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10 Reasons Why a Dream Job May Not Actually Exist

When you newly enter the workforce, you have your heart set on a dream job. It’s the position that seems magical and gives you the money you want, prestige, and the kind of career you don’t dread going to each day. Sadly, many folks are disillusioned when they realize that even the best jobs will have aspects they dislike.

Is it possible that the very term of a dream job is nothing more than a misnomer? Why is society so enthralled with chasing perfection when the idea of excellence is impossible? Nothing else in life is perfect, so why would the job world have perfection?

Ten Reasons Why a Dream Job May Not Actually Exist

If you’ve been under the assumption that you’re doing one menial job after enough in search of the dream job, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Here are some reasons why the perfect job isn’t out there.

dream job

1. The Perfect Position Might Not Be a Dream Job

You’ve heard the old saying that it’s impossible to find a needle that’s lost in a haystack. Well, finding the perfect job can be very similar. You have a mindset of what that ideal job looks like, but it might not be reality. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What brings me the most happiness?
  • What do I want to do with my life?
  • How do I know what my talents are?
  • What are the constraints that keep me from my dreams?
  • What would it take to make me feel like I’ve arrived?

By creating a roadmap to your success, you can take some of the pressure from yourself about finding the perfect position. The ideal job for you might not look like a dream, but it’s what’s best for you.

2. The Best Motivation Comes from Within

Throughout your life, you may have more than one job that fits the category of a dream. You must keep in mind that there’s always room for you to improve and grow. One thing that will never change is that the motivation must come from within you.

The key is to stay focused on where you’re at this stage in life, and you should do what feels good. You have the power to create the dream, and don’t worry about office space, a plaque over the door, or some fancy title. If you’re doing something that you love, then nothing else matters.

3. The Dream Isn’t Always the One That Pays the Bills

Remember that your goals adjust as you age. When you’re eighteen, it might seem significant to travel the world, but when you’re 30 with two children, you want something that keeps a roof over your head. Keep in mind that your job has to sustain you, as there’s more to life than just happiness.

4. Your Idea of  a Dream Job May Evolve

It’s possible that you can find a great job that makes you happy and gives you a sense of fulfillment. The problem is that you can have more than one passion, and it can evolve as you do. At eighteen, the business path you see as dreamy won’t look the same at forty.

Think of your career path as one of those choose your own adventure books series. You have lots of twists and turns along the way, but ultimately, you decide whether to turn the next page or not. Some sage advice is to be open to change.

It’s okay for you to dream big, but you must realize that your dreams will alter as time goes on, and that’s okay because it means you’re growing.

5. Human Nature Causes You to Wonder If There’s More

Whether you sit in a top spot in the corporate world or manage a fast-food restaurant, everyone will ask themselves questions like, “Is there more out there?” The very human nature is to seek and search for more. You may already be sitting in your dream job but are so busy looking for it that you don’t see what’s right in front of you.

When you choose a job path, you start with the question of “What do I want to do with my life.” Why not ask yourself something entirely different, such as “Who do I want to be 10, 20, or 30 years from now?” What does a fulfilled life look like to me, and how do I achieve this dream?

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6. You’ll Have Lots of Jobs Along the Way

Many people don’t graduate from college and land the perfect job. Instead, they have many jobs along the way to the top. There’s a fallacy that people graduate from college and walk into the limelight, but it’s nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

Take, for instance, the lawyer. An attorney doesn’t graduate one day and start making tons of money settling significant personal injury cases the next. No, they must do the grunt work.

They must work under someone with more experience and do some menial tasks on the way to the top. The same thing can be said of a doctor. They graduate then must go onto residency and prove themselves. It would help if you learned that even within your dream of the perfect path, you’re going to have lots of jobs.

7. It’s Really About the Dream Lifestyle

Instead of thinking about that dream position, why not think about the lifestyle you want. If you like your freedom, want to travel the world, and can’t stand being tied to a desk, then being an accountant isn’t for you. Finding the right job that’s a dream to you should involve one that represents your best self.

Stop worrying about the portfolio and put your focus on capturing your values. All dreams are subject to interpretation, after all.

8. Not Every Day is a Dream

You have the perfect workplace with good relationships and plenty of income. However, there will be bad days even doing what you love. According to the College Monk, a surgeon goes through at least ten years of schooling, but do you think every day in the operating room is a cakewalk?

What happens when they lose a patient or surgery doesn’t go the way they want? So even if you’re doing what you love, there’s still going to be bad days where everything doesn’t go right. Life is never going to be perfect, and neither is a job.

9. It’s All About Your Mindset

How many times have you told yourself that when you get this raise, you’re going to be happy and living? Then, you get the raise and still want more. It’s because seeking your satisfaction and fulfillment in this life on external things will never make you happy.

Rather than looking for the job of your dreams, why not focus on what fills you up inside? Maybe you love working with the homeless and doing volunteer work, even though this type of job would never sustain your family. There are no rules that say you can’t do what you love while working a nine to five.

10. Some Aspects of Your Dream Job Require Shaping

There are pros and cons to any job, and some might call it a balance sheet of truth. When you select a job, the goods must outweigh the negative things. You may love working as a deckhand on an ocean liner but being away from your family for a month at a time is unbearable.

Some jobs have dealbreakers. To be on the water and interacting with Mother Nature, you must give up time with your family. This instance requires you to shape aspects of your dream to accommodate your situation.

You may need to find a job that fits your financial needs and the needs of your family. So, telling yourself that one job can do it all for you is dishonesty with yourself. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment and failure.

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Final Thoughts on Why the Dream Job May Not Exist

People are fickle, and you’re not an exception. What looks like a great job to you today might not be so grand next year. Rather than focusing all your time and energy on finding the silver bullet, why not put your focus on inner peace and fulfillment?

Find a job that makes you happy, and you don’t mind going to each day, and it pays the bills. Then, if you need to bring in your other passions to find that inner fulfillment, it’s okay. Adjusting your expectations for the dream job is one of the most challenging lessons you’ll have in life.

Your very human nature drives you to do and make more. However, you have to learn how to be content with the things you have in this life at some point.

According to an article in Psychology Today, you should strive for the manageable goal of contentment rather than the fallacy that you will find constant happiness. A job is nothing more than a means to make a living, and there’s so much more to your life than work.

Study Proves People Are Happier When They Give Back

One of the greatest pleasures in life is giving back. There are times in life when things didn’t go your way. Maybe you’ve lost a job, or you’ve experienced a major setback like a divorce, but life wasn’t kind.

You remember these times because it’s when your friends and family gathered around you and supported you. The strength from others helped pull you through some of your darkest days, and now you get a chance to be a light to someone else in darkness.

Perhaps your struggles were there to show you the power of giving back and how it impacts you, as those who give back seem happier than those who focus on themselves.

It’s More Blessed to Give

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Reaching out your hand to someone who might have fallen on hard times not only helps that person, but it also helps you. The giver is just as blessed as the receiver. Did you know that there’s scientific evidence that you feel happier when you give back to others?

According to a recent OnePoll survey explained by the Good News Network, many numerous mental and physical health benefits from helping others. People tend to be more eager to help out during the holiday season. However, there are needs year-round, and it’s essential to be sensitive to those needs.

The study found that three out of four people believe that the blessed person will pay it forward if they do a good deed. These days, a new trend is to pay for the person behind you in line at a fast-food establishment. However, while this is a kind gesture, you should consider if this is the best way to give back.

The person in line already has money to pay for their food, or they wouldn’t be there. While it’s kind to think of them, there are people in every town across this country who have no food. Can you imagine the joy on their faces and the contentment in their stomach if you gave to them instead?

The same study listed above also found that the average person gives around $400 to benevolent foundations during the holidays. Once you hit adulthood, you don’t need expensive gifts and stacks of presents under the tree. However, helping someone else is more of a blessing than you could ever imagine, and it increases happiness during the season.

The Universe Repays You for Kindness

While you should never give to someone with the hopes of getting something back, karma is the bank account the Universe keeps in your name. Whether good or bad, every deed you do adds to or subtracts from your karmic debts. Even the Bible teaches about the importance of giving and reaping a harvest.

If you grow a garden every year, you know the importance of planting and tending to these plants. What happens if you plant summer squash in your gardens? You expect squash to come up when the plant matures. It would be foolish to plant squash and expect green beans to appear.

The same thing happens with karma. If you put goodness into the atmosphere, goodness will come back to you. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why it feels so amazing to help others because all that kindness comes right back to you.

There’s just something about living a good life that makes your journey on earth more bearable. The Universe is not a monster that’s out to get you, yet it makes sure that you will reap what you sow.

The Neurological Benefits of Giving

Have you ever worked in a soup kitchen? Volunteering for a charitable cause such as this helps you to practice gratitude in your life. Some people believe that the folks in these places have brought poverty on themselves, but nothing could be further from the truth.

If you ever worked in one of these establishments for just a few hours, it would change your entire life. You would find people from all walks of life who have impossible circumstances. There will be children as young as infants, and people in their golden years, as no one can escape the grasp of time and chance.

Looking into their eyes as you give them nourishment for their bodies does something to you. It changes you and makes you feel different than when you went in. The feelings that you experience are pure joy, as when you help someone in need, you become a better human being.

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky coauthored an article on Oschner Health. She stated that when you do acts of kindness towards others, it gives you an incredible feeling of happiness down deep in your soul. It also helps to decrease anxiety and depression.

There are both short-term and long-term effects to benevolent actions. She further states that studies show that these actions cause neurological changes in your brain. According to research published in the National Library of Medicine, there’s a direct link to acts of giving or humanity and a boost in the brain’s reward system.

The researchers found that the mesolimbic reward system kicks into overdrive when folks help others. Furthermore, the analysis discovered that giving to charity boosted the community feelings and reduced emotions like loneliness and despair.

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Five Actionable Ways You Can Give Back

You know that you need to give back and how important it’s to help others, but you might not know where or how to do such a task. There are charitable organizations all over the country begging for help, and it’s safe to say there’s some right in your local area.

While donating cash is essential, volunteering is a safer option. When giving cash, make sure that most of the money you donate towards outreach and not paying high salaries to executives. One such organization that does a phenomenal job helping homeless folks is the New York City Relief Bus.

For 25 years, volunteers from around the country have come and spent a week on the streets in New York. They dedicate their services to feed, clip fingernails, give haircuts, and minister to those that have fallen on hard times.

Volunteers stay in dorms and donate ten hours a day to the service of others. What a life-changing experience to see first-hand the people affected by poverty and homelessness in your world. This is just one example of a great organization that gives almost 100 percent back to those who need it most.

While you may not have a week out of your life to help such a cause, there are things you can do in your neighborhood. Here are the easiest ways to give back to those closest to home.

1. Work in a Food Pantry or Soup Kitchen

There are food pantries and soup kitchens everywhere. These places cater to those who’ve fallen on hard times. You can donate your time, money, and other resources to help those in need.

It’s estimated, according to Kids Can Make a Difference, that over 13 million kids go to bed hungry every night. While you can’t tackle the entire problem, you can help.

2. Volunteer at a Nursing Home

A nursing home or extended care center can be scary and lonely for people. The worker tries to have programs to help them get through the hours of boredom. They always need volunteers to help with social activities and things to help engage them with one another.

When it comes to feeling happiness and joy, you will feel a surge of glee when you watch these elderly folks come to life when you ask about their journey. Sometimes all people need is someone to care and listen to them.

3. Do Random Acts of Kindness

Random acts of kindness are things you do for no other reason than to make someone’s day. You might cut the lawn for your neighbor, take dinner to someone who just got out of the hospital, or even pays for the person at the grocery store ahead of you. It’s whatever you feel led to do.

Listen to your inner voice, as many people had felt unction to do or give something when it was just what the person needed.

4. Donate To Someone in Need

While local organizations cater to helping those in need, many people don’t call these agencies or fall short on the requirements. Donating time, money, food, or furniture to someone who needs it can help not only them but it will also help you. True happiness comes when you give back and support those who genuinely have fallen on hard times.

5. Help at Animals Shelters

Animals are always in need, and local shelters struggle with overcrowded conditions. Whether you’re helping wildlife by cleaning the oceans or walking the dogs at your local pound, it all counts as acts of kindness. Helping animals is another way to help you feel good and give back.

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Final Thoughts on How You Find Happiness When You Give Back

If you’ve ever given back to help someone in need, then you know all about the warm fuzzy feeling it gives you. Studies have proven that those acts of kindness give your brains a boost of chemicals that makes you feel good. Sometimes it’s effortless to be selfish and absorbed in your life as you don’t feel like you have enough time to get everything done.

Oh, but the joy that comes from giving is better than any bonus check, vacation, or gift that money could buy. In Matthew 25:35, the Bible states that “When I needed food, you fed me, and when I needed water, you gave me something to drink, and you took me in when I was a stranger to you.” Perhaps, the greatest commandment to love your neighbor as yourself is key to true happiness in this life.

When you feel like your life is overwhelming and keeping a roof over your head is a monumental task, help those who have nothing. Not only will it help to reduce those overwhelming feelings, but it will give you joy and happiness that only comes from pitching in and giving back. Plus, it’s a significant boost to gratitude when the things you take for granted each day are the same items others pray for.

Science Reveals What Having Kids Does to Your Happiness

You will make many choices in life, but few are as significant as having children. How do kids affect your life and overall happiness? You know that no child comes without their unique issues, but the joy they bring should outweigh the moments of frustration.

The considerable debate by many scholars is that if you want to be happy, then you should forgo having kids. Others theorize that it depends on where you live and your support network that makes the difference. However, what if you skip having children, but you miss out on an experience so profound, and it goes deeper than just bringing joy to your life?

There are many studies on the matter, but the research is decisive. One study published by the National Journal of Medicine found that out of 900 people, many say having children affects your quality of life. Some participants stated that it was more enjoyable to go shopping or watch TV.

So, how do you know what’s right for you and your contentment on this earth? Having children will complicate your life and cause problems in your marriage, as they naturally take more time and effort. However, what about all those school programs when you beam with joy at the accomplishment of your little one?

What about the times they throw their arms around you and tell you how much they love you, or they bring home a grade card making the honor roll? All these times trump any research, as raising kids is not for the faint of heart, but it sure helps to have someone to visit you during your golden years. If it’s such a problem to raise children, why do people struggle with empty nest syndrome when they leave?

The Truth About Financial Strain and Having Kids

having kids

It’s essential to know all the facts before you decide to start a family. First, one of the primary considerations is the cost. According to an article published by the USDA, it costs just over $233,000 to raise a child from birth to age eighteen.

Now, this doesn’t include if you help to pay for their post-secondary education, which can only add to the burden. If you divide that number by the years, it costs about $12,944 a year or $248.93 a week to raise that child. So, if you don’t have an extra $250 sitting around each week, you may want to think twice about kids.

See, they need things like trips to the pediatrician’s office, clothes, shoes, food, a roof over their head, and all sorts of things that increase your budget. You will spend many sleepless nights worrying about money and suffer from sleep deprivation, but that little bundle of joy is something that most people would do anything to have and hold in their arms.

In the first few months of life, there’s a significant strain on a breastfeeding mother. She must endure physical pressure from the birthing experience, and then the constant late-night feeding and pumping sessions make her life feel like a wet nurse. Being up every two hours for diaper changes, hunger, or just being unsettled takes a toll on both mom and dad.

Where does time for romance and nurturing that relationship come into play? It’s essentially put on hold for the first few years, though it does get easier as they grow. Still, you must be strong enough to make things work within the marriage.

Taking the Time You Need

Another thing to consider is where you’re at in life, where you work, and your financial standing. If you work for a company that has paternal leave for both parents, the task of getting an infant stabilized becomes easier. A study posted on the National Library of Medicine shows that how happy you are with that child depends significantly on the child-care policies in your country and other benefits.

A country with significant policies to help new parents, like Norway, rated happier than other parents. Yet, those in Great Britain didn’t fare as well. Shockingly, the country affected most by the strains of a new child is the United States, but we also have some of the poorest options for new parents.

According to FMP Global, both Lithuania and Hungary have very liberal paternal leave packages, which allows both parents to share 156 weeks off. Yes, you read that right–three whole years. Another consideration is that most of that time is paid, or they receive a partial salary. The Swedish folks farewell with 480 days of shared time, receiving 80 percent of their wages.

When it comes to Americans, they get the short end of the stick. No legislation offers such a package when having kids. Though the Family and Medical Leave Act does allow a mother to have up to twelve weeks off, if the company has less than fifty employees, they’re not required to hold her position. The study also found many mothers in this country go back to work after only ten days, which isn’t nearly enough time for her body to heal and adjust to the changes.


The Phenomenon of Memory Distortion

Having children makes some people feel happy and complete, but others feel miserable. Once you get through the infant days, you have the terrible twos to look forward to, and then the teen years are always a blast. If you were to poll people in your inner circle, you would find that most say having children is the best thing they’ve done.

You must ask yourself if they would be happier if they chose to remain childless. Is it possible that people sugarcoat the truth and only focus on the good parts? Yes, and the phenomenon of memory distortion is at play here.

When you look back over your lie, you tend to focus on the peaks and mountains rather than the valley of horrible times. When you talk about having children, you’re going to pass right over the 20 hours of labor, the cost of raising them, and the times they drove you batty. A good parent chooses to focus on the good parts.

Sure, you don’t live in a world of pure bliss, but it’s the memories of happier times that you summon that helps you cope. After going through labor just one time, a mother wouldn’t do it again. However, it’s that memory distortion and the euphoria of holding the child in her arms that allow her to erase the agony.

Why Don’t People Regret Having Kids?

Once you have a child, you become attached to them. As they age, you become more friends, but the intense bond between the two never leaves. Most parents would never say that they would be better off if they didn’t have this person to love.

The attachments you develop towards this individual will supersede any decrease in the quality of your life. So, when you decide to have a child, you don’t think of its impact on your joy. Instead, you feel about sharing your bloodline, the relationships, and having that bond with someone who is part of you.

Another thing to consider is that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There’s more to life than just your happiness. Your kids will give you pleasure every day. While they may cause some rifts between you and your spouse, it’s still worth it.

These little bundles of joy give you satisfaction, purpose, and meaning. While you may not be happier having kids, you certainly will have pleasure and feel like your journey on earth meant something. Some go as far as to say that raising kids is a strange commixture of horror, discomfort, and pleasure all wrapped into one package.

You could correlate having a child to visiting a haunted house during the fall season. You’re nervous about going inside. Once you go in, your panic kicks into overdrive, but when you come out the other side, you feel euphoric and want to do it all over again.

Perhaps, people have many children and forget all about the pain of birth and the financial struggles. They only remember the intense feelings of pleasure when they see their bundle of joy.

having kids

Final Thoughts on How Having Kids Impacts Your Life

When considering starting a family, you don’t think about all the struggles of raising children. Instead, you tend to focus on the good things and turn a blind eye to the bad. However, there’s never a sunrise without a night, and parenthood provides both the dark and sunny skies.

Having kids is not for the faint of heart, nor is it something that you will get a prize for once they’ve grown. You learn a lot about gratitude and being thankful for the small things, like spending time together. Thank goodness the human mind is made to gloss over the rough stuff and remember the beautiful times, like family vacations, the first steps, and graduation.

At the end of the day, having kids isn’t as much about your continent and joy as making them happy. As a parent, you live every day to make your child’s lives better, and you want them to have and do more than you have done. Having kids may not make you a happy person, but it will make you blessed.

So, even though science says people who choose to remain childless are the happy ones, they also don’t know what it’s like to have something you created to love you so intensely. Joy aside, feeling that little hand reach up and embrace you, and tell you how much you’re loved, is a priceless gift.

Experts Explain 20 Ways to Overcome A Fear of Public Speaking

When you think of the things that scare you the most, giving a public speech is probably among the top. How can you learn to overcome fear and be confident in your public speaking skills? It’s unnerving to stand before a bunch of people, whether you know them or not, and give an address. Still, your job or circumstances in life may require you to stand before a group and give a speech.

20 Ways to Become Confident in Your Public Speaking Skills

If you feel sick to your stomach, sense impending doom, and want to run away and hide when it comes to giving speeches, you’re not alone. Here are 20 suggestions for you to consider that will make it easier for you.

1. Improve Your Public Speaking Skills Via Thorough Preparation

Preparation is vital to your speech’s success. You’ll be less likely to be nervous if you’ve planned what you’re going to say. This moment isn’t a time when you should procrastinate.

Efficient planning can give you the confidence you need to communicate with your audience. Even the untrained listener can distinguish between someone who prepared for the event and someone who “wings it.” Giving an excellent public speech take practice and preparation.

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2. What’s Your Purpose?

Someone’s asked you to speak before a group, and your nerves are a train wreck. Public speaking skills become more manageable when you take time to think and plan. Your first item of business is to decide the purpose of your speech.

According to an article published by Debate US, there are four basic types of speeches: informative, persuasive, demonstrative, and memorable occasions. Informative speeches provide your audience with helpful information and advice.

If you are presenting a persuasive speech, you are imparting information as well as your opinion. The purpose of a demonstrative speech is to explain to the audience how something is done. A memorable occasion speech is often a wedding toast, a eulogy, or personal sentiments offered to an honored guest.

3. Choose a Subject You Enjoy

Of course, you don’t always get the privilege of choosing your subject matter for a public speech. If you are making a presentation for school or work, you’ll probably have an assigned subject. Unfortunately, you may have to discuss a topic that you know little about or seems boring to you.

If you have the option of choosing a subject, pick one that you enjoy and can discuss knowledgeably. You’ll be more at ease, and the audience will pick up on your enthusiasm. It will also be a public speech that will be easier to prepare.

4. Narrow Your Subject

Most high school writing classes include a section about how to tell if your subject is too general. Public speaking skills overlap with good writing skills. It would help if you also made any broad subject more specific for a more concise speech.

For example, you may want to discuss pollution. That’s such a broad subject that it would never fit in a fifteen to twenty-minute speech. However, focusing on a specific part of pollution, such as plastic waste in the ocean, is doable. You are the expert! So pick a more narrow topic allows you to provide more information in the right amount of time.

5. Write Out Your Speech

When you make a habit of writing out your presentation, it will help improve your public speaking skills. It’s also a formidable tool that can ease your fears while you’re talking. Writing your speech will also make it less likely that you’ll forget an important point.

Some public speakers like to write their speeches on index cards to use during their lectures. Just make sure to edit your writing for proper grammar and correct organization.

6. Rehearse in Front of a Mirror to See Your Public Speaking Skills in Practice

Now that you’ve written and edited your speech, it’s time to practice it. The more you familiarize yourself with the content, you’ll be more confident on the day of the address. If you’re a little nervous about doing it in front of people at first, try rehearsing in front of a mirror.

When an audience sees a speaker with good posture and confident expressions, they will listen carefully. Work on proper pronunciation, tone, and appropriate hand gestures. After you’re comfortable with the mirror, you may try doing your speech for a couple of trusted friends or family members.

7. Discuss Your Equipment Needs Beforehand

Public speaking skills often require knowledge of media and other public presentation equipment. Using presentation programs like Powerpoint, use words and graphics to give your audience a better understanding of your subject.

Maybe you’ll be showing slides or need a table for a display. Be sure to have all your equipment ready well in advance. Practice with the presentation program to become more comfortable with it.

8. Visit the Setting (Less Worrying About the Technology Empowers You To Focus on Your Public Speaking Skills)

Before your big day, consider visiting where you’ll be presenting your speech. People with good public speaking skills are familiar with their settings, so there are no surprises. Is it a large auditorium, a small conference room, or an outdoor stage?

Will you have plenty of electrical outlets and Wi-Fi for your equipment? Is there room for a table display? All these things need to be decided beforehand to make your speech a success.

9. Visualize Your Success

If addressing an audience gives you the jitters, why not call on the Universe for help? Try to visualize yourself standing confidently at the podium and talking with ease. You are sending positive affirmations into the Universe, which will attract more positive results your way.

10. Dress for Success

Before you even say the first word of a public address, the audience is forming an impression. Unless you’re among friends and family, it will be a first impression that will dictate how the audience receives your speech. Therefore, it’s a must that you look your best.

Of course, you want to dress appropriately for the occasion. While not all events call for formal dress, you can’t go wrong with dressing professionally. A shirt and tie if you’re a man or a business outfit if you’re a lady work fine.

public speaking skills

11. Arrive Early

When it’s your day to make the speech, you don’t need anything else to make you nervous. That includes running into the room at the last minute or, worse, being late. It would be in poor taste, and it would overshadow your entire presentation.

Plan and have everything set up the night before the big day. Press your clothes and have them ready. Try to arrive at least a half-hour early to account for any surprises like traffic or malfunctioning equipment.

12. If Needed, Prepare an Introduction

Are you a guest of honor or an expert presenter whom the audience hasn’t met? If you are introducing yourself to the audience, you can mention the same information. Make it brief and avoid sounding too self-promoting. You want to build a quick rapport with your listeners with genuineness and sincere humility.

13. Meditate Before Your Day

Even those who have years of experience and good public speaking skills get nervous. A helpful tool that many of them recommend is meditation. You can use it to ease your tension and focus on what you want to say.

Each day before your speech, take time to sit quietly in your sacred space. Focus on the intent of your address and allow negative thoughts to dissipate. Try to be mindfully present while you talk.

14. Speak Clearly and Audibly

It doesn’t matter if you have some of the best thoughts in the world if your listeners can’t understand you. Practice speaking clearly and try to enunciate words naturally and correctly. Adjust your voice volume according to the sound system and ensure that people clear in the back can hear you.

15. Don’t Admit You’re Nervous

Have you ever heard the old motto that tells you never to let others see you sweat? It’s another way of saying not to let your nerves get the best of you. Use the law of attraction and be confident in your public speaking.

16. Focus Right Over the Audience’s Heads

Does it make you feel unnerved when you’re giving a presentation, and all eyes are on you? While it’s impossible to make good eye contact with everyone in a large group, you can give the appearance of doing so. Just focus right above everyone’s head, and each person will feel like you are addressing them personally.

17. Remember to Smile and Be Enthusiastic

Those who have excellent public speaking skills have learned how to connect with their audience emotionally. You do that by smiling and being enthusiastic when appropriate. Show the audience your openness and passion for what you’re saying, and it will be contagious.

18. Use Humor When It’s Appropriate (A Joke Can Really Highlight Your Public Speaking Skills)

One of the classic ways of breaking the ice while giving a speech is humor. It will ease your tension if you do it tastefully at the right time, and the audience will find you more attractive. Remember to use humor wisely and avoid anything that could be offensive.

19. Ask For Constructive Feedback

How do you feel after your presentation? It’s hard to judge your speeches subjectively, so ask a trusted friend or mentor for feedback. They have your best interests at heart and give you honest, constructive criticism to help you in future presentations.

20. Practice Makes Progress When It Comes to Public Speaking Skills

After you’ve spoken on several occasions, you’ll develop more confidence in your public speaking skills. It is a skill that only gets better the more you practice. Soon, you may anticipate the chance to make presentations.

public speaking skills

Final Thoughts on Confronting Your Fears and Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

At some time in your life, you’ll need to speak in front of an audience. Whether it’s for work or a special occasion in your family, it can make you nervous. Try using these and other valuable tips, and you’ll feel more comfortable in the spotlight.

7 Ways to Have a Professional Relationship if You Work With Your Ex

It’s uncomfortable to share an office with. let alone maintain a professional relationship with, an ex. How can you go to work each day, focus on your job while worrying about your ex-lover who’s just a cubical away? Just the thought of it probably gives you intense anxiety, especially if you’ve had a bitter breakup.

Sadly, people find themselves in these predicaments all the time, and they have no idea how to manage them. One classic example in Hollywood comes from reality television couple Christina Haack and Tarek El Moussa. The couple was married for more than seven years when they called it quits, but the show must go on, as they say in the movies.

According to Country Living, HGTV continued their contract, and the couple worked together, flipping houses for their reality series until they fulfilled their contract. It also helped them to co-parent their two children cordially. So, there’s proof that you can work together with an ex and still make the best of it. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy.

Seven Ways to Have a Professional Relationship After Ending a Workplace Romance

It’s taboo to date someone you work with, and according to a study mentioned by HR Daily Adviser, more than 39 percent of employees have dated someone at their job before. While it’s estimated that 30 percent get married, what about the other nine percent?

They must learn to work together or move to another job. Since the workplace has become a breeding ground for starry-eyed entanglements, you need to know how to handle the situation should you be one of the unlucky ones who do not find true love.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are working with an ex, you might need a few pointers to make sure things are smooth sailing. Here are a few tips for you to consider.

professional relationship

1. Set a Precedence Early When You Cross From Professional Relationship to Personal

It would be best to have some tough conversations when you work with an ex. You need to set a presidency before entering such a situation as it’s navigating choppy waters. Should you become involved with someone at work, you need to have candid conversations about how things will be should you call it quits.

If you both act like children and are bitter with one another, then it’s going to put the others at your job in an uncomfortable position. Make sure that you maintain professionalism and treat them the same as others. Sure, you can handle any disagreements after you clock out, but don’t drag that stuff into your job.

This is one of the many reasons why some companies forbid anyone from being romantically involved, as it just causes too many issues.

2. Focus On Your Work

You go to work to make money to support yourself, so you need to remember why you’re there in the first place. It’s not a vast dating pool but rather a position to make a living. Maintaining a professional relationship isn’t easy, but you can simplify things by throwing yourself into your job.

It would help if you compartmentalized your emotions at work. The last thing you want to do is let your job performance slip, which can make you susceptible to disciplinary action. Never lose sight of the fact that the workplace is competitive, and you need to stay on top of your game.

Remember, the business world changes rapidly, and you can’t let your education and experience fall by the way over a broken heart. Your heart will mend, but you still need to make money to live.

3. Stay Away from Drama

The gossip mill works twice as hard when your officemates witness something as juicy as a breakup. However, one of the keys to maintaining a professional relationship is not to get dragged into such games. If you need to discuss your relationship, make sure you do it after hours.

Be mindful of the other person during work-related social functions, and you must follow guidelines that show respect for one another. One of the most important things is never to discuss the breakup or the situation with your coworkers, as you’re putting them in a tough spot. You don’t want to put that coworker in a position where they feel like they must choose sides.

4. Be Professional in Every Relationship at Work

Respect is a little word that has a vast meaning. Working with an ex is not easy, but you must make the best of it. If you have a lot invested in your career, you don’t want to blow it over a relationship gone awry.

While you may be the one in the right regarding the breakup, you can easily taint your reputation at work by bringing in personal drama. If you don’t talk about it, don’t wear your emotions on your sleeve, and focus on your job, then your coworkers will soon forget that you were a couple. It can take a lifetime to build a career, but you can destroy it in as little as five minutes.

Never gossip or talk bad about anyone at your job, whether they’re your ex or not. It’s going to be so tempting to vent about things, but you must maintain your professionalism.

professional relationship

5. Avoid Communicating Online

Most companies have ways to communicate both on and offline. However, people tend to feel freer to air their grievances online with a screen in-between them. This airing is a bad idea for many reasons, mainly because you create a digital record that can follow you later.

Additionally, if you air your dirty laundry in the workplace out in the open, you’re creating a hostile work environment for others. Working with your ex is never easy, but the other people are innocent bystanders. It would help if you remembered to maintain a professional relationship.

6. Always Take the High Road in Your Post-Breakup Professional Relationship

Communicating with one another may be a challenge as you cannot control your ex, and they cannot control you. However, even if they want to drag your name through the mud, you must always take the high road. When someone repeats something terrible your ex said about you, counteract it with positivity.

The quickest way to allow office gossip to die is to combat that negativity. Gossipers want the latest story and the juiciest tale, and if you give them nothing, they will move on. If they tell you something your ex said about you, you tell them something nice about them.

For instance, Suzie couldn’t wait to run and say, “Your ex just told us that you lied and cheated on them, and that’s why you broke up. Is it true?” You can counteract something like this by saying, “I am so sorry you heard that, but I choose to remain civil and keep our relationship private.”

You must choose your words wisely as you don’t want to feed into the gossip mill, nor do you want to get into a game of he-said, she-said.

7. Tread Lightly if You Report to Your Ex

What’s even more challenging than working with your ex? When you happen to report to them directly. How can you maintain a professional relationship when your boss is the one who broke your heart? A situation like this can mess with the productive work environment, putting your job on the line.

First, you should talk to your ex’s superior about the situation. An upper manager may need to have your report to someone else for a period, or you can have candid conversations about how you two will conduct yourselves. However, this is a situation that you probably don’t want to handle alone unless you’re being entirely civil.

Guidelines for Keeping Your Professional Relationship Separate from the Office Romance

Dr. Jane Greer posted an article on Psychology Today regarding office romance. She suggests you follow the following guidelines should you get involved with someone at work.

  1. Think twice before you jump into a relationship at your place of employment.
  2. Always have an exit plan in place.
  3. Use discretion so that the entire workplace isn’t involved.
  4. Never let your emotions get in the way of your job.
  5. Never break the law regarding love or your money.
  6. Check the policies regarding employee dating and mingling before you enter into a romance at work.

professional relationship

Final Thoughts Ways to Have a Professional Relationship With an Ex

If the breakup was bitter, it might be beneficial to move to another position or job. While you try to remain civil and have a good relationship, the other party must work towards this goal. It can be pretty uncomfortable to spend eight to ten hours a day in a place where there’s contention and animosity between you and a coworker.

Not everyone will handle a break-up similarly. But the truth is–some folks become vindictive and mean. You don’t want to jeopardize your professional standing by a relationship gone wrong, as you’ve worked too hard to get where you are today.

Keep your superiors informed of what’s going on. Then do your best to maintain a mindset that you’re there to do a job and go home. Adjusting your perspective can help you maintain a professional relationship at work regardless of the presence of your ex.

The 60 Best Low-Carb Foods to Be Healthier, According to Science

Low-carb diets are popular right now, and they offer many health benefits. These diets can help you overcome sugar addiction, regulate blood sugar, lose weight, and improve overall health. You might be reluctant to reduce carbs because you don’t know what to eat, but learning the best low-carb foods can help you.

When you learn the best low-carb foods, you’ll feel more confident changing your eating habits. While you might have to give up some of your favorite foods, you can find new ones to replace them with. The benefits of low-carb diets make it all worth it so that you can reclaim your health.

Cutting back on carbs means giving up added sugar and processed foods. You’ll have to eliminate bread, cereal, sweetened drinks, and other favorite foods. However, you’ll replace those foods with healthier, low-carb options that’ll make you feel and look better. Note that each food might not be carbohydrate-free, although some on the list are.

Best Low-Carb Foods to Reclaim Your Health

Knowing the best low-carb foods, you can find delicious recipes for snacks, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. You can fill up on nutritious dishes you love, giving you even more reason to reclaim your health. Once you find new favorite foods, you won’t want to return to eating the unhealthy options from your past.

best low-carb foods

1. Beef (It’s on the best low-carb foods list, but watch out for the fat content)

Many people are surprised that beef is one of the best low-carb foods. It’s full of nutrients, including iron and vitamin B12, and you can eat it in many forms. Beef has no carbs, and you can switch up your recipe often. However, you should enjoy this protein source sparingly, as it contains more fat than other meats.

2. Salmon

Salmon is low-carb and contains high amounts of protein. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, offering anti-inflammatory effects.

3. Leeks or onions

These tasty foods are low in carbs but high in fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. They also protect against carcinogens and contain antimicrobial properties.

4. Mustard

Mustard seed contains little to no carbs but does have phytochemicals that prevent bladder cancer. Be careful to avoid mustard with high sugar levels, including honey mustard.

5. Pumpkin, sesame, and hemp seeds (Fun to eat low-carb foods)

These seeds don’t contain many carbohydrates but are a rich source of protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Pumpkin, sesame, and hemp seeds contain phytosterols, antioxidant vitamins, and trace minerals.

6. Spinach

Spinach is one of the best low-carb foods to reclaim your health because high in fiber but low in calories. It contains vitamins C, K, and A, iron, potassium, calcium, and other nutrients.

7. Turkey

Not only is turkey a low-carb option, but it is also low in fat. It has high protein, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and B vitamins. It can make you tired, so don’t overdo it.

8. Soy sauce, tamari, or coconut aminos

Many sauces and added flavors contain carbs, but these options only have small amounts. Soy sauce, tamari, and coconut aminos have antimicrobial properties, helping digestion.

9. Carrots

You can use carrots in many delicious recipes or eat them as a snack. Not only are they low-carb, but they also contain vitamin A, antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B6. Carrots also nourish your eyes, making them even more beneficial.

10. Eggs (One of the least expensive low-carb foods)

Eggs are a great option because they are healthy, filling, and delicious. You can have them for any meal, including as a snack. While eggs are low in carbs, they offer other benefits, including improved eye and brain health.

11. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are another versatile option for a low-carb diet. They have antioxidants that reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease. Tomatoes also have lots of vitamin C, carotenoids, and potassium.

12. Cashews and Brazil Nuts (Keep these items from the best low-carb foods list on hand for snacking)

Nuts are an excellent source of fatty acids, vegetable proteins, fiber vitamins, minerals, carotenoids, and antioxidants. You can add them to your favorite foods or eat them as a snack. Cashews and Brazil nuts are the best option, but most nuts contain low carbs.

13. Lamb

Lamb contains beneficial fatty acids and many nutrients, including iron and vitamin B12. It has no carbs, making it the perfect main course for your diet.

14. Broccoli

Not only is broccoli low in carbs, but it also contains antioxidants and phytonutrients that help fight cancer. It also contains high amounts of vitamins C and K, potassium, and other essential nutrients.

15. Chicken (An easy daily go-to when you start adding low-carb foods to your menu)

Chicken is one of the best low-carb foods because it is a good source of protein, iron, zinc, copper, and B vitamins. If you eat the skin, it is also a good source of healthy fats.

16. Bone broth

You can use bone broth for cooking, or you can consume it on its own. It’s an excellent source of collagen, trace minerals, and electrolytes.

best low-carb foods

17. Brussel sprouts

Brussel sprouts are a great source of vitamins K and C and contain phytonutrients. The phytonutrients increase antioxidants and protect your DNA from damage.

18. Coconut, olive, hemp, flaxseed, walnut, or avocado oil

Cooking oils are high-calorie but low-carb, and they help keep you feeling full. They also contain fatty acids, keeping you feeling full until it’s time for your next meal. These oils also promote neurological, hormonal, digestive, and heart health.

19. Fresh pressed green vegetable juice

Green vegetable juice offers protection against oxidative stress, cancer, and digestive issues. The fresh-pressed juice is high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

20. Strawberries (Included on the best low-carb foods list because of the many health benefits)

Strawberries are a nutrient-dense fruit that serves as the perfect snack. You can also include them in your breakfast or dessert. They contain high amounts of vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants. They have some carbohydrates, but the nutritional benefits are worth the occasional splurge.

21. Eggplant

Commonly mistaken for a vegetable, eggplant is a fruit. Moreover, it is one of the best low-carb foods to reclaim your health. It is high in fiber and versatile enough to accompany many meals.

22. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is high in vitamin C and phytochemicals and can be used in many different ways. You can blend it to use as crust, sauce, and other healthy substitutes for your favorite foods.

23. Teas (A drink, but it makes the best low-carb foods list due to the benefits)

Green, black, oolong, or white teas provide antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients. Tea can help regulate appetite, improve cognitive health, and protect against heart disease. It doesn’t contain carbs, making it the perfect addition to your diet.

24. Fermented Items Are Some of the Best Low-Carb Foods for Your Health

Fermented foods offer probiotics for gut health. Since you’ll likely cut out starchy foods, you must replace the gut bacteria with something else. Fermented foods will do the trick and help balance the gut flora.

25. Avocado

Avocado is a nutritious source of healthy fat, fiber, magnesium, vitamin A, and potassium. You can add this delicious food to most meals, and it can be a filling snack, making it one of the best low-carb foods.

26. Grass-fed Butter or ghee

Butter is high in fat but low in carbs, making it the perfect addition to your diet. You can also use ghee, or clarified butter, instead. Ghee provides fatty acids, vitamins A and E, and is the better option for those with milk intolerance.

27. Apricots (Fruits are among the best-low carb foods, but remember they are not carb-free)

This delicious fruit contains low amounts of carbohydrates but plenty of other vitamins and nutrients. They can help you get your daily requirement of vitamin C and potassium.

28. Green beans

Green beans are a great source of fiber, vitamins C and K, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants. They also contain chlorophyll, an effective antioxidant, which gives them their famous green color.

29. Chia seeds

Chia seeds contain high amounts of fiber, helping you feel full until your next meal. They also contain omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.

30. Pork (This meat is on the best low-carb foods list, but watch out for fat and salt)

Pork isn’t always considered a healthy food, but it doesn’t have carbohydrates, making it one of the best options. You can even eat bacon in moderate amounts, as long as it doesn’t contain artificial ingredients. In addition to extra fat, you are also likely eating increased amounts of sodium in pre-packed pork.

best low-carb foods

31. Full-fat unsweetened yogurt or kefir

These options contain gut-friendly probiotics, potassium, B vitamins, and magnesium. Full-fat unsweetened yogurt or kefir is perfect for breakfast or a snack throughout the day.

32. Coffee (Counts as some of the best low-carb foods if you skip the sugar)

As long as you don’t use sweeteners, coffee is a healthy option for a low-carb diet. It contains caffeine and antioxidants, linking it to protection from diseases. It can protect you from diabetes, liver disease, neurological disorders, and depression.

33. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain many essential nutrients, including selenium, potassium, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin D, proteins, and fiber. They’re the perfect salad or side dish addition and versatile enough to go with any food.

34. Palm oil

Palm oil is similar to butter and provides healthy saturated fatty acids. It also contains vitamins A and E, making them a beneficial addition to your diet.

35. Water

You should drink water daily, no matter what eating plan you follow. Your body needs it, and it’ll make you feel better and be healthier. And, of course, it is carbohydrate-free!

36. Arugula (One of the best low-carb foods to add variety to a salad)

In addition to being low in carbs, arugula has cancer-preventing properties. It also provides immune support and can prevent osteoporosis.

37. Trout

This fatty fish is full of omega-3 fatty acids and other essential nutrients. It’s perfect for a lunch or a main dinner course and versatile enough for many different side dishes.

38. Flaxseed

Flaxseed is an excellent fiber source and can reduce cardiovascular disease’s effects. It can also help with atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, autoimmune, and neurological disorders.

39. Sardines

This oily fish contains almost all of the nutrients that your body needs. It’s one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can choose from and has no carbs.

40. Hot Peppers

Not only are hot peppers low in carbohydrates, but they are high in vitamin C and polyphenol content. They can also protect you from free radicals.

41. Raw whole milk

Raw whole milk is low in carbs and high in protein. It also provides vitamin D, healthy fats, magnesium, and potassium.

42. Herbs (They are good in a salad or to dress up the other best low-carb foods on this list)

It’s easy to have delicious foods on a low-carb diet when you use herbs. Many herbs contain anti-inflammatory properties and other health benefits.

43. Shellfish

Shellfish is one of the most nutritious foods you could add to your low-carb diet. While they do contain some carbs, the content is low.

44. Turnips

Turnips are low in carbs but high in other nutrients and vitamins. They contain antitumor, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects.

45. Dark chocolate (Yes, unsweetened dark chocolate holds a spot on the best low-carb foods list)

When choosing your chocolate, ensure it’s 70 percent or higher cocoa content. Unsweetened dark chocolate improves brain function and blood pressure and decreases your risk of heart disease.

46. Hot sauce

Since the hot sauce is made from peppers, it includes many of the same benefits. Hot sauce containing cayenne pepper will also contain capsaicin, which positively affects diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and other conditions.

47. Swiss chard or collard greens (Some of the healthiest options from this best low-carb foods list)

Not only are these healthy foods low in carbs, but they also contain other vitamins and nutrients. You’ll get sufficient amounts of vitamins A, C, and K and antioxidants that protect against cancer, heart disease, vision loss, and neurological disorders.

48. Almonds

Almonds contain monounsaturated fat, fiber, and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, copper, vitamin E, and phytonutrients. They help with managing body weight and reducing oxidative stress.

49. Cucumber

This mild-flavored vegetable is a popular option for a low-carb diet. Cucumber consists primarily of water, but it also contains vitamin K. Since you can eat it plain or add it to salads and soups, it is one of the best low-carb foods.

50. Cabbage

This vegetable contains anti-inflammatory properties, folate, and manganese. It also has high amounts of vitamins K, C, and B6.

51. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, helping regulate hunger and blood sugar. Other vinegar is higher in carbs, so apple cider vinegar is best for a low-carb diet.

52. Bell Peppers

Peppers are among the best low-carb foods because they have a satisfying flavor and contain high amounts of nutrients. They are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants.

53. Asparagus

This vegetable is high in protein, fiber, and many vitamins and nutrients. Asparagus has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, too.

54. Olives (They make the best low-carb foods list, but watch out for the sodium content)

Olives are low in carbs but high in iron and copper, making them one of the best low-carb foods. They also contain vitamin E and are a delicious side to your lunch. On the other hand, they may have significant amounts of sodium, so check the label carefully!

55. Walnuts

As one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts are a beneficial addition to your diet. They contain many other vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin E and polyphenols.

56. Healthy Unsaturated Fats Make the Best Low-Carb Foods List

Choose food options and oil that are high in healthy unsaturated fats. Extra-virgin olive oil is a safe choice, but there are many options.

57. Kale

Kale contains phytochemicals, and high amounts of vitamins K, C, A, fiber, carotenoid, and antioxidants. You can use kale in your salad or add it to your other favorite low-carb dishes.

58. Grapefruit

These citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and antioxidants. The carb content is low, making them a good option for breakfast.

59. Some cheese also ranks among the best low-carb foods…try these varieties

Blue, cheddar, goat, feta, Swiss, parmesan, and asiago cheeses are all reduced in carbohydrates. You can add cheese to any meal, so keep it on hand for your low-carb diet.

60. Cocoa powder (Surprising to most, raw and unsweetened are both low-carb foods)

This low-sugar ingredient adds flavor to your low-carb diet. Cocoa powder contains antioxidants, including polyphenols, and gives a hint of sweetness to your healthy smoothies or other dishes.

best low-carb foods

Final Thoughts on the Sixty Best Low-Carb Foods to Reclaim Your Health

Low-carb diets can require drastic dietary changes, but knowing the best low-carb foods can help you. As you work to reclaim your health, aim to eat more of the fares listed here. It can help you lose weight, improve health conditions, and prevent diseases.

While you’ll have to eliminate some of your favorite foods, you can quickly find new ones to replace them with. Your carbohydrate-reduced diet can become a long-term option as you learn to love healthy options. Find recipes containing the best low-carb foods so you can eat healthy daily.

With so many options, you can consume various fruits, vegetables, meats, and more. So you won’t run out of ideas or new ways to try these best low carb-foods.

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