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15 Signs of Overthinking and How to Stop Immediately

Everyone overthinks sometimes, but some people do it excessively. While it might not seem like a big deal, overthinking can interfere with your life in many ways. Knowing the signs of overthinking to watch for can help you switch your mindset and focus on something more positive.

Overthinking can take a toll on your mental health and is linked to psychological problems, including anxiety and depression. Once it affects your mental health, the overthinking usually gets much worse. It results in an endless cycle of overthinking and rumination.

While you must think about things if you want a solution, overthinking worsens the situation. You will feel worse the more you think about your problems, making it harder to decide on a favorable resolution. Your emotions can cloud your judgment, hindering your ability to make decisions.

Fifteen Telltale Signs of Overthinking

When you’re overthinking, it can be hard to identify it. You might even convince yourself that the thoughts are beneficial in some way. By learning the signs of overthinking, you can learn to change your thinking habits for the better.

overthinking meme

1. You always have to have a plan. (One of the most prevalent signs of overthinking)

Overthinkers need to have a plan for everything, whether they make the plan or someone else does. If you’re like this, you want to know what to expect in all situations. You likely don’t enjoy uncertainty or when the plan abruptly changes.

Overthinking can lead you to believe that without a plan, the situation will never happen. You have a hard time getting excited about things until everything is in place.

2. You feel like you can’t enjoy moments of solitude.

If you start dwelling on bad things when you’re alone, it’s a sign of overthinking. Rather than enjoying moments alone, you spend the time stressing out and making yourself upset. Sometimes, you’ll spend your time alone thinking about things that’ll likely never happen.

When you’re too busy stressing and overthinking, you won’t enjoy moments of solitude. This mindset makes it hard to live in the moment and relax. Think about recent times you’ve been alone and how you felt because it can be a sure sign.

3. You always assume the worst will happen.

If you spend time thinking about the worst-case scenario, you’re likely an overthinker. Sometimes, this mindset will affect you so much that you begin assuming that the worst possible outcome is the only one. If you do this, it can make you dread every upcoming event.

When you expect the worst, you’ll always feel anxious, even when the odds of the worst-case scenario are unlikely. Living this way makes it hard to enjoy life or trust the universe. It can also cause you to give up on things because you assume it won’t go well anyway.

4. You continuously go over situations in your mind.

If you think back on situations and keep thinking about them, it’s a sign of overthinking. You might leave somewhere thinking that everything went well, but then overthink about it later and convince yourself it was terrible.

You might also continuously go over situations that haven’t even happened yet. If you have an idea, it quickly spirals into a session of overthinking and overanalyzing. Before you know it, you have many different thoughts racing through your mind at once.

5. You are often in a bad mood. (One of the most unpleasant signs of overthinking)

If you always seem to be in a bad mood, it could be a sign. People that overthink tend to have more negative emotions because they overanalyze things. When you’re always worried and stressed, it’s impossible to be in a good mood.

Sometimes your bad moods stem from wanting to work through and solve every problem right now. There are some situations that you can’t control, and they’ll weigh heavily on you. Your bad mood might also stem from being a perfectionist because you always think about what you could have done better.

6. You listen to other people’s opinions too much.

One sign of overthinking is that you put too much thought into other people’s opinions. You analyze everything other people say, and you tend to follow their guidance over your own. If you ever turn to your friends or family to make your decisions, you likely have an issue with overthinking.

7. You always think someone is mad at you.

People that overthink convince themselves that someone is mad at them. You might even try to appease everyone to avoid making them angry but then still think they’re upset. If you constantly think people are acting weird around you, then it’s a sign.

You might ask people what’s wrong and, even when they assure you that they’re fine, spend hours thinking about it. If you need constant reassurance that everything is okay, it’s a sign of overthinking.

8. You have a strong desire to connect with the universe.

While wanting to connect with the universe isn’t a bad thing, letting the feeling control your life can be. Overthinkers are happy and peaceful when they feel connected, but when they feel disconnected, it can cause turmoil.

As someone who overthinks, you might start thinking that the universe is against you and spend time wondering what you did to deserve it. If you ever feel this way, you must shift your mindset so you can find peace.

signs of overthinking

9. You frequently change your mind.

If you feel like you can’t make a decision, you might be overthinking the situation. Your brain switches back and forth so often that you keep coming up with different solutions. This mindset makes it hard to settle on an outcome and go with it.

Even when you think you’ve made a decision, you’ll keep thinking about it. You dwell on it so much that you end up talking yourself out of the plan you came up with.

10. You remember every word and detail from a conversation.

If you never forget a conversation and often spend time going over every detail, it’s a sign of overthinking. You’ll fixate on certain aspects, making yourself anxious about the conversation. Doing this makes you feel like you’re under pressure all the time, even when you’re alone and ruminating.

Additionally, it’s a sign if you can remind someone of their exact words from a conversation that happened months in the past. You store these conversations and phrases in your mind, mulling them over and recalling them later on.

11. You don’t trust your feelings.

People that overthink don’t always trust their feelings. You get to a point where you overanalyze things so much that you convince yourself of things that aren’t true. Plus, you allow unfair comparisons to interfere with your feelings, too.

While you might feel passionate about something when you’re overthinking, the feeling can quickly change when you think about something else. Because of the abrupt change, it’s hard for you to trust your feelings in any situation.

12. You have insomnia. (Lack of sleep is one of the earliest signs of overthinking)

Insomnia is a common problem for people who overthink. It’s hard to relax enough to fall asleep when you’re constantly thinking about things that worry you. As you lay in bed at night, the thoughts tend to take over and consume your mind.

13. You confuse yourself.

When you overthink, you will likely confuse yourself. You’ll think everything is fine one minute and then start overthinking the next. When this happens, you won’t know what to believe, and you’ll wonder which thought is the truth.

Plus, overthinking leads to scattered thoughts. You’ll have so many things running through your mind that you don’t know which thought process to follow. Sometimes your thoughts will revolve around unfair comparisons that lead to further confusion.

Additionally, you might feel excited about how something went and then let the worst-case scenario pop into your mind. If you let the negative thoughts take over the excitement, you’re sure to feel confused about it all.

14. You look for the meaning in everything.

While it’s true that everything happens for a reason, you should spend too much time looking for the meaning. If you dwell on the importance of everything, it causes anxiety, stress, and confusion.

Even still, you’ll keep thinking about the situation, wanting to know why things happened. You’ll wonder why people said or did something, even if there is no way to know for sure. This type of thought process can hinder your ability to forgive and move on, too.

15. You pick fights over minor things.

If you constantly bicker with people or feel annoyed by them, it could be a sign of overthinking. You might even notice that you can’t remember why the fight started anyway. Overthinking can cause you to jump from one topic to another, losing the reason for the argument.

You will likely fixate on things like the other person’s tone of voice or word choice. Rather than thinking of the situation as a whole, you let these minor issues get to you.

How to Stop the Signs of Overthinking Immediately

When you want to stop living this way, you must learn the signs of overthinking. If you know the characters, you’ll know which habits to work on. You can do mental strength exercises to help shift to a healthy mindset. These exercises help quiet your mind and allow you to think about positive things.

Another option is to schedule time for worrying. If you know that you’re going to overthink, you can prevent it from disrupting your life. Pick a 15-minute timeframe to think about your problems and things that bother you.

You can also try writing your worries down in a journal or notebook. When you get all of your thoughts out on paper, it’s easier to push them out of your mind. Writing out the things you feel could have gone better is highly beneficial if you’re a perfectionist.

signs of overthinking

Final Thoughts on Identifying the Signs of Overthinking and How to Stop Yourself Immediately

The first step to overcoming rumination is to learn the signs of overthinking. You can shift your mindset immediately rather than letting the thoughts take over when you know what to watch for.

Obsessing over things you can’t do anything about isn’t beneficial for your life. Learn to let things go until you can work on them to enjoy the other moments.

15 Affirmations That Give You a Positive Belief System

Daily affirmations can help you feel optimistic and happy each day of your life. The things you think about and say to yourself influence your life in many ways. If you can focus on positive thoughts, it’ll help give you a positive belief system.

Your system of belief includes your principles, values, and moral code. If your system isn’t positive, you’ll experience negative thoughts and might be prone to bad behavior. However, with a positive ideology, you’re sure to live a happy and meaningful life.

Using affirmations for a positive ideology can change your life for the better. Each day is a new opportunity, and positive self-talk can spark self-love and trust. Even the most straightforward affirmations can make a difference in your mindset and behaviors each day.

As you focus on affirmations for a positive ideology, it’ll improve your mood and self-confidence, too. When you feel confident and sure of yourself, you won’t be afraid to stick to your moral code. Use these positive words to shift your mindset and develop a positive ideology.

Fifteen Affirmations That Give You a Positive Belief System

belief system

1. I have everything it takes to become who I want to be.

You don’t need anything else because you already have what it takes. Even if other people tell you that you’ll never change, trust that you have what it takes. If you’re a good person, you’ll achieve all of the good things you seek in life.

Repeat this affirmation rather than reminding yourself about mistakes you’ve made, and don’t let other people’s thoughts damage your mindset. You have everything that you need to grow into the person you dream of becoming. You are good enough and entirely capable, so repeat this affirmation until you feel it.

2. I am proud of myself and the person I am becoming.

Telling yourself that you are proud of who you are can boost your self-confidence. It’s always nice when someone else says it to you, but it’s even more meaningful coming from yourself.

Additionally, by saying that you’re proud of who you’re becoming, it helps you become excited about the future, too. Not only are you happy with yourself right now, but you’ll be excited about what’s coming next for you. When you can think this way, it will influence a positive ideology.

3. I am powerful and capable.

If you ever experience a lack of confidence, this affirmation can help you overcome the feeling. When you tell yourself that you are powerful and capable of doing anything, you’ll begin to feel that way. A lack of confidence will make you indecisive, meaning decisions are hard to make.

If you can switch your mindset, you’ll feel confident in your ability to make good choices for your life. Once you feel confident in your decisions, it’ll improve your belief system.

4. I am successful at everything I do.

This affirmation will help you develop a positive ideology as you view yourself as a successful person. You might not achieve everything the first time you try, but you’re likely to become successful if you don’t give up.

By using this positive phrase each day, you’ll remember that success is always possible. If you can remember this, it’ll help you focus on your values as you take each step toward your goals.

5. I love and respect myself unconditionally.

With self-love and self-respect, you can easily maintain a positive ideology. Even when you don’t particularly like something you did or said, you can still love yourself. No matter what happens in your life, practice self-respect and give yourself some grace.

6. I believe in myself and my dreams.

If you believe in yourself and your dreams, you’re sure to have a positive ideology. Your dreams and values will mean so much more when you have faith in them.

Anytime you doubt yourself, come back to this positive affirmation and repeat it until you feel better. By believing in yourself, you’ll trust that you can get through any obstacles along the way.

7. I am embracing the things that make me unique.

When you can embrace the things that make you different, you’ll quickly develop confidence in your belief system. By appreciating your unique qualities, you stay true to who you are.

Let your differences excite you as you learn to work with what you have. Your qualities are ones that others would love to have, and they are what make you such a valuable member of society.

8. I accept my mistakes, forgive myself, and keep learning.

Everyone makes mistakes, but forgiving yourself and pushing forward can make all the difference. If you learn from your mistakes, you’ll develop a positive thought process that increases your sense of self-worth. Plus, it helps you eliminate unhealthy thoughts that make you feel bad about yourself.

You might hear other people saying mean things or bringing up your mistakes often, but you must ignore them. When other people try to make you feel superior, it’s a sign of jealousy and a lack of self-esteem. Ignore the comments and focus on your values instead.

belief system

9. I am focusing on positive self-thoughts.

If you can stick to positive self-thoughts, you’re well on your way to a matching system of belief. The things you think about and say can boost your confidence or shatter it. Make sure you stick to positivity, and you’ll quickly notice an improvement in all areas of your life.

These improvements will help you build a positive ideology that sticks with you always. If negative thoughts ever creep in, don’t accept the words, but try to understand them. Try to learn why you think that way and see if you notice any patterns.

10. I can reach any goal I set my mind on.

You can do anything you want to do as long as you have a positive mindset. If you have positive values and morals, they’ll help you work towards your goals. When you choose positivity during your journey, you’ll have more confidence in your chance at success.

11. I believe in myself and my abilities to reach success.

If you believe in yourself and your abilities, you can accomplish anything you decide to do in life. Self-belief can make all the difference in your chance at success, so repeat this affirmation until you feel better. As you repeat the positive words, you’ll quickly develop a stronger belief system, too.

12. I choose my standards of success without the input of others.

Everyone in your life has some expectation of you, but you should ignore it. The expectations of others should have no place in your life because you are the only person who can choose your standards of success. If you decide that you’ve reached success already, then no one else can tell you otherwise.

Likewise, if you feel like you haven’t reached success yet, you can’t blame others. You determine what success means in your life and then adapt your life to work around your standards.

13. I am ready for anything, and I can handle it all.

This affirmation will help you develop a positive ideology no matter what comes your way. When you know that you are ready, you’re more likely to stick to your values. Plus, knowing that you can handle anything will prevent you from swaying from your morals.

14. I accept myself for the person that I am right now.

Think of all the great things about yourself, and then use this affirmation to reaffirm what a great person you are. Even if some negative aspects come to mind, you can still accept yourself. Everyone makes mistakes because no one is perfect, so don’t beat yourself up over anything.

Accept and love yourself no matter what happens in your life because positive self-talk can help you develop a positive ideology. With the right belief system, you can concentrate on the great things about yourself.

15. I am confidently chasing success.

Many people avoid chasing their dreams because they’re afraid of failing or making a fool of themselves. This affirmation can help overcome those feelings because confidence will help you release the negative emotions.

With confidence, you won’t care if you look silly or don’t do something correctly the first time. You’ll get out there and keep trying until you get it right. As you develop this mindset, it helps you build a positive system of belief.

belief system

Final Thoughts on Reading Affirmations That Give You a Positive Mindset

Repeating daily affirmations can help you quickly develop a positive system of belief. As you use positive phrases, it shifts your mindset and allows you to focus on positivity. Say the affirmations aloud and determine which ones resonate within you the most.

Please choose your favorite phrases and utilize them in your morning routine. Plus, you can use positive words throughout your day, readjusting your thought process whenever necessary. After a while, the affirmations will be in your subconscious thoughts, allowing you to always focus on positivity.

Try to memorize your favorite phrases, or write down the ones that seem to help you the most. You can put the written copy in a space you’ll see each day to help you remember it. Before you know it, you’ll have a positive ideology to follow each day.

9 Science-Backed Reasons Black Seed Oil Can Be Good for You

(Editorial note 8/13/2023): while animal studies have shown that black cumin seed can stop the growth of tumor cells and reduce the incidence of tumors, we have clarified that there needs to be more clinical human studies to measure efficacy in people)

Black seed oil can help many issues, making it a beneficial alternative to modern medicine. The oil is made from black cumin seeds and has few side effects. It is aromatic, flavorful, and easy to find uses for this oil.

Black seed oil contains the phytonutrients thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, and thymol. These three phytonutrients are the reason for the many beneficial uses of black seed oil. Learning the benefits of this oil can motivate you to start using it in your daily life.

As you incorporate the oil into your life, you’ll experience many health and beauty benefits. It also contains antioxidants, allowing it to be a leading beauty ingredient. The history of using black cumin seed oil dates back over 2000 years, but new research shows the reason for its popularity.

Why Black Seed Oil Can Be Good for You

When you use black seed oil, you can eat it with other foods or apply it directly to your skin. The way you use it will depend on the benefits you’re hoping to get from it. Once you know the benefits of the oil, you’ll want to start using it immediately.

black seed oil

1. Black Seed Oil Promotes Weight Loss

According to the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders, this oil contains anti-obesity properties. Studies indicate that people who supplement with this oil experience fewer risk factors for obesity.

Further scientific reviews compared a seed oil supplement to a placebo and found promising results. The study group that received a supplement lost more weight than those taking a placebo.

Supplementation has been proven to decrease waist circumference and body mass index. During that study, it was also reaffirmed that seed supplementation has no severe side effects. As one of the best natural remedies for weight loss, it is an effective way to live healthier lives.

2. It Helps Treat Infections

Research shows that black seed oil can help treat infections, superbugs, and staphylococcus aureus. Staph infections, including MRSA, are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, but this oil can help. The oil can help slow down infections, helping get them under control before they spread.

Some of the properties in this oil have antifungal properties, too, allowing it to kill yeasts and molds. It contains phytochemicals that help you heal and overcome infections that interfere with your health.

Additionally, this seed oil can help with allergies and sinus infections. The oil can improve your symptoms if you suffer from nasal congestion, itching, runny nose, or sneezing. It helps because it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antihistaminic, immune-modulator, antimicrobial, and analgesic effects.

Further studies show that oil can be more effective than pharmaceutical antibiotics. The study compared it to Amoxicillin, Gatifloxacin, and Tetracycline; the oil proved to work better in many cases.

3. It Helps Fights Cancer

(Editorial note 8/13/2023): while animal studies have shown that black cumin seed can stop the growth of tumor cells and reduce the incidence of tumors, there need to be more clinical human studies to measure efficacy)

This oil’s phytochemicals and antioxidant capabilities have been shown to fight cancer in animal studies. Scientists studied the anti-tumor activity and found that the phytochemicals thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone decreased tumor cells by approximately 52%.

Other research shows that the oil helps kill leukemia, pancreatic, breast cancer, and brain tumor cells. Thymoquinone is the most abundant part of the oil, and it triggers programmed cell death in unhealthy cells. The anti-inflammatory properties also help it fight cancer.

While an oil supplement shouldn’t replace traditional cancer treatments, it can be used simultaneously. Make sure your doctor knows that you are supplementing to ensure it doesn’t interfere with anything.

4. Black Seed Oil Protects Your Skin

Studies show that this oil can be as effective as a skin cream for improving skin conditions. It helps improve symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, acne, and other uncomfortable ailments. The oil helps improve your quality of life as it decreases the severity of your issues.

One difference between store-bought creams and this natural oil is that the oil doesn’t have side effects. When you buy skin creams, you risk being allergic or sensitive to at least one of the ingredients. Using the oil ensures that you don’t use chemicals or other ingredients that could irritate your skin.

5. It Boosts Fertility

Researchers found that this oil can improve fertility in men. They did studies using infertile males as their test group to determine if the oil could help them. The results showed that most men in the test group experienced improved sperm count, sperm motility, and semen volume.

black seed oil

6. It Improves Liver Health

As one of the essential organs in your body, you must take care of your liver. Your liver processes the toxins that enter your body. Plus, your liver bile digests fats and promotes a healthy mind and body.

Pharmaceutical medications can damage your liver function, but this oil doesn’t do that. It can help you process toxins without interfering with your liver health.

Additionally, this oil can help heal your liver from the effects of alcohol consumption or disease. It speeds up the healing process and helps your body process toxins more effectively.

7. It Helps Maintain Cholesterol

One of the best science-backed reasons to try seed oil is that it helps maintain cholesterol. One study shows that after six weeks of an oil supplement, diabetic subjects experience decreased cholesterol.

The decrease included total cholesterol but showed a significant decline in LDL cholesterol, which is the unhealthy cholesterol that you want to avoid. Because of the reduced cholesterol, there was also a decrease in glucose levels. Plus, the HDL cholesterol levels increased, which is good cholesterol.

When you maintain healthy cholesterol levels, it improves your heart health in addition to promoting overall health. Test subjects that took black seed supplements showed improved systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

8. Black Seed Oil Helps Fight Disease

Researchers have found that this oil helps fight diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. It causes regeneration of cells, increases serum insulin concentrations, and decreases serum glucose.

Black seed oil is one of the few substances on the earth that helps treat and prevent diabetes. It improves glucose tolerance just as well as prescription drugs do. Plus, it doesn’t cause the adverse effects that pharmaceutical medications cause.

This oil helps with diabetes because it improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels. When those levels improve, diabetes symptoms and side effects also get better.

Additionally, this oil helps treat rheumatoid arthritis. Some who take supplements every day for one-month experience improvements in their symptoms. The test subjects also experience decreased inflammatory markers in their blood and less swelling in their joints.

9. It Improves Your Hair Health

While the health of your hair isn’t as essential as your physical health, it is still vital. If you want your hair to look good and healthy, this oil can make all the difference. The oil comes in store-bought hair care products, but you don’t have to buy those chemical-laden options.

This seed oil improves the appearance of your hair, but it also benefits your scalp health. The oil contains nigellone, an antihistamine that helps with hair loss. It also has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

All those benefits make it easy to see why the oil improves your hair health. It promotes the overall health of your scalp but also reduces dandruff and dryness.

How to Add Black Seed Oil to the Menu

You can use this oil in the kitchen in a few different ways. It has a strong, spicy, bitter taste, but there are enjoyable ways to use it. You can add it to your chai tea, drizzle it in soup, or add it to curries and stir-fry dishes.

Another delicious way to use the oil is to use it on your salad. You won’t have to use a lot of it, and it’ll add plenty of flavor to your vegetables. Another option is to use it on your roasted vegetables and meat.

You can also use the oil topically by diluting it with a carrier oil such as coconut, almond, or jojoba oil. When determining how much to use, aim for using one or two drops of seed oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil.

When using the oil to improve your scalp and hair health, you can add it to your shampoo. Adding it to your shampoo ensures it reaches every part of your scalp and hair. Be careful not to let it get into your eyes because it can irritate sensitive areas.

black seed oil

Final Thoughts on Science-Backed Reasons to Try Using Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is a common ingredient in beauty and healthcare products, but not many people know. It is a natural ingredient that you can use without other chemicals and harmful components. Once you know all the science-baked reasons for using it, you’ll quickly want to make it a regular part of your life.

You can cook with the oil, add it to your food, or apply it directly to your skin. It’s a versatile option; you don’t have to worry about undesirable side effects. The oil has been used for thousands of years without causing harm and is comparable to pharmaceutical products.

With all the benefits of black seed oil, you’ll want to start using it immediately. The benefits are too plentiful to ignore, from preventing and treating diseases to helping your immune system.

8 Proven Reasons to Try Box Breathing When You Meditate

The box breathing method is a powerful meditation practice used to return breathing to its normal rhythm. You might also hear this breathing technique called square breathing, equal breathing, or four-square breathing. It involves counts of four, which is where it gets its name.

Box breathing promotes productivity and reduces stress, but it also does much more than that. Breathing can influence your physical, mental, and emotional state, allowing you to use it to improve your overall well-being. Whether you need to de-stress about your personal or professional life, focused breathing can make all the difference.

As you learn why you should try equal breathing, it helps to consider some of the situations. Athletes, Navy SEALs, police officers, and nurses practice this breathing method to help overcome stressful situations on the job. However, you don’t have to be in an overly-stressful role like these to reap the benefits of square breathing.

Eight Reasons to Try Box Breathing When You Meditate

This type of breathing involves rhythmically inhaling and exhaling, naturally calming your mind. You will take slow, controlled breaths that allow you to refocus your mind. While you can meditate without box breathing, it allows for additional benefits and stress reduction.

box breathing

1. Promotes Relaxation and Helps You Feel Calm

Using box breathing when you meditate will bring a sense of calmness and relaxation. It prepares your mind for meditating as it helps you clear your thoughts and eliminate toxicity. Research shows that this type of intentional breathing calms and regulates the autonomic nervous system.

Square breathing also helps regulate temperature and blood pressure. Regulating these body functions can quickly produce a sense of calm within. You’ll feel more relaxed, allowing you to focus on the essential things in your life.

As you hold your breath for this breathing exercise, it allows carbon dioxide to build up in your blood, stimulating your parasympathetic system. The stimulation produces more feelings of calmness and relaxation in your mind and body.

2. Reduces Stress and Improves Mood

One of the best reasons to try this breathing technique when you meditate is because it helps reduce stress. This breathing technique also helps improve your overall mood. Studies show that this type of breathing can help treat anxiety, panic disorder, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

While small amounts of stress trigger your fight or flight response and stimulate your immune system, you don’t want to experience too much. Increased stress levels can weaken your immune system and cause high blood pressure, fatigue, depression, or heart disease.

This type of breathing can help you focus your thoughts and eliminate negative thoughts that cause stress. Regulating your breathing decreases the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, in your blood. Not only does it lower cortisol levels, but it also improves your attention span.

As you start thinking productively and positively, you’ll feel better overall. Plus, you’ll know how to eliminate stress and avoid feeling overwhelmed in the future.

3. Reduces Pain and Tension

Square breathing can help with pain management because it reduces muscle tension. It also alters the structure of your brain to better handle pain and alleviates the intensity.

People who suffer from chronic pain can try this method when conventional measures don’t help them. If other methods do help but don’t eliminate the pain, you can try square breathing in addition to the other efforts.

This deep breathing technique uses a different way to reach your brain than other pain treatments do. The differences are what makes the breathing technique effective when other methods don’t work. Some women even use this breathing technique during labor to help cope with the pain.

4. Helps with Concentration

Deep breathing techniques can help improve your focus and concentration. If you have an upcoming presentation or challenging task, spending time meditating and breathing beforehand can help. It increases your mental clarity, energy, and focus.

Not only will it help you concentrate, but it’ll also control your physical and mental response to stress. Doing this will prevent you from getting frazzled and encourage you to slow down and gain insight. You’ll handle your task better, and you’ll also gain self-knowledge as you go along.

Additionally, when you’re doing something that requires your undivided attention, this breathing technique can help you. It’ll help you focus your thoughts on what you’re working on, ignoring any other distractions. Square breathing can also help you manage your impulses so that you can push away anything that threatens to pull you away.

thich nhat hanh

5. Improves Cognitive Performance

Studies show that box breathing improves cognitive performance and reduces negative consequences of stress. You won’t experience as many effects of stress because it clears your mind. As it clears your mind, it allows for peak brain performance and optimal functioning.

People that struggle with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can use this breathing to manage the condition. The improved cognitive function helps with impulsive behavior.

6. Reduces Anxiety Symptoms

Box breathing helps reduce anxiety symptoms, including those caused by social anxiety, phobias, or generalized anxiety disorder. With approximately 6.8 million adults suffering from stress in the United States, many people can benefit from square breathing. This technique can help you learn to accept all worries instead of letting them disturb your mind.

Making this breathing technique a regular part of your life can prevent anxiety from taking over. You’ll notice that it doesn’t affect you as much anymore, and when it does, you will have an easier time overcoming it.

7. Improves Immune and Cardiovascular Function

Square breathing protects you from the harmful effects of stress on your body by reducing it within. Excessive stress links to high blood pressure and an increased risk of heart disease. It can also cause headaches, pain, and digestive issues, so it is essential to alleviate as much as you can.

When you use this breathing technique to reduce and prevent stress, it alleviates those risks. Plus, the stress response suppresses your immune system, so reducing the issue is essential. By doing the breathing while meditating, you won’t be as susceptible to colds and other illnesses.

8. Helps Treat Insomnia

If you ever have trouble falling asleep, practicing box breathing will make it easier for you. While it doesn’t make you feel tired, it does put your body into a restful state. Once you’ve reached the restful state, you can fall asleep easier without lying awake for hours first.

This breathing technique also helps you calm your nervous system before bed. If yours goes into overdrive when it’s time for sleep, try meditating while doing this square breathing before bed.

Sometimes the pain will keep you awake at night, too. Since this technique alleviates pain, it can help you in multiple ways as you drift off to sleep.

Sleep disorders, including insomnia, are common amongst adults. While many people become accustomed to living with one, a sleep disorder can take a toll on your physical and mental health. Finding ways to overcome insomnia is essential to living up to your full potential.

How to Do Box Breathing

Box breathing is easy, and you can do it anywhere you are, as long as you can find a quiet place. It requires even inhales and exhales, using a ratio of four for timing each breath. Start by exhaling through your mouth for four seconds, and then hold your breath for another four seconds.

Then, inhale through your nose for a count of four seconds before holding your breath again. Make sure you count to four during each step so that your breaths are even and controlled. Do the breathing technique three or four times in a row for the best results.

When you use square breathing while meditating, you’ll experience a clear mind and less stress. You can do it several times each day or practice it when you’re feeling worried or overwhelmed. As you make this technique a habit, try to practice it around the same time each day.

Make sure you sit up straight with your hands on your laps to keep them relaxed. Try to empty your lungs on the exhale and fill them while inhaling. Additionally, try to find a quiet place with no distractions for five to 10 minutes.

As you meditate, close your eyes and focus on your breathing to ensure that you stick to the counts of four. Plus, it helps you get rid of all the stressful thoughts running through your mind.

It might help if you picture a square box as you breathe. Envisioning a box will help you focus on your breathing and help you relax.

box breathing

Final Thoughts on Proven Reasons to Try Box Breathing When You Meditate

Box breathing is beneficial for many reasons, but how it reduces stress is one of the best. It can help you focus your mind and become healthier while putting your body in a calmer state. Even inhales and exhales will help you concentrate and be more productive.

When you first begin box breathing meditation, you might have a hard time keeping your breath steady. However, as time goes by, it’ll get easy for you.  While this breathing technique is helpful in times of stress, continue doing it even when you feel calm already. It’ll help prevent stress from creeping in and help you maintain wellness.

6 Benefits of Taking a Milk Bath (and How to Do It)

A milk bath can help you achieve healthy, glowing, and exuberant skin. We all want to look good, but using milk in your bath can do even more than that. If you want the best skin possible, you’ll want to learn more about milk baths right away.

Milk baths are becoming more popular in the beauty world, but they’ve been around since ancient times. Cleopatra utilized the nourishing properties, and the benefits have recently become more widely known. Using natural ingredients for skin health allows you to achieve healthy skin without using chemicals or unsafe products.

A milk bath is just what it sounds like, but you can use other natural ingredients, too. All that you have to do is add milk to warm water in your bathtub, and you will quickly notice a difference. Adding milk to your bath water offers many skin benefits, including hydrating and soothing.

Six Science-Backed Benefits of Taking a Milk Bath

The fat content of milk is highly beneficial to your skin, and it also offers plenty of other benefits. Milk is a common ingredient in skin products you find at the store, but you can skip that step and do it yourself. Learning how to do a milk bath at home can make all the difference in your self-care routine.

milk bath

1- Relieves Eczema and Helps Treat Psoriasis

Taking a milk bath can help relieve the rashes and bumpy skin caused by eczema. Human breast milk is known to help with eczema, but other milk baths can, too. Studies show that milk baths can treat eczema just as effectively as hydrocortisone ointment.

Rather than applying ointment, you can opt for a milk bath instead. The milk can soothe your skin and help heal the eczema patches. While milk shouldn’t replace your regular medication, you can talk to your doctor about trying it out.

Milk baths can also help treat psoriasis symptoms. If you ever experience itchy, flaky, or patchy skin caused by psoriasis, milk can help alleviate the effects.

2 –  Calms Sunburn and Eases Poison Ivy Symptoms

When you spend time in nature, you run the risk of developing uncomfortable skin conditions. Even when you wear sunscreen, you run the risk of becoming sunburned. If it happens to you, try taking a milk bath to alleviate the symptoms.

Likewise, if you develop a rash from poison ivy, taking a bath in milk can help. The proteins, fat, amino acids, and vitamins A and D can calm your skin. These nutrients and vitamins are found in milk and will quickly help you feel better.

If you have sunburn or poison ivy, soak in a milk bath for at least twenty minutes. The soak will soothe redness, inflammation, and itchiness, helping you experience relief as you heal.

3 –  Releases Tension and Stress

When you take a milk bath, it helps relieve tension and stress. It eases bodily tension that can make you feel sore, tender and experience other aches. The heat from the bath promotes elasticity in your body, helping you loosen up and relax.

Plus, it can help you stretch your muscles and prevent further tension and pain from occurring. Relaxing in the bath can help you de-stress after a long day, and it can promote happiness. Taking a bath can help you reduce stress-inducing hormones, and it alleviates stress you’re already dealing with.

The longer you can soak in the tub, the more benefits you will notice. If you can’t spend an extended amount of time soaking in the milk water, ensure that your time is uninterrupted. A short amount of uninterrupted time can be just as effective as a full hour in the tub.

4 –  Soothes Dry Skin

Living with dry skin isn’t a good feeling, as it can be itchy and painful. If you have dry skin, milk baths can make all the difference in your life. Milk contains proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals, and lactic acid, all of which replenish lost moisture in your skin.

The proteins and fat found in milk can help soften and soothe your skin naturally. You won’t have to worry about exposing yourself to harsh chemicals because the lactic acid in milk is a gentle exfoliator. It’ll help shed dead skin cells without being too harsh on your skin.

The gentle exfoliating leads to softer skin without damaging your healthy cells. Dry skin can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable, so find the type of milk that works best for your skin. The lactic acid promotes natural exfoliation, allowing you to experience moisturized and soothe skin.

5 – Boosts Your Immune System and Increases Circulation

You can also use a milk bath to promote circulation in your body. It nourishes the blood cells traveling to your damaged tissues, allowing your blood to circulate easier. Without a bath, those damaged tissues might not receive the nourishment that they need.

Additionally, taking a milk bath can boost your immune system. The hot water can help kill bacteria living in your body. Plus, the stimulation can help your lymph and vascular system decrease the risk of developing colds and infections.

6 – Promotes Sleep

If you ever have trouble sleeping, taking a milk bath can help. When you take a milk bath, it allows you to drift off into a blissful sleep cycle.

A hot bath can cause your blood vessels to dilate, causing less blood to reach your brain. It makes your heart rate speed up to circulate more blood, making you feel fatigued. When this happens, your body temperature naturally rises, telling you it’s time to sleep.

How to Prepare and Enjoy a Milk Bath


You can buy milk baths at many stores, but you can also make them at home. You don’t have to purchase pre-made mixtures when you have all the ingredients at home already. All that you have to do is use two cups of milk.

If you want, you can add one cup of Epsom salts, half a cup of baking soda, and one teaspoon of carrier oil. You can also add ten drops of essential oils to the water. Consider adding five drops of one essential oil and five drops of another.

Run your hot bath and when the water is about halfway full, add the other ingredients. If you don’t want to use any add-ons, add just the milk when the water is half full.

After adding the milk, you can add other natural ingredients to make the most of your bath. Popular options include the following carrier oils:

  • Coconut
  • Jojoba
  • Sweet almond
  • Arnica
  • Avocado
  • Pomegranate seed

You can also add essential oils to the milk bath, including:

  • Lavender
  • Rose
  • Frankincense
  • Chamomile
  • Clary sage
  • Grapefruit
  • Geranium

Other things you can additives that improve your milk bath are these:

  • Epsom salts
  • Baking soda
  • Honey

Once you’ve added everything to your bath, it’s time to relax. Treat yourself to the best experience you can, and don’t skimp on the add-ons. This time is for relaxation, so lay back and unwind as you boost your skin health.

Types of Milk Baths

There are many types of milk baths, and the benefits vary based on the kind you choose. Some of the options are animal-based, but there are quite a few plant-based choices, as well.

1 – Coconut Milk

This type contains lauric acid, which is a medium-chain fatty acid. It has antimicrobial properties and promotes skin health. Coconut milk has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects, and it helps with wound healing because it increases collagen turnover.

2 – Oat Milk

Adding oat milk to your bath is a gentle way to promote healthy aging. It can help improve skin issues such as dry skin and eczema, and it’s a vegan-friendly option.

3 – Almond Milk

Using almond milk in your bath can soothe, hydrate, and restore your skin. It is rich in fatty oils and leaves your skin feeling supple and soft.

4 – Goat Milk

This type helps break down dead skin cells because it contains lactic acid. It makes your skin feel smooth and moisturized. Goat milk also helps reduce inflammation and has anti-bacterial properties.

5 – Buttermilk

This type of milk also contains lactic acid. It increases the firmness and thickness of your skin. Buttermilk also improves the smoothness of your skin and works as an exfoliating agent.

6 – Breast Milk

Human breast milk is sometimes the best choice for a bath. It has anti-inflammatory properties that can treat skin conditions. If a baby suffers from eczema or has a diaper rash, breast milk will often soothe it.

milk bath

Final Thoughts on Benefits of Taking a Milk Bath and How to Do It

After adding your desired ingredients, soak in the bath for at least 20 to 30 minutes. The longer you stay in the tub, the more benefits you will receive. Whether you have dry skin or a more severe condition, a milk bath can help relieve the symptoms.

Choose which kind of milk you want to treat yourself to in your bath and get started. Focus on the self-care and relaxation aspect as you soak in the tub. Not only will your release stress and tension, but your skin will be softer, too.

7 Causes of Stinky Feet (and How to Fix It)

Do you have stinky feet? Foot odor can be pretty embarrassing, but there are things that you can do to alleviate the problem. Did you know that you could have something like a fungal infection causing this unsightly smell, and these infections can be treated easily?

There’s no reason why you can’t be barefoot without embarrassment when there are things you can do. The key is to find out what’s causing the odor and then decide the best management option. You can often take care of it yourself without the help of a medical professional.

You can use essential oils, put an onion on your feet at night, or there are many aids you can buy at your local pharmacy. Are your feet a significant cause of embarrassment to you? Then ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is your foot odor constant or intermittent?
  • Have you had this problem for a long time, or is it a new issue?
  • Is the odor so foul that you can’t stand it yourself?
  • Do you have cracking and peeling in-between your toes along with the stench?
  • Are your toenails yellowed or thick?

Answering these questions honestly can help you to identify what’s causing your unpleasant foot aroma. Did you know that women are more prone to having odorous feet than men? It sounds shocking, but all the hormone fluctuations can cause an unsightly smell in women’s feet, according to Jezebel.

Seven Frequent Causes of Stinky Feet

stinky feet
You’ve come to the right place if you’re ready to uncover the reasons behind stinky feet. Here is some of the most up-to-date information on foot stench and how to treat it.

1. Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a prevalent problem; you don’t have to be an athlete to get it. You may be shocked to learn that it’s caused by the same fungal infection that causes ringworm, so it’s both treated the same way. When your feet sweat a lot, and there’s nowhere for the moisture to go, the bacteria causes a painful rash.

The rash can lead to an infection that blisters and peels. According to the Mayo Clinic, this fungal situation usually starts between the toes, where moisture seems to pool. Tight-fitting shoes only make the problem worse.

If you’re prone to this condition, then there’s help available. First, a simple antifungal cream can treat it. However, if the cream doesn’t help, you can try unique socks that absorb the moisture and switch the type of shoes you wear. Buying a width that isn’t wide enough could contribute to the problem, as your feet need to breathe.

2. Stress May Cause Stinky Feet

Do you remember the old commercial from the 1980s that stated to “Never let them see you sweat?” The body care company made millions from a jingle that showcased the need for a deodorant to curb sweating. While that deodorant may have helped some people, stress can indeed cause profuse sweating.

While the commercial promoted the product, the medical research behind it was accurate. If you think you’re immune from these bodily issues, watch your palms the next time you’re nervous. How do you stop yourself from sweating when you’re stressed out? Well, there’s a medical condition that causes you to sweat too much. Hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes the sweat glands to overreact. According to the National Library of Medicine, there are two kinds of perspirations, thermoregulatory and emotional.

The intense sweating usually comes from under the arms, but it can also affect the feet. Several things can be done to treat this condition, but one of the best is to get anxiety disorders under control. Things like meditation and journal writing can help relieve some of the angst you feel.

3. Sweating

You will likely have stinky feet if you’re prone to sweat a lot. However, one of the common misconceptions is that sweat stinks. Actually, it’s the bacteria on your feet that mingle with the liquid that produces the smell.

There are many sweat glands on the feet, and when you sweat, it causes bacteria to grow on the foot. Bacteria has a pungent odor, and the only way to get rid of it is to clear up the fungus. There are many contributing factors to a sweaty foot and its smell, but you can stop the profuse sweating in this area.

To fix sweating feet, try using a deodorant on them to help control the moisture. If this little trick doesn’t work, your doctor can inject your feet with a substance to keep the glands from producing perspirations. Even insoles that go into your shoes can help you fix the sweat, so don’t just suffer in silence when there’s help available.

4. Dirty Shoes Can Cause Stinky Feet

When you think of dirty shoes, you probably picture physical dirt. However, your shoes can be full of bacteria that you can’t see. Do you have dirty insoles, or have you worn the boots without socks? These are all common issues that can cause stinky feet due to the sweat mixing with the bacteria in the shoes.

Even if it’s your favorite pair of sneakers, throw them out! You’re causing yourself more harm than helping by wearing shoes that are worn out.

5. Hormonal Changes

Women may notice that hormonal changes are a big issue with their sweating. Have you ever heard a lady talking about going through the change of life and the hot flashes they endure? Well, since the feet have so many sweat glands, they can feel the pangs of these bodily fluctuations.

You don’t have to be going through menopause to experience stinky feet, as it can happen during your monthly menstruation cycle too.

stinky feet

6. Poor Feet Hygiene

People often don’t talk about food hygiene, but they sure wouldn’t consider going a day without brushing their teeth. If you’re one of the many folks that just let the water run over your feet in the shower, you’re doing yourself a great disservice. Water alone isn’t enough to combat bacteria and fungus.

It would help if you had a solid antibacterial soap, and make sure to get in-between each of your toes thoroughly. Poor foot hygiene can contribute to and cause significant issues, such as infections. You can fix this by improving your foot hygiene. Also, if you’ve been wearing tight shoes, make sure to clean your feet too.

7. Stinky Feet May Result From Toenail Fungus

There’s nothing more unsightly than a fungus growing in your toenails. It causes the nail to lift from the skin and turn colors. The smell that comes from the infected nail is putrid.

One of the best ways to treat this condition is by using tea tree oil. Since this essential oil has many antifungal properties, it’s sometimes all that’s needed. In some instances, the nail may need to be removed to allow a new nail to grow. However, this is something only a doctor can decide after reviewing your situation.

These fungal issues are challenging to deal with, but you can overcome them with proper treatment.

Four Easy Tips to Help Minimize Stinky Feet

If you’re prone to have feet that stink, you might want some quick ways to keep the odor at bay. Here are some easy tricks that you can do to help with the embarrassment of taking off your shoes.

1. Soak Your Feet

You can use one of those nice machines or get a tub and some Epsom salt. Soaking your feet for ten minutes a couple of times each week can help keep bacteria at bay. It can also release the scales and dead skin caused by Athlete’s Foot.

2. Use Foot Powders or Antiperspirants

There are plenty of over-the-counter foot powders and antiperspirants that can help to keep your feet dry. When the feet are dry, they won’t produce as many bacteria.

3. Dry Your Feet

Don’t allow any excess moisture to hang around your feet. If you shower, swim, get in the hot tub or do any other activity that gets your feet wet, make sure you dry them off as soon as possible.

4. Disinfect Your Shoes

Unless your shoes are old and there’s no hope, washing or disinfecting them can be a great way to help odors. Sneakers were made to be washed many times, and they always smell better afterward.

stinky feetFinal Thoughts on Managing the Embarrassing Problem of Stinky Feet

If you have a green cloud of stank that follows you around because of stinky feet, you can do something about it. It’s nothing out of the ordinary to have odorous feet, but you shouldn’t just chalk it up to bodily issues. You can do something about the smell that makes walking barefoot embarrassing.

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