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The Story of The Butterfly Cocoon That Will Transform Your Strength

The origin of the butterfly cocoon that transforms your strength is unknown, but it’s a story that’s been carried on. This story reminds you that every struggle makes you stronger and that every hardship makes you into a better version of yourself. While no one wants to experience difficulty, it is necessary for growth and development.

As you read this story, think of all the ways you can apply it to your life. You can also use it for the people that you love, helping them grow, too. The story of the butterfly cocoon helps you recognize that your best intentions might not be what your loved ones need.

While you want to help your loved ones through every hardship, it doesn’t help them improve their lives. Instead, it holds them back and causes more problems, as you’ll learn in this story. The story of the butterfly cocoon will help you realize that all you need to know in life is that you can handle anything on your own.

Butterflies can teach us that there are benefits in each hardship. As you read this powerful story, remember the lessons learned from the butterfly cocoon. Sometimes helping others isn’t what’s best, as you’ll quickly realize.

Story of The Butterfly Cocoon That Will Transform Your Strength

butterfly cocoon

There are a few variations of the butterfly cocoon story, but they all end with the same results and lessons for readers. The story starts with a man who found a butterfly cocoon and wanted to see the transformation. He sat and waited for many hours, watching the butterfly fight come out of its cocoon.

The butterfly spent those hours struggling to push its body through a small hole before stopping without any progress. After a while, the man assumed the butterfly couldn’t get through any further because the hole was too small. The man wanted the butterfly to make it out, so he decided to help.

With the best intentions, the man used a pair of scissors to cut the rest of the cocoon off. Once he cut the cocoon, the butterfly emerged without any more of a challenge. However, the man noticed that the butterfly didn’t look like it was supposed to.

The butterfly’s body was swollen, and its wings were small and shriveled. At first, the man didn’t realize that this was an issue, and he continued to watch, expecting the transformation. He waited for the butterfly to fly away, but it never happened.

Instead, the butterfly was forced to crawl around the ground with tiny wings, unable to fly. Between the under-developed wings and the butterfly’s swollen body, it would never be able to live a fulfilling life, free to fly.

Why the Butterfly Couldn’t Fly

While cutting the cocoon and helping the butterfly emerge might have seemed like a good idea, it wasn’t. The butterfly’s short life would be spent on the ground rather than flying around like it’s supposed to. When this situation happens, the butterfly doesn’t receive the hardship and resistance it needs to grow.

When a butterfly works on squeezing its way through the tiny opening, it’s doing what it needs to do. The restriction forces the fluid from the body into the wings, making them grow as it emerges. However, they must work their way out of the cocoon for their wings to develop.

Additionally, the butterfly must eat its way through the cocoon to become strong enough to come out whole and strong. When the man thought he was helping by cutting the cocoon, he did the opposite. He prevented the transformation and the butterfly’s chance to fly freely.

The Lesson Learned

This tragic story about the butterfly cocoon isn’t supposed to make you sad. Instead, it is intended as a lesson in growth and development. The biggest lesson to take from the story is that each person must do the work themselves to become whole.

Your obstacles give you the strength you need to get through and overcome. They also provide you with everything you need to live your life each day. Hardships help you grow and develop into a better version of yourself, something that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

While struggling isn’t a good time for anyone, it’s worth it to persevere. Moments of hardship and obstacles are the times that change you for the better. When it comes to your loved ones, you must also let them work through their difficulties without interfering.

Even when you can step in and make things easier, you must refrain from stunting their growth and development. It might be hard to sit back and watch, but it’ll be worth it long-term. It will help them make beneficial changes that last throughout their life.

When you take the easy path or step in to help someone else, it only leads to a more challenging life. It leads to more incredible hardships later on that you or your loved one aren’t prepared to handle. Everyone must experience hardship to make essential and beneficial life changes.

There is no shame in struggling, as it is a part of your journey and what makes you who you are. Additionally, you might initially feel good about helping someone and saving a loved one from hardship, but each person must learn for themselves. Everyone must figure things out and set their life path.

quotes for inspiration

What to Do Instead

It’s almost impossible to sit by and watch your friend or loved one struggle without offering to help. The next time you are in this situation, remember the story about the butterfly cocoon. Instead, refrain from stepping in and watch how they approach things instead.

You can also ask questions to help your friend or loved one work through the problem. Don’t tell them what to do, but ask questions that help them figure it out. Ask open-ended questions such as, “how do you think you can achieve what you need?”.

You can also ask what kind of support they need and offer a listening ear. No matter what you do, remember that this situation is about the other person’s growth and development. Avoid stepping in, or you can disrupt the entire process.

Asking open-ended questions also builds trust between the two of you and lets the other person know that you believe in them. When they see that someone thinks they can create a solution, they’re more likely to find one. It also builds confidence, self-esteem, accountability, and courage.

If someone makes a mistake and starts again, you still must not intervene. Instead, you can use it as an opportunity to ask the person what they can do differently next time. This line of questioning helps your loved one understand that there are more solutions and that they can try again.

When you are struggling, apply all these same questions to yourself. You might feel weird talking to yourself, but it’ll help you find the solutions you need.

Other Ways to Offer Support

When your friend or loved one is going through a hard time, and you can’t help, you might feel bad. However, there are still ways to support and help them without hindering their growth and development.

First, you can stand by and cheer them on as they work to get through their hardship. Please don’t hold back words of encouragement, and make sure they know you are there for them. By cheering them on and encouraging them, your loved ones will know they aren’t alone, inspiring them to move forward.

Additionally, listening to someone vent or vocally work through their problems can make all the difference. Asking questions isn’t enough if you actively listen and show empathy. Providing emotional support in this way requires displaying open body language, avoiding distractions, and asking for clarification.

It is also essential you avoid judgment when supporting someone during a hardship. People who are struggling are likely experiencing self-judgment already, so don’t add to it and worsen it. They don’t need to hear your critique, and it won’t help them grow and develop, either.

Instead, keep hints of disapproval out of your voice and focus on saying sympathetic phrases. Validate your loved one’s feelings, even if you don’t fully understand. You’re sure to help them find their way through the hardship by doing these things.

butterfly cocoon

The Story of The Butterfly Cocoon That Will Transform Your Strength

While it’s instinctive for you to want to help other people when you see them struggling, you must refrain. As the story of the butterfly cocoon teaches, everyone must struggle to grow and develop. Let people work through their hardships on their own, standing by only to cheer them on.

No matter how long it takes, don’t step in and do things for someone. When you do something for them, they can’t learn, grow, or develop. Then, they won’t have what it takes to face the next hardship that comes their way.

Make sure you let your friends and loved ones work through their problems. Plus, you must make sure you work through your problems, too. Then, everyone will have what it takes to succeed in life and move forward positively.

Regain Control of Your Life: 15 Phrases Never to Forget

If you don’t regain control of your life, it’ll always feel like other people and external circumstances control it. Regaining control of your life requires controlling your mind and regulating your thoughts. Choose to focus on things that play a massive role in how your life works out.

No matter the circumstances, you can stay in control of your life. It all starts with controlling your thoughts and then your actions. As you regain control, you’ll begin to live the life of your dreams, helping improve all areas.

However, it’s sometimes hard to regain control when you aren’t thinking about beneficial things. When you struggle to take control of your thoughts and life, reading inspirational quotes can help. The words of wisdom from others who have been in your situation can make all the difference.

These phrases are ones you should never forget as they’ll help you regain and maintain control. The life lessons can help you shift your mindset and refocus on the essential things in your life. Then, you can regain control and focus on living the life of your dreams.

Fifteen Phrases Never to Forget to Regain Control of Your Life

regain control

1. “If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” – Vincent Van Gogh

Whether other people tell you that you can’t do something or your inner thoughts, you must persevere. Don’t give in to the voices telling you that you can’t do something or you won’t have control of your life.

Instead, when someone tells you that you can’t do something, show everyone that you can. Once you prove the voices wrong, you won’t hear them anymore, allowing you to do whatever you desire.

2. “I found that every single successful person I’ve ever spoken to had a turning point, and the turning point was where they made a clear, specific, unequivocal decision that they were not going to live like this anymore. Some people make that decision at 15, and some people make it at 50, and most never make it at all.” – Brian Tracy

As Tracy explains, you must have a turning point in your life where you decide to make a change. If you want to become successful and achieve your dreams, regaining control of your life is essential. The turning point is when you decide to take back control and live by your own rules.

Everyone reaches this point in their life at different ages, so don’t assume it’s too late for you. You can start making the most of your life at any given moment.

3. “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker

When you think you have no power, you aren’t likely to regain control. You must believe that you are powerful and can manage any situation in your life. If you can remember this quote, you’re sure to maintain control of your life.

4. “Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask yourself if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.” – Deepak Chopra

Reacting the same way every time something happens shows that you aren’t in control. Instead, it indicates that you are trapped in the past, repeating the same detrimental habits. Ruminating causes you to lose control, and you can’t get it back until you learn to let go.

Remember this quote so that you can make positive life changes. When you do, you’re sure to switch your mindset, take back control of your life, and move forward.

5. “Opportunity does not knock. It presents itself when you beat down the door.” – Kyle Chandler

If you want to control your life, you must go after you want. You can’t sit at home, wondering why everyone else receives opportunity and you don’t. Being in control requires you to get out into the world and work hard for what you want.

When you chase your goals, you’ll experience many opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise. The opportunities will allow you to continue growing and becoming a better version of yourself.

6. “Don’t let someone else control what you do in life. It’s your decisions, your outcomes, your life.” – Unknown

When you let others control what you do, you no longer hold power in your life. You must take the control back and start making decisions for yourself. Then, each outcome in your life will result from your hard work, determination, and desires.

7. “You can’t just hope for happy endings. You have to believe in them. Then do the work, take the risks.” – Nora Roberts

While it’s good to be hopeful, you must go beyond that. When you hope for happy endings, it is essential that you also believe in happy endings. As Roberts explains, you also must be willing to put in the work and take risks along the way.

regain control

8. “Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don’t.” – Steve Maraboli

When you focus all of your energy on wanting to control things you can’t, it causes you to lose control of your life right now. If you find that this is a problem for you, make a conscious decision to change your mindset and regain control. Take a moment to consider what you have power over before putting in any time or energy, and you’ll notice a quick improvement.

9. “You’ve got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is a chore and you’re not smiling on a regular basis, try another choice.” – Steven D. Woodhull

There are an endless number of choices you can make in your life. If you feel like you have no joy or reason to wake up in the morning, you must make a change.

Remember this phrase and make a conscious effort to make better choices. You have control over everything you do, and when you do what makes you happy, your life will improve.

10. “Don’t settle. Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you’re not on the right path, get off it.” – Chris Brogan

Do you want to regain control of your life? Then don’t settle for anything less than you deserve and desire. There’s no reason to waste your time or energy doing things that don’t make you happy.

As Brogan explains, you don’t have to finish things you don’t enjoy. You also don’t have to stay somewhere you don’t want to be. Additionally, you can change your life path anytime if you decide you want something different.

11. “No one has power over you unless you give it to them, you are in control of your life, and your choices decide your own fate.” – Unknown

When you feel like someone else controls your life, it’s because you gave them the power to do it. It’s time for you to take back the control and start making decisions for yourself. Remember that every decision you make determines your future, so don’t let anyone take power.

12. “You get older, and you learn there is one sentence, just four words long, and if you can say it to yourself, it offers more comfort than almost any other. It goes like this: At least I tried.” – Ann Brashares

Sometimes you feel like your life is out of your control because things didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped. However, as long as you try, you are in control and hold the power over your life. It’s only when you let your fear, worry, or lack of motivation stop you from trying that you have a problem.

13. “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” – Robert Tew

Part of regaining control requires that you respect yourself. You can’t stay in detrimental situations if you want power over your life. Instead, assess everyone and everything in your life and determine what serves you, helps you grow, or makes you happy.

14. “Success is hastened or delayed by one’s habits. It is not your passing inspirations or brilliant ideas so much as your everyday mental habits that control your life.” – Paramahansa Yogananda

Your daily habits determine your chance of success in life. You can have many great ideas and moments of inspiration, but it won’t help if you don’t make hard work a habit. Continually working toward what you want and need are the only ways to regain control of your life.

15. “You only have control over three things in your life – the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions your take.” – Jack Canfield

If you can remember this quote from Canfield, you’re sure to take control of your life. All you need to know is that you can control your thoughts and actions.

regain control

Final Thoughts on How to Take Back Your Power: 15 Phrases Never to Forget

Everyone experiences times in their lives when they feel like things are out of their control. These phrases can help you regain control and start living for yourself again. If you can remember these words of wisdom, you’ll stay focused on the essential parts of your life.

Putting these life lessons in an area, you’ll see often can help you remember. You could put your favorite phrase in your workspace, bedroom, bathroom, or anywhere else you’ll notice it.

Never Fall for These 3 Brain Myths, According to Scholars

You’ve likely heard many things about the brain spoken as fact, but it turns out many of them are untrue. The brain is a confusing part of the body, so it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. Scholars continue to seek answers to many brain myths and questions, and they’ve found some helpful information.

Many of the brain myths come from movies or the media. Luckily, scholars are willing to delve deep to reveal the truth about how the brain works. Once you know what’s true, you can start utilizing your brain to its full capabilities.

The brain has up to 100 billion neurons that control everything about you. They directly contribute to your movements, personality, and thought processes. The brain is powerful, and understanding can help you use it more effectively.

Brain Myths You Should Never Fall For

There is a plethora of information about the brain that was once believed to be accurate. However, much of this information has been disproven or discredited over the years. While some of the myths survive today, don’t find yourself falling for them.

brain myths

1. You Only Use Ten Percent of Your Brain

A typical brain myth you should never fall for is that you only use 10% of your brain. This idea can’t be accurate, and studying brain imagery is all it takes to know for sure. Brain imagery shows that all parts have a use, and the brain is firing all the time.

Not only is it a brain myth that you use 10% of your brain, but the truth is that you use 90% of your brain most of the time. When you’re awake, most of your brain is being used. Even when you’re just sitting around, if you’re thinking about something, you’re using your mind.

The brain contains more than just neurons, as it also has many other types of cells that are always in use. If only 10% of your brain worked, you wouldn’t function and survive. Some areas might be more active than others sometimes, but all parts are working on some level.

One way to think about this misconception is to consider what your feet do when sitting down. It might not seem like your feet are in use, but they are. There is still blood flowing through them, which is an activity that wouldn’t happen if your brain wasn’t fully working.

Where This Brain Myth Came From

Psychologist William James was quoted in 1907 as saying, “We are making use of only a small part of our possible mental and physical resources.” Later on, he was misquoted as saying that the average person only uses 10% of their brain. Unfortunately, the misinterpreted information spread widely, becoming common knowledge.

2. It’s Important to Pay Attention to Learning Styles

The brain myth that learning styles are essential to think about when learning or teaching isn’t a credible idea. Many people believe that they have one learning style, either kinesthetic, auditory, or visual. They think that they must address each of these when teaching something for the lesson to be effective.

Likewise, people believe they have to tap into their dominant style to learn anything new, too. However, there is no evidence to support that humans specialize in specific learning styles.

Everyone learns in all three styles because their brain processes them all. One study shows that students didn’t perform better when instructed in their preferred learning style.

Where This Brain Myth Came From

In 1992, educational experts Neil Fleming and Colleen Mills introduced the learning style model. They proposed the idea of different styles and developed the VARK model that is often referenced today. The model included four styles, one more than typically discussed today.

The VARK model included the following learning styles:

  • Visual: When someone prefers graphics, symbols, and images to learn
  • Aural: When someone likes hearing new information
  • Read/Write: When someone likes reading and writing as a means to learn
  • Kinesthetic: When someone chooses to learn by physically doing the task

3. You Are Either Left-Brained or Right-Brained, But Not Both

The idea that people are either left-brained or right-brained wasn’t based on evidence. It’s a long-known brain myth that people tend to rely on when describing themselves. Everything you know and does comes from memory and emotion within the brain, and it doesn’t depend on either side.

The terms left-brained and right-brained are typically used to identify emotional and logical people. However, everyone is both emotional and logical, depending on the timing and the situation. It has nothing to do with what side of their brain is more vital and instead with the person’s memories.

Studies from psychologists at the University of British Columbia found that creativity doesn’t favor either side of the brain. In the study, researchers found that creative writing activates neural networks all over the brain rather than on only one side. Additionally, other studies support that people don’t use one side of their brain more than the other.

While some aspects of your functioning rely on one side of your brain, it doesn’t mean the other half isn’t working. Speech functions occur on the left side, but it still fires neurons throughout your brain.

Many people believe that only one side of your brain connects to being artistic, mathematical, or psychological. However, those actions occur when your neurons fire across your whole brain. Both sides of your brain are connected, so they function at the same level.

Where This Brain Myth Came From

The myth that you must one or the other came from early studies that separated logic and emotion. In the 1960s, a neuropsychologist, Roger Sperry, cut the brain fibers dividing the two hemispheres of the brain to learn more about it. His experiment targeted those with epilepsy, and he used flashing images into one eye of the patient.

Sperry found that the left side processed verbal information while the right processed visual and spatial. While he never said one side dominated the other, his findings were misinterpreted.

brain myths

Now That We Debunked Those Brain Myths… How Do You Fully Utilize Your Brain?

Now that you know these brain myths, you’ll want to ensure you don’t waste any of your brain’s capabilities. You can keep your brain operating at peak performance levels by implementing a few ideas.

1 – Get Moving

Studies show that people who walked briskly for one hour twice a week increased brain volume. It improved the areas that control thinking and memory, helping increase brain functioning. Movement helps your brain receive oxygen-rich blood, improving thinking power and stimulating new nerve cells.

People who did strength training or didn’t exercise didn’t receive these same benefits. Focus on cardio and aerobic exercise, and get moving whenever you can. Exercise can also help decrease blood pressure and reduce inflammation, preventing damage to the brain.

2 – Eat a Healthy Diet (Good Nutrition Is Definitely NOT One of the Brain Myths!)

Scholars have linked certain nutrients to maintaining and developing brain health. People who consume more leafy green vegetables performed better on learning and memory tests. The folic acid found in the vegetables could be the factor in the improved performance.

Good nutrition improves blood quality, and your brain survives on blood supply. When you eat healthy foods, it decreases your risk of cognitive decline and memory problems. Some of the other essential nutrients that help brain health include:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12

3 – Talk to Others

Studies show that social interaction leads to less cognitive decline for people over 50. Staying in touch with your friends and loved ones can help your brain work optimally. Make time to see the people you care about so you can have a healthier mind.

4 – Get Plenty of Sleep

Your brain works at peak functioning levels when you’ve gotten enough sleep. You’ll be more alert and focused as your brain has a chance to rest and recover.

Research proves that sleeping clears your mind and increases the space between brain cells. With the extra space, the toxins that build up during the day get flushed out with cerebrospinal fluid. This process improves brain health and functioning.

5 – Consume Probiotics

When your body gets low on good bacteria, your brain can suffer. Many people know that gut health is a concern, but it takes a toll on your brain health, too. Those who consume probiotics experience an improvement in overall brain functioning.

6 – Keep Learning

Learning something new will drastically improve your brain function. Consider learning to play the piano, as starting lessons can make a huge difference. You can sign up for classes to learn something new or memorize something each day.

Stepping out of your comfort zone to learn something new increases the size and structure of your brain’s neurons. It improves your memory and overall cognitive function.

brain myths

Final Thoughts on Brain Myths Never to Fall For, According to Scholars

You’ve likely heard all three of these brain myths, but now you know not to fall for them. Both sides of your brain work all of the time, and you can’t only learn from one learning style.

Once you know the truth, you can improve the functioning of your brain. Learn something new, get enough sleep, and focus on improving your health.

25 Fun Ways to Occupy the Mind and Increase Brain Health

When you can’t stop thinking about something upsetting, you must find a way to occupy the mind. Whether you’re stressed, sad, or experiencing any other type of negative emotion, you can switch your thoughts and focus on something fun. These fun ways to occupy the mind also increase brain health, offering additional long-term benefits.

Implementing these fun tasks not only occupies the mind but also protects your brain and helps with passing the time. If you struggle with overthinking or need something to do in your free time, these activities are beneficial and fun.

Choose one or two of the activities to start with, and then implement more as you desire. As you do these fun things to occupy the mind, your life will improve, and you’ll experience joy. You might also discover a new passion that you can delve deeper into.

25 Fun Ways to Occupy the Mind and Increase Brain Health

Once you realize how fun these activities are, you’ll likely want to add a few more to your routine. Before you know it, you’ll always have something fun to do that also protects your mind.

occupy the mind

1. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is one of the best ways to occupy the mind and protect your brain. Take care of your mind, body, and spirit because it is essential to living the best life and using your brain to its full capabilities. Self-care means many different things to people, so do what feels best for you.

2. Occupy the Mind by Learning Something New

Learning something new is one of the best ways to occupy your mind and protect your brain. You can choose a new hobby to focus on, helping to keep your mind busy.

One option is to learn a new language or musical instrument. Another idea is to sign up for a free class.

3. Listen to Music and Sing

Listening to music can help pass the time while improving your ability to recall information. Singing while you listen is even more beneficial, so choose songs you know and love.

4. Go for a Drive and Explore Somewhere New

You don’t have to go far to explore a new location. Choose a place nearby that you haven’t been to before and spend time exploring. Not only will it occupy the mind, but it’ll improve memory, recall, and logic.

5. Take a Nap (the Most Relaxing Way to Occupy the Mind)

Taking a nap will help you rest and relax your mind. It will also occupy your thoughts as you can’t overthink while you sleep. Your mind and body rejuvenate while you sleep, helping improve your overall health.

6. Play with Animals

If you have a pet, you likely do this already. However, if you don’t have a pet, find some friendly animals to play with. You can visit your local animal shelter or go to a friend’s house who has animals.

7. Read a Good Book to Occupy the Mind

Reading can clear your mind and help you focus on something other than your thoughts. You can lose yourself in a good book, and it’ll help pass the time quickly. Additionally, reading improves your ability to recall information, making it even more beneficial.

8. Clean or Organize Something

Cleaning and organizing are sure ways to occupy the mind. They help you focus your mind on one task at a time, eliminating space for negative thoughts. While these tasks take time, they’re beneficial, and the results will be well worth it.

9. Plan a Trip

Not only will planning a trip help keep your mind occupied, but it brings happiness, too. When you have something to look forward to, you’re sure to feel better. Plus, learning about new places helps challenge your mind.

10. Spend Time Writing

Writing of any kind helps keep your mind busy and improves memory and recall. You can write your feelings down in a journal, or you can challenge yourself to write a book. If you aren’t ready for an entire book, you could start with short stories instead.

11. Occupy the Mind Making Lists

Lists are beneficial because they can help you organize your thoughts while keeping your mind busy. You can make lists of anything that comes to mind, including things you need or methods of calming down. Additionally, organizing your thoughts into a list promotes logic as you work on categorizing.

12. Volunteer

Volunteering is the perfect way to forget about your problems for a while. When you are busy helping others, you won’t have time to think about things that make you upset. Plus, you gain beneficial qualities such as empathy, compassion, and communication.

13. Do Something Creative

Doing something creative is a great way to keep your mind occupied. Tap into your inner creativity and try drawing, coloring, or making a scrapbook. Scrapbooking is especially beneficial because you’ll have beautiful books of memories to look back on forever.

You can also learn calligraphy, which can be calming and relaxing. Any kind of arts and crafts are beneficial for keeping your mind off things.

occupy the mind

14. Cook or Bake

Cooking and baking take lots of time and occupy your thoughts throughout the process. Plus, reading recipes and creating dishes helps you recall information. Even better, you’ll have plenty of delicious things to enjoy later.

15. Do a Crossword Puzzle to Occupy the Mind

Crossword puzzles force you to think of something else, occupying your thoughts for a while. They help you pass the time, and they challenge your mind to come up with answers. You can also try sudoku or other types of brain-challenge puzzles.

16. Find Any Creative Outlet

Finding an outlet might be all you need to do to occupy your mind. You can start a bullet journal, as it takes lots of time but results in a great finished product. Writing, doodling, brainstorming, and creativity can help you escape your negative thoughts.

Another idea is to start a blog. Starting a blog requires quite a bit of work, allowing you to shift your mindset. Plus, you’ll learn so much along the way.

17. Burn Some Sage

Burning sage takes time, and you can practice mindfulness while you do it. It promotes mental clarity, has purification properties, balances the space, and boosts mood. Burning sage also reduces stress and activates pain-reducing receptors in the brain.

18. Take a Warm Bath

Taking a warm bath can help you relax enough to occupy your mind with positivity. It’ll help you eliminate negative thoughts or overthinking, reduce stress, and protect your brain. You can do other fun tasks while taking your bath, including reading, listening to music, and doing crossword puzzles.

19. Work on Your Garden to Occupy the Mind

Gardening will keep you occupied for a while, and it gives you something to work on each day. Plus, spending time outdoors learning about plants can help challenge your mind. Challenge yourself to learn as much as you can to increase the benefits.

20. Go for a Walk or Do Another Form of Exercise

Walking and other forms of exercise keep you occupied and clear your mind of negativity. Not only is practice suitable for your physical health, but it also promotes mental health. Other exercise ideas that can clear your mind include hiking, swimming, and yoga.

21. Find Someone to Talk To

Sometimes talking to someone is the best way to occupy the mind. Ask someone to come over, call a long-distance family member, or visit a friend. You might end up talking for hours, ensuring your mind stays busy.

22. Do a Puzzle

Building a puzzle is time-consuming and requires concentration and problem-solving. The best part is that puzzles are relatively easy to find, and you can start a new one as soon as you finish the last. You can also do puzzles with others or alone, making it an option anytime.

23. Practice Meditation

Meditation helps you clear your thoughts and focus on the present. You can pair meditation with deep breathing techniques, furthering the benefits to your mind and body.

Not only does meditation help occupy the mind, but it also promotes recall and cognitive function. It slows the effects of aging on your brain, allowing you to protect your brain throughout your life.

24. Occupy the Mind Writing or Reading Daily Affirmations

Daily affirmations can help you shift your thoughts to ones of positivity. You’ll learn to push away self-limiting or negative beliefs, leaving space for positivity to take over. When you make daily affirmations a habit, you’ll feel better, and your brain will become healthier.

25. Watch the Sunset

You don’t have to go anywhere to watch the sunset, so it’s the perfect way to occupy your mind. Watching the sunset will help you feel calm and happy, pushing away negative thoughts. Additionally, it encourages you to think about all of the good things in your life.

occupy the mind

Final Thoughts on Fun Ways to Occupy the Mind and Increase Brain Health

These fun ways to occupy your mind are more beneficial than you likely realize. They strengthen your intellect, improve recall, and protect your brain from the effects of aging.

Whether you struggle with overthinking or need something fun to do, these activities will help you. With so many things to choose from, you’re sure to find a few new activities to try.

15 Signs of Affection That Reveal Someone Is in Love

Many signs of affection can reveal that someone is in love, even if they aren’t in a relationship. It’s easy to miss these signs, but if you know what to look for, you’re sure to spot them. You might think some of the signs are obligatory, but they wouldn’t happen unless someone cared on a deeper level.

Everyone shows affection differently, with some people preferring physical signs and others desiring emotional indicators. However, either way, there are usually some similarities that you can watch out for. Physical and emotional signs of affection are beneficial, and they can help you determine how another person prefers to communicate emotions.

If you miss any of the signs, you could lose someone important in your life. You might not realize how much they cared for you, making you afraid to show affection in return. By learning the signs of affection that indicate someone is in love, you’ll know how to respond.

Once you spot the signs of affection from someone, you’ll know that they care about you. Plus, if you show signs of affection, it’ll help show that you care about someone else, too. Before identifying the signs, it’ll help to understand physical and emotional signs of affection first.

Physical Signs of Affection

When someone prefers physical affection, they will likely be touchy-feely. The person will enjoy hugging, kissing, holding hands, and playing fighting. Before entering a relationship, they’ll show subtle signs of affection in physical ways.

However, some people don’t enjoy physical affection and prefer emotional attachment. It doesn’t make them cold people. Instead, it means that they aren’t as comfortable with physical touch.

If you prefer physical affection and care about someone who doesn’t, you may want to switch it up when communicating. Rather than leaning toward physical touch, you’ll want to show affection in a way they’re comfortable with instead. If you aren’t satisfied with a lack of physical love, it’s something to consider before getting into a relationship.

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Emotional Signs of Affection

Some people prefer emotional affection and lean toward showing their emotions through caring for someone. They are the type who want to help the person they care about and do acts of kindness to make them happy. If you prefer to show signs of emotional affection, you’ll do things to show that you’re thinking about another person.

When you have feelings for someone who prefers physical affection, you might have to compromise. They might not respond to emotional signs, so you’ll have to consider whether it’s something you can bend on.

Fifteen Signs of Affection That Reveal Someone Is in Love

1. Buying Small Gifts for No Reason

When someone buys little gifts without reason, it’s a sign they often think of the other person. This sign of emotional affection shows that random things remind them of you. If someone surprises you with your favorite drink or treat, it shows that they care on a deeper level.

2. Holding Hands Is One of the First Signs of Affection

If a couple holds hands, it’s a sign that they are in love. The couple might hold hands out in public or sit at home watching a movie. Either way, it’s a sure sign of physical affection that you shouldn’t ignore.

Holding hands is common for couples, but it means more than you likely realize. It shows that they are proud to be with you and that touching you brings them comfort. Don’t miss this sign and leave your love hanging without reciprocation.

3. Checking in to See If They Made It Home

A quick message or phone call to see if someone made it home is meaningful. It indicates the other person cares and worries about your well-being. If they didn’t love you, they wouldn’t think to check in on you.

4. Kissing

Whether they kiss someone on the lips or anywhere else on the face, it’s a sign of being in love. Kissing someone on the forehead is even more indicative of love because it’s a gentle and tender sign of affection.

5. Touching for No Reason

When someone regularly touches another person on the arm, shoulder, or anywhere else, it’s a sign of affection. They will look for any excuse to touch the person they care about, no matter the situation. If someone rubs your arm when talking, don’t ignore their sign of flirting if you’re also interested.

6. Gentle Play Fighting

Gentle play fighting is a common type of flirting that means more than most people realize. It’s often a missed sign because people assume it’s a friendly action instead. However, it’s an excuse for someone that loves you to form a physical connection without seeming weird.

7. Worrying About the Other Person

It’s a sure sign of affection if you worry about someone when they aren’t with you. Likewise, if someone worries about you, you can assume the person has more profound feelings. Worrying about someone’s well-being shows a deep connection that wouldn’t happen if they didn’t feel love.

8. Playing with Their Hair

If someone plays with your hair, it’s a sign of physical affection. When the person looks at you, they want to reach out and connect somehow. For many, touching the hair makes them feel closer to the person they love.

Plus, if someone plays with their hair while talking to you, it’s another sign of affection. It shows that the person is open to the person they love. Plus, it could indicate that they are nervous about making a good impression while talking to you.

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9. Dropping Everything When the Person Needs Something

Making someone a priority is a sure sign of deeper feelings. If you tell someone, you had a rough day. They might cancel their plans to spend time with you. Or, if you tell them that you need something, they could rush out to bring it to you.

Anytime someone makes time for you when you don’t have plans, you can assume they care deeply. People are busy, and even a few sporadic minutes of their time means much.

10. One of the Most Pleasurable Signs of Affection–Giving Massages

If anyone willingly gives you a massage, it’s a sign that they have deep feelings for you. It gives them an intimate way to form a physical connection, something they wouldn’t do if they didn’t feel love. Even if it is only a shoulder massage, it’s a sure sign that they are looking for reasons to touch you.

11. Voicing Their Feelings

When someone says that they love or care about you, it’s a sign of affection. Typically, people don’t say these things to anyone they feel deeply about. They might also be specific and say what they like about the other person.

12. Offering to Make Someone Food

Checking if someone ate breakfast, lunch, or dinner is a sign that someone cares deeply. Offering to make someone food to ensure they aren’t hungry is even more telling. If someone in your life often checks in to see if you’ve eaten, don’t assume they’re just being polite.

13. Frequent Cuddling and Hugging (One of the Most Common Signs of Affection)

For people that prefer physical affection, cuddling and hugging are some of their favorite ways to show love. It’s a sure way to show intimacy and promote satisfaction within your relationship. If you’re in a relationship with someone who prefers physical intimacy, you can use this method to show them how much you care.

14. Taking Care of Someone When They Are Sick or Unwell

Sometimes the person might only be tired, but taking care of them is a sign that you feel deeply for them. You might continually ask them if everything is okay when you notice something is off. Even if they say everything is fine, you’ll trust your gut and go out of your way to help them.

If someone insists on taking care of you or encouraging you to rest while taking over your task, don’t ignore it. It’s a sign that the person loves you, even if they’ve never said it aloud.

15. Randomly Thinking of Them

If you send a text message during the day to let someone know you care, it is a subtle sign of affection. Even if the text message only says “hi,” it shows that you care for another person and initiates a conversation. Likewise, when someone sends you random messages, it shows that they have feelings for you, too.

You might receive a random picture of something that made someone think of you. Even still, it’s a sign that there could be some deeper feelings involved.

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Final Thoughts on Signs of Affection That Reveal Someone Is in Love.

Signs of affection come in many forms, so you must know what to look for. When you know the signs, you can tell if someone is in love. Sometimes, identifying the signs can even help you realize that you are in love.

Whether you prefer physical or emotional affection, you can watch for these signs from a potential partner. Likewise, you can show the person you love some of these signs so that they know you’re falling in love.

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