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20 Subtle Signs That You Have Found “The One”

Couples that have been married for a while love to tell their story. They talk about how they met and the moment they knew they’d found the one for them. There is always a moment when you realize they are the person for you, but not everyone recognizes the subtle signs.

There typically isn’t just one sign, either. In most relationships, many small moments lead up to the big event. When you recognize the signs, you can bask in them and start thinking about where your relationship is heading.

Not all married couples are specific when they tell their story. Some might say there wasn’t a particular moment when they knew, but there were likely still signs along the way. There are good qualities that help you recognize that your true love.

These subtle signs can help you know when to take your connection to the next level if you are in a relationship. However, these tips can even help anyone in a relationship because they’ll know what to look for. As you look for these subtle signs, you should note when they’re missing in your relationships.

Twenty Subtle Signs That You Have Found “The One”

subtle signs

1. You Can’t Imagine Giving Them Up for Anything

Giving up a single lifestyle isn’t an easy decision for many people. It requires making drastic life changes such as not staying out all night with friends or going places you’d rather not. Plus, you’ll have to make decisions and plans as a couple rather than only worrying about yourself.

If you can make these changes and can’t imagine a different decision, it’s a good sign that you’ve found your person. You won’t miss those days because you’ll be happy with the new romantic change in your life.

2. Getting Random Texts from Them Makes Your Day

If you see your partner’s name pop up on your phone and you immediately smile, it’s a good sign. Not only is it a good sign that you get happy about it, but it also shows your person is thinking of you.

3. You Always Know How to Cheer Them Up

When your person is in a funk, and you can always cheer them up, it’s a subtle sign that you found your person. It shows that you know them better than anyone else does and that you’ll do what it takes to make them happy. Plus, it shows that you pay attention to the little details and remember what they love.

4. You’re Honest When Something Bothers You

In a serious relationship, you must be comfortable speaking up when something bothers you. You can’t address or fix issues if you bottle them up, and keeping them to yourself usually leads to more problems. However, if you can be upfront about issues in your relationship, it’s a subtle sign that you’re in the right one.

5. You Are Both Comfortable with the Other Having a Separate Life

In healthy relationships, both of you should feel comfortable having a life outside of one another. Both of you should still spend time with other friends and loved ones alone.

When they see people, they knew before. You don’t always have to tag along. Additionally, it would be best if you didn’t make them feel bad for spending time with others or working on their hobbies.

6. They Can Order for You (the sweetest of these subtle signs of love)

When you go out with your person, and they know what to order for you, it’s a sign that they pay attention. They might order your favorite drink for you while you’re in the bathroom or choose your favorite appetizer. Whatever it is, if they get it right, it’s a romantic sign that they are the person for you.

7. Everything Feels Better When You See Them

When you’ve had a bad day but seeing your person makes it better, it’s a good sign for your relationship. They’ll help ease the pain and make you realize that great things are happening in your life. You’ll feel better as soon as you see them because you know they’ll help make it better.

8. Everything is Fun When You’re Together

When you’ve found the right person, anything can be fun. Even grocery shopping will be more exciting when you go together. Running errands together gives you a chance to create inside jokes and bonds as you walk through the aisles.

Of course, you’ll do more exciting things than just going to the grocery store. While you’re in the car on your way to fun activities, pay attention to how things are going. If a car ride is fun when you’re together, it’s a subtle sign that they are your person.

9. You Know When They Need Their Space (the most underrated of these subtle signs of affection)

Everyone needs alone time, even when they are in a happy and healthy relationship. You don’t have to spend every moment together, and it’s not healthy if you do. It’s a good sign of a strong connection if you recognize when your special person needs to be left alone.

10. There are Certain Things You Won’t Do Without Them

When you’re in the right relationship, you’ve likely started doing things together. If you find that you won’t do certain things if they aren’t there, it’s a good sign that it’s a lasting relationship.

Some couples have a show they watch together, and they wouldn’t want to watch it without the other. Likewise, if there’s a restaurant you only go to with them, it’s a subtle sign that they’re your person.

subtle signs

11. You Can Read Each Other’s Subtle Signs in Social Situations

If you know your person well enough to pick up on their signs, it’s a sign of a long-lasting relationship. When you can both see when the other is ready to go without speaking up, you know that they pay attention to you. They care deeply and are learning your little quirks, helping them recognize when you need something.

12. You Feel Safe to Admit When You’ve Made a Mistake

If neither of you admits when you’ve messed up, your relationship likely won’t last. However, when you’ve found your person, you’ll feel comfortable enough to admit your mistakes. You know they won’t hold it against you long-term, and they’ll accept your honesty.

Being able to admit mistakes in a relationship helps you work toward something more. It’s a sign that you are both willing to put in work for a better relationship.

13. You Can Be Cheesy Around Them

When you can let loose and tell cheesy jokes, it’s a subtle sign of something deeper between you. Being yourself in a relationship is a blessing that not everyone receives. If you’re lucky enough to have someone to be cheesy with, they might be the person for you.

14. You Argue Passionately

In a healthy relationship, you won’t argue often. However, when you do, it’ll be passionate. You let go of more minor issues, so when something does come up, you’ll both show your passion. Your argument won’t be about who has the final say, but it’ll be about finding common ground.

15. You Can Share Your Dreams with Them

If you’ve found someone you can share your dreams with, it’s a subtle sign that they are your person. When you want to share every detail of your life and plans with them, there’s a good reason for it. They will also make you feel like you can reach any goal you have, and they’ll encourage you along the way.

16. You Encourage One Another

When you’ve found the right person, you’ll both encourage each other. You’ll want their dreams to come true, and they’ll encourage you to make yours happen, too. If you both support one another and want to see each other succeed, it’ll lead to a long and happy relationship.

17. You Argue Fair (the most unexpected of the subtle signs of a good relationship)

When you argue, you don’t say things to hurt one another. Instead, you fight fair and try to come up with a solution together that’ll benefit both of you. Every couple argues, but people in a happy relationship want to handle conflict together.

18. You Care About Each Other’s Opinions

Whether you are talking politics or critiquing a comedy movie, you’ll respect one another’s opinions. It’s okay to disagree, but you must not belittle one another for having a different view. When you share your thoughts, you’ll both want to hear them even if there’s a disagreement.

It’s a good sign if you have someone who asks for your opinion and listens without judgment. It’s beneficial to have someone you can communicate freely with.

19. You Want to Make Their Life Easier

If you look for ways to improve your person’s life, it’s a subtle sign of finding your person. It shows that you’ve stopped living for yourself and now think of someone else’s well-being, too. Sacrifices in a relationship indicate that you’re willing to adjust your life to have them in it.

20. You’re Okay with Being Vulnerable (maybe the most important of these subtle signs they’re the one)

Vulnerability is essential in a healthy, long-lasting relationship. You’ll let your person see the parts of your mind and emotions that no one else gets to experience. Plus, you’ll trust them not to use those areas to hurt you later on.

subtle signs

Final Thoughts on Subtle Signs That You Have Found “The One”

Finding your person is one of the most incredible and most exciting parts of your life. Recognizing the subtle signs that indicate you found the right person for your life can help you strengthen the relationship.

Don’t miss the subtle signs that indicate it’s time to move forward. Plus, make sure you’re showing these subtle signs to your partner, too.

20 Important Lessons That You Will Only Understand If You’ve Had Lost Love

Relationships are complicated, and there are many important lessons to learn when you’re in one. Anyone who has had love and lost it will know many of these life lessons, but everyone can benefit from them. Whether you are in your first partnership or have experience, these crucial lessons can help you.

Romance can teach you quite a bit about yourself if you know what to look for. They also help you learn about respect and staying true to yourself. Knowing these vital lessons will help make the ups and downs of your romantic connection easier to handle.

These life lessons won’t guarantee that your romance will be happier or last longer, but they will help you handle things in a better way. You won’t lose who you are, can remain calm, and set boundaries. Knowing what to expect is beneficial to ensuring both partners can adjust and maintain their independence.

Twenty Important Lessons That You Will Only Understand If You’ve Had Love (and Loss)

These essential lessons can’t ensure your romantic connection will last forever, but they can help keep things healthy. Many of the lessons came after the love ended because they realized they should have done things differently. By implementing these important lessons, you have a chance of achieving a happy and healthy romantic connection.

important lessons

1. You Must Let Go of Assumptions

When you get your assumptions from your favorite shows or people on social media, you might have false assumptions. People who have had love and lost it know that there is no such thing as a perfect couple. Even couples with the best photos have problems sometimes.

2. It’s Important to Keep Trying New Things Together

Partnerships should be exciting, and you must try new things together. You don’t want to sit at home all the time or keep doing the same activities repeatedly. Plan exciting dates that neither of you has done before so that you can create memories and get to know each other.

3. Don’t Ignore Your Deal Breakers

When there are things that you can’t compromise on, make sure you stick to them. Please don’t ignore the dealbreakers because you like someone because it won’t help you have a healthy romantic connection. You don’t have to waiver on these things because there is someone out there that you won’t have to compromise your values for.

4. Watch for Red Flags

Dealbreakers aren’t the only things you have to watch for in a romantic connection. There are many red flags you should be aware of to protect yourself.

Gaslighting and other controlling behaviors like manipulation are signs that something isn’t right. You don’t want a partner who tries to control you, twists facts, or invalidates how you feel. These red flags can lead to more severe behaviors and be hard to get out of if you get in too deep.

5. Your Friends are Still Important

When you start a new romantic connection, it might seem like your new partner is your entire world. However, you must remember that your friends are just as important as your new love. Please make sure you still give your friends attention and respect and don’t cancel on them to spend time with your new partner.

6. You Don’t Have to Text All Day

Many couples spend all day texting each other, but it doesn’t make for a happy or successful romantic connection. Don’t make your entire day about your partner by talking all day. Instead, make sure to focus on the other things going on in your life, too.

When you are at work or with your loved ones, put your phone away. You can talk to your partner later on. It’s also an important lesson to remember that having deep conversations or arguments via text can lead to misunderstandings.

7. It Is Okay to Be Vulnerable

Being vulnerable is beneficial because it promotes honesty and openness. When you’re weak, it allows you to see how you feel and what you want in a romantic connection.

8. You Must Have Real Conversations

When you get into a new relationship, you might want to keep things lighthearted and fun. However, it would help if you had meaningful conversations right from the start. Speak up about things that bother you, and be honest about how you feel.

9. Remember That Everyone Has a Past

This romantic connection might not be the first for you or your partner. Since everyone has a past, you must accept that your partner had feelings for someone else before you. Please don’t compare yourself to the people from their past, and don’t let it interfere.

10. You Can Vent to Others

Venting to your friends or family members about your partner doesn’t have to be harmful. You might think it’ll give them the wrong impression, but they’ve likely been through it before. They can offer helpful insight and remind you that you aren’t alone.

important lessons

11. It’s Okay to Say “I Love You” First

Knowing that it doesn’t matter who says these three words first is essential. If you feel that it’s the right time to tell them, don’t be afraid to speak up. However, you don’t have to say it if you feel comfortable.

12. You Are Both Individuals

One of the most important lessons to remember is that you don’t belong to one another. You are still two individuals with personal likes, dislikes, hobbies, and relaxation methods. Don’t stop doing the things you love because your partner doesn’t enjoy them.

Likewise, don’t expect your partner to give up things they love or take on things they don’t enjoy. Both of you must maintain your identity and find security in yourself. You don’t want to become codependent and lose who you are.

13. Your Desires Matter

It’s easy to give in and let go of your desires to appease your partner, but you should never do this. If you want to do something, avoid letting your partner influence your decision. The right person for you will support your goals and desires, so don’t sacrifice in this regard.

14. It is Important to Set and Maintain Boundaries

Setting personal boundaries is essential to making you feel comfortable. Make your boundaries clear and enforce them no matter what.

Experimenting and adjusting your boundaries is okay, but only if you want to. Don’t let your partner pressure you into doing things you aren’t comfortable with, and always stand up for yourself.

15. Keep Trusting Yourself

You control your feelings and actions, so trust yourself no matter what. If something doesn’t feel right, listen to your gut and trust how you feel. This fact is one of the most important lessons in life–but one of the hardest to master.

When you trust yourself, you can ensure that you want to be in the partnership. Plus, you’ll know that it’s okay to walk away if you want, too. Don’t put all of your trust in your romantic connection because you should trust yourself first.

16. Don’t Be Afraid of Heartbreak Because It Doesn’t Last Forever

Romantic connections don’t always work out, but you shouldn’t be afraid of heartbreak. Even if you are the partner choosing to end things, you might be scared of the pain.

Remember that heartbreak doesn’t last forever, and you’ll be okay no matter what happens. People grow and change, so it’s sometimes best to move on.

17. This Might Not Be Your Only Relationship in Life

If you are in your first partnership, you might think it’ll last forever. However, some people go through quite a few partners before finding the best one for them. You’ll give lots of time and effort to each partner, but you must know that it might end someday.

Knowing that this might not be your last romantic connection can help you relax and enjoy your time together. If you convince yourself that this is the one that’ll last forever, it can put too much pressure on you.

18. There’s No Reason to Rush Things

It doesn’t matter how many partners you’ve had in the past. There’s never a need to rush. You don’t have to rush into meeting each other’s families or starting a physical connection. Take your time to get to know each other and go on dates that help you bond first.

19. You Must Find Balance

Romance can take over your life, so it is essential to find balance right from the start. Without balance, the end of a romantic connection can be so much worse because you’ve made your life revolve around your partner. Even if you think you’ll be with your partner forever, maintain a balance between your love life, friends, family, hobbies, and self-care.

20. Listen to the Input of Your Loved Ones

If you trust your loved ones, you should listen to their input. While you shouldn’t let them make decisions for you, you should at least hear what they have to say. Your loved ones want what is best for you, and they can see things from another perspective.

important lessons

Final Thoughts on Important Lessons That You Will Only Understand If You’ve Had Love (and Loss)

These important lessons can help you maintain healthy relationships. People who have had love and lost it learned these lessons hard, but you can implement them into your new connection.

Not only will these important lessons help you maintain a healthy romantic connection, but they can help you if it ends, too. These lessons can help you move on maturely and positively.

20 Encouraging Words and Phrases Every Parent Must Teach Their Kids

Using encouraging words with your child is essential to helping them stay motivated. These words also help them see their worth and ability to contribute to the world around them. The words kids hear daily can make all the difference in their life, so you must offer positivity whenever you can.

While many parents praise their children, offering words of encouragement is more beneficial. Studies show that children become less motivated when they receive praise, but their confidence increases from motivation.

Encouraging words work because it builds the child up and helps them understand how their actions influence the world around them. They begin to see how they can make a difference and that hard work and kindness pay off. If you use positive words, they’ll focus on their good qualities instead.

When you use words of encouragement, it fills your child with love, kindness, positivity, and confidence. They’ll want to do their best and continue contributing positively to the world. It helps them develop healthy self-esteem and all of the emotions they need to live a happy life.

Twenty Encouraging Words and Phrases to Teach Kids

encouraging words

1. I love the way you accept other kids’ differences.

If you see your child interacting or playing with a child with differences, it’s important to point it out. Telling your child that you love the way they accept others will encourage them to continue being that way. Plus, it teaches them that their kind behavior is always worth it, helping them feel better about themselves.

2. You made a great observation.

Children observe things and see them differently than adults do. They might see things that others missed because they have a fresh and unique perspective.

When this happens, make sure to use positive words and point out that they made a great observation. It’ll encourage them to be watchful and observant in the future by pointing out that they did well. Then, they’ll have the confidence to speak up when they notice something that others didn’t, as well.

3. I trust you and your decisions.

When a child knows that you trust them and their decisions, they’ll feel more comfortable making choices, they’ll think their decisions through and choose what’s best for them based on their previous knowledge. When you teach your child this skill, it’s a long-life benefit for them.

4. It seemed like you enjoyed that activity.

These encouraging words help your child learn about what they like and don’t like. By pointing out that it seemed like they enjoyed something, they’ll reflect on their experience while it’s still fresh in their mind. Then, the next time they do that same activity or try something new, they’ll focus on having fun again.

5. Thank you for being so kind.

Thanking your child for being kind makes them want to continue the positive behavior in the future. They’ll start looking for ways to be kind, helping their loved ones and strangers whenever they can. Plus, you’ll hear them using kind phrases when speaking to others, too.

6. I can tell you spent a lot of time on this.

Rather than saying “great job!” try using this phrase instead. By pointing out that the child took their time, it’ll encourage them to do that in all situations in the future too. It promotes focus and hard work rather than rushing to produce results.

If you only tell your child, “Great job,” they’ll start to get lazy as they work on things. They won’t take their time anymore because the response is always the same and unspecific.

7. You have come so far!

Kids progress at different speeds, and that is okay. You don’t want to compare your child’s progress to someone else’s because it can cause negativity and make them want to quit. Instead, point out how far they have come personally.

Your child likely puts a lot of effort into improving themselves, so encouraging them with this phrase is beneficial. All it takes is an acknowledgment that they did better than last time.

8. I feel like we’re a great team when working so well together.

This phrase promotes teamwork and encourages children to put in the effort. When you tell them you work well as a team, they’ll want to continue showing that they can do the work. No matter what you’re working on together, take the time to vocalize your thoughts.

9. You are so loved!

There is no better way to encourage a child than to remind them that they are loved. Children thrive when they feel loved and accepted because it helps them feel safe. It gives them the security they need to try new things and stay true to themselves along the way.

10. Can you tell me what you think about this?

Asking for a child’s opinion builds their self-esteem and lets them know you value their thoughts. It also encourages them to think about the things they hear to form an opinion. By doing this, you’re teaching your child to communicate effectively and develop solutions before being asked.

encouraging words

11. You were open-minded, and it helped you pursue a new idea.

Being open-minded is a beneficial quality to have, so it’s a good idea to encourage it in your child. Point out when their openness allowed them to learn something new or discover something exciting. They might not realize that being open-minded prompted the new idea, so don’t let the moment pass.

12. I appreciate all of your help.

This simple phrase isn’t spoken enough to children. If your child helps you with anything, take the time to look them in the eye and tell them that you appreciate it. Stopping to thank them will encourage them to help again later on.

Plus, when children feel appreciated, they feel happy and fulfilled. It serves as an affirmation that helps them feel your love and approval.

13. Thank you for being a good listener.

Encouraging good listening skills is as simple as thanking your child for focusing on what you said. Don’t let the moment go unnoticed whether they listened to you or someone else. This phrase will make them want to listen to what’s happening around them and pay attention when others speak.

14. It’s tough, but you’ll figure it out!

When a child says something is hard, don’t invalidate their feelings by saying it’s not. Instead, use this phrase to agree that their task is challenging, but they have what it takes. When you teach them that they can figure anything out, it’ll help them persevere.

15. I love the way you described your feelings using words.

If your child struggles with expressing their emotions, this phrase is for you. When they use their words to express themselves, point them out to see how beneficial it was. Then, they’ll be more likely to do it again next time.

16. Your hard work is paying off!

Always teach your children that hard work pays off. Use this positive phrase when they work hard at something; you can see a difference. It’ll make them happy and encourage more complex work as they strive to reach their goals.

17. You persevered to solve the problem!

Teaching your child to persevere and keep trying will help them become problem solvers. It encourages them to always look for alternative solutions when their first plan doesn’t work out.

18. I love spending time with you.

Kids always feel better when they know you enjoy their company. Build their self-esteem and let them know that they are valuable with these encouraging words.

19. I appreciate your cooperation. It made things easier.

Children don’t always want to do what you say, or they might make it more difficult. However, they can also be understanding sometimes.

When your child understands and does what you ask, you’ll want to promote that type of behavior in the future. Teach them that cooperation is beneficial sometimes by using this positive phrase.

20. I admire your optimism.

Not everyone can be optimistic, as it can be a struggle for many adults. Children tend to be more positive because they haven’t learned to lose hope in life.

When your child is optimistic, let them know you admire them. Then, they’ll continue being confident in the future because they learned that it’s a beneficial quality to have.

encouraging words

Final Thoughts on Trying These Encouraging Words and Phrases in Your Home

These simple phrases can make all the difference in your child’s life. When you use encouraging words and phrases, it helps them make better choices in the future. They’ll feel more confident in themselves and strive to reach all their goals and dreams.

Remember that your words play a huge role in your child’s mindset. If you use negative comments, it’ll encourage negative behavior. However, you can teach them to be positive and work hard by using these encouraging words and phrases daily.

10 Ways Intuitive Dreams Reinforce Your Gut Instincts

Thanks to modern technology, you can get directions to any place in the world by GPS. You don’t have to pull over and try to pinpoint your destination on a paper map. How can prophetic or intuitive dreams and your sixth sense act as a GPS for your soul’s journey?

It takes a while to learn how to trust your gut instincts. Humans don’t naturally have confidence in what they can’t see or understand. When you focus on your inner voice through the filter of intuitive dreams, you can build faith in the intangible.

Fortunately, you needn’t be a mystic or a self-professed psychic to use this gift. It’s available to anyone willing to go beyond analytics to the realms of spirituality. Although it’s imperative to make rational choices, you’ll find that your sixth sense can also guide you on the right path.

Ways Intuitive Dreams Reinforce Your Gut Instincts

Can you discern valuable information during your sleep? How do you know when your higher self speaks through these night visions? These are ten ways intuitive dreams reinforce your gut instincts.

intuitive dreams

1. Your Intuitive Dreams Follow Your Inner Voice

Let’s face it; some night visions are just a product of your imagination, subliminal suggestion, or too much late-night television. When your dream has a meaningful scenario or theme, your inner voice will validate it.

For example, you’ve always wanted to start a small business, and you intuitively feel it’s in your stars. Then, you have a vivid dream of working in your store just as you had imagined. Prophetic dreams can work with your inner voice and the Universe to bring your visions into reality.

2. You Have an Unexplainable Feeling

When you begin to trust messages from your intuitive dreams, you may also have physical signs. These are often unexplainable feelings of calm and contentment around your heart. You instinctively know that your vision is speaking peace to your soul.

However, some prophetic dreams are a warning to do or not do something. Some may alert you of toxic people or situations. In these cases, you may notice an uncomfortable tightness in your chest or an unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach, which is there to tell you that something isn’t right.

Soon, you’ll identify these cautionary feelings and will trust them more. The more poignant the message, the stronger your intuitive feelings will be. They can be helpful when you have an intuitive dream about a dilemma in your life.

How do you explain a mother who awoke from a disturbing dream about her adult child who lives hundreds of miles away? She calls them in the middle of the night only to discover that they’ve been battling deep depression. Those internal feelings boosted her maternal instincts, and she knew what to do.

3. Your Intuitive Dreams Comes True

How more obvious must the Universe be than to make your dreams come true? When you see your smaller goals come to fruition, you’ll trust your intuition more for the bigger ones. It’s all related to the law of attraction.

Your success may begin with a prophetic vision during sleep. Or you may have planned goals in your mind that manifested in a foretelling dream. Either way, you declare positive affirmations into the Universe, which attracts what you desire.

Some may consider such instances as self-fulfilling prophecies, which aren’t always bad. If you foresee a goal and do what it takes to fulfill it, then you’re still using intuition. All aspirations start in mind and culminate with positive action and determination.

It’s a way to build faith in yourself and realize that anything is possible. True, it would help if you put forth an effort, but your hard work will pay off in the long run. Seeing the culmination of your goals is a massive boost to your intuition.

4. You Have More Vivid Dreams

According to an article published by the Sleep Foundation, vivid dreams seem so real that they are usually easy to recall. They can be happy and comforting or a scary nightmare. The article also recommends that you keep a dream journal to record the details of your night visions so you can remember them.

Paying more attention to your sixth sense may induce more vivid and intuitive dreams. In these, you’re keenly aware that you’re dreaming, and you can control the actions and outcome to a certain extent. The more you practice interpreting these night visions, the more intuitive you may become.

Not all nightmares have a sinister interpretation. For example, you continually dream about being chased by an unseen assailant. Your higher self uses symbols to help you realize that you’re stalling on a critical decision.

5. You Have More Clarity

Maybe one of the reasons you’re not fully connected with your inner voice is that you’re too busy. It’s a struggle to keep up with family, work, and your other social responsibilities. Plus, you deal with the constant jabbering in your brain that’s often negative and discouraging.

Clearing your mind with meditation or a good night’s sleep can open your heart to your higher self. The soft and gentle Voice that knew you before you were born can give you the clarity you need to reach your greatest aspirations. All you must do is be still and know.

intuitive dreams

6. You Become More Inspired and Creative

Have you ever received the solution to a problem or found a creative outlet through a dream? If so, you’re in good company. An article published by Reader’s Digest discusses world-changing inventions revealed to the artist through intuitive dreams.

Among these stellar creations are Einstein’s theory of relativity, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and Kekule’s structure of molecules. During the solitude of the night, these brilliant people received precognitive inspiration. Their names went down in history because they listened to their inner voice.

If these folks can be inspired by their nocturnal messages, so can you. A famous invention or the world’s next great novel may be revealed in your sleep. You may even dream of a solution to a problem you’ve been battling for years.

7. You Make Decisions More Easily

Everyone comes to a crossroads at least once in their lifetime. You stand at the fork in the road and worry about making the wrong decision. It’s a dire scene taken straight from Stockton’s “The Lady, or the Tiger.”

The good news is that your inner voice and intuitive dreams can make your decisions easier to make. Once you trust your intuition, you have the confidence that it won’t misguide you. You’ll be more apt to be patient and discern the path that’s best for you.

8. You Are More Attuned to Your Needs

Are you comfortable in your mind, or do you feel like your inner voice is a stranger? Consider this intuitive dialogue like one of your best friends. The only way to cultivate a lasting relationship is to communicate often and efficiently.

While you’re cozy in your bed at night, your higher self speaks to you in symbols and intuitive dreams. Try to listen with all your attention, respect, and gratitude. After all, you are one with your inner voice and the Universe.

9. Your Intuitive Dreams Translate Into Better Relationships

If you’ve ever been on a blind date, you’re familiar with the uncertainty and awkwardness. On the one hand, you don’t want to miss out on somebody that may be your soulmate. However, you also don’t want to spend the evening with a boring person with whom you’ve nothing in common.

Maybe you’ve visualized your soulmate in a sweet night vision. You’ve seen their face, heard their voice, and may even know their name. Such a gift is possible but uncommon. Most sensitive people get an indescribable impression when they meet the right person.

Your sixth sense may lead you to the person of your dreams. It can also protect you from a potentially toxic relationship. You may meet an attractive person who seems to be your perfect match, yet your gut feeling tells you something different.

10. You, Will, Feel More Purpose in Your Life

Finding purpose in life remains to be a big question. Why were you born, and what were you meant to do? Perhaps you’ll only realize your destination when you’ve arrived.

Intuitive dreams provide essential clues for your highest aspirations and purpose. They may give you the courage to change directions in your career or relationships. Your inner voice can only gently suggest, but it’s up to you to take the first step.

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Final Thoughts on Intuitive Dreams and How The Reaffirm Your Gut Instincts

Civilizations have tried to interpret their dreams since the beginning. Just a quick online search can yield countless dream interpretation guides. They’re fine for general information, but your inner voice will reveal more.

Prophetic dreams and gut instincts work in tandem for your best interests. According to your affirmations, they are intrinsically connected to the Universe and use the law of attraction. Those scenes that flow through your mind while sleeping may hold the key to unlocking your destiny.

7 Science-Proven Strategies to End Power Struggles with Your Children

Who’s the boss in your home? If there are constant power struggles between you and your children, you need to make some adjustments to have a happy home. Parenting is a challenge even on good days, but if you let your kids run over you just one time, it will be a repeated pattern.

Children will test every boundary you set. If you give them an inch, they will take ten miles. It’s their very nature that makes them so curious and rebellious.

According to an article by Penn State University, studies show that children show their autonomy even in infancy. According to the report, kids act on their thoughts, and they crave independence even as early as two years of age. As a parent, you want to empower and not overpower them, making for better relationships.

While you may not think much of the power struggles when they’re toddlers, the tiny tot that must have their way turns into the teenager who can get into serious trouble. If you want to get a handle on your kids and raise a well-adjusted individual, you need to learn how to show authority and not let them walk over you.

Seven Actionable Ways to End Those Inevitable Parent-Child Power Struggles

You want to be a good parent and give your kids all the love and things they desire. However, the more you give a child, the more spoiled they become. Children need to learn the value of hard work and earning things, but there’s a right way to handle this task.

An indulgent parent will undoubtedly have power struggles, especially if the child feels that they run the show. If you’re tired of the bitter battles between you and your kids, then here are seven proven ways that can help you end the struggle in your home.

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1. Pick Your Battles if You Anticipate Power Struggles

You’ve probably had many people tell you that you need to pick your battles, but it’s true. You can’t be on your child’s back 24×7 about every minor infraction. No, they shouldn’t have had an extra helping of cake for dessert, but it’s not that big of an offense in the grand scheme of things.

If you’re constantly on their case about every little thing, you will destroy their happiness. You want children to know that you’re in control but not micromanage every step of their life. They will make mistakes, but you must choose the most significant ones to reprimand.

You don’t want your kids to think of you as the warden and feel like they live in prison. Remember, the more you ride their case, the more a power struggle will exist.

2. Redirect

When your children are fixated on something and won’t let it go, it’s easy for you to get into a showdown with them. Take, for instance, the toddler taking toys from their sibling. If you do nothing and allow this situation to continue, they’re going to get into an argument where one or both will scream, cry, throw a fit, and make your headache worse.

However, you can make a smooth transition if you redirect their attention from the toy they want to something else. The same tactic is used in people of all ages for conflict resolution. People tend to get hung up on the small details, and they miss the big picture.

Gentle reminders and a simple redirection can work wonders to resolve conflict.

3. Speak Less and Use More Friendly Actions

Children don’t respond well to nagging. How often do you tell them repeatedly to take out the trash, make their bed, or do the dishes? The problem is that your children don’t feel the urgencies in these tasks as you do.

In their mind, they think that the garbage isn’t going to be collected until 7 am, so why are you nagging them about it at 5 pm. This kind of situation causes a power struggle as the two of you have different urgencies about the matter.

Rather than continuously repeating yourself and getting into a verbal altercation, grab the bag of trash and sit it next to your kid. By doing this action, you’re not saying a word, but you’re letting your child know that this needs to be done. If they don’t handle it right then, it will constantly remind them until it’s done.

4. Use The Win-Win Mentality to Stop Power Struggles in Their Tracks

Raising kids today isn’t like it was decades ago. The “It’s my way or the highway” mentality won’t work for most children. Should your child question one of the boundaries you’ve established, you might become quite defensive.

However, parenting requires you to keep up with the times. Today’s kids have access to information on the superhighway, and they can outsmart you at every turn. So, why not find a solution that works for everyone?

Take, for instance, Bella and her wardrobe. Her mom had strict rules that she should not wear sweatpants or leggings to school. Bella hated jeans and shirts, mostly because she felt uncomfortable and had a little extra weight in her midsection.

Every morning the school preparation was a nightmare because Bella and her mom had a power struggle over her attire. How could Bella’s mom handle this situation differently to avoid the morning arguments? She didn’t want her child to look unkempt for school, but putting her daughter into something she felt uncomfortable in caused her to see red.

To avoid drama and stressing your kids and you out, find a win-win for both parties. Some sweatpants are more stylish and dressier than others, so finding a pant that’s less restrictive is all Bella wanted, and her mom needed to listen to her.

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5. Make Your Rules Goal-Oriented to Avoid Power Struggles

Another massive struggle from the cradle to graduation is bedtime. As your kid gets older, they want to stay up later. They feel they deserve it as it’s a rite of passage that comes with age.

However, it’s hard to get these kids up for school in the morning, so you want to insist on an earlier time. If your child wants a later bedtime, you need to discuss why you set the rules and your reservations. Then, it would help if you listened to their reasons why they feel it should be changed.

Together, you can set up a goal for extending this rule once specific criteria have been met. For instance, if your son wants to stay up to 10 pm as he’s now a teen, try the new bedtime out. If he can still get up and get to school on time without issue, grant the extension.

If it’s been nothing but drama after a week, then insist on the 9 pm time slot. The request for an extended bedtime is not out of the ordinary, and working together. You can come up with a solution to benefit both parties.

6. Use Positive Reinforcement

Kids from an early age like to be helpful. Remember when you were a young one playing with toy vacuums and brooms? They like to hear you tell them they’ve done an excellent job. As parents, you want things done right, and you would do it yourself to ensure it’s done to your standards.

The only problem is that you’re not empowering them to do the task yourself. Sure, you may need to rewash the dishes later, but you’re teaching them. When you give your kids the rein on things, you’re telling them you trust them, which means the world to their esteem.

Don’t micromanage each dish they wash, and keep telling them they’ve missed a spot. Instead, you need to tell them how proud you are and what a good job they’re doing. You can make doing the dishes a pleasurable experience for them.

Turn on some music and dance around with the sponge in hand. Even cleaning out their closet can be a reason to walk down memory lane. You can control how they view these tasks if you use your creativity.

Using positivity to reinforce chores and such will make it less of a struggle when they’re older and must do these mundane tasks.

7. Offer Choices to Minimize Power Struggles

Tommy hates cleaning the bathrooms, but he loves to fold laundry. Why not give him other options rather than fighting with him to do a task that he can’t stand? You’re going to have the same arguments each time you ask him to do something he won’t like, but you can avoid this by offering options.

As adults, you loathe to do things, so you pass them off to your kids or partner. Understand that your children have the same feelings about some things. When you offer them choices, you give them some input in the decision-making process, making them feel empowered and not overrun.

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Final Thoughts on Ways to End Power Struggles with Your Children

According to an article on Positive Parenting, children who feel powerful in any situation will often seek revenge. The rebellious child is the one that often feels backed into a corner and without options. Your home doesn’t have to be a communist community where you decide all the rules without their input.

Instead, you can all work together as a team to find the best way to handle things. These little people you gave birth to have strong wills, and if you try to micromanage them and be a helicopter parent, you can ensure a power struggle will ensue. However, when you listen to them, value their opinion, and strive to find what works for everyone, you can have happiness in your home and build great relationships.

Neuroscientists Reveal That Some Brain Waves Are More Than Background Noise

Neuroscientists from the University of Oregon found that seemingly random brain waves serve a unique purpose. Even in restful states, the brain remains active; however, scientists hadn’t explored these background signals much until recently.

The recent study in mice sheds light on these signals that continuously hum in the brain’s background. Scientists believe these signals may help the brain transition between inattention or passivity to focus states.

The journal Neuron published these findings on October 14, 2021.

For many years, neuroscientists have studied a fluctuating brain wave known as the alpha rhythm in humans. This signal seems to reveal whether a person is attentive or inattentive. However, scientists still don’t fully understand how this brain wave influences human performance.

“Brain states have big effects on how you can think and perform,” said UO neuroscientist and Presidential Chair David McCormick, who led the new study with postdoctoral researcher Dennis Nestvogel.

For example, if you try to perform a profoundly engaging activity while the brain is in “background mode,” it will seem very difficult to focus. Your brain doesn’t process information as efficiently and will run more slowly in this state. However, if the brain is overly active, it won’t function at peak performance.

So, scientists wanted to investigate how the brain regulates and switches between these states. Understanding brain waves on a deeper level would help them figure out how to improve attention and focus.

Neuroscientists Reveal That Some Brain Waves Are More Than Mere Background Noise

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For the study, McCormick and Nestvogel analyzed a background firing signal in mouse brains that functions similarly to the human alpha rhythm. They then recorded the animals’ neural activity while exploring to find out which brain waves correlated with certain behaviors. They noticed that the rhythm appeared during rest periods and disappeared when the animals moved around.

This explains how the neural firing pattern in a brain at rest stems from communication between the thalamus and the cortex.

“We’ve known the thalamus is important for sleep,” Nestvogel said. “But not much is known about how the thalamus may control moment-to-moment changes in waking states.”

The thalamus acts as a switchboard in the brain, receiving signals from various brain areas and sending them down different paths. The neurons involved in this process “can send two different types of signals: They can rhythmically discharge in a resting hum, or they can switch to information-transmitting mode,” McCormick said.

The team observed that the mice could switch between active and inactive states in milliseconds. However, when researchers inhibited activity from the thalamus, the cortex could no longer switch to the more engaged state. Instead, the background signals in the mice resembled the patterns observed during periods of sleep or drowsiness.

In the future, the team hopes to understand more about where these brain waves come from and how they impact performance. Pinpointing the mechanisms of these brain signals may result in improved treatments for ADHD and other mental conditions affecting focus.

“In the past, people thought that most of the spontaneous rhythms in the awake brain constitute random noise,” Nestvogel said. “We still don’t fully know their purpose, but we can now better predict these signals and see their effects on information processing and behavior.”

Four Ways to Improve Brain Health

Neuroscience continues to uncover new information about how the brain works and ways to improve its functioning. In today’s complex society, it’s more important than ever to enhance our focus and attention. We have so many distractions that it seems impossible to accomplish our goals. However, with a bit of practice and exercise, we can achieve mental clarity and complete necessary tasks.

Just like your body, the brain requires upkeep and maintenance. If you don’t keep it active and engaged, it will stagnate and become restless. So, we’ll give you a few tips on how to keep your brain waves operating harmoniously.

  • Studies prove that meditation changes brain waves and patterns to invoke a sense of tranquility and focus. Long-term meditators (30+ years) typically have increased high-frequency brain waves (beta and gamma), which invoke deep relaxation and mental acuity. Start with fifteen to thirty minutes per day of sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. As you start noticing the benefits from your practice, it will inspire you to continue on the path.
  • Eat a healthy diet. It’s well-documented that a poor diet filled with processed foods leads to brain fog. Putting unnatural foods into your body decreases energy and lowers oxygen levels in the brain. If you want a healthy mind, fuel your body with foods from nature and limit or avoid junk foods.
  • Get enough sleep. Many of us don’t get enough beauty in our modern world rest. If you sleep less than six or seven hours per night, you’ll wake up feeling groggy and mentally unfocused. To perform your best, make sure to prioritize sleep and shut off electronics a couple of hours before bed. These devices can disrupt melatonin levels and make you feel alert instead of sleepy.
  • Avoid or limit social media/Internet in general. In the age of information, it seems we’ve reached the point of overload. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use the Internet at all, but be mindful of your habits. Look at your phone or tablet as a tool to use when necessary, not when you’re bored.

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Final Thoughts on a Study Showing the Importance of Alpha Brain Waves

Scientists had little information on the constantly oscillating brain wave called the alpha rhythm. This brain signal occurs in the background and determines whether a person is engaged or inattentive. A new study reveals that disruptions in these rhythms may explain certain brain disorders like ADHD.

They hope to uncover more about these brain waves and help improve mental health in future treatments. We all want a healthy brain, but they sometimes don’t cooperate. However, with this research and the tips above, perhaps we can finally unlock the vast power of our brains.

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