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15 Quotes to Help You Find Your Spiritual Path

Your spiritual path leads to the uncovering of the greatness that already exists within you. The journey requires connections with love, the universe, and with your soul. It also involves releasing, embracing, expanding, transforming, and living in the present moment.

No matter what has happened in your life, you can heal yourself by finding your spiritual path. If you listen to your intuition and seek answers within, you will be well on your way. Whether you use prayer, meditation, or something else on your life journey, self-reflection is still essential.

While finding and following your spiritual journey, you might experience setbacks or obstacles along the way. If you lose your way or struggle to stay on track, reading quotes can help you return to your spiritual path. These quotes offer inspiration and motivation from those who have been through it before.

Some of the quotes might resonate with you more than others, so take what you need right now. You might want to write the quotes down in a place you’ll often see as a reminder throughout the day. The quotes will help you get in touch with your inner being, urging you along on your spiritual path.

Fifteen Quotes to Help You Find Your Spiritual Path

spiritual path

1. “Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.” – Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

Finding your way requires that you look within and get in touch with who you are. Recognize that everything happens for a reason, and it is up to you to discover the answers.

Even if you can’t see it at the time, everything that happens is a benefit to your life in some way. If you can remember this quote and view every event as a step in the right direction, you’ll get far on your spiritual journey.

2. “Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself.” – Hermann Hesse

Your spiritual journey is all about finding and becoming the best version of yourself. Anytime you need guidance, look within and take advantage of the still and sanctuary that Hesse mentions. In the stillness, you can find all of the answers you need, or you can spend time disconnecting from the stressors around you.

3. “If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” – Amit Ray

This quote is sure to help you along on your spiritual journey because it reminds you of an essential part of your life. If you can learn to live in the moment and embrace every second, you’re sure to overcome your struggles.

4. “When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you.” – Stephen Richards

You can’t control what happens in the world around you, but you can work to make sense of it. However, you can’t look out into the world for the answers.

Instead, you must look within to understand the disturbances around you, as Richards explains. When you learn to connect to your inner-solitude for answers, your spiritual journey becomes clear.

5. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi

Things don’t always go as planned, and you’ll experience pain and heartbreak sometimes in life. Rather than thinking of your wound as a hole that you must fill, try remembering this quote instead. If you think of the pain as a place for light to come in, you’ll be more open to positivity during your life journey.

6. “I think 99 times and find nothing. I stop thinking, swim in silence, and the truth comes to me.” – Albert Einstein

If you think about things too much, you can’t come up with any answers, and you’ll likely confuse yourself. When this happens to you, remember these wise words from Einstein. Rather than overthinking, try meditating and sitting in silence to allow the best answer to come to you.

7. “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.” – Eckhart Tolle

Everything that happens in your life serves a purpose. If you aren’t sure what you need right now, take a look around and think about the events of your present life. Each situation is the experience you need to guide you along in your spiritual journey. By living in the present, you allow yourself to embrace each learning opportunity.

emotional cleanse

8. “You have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” – Louise Hay

All of your negative self-thoughts or spoken words of criticism haven’t helped you in life. Rather than continuing with that mindset, try shifting to one of positivity instead. Focus on positive thoughts and self-talk, and you’ll quickly notice a difference in your life.

9. “We spend a lot of time judging ourselves harshly for feelings that we had no role in summoning. The only thing you can control is how you handle it.” – Dan Harris

As Harris explains, people spend too much time judging themselves for having feelings. You can’t always control the emotions that start to come in, but you can control how you handle them. Stop judging yourself and start focusing on a positive solution.

10. “Pay attention to your patterns. The ways you learned to survive may not be the ways you want to continue to live. Heal and shift.” – Dr. Thema Bryant Davis

When you want to find your path, one of the essential things is to shift your lifestyle. You must pay attention to your patterns and determine which ones aren’t serving you. Then, make a conscious decision to heal from your old way of thinking and shift to something new.

11. “You will never be able to escape from your heart. So, it is better to listen to what it has to say.” – Paulo Coelho

Your heart and soul will always be with you, so it’s best to listen to them in every situation. If you follow your heart, you’re sure to find your path in life.

12. “Compassion is even more powerful than courage. Sure, with courage you can conquer a world – but only with compassion can you heal and build it.” – Rasheed Ogunlaru

Being courageous is excellent, but being compassionate is even more powerful. Compassion can help you heal, and it can help heal others. Plus, it can rebuild damaged things, helping repair your life foundation. Focus on compassion, and you will find your spiritual path every time.

13. “The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.” – Caroline Myss

You’ve likely experienced your soul and mind being at odds with one another. Deep down, you know what you want or need, but your thoughts interfere and make you question yourself. The next time it happens, remember this quote to help silence your mind so you can listen to your soul. When you can do that, you will quickly experience healing.

14. “You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” – Swami Vivekananda

When you want to find your spiritual path, you must look within. Spirituality is not something you can learn from another person or an outside source. It’s all about looking within and listening to your soul.

15. “Pure awareness transcends thinking. It allows you to step outside the chattering negative self-talk and your reactive impulses and emotions. It allows you to look at the world once again with open eyes. And when you do so, a sense of wonder and quiet contentment begins to reappear in your life.” – Mark Williams

With awareness, you can remove yourself from negativity and look at things differently. You can look at the world and see all the beauty and wonder out there. When you can see the world positively with openness, you’ll find your path in life.

spiritual path

15 Quotes to Help You Find Your Life Journey

Finding your spiritual path can open you up to many possibilities and experiences in life. You’ll feel happier and more fulfilled as your life takes on more meaning.

Consider implementing meditation and prayer to guide you on your journey of spirituality. Both options help you look within and listen to your soul while eliminating negative thoughts.

Whether you add meditating and praying to your routine or you find other ways to connect within, these quotes can help you. These quotes can help you find your spiritual path and stay on it throughout your life journey.

15 Harriet Tubman Quotes You Will Never Forget

As a former enslaved person turned abolitionist, Harriet Tubman went through more than most of us could ever imagine. Tubman worked as a political activist who helped free hundreds of enslaved people and contributed to the early civil rights measures. However, she had to courageously escape and leave her life and loved ones behind before helping others escape to freedom.

Harriet Tubman is most famously known for her role in the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a network of activists and safe houses leading people to freedom. Aside from risking her life to save others, she also worked as a spy in the Civil War and was the first woman in America to lead a military expedition.

When Harriet Tubman died in 1913, she left behind a legacy of courage and freedom in American history. She never gave up on looking for something bigger, helping others along the way. Tubman pushed on, no matter what obstacles stood in her way, never letting anyone or anything stop her.

You can use Tubman’s quotes to find inspiration and motivation to push for the things that inspire you. These quotes can also serve as a reminder of the importance of civil rights and leadership today. Despite her hard life, Tubman stayed positive and never gave up.

Fifteen Harriet Tubman Quotes You Will Never Forget

harriet tubman

1. “I would fight for my liberty so long as my strength lasted, and if the time came for me to go, the Lord would let them take me.”

Tubman made it clear that she would fight for liberty until the end. She never gave up and explained the only way she would quit was if it wasn’t her choice anymore. Her words proved to be true in her real life, as she continually risked her life for liberty and doing the right thing.

2. “I had crossed the line. I was free; but there was no one to welcome me to the land of freedom. I was a stranger in a strange land, and my home, after all, was down in Maryland; because my father, my mother, my brothers, and sisters, and friends were there. But I was free, and they should be free.”

When Harriet Tubman crossed the line into the land of freedom, it wasn’t as joyous as we might believe. As she reached the strange land, she had no one to greet her and bring comfort to her. All of Tubman’s friends and family were back home, in the place she escaped from.

While Tubman found freedom, she recognized that everyone else should be free, too. This quote can show that when you feel passionate about something, you can dedicate your life to making it happen. When you know something is wrong, you shouldn’t assume you can’t do anything because there is always a way.

3. “Most of those coming from the mainland are very destitute, almost naked. I am trying to find places for those able to work, and provide for them as best I can, so as to lighten the burden on the Government as much as possible, while at the same time they learn to respect themselves by earning their own living.”

Harriet Tubman helped others in so many ways. She didn’t help them cross the border into freedom and then never see them again. Instead, she helped them find safety, and then did whatever she could to guide them to success.

Tubman recognized the importance of allowing everyone to earn a living and make a life for themselves. When individuals can respect themselves, they can go on to do great things. The next time you encounter someone who needs help, this quote will likely pop into your mind.

4. “The majority of slaves struggled against this tide of indifference to their desires. They engineered love matches and cemented unions with ceremonies.”

This quote explains how human nature prevails no matter what the situation is. As Tubman describes, enslaved people tried to fight the abject lack of interest in their desires. But it was a constant struggle. They formed natural connections to others, fell in love, and started families.

This quote is one you’ll never forget because it shows that everyone has the same desires in life. Even those in unfair situations want to live a happy, fulfilling, and meaningful life.

5. “I had reasoned this out in my mind; there was one of two things I had a right to—liberty or death. If I could not have one, I would have the other; for no man should take me alive.”

Harriet Tubman had to make a tough choice between finding freedom or dying in the process. She recognized that she deserved a better life and decided to go after what she could have.

With that mindset, nothing could hold her back, and she reached her goals. Not only does this quote serve as a reminder of the importance of liberty, but it reminds you never to give up.

6. “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

You can’t achieve great things if you never dream of them first. Permit yourself to dream, and don’t hold back. If you can look within and find strength, patience, and passion, you can change the world and reach your dreams.

7. “If you hear the dogs, keep going, if you see the torches in the woods, keep going, if there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.”

Tubman and those she rescued had to watch out for dogs, torches, and other dangerous situations. She encouraged others to keep going, no matter what, and they didn’t stop for anyone or anything. While your problem will never compare to the horrors she faced, you can still use Tubman’s wisdom and keep going until you get what you want.

8. “I have heard their groans and sighs, and seen their tears, and I would give every drop of blood in my veins to free them.”

Tubman made it to freedom but couldn’t ignore those who were still suffering. She knew what they were going through and saw their pain, so she did everything possible to help them. If you remember this quote, you’ll never hesitate to jump in and help others in their time of need.

harriet tubman

9. “Slave parents lived in abject terror of separation from their children. This fear, perhaps more than any other aspect of the institution, revealed the deeply dehumanizing horror of slavery.”

Of all the terrors that enslaved people encountered, constantly fearing separation from their children was one of the most dehumanizing. The joyous moments of having a child and watching them grow became clouded by the worry that separation could occur at any moment. You will never forget this Harriet Tubman quote because it shows the deep heartbreak that they experienced.

10.  “I am at peace with God and all mankind.”

After all that she went through and experienced, Tubman found peace with everyone around her. No matter what happened, she didn’t lose faith in humanity.

11. “When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in Heaven.”

Crossing one line makes you feel like a different person because you begin to see things differently. While you’re still the same person you were before, it shows that one change can make all the difference in your life.

12. “God’s time is always near. He gave me my strength, and he set the North Star in the heavens. He meant I should be free.”

Stay strong and follow signs from the universe so that you can get to where you must be. You deserve to have all of the great things in life, so use your strength to make it happen.

 13.“I was the conductor of the Underground Railroad for eight years, and I can say what most conductors can’t say; I never ran my train off the track, and I never lost a passenger.”

Harriet Tubman helped many people to freedom, and she was excellent at doing it. She was successful at helping others and never lost anyone along the way. This quote serves to remind that if Tubman could get everyone to safety in dangerous situations, you can do it in your daily life.

14. “The Lord who told me to take care of my people meant me to do it just as long as I live, and so I did what he told me.”

When you find your purpose in life, don’t ever give up on it. Keep working toward making the most of your talents and purpose so that you can live a fulfilling life.

15. “I grew up like a neglected weed – ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it.”

You never know what you deserve in life if you don’t see what’s out there. Tubman didn’t know of liberty until later on in life, and then she chased after it. You can do the same in your life by making an effort to continually know more so that you can have a better life.

harriet tubman

Final Thoughts on Harriet Tubman Quotes You Will Never Forget

Harriet Tubman went through more than most people can ever imagine, but she never gave up. She kept pushing forward until she found freedom, and then she began helping others see it, too.

Additionally, Harriet Tubman left behind many words of wisdom that we should all remember today. Her quotes serve as a reminder not to allow history to repeat itself and enlighten those who don’t know the trauma enslaved people went through. She also has quotes that encourage you to push forward no matter what, without giving in to any resistance.

15 Daily Phrases That Will Make You Have a Personal Transformation

Change is inevitable in life, but a personal transformation is a choice. Each day of your life, you have a choice about doing something differently. You will always have opportunities to better yourself, allowing you to become the best possible version of yourself.

Whether going through something important or simply looking for inspiration, these transformation affirmations can make all the difference. The affirmation statements will help you see the good in your life and recognize areas of improvement. While it might be easy to cling to comfort and stability, you must step into the unknown if you want a transformation.

Don’t stay stuck in the same place in life when you have everything it takes to become better. Show your courage and strength as you work to improve yourself and your life. It might not be easy, but it’ll be worth it as soon as you see the results.

As you begin your personal transformation journey, these daily affirmations can help you along. They’ll give you the motivation you need to get moving, and they’ll remind you that you can do anything. As you read through the mantras, choose the ones that resonate within you the most.

Fifteen Phrases That Will Make You Have a Personal Transformation

personal transformation

1. I am giving my best effort, and I know I don’t have to be perfect.

You don’t have to be perfect to transform your life. All that it takes is putting forth your best effort. When you know that you tried your best, that’s the only thing that will matter.

Doing your best is where transformation takes place. You learn and grow as you push yourself to do better than you did before. If you ever start questioning your abilities, use this affirmation to make a difference in your life.

2. I am learning to know myself intimately so I can make better life choices.

The key to transformation is to get to know yourself as best as you can. When you know yourself intimately, you are better equipped to make good choices for your life.

Use this affirmation each morning, and you’ll spend more time looking within as you go through your day. Once you start using it, you’ll consciously look for opportunities to reflect and learn more about yourself.

3. I am focused on my journey to self-transformation

When you use this mantra each day, it’ll help you stay on track, even when temptations arise. Tell yourself that you are focused on your transformation, and it’ll become a natural part of your life. You’ll start choosing the things that are best for you rather than going with the easy choices.

4. I am growing and learning from my flaws.

Self-transformation begins when you decide you’re tired of living a certain way. You might get fed up with a negative quality you tend to portray or want to move on from specific habits. Either way, it all begins with wanting to do become a better version of yourself.

5. I gain wisdom from brokenness and pain.

You can’t always avoid being hurt and feeling broken, but you can use it as an opportunity for transformation. When your brokenness turns into personal transformation and wisdom, you’ll find new beauty in the world around you.

6. I am making decisions that lead to a different life.

When you know what you want in life, it’s easy to set your sights on it. However, sometimes you’ll struggle to make the best choices when habit or comfort takes over.

This affirmation will help you remember that you’re only one decision away from making a difference in your life. Don’t let any opportunity for growth and personal transformation pass by without thinking of what it could do for you.

7. I am changing how I view and react to the world around me.

One part of self-transformation is changing the way you look at things. As you interact with other people, attend events, and encounter things around you, choose positivity. If you tend to have negative thoughts in these situations, this affirmation can help you change.

Once you start viewing the world differently, you’ll be well on your way to a transformation. With positivity, you’ll feel better overall, and you’ll experience an improvement in all areas of your life.

personal transformation

8. I push through the fear of change.

Personal transformation can be scary, and it might even be hard. No matter what changes you implement, the fear can feel overwhelming. If you ever feel this way, then this is the daily affirmation for you.

As you get ready for the day, repeat this mantra until you feel confident enough to address your transformation. Then, use the phrase again throughout the day whenever you feel fear creeping in.

9. I acknowledge that hard times offer a chance for personal transformation.

When life gets hard, it’s easy to blame the universe for being against you. However, remember that every hard time you go through offers the chance for you to improve. There is no better time to implement a change in your life than when you feel like things couldn’t get worse.

10. I know that self-transformation is beneficial for my life.

When you acknowledge that transformation is the best thing you’ll do in your life, it won’t seem like such a burden anymore. You’ll experience less fear and resistance to bettering yourself and making essential changes. The work you put in will be hard and sometimes terrifying, but it’ll also be well worth the effort.

11. I embrace the process of transformation.

You can’t make one change in your life and consider yourself transformed. Transformation is a never-ending process of continual self-discovery. You’ll encounter highs and lows, and you’ll learn so much along the way.

If you can embrace the process, you’ll learn to love change and transformation. You’ll appreciate each step of the journey, fully living in the moment of each one.

12. I am honest with myself and think realistically.

If you want to experience a personal transformation, the first step is, to be honest with yourself. You must recognize and admit which areas of your life need to change. Then, you must think realistically as you consider what you must do next.

If you aren’t honest with yourself during the process, you’ll never experience real change. Honesty is one of the hardest parts of transformation, but it is the most essential to self-improvement.

13. I am the only one that can make a change in my life.

You can’t wait for someone else to make changes in your life if you want to transform. Each shift is up to you, and you must look within to determine which ones are best. When you acknowledge that you are the only one who can make a change, you’ll begin to rework your inner thoughts.

14. I am appreciative of life challenges because they help me grow.

It’s hard to be optimistic about challenges in your life, but this affirmation can help you. With each challenge, there is an opportunity for self-transformation. You can make a decision that’ll change your life and lead you closer to where you want to end up.

If everything were easy, you’d go with the flow and never stop to consider which direction to go next. With challenges, you have to stop thinking about what to do next, potentially leading you down a different path. Plus, you learn something from each challenge, helping you develop into a better version of yourself.

15. I am not changing who I am, but I am living up to my highest potential.

Many people think that personal transformation means changing who they are. This thought process is inaccurate, however, as you don’t change who you are. Instead, you transform yourself into a better version of who you are right now.

If you ever feel like you must change who you are, try using this affirmation each morning. It’ll help you remember that you are still the same person even as you transform into a better version. Plus, it’ll help encourage you to have a transformation as you see that you’re who you are no matter what.

personal transformation

Final Thoughts on Daily Phrases That Help You Make Positive Changes

These daily affirmations will make you have a personal transformation as you see how beneficial it can be. As you transform, you become a better version of the person you are right now. You’ll feel happier, more fulfilled, and have a better chance of reaching your dreams.

As you embrace the changes that accompany life, you’ll naturally begin to transform. You’ll see each change as an opportunity to grow and develop as an individual. These phrases will inspire and encourage you along the way, helping you look for each chance for growth.

If you struggle with improving your life, then these affirmations are for you. Likewise, if you want to stay firm on your path to transformation, these phrases can make all the difference. Use the ones that resonate within you the most and encourage you to look for opportunities.

13 Ways to Discover Your Inner Self (And Silence Your Inner Critic)

Silencing your inner critic is essential to discovering your inner self. When you constantly criticize your words and actions, it’s hard to stay in tune with your soul. If this is ever a problem for you, you must find positive ways to discover your inner self.

The first step in discovering your inner self is eliminating your negative self-talk. If you recognize when you are being self-critical, you can replace those thoughts with positive ones. Your internal monologue can make the difference in discovering yourself and finding peace within.

As you work on silencing the negativity, you’ll stop criticizing yourself and making unfair comparisons. You must be kind to yourself and focus on positive thinking. Learning to maintain a self-compassionate voice can help silence your inner critic, making it possible to discover who you are.

How to Discover Your Inner Self (And Silence Your Inner Critic)

If you struggle to stop being self-critical, there are some things you can do to overcome the issue. Discovering your inner self will make all the difference, helping you live a more fulfilling life. When you stop being hard on yourself, you’re sure to experience more happiness.

inner self

1. Treat Yourself the Same Way You Would Treat a Friend

If you’ve made it a habit to criticize yourself, it can be a hard habit to unlearn. However, treating yourself the same way you treat a friend can help you be kind instead. Learning how to love yourself can make all the difference in discovering who you are and silencing your inner critic.

One way to start treating yourself like a friend is to think about your words and thoughts. Ask yourself if you would say those things to a friend and, if not, replace them with something different.

2. Embrace the Process of Reconnecting With Your Inner Self

Discovering yourself is a never-ending process, but it is well worth the effort. Permit yourself to be self-compassionate, and accept that you deserve all of the good things in life. When you do this, it starts a lifelong commitment of being good to yourself and thinking positively.

The process never stops because you are constantly evolving and growing. You can learn something new about yourself every day, but you must be willing to look within.

3. Focus on the Thoughts of Your Inner Self

While it’s easy to push away your thoughts without thinking about what caused them, it won’t help you long-term. You must assess the negative thoughts you have and determine what triggers them. It’s also essential to note how you react to those feelings.

When you focus on your thoughts enough to determine the inner workings, you can develop insight. It’ll help you be self-compassionate so that you feel safe enough to address the cause of your negativity.

4. Think About the Moments in Your Life That You Are Proud Of

When you want to discover your inner self, it’s helpful to think about the moments you are most proud of. You can find meaning in the things you have accomplished, helping you determine where your life heads next. If you can determine what made those moments so special, it’ll help you find the meaning you’ve been searching for.

5. Recognize Any Resistant Forces in Your Life

Your negative self-talk can make you feel like you’ve lost your purpose in life. You might find that you’ve been on the wrong path because you’ve been trying to live up to someone else’s dream. The thoughts might also make you feel like you aren’t good enough to chase your goals.

Whatever your inner critic tells you, you must recognize the common issues. Determine which emotion is at the center of your negative mindset and then confront those emotions rather than letting them overwhelm your brain. It is easier to overcome them and discover who you are when recognizing the resistant forces.

6. Determine What You Want in Life

You can’t discover yourself if you don’t know what you want in life. While you sometimes look back to find yourself, looking forward is just as essential. The things you want in life reveal so much about you, so consider things like:

  • The place you want to live
  • What you want your job to be
  • The kind of partner you want
  • How you would like to spend your free time

Your list can include anything you want, so don’t filter it. Once you know what you want, you’re well on your way to understanding yourself better.

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7. Identify Your Values

Spend some time reflecting on virtues that are important to you. Once you have your list, you can rank them by importance in your life. This list will help you determine more about yourself and learn how to implement your values into your daily life.

One way to identify your values is to think about the times in your life when you were the happiest. Determine who you were with, what you were doing, and why you were so pleased with that moment. Once you’ve come up with the times, you were happiest. You can look for shared values in those moments.

8. Look Outside of Yourself

It’s sometimes hard to eliminate self-criticism without looking outside of yourself. Your hurtful words and thoughts upset you, so try to think of it as a separate person saying those things to you. If you can imagine that you’re having a relationship with yourself in this way, it’s easier to reel in the criticism.

Experts suggest imagining that your inner dialogue is two random people you’ve met. When you describe their relationship based on how they speak to one another, it can shed light on your self-criticism. This activity can also help you stop making unfair comparisons to other people in your life.

9. Meditate or Spend Time Quietly Reflecting

There’s no better way to find your inner self than to spend some time in solitude. Even sitting for 10 minutes in a quiet room is a beneficial way to get in touch with your soul. Meditation can help you think things through and come up with solutions that you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

As you sit quietly alone, focus on relaxing by concentrating on your breathing. Pay attention to where your breath comes from and how your body reacts to the inhales and exhales. As you focus on these things, it’ll help you clear your mind so that you can fully reflect.

10. Accept That There Is Nothing Wrong With Your Inner Self

Experiencing negative self-talk does not mean that something is wrong with you. It is a natural part of the human brain, and everyone has to work to overcome it sometimes. If you have to work harder than others to eliminate negative thoughts, that’s still fine.

Your brain is an intricate system that can do amazing things, but it can also focus on the wrong things. Rather than thinking of it as something wrong with you, try thinking of it as a challenge to find balance within.

11. Watch Your Tone When You Talk to Yourself

It isn’t always about what you say when you’re discovering yourself. Sometimes the tone you use matters more than the words that come out. You must say positive things like you mean them and avoid using a sarcastic or monotone voice.

Try speaking to yourself with kindness instead, and use a gentle tone. By using a positive tone, it’ll make you feel safe and secure, no matter what’s going on around you.

12. See Beyond the Labels Given to You

You are many things to many people, meaning you likely have many labels. You might be a daughter, wife, boyfriend, employee, athlete, parent, and many other things. While all of these titles are important to who you are, you must go beyond them.

You are more complex than these simple labels. Rather than defining yourself by them, try asking yourself why those roles are so important in your life. When you understand the importance, you’ll begin to discover yourself.

13. Surrounding Yourself with Positive People

If you want to silence your inner critic, you’ll want to surround yourself with other positive people. By spending your time with self-aware people, you’ll all be working toward a better life simultaneously. You can help one another and offer words of encouragement along the way.

The people you spend your time with should be actively pursuing goals and able to talk about their feelings. When you find these people, they’ll help you discover yourself by limiting the negativity in your life.

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Final Thoughts on Ways to Discover Your Inner Self (And Silence Your Inner Critic)

If you want to discover your inner self, silencing your inner critic is essential. It’s not always easy to stay positive, but the more you work at it, the easier it becomes. Don’t let negative self-talk take over and destroy your mindset and ambition.

Use these tips to discover your inner self and grow as an individual. You don’t have to work on all of them right away but try a few out at a time. Once you see what a difference it makes, you’ll want to add more tips as soon as possible.

5 Hidden Reasons Why New Friends Are Hard to Make

When you were a child, making new friends seemed effortless. It appears to be a complicated task now that you’re an adult. You don’t have time to search for new friends with your busy schedule.

Sadly, you start thinking negative thoughts that people don’t like you or maybe you’re looking for too much in companionship. There’s a lot of common barriers that can impact your ability to make and sustain friendships. One of the most common reasons it’s so hard when you’re older is trust issues.

As a child, you’re very trusting of those around you until someone breaks that trust. When you reach adulthood, you’ve already been burnt a few times, so you’re leery of letting anyone into your inner circle. Then, there is the whole social anxiety aspect.

According to an article on the National Library of Medicine, the United States government estimates that 7.1 million Americans suffer from this type of anxiety disorder. Additionally, at least 12 percent of the population will experience it at least some point in their lives. Another factor is that you’re so busy with work, kids, spouse, a house to maintain, and the daily grind that you don’t have much time.

You’re not going to meet people if you never go out and mingle, and you’re certainly not going to find friends without being sociable.

Making New Friends:  Introvert Versus Extrovert Personalities

new friends

Do you ever become envious of people who seem to have many friends? These folks are the social butterflies that are constantly socializing. They’re never home as they always have some event to go to or a coffee date with a pal.

It’s easy for an extroverted person to be friendly, as this is part of their personality. Introverts can make friends too, but they’re more careful about who they let into their inner circle. Could it be that the extrovert doesn’t have past trauma, social anxiety, and other issues that hold them back?

Now, it should be noted that not all introverts have experienced horrific life events, but according to an article on Rubicon, introversion can stem from genetics or someone’s life experience. For instance, if one of your parents had a shy or introverted personality, their children can likely inherit such traits.

Many people who experience trauma turn inwardly to cope with their pain. So, one of the reasons an introvert may have a hard time making new friends is that they’re not outgoing and friendly, even though they will be great friends to the few they made.

Five Hidden Reasons Why New Friends Are Hard to Make

Have you ever sat down and thought about all the reasons why you can’t make new friends? Here is a list of causes and how to counteract them to have the social circle you desire.

1. You’re Too Busy to Make New Friends

Though it’s going to be a challenge, you must make time for new friends. There’s never a perfect opportunity that opens in your schedule that allows for friendships, but you must ensure you get some downtime. Sure, once you add all you must do in a day, there’s no space for mingling.

However, it would help if you had friends for your mental health, and it’s a way to put some positivity into your life through self-care. Friends are valuable, especially when you go through dark times. Think about your day and where you could take some time. Here are some time wasters that people tend to overlook:

  • Spending hours on social media
  • Playing video games
  • Watching TV

If you reduced your time-wasting activities by just 25 percent, you could easily find the space for socializing. Rather than communicating with people hidden behind a device, it’s much better to do it in person. If your only relationships are on social media, it’s time to change things around.

2. You’re Too Shy to Approach New People

Meeting people doesn’t come easy to the shy person. Relationships with them are very complicated, and they want friends, but they’re not willing to step out of their comfort zone to get them.

If you’re introverted, you may find that being around people drains the juice from your battery. Therefore, it’s so common for the introvert to need to recharge. While you make valuable social connections, you prefer them to be in a smaller setting. Don’t be so eager to reject any social invitations.

However, you may need to set healthy boundaries so that these events don’t wear you down. Try telling yourself that you’re only going to stay for an hour or two, and then your brain will know that you have an exit strategy. You don’t have to talk to every person there, but you can win some folks by doing the following:

  • Practice good communication skills.
  • Don’t be negative.
  • Talk about yourself and not your problems.
  • Learn how to make practical small talk.
  • Don’t be afraid to move past the acquaintance stage.

Did you know that people who share personal details tend to bond faster than those who get stuck in small talk? This data comes from research conducted by the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Don’t be afraid to talk about your likes and dislikes and share a bit about yourself, as it could lead to new friends.

new friends

3. Your Private Life Gets in the Way of Forming New Bonds

Everyone has a private life outside their job. This includes your spouse, kids, and other family members. Your priorities naturally shift when you’re involved in a serious relationship. Additionally, it can complicate things when it comes to having a life.

For instance, if you have a friend that your spouse doesn’t like, then they’re not going to be excited about you hanging around with them. Adjusting your expectations can help you develop healthy connections. You know that with all you have on your plate, you’re not going to go out two or three times a week.

So, it would be better to strive for one friend date a week. Another answer is to make friends with people who have a spouse and children who can tag along. There are no rules that say fun outings can’t include the family.

Many families go on vacation together and do other fun activities, and it’s a way to get everyone involved. You will feel less guilty about being away from your home if you apply the people you love in your inner circle.

4. Your Social Anxiety is Dominating

Social anxiety is a tricky problem because your mind makes you believe things that aren’t true. Have you turned down so many social invitations that you hardly get invited for parties anymore? When you have an anxiety disorder that focuses on social aspects, you will tell yourself anything to get out of these events.

Do you ever say these things when you’re considering a social gathering?

  • What if I have a panic attack?
  • There’s no one there I want to talk to.
  • I will feel out of place, and everyone will look at me like I’m weird.
  • I would rather stay home in bed as it would be more comfortable.

You must be careful because if you believe the lies of anxiety for too long, you can develop agoraphobia. According to the National Library of Medicine, having a phobia like agoraphobia makes you a prisoner in your home. You’re afraid to go outside the walls of comfort that you’ve created for yourself.

If you don’t push yourself a bit, this is precisely what will happen. It would help if you found something good to counteract the negativity that anxiety feeds your brain. Friends are a vital part of a mentally healthy person, and you need them for strength and support in life.

5. Lack of Opportunity to Make New Friends

Finally, you’ll notice that you lack opportunities with your hectic schedule. If you want to make friends, you need to move beyond your comfort zone to accomplish this task. Places that you can meet people are places like the following:

  • Church or other houses of faith
  • Social clubs
  • Sporting events
  • Volunteering at charitable events
  • Support groups
  • Bars
  • Gyms
  • PTA or other school functions

Children are an excellent way to help parents make friends. When you’re taking them to birthday parties, sporting events, or other functions, their friend’s parents often become close. Your kids can be a valuable social source for you if you keep them active.

old friends new friends

Final Thoughts on Why It’s So Hard to Make New Friends

There are many reasons why it’s so challenging for an adult to make new friends. However, you can’t deny yourself the time to socialize and have some space away from your family and responsibilities. You deserve to have a night with the girls or guys and let loose.

Life would be pretty dull if you didn’t have friends. So, even if you work forty or more hours a week, have children, a spouse, and a home to take care of, you must make time for people. Sure, it’s scary letting others into your inner circle, especially if you have conditions like anxiety, depression, are shy or introversion. Still, it’s something you must do to ensure a well-rounded life.

10 Yoga Postures to Increase Energy Flow and Feel Better All Day

Are you struggling with chronic exhaustion and low energy levels? Maybe you’re covered by brain fog and need a pot of coffee to become fully awake? You may be surprised at how some simple yoga stretches can help revitalize you and improve your energy flow.

When it comes to this respected practice, some people have common misconceptions. You may think you need to be a body contortionist to try the yogic tradition. In fact, most of the workouts include simple stretching and postures that you and most people can do.

Also, you needn’t adopt any religion to practice. Ancient yogic tradition is a philosophy that brings harmony to body, mind, and spirit. You can adhere to any creed and religion or none to practice effectively.

This gentle stretching practice enjoys popularity across the globe. However, yogic philosophy was only introduced to America and the Western world in the late 1960s. According to an article published by the White Swan Foundation, yogic tradition and exercises began in Ancient India as early as 3,000 B.C.E.

Possible Impact of Yoga on Your Energy Flow

energy flow

Like other meditative exercises, yogic workouts can provide several benefits to you. An article published by the American Osteopathic Association can improve your muscle tone and increase your flexibility. Yogis report that it can also help you reduce stress, anxiety and restore a healthy energy flow.

Restoring Your Energy Flow with Yogic Poses

Maybe you are chronically exhausted and go on a sluggish autopilot throughout your day. You may also experience unexplained aches and pains and a general sense of uneasiness. You’re frustrated because of a lack of energy, and there’s sometimes it’s all you can do to make it through the day.

Ancient yogis believed that body, mind, and spirit are powered by prana, meaning life force. It remains one of the many guiding principles of yogic practice today. When your prana flows freely throughout your body, say practitioners, you feel revitalized and healthy.

However, tension and other issues can block prana anywhere in your body. When this happens, your energy diminishes, and you feel drained, sick, and depressed. The purpose behind the stretching and posing, called asana, is to unblock your prana use gentle movements.

Fatigue and Your Spine

Think of all the work your spine does for you every day. Not only does it protect your spinal cord, but it provides movement and support. When your back hurts, it affects your whole body.

Your spine is also a vital conduit for prana, according to yogism. If you have a prana block in your spine, it interrupts the prana throughout your body. It leaves you feeling exhausted and uneasy.

Your spinal prana can become blocked or stagnant with constant sitting. Your back may feel sore, cramped, and tired. Yogic asana focused on your spine provides beneficial stretching that can improve blood circulation and unblock your prana.

Unlock Your Energy Flow With These Ten Moves

Are you ready to kick the fatigue and restore your prana? Maybe yogic asanas specific to your spine can help you. Here are ten easy exercises that you can learn and practice at home.

1. Half Sun Salutation for Energy Flow

When you arise each morning to greet the sun, consider doing this beneficial yogic stretch. It’s an ideal asana to work the kinks out of your back and neck after sleeping all night.

How To:

  • Stand straight with your feet together with your arms naturally at your side, palms open. This is a classic asana called The Mountain.
  • Now, gently bring your arms over your head as you inhale through your nostrils.
  • As you slowly exhale through your lips, bring your body forward as if you are bowing.
  • Inhale again while you raise your torso, bring your hands toward your shins, and extend your spine. Exhale and bow forward again. Finally, inhale and fold your hands together in a prayer stance.
  • This completes one set. Try to repeat these steps three to five times and visualize your prana flowing freely.

2. The Camel

If you want to revitalize your body quickly, try doing this asana. It opens the front of your body and your heart’s energy source, or chakra. You can do it by touching your heels or modifying it by placing your hands on your lower back.

How To:

  • Kneel comfortably on your mat with your body straight and your hips and knees aligned.
  • Extend your hands toward your sides and clasp them right above each hip.
  • As you inhale, reach your hands back to grasp your heels, if possible. Remember to not push yourself to it hurts or it’s counterproductive.
  • Bend back slightly, and let your head come back as if you were looking at the ceiling.
  • Exhale and bring your body back to the starting position. Try three to five repetitions.

3. Warrior II Asana

This yogic sequence can restore prana to your legs and back. When combined with mindful breathing, it benefits your whole body. Try to focus on a rapid exhalation, sometimes called the breath of fire.

How To Use The Warrior II to Increase Energy Flow:

First, stand comfortably with your feet stretched out on either side, about a yard apart.

  • Bring your arms out straight from your sides and relax your shoulders.
  • Turn your right foot out at 90 degrees, then lunge with your bended knee.
  • Turn your head to look toward your fingers at the right.
  • Come back to the starting point and repeat these steps for your left side.
  • Your goal is three to five repetitions.

4. Triangle Asana for Energy Flow

The Triangle Asana is a natural sequence after the Warrior II Asana.

How To:

  • Stand naturally, then straighten the front of your right knee.
  • Reach your right arm forward and down toward the floor. If you can’t reach that far, stretch as far down as you comfortably can.
  • Next, raise your left arm and turn your face toward the ceiling.
  • Hold this stance for at least five deep breaths and return to the starting point.
  • Focus on recharging your body and restoring your energy flow.

5. Side Plank

Consider strengthening your whole body with this unique yogic sequence. It helps you to focus on balance while it reduces stress. Thus, it increases your energy flow.

How To:

  • Begin in a Plank position.
  • Turn your body to your left side.
  • Place your left foot on your right foot and lift your right hand.
  • Hold this position for at least five breaths, then repeat your side sequence.
  • Try three to five repetitions.

side planks

6. Chair Asana

For this asana, you’re acting as if you were taking a seat. It can help strengthen your leg muscles, glutes, and spine.

How To:

  • Stand comfortably on your mat with your feet together. You can also modify the exercise by having them aligned with each hip.
  • Bend your lower body like you’re ready to sit in a chair.
  • Inhale as you raise your arms toward your ears and your chest outwards.
  • Exhale and return to the first position.
  • Your goal is to do at least two to four repetitions.

7. Half-Moon Asana

Do you battle stress, anxiety, and constant fatigue? This balancing asana is ideal for strengthening your body and restoring your energy flow.

How To:

  • Stand on your mat with your feet aligned with your shoulders and assume the Triangle Asana.
  • Tip toward your right side with your right hand slightly toward the right in front of you.
  • Bring your left leg up while keeping your torso and hips open.
  • Raise your left arm toward the ceiling and hold the position for three to five deep breaths.
  • Come back to the starting point and repeat with your left side.

8. Bridge Asana

An ideal way to strengthen your back and ease tension is with this back-strengthening sequence. You’ll feel your energy flow from your spine throughout your body.

How To:

  • Lie comfortably flat on your mat with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms at your sides.
  • Now, raise your hips high and hold the position for at least five breaths.
  • You can keep your hands at your sides, or you can interlace your fingers for more stretching.
  • Come back to the starting point and repeat three to five times.

9. Locust Asana

This yogic exercise benefits your hamstrings and each section of your spine. With each breath and body lift, you’re restoring your energy flow from head to toe.

How To:

  • First, lie flat on your tummy with your arms resting palm-side up at each side.
  • Gently raise your head, chest, arms, and legs off your mat and hold for at least five deep breaths.
  • Try to bring your body a bit higher each time you breathe. Repeat the sequence three to five times.

10. Right Nostril Breathing for Energy Flow

The yogic tradition is inherently combined with mindful breathing. This sequence focuses on your breathing while you release tension and negative energy. Proper nostril breathing is for energy revitalization, while the left is for calm and tranquility.

How To:

  • Sit cross-legged comfortably on your mat or in a chair if you need.
  • Press your thumb against your left nostril, so it’s temporarily blocked.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply through your right nostril for three to five minutes.
  • This is one of the few times you won’t exhale through your lips.
  • Close your eyes and feel the fire of your energy flow igniting.

Final Thoughts on Increasing Your Energy with Yoga Exercises

When you need a burst of energy in the morning, consider using these yogic asanas. You can also add them to your regular exercise routine. They can boost your energy flow and give you the confidence to have a great day.

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