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6 Reasons Why Being Present in the Moment Increases Happiness

Mindfulness, or the act of being present in the moment, is likely a word you’ve heard a lot in wellbeing circles. It’s been known for its many benefits to both physical and mental health. Notably, it has a reputation for increasing happiness.

It’s hard to believe that something so simple could be so good for your mood and life satisfaction, but it’s true! How? Read on to find out. Here are 6 reasons why being present in the moment increases happiness.

1. Being Present Improves Relationships

Relationships aren’t the cornerstone of happiness, but they play a significant role in wellbeing and life satisfaction. Human beings are highly social creatures and, since the dawn of mankind, we’ve been interacting with each other and forming communities. Even introverts benefit from a couple of friends and close relationships!

Being present in the moment is an integral part of spending quality time with those who matter. They may be family members, friends, a significant other, or even a colleague with who you’re working closely. If you want to foster these relationships, being present is an asset to you. This is because:


·         It Provides Attention When You Are Present

Everyone is distracted occasionally. But have you ever hung out with someone who is constantly on their phone or keeps asking you to repeat things because they divvy up their attention? These types of relationships often end up leaving a sour taste in the mouths of others. Eventually, people on the receiving end of the inattention start thinking that the person doesn’t really want to be there. In addition, those who aren’t present may drift to worries and concerns about the past of the relationship or what to say next. You can’t pay attention and will be a worse listener.

·         It Reduces Self-Consciousness

Self-consciousness is common among those who struggle to stay in the moment. They think about times past when they may have done something they perceived as embarrassing. But they wonder what will happen if they speak now. They wonder if someone meant something else by their prior statements. When you stay present, you shed that self-consciousness and can interact with others more genuinely. You establish and assume rapport in a healthy way instead of being overcome by nervousness!

·         It Promotes Relationship Acceptance

Studies have shown that mindfulness – that is, the act of being present in the moment – is beneficial for romantic relationships. This is because it promotes acceptance. When you live in each moment entirely, you’re less likely to focus on mistakes and flaws, especially if they’re in the past. You don’t focus on things you wish they had or unique traits you wish they’d display. Instead, you focus on fully experiencing and appreciating everything about your partner! This can, presumably, be applied to non-romantic relationships, too.

2. Being Present Improves Stress Management

Being present in the moment means you don’t overthink the future or the past. This rumination reduces the amount of stress you have to deal with, as you won’t need to stay hung up over things you can’t change or control. It also allows you to manage stress in your day-to-day life more positively and beneficially, so you end up happier. This outcome happens because:

·         You Stop Avoiding Stressors

Instead of avoiding and repressing sources of stress, you’re able to view them with detached and rational eyes. You don’t store them away, where they’ll build up and explode later. You handle them now, acknowledge what you experience, and accept them with mindfulness. Studies have shown that this is beneficial for long-term stress management and response!

·         You Stop Overthinking

If you’re a chronic overthinker, you probably realize that nothing you’re worried about is genuinely in the moment. It’s about what may happen in the future based on what you do now, informed by various anxieties from your past. This kind of rumination often leads to catastrophizing, a real drain on your happiness. Being present allows you to release your attachment to those things.

·         You Learn To Release Stress By Being Present

A lot of aspects of mindfulness involve healthy methods to release stress. You learn breathing exercises, meditative practices, and how to observe your thoughts and release them. This is crucial in releasing and relieving stress without bottling it up and repressing it, allowing you to live more freely and happily.

·         You Have Fewer Symptoms Of Anxiety

Research has long shown that being in the present moment – and other forms of mindfulness – aid those with anxiety and depression symptoms. You can use mindfulness as a supplementary treatment for these disorders, and if the treatment works, you’ll be able to live more freely from more debilitating symptoms.

3. Being Present Makes You View The World With A Positive Lens

A lot of people have a cynical or monochromatic view of the world. It’s tough to keep viewing the world positively through the struggles you may face and the bad news you see around you. But being present at the moment allows you to have a more charitable view of the world you live in. This happens because of the following improvements:

·         You Release Judgment and Labeling

When you’re not present, you spend a lot of time labeling and analyzing the world around you. When you finally stay in the moment, you release that tendency. You appreciate your surroundings, acting as a witness to them instead of a jury. This makes you feel happier and more satisfied with your life.

·         You Notice Small Details You Usually Overlook

Mindfulness allows you to take note of things that you may not usually notice. You engage all your senses in the world around you and note various details. You may even notice some features you’d overlooked in things you see every day! It’s a beautiful way to live.

·         You’re More Open To New And Different Things

Life satisfaction is rarely gained by staying static. If you want to achieve happiness, you should be opening yourself up to new experiences, different viewpoints, and unique challenges. This can sound daunting, but learning to be present at the moment can make it easier. You stop worrying about what happens next and start doing what moves you!

·         Being Present Helps You Navigate Life More Playfully

Playfulness isn’t something that we should leave behind in childhood. It’s a great way to navigate the often complicated world of adulthood. You release the heaviness of the traditional idea of growing up and begin to view the world with more enjoyment. It only makes sense that this increases happiness!


4. Being Present Brings You In Touch With Yourself

Happiness often involves knowing who you are and being confident in that identity. Too many people struggle to understand their selves. If you don’t know who you are, it’s tough to be fully happy, after all. You can’t be satisfied by a truth that eludes you! Here are some ways that being present in the moment brings you in touch with yourself to boost happiness:

·         You Let Go Of Your Presented Appearance

Whether consciously or subconsciously, many people present a particular facade to the world. There’s a way that we all want to be perceived, and we tend to project that. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but it can separate you from yourself to some degree. Being present in the moment brings you back in touch with your true self and lets you live your truth, filling you with meaning and happiness.

·         You Understand What’s On Your Mind

Many people struggle to understand what’s going on in their heads. They have trouble tracing their issues and what’s bothering them to their roots. It’s tough to hold a mirror up to yourself like that! When you’re present in the moment, you can do this more naturally. You’re aware of yourself, your body, and your thoughts so that you can trace different triggers to their effects. You’re also able to manage these thoughts and regulate your emotions healthily!

·         You’re Confident In Who You Are

When you’re more in touch with yourself, you view yourself more genuinely. You appreciate your strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits. Furthermore, you realize that you’re worth more than your titles, social status, education level, and more. You feel happier in yourself and aren’t going to feel inferior or superior. You’re just you, and you’re at peace with that!

5. Being Present Improves Your Physical Health

Physical health isn’t always tied to happiness, but it’s undoubtedly a factor in mental health. When you’re physically unhealthy, you often feel worse in general, and your moods can be more unpredictable. The better your body feels, the better your brain feels too. Here are some more direct ways that being in the moment helps physical health:

·         It’s Easier To Exercise

Getting active is crucial to health, and it also releases tons of endorphins that improve your mood. You don’t have to have a complicated gym routine to get enough exercise, and being present at the moment can be sufficient motivation for the activity. You’ll want to get moving to feed your senses, and when you are doing a more complex workout, you’ll be able to appreciate it. You won’t be stuck wishing you were anywhere else – you’ll be in your element, and you’ll feel each result.

·         You Overcome Cravings

A lot of efforts to maintain good health are overturned by impulse. It would help if you had willpower and discipline to ensure you stick to a proper plan for your health. Cravings can crop up quickly, whether for a cigarette, some fast food, or even skipping a gym day. When you’re in the present moment, you’re able to focus on taking things one step at a time towards your goals instead of getting lost in impulse. Your self-control increases, and you’re able to identify motivations that aren’t wise to follow quickly.

·         Your Relationship With Food Improves

When you use mindfulness while eating, you appreciate each unique taste and texture of the meals you consume. It’s like rediscovering the wonder of all your favorite meals every day! You’ll also be more aware of what your body tells you while you eat. This means you’ll be able to stop eating as soon as you get full instead of accidentally overeating.

6. Being Present Helps You To Heal

Being present in the moment is a quick path to healing from past pain and trauma. Often, we find ourselves weighed down by emotional baggage and traumatic experiences. There are things in your past that affect how you experience life now.

When you’re living in the moment, you can begin the process of genuinely leaving the past behind. This isn’t to say that mindfulness is a cure-all for trauma. Your healing and recovery journey will likely be a long-term process. But without the skill of being present, that process will be even more arduous.

Mindfulness is a valuable tool in healing, and you’ll be able to enjoy much better life satisfaction when you practice it. You can learn to process what you feel, unpack your baggage, and manage various difficult emotions and memories. As a present witness to these things, you can stay grounded and analyze these topics, as hard as that may be to do, at the same time.


Final Thoughts On Some Reasons Why Being Present In The Moment Increases Happiness

Being present in the moment is a skill. If you’re not used to being mindful, it can take some time and practice before you’ve developed the ability to be in that state naturally. Once you get the hang of it, though, you’ll be impressed by how much happier you become!

5 Easy Steps to a Deep Karmic Cleansing

Are you tired of negative energy-zapping your physical, mental, and spiritual strength? Wouldn’t you love to see more positivity in your relationships and situations? Maybe it’s as easy as doing a karmic cleansing for your life.

This once-obscure Eastern philosophical concept has become widely recognized in the West over the past decades. It appears in ancient texts and refers to your actions. While fate is usually associated with events over which you have no choice, karmic energy results from choices you make in this life.

Karmic energy is an essential concept in ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Although both religions may agree on the principle of natural consequences for your actions, they differ in how it operates. These Eastern religious branches focus on reincarnation and how karmic energy affects it.

For example, the purer your intentions and actions are in this life, the higher you’ll evolve into your next life. Or some adherents may believe that intense karmic energy may result in fewer incarnations. Think of it as depositing cash into your eternal bank account for karmic debt.

Five Steps to a Deep Karmic Cleansing

Most proponents of reincarnation and karmic consequences may agree that you can change your fate by changing your actions. If you have engaged in past behavior that wronged someone, then it’s time to reset your karma. While nobody can change past words and deeds, you can decide to take a higher moral ground from this moment forward. Here are five helpful ways to start your karmic cleansing today.

karmic cleansing

1. Activate the Gift of Forgiveness to Start Your Karmic Cleansing

One of the best tools for karmic cleansing is forgiveness. However, all the misconceptions surrounding this virtue often block people from using it. Learning how to forgive and being forgiven can make a profound difference in your life.

The first mistaken belief about forgiveness is that you’re excusing the offender. Forgiving someone is not letting them off the hook for how they’ve hurt you. Instead, you are acknowledging the transgression and leaving it in the past.

Whoever coined the phrase “forgive and forget” was only partially correct. As a human, you can forgive, but you can’t easily forget. While you can’t erase painful memories, your choice to forgive allows you to move forward and heal.

Letting Go of Grudges

According to an article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine, science seems to back up the benefits of forgiveness. Getting rid of the bitterness in your life may lead to lower blood pressure, less stress, and reduced anxiety. Forgiveness can help improve your general well-being, as stated in the article.

Offering forgiveness is more than just words. Instead, it’s an active decision to begin karmic cleansing and get past the pain. It’s a generous gift that you give the offender whether they deserve it or not. Also, just because you forgive someone who hurt or was traumatized doesn’t mean they are welcomed back into your life.

Making Amends

You can also negate your spiritual debt when you sincerely ask others for forgiveness. It’s a crucial point in most recovery and twelve-step programs to seek forgiveness from those you’ve hurt and try to make amends. It goes way beyond just saying that you’re sorry.

Forgiveness and repentance involve a sincere apology, making possible amends, and striving not to repeat the offense. Also, learn how to forgive yourself and be self-compassionate. When you make forgiveness part of your life, you increase your empathy and discard unrealistic expectations.

2. Discover Beauty Each Day

Karmic cleansing helps you live in the moment and discover beauty and purpose in even the simplest things. You’ll be amazed when you begin to notice colors, textures, and patterns that have always been there. Mindfully living allows you to slow down and enjoy each step of your life’s journey.

You can practice finding beauty and joy in all your daily routines. As you awaken each morning, take a few deep breaths and gratefully notice the colors and sounds of your bedroom. During your meals, savor each bite and the flavorful nuances.

When you spend time outdoors, take in the vivid colors of the landscape and all the beauty that Mother Nature provides. Even when completing a mundane task at home or work, appreciate each step in a job well done. Surround yourself with lovely colors, pictures, and objects that make you smile.

As you put this principle into practice, it helps you realize the true beauty of others, inside and outside. You’ll no longer accept the simple definition set by Hollywood and other social outlets. Most importantly, you’ll begin to accept yourself as the lovely, kind, and worthy person you are.

3. Experience Gratitude Throughout Your Karmic Cleansing

Sometimes, people get so enamored in problems that they neglect to count their blessings, resulting in negative karmic energy. For an optimal karmic cleanse, consider making gratitude an essential part of your life. Not only will you feel more contentment, but it will also boost your positive energy.

Why is it easier to focus on a single harmful component when so many more positive ones surround you? It’s a psychological phenomenon called negativity bias, says an article published by the National Academy of Sciences. This is a natural bias for people to react to negative information more strongly than positive data.

Allowing negativity bias to go unchecked can create a pessimistic attitude that taints your life. Expressing gratitude is a strong defense against chronic negativity and helps improve your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Although being grateful costs you nothing, it’s more valuable than anything in the world.

If you don’t already, make it a habit of saying a sincere thank-you to others, whether it be a friend or the kind clerk at the bank. Say it with a smile and notice the benefits of others’ words and deeds. When someone thanks you, return the gratitude with a warm “you’re welcome.”

Many people find it helpful to keep a gratitude list. You can make it part of your journaling practice. Nothing is so insignificant that you can’t express gratitude for how it benefits you.

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4. Practice Kindness in Word and Deeds

The concept of your words and deeds coming back around to you is universal across cultures, religions, and traditions. Whatever good deeds you do in this life will be rewarded in the afterlife, be it a place of heavenly paradise or a more incredible reincarnation. Conversely, negative words and deeds bring harmful karmic consequences.

In simpler words, you’ll reap what you sow. You can’t plant a row of onions in your gardens and expect a row of tomatoes to grow. Likewise, you can’t expect positive results when you make negative affirmations into the Universe.

Do it from your heart when you say or do something kind for someone. Don’t attach any strings or expect any glory in return. Whether the person is deserving or not, you have the opportunity to offer unrestricted kindness.

Perhaps you’ve heard of practicing random acts of kindness. An article published by Good Therapy states that author Anne Herbert coined this phrase in 1983. Herbert encouraged people to do kind deeds for others just out of the kindness of their hearts.

It even includes doing something kind for a total stranger. For example, you may pay for someone’s order, which is behind you in a drive-through. As you show kindness to others, it creates positive karmic results that come back to you.

5. Disconnect with Toxic People and Situations to Complete the Karmic Cleansing Process

According to the law of attraction principles, you attract whatever you put forth into the Universe. The Universe agrees that if you speak life, blessings, and other positive affirmations, you attract the same. However, if you speak curses and negative affirmations, the impartial Universe must send you adverse outcomes.

An effective karmic cleansing depends on boosting your positive energy while minimizing hostile powers. This is a mental and spiritual task, including external influences. If toxic people and situations surround you, it can give you a negative attitude and all the consequences it attracts.

Let’s face it, nobody lives in a perfect world, and you’ll always have some distractors, cruel people, and situations that are hurtful. Even if you can’t change these, you have the power of whether to allow them to control your life. You needn’t stay in a one-sided toxic relationship that offers you nothing but pain, bitterness, and disappointment.

Disconnecting from this negativity frees you to build more positive karmic energy. Refuse to allow manipulative and toxic people to control your life anymore.

karmic cleansing

Final Thoughts on Performing a Deep Karmic Cleansing

The good news is that you needn’t adhere to reincarnation or any other religious traditions to benefit from boosting your karmic energy. Whether or not you believe in a hereafter, being kind and responsible brings a lifetime of blessings.

Imagine how much more beautiful the world would be if everyone made their focus to be kind, have gratitude, and live each minute to the best of their ability. It would change everything! Good karma never goes without being noticed.

7 Proven Ways to Get Over an Ex And Let Go For Good

Falling in love is one of the best things that happens throughout someone’s life. Love is one of the main drivers for people. It keeps you going even in the hardest of times, and it can bring you an immense amount of joy. People, especially when they are young, fall hard and fall fast. But, just as fast as you fall in love, you can fall out of love. What happens when that love gets away from you, forcing you to get over an ex?

Breakups are one of the hardest things a person will have to get over in their life. They can make you feel like you’ve lost everything that mattered in your life. Sometimes they are mutual. But a lot of times, someone gets dumped. They have to deal with the fact that they still have feelings for someone gone.

And the worst part about getting over an ex is that no one teaches you how to do it. You have to struggle with all that grief by yourself. But just because your parents don’t teach you doesn’t mean you can’t do your research and pick up some tricks. If you can’t get over an ex and you feel like you need help, here are seven proven ways to get over an ex.

1.    Get Off Social Media To Help Get Over An Ex

get over an ex

In this day and age, people spend hours and hours on social media. And they don’t just scroll through Instagram when they are bored. At this point, social media is an integral part of everyone’s lives, especially for young people. It’s almost like people live through these platforms sometimes. And people use them to keep in touch with friends and family. As long as you are on social media, keeping your distance from your ex is pretty hard.

One of the best things you can do during a breakup is to get off social media for a while. Because all your friends post there, sometimes even daily, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You see everyone happy having fun, which can make you feel even worse about yourself. Or, the worst thing you could do, is to stalk your ex on social media, which can be tempting.

If you keep tabs on your ex every day, you won’t ever be able to let go of them. You will constantly think of them, and your feelings won’t heal as they should. Toni Coleman, a psychotherapist, and relationship coach, even recommend unfriending them, at least until you are over them.

2.    Get Rid Of Reminders

People are very sentimental and can get attached to objects that remind them of others. A meal might remind you of your mother’s cooking, and a book might make you think of your sister. And, when you are in a relationship, you are bound to correlate some objects with memories. And you are bound to get emotionally attached to those objects.

If you keep reminders of your ex after your breakup, that’s only going to remind you of what you’ve lost. It will only make you reminisce about the good parts of your relationship. These reminders trigger strong emotions and make you feel worse about the situation. They can even make you obsessive.

If you want to forget about everything and heal, ensure there are no reminders of your ex lying around. Without these reminders, you will be able to focus on yourself, and you won’t get overwhelmed by all those unmanageable emotions.

3. Don’t Contact Them

Even if you aren’t as in love with your ex as you once were, you still have a past together. You have a routine, and losing that routine can be just as hurtful as losing the person you loved. But if you still have feelings for them, it can be even more challenging to let go of what you had. Most people going through breakups have a hard time accepting their new reality. It’s hard to adapt to a new normal.

So, you might be very tempted to contact them to get some of that routine back. Or you might contact them even in hopes that you’ll convince them to take you back. But it would help if you always tried to accept the breakup from the beginning, as it will be better for your mental health.

If you want to accept your new reality, you mustn’t contact them, no matter how badly you want to. Delete the number, unfriend them on social media, avoid them at all costs. Not seeing them will allow you to let go of those feelings you still have for them.

If you try to contact them obsessively, your attention will be towards trying to win them back. This false hope won’t help you heal. Not connecting with them will force you to get used to your new reality and focus on yourself and your feelings.

get over an ex

4.    Get Support From Friends And Family

When you go through a breakup, you tend to feel lonely. Chances are, your ex was the person you spent most of your time with before your split. So, after they leave you, you might feel the need to be around people. Even if you don’t feel that need and think you want to be alone, people can still help you.

Friends and family can be your support system and help you manage your emotions. It’s hard to get yourself out of your head on your own. If you feel like your ex is all you can think about, it can be good to talk about other things to distract you. Or your friends can even give you advice if you feel like you’re ready to talk about what you’re going through.

Because they aren’t directly involved in the relationship, they can have a more objective perspective of the situation. Thus, they can give you better advice than you could ever give yourself. Being with people in times like these is more important than you might realize.

5.    Go Out With Friends When You Need To Get Over An Ex

As mentioned previously, people going through a breakup might isolate themselves. To combat this loneliness and regain self-concept after a breakup, researchers recommend going out. People in relationships tend to lose their independence and ability to do whatever they want without asking for approval.

When you are with someone, you do things you both want to do. You go out together. But that means you might be missing out on some things that you could only enjoy while single. Accepting social invitations can help you regain that part f yourself you might have lost, which will help you get over your ex.

When you’re heartbroken, the idea of going to a party might seem silly. But it’s a great distraction that allows you to have fun without repercussions. And you get to meet new people or hang out with old friends. Grace Larson, a researcher at Northwestern University, says that this trick is backed by science. Something as simple as being around people can help you feel like yourself again.

6.    Focus On Your Goals

One of the main reasons why breakups are tough to deal with is because they make you feel out of control. This is especially true if the separation was unilateral (basically, if you were dumped). You have to deal with this new reality that you might not have even wanted. You feel like you don’t control your life’s direction, and you don’t know what the future holds.

To counterbalance these feelings, you need to focus on what you can control. And your goals are a great starting point. Throw yourself into your work, your studies, or your hobbies. Do whatever it is you desire most. Work towards getting a promotion if that’s what you want. Start a new hobby. Do practical things that also have precise results you can strive towards.

The desire to reach those goals is a great distraction. Not only that, but ultimately achieving your goals will give you the satisfaction you need. You will feel proud of yourself and feel like you’re in control again.

7.    Ask For Help To Get Over An Ex

If you feel like none of the previous tips help you in any natural way, that’s probably a sign you need professional help. The last six tips work in most cases. But sometimes, breakups can be so brutal that you need someone experienced to guide you through them. Therapy can be a safe space for you to process your emotions with the support of someone who knows what advice to give you.

Your therapist is there to listen to you and has a perfectly neutral perspective over the situation. They don’t know your ex, and they aren’t there to take sides. They are just there to listen and help. The best part is that they won’t force you to do anything. They’ll be there to guide you, but you will be the one processing the emotions.

Therapy is a great option whenever you are struggling with your emotions. So, it’s safe to say that it is just as effective to help you get over your ex.

get over an ex

Final Thoughts On Ways to Get Over an Ex And Let Go For Good

Coming to terms with the fact that you lost someone you love is never easy. Even if your feelings for them were starting to fade, having someone disappear from your life is still hard. Breakups are major life events that can completely change your world. One day you were happy in a stable relationship, and the next, you are alone.

Even if the relationship was terrible and needed to end, that doesn’t make the breakup any easier. After a split, you will have to deal with the fact that you have to get over your ex if you want to heal. That means no obsessing over them, no asking them to return, and no contacting them in general. It’s a good idea to get off social media for a while and focus on the present.

Reconnect with people, have fun again, and ask for help when needed. Find ways to distract yourself, like focusing on your goals. Put yourself first and give yourself time. Eventually, you will get over your ex.

Counselors Reveal 6 Reasons Why Nervousness Can Actually Be Productive

If you want to be a functional member of society, you need to take on a lot of responsibilities and leave aside nervousness. However, this can become very tiring after a while. You spend most of your time working or going to school, and there’s always a lot of pressure on your shoulders. And even if your life isn’t as busy, you can still feel under a lot of pressure because there will always be things you’ll have to handle, like family issues.

Even if you aren’t under a lot of pressure daily, you can still feel stress from other areas in your life. Maybe you excel in your work life, but your social life stresses you out. Whatever the source may be, everyone experiences stress in their life. Perhaps you are one of the lucky ones that don’t get stressed every day over even the littlest of things.

But even in that case, you won’t be able to avoid stress forever. And, when people are under a lot of pressure, the most natural response is to become nervous. Most people freeze when they start feeling the pressure. They get overwhelmed, their heart starts beating like crazy, and they can’t seem to be able to do anything useful anymore.

But nervousness doesn’t need to be like this. It doesn’t need to stop you from taking on routine tasks. If you use it in your favor, it can make you more productive.

What Is Nervousness?

Nervousness is often conflated with the idea of anxiety, and the terms are used interchangeably. But, in reality, anxiety refers to a disorder, while nervousness is just a natural reaction to stress. The terms have been used as synonyms for so long that some people can’t differentiate the terms. If you find yourself thinking, “this task is giving me so much anxiety,” chances are you are feeling nervous.


Nervousness is a normal response to a stressful situation. When you deal with something important, like giving a presentation, and your stress levels are high, you will feel nervous. When you feel uneasy, your hands get sweaty. Your mouth is dry, and your heart beats fast. You might feel like you aren’t ready for the task or aren’t good enough to do what you have to do.

These feelings are very uncomfortable, and they can feel uncontrollable. The good part is that these feelings go away when you get the stressful situation done. Anxiety is much deeper than that. It’s a disorder, meaning that it doesn’t just go away. It’s something that you have to deal with daily. It might feel like you are living in a constant state of dread. Nervousness and anxiety can seem very similar in action.

Anxious people always get feelings of self-doubt, and they can get the physical symptoms of sweaty palms and dry mouth. But you could argue that nervousness is more like a symptom of anxiety than anything else. Nervousness is a fleeting response to stress. Anxiety is a disorder that you have to deal with every second of every day. That’s the main difference between the terms. Still, don’t be surprised to hear people referring to their nervousness as “anxiety.”

6 Reasons Why Nervousness Can Be Productive

Here are six times your nerves can help you succeed.

1.    Nervousness Can Be An Adrenaline Booster

When you get nervous, your brain pumps adrenaline into your body. That’s why your heart starts racing, and your hands get sweaty. Adrenaline can keep you on edge, and it can help you focus on the task at hand.

Too much adrenaline can be a bad thing. It can overwhelm you and make you feel like you’re frozen in place. But, when you feel that adrenaline rush, the key is to stay on top of it. Take hold of your feelings and try to control the adrenaline instead of letting it control you.

Breathe, focus, and keep your mind clear of all distractions. This way, you can use that adrenaline as motivation. Studies even show that an increased level of stress hormones can elevate your learning capabilities.

2.    Reframe Your Nervousness Into Excitement

Most people seem to think that nervousness is inherently a bad thing. That you can never get over your nerves unless you try to calm down. But researchers seem to disagree. They suggest that reframing your nervousness is better, especially if you want to be productive.

Alison Wood Brooks from Harvard Business School advocates for “anxious reappraisal.” Instead of trying to calm down, accept your feelings and try to reframe them. Nervousness feels an awful lot like excitement. The main difference is how you frame your feelings. In both cases, your heart races, and your adrenaline is pumping.

As long as you accept how you feel, you can control how you use those feelings. Don’t fight the adrenaline; instead, use it positively. Use that rush to give you the energy you need when you have something to do. Trick your brain into thinking you are excited, and you’ll find that you want to start being productive.

3.    Use It To Pinpoint What Scares You

When you’re nervous, it doesn’t happen for no reason. It happens because you care about getting something right, and you’re scared of failing. This fear can be irrational or have some logic behind it. Maybe you’re nervous because you didn’t prepare enough for what you’re about to take on.

Whether the fear is rational or not, it’s holding you back. And it’s something you need to get over if you want to be more confident and productive. Keep track of when you get nervous and why. When you start seeing a pattern, that’s when you can understand what triggered those feelings. Once you pinpoint your fears, you can start working on them. And, when you get over your fears, that’s when they’ll stop getting in your way.


4.    Nervousness Helps You Focus On What You Can Control

When you feel nervous, part of that is because you feel like the world is spiraling out of control. But that’s not actually what’s going on. As long as you make a conscious effort, it can be easier to focus on what you can control in those moments.

When you feel nervous, you are stressed precisely about the things out of your control. So, you need to pinpoint what makes you feel calm in all of that madness. Those are the things you can control, and as long as you focus on them, you can use them to your advantage. Forget about what you can’t control.

Forget about what’s out of your reach. Let the nerves guide you towards certain things and use those things to your advantage. If you need to present something or take an exam, maybe you won’t do it perfectly, but you don’t need to. You need to focus on doing the best you can. Use the skills you have to make the best out of any situation.

5.    It Can Be An Incentive To Reflect

People don’t usually feel like it’s important to reflect on their choices and how their life is going. But, when you start feeling nervous and overwhelmed, that can be a signal that something’s up. And it can be an incentive to reflect and think about what’s going on in your head.

When you feel the most nervous, that can be the perfect time to take a deep breath and think about everything that’s happening. Reflection will always help you understand better what’s making you feel the way you think. If you know why you react the way you do and what your triggers are, you can use that knowledge in the future.

You can start avoiding the situations that make you feel uncomfortable. And if you want to be genuinely productive, you can start working on your triggers to make sure you won’t get nervous in the future. Reflection can uncover some issues that you need to work on to become a better person.

6.    Nervousness Can Be A Strong Motivator

When you feel nervous or anxious about a task, this can push you to get things done. But that’s not always the case. It depends on using those nerves because they won’t inherently motivate you. In some cases, nerves can cripple you. But that’s only if you let them.

Research suggests that “anxiety motivation” is a real thing that improves productivity. But tats because they don’t associate nervousness with adverse outcomes. Instead, they use those nerves as a reminder as to why it’s essential to get things done. That’s why your outlook on your emotions is so important.

It can make the difference between being afraid or being motivated. Look at nerves as an emotion that you don’t like and that you want to avoid by being prepared for anything if you’re motivated.


Final Thoughts On Why Nervousness Can Be Productive

Everyone gets nervous from time to time. Some people are afraid of the feeling, but others have learned how to thrive in a stress-filled environment. And, because there’s no way you can avoid feeling nervous in certain situations, the best thing you can do is learn to deal with it. Learn how to use those nerves to become more productive instead of letting them take over you.

Nerves come from stress. And, when people feel stressed, their brain releases adrenaline and stress hormones. Those hormones can give you the boost you need to get through a task. Nerves can also show you your fears or other underlying issues you need to solve. And when you figure out why you get nervous, you can start working on those issues. And, if you can’t solve everything that’s going wrong, you can still reframe your nerves.

Try to look at nervousness as excitement, like you’re looking forward to the task you’re about to take on. This can trick your brain into being productive. And, potentially, the best thing you can do is accept your feelings for what they are and use them as a motivator. Many people use something known as “anxiety motivation” to get the end goal they want and to avoid feeling nervous in the future. Even though nerves can seem scary, if you know how to use them, they can help you be a lot more productive than you usually are.

This 3-Step Trick Stops Children from Whining Instantly

When you tell your child no, and they keep asking, you might feel like you’re losing your mind. Toddlers know how to whine before they have an extensive vocabulary, and the behavior can continue for years. Whining is so common that many parents can predict when their child will do it and what it will be about.

Kids of all ages nag and beg to get what they want. Even when the child becomes a teenager, the sound of their whining is still an unbearable noise for most people. However, you can put an end to a child’s nagging right now, no matter how old they are.

You may have already tried giving time-outs and warnings, but the behavior doesn’t end. At some point, you might want to give in and allow your child to have their way. However, every time they nag and get what they want, they learn that their negative behavior works.

Asking your child to stop begging or expressing annoyance won’t solve the problem. However, there is a 3-step trick that can make all the difference and put an end to the behavior. This simple trick requires nothing more than consistency and discipline, so it’s easy to implement right away.

Understanding Why Kids Nag


Before you can stop your child’s whining, you must understand why they do it. Your child isn’t only trying to annoy you as there is often an underlying reason for their behavior.

Psychologists discovered that every human must experience belonging and significance in life. If those needs aren’t met in a child’s life, they will likely start acting out by whining to get attention. However, this reason isn’t the only cause of the negative behavior.

Many kids express themselves by nagging because they haven’t learned a better way to get their point across. They must learn positive and productive ways to communicate.

Parents are busy enough as it is, making it hard to give positive communication as often as they’d like. However, you must find a way to take the time to teach your child and help them grow. When they don’t receive this attention and learn to communicate appropriately, it results in tantrums and nagging.

Even when you respond to your child’s negative behavior with a correction or scolding, they receive the attention they are seeking. It results in the child believing that their behavior worked, making them want to repeat it. Kids always continue behaviors that work to get them what they want.

Now that you understand why kids whine, you can stop the behavior. Don’t give in when they annoy you because it rewards their behavior. Instead, try this simple 3-step trick to teach them to do better.

The Trick That Stops Children from Whining Instantly

When your child nags, you must ensure you don’t give in. You can’t let the behavior work for them, or they’ll continue to act out. As soon as a child realizes whining won’t work, they’ll cut back on how often they try.

You might think it’s easier to give in when you’re in public, but even then, you must stay firm. Once you say no, stick to your original answer. The child must learn that tantrums and begging won’t get them what they want.

You can still help your child with their feelings, but giving in is not the way to go. Instead, try this 3-step method that can help kids of any age.

Step 1 – Tell Them What You Expect

Children behave better when they know what to expect, but you’ll want to set the expectation during a calm moment. Explain to your child that they are growing up and are big enough to ask for what they want without nagging. You’ll also want to explain that they’ll be okay if they don’t get their way and that begging won’t help.

Explain to your child that if they use a whiny voice, you will put your hands over your ears as a reminder. Each time they see you put your hands over your ears, it’s a hint that they should use a regular voice. Make it clear that if they use their normal voice, you’ll talk with them about what’s on their mind.

Some kids might need examples of a normal voice and a whiny voice. If so, do some role-playing so that they understand your expectations.

Step 2 – Explain That You Won’t Respond to Begging or Whining

Tell your child that you won’t respond at all if placing your hands over your ears doesn’t prompt a normal voice. Make sure that your child knows you’ll keep doing whatever it is you were working on and pretend you don’t hear their whiny voice. Don’t forget to explain that as soon as they choose to use a regular voice, you’ll be happy to have a discussion.

Step 3 – Confirm That Your Child Understands

Once you’ve told your child what to expect from you, make sure they understand. You can ask questions to ensure they know what will happen, and you can even role play.

With your child, practice how to talk to each other in normal voices. Then, have your child use a whiny voice and show them how you respond to it. Role-play is beneficial because it allows them to see and hear how things will be when they beg or nag.

Another aspect of ensuring your child understands is making sure to be consistent. You must follow through on what you told your child, or it won’t make a difference in their behavior. Every time your child starts to nag, follow the steps and don’t give in.

Other Methods That Can Help Stop Whining


The 3-step trick stops a child’s nagging, but there are other ideas you can implement, too. Putting an end to this behavior isn’t always easy, so using a few methods together can make a difference.

Tell Them Your Ears Don’t Work When They Nag

When your child uses a whiny voice, tell them that your ears don’t work when they speak that way. Ask them to repeat it using a normal voice, and don’t answer until they do. If they continue to nag, tell them that you want to hear them, but you can’t. After the second reminder, ignore the child until they can change their tone.

Show Empathy

Don’t tell your child no and then refuse to discuss it further. You can discuss the situation without giving in as long as they use a normal voice. Use empathy and tell your child that you understand why they want to do or have something.

When your child knows that you understand, they’re less likely to whine. You can offer an alternative solution, like adding an item they want to their birthday list or saving their allowance money. Not only does this help put an end to nagging, but it also teaches your child delayed gratification.

Reconnect With Your Child Once They Stop Whining

Spending a few minutes reconnecting with your child can make all the difference in their behavior. When a child whines, it’s often a cry for attention, whether the attention is good or bad. It is a sign that your child needs some connection.

Rather than ignore their need, take some time to spend with them. You can read, cook, or do something else that the child enjoys. A few minutes of connection can make a huge difference when it comes to nagging, begging, and throwing tantrums.

When you spend this time with your child, make sure you stay off your phone and limit other distractions. Your text messages can wait until after you’re done, and it’ll be worth it to see an improvement in your child’s behavior.

Life is already busy enough, but setting aside this extra time each day will make a huge difference. It’ll help your child feel better and learn positive ways to communicate their needs.

Things to Keep in Mind

If you want the 3-step trick to work, you must ensure consistency no matter where your child is. Make sure co-parents and other caregivers are on board and following the same method. It’ll result in better behavior overall when your child knows they have to behave the same way everywhere they go.

You’ll want to keep a light tone and offer encouragement when you remind your child not to nag. When they know you aren’t mad at them, they’ll be more receptive to how you want them to behave.

Additionally, offer positive reinforcement when your child makes progress. You’ll also want to increase your expectation as your child gets better at using a normal voice instead of a whiny one.


Final Thoughts on This 3-Step Trick Stops Children from Whining Instantly

This 3-step trick to stop kids from whining can make all the difference in your life. No one wants to listen to a child beg and nag, so finding a remedy is essential. Luckily, there are methods to end it and help your child learn other strategies.

As a parent, you must correct misbehavior and teach your kids to do better as they grow. When you implement the 3-step method, you’re helping them learn effective communication. You must stay consistent and resist giving in to the whining. Only then can you ensure the process works for your child.

These 10 Children Use Positive Affirmations Every Day (So Adorable!)

Positive affirmations can start your day on the right note and contribute to better mental health. Especially in children, it’s important to instill an optimistic mindset from an early age. Kids have such malleable brains that teaching them new concepts such as positive affirmations is easy. Before you know it, you’ll hear them reciting mantras each day before school.

By teaching your children the power of positivity, they’ll grow up with more strength and confidence to handle problems. Nothing will phase them because they will have the proper mental skillset to navigate life’s difficulties. In our turbulent, complex world, it’s never been more critical to support our children’s mental health.

Positive affirmations and practices offer one of the best (and free!) ways of doing so. Luckily, it seems that more parents have begun teaching their children the importance of positivity. After all, kids are the future, so it’s our job to encourage their well-being and growth. Giving them the proper foundation in life helps shape them into capable, healthy adults.

These 10 Children Use Positive Affirmations to Calm Down (So Adorable!)

With that said, the kids we’ve featured below must have amazing parents. They’re already saying positive affirmations at such a young age, and it’s so heartwarming! We hope these kids will make you smile and remind you to stay positive, no matter what.

1 – This little girl calmed herself down after smashing her fingers in a door.

Shelbee Haderer of McCloud, Oklahoma, teaches her 2-year-old daughter Brilee affirming statements to self-soothe. She posted the video of her daughter saying positive affirmations, and now it’s gone viral! After Brilee accidentally closed her tiny fingers in a door, she started crying from the pain (understandably so!)

Shelbee encouraged her daughter to take a few deep breaths to calm down during the ordeal. After she’d relaxed a bit, the mom asked her to repeat a few healing mantras. She said: “I’m okay, I’m strong, I’m beautiful, I’m loved, I’m worthy.”

It’s incredible how much calmer Brilee seems after repeating her mom’s wise words! Plus, her expression of gratitude toward her mom at the end adds to the cuteness.

2 – 2-year-old Aleksandra shares uplifting messages with the world on social media.

Just a warning: this video will melt your heart into a puddle! This little girl will make your day with her beautiful, inspiring affirmations. “The Dimi family” from Australia posts these videos on TikTok and Instagram, where they’ve amassed millions of followers.


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Aleksandra’s mom said she truly enjoys recording these videos to make people happy. What an adorable, sweet little girl!

3 – Fourth-grade students in Atlanta, Georgia, recite positive affirmations in a mirror.

When classes started back up this year, one teacher wanted to add positivity to the classroom. She held up a mirror for her students, instructing them to say positive messages to themselves. In the viral video, students lined up to recite mantras they came up with, including: “I am smart,” “I am a good person,” and “I am strong and independent.” Simply beautiful!

I had chills listening to them say their affirmations ❤️

4 – 2-year-old Ayaan has been featured on The Today Show and The View for his incredible morning affirmation!

His mom Alissa taught him to say, “I am smart, I am blessed, I can do anything!” He says it on his way to school or whenever he needs motivation. The video went viral, and Alissa even decided to write a book based on Ayaan’s positive energy!


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5 – One mother inspires her 6-year-old twin boys by saying positive affirmations in a mirror before school.

She teaches them to repeat mantras like “I am strong,” “I am grateful for what I have,” and “I am amazing.” There’s nothing like positive affirmations to infuse your day with good energy!

6 – This adorable mother-daughter duo says positive affirmations together each day!

Tiania Haneline, a mom to 3-year-old Scarlett, wants to ensure her daughter feels confident and comfortable in her skin. The mother-daughter duo from South Carolina have always recited mantras together, but Tiania began sharing them online last year. Scarlett now feels so secure with herself that she often tells others how beautiful they are, too!

7 – We didn’t forget about the amazing dads out there! This father makes sure his daughter knows her worth and doesn’t forget it!

8 – This one will make you laugh and inspire you simultaneously!

When Jessica Chatfield’s dad posted this cute video of his 4-year-old daughter’s daily affirmations, he had no idea it would one day blow up. The funny part is, he uploaded this video in 2009 when his daughter was 12 years old. People were shocked when they learned she was a pre-teen and no longer a little girl. Regardless, many felt inspired by her words nonetheless.

9 – 3-year-old Ariana combines her ABCs with powerful affirmations, thanks to her mom Thara.

As a social worker, Thara noticed that many children she visited struggled with low self-esteem. So, she wanted to instill confidence and empowerment in her daughter. Teaching her affirmations and ABCs simultaneously provides an easy, fun way for Ariana to practice.

@arianayoung828Declaration Time!  Practicing the Alphabet while affirming myself! ##wordsofaffirmation ##wordsofwisdom ##fyp ##foryou ##selflove @darlyngandco♬ original sound – Ariana

This video went viral and was even on The Ellen Show!

10 – Every day, Thais Diehm and her daughter Preslee say positive affirmations together in the mirror.

So adorable and motivating!

It’s inspiring to see so many parents spreading positivity and joy to their children. We hope these videos warmed your heart and made you believe in yourself because you’re amazing!

How to Do Positive Affirmations

Are you interested in bringing positive energy into your life? Positive affirmations can help you do this because they transform your thoughts into reality. Remember, we’re creating our realities every second through our thoughts and actions. If you want to enhance your life, make sure to pay attention to your self-talk.

  1. First, write down or speak aloud your favorite motivational mantras. Some examples include: “I am strong,” “I am smart,” “I am beautiful,” “I can do anything I set my mind to.” Make sure it’s specific to your life and helps remove any negative thought patterns.
  2. Recite them each day for about three to five minutes before work or school. This way, the positive energy, and thoughts will carry over into the day ahead. Some people like standing in front of a mirror or saying the mantras in front of others to hold themselves accountable.
  3. Be patient with yourself. Rewiring your brain takes time, so don’t expect your life to change overnight. However, by remaining consistent and truly believing in the power of positivity, the world will start looking brighter each day!

Final thoughts on these adorable kids saying positive affirmations

Sometimes, kids can teach us profound lessons about life that we may have forgotten somewhere down the road. These kids we featured above remind us that it’s important to remain positive, despite what’s going on in the world. We hope they encouraged you to look on the bright side and spread that cheerful energy with others!

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