While it might seem easier to let things slide, it won’t help you become who you want to be. Plus, you won’t reach your goals or achieve success, which is a hard truth to accept. Time passes, whether you work hard or slack off, so make sure to make the best choice.

Fifteen Quotes For a Reality Check

If you stay focused on the essential things in your life, you can look back and feel good about what you accomplished. These quotes can give your mind the reality check it needs to refocus when you get off course. Choose the quotes that resonate most with you, and write them in a place you’ll see often.

reality check

1. “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau

When people look at something, everyone might see something different. You must know the good in everything when it comes to staying on track and focusing on the right things.

The next time you need to refocus, consider what you see when looking at things. If you see negativity and distraction, try looking at it another way until you see something different.

2. “The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.” – John C. Maxwell

You only need average perception and responses to be an average person. However, if you want to become successful and achieve your goals, you must develop a different perception.

Don’t think the same way everyone else does, or you’ll get stuck in the same rut as them. Instead, think about things differently and respond positively to failure so that you can overcome it.

3. “No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” – Ansel Adams

No one else should tell you how to perceive things or what you should create and produce. Follow your dreams and stay on the path that leads you to the things you’re passionate about. Be true to yourself, holding nothing back despite what other people want for you.

4. “There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” – Douglas H. Everett

It is possible to turn your dream world into reality. All it takes to make it happen is staying on track and giving yourself a reality check whenever necessary.

While some people might tell you to stop living in a dream world and face reality, you can continue doing both. Please don’t listen to the negativity of others when it comes to making your dreams come true.

5. “The reality of life is that your perceptions – right or wrong – influence everything else you do. When you get a proper perspective of your perceptions, you may be surprised how many other things fall into place.” – Roger Birkman

The way you think about things influence what happens in your life. Whether your perceptions are correct or not, they determine how things work out.

If you find that things aren’t going the way you wanted them to, take a moment to consider your perception. Then, give yourself a reality check and acknowledge that your thoughts are the reasons things aren’t working out in your favor.

6. “Our thoughts not only reveal what we are, they predict what we will become. We will soon be the sum total of our thoughts.” – A.W. Tozer

Your thoughts say more about you than anything else, as they reveal the real you. As Tozer explains, they predict what you will become because your thoughts tend to come true.

If you’re always thinking negatively, remember this quote so that you can change your thought process. Then, the things you want most in your life will start coming to you.

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7. “What people in the world think of you is really none of your business.” – Martha Graham

Everyone will have an opinion about you, and some of them might be negative. Either way, don’t worry about their thoughts because all that matters is what you think of yourself. When you can remember this wisdom, you’ll have an easier time staying on track.

8. “Every person has a different view of another person’s image. That’s all perception. The character of a man, the integrity, that’s who you are.” – Steve Alford

Each person’s perception of one another is different, especially regarding their image. What matters in life is your character and integrity, as those qualities truly define who you are. Ignore what people think about your image and focus on being a good person instead.

9. “Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is, and you’ll see them all around you.” – Jon Bon Jovi

When you’re looking for the good in the world around you, it might be necessary to change your perception. As Bon Jovi explains, miracles occur every day if you’re looking for them. Once you change your mindset, you’re sure to see them all around you. This reality check helps you see this truth.

10. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.” – Corrie ten Boom

It doesn’t help improve the situation when you spend time or energy worrying about things. Instead, it causes you to waste your energy today and ensures a bad tomorrow. Remember this quote and switch your mindset immediately if you ever worry too much.

11. “I believe you make your day. You make your life. So much of it is all perception, and this is the form that I built for myself. I have to accept it and work within those compounds, and it’s up to me.” – Brad Pitt

You determine how your day will go and what happens daily. You can only choose positivity and success by giving your mind a reality check whenever necessary. No one else can help you make the most of your life if you aren’t willing to do it yourself.

12. “We must not allow other people’s perceptions to define us.” – Virginia Satir

There will always be people in your life who don’t like you, even if you’re great. When you hear negative things about yourself, learn to ignore them to maintain a positive perception.

13. “Life is all about perception. Positive versus negative. Whichever you choose will affect, and more than likely reflect your outcomes.” – Sonya Teclai

It would be best to choose between positive and negative in your life. Whichever one you choose will determine the outcome of your goals and experiences. By selecting positivity, you can ensure a positive and fulfilling life.

14. “What good would outward appearance be if the soul were in hopeless darkness? To strive to keep our bodies fit and healthy is good, but a fit and healthy soul is even better.” – Unknown

Many people greatly fixate on their outward appearance that they neglect their sole. This reality check is that your outward appearance doesn’t matter if your soul is dark. If you are overly concerned with your appearance, make a change and start focusing on being a good person instead.

15. “If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.” – Angelina Jolie

If you ever worry that people will think you’re a fool, then it’s time to let go of that fear. Don’t concern yourself with other people’s perceptions of you. If you like the person you are and you’re following your passion, that’s all that matters.

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Final Thoughts on Quotes Guaranteed to Give Yourself a Wakeup Call When You Need One

Everyone gets off track in life, but giving your mind a reality check is essential. By reminding yourself of what’s necessary for your life, you’ll be able to reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Otherwise, you’ll get distracted and fixated on things that don’t matter long-term.

Be aware of your thoughts to give yourself a reality check whenever necessary. It’ll help you refocus and let go of things that don’t matter. Then, you can live the life you want to live and become a better person.

15 Behaviors That Reveal Romantic Interest

Let’s face it; there seems to be a lot of guesswork in potential love connections. It’s like the classic children’s game of picking away daisy petals with “they love me, they love me not.” Consider the countless hit songs about unrequited love or romantic interest in disguise.

Fifteen Behaviors That Reveal Romantic Interest

If you’re wondering if someone is interested in you romantically, you won’t get far by flower petal plucking. Perhaps your prospective love interest has been sending you clever hints that you haven’t noticed. Here are fifteen signs and gestures that may signal wanting more than friendship.

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1. Someone With Romantic Interest Will Make Time for You

When someone has a romantic interest, they make time for you. Even if they have a hectic work schedule, you’re a top priority. They’ll often ask if you have plans for the weekend and will already have something in mind.

They’ll be the first to volunteer if you need help with something, even if it’s not convenient for them. For example, they’ll gladly help you move in new furniture or watch your pet while you’re on vacation. While close friends will often go the extra mile, this person may be attracted to you.

2. They Seem Protective of You

Part of being genuine friends is that you have each other’s backs. They’ll be the first to come to your defense if someone bad-mouths you. This person may also be quite sensitive to your feelings and needs.

If you’re having a bad day, they’ll be the first one to call, listen, and try to encourage you. They may also notice how you’re treating yourself and may bring it to your attention. They either have a savior mentality, or you’re their romantic interest.

3. They Put Their Best Foot Forward

A person who has a secret crush on you always wants to create a good impression. They’re usually impeccably dressed and use their most refined manners. Their eagerness to get your attention is apparent, and they aren’t trying to be fake.

They also take a keen interest in your likes and dislikes. When they bring you coffee in the morning, they remember that you prefer fat-free milk. Perhaps, they want you to see their potential as a romantic interest, and it doesn’t hurt that they have an eye for detail by knowing what you like.

4. Flirting Usually Reveals Romantic Interest

Who knew that flirtation was such a complex activity for humans? According to an article published by Psychology Today, it involves body language, intellect, empathy, and creativity. While some people are just flirtatious by nature, most do it to attract a love interest.

Do you have someone in your circle who has an eye on you? They have that little sparkle in their eyes and a subtle smile. They say sweet and flirty things that are only meant for you. It definitely could signify that they want to be more than friends.

5. They Actively Listen to You

Many people in your circle and the public hear you, but they aren’t listening. However, those who have your best interests at heart actively listen to what you’re saying. They pay full attention and aren’t glancing at their smartphones every five seconds.

They don’t interrupt, and they mirror the emotion in your conversation. By their open body language, you can tell that they’re interested in what you’re saying. It’s an essential characteristic of a potential mate, and they’re all ears.

6. They Often Self-Disclose to You

One needn’t be a narcissist to enjoy talking about themselves. It’s often the best way to break the ice when you’ve just met someone. However, the level of self-disclosure you employ depends on the relationship and trust.

A person who has a romantic interest in you may often self-disclose earlier or at a deeper level than most. Maybe, they will share some of their background and interests, hoping you will do the same. Just be cautious of those who share way more than you care to know.

7. People in Your Circle Tell You Someone Has Romantic Interest in Mind

Be assured that if you notice someone who has a crush on you, people around you can see it, too. It’s like the song “Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About.” Don’t be surprised when your besties take you aside to hear all the juicy details.

However, you may not have any details yet and haven’t made any moves. They see the winks, hushed personal jokes, and other symptoms that the love bug has bitten. If you haven’t noticed this person’s romantic intentions yet, your circle will help you see.

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8. They Stay Connected to You

The heart of any relationship is to stay connected to one another. Not only do you communicate about mundane things, but you relate profoundly. Someone who has romantic interests in you will connect with you as often as possible.

Of course, this doesn’t mean they’re stalking you. However, they may call and text you more than other friends and family. You can tell by their words and the genuine smile that they love to talk to you and maybe are interested romantically.

9. They’re Interested in Your Family and Friends

Perhaps, you’ve had your share of narcissists and toxic people who can only have a one-sided relationship. That’s why it grabs your attention when a potential partner is sincerely interested in you, your family, and your friends. Not only do they ask about them, but they may also want to meet them.

On the flip side, they may like to share things about their family and circle of friends. A real tell-tale sign is if they invite you to a holiday dinner with their family or ask you to attend a special occasion with them. If it’s a wedding, their intentions couldn’t be more obvious.

10. Somebody With Romantic Interest Enjoys Making You Happy

When somebody is infatuated with you, they will do their best to get your attention. Perhaps it’s a sticky note on your desk each morning with a smiley face and a positive message. You may be surprised occasionally with a stunning bouquet or balloons with a note saying, “just because.”

This person is going beyond the usual niceties of a friend. They know your favorite foods, music, and anything else that makes you smile. When you’re happy, they’re delighted.

11. They’re Overly Interested in Your Love Life

You can always tell if someone has a secret crush on you if they’re too interested in your love life. While they won’t come out to say they’re attracted to you, their veiled jealousy is more than a hint. They may casually question you about your new love interest, but don’t look for them to be excited about it.

They also may point out flaws in your love relationship or how that person isn’t right for you. Are they overly concerned friends, or is the green-eyed monster lurking behind their questions?

12. They Like to be Close to You

A person in love with you wants to be as close to you as possible without being creepy. They’re the pleasant company you have at lunch break, and their workspace may be in close proximity. Even in a group, they’re the person who sits just a little closer to you.

13. They Remember Small Details

You can always tell if someone’s an active listener if they remember your conversations. In fact, they listen so intently that they can recall your talks together in vivid detail. They can recount some of the fondest memories you’ve shared, as they show a genuine interest in your life.

14. They’re Often Giddy Around You

When you’re somebody’s romantic interest, it’s often like being back in junior high school. They’re usually well-poised and articulate until they’re around you. Then, they’re all thumbs, and they accidentally say goofy things.

You may also notice that they blush whenever you’re together. If it’s not part of their usual personality, they may be fascinated with you. The butterflies in their stomach is making them giddy in love.

15. They Have Positive Body Language

According to an article published by Master’s in Communications, how you carry yourself is just as important as what you say, maybe even more so. Your body-language provides non-verbal cues to your emotions. According to the article, people can usually tell another’s sincerity by observing their body language.

If you suspect someone is enamored with you, look at their body language. Relaxed and open body language says they’re not only comfortable in your presence, but they’re interested in your conversation. It might also indicate that they’re secretly falling for you.

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Final Thoughts Signs You May Be Someone’s Romantic Interest

It’s inevitable that at some point, someone in your circle will want to be more than just friends. When you notice these subtle hints, you might have a secret admirer. Maybe it would be worth your while to get things out into the open and see if a beautiful romance is possible.

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