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How to Make Puff Pastry Triangles: 3 Ways

If you’ve had a hankering for a puff pastry lately, we have just the recipe for you! In fact, we’ll actually share three different recipes so you can choose your favorite. (Or, make all of them at once for a little variety!)

Puff pastries are light, flaky, and buttery, making them a favorite among the foodies out there. They will easily melt in your mouth due to the paper-thin texture of the layered dough. If you’ve never made them from scratch before, no worries; we’ll take you through the process step-by-step. (It’s surprisingly easy!)

How to Make Puff Pastry Triangles: 3 Ways

Now, let’s get busy pastry making!

Kitchen tools:

  • Cutting board or baker’s table
  • Silicone pastry brush
  • Knife
  • Rolling pin
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • Powdered sugar sifter/shaker
  • Dough scraper


  • Flour
  • Puff pastry sheets
  • Softened butter
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly of your choice
  • Cheesecake filling
  • Chocolate filling
  • Powdered sugar

puff pastry

Directions to Make Puff Pastry Triangles:

  1. Sprinkle a bit of flour on the cutting board or baker’s table. Lay a puff pastry sheet on top and brush it with the softened butter.
  2. Add another pastry sheet on top, making sure it’s even with the other one. Repeat the process with the butter.
  3. Then, cut the puff pastry sheet vertically into three identical pieces using your dough scraper.
  4. Stack the pieces of dough on top of each other and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  5. Once that’s done, grab a rolling pin to stretch out the dough. Cut off any excess dough around the edges with the dough scraper.
  6. Next, brush some more butter on top and cut the dough horizontally in half.
  7. Stack the pieces on top of each other and refrigerate once again for 30 minutes.
  8. Now, roll the dough again to flatten it, then use your hands to roll it vertically into a cylinder shape.
  9. Cut off the two edges with the dough scraper. Then, use the knife to make about 9-10 cuts in the dough.
  10. Next, grab a couple of pieces of puff pastry and use your thumbs to hollow out the middle (but don’t push all the way through the dough).
  11. Put a scoop of peanut butter and jelly inside, then close them up.
  12. In a few other puff pastry triangles, place some cheesecake filling for a sweet treat. Then, fill the others with melted chocolate, and close them all up.
  13. Place all the puff pastry triangles on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes.
  14. For the final step, plate them and sprinkle some powdered sugar on top. Enjoy your delicious creation!

See, we told you that making puff pastry triangles would be a piece of cake! The hardest part involves cutting the dough and brushing it with butter, but even that shouldn’t take more than 10-15 minutes. Even beginner bakers should feel comfortable with this recipe, as it doesn’t require too many ingredients. Keep in mind that you can use any fillings you prefer; we just provided these as an example.

puff pastry

Baking Tips for Delectable Puff Pastry Triangles

Want your puff pastry recipes to be a hit among all your friends and family? We have the perfect tips and tricks to level up your baking game.

  • You can make your own dough at home, but it will definitely save time to buy it ready-made. If you’re interested in making homemade dough, follow this recipe from top pastry chef Nick Malgieri. You will need just a few ingredients: unbleached all-purpose flour, unsalted butter, cold water, and fine sea salt.
  • Don’t use flour except to roll out the dough. If you have too much flour on your pastries, it will absorb the moisture inside. This will make the dough turn dark gray, making it inedible and pretty nasty-looking.
  • Take care to fold the dough evenly each time so that it’s symmetrical. (This is mostly for all the Type A’s out there. For everyone else, just do your best and enjoy the process!)
  • If you bought frozen puff pastry dough, make sure to thaw it in the fridge overnight. However, if you’re crunched for time, you can also thaw it on the counter until it softens a bit.
  • When unrolling the dough, do it slowly and carefully as puff pastry is prone to cracking. If you start noticing cracks, wait a few moments before proceeding.
  • Alternatively, you can fill them after baking if you prefer. This may make them less soggy, but it’s up to you.
  • You want to look for puff pastry dough with only butter, not shortening or any other fat source. Butter will have the best flavor, so make sure to read the ingredients carefully.
  • Some ovens cook faster than others, so keep a close eye on the pastries. You don’t want to overcook them, as they’re delicate and prone to burning. You may want to cover them with aluminum foil for the last 10 minutes or so.
  • Other filling ideas for the puff pastry triangles include the following items: cream cheese, butter, raspberry, blueberry, caramel apple, Nutella or chocolate banana.
  • You can also make savory puff pastry triangles! Cheesy mushroom spinach, chicken pot pie, tomato tarts, salami and cheese pinwheels, and jalapeño popper pastries are just a few ideas.

We hope you enjoy these puff pastry recipes! If you decide to make them, let us know what you think in the comments!

Final Thoughts on Making Puff Pastry Triangles Three Different Ways

It’s hard to turn down a puff pastry, especially when it’s homemade! (We say these count as homemade, even though the dough isn’t). If you’re in the mood for a light, airy dessert, look no further than the puff pastry. Since it’s such a flexible dough, you can customize it and add whatever filling you desire. Whether you’re feeling dessert or dinner, the puff pastry is sure to satisfy your craving.

Puff pastries have been around for centuries, originating in Spain in the 13th century. Nowadays, you can find these scrumptious pastries in bakeries around the world. And, in your own kitchen of course!

Does a Perfect First Date Actually Exist? Here Is What the Experts Suggest

Everyone thinks about the perfect date, and their ideas tend to be different from others. While the details of a perfect first date may differ, there are a few things that many ideas have in common. However, the main question people have is whether or not the perfect first date exists at all.

Luckily, experts weighed in on the topic and gave some helpful insight. One important thing to note is that the idea someone has of a perfect date can sometimes make all days seem less than perfect. If their ideas are too far-fetched, they’ll always feel let down because their expectations don’t meet up to reality.

Generic ideas of a perfect date might include dinner at a nice restaurant, a romantic walk, and a good night kiss. However, not everyone has this simple and realistic idea of what a perfect date should look like. Many people have intricate and in-depth ideas of how dating should play out, only to experience disappointment. Looking for a nice restaurant a perfect date? Have a peek at this Jimmy John Shark article here for more details!

No matter your ideas about a perfect date, you have likely wondered if it exists. Before you go on a first date, read what the experts have to say about perfectionism so that you can utilize their information. Knowing will help you in your romantic endeavors, and it’ll open your eyes to so much about the date.

Why People Long for a Perfect First Date

perfect first date

Having a perfect first date matters more than many people realize. The importance doesn’t only come from what your date tells their friends, although that could be important in the long run. Instead, the importance is about making your date feel cared for and comfortable throughout the experience.

The first date allows the other person to look for the essential things they want in a partner. Many people desire thoughtfulness, romance, quality time, and effort. Your date wants to get to know you better while having fun, allowing you to deepen your connection.

Here Is What the Experts Suggest About a Perfect First Date

Many people wonder about the perfect first date, and relationship experts have weighed in. Experts say that there is no such thing as a perfect first date because everyone has different expectations. You’ll never know every detail someone wants, so you’ll never be able to accomplish perfectionism when dating.

Plus, people and situations are unpredictable. You can’t always predict when things will go wrong or the course a conversation will take. However, experts say there are some things you can do to ensure you and your partner have the best possible date.

Before deciding what to do on your date, you should learn what the other person expects. Knowing what they expect from a date will help you keep them happy, and you’ll know what they don’t want to experience, too. Remember, it won’t all be perfect, but it can be great and result in a second date.

What People Want from a “Perfect” First Date

What are people hoping for when they meet up with someone for the first time?


Getting to know one another is essential on a first date, but people still want to have fun. You can plan a fun activity or find ways to make your date laugh throughout the experience. If your date has fun, you’re more likely to go on a second date with them.


People like to eat, and their desire doesn’t end when on a date. You don’t have to go to dinner, but incorporate some food into your plans. You can grab dessert on your way home or have snacks during your activity.

An Audience

Whether they admit it or not, everyone likes to feel heard. Don’t talk about yourself too much because your date will want you to listen to them, too. Listen attentively and react appropriately to what your date talks about.

Use the time to show that you’re not only listening but that you like your date, too. Compliment your date or say something to make them feel special.

A Glimpse into Your True Character

The purpose of a first date is to see if the other person is someone you want to spend more time around. Remember that your date is doing the same thing to you, paying attention to your behaviors and character. Be yourself, but be mindful of how you act so you don’t give any red flags.

Ten Tips for a Perfect First Date

Here are some tips to have as perfect a first date as possible.

1 – Choose an Activity for a Perfect First Date

When deciding what you want to do on your date, make sure to choose something that allows for communication. You should spend the first date getting to know one another, so dinner and a movie aren’t ideal. Plus, you’ll want to pick an activity that doesn’t pressure either of you to entertain.

2 – Set a Time Frame

If your time together goes on for too long, it could turn a great date into one that never ends. Setting a time frame for the first date allows it to stop at a good time, and it’ll make both of you want to see each other again.

Plus, you can decide to extend it by getting a coffee or grabbing dessert if neither of you is ready for it to end. Just remember that not having an end time can eventually make things awkward.

3 – Plan Your First Date Around a Common Interest

If you know that you and your date have a similar interest, choose an activity revolving around it. For instance, if you both enjoy the outdoors, plan a fun hike that neither of you has taken before. If you’re both into art, you could browse an art gallery.

Ultimately, planning a date with an activity that you will both enjoy but will still allow you to communicate is the goal. Your date will be thrilled that you remembered what they like, too, making the activity a bonus.

perfect first date

4 – Dress Appropriately

When you get dressed for your date, make sure it’s an appropriate wardrobe choice. Overdressing is unimpressive, but you also want to make sure you don’t underdress. It’s okay to ask what kind of dress code your date is following or for you to tell the other person.

5 – Don’t Over-Communicate Before the Date

With texting and social media messaging being so common and easy, it’s tempting to message your date ahead of time. The two of you might engage in conversation to get to know one another. While this might sound ideal, it can hinder the first date.

Your body language and tone of voice are a huge part of communication. If you tell your date everything about you through a message, it might not come across as well as it could have in person. Plus, it ruins the anticipation of getting to know the other person on your first experience together.

6 – Get Your Mind Right

You can’t control some aspects of your date, such as chemistry, compatibility, or attraction. However, you can mentally prepare to ensure you make the best impression. You don’t want to begin the day feeling unworthy or defeated because it’ll show throughout the experience.

Before heading out for your date, break through your feelings of self-doubt. Use positive affirmations or do something that’ll help clear your mind of negative thinking.

7 – Use Interesting Conversation Starters

Spending the night complimenting your partner and bragging about yourself won’t always go over well. Your date will see you as superficial and think they can’t have a beneficial conversation with you. Instead, spark conversation about topics that show your curiosity and intelligence.

Experts say that deeper discussions are the only way to get to know someone. Ask about your date’s first choice for a dinner guest, their most treasured memory, or what their perfect day would look like.

8 – Be Respectful to Create The Perfect First Date Atmosphere

When you’re on a date, be respectful of your date and those around you. Your partner will likely pay attention to how you treat others, so respect everyone. If your date sees that you’re rude to your waiter, they’ll likely become disinterested, even if you’re nice to them.

9 – Don’t Overshare

It’s essential to get to know one another, but you also don’t want to overshare. Don’t bring up intense family history, relationship issues, or scandalous situations right away. Wait until you’ve gotten to know each other a little better before divulging the uncomfortable information.

10- Avoid Controversial Subjects

If your relationship progresses past the first few dates, it might be essential to discuss politics and religion. However, it’s not entirely appropriate on the first date. You should also avoid discussing finances too soon in the relationship.

If politics, religion, or finances comes up, be cautious moving forward in the conversation. Focus on being respectful because you don’t know what their beliefs are or background looks like. Keeping things lighthearted is best as you get to know one another on a deeper level.

perfect first date

Final Thoughts on Does a Perfect First Date Actually Exist? Here is What the Experts Suggest

The first thing to remember about a perfect date is that the little details make all the difference. Simple aspects of the experience can determine if the date is bad or good. It turns out that the perfect date isn’t about meeting every aspect of the person’s unrealistic ideals, but it’s about the thought and effort.

Going on a first date with someone will entice many different emotions. You might be excited, anxious, wary, and many other things all at once. However, you can listen to the experts regarding planning a date and find ways to ensure the best experience possible.

Essentially, to ensure things run smooth, you’ll want to plan. You want to show how interested you are without going overboard or trying too hard. Now that you know a perfect first date exists, it’s time to make it happen.

20 Subtle Hints That Reveal Someone is Interested in Romance

Some people think they’re good at hiding their feelings, but they still exhibit subtle hints. Even if they try not to let you know they’re interested in romance, there will be some physical and emotional indications. Once you learn all of the subtle hints that reveal someone is interested, you can see them even from a distance.

When you don’t know someone well or have a new partner, the first subtle hints will likely be harder to identify. However, the more time you spend around someone, the more intense the signs become.

Body language can tell you quite a bit about how someone feels. Not only that, but many other signs of attraction can convey interest, too. Knowing these signs can help you identify when your crush has feelings for you, too.

Every relationship has to start somewhere, so watch for these subtle hints that someone is interested in you. The other person might be too nervous to say something, but they’ll still exhibit some of these indications. Then, you can take the lead if you have feelings for the person, too.

Twenty Subtle Hints That Reveal Someone is Interested in Romance

subtle hints

1. They Light Up Around You

If you notice that someone lights up anytime you walk in the room. It’s a good sign they’re interested romantically. The person might become radiant and happy, and their smile will intensify. People can’t help but smile when they see someone they’re interested in, regardless of whether they’re willingly showing their emotions.

Likewise, if you light up when someone enters the room, it’s a good sign you’re interested in that person. If you’re in denial about your feelings, pay attention to how you feel and react when you see them.

2. They Engage with Your Social Media Posts and Drop Subtle Hints for All to See

Pay attention to the people who like your stories or social media posts first. However, even if they don’t like the posts first, someone romantically interested will likely appear on all of your posts. They might like your pictures or comment on things you share, but either way, it’s a subtle sign.

Someone interested in you romantically will want to see everything you post so that they can engage. Please don’t assume that they’re only interacting to be nice because that would take quite a bit of effort to do for everyone they know.

3. They Always Want to Sit Near You

If you notice that someone always wants to sit near you, it’s a good sign they’re romantically interested. The person who likes you will go out of their way to sit with you in a group setting. While friends might do this already, it’s a good sign of more to come when your crush does it.

4. They Flirt with You (not so subtle hints)

Flirting is a sure sign that someone is romantically interested in you. While some people are natural flirts, you’ll know when the person treats you differently.

Usually, even the biggest flirts will only flirt with their crush when they are around. If they aren’t giving anyone else the same attention, you’ll know that they want to get to know you better.

5. You Keep Catching Them Looking at You

When you keep catching someone looking at you, it’s a sure sign that they’re into you. The person will subconsciously glance at you more than they look at anyone else.

Plus, you might catch them staring when they think you aren’t paying attention. There’s no denying the staring if the person quickly looks away when you see them looking, so watch for that, too.

6. They Listen Intently

Intently listening could be a sign of respect rather than a romantic interest, but it’s still worth noting. When paired with other subtle hints, it only affirms your suspicion that they’re romantically interested. The person will listen carefully, ask polite questions, laugh, act surprised, and keep engaging.

7. One of the Subtle Hints Is When They Remember Things About You

When someone is interested in you, they’ll remember many things you say. Your interests will be vital to them, and they might even bring up comments you said a while before. They might also bring up places you visited together or mutual friends you share.

You might not even remember the situation they bring up, but they’ll have left an impression on the other person. The things you say to the person who likes you will become a part of their long-term memory. Their ability to remember things about you is a clear sign of romantic affection.

8. Their Body Language Displays Subtle Hints of Attraction

If a person’s body language changes around you, it’s a sure sign they have romantic feelings. The person will act differently toward other people but stand up straighter around you. The person will face you directly, with their feet facing you.

Other body languages that indicated romantic interest include:

  • Fixing their hair or clothes
  • Leaning toward you while talking
  • Mirroring your body language

9. They Want to Help You

If someone goes out of their way to help you, it could indicate that they like you as more than a friend. They’ll do whatever they can to help you or be there for you. You likely won’t even have to ask for help before they’re stepping in to do what you need.

10. They Want to Know You Better

When someone shows an interest in getting to know you better, it’s a sign that they are romantically interested. The person might ask about your favorite food, movies, bands, or memories as a way to know you deeply. Someone romantically interested will likely also ask about your family or siblings.

subtle hints

11. They Ask About Your Relationship Status

Asking about your relationship status is often a sure sign that someone is interested in you. They’ll want to know what your love life looks like to understand if they stand a chance. However, they won’t have to ask if your relationship status is social media.

12. Subtle Hints Can Include Many Sincere Compliments

Someone who is romantically interested might give you compliments. The person will notice when you get a haircut, or they’ll tell you that your outfit looks great. Whatever they mention, it’ll be clear that they are trying to build you up.

13. They Seem Anxious or Nervous Around You

Someone who likes you might act nervous and smile more often, or they’ll fidget while talking to you. The person might also fumble or drop things when you’re around.

14. They Ask About You

Your mutual friends can help you figure out when someone is interested in you. If you know the same people, the person who likes you might ask about your relationship status or your likes and dislikes. Not only is it a subtle sign of romantic interest, but it’s also a sign that they’re nervous to ask you directly.

Additionally, if someone has a crush on you, they’ll talk about you often. They’ll bring you up when talking to others, and they’ll seem always seem to have something positive to say.

15. They Try to Impress You

When someone likes you romantically, they’ll say or do things to impress you. As they retell a story, they might exaggerate to convince you to see their full potential. They’ll likely shift the story to make them sound like a great person with a well-balanced life.

You might even notice that they brag about the things that make them proud. When someone does this, it shows that they want to show you that they’re worthy.

16. They’re Interested in Your Plans for the Future

If someone wants to know about your plans, it could be a subtle hint that they are romantically interested. While they might not be thinking about marriage, they’ll want to know what your general plans are.

They’ll ask about your career aspirations and family goals, and they might ask about what pets you like. Even asking about places you want to visit could indicate romantic interest.

17. They Come Up with Reasons to Spend Time with You

Anytime someone looks for reasons to spend time with you or be near you, it’s a sign of attraction. They might look for you at a party, work event, or outing and approach you.

More obvious signs that your crush wants to be with you are that they start hanging out places you frequent. You might start seeing them at your favorite park, library, or restaurant. Plus, they will make sure to attend any event you might be at.

18. They Look for Reasons to Make Physical Contact

Someone that likes you romantically will look for reasons to touch you. They will give high fives, handshakes, and sometimes even hugs. Plus, they might touch your arm while they talk to you or rub your back as they walk by.

19. Subtle Hints Often Include Frequent Text Messages

When physical contact isn’t possible, someone who likes you will reach out another way. They will text or call you often if they have your number, and you might find yourself in frequent contact.

The timing and frequency of the interactions are signs, too. Communicating late at night or early in the morning indicates a deeper connection and intense feelings.

20. They Lose Track of Time When They’re with You

If you’re talking to or spending time with someone and they lose track of time, it’s a sign that they like you. It shows that the person forgets about other things when you’re around and that they enjoy your company.

subtle hints

Final Thoughts on Subtle Hints That Reveal Someone is Interested in Romance

Even when someone doesn’t directly say that they are romantically interested, they’ll show signs. Many subtle hints indicate their deeper feelings, helping you recognize when someone is into you. When you identify the behaviors that reveal a romantic interest, you’ll know what to expect.

If you’re also interested, you can pursue the relationship. Otherwise, you can find a way to show that you don’t share the same interest. Either way, knowing the subtle hints can help you decide on your next move.

20 Sincere Compliments That Will Make Your Partner Feel Validated

Sincere compliments can help make your partner feel validated and happy in your relationship. Many people falsely believe that people need compliments because they need attention, but there’s more to it than that. Complimenting your partner validates how much they mean to you, who they are, and what they have accomplished.

Whether in a long-term relationship or a new romance, taking your partner for granted is easy. You might assume they already know how you feel about them and forgo giving compliments. However, no matter how long you’ve been together, it’s essential to keep complimenting your partner.

Sincere compliments not only flatter your partner, but they’ll also feel acknowledged. They’ll know you see and appreciate them, leaving less room for negativity within the relationship. Giving compliments can also help negate negative words your partner heard that day.

Even if your partner knows how you feel, they must hear it sometimes. Don’t fixate on how they look when you’re flirting, as they will love to hear you appreciate other things about them. Use these sincere compliments to help your partner feel validated, safe, and loved.

Twenty Sincere Compliments That Will Make Your Partner Feel Validated

sincere compliments

1. You always give your best and know exactly what to do.

By telling your partner they always give their best, they’ll know you pay attention and appreciate them. It also lets them know that you count on them when they don’t know what to do. This compliment will deepen your emotional connection and help your partner feel good about themselves.

2. Your kindness inspires me to be a better person.

This compliment will validate your partner by letting them know you recognize their kind heart. It also reaffirms how mighty kindness is in the lives of those around your partner. Knowing their kind heart is appreciated will make them feel good about themselves and the relationship.

3. You are one of the most generous people I’ve ever met.

When you use this positive phrase, your partner will embrace the words and feel more comfortable with who they are. They’ll see that you love who they are as a person, allowing them to feel safe in the relationship, too. By helping validate your partner’s positive traits, they’ll open up and let you see even more of their soul.

4. You are so funny that my stomach hurts from laughing sometimes.

Your partner will be thrilled to know you think they’re funny. People with a good sense of humor are flattered when someone appreciates their jokes.

This compliment is one way that they flirt with their significant other. Complimenting their ability to make you laugh will make them feel good and comfortable being around you.

5. You are so intelligent and always teaching me something new.

When you’re dating someone smart, please don’t hold back when complimenting their knowledge. Letting your partner know how smart you think they are will help them see that you appreciate them for more than their appearance. Plus, they’ll be excited to hear that you learn from them.

6. I’m so proud of the way you handled that.

Everyone struggles with handling obstacles and upsetting situations sometimes. If your partner handles something well, point it out to them to make them feel validated. Not only will it show them that you pay attention and care, but it’ll also help them with handling future predicaments.

7. You are so ambitious, and I know you’ll accomplish anything you focus on.

Complimenting your partner’s ambition will encourage them to keep pushing through. It’ll show them that you support their dreams and trust them to stay focused.

This compliment also shows that you know they can achieve their goals. Sharing these positive feelings will make your partner feel validated and supported.

8. What you did takes an incredible amount of courage.

It’s sometimes hard to show courage and do the right thing, so don’t let it go unnoticed. This compliment will show your partner that you are proud of what they did and think they did the right thing. Your partner will likely show courage the next time it’s necessary, too, since your compliment will stay in their mind.

9. Your ability to accomplish your goals is impressive to me.

If you have a driven partner who works hard to reach their goals, tell them that you see their dedication. Acknowledging and pointing out these qualities will help your partner understand that you believe in them. This validation might be all it takes to deepen your relationship.

10. You are incredibly talented, and your perseverance is fantastic.

People sometimes don’t recognize their strengths, but they’ll begin to see them when you point the traits out. There will be things about your partner that you know better than they do.

If they don’t recognize their talent, make sure you express it sincerely. It’ll boost your partner’s confidence and help them see themselves as you do. Plus, it’ll encourage them to put their talents to good use.

sincere compliments

11. Thank you for all you do for me and our relationship.

Never miss a chance to tell your partner how much you appreciate them. By pointing out how much they do for you, they’ll know that you’re thankful for every gesture. Giving sincere compliments is a positive way of flirting, deepening your relationship quickly.

12. I appreciate how you make me feel supported in everything I do.

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a supportive partner. If your partner makes you feel supported in all of your ambitions, make sure you compliment them for it. It’ll help them feel validated in your relationship, and they’ll experience a deeper connection with you.

13. Your optimism makes me feel calmer and less stressed.

Your partner will feel good about your relationship when you tell them their positivity helps you. It shows your significant other that you balance one another out and bring out the best in each other. Plus, they’ll feel good knowing they have a calming effect on you.

14. I’m proud of you for working so hard and reaching your goal.

When you see your partner working hard, speak up and let them know. Recognition will make them feel good and persevere through any obstacles. Once they’ve reached their goal, use this phrase to make your partner feel validated and empowered.

15. I’m inspired by the way you find joy in the little things.

Finding joy in the little things is a highly beneficial trait to have. Not everyone can do it; even the most positive people struggle with it sometimes. When your partner finds joy in the little things, make sure to let them know.

16. You are so thoughtful when you do little things for me.

Everyone likes recognition for the effort they put into their relationships. When your partner does little things to show appreciation, make sure you acknowledge their effort. Not only will your partner feel good about it, but it’ll also make them want to do it more often.

17. You are so passionate and full of energy.

When things get tough and your partner encounters an obstacle, use this compliment to help them. It’ll encourage them to keep going as they remember their passion. Plus, they’ll want to prove that you’re right about their passion and energy levels.

Your partner sometimes might focus on the obstacles rather than how good they are at the task. This sincere compliment will help them see things the way you do, easing the negative thought process.

18. I love how intently you listen when we talk.

Having a partner who listens intently is a blessing that not everyone experiences. When you express this compliment to your partner, they’ll feel good about themselves. Plus, they’ll know you appreciate the gesture, making them want to do it more often.

19. You are the best role model.

Whether you refer to the best role model for your kids or in general, your partner will be flattered to hear these words. This phrase will make your partner feel validated in all that they do. It shows that you think they have something to offer the world and that they’re putting their talents to good use.

This sincere compliment will also encourage your partner to continue being a good person. When they know someone notices and appreciates their good intentions, they’ll seek more opportunities to set a good example.

20. I trust you and your ability to lead.

Trusting your partner and their ability to lead is one of the biggest compliments you can give. It makes your partner feel like they can take care of you and improve your life and the relationship. This phrase also shows that you feel safe within the relationship and comfortable around your significant other.

sincere compliments

Final Thoughts on Sincere Compliments That Will Make Your Partner Feel Validated

Offering sincere compliments is essential to make your partner feel validated. Whether you’re in a long-term or new romance, sincere compliments can make all the difference.

When you compliment your partner, they’ll feel good and want to continue doing what you love. Moreover, they’ll know you recognize all they do and are capable of. Your bond will improve, and you’ll both reap the benefits of the kind phrases.

15 Romantic Text Messages to Reveal Your Feelings to Your True Love

Texting is a beneficial way to get closer to someone as it’s casual but allows you to get to know someone better. Communication is essential in all relationships, but most important in the beginning. When you want to reveal that you’re falling in love, these romantic text messages can help get your point across.

If you want to send romantic text messages to reveal how you feel, there are plenty of ideas to help you begin. While a text message is casual, you still want to give the best impression of who you are and what you feel. It allows you to express yourself even when you’re not physically with your true love.

If you want to have a healthy relationship with your love, you must find ways to encourage love and affection. Luckily, doing this is so much easier than you might realize, thanks to the ease of sending romantic text messages. Your partner will be happy to see your name pop up, and the sweet phrase is sure to bring a smile to their face.

Not only will your text message make them smile, but it’ll get them thinking about you, too. When you reveal how you feel, your partner will begin to think about how deeply they feel for you. Then, the thoughts will stick with them throughout the day, further deepening your connection.

Fifteen Romantic Text Messages to Reveal Your Feelings to Your True Love

romantic text messages

1. You’re the first thing I think about in the morning, and you don’t leave my mind all day.

When you tell someone that they’re the first thing on your mind each morning, it’s a sure way to reveal how you feel. The first thing on your mind is typically the most important in your life at the moment. Plus, mentioning that you think about them all day only intensifies the message.

2. You give me so much happiness, and I want to do the same for you.

Expressing your happiness within the relationship is the perfect way to tell someone how much you care. People love to know they make you feel good, and they’ll be thrilled to know you want the same for them. This text message will make your partner happy, and it’ll make them want to continue the joyous experiences between the two of you.

3. You’re all I ever wanted for my life, and I am falling in love.

This bold statement leaves no question about how you feel for your partner. You spend your life dreaming up the perfect person for you, and now you have found them.

Telling your partner how strongly you feel by sending this romantic text message is sure to benefit your relationship. Once they realize how satisfied you are with how things are going, they’ll likely start thinking the same way.

4. Just thinking about you makes me smile, and I can’t wait to see you again.

When the simple thought of someone makes you smile, you know you’re smitten. Don’t keep those emotions to yourself when you can send a romantic text message to share how you feel.

Letting your partner know that you’re thinking of them and smiling about it will make them feel good about your relationship. Plus, they’ll be thrilled that you want to see them again soon, and they’ll start thinking about your future encounters.

5. I want to stay by your side forever because I don’t want to be without you.

Sending someone a text to say you want them there forever will brighten their day. When you want to spend all of your time with someone, it’s a sure sign that they are the one. Let them know how you feel because they might feel the same way in return.

6. You’ve taught me so much about being in a healthy relationship, and I can’t thank you enough.

Healthy relationships aren’t as common as they should be, so be thankful if you’re in one. Let your partner know that you appreciate the state of your relationship. Not only will it make them happy that you feel that way, but it’ll encourage further healthy actions later.

7. You make me feel safe and comfortable when I’m with you.

Feeling safe and comfortable with someone is one of the signs that you’re with the right person. You likely feel like they would protect you from harm, but you’ll also know that they won’t hurt you. One of the best parts is that you’ll feel free to tell them anything without them using it against you.

romantic text messages

8. Having you in my life gives me joy each day, and I always have something to look forward to.

When your partner brings joy to your life, don’t hesitate to tell them. Send them a meaningful and romantic text message to say exactly how you feel.

By adding how you always have something to look forward to, they’ll know you want to see them soon. It’ll also get your partner thinking about seeing you again, deepening your connection. They’ll love reading how you feel about them, and it’s a message they’ll want to save forever.

9. I admire you and appreciate all that you do.

Your true love will experience joy in your relationship when they feel admiration and appreciation. It’ll make them want to keep being the great person they are, and it’ll deepen the bond you have together.

If you find yourself thinking about something great they did, reach out and let them know you’re thinking about it. Validation goes a long way, and they’ll be thrilled that you notice and appreciate their efforts.

10. I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.

Even if you’ve only been with someone for a short time, they can change your life in incredible ways. Before you know it, you can’t imagine your life without them in it.

If you feel that way about your true love, make sure to let them know with this romantic text message. You’ll both be glad you sent the message as you’ll feel good about explaining your emotions, and they’ll love the meaningful words.

11. You’re my favorite person in the world, and I want to spend more of my time with you.

When you’ve found your true love, they’ll quickly become your favorite person in the world. You’ll enjoy spending time with them over anyone else in your life. Don’t shy away from how you feel because your partner likely feels the same way.

12. Seeing you smile brightens my day because your happiness means the world to me.

This romantic text message about your partner’s smile will bring a grin to their face immediately. Letting them know you love to see their smile will help them see how much they mean to you. Plus, by telling them that their happiness is essential to you, they’ll know they chose the right person.

13. I’m grateful to have someone like you in my life.

Showing gratitude for your partner’s presence in your life is meaningful. Sending this as a random text message during the day can brighten your partner’s day. It also shows how much they mean to you, deepening the emotional connection you share.

14. My days have become so much happier and brighter since you’ve been in them.

When you’ve found your true love, your life will improve all around. You’ll feel happier and more energetic at the simple thought of being in a relationship with them. If you think this way about your true love, send this text message right away to let them know.

15. Loving you comes naturally to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life caring for you.

Finding your true love means that you naturally want to do loving things for them. The urge to love them comes without force, and you’ll look for ways to show that you care.

If you feel this way, make sure you let your partner know. You might already do things to show them, but your words will go a long way. Plus, it’ll be a message they can read over again whenever they want.

romantic text messages

Final Thoughts on Sendint These Sweet Texts to Reveal Your Feelings to Your True Love

Sending romantic text messages to reveal how you feel doesn’t have to be complicated. If you aren’t used to expressing yourself while texting, it might take some getting used to. However, before you know it, you’ll be typing out romantic text messages without a problem.

You can use the text messages listed here, or you can come up with your own. Please keep it simple, but make sure you say something memorable and romantic. Showing your appreciation for your love is always a wise way to go, but pointing out other things is beneficial too.

Whatever romantic text messages you decide to send, make sure they’re meaningful to you. Don’t say these things if you don’t mean them, and make sure they apply to your relationship. You will both benefit from you sending these romantic text messages, so don’t hesitate if you mean it.

6 Strategies for Building Self-Confidence in Shy Children Without Embarrassing Them

The school-age years are hard on kids, but it’s even more difficult for shy children. They’re concerned about fitting in and being popular, but these charismatic abilities come easier to some than others. Shy children often struggle because they have difficulty interacting and making friends.

As a parent, you want to raise well-rounded kids and have fun because you want them to get everything possible out of their childhood experience. Sadly, that means that you must sit back and watch them go through things that you wish you could help. The good news is that you can help your children overcome some of these obstacles by boosting their confidence.

Six Useful Strategies to Build Confidence in Shy Children

The shy child needs to break out of their shell a bit, and the loving guidance of a parent is most valuable. Many of these children are introverted or suffer from anxiety disorders. Here are a few ways to help them boost their confidence and have a fun and unique upbringing.

shy children

1. Use Positive Affirmations With Shy Children

The GEMS Wellington Academy in Dubai experimented with plants. They took two plants and put them in a special enclosure. Each day, one of the plants was given praise and spoken to with love by the children, while the other plant was given a negative talk and bullied.

These kids wanted to test the theory that you can inhibit a plant’s growth based on their speech. At the end of the trial period, as reported by the Daily Mail, the plant that was spoken positively too thrived. However, the plant that received negative feedback was in poor condition.

In just 30 days, the negative talk nearly killed a plant; now, what could it do to your child? You can help build confidence by assisting shy children to know their worth. Positive affirmations are an excellent way to do this.

Once you engrain into their brains that they’re loved, unique, and can do anything they set their mind to do, the negative remarks from peers won’t sting nearly as bad. To help your child bust out of their shell, start teaching them their worth.

It would be best to arm them with the positive they need to make it through a hostile world.

2. Banish Negative Self-Talk

Shyness is something that you can overcome, but it will take practice. There’s nothing wrong with having a shy nature, but the child needs to have enough social skills to make it outside the home. One issue that someone introverted might suffer from is feeling less than.

When they make a mistake, they will run through negative self-talk in their mind. As a parent, you need to teach your child that when these negative thoughts flood their brain, they need to combat them with positivity. For instance, let’s assume that little Sarah got an “F” on her science test.

Adjectives like dumb, stupid, worthless, and ignorant flood her brain as she looks at her failing grade. She bursts into tears, feeling that she wasn’t smart enough to pass the test. You need to step in and teach her to quiet these internal voices.

Everyone fails at some point in their life, but she can’t beat herself up over it. She needs to learn to dust off the failure and move on. Tell her that she will do better on the next test and encourage her to study more.

3. Teach Shy Children Resilience

Speaking of failures, it’s impossible for shy children or any other kids to succeed at everything all the time. There are going to be times that they have setbacks and experience pain. Rather than wallowing in their self-pity, they need to use these failures as learning experiences.

So, your child failed a test or didn’t get voted as class president, instruct them on how they can do things differently the next time. It’s imperative to teach them that no matter what they do, they should give it their all so that they can take pride in their accomplishments.

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4. Allow Independence

If you have a self-confident child, they have no issue trying new things because they don’t fear failing. However, shy children have such a fear of failure that they need your help. Let’s assume your child wants to make a cake.

You can set out the ingredients, give them the recipe, and help with basic instructions. Though, it would help if you let them make the cake. If you micromanage them throughout the process, they will never learn how to do anything.

Fight the urge to intervene when they do something wrong and give them space to make some mistakes. You can practice boosting their confidence by expanding their horizons. Get friends and schoolmates involved in their adventures so that you can help them to build trust and learn how to handle various situations.

5. Be Consistent with Rules and Discipline

You might wonder how building a self-confident child involves discipline and rules. However, children thrive in an atmosphere where there’s structure. If you want your child to be more confident, you need to make sure they know you’re in charge.

While the average kid will gripe about the rules and say they’re too strict, they have a sense of confidence when they know what to expect. It’s okay for your management to evolve as your child ages, and each household will have different requests. Consequently, the critical part is that your child has a clear sense of what others expect from them.

Many parents get caught up in being friends and not parenting their children. Shy children need grounding that comes from knowing what they can and cannot do.

When peer pressure comes their way, they will be able to walk away. These kids often need help setting boundaries, and firm discipline is a way to enforce appropriate limitations.

6. Encourage Physical Activities

Did you know that playing on a team can help build confidence? Shy children need the camaraderie of their peers in such a setting. When they all work together, they can practice and learn to achieve goals as a unit.

Sure, they won’t win every game, but they learn to handle defeat when their peers are experiencing the same thing. All children have weaknesses that they must overcome, but their weaknesses don’t seem as significant when they’re not singled out because of it.

Other great benefits of playing sports are teaching them to stay fit and learning the importance of eating healthy. Any physical activity requires practice. Whether they’re playing football, basketball, dancing, or doing martial arts, it all requires being in shape to be effective.

Five More Tips for Parenting Shy Children

Parents have a challenging job raising well-rounded children. However, here are some things that you can do to avoid breaking down your child’s esteem. Many parents say and do things without realizing the impact on their kids.

  • Never compare your child to any other kids, including their siblings. Their thoughts and feelings are theirs alone, so it’s unfair to compare them with others. It’s setting them up for failure.
  • Don’t browbeat your child when they do something wrong. Correct the behavior issue and move on. Please focus on the good things they’ve done, not the wrong things. Make your parenting more positive than negative, and it will make a world of difference in your child’s esteem.
  • Make sure your kids choose their friends wisely. If they run with the rebels who have behavioral issues, it will be a big problem. Help them choose their inner circle judiciously, as these kids will significantly impact their mental well-being.
  • You should always give constructive criticism to your child, but make sure your critique is limited. No child likes a helicopter parent; provide them with instruction and give them the free space they need to spread their wings. If you ride their back constantly, you’re going to destroy their esteem rather than build it.
  • Let them know how much they’re loved and cared for every day. You can give your child the best esteem booster by simply letting them know they’re loved and accepted.

shy children

Final Thoughts on Building Self-Confidence in Shy Children

An article posted on Etch Kids talks about Gregory Caremans, a psychologist and founder of the Brain Academy in Belgium. Caremans addresses the incorrect belief that self-esteem develops throughout life.

Based on studies, Caremans states that your esteem is set into motion between 2-12 years of age. Sure, there will be things that happen along the way that increase or decrease that esteem, but parents have the significant responsibility of helping form this early on.

Your kids are like sponges that absorb what’s poured into them. What are you pouring into your shy children to help boost their confidence? If you’re spewing negativity in the form of tongue lashings, constant correction, and not letting them try anything for themselves, then you need to adjust your methods.

When you utilize positive parent methods and have unwavering household rules, you will help build them. Life and other children are cruel and can knock even the strongest kid to their knees. As a parent, you need to be there to encourage them to keep going, stroking their ego, and help build confidence along the way.

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