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15 Proven Ways to Stop Overthinking and Achieve Your Goals

One thing that sets successful people apart from unsuccessful ones is a mindset. Before you go on a trip, you make all the plans necessary to reach your destination. Likewise, achieving your goals requires planning, commitment, and determination to enjoy the journey.

Fifteen Proven Ways to Stop Overthinking and Achieve Your Goals

Are you ready to see what your destination holds? Maybe you’re tired of overthinking everything and want to see results. Here are 15 tips for reaching to help you reach your goals.

1. Define Your Goals

Before you can expect to achieve your goals, you must define them. What are your dreams, and where do you want to be? Goal setting is your first step toward living your best life.

Take time to concentrate on what your heart truly desires. Start by making a list of your goals and what you need to do to bring them into reality. Creating a vision board is an excellent way to visualize your goals and track your progress.

achieve your goals

2. Create a Timeline to Achieve Your Goals

It’s easy to get so wrapped up in making decisions that you waste time. Frequently, such procrastination is a stall tactic because you’re afraid of making the wrong choice. While it’s wise to consider all your options, you can’t stay in limbo if you want to achieve your goals.

Creating a timeline for your decisions can be an efficient tool to overcome procrastination. Write a list of crucial choices, your options, and the date they must be finalized. Use your timeline as a visual cue to remind you of your deadlines.

3. Accept that You Can’t Control Everything

Regardless of how determined you are to achieve your goals, some things are beyond your control. According to an article published by Forbes Magazine, perfectionism can hamper your progress. If you adopt the mindset of “perfect or nothing,” you’re bound to be disappointed every time, states the article.

By letting go, you acknowledge that you can’t control everything. Don’t overthink! It releases you from the stress of being perfect, and you won’t waste any more time trying. Then you’ll have more time to concentrate on aspects that you can control.

4. Celebrate Small Victories

There are many milestones between reaching goals and taking that first step. The best way to boost your confidence is to celebrate each little success you make. It also makes larger aspirations seem more doable when you break them down into smaller goals.

For example, maybe you’ve decided to lose weight, and your target goal is fifty pounds. Seeing that large number can overwhelm you and make you procrastinate. Instead, try losing weight in increments of five pounds and rejoice with each loss until you reach your target weight.

5. Stay Physically Active

Inspiration won’t go anywhere without determination and action. Being a chronic couch potato is not only detrimental to your health, but it limits your achievement. Staying active gives you the strength and motivation to finish the tasks on your list.

An article published by the Mayo Clinic explains that regular exercise can boost your mood and energize your body. Plus, it can lower your stress levels and may improve brain function. Even if you take a brisk walk for a half-hour a day, you’re benefiting your entire well-being.

6. Learn to Meditate and Visualize How You’ll Achieve Your Goals

Do you feel like your inner voice is a constant chatter that’s hindering your goal setting? Much of this internal dialogue may stem from stress, anxiety, and negativity. How can you learn to silence the negative and concentrate on positive affirmations?

Meditation is an ancient practice that uses deep relaxation and mindful breathing to increase your awareness. You can also use meditation to visualize your goals and boost your positivity. Find a quiet space at home or work and try to meditate fifteen minutes or so a day, and you will notice its benefits.

7. Find a Mentor to Help Achieve Your Goals

No matter what your dreams are, there’s someone who’s been in your shoes and understands. Finding a mentor can be a tremendous help for inspiration and goal definition. Consider a trusted friend, family member, or coworker who has the experience and is willing to take you under their wing.

Mentors who have achieved many of their life’s goals are familiar with the path and common pitfalls. Although they won’t tell you what to do, a good mentor will be a compassionate guide who can offer suggestions. They actively support your aspirations, but you’re responsible for the outcome.

achieve your goals

8. Read Inspirational Literature

Who are your heroes, and what are some of the books you’ve read that have inspired you? Reading uplifting literature can cultivate a positive mindset and encourage you to achieve your goals. Take the words to heart and glean any helpful information to assist you on your journey.

Find books, magazines, and online articles that deal with your interests and dreams. Cut out pictures and sayings from magazines that resonate with you and post them on your vision board. Being an avid reader can also improve your vocabulary, increase your knowledge, and offer different perspectives.

9. Learn to be Spontaneous

Of course, you have a daily schedule, and you’ve made a timeline to achieve your goals. However, overthinking and boredom can be severe obstacles when bettering yourself. There are times when you must break the rut and be spontaneous.

You may need to be adventuresome and take risks to realize your dreams. Some of the best inspirations are found when you wander off the path a bit and try something you’ve never done. How will you know if something works unless you try it?

10. Make a Commitment

You’ve made commitments to your significant other, family, and your career. How committed are you to yourself and achieving your goals? You are worthy and deserve to invest time in your dreams.

Plus, you’re more likely to follow through when you’ve committed to a task. You’ll discover the principles of self-discipline and how to be decisive. Being true to yourself is just as important as being faithful to others.

11. Have a Plan B

You’ve lived long enough to realize that nothing ever goes as planned. There’s just about always an incidental that takes you over budget or past your time restraints. When you are flexible, you can accept these unforeseen curves and make necessary adjustments.

The road toward achieving your goals will always have surprises, and you need a backup plan. It’s easier to initiate an alternate route that you’ve planned than to wait until you need one. Just because you have to alter some steps doesn’t mean you can reach your destination.

12. Keep a Journal to Track How You Plan to Achieve Your Goals

Many successful people keep journals to track their thoughts and ideas. Yours can be a simple notebook or create it on your computer. Jot down any ideas or inspirations you get each day.

You can also keep a list of your goals and check them off as they’re accomplished. Reflecting on past entries allows you to see how far you’ve come. Journaling also gives voice to your worries and helps you to overcome them.

13. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Spending time with a negative person is like being smothered by a wet blanket. They bring their storm cloud of pessimism and sour attitude to rain on everyone. Unfortunately, negativity is contagious, and the heavy atmosphere can dampen your inspiration and motivation.

Instead, make it a habit to surround yourself with positive people. These are the ones who have genuine joy and can see hope on the other side of adversity. Optimism is also catching, and it can help you be confident in your success.

14. Visualize Your Success

Maybe you put limitations on your success by saying, “I will only be successful when….” Put your dreams in the present and claim your victory now. Instead of waiting for triumph, act as if you’ve already reached the stars.

Visualization and positive affirmations are powerful concepts in the law of attraction. As you speak your success into the Universe, it agrees and sends opportunities to make it so. Acting on your dreams is the best way to bring them into reality.

15. Be Grateful

Have you ever given a gift to someone who wasn’t appreciative? It made you think before giving them anything else. Likewise, you’ll only attract more positive talents from the Universe by showing gratitude.

When you count your blessings, you’d be amazed at what you have already. Be thankful for all the beautiful people in your circle. During your meditations, say “thank you” to your Higher Power for what you’ve achieved and what you’ll do in the future.

achieve your goals

Final Thoughts on Overthinking and How to Achieve Your Goals

Once you’ve defined your goals and determined them, you have infinite potential. Sometimes, you can overthink things too much and hinder your success. Try these and other suggestions to help you make your dreams come true.

15 Mantras to Say When It’s Time to Let Things Go and Be Positive Again

Sometimes it’s essential to let things go to be more optimistic about life. Whether you need to let go of things you own, people in your life, or unhelpful emotions, it can be hard to do. When you realize it’s time to let things go, mantras can help you release negativity.

To be happy, you must detach from things that cause negativity. Anything that hinders your growth or affects your mental health is detrimental. It’s not always easy to let things go, but you’ll feel much better once you do it.

You likely struggle to let things go because you feel obligated or attached, but you can change all of that. When you change your mindset, letting things go that stand in the way of your positivity becomes much more manageable. You already have everything you need to make the change, so look within and convince yourself of it.

Fifteen Mantras to Say When It’s Time to Let Things Go and Be Positive Again

It isn’t always easy to let things go, but you’ll experience a quick boost of positivity when you do. The lasting positivity will make you want to let more things go, benefitting your life further. These mantras can help you make the mindset change you need, improving your life.

let things go

1. I am not the same person I used to be, which is okay.

People are constantly changing and developing, so you aren’t the same person you were in the past. Each day is a new opportunity to improve, so don’t let your history stop you from letting go of things that don’t serve you.

As you get to a new stage of your life, it’s essential to reassess the things, people, and opinions you have right now. While you might have intense emotional attachments, you’ll feel better once you let go.

2. I am living a purposeful and fulfilling life.

Repeating this affirmation each morning will make you more likely to seek things that bring purpose to your life. It’ll also help you let go of anything wrong for you anymore. Seeking a purposeful and fulfilling life typically means making some complex changes so that you can focus on positivity.

3. I am beginning a new chapter in my life.

Nothing lasts forever, and you’re bound to experience many life changes. Each time a new chapter of your life begins, you’ll have to leave some things in the past. If you don’t let go of anything, your chapters will become redundant and unfulfilling.

Whether your new chapter starts because of someone else’s choice or because you decided, it’s essential to start fresh. Spend time reflecting on the things that won’t work well for you anymore to make the necessary changes.

4. I am letting things go so that there’s room for better things in my life.

It’s hard to accept new things without letting go of the old. If you struggle with letting things go, using this affirmation each morning can make all the difference. As you eliminate something from your life, you’ll quickly notice that better things replace what you let go of.

5. I acknowledge that letting go is the best thing for me.

Sometimes all it takes is to acknowledge that letting go will benefit you. You might be attached to something, someone, or an emotion, but you must move forward. When you let go of the things that aren’t good for you, you’ll be well on your way to being positive again.

Letting go is tricky no matter the situation, but you can do it. Once it’s done, you’ll be glad you made the difficult decision.

6. I am acknowledging that the past is over.

The past no longer exists; this mantra can help you remember that. You can’t change what happened before, so letting go is essential. Even if you desperately want to go back, it’s not possible.

Since you can’t change the past, use this mantra to remember that the past is over. You can and should let go and move on.

7. I choose what represents me right now.

What happened in your past doesn’t matter because you can redefine yourself and your life anytime. This mantra can help you let go of regrets to move forward and focus on positivity.

When you know you can choose what represents you, you’re more likely to find positive ways to define yourself. As you say this mantra, it’ll help you stop thinking about other people’s opinions of you, too.

8. I am not afraid to let go and move forward.

Change can be scary, so use this affirmation to help eliminate your fears. Convince yourself that you aren’t afraid to let go, and you’ll begin to experience the strength you need. You can’t let fear hold you back, so implement this affirmation into your daily routine.

let things go

9. I see people for who they are.

You’ll struggle to find positivity with the wrong people in your life. By seeing people for who they are, you’ll see through fake behavior and identify toxic people.

While you might want to see the good in people no matter what, you must see beyond what you want to see. Doing this will help you let go of people who shouldn’t be in your life at all. Without negative people in your life, you can be more positive.

10. I release negative emotions and replace them with positivity.

If you experience frequent negative emotions, this is the mantra for you. Letting go of those emotions can make all the difference in living a happy and fulfilling life. When you let go of negativity, you can replace it with positivity.

Repeat this mantra each morning to start your day on a positive note. It’ll help you remember to push away your negative thoughts whenever they creep in. You can also use the phrase again anytime you need a reminder throughout the day.

11. I am choosing to move on and focus on the present.

Anything you do in life is your choice to make. If you choose to move forward, you can do it and live in the present. Using this mantra each morning, you’ll start your day by thinking about things that don’t hold you back.

This affirmation is a good one to remember all day long. As you’re working on letting go, you’ll find the things you’re moving on from creeping back into your mind. Anytime it happens, repeat this phrase to help you refocus.

12. I can treasure memories without holding onto unnecessary possessions.

Letting go of unnecessary items is just as essential as letting go of toxic thinking. However, sometimes it’s hard to let go of meaningful things to you.

This mantra can help you understand that you will have the memory regardless of holding onto the physical item. If it helps, you can even give the thing to someone else who will enjoy it so that you know it’s loved and taken care of.

13. I am healing a little more each day.

When you know you’re healing, you’ll have an easier time letting go. Emotional pain likely indicates you have multiple things to move on from. You’ll have to let go of the event that caused your pain, and you’ll have to let go of the negative emotions.

14. I feel calmer when I let go of things that don’t serve me.

Having too many things in your life that don’t serve you can make each day seem hectic. If you want to experience calmness, you must let go of some of those things. This mantra can help you remember that you’ll feel better when you eliminate negativity.

15. I experience inner peace when I let go of things I don’t need.

Surprisingly, letting go of things can bring peace to your life. You’ll feel better as a whole and begin to see all the good around you. Each time you let go of something that doesn’t serve you, you’ll experience more peace within.

let things go

Final Thoughts on Saying These Mantras When It’s Time to Release the Past and Be Positive Again

Life constantly changes, and so do you. You become a better version of yourself constantly, so naturally, you will outgrow some things. Not only will you outgrow things, but you’ll also realize you’re better off letting go.

While it might be hard to let things go, it is essential if you want to be positive again. The things, people, and ideas you surround yourself with now will change as you grow and develop. As you go through changes and start letting things go, use these mantras to help along the way.

10 Red Flags That Reveal a “Kind” Narcissist

By now, you’ve heard or experienced life with a narcissist. These manipulative people tend to use others for personal gain, and they will stoop to unscrupulous levels to get their way. However, have you heard of the kind narcissist?

Perhaps, this person is one of the most dangerous, as they come across as a genuinely lovely person. They appear trustworthy, friendly, and lack the traits of the traditional narcissist. Beware of this fake person, as they’re as dangerous as a viper.

They’re just as toxic and controlling as any other narcissist. The difference is that they’re so clever and charming that they will sweep you off your feet before you know what hit you. Do you know how to spot the differences between the two types of manipulators?

Exposing the Facade of the “Kind” Narcissist

The issue is that kind narcissist sees themselves as genuinely a good person, according to an article published by Tonya Lester, LCSW. They don’t see anything wrong with their behavior, and they have a steady job, a good nature, and are often quite popular. Whereas the traditional narcissist lacks friends due to burnt bridges, this person has many friends, or so it appears.

When does the trouble come into play? When you ask them to do something that means they have to step outside their comfort zone, you will see the viper inside rear its ugly head. Their attitude of entitlement means that though they’re friendly, they won’t consider your feelings.

This treatment can cause you a great deal of pain and suffering. It’s the same selfish behavior you see in a traditional narcissist, but this person hides behind a smiling face and a kind façade. You need to be on guard for this type of person, as you don’t need them as friends or lovers.

kind narcissist

Red Flags of the Kind Narcissist

Whether you’re dating or have a new friend you love spending time with, you need to watch for the signs that you might be dealing with a narcissist. These people are very charming and manipulative, so you need to be on guard. Here are some classic signs that you’ve found a kind narcissist.

1. A Kind Narcissist Will Refuse To Do Their Share of Chores

When you’re in a relationship with this person, you may be cooking dinner, tending to the baby, and trying to clean, all while they’re relaxing and playing video games. They find the easiest way to get out of doing anything that means work. They’re perfectly content to watch you do everything and see your frustration levels rise, but don’t expect them to jump in and try to help you.

2. Can’t Stop Thinking About Their End of the Deal

No matter how many times you explain something to them, they can’t stop thinking about themselves in the issue. For instance, if you’re looking at a home across town that will put the children in better schools and you’ll have a better house, they can’t get over the extra 15 minutes they will need to drive to work.

Most parents wouldn’t think twice about a measly 15 minutes to better their family. However, a narcissist views this as putting themselves out, and they’re so self-centered that they think of only their needs and wants.

3. A Kind Narcissist Says All the Right Things

Remember that narcissists are some of the fakest people you will ever encounter. When they try to get you to go on a date or develop a friendship with you, they will do whatever it takes. While the words flow like honey out of their mouth, they have no follow-through.

Even the kind narcissist is known for their enate lying abilities. They will do whatever it takes to seal the deal, but don’t count on much after you’ve committed.

4. Their Obligations Take Precedence Over Yours

Their needs come first, always. Assume you have one vehicle and both of you have somewhere to be. In their mind, their needs are always more important than what you need.

It’s an open and shut case for them because they see themselves as superior. You will always be a second-class citizen to them, so with your low ranking, you’re always on the losing end.

5. Resists Any Real Contribution to the Family

You received a huge utility bill this month, and your spouse could volunteer to work overtime and manage this problem. However, they don’t see it as an issue that should fall on their shoulders. Instead, they would let you struggle, worry, and try to come up with the money rather than for them to take care of it.

See, working overtime will put them out, and it will cut into their time for social media, video games, and hanging out with friends. So, they would rather not make any extra effort, even if it comforted you.

kind narcissist

6. The Kind Narcissist Often Retracts into Their “Shell” To Avoid Work

When extra work needs handling, they’re like a turtle that goes into their shell to hide. Assume that your car needed to be washed and detailed as you went down a muddy, gravel road. You prepared all the stuff, and you began washing the vehicle.

They emerge from their shell once the work is all done, and they usually say, “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to do that, and I could have helped?” They always show up once everything’s done and try to turn it around as your fault for not telling them.

7. Refuses Social Gatherings That Are Important to You – Not Them

Your family wants everyone to come over for Sunday dinner, and all your siblings will be there. Your partner refuses to go because that’s their day of rest, and they don’t want to do anything. They know how important this dinner and family time is to you, and explaining their absence will be a hassle.

Sadly, the kind narcissist would rather take care of number one first, and they don’t care how much this inconveniences you.

8. They Don’t Do Well with Long-Term Romantic Partnerships

The kind narcissist can only keep up their ruse for so long. They do better in short-term relationships rather than long-term ones. When things get too serious, children come into the union, and the responsibilities mount, you will see more of their classic borderline-type personality come shining through the mask.

There’s a direct correlation between people who have narcissism and those who have BPD. According to an article in Psychology Today, around forty percent of those who have NPD also have BPD. For years BPD has been notated as one of the most challenging mental health conditions to treat, and you may be dealing with a personality issue that’s just impossible.

9. Spends Money on Their Needs and Ignores Yours

There’s no money to buy a new computer, as yours keeps crashing and having significant issues. It would help if you had a good computer for work, and it’s making your days longer messing with an outdated one. Your partner told you there was no money for such a purchase, even though it helps maintain your household.

However, the next week, they didn’t think twice to buy themselves the newest cell phone, which cost over $1,500. They didn’t need a new cell phone, but it’s another example that their wants and needs always trump yours.

10. At Work, The Kind Narcissist Might Allow Colleagues to Pick Up Their Slack

Working with this person can be challenging, as they’re lazy. They depend on their coworkers to pick up their slack, which can cause real issues. Don’t ever put them on a team and expect them to shine, as they will do nothing and still take the praise for the job.

People soon see their true colors. While they’re personable and make friends, it’s not long before their selfish ways come to the forefront. This person doesn’t typically develop tenure with any company, as their coworkers quickly become very frustrated with them.

kind narcissist

Final Thoughts on the “Kind” Narcissist

They say that all is fair in love and war, but whoever made this statement wasn’t dealing with a narcissist. These people don’t genuinely set out to hurt others, and it’s just that they’re so broken inside that they can’t see past their hurts. In many instances, you will find that even the kind narcissist has some trauma in their past that’s made them act this way.

Many of these people put their needs and wants ahead of everyone else because they suffered neglect, abuse, or other issues in childhood. They feel they can control the situation now, ensuring they take care of their needs first. While it explains their behavior, it’s certainly no excuse.

Living with a narcissist is impossible, even if they’re the kind variety. People in today’s world move very quickly when it comes to relationships. Since there are those with NPD and BPD in the sea of humanity, it’s better to take your time, date for an extended period, and get to know the person.

You could save yourself a lot of heartache if you give things time and let their true color shine through. If there’s a personality disorder such as this under the surface, it won’t be long before it comes out. Don’t waste your time on fake people when there’s someone out there that will truly love you.

10 Reasons to Try Walking for Weight Loss (and 10 Tips to Get Started)

Everyone knows that exercise is beneficial, but not everyone knows why walking is one of the best options. Walking for weight loss is an effective method, and it does much more for your body than you think. Learning why it’s beneficial and a few tips to get you started can make the difference in developing the new habit.

Regular exercise is essential to staying fit and healthy, so you don’t want to miss out on an easy way to do it. While it may seem daunting when you first begin, you’ll quickly experience the benefits and learn to enjoy walking. Once you become more comfortable walking for weight loss, you can switch it up and make it a little harder.

Some people add weight to their walk, but you should talk with your doctor before doing it yourself. You can also boost the benefits of your walk by increasing the intensity. When you increase the intensity of your walk, you can get more out of it in a shorter timeframe.

Ten Reasons to Try Walking for Weight Loss

As one of the easiest forms of exercise to incorporate into your life, learning the reasons to try walking for weight loss is essential. Once you know all of the benefits, you’re sure to want to get started right away. Of course, you’ll need to know a few tips to get started safely and effectively.

walking for weight loss

1. You Will Burn Calories While Walking for Weight Loss

While your body needs calories for energy, too many calories can cause weight loss. Each person has different daily calorie needs, based on their age, weight, height, sex, activity level, and genes. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume each day.

Walking can help you burn calories, allowing you to lose or maintain your weight. If you have a job that requires spending your day sitting, this is especially helpful for you. Walking briskly for one mile can burn around 100 calories.

2. It Preserves Your Muscles

When you lose weight by cutting calories, you’re likely to lose some muscle, too. Surprisingly, losing it can slow your weight loss because muscle is metabolically active. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day.

Exercise can help preserve your muscles, allowing you to maintain or build muscle while losing weight. Preserving your muscles also decreases the drop you might experience in your metabolic rate during weight loss. This process will make it easier for you to maintain your results.

Additionally, walking for weight loss can help prevent and reduce age-related muscle loss. It can help aging people retain muscle strength and function.

3. It Reduces Belly Fat

Losing belly fat doesn’t always happen when you cut calories. It sometimes requires more effort, such as participating in regular exercise. Walking is one of the best options, as studies show that walking for 50-70 minutes three times a week can melt fat.

Reducing belly fat isn’t only essential for changing your appearance, either. Researchers linked a fatty midsection to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. As you work on losing weight to improve your health, you must think about your health as a whole.

4. Promotes Long-Term Weight Loss

It’s common for people who lose weight to gain it all back again. However, regular exercise can help prevent gaining it back, promoting long-term weight loss. Even once you’ve reached your goal weight, walking will help you maintain it.

Walking gives you more energy, too, helping you stay active throughout the day. Studies show that you should walk for at least 150 minutes each week to maintain a healthy weight. However, additional studies indicate that if you’ve lost a significant amount of weight, you might need to walk for at least 200 minutes each week.

5. Walking for Weight Loss Is a Low Impact Exercise

Intense exercise can wreak havoc on your body, causing knee or back problems, amongst other issues. It can also be hard on your joints. However, walking is a low-impact exercise that doesn’t cause damage to your body as running can.

While you can intensify your walks, you can also choose to keep them light but brisk. The best part is that you get to decide how far to push yourself, whereas other exercises require high impact.

6. It Can Help You Live Longer

When you use walking for weight loss, it can help you live longer. Studies show that people who go for frequent walks have lower mortality rates than others.

Walking can help decrease your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and it can decrease blood pressure. Going for regular walks also reduces the risk of developing breast cancer or diabetes. If you want to lose weight, you likely want to improve all areas of your health, making this an essential benefit.

7. Walking for Weight Loss Boosts Your Immune System

When you’re exercising to lose weight, you might as well make the most of the time. If you choose walking as your form of exercise, you’ll experience a boost in your immune system.

Studies show that walking can protect you from catching a cold or the flu. Walking for at least 20 minutes a day, five days a week, resulted in 43% fewer sick days compared to those who didn’t exercise regularly. Additionally, regular walkers who get sick were ill for less time than others, and their symptoms were milder.

8. It Reduces Stress and Boosts Your Mood

Going for a walk outside is peaceful, so it reduces stress and boosts your moods. You can walk anywhere, including in your neighborhood, at the park, or anywhere else outside. No matter where you choose, it’ll bring you relaxation and joy.

With less stress and an improvement in your mood, you’ll have more energy and want to do more. Then, you’ll find that you keep moving throughout the day, even after your outdoor walk is over. Additionally, your body metabolizes food quicker when you aren’t stressed.

9. It Works Against Your Genes

Sometimes genes don’t work in your favor regarding weight loss, but walking can help counteract the effects. Studies show that people with obesity-promoting genes could cut the effects in half by walking for one hour each day. Sometimes nothing else seems to help with weight loss when genes are a factor, but walking can make all the difference.

10. Walking for Weight Loss Protects Your Joints from Arthritis

If you have arthritis, then walking is the exercise for you. Walking can reduce arthritis-related pain even after it starts. Additionally, walking for weight loss can prevent you from getting arthritis altogether. Your knee and hip joints are protected because walking lubricates them and strengthens the supporting muscles.

walking for weight loss

Ten Tips to Get Started Walking for Weight Loss

Now that you know the importance of regular exercise, let’s review some pointers to help you get started.

1. Start Slow and Then Choose the Best Pace

If you live a sedentary lifestyle, you’ll want to start slow. Start with walking fifteen minutes at a time, at a comfortable pace. As you become comfortable, increase the duration and intensity.

2. Use a Fitness Tracker When Walking for Weight Loss

A fitness tracker can help you identify if you’re walking long enough and at an effective pace. The tracker will also motivate you to hit your small goals each day.

3. Pay Attention to Your Posture

As you walk, make sure to keep your chin up, back straight and relaxed, and your shoulders in a natural position. Tighten your abdominal muscles and glutes as you walk, too.

4. Change Up Your Route When Walking for Weight Loss

Changing up your route will add challenge and engagement to your daily walk. You can walk in a different location, or you can try walking uphill instead of on even surfaces.

5. Set Small Goals

By setting small goals, it motivates you to achieve them each day. When the goals are realistic, you’ll go out of your way to make them happen.

6. Set Aside Time

It’s easier to accomplish your daily walk if you set aside time for it. If you don’t set aside time, it’s easy to skip your exercise session for something else.

7. Stay Hydrated and Consume a Healthy Diet

Drink a couple of cups of water before you start walking, and then another glass afterward. Following a healthy diet will boost your results, too.

8. Choose the Best Shoes While Walking for Weight Loss

If you plan on walking regularly, you’ll want to invest in a comfortable pair of walking shoes. They should have a flexible sole and a stiff heel.

9. Find Someone to Walk With

Everything is easier and more enjoyable with good company. Ask a friend, co-worker, or family member to join you whenever they can.

10. Put Your Headphones In

If you walk alone, consider wearing your headphones to listen to uplifting music. You can also listen to an audiobook or podcast instead.

walking for weight loss

Final Thoughts on Reasons to Try Walking for Weight Loss (and 10 Tips to Get Started)

Walking for weight loss is one of the best options because it’s effective and offers many benefits. It’s also easier than other exercises as you can choose your intensity each time. Set aside time each day to go for a walk to ensure you melt fat. As you become more comfortable, you’ll find enjoyment in your exercise routine and weight loss journey.

10 Things a Heartbroken Man Will Do to Heal After a Breakup

As a heartbroken man, you know the pain from a breakup is real. While society has given a stigma that men shouldn’t cry, which is far from the truth, losing someone you love can bring you to your knees. What should you do once you part ways with your partner?

The severity of pain depends on many factors, such as how long you dated, the circumstances surrounding the separation, and how in love you were with this girl. It won’t hurt nearly as harmful to end something with a person you’ve only been dating for a few weeks.

Sadly, it’s a whole different story when you’ve been together for months or even years. Men are expected to be strong, not show much emotion, and see this relationship as another notch on their belt. Thankfully, the old stereotypes are falling, by the way, and you can be free to think and feel accordingly.

Are you a woman recovering from heartbreak? We have you covered, too.  We wrote a separate guide for you because men and women display slightly different behaviors post-breakup.

Ten Things a Heartbroken Man Will Do to Heal After a Breakup

Whether you’re a man or a woman, you should know that it’s okay to hurt, and it’s certainly okay to let those emotions out. It’s unhealthy to keep pain bottled up inside without a release. Here are some specific things the heartbroken man will do to heal after this devastating blow.

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1. A Heartbroken Man Will Prepare to Move On

While it’s not ideal, the best way to get over someone is to move on with someone else. You should keep things in perspective and know that most rebound relationships don’t work. A survey conducted by Panda Gossips found that only about ten percent of rebound relationships thrive.

According to the article, they fail because of the sadness, loss of self-worth, and distress brought into the situation. When a relationship ends, you lose a piece of your heart. How can you give yourself to another relationship when you haven’t healed from the last one?

2. Get Rid of Mementos

If the relationship is done and over for good, then there’s no use in having old things of this person’s hanging around the house. The heartbroken man won’t want her clothes or jewelry around his place, and you should give them back to your ex. Seeing these things is a constant reminder of what went wrong, and you can’t deal with these things constantly staring you in the face.

3. Keep Busy

It’s not good for anyone’s mental health to stay behind four walls. Getting out and socializing will help you to move on. When a person stays home, alone with their pain, they’re not doing anything productive to get past their loss.

The best thing to do is keep living and not let depression get a foothold. When you start isolating yourself, it’s not good for your mental or physical health.

4. A Heartbroken Man Will Seek Closure

All relationships need closure. If there are unresolved issues, unanswered questions, and things that you need to settle, you need these matters resolved. Parting ways with someone you love can be traumatic, and trauma has a way of getting a grip on your heart.

You must find a way to process what you’ve been through, even if you can’t get closure. Some endings are bitter, and the other party may not be willing to part amicably. So, you must have enough courage and strength to move on in these instances.

Dr. Firestone encourages people to feel what happened and allow themselves to process the heartbreak. If you don’t, the following relationship must handle your baggage from the previous one. Getting close is a way of unpacking the suitcase so that you can have a great relationship with the next person.

5. This Failure Does Not Define You

When there’s a loss in your life, you see it as a failure. You’re only human, so it’s normal to see it as another failed attempt at happiness. However, the heartbroken man will grieve for a bit, but they won’t let this situation define them.

Breaking up with someone brings about significant changes in your life, and you need to learn to view things differently. However, it doesn’t make you any less of a person than you were before this happened. You need to adjust your reality.

6. Move Through the Grieving Process

The grieving process is something that you will experience no matter what the loss. If someone passes in your family, you lose love or experience a job loss, you still go through the same processes. Grief comes in waves; one day you may be doing great, but the next day you can hardly get out of bed.

A study conducted by Binghamton University found that men never tend entirely to recover, but they move on. They also found that most people have at least three failed relationships by the time they’re 30 years old. However, men are more apt to show anger and engage in self-destructive behaviors than women.

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7. A Heartbroken Man Will Not Backwards (Usually)

Most men don’t want to go backward. Unless the relationship was long and there were children, assets, or other strong ties, go forward. Women tend to be the ones that keep going back to a toxic situation because they don’t know how to move on from a manipulator.

However, men tend to be a bit stronger-willed during a breakup. Thus, they don’t have intense emotional ties in a relationship as women. This can help you to heal after you part ways with someone.

8. Get Counseling

It’s okay to ask for help when you’re hurting; counseling is an excellent avenue to get this assistance. More men are becoming engaged in opening up and dealing with things rather than pushing them under a rug. Since men, by nature, have a voracious appetite for intimacy, it’s better than taming their alpha male characteristics through counseling.

The last thing you need is to add more trouble to your life by getting someone pregnant or becoming emotionally attached too soon. Counseling is an excellent way to heal so that you’re ready for the next serious relationship.

9. Take Responsibility

The heartbroken man realizes that there are three sides to every story, her side, his side, and the truth. You must take responsibility for your actions to heal and move past what you’ve been through. Did you cheat on her, and it caused the split?

Perhaps, you were verbally unkind or had other traits that you brought to the relationship that drove her mad. Once you end a relationship, it’s time for some truth serum. What part of this was your fault, and how can you fix it the next time?

The key is that if you want to have a great relationship one day, you will see all the errors in this relationship as stepping stones. Maybe there are some things you need to change, but possibly breaking up was all her fault. Each situation is different, but it’s essential to analyze it and be honest.

10. A Heartbroken Man Embraces His New Single Status

While you might not like your place, you can bloom where you’re planted. Being single can be a lot of fun, and it’s great when you don’t have to answer to anyone about where you are, how much money you spend, and what time you’ll be home. Sure, it hurts when you want to be part of a couple, but when you’re married down the line, you will relish these days of freedom.

Throw caution to the wind and have some fun. Proverbs 17:22 states that a merry heart is just as good as medicine, as it’s very healing to the soul. So, when you’re out there laughing and having the time of your life, it’s a healing balm to the brokenhearted man.

Eight Things You Shouldn’t Do After a Split

You know everything you should do after you part ways with your lover, but what about the things you shouldn’t do? These things can be detrimental to you and can alter your life negatively.

Here are eight don’ts after you split from a relationship:

  1. Use social media and their friends to stalk them
  2. Jump into a rebound situation too quickly
  3. Fixate on the failures
  4. Publish your single status
  5. Say negative things about your ex
  6. Self-medicate the pain
  7. Talk about it to every single person who will listen
  8. Lose hope in your future

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Final Thoughts on the Heartbroken Man

There’re no perfect relationships, but some men feel the need to be connected to someone, whether it’s healthy or not. Remember, the only thing worse than being alone is being with someone wrong for you. While being single may not be your ideal scenario, you can certainly have fun during this phase of your life.

The worst thing you can do is lock yourself behind four walls and grieve for extended periods. Sure, it’s okay to grieve, but allow yourself time to work through it and move on. Seek companionship to help you heal and regain your confidence. For some, finding an escort trans can provide the comfort and understanding needed during this difficult time. They can offer a compassionate and non-judgmental space to express your feelings and begin the journey towards emotional recovery.

10 Behaviors That Reveal a Heartbroken Woman (and How She Will Heal)

Alfred Lord Tennyson wisely observed that it was better for people to lose a lover than to have never loved. Matters of the heart can be a blessing or a disaster, depending on the relationship. If you or someone in your circle is a heartbroken woman, what are the tell-tale signs?

A Reuters poll reveals how approximately 60 percent of Americans have experienced love at first sight. It’s that inner voice that tells them they’ve found their soulmate. However, they quickly point out that it’s probably more infatuation than committed love.

Over the years, you’ve probably been in and out of love several times. The person you thought was “the one” may not have been. No doubt, you’ve spent many nights crying yourself to sleep over someone who broke your heart.

Just because you’ve experienced breaking up many times doesn’t make it any easier. Parting ways with a lover is a significant loss, and people grieve accordingly. Even if the shattered relationship were toxic, the survivor would often feel a painful loss.

Don’t worry, gentlemen. We do not forget about your broken hearts. We have an article for you, as well. However, we separated the two posts because men and women process the loss of a relationship in very different ways.

Ten Tell-tale Behaviors of a Heartbroken Woman

Many people are private and don’t want others to know about their destroyed relationship. So, they try to put on a smile and go about their day as usual. How can you help yourself or a friend who’s going through this turmoil?

Everyone grieves and recovers differently, so there are no set guidelines. It’s essential to deal with some of the issues before they damage your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Here are ten signs of a heartbroken woman to observe.

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1. A Heartbroken Woman Feels Physically Ill

If you’ve ever been a heartbroken woman, you know it’s an apt description. When her mate has betrayed her, the mental anguish can cause physical pain. The brain goes into survival mode and dumps stress hormones into the bloodstream.

These extra hormones can result in acute headaches, digestive disorders, joint pain, and other discomforts. Ironically, a heartbroken woman may often complain of intense chest pain. If left untreated, these physical pains can lead to serious health problems.

2. She Avoids Socializing with Friends

Think back to when you and an ex-flame were always an item on the town. You were probably a social butterfly who enjoyed going out with your friends. They knew you would always be upbeat and tell them how wonderful about the beautiful person in your life.

Your social calendar probably changed after the big breakup. Women who’ve had a broken heart often avoid their friends. The subject is too hurtful to discuss, so she retreats into solitude in hopes of healing.

3. A Heartbroken Woman Can Experience Problems at Work

It’s challenging to stay strong and wear a brave face when you’re grieving over a broken relationship. If you or a friend is a recently heartbroken woman, it may take every ounce of strength to face the stress and questions at work.

You may constantly be on the verge of tears with a box of tissues at your side. It can be hard to concentrate, so that you might make simple mistakes in your tasks. Your coworkers may notice that you are uncharacteristically withdrawn and snippy.

4. A Brokenhearted Woman Might Not Care for Herself Properly

Good personal hygiene is usually a sign of a well-balanced person. It shows others that you care enough about yourself to stay clean and presentable. However, grieving over a broken relationship may interfere with your usual grooming habits.

Saying goodbye to a toxic partner can destroy your self-esteem and turn into self-loathing. You may wonder why style your hair or wear trendy clothes if nobody cares? A heartbroken woman may give up bathing and other necessary personal hygiene in worst-case scenarios.

5. She Ruminates About the Past

After a breakup with your romantic interest, it’s usual to be stuck in the past. You remember all the dinner dates, vacations, and joyful events you both shared. Unfortunately, you may also ruminate about painful conversations, vicious arguments, and cruel mistreatment.

An article published by Frontiers in Human Neuroscience explains that rumination becomes a symptom of significant depressive disorder. Perhaps you’re lost in useless thoughts of “what if” or “if only.” Staying in the shadows of the past hinders you from stepping into the light of today.

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6. A Heartbroken Woman Might Lose Her Usual Motivation

Have you always been a positive person who has goals and knows how to achieve them? People who are comfortable in their skins are usually highly motivated and dependable. If you are grieving over lost love, your drive may not be as strong.

If you or a friend is a heartbroken woman, your energy may be dwindling, and little excites you. After you say goodbye to an ex, you’re also watching your shared dreams disappear. Such pain and disappointment can be enough for you to give up on trying anymore.

You may no longer be interested in your favorite hobbies and other activities. When the ex you thought was a dream come true turns out to be a nightmare, you may stop dreaming. It can cause you to lose faith in your strengths and abilities.

7. A Brokenhearted Woman Has Changed Eating Habits

Your appetite is an excellent indicator of your physical and mental state. The grief from leaving a relationship will probably manifest on your plate. It’s why many people who are mourning a broken relationship often become malnourished.

It may seem like food has lost its appeal, and you’ve no appetite. Besides, it often reminds you of your ex’s favorite foods and dishes. It’s not unusual for a brokenhearted woman to lose weight drastically.

On the flip side, you may be an emotional eater who uses food for comfort. Thinking about your broken relationship may cause instant cravings for high-calorie comfort foods. A noticeable weight gain may also be a sign of grief.

8. Her Moods Are All Over the Place

When you and your lover have parted ways, you suddenly face a new reality. You go from “we” to “I,” and everything is different. Since romantic breakups are a significant loss, you’ll experience a host of emotional grief.

At this moment, you may feel confident as a newly single person. Later, something reminds you of your ex-lovers’ incompetence, and you’re seething with anger. You’re so frustrated with the whole situation, yet you miss them and start to cry.

These flip-flopped emotions are natural as you search for normalcy again. If your mood swings begin to disrupt your daily activities, it can signify depression. You may need professional intervention to help deal with your emotional distress.

9. A Heartbroken Women Might Not Sleep Well

According to an article published by the Centers for Disease Control, adults need about seven or more hours of sleep per night. Most people have an occasional sleepless night. However, chronic sleep deprivation can cause severe physical and mental problems.

A brokenhearted woman often has sleepless nights because of racing thoughts. Your comfortable pillow may gather your tears as you cry for what was. If you’re used to sleeping with your partner, being suddenly single can be a shock to your system.

When you’re sleep-deprived, you may drag throughout your day in a brain fog. Or maybe you’re like some brokenhearted women who sleep too much but still feel tired. Either way, grieving a breakup can cause an upset to your sleep cycles.

10. She May Develop Substance Abuse

Human beings detest pain and anxiety and do almost anything to relieve it. If you or a friend has experienced a painful breakup, your anxiety level may be unbearable. Your brain will automatically seek a remedy, such as self-medication.

The most common self-medication for hurting people is substance abuse. It’s a double-edged sword for those who have an addictive personality. After a breakup, you have a bottomless hole in your heart that needs to be filled with something.

Instead of filling the void with positive actions, many grieving people treat it with alcohol, drugs, tobacco, food, or other vices. If you are already addicted, a love loss may drive your cravings even higher and risk your health and other relationships.

How a Heartbroken Woman Picks Up the Pieces

Whoever said that time mends all wounds was sadly mistaken. Turning away from someone you used to love will leave permanent scars on your heart. There’s no magic cure that will make you feel better immediately.

If there’s any good news, it’s the reassurance that you are still beautiful and worthy of love and respect. At some point, you’ll embrace the lessons the past relationship taught you while you discard the rest. Nobody has the power to reduce your value as a person unless you give it to them.

Is someone in your circle dealing with a devastating relationship? Be there for them and actively listen without judgment. They need your presence and compassion, not your advice.

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Final Thoughts on the Healing Process of a Heartbroken Woman

Grief is often the price of loving and letting that person go. Remember that it’s okay to cry, and it’s a sign of being human with a broken heart. Once you allow yourself to grieve after a breakup, you can start your first step toward healing and loving again.

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