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Nutritionists Explain 10 Ways a Restrictive Diet Can Lead to Bingeing

If you have a few extra pounds you want to lose, you’ve probably tried a fad diet or two. These restrictive diets focus on cutting out calories, food groups, and types of foods to get the weight off quickly. You’ve probably had luck with a few of them and seen the benefits of these eating plans.

Some consider the Keto, Atkins, Cabbage Soup, South Beach, or the Paleo to be unhealthy restricting diets. The thing with fads is that they work for many people, but the drawbacks are that they don’t last for long. Take, for instance, the Atkins diet.

Eating this meal plan requires eating more protein and healthy fats while cutting out simple carbohydrates. Fruits are almost nonexistent on this plan, except for low sugar offerings in the berry family. Can you lose weight eating like this? Absolutely!

You can lose a ton of weight by cutting out carbs, high starch foods, and sugars, but the problem is that most people cannot maintain this eating style long term. It isn’t very reasonable to think that you will never eat a piece of bread, a banana, or have corn on the cob again. Dieting must be a balance between realistic and doable.

Ten Ways a Restrictive Diet Can Lead to Binge Eating

There are significant issues with eating a restrictive diet, partly because you should never limit yourself too much. There’s nothing wrong with a slice of cake, piece of pineapple, or potato, as long as it’s in moderation. Here are ten reasons why these restrictive dieting plans don’t work and how they can lead to binge eating.

restricitve diet

1. Your Restrictive Diet Disallows Treats

Can you honestly say to yourself that you can never have a piece of birthday cake again? No, you must learn to limit your portions, eat more cake than sugary icing, and live with limits. It’s unfeasible to tell yourself that you will never enjoy a donut, candy bar, or ice cream, but you must remind yourself that you can only have these for a special treat.

2. You Follow Unrealistic Fad Diets

Since fad dieting is known to cut out whole food groups, it’s unrealistic. There’s nothing wrong with eating fruits and all vegetables. Sure, you might need to limit your potatoes due to starch content, but fruits provide nutrients your body needs.

Additionally, you can eat fruits and vegetables as part of a plant-based diet. According to Eat This Not That, you’re more likely to binge due to hunger after processed foods or other unhealthy choices. That’s because the fiber content in a plant-based diet is high, and your body needs the fiber to sustain you.

3. A Restrictive Diet Often Means That You’re Not Eating Enough During the Day

How many times have you hidden in the pantry to binge eat foods you know you shouldn’t, but you’re so hungry you feel crazed? What you’re doing is not out of the ordinary. When you restrict yourself so much that you feel deprived, you’re going to rebel.

What happens when you tell your child that they’re not allowed to have any cookies till after dinner? They’re going to wait until your back is turned and grab a handful. Telling yourself no is counterproductive because it put you in the mindset that you must sneak and eat what you want when you’re hungry.

4. You’re Not Aware of Your Triggers

Restrictive eating plans do nothing for the psychological reasons behind your weight problem. Each person has triggers that cause them to overeat, such as emotions or stress. Making yourself eat only 1,200 calories isn’t going to address the elephant in the room.

Unless you learn to identify why you overeat, then trying to make yourself eat such a low number of calories will make you more apt to binge. Losing weight must always start in the brain, as your poor eating habits need to be addressed. There’s a reason behind every weight problem, and you must uncover and fix it before you will be successful.

5. There’s No Physical Activity in the Mix

One of the biggest attractions to diets like the Keto or Atkins is that people can lose tons of weight without exercise. Exercise is an integral part of the mix because it helps you shrink skin that’s been stretched from weight and improve your overall health.

According to Aleisha Fetters, MS, CSCS, in an article on US Health News, cutting calories helps you to lose weight, exercise helps you burn fat. When you’re working out and eating the right things, your chances of binging are less as you commit to your goals. Exercise and weight loss go together like a sock and shoe, and if you want to feel so good that binging doesn’t even cross your mind, then give a hundred percent of yourself.

restrictive diet

6. You’re Stuck in a Vicious Cycle When You Follow a Restrictive Diet

You start on a plan determined to lose weight. You do good for a few days, then you struggle because you feel hungry, so you binge eat. Then, you get back up on the right path, and the vicious cycle starts again.

This pattern has been studied and well documented by the Multi-Service Eating Disorders Association. Per an article on their site, it’s pretty easy to develop a binge eating disorder when you use restrictive dieting. If you restrict yourself too much, it’s possible to create issues that stem from compensatory behaviors, such as binging and purging.

If you want a candy bar, eat it! However, make sure you run extra on the treadmill to burn off those calories. The decisive thing is that you can eat anything you want, as long as you have the physical activity to sustain such caloric intake. You only gain weight when you consume more than you burn.

7. You’re Less Apt to Return to a Restrictive Diet if You Slip Up

A significant issue with restrictive diets is that you’re less apt to get up again once you fall off the wagon. It’s more challenging to force yourself back on such a restrictive eating plan when you know you can’t have the foods you love. Even if food is healthy, being on a schedule that limits it gives you negative connotations.

However, a well-rounded eating plan that allows you to enjoy all the things you like is best. The key is to learn portion control and eat in moderation, and you will succeed at the battle of the bulge.

8. You’re Not Reducing Your Sugar Intake

If you reduce your caloric intake to 1,200-1,500 calories a day, many people feel this is sufficient, and they don’t need to watch sugar intake. They fill up on things that appear to be healthy, such as yogurt, rice cakes, chips, and other snacks. Why do some folks feel that no other limits are necessary if they eat a certain calorie amount?

Part of that is genuine, but not all calories are created equal. If you consume 1,200 calories from fruits and vegetables, it’s a better choice than eating that much in chips and snack cakes. While you might lose weight, you’re more apt to binge when you’re still ingesting sugary substances, as your body craves more.

9. There’s No Food Journal to Keep You Accountable

According to Kathy McManus, the Director of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard Medical School, a food journal brings accountability. You’re committing to healthy eating when you put things down on paper.

You’re making a conscious choice to stay within your limits, be accountable for the calories you’ve consumed, and it makes you more apt to avoid binging. You become more mindful when you’re answering to someone, even in a journal, regarding your food intake.

10. A Restrictive Diet May Label Foods as Good or Bad

Why do people mentally label foods as good or bad? Remember when they told you to stay away from eggs a few years ago due to the cholesterol in the yolk? Reports like The American Heart Association state that they’re a rich source of protein and vitamins that should be eaten in moderation.

If you like eggs, eat them. Just make sure you limit yourself to no more than two per day. Additionally, you can have potatoes, raisins, grapes, and sugary pineapple, but you need to watch your portions. Stop labeling foods as good or bad, making you more apt to binge because you feel restricted.

restrictive diet

Final Thoughts on Ways a Restrictive Diet Can Lead to Binge Eating

Losing weight is never easy, no matter how you attempt to do it. The key is to learn portion control, a massive problem in this country. Stop putting your foods into categories as either good or bad, and you need to realize that you can have anything you want if you burn enough calories doing physical activity.

Binge eating is a challenge, and it’s a trap that you’re going to fall into at some point in time. Author Roy T. Bennett made a powerful statement when he told his audience that it doesn’t matter how many times you fall, but you need to ensure you get up one more time than if you make a mistake.

Don’t rely on restrictive diets and fad eating plans that only bring short-term weight loss, but you should focus on getting healthy and fueling your body with the right combinations.

10 Reasons That Reaction to Adversity Determines Resilience

There are two types of people in this world: those who say they can do anything they set their mind to do and those who say they can’t. Ironically, both their opinions are correct. Your reaction to setbacks and your attitude will determine your goals.

Effective resilience is a blend of experience, patience, and determination. While you never wish adversity upon yourself, it’s often what makes you stronger. You learn from your setbacks and discover ways to avoid them in the future.

Resilience also comes with age, as teenagers soon learn. When you’re an experienced adult, you better understand and appreciate your parents. You pay for your success with sweat, blood, and tears.

Ten Reasons That Reaction to Adversity Determines Resilience

An article published by the University of California-Irvine explains the word resilience as Latin for rebounding or springing back. In modern terms, it refers to people who keep trying regardless of their past adversities. They’ve learned to spring back like the legendary Phoenix rising from the ashes.

How can you use a resilient attitude to realize your dreams better? Is it possible to modify your mindset and accept your challenges as tools to better yourself? These are ten reasons that your reaction to adversity can determine your resiliency.


1. Your Reaction Can Better Cope with Daily Challenges

No matter how old you’re or what you do, you’re going to face challenges. These challenges create stress, and you must decide how you react. Resilient people understand that stress is inevitable, and they need efficient coping skills.

In fact, some stress is good because it helps grow and improves your critical thinking skills. However, undue stress keeps your survival instinct on autopilot with a constant flood of stress hormones. Eventually, high-stress levels can lead to severe physical and mental conditions.

Life is all about changes, and you will manage them better with flexibility. It gives you a more positive outlook and the ability to go with the flow. Instead of allowing daily challenges to be overwhelming, you use them as an opportunity to improve.

2. Minimize Risks for Mental Illness

Did you know that stress is a significant cause of mental illness? According to an article published by Mental Health Research, chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. The report states a positive biochemical link between stress and mental illness.

High levels of stress play a cruel trick on the nervous system. Your brain is hardwired to react to stressors as a threat to your life. It will immediately signal your body to flood your bloodstream with emergency hormones like adrenaline and cortisone. These hormones give your body the burst of energy for a response to fight, fly, freeze, or faint.

Chronic stress keeps your brain in a survival mode, and you may anticipate danger every moment. It’s enough to put your nerves on edge and can lead to mental illness. Learning to be resilient can help you lower your stress levels and keep your brain healthier.

3. A Positive Reaction to Problems May Help You Build Stronger Relationships

Everybody has personal and professional relationships on many levels. Both parties must demonstrate trust, honesty, and integrity for a relationship to last. It would help if you also learned how to be resilient with compromise and cooperation.

It’s easier to forge a relationship when you both have something in common. Being a resilient person can make you more empathetic. You can see a situation through another’s eyes, creating a stronger bond. Such empathy is valuable in any relationship with friends, family, or coworkers.

You put more emphasis on teamwork, and you value others’ opinions. When there’s an issue in the relationship, your reaction is more about “we” and less about “you.” Resiliency gives you the strength for moving forward after disconnecting from a toxic person.

4. Can Help You Realize Your Individuality

Sometimes, your life may be so complicated that you lose yourself in the whirlwind. It’s a prevailing misconception that two people become “one” in a relationship. Some employers seem to expect you to be perpetually company-minded on a job. No wonder you may look in the mirror and see a stranger looking back at you.

As you embrace a resilient attitude, you’re bound to rediscover your individuality. While you can be a partner, an employee, a friend, or a family member, it doesn’t define who you’re. Realizing that you’re a whole person can boost your resilience and allow you to have more meaningful relationships at home and work.

5. You May Cultivate More Creativity if You Have a Positive Reaction

How long have you sidestepped a creative ambition just because you were afraid you weren’t good enough? There’s a marked difference between trying your best and perfectionism. A perfectionist attitude creates unrealistic expectations and other negative self-talk.

The good news is that every talented person had to start somewhere, even legends like Leonardo DaVinci and Mozart. Practice makes progress, and you’ll make plenty of mistakes on the way. A resilient attitude opens your creativity and allows you to view mistakes as learning curves.

You’re also more apt to distinguish between constructive criticism and someone just being rude. Self-confidence makes you more resilient, and you won’t see the need to react to hateful comments. However, you’ll listen to constructive criticism and learn to improve your skills and talents.


6. May Help You Stabilize Your Emotions

One of the unhealthiest habits to develop is keeping your feelings bottled up in your heart. It’s a tell-tale sign that you’re not confident in your opinions or who you’re. Instead, you stay silent while the emotional storm rages internally.

On the flip side, you may be a person who wears your feelings on your shoulder. Your reactions may be over the top or inappropriate for the situation. Neither extreme is healthy for you.

Resilient people try to think before they speak. You learn how to have difficult conversations at home or work while keeping your emotions in check. Such discourse can promote a positive atmosphere, and everyone can be honest with their feelings.

7. You May Become More Goal-Oriented

Going through life without goals makes as much sense as driving for hundreds of miles with no destination. After defining your goals, you create a workable plan to accomplish them. Procrastination, perfectionism, and fear of failure will do nothing but hinder you.

You’ll have challenges along the way that may change your plans. Mistakes and shortcomings can also become temporary roadblocks. Fortunately, these can help you be more resilient and focused on your dreams.

For example, becoming a published author may be your primary goal. If your reaction to rejection letters is to quit writing, then you’ll never accomplish your dream. Instead, your resiliency allows you to keep trying until you get the results you want.

8. You Won’t Be a Quitter

Vince Lombardi once said that a winner wouldn’t quit, and a quitter won’t win. Perhaps nobody lives up to this mantra more than those with a resilient spirit. While you’re no stranger to stumbling and failure, you don’t stay down for long.

Resilient people’s reaction to failure and disappointment isn’t to lie down and quit. Sure, you’ll feel pain and aggravation and may wonder if it’s worth trying again. But you’ve learned that nothing lasts forever, not even problems, and you’re going forward.

9. Your Reaction to Challenges May Encourage a More Positive Atmosphere

Pessimistic people only create more misery in their lives because they expect it. When they speak negative affirmations into the Universe, they must agree and return the same. Many of these folks never give themselves a chance to build resilience and crawl out of the mental prison they’ve created.

Optimism is contagious and will affect the entire atmosphere. They disregard the negative rants of the pessimists, like water rolling off a duck’s back. They experience more positive reactions because they’ve already agreed with the Universe.

10. They Live in the Present

How can you expect to arrive at a planned destination if you’re locked in one place? Likewise, living in the past only leads to frustration, depression, and stagnation. Plus, you miss all the beautiful gifts of the present.

Moving beyond your past can be painful at first. The resilience you’ve developed will help you acknowledge past hurts and failures. Then, you show gratitude for the lessons you learn and bring your heart into the present, which is part of mindfulness.

Achieving this monumental step may require you to make apologies and amends. Your healing may also be hinged on you using forgiveness to release grudges and bitterness. You realize that you only have this moment, so it’s essential to make it your best.


Final Thoughts on Resiliency and Reactions to Adversity

How you respond to any given situation will depend on how resilient you are. While it doesn’t make your problems disappear, it will provide you with the strength and patience to stay focused.

The only trees that survive a devastating windstorm are those that have learned to bend. Remember to be flexible and bend, but will a robust root system, you’ll never break.

The Strongest People Follow Their Hearts and Don’t Always Play by the Rules

Strong people stand up for themselves and choose when to say no. This firmness puts some individuals a little off because the strongest people don’t always play by the rules. The strongest people are the opposite when others sit by quietly or let things slide.

Strong people don’t try to fit in because they don’t care about blending in and making things easy. They are fearless and speak up anytime they need to, helping them become successful. The strongest people can be gentle, kind, and sweet, but they can also be direct and cold when necessary.

This person can handle anything because they have the right mindset when things change. They exhibit self-control, gratitude, and other positive habits. Plus, they follow their hearts and go down their life path.

The Truth About the Strongest People

If you want to become a strong person, you can switch things up and stop playing by the rules. You can learn what the these folks do and implement some of their techniques into your life. As you follow your heart, you’ll gain emotional strength.

strongest people

1. They Always Do What They Think is Right

Strong people don’t typically second-guess themselves because they always do what they think is right. They don’t follow what everyone else wants or what would be easiest. The strongest people feel confident in their decisions because they adhere to their morals no matter what.

Strong people also don’t worry about what anyone will think about their choices. They only care about personal approval because it’s the only way to stay true to themselves.

2. The Strongest People Persevere

When other people want to see them fail, strong people persevere. They don’t let the negativity of others hold them back from achieving their goals and becoming successful. If they fail, they see it as a learning opportunity rather than an end.

Strong people don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves when things don’t go as planned. They pick up the pieces and move on, using their new wisdom to try again.

3. They Are Kind but Firm

Strong people are always kind to others but firm when necessary. They won’t let someone take advantage of them, and they’ll speak up for themselves whenever the need arises.

Some might mistake this quality for aggressiveness, but that’s not true. This type of individual will go out of their way to be kind when the situation allows for it. Many folks choose to stay silent so that they don’t cause conflict, but a strong person always speaks up.

4. The Strongest People Know When to Put Themselves First

There’s a popular misconception that putting yourself first is selfish, but strong people know that the opposite is true. They know they have a right to care for themselves financially, mentally, emotionally, or physically.

Strong people do what makes them comfortable, regardless if it upsets others. They also create and enforce boundaries, ensuring they feel safe and respected in their environment. While they love their family and friends, they know that sacrificing their needs for others takes too much out of them.

The strongest people prioritize self-care, ensuring they have time to themselves each day. As they put themselves first, it ensures they receive the love they deserve in life.

5. They Are Open-Minded and Admit When They Are Wrong

Emotionally strong people are confident enough that they don’t always have to be right. They are open to being wrong and will admit when they’ve made a mistake. Strong people also keep an open mind when they receive criticism as they strive to be better than before.

6. They Can Easily Let Go of Things

Strong people don’t try to control everything because they know they can’t. With this knowledge, they let go of what they can’t change. They recognize that unexpected things happen no matter how hard they plan and accept that.

They let go of the negativity when bad things happen and move forward. They don’t let anything hold them back because they can never change what has already happened.

7. They Practice Positive Self-Talk

These individuals speak positively to themselves even when they’ve made a mistake. Rather than resorting to negative thoughts, they focus on improving to do better next time. They also encourage themselves, show grace, and practice patience.

When strong people experience negative thoughts, they don’t let them take over. Everyone has negative thoughts sometimes, but not everyone can work through them as easily. Strong people can effectively push them away and replace them with positive self-talk or mantras.

strongest people

8. They Regularly Express Gratitude

Those with this resilience are always grateful for what they have. They don’t spend time wishing for more because they know they have enough. This person also doesn’t compare themselves to others, as they understand that a different life isn’t bad.

Strong people also tend to keep track of what they’re grateful for. They sometimes keep lists of the good things in their life to remember them later easily. Other strong people spend time thinking of all the good in their life each day.

However, all strong people express gratitude to the important people in their lives. They never hesitate to tell a friend or loved one that they are happy to have them in their life.

9. The Strongest People Know Things Will Change

These folks know things will change, so they live in the present rather than focusing on the past. They recognize that they can’t change the past, so strong people enjoy each moment they have. However, even as they embrace each moment, they know that things can change anytime.

Headstrong types don’t waste time wishing things could be different because they can’t control the many unexpected life changes. Instead, they use that energy to focus on things they can control, such as what is happening in their current life.

Strong people embrace new experiences and techniques and don’t resist change. They tend to view change as adventure and opportunity, helping them stay positive moving forward.

10. They Look for the Good in All Situations

It’s easy to have negative thoughts when things don’t go how you want. However, the strongest people don’t do this; they look for the good in all situations. They find ways to improve the situation, brightening each day more.

Strong people know that taking baby steps to emotional healing is the best action. They don’t allow themselves to wallow when they could be making progress. Finding small moments of happiness in hard times becomes their mission.

11. The Strongest People Know It Is Okay to Laugh at Themselves

Sometimes when things go wrong, there’s not much you can do. When this happens, they learn to laugh at themselves.

They don’t beat themselves down and recognize that they can’t be perfect. Rather than letting these bad times cause pain or negativity, they find a way to laugh at themselves as they build back up.

12. They Get Good Sleep

these individuals make sure to get good sleep every night. They know that adequate rest to recharge is essential to be at their best. They don’t pull all-nighters to catch up on work even if they are behind on a task or project.

The strongest people know they won’t work as effectively if they haven’t rested enough. Plus, they need sleep to stay in control of their emotions.

13. They Focus on Their Health

Mentally healthy folks don’t only prioritize their mental health because they know that their physical health is just as important. They exercise daily, which promotes physical and mental health. People with emotional strength also eat nutritious foods that give them daily fuel.

14. They Have Goals and Take Time to Learn

The strongest people set goals and actively work toward them. Their goals prevent them from going down the wrong path or falling apart because they don’t know what to do. Strong people have a purpose each day, know who they want to be, and what they want their life to look like long-term.

Strong people also take the time to learn. They know they can’t reach their goals unless they continue learning and developing.

15. They Aren’t Always Present on Social Media

Strong people don’t spend too much time on social media or reading about other people’s lives. Rather than comparing themselves to the highlight reel of Facebook or Instagram, they focus on what’s happening around them. When using social media, they only follow and read things that improve their well-being.

strongest people

Final Thoughts on How the Strongest People Follow Their Hearts and Don’t Always Play by the Rules

While many people try to fit in and make others happy no matter what, these folks don’t do that. These headstrong individuals follow their hearts and play by different rules.

The strongest people follow their path and do what they think is right, despite the opinion of others. They take care of themselves and express gratitude for what they have. If you want to be stronger, try utilizing some of these qualities.

An Emotionally Unavailable Partner Says These 10 Things (Without Realizing It)

In relationships today, there are a vast number of emotionally unavailable partners. The real issue is that this is not good for these relationships’ success, well-being, or health. How do you know if your relationship is suffering emotionally?

The key to success is the emotional healthiness of your partnership. If you’re emotionally healthy, then your union will be robust. However, when one of you is emotionally unavailable, you’ll both suffer.

Ten Things an Emotionally Unavailable Partner Will Say to You (Without Realizing It)

Today, many relationships start on a sour note, as many people don’t realize that their partner is emotionally absent. What does it mean to be emotionally unavailable? According to an article published by Dr. Arasteh Gatchpazian at the Berkeley Wellbeing Institute, these people want a healthy emotional connection, but fear and past situations stand in the way.

It can be either a man or a woman who is the emotionally unavailable partner, which can happen for many reasons. It can stem from a past relationship or an experience in childhood. Sometimes, it can be a situational factor stemming from career problems. Here are ten of the most common things the emotionally unavailable partner says.

emotionally unavailable partner

1. “I’m sorry.”

You will often hear from someone walled off emotionally that they’re sorry. They use this phrase to get you off their back.

They aren’t really sorry for what they said or did, but they want you to leave them alone. Using this phrase is the quickest way they can think of to accomplish peace.

2. “I forgot.”

Sometimes, the emotionally unavailable person appears to have a toddler’s memory. They seem to be unable to recall anything. Saying they forget is a way of deflecting the issue from themselves.

They are essentially making light of the situation by stating it was a slip of their mind, but the problem is that it wasn’t important enough for them to remember. When someone has been emotionally hurt, they often ruminate on their pain and regrets and don’t make time for the here and now.

3. “You’re reading too much into this.”

You can say that this is a tactic of gaslighting, as they’re trying to make it seem like you’re reading way more into the situation than it warrants. The emotionally unavailable partner makes light of your feelings on the matter, and they’re trying to make it seem like you’re the one with the problem.

4. “Why would you think that?”

With this statement, they’re trying to teach you self-awareness. Your significant other is deflecting once again but cleverly tries to make it seem like there’s something wrong with your thought patterns. The problem is that past situations have warped their thought processes, and the problem is not yours, as you see things at face value.

5. “Stop taking everything I say so seriously.”

Why wouldn’t you take something they say seriously? Do they want you to ignore or not put much faith in their statements? It’s true that when someone is hurt, they will lash out at others to make themselves feel better, but words can undoubtedly sting.

Remember the old saying never to bite the hand that feeds you? Dogs are notorious for getting aggressive when hurt and lashing out at the ones they love. You may claim the same for someone who carries emotional scars. Until they find healing for these wounds, they will be on edge and ready to snap.

6. “Don’t be so insecure!”

You’re not the emotionally unavailable partner; they’re making it your problem. When you ask to talk about an issue or the relationship, they want to turn things back on you and make it appear that you’re the one with the problem. This is common in someone with a narcissistic personality, and NPD often stems from a broken past and unresolved trauma.

7. “Stop being so sensitive.”

You confront your partner because they blew off your plans to spend the evening with their friends. You wanted to tell them how much this hurts you, but they think you’re too sensitive. When you have plans with your boyfriend or girlfriend, they come first.

You’re not being sensitive; you’re just stating facts and standing up for yourself. The problem is that they can’t stand to hear about their failures.

emotionally unavailable partner

8. “I have no idea what you want me to say.”

Emotionally unavailable people have very surface relationships as it’s the only thing that feels comfortable. They want intimacy, your time, but don’t ask them for their heart. While they may pay you lip service about love and commitment, they cannot fully commit due to emotional issues.

When you confront them on a topic that feels uncomfortable, or they don’t want to answer, they may come back with a statement like they don’t know what you want them to say. It’s because they don’t want to be honest and tell what they think, so this flippant answer is what they hope will appease you.

9. “You always do this.”

There’s a fine line between someone who gaslights and an emotionally unavailable partner. While they may not purposely attempt to make you feel crazy, they don’t want the guilt or shame to come back on them. So, they will deflect as much of that guilt as possible.

When you discuss an uncomfortable topic, they can’t handle the pain. Perhaps you’re confronting them about their inability to commit, poor relationship skills, or other issues, and they don’t want to hear it. So, they return with something like, “You always do this.” They’ve just pushed the issue into your lap so they can sidestep these hurtful things.

10. “You should have known that this was not a good time.”

Is there ever a good time to talk about hurtful things? No, there will never be a perfect time to discuss complex topics. However, telling you it’s not a good time is a way to indicate that they don’t want to talk about it.

Sure, the worst time to handle emotional issues is when someone has just come home from working a ten-hour shift. However, to combat this, you may need to schedule a time to talk about relationship stuff if they want to.

Four Ways to Handle the Emotionally Unavailable Partner

Now that you know some common phrases used by those with emotional issues, you should know how to handle them. Here are a few tips.

1. Address the Elephant in the Room With Your Emotionally Unavailable Partner

Don’t let your partner hide behind their emotional issues. Call them out and bring attention to the real problem. If they don’t care for this wound, they will never have a successful relationship.

2. Suggest Attending Counseling With Your Emotionally Unavailable Partner

You must realize that there are some things that you are not equipped to handle. If your partner was abused as a child and has emotional issues, they need professional help. Offer to go with them and be there for them as they start this journey towards wellness. If they refuse to go, realize that this could harm your relationship.

According to an article in Good Therapy, if your partner doesn’t go to counseling, it may be better for you to go alone. Don’t push them, as this can make matters worse. However, a counselor can help you understand the situation.

3. Establish Boundaries That an Emotionally Unavailable Partner Must Respect

Healthy boundaries are good, as they put you in the driver’s seat. You get to tell people how you expect to be treated. You know they don’t respect your limitations if they cross these proverbial lines.

4. Be Honest with Yourself About Your Emotionally Unavailable Partner

Can you handle being in a relationship with someone who’s damaged? It takes a big person to confront emotional issues, especially when their past impacts you. Think long and hard about whether this is something you can do long-term.

emotionally unavailable partner

Final Thoughts on Dealing With an Emotionally Unavailable Partner

Looking back through these phrases, you might see some you have used a time or two. While saying these things doesn’t always mean you’re being manipulated, they are used to dodge accountability. The problem with emotionally unavailable people is that they must distort their reality to feel safe.

Sometimes you are genuinely confused by their actions or speech, but remember, you’re not the one with the problem. For your partner, they may find it easier to play dumb or to act clueless so that you leave them alone. Strong defensive play is the best way to handle the issue.

There are underlying tones of manipulation mixed into this, but it’s not uncommon with the complete power imbalance in the relationship. It’s not that they want to manipulate and control you, but it’s an avoidance tactic to keep you off subjects too painful for them to deal with. Can you live in a relationship with an emotionally unavailable partner?

30 Self-Care Tips To Increase Positive Energy and Be Happy

Are you chronically exhausted and feel like you’re in a rut? It creates a negative atmosphere that can cause a quick downward spiral into depression. How can you take care of yourself and increase your positive energy? There’s a big difference between being a toxic narcissist and indulging in some self-care tips to make you feel happy.

Some people know how to be kind to others but have no idea how to show compassion to themselves.

Thirty Self-Care Tips You Need to be Happy

If you’re in desperate need of some self-care, here are thirty helpful self-care tips that can increase your energy and boost positivity in every area of your life.

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Self-Care Tips That Will Nudge You Towards Better Health

These first tips will give you a gentle push out of your comfort zone.

1. Enjoy a Healthy Diet

Treat your body like the ultimate engine it is and fuel it wisely. Try to incorporate a balance of healthy whole foods into your diet. Eliminate or minimize highly processed junk food that can be detrimental to your health.

2. Stay Hydrated

An article published by the National Library of Medicine states that at least 75 percent of American adults are dehydrated. Your body is composed of a high percentage of water, and you need it for vital functions. Make it a goal to drink at least eight to ten glasses of fresh water every day.

3. Consider Supplements

Most people get enough nutrients from their diet to benefit their bodies. If you’re lacking, you may consider quality vitamins and minerals as one of your self-care tips to utilize. Nutritional supplements may be needed even more as you get older because your body may not absorb some as well.

Self-Care Tips to Help You Relax

You deserve the time to recharge your batteries.

4. Mindful Breathing

In many ancient cultures, breath was equated with your soul. Have you ever noticed how shallow your breathing is sometimes? Mindful breathing brings fresh oxygen into your body while you meditate on its life-giving qualities.

5. Get Enough Sleep

There’s a good reason why you may spend most of your morning in a brain fog as you guzzle a pot of coffee. Part of your care routine should include getting enough sleep at night. Most people need about eight to ten hours, but your age and overall health determine the exact amount you need. Check with your family doctor for additional guidance on this.

Self-Care Tips to Rediscover Joy

You deserve joy. Get ready to receive it!

6. Give More Hugs

Hugging someone doesn’t cost you a penny, and it can be priceless to them. Remember to hug your loved ones and pets often, and make sure you tell them how much you love them. Their loving embraces will be a boost to your mood and well-being.

7. Show Gratitude

Maintaining a mindset of gratitude can bring more positivity into your life. It may amaze you when you concentrate on all your blessings. Plus, your positive attitude works with the Universe to attract more blessings to you.

8. Get Moving

Self-care tips like regular exercise can’t be ignored. Even if you get outside and walk for a half-hour a day, you’re strengthening your muscles and joints. Incorporate small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking farther away from the building so you can walk.

9. Hike

There’s no better way to revitalize your body, mind, and spirit than a brisk hike through the forest. You can still venture out into the park or another inspiring venue if you live in the city. Maybe you could make it a family outing so everyone is practicing self-care.

10. Spend Quality Time With Loved Ones

It may be challenging to find enough family time with your busy schedule. However, quality is more important than quantity. Schedule fun activities like a family movie night and make each meal unique with lively conversation.

Self-Care Tips for Personal Growth

Grow beyond anything you ever imagined by prioritizing your needs.

11. Meditate

Meditation is an ancient self-care tool that countless people use today. Designate a sacred space in your home where you can sit quietly and be. Bring your mind gently into focus and allow your thoughts to pass like silent clouds overhead.

12. Have More Fun

When’s the last time you laughed until your sides ached? Laughter stimulates your brain to produce hormones that lighten your mood. Never miss an opportunity to have fun, watch a comedy, or even chuckle at yourself.

13. Take a Vacation

One of the best ways to give your brain proper rest is a diversion. Getaway for a while and enjoy some different scenery. Whether your vacation is a week, weekend, or even a staycation, take a break from the ordinary.

Self-Care Tips to Pamper the Body

14. Give Yourself a Beauty Treatment

Show your body how much you appreciate it by giving it regular beauty treatments. You deserve a fresh manicure and pedicure occasionally. Spend an afternoon in a spa and relax with a massage and facial.

15. Take Leisurely Baths

Your bathtub is a private sanctuary where you can wash away your cares. Splurge on luxury bath items like soaps, lotions, and hair treatments. Light a few candles, grab the latest romance novel, and soak to your heart’s content.

self-care affirmation

16. Commune with Nature

There’s an eternal connection between you and the Universe that can sometimes be blocked due to daily stress. Try to spend as much time as you can in the great outdoors. Breathe the fresh air and find inspiration in the beauty of the trees, plants, and woodland creatures.

17. Journal Regularly

How do you know if your self-care routine is working? Journaling is an excellent tool for recording your daily activities and thoughts. It can also help bring words to your feelings to understand yourself better.

Give Yourself the Gift of Cognitive Health

These self-care tips help engage your brain for better cognition for life.

18. Volunteer 

According to an article published by Western Connecticut State University, volunteering provides mutual benefits. According to the report, when you help others, you can benefit physically and mentally. Consider spending a few hours volunteering for a local cause close to your heart each week.

19. Challenge Your Brain

Your brain gets bored quickly and craves a challenge. Nourish it by learning something new each day. Try a challenge like studying a foreign language or doing puzzles that enhance your cognitive skills, and it’s one of your self-care tips to utilize.

Self-Care Tips to Foster Creative Thinking

When you can use your creativity to remove roadblocks from your life, you increase your happiness.

20. Learn to Be Adventurous

Boredom and depression often go hand-in-hand. Break out of your usual box and try something new. Visit a place you’ve dreamed about or make that much-wanted career move. You can enhance your well-being with occasional spontaneity and unique experiences.

21. Leave the Past

Do you live in the dark shadows of past regret and rumination? Learning to cope with the past and moving on is a vital one of your self-care tips. Maybe there’s someone in your life that you need to forgive to start to heal.

22. Explore Your Creative Side

Even if you don’t consider yourself an artsy person, you have some creativity. You can have fun exploring your talent. It can be art, music, or anything you do that brings you joy.

Self-Care Tips for Building Positivity in Your Relationships

When you take care of your relationship with your first, you prepare for improving your other relationships.

23. Reconnect Spiritually

You needn’t be religious to realize your bond with the Divine. Whether you call it God, the Universe, or Your Higher Self, it’s an integral part of your well-being. Meditation, journaling, prayer, chanting, and using divination tools can bring you closer to spiritual realms.

24. Honor Your Boundaries

For any relationship to last, you need healthy boundaries. Sometimes, people in your circle push your limits and create negative energy. Stand firm on your boundaries and let people know how you expect to be treated.

25. Clear Your Space

It’s difficult to practice self-care tips when you’re smothering in clutter. Decide what’s most essential for you and get rid of the rest. An uncluttered environment helps you release the clutter in your mind.

26. Learn Self-Compassion

Would you have many friends if you treated them the way you treat yourself? Be compassionate and forgiving of yourself to eliminate the negative self-talk. Tell yourself each day that you’re beautiful, good-hearted, and worthy of love.

Reclaim Your Lost Self-Confidence

Increase your self-confidence to amplify your voice and become a force for positivity.

27. Use Some More Free Time

In the last hours of their life, nobody ever wishes they’d spent more time at work. Although you need to make a living, your body also needs time to relax and have fun. Don’t feel guilty about watching a favorite tv show, reading a novel, or just napping.

28. Listen to Your Inner Voice

Did you know that your body will tell you what it needs if you listen? That still, small voice knows when your life is unbalanced. When you learn to trust your intuition, you may discover things about yourself you never knew.

29. Eliminate the Toxicity in Your Life

Maybe you’re a people pleaser who is afraid to tell others “No.” Are there people in your circle who bring you nothing but aggravation and pain? Do yourself a favor and say goodbye to people, situations, and old ideas that are toxic.

30. Re-Evaluate Your Goals Once in a While

Remember all the things you wanted to be when you grew up? As you get older, your outlook changes, and so can your goals. Do an honest re-evaluation of where you’re and where you’re going and adjust as needed.

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Final Thoughts on Self-Care Tips and Increasing Your Positive Energy

You’ll never regret taking time for your needs and wants. Before you can love anybody else, you must love yourself. Not only will it create a more positive atmosphere, but it can energize your body, mind, and spirit.

15 Science-Backed Tips to Reduce Cellulite

Do you avoid wearing certain outfits that show your arms and thighs? Maybe you’re embarrassed by the dimpling effect caused by cellulite. Are there ways to reduce it naturally?

Although experts don’t know why people develop this benign skin condition, weight and skin structure play a significant role. It can also be genetic, just as your body type. Cellulite often gathers in fatty areas like the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms, and it’s a more prominent issue for women.

Specific cosmetic procedures like liposuction can reduce fat cells and improve the appearance of cellulite. However, such methods can be costly, painful, and won’t make the problem disappear. Did you know that you can also deal with cellulite without taking drastic measures?

Note: Some of these might work for you; others might not. The trial-and-error is worth the effort. Of course, you should consult with your doctor if you have any questions. 

Fifteen Science-Backed Tips to Reduce Cellulite

Although nothing will eradicate the dreaded dimpled thighs, there are ways you can minimize it. You don’t need risky medical procedures or expensive designer lotions. Here are 15 natural ways to combat cellulite for you to try.

reduce cellulite

1. Stay Hydrated

If you want to minimize cellulite and flush toxins from your system, try to drink plenty of water. Did you know that you can often be dehydrated and not even know it? Your body is composed of a high percentage of water, and you need it to survive.

Sipping six to eight glasses of fresh water each day rehydrates your skin cells and keeps your complexion soft and supple. It will help wash away toxin buildups that lead to unsightly cellulite. If you don’t like plain water, add a little fresh lemon juice to boost Vitamin C.

2. Follow a Healthy Diet

With all the unhealthy habits of the American diet, it’s no wonder that obesity is at epidemic levels. According to Trust for America’s Health statistics, at least 42.4 percent of people in the U.S. are obese. The more you overeat, the fattier deposits you create along with cellulite.

Your body needs a nutritious variety of whole foods for optimal health. Lean meats, green leafy veggies, whole grains, legumes, and fruit create balanced meals. Avoid processed foods that are overflowing with preservatives, salt, and sugar.

3. Keep Moving

Sir Isaac Newton observed that objects in motion usually stayed in action, and those stayed at rest. If you have a sedentary job, getting up and moving is more challenging. Daily exercise is essential for maintaining strong muscles, bones, joints, and other vital functions.

Do you want to be lean and fit and minimize cellulite and fat? Consider exercising at least 30 minutes each day. Walking, stretching, and cardio training is ideal for strengthening your body.

4. Switch to Himalayan Salt

You’ve probably read about the countless health warnings about the overconsumption of sodium. Guidelines published by the FDA recommend having no more than 2,300 mg. of sodium a day, which is about a teaspoon.

To help you visualize this amount, consider that regular table salt has a little over 2,300 mg. of sodium per teaspoon. However, pink Himalayan salt has at least 1/3 less sodium and has over 80 essential minerals. These minerals may boost your metabolism and help diminish cellulite in your body.

5. Reduce Your Stress Level

In a perfect world, everyone would be relaxed, and stress would cease to exist. Unfortunately, you’re not in an ideal world, and stress is part of living. Stress helps you to grow and survive.

However, an overload of stress can eventually lead to physical and mental health issues. Plus, chronic overdoses of stress hormones can make your body hold on to fat reserves. Practices like meditation and mindful breathing can help lower your stress and reduce cellulite.

6. Lose Extra Pounds

Gaining weight is often faster than losing it. In fact, those extra pounds can sneak up on you without you realizing it. Being overweight makes your heart and lungs work harder and taxes your muscles, bones, and joints.

Also, carrying extra weight may increase cellulite and make it more noticeable, especially in your arms and legs. When you learn to eat healthier and stay active, you can shed excess weight and reduce cellulite.

7. Reduce Inflammation in Your Body

An article published by the Harvard School of Medicine states that chronic inflammation can lead to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer. Another symptom of chronic inflammation is allowing toxins to build up, increasing cellulite.

Battling constant inflammation is a red flag that something is wrong with your body. You can reduce its symptoms by following a healthy eating plan, exercising, and losing weight. Since smoking and alcohol abuse can contribute to chronic inflammation, kicking the habits can be lifesaving.

reduce cellulite

8. Adopt a Healthier Lifestyle

If you’ve been a chronic yo-yo dieter most of your life, you know that diets don’t work. They usually impose food restrictions that aren’t realistic or sustainable. Sure, you may lose some weight, but you can gain it back with additional cellulite.

Instead, changing your lifestyle includes creating a different attitude toward your body. You learn to enjoy nutritious food in moderation without it controlling you. Also, you discover the joy in physical fitness and make exercise a daily routine.

9. Try Massage

What could be more revitalizing than a soothing massage? It can release tension and relax your muscles. The gentle rubbing increases blood flow and can help remove toxic buildup in your body.

Getting regular massages may help remove excess fluid and reduce fatty areas. It may improve the surface of your skin, minimize wrinkles, and reduce cellulite. Using essential oils for massage is an added benefit.

10. Use Bentonite Clay

You’ve probably heard of using bentonite clay as a beauty mask to cleanse pores and toxins. Did you know that this natural substance can also reduce cellulite in your body’s problem areas? It’s an easy step to add to your beauty routine.

Before you bathe, make a thick paste of Bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. Rub it wherever you have cellulite buildup and let it dry. It will wash away cleanly in your bath water leaving soft, healthy skin.

Much of the data regarding this therapy is anecdotal, but it could be worth a try. An NIH paper deems this clay safe for external use with few adverse reactions when used in moderation.

11. Take Sea Salt Baths

Leisurely bathing does so much more than just cleaning your body. It soothes tired, achy muscles and washes your tension down the drain. Adding natural skin remedies such as sea salt can moisturize your skin and reduce cellulite.

Add about a quarter cup of pure sea salt into your bath water and let it dissolve. Now, relax in the soothing water and dream about playing in the waves on the beach. You can enjoy a luxurious sea salt bath up to three times a week for optimal benefits.

12. Add Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Bathwater

Since ancient times, apple cider vinegar has been revered for its healing properties. It’s a natural antiseptic and antifungal that can help detox your skin and reduce cellulite. All you must do is add two to three cups to your warm bathwater.

It’s a perfect addition to sea salt, Epsom salts, or essential oils you use for bathing. Apple cider vinegar is a mild astringent that can tighten your pores and smooth your skin. An occasional addition to your bath water can reduce the appearance of bumpy cellulite.

13. Fight Cellulite with Coconut Oil

The good news is that you needn’t buy expensive creams and lotions to reduce cellulite. Some of the best ingredients to use are right in your kitchen pantry, like coconut oil. Massaging coconut oil into your skin can help detox, relieve inflammation, and diminish cellulite naturally.

You may also consider taking pure coconut oil internally. It is loaded with healthy amino acids that fight cell-damaging free radicals. Daily doses of coconut oil with a healthy diet may help boost your energy and burn fat.

14. Detox with Cayenne and Lemon

Toxic buildups in your body can negatively affect your skin and overall health. Consider using natural detoxification foods like fresh lemon juice and cayenne pepper. The lemon juice helps burn fat, while the ground cayenne pepper fights chronic inflammation.

Add the juice of half a lemon and about 1/8 a teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper to an 8-ounce glass of water. This detox mixture is an ideal way to start your day. It may give you more energy, fight fat, and reduce cellulite.

15. Use Olive and Juniper Oils

It seems counterintuitive to use fats to combat the fat and reduce cellulite in your body. However, heart-healthy fats like olive oil can boost your good cholesterol levels while lowering your bad cholesterol. It’s also a great oil to use as a moisturizer.

Give your olive oil moisturizer a healthy boost by adding a few drops of juniper oil. This oil pressed from juniper berries can soothe irritated skin and promote healing for rashes and wounds. Use your olive and juniper combination for a beauty routine or healing massage oil.

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Final Thoughts on Reducing Cellulite

While you can’t make reduce cellulite completely, you can decrease its appearance significantly by changing your lifestyle. A nutritious diet combined with physical activity and stress reduction can make a difference. Taking good care of yourself is always the best choice.

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