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10 Exercises for Strong Legs (Without Going to The Gym)

Do you need to tone and strengthen your legs, but you lack the motivation to go to the gym? Many people want to do something about their bodies, but it often means dragging the kids to a babysitter and finding time after a long day. However, you don’t need to leave your home to get the strong legs you desire.

That’s right, all you need is some willpower, motivation, and you can strengthen your legs right at home. Look around your house and think of activities that can help you have strong legs? Pushing the lawnmower around the yard may seem like a mundane task, but all that walking and resistance from moving the machine can give you quite a workout.

Ten Exercises for Strong Legs

What other things can help you get fit and strengthen your legs? Sometimes, you have to think outside the box a bit. Here are some great at-home workouts that you can do with or without hitting the gym.

strong legs

1. Swimming

Unless you loathe water, swimming is an excellent choice to help you tone and buff those legs. Some workouts are boring, which is why people don’t stick with them. However, swimming is fun, and you don’t need a babysitter as the kids can splash around with you.

According to an article on Better Health, you use nearly every muscle in your body while swimming. So, it’s clear to see that you can focus on building strong legs and getting rid of flabby arms. For those who have joint problems that feel pain when they do any maneuvers, you may find that the water helps with such issues, as you seem weightless.

Water takes the pressure off your joints and muscles so that you can focus on working out and not the pain. Even if you don’t own a pool, you can borrow a neighbor’s or use one at a local recreation center. If it’s something you love to do as an exercise, you might consider installing an inexpensive above-ground model.

2. Running

Have you ever paid attention to the legs of runners? The next time there’s a marathon in town, watch the leg muscles in these talented individuals. They can certainly have strong legs because they work those muscles constantly. Running is an excellent way for you to build some strength in your lower region.

Other benefits include working your buttocks as well as your arms. Since you can pace yourself, there’s no need to try to win any races. You can go at a speed that’s comfortable for you. If you don’t like running outside when it’s hot or the weather is lackluster, you can get a treadmill for your home.

These are very inexpensive machines that allow you to adjust them according to your pace and resistance. Remember, the more elaborate the features, the more it’s going to cost you.

3. Walking

If running is not for you, most people can enjoy a nice walk. In fact, some experts say walking is better for you because it doesn’t put so much pressure on your knees. Power walking is a combination between running and walking that seems to fit most folks.

Grab a friend and head out on a walk each evening. In just a month, you will see a massive difference in your waistline as well as the strength of your legs. Plus, it won’t cost you a penny to walk every day.

4. Stair Climbing

A fascinating story about determination and the power to lose weight and gain strength comes from Debra Stefan Fitness. Stefan is a motivational speaker and helps people to lose weight. When her 41-year-old, morbidly obese client couldn’t even climb the stairs, she told her to crawl.

The stairs in your home are a fantastic workout for you. For some, the thought of going up and down a flight just once seems unbearable. However, when you use them to exercise, they take on a whole new purpose. Stefan reported that the lady couldn’t walk, so she began crawling up the stairs.

Sure, it was painful, and she wanted to give up. However, on day 25, she was walking up and down with ease. What’s even more impressive is that this lady was in a scooter and almost immobile.

If you have stairs in your home, it may be the key to building those leg muscles and losing a few pounds. Plus, it can improve your mobility if you suffer from a loss.

5. Squats

Squats remain the quintessential exercise to strengthen the lower part of your body. Since you use your legs to go up and down during these maneuvers, you will build muscle. There are many different variations of these traditional moves, and you can add weights for more resistance.

couch squat

Click to learn how to do squats and other couch exercises.

6. Jump Rope

When it comes to buying exercise equipment, it doesn’t come any cheaper than a jump rope. You can jump in a traditional style, or you can get creative. Have you ever tried double Dutch maneuvers?

When you’re jumping and moving about, you’re working those legs, but you’re moving other parts of your body too. If you want to invest more and get a better rope, you can try the cross rope. These have adjustable weights made into them that can intensify your session.

If you want to burn more calories, try bringing your legs up higher to get those muscles working harder. Other moves like double under and crossover also bring some significant arm action into the game, which can only enhance yet another major muscle group in your body.

7. Leg Press

Now, a leg press is one exercise you will need a machine to do, but it’s worth the cost for such equipment if you want to set up a home gym. One of the benefits of a leg press is that it can target the quads so that few other maneuvers can do.

Additionally, you can adjust the resistance and weights of the machine so that you get a workout that’s just for you. You can add to it as your legs become more muscular, and you can handle more of a challenge.

8. Leg Lifts

This is another maneuver that doesn’t require any equipment, but you will certainly feel the burn. Get on all fours like a dog. Then, you want to kick one leg behind you and hold it.

Bring that leg back into your core and the starting position. Now, do the other leg. You will not only feel your leg muscles working, but you will also get some significant work done on your glutes too.

9. Cycling

Cycling comes with a couple of options, as you can use a stationary cycle when the weather is terrible, and you can use a bike to hit the roads when it’s nice out. Cycling won’t just improve your legs, but it will strengthen your entire body. Another fascinating thing about this workout is that it can help ease anxiety and depression too.

According to So Cal Cycling, there are many benefits, which include the following:

  • Good workout for beginners
  • Can enhance focus and concentration by altering brain chemicals
  • Improves coordination and body balance
  • It is a great way to manage some medical conditions

Another significant benefit of cycling is that you can bring the kids along. If your child is young, they have seats so they can enjoy the ride. Also, kids of all ages love riding bikes, so it’s an excellent way to get them moving too.

10. Leg Lift

Just lay on your back with your arms and legs straight beside and in front of you to do the simple leg lift. Your legs should always stay together, but you want to bring them upwards towards your abdomen. They should be completely vertical, and then you want to slowly lower them back down to the ground.

Each lift counts as one rep, and you should strive to do fifteen to twenty each session. Not only will your legs get a workout, but you will also feel a tightening as it strengthens your core.

strong legs

Final Thoughts on Exercises for Strong Legs

Strong legs are essential as you age because many people become immobile due to joint and muscular issues. You can start improving your legs at whatever age, and all it takes is a bit of time and effort. If you don’t want to pay for expensive gym memberships, you can do whatever you want at home.

Have you seen those people on TV dancing and living the high life well into their golden years? These are folks that have made their body a priority and do things to stay in shape. You can find simple things around your home to help you, like the stairs, a lawnmower, or a swimming pool.

If you’re budget-minded, you can try a jump rope or even some kettlebells. Where there’s a will to get the strong legs that are toned, there’s a way. Now, you need to plan out how you’re going to achieve this goal so that you can start your at-home workouts.

15 Quotes That Explain the Importance of Chasing Dreams

Everyone has dreams, but only some people chase them. Life sometimes gets in the way of chasing dreams, especially if you feel like you must put them on the backburner. You might even make excuses about why you can’t go after what you want.

If you make excuses about why you can’t focus on chasing dreams, these quotes can help you. The words of wisdom can help you remember why chasing dreams is so important in your life. However, even if you don’t make excuses, these quotes can help any dreamer stay motivated.

Chasing dreams can help you live the life you want to live, rather than the life someone else wanted for you. Plus, chasing your dreams can help you experience happiness and fulfillment as you work toward something that you find meaningful.

Fifteen Quotes That Explain the Importance of Chasing Dreams

These quotes that explain the importance of chasing dreams will also give you inspiration and motivation. You can use these words of wisdom to help you refocus and overcome obstacles along the way, too. As you work on something you’re passionate about, these quotes will help you remember how important it is to be a dreamer.

chasing dreams

1. “You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up, and everything has meaning.” – Barbara Sher

Everyone wishes for things, but you don’t have to sit back and keep wishing that your life was different. When you know what you want in life, go after it because it’s the only way to make it happen. Once you take the first step toward achieving your dreams, your life will take on a new meaning and become more fulfilling.

2. “Living in your comfort zone can even be more stressful than pursuing your dream. So why are you accustomed to your stagnant life?” – Oscar Bimpong

When you live in your comfort zone, there is no hope of reaching your dreams. If you know you won’t ever get where you want to be, you’ll constantly feel stressed out. You’ll always wish for more, and you will likely feel envious of those pursuing their dreams.

While it might be easier to stay in your comfort zone, you won’t feel better about it. Remember this quote the next time you’re tempted to pass up an opportunity or experience. Go after what you want, or you’ll always find yourself wishing for more but feeling stuck where you are now.

3. “Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” – Gloria Steinem

If you don’t have big dreams to chase, you won’t feel excited about the possibilities ahead of you. With wishes for the future, you’ll always find a sense of excitement in your life. The excitement will keep you feeling motivated and inspired as you start planning and tackling each step.

4. “Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost legendary. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.” – Calvin Coolidge

The most critical aspect of reaching your dreams is pushing on despite obstacles and setbacks. You can’t give up when things get hard, or you won’t ever get to where you want to be. Persevere and keep trying so that you can live the life of your dreams.

It doesn’t matter how talented or intelligent you are when it comes to chasing your dreams. While those aspects can help, they won’t make everything happen for you. You must keep chasing your dreams and trying again until you’ve reached your goals.

5. “Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious, and however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up.” – Stephen Hawking

As you chase your dreams, you’ll begin to make sense of the world around you. You’ll understand why things happen the way that they do, and you’ll be curious about the universe. With understanding and curiosity, you’ll always push through, even when things get complicated.

Don’t give up on your big dreams when things get tricky because that’s the most crucial time to keep trying. No matter what, you can always take a step in the right direction, as Hawking explains.

6. “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your destiny.” – Albert Ellis

You’re in control of your life, even when unexpected things happen. When problems arise, you must recognize that you are responsible for them. You can’t blame others for your problems because you can make a change in your life at any moment.

While other people and things can affect your life, they don’t control it. No matter what happens, you control your actions, thoughts, and behavior. As you chase your dreams, remember that you control your destiny, and no one else can take it away from you.

chasing dreams

7. “Know without a shadow of a doubt that what you want most is coming straight to you.” – Katherine Hurst

Have faith that everything you want in life will come to you. As long as you keep chasing your dreams, you can rest assured you’ll achieve them.

8. “It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth – and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up – that we will begin to live each day to the fullest as if it was the only one we had.” – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

You never know when your last day on earth will be. Don’t waste a single day doing meaningless things that don’t make you feel fulfilled. Embrace each day that you have, and take a step to reach your goal every time.

If you can remember this quote by Kubler-Ross, you’ll remember the importance of chasing dreams. Don’t let a single opportunity or experience pass you by that you might regret later.

9. “The only thing worse than starting something and failing… is not starting something.” – Seth Godin

When you fail at something, at least you can say that you started and gave it a shot. Then, you can try again, learning from your mistakes as you go along. However, if you never get started, you’ll never have learning opportunities guiding you toward your dreams.

10. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale

Your dreams might take a while to accomplish, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get started. The time passes no matter what you do with it, so make the most of the time. If you don’t chase your dreams, you waste time instead.

11. “The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.” – Oprah Winfrey

Once you’ve recognized your dream, each step you take toward achieving it will bring new meaning to your life. If you chase your goals, you’ll experience a sense of fulfillment in your life that you wouldn’t achieve otherwise.

12. “If you don’t build your dream, someone will hire you to help build theirs.” – Tony Gaskins

Someone is going to do the thing you dream of, so it might as well be you. If you dream of being a leader, get out there and do it. Otherwise, you’ll end up helping someone else who is living your dream.

13. “Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” – Leon Suenens

When you chase your dreams, you’ll experience happiness in life. While you must put in the effort, it’ll all be worth it.

14. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

If you believe in your dream and yourself, the future belongs to you. Only the people who chase their dreams and go after what they want can achieve this level of success.

15. “If one advances confidently in the direction of one’s dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” – Henry David Thoreau

As Thoreau advises, remain confident as you pursue your dreams, and you’ll become prosperous. Focus on living your vision, and you’ll find happiness. You must chase your dreams if you want any of your goals to happen.

chasing dreams

Final Thoughts on Quotes That Explain the Importance of Chasing Dreams

You are the only person who can decide how your life will go. Take control of your life and keep chasing dreams until you get to where you want to be. Don’t be afraid of failure because each setback or mistake is a learning opportunity.

You never know when you will get one step closer to your dreams, so keep pushing forward. No one else will make your dreams happen for you, so don’t wait for someone else to live the life you want. Make yourself proud by persevering and achieving all of your dreams.

These quotes explain the importance of chasing your dreams and help you find the motivation you need. Even when things don’t go as planned, you’ll find happiness if you stay true to your beliefs and dreams. Keep believing in yourself and taking the necessary steps, and everything else will fall into place before you know it.

15 Positive Energy Quotes to Make You More Confident

Negativity can quickly cause you to lose confidence, making it hard to love yourself. However, positive energy quotes can give you all you need to shift your mindset and boost your confidence. Reading these quotes can help you eliminate self-sabotaging thoughts and rebuild your self-esteem.

Whether you struggle with your body image, financial situation, or anything else, these positive energy quotes can help. When things bring you down, you must find the tools to turn it all around and turn your negative thoughts into positive ones. By breaking the vicious cycle of negativity, you’ll stop hurting your self-confidence and begin feeling optimistic.

The best part about positive energy quotes is that you can reread them anytime you start to feel down. Come back to this page, or print them out for later reference. The quotes will provide an inspiring confidence boost, promoting positive thinking and optimism.

These positive energy quotes will remind you why it’s so important to stay positive. Plus, they’ll help you share your positive energy with others, making the world a better place. The positive energy quotes will give you the confidence you need to overcome anything.

Positive Energy Quotes to Make You More Confident

positive energy quotes
1. “I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” – Maya Angelou

Things that happen in your life are bound to change you, even if you don’t want to change. Experiences and situations will turn you into a different version of yourself, and that is okay. As you learn more about life and gain wisdom, your mindset shifts, and your ideas change.

As you change, you can decide whether the change is good or bad. If you follow Angelou’s advice, you’ll choose to rise above and become a better person during the life change. Otherwise, it can defeat you and make you feel less than you were before.

2. “Positive thoughts, words, and actions create positive feelings. Positive feelings generate positive energy.” – Nozer Kanga

Your thoughts, words, and action determine the way that you feel. If you want positive energy, then you must shift everything in your life to positivity. When you think, speak, and behave positively, you’ll quickly develop positive energy.

3. “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” – Arthur Ashe

If you want to reach success, you must develop self-confidence. When you’re confident, you’ll believe in yourself and your abilities.

If you need to build confidence and remain positive, you’ll want to prepare for it. Do everything you can to get ready for success so that when the time comes, you’re ready. With preparation, you’ll experience a positive mindset and confidence.

4. “Positive energy is meant to give people confidence and hope, encourage people to love their country, society, and life, as well as to pursue nice things. Everything we do is ultimately for the sake of spreading positive energy.” – Lu Wei

With this positive energy quote, you’re sure to experience confidence and spread it to others. It gives you hope for the future and allows you to love your life as it is right now. You’ll also find the confidence you need to pursue good things in life.

5. “Energy is contagious, positive and negative alike. I will forever be mindful of what and who I am allowing into my space.” – Alex Elle

You owe it to yourself to take inventory of the people in your life. Every person you encounter throughout the day radiates energy that can affect you. If you notice that certain people breed negativity, you’ll be less likely to let them into your space.

As Elle says, focus on being mindful of the people and things you allow into your life. When you make this change, you’ll notice that you feel more confident and optimistic.

6. “The positive energy and love we give to others, heals our own wounds.” – Angie Karan

When you interact with others, make sure to spread positive energy. By applying positive energy and love to others, it’ll help you feel better, too. Never underestimate your ability to heal by being kind and showing love to those around you.

7. “Always be yourself–express yourself, have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” – Bruce Lee

When you stay true to who you are, you’ll experience confidence and optimism. Express your thoughts, have faith in who you are, and don’t strive to be like anyone else. When you stay true to yourself, you’ll feel better about who you are, boosting your confidence.

positive energy quotes
8. “We have to water the right seeds. If we do that, we can shift our habit energy—that negative loop that contributes to our suffering into mindfulness.” – Karen Rinaldi

If you want to experience positive energy and confidence, you must nurture the right areas of your life. By promoting negative thoughts and ideas, it hinders your self-esteem and positive thought process. However, if you stimulate the right areas of your life, it’ll help you shift from old, limiting habits to positive ones.

9. “With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – The Dalai Lama

If you realize your full potential, it’ll boost your confidence and help you radiate positive energy. Use this positive energy quote to help you remember what you are capable of, and it’ll help you stay positive moving forward.

10. “I think that the power is the principle. The principle of moving forward, as though you have the confidence to move forward, eventually gives you confidence when you look back and see what you’ve done.” – Robert Downey Jr.

One of the best ways to make yourself feel confident is by pretending to be confident already. If you move like a confident person, you’ll experience a positive boost to your self-esteem. You might not realize the improvement right away, but when you look back, you’ll see what a difference it made.

11. “You must maintain a state of happiness, a state of joy to let the positive thoughts emanate from your mind. If you are in a state of joy, your thoughts emanate positive energy, and you can influence others without much effort.” – Girdhar Joshi

You can choose how you feel, so choose happiness and joy to radiate positivity and feel optimistic. When you feel joyful, you can influence others positively, too.

12. “We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face … we must do that which we think we cannot.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

When you feel afraid, it might be due to a lack of confidence. If that is the case for you, remember this quote to help you develop positive energy and self-confidence.

Each time you’re afraid but face the fear anyway, you’ll gain self-esteem and positivity. You’re strong and courageous enough to face anything that comes your way.

13. “We can bring positive energy into our daily lives by smiling more, talking to strangers in line, replacing handshakes with hugs, and calling our friends just to tell them we love them.” – Brandon Jenner

The best way to develop positive energy is to follow Jenner’s advice. Smile at everyone you see, talk to people in public, give hugs whenever you can, and be a good friend.

If you do these things, you’ll experience more positive energy and spread it throughout the world. You’ll also notice a boost in your self-confidence as you start to enjoy and love life more.

14. “Your inner thoughts aren’t truly hidden. Their essence reflects in your energy. Energy speaks what you don’t.” – Drishti Bablani

Even if you don’t say what you are thinking, you can’t entirely hide your thoughts. The things you think about can reflect in your behaviors, attitude, and mindset. If your thoughts are negative, you’ll radiate negativity and experience a loss of self-esteem. However, if you focus on positive thinking, you’ll experience positive energy and increased confidence.

15. “Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember–the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.” – Zig Ziglar

Criticism from other people can take a toll on your confidence levels. However, if you can remember this quote by Ziglar, you’ll feel better about who you are.

When people criticize you, it’s often because they are jealous of you. They might not have enough confidence to do what you do, so they try to bring you down. If you can remember this quote, you’ll be more resilient to unwarranted criticism.

positive energy quotes
Final Thoughts on Positivity Quotes to Make You More Confident

Everyone needs a boost of positive energy and confidence sometimes. Life gets hard, and people can be harsh, but you should remain confident through it all. Remember your worth and what you are capable of, and nothing will stand in your way.

As you read through these positive energy quotes, remember the ones that help you feel better. If you can remember these words of wisdom, you’ll always feel confident enough to do whatever you set your mind to. Don’t doubt your ability, and don’t change who you are because you should be optimistic as you are right now.

11 Stretches That Drain Your Lymphatic System and Improve Lymph Flow

Your lymphatic system is like the clean-up crew of your body. It’s responsible for moving waste and toxins out of your tissues and back into your bloodstream. Helping your lymphatic fluid drain better will improve your overall health. Here are some yoga poses you can do to improve your lymph flow.

What are the functions of the lymphatic system?

Your lymphatic system has several important jobs.

  • Transfers proteins and fats: Lymph fluids coming from your digestive system contain protein and fat. These get absorbed into the lymph flow and transported to your bloodstream for removal.
  • Keeps up your fluid levels: Your lymphatic system collects fluids and pushes them back into your bloodstream, where it’s then circulated throughout your body.
  • Protects your body: Your lymphatic system is part of your immune system. It creates lymphocytes or white blood cells to fight off bacteria, viruses, or any other dangerous antigens that might enter your body and make you sick.
  • Removes waste products: Lymphatic fluid carries waste products and other abnormal cells into the bloodstream and out of your body.
  • Prevents diseases: Growing evidence suggests that your lymphatic system contributes to preventing several diseases, such as cancer metastasis, inflammatory disorders, and lymphedema.

What conditions do you improve by stimulating lymphatic fluid drainage?

People who suffer from specific ailments benefit from lymph flow drainage. These conditions include

  • Skin problems
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disorders
  • Stress
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines
  • Arthritis
  • Digestive issues

Eleven Stretches That Drain Your Lymphatic System and Improve Lymph Flow

Your heart pumps oxygenated blood around your body, but your lymphatic system relies on your muscle tissue to carry fluid to the lymph nodes in your body. That’s why stretches and yoga poses are critical for lymph flow because as your muscles flex, the lymph drains.

1 – Downward dog yoga stretch

This yoga pose allows the lymph flow to move through your lymph nodes and cleanses them. Here’s how to do the downward dog. Stand straight, then slowly bend down, reaching out with your hands and walking your hands out in front of you. You will feel the stretch in your legs, back, and arms. This pose gets the lymphatic fluids on the move down into your nose and throat area. Hold this yoga pose for one to three minutes, all the while breathing deeply. Slowly move back into a standing position. Repeat the pose five times.

2 – Cat and cow yoga pose

Get on your hands and knees. Gently contract the muscles in your stomach and arch your back upwards to stretch your hips and spine. This helps release lymph flow in those areas of your body. Move your head slowly down as you stretch. This will help release any build-up fluid in your neck, armpits, or your upper chest areas. Hold this pose for three minutes.
sciatica lymph flow

3 – Forward bend yoga pose

Standing straight, slowly bend down until your head is resting on your lower legs below your knees. This full spinal stretch allows the lymphatic fluid to circulate. Relax and hold this position for 3 minutes. Then slowly roll up inch by inch until you’re standing. Once you’re straight, your lymph flow gets a good cleanse when you’re standing straight again.

4 – Neck rotations

Sit crossed-legged on the floor. Take a deep breath and gently turn your head to the right. Hold this position, counting slowly to five. Exhale and bring your head back to the center. Repeat this neck stretch, turning your head to the left. Do this stretch four or five times on each side.

5 – Hip abduction stretch

Lay down on your back. Put your arms next to your body, and your legs should be straight in front of you. Slowly inhale and then slide your right leg along the floor and out to one side. Exhale and slide your leg back to where it was in front of you. Repeat this hip abduction stretch on the other leg. Do four repetitions on each side.

6 – Shoulder shrugs

Sit on the floor. Relax and inhale slowly as you pull up both of your shoulders towards your ears. Hold for one minute, then exhale as you slowly lower your shoulders back to their original position. Repeat this lymphatic drainage stretch at least ten times.

7 – Bent knees stretch

Lie on your back. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly bring your right knee to the side so that it falls to the side. Then slowly bring your leg back to the center. Repeat with your left leg. Do this stretch five times on each side. Be sure to relax and do this stretch slowly. This motion encourages the lower torso lymph flow to drain and circulate in your legs.

8 – Legs up on the wall stretch

Lay a rolled-up towel under your hips as you rest your legs up against the wall. Be sure you’re not too close to the wall, or you won’t be comfortable. Keep your head and neck in a restful position. You should be able to put a small orange under your chin if you’re doing it correctly. Stay in this position for five minutes or longer if you’re feeling comfortable. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. This pose drains the lymph flow from your legs and feet and cleanses your lymph nodes.
restorative yoga

9 – Torso lift or bridge pose

Whatever you like to call this pose, it’s a great way to get your lymphatic system draining. It helps open up your lungs so you can breathe deeply. Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent. Lift your torso off the floor and hold. Count to ten, then slowly place your torso back on the floor. Repeat this stretch five times. Be sure to do this slowly and to breathe deeply.

10 – Bow pose

The bow pose helps drain your lymph system close to your chest. Lie on your stomach. Slowly pull your arms behind you and clasp your hands together while you gently arch your back. Your legs should lift off the floor at the same time your arms do. The name of this pose is a bow because your body looks like a bow. This stretches your arms, your spine, and your neck. Hold to the count of ten, then slowly release your hands and relax with your arms out behind you on the floor. This pose stimulates your thymus gland, which is the gland between your lungs that produces white blood cells which battle infections and diseases in your body.

11 – Child’s pose

Use this pose as your last one to get that final stretch. This pose gives your entire body a good stretch and a feeling of relaxation. Bend down on your knees, resting back on your feet. Gently move your arms forward onto the floor in front of you, stretching ahead with your arms out in front of you. Relax and breathe slowly. Hold as you count to ten. Repeat this pose five times or more if you feel like it’s helping you relax. This pose compresses your stomach and enhances your lymphatic circulation. You can gently rock your forehead on the floor to help increase sinus drainage.


Modified supported child’s pose.

Other ways to encourage lymph flow

Besides stretches and yoga poses, you can do other things to promote lymph flow.

  • Regular exercise: Exercise promotes good blood flow and breathing so that your lymph flow increases all over your body.
  • Cold and hot showers: Taking a hot shower dilates your blood vessels while taking a cold shower constricts them. Alternating between a hot and cold shower is like a pump for your body to move the lymph through your lymphatic system.
  • Dry brushing your skin: Dry brushing stimulates your body to sweat and releases harmful toxins. The brushing also opens up your pores. These things enhance your lymphatic system’s ability to cleanse.
  • Drink water: When you drink water during the day, you will improve your lymph flow and reduce water retention in your body.
  • Deep breathing: Deep breathing helps the flow of lymph fluid from your chest away into your bloodstream. It helps neck swelling or headaches.
  • Manual lymphatic massage: This technique assists your lymphatic system to function properly and helps your body remove excess fluids back into your bloodstream.

Eat foods to help your lymph flow

According to research, your lymphatic system serves as a bridge between your metabolic function and related inflammation. So eating healthy foods to help support wellness is an essential part of living. Here are just a few foods to add to your regular diet.

  • Almonds
  • Garlic
  • Brazil nuts
  • Ground flaxseeds
  • Leafy greens
  • Low sugar fruits like berries
  • Avocados
  • Cranberries
  • Citrus fruits

lymph flow
Final Thoughts on Stimulating Lymph Flow

Your lymphatic system is your body’s clean-up crew. It removes the toxins and waste that build up in your lymph nodes. Lymph fluid contains white blood cells plus other cells that help boost your immune system. Your lymphatic system needs your muscle’s movement to enhance the lymph flow out of your tissues and back into your bloodstream. This is why stretches and yoga poses are so important. A healthy lymphatic system protects you from infections, diseases, and other illnesses.

Diabetes Mellitus: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Manage It

Diabetes mellitus is an epidemic in this country that is soaring out of control.

Experts at the CDC believe that more than 34.2 million people are suffering from this condition. To put things into perspective, that’s one out of every ten individuals that have this disease.

To further add to the complications of this condition, around 88 million people in the United States have prediabetes, which means that they are likely to develop this disorder. These folks have glucose levels harboring in the danger zone and can quickly turn into full blow diabetes at any time. Given that this is a severe condition and so many people are affected, it’s essential to educate yourself.

Understanding Diabetes Mellitus

Your body produces many hormones to help your system function. One of the essential ones is insulin. The pancreas is responsible for making this hormone, as it allows you to digest your food. When the glucose in your system is higher than it should be, your insulin is not sufficient to manage the excessive amounts.

Type I diabetics often develop the condition in childhood, and it’s the most severe case. There’s no cure for it, and management can be cumbersome. Type II diabetes is quite different, as it usually develops later in life. Many folks can control the disease and even reverse it by changing their eating habits and getting exercise.

A metabolic disorder causes diabetes within the body. Many people have no symptoms of the condition until it’s identified through routine blood tests at their doctor’s office. However, some folks have glucose numbers that reach the danger zone, and they experience unpleasant symptoms.

diabetes mellitus

Nine Common Diabetes Mellitus Symptoms

When you hear the term diabetes mellitus, it might sound confusing. Since you’ve heard of Type I, Type II, and gestational, you should know that the medical community uses this term to categorize any disease that affects glucose levels. Regardless of the type you have, you can experience any of the following symptoms:

1 – Excessive Thirst

Your body tries desperately to rid the excessive sugar that’s in your system, so the kidneys flush it out with urine. However, flushing all these extra fluids robs your cells of the fluids they need, and you need to replenish them. Having excessive thirst is a common problem when your glucose levels are high.

2 – Neuropathy

Neuropathy isn’t something that starts right away with diabetics, but it’s something that comes as nerve damage is done. Anytime your blood glucose levels are above 140 mg/dL, nerve damage occurs, according to Blood Sugar 101. It’s essential to keep your numbers below this range, or you will experience pins and needles tingling in your feet and legs, as well as have organ damage.

One of the most common reasons people have feet and legs amputated is because they have such severe nerve damage that the blood flow to the area is compromised.

3 – Visual Disturbances

Your vision will be affected once you develop diabetes mellitus. When the glucose in your body is too high, it makes your blood thick. The thickness is like oil that’s been left in your engine too long, and it turns to sludge.

The sludge-like substance has a hard time traveling through your body, and many parts don’t get the vital nutrients they need. The eyes are one significantly affected area. Some people notice that their vision is blurry when their sugar is high. Others develop a scary condition known as macular degeneration from levels that are too high for too long.

4 – Diabetes Mellitus Can Cause Headaches

It doesn’t take much to throw your entire body off balance, and excessive blood sugar can cause headaches. The head pain may be quite severe or a dull aching that won’t go away.

5 – Frequent Urination

Your body tries desperately to get rid of the excessive sugar in your body, so the natural way to flush it is through urine.

6 – Weight Loss

Many people don’t realize that they’ve developed diabetes mellitus until they have experienced unexplained weight loss without trying. It’s usually not a significant amount of weight, but it’s enough to cause concern. According to Sue Cotey, RN, CDCES from the Cleveland Clinic, any weight fluctuations of ten pounds, either way, should be evaluated.

Since your body isn’t effectively using insulin. The sugar builds in your bloodstream, and your body starts burning off muscles and fat to try and compensate. So, the kidneys have much to do with this weight loss, as they’re flushing waste at a rapid level.

7 – Fatigue Often Stems From Diabetes Mellitus

People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes often complain of fatigue. It may be all you can do to get up and go in the morning. Part of this is because your body isn’t making or using insulin, and your cells are deprived. Fatigue is a common problem with diabetes mellitus.

diabetes mellitus

8 – Moody

Do you feel on edge lately and ready to snap? The increase in glucose levels may cause it. The complex emotional impact can be hard to ignore. According to Dr. Deborah Weatherspoon from Medical News Today, most of these mood disturbances are seen when a person’s blood glucose fluctuates from high to low.

She also states that dealing with such a severe condition day in and out can leave you quite anxious.

9 – High Blood Pressure

It’s not uncommon for folks with diabetes mellitus to develop high blood pressure, or they can even have a heart attack or stroke. Remember, the blood is compromised, so it cannot nourish or travel the way it needs to. Gestational diabetes is a condition detected in pregnancy, and one of the first symptoms that a doctor observes is high blood pressure.

Unlike with other types of the disease, gestational diabetes resolves once the mother delivers the child. However, the medical community is quite proactive about catching this early on, and they give a glucose tolerance test to see how the body responds to sugar. There are many dangers to the unborn child when glucose levels in the body remain elevated during pregnancy, such as higher than average birth weights.

5 Smart Tips for Managing Diabetes Mellitus

The management of diabetes is nothing easy, and it’s going to be a lot of trial and error. Some people find that eating sugar-free foods helps them, but others find that the sugar alcohols used in them still spike their sugar. However, there are a few things that can help to manage this disease effectively.

1. Drink More Water

Being dehydrated is not a good thing for a person with diabetes. You need to replace the water that your body is flushing, and it helps to rid the excess sugar from your system.

2. Exercise to Beat Diabetes Mellitus

It seems that most medical professionals prescribe exercise for almost every ailment. It’s because many folks don’t take time to move their body as they should. When you’re up and moving, the excessive sugar in your system is flushed. Plus, you’re releasing vital neurotransmitters that will only help with your mood.

3. Add Lemon to Your Diet

Many people don’t know that lemon is a fantastic addition to a diabetic’s diet. While you’re drinking all that water, add some natural lemon juice to it.

Lemon is very effective in helping with sugar, and it’s a great, all-natural tool that can help you prevent sugar spikes. According to the Texas Kidney Center, the soluble fiber and vitamin C in lemons help sustain your glucose.

4. Eat More Protein and Fiber

It would help if you had protein, so observing the Keto or Atkins diet is very helpful for people with diabetes. Remember to get plenty of healthy fats and protein, as it helps to keep blood glucose in check. Also, be sure to add nuts and fiber to your diet, as it helps to keep things in balance.

5. Avoid Sugar

Having diabetes doesn’t mean you can never have dessert, but it should be a treat and not an everyday occurrence. When you have diabetes, you must change your eating habits. Ingesting sugar can be very harmful and cause your glucose levels to rise quickly. It would help if you stayed away from processed foods and those with starches.

diabetes mellitus

Final Thoughts on Living With Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes is the wake-up call that many people need to get healthy. If you have Type II diabetes, you’re likely overweight and have poor eating habits. However, obesity isn’t the only reason people develop this medical condition, as genetics play a huge role.

From the time you get a diagnosis, you have a choice to make. You can either adhere to a diet full of leafy greens, drink lemon water, and exercise or face some of the horrible problems that come with it. This is not an illness that you can ignore, as it can kill you.

The good news is that many people have learned to effectively manage this disorder by moving more and making better food choices. The consequences are too severe to do nothing. While you can’t cure it, you can reverse this condition by making some lifestyle changes.

Researchers Explain a Link Between Eating Salty Foods and Brain Health

A revolutionary Georgia State University study uncovered surprising new information about how salty foods affect the brain. The research focused on the relationship between neuron activity and blood flow deep within the brain.

When neurons become activated, blood flow increases rapidly to the area. Known as neurovascular coupling, or functional hyperemia, this process occurs when blood vessels called arterioles dilate. Neurovascular coupling forms the foundation of functional magnetic resource imaging (fMRI). Experts rely on this concept to diagnose brain disorders, looking for restricted or weak blood flow areas.

Prior studies on neurovascular coupling have only focused on superficial brain areas, such as the cerebral cortex. Scientists primarily analyzed how sensory stimuli, such as visual or auditory, affected blood flow.

However, scientists knew very little about whether these processes occurred the same way in deeper parts of the brain before this study. These brain regions process stimuli produced by the body, known as interoceptive signals.

A team of scientists collaborated on the study to examine these processes in deep areas of the brain. Dr. Javier Stern, professor of neuroscience at Georgia State and director of the university’s Center for Neuroinflammation and Cardiometabolic Diseases, led the study. The scientist team developed a new approach that combines surgical methods and advanced neuroimaging.

The team’s research focused on the relationship between salty foods and the hypothalamus, an area deep within the brain responsible for critical bodily functions. These include drinking, eating, reproduction, and regulating body temperature.

The study, published in the journal Cell Reports, examined how salty foods affected blood flow to the hypothalamus.

Researchers Explain the Link Between Eating Salty Foods and Brain Health

hidden salt

“We chose salt because the body needs to control sodium levels very precisely. We even have specific cells that detect how much salt is in your blood,” said Stern. “When you ingest salty food, the brain senses it and activates a series of compensatory mechanisms to bring sodium levels back down.”

The body accomplishes this partially by activating neurons which result in the release of vasopressin. In fact, this antidiuretic hormone plays a critical role in maintaining the right amount of salt in the body.

Previous studies on how salty foods impact the brain discovered a positive association between neuron activity and increased blood flow. However, researchers observed the opposite in this study: blood flow decreased when neurons in the hypothalamus became activated.

Stern said this:

“The findings took us by surprise because we saw vasoconstriction, which is the opposite of what most people described in the cortex in response to a sensory stimulus. Reduced blood flow is normally observed in the cortex in the case of diseases like Alzheimer’s or after a stroke or ischemia.”

The team called this phenomenon “inverse neurovascular coupling,” or hypoxia due to blood flow slowing down. They also found other interesting differences in the study about salty foods affecting the brain compared to previous findings. Blood vessel dilation in the cortex occurs in a highly localized, rapid fashion. However, in the hypothalamus, the response occurred in a dispersed, slow manner over some time.

“When we eat a lot of salt, our sodium levels stay elevated for a long time,” said Stern. “We believe the hypoxia is a mechanism that strengthens the neurons’ ability to respond to the sustained salt stimulation, allowing them to remain active for a prolonged period.”

This study warrants further investigation into how high blood pressure caused by eating salt may impact the brain. Researchers have found that 50-60% of hypertension results from overindulgence in salt.

Facts about Hypertension From the CDC

  • In 2017, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association published new guidelines for managing high blood pressure. They defined hypertension as blood pressure at or exceeding 130/80 mmHg. Stage 2 hypertension occurs when blood pressure remains at or above 140/90 mmHg.
  • High blood pressure increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke, both leading causes of death in the U.S.
  • In 2019, high blood pressure directly caused or contributed to over 500,000 deaths in the United States.
  • Nearly 50% of adults in the United States (47%, or 116 million) have hypertension or take medicine to manage it.
  • However, only about 1 in 4 adults (24%) with hypertension adequately managed their condition.
  • About half of adults (45%) with uncontrolled hypertension have a blood pressure defined as Stage 2 hypertension. This includes 37 million U.S. adults.
  • It’s believed that about 20% of adults with high blood pressure don’t know they have it.
  • Hypertension disproportionately affects people in the South and Midwest, along with men and people of color.

Causes of Hypertension (the Downside of Eating Salty Foods)

  • Modifiable Risk Factors: unhealthy diets (eating too many salty foods, excess saturated or trans fat, low fruit, and vegetable consumption), sedentary lifestyle, consumption of tobacco and/or excessive alcohol, and being overweight or obese.
  • Unmodifiable Risk Factors: family history, being over 65, co-morbidities including diabetes or kidney disease.

Preventing High Blood Pressure

  • Reduce salty foods to less than 5g of sodium per day
  • Consume more fruits and veggies (at least five servings per day)
  • Get at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense exercise each week
  • Avoid smoking and reduce or eliminate alcohol
  • Watch your saturated fat intake, as this can increase hypertension risk

Managing the Condition

  • Reduce and manage stress. Yoga, meditation, walks in nature, deep breathing, aromatherapy, and mindfulness can help.
  • Keep tabs on your blood pressure.
  • Make sure to take any medications and properly manage co-existing conditions.

Final Thoughts on How Researchers Revealed That Salty Foods Affect the Brain

The Georgia State University study found that salty foods restrict blood flow to the brain. Over time, excess sodium intake can lead to cognitive decline because of decreased oxygen.

In the future, the team wants to study the inverse neurovascular coupling mechanism in animal subjects. Indeed, this would help determine whether the phenomenon contributes to salt-dependent hypertension. Furthermore, they hope to apply their findings to other brain regions and conditions, including depression, neurodegenerative diseases, and obesity.

“If you chronically ingest a lot of salt, you’ll have hyperactivation of vasopressin neurons. This mechanism can then induce excessive hypoxia, which could lead to tissue damage in the brain,” said Stern. “If we can better understand this process, we can devise novel targets to stop this hypoxia-dependent activation and perhaps improve the outcomes of people with salt-dependent high blood pressure.”

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