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10 Times in Life When Being Alone Does Not Equal Lonesome

One of humanity’s biggest fear is loneliness. And, the trickiest part is that being alone means something different for everyone. One commonality is that it stems from the fear of not sharing your life with someone else meaningfully. However, being lonesome and having solitude mean very different things.

Because of this fear, society has stigmatized the idea of being alone through history. It’s gotten to the point that lonely people are ostracised and sometimes even avoided. Because of this, people go out of their way to be surrounded by others. When they can’t, they panic and start believing that something is wrong with them.

But this stigma is something everyone should learn to get over because, in reality, people need to be alone sometimes. And, many times throughout a person’s life, being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonesome.

What Does Feeling Lonesome Mean?

Feeling lonesome is not the same as being alone. It’s the feeling of sadness and isolation you get because you are alone. But that doesn’t mean that being alone is inherently lonesome. To be more precise, you can be alone without feeling lonesome. But you can’t feel lonesome without being or feeling alone in some way or another.

But this doesn’t mean that being surrounded by people will keep all feelings of loneliness away. People can be alone even if they are in a crowd of 100 people they know. Being alone is more of a state of mind than anything else. And feeling lonesome reflects if you feel seen and heard by others or not. Feeling unwanted and misunderstood can make you feel just as lonely as being physically isolated from others.

Loneliness is something that most people cannot control. No matter how hard you try to snap out of it, sometimes you can’t do it. But you can be alone voluntarily, and that’s solitude, not loneliness. When you choose privacy, you don’t feel isolated. You don’t crave human contact. And being alone in this way is beneficial for your mental well-being.

Loneliness can cause several harms, especially psychological ones. It has been linked with lower self-esteem, a higher risk of developing substance addictions, antisocial behavior, and more. On the other hand, specialists support being solitary from time to time. It has been shown to allow for reflection and self-growth. It can improve your focus, will enable you to keep your priorities straight, and it’s great for a period of relaxation.

Of course, there is a fine line between the two states. But this is exactly what proves that being alone can be used in your interest, rather than being some life-ending catastrophe. So, what are the time in life when being alone doesn’t equal being lonesome? And why should you embrace such periods instead of letting the fear of the unknown overpower you?

Ten Times in Life When Being Alone Does Not Equal Lonesome

Here are the times when you should embrace spending time alone.


1.    When You Grow Up

As a kid, life seems easy and carefree. You don’t have responsibilities, and you are free to play around the neighborhood with your friends all day. But that blissful period eventually passes, and you have to grow up. As a teen, becoming a young adult can seem lonely. The same goes for when you pass your young-adult stage and become a full-blown adult.

All these stages can seem lonely, but that perception is all in your head. The problem is that people see these stages as a burden. Instead, they can be an opportunity to grow as a person and reinvent yourself. And, just because you have to grow up, it doesn’t mean the people who care about you won’t be around anymore. Sure, you’ll grow apart from some people, but that will only allow you to make room for new people.

2.    When You Move To Another City

People create support systems around themselves as a way to ensure they will have someone to lean on no matter what. While it’s good to have these types of systems set up around you, it also means it’s challenging to be away from those people. This can make life changes, like moving to another city, feel more lonesome than they are.

Deciding to move to another city, or being forced by specific factors, doesn’t have to be a lonely experience. Just like growing up, moving somewhere else can allow you to have a fresh start. If at first you aren’t surrounded by people, that’s alright. You can take that time to work on yourself. Eventually, you will make new connections. And, there’s no need to let go of your old contacts.

3.    When You’re Trying To Figure Yourself Out

As people go through life, they will stumble over situations that turn their world upside-down. Your life will never be smooth sailing, and there will be many instances where you have to sort yourself out. This might mean finding the strength to get through the day, making tough decisions, having to cut people out from your life, and more.

When you go through these periods when seemingly nothing is going in your favor, chances are you will have to take some time away from others and be alone. But this doesn’t mean you will be lonely. Instead, it means that you have so much to deal with that you need some solitude to make good decisions. The people who are beside you for real will stay by your side, even if you need some solitude.

4.    You Don’t Feel Lonesome When You’re Focusing On Your Career

Many people are scared to dedicate themselves fully to their careers because they believe they will be lonely. That’s why they choose to struggle with a job that doesn’t fulfill them instead of taking the time to apply for a better job or seek out a promotion. Sometimes, kids even choose their degrees based on how much time to socialize they will have.

But the idea that having a career will make you lonely is baseless. Chasing your dreams is often something you’ll have to do alone. But when you get what you want, you’ll be at peace internally. That personal fulfillment won’t allow you to feel lonely. And, after getting what you want, you’ll have more than enough time to make new connections.

5.    When You’re Bettering Your Mental Health You Don’t Feel Lonesome

Struggling with your mental health can feel extremely isolating. And, at the lowest of your lows, it is lonely. But, as you start to get better, you will be more and more at peace with yourself. This means even if you are alone, at least you will have yourself and will be able to rely on yourself. Besides that, you will connect with people along the way. This is why bettering yourself, while it might be something you do alone, is not lonesome.


6.    You’re Not Necessarily Lonesome When You Stay In

You will spend many Friday nights inside the house throughout your life instead of going to a party. Some people do it because they have other responsibilities, like learning or work. Some do it because they don’t like going out that much. But all people who stay in choose to be alone. But that doesn’t mean they are lonely. They have other priorities, like working or taking a nice, relaxing bath. And if you ever have to skip out on going out, you should know that you’re not lonely either. You’re just choosing to focus on yourself.

7.    When You Fight With Someone

Getting into fights with people can feel isolating, especially if those people are close to you. But don’t worry, just because you and someone else might not talk for a couple of days doesn’t mean they’ll give up on you. And, even if you can’t sort your issues out, many other people will stick by your side no matter what.

And even if you break all connections with the people in your life, you will be lonely only if you let the situation tear you down. As long as you keep a positive attitude and have faith in yourself, you will never feel lonely. You’ll always have yourself.

8.    When You Want To Get Away

Sometimes, people want to leave everything behind and get away from their issues for a while. That might mean going on a walk, taking an impromptu trip, or just staying inside, alone. But in those moments, they aren’t lonely.

They are just trying to pause life for a little while until they are ready to get back to action. And some people genuinely enjoy doing things alone because it allows them to appreciate everything around them genuinely.

9.    When You Have To Spend The Holidays Alone

The holidays are when people feel like they should be close to friends and family more than at any other time. Spending them alone can seem lonely at first, some people enjoy it this way.

Maybe they don’t get along with their family, don’t have many friends, or are just introverts. But just because they are alone, that doesn’t mean they aren’t enjoying their time. You can always make the holiday season about taking care of yourself, rather than having it be all about others.

10. When You Are An Introvert, You Don’t Feel Lonesome

Many people are just hardwired to like being alone more than around loads of people. And that’s perfectly fine. As an introvert, you don’t have to be lonely. You can create connections just as well as other people, but only if you want to.

As an introvert, you might enjoy things such as going to the movies alone. Don’t let anyone tell you that’s wrong or weird. Embrace who you are and know that it doesn’t matter how many people you have around you. It only matters how you feel inside.


Final Thoughts On Ten Times in Life When Being Alone Does Not Equal Lonesome

People have been afraid of being alone since the beginning of time. Or so they thought. In reality, they are scared of feeling lonesome, not of being alone.

Being alone is not only necessary for a balanced life, but it can also be fulfilling. More often than not, being alone doesn’t mean that you lack connection. It just means that you are busy working on yourself or going through life changes. And, instead of running away from these moments, you should start embracing them.

Psychology Reveals 10 Expectations That Strengthen Relationships

Some people think they must set low expectations in a relationship for some strange reason. That, if you get your hopes up, that only sets you up for disappointment. Or that you shouldn’t hold your partner to specific standards, as that might pressure them.

While some expectations might be unhealthy and might force your partner to change when they shouldn’t, most aren’t like that. Of course, if you expect to marry a billionaire, that’s unrealistic and will significantly narrow your choices. However, healthy expectations will help protect you from exploitation and abusive tendencies.

They will create a clear image of what you want and guide you when looking for a partner. They help you enter better relationships, and if you’re already in a relationship, they help strengthen it.

10 Expectations That Can Strengthen Your Relationship

So, what are the ten expectations you should consider when strengthening relationships?


1.    Expections of Good Communication

If you’ve never been in a healthy relationship, or any relationship at all, you might not realize how important communication is. And most people are indifferent when it comes to valuing communication.

But communication is the core of any strong relationship. And most people don’t even fully understand what communication is. It is not limited to talking. You could talk to your partner all day without actually communicating. When two people communicate, they share their thoughts, feelings, issues, and insecurities. And, while one person shares, the other one listens.

Don’t be fooled by the appearance of communication. If all you and your partner talk about is their life, but never yours, that’s a red flag. Or, if you have dry conversations, something has to be changed. Look for someone who will actively listen when you need them to and who will share thoughts and feelings with you.

But don’t push them to share things they’re not ready to share. Please pay attention to how they express themselves and adapt to their needs. Always make sure both of you feel understood and heard.

2.    Expect Space

When you first get into a relationship, you might think you must spend every second of the day with the other person. That’s not necessarily the case. Every person and couple is different. Some people prefer to be alone most of the time, while others thrive around people. But everyone needs a little space from time to time.

Personal space is more important than you might think. When dealing with something, you often need to be alone and reflect. And if your partner gets upset when you need to be alone, that’s a dysfunctional relationship. It would help if you never were made to feel bad for not hanging out with someone. It’s not your duty to be with the other person every second of every day.

You have to look for someone who will give you the space you need when you ask for it. Expecting to have space will remind you to stop sacrificing your well-being to be with the other.

3.    Expect Boundaries

Just because you are with someone doesn’t mean they own you. And, they aren’t entitled to do anything they want with you. But most people are too afraid of pushing the other person away if they ask for boundaries. If someone distances themselves from you when faced with limitations, they aren’t the one.

Boundaries are necessary for any strong relationship. They show what each person is comfortable with and where their limits are. If you have some guidelines in a relationship, you will avoid pushing the other person. They also protect your own needs and well-being. Let the other person know what sets you off if you want to avoid petty fights and unnecessary tensions. When you create expectations for boundaries, you will no longer avoid enforcing them.

4.    Expections for Affection

If you want to ensure you and your partner won’t drift apart, you must keep being affectionate as long as you’re together. People expect that, as time passes, affection will become sporadic. But that’s not how it should be. And it would be best if you never settled for a relationship without affection.

The whole point is to feel loved, protected and understood. And, just hearing that you are loved is not enough. Actions matter more than words. They proved that the other cares about you. And it would be best if you also showed them affection through action.

Even though some people are inherently less affectionate than others, that doesn’t mean they show none at all. And, if you settle for someone who is all talk but no show, you won’t be happy. So, expect and ask for affection when you need it.

5.    Expect Intimacy

Every strong relationship needs to keep its spark alive. And, the best way to nurture that flame is through intimacy, whether physical or emotional. As time passes, people start thinking that it’s ok if all they do together is eat and sleep after a long work day. But that’s not a relationship. That’s merely cohabitating. Every couple needs to spend the time allocated just for the two of them.

Go on dates, take a walk through the park, and share your thoughts and feelings. Just be present and enjoy the simple things. You should always expect your relationship to look like this. Search for someone who will make you feel special who will always make time for intimacy. This expectation will allow you to look past simple crushes and prioritize that special emotional and physical connection.


6.    Expectations for Validation of Your Feelings

Your significant other should always try to understand your perspective. They should be on your team even if they don’t wholly agree with you all the time. And you should be on theirs. Most people don’t expect to find someone like this, so they settle for someone who will fight against them.

But you can’t thrive in a relationship unless you feel validated. Don’t expect or accept mistreatment from your partner. If you do, you are just setting yourself up for failure. You should look for validation when deciding to enter a relationship. Do they try to see your perspective? Do they support you in the pursuit of your dreams? Finally, do they acknowledge the things you do for them? If the answer is yes, you’ve found someone worthwhile.

7.    Expect Accountability

You should always set expectations that your partner will be accountable if they mess something up. If you settle for someone who always tries to blame things on you, your relationship will not last. Accountability is vital for ensuring everyone involved tries their best to limit mistakes. Without accountability, you risk being exploited or just having fought all the time.

It would help with someone being aware of how their actions affect you. If they don’t, you risk falling into a negative cycle. If they always blame you, you will end up being the one who puts in all the effort while the other takes. Responsible behavior is something you need to look for in a potential partner. And you should be ready to offer it.

8.    Expectations of Autonomy

When you choose to share your life with someone, it doesn’t mean you have to share everything. And it would be best if you didn’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You always need to keep some sense of self as the relationship evolves.

As you spend more and more time with someone, you’re expected to become more similar. But you always need to remember that you are your person. And you need someone who will allow you to keep some individuality. Look for someone who will support your interests. Some toxic partners might try to keep you away from your hobbies and friends.

They might only allow you to have the same friends or interests they have. Or they might try to make you share possessions. Don’t settle for someone like that. Expect someone who will be happy when you keep your autonomy.

9.    Expect Trust

Love is not enough to keep a relationship going. Sometimes, trust matters even more than feelings. When you trust someone, and they trust you, you feel secure. This helps you get through challenging moments, fights, and disagreements.

You need to set an expectation that your partner will show you the trust you deserve. And it would be best if you were ready to trust them too. That doesn’t mean you should trust anyone. Trust should be cultivated over time.

But, if you’ve been with someone for a long time, and they still accuse you of lying or other things, that’s a red flag. And you shouldn’t welcome someone who won’t give you the trust you deserve in your life.

10. Expect To Be Prioritised

When people think of prioritizing a person, they automatically assume that it means making their life about them. But that’s not how prioritization works. A healthy relationship will consist of people who know that they should focus on themselves. But, when the other person needs them, they should make sacrifices to help them out.

You need to know that you matter, and your partner will do what they can to meet your needs. That doesn’t mean shutting everyone else out of their life. You need to have other connections still while still making your romantic one a priority.

For example, if your partner is going through a depressive episode, be there for them. Even if you might be out with friends, you can drop that to be by your partner’s side.


Final Thoughts On Some Expectations That Strengthen Relationships  

No matter why people around you might tell you, expectations are not a bad thing in a relationship. Indeed, expectations are beneficial and even necessary for a strong connection. And, if you have the right expectations, you will find a perfect person for you.

When you create expectations, don’t be outrageous. Be reasonable, and don’t force your partner to change to meet your expectations. But there are some things that you need to expect. Otherwise, you risk being taken advantage of. Expect kindness, trust, accountability, and space. Create the boundaries to ensure you and your partner feel safe and loved.

Researcher Explains What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Personality

You may not think twice about your favorite color, but it can reveal a lot about your personality. Of course, there’s much more to a person than their color preference, as people have many layers. However, attraction to specific colors may hint at certain psychological traits beneath the surface.

For example, people who love blue may have a more laid-back, calm personality. On the other hand, those who enjoy red tend to have a more dominant, energetic vibe. People who gravitate to the color yellow may appear cheerful.

There’s a reason why people ask about your favorite color when getting to know you. It’s one of the first questions that comes to mind because it’s an easy concept to bond over. Colors make life beautiful and vibrant, and it’s interesting to learn why people have particular color preferences.

One color test, in particular, can help uncover more profound aspects of your personality. A Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher developed the Lüscher Color Test, this favorite color test, in 1947. While obtaining his doctorate in psychology, psychiatry, and philosophy, he created the color test to evaluate personalities.

He even based his dissertation on this concept and eventually developed the Lüscher color diagnostic. From there, it became known universally as the Lüscher color test.

Keep in mind that this test is highly subjective as it stems from individual preferences. However, it’s still a fun way to learn more about your personality.

Researchers Explain What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Personality

favorite color

Lüscher centered his theory on the idea that colors represent one’s desires and needs. This way, the test offers objectivity since most people react differently to colors. However, the subjective component comes into play when considering individual preferences.

Some psychologists give patients this test to understand a person’s motives, desires, or personality. They present the person with eight cards of various colors. Then, the psychologist asks the patient to order them from their favorite to least favorite color.

The psychologist will ask the patient to abide by one rule: to focus solely on the colors themselves. In other words, they should pay attention to the feelings and emotions the colors evoke. If they choose colors based on connection, it will distort the results.

For instance, someone may choose blue as their favorite color because they associate it with the beach. Others may pick orange due to personal preference. However, blocking out these ideas and paying attention to your gut is essential to generate accurate results. The sensations you get from seeing the colors should guide your choices.

When psychologists decode the results, they focus on the positions and meanings of the colors. It’s considered typical for the primary colors to come first, such as red, blue, and yellow. These colors symbolize basic psychological needs and desires. Darker colors such as violet, brown, and black should come last. If a patient chooses these first, it could indicate dark personality traits.

What Does Your Favorite Color Say About You?

Now that you know how the test works, we’ll explain what each primary color reveals about you.

Blue, very commonplace favorite color:

If you chose this as your favorite color, it represents a need for affection and serenity. It also symbolizes a person’s desire for satisfaction and harmony. If you picked this color first, it might indicate an imbalance in your life. Perhaps you want inner peace, so your color choice reflects that.


This color represents a person’s desire for actualization and recognition. It’s deeply related to accomplishing something beyond oneself and having goals in life. If you chose this first, it might indicate a need to prove yourself. However, if it’s in a later position, it could mean codependency problems or a lack of direction.


You probably have a dominant personality if you picked this as your favorite color. This color represents confidence, energy, and strength. Depending on its position, it may reveal how much activity a person wants.


Choosing this color first indicates optimism and hope for the future. So, if a person places this color in later positions, it may mean depression or a pessimistic life outlook.

Violet or purple:

If this is your favorite color, it can have several interpretations. Picking it first indicates self-centeredness or insecurity. However, placing this card toward the middle or end may mean you’re empathetic.


Picking this as your favorite color reveals an apathetic or indifferent attitude. The higher the position, the more these aspects will reflect your personality.


Having this as a favorite color means you place bodily needs above all else. Putting this card toward the top means you’re more focused on fulfilling these desires. However, if it’s placed at the end, you probably don’t place much importance on biological needs.


People who pick black as their favorite color may have a darker personality. They may have repressed feelings or desires or enjoy confrontation with others.

Hopefully, this test will help you understand your personality deeper. Of course, take it with a grain of salt since it’s a subjective test. Still, the color you resonate with the most could reveal hidden desires or repressed feelings. Please pay attention to the colors around you because they might provide a glimpse into your innermost self.

favorite color

Final thoughts on the Lüscher favorite color test and the link to your personality

You can find thousands of personality quizzes online that will help reveal your highest self. Most people strongly desire to feel more connected to themselves, and personality tests can satisfy this need. You might not think your favorite color matters much in the grand scheme of things, but it’s still a part of your personality. The colors in your room or home can glimpse your innermost thoughts and feelings.

If you’d like to take the Lüscher color test, feel free to do so here. Let us know what you learned in the comments!

Body Types: Are You an Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?

Alhough people are as unique as snowflakes, most share basic body shapes. You may identify with one or a combination of characteristics. How do body types relate to genetics, diet, and fitness?

In the 1940s, psychologist William Sheldon developed a theory based on body types and personality traits. Sheldon called his theory somatotype, which comes from the Greek for the body’s shape.

According to Sheldon, humans can be classified into three body shapes: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Not only did he divide people by the shape of their bodies, but he believed that the body shape also determined personality traits.

Today, most medical experts reject Sheldon’s link between body shapes and personality. However, fitness experts use general body types for developing personal fitness routines. They’ve also found that many people have combination body shapes and measurements.

Body Types: Are You an Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph?

It may be as simple as looking in a mirror to decide your predominant body shape. While you can find some general characteristics, your body is unique, and no one size fits all. Here are the three main body types, along with suggested eating and exercise plans for each.

body types

1. Ectomorph Body Type

If your body composition is mostly ectomorph, you have a small bone structure. You are thin with small shoulders and hips. It may be difficult to gain weight because you have a high metabolism.

Friends may be envious of you because it seems that you can eat anything and still not gain an ounce. Ectomorph body types may be tall and skinny or petite. The downside is that you may also have trouble building muscle mass.

Some famous ectomorph men include Kevin Hart and Toby McGuire. Cameron Diaz and Kate Moss are examples of ectomorph women. Many of the models you see in the media are tall, thin ectomorphs.

Unfortunately, the cameras can be deceiving. Some of these models may look like ectomorphs when they have a different body shape. They may be underweight and malnourished to suggest a smaller bone structure.


As a child into adulthood, ectomorphs like you probably never fought the battle of the bulge. You may have remained underweight and struggled to gain a few pounds. According to an article published by WebMD, you may still have a higher percentage of body fat than you realize.

Best Fitness Routine

Your metabolism stays in overdrive and burns carbs more efficiently than the other body types. It works with your lean physique to make you ideal for endurance sports like running, cycling, and swimming.

The greatest fitness challenge you face is gaining muscle mass. Unfortunately, even the ectomorph metabolism diminishes with age. Without a proper fitness routine, you could end up with a large stomach and skinny limbs.

Low-impact exercises like cycling, walking, or stretching is excellent for ectomorphs. You may also consider weight training to help build muscle mass. Try dead-lifts and bench presses for your optimal lifting routine.

Best Nutrition Plan

As an ectomorph, beware of the temptation of binging on junk food. You may have gotten by with it as a teenager, but it can catch up with you. While you usually metabolize carbs well, you need a balance of protein and fats for maintaining muscle mass.

2. Mesomorph Body Type

Sheldon’s three body types consider the mesomorph in the middle of both extremes. If you are a mesomorph, you have the classic physique of a bodybuilder. Your body is strong, athletic, and usually at an ideal weight.

Unlike the other two body types, you don’t have a problem increasing or decreasing your body weight. Building muscle comes naturally to you, and it’s easy for you to “bulk up.” Many people you see in the gym are fellow mesomorphs.

Mesomorphs like you have a solid physical presence with broad shoulders, muscular limbs, and narrow hips. You probably have a genetic predisposition to develop sleek abdominal muscles and the iconic six-pack. Mesomorphs’ muscles are usually well-defined due to their minimal fat.

The benefit of being a mesomorph is your ability to gain and lose as you want. If you put on a few pounds during the holidays, it’s usually not a problem for you to lose them quickly. You can generally stay in a healthy weight range.

Famous men who share your mesomorph body composition include Channing Tatum and Donnie Walburg. You may be a mesomorphic woman like Jillian Michaels or Madonna. Mesomorphs look attractive in clothes that highlight their muscular physique.

Best Fitness Routine

You’re in luck if you are a fitness fan because mesomorphs have sports strength, agility, and speed. Mesomorphs excel at sports like wrestling, lifting, and football. You usually don’t have a problem developing your muscles, and you do well with resistance and cardiovascular training.

Best Nutrition Plan

Although you can quickly build muscle mass as a mesomorph, you can’t ignore proper nutrition and exercise. As you age, you’ll lose skin elasticity and muscle mass. Your best way to combat this loss is a diet that’s high in lean protein.

Maintain your metabolism with complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Don’t forget healthy fats like nuts, seeds, and fatty fish. These provide essential fatty acids that help repair damaged muscles.

body types

3. Endomorph Body Type

If you’re an endomorph, you have the heaviest bone structure of the body types. However, you have a softer, rounder body with short arms and legs. Endomorph women usually have the classic curvy pear shape.

The great thing about being an endomorph is that you can gain muscle and fat at an even rate. However, you must work harder at muscle definition due to your higher percentage of body fat. Consequently, most endomorphs have difficulty losing weight and fatty deposits.

They are also challenged with a slower metabolism, which slows the burning of fat. Since your limbs are shorter, they may seem disproportionate to your trunk and make you look heavier. Other problematic areas include hips, thighs, and behind.

If you’re an endomorph, you’re in good company. Consider famous endomorph men like Chris Pratt and Jack Black. Celebrity endomorph women include Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Vergara, and legendary curvy Mae West.

Best Fitness Plan

In the past, many endomorphs depended on slower-paced fitness routines like the treadmill. While it’s an excellent way to help burn fat, consider adding interval training like jump rope, sprinting, and plyometric jumping exercises.

Try thirty minutes to an hour’s worth of cardio workouts three times a week. Include a weightlifting regimen to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat. This combination fitness routine can help boost your metabolism.

Best Nutrition Plan

Endomorphs are notorious for gaining weight quickly, so eating a balanced diet is necessary. Carbs may be a trigger for you, so enjoy low-carb foods. Simple carbs in sugary treats should be avoided or as an occasional treat.

Enjoy high protein foods like lean meats, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Give yourself a burst of nutrition with plenty of dark green leafy vegetables. Opt for fresh berries and low-glycemic-index fruits like cherries and grapefruit if you have a sweet tooth.

Combination Body Types

Most medical and fitness experts agree that Sheldon’s three body shapes are too general. In fact, few people have 100 percent of anybody’s composition traits. Most have a predominant type mixed with a smaller percentage of another.

A study published by Reviews on Environmental Health found that at least 51.6 percent of their study group was endomorphic/mesomorphs. The group included 524 men and 250 women. They also discovered that subjects forty years and older tended to be mesomorphs, suggesting that a body type can change over time.

Another point to consider is that fat distribution can also play a role in body shape. It includes pair shapes where the lower body is broader than the upper body and apple shape, where most weight is in the abdomen. Another article published by Reviews on Environmental Health states that most men are endomorph/ mesomorphs, and most women are mesomorph/endomorphs.

Do you know the predominant shape of your body? Reviewing the body shape characteristics will provide your main clues. You’ll probably notice that you have overlapping features that make you a blend.

You can also try a simple test on your wrist. Using the forefinger and thumb, on the one hand, wrap it around the opposite wrist. If your finger overlaps your thumb, you have a small bone structure and are probably an ectomorph.

When your thumb and finger meet, your bones are average-sized, and you’re a mesomorph. If there’s a gap and your thumb and finger don’t come together, you have a larger frame, probably endomorphic.

body types

Final Thoughts on Understanding the Primary Body Types

Regardless of your body’s shape, it’s essential to follow a healthy diet and exercise lifestyle. Sheldon’s theory may have marked exceptions, but it can be a good starting point for your personalized eating and exercise plan. The key is to love and care for your body to create a long and fulfilling life. And most of all, love yourself regardless of body types.

Be Happier When You Add These 10 Steps to Your Morning Routine

The alarm clock sounds warning you of another day. You’re tired, don’t feel like getting up, and wish the coffee was ready before your feet hit the floor. Your morning routine is essential as it gets you prepared to face another day.

It’s what you do in these few minutes that counts, as it can make or break your entire day. Did you know that you can change your happiness just by altering a few of your morning habits?

How often have people assumed that you got up on the wrong side of the bed because you’re cranky and feel off? If you’re finding that waking up isn’t such an easy task for you, then there are some things that you can do to ensure you have a better day.

Ten Useful Tips to Improve Your Morning Routine

You know that you need to shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed before you head out the door. However, did you know that your morning routine needs a few more habits that will make the day much brighter?

Even when chaos is all around you, if you’ve set the tone for positivity and success, you can overcome it. Here are ten new habits to incorporate.

morning routine

1. Start Your Morning Routine by Giving Thanks

Who said Thanksgiving is the only time of year that you should give thanks? You need to be thankful for all your blessings every day. An attitude of gratitude will get you far in this life.

If you’re a parent, you’ve probably already noticed the differences between your children and their gratitude levels. One child will be thankful for the smallest of things, even a stick of gum. However, there’s always another one that acts as you owe them breakfast served on a silver platter.

Now, which child is it easier to parent? Did you know the Universe feels very similar to you? If you have the attitude of entitlement, you’re likely to get less.

However, if you’re thankful for all your blessings and live with a heart of thanksgiving, then the Universe is more apt to bless you with more.

2. Meditate

Some people like to meditate before they even get out of bed. They like to do this because they want to purge any negative attitudes or thoughts before beginning another day. Take a minute to clear your thoughts, get your blood pressure and anxiety in order, and start the day with a clear head.

Many people are startled when the alarm clock goes off and feel like the mad dash begins. However, if you take a few minutes to meditate and breathe deeply, you can shake off those feelings. No one wants to start a new day with stress and anxiety, as it’s not an excellent way to begin.

3. Program Your Alarm to Something Pleasant

Speaking of alarm clocks, you need to wake up gradually as it’s less stressful on the body. According to an article in Tropical Health, using an alarm clock is bad for you. Your body responds better when you’re on a strict sleep schedule, as it’s all connected with your circadian rhythm.

For instance, how often do you wake up before the clock goes off only to stare and wait for the bell that says it’s time to get up? Your body is awakening because of a schedule and not the clock. Additionally, the article states that you can have anticipatory stress knowing that the alarm will sound, disrupting your sleep cycle.

If you must sleep with a clock to get up, then make sure it’s something mild and pleasant that you program for your alarm. You don’t want anything loud, jarring, or the news that puts negativity into you before you even climb out of bed. Something as small as your alarm can have a significant impact on your day, so even these little things count.

4. Make Lists During Your Morning Routine

You need to make a to-do list and make sure you check it twice. You want to make sure that everything you must do is on this piece of paper. Use it as a guide to get through the day.

Make sure you’re not overwhelming yourself with too much stuff, as it can be counterproductive to have a list crammed with things you can’t possibly accomplish. Try to schedule your days to have time for yourself, your family, and eat healthily. Learning to say “No” and not piling so much on your plate is essential for your overall happiness and wellbeing.

5. Wake Up and Start That Morning Routine Early

If you want to have a better day, don’t wake up at the last minute. It would help if you had your morning routine timed out perfectly, and then you should allow some room for incidentals. You never know when the kids will drag getting out of bed, and the traffic is backed up on the freeway.

If you want to start on the right foot, you need plenty of time to ensure you don’t lag. Nothing sets your day off-kilter like running late. It makes you grumpy, and it can alter your focus.

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6. Quote Daily Affirmations

Take five minutes of your morning to recite daily affirmations. These are short sentences that enhance your self-worth and boost your esteem. Even if your morning routine is busy, you can do these in the car on the way to work, or you can do them while taking a shower.

Here are some affirmations that you will believe when you recite them enough:

  • “Today is going to be a beautiful journey, and I welcome it with gratitude.”
  • “I will be happy, peaceful, and stress-free today.”
  • “I am certainly amazing, powerful, and skilled.”
  • “Today will be the best day of the year.”

7. Skip The Coffee

According to an article on Forbes, many people head to the coffee pot hoping for a jolt to kickstart their day, but it’s water they need. When you’ve been asleep for many hours, your body lacks hydration.

However, one of the first things people do is urinate when they wake up, further putting the body into a dehydrated state. It’s possible that you need water to hydrate your system and boost your energy, not caffeine.

8. Move Your Body

If you want to be mentally healthy and strong, then you’ve got to get your physical body involved. According to Business Insider, Bill Gates is one of the most successful businessmen around. However, he works out on a treadmill every morning.

Sure, he will get all hot and sweaty, but he makes sure that he is getting those endorphins and feel-good hormones circulating in his body. He also stated that if he doesn’t work out on a day, he can feel a significant difference. Your body should keep moving–the more, the better.

9. Get Six to Eight Hours of Sleep

One of the best ways to have a great morning is to start the night before. Don’t stay up too late watching your favorite movie or television show, as this will affect your tomorrow.

Your body must have proper rest, and this is why so many people don’t need an alarm clock, as their body knows that they’ve rested enough and it’s time to get up. Having a sleep deficit can affect your morning and entire day.

10. Journaling Can Be Great for Your Morning Routine

Part of your morning routine should include journaling. Some people call them morning pages as they’re just a place to get everything from the top of your head down onto paper. A lot of stuff starts swirling around in your mind as soon as you wake up, so it’s time to purge all those thoughts.

Remember, this doesn’t have to be excellent writing, as you’re not submitting it to a publisher for a novel. The key is to get it out, get over those feelings, and then you’ve released them from your mind. Additionally, journaling is an activity proven time and again to uplift your mood. According to Moyra Mackie, a motivational and career coach from Berkhamsted, England, it can help relieve your stress and boost your creativity.

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Final Thoughts on Improving Your Morning Routine

While these ten changes may be a lot to take in, you don’t have to do them all. You can pick and choose the ones that work best for you based on your schedule.

Not every person works the same schedule. But the key is to make changes to your life that will enhance it, and it all starts with how you begin your day. If you’re having more bad days than good ones, it can be because of many of these tips listed above.

Are you ready to turn over a new leaf and take control of your happiness? Starting now, you can declare a good day by starting each morning on the right foot.

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