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15 Mantras to Help You Stop Negative Thinking and Overthinking

People who overthink know how hard it is to overcome negative thinking. It’s a vicious cycle that causes more overthinking and negative thoughts about a situation. While there are many reasons for overthinking, there are also many ways to overcome it.

When you want to stop negative thinking and overthinking, positive mantras can help make all the difference. As you become comfortable repeating mantras, you’ll put an end to the cycle for good. Then, you can focus on gratitude, mindfulness, and living a fulfilling life.

When you use daily mantras, they promote mindfulness and positivity each day as the phrases help push away negative thoughts. The words will help you experience peace and happiness, helping you improve your life overall.

Fifteen Mantras to Help You Stop Negative Thinking

As you read through these mantras to stop negative thinking, remember the ones that resonate within you the most. The ones that resonate are the ones that’ll make the most difference in helping you stop overthinking. By implementing them into your daily routine, you’ll quickly notice the beneficial difference they make.

negative thinking

1. I conquer every obstacle I experience.

You can make it through everything that comes your way, no matter the situation. With positive thinking, you can overcome every obstacle and setback you encounter, helping you move forward. Things won’t always go as planned, so you must be prepared to handle them without overthinking.

While planning is beneficial in life, you can’t always count on things not working out in the way you’d hoped. Using this affirmation each morning can help you accept and overcome any obstacles that you experience.

2. I challenge all negative thoughts, allowing myself to move on.

This affirmation can help you challenge negativity and let go of overthinking. Anytime you experience a negative thought, switch your mindset and think of something positive and beneficial instead. Each time you challenge your thinking this way, it helps you relax your mind and refocus.

When you implement this mantra into your daily routine, you’ll begin developing better habits. Before you know it, you’ll challenge your negative thoughts without even thinking about them, helping you move forward.

3. I control my thoughts without letting anxiety set in.

All that it takes to stop overthinking is to learn how to control your thoughts. When you can manage your thoughts, it quickly changes your mindset, helping you see the positivity around you. This phrase will help you look for ways to overcome your negative thoughts before anxiety sets in.

If you can remember that you are the only one in control of your mind, you’re sure to refocus your thoughts. You can stop overthinking when you realize that you can choose your thoughts.

4. I am relaxing my thoughts and focusing on the present.

By relaxing your thoughts and focusing on the present, you’re sure to stop overthinking. Repeating this mantra can help you stop thinking about the past or worry about the future. Without thoughts of things you can’t control, you can live in the moment and enjoy the good things in your life.

5. I am focusing on beneficial solutions to things that I can control.

When you think too much, it might be because you are thinking about too many scenarios. If you can’t think of a beneficial solution, use this affirmation to help you refocus.

You also might overthink because you focus on situations you can’t control. When your mind starts racing, take a moment to think about whether there’s anything you can do about the experience. If you can’t, let it go, and focus on what you can control instead.

6. I am joyful and have happy thoughts about my life.

By telling yourself that you are joyful, you’ll experience more happy thoughts about your life. Repeat this mantra until you start to feel happy, and then repeat it as necessary throughout the day. The more days you repeat this phrase, the more effective for improving your mindset.

7. I am changing my perception of things.

Sometimes all it takes to stop overthinking is changing your perception of things. Using this affirmation first thing each morning can help you start your day with positivity and maintain it throughout the day. By changing your perception, you’ll begin looking for the good in all situations, even ones that didn’t go as planned.

Overthinking can cause you to miss out on the good all around you. It can also distract you from the essential things in your life. Rather than letting it consume you, use this positive phrase to refocus and shift your mindset.

8. I am okay and safe right now.

Sometimes overthinking and negative thoughts come from feeling unsafe or afraid. Stress and worry can make you feel like something negative will happen. If you ever feel this way, this is the mantra for you.

By reaffirming that everything is okay and that you are safe right now, you can eliminate the negative thoughts. Since you can’t change the past or control the future, don’t let fear convince you that you can’t enjoy life.

negative thinking

9. I release stress and worry anytime I experience it.

It’s time to release those negative feelings if stress and worry are issues. When you can let them go, you can stop overthinking right away. Free your mind of anything that causes you to overthink, and it’ll make all the difference in your life.

It might help to visualize the stress and worry flowing out of your body as you repeat the affirmation. Repeat the phrase a few times, envisioning the negativity leaving your body. Then, repeat it a few more times as you visualize positivity replacing your stress.

10. I let go of thoughts from the past because I can’t change what happened.

No matter what you do right now, you can’t change what happened in the past. Using this affirmation can help you let go of your negative thoughts regarding the past, helping you move forward. As you let go of wanting to control the past, you’ll experience happiness and joy again.

11. I release unhelpful thoughts and breathe in relaxation.

With this mantra, you will notice that the unhelpful thoughts leave your mind quickly. Repeat the phrase and practice deep breathing in between repetitions. Then, on the inhale, visualize relaxation set in and negativity leaving your body.

Implement this mantra into your morning routine, and you’ll feel more positive throughout the day. It helps stop negative thinking and overthinking. Thus, it helps you experience happiness again.

12. I let go of fear about the future.

Fear of the future can cause serious negative thoughts. It can be debilitating as you can’t think of anything else when you are afraid about what’s coming next. If fear of the future is an issue for you, start using this mantra every morning to help push it away.

13. I am experiencing peace within my mind.

By telling yourself that you have peace within your mind, you can start experiencing it each day. Sometimes all it takes to eliminate overthinking is to convince yourself that you are at peace. Being at peace with your life will help you stop negative thinking.

14. I am free from overthinking about things that aren’t important.

If you ever overthink about things that don’t matter long-term, this mantra can help you change that. This mantra can help you let go of thoughts that aren’t important, leaving space for the essential things in your life. Using the word ‘free’ helps your mind release anything that’s holding you back, such as overthinking.

15. I am free of thoughts that hold me back.

This affirmation is another one that uses the word ‘free’ to help you release negative thoughts. Overthinking and negative thinking prevent you from achieving your goals and living a happy life. Repeat this mantra until you feel positive thoughts coming back into your mind.

Throughout the day, negative thoughts might creep back in. If you keep this mantra in mind and repeat it whenever necessary, you can shift your mindset anytime.

negativity thinking

Final Thoughts on Mantras to Help You Stop Negative Thinking and Overthinking

Negative thinking and overthinking can both hold you back and take over your life. Rather than letting them wreak havoc on your mind, start implementing mantras to help you instead. These affirmations will inspire you to release negative thoughts and focus on the positive aspects of your life.

As you read through this list of mantras, you likely came across a few that resonated within you more than others. If that is the case, start and end your day with those phrases. They’ll help you make the necessary changes within your mind to help you live a happy life.

When you add mantras to your daily routine and make them a habit, you’re sure to notice the difference. You won’t experience negative thinking and overthinking quite as often and, when you do, it’ll be easier to push the thoughts away.

15 Affirmations to Make a Positive Mindset Shift

Affirmations for a positive mindset shift can make all the difference when negativity overwhelms you. Positive statements can help you resist negative thoughts and find joy in life again. As you use affirmations for a mindset shift, you’ll start experiencing more positive thinking each day.

Having a positive mindset is essential for happiness and success, while negative thoughts hinder the process. Bad news and unexpected setbacks are likely to contribute to negative thinking. However, you can eliminate your limiting thinking with the help of some positive affirmations.

You can repeat affirmations anytime, but they are most beneficial first thing in the morning. Choose a mantra or two to repeat as you prepare for the day. When you find phrases that work for you, keep using them for a while to experience the full benefits.

Fifteen Affirmations to Make a Positive Mindset Shift

You can also use affirmations throughout the day whenever you experience negative thinking. Whenever you choose to use them, make sure you open your mind and believe the words. Begin with the affirmations that resonate with you the most, and then try creating your own once you become comfortable with them.

mindset shift

1. I am focused on the things I am passionate about.

When you focus on your passions, you will surely experience a mindset shift. Many people waste time and energy worrying about things that don’t truly matter. Try implementing this affirmation into your morning routine if you ever focus on unimportant things.

Using it in the morning makes you more likely to focus on your passions right from the start of your day. You can also use it anytime later if you notice that your thoughts begin to wander. Then, you can allow positive thinking to replace negativity.

2. I am having a great day today.

Telling yourself that you are having a great day will make you more likely to make it happen. You’ll focus on the good things happening in your life rather than letting things disrupt your peace. Anytime you start to have negative thoughts, repeat this affirmation until you feel better.

This phrase will help you look for the beauty in the world around you. Plus, it’ll help you look for the good in all situations, even if things didn’t work out how you hoped. You’re sure to have a positive mindset shift if you think this way instead of giving in to destructive thoughts.

3. I feel the positive energy radiating through my body today.

As you repeat this affirmation, envision positive energy flowing throughout yourself. Using the positive phrase with visualization can help you reap the benefits more quickly. Then, you’ll go through your day feeling good about everything going on around you and in your mind.

Your internal energy plays a role in your mindset, so make sure you feel good. The more often you repeat this affirmation, the more effective it will be to your mind.

4. I am patient, calm, and control my feelings.

You are the only person who can control your mindset and thoughts. By using this affirmation, you’ll remember that you can choose how to feel and behave. You’ll experience patience and feelings of calm within.

Additionally, you’ll have an easier time controlling your feelings. Being in control of your emotions allows you to stay positive and focus on solutions moving forward. Plus, this phrase will help you be resilient when bad things happen.

5. I allow positive thoughts to take over my mind.

It’s easy to let negativity take over when things get hard; this affirmation can help switch it up. Repeating this affirmation will make you more likely to push away limiting thoughts. You’ll want to find solutions to problems and see the good in seemingly dire situations.

Letting positivity take over your mind can make all the difference in your life. Use this affirmation first thing in the morning, and you’ll start feeling positive energy before anything negative can creep in.

6. I focus on the things going well in my life.

Life is unpredictable, and even the most well-planned situations can go awry. Rather than focusing on the things that didn’t work out the way you hoped, focus on what is going well. While certain situations might seem to be going badly, there are always other things to be happy about.

When focusing on negative aspects, use this affirmation to help shift a positive mindset. If you think of things going well for you, you can become more resilient. Then, you can figure out how to move forward despite setbacks and obstacles.

7. I see the beauty daily and feel joy in my heart.

There are always beautiful things to see, even when you don’t notice them. Rather than letting the beauty pass you by, use this affirmation to help you recognize it. When your mind is looking for beauty, you will see it all around you.

As you take in the beauty in your life, you’ll experience joy in your heart. Then, as you become happier, you’ll notice even more beauty in the world. It’s a cycle of positive thinking that’ll continue to benefit your overall well-being.

mindset shift

8. I am happy and confident today.

You can do anything you set your mind to with happiness and confidence. This phrase can help you quickly shift a positive mindset and focus on the good things in your life. If unhappiness and lack of confidence ever plagues you, start using this affirmation each morning.

By starting your day with this affirmation, you set yourself up for joy and confidence right from the start. Then, negative thoughts won’t be as likely to set in throughout the day. Plus, you’ll be more aware of your thoughts, helping you push away negative thinking immediately.

9. I expect good things to happen.

When you expect good things to happen, they are more likely to happen. By looking for the good all around you, you’ll notice them quickly and be able to jump on the opportunity. If you don’t expect good things to happen, you’ll look for negative things instead.

The things you focus on in life are the ones that you’ll notice more often. So, if you expect good things, it will help you reap the benefits.

10. I am creating the success and prosperity that I desire.

You are the only person that can determine the course of your life. If you want success and prosperity, you must recognize that you are the only one who can make it happen. Use this affirmation to help you create the life that you desire.

11. I am focusing on the things that I’m grateful for.

If negative thoughts seem to take over your mind, this is your affirmation. By focusing on the things you’re grateful for, it’ll be easy to make a positive mindset shift. As you repeat the phrase, think of all the things and people you are thankful to have in your life.

12. I am optimistic, strong, and happy in my life.

Positivity, inner strength, and joy are essential to living a meaningful and fulfilling life. The more often you repeat this affirmation, the more likely you feel everything it describes. If you ever feel your resolve weakening, take a few minutes to use this phrase and shift your mindset.

13. I am good enough to do anything I set my mind to.

Limiting thoughts can make you feel like you can’t do things you want or need. This affirmation can make all the difference if that ever happens to you. You are good enough to do anything but must keep a positive mindset.

14. I attract positive people and things into my life.

By attracting positivity into your life, you’ll feel more positive yourself. If you want to live a positive life, you must eliminate negative things and people from your life. This affirmation will help you attract positive things and people instead, helping you shift your mindset.

15. I am courageous and worthy, and I let go of negative beliefs.

You can quickly shift your mindset with courage and a sense of self-worth. It will help you let go of negative or self-limiting beliefs, allowing positive thinking to take over instead. Repeat this affirmation anytime you feel like you need a boost of courage and self-worth.

mindset shift

Final Thoughts on Affirmations to Make a Positive Mindset Shift

If negative thoughts ever take over your mind, implementing affirmations to shift a positive mindset can make all the difference. You’ll have an easier time pushing away negative thinking, leaving space for good things in your life and mind.

Once you become comfortable repeating these affirmations, you can create some phrases yourself. When you make them, you can ensure they are specific to your life. Otherwise, these will help you shift your mindset and live a more positive life.

15 Healthy Weight Tips Most People Forget

Are you happy with your body, but you want to stay at that perfectly healthy weight? Like many people, you may get so frustrated when you gain or lose too many pounds. It’s a vicious cycle that can only lead to depression, more weight gain, and health problems.

Fifteen Healthy Weight Tips Never to Overlook

Forget any false perceptions that skinny equals success and radiant health. You can be as thin as a rail and be in poor health physically, mentally, and spiritually. Instead, use these 15 healthy tips to maintain a healthy weight and a better outlook.

1. Stop Dieting for Good

If you’ve been overweight most of your life, you’re all too familiar with yo-yo dieting. This syndrome is a dangerous roller coaster of losing weight and gaining it back again, often with extra pounds. Not only is yo-yo dieting bad for you physically, but it hurts your mental health.

Diets may work for the short-term, but most are unrealistic and too restrictive for the long run. Instead, make lifestyle changes and aim for a healthier weight. Remember that skinny doesn’t always mean healthy or happy.

healthy weight

2. Love Your Body at Your Current Healthy Weight

The French call it “Bien dans sa peau,” which means you’re comfortable in your skin. How many times have you looked in the mirror with disgust and said you hated your body? Such negative self-talk can be devastating to your self-esteem and mental and spiritual well-being.

Use positive affirmations when your goal is a more muscular body and healthy weight. Self-love means that you love and accept yourself as you are, not by what the scale says. Strive to be healthier because you love your body and want more out of life.

3. Maybe You’re Thirsty

In his article published by Physiological Behavior, Dr. Richard D. Mattes explains that you may sometimes eat when you’re thirsty. By the time you’re feeling a dry thirst in your mouth, you may already be dehydrated, says Mattes. So, your body is telling you that you need more water.

How can you tell the difference if you’re craving food or needing hydration? The next time you think you feel a hunger pang, try drinking a full glass of water and wait for a few minutes. If you feel satisfied, it’s all you need.

4. Learn Portion Control

If you transport yourself back to a 1970s restaurant, you may not recognize the portion sizes. Over the past few decades, fast food chains have tempted Americans with bigger sizes of everything. An article published by Spoon University says that portion sizes have increased over 138 percent from the 70s until now.

There’s also a difference between serving size and portions. Resist the trend for mega amounts and consider weighing and measuring your food accurately. You can also trick your brain if you use a smaller dinner plate rather than a larger platter size.

5. Plan Your Meals Ahead to Maintain a Healthy Weight

It’s 5:30 p.m., and you’ve just arrived home after a taxing day at work. The last thing you feel like doing is cooking a time-consuming meal. Instead, you throw some processed food in the microwave or call for pizza delivery.

Striving for a healthy weight requires some preparation to avoid poor eating habits. Over the weekend, make a menu for the coming week and a grocery list of ingredients you’ll need. You can also prepare nutritious soups and casseroles and freeze them for quick meals in the evening.

6. Do Your Cooking

Are you a regular customer at the burger drive-through and have the local pizzeria on speed dial? While it’s okay to have an occasional splurge, it should be an exception and not the norm. You can’t control the extra fat, sugar, and sodium in fast food or pre-packed meals.

Enjoy working toward a healthy weight by doing more cooking at home. Try some new recipes that include nutritious whole foods. You and your family will love the homemade flavors, and it will be better for you.

7. Read the Label

The Food and Drug Administration requires nutrition labeling for all consumer food items. Not only do these labels list the ingredients, but also fat, cholesterol, sugar, and sodium. Next to each is how much a percentage of each serving goes toward your recommended daily allowances.

Become an avid label reader when you go grocery shopping. You’ll often find extra sugar, fat, and salt in items you never knew were in there. Plus, it will give you a better idea of portion sizes.

8. Keep Healthy Snacks on Hand

Regardless of what you’ve heard in the past, you can maintain a healthy weight while enjoying snacks. The key is to know how to make intelligent choices. It would help if you also had handy but healthy snacks on the go.

Consider tasty, nutritious snacks like nuts, plain popcorn, sliced veggies, or yogurt. Portion them in reusable containers, and you’ll have them when you feel the need to snack at home or work. It’s much cheaper and better for you than the sugar and fat-laden junk food in your office’s vending machines.

healthy weight

9. Learn to Use Herbs and Spices to Stay at a Healthy Weight

Your tastebuds crave variety and get bored with bland food. Processed foods often rely on salt, sugar, and preservatives. Although your body needs a certain amount of sodium for vital functions, too much can lead to serious health problems.

Kick the saltshaker and give your meals a burst of flavor with herbs and spices. They season foods perfectly, and some even have health benefits, whether fresh or dried. Do some experimenting to find your favorite blends.

10. Find Healthier Alternatives

Changing your eating habits can be difficult if you believe that you can’t enjoy your favorite foods anymore. The good news is that there are tasty alternatives to use. For example, you can make moist cakes by substituting applesauce for the oil.

11. Be a Smart Shopper

If you strive to maintain a healthy weight, you must be a savvy shopper. It’s easy to create a grocery list from your meal plans for the week. You’ll be less likely to run out of necessary ingredients or make impulse purchases.

Remember the cardinal rule and never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry. When you shop on a full stomach, you won’t be as tempted to grab everything you crave. You’ll save money and calories by sticking with your grocery list.

Another helpful hint is to do most of your shopping along the store’s perimeter. That’s where stores display their fresh and healthy foods like produce, proteins, and dairy alternatives. Most processed and junk food is within the perimeter aisles, so avoid them.

12. Try Nutritious Smoothies for a Healthy Weight Snack

Do you often skip breakfast in the mornings due to your rush to work? Or maybe you make a quick run through a drive-through for high-calorie fast food. Either way, your body will pay the price.

You can obtain a healthy weight deliciously with nutritious smoothies. Keep fresh fruit, veggies, and protein powder on hand for a quick meal on the go. Investing in a quality blender is a gift of self-love, and you can enjoy some yummy smoothie recipes to share with the whole family.

13. Show Yourself Compassion

You’re only human, and you’re bound to give in to a food temptation now and then. Give yourself some slack and determine to do better next time. However, it doesn’t provide an excuse to return to old eating habits.

Be kind to yourself when you eat that extra dessert or skip an exercise day. Remind yourself that you are changing your lifestyle because you deserve it. Use your slip-ups as a learning tool for the future.

14. Don’t Weigh Yourself Every Day

Once you’ve determined to stick with a healthier lifestyle, you may be enticed to step on the scales every day. If your self-worth depends on a certain number, you’ll never be happy. Aim for a healthy weight that feels good to you, not according to anyone else.

Yes, it’s good to check your weight to encourage your progress. However, keep your weigh-in at once a week, and make sure you do it simultaneously in the morning. You are more apt to see a change in your weight each week rather than every day.

15. It’s Okay to Indulge Yourself to Reward Your Efforts at Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Changing your lifestyle for a healthy weight doesn’t mean you’re limited to mincing on carrots and sipping mineral water. If you want a piece of birthday cake or a cup of your favorite ice cream, have it. The key is to enjoy these treats just occasionally and in moderate portions.

If you deny yourself any comfort food ever again, it can make your cravings even worse. Just be careful not to turn an occasional treat into whole days of indulgence. You should save your treats for an entire cheat meal that you consider once a week.

If you overeat after following a healthy lifestyle for a while, you’ll probably feel a bit bloated. You’ll remember why you’ve decided to eat better, and it will keep you on track. Still, it would help if you allowed yourself a little treat now and again.

healthy weight

Final Thoughts on Healthy Weight Tips

You owe it to yourself to take care of your body to live your best life. Like adopting healthy eating habits, some lifestyle changes can bring you optimal health. Plus, it will help cultivate the love and self-respect you rightly deserve.

10 Ways the Body Signals When Something Is Going Wrong

Your body is a complex system just as intricate as any other machine. Everything inside you is connected somehow, so your neck or back may cause the pain radiating down your leg. It’s hard to pinpoint the exact origins of some problems, but frequently you receive distinct body signals or red flags that something is wrong.

For instance, if you sleep on your neck wrong, you might have a stiff neck and a massive headache when you wake up. The headache indicates that you’ve twisted or misaligned some vertebrae, causing discomfort. Some warnings are subtle reminders that you’re getting older and have issues.

Think of your body as a car. You may put up with that rattle in the dash because you know it’s not severe. However, when you see smoke rolling out of the engine, or it won’t go over 24 mph, you know it’s time to get it to the shop.

Ten Ways the Body Signals When Something Is Going Wrong

Your body will let you know when it’s time to see a doctor, and there are some things, like an arthritic shoulder, that you learn to manage. However, at other times, your body signals you need immediate help. Here are ten things that indicate a health concern, and you should address them.


1. Spots and Peeling on the Nails and Cuticles

Your nails should be clear and bright, but it’s a sign of trouble if the color is off. If you smoke cigarettes, you can expect your hands to have discoloration from nicotine and oxygen problems. However, did you know that your nail beds can also show you have a vitamin deficiency?

If you notice spots on your nails along with peeling or symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, or heart palpitations, it can be a sign of a B-12 deficiency. Your body needs vitamins to function correctly, and if you’re running low on these vital nutrients, you need to take a supplement or eat foods rich in these vitamins to increase the levels.

2. The Body Signals Distress by Redness on the Face

You could have rosacea if you have read splotches across your nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, estimates show that more than 414 million people suffer from this condition. It looks worse than it is, but it can cause some embarrassment and acne.

The good news is that it’s easy to treat. It’s important not to think these signals are just from acne, as lupus also causes a red butterfly rash on the face. When considering the autoimmune condition lupus, the inflammation will be predominantly across the bridge of the nose, and other symptoms will accompany it.

3. Yellow Skin

Any tinges of yellow on your skin are a significant health concern you must address. The yellowing almost always comes from a liver issue, and it can be deadly if left untreated. If you drink a lot, the yellow skin can signify liver cirrhosis.

You can develop cirrhosis from hemochromatosis or fatty liver disease even if you don’t drink. Hemochromatosis is where the body has an overabundance of iron, according to the Mayo Clinic. This person must have their blood removed and purified before being put back into the body to survive.

Fatty liver disease is also dangerous as it’s often a silent killer. Fat cells build up in the liver, and this organ cannot purge toxins from the body. Thankfully, most people can control this condition, according to Harvard Health Publishing, by eating healthy and exercising.

4. Discoloration Ring Around Your Collar

If you notice a discolored, darkened ring around your collar, it’s not because you didn’t wash well enough. These dark spots that appear in the neck folds signify many issues. Commonly, it’s a sign of a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

According to the National Library of Medicine, PCOS is a medical condition caused by a hormonal imbalance from cysts inside the ovaries. It’s the number one cause of infertility, directly impacting women during their childbearing years. These rings that appear on the neck can indicate imbalanced hormones, and they can also indicate diabetes.

5. Vertical Brown Stripe on the Nail

White spots on your nails might not be nearly as severe as a brown stripe. This signals melanoma or skin cancer, among other things. Melanoma is one of the health concerns that doesn’t seem as harsh as different types of malignancies, but it’s deadly.

Bob Marley, the famous singer who won the hearts of millions in the 1960s, died from skin cancer under his toenail. He was only 36 years old, according to an article on The Skin Cancer Foundation.


6. Puffy Eyes Are One of the Body Signals You May Receive

Puffy eyes can come from allergies, but it can also signify that your salt intake is too high. Salt causes the body to swell in many areas, and the legs, feet, and eyes are just a few. Your eyes can tell you a lot, and this puffy condition can indicate things like Grave’s disease or a sleeping disorder.

While a cold compress or tea bag can help remove the unsightly puffiness, it’s not addressing the underlying problem. If this is a repeated problem, you need to have a doctor handle it.

7. Cracked Heels Are One of the Body Signals That Something’s Amiss

It’s common for you to get dry skin during winter, especially on your heels. You probably don’t give this condition much thought, as it seems ordinary. However, dry heels can also signal a deeper problem, like diabetes or a thyroid disorder.

It would help if you soaked these rough heels in soapy water to kill bacteria and then applied some moisturizer with shea butter or lactic acid to it. If you have diabetes, it’s possible these heels could develop fissures or cuts that won’t heal. It would help if you had a doctor look at this as once an infection sets into this area, it can be impossible to cure with varying glucose levels.

8. Mouth Ulcers

If you bite your tongue or your cheeks, you can develop ulcers inside your mouth. While this is common, it can cause an infection in this region. However, these ulcers can appear even if you don’t have an anxiety issue that causes biting.

Smoking, iron deficiency, and a B-12 problem can also cause these ulcers to form. There are usually other symptoms of these deficiencies within the body, as these shortcomings don’t happen overnight. Another thing to consider is poor dental hygiene.

You may have an ulcer that’s around an infected tooth, which is a sign of an abscess. An abscessed tooth is one of the signals you don’t want to ignore. The infection can quickly get into your bloodstream and cause sepsis, according to The Sepsis Alliance.

9. Your Body Signals You Problems With Smelly, Cracked, and Blistered Feet

You may think those smelly feet are a common occurrence, but it’s signals from the body that something more sinister is at work. If you have blisters, peeling, sweating feet with an intense aroma, you may have a typical case of Athlete’s Foot.

You can often treat Athlete’s Foot treat yourself with things like tea tree oil. It’s a fungal infection caused by your feet having too much moisture and not breathing correctly. In severe cases, the toenails can pull away from the bed, and the area can be so raw that a secondary infection occurs.

10. Fat Pad or Hump on Back

As you get older, you may notice a collection of fat or a hump-like condition that appears on your back. In most instances, it’s a benign situation that causes fat to accumulate in this area. However, it can be an indication of osteoporosis in older women.

According to the National Library of Medicine, osteoporosis is when the bones become weak and brittle. A calcium deficiency causes it, and it tends to drive this area of the back to be pronounced. Since this is a silent disease, you should recognize the signs such as family history, small frame, low bone density, and lack of calcium and vitamin D in your system.


Final Thoughts on Body Signals You May Receive When Something’s Wrong

Your body gives you all sorts of signals that something isn’t functioning correctly. Think of it as a check engine light on your car’s dash. It would help if you were concerned enough to see what’s going on and what you must do to fix it.

Some people keep driving, hoping they don’t have a breakdown along life’s highways. In many instances, it’s something simple that can be easily fixed or managed. However, there are other instances where the health concerns are serious, and you need prompt medical attention.

The famous singer Bob Marley is a prime example that your life can be cut short by a simple thing like a spot that appears under the toenail. He probably didn’t think much of it, but a deadly form of skin cancer ended his life. Listen to the signs and signals your body gives you, as it may be the red flag that saves you.

10 Signs Reveal That Someone Lacks Emotional Security (and 5 Causes)

Emotional security is the most sacred and important aptitude that any human being can have, and it must be protected and guarded at all times. But there is an acknowledgment that maintaining emotional security can be tricky at times. There are seasons in everyone’s life when maintaining this status can be challenging.

Noticing these signs is essential to our well-being, as loving ourselves is vital to achieving happiness. Without healthy emotional security, it makes loving ourselves evermore challenging. We become a shell of who we could have been.

We become at risk of losing our social skills, thus unable to communicate. Without social skills, we also lose social intelligence. Lacking emotional security can lead to a cascade of issues that most aren’t aware of.

Ten signs of someone lacking emotional security

Being aware of our emotional security along with those around us is critical. You must recognize and have the social intelligence to witness these changes. Below are ten telltale signs of someone lacking emotional security and the potential causes.

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1 – Someone who lacks emotional security is quick to highly-charged rants.

To be sure of yourself and what you can provide to the world means being in reasonable control of your emotions. If you lack that security and reassurance, it can make you prone to outburst. You are quick to use anger and loud outburst to shield your fears, and it can be a coping mechanism.

Having strong emotional security would mean not allowing relatively minor things to cut under the skin. Facing rejection from a partner or co-worker shouldn’t provoke a rant. Instead, it should be an opportunity to look toward the future into how you can improve the next time.

Emotions are important and should be expressed, but emotional security means understanding when it’s appropriate. But if you are prone to emotionally filled rants, that shows a lack of emotional security. Not only that, but it also reveals a lack of social skills.

2 – Feeling helpless and hopeless

Life is meant to be filled with joy and fun. To feel broken and distraught over a long period is a warning sign. You cannot bring yourself out of this dark place.

Without strong emotional backing, it is easy to allow the world’s ills to take hold. You must learn tho to offset negativity by understanding that life gets better. But without emotional security, it’s impossible.

3 – A person low in emotional security freezes up when it’s time to show empathy for others

To be unable to comfort or recognize someone in pain shows a lack of social intelligence. Some people cry with others or hate others, but to be a blank slate is not a good sign. People need emotional connections to feel alive, and to have that lack of awareness can be devastating for the person suffering.

A friend losing a parent would be a moment to comfort them. This behavior is a crucial element in social intelligence. But to do nothing or feel nothing shows a lack of empathy.

4 – Difficulty with relationships

Whether friendly or romantically, there is an emotional element to relationships. Emotions must be shared in a thriving relationship. A partner needs to know they can talk to their significant other about anything.

Lacking emotional security means you cannot share those moments. Or you have a  fear of being vulnerable to anyone because you don’t want to be hurt. It makes you feel uncomfortable and tense because you are used to holding everything in.

With your lack of empathy, you lack the ability to provide emotional support, which is crucial in a relationship. So it makes it extremely difficult to maintain any relationship. Relationships are about vulnerability. Without them, it’s as if you are pushing them away.

5 – Excessive consumption of drugs or alcohol

Drinking or using drugs above normal consumption levels could reveal a secret. Without explaining it, the consumption can show an attempt to hide from peers or rejections. Or to escape from reality.

When there is a lack of social skills, that’s when drugs or alcohol come in. It helps people express themselves in a way they were unable to before. It shows they are not in line with their true self, that you are trying to hide behind this mask.

6 – Seeking to please others above yourself

Helping others is always welcome, but there comes a time when it becomes damaging. When you lack emotional security, helping others is a way of hiding from yourself. You don’t want to help yourself or deal with your problems, so you help others.

It comes from the fear of looking deep inside to what may be hurting you. But in the end, it doesn’t stop the pain inside. It simply sits and decays over time.

7 – A person with low emotional security takes constructive criticism personally

Rejection is something most people are afraid of. Even so, most of us can take constructive criticism. When your emotions are not in check, you cannot see and accept the feedback constructively.

It can also lead to confrontation. You get protective and defensive, taking the feedback as an insult. Having your emotions under control can show that this is just one step and that things will be better next time.

8 – A lack of confidence

We are enough as is, but that only reins true if you believe it. You can always feel like something to fix because it’s all being made up in the mind. When there is a lack of confidence, it becomes difficult to express emotions.

You begin to question everything you do. You become afraid of taking chances, like speaking in a group. So instead, you fall back into the crowd at a party, looking to avoid attention.

Being sure of yourself and what you bring to the table not only shows emotional maturity. It’s a critical element of social intelligence. It will allow you to pursue your dreams and not doubt yourself.

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9 – Anger stays in the heart of someone with low emotional security

Anger is another emotion that we all express. But just like any emotion, it is not meant to stay. Having only anger in your heart shows the instability of being a rational thinker.

Anger becomes the easiest to express if you can’t control your emotions. It becomes difficult to move on and easy to hold grudges. You feel as though everyone is against you and judging you when that is not the case.

It becomes like a poison in the heart that can’t be contained—breaking friendship and bonds that mean so much to you.

10 –  Making unfair self-comparisons

Comparing ourselves to others shows a lack of confidence in ourselves. It shows a lack of acceptance for who you are and a call to be something else. It makes you prone to depression as you can not look in the mirror and love what you see.

Instead of embracing yourselves, you look to join the rat race of society. You might use social media to point out flaws and dig yourself further into a hole. You never allow yourself to accept who you are and what you bring to the table.

5 Causes of diminished emotional security

Now that you know the signs of this condition, you might wonder.  What causes low emotional security?

1 – Unhealthy (or lacking) childhood attachment

A child needs attachment to develop social skills, social intelligence, and emotional tolerance. Having no childhood attachments can instill fear into the child that spreads to adulthood. A child must have a parent who shows them affectionate emotions to see and replicate those emotions.

Without these attachments, the child becomes susceptible to outside influences. It heightens the chances of suffering from substance abuse as they get older. It forbids them the opportunity to understand how to develop meaningful relationships.

2 – Internal Stress

Fear, anxiety, and rejection all lead to the deterioration of emotional security. Whether real or made up by our minds, these are caveats to stress. It creates this heightened sense of emotions that makes it difficult to differentiate fact from fiction.

It can cause issues within a romantic relationship. You begin to view your partners as the root cause of your problems. It is a way of passing the bucket or trying to make sense of your feelings.

3 – Failed romantic relationship

Connection is the most important thing to people. Without ever experiencing that connection, we never gain the ability to care for others. In return, we never develop empathy or understand how to put others before ourselves in a healthy way.

We then begin to doubt our worth as a person. A pain that sticks with us for the long haul. If that romantic relationship never develops, we continue to lose emotional standing.

4 – Traumatic events

With the addition of trauma, whether from a job or accident. The trauma will heighten your emotions, but that isn’t always good. It causes you to question things, look over your shoulders and cause a lack of social intelligence.

With your emotions heightened, it will lead to misunderstanding and outbursts. There is a lack of trust in yourself and the people around you. Trauma can cause a person who was once open and welcoming to shun the people around them.

5 – Rejection

Be it a job or a potential spouse, past rejections can cause one to be on guard at all times. We all seek to protect our hearts, but inevitably rejection will come. This wound can lead the body to go into overload to help it avoid future rejection.

Thus, your social skills are compromised, so you can no longer speak to people freely. There is this nagging inclination to remain closed off, to avoid future rejection and pain. But with emotional security on the decline, you don’t see it that way.

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Final thoughts on the causes of reduced feelings of emotional security

We all want our emotional security to be the best it can be. We also like to think that the emotional security of the people around us is good. But the truth is not always the case. We all have our fear of the future or fear of rejection, which leaves our emotional security in constant flux.

Without emotional security, we can not expect to have the necessary social skills. We can not expect to have the social intelligence needed to navigate life. A lack of emotional security will impede us from doing fundamental things and being social creatures.

To an extent, our friends and loved ones must always be aware of emotional security. The signs signaling a lack of emotional security can be minor but there. If we wish to live a thriving life of sociality, we need our emotional security.

6 Science Proven Facts About Emotional Validation Never to Ignore

Emotional validation is a response that involves communicating acceptance of feelings, beliefs, and thoughts. This action can be applied to the self or others. Essentially, it means having no immediate judgments, putting aside personal opinions, and focusing on genuinely hearing out the emotion in question.

Not everyone realizes just how crucial emotional validation is. If more people were aware of its essential nature, they might put more effort into making it a part of their lives! Here are six science-proven facts about emotional validation never to ignore.

1.    Emotional Validation Forms Better Relationships Through Communication

Undoubtedly, relationship experts often cite communication as one of the essential pillars of a relationship of any kind. As such, your familial, platonic, and romantic relationships can benefit from improved communication.

Emotional validation is a vital part of healthy communication. Conversations where both parties validate the feelings of the other have a better and happier outcome, after all. This satisfaction strengthens bonds, allowing people to become more connected. Here are some ways that emotional validation helps communication and fosters better relationships:

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·         Communicating Acceptance and Value

Acceptance is an integral part of different close relationships. Indeed, acceptance is the bare minimum, and emotionally intelligent people know this is key for peaceful co-existence. For even better relationships, you have to communicate that you value someone’s feelings, too. Studies show that emotional validation effectively communicates acceptance and care for others.

·         Deactivating Defenses

Defensiveness is not beneficial to communication at all. When you invalidate how someone feels, they automatically defend themselves. They think they have to justify their emotions since you seem to dismiss them. On the other hand, emotional validation puts those defenses at ease. Thus, it allows for healthy, open communication with better emotional intelligence.

·         Communicating Safety

To have healthy, open communication, people must feel relatively safe talking about the topic at hand. Emotional validation allows someone to be vulnerable safely and securely for them. They don’t need to fear judgment and can therefore be more honest.

·         Making Others Feel Heard

Communication involves both speaking and listening. When someone talks about how they feel, helping them feel heard benefits overall communication. Validating someone’s emotions shows them that you hear them, believe them, and are willing to listen even more.

·         Aiding Emotional Regulation

To communicate effectively, one must be able to regulate their emotions appropriately. Emotional validation facilitates this by reducing the intensity of those feelings, according to research.

2.    Emotional Validation Predicts Marriage Outcomes

Some people roll their eyes at the necessity of validating emotions in a marriage. We’ve already discussed how important the habit is for strengthening relationships by communication. But that’s not all! Experts can predict if a marriage will last based on whether or not emotional validation is present in a couple’s interaction. And of course, what expert would discover this better than famous psychologist John Gottman himself?

Gottman conducted the study in this manner. Gottman set up a bed-and-breakfast at a lab at the University of Washington. They took 130 newlywed couples to the “retreat” in the lab to spend one day there. Researchers then watched each pair to see how they interacted and worked during daily tasks. These tasks included cleaning, preparing meals, talking, and spending time together. Finally, the research team touched base with each couple for the next six years.

Findings About the Emotional Validation Survey Found This:

  • Throughout the day, partners would make small requests for connection. These connections were simple statements like comments on random events or seemingly insignificant details.
  • The goal for the partners making these bids for connection was to connect with their partners through shared appreciation or interest. Even a short moment of connection was considered valuable and sought-after.
  • The other partner in this scenario could respond in multiple different ways. They could react positively, negatively, or neutrally with disinterest. Gottman considered positive responses to be “turning toward.”  Conversely, they called neutral and negative responses “turning away.”
  • Couples who “turned away” two-thirds of the time would end up divorced in the next six years.
  • Couples who “turned toward” 87% of the time remained together after six years.

What does this tell us? Even small requests for emotional needs to be met are essential. The tiny amount of emotional validation that comes from these little moments adds up over time. It also reveals a lot about respect, connection, and communication in a relationship. Using this knowledge, Gottman can predict, with 94% accuracy, if couples will remain together happily. All that, just based on emotional validation levels!

3.    A Lack of Childhood Emotional Validation Follows Into Adulthood

Children and adolescents can be profoundly harmed by emotional invalidation. Kids need to receive emotional validation from their parents or guardian figures at a young age. It’s essential to their development of healthy communication and coping skills. In fact, young people at this age who don’t receive emotional validation may be at risk of developing:

·         Borderline Personality Disorder

BPD involves unstable relationships, emotions, and self-image. Someone with the disorder’s sense of self may change dramatically and suddenly with their feelings. Emotional invalidation may increase and cause the dysregulation in emotions that are so common with the condition, say studies.

·         Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder where individuals starve themselves and count calories obsessively, can be caused by emotional invalidation. When this invalidation reaches the point of emotional abuse, research indicates children may grow up to develop eating disorders like this.

·         Self-Harm Can Stem from a Lack of Emotional Validation

Self-harm or self-injury involves intentionally causing harm to oneself with various physical or emotional means. It can be performed to express emotion, cope with strong feelings, or due to an inability to feel emotions accurately. Adolescents who are invalidated emotionally by their parents have a higher risk of self-harm, say studies.

The worst part is that these issues don’t go away quickly! They can continue to be a significant problem for those kids as they grow up. As adults, they’ll have to deal with the effects of the invalidation from their childhood in long-term healing processes.

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4.    Emotional Validation Doesn’t Mean Accepting Poor Treatment

Emotions can be the source of many different behaviors. Some behaviors are less acceptable than others. The ability to provide emotional validation to someone should not get in the way of your wellbeing. If someone is treating you negatively, abusively, aggressively, inappropriately, or otherwise poorly, you should remove yourself from that situation. In the meantime, you can:

  • Say you would like to listen to them and communicate about the situation. However, you cannot do that until the other party is calmer.
  • Say you’ll come back to talk to them again later when you’ve both had time to think and cool off.
  • Please encourage them to seek professional aid with someone who can properly, truly help them with their issues.

It’s important to remember that you’re not in charge of removing the other person’s feelings. When tired and in need of a break, enforce your boundaries. If things escalate and you face poor treatment, it’s time to get out of there! Your happiness, respect, and safety matter, too.

5.    A Lack Of Emotional Validation Has Long-Term Consequences

Many people don’t realize how crucial emotional validation is to someone’s life and psychological state. It’s easy to brush something that seems so simple under the rug! But the long-term consequences of repeated invalidation of emotion speak for themselves. These consequences include the following:

·         Identity Issues

When emotions are regularly invalidated, someone’s sense of self can erode. The invalidated person may feel that they aren’t accepted and can develop poor self-esteem.

·         Emotional Management Issues

Emotional invalidation involves the act of regularly telling someone that how they feel is incorrect. As a result, it causes confusion, distrust in emotions, and many self-doubts. This can cause those who face this to have trouble recognizing and regulating their emotions. They may even start to dismiss their own experiences as unreal or gaslight themselves into believing they’re being too sensitive.

·         Mental Health Conditions

Repeated emotional invalidation increases the risk of developing mental health disorders. Anxiety, depression, and even personality disorders can occur due to treatment. Feelings of hopelessness, stress, and self-doubt grow into chronic problems. Those who already struggle with mental illness will face exacerbated symptoms and may invalidate those symptoms due to invalidation.

6.    You Can Accidentally Invalidate Emotions With Good Intentions

Emotional validation often has to be consciously given. Unfortunately, emotional invalidation is way too easy to give accidentally! A lot of people believe that good intentions override any invalidating statements. But the truth is that you can emotionally invalidate someone without meaning to, even when your preferences are entirely pure. This may happen by:

·         Trying To Help

Attempts to fix a situation, offer solutions, or give advice can invalidate someone seeking emotional support. Instead of allowing the person to vent and express themselves, these attempts “silence” them.

·         Conflating Emotional Validation With Agreement

Some people think that you can’t validate someone who believes something negative about themselves. If someone says, “I feel so unloved,” you might want to say they aren’t quickly. But this invalidates how they feel and doesn’t allow them to talk about their emotions and experiences!

·         Wanting The Best For Someone

Many people accidentally invalidate emotions because they want the best for someone. Thus, they’ll dismiss someone’s fear or anxiety in favor of pushing them forward. This support is excellent, but there are times when a listening ear is the best form of support!

·         Assuming You Know What They Mean

If you assume you understand someone’s emotions, you could get it wrong and miss the point. When in doubt, it’s always best to ask for clarification on someone’s feelings.

·         Talking About Yourself

Some people try to validate others by expressing how they relate. They’ll share instances where they went through similar things in an attempt to show their empathy and cheer the other person up. But this can make it look like they’re making everything about them!

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Final Thoughts On Facts About Emotional Validation To Never Ignore

Emotional validation is an incredible way to form healthy communication, connections, and relationships. It avoids the many adverse effects of invalidation and focuses on positive acceptance and understanding. So learning to avoid invalidation and perpetuate validation is vital for everyone!

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