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Neuroscientists Explain How Gratitude Rewires the Brain to Lower Anxiety

As you grew up, your parents instilled proper manners like saying “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome.” They wanted to raise a child who knew the importance of being grateful. What they didn’t realize is that expressing gratitude rewires the brain and may help to ease anxiety.

Imagine awakening this morning, sitting up in bed, and noticing your surroundings. If you only had the people and things you were thankful for yesterday, what would you have? It’s a sobering thought attributed to several writers and famous people.

All the small blessings you took for granted are suddenly monumental when they’re gone. When you practice being thankful, you try to acknowledge each benefit, no matter how small. Your gracious attitude creates a positive atmosphere that rewires the brain and may reduce stress and anxiety.

How Gratefulness Rewires Your Brain

Being thankful goes beyond simple gestures and appreciative words. Did you know that certain parts of your brain are responsible for your response to gratefulness? Scientists are learning more about this possible connection with neurotransmission.

A study published by Frontiers in Psychology links gratefulness to neural activities in the nervous system. These emotions seem to be centered in the brain’s frontal lobes and hypothalamus, per the study. Since these areas also affect mood, it rewires the brain to boost your sense of well-being.

rewires your brain
Three Possible Benefits of Gratitude

How do you feel when you pause for a few moments to count your blessings? It’s hard to frown when you consider how fortunate you’re and all the blessings in your life. Even when you are weary and stressed, a grateful heart can help you shoulder the burdens.

Gratefulness rewires the brain and prompts you to focus on more positive aspects. The more thankful you are, the more opportunities you’ll have to offer your thanks. Here are some other benefits of gratefulness for your body, mind, and spirit.

1. Being Grateful Rewires the Brain for Emotional Benefits

1. Of the approximately 27 human emotions you have, not all are positive. Ruminating on negative emotions can have toxic effects. Your physical and mental health will be compromised as well as your relationships.

Being thankful rewires the brain since it’s centered in the same place as your emotions. When you fill your heart with gratefulness, you have less room for chronic anger, bitterness, and despair. Even when you experience these negative emotions, your thankfulness and joy will help buffer them.

2. Gratitude Rewires Your Brain for Better Sleep

What’s happening in your mind during a sleepless night? You’re probably staring at the ceiling and worrying about a deadline at work or problems at home. The following day, you’re guzzling coffee to emerge from the dense brain fog.

During deep sleep, your brain goes on autopilot, and your body rests. If your mind is preoccupied with worry and anxiety, you won’t sleep well. The good news is that thankfulness rewires the brain and gives it a break, so you’ll awaken refreshed in the morning.

3. Stress Reduction

The very act of living is stressful, so there’s no getting around it. Your life is like a printout of your heartbeat from an EKG. Everyone’s reading is a bit different and is an endless series of highs and lows. The only time the line is flat is when you leave this earth.

You need a certain amount of stress to learn and grow. It triggers your brain’s automatic survival instinct of fight, flight, freeze, or faint. Without it, the human race would have been extinct ages ago.

However, chronic stress keeps your body in survival mode. It becomes overdosed with stress hormones that are only intended for acute emergencies. Regular flows of adrenaline and cortisol can be a threat to your health and your life.

Focusing on the positive things can ease undue stress and its adverse effects on your body. You may consider keeping a journal or meditating on encouraging more gratefulness. It may take a while, but you’ll soon notice that you’re calmer and can de-stress more easily.

rewires the brain
How Being Thankful Rewires the Brain to Lower Anxiety?

According to an article published by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, over 40 million people in America have anxiety issues. It’s also the most common mental illness, shares the article. The condition can be one of four types: generalized anxiety, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or phobias.

Are you one of those people who struggle with anxiety, or do you have depression? An article published by the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance states that at least 17.3 million Americans battle a depression disorder any given year. It’s not uncommon to have a mixture of anxiety and depression.

When you have an anxiety disorder, just thinking about it makes the symptoms worse. It can be so miserable that you feel as if you’ve lost yourself. Here are some ways that cultivating gratefulness can reduce your anxiety and boost your joy.

1. Your Internal Conversation Will Change

Everyone has an internal chat with themselves that’s never-ending. It’s the still, small voice of intuition that guides your life. Positive self-talk reminds you that you’re loved, worthy, and beautiful just as you are.

Unfortunately, trauma, abuse, and mental illness can distort your inner voice to whisper negative and false things. Listening to a perpetual loop of negative self-talk plummets your self-esteem and can cause anxiety.

Surrounding yourself with gratefulness can rewrite your internal conversation. It will expose false assumptions and beliefs and allow you to be more positive. Such positive affirmations can stifle negativity and anxiety.

2. You’ll Have More Clarity in Your Life

Have you ever expressed your gratefulness for being you? There’s never been anyone just like you in the past, nor will there be in the future. Your singular personality is a treasured gift for which you can give thanks.

Changing your internal dialog and acknowledging your daily benefits help you understand yourself better. Gratefulness highlights your talents and shows you areas where you can improve. As you know yourself better, you will be more self-compassionate, less anxious, and have more clarity for your life’s goals.

How to Bring More Gratefulness into Your Day

The beauty of being thankful is that it benefits you and whomever you thank. It makes you smile, and you feel worthy and loved. Try these suggestions for creating a heart of thanksgiving, a daily habit.

1. Saying Grace Before Your Meal Rewires the Brain to Feel Grateful

One visit to a third-world country would bring you instant gratefulness for the abundance of food and clean water in this country. As you sit with your loved ones around the dinner table, take a moment to express your thanks.

You needn’t be a religious person to appreciate nutritious food and drink. Savor each bite and be mindful of flavor, aroma, and texture. Enjoy meaningful conversation and bless the moment.

2. Show Your Appreciation

It’s too easy to take folks for granted when you’re busy with family, work, and other social obligations. Make it a point to thank the people in your life who is such a blessing to you. Please show your appreciation and do kind deeds for them, too.

3. Keep a Journal

You’ve probably heard others discuss the wisdom of counting your blessings. It may be easier if you make a list in your journal. Some people enjoy keeping a journal specifically for expressing thanks.

Remember that no blessing is too trivial to add to your list. If you journal each day, maybe you can leave a space for a unique benefit you received that day. When you feel depressed or anxious, reflect on past entries for inspiration.

4. Boost Your Spirituality

Even if you don’t subscribe to any religion or deity, you’re still a spiritual being. Your spirit longs to connect with a Higher Power at a cosmic level. You can call it God, the Universe, or even the Collective Consciousness.

There’s a feeling of unity when you commune with the Universe and express your gratefulness. It’s part of the law of attraction which says that you’ll attract whatever you speak into the atmosphere. Positive affirmations of love and thanksgiving attract the same.

5. Meditation Rewires the Brain and Boosts Positivity

You needn’t belong to a commune to reap the benefits of mediation, as these are old and outdated views. Mediation is a beautiful way of observing your thoughts, emotions, and intentions from the inside. Schedule at least fifteen to twenty minutes a day to sit in a quiet space, relax, and breathe. Let your mind go free without judgment.

Focus on the gifts in your life and how you appreciate all the gifts you have in your life. As you meditate, you can visualize the changes you want in your life. Agree with the Universe and allow these affirmations to become a reality. Gratefulness opens your soul to new opportunities and moments of grace.

rewires the brain
Final Thoughts on How Being Grateful Rewires the Brain to Reduce Anxiety

There’s a vast difference between those who say “thank you” and those who feel ungrateful and entitled. Making appreciation a habit will foster more positivity and less anxiety as it rewires the brain. You’ll have better clarity and a life of joy and satisfaction.

Research Proves That Exercise Reduces Anxiety Syndrome Symptoms

A recent study confirms what experts have said for years: exercise helps alleviate anxiety syndrome. Even in people with chronic anxiety, researchers say moderate and intense exercise reduces symptoms.

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden led the study, which the Journal of Affective Disorders published.

Researchers recruited 286 patients with anxiety syndrome from primary care services in Gothenburg and northern Halland County for the study. 50% of patients had suffered from anxiety for at least a decade. The participants had an average age of 39, and most (70%) were female.

Researchers randomly assigned participants to one of two group exercise programs lasting 12 weeks. The first group performed cardiorespiratory training while the other completed resistance training. They also placed some participants in a non-exercise control group.

The team found that the exercise programs significantly alleviated anxiety syndrome symptoms even in people with chronic anxiety. The control group only received advice on exercise based on public health guidelines. Researchers didn’t notice a significant reduction in symptoms with this group.

Most people in the exercise treatment groups experienced a decrease from moderate or high anxiety to low anxiety after 12 weeks. For individuals who performed fairly low-intensity exercises, their mental health improved by a factor of 3.62. Those who did strenuous exercise felt even less anxious, with an improvement of 4.88. Participants did not know about the training programs or counseling received by people outside their group.

“There was a significant intensity trend for improvement — that is, the more intensely they exercised, the more their anxiety symptoms improved,” said Malin Henriksson, a doctoral student at Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, a specialist in general medicine in the Halland Region, and the study’s first author.

Research Proves That Exercise Reduces Anxiety Syndrome Symptoms

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Prior studies on how exercise helps people with depression have observed noticeable improvements in symptom severity. However, few studies have looked into the effects of exercise on anxiety until now. The study by University of Gothenburg researchers marks the largest of its kind to date.

Both exercise groups participated in one-hour training sessions three times per week with a physical therapist present. The sessions consisted of both cardio and strength training exercises. Researchers designed the exercise program to include circuit training with 12 stations, repeated twice.

Cardiorespiratory exercises included step-ups, lunges, jump rope, burpees, step touches side-to-side, and step-touches on platforms. Resistance training exercises included squats, abdominal planks, hip lifts, crunches, row exercises, and push-ups. The training sessions also consisted of 10-minute warm-up exercises and five minutes of cool down and stretching.

Group members who completed moderate-level exercises to at least 60% of their maximum heart rate. Experts rate this degree of exertion as light or moderate. However, they were expected to exercise at 75% of their maximum heart rate in the intense training group. This is considered a high degree of exertion.

Participants wore a pulse-watch to confirm their heart rate, and researchers validated levels using the Borg scale. This measures physical activity intensity based on how you feel. Although it’s a self-reported, subjective measure, researchers say it provides a reasonably accurate heart rate during exertion.

Researchers Believe Many Mental Health Treatments Need Improving

Most doctors prescribe either cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or anti-anxiety medications for anxiety syndrome. However, psychotropic drugs often have unwanted side effects that cancel out any improvements.

What’s more, many patients have treatment-resistant anxiety, which means they don’t respond to traditional medical treatment. Qualified therapists who offer CBT may have long waiting times, leaving patients with few options. Researchers say that doctors should start prescribing a healthy lifestyle first to get at the root of the problem.

Maria Åberg, associate professor at the University of Gothenburg’s Sahlgrenska Academy, a specialist in general medicine in Region Västra Götaland’s primary healthcare organization, and co-author led the study.

“Doctors in primary care need treatments that are individualized, have few side effects, and are easy to prescribe. The model involving twelve weeks of physical training, regardless of intensity, represents an effective treatment that should be made available in primary health care more often for people with anxiety issues,” Åberg says.

Luckily, people with anxiety syndrome can often improve on their own by making lifestyle changes. An active, healthy lifestyle usually alleviates anxious feelings because of the endorphins released during exercise. Anxiety occurs essentially because of pent-up energy, so moving your body can provide much-needed relief.

Other Tips for Decreasing Anxiety Syndrome Symptoms

  • Use your smartphone or other devices sparingly. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can exacerbate anxiety and depression. Try using your phone only when you need it, and limit social media use.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Processed, ready-made foods can make mental health worse. Opt for whole, fresh foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains to reduce anxiety.
  • Prioritize sleep. In our “24/7” society, many of us stay up far too late watching Netflix instead of getting our beauty rest. As a result, we don’t feel as refreshed as we should for the work or school day. Make sure you’re getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to feel less anxious.
  • Practice positive thinking. In today’s chaotic world, it’s easy to look around and notice what’s wrong. However, negative thinking takes you on a downward spiral, stealing your motivation and energy. Make sure you surround yourself with uplifting people and avoid negative media to feel your best.

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Final Thoughts on How Moderate to Intense Exercise Helps with Anxiety Syndrome

It should come as no surprise that moving your body decreases anxious feelings. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles have unfortunately cost us our mental health and wellbeing overall. Our bodies and minds should not be inactive for hours at a time. So make sure you get adequate exercise throughout the week.

This study proves that vigorous exercise can alleviate anxiety symptoms and improve mental health across the board. Hopefully, more doctors will prescribe exercise and healthy eating to remedy the anxiety epidemic sweeping society.

15 Motivating Mantras That Can Improve Your Life

If you want to improve your life but need a motivational boost, using these mantras can help you. These motivating mantras will inspire you to do what it takes to make your life better. Writing mantras can help, or you can use the ones that you find here.

Sometimes all that it takes to make your life better is a new idea or something to inspire you. Motivating mantras can give you some new ideas and inspiration, and the positive words can encourage you to take the necessary steps in life. These phrases will also motivate you to accept new opportunities and experiences.

Motivating mantras will help you improve your life so that you can achieve your dreams. You might have other people in your life motivate you, but your thoughts and opinions mean the most. When you use motivational mantras toward yourself, you’ll quickly notice an improvement in your life.

These motivating mantras can make all the difference in shifting toward a growth mindset. When you have positive thoughts and say uplifting things to yourself, you’ll feel better overall. Plus, it’ll help you focus on reaching your goals and going after what you want.

Fifteen Motivating Mantras That Can Improve Your Life

motivating mantras

1. I always look for the good in every situation.

When you always look on the bright side, your life will quickly improve. If something happens in your life that you aren’t thrilled about, use this mantra to help refocus your thoughts. Once you start thinking about the positive aspects, everything else will fall into place.

Bad things happen no matter how hard you try to prevent them, but you can still focus on positivity. Positive thinking, even in dire situations, will help improve every aspect of your life. You’ll be happier and find solutions to your problems quickly.

2. I achieve my goals at my own pace.

Don’t compare yourself to others because everyone accomplished things at different paces. If you ever beat yourself up over someone being ahead of you, this mantra is for you. Repeat the positive phrase each morning, and it’ll help you feel motivated to keep going on your pace.

As long as you stay motivated and keep pushing forward, you’re doing great. It doesn’t matter how quickly you reach your goal as long as you never give up.

3. I am stepping out of my comfort zone to make my life better.

If you want to improve your life, you must step out of your comfort zone. Nothing will change if you keep doing the same things all the time. Switch up your daily routine and try something new so that you can make beneficial changes, as suggested by these motivating mantras.

As soon as you step out of your comfort zone, you’ll start learning something new. Plus, you’ll build confidence and self-esteem as you recognize that you can do better.

4. I trust my ideas and find ways to try them out.

When you come up with a new idea, please don’t dismiss it. Use this motivational mantra to work toward trusting your thoughts, even if they take some work to accomplish. You might not know how to utilize your ideas, but this statement will encourage you to think creatively.

As you find ways to try your new ideas, you’ll notice that your life begins to improve. The improvements happen quickly once you start trusting yourself and honing in on your critical thinking.

5. I am chasing my dreams without waiting for permission.

If you wait for someone to give permission, you might spend your entire life waiting. You don’t need anyone to tell you when to chase your dreams because you are in control of your life. By using this affirmation each morning, you’ll experience motivation to go after what you want.

You can quickly improve your life by not waiting for someone to tell you it’s time. This life is yours to live, and you get to decide when things happen. Don’t let the time pass you by, wondering when it’ll be your turn.

6. I am releasing the things that don’t belong in my life.

When you decide to release things that don’t serve you, your life will drastically improve. Once you let go of those things, you can take a good look at the things that stayed in your life. Then, you’ll feel appreciation for what you have left, helping your life get better.

Plus, when you release the things that don’t belong, you can focus on the essential things in life. By focusing on the essential things, all areas of your life will improve.

7. I receive what I focus on.

When you remember that you receive whatever you focus on, you will think about positive things. This motivating mantra will help you switch your mindset so you can think about the good things in life. As you repeat this affirmation, start thinking about the areas of your life that you want to work on.

Once the areas of improvement are on your mind, you’re sure to focus on the right things. Anytime your thoughts begin to shift, use this affirmation to get back on track.

8. I am taking small steps to improve my life.

Each small step you take makes a difference in your life. Repeat motivating mantras can help you encourage yourself to do a little more each day. If you remember that the small steps can lead to significant changes, you won’t let a day pass without progress.

motivating mantras

9. I learn and grow each day.

Each day is another chance to learn something new and develop your skills. This motivating mantra will help you remember to look for learning opportunities in every situation. Plus, it serves as a reminder that you’re getting a little better each day.

10. I work for the things I want.

You can’t just wish for your life to get better because it won’t happen that way. Instead, you must get out there and work for it. It won’t always be easy, but you have what it takes to work hard.

The more often you repeat these motivating mantras, the better they will work in your life. You’ll start to enjoy the hard work you put into things because it’s a positive way to improve things.

11. I am not giving up if the plan doesn’t work.

Your first plan won’t always work out the way you hoped it would. When that happens, use this mantra to help motivate you to keep going and improve your life. You can always try again with a new plan, and you don’t have to change the goal.

It might take a while before you reach your goals, and it often takes many attempts. Please don’t change your dreams or give up on them when you can formulate a new plan to accomplish them.

12. I have big dreams, and I’ll grow into them.

When you have big dreams, they won’t come true overnight. You must keep taking small steps and accomplishing smaller goals along the way. Don’t let the slow progress discourage you because you’ll get to the big dreams.

You grow a little more with each small achievement. Eventually, you’ll have grown enough to make your big dream happen. Use this affirmation as a reminder that you’re making progress each day.

13. I release fear and find ways to make my life great.

If fear ever stops you from bettering your life, then this affirmation is for you. You can’t let fear hold you back if you want to have a great life. Repeat this affirmation and release any feelings of unease.

As you let go of your fear, you’ll find that life quickly begins to improve. You’ll be open to new opportunities and experiences, allowing you to grow as an individual. Plus, you’ll make memories that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

14. I am the only person that can make changes in my life.

You are in control of your life, so you are the only one who can make any changes. If you want your life to get better, you must decide to improve certain areas. Use motivating mantras each day, and you’ll naturally begin thinking of the things you need to change.

If it helps, make a list of your problematic areas. Then, brainstorm ideas for what you can do differently. If you go through the brainstorming processes, this affirmation will take on even more meaning for you.

15. I say yes to new adventures and experiences.

If you want to make beneficial life changes, you must be open to trying new things. Start accepting invitations for new adventures and experiences, and you’ll quickly notice an improvement. This affirmation will give you the confidence and motivation you need.

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Final Thoughts on Motivational Phrases That Can Improve Your Life

If you want to improve your life, these motivating mantras can make all the difference. They’ll inspire you to try new things and give you the motivation to keep moving forward. No matter what holds you back right now, these motivating mantras can help get you going.

Once you become comfortable repeating these affirmations, you can start writing mantras specific to your life. Whether you continue using these or write personalized ones, repeat the motivating mantras each morning as you get ready for the day. Then, you’ll begin on the best path for improving your life each day.

How to Be Confident (Even After You Fail)

Confidence is something that is of the utmost importance. You want to be confident enough in yourself to try for the girl or guy of your dreams and to go after the job you’ve always wanted. However, it’s not uncommon for people to experience a dip in their confidence levels once they’ve had a failure.

You’re probably guilty of overthinking the error of your ways and wondering how you could have done things differently. Of course, you are more than the choices that you made, both good and bad. You’re a human being who is fallible, and you’re going to make mistakes.

If you’ve raised children, you know that learning to walk is one of the most exciting times in their life. You want to be there for their first steps and words. However, kids don’t just stand up and start walking across the floor. Instead, it’s a progression that begins with scooting, crawling, pulling themselves up on furniture, and then walking.

Now, how many times did your child fall when they were learning to walk? If you answer honestly, it’s too many times to count. However, the key is to be confident and keep trying every time they fall. Eventually, they got the hang of it, and there was no looking back.

Why do you think that you must be perfect and never stumble? These times of spending on the bottom are there to teach you lessons. You can never learn and grow when everything’s going right, but you must go through these darks storms in life to help mold and make you into something more significant.

How To Be Confident in the Face of Failure

be confident
It’s challenging to be confident in your abilities, even though you’ve fallen. Thankfully, history shows us examples of how we can rise in the face of adversity. Consider Colonel Harland Sanders, or what is commonly known as a KFC restaurant chain.

Sanders was a poor boy from Kentucky who had failed at almost everything he had tried in life. He fell more times than he stood, but it wasn’t until he was 65 years of age that his luck turned. He had the best chicken recipe and the desire to try once more.

The only problem was that Sanders only had $105 in his pocket. He went to 1,009 different restaurants trying to sell them on his famous chicken, but all of them turned him down. Down, but not out, he tried yet one more time.

Consequently, they changed the name to Kentucky Fried Chicken on the next try, and it was a hit. Sanders eventually sold the business for a mere two million dollars, but that would be almost sixteen million in today’s market. What would have happened if he didn’t believe in himself and his recipe so much to try one more time?

Sanders could have wallowed in his failures, but he chose to be confident and keep going. The rest of the story is history, according to Snagajob. Here are some ways to be confident when it seems like you’re at rock bottom more than you’re standing.

1. Be Confident By Changing Your Focus

Part of the reason people lose their faith when they fall is that they focus entirely on failure. Why not start focusing on the things you did right? Just because Colonel Sanders didn’t make a go the many times he tried, he still knew he had a good chicken recipe that the masses would love.

The key is to find the silver lining in your dark clouds and use that as the motivation and strength you need to keep going.

2. Surround Yourself With Support

Everybody needs a support system. It would help if you had friends and family that surrounded you with positivity. They can see the good in you even when all you see are failures. Remember the classic television show Friends?

This group of people surrounded each other and lifted one another even when life handed some horrible blows. This show is proof positive that you can accomplish anything when you have a robust support system surrounding you. While it’s just a program, the cast did become friends in real life.

3. Visualize a Winner to Be Confident of a Successful Outcome

While you may be down, you’re certainly not out. Stop seeing yourself as a loser and start picturing a winner. Do you ever daydream that you will be sitting in a comfy corner office running a company one day?

Daydreaming can be a powerful way for you to visualize your successes. It can help you to be confident enough to go after those dreams. Stop with all the negative self-talk and try using positive words and affirmations to lift your spirit.

4. Avoid Doomsday Scenarios

Since you’re human, your mind will automatically take you to the darkest places and picture the worst scenarios. The key is you must reprogram your brain towards a brighter future. The Huffington Post listed a story about those who have chronic anxiety from stress and worry.

They cited a study that shows that nearly 85 percent of the things you worry and fret over will never even happen. So, while you’ve had some failures, please don’t make it into a more significant situation than it needs to be. When your mind tends to ruminate about doomsday situations, counteract it with something positive.

5. Forgive Yourself

Why is it so much easier to forgive others when they fail you, but you can’t forgive yourself? Stop expecting so much from you, and you won’t burn out and become overly stressed. Tell yourself how sorry you are for all the extra pressure you’ve added and cut yourself some slack.
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6. Stop Worrying About What Others Think

One of the most significant issues people find along life’s path is that they become overly concerned with what other folks think. It’s your nature to want to please people, but it can ruin your life. While you care about your parents, spouse, children, friends, and family, you cannot let them dictate your life.

If you find that someone is putting excessive pressure on you to be or do something you don’t like, you need to learn to stand up for yourself. You only need to account for yourself and your partner for your actions and choices, and everyone else should keep their opinions to themselves.

7. Find Empowering Meaning

Your brain categorizes experiences in your life and puts meaning to them. Neatly putting it into categories helps you to process things better. However, you have the power to override your automatic instincts and decide what meaning you want to give to circumstances.

After any failure, you will need to begin the process of rebuilding your self-confidence. Part of this process involves finding the meaning behind your loss and using it to empower you. Did you ever think that your failure could be helping you more than hurting?

It sounds crazy, but you have the power to decide what failure means. For instance, you can tell yourself that you learned something incorrectly, and now because of the setback, you’ve learned there’s a better way to accomplish your goals. Stop thinking that failure means you’re not good enough and start believing that it’s a way to learn and grow.

8. Remind Yourself of Your Successes

While you automatically put importance on the things in life that bring you down, why not turn your focus towards the successes? Even the tiniest success is still a victory, so why not turn your attention towards all the things that you’ve done right? When you feel those doubts and fears flood your mind, you remind yourself of all the times you won rather than the times you lost.

9. Develop a “Never Give Up” Mentality

The most significant part of the battle you face is in your mind. It would help if you changed your mindset from a dud to someone who doesn’t give up. Be confident enough in yourself that you believe that you’re going to win no matter the impossible odds.

Whatever the situation you’re facing, never give up! When you develop bulletproof resilience, you’ll learn you can stand even in the most turbulent times.

10. Be Confident by Understanding That Failure is Part of Life

Have you ever been to a wrestling match? These folks are trained to hit the mat or a proverbial rock bottom. The key is that it’s not if they will get up, but it’s all about when they rise again.

These individuals have strict training that teaches them resilience in the face of significant opposition. The next time you feel that life has you pinned to the mat and is about to declare you a loser, you get up! Sure, it’s going to hurt, sting, and not be the easiest thing you will ever do, but the fact is that you can pick yourself up and begin again.
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Final Thoughts on Learning to Be Confident After a Failure

It’s challenging to regain your self-confidence after a devastating blow. However, the human spirit is something that’s not easily broken. Have you ever seen a rope that was made of three strands braided together?

That rope has a lot more strength than jute or twine. You’re as powerful as that cord because you’re composed similarly of three powerful strands: mind, body, and spirit. Isn’t it time you stop letting yourself wallow in the pain of defeat and pick yourself up and start again?

Professional Skateboarder Explains Why You’re Never Too Old to Try New Things

Ricky Glaser, a 28-year-old professional skateboarder, says that you’re never too old to follow your passions. While he’s been skating for over 20 years, he believes the sport doesn’t have age limits. If you have the drive to learn, and a bit of patience, you can pick up on the skill quickly.

“I started skateboarding when I was 8 years old. I think I had a skateboard before that, but I didn’t really understand what to do with it,” Ricky says. “As a child, I had a lot of energy, and I loved all sports and activities. But, as soon as I found skateboarding, I instantly fell in love and I took focus away from everything else.”

Like anything in life, practice makes perfect. If you want to become a professional skateboarder, it requires dedication and getting outside your comfort zone. Being a competitive skateboarder means doing whatever it takes to stay ahead of the game. For Ricky, though, it’s more about self-growth and surpassing his own perceived limits.

“What’s great about skateboarding is the feeling of progression. It doesn’t necessarily matter how hard the trick you’re trying is. The feeling of accomplishment, achievement and empowerment when you finally land, it’s always the same,” Ricky says.

The professional skateboarders on TV make it look easy, but it takes years of hard work to make it big. When you desire a career in skating, it’s important to master certain tricks and feel comfortable in the air.

Some basic skateboarding tricks include the following:

  • Riding Switch: This involves being able to skate with your non-dominant foot. Being able to master this trick opens the door to other, more advanced moves.
  • Drop-In: A pretty basic trick for most skateboarders, it involves placing your board on the edge of a bowl or ramp and “dropping in.” When you’re peering down a tall ledge, it can look intimidating, but it becomes easier with practice.
  • Ollie: Many professional skateboarders consider the Ollie one of the most important tricks for beginners. The trick involves jumping in the air and keeping the skateboard on your feet. Sound impossible? To master it, you’ll want to pop the tail end of the board while you jump so it stays with your body.
  • 180 Ollie: Just like it sounds, this trick builds off the basic Ollie and involves turning in mid-air. This way, you’ll land in the opposite direction, doing a 180 in the air.
  • Wheelie: Just like doing a wheelie on a bike, you accomplish this basic trick by putting your weight on the back wheels. Then, the board will pop up in the front. This trick helps will balance, an essential tool in professional skateboarding.
  • Kick Turn: This trick comes in handy when you’re cruising at fast speeds. To do it, simply pop a wheelie, and when the board is hovering a few inches above the ground, pivot in the direction you want to turn.
  • Tic-Tac: This move consists of multiple kick turns in succession. Once you have some momentum going, perform a few kick turns to help build speed and carve a path for skating.


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Of course, before you even attempt the basic tricks, you should master feeling comfortable on the board. Practice getting on and off the board and positioning yourself for skating. Kick off with your dominant foot and get used to the feeling of the skateboard under your feet. After you gain some confidence, you can then move on to the basic moves.

Professional Skateboarder Explains Why You’re Never Too Old to Try New Things

Ricky gives a few reasons to get into the skateboarding scene: “Skateboarding is really freeing. There’s no rules, there’s no one to answer to. To me, it’s the perfect balance of a physical and mental challenge that you can use to express your creativity and style.”

Many people find that sports give them a purpose and sense of community as well. At skateparks, you’re bound to make friends since you share a common interest. If you start skateboarding often, you can practice new tricks with your friends and improve your skills together. Pretty soon, you’ll find yourself falling in love with the sport, just as Ricky did.

“I skate as often as I can. Melbourne is lucky to have lots of different skateparks. They’re great, but I love skating outside in the street, too. It can be really fun to skate on obstacles that are not necessarily designed for skating and offer a fun, new challenge and spark creative ideas,” he says.


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Tips from a Professional Skateboarder to Help Motivate You to Try

For anyone interested in skateboarding but feeling a bit hesitant, he offers the following advice:

“People often ask me, ‘How do I get into skating? Do I have what it takes? Am I too old?’ And you know, it’s really quite simple. All you have to do is get a skateboard, stand on it, roll around and start having fun.”

Even if you don’t want to become a professional skateboarder, you can still enjoy learning a new skill. After a long day at work or school, you may find that skateboarding helps you destress and boost your mood. Everyone’s motivations for trying sports vary, but if you have a passion for something, you should always follow your heart.

“Skateboarding can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. You don’t have to be an active young boy to get started. I feel honored to see the skateboarding community become more diverse in recent years. And, I think people’s perception of skateboarding is becoming more positive,” Ricky says.

professional skateboarder

Final Thoughts on How A Professional Skateboarder Encourages People to Try His Sport

Maybe you’re not interested in becoming the next Ricky Glaser, and that’s okay! Being a professional skateboarder isn’t everyone’s calling in life, but you can still take up the sport during leisure times. If you have the desire to learn, it’s best to start out small, anyway. Go to your local skate shop or skatepark for tips on beginning your journey. Once you have the right board and a support system, you’re ready to roll!

15 Peace Quotes That Will Inspire You to Unite

Many people dream of peacefulness but don’t know how to make it happen. They spend their life searching for it, not realizing that they must look within to find it. If you’re in that situation, peace quotes can help you find the mindset you desire and unite with others.

If you want to achieve tranquility in life, you must find a way to evolve with life changes. You’ll have to continually learn new things about yourself and adjust your life accordingly. Plus, you must accept other people for who they are and how they choose to live.

Peace quotes can help you remember how to find tranquility in your life as you unite with others. While finding harmony helps connect you with others, this state of being can only come from within. Life constantly changes, so you’ll have to shift your mindset accordingly to maintain peacefulness.

Not only will these peace quotes give the inspiration to unite, but they’ll remind you to keep working towards it. You can find tranquility in life once and then expect it to last without effort. Use these quotes as reminders and motivation to maintain a peaceful mindset and unity.

Fifteen Peace Quotes That Will Inspire You to Unite

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1. “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” – John F. Kennedy

This peace quote serves as a reminder that you must strive for tranquility each day of your life. You can’t stop the process of shifting your opinion, eliminating things that hold you back, and developing your mindset. If you can continually do these things, you’ll always feel united with the world around you.

2. “The biggest challenge or biggest crisis knocking on the doors of humankind is fear and intolerance.” – Kailash Satyarhi

It’s easy to fear things you don’t understand, but it can disrupt your peaceful feelings. Rather than becoming fearful or intolerant of these things, work to understand them. Ask questions or do research to learn about anything you don’t know.

As you learn more, you’ll feel connected to those who are different from you. When you can unite with others, you’re sure to experience tranquility.

3. “When you make peace with yourself, you make peace with the world.” – Maha Ghosananda

If you want to experience tranquility in the world, you must first make it within. Determine which areas of your life or mind need work, and start there. As you adjust your life to experience contentedness, you’ll quickly notice a difference and feel more connected to others.

4. “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

When you show gratitude, it helps you make sense of your life. You’ll understand your past, feel peaceful today, and have a plan for the future. With this mindset and positive attitude, you’ll feel motivated to unite with those around you.

5. “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu

You don’t have to do big things all at once to make a difference in the world. Instead, do small acts of kindness and good deeds each day, no matter where you are.

Each good thing you do positively impacts others, and they begin to spread positivity around, too. Before you know it, the world becomes overwhelmed with positivity and connectedness.

6. “Whatever you may be missing right now – a person, a place, a feeling, maybe you are injured and missing running – whatever it is, have peace and take heart – remember that any goodbye makes room for a hello.” – Kristin Armstrong

Sometimes you’ll miss something from your past, and the feeling will disrupt your tranquility. If that’s the case, this peace quote can help you feel better and more united with others. Anytime something in your life ends, it makes room for something new.

Rather than dwell on what you miss, use these peace quotes to help you shift your mindset. When things happen in your life, there’s a reason for it, even if you don’t see it right away. Keep this quote in mind so that you look for the next good thing to fill the void.

7. “To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.” – Robert Muller

People will let you down in life, and sometimes you’ll let yourself down. No matter who needs forgiveness, don’t hesitate to give it freely. When you forgive people for their mistakes, it’s an act of love.

Each act of love you give out will return to you in tranquility and happiness. Remember what Muller says about forgiveness and begin offering it up freely to anyone who needs it.

8. “Peace has to be created, to be maintained. It is the product of faith, strength, energy, will, sympathy, justice, imagination, and the triumph of principle. It will never be achieved by passivity and quietism.” – Dorothy Thompson

Keep working to achieve a peaceful mindset. Once you reach it, you must maintain it. Have fair, be strong, radiate positive energy, and show sympathy to help you along.

You’ll always want to use your imagination and rise above negativity. Sitting quietly without speaking up or being passive about things will never bring you the unity you need to achieve tranquility.

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9. “If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious, you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present.” – Lao Tzu

When you want to find tranquility in life and unite with others, remember this peace quote. Stop living in the past so that you can avoid depression, and stop living in the future to prevent anxiety. When you live in the present, you’ll find everything you’re looking for in life.

10. “If we ourselves remain angry and then sing world peace, it has little meaning. First, our individual self must learn peace. This we can practice. Then we can teach the rest of the world.” – Dalai Lama

Your words don’t matter if your heart isn’t in the right place. If you want to talk about tranquility and unity in the world, you must also show it. Let go of anger and negativity as you speak about reaching a peaceful mindset.

You must learn to be content with life and understand differences before you can influence the world. Look within for positivity before you look anywhere else. Then, you can spread all of the goodness throughout the world.

11. “Peace is not just the absence of mass destruction, but a positive internal and external condition in which people are free so that they can grow to their full potential.” – Petra Karin Kelly

There is much more to tranquility than the absence of destruction, as Kelly explains. You must feel free to live up to your potential and allow others to do the same, as these peace quotes sugges.

When people feel free to be themselves, they’ll thrive and develop into the best version of themselves. Then they can spread the same mindset to others, eventually influencing the whole world.

12. “Each moment is a chance for us to make peace with the world, to make peace possible for the world, to make happiness possible for the world.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Every second of the day is an opportunity to start fresh and create tranquility in the world. When you decide to influence peaceful mindsets, you also promote happiness all around you.

13. “Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone. But it is also securing the space for others to contribute the best that they have and all that they are.” – Hafsat Abiola

When you have the freedom to live up to your full potential, tranquility is possible. Contributing to the world around you will make more of a difference than anything else you can do. Living this way also allows others to do the same, promoting positivity and well-being everywhere.

14. “Let us bring equality, justice, and peace for all. Not just the politicians and the world leaders, we all need to contribute. Me. You. It is our duty.” – Malala Yousafzai

You don’t have to wait for world leaders to begin the process of tranquility for everyone. Get started right now because it takes the contribution of everyone. These peace quotes suggest that when everyone works together, unity is possible.

15. “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” – Mother Teresa

Everyone in the world connects through the universe. More than that, everyone is connected because we all live on the earth and play a role in society.

If you ever experience a disruption, remember this quote. When you feel like your life is missing tranquility, you have likely forgotten how you are connected to everyone and everything.

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Final Thoughts on Thoughts on Peacefulness That Will Inspire You to Unite

While everyone in the world is connected, a disruption of tranquility can cause you to forget. When that happens to you, and you feel agitated, come back to these peace quotes. The quotes will give you the inspiration to unite, helping you experience a connection to the universe again.

These peace quotes can help you get through hard days, or they can serve as a reminder on good days. It might help if you write them down and put the quotes in an area you’ll see often. If you can remember these wise words of wisdom, you’ll experience peacefulness always.

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