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10 Habits That Cause Mental Exhaustion (and 5 Ways to Beat It)

Are you tired, stressed out, and don’t know how you will have the energy to keep going? Everyone gets exhausted occasionally, but sometimes, no matter how much sleep you get, the mental exhaustion won’t leave. When your stress levels don’t let up, they can bog you physically and emotionally.

Mental fatigue is different from exhaustion from not getting enough sleep the night before. It’s a tiredness that reduces your ability to function at an average pace. Your cognitive activities are slow, and you feel off. People fighting this mind tiredness might experience the following signs:

  • Lethargy
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Pessimistic outlook
  • Appetite variations
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Detaching yourself from family and friends
  • Motivation issues

It’s easy to go from this state to one of mental concern. For instance, those who aren’t getting proper sleep might feel stressed and depressed. It’s essential to notice the symptoms of this exhaustion and get help.

Ten Habits That Help Fuel Mental Exhaustion

mental exhaustion

Many people say they’re tired these days, as life brings constant strain. However, have you ever heard someone tell you that they’re so exhausted their soul is tired, or perhaps you feel this way? Here are the ten most common habits that will cause you profound mental exhaustion.

1. Unhealthy Foods Contribute to Mental Exhaustion

You can put your body in a state of oxidated stress when you ingest foods high in fats and sugars. You must make time for eating healthy, no matter how complex planning and shopping are on you. You might want to check your diet first if you’re feeling run down and can’t go on due to exhaustion.

2. Sleep Isn’t a Priority

When you don’t have enough hours in the day, you start borrowing them from the night. You cannot bargain with your sleep time, as it will run your body down quicker than anything. According to the Sleep Foundation, you must get seven to nine hours a night.

While you may think you can go on five hours, your body needs this time to rest and repair damages from the day. Your immune system is complicated at work fighting off any invaders you’ve encountered, and you must allow it time to heal itself. While you may get away with the lack of sleep for a while, eventually, it will take its toll on you.

3. Your Work-Life Balance Is Off

You can only work so many hours in a day or week till your body will just shut down. It would help if you had a healthy work-life balance to fulfill all aspects of your life.

If you’re working way too much, you won’t have time to dedicate to your friends and family members who want to see you. Don’t forget you have other chores like cooking, cleaning your house, and taking care of your immediate family.

4. People Who Have Mental Exhaustion Often Skip Self Care

Everybody has different thoughts about what self-care means to them. However, it would help if you did those things for yourself that make you feel good. Maybe you like to go to the mall, get your hair done, buy a new outfit, or curl up on the sofa and read a good book.

Whatever you like to rest and rejuvenate your mind, you need to make sure you have time for it.

5. Not Saying “No.”

It’s not uncommon for people to take on more than what they can handle. When you overcommit yourself, you take on more than you can manage.

You do this because you want people to like you and not offend them. However, you’re just exhausting yourself.

6. Constant Pressure

Many things in your life can cause you to be under constant pressure. Your job is demanding, your family needs you, and you may have marital or health issues on top of it. One of the most compelling sayings about depression states that someone who is depressed isn’t weak, but it’s just a sign that this person has been strong for way too long.

When you’re under constant pressure, you only wear yourself down and exhaust yourself mentally. Yes, stress can make you sick.

7. Procrastination May Stem from Mental Exhaustion

Are you guilty of putting off things today because you can do them tomorrow? Procrastination is a big problem with mentally exhausted people. Your life’s inbox was already full, and now you’re just moving things over and making the next day seem impossible. It’s an excellent recipe for anxiety and exhaustion before you even get to your tomorrow.

8. Unachievable Task List

Many folks create their daily task list with the thought that they’re a superhero. They feel like Wonder Woman or Super Man with inhuman strength and powers. Stop setting yourself up for failure, and don’t put more on your list than you can manage.

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9. Cluttered Environment

If you think all that clutter at your office or home isn’t affecting you, then guess again. According to Dr. Sherrie Bourg Carter from Psychology Today, she states that a cluttered space can make you feel anxious, helpless, and overwhelmed.

You can’t relax when your space is overflowing with stuff, and it’s also causing your senses to work overtime. You’re overstimulating your sense of sight, smell, and touch by forcing them to be on edge. This environment can cause you great anxiety, and it’s not an environment conducive to work.

10. No Identifiable Reason

Sometimes, there’s no known reason for feeling mental exhaustion. It’s also possible that several issues cause it, and it’s not just one thing. Evaluate your life, and if there’s been things like a divorce, death of a loved one, job loss, sickness, or another major upheaval, it can be what’s behind your inability to cope.

Five Ways to Beat Your Mental Exhaustion

Now that you know all the reasons that cause you to be exhausted, you need to know how to handle them. Here are five ways to beat your mental tiredness and get back to living.

1. Make Self-Care Important

If you work too much and don’t make yourself a priority, you will self-destruct. It would help if you had downtime to relax and chill, as it will make you feel so much better.

2. Meditate to Overcome Mental Exhaustion

Meditation is one of the simplest things you can do to help you clear your mind and release tension. All you need is about 20 minutes a day to start reaping the benefits. Best of all, if you feel overwhelmed at work or even at the mall, you can take a few minutes to meditate and calm yourself.

3. Cut Back on Your to Do List

There’s no competition where you win a prize if you get ten things done today. Stop putting so much on yourself that you can’t breathe.

If you’re so busy that you meet yourself coming and going, you will burn out. Clear your schedule and make time for the most important things.

4. Learn To Say “No.”

Sure, you want to be a good person and do things for others, but you can only handle so much. You only have so many resources. If you can help, then you should, but not for the sake of exhausting yourself. However, learn appropriate boundaries and when to say “no” to things.

5. Get Help

The burdens you carry in life are often much too significant to handle alone. If you have a medical condition that’s not treated, then seek medical help. If you’ve been through a massive life event and can’t process it, then seek counseling.

The important thing is to reach out to a support group or professionals that can assist you in this part of your journey. You’re never going to heal and get better until you learn to let go and find peace with the circumstances.

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Final Thoughts on Avoiding Mental Exhaustion

Sometimes getting rid of your mental exhaustion requires doing some soul-searching and evaluating your life. What are the things that hold you back and cause you so much grief? Is it your job, your spouse, kids, bills, health?

Whatever the root causes, you need to resolve them. Until you get to the root and fix the problem, you’re never going to find peace. Think of your life like a clogged sink in your home. You’ve dumped those chemicals down there that promise to open it.

While it allows a little bit of water to drain, it’s still got a massive clog that’s preventing a nice flow. So, you call the plumber because it needs fixing. The professional found a toothpaste cap that was impeding the flow. Once he removes the issue, everything goes back to normal.

Now, what is it that’s stopping up your internal flow? Is it something that you can easily remove, or is it going to take the help of a professional? Whatever it takes, you need to resolve it as the mental exhaustion will frazzle you and wear you down if you don’t take proactive measures.

Today is the day to change your life for the better, and you hold power for that change.

6 Parenting Tips for Those Coping with a Strong-Willed Child

We’ve all heard of a strong-willed child, but no one can know what it entails until you’ve parented one yourself. If you are the parent of a strong-willed child, you already know it’s a complicated situation. When your child communicates, they will want to do things their way.

Strong-willed children are often called determined, stubborn, willful, headstrong, and so much more. While these terms often are viewed negatively, the characteristic could be a positive aspect of the child’s life. By following a few tips for determined kids, you can find ways to make it work for both of you.

A tenacious child challenges authority from the beginning of their life. They want to bend the rules and make things happen their way. However, the experience doesn’t have to be harmful; you can forget the negative stigma attached.

Many people believe stubborn kids aren’t well-behaved, but that’s untrue. Adjusting your parenting to accommodate their willfulness, you’ll experience the benefits of having a determined child. You’ll help them grow and develop into someone who uses their determination for the greater good.

What Is a Strong-Willed Child?

strong-willed child

A headstrong child has a strong sense of independence, beginning in their toddler years. The child will be confident and self-assured, which could manifest as strong opinions and defiant behavior. They are persistent and can’t divert their attention once they set their mind on something.

All kids will exhibit these behaviors sometimes, but a headstrong child will always be that way. While some of their qualities might seem discouraging, you can find comfort in many aspects. These kids are often self-motivated, go after what they want, and don’t resist peer pressure.

Other benefits are that they have integrity, can’t easily be swayed, and often become leaders. Studies show that kids labeled as defiant tend to become more financially successful as adults.

Their courage allows them to jump in and learn things for themselves. They can’t accept what others say, so they repeatedly test things to see what happens.

Headstrong kids are passionate, and when they set their heart on something, they can’t easily let go. They keep trying even when the task seems futile and experience intense emotions. These children have the mindset to focus on their wants and work hard to make it happen.

However, the key to reaping the benefits is learning gentle but effective ways to parent your strong-willed child. With the correct methods, you can cope with raising a headstrong child. Then, your little one can use their determination for something beneficial.

Parenting Tips for Those Coping with a Strong-Willed Child

Try these hints for coping with your headstrong little one.

1. Show Empathy and Respect to Your Strong-Willed Child

When raising a strong-willed child, the experience can feel defeating. You’ll make demands only to have your child openly defy what you say, eventually turning to meltdowns and tantrums. The key is to remember that your child has the same emotions you do, but they don’t know how to handle them yet.

You don’t like having people bark orders at you or tell you what to do and how to do it. Kids don’t like it either, but they’re urged to give in. However, headstrong kids aren’t as willing to meet every daily demand.

Rather than getting frustrated with your child for wanting to tell you their opinion, try listening instead. By listening calmly, you can understand why your child is defying you. Finding out their reasoning is the best way to create a plan that’ll work for both of you.

When kids feel respected and see you treating them respectfully, they’ll learn to do it, too. Not only does showing empathy and respect lead to fewer meltdowns, but it also teaches them how to treat others. The main goal is to treat them how you want others to treat you.

2. Listen to Them

Listening to your child even when you think you know best is essential. Headstrong kids have strong viewpoints that lead them to their feelings and opinions. Their viewpoints are also the reason they won’t change their mind quickly.

Rather than getting frustrated with your child for wanting to tell you their opinion, try listening instead. By listening calmly, you can understand why your child is defying you. Finding out their reasoning is the best way to develop a plan that’ll work for both of you.

Sometimes you’ll find that you did something to upset them, even though you don’t see the problem. Once your child explains it to you, you can talk about what happened. Be sure to apologize if you can see their point of view on why you made them upset.

3. Identify Common Power Struggles and Triggers

Power struggles are unavoidable with headstrong kids and might seemingly come out of nowhere. Whether you have a toddler throwing a tantrum, a teenager backtalking, or anything in between, identifying the triggers can help. Everyone has different power struggles and causes, so pinpointing what makes your child upset is essential.

Pay attention to when the power struggles occur. Even if you don’t see it immediately, there are likely some similarities each time. It could be about getting dressed in the morning or completing their homework. Whatever the trigger is, you must identify it as soon as possible.

Once you’ve identified the power struggles and triggers, you can adjust to make the situation work. Develop a plan that gets the task done but allows your child to feel a sense of control.

4. Come Up with a Routine That Works for Your Strong-Willed Child

Bedtime routines are typical, but you can create one for any part of the day. If you notice that a particular time of day is hard on your child, switch things up and find a routine that works. Kids thrive on routine, and they are especially beneficial for headstrong kids.

Predicting what will happen next puts the child’s mind at ease and avoids everyday power struggles. When the child knows what to expect each time, they won’t throw fits or refuse to do it as often. Be consistent so that your child quickly catches onto what to expect next.

5. Give Them Some Control

When your child feels like they have power over a situation, they are more likely to accept it. They won’t push back as much because they get to choose what’s coming next.

Think about some aspects of your child’s life that you’re willing to hand over control of. Then, tell your child that you’re letting them take control of those parts of their lives.

Giving them some control encourages positivity and better behavior. You can let your little one choose their clothes for the day, pack their lunch, or extend their curfew a little. The areas you loosen up on will depend on the age and maturity of your child, so don’t follow what anyone else does.

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6. Focus on Problem-Solving With a Strong-Willed Child

Punishing your child when they’re defiant might be instinctive, but it won’t help long-term. Experts say that punishment can worsen the problem over time, even if it seems to work now. Instead, focus on problem-solving and determining why your child behaves this way.

When you figure out why your child is being defiant, you can figure out a solution to improve the behavior. Then, you’ll have solved the immediate problem but also the underlying issue affecting your child. Please help your child think of solutions, and let them know you’re here to help them.

Four Things to Remember About a Strong-Willed Child

Remember these facts about the challenge of parenting stubborn children.

1. A Strong-Willed Child Is an Experiential Learner

Being an experiential learner means that they have to see things for themselves. They might hear multiple other people say something, but they’ll still have to try it out. As their parent, you can take control of this situation and help them use the quality positively.

Your child wants to test the limits, and that’s okay to an extent. If your child learns best that way, foster their growth and development. Allow your child to experiment as long as the situation is safe, and there’s no risk of injury.

2. They Want to Master Things on Their Own

Headstrong kids desire mastery over anything else. When they try something new, they’ll keep working on it until they figure it out. Then, they’ll keep working on it until they achieve mastery.

You can help them as their parent by letting them stay in charge of their activities. Let them feel independent as they take control of their lives, and they’ll be more likely to take responsibility for themselves.

3. You Don’t Have to Give into the Argument

Your little one might like power struggles, but you don’t have to participate. If it’s getting too much, take a deep breath and sidestep the battle. Instead of arguing, focus on helping your child feel understood despite limits.

Show empathy, give choices, and respect as you discuss the situation. Find outcomes that allow both of you to win so your child doesn’t feel ignored. By doing this, it teaches them negotiation and compromise.

4.  The Strong-Willed Child is Not  Just Being Difficult

When a headstrong kid feels forced into something, they’ll feel their integrity has been compromised. They like to have choices and not have someone else tell them what they will do all the time. You can avoid this problem by giving them options from the start, even if only a few options exist.

strong-willed child

Final Thoughts on Parenting Tips for Those Coping with a Strong-Willed Child

Raising a strong-willed child will sometimes feel like a never-ending battle. Your child will resist what you say and learn the hard way every time. However, you can make their headstrong personality work long-term. Use these tips for coping with a strong-willed child and see what a difference it makes.

12 Motivational Quotes About Life from Bob Saget

The iconic actor, comedian, and television host Bob Saget passed away on January 9, 2022, at 65. Perhaps best known for his role as Danny Tanner in “Full House,” the beloved family man we grew up watching will be sorely missed. He played the family patriarch on the show, which aired for eight seasons from 1987-1995.

Fans couldn’t get enough of him, so he reprised his role in the Netflix sequel “Fuller House,” which ran from 2016-2020. When he wasn’t showing America how to be the perfect dad, he made people laugh with his stand-up comedy routines.

He’d been on tour doing shows in Florida when hotel security sadly found Saget in his Orlando hotel room. His last performance was in Jacksonville the night before, so at least he went out doing what he loved.

Other than being a comedian and TV dad, you might remember Bob Saget as a host on “America’s Funniest Home Videos.”

12 Motivational Quotes About Life from Bob Saget

While family, friends, and fans are shocked and devastated by the news of his passing, he left us with plenty of laughs and words of wisdom. We’ll share some of his most famous quotes to honor his memory.

bob saget

1 – “Today is the first day of the rest of your life. And if that doesn’t work out for you, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.”

No matter your circumstances in life, you’re never too old to make a fresh start. We all have baggage and stories from the past, but that doesn’t mean we need to carry them with us. Allow yourself to start anew and leave behind anything that no longer serves you. But, don’t feel pressured to make massive changes if you’re not ready; remember, you have to walk before you run.

2 – “Wise men say, only fools rush in. Wise men are so slow.”  – Bob Saget

This humorous quote packs plenty of wisdom in just a few words. Life requires balance in every aspect; it’s an endless dance between movement and stillness. However, it’s essential to know when to act quickly and slow down. Sometimes it might be foolish to act spontaneously, but other times, it’s necessary to jump on an opportunity.

3 – “If you don’t wake up every day happy, change something.”

We’re all searching for that elusive feeling, but sometimes, it feels just out of our reach. While happiness is fleeting, you can still build a life that nourishes your soul. Maybe that means changing your job, relationship, location, or hairstyle, but never settle if you’re not fulfilled in life. Remember – you’re not a tree with roots; you have the freedom to move wherever you please.

4 – “Most people argue over who’s right, not about what the truth is.”

Saget hit the nail right on the head. It’s inevitable to have disagreements in life, but most of the time, it’s a show of ego, not a desire to know the truth. If we could see past our version of reality and attempt to understand others’ points of view, the world would be a better place.

5 – “When you have a good time, there is no time.”

When you’re in the company of people you love, you tend to lose track of time. When you’re lost in the moment, those are usually the memories you cherish the most.

6 – “Sundays are a good day to look at the limitless possibilities of the week ahead. The key is to prolong that feeling by not reading the news.” -Bob Saget

Bob Saget had a good point here because the news can kill your vibe (especially in today’s world). If you want to have a good week, make sure to plant positive thoughts in your head instead.

7 – “Kindness isn’t just a virtue, it’s a necessity.”

This quote speaks a vital truth in the times we’re living in. More than ever, people need love, compassion, and understanding. They need to feel valued and seen as human beings, not just as their job title or another artificial label. We’re all the same underneath our temporary human suits, so remember to extend kindness to every person you meet.

8 – “I think things just happen to people. That’s healthier, I feel than believing there’s some grand scheme where your story is already inscribed in the Book of Life. Books get rewritten.”

There’s no such thing as destiny because you’re the author of your story. Some people see it as a huge responsibility to take charge of their life, but others see it as a blessing. As with most things in life, it’s all in your perspective.

9 – “Think well of yourself, and others will too. Unless those others are in government, banking, or show business.”

Perhaps people in those professions are indifferent about self-esteem. However, your self-image impacts most areas of your life, so always remember to love yourself.

10 – “My confidence wavers between being genuine and being insecure.”

We all have insecurities behind the mask we show to the world; it’s what makes us human. So, if you’re not feeling confident today, don’t sweat it; even comedians have their off days!

11 – “Valuable people are undervalued.” -Bob Saget

We tend to pay more attention to those who speak the loudest in our society. However, perhaps those working in the background have essential things to say if we just listened.

12 – “I like to approach every day like it’s my first, so this morning when I woke up I covered my body with red gelatin.”

Of course, you may not want to follow this advice verbatim, but you get the idea. Every day you wake up, the universe provides you a chance to start over. What you decide to do with each opportunity is up to you.

bob saget

Final Thoughts on Learning From These Inspirational Quotes by Bob Saget

America’s favorite TV dad may be gone, but we’ll never forget the legacy he left behind. The Olsen twins described Bob Saget as “the most loving, compassionate and generous man,” and that’s how so many will remember him.

6 Ways to Find Inner Happiness… and Why It Matters So Much

Since you were a small child, you’ve probably heard that happiness comes from external sources. You should look for happiness in other people or in the achievements you have. So, as you grow up, you keep building on this idea. You start believing more and more that you need to improve your inner happiness. You never think that you can create your happiness.

People spend so much of their time searching for happiness from external sources. Often, they don’t even find it. That’s because this feeling is fleeting if you wildly chase it around. The only way to reach an actual state of fulfillment is to find your inner happiness. But no one teaches you how to do that. And it can be tough to embark on a self-love journey without guidance. If you want to be happy and find inner peace, here is how to do it.

What Is Inner Happiness And Why Does It Matter?

Happiness is the emotional state that emerges when you are filled with joy, satisfaction, or fulfillment. Everyone feels happiness differently. But for everyone, it stems from positive emotions. Happiness doesn’t have to stem from something happening in the present. You can also feel happy when you reflect on past experiences. People might even say they’re delighted when referring to how they generally think about life.

Because happiness is such a broad term, psychologists refer to it as “subjective well-being.” It’s much more important to focus on what makes an individual happy rather than setting strict guidelines around happiness. You don’t have to be confined by others’ definitions of happiness. Instead, try to understand your needs and what personally makes you happy.

Most people believe that the only way to be happy is if external factors make you satisfied. But that’s not the case. You don’t need to be passive and wait for life to make you happy. You can make yourself feel good. This can be done by finding your inner happiness.

Inner happiness is often defined as a state of psychological calmness and self-fulfillment. Internally happy people are the ones who can regulate how they feel, regardless of what’s going on around them. They can make themselves happy and don’t have to wait around for the world to give them a good day. When you find your inner happiness, you will achieve an emotional balance.

It’s essential to learn to rely on yourself in life. As you get older, you will go through many changes and face many hurdles. You won’t always have the best job, won’t always be surrounded by people, and your life won’t always be great. If you always lean on other people, you will never have any certainty or control in your life.

inner happiness

6 Ways to Find Inner Happiness

You will always be at the mercy of externalities. But inner happiness will allow you to be more autonomous. You will learn to count on just yourself without always having to lean on others. This means that, even in your darkest times, you will have yourself, and that will be enough. Inner happiness leads to self-love and self-fulfillment, and that’s necessary for a balanced life.

1.    Meditate To Find Your Inner Happiness

The practice of meditation has been used by people for thousands of years. In the beginning, it was used to bring people closer to the forces of the Universe. Nowadays, psychologists recommend meditation as a way to achieve emotional well-being.

When you meditate, you reflect on how you feel and what your body is sensing. You clear your head and take your time to relax. Meditation is mainly focused on breathing in and out. As you fall into a breathing rhythm, you can start scanning your body to feel the sensations it sends you. This anchors you and keeps you present. It keeps your mind from wandering and helps your mind connect with your body.

If you’re unhappy, try to meditate. This can help you understand what makes you sad. It can also give you a new perspective on issues and allow you to find silver linings. As you clear the thoughts running through your head, you can start focusing on the things that make you happy. You remember that you are alive, have a roof over your head, and you always have yourself no matter what.

2.    Embrace Who You Are

Often, people are unhappy because they think too little of themselves. They always fault every little mistake they make. And they are dependent on other people’s opinions. So, if someone else doesn’t praise or compliment them, they automatically assume there’s something wrong with them.

When you embark on a journey to find your inner peace, the first thing you need to do is embrace who you are. The only person who will always be by your side, from birth until death, is you. So, if you want to impress anyone, focus on impressing yourself. It doesn’t matter what other people think, as long as you know you are doing your best.

To embrace yourself, you need to understand that everyone has flaws, and perfection is unattainable. The fact that you have weaknesses is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you know you’re working on bettering yourself. Accept you for who you are, even if there’s something you want to change about yourself. Give yourself the validation you need. Don’t wait for others to praise you. When you start embracing yourself, you can start being happy regardless of what others say.

3.    Practice Gratitude To Increase Inner Happiness

Most people think that being a realist is the way to go in life. It might sound good in theory, but in practice, it just pushes you towards pessimism. In reality, it’s much better to try to have a positive outlook and be grateful. This mindset can take you a step closer to finding inner happiness.

To be grateful is to learn to affirm all the good life gives you. It means being aware of when something positive happens and valuing the good over the bad at all times. Grateful people continuously develop a positive outlook on life. But acknowledging the good is not enough. To be truly thankful, you need to express the appreciation you feel outwardly.

Some people are inherently more grateful, but gratitude can also be practiced. You can use gratitude journals to write down everything positive that happens. This way, you’ll always be aware of the positives, and you can never forget them. Gratitude impacts brain development in a way that harvests inner happiness.

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4.    Spend Time In Nature

As life gets busier, people tend to get stuck in the city more than before. This current lifestyle keeps people away from nature. And this might not seem like an issue, but it can significantly affect your happiness.

When you spend time in nature, you can enjoy the clean air and marvel at the views. This allows you to relax and reflect. All the research regarding the connection between nature and health shows that even a simple walk can heal you. Nature reduces stress, anger, and fear. It even improves physical health. All these factors make you feel better on the inside, which leads to a sense of happiness.

5.    Take Responsibility For Your Actions

Often, people are unhappy because they are afraid to acknowledge how their actions affect them and others. They are scared to make mistakes. When they make them, they will deny everything. The error is still there, but now there’s no one to solve it.

To find inner happiness, you need to accept that you are responsible for your actions. Instead of being ashamed of making mistakes, take accountability and try to solve the issues you’ve created. This way, you can regain control over your life while being more at peace with yourself. This also helps you in practice. When you admit you were wrong, you are one step closer to solving that issue. You don’t have to live with the pressure of an unsolved mistake anymore.

The goal of accountability is not to gain forgiveness from others. Instead it’s meant to make you feel better by relieving you from a burden. It’s all about you feeling better about yourself.

6.    Having A Purpose Builds Inner Happiness

Instead of running aimlessly through life, try to find a purpose, a goal to strive towards. Don’t leave your happiness at the mercy of external factors. Take control over it and give your life a sense of direction.

A purpose means for everyone. For some, it’s about a career. For others, it’s about family. To find yours, you need to reflect and understand what you value most in life. Don’t let other people tell you what you should appreciate. Trust your gut, and it will lead you to your true purpose.

Having a purpose is crucial because it gives your life meaning. It’s that reason you get out of bed even if days are hard. And that purpose remains stable even when your life goes crazy. Just remember, you can’t find your purpose in just a few days. It’s a complete process, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see it right away. The good part is that even the journey leads you towards inner happiness.

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Final Thoughts On Six Ways To Find Inner Happiness And Why It Matters So Much

Everyone wants to be happy in life. But sometimes, that seems unattainable. Sometimes, life gets the best of you. Something terrible happens, and you are left without reasons to smile. That’s when inner happiness can help you.

Everyone needs to try and find their inner happiness at some point in their life. If you don’t, you will always be dependent on externalities to make you feel good. Inner happiness is crucial if you want to find balance and emotional stability in your life. It can help you get through the toughest of times, even if no one is there to help you.

To find your inner happiness, you need to reflect and meditate. Understand what your needs and priorities are. Be grateful for everything good that happens. Learn to accept yourself for who you are, even though you aren’t perfect (no one is anyway). And, if your mind is still fighting you, you can try spending some time in nature. That’s always guaranteed to make you feel a little better.

7 Things For Parents To Remember When They Disagree on Child Discipline

Raising children is one of the most challenging tasks a person has to deal with throughout their life. And, when a couple decides to have a child, they have to make sure they’re on the same page when it comes to all aspects. From nutrition and education to child discipline, you must ensure you have the same views on everything.

But no matter how much you talk about these things before the child is born, words and actions are two very different concepts. So, you will inevitably have disagreements when it comes to these subjects. One aspect that is bound to create conflicts between parents is how to discipline kids. Some parents might want to be more liberal and keep punishment to a minimum. Some might feel like it is needed more often.

Of course, when punishment should never be physical. But some parents might ground their kids or take away their allowance or things like that. And, when the parents don’t agree on how to discipline a kid, it will get confusing for everyone involved. So, what are the things that parents should remember when they disagree on child discipline?

Why Is Child Discipline Important For The Development Of Your Kids?

Discipline is a parenting tool meant to teach children how to behave responsibly. When done right, it teaches kids that their actions have consequences. It shows them that they will have to take accountability for their actions.

It also shows that good deeds pay off in rewards. Kids will also start learning what right and wrong mean. And they will learn to manage emotions and actions, thus allowing them to have self-control. But parents aren’t always aware of what counts as child discipline and what doesn’t.

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What Child Discipline Means

Many parents think that yelling at their kids can also be used as a tool. But that’s not true. Discipline doesn’t include any form of emotional, verbal, or physical abuse. That means no yelling, no instilling fear in the kid, no hitting them, nothing like that. These methods are not only morally wrong but are also very harmful. If you regularly hit your kids, you will harm their self-esteem, sense of fairness, and you will ruin your relationship with them.

Instead, discipline means being calm and fair towards the child. If they misbehave, show them what they’re supposed to do. Make sure they understand what is right and wrong. Kids should always know what you expect of them. Be civilized and talk politely with them. Be reasonable and understand that kids, especially very young ones, don’t know what’s right and wrong unless you teach them. And, don’t set unreasonable expectations. If they are two years old, you can’t expect them to eat without making any mess.

If you feel like your kid is acting out over and over again, you can start using minor punishments, like putting them in time-out for a couple of minutes. But make sure they are never in distress, and they never feel afraid or anxious when you discipline them.

7 Things For Parents To Remember When They Disagree on Child Discipline

Disagreements are normal in any relationship. But, if you don’t solve them, your kid will suffer. It can lead to communication issues, for example, the kid getting mixed signals from the parents. These conflicts can confuse kids and make them have more questions rather than give them answers. Overall, it’s just not good for anyone to raise a kid in such an environment. So, what can you do to keep disagreements at a minimum?

1.    Find Some Common Ground

Most parents love their kids wholeheartedly and want only the best for them. But people can also be very stubborn, and they often have a “my way or the highway” mentality. This can lead to conflicts, as people are prone to see only the bad things others do. They take the good for granted, and when disputes arise, they can only focus on the negative.

If you and your partner start disagreeing on discipline methods, take a step back and reflect on the other’s behavior. Ask yourself, what does my partner do that I agree with? Maybe you like their tone. Perhaps they explain things well. No matter what it is, you are bound to find something you agree with.

And when you find that common ground, try to build a better discipline method starting from that commonality. You can use this as a positive foundation to rebuild a better discipline system.

2.    Discuss Your Core Beliefs About Child Discipline

More often than not, you will disagree on the methods. Still, you will have the same goal in mind. But when your core beliefs differ from your partner’s, that’s when you will find that you disagree the most. So, it might be worth it to sit down and chat about everything, starting from the principles.

When you disagree, it’s essential to understand where exactly you two differ. But that will only help you in the short term. To truly change things up, you need to know why you disagree. Maybe you think that a 10 PM curfew for a teenager is reasonable, but your partner is pushing for no curfew at all. Understand why that is.

Do they think teenagers will learn to be more responsible if they have more freedom? Or do they want to let them party for as long as they can? Maybe you want to ground the kid if they break curfew, while your partner might not believe in grounding kids.

Discuss all the issues you have and understand where the other is coming from. When you know why you disagree, you can start talking principles until you reach a common ground.

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3.    Set Some Ground Rules

Your parenting goals and style will change as time passes. But there will always be some ground rules that both you and your partner will want to set in place. And, if there aren’t any rules that both of you agree on, work on creating a list. Start with basic safety rules, like a curfew.

Set in place some respect rules, for example, that they should never use bad words. Depending on their age, you can ever assign them some chores. It would be best if you also discussed what reward to give the kids when they respect the house rules.

When you create a list of rules, you can always use that as a reference point when you and your partner fight. Even if you disagree on some detail, your kid will always have some boundaries to respect and a basic routine to follow.

4.    Always Try To Be Respectful When Deciding On Child Discipline

This applies to your relationship with your children and your relationship with your partner. Whenever you disagree with your partner, remember not to act out. There’s no reason to turn the disagreement into a full-blown fight. Instead, try to teach yourself to approach all conflicts with respect.

Instead of being aggressive and trying to call your partner out, set out to hear them out. Listen to what your partner has to say, and be understanding. Maybe they have a point that you didn’t think about before. And, when you and your partner are respectful towards each other, you will deescalate all conflicts much quicker.

5.    Act Like A Team When It’s Time To Implement Child Discipline

As parents, you always need to remember that you are a team and you fight for the same goal: to give your children a good life. You both want what’s best for them, and you’d both do anything to get there. So, if you disagree on specific topics, don’t let that affect how the kids see you. It would help if you always looked united, even though you might not sometimes be.

This way, you will be good role models, and you will show them what good behaviors look like. Having a united front is also crucial for having consistency regarding what methods you use. If you always discuss rules and boundaries beforehand, the kid will never receive mixed signals. This way, there will be no confusion, and a routine will be created.

6.    Compromise

When it comes to discipline, compromise is vital. Both parents have to be on board with an idea to be enforced successfully. So, don’t try to enforce a rule by yourself, and don’t go behind your partner’s back.

It would be best if you always were ready to compromise and think about long-term goals. Set your ego aside, and try to focus on your child’s well-being above all else. It doesn’t matter that a rule might not be your parenting style. If it works for your kid and your family, then it’s good discipline. And, that’s ultimately what matters.

7.    Seek Professional Help

As parents, you want to feel like you know what’s best for your child. But that can’t always be the case. If you feel like you keep disagreeing with your partner on the topic of discipline, try getting another opinion. That’s why professionals exist. To help people get the advice and guidance they need in every aspect of their lives.

Tons of parenting classes can educate you on various parenting styles and discipline methods. And, if those don’t seem helpful, you can even try couple’s counseling. All of these methods are available both online and in person. And there is something out there for everyone. Even if you don’t want to seek that help now, keep in mind that you have that option.

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Final Thoughts On Some Things To Remember When You Disagree on Child Discipline

Raising kids is a full-time job. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. And, couples are bound to disagree on how to raise kids. And, one of the things that people disagree on the most is how to discipline children.

Everyone was raised differently, and they have different perspectives regarding what rules should look like. Remember is that there will always be a common ground. You will always be able to talk through your issues. You both have the same goal. When it comes to parenting, you are a team, and you should never forget that. And, if you feel like you can’t solve these conflicts regarding child discipline alone, you can always seek professional help.

10 Signs of Psychological Manipulation Most People Don’t Realize

Everyone has to deal with a person who uses psychological manipulation at some point in their life. It might be a family member, a friend, a partner, or even someone you do business with. Most people who will manipulate you will do it intentionally. Sometimes they aren’t even aware they are doing it. That can be even more dangerous.

You might be aware of the most common signs of manipulation, like people twisting your words or gaslighting you. But manipulation can take many different forms, many of which you might not even know. Manipulation can sometimes be so subtle that you won’t see the danger coming until it’s too late. And if you end up in a manipulative situation, it might be too late to get out unharmed.

Ten Signs of Psychological Manipulation

The best thing you can do is prevent psychological manipulation altogether. And the only way to avoid being manipulated is to know all the signs. So, here are ten signs of psychological manipulation most people don’t even realize.

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1.    Intellectual Bullying Reveals Psychological Manipulation

One of the sneakiest ways someone will manipulate you is by using intellectual bullying. And the worst part is, they often disguise it as “sharing knowledge.”

Intellectual bullying happens when someone starts bombarding you with information that you don’t know. The aim is to overwhelm you and make you feel inferior from an intelligence standpoint. When you start feeling inadequate, you inevitably begin allowing the other person to take control of the situation.

Imagine you are the newest employee of a company, and you are also young and inexperienced. You will inevitably have superiors tell you that they don’t expect you to understand something because you are new. Or they will start spewing random bits of knowledge in hopes they’ll confuse you and make you lose confidence. A family member or friend might also try to exclude you from the conversation this way.

If you ever encounter this type of behavior, know that it’s a manipulation tactic. Stand your ground and be confident in your knowledge. Don’t let people play the expert card around you.

2.    Emotional Invalidation

If you ever open up to someone and they start playing down your experiences, know that they’re manipulating you. It’s easy to fall for this trick, as most people are afraid of being a burden or sounding like they’re begging for attention. Some people tend to invalidate their feelings, making them easier targets for this manipulation tactic.

The people who pretend to care about you should never diminish your problems. They are the ones supposed to help you out, no matter how big or small your issue might be. If someone starts acting like what you’re going through doesn’t matter, it’s time to put some distance between you.

Some ways through which they will play down your experiences are by comparing them to their issues. Things like “you think that’s bad? You should see what I’ve been dealing with” might seem innocent enough. But don’t fall for it. Such semantics only put you down and make you focus on the other person instead of on yourself.

3.    Avoiding Accountability

Kind people will always acknowledge when they hurt others. Moreover, they will try to fix their mistakes. But manipulators will take as little accountability as they can. They will never recognize that they did something wrong, even if it’s blatantly apparent that they did.

This might not seem like psychological manipulation, but the goal is to hurt others without consequences. These people will go so far as to make you feel responsible for their slip-ups. They will say things like, “if you weren’t so sensitive, this wouldn’t have hurt you.” You might even find yourself apologizing when they’re the ones in the wrong.

Trust your gut. If you know for a fact that they are guilty and they won’t admit it, don’t take the blame.

4.    Shaming Can Be a Sign of Psychological Manipulation

A manipulator will always try to project their issues on their victim. They will go to extreme lengths to make you feel ashamed and guilty. This way, you will feel like you owe them something or that they’re doing you a favor by staying. They keep their clear image while your confidence is getting shattered to pieces.

When someone is shaming you, they are just trying to control you. They might act like you are ungrateful for everything they’ve done for you. This will make you feel like you’re in debt to them. It also shifts focus off their mistakes and puts it on you.

If you feel like someone is making you feel ashamed or guilty, don’t give them the benefit of the doubt. They are doing it intentionally, and you shouldn’t accept such behavior.

5.    Lying

Everyone lies from time to time. You do it to avoid awkward situations, gain something for yourself, or just because it’s easier than telling the truth. Because of how common it is, people don’t usually think of it as psychological manipulation. Even though not all people who lie are manipulative, all manipulators lie.

Manipulators lie so that they can control the narrative. They even do it when it’s unnecessary to make sure that their fake story is as seamless as possible. For example, a cheater will manipulate you by saying they were working overtime, and that’s why they were late. Lying is also meant to confuse you so that you can’t question their actions anymore.

If someone lies to you, that doesn’t mean they are manipulative. But if the lying is habitual, it’s a good chance that they’re up to something.

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6.    Using Ultimatums

Manipulators will do whatever they can to put you on the spot and force you to make decisions without time to think. When they want to force you to do something, they will use ultimatums. They sue them most often during fights.

They will try to exploit your weaknesses to get what they want. For example, an abusive partner might tell you they’ll take their life if you leave them. This way, they make sure that, if you go, you’ll leave in fear of them hurting themselves. Or a family member might tell you that if you don’t show up to dinner, you’re not family anymore.

Don’t fall for these ultimatums. Someone who cares about you will never put you on the spot like that. And if someone does this, it’s time to cut them out of your life.

7.    Giving Silent Treatment Is a Form of Psychological Manipulation

Giving people the silent treatment might seem innocent enough at first, but it’s not at all. It’s a psychological manipulation tactic meant to make you desperate.

When someone refuses to communicate, they don’t respond to your calls and messages, and they aim to gain control. They avoid a direct fight while making you feel responsible for the lack of communication. They shift the focus from them having to take responsibility to you trying desperately to get them back.

As you get more desperate, you’ll forget about the real issues. They’ll get off the hook while controlling you. Don’t try to contact them when someone cuts all forms of communication with you. Let them go and try to avoid any future interactions.

8.    Name-Calling

This tactic is one of the oldest tricks in the books, and it’s so common that people don’t realize how harmful it is anymore. Just because it’s common, it doesn’t mean you should accept it. After all, it is a form of psychological manipulation.

Name-calling aims to make you feel inferior and exploit your vulnerabilities. For example, old men have been calling women “sweetheart” for as long as anyone can remember. They do it because they want to assert dominance. The connotations are that women are less capable. Or they’re just something pretty to look at. But it doesn’t stop here. Even presidents have started to use this tactic.

If someone name-calls you, stop the conversation right there and there. Let them know you won’t accept to be treated disrespectfully. Otherwise, you might find yourself being exploited using nicknames.

9.    Intimidation

Fear is one of the primary mechanisms through which someone will try to manipulate you. Indeed, intimidation is a covert way through which some individuals instill fear in others.

This is very common in workplaces. Most people have had a boss that told them something along the lines of “no one is irreplaceable.” The aim is to make you back off and let the other take advantage of their position. If you fall for these tricks, you will be exploited. Even friends or family can do this.

For example, your parents might tell their underage kids that they’ll be kicked out unless they act in specific ways. Sometimes, you aren’t in a position to fight back. But if you can stand your ground, do it. Don’t allow people to exploit you, and let them know you won’t fall for their tricks.

10. Playing The Victim is a Type of Psychological Manipulation

Even though manipulation is about gaining power over others, that doesn’t mean manipulators always seem in control. Often, they choose to present as a victim to gain sympathy and exploit others’ kindness.

Manipulators want you to feel like you’re tied to them. When they play the victim, they make sure that you think they need you. They know you don’t want to see people hurt, so they use that to their advantage. They will exaggerate their issues until you feel obligated to be by their side and help them. Then, they will slowly start pushing the limit bit by bit until they can do whatever without you leaving.

Though you should always help people out, be wary of people who don’t talk about anything but their issues. And never sacrifice your well-being to help others.

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Final Thoughts On Some Signs of Psychological Manipulation Most People Don’t Realize

Psychological manipulation is something that everyone will have to deal with at some point. Some people will encounter light forms, while others might get sucked up into an abusive situation. There’s no shame in falling for these tactics, as most of them seem innocent at first.

Lying, shaming, intellectual bullying, and more are psychological manipulation tactics. What they all have in common is a need to control the narrative and gain power over others. If you encounter any of these tactics, be aware that you’re being manipulated. Try to avoid people who use them at all costs, and stand your ground. If you trust your gut, you won’t be controlled.

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