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Study Confirms How an Active Mind Is Key to Avoiding Dementia

Researchers at Simon Fraser University discovered that having an active mind reduces dementia risk. The team found that older adults who engage in mentally stimulating activities have improved cognition.

Hobbies that benefit the elderly include light exercise, spending time with loved ones, and doing puzzles. Anything that promotes an active mind helps reduce cognitive and memory decline in adults aged 65 and 89. Also, they discovered that a combination of activities helps more than any single activity.

The scientific journal Aging first published these findings on December 16, 2021. The study revealed that, as people age, the impact of keeping the mind engaged in several activities increased. Having hobbies impacted cognitive health even more than education level or memory.

Study Confirms How an Active Mind Is Key to Avoiding Dementia

active mind

The researchers analyzed the National Institute on Aging’s Health and Retirement Study data. This dataset included 3,210 participants between the ages of 65 and 89. Researchers asked the participants how often they engaged in 33 different activities, with the following choices:

  • never;
  • at least once a month;
  • several times a month, or;
  • daily

Next, the team created a machine learning model to investigate how the activities affected memory. Activities included baking or cooking, playing cards, and other games, reading, and walking for 20 minutes. Socializing with family and friends over emails, phone calls, or in-person communication was another option.

“Our study results show that cognitive decline can be reduced through a combination of active, daily activities — things like using a computer and playing word games,” says study co-author Sylvain Moreno, an associate professor at SFU’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) and CEO/scientific director of the Digital Health Circle, based at SFU.

“Scientists believed that genetics were the main factor influencing cognitive health, but our findings show the reverse. With age, your choice of daily activities is more important than your genetics or your current cognitive skills,” Moreno adds.

Socializing and Other Activities Promote Active Mind in Elderly

The researchers suggest their findings could have important implications for aging health policies. For example, doctors and health officials could promote socialization programs to ensure the elderly have an active mind.

Social prescribing means informing the elderly about various activities in their local communities, like art classes, gardening, or volunteering.

Older adults have a higher risk of developing dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders due to their age. Currently, no cures exist for these disorders, so it’s important to follow prevention measures and maintain an active mind.

“Today, around 55 million people have dementia, and this number will almost triple by 2050 with an aging population,” says Moreno. “Care for patients with dementia is challenging, labour-intensive, and chronic, which generates high costs for health systems.”

This research highlights the need for prevention measures and social prescribing to ensure adults keep an active mind as they age.

Other Ways to Prevent (or Slow) Dementia

According to Alzheimer’, you can reduce your risk of developing dementia by:

1 – Managing high blood pressure.

High blood pressure, or hypertension, can strain the heart, blood vessels, and brain. It also increases stroke and vascular dementia. You can lower blood pressure with medication, exercise, and avoid smoking, all of which may reduce dementia risk.

2 – Keeping blood sugar under control.

High glucose levels can cause diabetes and increase the risk of other diseases such as cognitive impairment and dementia. You can manage blood sugar naturally by eating a balanced diet, exercising, and quitting smoking.

3 – Managing your weight.

Being overweight or obese increases the risk for many health problems, including dementia. Researchers believe inflammation may contribute to dementia risk, but more studies are necessary.

4 – Eating a balanced diet.

Aim for a mix of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and seafood, unsaturated fats such as olive oil, low-fat or nonfat dairy products, and limit other fats and sugars.

5 – Engaging in physical activity.

Exercise offers many benefits to health, such as weight loss, muscle building, and mental benefits. Physical activity can help ward off anxiety and depression, contributing to an active mind. Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise weekly.

6 – Prioritizing sleep.

In today’s world, millions of people don’t get enough sleep. This fatigue causes mental and physical health problems, such as obesity, sleep apnea, depression, and other disorders. It can also contribute to dementia since sleep deprivation causes cognitive decline. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

7 – Engage in active mind activities.

We saved the best one for last. One study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease involved a randomized controlled trial of 60 adults. Researchers found that a specific type of meditation called Kirtan Kriya helped improve cognitive functioning in older adults. Areas of the brain that improved included executive function, attention, processing speed, and memory function.

Maintaining an active mind doesn’t just help older adults – it’s vital for all age groups. Stress levels have risen to an all-time high recently, leading to cognitive impairment. Make sure to keep your stress low by simplifying your life, meditating, and making time for hobbies. We can all do our part to create a healthier world by becoming more inwardly balanced.

Now, more than ever, it’s essential to check on your loved ones and socialize with them if possible. Staying connected in times of stress not only promotes an active mind but provides comfort as well.

active mind

Final Thoughts on Study Showing That an Active Mind Lowers Dementia Risk

Being mentally and physically active can help ward off dementia risk, according to a new study. Especially in older adults, it’s crucial to have support networks and hobbies to keep an active mind. Sadly, many elderly Americans suffer from loneliness, which can exacerbate mental illnesses and dementia.

If you have an elderly neighbor or parent, make sure to check on them often. The study found that older adults greatly benefit from socialization, as it stimulates brain function. Also, exercise, proper sleep, a balanced diet, and hobbies such as puzzles promote an active mind.

Soil Sensors Using AI Can Help Reduce Fertilizer Use on Farms 

A study by Imperial College London discovered that cutting-edge soil sensors might help conserve fertilizer on farms. The technology could help farmers calculate the optimal amount and time to use fertilizer on their crops.

Artificial intelligence would take factors such as weather and soil conditions into account. This information would help reduce fertilizer use and minimize damage to the soil. When farms overuse fertilizer, it releases massive amounts of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide, polluting soil and waterways.

So far, 12% of once-arable land worldwide has been irreversibly damaged by the overuse of fertilizer. In the last fifty years, farmers have increased their nitrogen-based fertilizers by 600%. While these fertilizers play a crucial role in feeding the world’s growing population, they also negatively impact the environment.

Unfortunately, it’s been difficult for farmers to gauge their fertilizer use accurately. If they use too much, they waste resources and contribute to environmental degradation. On the other hand, using too little results in low crop yields and fewer profits.

How Soil Sensors Help Reduce Environmental Harm That Results From Fertilizer

soil sensors

Therefore, soil sensors could eliminate these problems by customizing fertilizer use for each farm. The sensors, called chemically functionalized paper-based electrical gas sensors (chemPEGS), measure ammonium levels in the soil. Soil bacteria then convert this compound to nitrates and nitrites.

Finally, an artificial intelligence called machine learning combines this data with other measurements. It also considers weather data, fertilization times, pH, and soil conductivity (amount of salt in soils).

Then, the soil sensors analyze this data to calculate current nitrogen levels in the soil. In addition, it predicts levels 12 days in the future to determine the optimum fertilization time.

The research study reveals how this advanced low-cost solution would help growers maximize crop yields while reducing fertilizer use. It would particularly impact crops that require large amounts of fertilizer, such as wheat. Also, the technology would lower farmers’ expenses and reduce the environmental impact of widely used nitrogen-based fertilizers.

The findings have been published in the journal Nature Food.

How Overfertilization Impacts Crops and the Environment

Lead researcher Dr. Max Grell, who helped develop the technology at Imperial College London’s Department of Bioengineering, said: “It’s difficult to overstate the problem of overfertilization both environmentally and economically. Yields and resulting income are down year by year, and growers don’t currently have the tools they need to combat this.

“Our technology could help to tackle this problem by empowering growers to know how much ammonia and nitrate are currently in soil and to predict how much there will be in the future based on weather conditions. This could let them fine-tune fertilization to the specific needs of the soil and crops.”

Excess nitrogen fertilizer dramatically contributes to the environmental crisis. It releases the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide into the atmosphere, 300 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Unused fertilizer also runs off into waterways and depletes oxygen levels in lakes and rivers. Algal blooms thrive in this deoxygenated environment, choking marine life and reducing biodiversity.

Without technology, it’s difficult for farmers to assess how much fertilizer they need for crops accurately. Farmers have to send soil samples to laboratories to measure soil nitrogen. Most farmers avoid this lengthy, costly process since the results aren’t applicable after a certain amount of time.

Soil Sensors May Usher in a New Era of Sustainable Agriculture

That’s where soil sensors come in; this technology would reduce soil-testing costs and improve efficiency. While chemPEGS only measures ammonium levels, it can also predict current and future nitrate levels in the soil.

Senior author and principal investigator Dr. Firat Guder from Imperial’s Department of Bioengineering said:

“Much of our food comes from the soil — a non-renewable resource which we’ll lose if we don’t look after it. This, combined with nitrogen pollution from agriculture, presents a conundrum for the planet — one that we hope to help tackle with precision agriculture.

“Our sensing technology can measure and predict soil nitrogen with enough accuracy to forecast the impact of weather on fertilization planning, and tune timing for crop requirements, which we hope will help to reduce overfertilization while improving crop yields and profits for growers.”

Researchers have created prototypes for both the chemPEGS and associated AI technology. They anticipate that the technology will be commercially available in three to five years. Of course, more rigorous testing and manufacturing standardization will be necessary for that timeframe.

EPSRC, Innovate UK, and Cytiva helped fund research and development for this project.

We’re reaching a turning point in how our world operates. As we face compounding environmental crises, we’ve turned to technology to help save our planet. Soil sensors can tackle several of these problems at once: overuse of nitrogen fertilizers, marine pollution, and greenhouse gas concentrations.

While the scientists and innovators work to clean up our home, we can also do our part in small ways.

How to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

  • Buy local. When shopping for produce, consider your local farms or farmer’s market. This will help support your community while reducing your carbon footprint from food.
  • Eat mostly plant-based. We’re not here to preach a particular diet. However, science clearly shows that plants require fewer resources than animal-based foods. If you’re a meat-eater, you could try Meatless Mondays to ease your way into the lifestyle (or cut back on meat consumption).

soil sensors

Final Thoughts on How Soil Sensors Can Help Heal the Planet

We’ve reached a pivotal time in our collective existence. It’s become apparent that we can’t continue to exploit our planet as we have in the past without facing severe consequences. Luckily, leading scientists worldwide have begun developing technologies to combat environmental challenges. One of these technologies, known as soil sensors, will help reduce farm nitrogen-based fertilizer use.

Excess nitrous oxide pollutes our air and waterways, causing ecosystems to collapse. Since agriculture is one of the key drivers of climate change, it’s crucial to create more sustainable practices. Thankfully, it seems we’ve headed in the right direction thanks to innovations such as soil sensors.

Science Explains How a Healthy Diet is the Best for Metabolism

University of Sydney researchers have proven that a healthy diet benefits metabolism more than medications in their recent study. When comparing how our cells react to proper nutrition versus drugs, the team discovered that diet is more impactful.

The pre-clinical study by the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre shows the importance of a healthy diet. The team’s findings suggest that dietary habits could even prevent conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes more than medications.

The researchers performed the study in mice. They found that a balanced diet impacted aging and metabolism more than three significant anti-aging and diabetes drugs.

The findings appeared in the journal Cell Metabolism on November 11, 2021.

 The latest research expands upon the team’s previous human and mice studies. Their revolutionary work demonstrated how a healthy diet with balanced macronutrients could protect against certain conditions. Specifically, they listed aging, obesity, immune impairments, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes as conditions impacted by proper nutrition.

However, the study’s senior author, Professor Stephen Simpson, said certain medications could target the same biochemical pathways as nutrients. He added that scientists have been trying to formulate drugs that improve metabolism and slow aging.

This way, a lifestyle change such as altering one’s diet wouldn’t be necessary. Of course, medications aren’t a universal answer for combating disease.

Professor Simpson said this:

“Diet is a powerful medicine. However, presently, drugs are administered without consideration of whether and how they might interact with our diet composition — even when these drugs are designed to act in the same way, and on the same nutrient-signalling pathways as diet.”

So, the research team attempted to find out whether drugs or diet played a more prominent role in improving metabolism. They also wanted to find out how medications and diet interacted.

healthy diet

Study Showing How a Healthy Diet Can Improve Metabolism

The research team used mouse subjects for the study, including forty different treatments. Each experiment involved varying levels of protein, fat, and carbohydrate balances. The team also altered caloric intake and medications for each treatment.

The study focused mainly on how three anti-aging drugs impacted liver health. This organ plays a vital role in regulating human metabolism.

A geometric framework for nutrition developed by Professors Stephen Simpson and David Raubenheimer enhanced the study’s outcome. The framework allowed researchers to analyze how various nutrient combinations impacted health and disease. Previous studies focused on one isolated nutrient at a time, which limited the findings.

However, this study was able to show which macronutrients have the most significant impact on metabolic health and cell functioning. It also revealed more about the mechanisms behind a healthy diet and its anti-aging effects.

What the Study Found About How a Healthy Diet Supports Overall Wellness

The researchers discovered that overall calorie and macronutrient intake (proteins, carbs, and fats) strongly impacted the liver. In particular, protein and total calorie intake had a significant effect on metabolic and cell functioning.

For instance, grams of protein consumed directly influenced mitochondrial activity. This part of the cell generates most of the energy necessary to power the cell’s biochemical reactions. Also, protein and calorie consumption impact how cells transform genes into proteins needed for cell maintenance and making new cells.

Both of these processes ha link to aging.

“We discovered dietary composition had a far more powerful effect than drugs, which largely dampened responses to diet rather than reshaped them,” said Professor Simpson.

“Given humans share essentially the same nutrient-signaling pathways as mice, the research suggests people would get better value from changing their diet to improve metabolic health rather than taking the drugs we studied.”

Medications Also Influenced Metabolism

While drugs also impacted metabolic functioning, they mainly inhibited the cell’s metabolic reaction to diet instead of transforming them. Although, researchers discovered specific interactions took place between the biochemical effects of drugs and a healthy diet.

For instance, one anti-aging drug had a significant effect on changes in cells influenced by dietary fat and carbohydrate intake. On the other hand, both cancer and diabetes medicines blocked the effects of protein on energy-generating mitochondria.

The study involved many factors and will require follow-up research in the future to confirm findings. However, lead author Professor David Le Couteur of the Charles Perkins Centre and Faculty of Medicine and Health said this complexity is necessary. It showcases the importance of simultaneously analyzing many different types of diets to ascertain how they influence metabolism.

Professor Le Couteur explains:

“This approach is the only way we can get an overview of the interaction between diet, our health, and physiology. We all know what we eat influences our health, but this study showed how food can dramatically influence many of the processes operating in our cells. This gives us insights into how diet impacts on health and aging.”

Overall, the authors conclude that a healthy diet plays a more prominent role in metabolic health than medications. A basic rule to follow to maintain health is to eat from nature. Avoid processed foods, drink plenty of water, consume whole, plant-based foods, and cut down on sugar.

An unhealthy diet contributes to almost 700,000 premature deaths each year in the US alone. We face myriad health problems globally, but many would likely disappear with lifestyle changes. It’s time to usher in a new age of health and happiness, and it starts with how we treat ourselves. Choose self-love, which means caring about what’s on your dinner plate. You’ll feel more vibrant and energetic, creating a ripple effect and encouraging others to eat a healthy diet.

healthy diet

Final Thoughts on Study Showing How a Healthy Diet Alters Metabolism

The study by researchers from the University of Sydney marks the first to analyze various diets and their effect on metabolism comprehensively. They found that protein and overall calorie intake had the most considerable impact on cell and metabolic functioning. However, it’s essential to balance one’s diet with all three macronutrients – protein, carbs, and fats.

They also found that medications can influence metabolism, but a healthy diet had the largest effect. Drugs typically mask or lessen symptom severity, but they often don’t treat the cause. Eating from nature can alter your cells at the deepest level, which will help heal your body and mind.

Researchers Reveal How Self-Compassion Lowers Heart Disease Risk

A recent University of Pittsburgh study revealed that self-compassion reduces your chances of developing heart problems. Now, science confirms that the New Age idea of loving yourself benefits your health and may save your life.

Many of us have a hard time with self-acceptance, either due to upbringing, genetics, or societal conditioning. We learned to compete and climb the never-ending ladder to success, but we can never feel fulfilled with external achievements. Jobs, relationships, and achievements will all fade, so the only lasting happiness lies within our souls.

This, in essence, makes up the foundation of most spiritual teachings. While science can’t prove that loving yourself brings lasting fulfillment, it does provide evidence of better health.

Researchers found that middle-aged women who practiced self-compassion had a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Even if participants had other risk factors such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, or insulin resistance, this held true.

The findings by University of Pittsburgh researchers first appeared in Health Psychology.

“A lot of research has been focused on studying how stress and other negative factors may impact cardiovascular health, but the impact of positive psychological factors, such as self-compassion, is far less known,” said Rebecca Thurston, Ph.D., professor of psychiatry, clinical and translational science, epidemiology, and psychology at Pitt.

Self-Compassion and Mindfulness Can Lower Anxiety Levels


Due to the increasing stress of modern life, many people have turned to mindfulness techniques like meditation for inner peace. Not only does meditation help calm the mind, it can also increase awareness of troubling emotions by paying more attention to one’s inner world.

The pandemic amplified the stress that already existed due to the complexity of modern life. In particular, women have been dealing with extra stressors for the past couple of years.

Research from around the world indicates this, as women often are caretakers for children and older relatives. They also make up most of the U.S. nursing workforce, which has been under incredible strain due to the pandemic.

However, psychologists recommend practicing mindfulness and self-compassion to patients battling chronic stress. Meditation and self-love can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, and in some cases, depression.

The psychological effects of self-compassion and mindfulness are well-documented. However, researchers wanted to know if these practices can impact the body.

Self-Compassion Lowers Heart Disease Risk, Says University of Pittsburgh Study

Thurston and her colleagues wanted to find answers to that question in this study. So, they recruited nearly 200 women between the ages of 45 and 67 to research the effects of self-compassion.

The participants filled out a short questionnaire asking them to rate how frequently they felt inadequate or disappointed by their self-perceived flaws. They also asked whether they practice self-love and care during life’s challenging events.

Finally, researchers performed a standard diagnostic ultrasound of the women’s carotid arteries—these significant vessels in the neck transport blood from the heart to the brain.

Researchers found that the more self-compassionate women had thinner carotid arteries and less plaque buildup than their counterparts. These health markers link to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, like heart attacks and strokes, years in the future.

The team also accounted for other factors contributing to cardiovascular diseases, such as exercise, smoking habits, and depression. However, the results remained the same despite other lifestyle factors influencing the study.

“These findings underscore the importance of practicing kindness and compassion, particularly towards yourself,” said Thurston. “We are all living through extraordinarily stressful times, and our research suggests that self-compassion is essential for both our mental and physical health.”

Self-Care Techniques for Better Overall Health

In a nutshell, we’re tough on ourselves, and this stress tends to show up as physical or mental disorders. The mind can only take so much before it becomes overwhelming, so it’s crucial to love yourself. Please do your best and leave it at that; don’t play the comparison game. Below, we’ll give you some simple techniques to follow for improved wellbeing.

  • Meditate or practice mindfulness. Meditation doesn’t have a universal blueprint to follow; instead, it’s simply about increasing your inner awareness. You can do this by sitting down and watching your breath, for example. Or, some people find that chanting a mantra or reciting positive affirmations aloud or mentally calms them. There are thousands of YouTube channels with guided meditations if you’re interested. However, some people prefer silent meditations as it helps them concentrate better.
  • Eat foods that nourish your soul. It’s easy to grab a quick meal after work or school. However, fast food and processed foods eventually take a toll on your mind and body. Practicing self-compassion means loving yourself enough to eat a healthy diet consisting of fresh, whole foods. You’ll feel mentally sharper and calmer by eating from nature as well.
  • Limit time on social media or any technology. We’re overwhelmed with tech in this modern world, and it’s starting to show. The mind becomes restless and agitated when it’s overstimulated, so give it a rest. The world will keep spinning while you take a break, so don’t feel like you’re missing out. In reality, our souls miss out when we don’t pay enough attention to them.


Final Thoughts on How Self-Compassion Lowers Heart Disease Risk

Do you practice self-compassion? According to a new study, if so, it just might lower your risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Many previous studies have demonstrated how mindfulness and self-love benefit psychological health. However, few have shown the physical effects of being kind to yourself.

Now, scientists know that your mental state affects your body in tangible ways. As such, it’s important to practice self-compassion and tell yourself that you’re enough. Don’t let this world tell you any different because it’s your opinion of yourself that matters most.

Australian Researchers Link Pesticides to Chronic Kidney Disease

University of Queensland researchers found a link between certain pesticides to chronic kidney disease risk. The commonly used pesticide Malathion, called Maldison in Australia, increases the risk of kidney disease by 25%.

Applications for Malathion include agriculture, domestic, and public recreation areas. It’s used to kill mosquitoes and fruit flies and is an ingredient in some topical head lice treatments.

Researchers analyzed links between Maldison exposure and chronic kidney disease risk in 41,847 people for the study. They utilized the USA National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data.

As a result, School of Public Health Associate Professor Nicholas Osborne explained how people frequently exposed to the insecticide had more significant health risks.

“Nearly one in 10 people in high-income countries show signs of CKD, which is permanent kidney damage and loss of renal function,” Dr. Osborne said.

What is Chronic Kidney Disease?

Chronic kidney disease, or chronic kidney failure, causes the kidneys to lose functioning due to damage slowly. The kidneys’ primary function involves filtering waste and excess fluids from the blood. Then, these impurities pass through the bladder and into the urine for removal.

However, if the kidneys become damaged, they can’t filter toxins from the blood as effectively. The waste builds up in your body instead, leading to other health problems.

chronic kidney disease

How Many People Have Chronic Kidney Disease?

  • This condition affects more than 1 in 7 American adults or about 37 million people. However, many more are at increased risk or undiagnosed.
  • According to the CDC, kidney diseases are a leading cause of death in the US.
  • 40% of people with significant kidney dysfunction don’t even know they have CKD.
  • In the US, diabetes and high blood pressure cause kidney failure more than any other condition. In fact, it makes up to 75% of new cases.

Chronic kidney disease risk factors include age, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Ten Primary Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease

  1. Heart disease
  2. Older age
  3. High Blood Pressure
  4. Diabetes
  5. Smoking
  6. Obesity
  7. Being African American, Native American, or Asian American
  8. Family history of kidney disease
  9. Abnormal kidney structure
  10. Frequent use of medications that can damage the kidneys

Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease

  •  Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Appetite loss
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Urinating more or less
  • Brain fog
  • Muscle cramps
  • Swelling of feet and ankles
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • High blood pressure that doesn’t respond well to medication
  • Shortness of breath due to fluid buildup in lungs
  • Chest pain if fluid builds up around the heart

Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease

While chronic kidney disease doesn’t have a cure, doctors can usually treat the cause. But they must treat signs, symptoms, and complications of kidney disease with medications. That’s because high blood pressure, anemia, swelling, high cholesterol, and weak bones often occur with kidney disease. Thus, many doctors may prescribe medications to address these conditions.

They may also recommend a low protein diet to reduce waste products in your blood. For end-stage kidney disease, which means your kidneys can’t filter waste on their own, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant.

However, you can also take preventive measures to lessen your chances of needing medical intervention. These include lifestyle changes, such as keeping your blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg. If you have diabetes, it’s also essential to manage your blood sugar. Also, make sure to eat healthily and exercise, and lose weight if necessary. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of developing chronic kidney disease.

Finally, take medications as instructed and get tested regularly for CKD if you’re at risk. If you have CKD, schedule regular checkups with your doctor to ensure you’re managing the condition properly.

Now that you know more about chronic kidney disease, we’ll get back to the study.

Australian Researchers Link Pesticides to Chronic Kidney Disease

Dr. Osborne said that people are developing chronic kidney disease with unknown causes at increasing rates in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, and Mesoamerica.

“Initially, it was suspected the condition was associated with agricultural workplaces through exposure to heat stress, dehydration, pesticide spraying, heavy metals, and agrochemicals,” Dr. Osborne said.

“However, environmental contamination, pesticide residues and herbal medicines potentially containing heavy metals may also be contributing to CKD.”

Scientists haven’t been able to identify the exact cause of increased CKD in these locations. However, they believe that most cases occur from spraying pesticides without personal protective equipment (PPE) and working around contaminated soil.

The University of Queensland study marks the first to prove that Malathion contributed to kidney dysfunction in humans. The findings first appeared on September 29, 2021, in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Dr. Osborne said this:

“The findings suggest we should limit our exposure to pesticides, even in very small doses, as chronic exposure may lead to negative health outcomes. We will continue to investigate if other pesticides may be involved and are planning to collect data on Sri Lankan farmer behaviors to examine their level of exposure when using pesticides in the field.”

Other Negative Health Effects of Malathion (Maldison)

According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), exposure to high levels of malathion may cause the following:

  • nervous system dysfunction
  • difficulty breathing
  • chest tightness
  • vomiting
  • cramps
  • diarrhea
  • watery eyes or blurred vision
  • sweating
  • headaches
  • fainting
  • increased salivation
  • death (in rare cases of high exposure)

Most people will have limited contact with pesticides and other chemicals used in agriculture. However, some work in industries requiring frequent exposure. Thus, it’s vital to follow safety guidelines and wear PPE when necessary.

chronic kidney disease

Final Thoughts on Study Linking Chronic Kidney Disease to Pesticide Malathion

To produce high crop yields for our growing population, it’s currently necessary to use pesticides and insecticides. However, these chemicals also have unintended health consequences. A recent University of Queensland study linked the pesticide Malathion to an increased risk of chronic kidney disease.

Researchers found that in low- and middle-income countries, chronic kidney disease is rising at alarming rates. Indeed, they believe that frequent exposure to pesticides such as Malathion through contaminated soil or lack of PPE causes this spike. Hopefully, companies that use this pesticide will provide works with PPE moving forward to reduce health risks such as CKD.

15 Surprising Facts About Left-Handed People

If you’re left-handed, you know the struggle that comes along with it. You also know the false assumptions and the negative mindset that sometimes surrounds being left-handed. However, right-handed people can learn some life lessons from left-handed people.

Left-handed people have to use things differently and often must compromise their comfort. However, these people don’t have it all bad, as they also experience quite a few benefits. There are many advantages to being left-handed, and right-handed people can learn from it.

Only around 11% of the population uses their left hand dominantly, causing misunderstanding. There are often stigmas and superstitions attached to being left-handed, and right-handed people like to boast that they have it easier. However, once they start learning things from left-handed people, they’ll quickly change their mindset.

Fifteen Surprising Facts to Know About Left-Handed People

Scientists haven’t narrowed down what causes left-handedness yet, but research does give some clues. Left-handed people seem to have different wiring in their brains, and they tend to have a particular set of personality traits. Learning things from lefties can help you understand them, and you’ll know all of the benefits associated with it.

left-handed people

1. Left-handed People Show Us How to Use the Whole Brain

Left-handers can use both sides of their brains quickly and efficiently. Studies show they have a faster connection between the hemispheres in their brain, leading to quicker information processing. The transfer time between each hemisphere was assessed to find that left-handed participants processed information quicker.

This advantage helps them in situations that require multi-tasking, hand-eye coordination, or quick thinking. It’s also why they often excel in things like video games.

2. How to Be a Better Multi-Tasker

Research data shows that left and right-handed people handle task and memory performance differently. The participants of this study were given two tasks to work on simultaneously, and in most instances, the lefties performed better.

One reason for lefties being better multi-taskers is because right-handed people tend to break their problems down. Then, they analyze each piece of the problem individually. However, left-handed people view the situation and try to solve it that way.

3. Left-handed People Explain How to Stand in Line for Less Time

You might wonder how being left-handed shortens someone’s time in line, but it makes sense once you know. Right-handed people tend to choose the queue on the right side if they have more than one to choose from. On the other hand, lefties often opt for the line on the left.

With lefties being the minority here, fewer people choose the line on the left. They end up in the shorter lines and get through them much quicker. Remember this life lesson the next time you’re standing in line so that you can choose the line on the left.

4. Left-handed People Can Type Better and Faster

When typing correctly with two hands, lefties have an advantage. Most of the words spelled out on a keyboard are on the left-hand side. Research shows that about 3,400 words are typed with the left hand, while only 450 come from the right side.

With so many words coming from the left side of the keyboard, it’s clear why left-handers have an advantage. They type a more significant number of words with their dominant hand, making them faster and better.

5. They Don’t Get Lost as Often

Left-handed people usually have better spatial skills, allowing for awareness of their surroundings. Not only are they aware of their surroundings, but they can see how they fit into them. They will more often remember where they parked and have an easier time reading a map.

6. They’re Better Drivers

Studies show that 57% of left-handed drivers pass their driving test on the first try. However, only 47% of right-handed drivers pass the test the first time around. These percentages don’t mean that lefties have advantages when learning to drive, though.

The study also revealed that most drivers believe being left-handed causes learning to drive more difficult. Participants also think that cars are designed with right-handed people in mind.

Another study produced results that showed that lefties were less likely to cause car accidents. While researchers are still looking for the reason, they believe that left-handed people pay closer attention.

7. People Often Vote for Left-Handers

You might be surprised to learn that many United States presidents were left-handers. The list includes the following:

  • Barack Obama
  • Bill Clinton
  • George H.W. Bush
  • Gerald Ford
  • James Garfield
  • Harry Truman
  • Herbert Hoover

There’s also a belief that Ronald Reagan was a leftie, but strict teachers forced him to use his right hand. When he was a child, some people believed that left-handedness was a disability and forced children to switch. If this belief is true, it shows that you can teach yourself one way or the other, no matter how you started.

However, it’s likely all coincidence that such a high percentage of presidents were left-handers. Don’t try switching hands to get farther because either way is okay.

left-handed people

8. Lefties Own Their Uniqueness–and You Should, Too!

Left-handed people have a trait that sets them apart from others early on. It teaches them to cultivate a sense of uniqueness when they start showing their dominant hand. Being left-handed also taught them they don’t have to conform to societal standards.

9. They Are Better at Certain Sports

One way lefties have it better than right-handers is when playing certain sports. Left-handers can throw off the other players with their serve when playing tennis. Most people are used to the right-handed serve and will be caught off guard.

Boxers and baseball players have the same advantage as tennis players, catching their opponent off-guard with a different swing. Tennis, baseball, and boxing aren’t the only sports lefties excel at. Many professional athletes from differing sports are left-handed, including:

  • Steve Young
  • Rafael Nadal
  • Martina Navratilova
  • Bill Russell
  • Babe Ruth
  • Phil Mickelson
  • Oscar de la Hoya

10. Left-handed People Can Show Us How to Be More Compassionate

Left-handers hear negative comments about their skill from an early age. Those comments stick with a person far into the future even when someone is joking.

Because left-handers are used to being different, they become humble and compassionate. Their life-long need to practice flexibility and learn differently makes them more accepting. They are more accepting of differences in others and more open to people who disagree with them.

11. Being a Leftie Doesn’t Mean They’ll Earn Less

Don’t criticize a left-handed person for their agility or assume they’ll earn less money in their career. While it’s often viewed as a negative trait, left-handed has advantages.

Research shows left-handed males with a college degree earn 15% more than their right-handed colleagues. However, the same study indicates that left-handed females earn around 5% less than their right-handed colleagues.

12. They Constantly Have to Practice Daily Tasks

Most objects are designed for right-handed people, making every task a little more complicated for a leftie. For instance, the binding in a notebook might get in the way when they write, a problem that right-handers don’t deal with.

Also, lefties must buy expensive sports equipment that is sometimes hard to find or learn to use right-handed equipment. Other things lefties have to practice flexibility for include using right-handed scissors, can openers, credit card readers, computer mouses, and so much more.

Their daily practice helps keep their mind sharp because they have to work a little more complicated. Plus, it helps the leftie stay alert and focused, knowing they’ll need to be ready. If you’re right-handed but want to reap the benefits of practicing daily tasks, consider doing a few things with your left hand each day.

13. They Excel in Creative and Visual Arts

Research shows that left-handers use both sides of the brain when dealing with language. Using both sides allow for more opportunity for creativity. They’re also better at divergent thinking, which is a way to generate ideas exploring many possible solutions.

A survey of more than 2,000 people found that left-handed people had artistic and musical advantages. They were also more drawn to careers in the arts.

14. They’re Good at Problem-Solving

Left-handers are so used to working harder to meet challenges that they become excellent problem solvers. They’ve had to overcome issues regularly throughout their life, sometimes daily. While struggling to get things done with right-handed equipment isn’t ideal, it does offer this benefit.

15. They’re Great at Math

Studies show that left-handed people are better at solving math problems. They scored between five and 10% higher on complex math tests than right-handed people did. One of the reasons they’re good at math is because they are problem solvers with abstract thoughts and spatial reasoning.

left-handed people

Final Thoughts on Life Lessons to Learn from Left-Handed People

The differences between right-handed and left-handed people are usually subtle. While the facts are interesting, you can excel at anything no matter which hand you use.

These life lessons are intended to help you understand that being left-handed isn’t weird and can be good. However, being right-handed has its benefits, too. Either way, you can use this information to focus on areas of your life you’d like to improve.

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