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Diabetes Insipidus: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Heal

Most people have heard of Type I and Type II diabetes, but have you ever heard of diabetes insipidus? It’s a rare form of the disease called water diabetes because it causes excessive thirst and urination. Perhaps you’re one out of every 25,000 people in America who suffer from it.

Diabetes Insipidus Versus Mellitus

Insipidus is a Latin word that means “tasteless” because people with this diabetes produce weak, odorless urine. In contrast, urine from diabetes mellitus is high in sodium and has a strangely sweet odor. While either form can be present in Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, they aren’t related.

Both Insipidus and Mellitus diabetes can cause constant thirst and frequent trips to the bathroom. If you have insipidus diabetes, your blood sugar levels will usually be expected. However, your kidneys can’t balance your body fluid.

In an article published by the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, insipidus diabetes may be caused by defects in your kidneys or pituitary gland. If you manage your symptoms effectively, you can minimize health risks in the future. One of the most crucial steps is to stay properly hydrated.

diabetes insipidus

Diabetes Insipidus 101

People who have diabetes insipidus know the frustrations of the constant need to urinate. Running back and forth to the bathroom can disrupt daily activities and cause sleepless nights. Since the disease also causes excessive thirst, it’s a chronic cycle of drinking and urinating.

This form of diabetes is related to other disorders marked by polydipsia, or constant thirst, and polyuria, regular urination. Your body produces a hormone called vasopressin that helps balance your fluid intake and output. A disruption of vasopressin can cause the symptoms of insipidus diabetes.

Understanding Your Body’s Filtration System

The human renal system is a complex system that filters up to 150 quarts of your blood each day. After filtration, you’ll have between one to two quarts of waste to eliminate as urine. This liquid waste flows through two tubes called ureters into your bladder, where it will be voided.

It’s a delicate balance of fluid between the thirst for input and urination for output. While most liquid waste is eliminated as urine, you also void extra fluid through respiration, perspiration, and occasional diarrhea.

The essential hormone for fluid balance is vasopressin, that’s produced by the hypothalamus, a tiny gland on the base of your brain. It’s then stored in your pituitary gland.

Whenever you need higher fluid levels, vasopressin is released into your bloodstream. It tells your renal system to slow down on fluid absorption and to urinate less. If you have too much fluid, you’ll have less vasopressin and will urinate more.

Insipid diabetes is related to an unbalance in vasopressin that leads to frequent urination. The more you urinate, the more your body will signal thirst. This urine is usually odorless and diluted or insipid.

Types of Diabetes Insipidus

There are four types of this disease. Although the symptoms are similar, they have different causes. You may have some of the risk factors for one, or you might have received a diagnosis.

1. Central Diabetes Insipidus

This type is the most common form of insipidus diabetes and is also called neurogenic. It can present in men, women, and children equally at any age. It’s caused by an imbalance of vasopressin. Any damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland can lead to inequality and subsequent diabetic disease.

2. Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Unfortunately, sometimes the renal system doesn’t respond correctly to vasopressin, resulting in this nephrogenic type. Instead of maintaining balance, the renal system overloads and removes too much fluid from your bloodstream. If you’ve been diagnosed with nephrogenic insipidus diabetes, chances are you inherited a gene mutation. It is also predominantly in males.

However, genetics isn’t always the root cause. You can also develop the nephrogenic type from low potassium levels, chronic renal disease, high calcium levels, or blocked urinary tracts. Even some medications may cause it, says an article published by Seminars in Nephrology.

3. Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus

This type is especially marked by excessive thirst and is sometimes called primary polydipsia. Your hypothalamus controls the thirst mechanism and compels you to stay hydrated. A defect in this mechanism causes primary polydipsia, so you keep an unsatisfied thirst.

As your body overflows with fluid, your renal system is chronically eliminating urine. The same conditions that cause the nephrogenic type can also cause primary polydipsia. These include head injuries, brain tumors, inflammation, surgery, and some medications.

4. Gestational Diabetes Insipidus

While pregnancy brings the joy of new life, it can also cause temporary health issues for the mother. Sometimes, pregnancy hormones or placental enzymes can destroy vasopressin in the mother’s bloodstream. In other cases, enzymes make the renal system less sensitive to vasopressin, causing gestational diabetes insipidus.

If you are an expecting mother, you could have this gestational type without any symptoms. Many women experience frequent urination during pregnancy and don’t think about it. The good news is that this type of insipidus diabetes usually disappears after the baby is born.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Insipidus

The most notable signs and symptoms of this diabetic disease are chronic thirst and excessive amounts of diluted, odorless urination. It’s a red flag that your body isn’t balancing your fluid effectively. You drink too much liquid, and you eliminate too much urine.

According to an article published by MedLine Plus, the average person produces about 800 -2,000 milliliters per day with an average input of two liters. If you are drinking and urinating more than this, it could be a sign of insipidus diabetes. You may also battle urgent night urination and possible bedwetting.

You may also notice signs and symptoms in your young children or babies. These may include disrupted sleep, crankiness, fever, chronic crying, vomiting, digestive issues, and frequent urination.

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Dangers of Diabetes Insipidus

It seems counterintuitive that you would have a low fluid balance if you were drinking so much liquid. However, this form of diabetes causes you to eliminate what you drink constantly. One of the main concerns is dehydration, which can be lethal if left unchecked.

You will probably notice constant thirst, sluggishness, and exhaustion if dehydrated. Your skin may be dry and itchy, and you may feel dizzy, nauseated, or confused. Extreme dehydration can lead to seizures, brain damage, and even death.

Not only can insipidus diabetes imbalance your body fluids, but it can also imbalance your electrolytes. These are vital nutrients that your body needs to function. Some of these include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphate, and chloride.

Most of your body fluids like blood, urine, and sweat contain electrolytes. When these are off-balance, you can experience many unpleasant symptoms like headaches, muscle aches, anxiety, digestive problems, and irregular heartbeats.

Six Natural Treatments to Consider

While there are no cures for diabetes insipidus, you can effectively manage them. Transforming your diabetes management approach can be greatly enhanced with innovative solutions such as Mounjaro from 365 Script Care.

This advanced treatment option, available through trusted merchandise from 365ScriptCare, offers a promising way to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. By integrating Mounjaro into your regimen, you can experience a more controlled and balanced approach to managing diabetes insipidus, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and improved daily living.

Many people choose to complement their traditional medical treatments with natural ones. Here are some options to consider.

1. Eat More Whole Foods

Not only can a balanced diet help you maintain a healthy weight, but it can also help manage insipidus diabetic symptoms. Look for water-dense fruits like citrus, pineapples, berries, and melons. You can also stay hydrated by enjoying dark green leafy veggies, peppers, sweet potatoes, and squash.

2. Foods To Avoid

Processed foods are bad for your body in many ways, including your glucose levels and fluid balance. Plus, they are often laden with sodium and preservatives that could make you thirstier. Instead of carbonated soft drinks, opt for glasses of water.

Did you know that caffeine can also rob you of hydration? So can drinking alcohol. If you like coffee, tea, and the occasional drink, keep them to a minimum.

3. Stay Hydrated

It’s easy to become dehydrated when you’re constantly going to the bathroom. So, you need to drink enough water to make up for the lost fluids. Always keep a cold bottle of water with you, especially when exercising or doing something strenuous. You may also keep a bottle of water at your bedside if you get thirsty during the night.

4. Keep Electrolytes Balanced

It would help if you had electrolytes for vital body functions and to keep your fluids balanced. The primary electrolyte responsible for fluid balance is sodium. If you consume too much sodium that’s often loaded in processed food, you may retain more fluid.

It can also make you go to the bathroom more and cause an imbalance in the other electrolytes. While your body needs sodium, try to keep it at the recommended daily allowance. Drink plenty of water and consider seasoning your food with tasty herbs and spices rather than salt.

5. Check Your Medications

Certain medications such as antibiotics, hormone treatments, and blood pressure pills can negatively affect your electrolyte balance. If you are taking medicines for cancer, you are especially prone to imbalanced electrolytes and insipidus diabetes. Drinking more water and consuming water-rich foods can help.

6. Avoid Dry Mouth

Sometimes when you have an insatiable thirst, keeping your mouth moist can minimalize it. Occasional pieces of hard candy or munching on ice chips can reduce your saliva and make you feel less thirsty. It’s essential during the evening not to spend the night going to the bathroom to urinate.

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Final Thoughts on Diabetes Insipidus

No matter which type of diabetes you may have, it’s a severe health issue. However, you can manage your symptoms with a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. You needn’t let diabetes insipidus keep you from reaching your life’s goals.

How to Use The Elimination Diet to Reveal Food Allergies

What if you may be allergic to a particular food but don’t know which one? There must be a reason for your digestion problems and skin breakouts. Why not consider an elimination diet to put your system back on track?

To begin an elimination diet, you’ll remove different foods that could be the culprit of your allergic reactions and digestive issues. Then one at a time, you’ll bring the foods back into your diet to pinpoint the things that give you problems. It can be one specific item, or it can be a whole food group.

An article published by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America states that at least 32 million Americans battle food allergies. Approximately 26 million are adults, and 5.6 million are children. According to the article, the most common allergens are milk, eggs, shellfish, soy, peanuts, wheat, tree nuts, and fish, ranging from mild to severe.

How Does the Food Elimination Diet Work?

When you ingest a food that you’re allergic to, your immune system reacts by producing proteins called antibodies. Your body’s response to the antibodies is often a rash, hives, or digestive upsets. An elimination diet usually lasts between three to six weeks because it takes about 21 days for any antibodies to be out of your system.

At first, you eliminate a designated food and notice any reduction or relief of any allergic reactions. It will probably take about three weeks to see a difference. Then, you gradually introduce the same food to see if your immune system overreacts again. This process of elimination can help you identify those food sensitivities.

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What Are Common Signs of Food Allergies?

It’s frustrating when you’re following a healthy diet and still have health problems you can’t fix. If so, trying this specialized diet could help you find if a food allergen is to blame. Often, you can have a food sensitivity that doesn’t show up on a standard allergy test.

When you’re allergic to a particular food protein, your immune system will overreact and register positive on a medical test. However, you could be sensitive, and you’ll still have symptoms without a positive test result. They can range from skin issues, breathing difficulties and even digestive problems.

You may regain better health when you identify a food allergen and remove it from your diet. Did you know that an unidentified allergy or sensitivity to food causes chronic inflammatory reactions in your body? Left unchanged, this may increase your chances for developing serious health issues, such as:

  • Asthma
  • Arthritis
  • Migraines and other headaches
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Nutrition deficiencies
  • Skin issues like hives, acne, and eczema
  • Hardening of the arteries
  • Kidney issues
  • Gallbladder problems
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Neurological disorders
  • Autoimmune disorders, like lupus
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Sleep disturbances and Insomnia
  • Obesity

Types of Elimination Diets

Since food allergies may vary according to allergen and intensity, the elimination diet has three levels. Choose the one that best fits your needs:

1. Simple Elimination

If your symptoms are less severe, eliminating one trigger food may be more manageable. According to an article published by FAACT, the triggers for most adults with allergies are fruits and vegetables, dairy, eggs, and wheat. Try to eliminate one of these food groups and see the results.

2. Moderate Elimination

Instead of just skipping one food group, this level eliminates several at one time. You may consider moderate elimination if your allergic symptoms are more complicated. These are the everyday foods that cause the most triggers and the most common foods that people eliminate at this level:

  • Caffeinated foods, like coffee, soda, tea, and chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy products
  • Certain fruits and veggies
  • All fats
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and Legumes
  • Foods with yeast
  • Gluten (wheat)

3. Strict Elimination

At this level, you’ll only eat or drink what’s on the list. Since such a restriction isn’t healthy, it should never be followed for longer than three weeks. You may notice some surprising triggers include the following:

  • Meat: lamb and chicken
  • Vegetables: Beets, asparagus, lettuce, carrots, sweet potatoes
  • Fruit: Apples, apple juice, apricots, cranberries, peaches, pears, pineapple
  • Grains: Rice, rice cakes, rice cereal
  • Sweeteners: Beet or cane sugar, honey
  • Fats: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Safflower oil
  • Flavorings: Salt and white vinegar

Regardless of which test diet you choose, you will gradually re-introduce each food to see if it causes a reaction. Start with small portions in case your response is severe. It’s also essential to stay hydrated with plenty of water.

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Benefits of an Elimination Diet

Are you tired of being sick without knowing the reason? If medical tests don’t reveal any other physical cause, you may be allergic to a food or food group. Here are some benefits of an elimination diet to consider:

1. Reveal Unknown Food Allergens

You may be having health issues and not realize that a portion of food could be doing it to you. Some of your favorite foods may be making you sick, and you never knew it. Once you’ve identified your food allergens, you can create healthy meal plans without them.

2. Relieve Skin Issues

Remember how aggravating it was to deal with acne as a teenager? It can be even more frustrating to have it as an adult. Did you know that an allergy could cause your adult breakouts to food?

These hidden culprits may also be the reason that you are experiencing itchy dermatitis or eczema. It’s especially tell-tale when traditional treatments aren’t helping. The results of this trial diet may be clearer skin, fewer breakouts, and minor itching.

3. Relieve Migraines

Comparing them to headaches is like comparing a hydrogen bomb to a firecracker for those who struggle with migraines. Migraines can be a chronic issue that can be completely debilitating. Did you know that food allergens can cause migraines?

A study published by Headache Journal included twenty-one participants who had issues with migraines. After they eliminated certain foods during a test diet, most participants saw a reduction in their migraines. It demonstrated a positive effect on their well-being too.

Some people have regular headaches when they consume trigger foods. If you have chronic headaches, a food allergen may be the reason. This specialized diet may help identify your triggers, so you’ll have fewer headaches.

4. Help Treat Learning Disorders

Medical researchers aren’t entirely sure what causes certain learning disorders such as ADHD or autism. However, they have found links between these disorders and being allergic to a food. According to an article published by Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, food allergens may play a role in developing these disorders.

Although food elimination hasn’t proven to cure ADHD or autism, it may help ease some symptoms. Foods high in sugar are notorious for increasing ADHD symptoms, so eliminating sugar has been successful for many folks.

5. Reduce IBS Symptoms

When you have gut issues like IBS, it affects your whole life. The price for enjoying delicious meals is often pain, bloating, and chronic diarrhea. Can eliminating certain foods from your diet minimize these exhausting symptoms?

A study published by the Journal of American College of Nutrition discusses promising results. Dr. Jeanne Drisko et al. found that IBS patients who tried a controlled elimination diet and added probiotics had fewer symptoms. The results were confirmed for 100 percent of the 20 patients, according to the study.

6. Help Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Syndrome is a painful disorder that is an apt description of its symptoms. If you’ve been diagnosed with LGS, contents in your digestion system seep through tiny holes and can make your entire body sick. LGS is often responsible for chronic inflammation and other autoimmune issues.

Crohn’s Disease and ulcerative colitis are typical results from LGS. It also makes it difficult for your body to absorb certain vital nutrients. Wheat allergies also called gluten intolerance, and other food allergens may be the cause.

Even if you can’t cure the disease by eliminating trigger foods, you may ease some of its symptoms. You may have fewer bouts of diarrhea and other painful gastrointestinal issues. Fewer symptoms can mean an improvement in your lifestyle.

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Final Thoughts on the Elimination Diet Benefits

While you may lose some weight during a diet of elimination of allergens, it’s not safe for the long term. After you’ve discovered your trigger foods, you may need a registered dietician to help you develop a new diet.

Remember that everyone is different, and your results won’t be typical. If you feel dizzy or overly weak, you may be eliminating too much too quickly. You should start the reintroduction phase and see how you feel.

Undiscovered food allergens can affect your health and entire well-being. When you try eliminating foods to find triggers, your whole life can improve. Skipping a food or food group is worth it when you have fewer health issues and a better outlook.

15 Positivity Exercises to Make You Happy Every Day

Many folks find that it’s a daily struggle to remain positive. Even if you start out good and feeling cheerful, it won’t be long until something negative knocks the positivity right out of you. It’s easier to be a pessimist than an optimist, but you can choose your mentality by adding these positivity exercises to your routine.

Do you know what happens when you allow a negative thought to linger in your mind? It won’t be long until you feel down, anxious, and even depressed. Many people are guilty of overthinking situations, and how many times have you worried about stuff that doesn’t even happen? All these feelings do nothing but leave you miserable.

While being positive continuously is just not feasible, you can be upbeat most of the time. The fascinating thing about changing your mindset is that it will alter how you handle things during the day. Most of all, when you incorporate positivity exercises into your day, you can improve your health and become a happier person.

Fifteen Positivity Exercises To Make You Happy Every Day

There are many benefits to positive thinking. When life throws you a curveball, you can learn to find solutions rather than running and hiding, hoping the storm passes. When you have a positive mindset, you will feel this fantastic release that helps you in every aspect of your life.

Stress harms your body, but optimism is the fuel that you need to keep going. Do you need to boost self-esteem, enhance your relationships, be a better spouse, friend, and worker? Here is 15 positivity exercise you need to incorporate into your day.

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1. Exercise Your Right to Indulge in Positivity Affirmations

There’s a lot of buzz about positive affirmation. The reason why these declarations are so important is straightforward. In the Bible, Proverbs 23:7 states that as a man thinks in his heart, so shall he be. This advice means that if you believe that you’re a failure and can’t do anything, then that’s precisely what you will do.

However, if you tell yourself things like “I am loved, I am enough, and I will have a wonderful day,” then you’re going to manifest these things. People think that manifesting and visualizing are all part of new age stuff, but this is from ancient times. The Bible was translated to English in 1611, and even then, they talked about such matters.

2. Read an Encouraging Book

If you’re tired of the negativity, turn off social media, flick off the TV and start ingesting positive things. Books are a great way to read about people who have overcome insurmountable odds. You can try reading some positive quotes or self-help writings that can give you a boost of positive energy.

3. Load Your Brain With Positive Thoughts

If you want positivity to come out, then you need to put positivity into your mind. If you’re going to think positively, then start with the people in your inner circle. You don’t want negative folks and are always on the verge of a breakdown to surround you.

Instead, find yourself some people who will live you up, be a support system, and pour positivity into you. Your whole attitude will change when you make some adjustments and try some positivity exercises.

4. Try Self-hypnosis as a Positivity Exercise

Hypnosis was invented by James Braid, a Scottish surgeon, in 1841, according to Hypno-Therapy. Additionally, the article states that it’s become the norm and not the exception. While you’ve heard of going to a therapist’s office and lying on a couch and being put under, you have the power to do the same thing.

Find a suitable meditation or a motivational tape and open your mind and allow it to go into a relaxed state. When you’re in this state, you will enable the positivity from the guided meditation to penetrate you for positive thinking.

5. Believe in Yourself

One of the best ways to enhance your positivity is to start believing in yourself. You set dreams and goals, but do you think that you can achieve these targets? When you stumble and fall, you must learn to accept your blunders with grace. Then, you should pick yourself up and start again.

You’ll never learn to walk as a child unless you fall a few times. As an adult, you’re never going to obtain the positive place you want to be without a few stumbles along the way.

6. Stop Creating Excuses (One of the Most Challenging Positivity Exercises!)

Quit making excuses about everything you can’t do and start making declarations about what you will do. Change your attitude and watch all the amazing things that start happening to you. It’s incredible how procrastination truly holds people back.

7. Count Your Blessings

Rather than being upset about all the things you don’t have, why not start counting your blessings daily? You won’t have time to worry about more significant bank accounts and the latest car when you consider all you have in this life. So many people would give anything to be and have the things you do, so don’t ever take it for granted.

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8. Journal Writing Is a Productive Positivity Exercise

One of the best positivity exercises you can do is to practice gratitude through journaling. Journaling is a great way to help you with gratitude because it keeps a record account of the things you’ve overcome, the growth you’ve obtained, and the goals for tomorrow.

9. Overcome Painful Past Experiences

Stop turning around and looking at your past. While there are some good things that you don’t want to forget, some terrible things can hinder you and make you harmful. Keeping your mind focused on the moment will help you to live the life you want.

10. Pause and Breathe

Life can be overwhelming, so you must take time to relax and breathe. You must breathe to live, but it can also calm you and bring you back to the present. When you feel overwhelmed, and negativity starts creeping in, stop everything and practice some simple breathing.

11. Stop Beating Yourself Up (One of the Most Necessary Positivity Exercises)

Do you beat yourself up over past mistakes and current failures? Why do you expect that you will be perfect? Are there any ideal people on this earth?

Stop being so hard on yourself and focusing on your flaws. It’s time you forgive yourself and instead of tearing yourself apart, start building your esteem to empower you. Negative self-talk will get you nowhere fast.

12. Speak With Positivity

Have you ever listened to yourself speak? The words that come out of your mouth are powerful. Some say that the power of your tongue holds life and death. So, start speaking blessings to your life, prosperity to your wallet, and happiness to your soul.

13. Create a Special Mantra to Include in Your Positivity Exercises

Mantras are a saying that you tell yourself over and over. It’s an encouraging phrase that helps you think positively. For instance:

  • “I know that anxiety is contagious, so I’m going to remain calm.”
  • “Longevity connects to healthy eating, so today I strive to fuel my body and not burden it.”
  • “I understand that a vehicle in motion stays in motion, so I need to move if I want results.”

Try quoting these mantras to keep you on the right path when life starts too much or your stress levels increase.

14. Use the Mirror When Performing Positivity Exercises

The mirror technique is a simple way that you can help improve your esteem. It takes just a few minutes, and you can do it every day. Grab a mirror and find a quiet space to sit and focus. Now, take a good hard look at yourself.

You need to tell this person how much you love them, how wonderful they are, and how you’re going to be a happier, healthier person. You will be surprised at how this trick can help.

15. Plan Sensible Goals

Stop making huge goals that you know are impossible. Instead, you need to set small, achievable goals. Once you reach one of these aspirations, you will be encouraged to do more.

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Final Thoughts on Positivity Exercises

Negativity is the norm, so it takes an influential person to stand up and be positive. While you won’t achieve perfect optimism overnight, you can by practicing some positivity exercises each day. You must choose your words wisely, even the ones that you say to yourself in your mind.

Sure, your life has been full of trauma, abuse, and unfortunate events, but so has everyone else. You can either develop the victim mentality or decide to be a victor, but the choice is yours alone. Do you know what a critical component between depression or anxiety is negativity?

An article posted on Forbes states that one of the elements of depression is social media. Watch what you ingest into your body, as the more negativity you consume, the more negative you will be. Additionally, these positivity exercises can help you be a better person and one that people will love to be around.

Toxic Poop: Sorting Out the Fact from Fiction

You know the importance of passing healthy stools as it rids the toxins from your body. However, have you ever thought that the poop inside you could be dangerous? Well, you can tell a lot of what’s going on in your system by your feces. But toxic poop may form from food that does not eliminate from your system.

The buildup of this toxic fecal matter is known to cause significant damage to your body. While this is a relatively new theory regarding gut health, it is worth consideration. The jury is still out on whether it’s a fact or fiction, but here are some things to consider.

Understanding Toxic Poop

No one likes to talk about doing their business. Going to the bathroom is a private matter. However, your bathroom habits can be very foretelling of what’s going on inside. The only exception to this rule is toxic poop.

According to the Gut Health Project, It’s believed that the average person has between 10-20 lbs. of fecal matter that’s trapped inside their body? This is the poop that doesn’t come out with a regular bowel movement, but it’s stuck on the inside. It’s located in the small/large intestines and colon, which can’t be healthy for you.

Remember, fecal matter is waste that is necessary to remove from the body. It’s all the digested food and toxins your system needs to flush. Fecal toxicity occurs when more toxic poop builds, which could be part of why you feel so badly.

Many people go to doctors and have tons of tests run. Consequently, holistic practitioners believe the problem could be as simple as eliminating the toxic fecal matter in their gut.

What Are The Symptoms of Toxic Poop?

toxic poop

Many believe that when the buildup of fecal matter inside your gut reaches massive levels, you will begin to have many symptoms. Have you noticed that you’ve been moody, irritable, and haven’t been able to pay attention as you could before? These can all be signs of a toxic load that’s lodged in your gut.

According to EMZU, holistic practitioners believe there’s a link to more than 170 different medical conditions that are caused by a toxic poop buildup. These cite the following twelve health conditions as signs of this problem:

  1. Eczema
  2. Rosacea
  3. Acne
  4. Depression
  5. Anxiety
  6. Type II Diabetes
  7. Insomnia
  8. Joint pain and inflammation
  9. Premature memory loss
  10. Arthritis
  11. Obesity
  12. Autism

Why The Gut-Brain Connection Matters?

While many things can cause these issues, you can’t ignore the fact that your gut-brain connection is significant.

Even the world of traditional medicine is now agreeing that there’s something to be said for mental health issues and GI difficulties. Each meal that you eat comes with waste that your body must eliminate. Your body only extracts vitamins and minerals from your food, and it removes the rest from the body like garbage.

Your digestive system plays a big part in your overall health; talk with any of the researchers who have delved into the gut-brain connection. Information on the Vagus Nerve has become quite popular. An article published in the National Library of Medicine states that this nerve is part of the parasympathetic nervous system.

Shockingly, it plays a big part in the digestion of food as well as your moods. So, if you’re full of toxic waste, it’s no wonder it could affect your mental health. What happens if you don’t poop regularly?

If your intake is less than your output, then you’re going to have a backup. If 25 cars enter the on-ramp to the freeway, but only 15 get on the expressway, then you have ten cars just sitting there waiting their turn. It’s a similar theory with your digestive system.

You have a stool that backs up into your system, waiting to exit, but they get pushed up into the intestines and never make it out. It’s very similar to a bottleneck experience in traffic. Some disagree with this theory and feel it’s nothing but a gimmick to sell products to empty the colon.

Is it possible that you have pounds of feces inside you that remain stuck inside and never pass? Some people say that they feel amazing after a colon cleanse, but is it essential?

toxic poop

Do You Need A Colon Cleanse?

You have this toxic poop in your system, and you need to flush it, but how do you go about doing it? The key is to keep your colon and your intestines in top shape, which will help to reduce any GI issues like bloating and constipation. Your digestive and immune systems must be in good condition so that you don’t need to flush your colon.

However, if you find that your health is not where it needs to be, and you have GI issues, then a colon cleanse may be right for you. Here are some ways that you can cleanse the waste from your system.

1. Handle Constipation

According to Health Guidance, you should have between one to three bowel movements each day. There’s a considerable variation because some people go more frequently and some less. However, you know what’s normal for you, and you want to stay within those realms.

You can also identify when you haven’t been pooping regularly and get the classic signs of constipation. You must deal with any issues related to constipation immediately, so you can prevent the pain of being backed up. Many natural things can stimulate the bowels, like bananas as well as figs and prunes.

2. Bulk Up On Fiber

Fiber is a natural way to cleanse the colon. You don’t need any unique products that can cause damage, as you can remove waste by eating more fiber. Things like vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts are each natural ways to get rid of any backed-up poop.

3. Hydrate Your Body

When you drink water, it’s absorbed by the fiber that’s lingering in your GI tract. Thus, it helps to keep things flowing smoothly in your intestines and colon, as well as keeping your body hydrated. Make sure you drink water all day long. Ladies need at least twelve cups and men about fifteen, according to Harvard Health.

When you illuminate processed junk foods and start eating a healthier diet, you will automatically see changes in your digestive system. Many colon cleanse products on the market have some dangerous side effects, so you should choose wisely. Things like guar gum are included in these mixes, and they are known to cause intestinal blockages, according to an article on Live Strong.

Is Toxic Poop Fact or Fiction?

Poop isn’t toxic in most instances, but you can have a GI tract that’s not functioning correctly. Western medicine doesn’t accept the whole premise of harmful waste, as they find it misleading and confusing to people. Additionally, many of the companies that promote and sell colon cleansing products claim that you can remove up to twenty pounds of feces from your body, which is a vast stretch of the truth.

There’s no scientific evidence that a toxic backup exists, but research states it’s a myth. The most profound argument against such an issue comes from the medical community and surgeons. If such a backup existed, why do surgeons not observe it when they perform surgery?

Both radiologists and gastroenterologists can’t back these claims, so it appears that the theory of toxic fecal matter lingering in the gut is purely speculation.

toxic poop

Final Thoughts on Sorting Out Fact Versus Fiction Regarding Toxic Poop

The war between Western medicine and holistic practitioners still rages on. However, the theory of standard practices is to put a bandage over things rather than treating the problem. It cannot be denied that many holistic therapies have helped when traditional medicine fell short.

Take, for instance, Suzanne Somers. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2001. Rather than taking chemo, which tears the body down rather than building it up, she opted to use mistletoe extract. Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski administered this treatment, and Somers claims it worked wonders.

Somers has lived another twenty years cancer-free, but would she have had the same luck with traditional treatments? So, while conventional doctors might look down their noses at some of the natural practices, millions of people find relief in them.

As far as a toxic colon is concerned, it never hurts to bulk up on fiber, drink more water, and make sure your bowel habits are regular. If doing things to make your system better makes you feel great, would it hurt to ask your doctor whether it’s worth a try? Whether you have twenty pounds of poop backed up inside you or not, you can still benefit from healthy eating.

When it comes to buying expensive colon cleansing kits that promise stellar results by taking a magic potion, be wary of them. There’s plenty of natural things that will keep your bowels moving and eliminate the excess waste you have inside.

12 PTSD Symptoms Never to Ignore (and How to Fix It)

PTSD symptoms can be easy to confuse with other mental health disorders, but it always stems from a traumatic event.

The unpredictable nature of life means that you will experience some trauma and grief along the way. PTSD, called shellshock or battle fatigue in past eras, was something that the medical community believed that people in war experienced. According to Health Guide Info, it was discovered in the 1600s by Swiss military physicians. Still, it wasn’t until 1980 that the American Psychological Association declared it an official mental health disorder.

Distressing life events happen to people every day, and some can process and move on from these occurrences better than others. According to the National Library of Medicine, PTSD is simply a condition where the traumatic stress of the past dramatically affects the present. The article states that it can be from a car accident, war, assault, abusive situation, or loss.

Why is it that one person can have a horrific accident and not be phased by it that much? They get back in the car and drive again without issue. However, another individual is afraid to get in the car for years and develops a phobia of being in a vehicle? There’s no rhyme or reason why the brain responds to such things, but there’s a way to get through them with help.

PTSD Symptoms Never to Ignore

The first key to getting treatment for post-traumatic stress is to realize that you have a problem. Post-traumatic stress disorder is a severe condition that affects about six percent of the population at some time during their life, according to the Veteran’s Administration.

Remember, it’s not a sign of weakness to have this condition, but it does indicate that you need help. Here are twelve PTSD symptoms that you should never ignore.

ptsd symptoms

1. Avoidant Behaviors

Remember when you were a child, and your mom told you not to touch the stove? You, like most children, probably felt it anyway. However, you soon learned that it was hot and burnt you.

So, the next time mom was cooking around the stove, you avoided the area. Why did you avoid the stove, even though it was a standard appliance in your home? You associated the stove with pain, so you learned avoidance behaviors. The same thing happens when you have post-traumatic stress disorder.

You will avoid the places, people, and things that remind you of the event. This sign is one of the most troubling PTSD symptoms as you find a way to adjust your life to live with your anxiety, which only makes things much worse.

2. Nightmares Are One of the Most Common PTSD Symptoms

Since PTSD is an anxiety-based condition, you might wake up with nightmares as your fears dominate your subconscious. It’s not uncommon for people with this mental health disturbance to wake up with their heart racing, sweating, and feeling like they’re panicking as they relive the moments when everything in their life changed.

Sadly, there’s no magic pill for your dreams, but you can learn to control your thought with positivity during the day to affect the night hopefully.

3. Hypervigilance

Hypervigilance is a state of increased alertness, and it’s not uncommon for you to experience this arousal after a traumatic event. You feel like you’re always on guard and waiting for impending doom.

There’s a strong link between PTSD and panic disorder, as they both are caused by anxiety. Living in a state of fight or flight can be unbearable.

4. PTSD Symptoms Can Cause Loss of Concentration

If your body is already in a hypervigilant state, it’s no wonder that you can’t concentrate. How can you maintain your focus when you’re trying to keep it together?

Readjusting to life after a traumatic event can be pretty challenging, as you won’t view anything as the same. What happened to you is so powerful that it alters your very state of being.

5. Social Anxiety and Isolation

Your painful memories cause PTSD symptoms to increase. One of the most challenging is social anxiety. You don’t want to go in public, so you choose to isolate yourself. What if you experienced a robbery at a restaurant?

Your mind would be fearful every time you went into an eatery. The chances of the incident happening again are slim, but just the flashback and the anxiety it brings is enough to give you a phobia regarding any association. You find it’s easier to stay in the safety of your four walls than to venture out.

6. Memory Loss Is One of the Lesser Known PTSD Symptoms

Have you ever heard of a mental block? Sometimes the brain tries to protect itself by blocking out events or segments of time surrounding those events. According to the Sage Neuroscience Center, these blocks can be simple things like writing or traumatic experiences.

It’s like your brain short circuits, and the power supply is low for a while. Some people will recover these memories, while others will live with a permanent block.

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7. Avoiding Once-loved Activities

PTSD symptoms cause people to avoid things that once brought them so much pleasure. Going to the movies, restaurants, and enjoying a party doesn’t feel the same anymore.

8. Intrusive Thoughts

Dealing with intrusive thoughts is horrible. Anxiety is the great pretender, and it can have you thinking and feeling all sorts of things that aren’t true. One of the PTSD symptoms that are hard to get over is dealing with these annoying thoughts.

For instance, it’s these thoughts that tell you all the reasons why you can never get into a car again after an accident.

9. Traumatic Flashbacks

Linked with traumatic flashbacks is a strong startle reflex. Someone who is constantly remembering their time at warm might shutter if you come up behind them. Their startle reflex, along with flashbacks, transports them back to the time and place where things happened to them.

10. Negative Perception of Yourself and the World

When you consider all the PTSD symptoms, it’s only natural that you might develop a negative perception of yourself and the world around you. When negative things have happened to you, you tend to view the world through skewed lenses. Consequently, you must change your view of yourself and the things around you, as this will only increase and make your depression and anxiety worse.

11. Sleeplessness Is One of the Most Frequent PTSD Symptoms

Sleep doesn’t come easy for those who have suffered any traumatic event. Your mind races, you feel fear, and you’re leery of going to sleep because you may have another nightmare. These are all reasons why people with PTSD can’t go to sleep or stay asleep for long.

12. Moody and Irritable

While it is one of the PTSD symptoms, it can occur for many reasons. When you have high anxiety levels, it’s only typical that you will suffer moodiness and irritability. If you’re not getting enough sleep, isolating yourself, and having chronic anxiety that’s causing you to operate in overdrive, it’s only natural that your mood will be affected.

How to Fix PTSD Symptoms

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a fix for PTSD symptoms and you could make it all go away? Sadly, there’s no quick fix for such a complex issue. You must come to terms with the traumatic event that happened to you, realize it wasn’t your fault, and move past it.

How do you move past such an occurrence? Well, it’s going to take time and patience. Some people never move past the moment when their life changed, but others find coping mechanisms to help. The first thing you can do is to get a therapist who can help you.

Another advisable route is to join a peer support group. Hearing the stories of others and how they’ve handled such events can be very healing. It counteracts the intrusive thoughts of anxiety that tell you that you’re all alone.

You must realize you’re not alone. There’s a vast network of survivors who’ve encountered things just like you, and they’ve overcome. This should give you hope to know that you too can overcome whatever has come your way.

Another thing to so consider is your mindset. If you dwell on negativity all day long, then you’re not going to have enough positivity in you to conquer these demons. You must use positive affirmations like “I will get better” and “I won’t let my traumatic event define me.”

The rehabilitation centers across this country are full of people who don’t know how to cope with their distress. Rather than using the available positive routes, they chose to handle the pain the only way they knew how. Now, they have an addiction to add to the other circumstances beyond their control.

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Final Thoughts on Understanding Why You Should Never Ignore These PTSD Symptoms

There is a strong connection between trauma and mental illness. However, you can fully recover and have a good life. If necessary, you need a sound support system, a well-trained counselor versed in PTSD, and be open to some radical treatments like hypnosis.

Being proactive in your healing will put you in a better place. The last thing you want to do is try to self-medicate the pain away, as there’s another way and folks who want to help.

15 Suspicious Behaviors That May Reveal a Liar

By now, you’ve probably dealt with people who have a challenging time telling the truth. While they may have the best of intentions, they can’t seem to be honest. These are the most difficult folks to deal with because once you learn to lie to cover your tracks, the lies seem to snowball out of control.

The last thing you want is to be in a relationship with someone who can’t be honest. If you have good senses and listen to your inner voice, you’re undoubtedly suspicious of them by now. Telling lies comes easy to some, so you need to be on guard to protect yourself.

Fifteen Suspicious Actions That May Reveal a Liar

Can you spot a sneaky liar? Do you know how to sense their negativity and know their lying right through their teeth? If not, here is a list of suspicious behaviors that indicate that someone is less than truthful with you.


1. Counter Accusations Are Suspicious, as a Liar Might Try to Gaslight You

Should you confront a person with your suspicion that they’re lying, they may try to turn it around on you. For instance, if you ask them if they’re cheating on you, they will counter with a statement that you’re the one cheating and you have a guilty conscience. It’s not uncommon for an untruthful person to blame anyone and everyone else for avoiding their sins coming to the forefront.

2. An Unblinking Stare Might be Suspicious

One of the sure signs that someone is being untruthful is that they’re not blinking. Blinking is a natural part of your body to flush your eyes, and according to Healthline, you should blink around 15-20 times each minute. When they stare at you coldly without blinking, it’s a sign that they’re being dishonest.

Additionally, someone that blinks constantly is displaying signs of distress or anxiety. A person afraid of being caught in their lie would blink more so than the sociopath who has mastered the art of deception, and it doesn’t faze them.

3. Frozen Like a Deer in the Headlights

Most people use somebody’s body language when they speak. Please pay attention to people next time you’re deep in conversation and learn their body mannerisms. When the subject matter is light and casual, most individuals don’t use as many gestures.

However, when someone is dishonest, their movements are subconscious and become more profound. On the other end of the spectrum is those folks who freeze in fear. They stand like a deer in a headlight that knows their demise is soon to follow. This person is afraid you’re suspicious of them, and they’re in danger.

4. A Blushed Response

How many times have you blushed when your emotions get the best of you? Blushing is a normal response to an emotional situation, and it’s an indication that anxiety levels are rising. People blush over the simplest things, like when someone tells them they’re pretty or feel butterflies in their stomachs.

However, for someone being dishonest, the blushed response is likely due to being anxious that you’re close to uncovering their deception.

5. Sharing Too Much Information May Reveal Suspicious Behavior

When you ask a simple question, you want a simple answer. If someone goes into great detail telling you times, places, people, and all sorts of extras, you can almost ensure that they’ve taken the time to concoct the perfect lie. No one remembers such details unless they’ve made a point to recall these things.

6. Symbolic Stifling of Communication

When you think of ways to spot a liar, you probably haven’t considered that they may cover their mouth. Instinctively, someone who is worried that their words will give their deception away will cover the place where the lies originate. This action is also a sign that they don’t want to answer your questions as they might incriminate themselves.

Experts call this a stifling of communication because they try their best to avoid your interrogation. Additionally, they may not fully cover their mouth, but they may play with their lips using their fingers or chew on something too.

7. Develop a Sudden Stutter

Have you ever been nervous and become tongue-tied? It seems that every word you speak comes out jumbled due to your nerves. This speech pattern is a typical pattern observed with someone who isn’t being honest. They often try to talk too fast, and their nerves get in the way and cause the words to come out wrong.

Some people naturally talk fast, like those who suffer from attention hyperactivity disorder, but if a person usually is cool as a cucumber and is now stumbling, pay attention.


8. Animated or Theatrical Personality

How do you know if you have a liar on your hands? Well, it’s easy to see by their animated and sometimes theatrical actions. You can always tell when someone is stressed and anxious when they start waving their arms about, as this is suspicious behavior.

Some believe this is a subconscious sign that they’re preparing for a fight. Now, if someone typically has such dramatic behavior, it’s probably nothing concerning. The real problem is observed when these actions are out of the normal realm for this individual.

9. Protecting Their Vulnerable Points

When a person senses danger or feels backed into a corner, they prepare to come out swinging. An instinct built into each person naturally wants you to protect the most private susceptible parts of your body. For instance, a man may defend his genital region, while a woman may try to cover her neck with their hand.

10. They Duck the Question or the Topic

Have you ever asked someone a question, and they will change it around to an entirely different subject and change the topic? They’re using avoidance tactics because they don’t want to answer what you’ve asked of them. This is very suspicious, and they may be trying to avoid you finding out the truth.

11. Memory Complications

Sudden memory complications can strike anyone, but if this person suddenly has a case of amnesia without an accident, they’re likely telling you a whopper. This is, no doubt, another chance for them to come up with a highly polished lie.

12. Repeating the Question

When someone asks you to repeat the question, it might be because they need time to get their story straight. You will commonly see this tactic in a courtroom when someone doesn’t know what or how to answer a question. They heard you correctly the first time in most instances, but they need a few seconds to gather their thoughts.

You might be shocked to learn that this tactic develops primarily during childhood, but a professional liar never drops this little trick they learned.

13. Changes in Breathing

A study was conducted by the University of Otago and reported on Medical Express. They state that someone experiencing moderate levels of anxiety will experience variations in blood oxygenation and flow.

You may see someone who is deceptive breathing fast, or they may slow their breathing down dramatically. Any changes in breathing are suspect, especially when it happens while they’re being asked for answers.

14. Curious Verbal Problems Might Be a Sign of Suspicious Behavior

Sudden verbal problems can also be a sign that someone is deceptive. They may display issues like stuttering, repeating the exact words over, and having difficulty making a complete sentence. These peculiar verbal problems suspect that the person isn’t being honest, and their anxiety makes communication challenging.

15. Exhibiting Jerky Movements

When you notice a person showing jerky movements, it’s a sign their anxiety is in overdrive. They may do things like moving their limbs quickly or dart their eyes back and forth. If they have keys or spare change in their pocket, they may toss it around the entire time you talk.

You can always tell that someone is worried that their deceptions will be uncovered. All you need to do is observe their body language and jerky movements, which indicate an anxious nature.


Final Thoughts on Understanding the Suspicious Behaviors of a Liar

If you want to catch someone deceptive, you might want to use the old proverb that reminds you that it’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. When you come out swinging like a lion ready to pounce, you’re probably not going to get very far with someone dishonest. The common interrogation tactics don’t work with everyone.

Most people will respond much better if you sit down and calmly discuss things with them. Whether you’re in the middle of a heated argument or trying to be civilized, you’ll likely see some of the behaviors listed above come out. A habitual or pathological liar will resort to tactics like gaslighting to get the blame shifted from them to you, while this isn’t the only scheme they’ll use.

If you’re suspicious of someone’s behavior and think they might be dishonest with you, the chances are that they’re being deceptive. Always trust your gut instincts and do your detective work to ensure you uncover the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You might be pretty shocked at what you find.

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