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6 Ways A Sedentary Lifestyle Can Cause Unhappiness (And How to Fix It)

Have you ever wondered if there are any implications to being sedentary? Have you ever felt like the more you sit around, the worse you feel in all areas of your life? Do you want to know the connection between a sedentary lifestyle and unhappiness?

With everything happening in the world, people are more sedentary than ever, like people gravitating towards remote jobs. Fewer jobs involve physical effort, and people mostly sit in an office chair from nine to five. There is less and less time in the average individual’s life to engage in physical activities. Finding time to schedule a gym session between all your responsibilities is hard. But this lifestyle is very unhealthy, not only from a physical standpoint but also from a mental one. So, why is sedentarism so bad, and how can you avoid being negatively impacted by it?

What Is Sedentarism?

Sedentarism is a behavior consisting of lower levels of physical activity. Any activity involving sitting, reclining, or lying down is considered sedentarism. Most people live a sedentary lifestyle and cannot meet specific physical activity guidelines. For example, the American guidelines suggest that adults engage in 150 minutes of physical activity each week to be considered active.

A paper from 2017 by the Sedentary Behaviour Research Network shows that only 21 percent of adults meet the necessary guidelines. Further, only five percent of people do more than thirty minutes of physical activity daily.

Many people fall into the sedentary trap because they have the illusion of being active. They have busy days filled with work, but that doesn’t inherently mean they are active. You are still sedentary if you wake up, drive to work, and spend your day sitting at a desk. While you might be intellectually active, you aren’t physically active.

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6 Ways A Sedentary Lifestyle Can Cause Unhappiness

So, how is a less active lifestyle related to your physical and mental well-being? And what can you do to become more active in your daily life?

1.    A Sedentary Lifestyle Places A Strain On Your Physical Health

Many people tend to brush off the risks associated with being sedentary. As long as you have a healthy diet, being a little sedentary can’t be that bad, right? Being passive and sitting around all day long can affect your health in the long term.

Inactivity and metabolism are closely intertwined. Because of this, sedentary lifestyles impair the body’s ability to break down fat and regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels. This outcome means that sedentary people are at a higher risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain types of cancer. Studies have found that long periods of inactivity are one of the causes of early death.

Besides the long-term effects, there are also adverse effects that you can feel daily. You will burn fewer calories, thus gaining weight. Your bones get weaker, and you lose muscle strength and endurance. Besides that, your immune system weakens. Overall, you will feel unwell more often than not. Feeling physically weak is bound to make you feel unhappy with yourself.

To avoid encountering these issues, you need to start getting into shape. Especially essential exercises are cardiovascular exercises, such as running, cycling, or even walking. Strength training can also be beneficial to get you out of this sedentary lifestyle. Research suggests that three 30-minute runs and two 30-minute strength-training sessions per week are enough to meet the guidelines for an active lifestyle.

2.    Makes You Feel Unmotivated

It’s fascinating that, no matter how much you might want to get moving, you often feel like you can’t. Getting out of bed can seem like a daunting task most days. The human brain favors sedentarism over more dynamic behaviors.

The brain needs to conserve energy, and passive tasks need little to no energy. On the other hand, active behaviors need a much more considerable amount of energy. The more time you spend being sedentary, the more energy the brain will consume to get you out of that rut. Once you give in to the desire to become a couch potato, that can be detrimental to your motivation to do things. Your brain will fight you to keep you from getting up and consuming energy.

This creates a vicious circle. You are a little sedentary, which makes you unmotivated, which leads you to be even more sedentary, and so on. And losing mot spreads to all areas of your life.

To avoid falling into this rut, you must ensure your schedule is also busy and always involves physical activity. Start walking to work if that’s possible. Make a gym membership and start going a few times a week. Force yourself to start doing things. Once you start taking care of your body, your brain will get used to consuming energy, thus allowing you to be motivated once again.

3.    A Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Your Memory

Many people would never associate sitting too long with decreased brain health. Most people don’t even think about their brain health anyway. But the truth is your brain health can take a toll because of sedentarism.

While dementia and other memory issues strongly correlate to genetic factors, studies have found that a lack of exercise can have a similar effect. A study was done on more than 16,000 adults over 65, and researchers found that lack of exercise increased the risk of developing dementia.

In addition to this research, a study conducted at UCLA showed similar effects. Researchers recruited 35 people and gave each person an MRI scan. This scan detailed the medial temporal lobe, or MTL, involved in memory formation. The more inactive people became, the thinner the brain regions involved in constructing new memories. In the long run, being unable to remember certain things will affect your general mood.

So far, the only solution to this issue is increased physical activity. Following the guidelines provided by health organizations are the only way to avoid a cognitive decline.

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4.    Keeps You Away From Society

While it might seem like you can stay connected to people from the comfort of your home, that’s not entirely true. The more inactive you are, the less likely you will keep in touch with people.

A sedentary person does the bare minimum daily. Because of this, their interactions are limited to work colleagues, family, and immediate friends. If you stay at home all day, it can be difficult to create new, meaningful relationships with people.

The circle of people you know stays the same. You don’t have the opportunity to meet new people, and you become isolated. Even the people closest to you will drift further and further away. Your bond will weaken if you never see your friends face to face.

You need to get out in the world to ensure you have enough social interaction. You need to see people face to face and have common activities. The best way to ensure you don’t become isolated is to start being active. Try new hobbies, especially if they involve physical activity. Maybe pick up a sport or get a running buddy. By putting yourself out into the world, you also allow yourself the opportunity to meet new people and create new connections.

5.    A Sedentary Lifestyle Increases Stress Levels

While research is limited on this topic, the body of evidence suggests that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to higher stress levels.

One of the main correlations between stress levels and a sedentary lifestyle is the use of technology. On average, more sedentary people spend more time in front of screens. This can induce the feeling of addiction, which is a stressful feeling for all people. Moreover, sedentary people tend to do less with their time.

This can make people spiral as they feel like they’re not doing enough. As you sit around, the weight of your responsibilities becomes more and more unbearable. Additionally, the weakness of your body takes a strain on your mental health. As you start to feel weaker, you feel less in control of your life, of your actions, thus increasing the amount of stress you feel.

If you start to become stressed because of the increased levels of sedentaryism in your life., chances are you need to get out in the world and start being active. Schedule weekly activities that require physical strength. Once you start getting in shape, stress levels will decrease.

6.    Leads To Depression And Anxiety

The main area that is affected by sedentarism is your mental health. Once you become a couch potato, the likelihood of you experiencing depression or anxiety is much higher.

The main reason for this issue is hormones. They play an essential role when it comes to balancing out your mood. The primary hormone involved in this process is serotonin. When it isn’t released, it leads to depression and anxiety. So when you lay around all day, the likelihood of your brain releasing serotonin is much lower.

When you’re inactive, your brain doesn’t release serotonin. Thus, you become depressed. And when people are feeling anxious or depressed, they are less likely to engage in physical activity because they don’t find the strength to do so. This creates a vicious cycle that can only be broken by physical activity.

When you’re feeling down, even if going for a walk is the last thing you might want to do, you have to force yourself to do it. Engaging in any form of physical activity will boost your mood.

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Final Thoughts On How A Sedentary Lifestyle Can Cause Unhappiness

Having a sedentary lifestyle might seem inevitable in the context of today’s world. But having such a lifestyle can be harmful and can cause you unhappiness. It takes a toll on your physical health, on your mental health, on your relationships, and just about every area of your life.

The only way to break out of this rut is to force yourself to become active. Schedule physical activities in your weekly calendar. Try to pick up hobbies that involve exercise, even a simple walk. Once every couple of days can do the trick. Once you become more active, you will see improvements in all areas of your life.

7 Ways To Stop Stressing About Things You Can’t Change (Be Happier!)

Do you ever find yourself worrying about things that you can’t even control? Have you ever been unable to stop stressing about something out of your reach? Do you often find yourself overthinking but reaching no particular answer?

Nowadays, life is so complicated that people find themselves spiraling. They often think about what they should have done better in the past. People have so many responsibilities. They have to make so many decisions that some of them are bound to haunt them. Because of this reason, people stress about things that they can’t ever change. If you are one of those people who are often in their heads and think about every little detail of their life, that can be harmful.

7 Ways To Stop Stressing About Things You Can’t Change

So, what can you do to stop stressing out about everything? Try these seven techniques.

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1.    Determine What You Can’t Control

The first step you need to take is determining what is out of your reach. Many people believe that every action is controlled by them alone. But that’s not entirely true. There are many externalities that you can’t account for. If you want to stop stressing about things you can change, you need to understand that not everything is in your control.

Take some time to reflect on your capabilities. Ask yourself what can and can’t you do. Go through every matter pressing you and analyze which externalities and stressors were involved in those situations. If, for example, one of your relationships became cold because of another person, that is something that you couldn’t control.

Go through every situation pressing you and try to develop a realistic sense of control. Learn to let go of control in cases out of your reach. Understand that you can’t control certain externalities at all times. You can control how other people act; you can control what others say about you. In situations where externalities are involved, you need to detach yourself and let things evolve naturally.

As soon as you learn to loosen up, you will find that your stress levels get lower. Your brain won’t get overwhelmed by the amount of information it can compute. You won’t waste time worrying over unchangeable things. And at the end of the day, you will find yourself in a better mood.

2.    Focus On Your Strengths; Stop Stressing About Your Flaws

One of the main reasons people worry is because you’re trying to solve something beyond their capabilities. When you find yourself in a situation where you can change something, chances are you don’t have the necessary tools to do so. Instead of forcing yourself to do something out of your reach, you should focus on the places where you can shine.

You need to understand not every person has a specific skill set. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be perfect in every area of your life. Some people are inherently good at certain things, lacking in other departments. If you’re stressing out about getting a promotion, that’s not in your area of expertise. You are not a manager, and you cannot decide whether you get that promotion or not. What you can do is you can focus on having a good track record.

You can work your most complex and do whatever your boss tells you to. Beyond that, the decision is out of your reach. Instead of worrying over the things that are not up to you, try to improve the areas you can improve. Focus on working on yourself and bettering yourself. Everything else is out of your control, and you should take it in stride.

Switching your focus from trying to change externalities to better yourself will alleviate a lot of pressure. You will feel less stressed and, in the long run, you will be happier.

3.    Develop Affirmations

In stressful situations, people tend to spiral and become irrational. When you start worrying and stressing out, you need to find a way to calm yourself down. One of the best ways to do that is to develop healthy affirmations.

When you find yourself pessimistic, you need to find ways to convince yourself otherwise. Instead of stressing out about the worst outcomes, give yourself a pep talk and prepare for all situations. If, for example, you have to host a conference, and you’re feeling anxious about it, remind yourself that you can make it happen.

Have quick little phrases that can perk you up when you’re overwhelmed. I can do it. I’m ready for this. I’ve got this. All of these mantras are examples of things you can say. Having these affirmations can keep you mentally strong. Saying things like this aloud can help you combat self-doubt and avoid overthinking.

Repeating phrases like these is a psychological trick to help you calm down. Take a deep breath, repeat your affirmations, and you will find yourself getting less and less stressed.

4.    Spend More Time In The Present to Stop Stressing

More often than not, when people worry about things, they are things from the past that cannot be changed in any way, shape, or form. People often get stuck in the past, playing certain events on repeat. This doesn’t only make you anxious and stressed, but wastes the time you could spend focusing on the present.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with reflecting on the past. The problem arises when you get stuck on an issue from the past, trying to change that thing. An example that probably everyone can relate to is sitting in bed, going over a conversation, and thinking about what you could have said.

There is no use in doing that because you cannot go back and say those things you are thinking about now. What you can do Is reflect on that conversation with a different perception. Think about what you can do now or in the future instead of what you could have done.

Try to limit the time you spend thinking about past situations. While some reflection can be good, you should try to focus on what’s going on now. Your time is limited, and you should spend it wisely. When you take everything in stride to focus on the present, you will be less overwhelmed and less stressed.

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5.    Stop Stressing About Your Fears And Face Them, Instead

One factor that increases your stress levels is fear. Fear makes it so that you can control certain situations. Your brain is scared, so it stops you from taking action. The only way to get that control back is to face your fears.

Fear often makes you go wrong in situations that would otherwise seem manageable. Instead of beating yourself down for having those fears, try to solve the issue from the root. If you messed up a presentation, you need to understand what was holding you back. Maybe it was the fear of speaking in public.

In that case, you should focus on solving that fear rather than forcing yourself to do that presentation perfectly. Facing your fears is no easy task, so it might be best to reach out to a professional to help you on your journey.

Facing your fears can make you more anxious in the short term. But, in the long term, it will give you the courage to take on everything you want to.

6.    Schedule Time To Worry

Worrying over things is not an inherently bad thing. It can be a healthy part of your life if you know how to manage it well. The problem arises when you start overthinking and spiral out of control. Because of that, it’s best to limit the time you spend worrying to a particular pre-set window.

If you find yourself stressing out constantly, you might benefit from scheduling a time to worry. Give yourself half an hour to an hour daily to meditate and worry about things. Outside that window, you have to force yourself to stop worrying. Be present, and try to stop overthinking. You might also benefit from having a stress management plan.

Write down the steps that you find helpful when you’re trying to manage a situation. Reflect on the issue, attempt to brainstorm specific solutions, then compare those solutions until you reach the right one. Having these types of guidelines can be beneficial and can keep you grounded. The more grounded you are, the less likely you will become overly stressed.

7.    Stop Stressing By Seeking Support

In challenging situations, you might be inclined to believe that you need to solve everything on your own. But taking on all this pressure alone can be very harmful. In many cases, a second opinion can help you so things that might seem out of your control. And, when it comes to something that you cannot change, it’s good to have a support system that can comfort you when you need it.

When you’re stressing out about something, friends and family can take your mind off things. They can distract you and offer you the comfort you need. They can give you a second opinion, a different perspective on what happened, and can put your mind at ease.

If you feel that your stress levels are getting out of control, it might be good to contact a professional, like a psychologist. The simple act of talking to someone about what you’ve been through can significantly lower your stress levels.

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Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Stop Stressing About Things You Can’t Change

It is essentially human nature to stress out about everything going on in your life. But stressing out can make you spiral out of control. You need to understand that there are certain things you cannot change, and you need to let go of control.

Focus on what you can change and what you can control and on harnessing your abilities. Create specific guidelines like affirmations and stress management plans to help keep you grounded. And if everything else fails, try to seek the help of others like a support group, friends, family, or even a psychologist. When you implement these steps in your life, your stress levels will be significantly lower, and you will be happier overall.

10 Things to Help You Refocus When You Feel Frustrated

Have you ever felt like frustration consumes you? Do you ever have trouble focusing when you feel irritated? Do you wish you’d know what to do to help you refocus when you feel frustrated?

Being frustrated is one of the worst states of mind someone can be in. Especially in today’s society, with people working more and more, it can be hard to avoid getting frustrated. The more responsibilities a person has, the more likely it is that something goes wrong. And, because time is precious, people need to know how to calm themselves down quickly when they feel irritated. So, here are ten things you can do to refocus when you feel frustrated.

Why Do People Get Frustrated?

Frustration often arises as an emotional response to stress. When people feel unable to achieve something, they get irritable and angry. Frustration can often become overwhelming and can stop you from thinking clearly. When you’re overwhelmed, and you’re pressured to figure out the solution to a problem, frustration can be your biggest obstacle. Besides irritability and anger, frustration can lead to loss of confidence and even depression.

Depending on the person, frustration can be triggered by many stressors. Some of the more common stressors are: work, pursuing an unattainable goal, and not finding a solution to a problem. The main problem associated with frustration is the inability to focus.


10 Things to Help You Refocus When You Feel Frustrated

Whenever you feel overwhelmed and frustrated, here are ten things you can do to refocus.

1.    Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are one of the first things you should try when you start feeling frustrated. To calm down, you need to get more oxygen to the brain. This will allow you to clear your head. Besides that, breathing exercises are simple and easy to concentrate on. They can help you shut all distractions out, that way allowing you to refocus.

One of the better techniques is the 4-7-8 breathing. You should breathe in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and breathe out for eight. If this technique doesn’t work for you, there are many other techniques you can look up online. Even if you don’t want to follow a particular process, the simple act of breathing will call me down and give you a fresh perspective.

2.    Meditate When You Start To Feel Frustrated

Another thing you can try when you’re feeling frustrated is meditation. Research has shown that meditation helps tame stress reactions. This calm happens because the part of the brain responsible for stress reactions, the amygdala, becomes quieter during meditation. Meditation allows you to bounce back from distractions and focus on the present. It calms you down and helps you pinpoint what thoughts you should hone in on. It clears your mind from all irrelevant thoughts and allows you to reflect on just that problem that’s bothering you.

The brain isn’t wired to multitask. It can’t do many things at a time. Instead, when you think you’re multitasking, your brain is just jumping from one thought to the other. So, when you’re frustrated about something, you should try to let go of the tasks there are not time-sensitive. By meditating, you have time to figure out what the most pressing matter is. You also give yourself a quiet environment to think about the solution to your problem.

3.    Write About Your Problems

Often it’s hard to keep track of everything that’s going on inside your brain. When you have a lot of thoughts swirling through your brain, it’s easy to get lost in the madness. One thing that can help you organize everything is writing about your feelings. The words you write on the paper act as an anchor to focus on the matter at hand.

Journaling helps you keep your thoughts in order and acts to get some things off your chest. Having an accurate copy of your thoughts is also helpful in keeping track of your progress. Seeing where you started and how far you’ve come can help you calm down when you feel like you’ve achieved nothing. The physical proof that you didn’t work in vain is enough to get you back on track and help you refocus.

4.    Feel Frustrated? Vent, Then Let Go

When you feel irritated and impatient, one of the best things you can do is get some things off your chest. Venting can be the best tool to help you calm down and focus the mind. Talking to people you trust can help you feel less alone. You don’t feel like you’re trapped in your head with your problems anymore. Instead, you get your feelings out into the world. That can make you feel heard.

Talking to other people also brings along the benefit of getting a second opinion. When you try to solve something yourself and get frustrated, you risk going around in circles and not making any progress. So, a fresh perspective from people might be just what you need to figure out a solution.

If you don’t have anyone to talk to at that moment, even talking to yourself can help. This way, you avoid bottling up your feelings and getting overwhelmed. You can focus on your words, calm yourself down, and after you vent, you can get back to work.

5.    Exercise

Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it also offers many benefits to your mental health. It proves to improve concentration and focus. Exercise is a mood booster, and it helps you regulate stress and adrenaline. It is considered the healthiest way to release pent-up anger.

For people who struggle with feeling frustrated, some of the best forms of exercise are walking, running, and yoga. Running and walking are especially beneficial because of their repetitive nature. They allow you to focus on the same activity over and over again until you calm yourself down.

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6.    Listen To Music When You Feel Frustrated

Everyone loves listening to music. But music is not only fun; it can also be helpful when you’re trying to concentrate.

Music helps people concentrate by blocking out distracting noises. It is also the stimulus that engages the brain and helps keep you alert. Because of its rhythm, it keeps you moving. Depending on what type of music you listen to, your mood can change drastically. If you listen to alert and happy music, your mood will shift to match it. It can make your tasks seem more attractive, thus allowing you to focus better.

7.    Organize Your Surroundings

Sometimes, when you’re feeling frustrated and irritated, having messy and cluttered surroundings can add to the stress you’re feeling. When you feel like you can get anything done, the last thing you need is to Be surrounded by mess. Not only does clutter negatively affect your mood, but it also makes trying to find the tools you need a more challenging task.

Some find that the simple task of organizing and cleaning up can be calming. The action forces you to clear your head, thus allowing you to focus better. And, an organized environment means you can find whatever you need quickly. If you require specific papers, you can find them in no time. This way, you will have one last thing to worry about when you’re trying to deal with an issue.

8.    Distract Yourself

In some cases, no matter how much you want to get things done, you need to take a break. When you’ve been working on a project for hours on end, and you feel like it’s getting worse, that’s your sign to pause for a little. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to distract yourself.

When you allocate for the break, you can watch a movie, play some games, hang out with people, or do whatever relaxes you. Doing things that you enjoy will calm you down and clear your head. After getting your mind off that issue for a few hours, you can start again, re-energized, and with a fresh perspective.

9.    Switch Your Attention To A New Issue

Try switching your attention to a different problem instead of taking a break if you don’t want to feel like you’re slacking.  Finding an easy task can help you clear your head. Routine tasks are things you often do that they’re muscle memory. It allows your brain to concentrate on something it knows.

When you can’t solve a particular issue, you might lose confidence. So, finishing a different task can give you the boost you need to get back to work and adequately concentrate. Find a job that you can finish. That will improve your mood and help you refocus.

10.  Understand The Stressors That Cause You To Feel Frustrated

If you want to make sure you deal with your frustration issues in the long term, it might be helpful to understand what triggers you. As soon as you understand what your stressors are, you can start fixing the core problem. That way, you can make sure you don’t get frustrated in the future, rather than trying to force yourself to get over it.

While using tricks to calm yourself down temporarily is good, that’s not a good solution. If, for example, you find that team projects stress you out, you can start working on your social skills. You can start connecting with your team so that you feel comfortable in the future rather than forcing yourself through the motions. Reflect on the core issue and try to solve that if possible.


Final Thoughts On Some Things to Help You Refocus When You Feel Frustrated

Not being able to do something that you want to do can be the most irritating thing ever. It is the leading cause of frustration, and it causes people to feel overwhelmed and angry. There are many things you can do to refocus in these situations. But the most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to calm yourself down and distract yourself if possible.

Depending on your needs as a person, there are several things you can try. There is something for everyone, from meditating to breathing exercises to venting and even listening to music. And, if you want to solve things long term, you need to understand what your stresses are and work on avoiding them.

5 Differences Between Logical And Emotional Decision Making

Have you ever wondered if people are more logical or emotional when it comes to the decisions they make? Are you ever in situations when you’re unsure whether you should count more on your brain or heart? Do you ever have trouble understanding the differences between logical and emotional decision-making?

Depending on your personality, you might be more inclined to think with your brain or heart. It can sometimes be hard to understand which one you use to make your decisions. But, knowing what part of you incentivizes which decisions is essential.

That way, you can be fully in control of your choices. When do you need to be more logical, and when is it good to let emotions take over? Read on to find out the main differences between logical and emotional decision-making and how it affects you.

How Do People Usually Make Decisions?

When it comes to decision-making, everyone seems to think that being logical is the best way to go. But this is easier said than done. In practice, people make about 90% of decisions using emotional reasoning. Often, people fool themselves into thinking they’re being logical because they justified their actions using logic. But what they don’t realize is that the path they took to take that action used emotions.

Each time people make choices, the left side of the brain battles the right side. Your left brain is in charge of logic, while your right brain connects to your emotions. Usually, the right brain wins. This outcome happens because strong emotions interfere with your thoughts. Sometimes, your judgment is clouded by emotions, no matter how hard you try to be logical.

Even if this is the reality of the decision-making process, using logic when making choices is still desirable. Critical thinking is key to analyzing situations and coming up with solutions.

The field of dialectical behavior suggests that there are three states of mind. They are the reasonable mind, the emotional mind, and the wise mind. Reaching a wise mind is desirable. In that state of mind, people can intertwine logic and emotion to get the best solutions.


5 Differences Between Logical And Emotional Decision Making

So, why is it easier for the brain to use emotions? In which situations does the left brain activate, and which scenarios use the right side? How can you learn to be deliberate with what type of decision-making you choose? And, what are the differences between logical and emotional choices?

1.    Logical Thinking Uses More Energy

One of the main reasons the brain prefers emotional thinking is because it uses less energy than logical thinking. The human brain has a natural tendency towards conserving energy. So, when it can take the easy way out, it will.

Logic isn’t a simple process. It requires active involvement from the brain, which uses sugar glucose exclusively. The more complicated the cognitive activities get, the more sugar glucose is needed. This is why mental activities strip you of energy. No part of the body consumes more power than the brain for the average person. A person uses about 320 calories to think in a typical day.

The more decisions you make in a day, the more energy you will use. The brain will avoid logical thinking in a scramble to conserve as much energy as possible. The brain doesn’t have to engage in complicated thinking patterns when using emotions to think. Most choices based on emotion are intuitive ones.

They don’t require glucose consumption. This difference means that the average human often lets emotions lead, even if the situation requires critical thinking. This is especially dangerous when you have to deal with a busy day. When you’re tired or busy, your decisions are bound to be more emotional and impulsive.

Keep this in mind when you have to make critical decisions. If you can, schedule a time to think about those choices when you don’t have much to do. That way, you will have more energy to tap into the logical side of your brain and make the best decision you can.

2.    Logical Thinking Is More Objective

Another core difference between logical and emotional thinking is the level of objectivity those processes engage in. The more logical a person is, the more of an objective point of view they will have over a situation.

When it comes to many areas of your life, you must approach things with great objectivity. As you grow up, you start having more responsibilities that affect many people. You no longer have to take care of just yourself. You have to take others’ opinions and needs into consideration.

If, for example, you have to make a workplace decision, you have to consider the well-being of your colleagues. You can’t be subjective and push for what you want because you want it when working in a team. In these situations, you need to keep your cool and be logical.

Emotions tie to your personal beliefs, values, and experiences. Because of that, an emotional reaction also means being subjective. Emotions push you to make decisions that are good for you while disregarding what’s good for others. While it’s true that emotions can make you considerate of certain people, that usually only happens with the people you care about. From that point of view, emotions might help you make personal choices but should never be involved in professional decisions.

Because of the difference in objectivity between being logical and emotional, you need to be aware of the context you’re in. In a severe professional environment, you should always use critical thinking. If you have to make choices about your personal life and relationships, it may be good to use emotional thinking.

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3.    Emotional Decision-Making Is Faster

While critical thinking ensures you make the best choices, some decisions can be time-sensitive. Because emotional thinking relies on intuition, it can be the fastest route towards making a choice.

When trying to be logical, you risk spending a lot of time figuring out every little detail. Sometimes, that can be good, like considering a significant career change. But many choices people make have to be made under time pressure. Emotions are based on who you are and what you’ve experienced. They have the advantage that they’re tied to your past.

Your emotions know what you’ve been through and what decisions worked out for you in the past. Because of this knowledge, your brain has the resources to lead you to a decent decision almost instantaneously. Allow yourself to rely on gut feelings and intuitions when you’re in a time crunch.

If you have to make a split-second decision, don’t try to force logic into it. Logic will do you more harm than good, leading you to overthink and second-guess yourself. It will make you more unsure of your decisions. Go with whatever feels right to you because that’s the best decision you can make in that little time.

4.    Emotions Can Guide You

When people have to make decisions, they need a little guidance. Even if they have all the information required to make the right decision, they still need a boost of confidence.

Emotional decisions stem from intuition and gut feelings. People with high emotional intelligence look at integral emotions, at how a particular solution makes them feel, to validate their decisions. People might often reach the right decision but not realize it. If they think logically about whether the decision is right or not, they will always find flaws with their solutions.

That’s why gut feelings can be so important; they reassure you. They can guide you in the moments where you feel lost. If you feel that your decision is the right one for you, that’s probably because it is.

5.    Logic Is Based On Facts, Not Speculation

One of the main advantages of using critical thinking is working with facts, not just guesses. Emotional decision-making is comparatively riskier because it allows for speculation.

When you have to make a decision, you need to be confident. You cannot allow yourself to be fearful or to second guess yourself. But emotions often go hand in hand with projection. They make you project your fears, which can cloud your judgment. You might start speculating about how that decision will affect your future. You can go so far as to convince yourself it will be a wrong choice that will hurt your future.

You should never rely on emotions when making decisions out of your comfort zone. The more scared you are at the prospect of making a choice, the more logical you have to be in your approach.


Final Thoughts On Some Differences Between Logical And Emotional Decision Making

Decision-making is a complicated process that should be approached carefully. Most people tend to be emotional when making choices. And, the narrative being pushed out into the world is that all decisions should be logical. The truth is somewhere in the middle. It would be best if you never went to extremes no matter what you do, and the same goes for decision-making.

The best thing you can do for your decision-making process is to use a healthy mix of emotional and logical thinking. Some situations require more critical thinking; others need more emotional involvement. You probably have to be more logical when you’re in a professional environment and have time to think.

But you can be more emotional when you’re scrambling or have to make decisions regarding yourself. There are many differences between emotional and critical thinking, but that doesn’t make one inherently better than the other. You need to understand what works for you in which context and apply that.

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Positivity in Life

Do you ever feel like you see the worst in everything, no matter how hard you try? Do you struggle to have enough faith to believe that good will happen to you too? Do you struggle with pessimistic thoughts all the time? It’s time to learn how to keep your positivity, no matter what challenges you face.

As people take on increasingly more responsibilities in the world, they also begin encountering more and more hurdles. The hurt they go through makes many people increasingly more pessimistic. The more difficulties someone encounters, the harder to believe that things can turn out well. Losing their positive outlook on life can impact people in more ways than one. If you want to regain or keep your positivity, here’s how to do it.

Why Are People Negative?

Some people use the terms negativity and pessimism interchangeably. In that sense, pessimism is the belief that things are likely to go wrong, no matter how hard people try to make them right. Pessimistic people see the world mostly in shades of black and grey, rarely white.

Most psychologists see pessimism and optimism as a spectrum. Each individual is somewhere on that spectrum, depending on their personality. Everyone fluctuates on that spectrum throughout their lives. Immediately after a traumatic event, most people will become a little more pessimistic. Circumstances and the environment play a significant role in shaping how people see life. Besides the environment, genetics, relationships, past experiences, and other factors may affect people’s positive or negative.

Twin studies have suggested that more than half the differences between pessimists and optimists are genetic. But, as people advance through life, their genetics get diluted by environmental factors through a process called epigenetics. That means, even if you feel inherently pessimistic, if your environment is beneficial, you can learn to be more positive.

While pessimistic people can get through life just fine, certain inherent benefits are associated with positivity. One study that followed the lives of 70,000 women from 2004 to 2012 documented these benefits. The study found that the women who have a positive outlook on life have a significantly lower risk of dying from significant causes of death.

Amongst those causes are heart disease, stroke, cancer, and respiratory diseases. Those aren’t the only benefits associated with positivity. Researchers also found an increase in quality of life, higher energy levels, improved psychological health, lower rates of depression, and better coping skills.

keep your positivity

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Positivity in Life

Try adopting these new habits to add positive thinking to your day.

1.    Cultivate A Positive Environment to Keep Your Positivity

One of the main reasons people tend to be harmful is because of their surroundings. From the people around you to your hobbies, every tiny aspect of your life can make a difference.

People who struggle to keep positivity in their life are often influenced by externalities. The most overwhelming influence is often the people around you. If your friends and family are negative, they always think about the worst outcomes that will inevitably rub off on you. Most negative people are the way they are because of how they were raised. Many parents believe that preparing their kids for the worst will help in the long run, but it doesn’t.

If you feel like you struggle to keep your positivity, it might be helpful to reflect on the company you keep. If you find that your closest friends and family are the reason you struggle with optimism, it’s time to put some distance between you.  Some of the people around you are straight-up toxic, and you will need to cut ties with them for good. When you make space for positive people in your life, they will rub off on you and give you reasons to become more optimistic.

Reflect on what activities you engage in. If you struggle with optimism, that is undoubtedly tied to specific toxic actions. If you engage in harmful activities daily, negativity will become part of your new normal. Playing a sport just for the sake of playing it is an example of a hobby that can cause more harm than good.

If your hobbies are all about results rather than following your dreams, chances are you should drop that activity. To harvest positive thoughts, you need to do things that bring you joy and prove things can be good.

2.    Be Tidy And Organized

Your levels of tidiness might seem unrelated to how positive or negative you are. But that’s a false impression many people have. The way your home or workplace looks can influence how you think about certain situations in your life.

Research found that people who have more cluttered and messy houses are, on average more stressed and depressed than people who keep their surroundings clean. Stress plays a significant role in how someone’s outlook on life is shaped. More stressed people tend to feel like everything they do will backfire. For example, if your workplace is messy, you will have a more challenging time believing that your projects will turn out flawlessly.

What if you lost some paperwork in all the mess? What if you can’t find some piece of information that you desperately need? The messier you are, the more distracted you become. You lose focus, perform worse, and that gives you a reason to believe nothing will ever go in your favor. This encourages negative thought patterns.

To regain positivity, you could start by cleaning everything up. Research has shown that the simple act of cleaning up helps people feel more optimistic, even after failure. Once you deal with that, you will have one less burden that can convince you nothing will work out for you. A clean home and workplace mean you can start having a pure mind.

The less stressed you are, the easier it will be to accept positive thoughts in your life. When everything is where it should be, your home looks aesthetically lovely. You have a reason to believe you can do anything.

mindset shift

3.    Practice Gratitude

In trying to keep your positivity, you might find that externalities aren’t all that you need to change. The way you think and engage with the situations around you are detrimental to your outlook in life.

Gratitude is characterized by someone’s openness to be appreciative and return kindness. This quality is more often than not. You need to learn, not just a trait you are born with. Many people experience many good things during a day, but they are passive to those events. That’s why they can’t have a positive outlook. But, once you actively acknowledge all the good in your life, your mindset will change.

There are three main steps if you want to learn to be grateful. First, you need to observe. What makes you smile? Why do you say thank you? The second step is to affirm the good you receive. When something positive happens, make a note of it.

Lastly, you need to acknowledge the benefits that certain things and people bring to your life. Studies have found that one way to go through these steps is to keep a gratitude journal. Writing things down can improve your optimism and sense of well-being. So, if you have trouble learning to be grateful, start keeping a gratitude journal.

4.    Be Open To Humor to Keep Your Positivity

People who are prone to negativity are often severe and stuck-up. They feel like they can’t open up to humor, so they don’t seek out feel-good environments and situations.

Studies have found that laughter lowers stress and anxiety levels. People who engage in humor also have improved coping skills and self-esteem. When you permit yourself to laugh, you can be more relaxed. Humour lightens the mood, thus making the world seem a little less harsh. If you feel like you are suppressing your emotions and trying to be as severe as possible, know that it might be why you are a pessimist.

Even if you don’t feel like laughing, pretending can help you achieve the same results. Forcing yourself to smile, make jokes, and improve your optimism levels and lower stress.

5.    Don’t Let Fears Hold You Back

Pessimism is often driven by fear. When people set themselves up for failure, they won’t have to deal with disappointment when they do eventually fail. People use negativity as a defense mechanism, so they don’t have to face their fears.

Pessimists have the “advantage” of staying in their comfort zone. Because they believe everything they do will fail, they use that as an excuse to never take a chance on anything. They stay in their lane and never take any risks. The trick to getting out of this rut is to force yourself to start doing what you want regardless of the risks.

Stop focusing on the outcome and focus on your desires. You have to ask yourself, “what is the worst that could happen?”. You will find that the worst thing that could happen in real life is much less scary than you imagine. When you start taking more leaps of faith in your life, your risks will pay off. That will be all the proof you need to change your mindset from negative to positive.

keep your positivity

Final Thoughts On Some Easy Ways to Keep Your Positivity in Life

Many people struggle with having positive thoughts and being optimistic. Genetics makes it so that many individuals are borne more towards the pessimistic end of the spectrum. But even though genetics play a significant role, your lifestyle and environment are also important. And those are the aspects you can change yourself.

You have to be wary of your environment to keep your positivity in life. Often, the people you surround yourself with influence how you view life. If you have toxic people in your life, try to cut ties with them. The same goes for hobbies and other activities. If you engage in pursuits that make you feel worse after you do them, that’s a sign they are toxic hobbies that might be worth switching with more relaxing ones.

Once you focus on the outside world, you have to tweak some things personally. Practice gratitude, face your fears, and allow yourself to engage in humor. If you follow any of these steps, you will find that you get closer and closer to the optimistic end of the spectrum in no time.

12 Ways to Go From Wishing for a Better Life to Making It Happen

From the earliest age, you probably enjoyed daydreaming about your future. Maybe you would be an astronaut and travel to Mars or be a teacher, doctor, or lawyer that helps people. You may have yearned to travel the world or own a vintage hotrod, but you realize that things don’t just fall into your lap. It would help if you worked hard for them.

Whatever your aspirations are, you are in the driver’s seat. Your dreams are the key, and you can’t go anywhere until you put them in the ignition. Putting actions behind the desires of your heart is what moves you to your destination.

Twelve Ways to Go from Wishing for a Better Life to Making It Happen

Are you ready to bring your hopes and dreams to life? The only limitations on your potential are the ones that you create. Here are six helpful suggestions to help move you from dreaming about the good life to living it.

1. Define Your Dreams


Imagine that you’re going to the grocery store to buy ingredients for a fabulous recipe. Unless you’ve made a list of the recipe’s ingredients, you’ll feel helpless in the store. You’re surrounded by just about any delicious food you can think of, yet you don’t know what to buy.

Likewise, dreaming about a better life is just the beginning. It’s the recipe for the finished product. You can’t have what you want until you know what you desire. Take time to consider your goals and write them down for daily reference.

2. Use Visualization

Every great accomplishment starts as a spark in someone’s brain. Once you’ve defined your goals, use your imagination to bring them to life. An article published by Forbes Magazine emphasizes the importance of using all your senses in visualization. Per the article, try to give your aspirations as much detail as possible.

For example, maybe you’ve been hoping for a better job. After you’ve outlined your options and necessary steps, start visualizing. Picture yourself in your dream career and doing all the things it entails, instead of just wishing, acting, thinking, and speaking as it’s already occurred.

3. Believe in Yourself

Wishing has no power unless you put faith behind it. Are you tired of your dreams stay in your mind and not coming to fruition? Maybe you need to believe in yourself and have more self-compassion.

According to an article published in the Journal of Investigative Surgery, Luis H Toledo-Pereyra discusses the importance of believing in yourself. Pereyra states that it becomes significant support when using it with confidence, trust, and self-worth. You must be your own greatest cheerleader.

4. Give Yourself Some Space

There’s a fascinating link between a cluttered space and an overwhelmed mind. Whether the external clutter causes mental anguish or vice-versa is up for debate. However, you need to clear some space for whatever your heart’s been wishing.

Part of your action plan should also include any necessary space. If you’ve always dreamed of publishing a novel, you need a dedicated room for writing and editing. The next step to realizing a successful business may include searching for a storefront.

Whatever your aspirations are, clutter will only distract and depress you. Determine that you’re going to declutter your home and office to create an environment more conducive to visualization. You need to sell, donate, recycle, and pitch with a vengeance to clear an area.

5. Share Your Aspirations

It isn’t easy to keep what you wish a secret. Companionship and validation are among basic human needs. Sharing your dreams with others and speaking them into the Universe creates a powerful force. It’s this positive force that works to bring your desires to reality.

Consider sharing your thoughts and plans with your mate and other trusted people in your circle. Those who are genuinely on your side will be supportive, regardless of your dreams. You may disagree on the game plan, but they will still have your best interests at heart.

6. Create a Timeline

Focusing on achieving your goals requires a reasonable timeline. Instead of just wishing for “someday,” you’re identifying your dreams and a definite time. It provides you with accountability and reduces the temptation to procrastinate.

A simple way to do your timeline is to divide a sheet of paper into sections. You can easily incorporate it onto your vision board. Divide your goals into tasks and expectations on one side and your target completion date on the other side.

Of course, you may need to adjust your timeline for unexpected events or circumstances. Still, you’ll have a tangible reminder of your expectations and responsibilities. Mark off each task as you complete it, so you see how much closer you are to succeed.


7. Put Your Dreams into Action

Wishing on a star or birthday cake candles isn’t enough to make your dreams come true. If you want to further your education, you can dream and wish on every star and candle you see. It’s not going to happen until you put action with your affirmations.

While you’ll attract whatever you agree with the Universe, you’re still required to work for what you want. Use your vision board and the steps you created to accomplish your dreams. Your Higher Self will work with you as you do your part.

8. Celebrate Each Accomplishment

Have you ever watched a toddler learning to walk? They’ll stumble and fall for a while until they get the hang of balance and movement. Their young confidence is boosted with each successful step, and they continue that momentum.

Consider accomplishing your goals as if you’re that toddler. You’ve divided an effective plan into smaller steps so you’re not overwhelmed. When you’ve checked off one mini-goal, celebrate and move on to the next one.

Let’s say you want to establish a profitable home business. Perfecting your product and identifying your customer base is an exciting achievement. Your first sale encourages you to get more. Step by step is the only way to climb a ladder.

9. Enjoy the Trip

Part of forging your best life is the process. Your positive experiences will probably outweigh your difficulties as you reflect on them. Each step toward your dreams offers valuable insights you’ll never forget.

Journaling is an excellent tool for recording events, thoughts, and ideas. Reviewing past entries helps you understand your dream journey and where you’ve been. It cultivates gratitude and a positive spirit.

10. Ignore the Naysayers

For all the positive people in your circle, you’ll have a few bad apples in the bunch. These pessimists aren’t the ones with whom you want to share your dreams. They have a snide rebuff no matter how you explain your game plan.

It’s a difficult realization that some people feel threatened by your potential success. Pessimists often have low self-esteem and may get a false sense of superiority by discouraging your plans. Some may be so toxic that they try to sabotage you.

Sometimes, these toxic people are long-time friends or family members you can’t avoid. In this case, keep conversations short and sweet and make your exit as soon as possible. You don’t need anybody in your circle who can’t be supportive.

11. Embrace Setbacks

Talk to anyone who’s realized their dreams, and they’ll tell you that it wasn’t all perfect. It’s a given that you’ll have a few setbacks and failures despite your best planning. When you fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep going.

Try to view your setbacks as tools for learning. Taking lessons from small mistakes can often help prevent more serious ones. Instead of criticizing yourself for a blunder, turn it into something positive and stay focused on your goals.

12. Talk to a Mentor

It’s usually much easier to go on a tour if you have an experienced guide. The same principle applies to setting and achieving your goals. A seasoned mentor can gently guide you toward your destination and point out pitfalls.

Do you have a close coworker, friend, or family member who you can trust to give you honest opinions? Maybe they have experience in different aspects of your goals. Some mentors have connections that could be helpful to you in discovering more about your aspirations.

While a competent mentor won’t make decisions or do the work for you, they offer a wealth of knowledge and recommendations. Their story of how they took wishing to another level can inspire you to do the same.


Final Thoughts on How to Go from Wishing to Achieving

Dreaming and wishing about your best life plants the seeds of potential. Your plan of action and determination provides the water and light for them to grow. The best time to cultivate your dreams into reality is today. You can live well and have everything you want if you’re willing to do the work to get there.

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