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How to Do Guided Sleep Meditation to Release Stress

Do you want to learn how to do guided sleep meditation to release stress? If so, we’ll take you through the process step-by-step, so you can start feeling more relaxed and peaceful. Many people today meditate, do yoga, or perform deep breathing exercises to relieve tension. Everyone can benefit from relaxation techniques, especially to help wind down before bed.

How Can Guided Sleep Meditation Help You?

Studies show that that guided sleep meditation can help in a variety of ways:

  • Reduces insomnia
  • Decreases daytime fatigue
  • Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
  • Increases melatonin and serotonin, which relax the body for sleep
  • Activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes restfulness and tranquility

A 2015 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that mindfulness meditation reduced insomnia symptoms in adults. Researchers separated 49 participants into two groups; one took meditation classes for six weeks, and the other learned about sleep hygiene. They noticed that the meditation group experienced less daytime fatigue and fewer instances of insomnia at the study’s conclusion.

So, if you struggle with insomnia or racing thoughts before bed, you’ll benefit from these relaxation techniques. Read on for how to do guided sleep meditation to release stress.

How to Do Guided Sleep Meditation to Release Stress

This guided meditation was created for you to have a restful night’s sleep more easily. Make sure you’re lying down in a comfortable position before getting started. Also, remove any distractions from the room, ensuring you have a quiet atmosphere for the best results. The relaxing voice will help you drift off into sleep in no time.

Guided Sleep Meditation Tips

  1. First, take a deep breath in, hold it and release it through your mouth. Notice how your body feels as you breathe deeply, the expansion and contraction of each breath.
  2. It should feel natural and relaxing to your mind and body as you focus only on breathing. Detach yourself from any worries, fears, or racing thoughts, and keep your attention on the here and now. Your body knows how to relax. However, you forgot the basics of it in the daily hustle and bustle. So, reclaim your right to peace and dive deeply into this guided sleep meditation.
  3. Forget the world and ‘be.’ Stretch out and feel the tension leave your muscles as you listen to this relaxing meditation.

After getting into a comfortable position and relaxing your body, you’re ready to learn how to do guided sleep meditation to release stress.

guided sleep meditation

Phase 1: Awareness of the Mind and Body

  1. Gently close your eyes and tune everything else out around you.
  2. Pay attention to how your body feels in this moment. If you’re still feeling tense, consciously release tension by breathing deeply in and out.
  3. The more you focus on the present moment, the greater peace you’ll feel. All the stress of the day will begin to melt away.
  4. Don’t try to stay awake through the entire meditation; allow yourself to fall asleep when you’re ready.
  5. Now, imagine your favorite image of something sinking or floating down. You may notice your breathing begin to change from shallow to deep, slow breaths.
  6. Feel the meaning, freedom, and relationship of each breath as you remember your true nature. Peace, joy, and love come naturally to us, but we need to remove the layers we’ve built around ourselves.
  7. Allow yourself to relax and forget anything else but this moment. Sleep will come naturally if you focus solely on the woman’s voice in the guided meditation. Remember that you deserve to replenish and heal your body from the day’s stresses.
  8. As you listen to this recording on how to do guided sleep meditation to release stress, your conscious mind will learn to trust your body’s natural ability to sleep.
  9. One by one, the thoughts in your mind will start to fall away as you sink deeper into relaxation. The ideas that seemed so important will fade the longer you listen to the guided meditation.

Phase 2: Moving into the Subconscious of Sleep

  1. Notice how light your body feels now. Your breathing starts to resemble the waves in the ocean, rising and falling gently. If it helps, visualize the waves crashing against the shore, remaining in tune with nature. Remember: you are nature, too.
  2. All worries are far away from you now as you drift further into a dreamlike state. The calm you feel washing over you ensures you’re safe and secure while you rest.
  3. Dream of tranquil places, like floating in the ocean or resting on a soft cloud. Allow your mind to embrace sleep and peace, and put away any thoughts that trouble you.
  4. Remember that you have a sanctuary within you, a place where only you can go to rest. Go there, and forget the world for the night. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to this moment and place each time. You deserve it.
  5. You’ll feel the lightness take over your body, from your feet up to your head. Your mind and body should feel weightless and relaxed.
  6. Remember that you’ve done your best today, as you’ve always done. Every day, you become stronger and more capable, so sleep now and enjoy a rejuvenating rest.

Millions of people find peace as they learn how to do guided sleep meditation to release stress. Since the modern world comes with so many worries, people have found solace in meditation and relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, mindfulness, and awareness of the inner self can bring the peace we’re so desperate to discover. Allow the quietness of nighttime to recharge your mind and body as you drift off to sleep with this guided meditation.

guided sleep meditation

Final Thoughts: This Guided Sleep Meditation Will Help You Fall Asleep Quickly

According to the American Sleep Association, about 10% of US adults have chronic insomnia. Fifty to seventy million adults struggle with sleep disorders, in total. Sleep deprivation is so pervasive in modern society that the CDC declared it a public health crisis.

It may seem hopeless when stress takes over your mind and makes it difficult to fall asleep. However, once you learn how to do guided sleep meditation to release tension, it can help immensely. We sincerely hope this meditation recording brought you peace of mind and much-deserved rest. Sweet dreams!

Researchers Explain How Grocery Shopping Reduces Carbon Footprint

A new study reveals how savvy shopping at the grocery store can lower your carbon footprint. As awareness about climate change grows, more consumers want to make a positive impact on the environment. Some people do this by adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet, but that’s not realistic or feasible for everyone. Still, researchers say people can make intelligent food purchases in other ways.

A research team from Purdue University in Indiana identified three ways Americans can lower their carbon footprint. Luckily, they don’t require drastic changes, such as switching to a vegan diet. The findings were published in ACS’ journal Environmental Science & Technology on November 3, 2021.

 Transporting food from farms to tables contributes 19-29% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Agricultural production accounts for 80-86% of total food system emissions, varying levels depending on the region. Livestock, such as cows and pigs, don’t convert plants to energy very efficiently. Therefore, meat and dairy products contribute higher emissions than fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Because of this, previous studies have investigated changes individuals or households can make to lower their carbon footprint. However, researchers based their claims on an “average American diet” without considering variations. In reality, people eat a widely varied diet depending on preferences, culture, and other factors.

Researchers Explain How Smart Grocery Shopping Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

carbon footprint

To account for this diversity, the research team wanted to take a more comprehensive approach. Hua Can and colleagues analyzed 2010 data from over 57,000 US households to identify which specific items produced the highest emissions.

Then, they added the GHG emissions from growing and harvesting the various foods. They excluded packaging and transportation emissions due to the unavailability of this data. Next, they compared these emissions calculations to those produced for a healthy, eco-friendly diet.

The team’s analysis found that 71% of homes surveyed could lower their carbon footprint from buying groceries. They suggested three significant ways for consumers to do so:

  • Small households of one or two people should purchase fewer bulk food items. Because some of the food will inevitably spoil before it’s eaten, it leads to food waste. Researchers say manufacturers should offer smaller, more affordable package sizes to combat this problem.
  • Eliminating foods high in calories with low nutritional value would lower one’s carbon footprint by 29%. Not to mention, cutting out these foods would possibly improve health as well.
  • People should buy fewer savory baked goods and ready-made foods. While these foods produce relatively low carbon emissions, the volume of purchased items adds up to significant emissions.

In conclusion, the researchers say adopting these grocery shopping strategies can help people reduce their carbon footprint.

How Eating Less Meat Reduces Your Carbon Footprint

While the above methods lower food production emissions, researchers have found that eliminating or reducing meat consumption makes significant differences. For example, a study published in Nature Food found that animal-based foods produce twice the emissions of plant-based foods.

The researchers from the University of Illinois discovered that animal agriculture and livestock feed accounts for 57% of GHG emissions from food production. Meanwhile, the cultivation of plant-based foods accounts for only 29% of emissions. To put this in perspective, 1kg of wheat produces only 2.5kg of greenhouse gasses. 1kg of beef, on the other hand, results in a staggering 70kg of emissions.

Much of the emissions come from the land required for grazing animals and feed production. The paper found that the majority of the world’s arable land feeds livestock instead of people. Not to mention, livestock (especially cows) produce large amounts of the potent greenhouse gas methane.

A separate UK study of 2,041 vegans, 15,751 vegetarians, 8,123 fish-eaters, and 29,589 meat-eaters found similar results. Peter Scarborough and his colleagues at Oxford University calculated the greenhouse gas emissions of each diet. Not surprisingly, vegans and vegetarians had the lowest carbon footprint – 6.4 and 8.4 pounds of CO2 per day, respectively.

Heavy meat-eaters, or those who ate more than 3.5 ounces per day, produced 15.8 pounds of carbon dioxide. However, the average British person eats about twice that much meat, so they’ll have a larger carbon footprint. Researchers say that these amounts would likely increase in the US as the average American eats 12 ounces of meat per day.

In summary, they say that going vegetarian or vegan can lower your carbon footprint by up to 60%.

Other Ways to Eat a More Climate-friendly Diet

As we said before, vegan or vegetarian diets may not appeal to everyone. However, you can still help the climate by changing other habits, namely:

  • Shopping local. The farther a product travels, the larger the carbon footprint. Therefore, buying farm-fresh, local food reduces impacts on the climate while helping smaller farmers.
  • Pay attention to food packaging. Try to buy foods with less plastic, as plastic production dramatically contributes to climate change. For instance, you can swap reusable bags for plastic bags when buying produce.
  • Consider buying groceries online. This option may not sound very climate-friendly, but it lowers emissions in the long run. When someone delivers your groceries, either locally or through a subscription company, they have multiple orders in tow. When you drive to your grocery store, you’re buying for just yourself. Therefore, buying online reduces the number of cars on the road, lowering emissions from individual trips.

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Final Thoughts on How Shopping Smarter Can Lower Your Carbon Footprint at the Grocery Store

Multiple studies show that eating a meat-heavy diet contributes significantly to carbon emissions. One study found that going vegan or vegetarian can reduce your footprint by a whopping 60%.

However, you don’t necessarily have to change your diet to impact the climate positively. Another study discovered that making a few changes, such as buying small quantities and eliminating packaged foods, could reduce emissions by nearly 30%. Also, buying locally and shopping with reusable bags instead of single-use plastics can make a difference.

This study shows that the fate of the climate rests in our hands. If everyone made these minor adjustments to their diets, we could make a considerable dent in emissions.

How Solar Energy Helps to Create Self-sustaining Cities

Researchers advise that solar energy could lead to self-sustaining cities popping up around the globe. New models revealed that buildings in the city of Melbourne could provide 74% of their electricity through solar technology.

This technology would apply to individual residences, neighborhoods, and even the entire city. Before implementation, it’s crucial to check your roof first with the help of roofing contractors like the Ludington roofing contractors. If workers install them in roofs, walls, and windows, it could quickly ramp up clean energy throughout the city. If you’re looking for experts in residential shingle roofing Corpus Christi, you may contact A.T Pioneer Roofing.

Researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science based at Monash University took part in the study. Collaborators at the University of Lisbon also pitched in. The findings have been published in the journal Solar Energy.

 The study marks the first-ever modeling of the feasibility and effect of window-integrated photovoltaics in addition to other solar technologies on a citywide scale. The study reveals that citywide adoption of existing solar rooftop technology could dramatically reduce Melbourne’s emissions. Therefore, it would lessen dependence on electricity produced by fossil fuels.

Study authors added that comprehensive installments of energy-efficient solar windows would amplify the effect. Photovoltaic technology deployed in building facades could also lower the city’s carbon footprint.

Researchers hope that their models will encourage policymakers, energy providers, construction companies, and building owners to create more self-sustaining cities. Due to greater affordability and availability, installing photovoltaics in both new and existing structures has never been easier. Additionally, adopting comprehensive strategies such as roof repair solutions in Menomonee Falls ensures that these structures are not only energy-efficient but also well-maintained for the long term.

The team compared Melbourne’s electricity needs in 2018 to the potential electricity production using widespread solar energy. They obtained data on Melbourne’s CBD (central business district) from Jemena, CitiPower & Powercor distribution companies. The independent Victorian research body, the Centre for New Energy Technologies (C4NET), provided access to the data.

How Solar Energy Helps to Create Self-sustaining Cities

self-sustaining cities

They found that self-sustaining cities could provide 74% of Melbourne’s building consumption needs through solar power. Rooftop solar would comprise 88% of the electricity, with wall-integrated and window solar providing 8% and 4%, respectively.

The team found that wall and window-integrated solar power performed better in winter months compared with rooftop solar. They delivered more reliable, sustainable benefits and value throughout the year due to less sunlight reduction.

The potential contribution of window-integrated solar increased to 18% in neighborhoods due to tall buildings and window-to-wall ratios. Researchers identified the yearly solar radiation on Melbourne’s building surfaces to pinpoint the ideal areas to install solar panels. They took into account technical constraints and costs in their assessment of self-sustaining cities.

Comprehensive models simulated the solar radiation and PV potential of urban areas in Melbourne. The research team considered various factors, such as the impact of shadows cast by balconies and performance specs of the sun-powered technologies.

Researchers used correlation and linear regression analysis, along with other methods, to determine the relationship between urban indicators and PV potential. The study area included the 37.4 km2 area of central Melbourne, of which 35.1km2 consists of residential and commercial buildings erected in 2019.

The results indicated that the most significant possibility to create self-sustaining cities lies in further rooftop solar development. Many neighborhoods throughout Melbourne already have rooftop solar installed. In fact, rooftop solar additions to the city accounted for most of Victoria’s 72,000 installations in 2020.

Australia Leads the Way in Greener Municipal Planning

Australia ranks highly in sustainability, generating the most solar power in the world. It has eight times the global average of rooftop solar per person, paving the way for self-sustaining cities. The Commonwealth’s Clean Energy Regulator revealed that 2.7 million homes had rooftop solar power installed by the end of 2020. This means that, across Australia, 25% of homes run on solar energy.

Researchers discovered other areas with potential solar installation potential in Melbourne. However, the high-density urban centers had the most significant development prospects. The central business district (CBD), in particular, would benefit from window-integrated solar panels.

“By using photovoltaic technology commercially available today and incorporating the expected advances in wall and window-integrated solar technology over the next ten years, we could potentially see our CBD on its way to net zero in the coming decades,” said lead author Professor Jacek Jasieniak.

The research team believes that rooftop solar technologies will help Melbourne transition to a self-sustaining city.

“We began importing coal-fired power from the LaTrobe Valley in the 1920s to stop the practice of burning smog-inducing coal briquettes onsite to power our CBD buildings, and it’s now feasible that over one hundred years later, we could see a full-circle moment of Melbourne’s buildings returning to local power generation within the CBD, but using clean, climate-safe technologies that help us meet Australia’s Net Zero 2050 target.”

Co-author Dr. Jenny Zhou said: “Although there’s plenty of policies supporting energy-efficiency standards for new buildings, we’re yet to see a substantial response to ensuring our existing buildings are retrofitted to meet the challenges of climate change. Our research provides a framework that can help decision-makers move forward with implementing photovoltaic technologies that will reduce our cities’ reliance on damaging fossil fuels.”

First author Dr. Maria Panagiotidou adds: “In the near future, market penetration and deployment of high-efficient solar windows can make a substantive contribution towards the carbon footprint mitigation of high-rise developments. As the world transitions towards a net-zero future, these local energy solutions would play a critical role in increasing the propensity of PVs within urban environments.”

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Final Thoughts on How Self-sustaining cities Run on Solar Power May Soon Become a Reality

Clean energies such as solar power have become cheaper and easier to install in recent years. Many cities, especially in Australia, have made plans to integrate solar to achieve self-sustaining cities fully. If this pattern continues, cities all over the world may soon run on zero-carbon energies.

A study found that in the city of Melbourne, nearly 75% of buildings could generate electricity through solar technologies. So, keep your eyes peeled, as self-sustaining cities may crop up in your area soon.

12 Behaviors Reveal Someone Is Keeping a Secret

Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for years, you may question your partner’s actions. When someone is keeping a secret, they act differently or strangely. However, these deceptive folks seem to follow a pattern, and it’s not hard to figure out when someone is being dishonest with you.

It’s not acceptable to keep secrets from one another when you’re in a relationship. There are some instances where you might not tell something very personal right at the start. Consequently, if you are together for any length of time, there should be nothing hidden, as it will always come out.

Twelve Behaviors Reveal Someone Is Keeping a Secret

Have you been getting some weird vibes from your person? Remember, the ugly truth is still better than a beautiful lie, so you need to confront them. Here are twelve signs that someone is keeping a secret from you.

keeping a secret

1. A Person Keeping a Secret Is Defensive When Confronted

If you’ve been suspicious of their actions for a while, you’ll eventually work up the nerve to confront them. During this confrontation, their actions will mean everything. Do they become defensive?

You should expect clear answers when you ask a question, but someone who jumps to their defense is suspect. Additionally, if they become agitated and seem like they’re panicking, you might be close to uncovering their secret.

2. They Avoid Topics About Their Family

At the beginning of your relationship, there are a few reasons why some folks don’t want to discuss their family. When you come from trauma or have a complex background, it’s not the first thing you want to share with people. However, you can’t ignore that there might be another reason they’re so reluctant to talk about their family.

They could be secretive to protect you or want to protect themselves from what you will find. Did you know that most toxic people have poor relationships with their family and few friends? If you’ve linked up with someone with narcissistic personality disorder, they may have few people who are close to them and with good reason.

According to the National Library of Medicine, NPD is the new borderline personality disorder of today. The article says that this individual is so self-absorbed that they have little regard for anyone else. This disorder doesn’t bode well in a relationship, even with family members.

3. They Give too Much Information

Some folks don’t give enough information, and some people give you too much. When their story is so well played and has every detail explained down to the letter, you can’t help but think it sounds well thought out. Why is it that people who lie tend to make their fibs so elaborate?

Now granted, some people prefer to give all the details, but they will do this in all instances and not just one. Trust your gut if your person is sharing too many details regarding a specific situation.

4. You Never Know What Mood They Will Be in if Keeping a Secret

Do you walk on eggshells around this person because their moods are constantly fluctuating? You can go from a hero to a zero in a couple of seconds. One sign that people keep a secret and try to hide things is that they are waffling all over the place with their moods.

5. They Cancel Your Plans Constantly

It doesn’t matter if the plans were made months in advance or a few days; they seem always to find a way to bail on you. They may even ghost you and don’t have the courtesy to show. When someone keeps a secret, they tend to be flighty and not like to make firm plans as things are constantly changing in their world.

6. They Think White Lies Are Okay

Some people think that white lies are okay, but a half-truth is still a whole lie. It would help if you were cautious of anyone that thinks anything deceptive is okay. Spinning the truth or telling white lies should be a big deal.

Anyone willing to lie about the small stuff will have no issue lying about the big stuff too.

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7. You’ve Never Been to Their Place

Do you find it odd that they want to always come back to your place, but they would never have you over to their house? Now, if a person lives with their mother or has roommates, then you can understand. However, they will be upfront and honest with you about those matters from the start.

If they act weird anytime you ask to see their place, then you might smell a rat. While you don’t want to assume, some people cheat and have a spouse with kids at home. So, you must be careful.

8. Sometimes They Act Paranoid

If your partner is lying, they can’t fathom that you wouldn’t lie also. It’s because they have a very skewed view of the world. So, in return, they might start being suspicious of you, even if there’s no basis for it.

How often have you heard that someone cheating turns it around and blames their spouse for cheating? Part of it is gaslighting, but the other part is that they believe since they’re guilty that you must be too. Additionally, paranoia can be part of a mental health disorder called schizophrenia.

If you notice that they’re generally paranoid about people, places, or even things, it’s cause for concern. However, just being paranoid about specific topics or situations isn’t a sign of such a condition. According to the Nation Library of Medicine, someone with paranoid schizophrenia has delusions and hallucinations. They state that up to 72 percent of people with this disorder will have these mental disturbances.

9. They Avoid Going Out in Public

Some people prefer to stay home and chill, but be wary if your partner suddenly doesn’t want to go out anymore. There can be conditions like depression that can make someone avoid the public, but you will see other signs of a mental health disorder.

It’s completely normal to go to the movies and dinner, but if you can’t get your partner to do that, something isn’t right. You deserve better than staying home all the time, and it could mean that they don’t want to be seen in public with you.

10. Someone Keeping a Secret Refuses To Commit

Some folks have commitment issues by nature. For instance, they might have grown up in a home that was dysfunctional thanks to divorce, so this will impact them significantly. However, there might be another reason why your new love interest refuses to commit. If you’re stuck in the friend zone, then you need to find out why.

11. They Turn Things Around on You

Gaslighting is when someone takes a situation about themselves and puts it onto someone else. Deflecting is very common from abusive people, and they usually turn it around on you. For instance, they may be keeping a secret about having an affair, and you’re starting to put together the puzzle pieces.

However, when you confront them, they might turn it around and say you’re the one having an affair as you brought it up. They will find some way to turn it all around, so it’s your fault. This is a common tactic used to get the focus off of them and put it on you.

12. They Don’t Like To Take Photos Together

Most couples love to take pictures together. With the age of social media, plastering your photographs on the world wide web seems to make things official. However, if your person constantly comes up with excuses because they don’t want photos, it might signify they’re lying.

Be careful because some folks don’t want any photogenic evidence of their lies. This is especially true of serial cheaters, as they will avoid social media altogether.

keeping a secret

Final Thoughts on Signs Someone Is Keeping a Secret

Negative people tend to come with a boatload of toxic garbage. You may not initially see all the signs of a self-centered liar, but you will see their true colors over time. Remember, someone with NPD can be pretty charming when they want to be, and they can make you think that you’ve latched onto a real catch.

Consequently, you will see how much of a nightmare it is to deal with this individual daily after the relationship moves forward. When someone is keeping a secret, they will resort to all sorts of tactics to keep you from uncovering the truth. They will turn things around on you, lie, become defensive, and even become abusive to keep you off their trail.

However, their actions speak loud and clear. If you feel in your gut that something is wrong and things are not as they seem, you should always trust your instincts. These little urgings from your soul are there to protect you, and you should always investigate when things don’t feel right. Your new love may be keeping a secret they don’t want you to uncover.

Study Finds Children Who Eat Fruits and Vegetables Have Better Mental Health

Research from the University of East Anglia found that eating more fruits and vegetables bolsters mental health in children. The study published in September 2021 marks the first to analyze the link between better nutrition and mental well-being in UK schoolchildren.

The research highlights how eating well improves cognitive function, especially in secondary school children. Researchers found that children who ate five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day had the best mental well-being.

UEA Health and Social Care Partners led the study in collaboration with Norfolk County Council. The findings have been published in BMJ Journals.

The team investigated the association between fruit and vegetable intake, breakfast and lunch choices, and mental health for the study. They said that public health and school officials should collaborate to develop food plans with high nutritional value.

Ensuring each child can access quality foods before and after school enables them to reach their full potential. Children with better mental well-being will perform at a higher level, both academically and personally.

What the Experts Say About Eating Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthier Life

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Lead researcher Prof Ailsa Welch, from UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said: “We know that poor mental well-being is a major issue for young people and is likely to have long-term negative consequences.

“The pressures of social media and modern school culture have been touted as potential reasons for a rising prevalence of low mental well-being in children and young people. And there is a growing recognition of the importance of mental health and well-being in early life — not least because adolescent mental health problems often persist into adulthood, leading to poorer life outcomes and achievement.”

Indeed, previous studies have shown how a poor diet in childhood negatively impacts health later in life. One study by UC Riverside found that children eating a Westernized diet had higher instances of gut dysbiosis. A diet high in sugar in fat led to a less diverse microbiome, which caused a cognitive and physical decline.

Study Finds Children Who Eat Fruits and Vegetables Have Better Mental Health

“While the links between nutrition and physical health are well understood, until now, not much has been known about whether nutrition plays a part in children’s emotional well-being. So, we set out to investigate the association between dietary choices and mental well-being among schoolchildren,” Welch said.

The team analyzed data from the Norfolk Children and Young People’s Health and Well-being Survey for the study. It included nearly 9,000 children (7,570 secondary and 1,253 primary school children) in fifty schools across Norfolk.

The Public Health department of Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board commissioned the survey. All Norfolk schools had access to it during October 2017.

Children participating in the study self-reported their dietary intake and completed mental well-being assessments. The questionnaires asked about their cheerfulness, relaxation, and personal relationships.

Professor Welch said: “In terms of nutrition, we found that only around a quarter of secondary-school children and 28 percent of primary-school children reported eating the recommended five-a-day fruits and vegetables. And just under one in ten children were eating no fruits or vegetables. More than one in five secondary school children and one in 10 primary children didn’t eat breakfast. And more than one in 10 secondary school children didn’t eat lunch.”

When the team investigated how fruits and vegetables impacted mental health, they also considered other factors. Adverse childhood experiences and home life could create mental distress, they said.

However, even when taking those factors into consideration, fruits and vegetables still bolstered mental health overall.

The Importance of Eating Breakfast and Lunch for Children

Dr. Richard Hayhoe, also from UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said:

“We found that eating well was associated with better mental wellbeing in children. And that among secondary school children, in particular, there was a really strong link between eating a nutritious diet, packed with fruit and vegetables, and having better mental wellbeing. We also found that the types of breakfast and lunch eaten by both primary and secondary school pupils were also significantly associated with wellbeing. Children who ate a traditional breakfast experienced better wellbeing than those who only had a snack or drink.”

In addition, researchers found that secondary school children who had only energy drinks for breakfast experienced poor mental health. Surprisingly, children who had no breakfast at all still had better mental well-being than the former group.

About the Study

“According to our data, in a class of 30 secondary school pupils, around 21 will have consumed a conventional-type breakfast, and at least four will have had nothing to eat or drink before starting classes in the morning,” Hayhoe said.

“Similarly, at least three pupils will go into afternoon classes without eating any lunch. This is of concern and likely to affect not only academic performance at school but also physical growth and development. Another interesting thing that we found was that nutrition had as much or more of an impact on well-being as factors such as witnessing regular arguing or violence at home.”

While no child deserves a problematic home life, the study shows that improved nutrition could have a protective effect on mental health regardless. Hopefully, the research will improve public health and school policies to expand access to fresh, whole foods.

Prof Welch concluded: “As a potentially modifiable factor at an individual and societal level, nutrition represents an important public health target for strategies to address childhood mental well-being.”

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Final Thoughts: Children Who Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Enjoy Better Mental Well-being

Most people know that eating more fruits and vegetables will benefit health. However, it’s often difficult to encourage children to eat foods with high nutritional value. If they prefer to eat sugary, processed foods, they might turn their nose up at a plate of broccoli, for example. That’s why it’s essential to establish healthy eating habits from an early age.

The study above highlights the need for children to eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. It doesn’t just improve their physical health; quality nutrition also provides the fuel their brains need to function correctly.

So, if you have kids, make sure they’re eating their green beans and bananas! Cooking nutrient-dense foods may take more effort, but it will pay off in the long run.

7 Benefits of Using a Tibetan Singing Bowl When You Meditate

Stress is a given in your life. Between responsibilities for family and work, you’re pulled in countless directions. Could the tranquil chimes of a singing bowl offer the stress relief you need?

Have you ever wondered why sound is often an integral part of many meditating traditions? Many religions incorporate music and chanting into their worship. Some ancient traditions such as Buddhism and yoga use chimes, gongs, cymbals, and drums to help bring practitioners into deeper meditative states.

Some of these practices call this sound bathing. As you concentrate on the steady vibrations of the music or sounds, they keep you present. It’s a beautiful way to drown out negative thoughts as you bask in the tranquil sounds around you.

Origin of These Fascinating Bowls

One of the many things people often associate with Tibet is singing bowls, also called sound bowls. A simple search on the Internet can bring you countless entries about these bowls and their link with the Himalayan country. However, the association isn’t entirely true.

An article published by The Isbourne explains that the connection probably wasn’t invented until the 1970s in America. Sound bowls have been used as gongs and bells in some Eastern cultures for centuries, not necessarily Tibet. As stated in the article, using these metallic or crystal bowls for sound therapy is purely a Western invention.

Finding The Right Bowl and How To Use It

Regardless of their origins, you can benefit from using sound bowls to help you relax. They come in assorted sizes and are often made of brass or delicate crystal. Sound bowls are often intricately carved with Buddhist or other sacred symbols.

Prices depend on the material they are made of, their age, and their artistic design. Vintage bowls and those cut from crystal are usually more expensive. However, You can find a decent sound bowl that is affordable for just about any budget in shops or online.

It would help if you also had a mallet to make your bowl sing. These are often carved from wood with soft padding on one end. Tapping the bowl with the mallet will produce a soothing gong sound while rubbing the outer edge will make “singing” vibrations.

Anyone can use sound bowls for relation and meditative states. The hypnotic hum is soothing and can be just the thing for your frazzled nerves. Bathing in the sound can be a separate session, or you can incorporate it into your relaxation routine.

tibetan singing bowl

Putting Your Tibetan Singing Bowl to Use

After you’ve chosen the sound bowl that’s right for you, keep it in your sacred space. Some people have several bowls of assorted sizes to make specific sounds. Having single or multiple bowls is up to you.

While you’re seated and relaxed, have your sound bowl or bowls on cushions or a small table in front of you. Use the mallet to rub along the rim of the bowl gently. This friction produces soft humming noises that sound like an angelic voice. Allow the heavenly song to softly cover you from head to toe.

You’ll feel the stresses of the day melt into heightened awareness. The humming and chimes help quiet your inner chatter and allow you to focus on your intuition. You can enjoy bathing in the sound any time you want, whether it be morning or evening.

The sessions can last for 20 minutes or an hour. Many couples like to use sound bowls as a way to connect on a spiritual level. Do you often feel overwhelmed and stressed at work? Maybe you can keep a smaller bowl at your desk.

During a break, find a quiet place to sit and listen to your bowl. It can help reduce your anxiety and boost your focus for the rest of the day.

Seven Benefits of Using a Tibetan Singing Bowls

If you’re searching for practical relaxation tools, you might consider using these beautiful bowls. They are easy to use, and you can take them wherever you go. Here are seven possible benefits of sound bathing using these bowls.

1. May Enrich Your Meditation

Even if you’ve been meditating for a while, it’s easy to be distracted. Sometimes when you’re trying to sit quietly, your mind fixates on a random thought. Before long, you’ve started an entire internal conversation about your problems and concerns.

Using a vibration bowl can temporarily silence your environment and turn off the chatter in your brain. As you listen to the otherworldly vibrations from the bowl, it helps you focus and fall into a deeper state of relaxation. In a research paper published by Loyola Marymount University, they discuss the influence of Tibetan singing bowls on brain waves, and their effects are hard to ignore.

2. May Improve Your Sleep

Do you often awaken in the morning and feel just as exhausted as you did before you went to bed? Even after you’ve guzzled a pot of coffee at work, you feel like a zombie walking in a brain fog. Maybe you’re one of the millions of Americans who are sleep-deprived.

Many people battle insomnia because they are tense and can’t stop the racing thoughts in their minds. Does this sound like a familiar pattern? If so, Himalayan bowls may help. It’s much more relaxing and satisfying than counting sheep.

Before you turn in, you can treat yourself to a soothing session. The gentle vibrations of the bowls can ease your stressful brain and make you feel peace and tranquility. When you go to bed, you’ll be ready to drift into dreamland.

3. May Help Your Digestion

There’s a distinctive connection between your gut and your brain, explains an article published by Johns Hopkins Medicine. Medical experts call this the enteric nervous system. Issues with your digestive system can affect your mental health and vice versa.

When you’re stressed, your brain goes into survival mode. Your endocrine system pumps emergency hormones into your bloodstream like cortisol and adrenaline. Chronic stress causes a hormone overload and can wreak havoc on your body, including your digestive system.

An overload of these hormones often causes indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea. Listening to the subtle bowl chimes can help lower your stress levels and reduce stress hormone production. Making these bowls part of your meditative routine can be healing to your gut.

tibetan singing bowl

4. May Lower Your Blood Pressure

Another hazard of chronic stress is hypertension or high blood pressure. Even if you’re in good physical condition, undue stress can eventually cause your blood pressure to elevate. Over time, hypertension weakens your blood vessels and may lead to coronary artery disease or stroke.

Relaxation techniques, such as sound therapy, works to diminish extra stress. You’ll feel your racing pulse slow to normal as you breathe and relax. Less stress and a slower pulse can lower your blood pressure.

5. May Improve Your Mood

It’s only human to awaken on the wrong side of the bed on occasion. Sometimes, you feel sluggish and grumpy. At other times, your disposition may be sad and melancholy, and you may be depressed.

Did you know that vibration bowl therapy may boost your mood? They produce soothing sound vibrations that encourage a relaxed mind and a feeling of well-being. Just a few minutes of basking in the gentle sounds of singing bowls can help you feel better.

6. May Help with Pain Management

When you’re coping with chronic pain, your outlook may seem bleak. It can put limitations on what you can do. Using singing bowls may be an ideal complementary therapy with what you’re already doing to control your uncomfortable sensations.

According to a study published by Pain Research Management, sound therapy such as singing bowls shows promise for helping those with fibromyalgia. They may have fewer flare-ups and less pain intensity. While sound therapy may not completely alleviate the pain, it can help you cope more easily.

7. May Boost Your Creativity

Are you a creative person, or do you want to boost your creative energy? Some of your greatest inspiration may come from a meditative state. When you use these harmonic bowls, they can heighten your senses and spark your creativity.

Plus, frequent sessions may improve your critical thinking skills. While you use analytical steps to solve problems, you also need a healthy dose of imagination. Both crucial elements can get a boost from singing bowl sessions.

While you’re bathing in the sounds of the bowl, you may want to keep a notepad handy. You may have a burst of inspiration in your meditative state and don’t want to forget it. Jot it down on your tablet and reflect on your ideas later.

singing bowl

Final Thoughts on the Benefits of Singing Bowls

The constant vibrations of a sound bowl can create a relaxing atmosphere your body, mind, and spirit need. Not only will you connect with the sound, but you can gain more profound self-awareness. Singing bowls are just one of the many meditative tools you can consider for your daily relaxation routine.

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