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6 Reasons Why Putting Things Off Only Makes Life More Difficult (How to Fix It)

Do you often procrastinate? Are you always putting things off until the last minute? Do you feel stifled by poor time management? Are there many things you need to do – so much so that you feel rushed and overwhelmed and don’t do any of them?

Putting things off this way can damage your career, health, and life experiences. You might think that it doesn’t matter as long as you get them done in the end, but it does! Here are six reasons why putting things off only makes life more complicated – and how to fix it!

Six Reasons Why Putting Things Off Only Makes Life More Difficult

Consider these six reasons why you should stop procrastinating.

1.    Putting Things Off Ruins Productivity

putting things off

Few people who put things off all the time are just putting off one task. Usually, multiple items get built up, further adding to their ever-growing to-do list. This cycle ruins productivity completely and even decreases your energy for the task, say the experts.

Indeed, some people work better under pressure. But someone with a habit of putting things off isn’t just working under pressure – they’re multitasking, avoiding, and delaying things under pressure. All of that combines into an amalgamation of chaos that zaps productivity and progress!

2.    You Could Be Misestimating Difficulty

Putting things off can only produce better-than-negative results if you accurately know how much time you need for the task. But until you get started, you won’t know how tough it is, and that false estimation can cause a lot of time management problems. Here are some ways you might be misestimating and how that affects your procrastination:

·         Underestimating

You may think it’s a task you can do last-minute since it’s so easy in appearance. But when you begin, you find that it’s way more complicated than you initially expected! This surprise means the quality of the work will be even worse, and you may not even be able to complete the task.

·         Overestimating

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when something seems very difficult. This could trigger your desire to start putting things off. But you could be overestimating how challenging that task is! If you just got started, you may realize that there’s no reason to procrastinate.

·         Not Learning To Estimate At All

The fact is that all overwhelming things become progressively less overwhelming when you stop avoiding them. A task that seems impossible will become more and more manageable the longer you spend performing it. If you only ever put things off, you’ll never learn from that positive feeling of whittling something down.

3.    There’s No Time For Relaxation

Those who are constantly putting things off never give themselves time for rest and fun. You’re also caught up thinking about the things you should be doing. Even when you’re procrastinating so you can have fun first, the knowledge of what you have to do looms in the back of your mind. It’s sure to kill any enjoyment and add to stress!

Putting things off means focusing on instant gratification even when the long-term effects are worse. Instead of toughing it out quickly for big rewards, you suffer for longer for a small, barely-there benefit. And when you’re finally done with whatever you’ve put off, you then have new things to do. The cycle repeats itself because you’re tired now and want to avoid the new task even more!

4.    Putting Things Off  Never Produces The Best Results

Some people can procrastinate and still have satisfactory or even good results. But the fact remains that putting things off always means you’re forfeiting the very best results you could have achieved. This is because:

·         Rushed Work Is Subpar Work

When you’re rushing, you get sloppy. You make more mistakes and don’t have time to properly review and check over your work. You can’t ever really be proud of the results of something rushed. Instead, you feel merely relieved that it came out okay. And that’s not a good benchmark to set! No one works well under intense time pressure.

·         Putting Things Off Might Lead You to Making Bad Decisions

Putting things off means, you don’t have time to properly think about that and update your thoughts as you go. As such, you make questionable decisions that can affect the result of your task.

·         You Don’t Have Time To Polish Things When Putting Things Off

Having a little bit of extra time to review and sharpen your work can work wonders. If all you want to do is complete a task at a bare minimum, sure, you can try rushing them at the last minute. But if you want to stand out among a crowd of others doing similar work, you need time to apply some polish!

5.    The Unexpected Can Occur

Putting things off until the last minute means you have zero time to make necessary changes and adaptations. Any unexpected event can occur that throws a wrench in your attempts to get things done.

These can be adverse events, such as a sudden emergency, a forgotten issue that comes cropping up, or even getting stuck in traffic for too long. But these can be positive events, too, such as getting the good news that distracts you or making new research discoveries. Regardless, the bottom line is that you want to have time and space for potential unintended events. You need to make room for these possibilities!

6.    Putting Things Off Can Damage Your Health

Putting things off is a habit. The more you do it, the more you’ll keep doing it – and then the more there will be for you to do! It’s a vicious cycle, and it has numerous damaging effects. Worst of all, though, is the fact that procrastination of this kind can damage your health. According to research, it does so because:

putting things off

·         It Creates Stress and Anxiety

It’s obvious how putting things off can affect your mental health. You’ll get more stressed out the more stuff you have sitting on the backburner. You’ll be more anxious when you know you’re running short on time to complete things. And when you do get them done, you’ll have cut it so close that you don’t have the chance to bask in the relaxing rewards. That’s not good for anyone’s well-being!

·         It Increases Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Individuals who procrastinate have a higher risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases. This is due to increased blood pressure from various forms of stress. Putting things off can also predispose you to further difficulties in adapting to life with these types of diseases, worsening mortality.

·         Putting Things Off Stops You From Seeking Help

When you notice a health-related issue, you need to speak to a medical professional about it. But if you’re constantly putting things off, nothing will stop you from doing the same with your health! You’ll be more likely to brush off various issues, which can exacerbate health problems to worrying levels.

Other research into procrastination and health is still ongoing, but experts believe that putting things off also:

  • Increases digestive issues
  • Causes insomnia
  • Worsens headaches and headache frequency
  • Damages immunity and heightens illness risk
  • Worsens various mental conditions

How To Fix Your Habit of Putting Things Off In 3 Effective Ways

1.    Set Goals

Studies show that setting goals can increase performance. If you’re trying to stop putting things off, try to set goals that can help push your progress forward. To do so:

·         Visualize Action

Having a clear picture of what you want to accomplish and how you want to do so is enormous when setting goals. It allows you to have a defined game plan and desire that’s easy to follow and map your way through. If you put things off because you feel you lack direction, this can already solve that problem!

·         Set A Realistic, Measurable Plan

When setting goals for productivity, make sure they’re realistic and reasonable. You should also be able to measure your progress as you go and check in with yourself with ease.

·         Optimize and Expand

Once you get into the swing of setting goals and following them, reflect on your progress. See what goals need to be changed or better adapted to suit your needs and expand on each one. You’ll soon have the perfect plan for yourself!

2.    Manage Distractions That Cause Putting Things Off

What things distract you most when you’re trying to get things done? These tools help you put things off time and time again. They might be the following:

These things can be better managed to fit into your schedule. You can use software or apps that prevent you from going on specific sites and social media platforms. You can delegate more significant tasks to those who can help you or share your responsibilities. If needed, you can even completely block out time on your schedule dedicated explicitly to things you tend to put off!

3.    Be Kind To Yourself

The reason that so many people keep putting things off is often rooted in more profound issues. You avoid performing tasks because you’re afraid you can’t do them well. You fear failure or inadequacy, so you try not to engage with things that worsen those feelings. Being kind to yourself can show you that you don’t need to avoid tasks! Here are some tips for that:

·         Don’t Demand Perfection

Perfection is impossible to achieve, and you shouldn’t be aiming for such unrealistic, lofty goals! Getting things done with flaws is better than not doing them at all. View your mistakes and errors in your tasks as a chance to learn and grow!

·         Celebrate And Reward Progress

Each step you take towards productivity is a reason to pat yourself on the back. Each goal you meet is a reason to reward yourself with something fun, enjoyable, or wanted. These types of rewards help to keep you motivated for plans and allow you to acknowledge your positive steps forward!

·         Start Your Day With Self-Care

If you often put other people’s desires above yours, try changing up your routine. Every morning, start your day with something that makes you feel good. Train yourself to love, appreciate, and value me-time and self-care for long-term productivity improvements!

putting things off

Final Thoughts On Ways To Stop Putting Things Off To Make Life Easy

Putting things off certainly makes life more difficult! By learning how to fix that habit, you’ll be able to enjoy more free time, better peace of mind, improved health, and improved performance.

When You Think Positive Here Are 15 Good Things That Can Happen

Positive thinking can improve your life in more ways than you likely realize. Most people know that positivity is beneficial, but they don’t recognize the drastic difference it can make. When you make an effort to think positive, you’re sure to experience many good things in your life.

If you want to improve your life, you must recognize the value of staying positive even when things get complicated. When you think positively, it helps you come up with a solution and see results. You won’t sit around wallowing in self-pity and negativity, so you can get things done and move forward.

Negative thinking closes your mind to other options and possibilities. The resistance to coming up with a new solution occurs because negativity triggers the fight or flight response. When that happens, it narrows your mind, limiting your choices.

Fifteen Good Things That Can Happen When You Think Positive

The fight or flight response isn’t always harmful, but it’s only necessary when you’re in a life-threatening situation. You don’t want to trigger the reaction in everyday situations or risk missing out on opportunities and experiences. By switching to positive thoughts, you’ll help yourself be open to and embrace the good things in life.

think positive

1. Think Positive to Make Better and Faster Decisions

With positive thoughts, it’s easier to make decisions. You’ll face fewer obstacles, and you won’t convince yourself that things are impossible. Rather than going back and forth trying to decide, you’ll feel confident that the choices you make are the right ones.

As you focus on the best possible options, you’ll make quicker decisions that improve your life. With quick decision-making, you’ll work faster in all situations, allowing you to be more productive.

2. It Boosts Your Immunity

Surprisingly, your mind affects your body, including your immunity. Research shows that people with a positive outlook on essential parts of their lives showed improved immunity. Positive thoughts help your mind stay calm, decreasing stress and balancing your hormones. With a normal hormonal balance, you will experience a boost in your immune system.

3. When You Think Positive, It Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem

With positive thoughts, it makes you think better of everything, including yourself. You’ll be prouder of yourself when you do something well. Plus, you’ll be more likely to use mistakes and failures as learning opportunities.

4. You’ll Have a Clearer and More Focused Perspective

With a positive approach, you’ll think practically without unwanted, distracting thoughts. You’ll be more focused and confident, helping you have a clearer perspective on all situations.

Negative thinking tends to make people panic, making them distracted and unfocused. However, positive thoughts can shift that mindset, allowing you to focus on the essential aspects.

5. It Helps You Develop Healthier Lifestyle Habits

Positive thoughts promote a healthier lifestyle by helping you develop better habits. You’ll be less stressed, meaning you turn to unhealthy substances for comfort. Likewise, you’ll have a balanced life and nutritious intake.

The decrease in stress and a more nutritious diet will only encourage more healthy lifestyle habits. You’ll have more energy, helping you become more active. It promotes regular exercise and engaging in physical activity.

6. Think Positive to Regulate Your Blood Pressure

Positive thinkers are less likely to develop high blood pressure than people who think negatively. This blood pressure fluctuation occurs because negativity triggers stress, which is a direct cause of abnormal readings.

With positive thoughts, blood pressure is more likely to remain in the normal range. When blood pressure is maintained, it also reduces other stress-related disorders.

7. It Leads to Healthy Relationships

If you’ve ever been around a negative person, you likely didn’t enjoy your time with them. Whether they talk badly about others or only focus on themselves, it’s a toxic experience. It’s normal to have negative thoughts sometimes, but when your negative thinking doesn’t stop, it doesn’t help keep positive people in your life.

Positive thoughts help you see the good in yourself and those around you. It promotes well-functioning relationships that bring satisfaction and happiness to your life. Positive thoughts don’t only help your personal relationships, either.

When you think positive, you’re also more likely to have healthy relationships with your co-workers. People like working with and being around other positive people, and it’ll draw others to you. They’ll see your positive outlook and solutions, and it’ll influence them to be the same way, too.

think positive

8. It Decreases Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

Positive thoughts decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety because it eases the feelings that accompany them. When you feel anxious, nervous, uneasy, or sad, it leads to depression and anxiety. By eliminating or reducing those feelings, you’ll experience fewer mental health issues.

By replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll begin to see solutions to your problems. It pushes away anxiety and depression, allowing you to do the best things for your life.

9. Think Positive to Promote Your Overall Well-Being

Positive thinking encourages overall wellness. You’ll be better at coping with stress, and it also benefits your physical health. It leads to a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular issues.

Additionally, positive thoughts protect you from the inflammatory damage of stress and help improve the outlook of traumatic brain injuries, strokes, and brain tumors. It will also give you more energy to do things that further benefit your health. You’ll be more active and make better health and life decisions.

10. It Makes You a Better Leader

Having positive thoughts makes you a better leader, whether you’re leading at home, at work, or in a group. No matter what you’re leading, being positive can make all the difference in how well you do it. Positive people tend to be problem solvers and don’t get overly stressed in unpredictable situations.

Additionally, positive people are more likely to be given leadership positions. If you want to be a leader or receive a promotion, you’ll want to exhibit positivity. It’s easy to recognize a positive person, and your boss will notice right away.

11. It Attracts Other Positive People into Your Life

If you don’t want to spend your time around negative people anymore, you’ll have to adjust your mindset. Negative thinking attracts negativity to you, while positive thoughts attract good things. When you think positive, it radiates from you and attracts like-minded people.

Attracting other positive people isn’t the only benefit, either. By filling your life with positive thinkers, you’ll have a support system that builds you up rather than makes you feel worse. They will also help you work through problems and give beneficial solutions that don’t harm your well-being.

12. It Makes You Resilient

While being positive boosts your immune system and makes you more resilient to illness, it also promotes resiliency in other ways. Staying positive makes you more resilient to stress and ongoing problems in your life. It makes you better at coping with and solving issues before they get out of control.

Positive thinkers can face a crisis or obstacle with strength and resolve, working their way through it. They don’t fall apart when they face stressors, and they can keep pushing forward in the face of adversity. If you can think positive, you’ll stay hopeful as you do what you can to fix the problem.

13. It Helps You Devise a Plan When You Think Positive

Negative thinking will make you think that the situation is out of your control. You’ll feel like nothing you can do to change it, even when that isn’t entirely true. However, positive thoughts can help you shift your entire mindset and come up with a plan.

Being positive allows you to open your mind to new options and plans. You’ll also be more likely to ask others for assistance and advice when necessary.

14. It Stops You from Believing That the Worst Will Happen

Negative thinking will cause you to believe that the worst-case scenario will happen every time. Even when you prove that the worst possible solution will not occur, you’ll still convince yourself otherwise. Once you can change to positive thoughts, you’ll stop believing that bad things will happen.

15. It Prevents Worrying

As a form of negative thinking, worrying can cause you to lose hope in life. Plus, the more you worry, the more stress and negativity you experience. By focusing on positive thoughts, you’ll worry less and enjoy life more.

think positive

Final Thoughts on When You Think Positive Here Are Fifteen Good Things That Can Happen

When you think positive, so many good things can happen in your life. All of the stress and hardships you deal with will become easier to handle, and some will disappear entirely. While positivity can’t cure every ailment or issue in your life, it can help.

Positive thoughts increase your health and resiliency while promoting your overall well-being. It also helps you develop healthier relationships, take on leadership roles, and do many other beneficial things.

Don’t miss out on living a fulfilling and meaningful life by wallowing in negativity. Instead, learn to think positive so that you can embrace all the happiness that life has to offer.

This is Why Introverts Outperform Others in a Crisis

Many people believe that extroverts have an advantage in most situations, but introverts outperform in a crisis. Introverts have a knack for diplomacy, problem-solving, and focusing on positivity even when things get complicated. These qualities give them the upper hand, allowing them to work through the problems and find solutions.

Both personality types are of equal importance because they enable effective team dynamics. Extraverts flourish in some situations, whereas introverts outperform in others. When the two personality types work together, it allows for different perspectives and ways of working.

Everyone has different strengths, so when an extrovert isn’t strong in a particular area, an introvert might be. When it comes to a crisis, introverts seem to flourish as this is an area of strength. Learning why introverts outperform in an emergency can help you understand their mindset better.

By learning more about why introverts are good at handling crises, you can start to develop some of their qualities, too. Even if you are an extrovert, you can take on new habits that benefit you and those around you.

What Is an Introvert?


Psychiatrist Carl Jung described introversion as more mystical and spiritual, while extroverts are more objective and practical. Introverts develop a layer of consciousness that allows them to see things that aren’t visible. They feel their energy field vibrating as they are more in tune with the inner workings of their soul.

While being more aware of energy fields is typically a good thing, it can lead to a few problems. Introverts often need time alone to recharge and prepare themselves for more interaction. This need is sometimes a problem because taking time alone isn’t always possible in some situations.

Introverts are often called shy, but that isn’t an accurate description. Many introverts love to spend time with others, but they also need to take time for solitude. However, even with their need to be alone sometimes, they outperform in crises.

What the Research Shows When Comparing Extroverts and Introverts

Research shows that extroverts only hold an advantage when the situation is easy-going. Otherwise, introverts are the ones to handle the event in the best way. Plus, in times of crisis, people are drawn to the logic of an introvert.

While extroverts make friends and allies quicker and more successfully, things change when disagreements occur. When clashes happened, people started to feel that the extroverts were too pushy and trying to dominate the group. When this mindset shift occurs, it allows introverts to outperform others.

Many extroverts behaved in a way that prolonged the conflict, whereas introverts focused on solving problems. Introverts stayed calm, contemplating a resolution that worked for everyone in the group. The demeanor of the introvert also helps others in the group focus on positivity, allowing them to outperform the extroverts.

Eleven Compelling Reasons Why Introverts Outperform Others in a Crisis

Here are a few key reasons introverts deliver results when the chips are down.

1 – They Think in Terms of The Group

Introverts tend to think of the entire group rather than how something will serve them as an individual. They don’t make decisions based on what will make them look best. Instead, they come up with solutions to help the entire group become successful.

Extroverts often think in more self-serving and materialistic ways. They want to do what will work out best for them, even if it isn’t best for the entire group.

2 – They Often Listen Better, Equipping Them to Outperform Others

In times of crisis, extroverts listen less because they immediately jump into action. While jumping into action could be a good thing, it sometimes backfires. When things are going wrong, it’s essential to take a minute to think and listen to others.

On the other hand, introverts take the time to listen to input from the other people involved. Since everyone must work together to overcome the problem, they value the input from everyone. When everyone has the chance to contribute to a plan, they’ll think of more inspiring solutions.

3 – Introverts Outperform Because They Usually Ask More Questions

Introverts tend to ask more questions than other people to get a better understanding of what happened. They want to know how things happened and why, and they want to know what methods have already been attempted. Likewise, they want to know what other people think of the situation.

When they ask questions, it helps everyone else collectively solve problems together. Everyone involved spends time brainstorming the issue rather than waiting for someone else to figure out an answer.

4 – They Speak Purposefully

Introverts don’t say things to fill the silence, so it’s with a purpose when they speak. It helps them, and the people around them stay focused on overcoming the crisis. In these situations, the fewer words that are spoken, the better.

Extroverts often give many instructions, and their overuse of words confuses the others. Since introverts don’t do this, they are the best personality type in a crisis. Their communication is more effective since they are purposeful about what they say.

5 – They are Perceptive and Embrace Silences

Introverts spend time observing what is going on around them. They notice things about the people around them, and they take in details that other people don’t.

When they notice things, they don’t blurt them out right away. Instead, they take their time to think the matter over and address the situation. They don’t make quick judgments or say things to fill silences because they like to use that time to consider first.

recharge batteries

6 – They Lead People to Solutions

Introverts don’t want to tell others what to do because they’d rather lead others to their own solutions. As they work to teach others, it encourages engagement within the group. Then, everyone feels like they’ve had a choice in the matter, making the solution more effective moving forward.

When everyone feels like they played a role, they’ll work harder to overcome the crisis, allowing introverts to outperform. On the other hand, extroverts ask questions and say things to nudge others toward a solution the extrovert wants.

7 – They Outperform Others in Communication

The way that introverts handle a crisis affects everyone around them. Other people will notice the calm, thoughtful way an introvert addresses the issue and comes up with a solution. Their behavior will make the other people involved trust them, helping everyone work together for the greater good.

8 – They Outperform in a Crisis Because They Love to Help Others

Introverts don’t only offer solutions and help out when they are directly affected. They also look around them to see if anyone else needs help. This mindset is beneficial in a crisis because no one should be left behind to struggle alone.

Extroverts tend to jump into action without paying attention to anyone around them. While this behavior is beneficial in some situations, it isn’t helpful during a crisis. An introvert will be more likely to come to the aid of others rather than focusing on themselves.

9 – They Don’t Look to Others to Solve Their Problems

While introverts ask questions and want the input of others in a group setting, they don’t rely on them for their solution. If no one else has a beneficial idea, the introvert takes it upon themselves to come up with a good one. They spend time in introspection and avoid making rash decisions to get it over with.

Introverts look within for their answers, and they don’t depend on anyone else to come up with a solution for them. They are self-reliant and dependent on themselves for the answers because they can’t let a problem go unsolved.

10 – They Outperform Others in Conflict Resolution

Introverts don’t like conflict, and they do whatever they can to avoid it. However, they know they must deal with it in times of crisis. While some people might get upset and cause the conflict to worsen, introverts find a middle ground to ease the situation.

Introverts are good listeners, allowing the upset person to vent and voice their concerns. They want to understand everyone’s perspective before forming a judgment or making a decision.

11 – They Are Empathetic

Empathy is essential in a crisis, and introverts are the perfect people to handle it. Introverts have a better understanding of how other people feel because they are in tune with their emotions. Introverts can recognize pain or unease in others and show compassion every time.

As compassionate people, introverts are observant and analyze every situation. This mindset allows them to show kindness and consideration to everyone, especially in hard times. Introverts don’t want anyone to suffer alone, so they’re always there to offer sympathy.


Final Thoughts on Why Introverts Outperform Other Personality Types in a Crisis

When you’re in a crisis, it’s essential to have an introvert or two around you. If you aren’t an introvert yourself, find someone and work with them whenever you can. Since introverts outperform extroverts in a crisis, it’s best to have their skills handy.

However, if there are no introverts around when a crisis occurs, try to think as they would. Use some of the things mentioned here and apply them to your thought process. If you can think like an introvert during a crisis, you might have more luck successfully getting through it.

Having a mix of introverts and extroverts work together can be the most beneficial option. While extroverts outperform in some areas, the diplomacy of introverts can be best during hard times. They’ll also help everyone around them feel comfortable, making it easier to manage the situation.

How to Quit a Job Without Burning Bridges (In 10 Easy Steps)

It’s normal to quit a job and move on to something new or better. However, burning bridges when you quit your job could harm your reputation and cause problems in your future. Rather than leaving on a negative note, you can quit without burning bridges by following these ten tips.

People leave their jobs because they are burned out, reassessing their careers, don’t like their boss, or want to get paid more. Whatever the reason for leaving your job, you’ll want to do it right so that you don’t leave on bad terms. Later on, you might need a reference or job to fall back to, and you’ll always want previous employers to speak highly of you.

You never know who your boss knows, so a negative reputation can severely impact your future career options. If you plan on staying in the same industry, you’re even more likely to run into people you used to know. You never want to put yourself in a position where your professional reputation is questioned or put on the line.

Quitting your job can be hard because it is complicated and uncomfortable. No matter why you’re choosing to leave, you want to think long-term and avoid leaving negative feelings behind. Luckily, there are ten steps you can follow in quitting a job without burning bridges.

Before You Even Think About Burning Bridges, Consider These Things…

Before making your life-altering decision, consider these things.

burning bridges

Think About What You Want

If you like your job but want a higher salary or better benefits, you might be able to negotiate it. Likewise, if you want a more flexible work schedule, consider talking to your boss about it. If you like your current job, it’s worth asking for what you want or need.

Plan Ahead

Consider your long-term goals before you quit your job. Determine where you want to end up and ensure you find a job that leads you on the right path. Don’t take the first job that comes along because you’ll end up right back where you are right now.

Choose a job that will bring you joy and help you reach your long-term goals. Do this before you quit your current job so that you have something beneficial lined up already.

Remember That You Set the Tone

Some of your coworkers will try to figure out why you’re leaving the company. They might not take your answer at face value and try to find clues to something more sinister. If you can remember that you set the tone in this situation, it’ll help you leave without burning bridges.

Before you even tell your manager that you’re quitting, make sure you go to work with a positive attitude. Don’t let on that anything is wrong or it can cause conflict and rumors at the end of your employment.

How to Quit a Job Without Burning Bridges

Now that you are sure it’s time to make a career move, be sure to stay calm and professional.

1. Determine the Best Time

When it comes to quitting without causing long-term issues, timing is everything. You don’t want to quit your job in the middle of a major project or assignment, and you don’t want to do it when you have lots of uncompleted tasks. If you quit in the middle of these tasks, it could lead to burning bridges.

When deciding on the best timing, the ethical thing to do is to think about your boss. You don’t want to leave them in a bind if you can help it, and you don’t want to leave anything hanging.

2. Give Enough Notice So You’re Not Burning Bridges

Giving enough notice ensures that your old company is left hanging. While you might be eager to start your new position, you’ll want to be honest and tell them that you need at least two weeks. Your new employer will admire your professionalism, even if they are disappointed that you can’t start immediately.

You will want to give at least two weeks’ notice, but more is sometimes necessary. Giving notice gives your employer time to look for a replacement and prepare for your leave. You’ll want to be flexible and work longer than the two weeks if necessary.

When determining how much notice you should give, consider the importance of your position. If you are higher up in the organization or have been there a long time, you’ll want to figure out how much time you need to extricate yourself.

3. Tell Your Boss First

Your boss should know that you are quitting before anyone else in the company hears about it. Likewise, they should hear it from you in person before they receive a resignation letter in their email. Set up a meeting early in the day to talk to your boss about your decision.

Setting it up early in the day gives your boss a chance to think about your leave before they head home for the day. You don’t want them sitting at home thinking about a resignation you gave minutes before the end of their day.

Once you tell your boss, ask them when and how to tell the other employees. Your boss might want to do it themselves, or they might tell you that it’s fine for people to know right away. Talking to your boss first and asking for their input on telling others shows how thoughtful and professional you are.

burning bridges

4. Write a Resignation Letter

You should have your resignation letter written before telling your boss, but wait to turn it in until afterward. It’s always best to tell your supervisor in person, but you still must put it in writing. In your letter, include when you would like your last day to be and express gratitude for the opportunity.

Be sure to mention that your experience with the company will guide you moving forward. The company will like to know that they had a beneficial impact on your life, and it’ll leave them with good feelings.

5. Stay Professional and Polite (Rude Behavior Is a Common Way of Burning Bridges)

One of the best ways to be professional when you quit a job is by making it clear that you enjoyed your time. Even if you didn’t love everything about your job, now isn’t the time to list every bad experience you had. Instead, tell them that you’ll miss working with them but that you can’t pass up this great opportunity.

While you don’t have to explain, giving some reason is polite. If the truth about why you’re leaving isn’t a pleasant one, use another answer instead. You can say that you were offered something perfect for you or that you want to take time to reprioritize your wellbeing.

6. Think About How You Want to Tell Your Coworkers

Once your boss knows you’ve turned in your resignation letter, you must tell your coworkers. As mentioned before, it’s best to ask your boss if they want to approach it in a specific way.

If your boss doesn’t want to control that conversation, then you’re free to speak to your coworkers about it. Think about how you will tell them before you begin so that you don’t say something you’ll regret.

7. Leave a Good Impression

When you’re quitting a job, you might be low on motivation and ready to go. However, work your hardest until the very end so that you leave a good impression. Another part of leaving a good impression is tying up any loose ends and attending meetings

Additionally, make sure you leave your desk clean and tidy. Remove all of your items and wipe everything down so that it’s ready for the next person. Leaving a good impression can help you avoid developing a negative reputation.

8. Trash Talk the Company Is a Sure Way of Burning Bridges

You won’t love every job you have, and you might not get along with all of your coworkers. If this is the case for you, it is still essential that you don’t talk badly about the company or the people who work there.

Stay ethical, and remember that karma will catch up with you if you can’t say kind things. Remember, you’re leaving anyway, so there’s no point in burning bridges by saying bad things as you leave.

9. Offer to Help Find and Train Your Replacement

If you’ve been at your company for a while, your boss might need you to detail your job description. They might not remember each task you are responsible for, let alone how to do it. By giving them these details, it’ll help them find a good replacement for you.

Additionally, offer to help with the transition by sticking around long enough to train the new employee. It’s a little more work for you, but it’s a professional way to end things with your current employer.

10. Stay in Touch with Your Old Boss and Coworkers

Even if you aren’t friends with your old boss and coworkers, staying in touch is still a good idea. The more contacts you have, the better off you’ll be in the long run. You never know when you will have to encounter them, so it’s best to prevent awkwardness and ill feelings.

burning bridges

Final Thoughts on How to Quit a Job Without Burning Bridges

Quitting a job isn’t easy, but you can do it without burning bridges. You never know when you will have to encounter your old boss or coworkers, so it’s best to ensure things end on a good note. You never know what the universe has ahead–so keep that door open just a little.

Stay professional and polite, and ensure you finish any ongoing work before leaving. By following these ten steps, you can leave a good impression as you move on to your future endeavors.

How Self-Knowledge Is a Superpower (And How to Unlock It)

Self-knowledge is a broad term that describes everything you know about the contents of your mind. You know that you must pay your bills, that you’re experiencing a particular feeling, and that you want your loved ones to be safe. These little bits of information that run through your mind are called your self-knowledge.

Your self-knowledge goes far beyond the little details of your life, as it includes your emotional intelligence and intuition. Additionally, it includes your purpose, values, vision, goals, and motivations. This knowledge is things that you have discovered for yourself, not the things that have been told to you by others.

If you can get in touch with your intuition, it becomes a superpower that you can use at any time. Once you find out how to unlock it, your life can be better than ever before, and your intuition will improve. It brings balance and peace to your life while making you more intuitive.

Knowing how self-knowledge is a superpower is the first step in unlocking it. You might be surprised by how well your inner knowledge can benefit your life. Plus, it goes much deeper than you likely realize right now.

How Self-Knowledge Is a Superpower


You know things about the content of your mind that other people can’t know unless you tell them. This unique knowledge is highly secure even if you share it because no one else understands it the way you do. For instance, when a friend notices that you’re in pain, they recognize it on a different level than you.

The privileged access to your mind is valuable because it’s necessary for control. You must keep some facts private and be picky about who you reveal them to. Choosing who you share your thoughts with gives you control over that information, but there are other benefits, too.

1 – Self-Knowledge Makes Other People Rely on You

One reason that self-knowledge is a superpower is that other people have to rely on you for information. Once you gain privileged access, you can solve problems that other people can’t. You’ll become a valuable asset that everyone wants on their team.

2 – You Can Accomplish Tasks Without Interference

When you have information that no one else has, you can accomplish things without anyone knowing about it. Sometimes other people will try to interfere if they understand what you are up to, whether for self-serving purposes or another reason. If you want to avoid any interference, keeping your secure knowledge to yourself is essential.

For instance, it’s easier to help someone if they don’t know that you think they aren’t very good at it. If the person knew you felt this way, they wouldn’t accept your help or listen to your guidance. In this instance, you want to help them and see them succeed, even if your inner thoughts tell you that they won’t.

3 –  Self-Knowledge Allows You to Build Your Life the Way You Want

Your inner knowledge can help you build the life of your dreams. If you only had the wisdom given to you by others, you’d never know what you truly want in life. You’d spend your life building on other people’s desires instead of your own.

You can determine what you want most when you unlock your knowledgeable superpower. You can go down whatever path you want in life and make choices based on your mind. Building the life that you want also prevents you from becoming too attached to anything that can disappear from your life.

4 – It Helps You Make Sense of Your Experiences

Secure knowledge helps you learn and make sense of your experiences. It can help you learn more about your patterns, gut reactions, and preferences concerning the events of your life. As you begin to understand your mind and behaviors, it helps you stay in control.

5 – It Connects Self-Perception and How Others Perceive You

If you don’t understand your secure knowledge, you might miss out on how others perceive you. While other people’s opinions don’t matter, acknowledging them can help you connect. Sometimes the opinions of others hold some truth, potentially contradicting your self-perception.

By having the connection between self-perception and the perception of others, you can assess some of your behaviors. It prevents you from becoming delusional about your skills in qualities, preventing embarrassment later on.

Comparing your self-perception to outside perception can ensure that your perception is built on a solid foundation. Then, you can trust that others won’t be surprised when they get to know the real you.

6 – Self-Knowledge Helps You Avoid Irrational Whims

If you know your secure thoughts, you likely know your unproductive patterns. With this knowledge, you can learn to control your unhelpful impulses and make better choices. Your unconscious whims don’t have to be a surprise when you know yourself and your inner thoughts well.

These thoughts can keep you from repeating past patterns and help you form healthier habits. While your gut reaction might be to give in to your irrational whims, your secure knowledge will prevent it.

7 – It Helps You Be Proactive

You’ll be more proactive about events in your life if you understand your knowledge. Knowing your patterns, triggers, pleasures, and other details can help you recognize your feelings.

By recognizing your feelings as they happen, you won’t be as controlled by them. Then, you can focus on finding a solution or making a positive move forward.

8 – It Improves Your Chances of Making Good Choices

When you unlock your knowledge, it helps you become more intuitive and make beneficial life choices. It allows you to take control and understand the next best step. When you apply your knowledge, you can confidently do what is right in each situation.


How to Unlock Your Gift of Self-Knowledge

Now that you know how useful it is to tune into your thoughts more often, how do you access them?

1 – Become Self-Aware

Unlocking your knowledge is only possible if you are self-aware. It would help if you recognized your patterns and day-to-day behaviors to become aware of who you are. Being self-aware allows you to identify your values, too, as they’ll continue to pop up in the important things.

You won’t always know every detail about yourself because you’re constantly changing. As long as you continue trying to understand yourself, you’ll be able to unlock your knowledge. Try asking yourself questions about who you are and the thoughts you have as a way to boost your self-awareness.

2 – Think About What You Want for The Future

Thinking about what you want in the future will help you unlock some of your inner knowledge. Thinking about the future encourages you to think deeper about who you are and what you’re good at. As you spend time reflecting, you’ll begin to summon up some of the knowledge you have that no one else does.

Thinking of your future helps trigger your knowledge because the information plays a role in what you want in life. If you didn’t have the information, you might want something entirely different for your future.

Think about your friends or loved ones. They likely don’t want the same future that you want. You each want different things because of the differing knowledge in your mind.

3 – Acknowledge That You Are More Than One Identity

If you force yourself to show only one part of your identity, you suppress much of your knowledge. You aren’t only an employee, spouse, or mother, but you are all of those things and more. Different identities live inside you, and you must foster them all if you want to unlock your knowledge.

Acknowledging that you are more than one identity does more than unlocks the secure knowledge you have right now. It also helps you unlock new bits of information that you can store along with the rest. Honing in on more than one area of your life also opens you up to new opportunities and experiences.

4 – Date Yourself

You can learn much about yourself when you spend time alone at home. However, when you date yourself, you can know even more.

Taking yourself on a date requires that you set aside specific time to do something they enjoy. It also allows you to think about your past, feelings, and future.

Taking time out of your busy schedule to date yourself prevents your brain from becoming cluttered with information. Then, as your brain clears, it’ll unlock your secure knowledge, allowing you to think of things you hadn’t before. You can only get to know yourself on this level when you consciously take the time to date yourself.


Final Thoughts on How Self-Knowledge Is a Superpower (And How to Unlock It)

As you develop and grow, you’ll learn more about yourself and the world around you. Many things you learn will be self-knowledge that no one else understands on the level you do. You can choose to keep this knowledge to yourself or share it with others but, either way, you’re still the one with the most profound wisdom.

You can use these secure thoughts to your advantage as they can be a mighty superpower. To reap the benefits, you must learn how to unlock them. Using these tips can help you get started, allowing you to embrace all the benefits.

15 Surprising Benefits of Daily Meditation Practice (#6 is the Best)

Meditation practice is a powerful tool that helps you be present at the moment and flush the negativity from your system. How many times can you say that you’re honestly present in the here and now? You may be sitting here, but your mind is a million miles away.

Being scatterbrained is very common in today’s society. While you’re at work, your mind wanders to what you will make for dinner, the kid’s music recital at seven pm, and trying to get them home and settled by bedtime at ten pm. You never stop, but meditation gives you a chance to pause, reflect, clear your mind, and relax.

If you believe there are no medical benefits to this practice, you would be mistaken. According to Harvard Medical School, you should see a difference in your overall stress levels and even blood pressure in as little as a week. They also report that it’s a natural way to alleviate some mental health issues, and it can be as strong as antidepressants.

When you meditate, you’re utilizing a cognitive system that allows you to enhance your mind, body, and spirit. Mentally speaking, you’re deepening things like your reflection, insight, and self-regulation. Don’t worry, and there are some physical benefits too.

Meditation practice can help you recover faster from illness, boost your immunity, increase your relaxation abilities, and decrease pain in your body.

Fifteen Surprising Benefits of Daily Meditation Practice

If you’re ready to begin a meditation practice to help enhance your life, then here is a list of the 15 best benefits that can certainly help you.

daily meditation

1. Daily Meditation Practice Can Improve Your Focus and Concentration

When you’re stressed and depressed, it’s only natural that you have a challenging time focusing and concentrating on tasks. Regulating your attention is no easy task, but it’s something you can train yourself to do. Meditation practices can help you to strengthen your attention muscle and give you cognitive flexibility.

2. Set Effective Boundaries and Learn to Say No

Why is it so hard for people to say No? It seems easier to cave in these types of situations than to decline an invitation. You think everyone wants you to go with the flow.

Meditation helps you learn a conservative perspective, and it gives you the courage to tackle those uncomfortable situations. Some research shows that it can help you to improve communication as well as become more assertive when necessary.

3. Daily Meditation Practice May Ward Off Depression

If you struggle with recurring depression, meditation practice may be the answer. Since there are several different types of mediation, you can find the one that works best for you. You can learn how to apply mindfulness practices and give yourself a refined understanding of the condition.

Mindfulness comes naturally in meditation, and this is something many therapists teach in cognitive-behavioral and dialectal behavioral therapy to help with mental health issues.

4. Fall Asleep Quicker

How long does it take you to fall asleep? Do you stare at the clock for hours before you drift off to dreamland? After a stressful day, it takes you time to shut your rain off to rest.

Have you ever heard the statement “Tired but wired?” Your body is so tired, but your mind won’t shut down to let you rest. Meditation can help you clear out all the day’s negativity and bring in some positivity. Thankfully, you can do a quick session before bed to help you prepare for sleep.

5. Enjoy Intimacy More

When you enjoy intimate moments with the one you love, you gain a few benefits from being mindful. You’re honing your ability to train your attention to be right on that person and not wandering miles away. You’ll find romance is much better when you’re 100 percent engaged.

6. Daily Meditation Practice Can Help You Lose Weight

How many times have you heard that losing weight is mind over matter? If you struggle with the battle of the bulge, you need to get your head in the game. What better way to get yourself ready for a lifestyle change than through meditation practice?

When you mindlessly eat, you’re binging based on emotions, and it’s easy to lose track of how much you’ve consumed. However, learning to be more mindful can help you control bad habits like eating, which leads to weight loss.

7. Be a Better Listener

How is your communication with your spouse, employers, kids, and friends? Is there room for improvement? You know meditation helps you to be more mindful. Still, according to a study done at The University of Minnesota, this can be quite effective in enhancing your listening and communication skills.

Through the meditation practice, you learn to develop your ability to describe and observe better. Who knew deep breathing could have all these benefits?

meditation practice

8. Stick with Your Goals

Do you have a problem with setting and sticking to your goals? You’re not alone. However, when you engage in regular meditation sessions that work on being mindful, it can help give you a sense of self-sufficiency. Through this practice, you’re learning to lower common obstacles that get in the way of achieving everything you attain.

9. Daily Meditation Practice May Help You Become More Assertive

Being assertive isn’t always a bad thing. If you learn to channel these feelings, you can learn to let people know where you stand at all times. When it comes to your mental health, your ability to be assertive can serve you well, especially since you don’t hold things inside.

10. Regulate Your Temper

If you’re a person who has a challenging time regulating your temper, then meditation might be just what you need. Do you ever wonder how you can get along with your family and coworkers better? If you have unchecked anger issues, it can be a big issue in all areas of your life.

Your temper can grind down a relationship and cause all sorts of problems in the aftermath. Some experts believe that meditation can help you reduce your aggressive responses, improving your connections.

11. Lower Blood Pressure

You know your blood pressure is imperative for helping control your risk of cardiovascular disease. Daily meditation can help you lower your hypertension by easing stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Along with some lifestyle changes, it’s one of the best ways to alleviate this issue in the body.

12. Lessen Worry and Anxiety

When you worry too much, it can cause many mental health problems. Did you know that there’s a specific practice geared towards generalized anxiety? If you’re an anxious person by nature, it’s because you worry too much about things that probably will never happen.

Learning to control your anxiety can be quickly done when you know to be present at the moment and to counteract that chronic worry, and it can all be done through meditation.

13. Daily Meditation Practice Helps You Be a Better Leader

Do you want to be an effective leader, learn to communicate better, not lead by frustration, and slow down and carefully assess every situation? You can learn to do all of that through the power of breathing deeply and releasing angst. Meditation helps you to channel your leadership qualities.

14. Lower Your Stress Levels

You can’t escape stress, but you can control what you do with it. Life is so busy and full that it’s easy to have those feelings where you can’t catch your breath. While meditation and being mindful can’t change the amount of stress in your life, it can give you ways to respond better and calm yourself.

15. Intensify Your Spiritual Life

Perhaps, one of the most significant benefits of daily meditation is developing a deeper connection with the divine. It’s during these quiet moments that you can feel the Universe speak to your spirit and instruct you. Enhancing your spiritual connection will help you in all aspects of your life.

meditation practice

Final Thoughts on Benefits of Daily Meditation Practice

Life is so chaotic and stressful that you must find healthy ways to release all the pressure. Meditation is an excellent tool because it allows you to expel all the negativity you’ve got inside, and it makes you a more well-rounded person. If you struggle with being mindful and present at the moment, you’re not alone.

You’re pulled in many directions throughout the day, and you wonder what you can do to keep your focus and stay present. One of the many meditation practices that can help you channel your energies to remain in the moment. This will enhance your relationships, intimacy, work, and many other aspects of your life.

If nothing else, meditation allows you to stop, pause for a few moments, and practice deep breathing. You feel amazing after a session, and some of the guided ones are just what you need at the moment. Plus, you can do these little sessions anywhere you need to stop and refocus for a few minutes. Isn’t it time you start meditating?

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