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10 Things Your Playlist Reveals About Your Personality

Music is an eternal language that speaks to the soul, and its countless styles and beats are as different as the people who make or listen to it. Did you know that the songs on your playlist speak volumes about your personality? Ever since early humans heard the melodies and calls of birds and other animals, people loved hearing their favorite tunes.

They used rocks and sticks to create beats that imitate sounds of nature and the human heartbeat. It’s an integral part of the human connection with the Divine. Melodies also create a mood that can be soothing or festive. Listening to some of your favorite tunes can boost your mood and make you feel more optimistic.

In his article published by Psychology Today, Dr. Shahram Heshmat explains that musical tones can evoke memories, improve your moods, and relieve stress. Heshmat states that pleasant tunes can resonate with pleasure sensors in your brain and increase your sense of well-being. It can also give voice to your inner thoughts and dreams.

Your Playlist and Perception

Not only can lovely melodies lift your moods, but they can also affect how you view the world around you. According to an article published by Science Daily, listening to songs can change your perception. You will see others as happier and situations brighter even when they aren’t.

Just try to listen to a finger-snapping jazz tune and not smile. Even if those around you aren’t smiling, you may not perceive it. It’s a case of using positive thoughts to create your atmosphere and dispel any negative energy.


10 Things Your Playlist Reveals About Your Personality

There’s no way to live without stress. However, you do have the power to reduce tension and unnecessary worry. One of the best ways to do it is with a great song, a peppy beat, and dance.

An article published by the University of Michigan describes how this type of therapy can reduce stress and help minimalize anxiety. It can also reduce the symptoms of depression. It’s an exceptional tool whether you listen to it or are playing music on an instrument.

Do you have a favorite style of songs, or are you a fan of many? Maybe you’ve created a personal playlist for work, home, or the gym. Here are ten musical styles and what they may reveal about your personality.

Editorial Note: These generalizations are intended for entertainment use only.

1. Dancing Song Playlist

Do you like to get your groove on with some fast-paced dancing songs? If your list has tunes that make your body move, you probably have an outgoing and assertive personality. Although you’re a genuinely kindhearted person, you tend to be a little rough on the edges.

2. Classical Tunes

If classical is your style, then you know how relaxing some compositions can be. At any given moment, your spirit is serenaded by the masters like Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and others. Classical fans are comfortable in their skin and are creative and reflective.

3. Pop Playlist

Is your mobile device player loaded with the current Top 40 on the pop chart? You’re a person who lives in the moment and enjoys trends. Your list is a diverse assortment of pop styles since you tend to be adventurous and spontaneous.

On the flip side, you may be a little less creative than those who gravitate to classical styles. While you have high self-esteem, you often feel uneasy. The good news is that you usually have a positive outlook on life, and the peppy tunes you listen to help you out in times of stress.

4. Rock & Heavy Metal

Rock and roll is a rich blend of musical styles that came into its own during the 1950s, and it’s never looked back. During the turbulent sixties and seventies, it branched into heavy metal and shock rock. The 80s birthed punk rock and all the other rock styles beloved by millions worldwide.

Are you a rocker or a headbanger? Your playlist may reveal that you’re pretty creative and inspiring. In contrast to the aggressive edge in some rock styles, you have a secret gentle side. Hey, even those heavy metal rock bands do some love ballets once in a while.

5. Blues, Soul, Jazz

One of the best ways to kick back and relax is with a playlist of your favorite jazz tunes. The jazz movement has been monumental in America and ever-connected with blues and soul. This genre is a musical representation of emotion and spiritual energy.

If you’re a fan of this style, you’ve probably been called an old soul. When you hear the beat of a bass and the whine of a saxophone, you instantly connect. Jazz fans are usually extroverted, creative, and have a good sense of humor.

If you find that your toe can’t stop tapping when you hear a jazzy tune, then New Orleans is a great place to spend some time. There’s plenty of good food and soulful melodies wafting through the air.

music quotes

6. Rap & Hip-Hop Playlist

It takes a gifted person to have the ability to put creative rhyme and alliteration with a catchy beat. While rap doesn’t usually have a melody line, its cousin hip-hop does. Hip-hop tunes can blend rap and melodies that make you want to get up and dance.

A rap & hip-hop playlist usually says that you’re an upbeat personality. You’re creative and aren’t afraid to dance to the beat of your drum. The uplifting tunes make it hard for you to be downtrodden.

7. Country Playlist

You don’t have to live in the country to enjoy the iconic style born in the hills of Tennessee. It’s often a musical blend of stringed instruments that can have different themes and tempos. The tunes are usually about everyday living and the beauty and trials of love.

Do you have a country lineup on your mobile devices? Your attraction to it may reveal your conventional and hardworking nature. You’re genuine, affectionate, and crave simplicity in your life. However, you’re not against throwing it down for a good line dance or other trendy moves.

8. Indie Tunes

Some artists don’t fit in the cookie cutters of major record producers, so they publish independently. In the 70s, indie tunes were often produced in home studios and played by so-called “underground” radio stations. It was a way that many talented writers asserted their independence from the powerful record companies.

Today, indie tunes are a mainstay of song fans all over the globe. It also has sub-genres like indie rock and pop. If you lean toward indie tunes, you’re also displaying your independence and dislike of control. You’re gifted, artistic, and sentimental.

Still, you may tend to be introverted and skeptical. While it’s not easy to get into your circle, those would say that you’re a loyal friend or lover.

9. Sacred Songs

Maybe many of the tunes on your playlist are sacred. You might listen to the various styles of gospel or songs from other cultures and religious traditions. If so, you have a strong connection with your spiritual side, and you see the divine in everyone and everything.

Just because you enjoy sacred songs doesn’t mean you’re religious. It simply means that you look to a Higher Power and show gratitude for all. Your soul is soothed by the hope that your life has a purpose.

10. A Folksy Playlist

There’s something that resonates in your spirit when you listen to classic folk songs. Many are based on oral traditions in other cultures. American folk songs are a combination of the many cultures that are represented in this nation.

While some are lighthearted and almost comical, other folk ballads share tales of hardship and heartache. If you’re a fan, you’re traditional and appreciate history. You’re also empathetic to other people’s struggles, and you’re a faithful friend.

How to Benefit from Listening to Your Playlist

Many people like to listen to songs on the radio or CDs when they are driving. Listening to your favorite melodies can help you stay more alert and put you in a better mood for work or school. If you prefer a particular style, why not make your playlist?

You can record some of your favorite melodies and make playlists that are geared towards your taste. It’s ideal for when you’re driving, exercising, or just relaxing. Anytime you need a mood boost, you can plug in your tunes and enjoy the beat.

Since your brain craves variety, you may consider trying other styles or subgenres. You can make lists of fast tunes, slow ones, or various ranges. Occasionally, update your lists so you have current songs to hear.

If you have a quiet space at home, consider using playlists for meditation and visualization. It can also be inspirational for yoga and other exercises. You may also find that listening to instrumental tunes can help you focus and study for tests.


Final Thoughts on Your Playlist and Personality

The type of songs you prefer says a lot about your personality. Plus, listening to your favorite tunes can help relieve stress and put you in a better mood. When you have a song in your heart, nothing can take it away from you.

10 Lower Back Stretches That Relieve Pain and Relax Your Body

Lower back pain can be debilitating. When you’re dealing with back pain, it impacts every part of your life. Fortunately, you can find relief from your pain by doing lower back stretches. Here are ten practical back exercises to relieve your back pain and relax your entire body.

What causes lower back pain?

Generally, back pain stems from overuse or lifting. Other things that could contribute to your lower back pain are these:

  • Too heavy of a backpack
  • Sleeping in an uncomfortable position
  • Sitting for too long
  • Lying down for too long
  • Lifting too much weight for your strength
  • Working out too hard

If your lower back pain continues for months or gets worse, see your doctor. They can do tests to see if there is an underlying cause aggravating your lower back. Potential underlying reasons for lower back pain includethe following:

  • Herniated disc
  • Sciatica
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Osteoarthritis of the spine

lower back stretches

Benefits of lower back stretches

Studies show that doing back stretches and yoga poses reduces lower back pain. Besides reducing your back pain, doing back stretches can

  • Improve your back’s mobility
  • Reduce tension in your spine and muscles around your back
  • Increase your range of motion
  • Lowers your risk of you getting a back disability because of a compressed spinal cord
  • Improve spinal alignment
  • Help you relax and release stress

Ten Lower Back Stretches That Relieve Pain and Relax Your Body

Here is a list of some of the most effective lower back stretches to reduce your back pain and strengthen the muscles that affect your back.

1 – Child’s pose

This pose stretches the muscles in your lower back. Be sure to do this pose slowly and gently to avoid injuring your back. Get on your knees and hands to begin this stretch. Extend your arms in front of you so that your palms are on the floor. Sit back on your heels so that your head is down on your arms as you reach forward. Hold this pose for one minute. Exhale and inhale slowly to relax. Repeat the pose a couple of times if it is giving you relief. Do this pose daily to help relieve your back pain and tightly compressed spinal muscles.

2 – Knee to chest stretch

This lower back stretch strengthens your lower back muscles. Lie on your back with bended knees and your feet flat on the floor. Using your hands, grab below your knee caps. Using your hands, slowly bring both knees up to your chest. Hold for one minute and allow your back to feel the stretch. You can rock your hips from side to side or up and down as you stretch. Return to the starting position and do the exercise again. Try to do the move at least five times if your back feels okay.

3 – Single knee to chest

Often your lower back hurts because of hip tightness. This exercise stretches your hamstrings and back muscles to relieve pain. Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other leg stretched out straight. Put your hands under your leg and gently lift your chest back until you feel a stretch down the back of your leg. You can also stretch your back by holding your bent leg at your knee and pulling your knee towards your chest. Hold for one minute, then repeat with the other leg. Repeat this stretch five times on each leg. Do this stretch daily.

4 – Piriformis Muscle Stretch

Start this lower back stretch lying on your back with bent knees, so your heels are on the floor. Cross one leg over your other leg so that your ankle is leaning on your bent knee. Slowly pull the bottom knee toward your chest until you feel a stretch. Relax and return to the starting position. Repeat with your bent knee on the other leg. Try to do five repetitions on each leg.

5 – Pelvic tilt

If you’re looking for some relief from your low back pain, pelvic tilt stretch can help. Lie down on the floor with bent knees slightly away from your body. Lift your torso off the floor so that your pelvic area is tilted upwards. Hold this for thirty to sixty seconds. Repeat at least ten times. The pelvic title is a great daily exercise to build back strength.

6 – Partial crunches

Having firm abdominal muscles may relieve your back pain. Your stomach muscles support your spine and keep your back in alignment. If your abdominal muscles are weak, it can affect your core strength, causing lower back pain. For this stretch, start on the floor with bended knees and feet flat on the floor. Put your hands under your neck and tighten your abdominal muscles as you raise your shoulders off the floor. Hold for thirty seconds and return to your former position. Repeat this stretch at least five times. This exercise is one that you should try to do every day to build up your back muscles.

 7 – Plank

The plank energizes all your core muscles at once to strengthen your back. You can modify your plank depending upon how your back feels while you’re doing this stretch. Here’s how to do a plank.

  • Lie on your stomach up on your elbows. Make sure your legs are straight behind you and together.
  • Push up on your elbows and forearms to align your body with your head and feet straight out. Don’t let your hips or back sag.
  • It would be best if you looked down. Hold this position and tighten your stomach muscles. Breathe slowly.
  • Try to hold this pose for at least twenty to thirty seconds, then lower your body. Relax.
  • Do the plank again at least three times.
  • Try to do the plank every day until you can hold the pose for one minute.

Modified plank:

If you can’t do a regular plank, try a modified plank from your knees. This plank allows you to do the plank while standing straight and leaning against a counter with your body at a 45-degree angle.

Whether you do a regular or a modified plank, it is a great move to alleviate your pain.


8 – Trunk rotation

This lower back stretch relieves tension, strengthens your pelvic muscles, abdominal muscles, and your back muscles. Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Extend your arms to the side with your hands, palm down on the floor. Staying in this position, gently roll both of your bent knees to your right side and hold for thirty seconds. Return to the first position and repeat on your left side. Repeat this lower back stretch five times on each side.

9 – Seated forward bend

This lower back stretch helps relax your tight hamstrings and relieves tension in your spine. Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs out straight in front of you. Using a towel or a resistance band around your heels, gently pull back, allowing the band to stretch. You should feel the tension and stretch in the back of your legs and your lower back. Hold for thirty seconds. Repeat at least five times.

This video demonstrates five chair yoga poses that are handy to know.

10 – Belly flop

These belly flops aren’t for the swimming pool, but they’re great for spinal alignment and back pain relief. Lie on your stomach on the floor with your hips on top of a rolled-up towel. Relax your body and turn your head to either side. Hold this position for two minutes. Repeat five times, with a resting time for 30 seconds in between each belly flop.

Besides Lower Back Stretches, Try These Pain Relief Ideas

Besides lower back stretches, you can get relief from back pain by following these suggestions.

  • Stay active: It may seem counterintuitive to move when your back is hurting, but movement can reduce your pain. Take a walk with your dog, or go for a 15-minute walk around the block. Being sedentary produces weak spinal muscles, so you end up in pain and are more susceptible to lower back pain.
  • Maintain good posture: Stand tall, keep your head centered over your pelvic area. Avoid slouching or craning your chin forward when you walk.
  • Stay at a healthy weight: If you carry the extra weight, it affects your back.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking causes spine problems. Nicotine and tobacco weaken spinal bones and pull nutrients from your bones.
  • Apply heat and ice: Both heat and ice ease lower back pain. Some people like heat more than ice while others prefer ice instead of heat. It’s really up to you and what works. Ice is usually the recommended treatment for pain to reduce swelling and inflammation of your spine and muscles. Use a heating pad if your muscles are stiff or tight.

Final Thoughts on Performing Lower Back Stretches to Ease the Pain

Lower back pain interrupts your life. There are many things you can do to find relief, but one of the most effective ways to ease lower back pain is doing stretches. Lower back stretches can help you avoid compressed muscles, improve your spinal alignment, and strengthen your back muscles to prevent further injury.

15 Mantras About Thriving (Not Just Surviving)

The way you talk to yourself affects your energy and life experiences. When you constantly think negative thoughts or say toxic things to yourself, you interfere with your well-being and happiness. Using mantras can help you think positively, allowing you to start thriving in life.

If you find that negativity holds you back, you must focus on reprograming your thoughts. When you use mantras to help you thrive, you’ll be more confident and successful going forward. While some people think that surviving is all there is to life, there is so much more if you know the difference.

Thriving is much different than just surviving because they offer entirely different experiences. If you only survive in life, you’ll feel like you’re barely getting by, and you won’t experience much joy. However, if you are thriving, you’ll feel like you live a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Fifteen Mantras About Thriving (Not Just Surviving)

As you read through the mantras, write down the ones that resonate within you the most. Then, each day, repeat the mantras and accept them as the truth. As you change your mindset, you’ll change your outlook on life and start thriving, not just surviving.


1. I accept responsibility for my life.

If you want to flourish, you must take responsibility for yourself. Many people who find that they are just surviving blame others for what happens in their life. If you often have an excuse for why you didn’t do something, it’s time to start taking responsibility.

Use this mantra each morning to help you remember that you control your life. You are the only person who can make a change and decide to do more.

If you start your day with this affirmation, you’ll begin accepting responsibility from the start of your day. It’ll help you make better choices and make changes right away, rather than waiting to see what happens.

2. I will focus on making the best decisions for my life.

When you focus on making the best decisions, you’ll start to feel like you’re doing more than surviving. Have faith in your choices so that you can stay confident moving forward. This mantra will help you make the best decisions and get a little closer to your goals each day.

Plus, this mantra will help you resist giving into what other people want for your life. If you live someone else’s dream, you’ll constantly feel like you’re only surviving. Make sure you do what’s best for you so that you can thrive instead.

3. I am happy to be where I am right now.

Use this mantra to reaffirm your happiness right now and each day after that. Even when you don’t feel happy, there is joy within you if you look for it. This affirmation will help you look within to find and experience happiness even during hardships.

As you begin to feel happy about where you are, you’ll learn to appreciate your life, too. With happiness and appreciation, you can do anything you set your mind to. Setbacks and obstacles won’t hold you back as often when you can think positively.

4. I am loved, even if no one is physically around me right now.

When you’re physically alone, you might struggle to feel loved. This feeling can hold you back and make you feel like you’re barely getting by. Use this phrase to remind you that you are loved, even if your loved ones aren’t with you right now.

If you can remember that there are people who love you, you’ll feel better about life. Then, you can start thriving and doing all of the things you hope for in your life.

5. I am happy, and I continue creating my happiness.

If you are happy, you must continue creating happiness in your life. This affirmation can help you remember to always look for joy in the little things. Plus, it’ll encourage you to do the things that make you happy rather than what others want from you.

6. I trust myself and the decisions that I make.

Trust yourself to do what is best for your life and family. You are the only person who can make these choices, so have faith in them and believe in yourself. If you ever waver and start questioning yourself, repeat this affirmation to help you overcome the self-doubt.

Once you start believing in and trusting yourself, decisions will get easier. You won’t take so long to choose because you’ll have confidence and assurance in your favor.

7. I am resourceful and powerful.

A resourceful person is powerful because they can figure out how to accomplish anything. They are thriving, using they already have and make their goals happen. By using this positive phrase, you can become a resourceful person, too.

You already have what it takes, and you must look within to find what you need. Use this affirmation each morning to help you get started on the right path each day. Then, use it again anytime you encounter an obstacle or setback.


8. I am valuable, and I matter.

Self-doubt can cause you to feel like you’re surviving but barely making it. You must remember that you are a valuable person and you matter to so many people in the world. Plus, you matter to the universe as a whole because you contribute things that no one else can.

9. I overcome any challenges and obstacles that come my way.

Even if you prepare as much as you can, you’re sure to encounter challenges along the way. You’ll always have something to overcome, no matter what you’re doing or how well you prepare. This affirmation helps you build resilience as you work to overcome these challenges.

As you build resilience, you’ll handle these undesirable moments with ease. When you have a positive mindset, you can overcome anything and flourish while doing it.

10. I love myself and approve of who I am.

There’s nothing better than being able to love yourself for who you are. This mantra will help you focus on self-love each day, allowing you to live up to your full potential. You don’t need anyone else’s approval as long as you are happy with the person you are.

11. I become a better version of myself each day.

You learn something new every day, even if it seems like a little experience. Plus, you gain wisdom and build on your current skills, too. Don’t underestimate the power of becoming a better person because it can make all the difference in your mindset.

This positive phrase will help you remember that each day is a learning opportunity. It also offers the chance to understand that you’re a better version of yourself with each passing day.

12. I breathe in positivity and feel negativity leaving my body.

If you can, pair this affirmation with a deep breathing exercise. As you take a deep breath in, allow positivity to flow through your body. Then, on the exhale, envision negativity draining out of you.

By using this affirmation along with the other techniques, you’ll experience lasting relief. Your mindset will shift, and you’ll begin to focus on the essential things in your life.

13. I can adjust as needed to continue thriving in life.

Changes happen in life, no matter how much you want them to stay the same. You can’t always control what happens, but you can adjust to continue moving forward in life.

In fact, these changes shouldn’t make you give up and do the bare minimum. Instead, they should encourage you to make a beneficial change within so that you can adapt to things you can’t control.

14. I have what it takes to be successful.

People sometimes think that they weren’t blessed with what it takes to be successful. This idea isn’t accurate, however, as everyone has what it takes. All that you have to do is look within, and you’ll be able to give your best effort while learning as you go.

If you can try your best, remain passionate, and learn as you go along, you’re set for success. Repeat this mantra each morning to remember that you already have what it takes.

15. I am doing things that I enjoy and find fulfilling.

When you live your life for yourself, you won’t feel like you’re barely getting by. If you do things that you enjoy and find fulfilling, it’ll bring meaning to your life.

You don’t have to go along with everything that other people want you to do. Turn down things that don’t interest you, and put your desires first whenever you can.


Final Thoughts on Mantras About Creating a Wonderful Life (Not Just Surviving)

As you live your life, you should focus on thriving, not just surviving. When you thrive, it helps you feel fulfilled and like you are living a meaningful life. Plus, you’ll feel more inspired and motivated to tackle anything that comes your way.

When you live life this way, you’ll find success and feel more confident in all of your endeavors. You’ll learn to love the small steps along the way to reaching your bigger goals. Use these mantras about thriving to help you live a life you love.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Give Up on Your Dreams

When you were a kid, you dreamed of having an extraordinary life and having your dream job. Your dreams might have changed over the years, adapted as your interests changed or developed, or they might have stayed the same. Either way, you must never give up on your dreams.

Many people think about giving up on their dreams or start losing hope, assuming that they are too far out of reach. They settle into a life they aren’t satisfied with because giving up on their dreams seems like the easier option at a certain point in life. However, settling for something other than your dreams isn’t the way to live your life.

Life coaches are adamant that you should never give up on living the life you always dreamed of. Working towards your dreams can bring meaning to your life, making everything a little better. It doesn’t matter what is going on in your life right now because you can make a change at any time.

Why You Should Never Give Up on Your Dreams

If you aren’t currently working toward your dreams, you must take that first step. There are plenty of reasons why you should never give up on your goals, so practice persistence and push forward. As you read these reasons, write down the important ones so that you always have a reminder.

never give up

1 – It’s Better to Fail and Learn from Your Mistakes Than Not Try at All

Some people give up on their dreams because they are afraid of failure, but failing isn’t bad. When you fail, you have a chance to learn and get better at what you do. Each time you try and fail, you grow a little more and get closer to achieving your dreams.

Many successful people have failed multiple times before finally achieving their goals. You must push on and try each time again, learning more as you go along. One of your attempts will be the one that finally gets you where you want to be.

Keep in mind that it’s better to try and fail because otherwise, you’ll always wonder what could have happened. If you never try, you’ll be left with rumination and regret, even years later. The only way to avoid remorse is to keep trying, taking one small step at a time.

2 – Never Give up Because the Pursuit Makes Life Meaningful

Happiness isn’t only found in the end when you finally reach your goals. Instead, happiness, joy, and meaning are located in the pursuit of your dreams. As you work toward your dreams, you’ll create memories and friendships that you wouldn’t have otherwise.

You’ll also develop skills, learn life lessons, and experience love along the way. Life isn’t achieving your goals but all of the things that happen during the pursuit. Those are the things you’ll remember and cherish forever.

Never give up on your dreams, even if they seem out of reach. You never know what will happen along the way, helping you live a fulfilling and meaningful life. If you want to value the pursuit of life, you must follow what you are passionate about.

Additionally, chasing your dreams can help you get through hard times. Your dreams give you a reason to keep going on even the worst days. They provide you with meaning and purpose, driving you forward each day.

3 – You’ll Achieve Small Successes Along the Way

When you’re chasing your dreams, the final success isn’t the only one worth celebrating. There will be many small stepping stones of success along the path, too. Each small achievement can be observed, helping you push through to the next goal.

When you celebrate your small successes this way, you’ll be happier in general. You’ll keep striving for the next stepping stone and, before you know it, you’ll have achieved your dreams.

While your big dreams will take some time, the small ones will keep you going. Reward yourself every step of the way, and you’ll feel motivated and inspired.

4 – You Never Know How Close Success Is

Never give up on your dreams because you never know how close success is. Things won’t work out perfectly every time, and you’ll experience failure along the way. However, you can’t predict which attempt will get you to where you want to be.

Keep practicing persistence until success comes because it will happen. Be patient, and don’t assume it’ll never happen when your timeline doesn’t work out.

5 – It Sets an Example for Your Children if You Never Give Up

Whether you realize it or not, people are watching what you do and learning from your examples. When other people see you pursuing your dreams, it’ll give them hope to do the same thing in their life. You can set an example for everyone in your life, encouraging them to keep going.

If you have children, you’ll want to teach them to chase their dreams and find a passion for life. Even if you don’t have children, people you love are watching you and following your lead. If they see you doing big things, it’ll encourage them to take steps, too.

When you pursue your dreams, it gives other people the confidence to follow theirs. It also gives them the ideas and the drive to go after what they want. You don’t have to say anything to the people watching because they’ll learn from your example.

never give up

6 – You’ll Meet People with a Similar Mindset

While it’s great to be friends with people that have different mindsets, it’s also essential to have like-minded people around you. When you spend time with those with a similar mindset, they’ll help motivate you. Chasing your dreams puts you in the path of other people with the same values and interests as you.

The more often you surround yourself with driven, motivated people, the better of you’ll be. They’ll support and encourage you, cheering you on with each step you take. When things get hard, they’ll be there to motivate you to push through.

Additionally, you can learn from those you meet on your path to achieving your dreams. They’re working toward their goals, too, and you can help one another out along the way.

7 – You’ll Be Able to Provide for Yourself and Your Family

When you chase your dreams, you’re more likely to provide for yourself and your family comfortably. With a motivated mindset, it’s hard not to hit milestones and do well in your career path. If you are committed to your dreams, you can ensure enough success to provide well for yourself.

Some dreams take longer to achieve, but they are all possible. If you struggle to find the motivation to provide more, think about the people who depend on you. Consider what you want your life to look like in the future.

Thinking of the people that rely on you and what you want your life to look like will encourage you to chase your dreams. When you know that you want better, you’ll be driven to make it happen.

8 – You Deserve the Life of Your Dreams

Sometimes people give up on their dreams because they don’t think that they deserve them. If this is the case for you, then you must shift your mindset. You’re a good person that has sacrificed for people you love, and now it’s your turn to focus on your dreams.

It’s time to focus on yourself and take the first step toward achieving your dreams. No matter what, you deserve to live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

9 – You Can Use Your Talents

Your talents are usually related to your dreams, so you might as well put them to good use. If you don’t chase your goals, you’ll waste the talent you were blessed with. Go after what you want in life so that you can maximize the full potential of your talent.

Not only can you use your talents, but you can develop them, too. If you set goals related to your dreams, you’ll use your talents every step of the way. Each time you make a move, your skillset will grow a little more.

10 – Never Give Up if You Hope to Live Up to Your Full Potential

Reaching goals takes quite a bit of effort, and there will be obstacles along the way. When you experience setbacks and hardships, it might seem easy to let it all go. However, even when things get hard, you must never give up on your dreams.

As you work toward your dreams, you’ll grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. While all of this growth and change might seem intimidating, it brings with it a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy.

never give up

Final Thoughts on Life Coaches Explain Why You Should Never Give Up on Your Dreams

While it might seem easy to settle in life when you start losing hope, you should never give up on your dreams. The pursuit of your goals is the most memorable and meaningful experience you’ll go through. You’ll learn so much, meet new people, and experience things you wouldn’t have otherwise.

Chasing your dreams allows you to create memories that you’ll never forget. Plus, you never know when success will happen for you, so don’t give up when it doesn’t happen right away. With effort and determination, your life could turn out better than you could have ever dreamed of.

10 Quadriceps Exercises That Build Muscle Fast (Without Using the Gym)

Your quadriceps are one of the most difficult muscles to build at home, but you can do it. You can do strength training that quickly results in progressive muscle growth and strength. These exercises don’t require any equipment, allowing you to get started right now.

Whether you don’t have time for the gym or enjoy the environment, you must find other ways to get physical activity. Regular exertion will not only keep you healthy and physically fit, but it’ll help you build or maintain muscle without leaving the house.

Your quadriceps are on the front of your upper leg and consist of a group of four muscles. These muscles include the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. The muscles work together to extend your knee, while the rectus femoris works at the hip.

Quadriceps play a role in the movement of your entire body, so it’s essential to keep them healthy. The activities described here vary in intensity, so do the ones you’re comfortable with. Give them a shot and see which ones work best for you.

Benefits of Working Out Your Quadriceps

The quadriceps play an essential role in walking, running, stability, and proper posture. These muscles also contribute to the majority of your lower body strength if they are well-developed. Targeting your quadriceps is essential whether you’re new to working out or you’ve been doing it for a while.

One surprising thing that this muscle group can help with is getting out of chairs. If you ever struggle to stand up from a low chair, it likely means you need to strengthen the muscles.

Some of the benefits of developing this muscle group include:

  • Reduced stress on your knees and protection from injury
  • Improved stability of your kneecaps
  • Increased athletic performance
  • Making it easier to extend your knee and flex your hip
  • Increased jump height
  • Decreased risk of developing knee osteoarthritis


Before You Begin Your Quadricep Workout

Before starting your workout, you’ll want to stretch and warm-up for around ten minutes. You can go on a brisk walk, jog, or do leg or arm swings to warm up.

Don’t push yourself past two sets of 12 reps for each workout if you’re a beginner. Once the activities get more manageable, you can add more reps or sets for more challenges.

Quadricep Exercises That Build Muscle Fast

Try these moves to tighten those quads.

1.  Bodyweight Squat (The basis for many of these quadricep exercises!)

The bodyweight squat is one of the best for strengthening your lower body and core. It can be challenging at first, so reduce the depth of the squat until you become more comfortable. This exercise works the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, core, and lower back all at once.

As you do the bodyweight squats, there are a few safety tips to follow. You want to ensure that your knees don’t collapse inward as you lower your body. Don’t go so low that you have to round your back, and keep your knees in line with your feet the entire time.

2. Rear Lunge

The rear lunge is better for your knees than a regular lunge. It allows you to keep your shins vertical while working all of the same muscles. With this method, you will get more stability in your legs, helping with balance.

If a full rear lunge is too much for you, try making them easier by only going halfway down. These lunges work your quads, hips, and core, benefiting many areas of your body.

As you perform a rear lunge, there are a couple of safety tips to keep in mind. You’ll want to avoid touching the back of your knee to the ground and stop exercising at the first sign of any discomfort. Additionally, keep your front knee over your toes without going beyond them.

3. Single-leg Squat

The single-leg squat, also known as the pistol squat, maximizes leg development using nothing more than bodyweight. This exercise requires good balance, or you might need to do an assisted variation. Either way, it helps improve balance and stabilization.

If you choose the assisted variation, you’ll only need to grip something sturdy for assistance, such as a door frame. Gripping a sturdy object also helps you squat through the heels, which is better for your knees. Another tip is to put a chair behind you so that you don’t go too far down.

This exercise also targets your glutes, core, and inner thighs, so it’s helpful in many ways. If you feel any knee pain, stop right away and only go as far as you can without experiencing discomfort. You should feel in control of your knees throughout the entire workout.

4. Sissy Squat for Stronger Quadriceps

The sissy squat is a quick way to build muscle without going to the gym. It overloads your quadriceps, meaning it can be hard on the knees. You can hold onto something for support while you do it or choose the freestanding method.

Avoid bending too far so that you don’t damage your knees. Don’t overexert yourself, especially if you’re new to physical activity. You’ll want to start by only using half the range of motion and increase as you get more comfortable.

5. Jump Squat

The jump squat is perfect for people that play sports or do other athletic activities. This exercise builds your lower body quickly and offers more power. Start with five reps per set of jump squats since they are so intense.

It’s important to note that you’ll want to avoid jump squats if you suffer from knee pain. As you do them, make sure to bend at the knees to make your landing as light as possible. When you land, you don’t want your knees to go past your toes.

6. Lateral Lunge

You must do some lateral movement if you want your workout to be well-rounded. Many exercises focus on the front or back of the body, but this one allows you to develop your muscles further. Imbalances in your muscles can cause performance issues and energy leaks.

You’ll want to keep a few safety tips in mind when you make a lateral lunge. Don’t step so far that it causes discomfort in your groin area, and avoid twisting when returning to the start position. You’ll also want to ensure your knee stays aligned with your toes as you squat.

7. Single-leg Raise

The single-leg raise targets the part of your quadriceps that cross your hip joint. You lie down for this exercise, keeping your legs straight out in front of you. Then, you’ll slide one foot forward until your knee reaches a 90-degree angle.

As you do the single-leg raise, keep your core tight and leg straight. Then, raise your opposite foot until your thighs are at matching angles. Switch your legs after you finish your reps, and avoid locking the knee of your straight leg.

8. Lunges to Shape Your Quadriceps

The lunge is one of the best lower body training. It allows you to maintain balance while doing it because both feet stay on the floor. It also develops the entire leg and leads to building muscle fast. There are many variations of a lunge, but the basic one is the easiest to start with.

You’ll start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, step forward with one leg until it’s bent at a 90-degree angle. Once you’re in that position, drive up through the heel, returning to the starting position and repeating with the other leg.

9. Step-up

The step-up is one of the easiest quadricep workouts to do at home. It’s similar to a squat because it works the same muscles, but it is better on your knees. The step-up exercise allows you to step up with a vertical shin, limiting the force at your knee and promoting stabilization.

You’ll need some platform to step on. Some platform ideas are a sturdy box, a step, or another solid surface. If you want to make the exercise easier, you can use a lower platform.

To stay safe during your workout, make sure your platform is solid and can’t move. You’ll also want to keep the space around you clear to prevent accidents.

10. Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat isolates one leg, making it a balancing challenge. If you have a hard time balancing when you first start, keep something next to you to grab onto for assistance. You’ll also need a platform such as a chair, step, or bench.

You can use weights with this exercise, but avoid doing so if it’s your first time. Bulgarian split squats focus on building muscle stability.

As you get started, make sure your platform is solid and stable. You’ll also want to ensure that your knee doesn’t extend past your toes and that you stop if you experience any pain.

Final Thoughts on Quadricep Exercises That Build Muscle Fast (Without Using the Gym)

Strengthening your quadriceps can benefit your health in many ways. It’ll improve the stability of your knee, decrease your risk of injuries, make everyday actions easier, and improve your athletic ability.

You don’t have to have a gym membership to get physically fit. Working out at home is easy, and there is plenty of quad exertion you can do anywhere. Make sure you take it easy if you are a beginner, and increase the intensity as you get comfortable.

Water Intoxication: Causes, Signs, and How to Avoid It

When it comes to water, how much is too much? You know that you need lots of H20 to be healthy and keep your body functioning, but did you know that you can drink too much and put your system in danger? It’s called water intoxication, and it can be deadly.

Stories of Deadly Encounters With Water Intoxication

Take, for instance, Chico State University student Matthew Carrington. According to CBS News, Carrington joined the Chi Tau house fraternity in 2005, and he was taking part in their hazing rituals for entry. He had to drink a five-gallon bottle of water.

The student was only 21 years old, but this much water was too great for his system to handle. Carrington developed hyponatremia, which according to the National Library of Medicine, is a condition where the body takes in an abundance of water, and the sodium levels drop rapidly. The fluid is absorbed into the bloodstream rather than eliminated, and the water makes its way to the brain.

Another example of this becoming a deadly tragedy occurred with Jennifer Strange, according to NBC News. She entered a radio contest to win a gaming system. She had to see how much water she could drink without going to the restroom.

The contest was promoted as “Hold Your Wee for a Wii.” But the 28-year-old would never take such a risk had she known better. She had three children and was trying to win the gaming console as a gift for her kids.

  • Can water be so dangerous that drinking too much can cause death?
  • Can you drink too much without knowing it?
  • How much is too much?

These are all questions that stories like this make people wonder, especially those who are trying to hydrate their bodies when doing strenuous physical activity and labor-intensive jobs.

water intoxication

What Causes Water Intoxication?

It’s often referred to as water poison, but you should know that it’s infrequent. The average person will get such a condition by just drinking a few bottles each day. The problem occurs when you take on significant amounts of water, and your system cannot flush it out quickly enough.

All the excess liquid has nowhere to go, so it backs up and enters the bloodstream. Once it enters the blood, it travels to every part of your system. However, the most dangerous part is your brain.

Your body has electrolytes that are responsible for keeping your cells ionized. When water floods these cells, your electrolyte balance becomes off-kilter. Have you seen sports drinks that restore your potassium, sodium, and magnesium?

These are all part of your vital electrolytes that are necessary for your body to function. Now, too much water in a short period can be toxic. Additionally, when it enters the brain, it can cause swelling. However, sports drinks are mostly made from water, so while they help some with electrolytes, they can also cause water intoxication.

Five People Most Susceptible to Water Intoxication

You’re not in any danger of drinking more water than your system can handle by just consuming a few bottles each day. However, the real threat comes in when you’re exercising or doing a labor-intensive job that is causing you to chug to rehydrate. The chances of you dealing with water intoxication are scarce, though it does happen. Here are a few situations where being intoxicated by too much water becomes a reality.

1. People Who Have Mental Health Issues Are More Prone to Water Intoxication

Who knew that there was a mental health condition where people felt compelled to drink water? Psychogenic polydipsia is a mental illness in which people feel the urge to hydrate their bodies, and they can’t seem to get enough. According to the National Library of Medicine, This mental health issue comes with other psychiatric conditions, like bipolar and schizophrenia, so it usually doesn’t occur alone.

Caregivers must watch for any symptoms of drinking a lot of water in a short period or hyponatremia symptoms.

2. Athletes – Specifically Runners

While any athlete can become intoxicated by ingesting water, usually runners experience it. In this instance, it’s called dilutional hyponatremia, and it doesn’t just happen to those who drink water, but it drinking sport’s drinks won’t save you.

In 2002, a study was conducted and reported on the National Library of Medicine after the Boston Marathon. Officials found that more than 13 percent of the participants suffered from water intoxication.

3. Workers Who Overexert Their Bodies

There are many situations where you sweat and try to replace the water lost in the body. However, it’s hard to gauge how much you’ve consumed when you still feel thirsty. For instance, someone doing a roofing job in the heat of summer is at significant risk, especially if they don’t monitor their intake.

While replacing some of that water is essential, it’s also important to maintain electrolyte balances.

4. Infants Are Subject to Water Intoxication

One of the biggest reasons infants are at risk is their low body mass index. Intoxication by water is typically seen with babies under one year of age. When a young child consumes a great deal of water compared to their body mass, it can put their sodium storage out of balance, which can cause an intoxicated state.

5. Unconscious Persons

When a person is in a coma or otherwise unconscious, they receive hydration through intravenous lines. Some examples of this would be patients using a nasogastric tube. The medical team must make sure to balance the fluids given so that there is no electrolyte loss. They co-administer water.

When individuals have a medical condition, like diabetes insipidus, they’re more likely to process the fluids more rapidly than someone who doesn’t have such a disorder. According to Diabetes Insipidus information, it causes a person to have a great thirst that requires water. However, they urinate more due to the increased water intake, which leaves the electrolytes unbalanced.

water intoxication

Six Telling Signs Of Water Intoxication

How do you know if you’ve drunk more water than is safe? Are there symptoms that you can identify that show you’re over the limit? Here are some of the most common indications of intoxication by water.

1. Colorless Urine

Your urine should have some color to it, even if it’s just a pale straw hue. However, when your urine has no color, it’s concerning. If you’ve drunk more than eight or ten glasses of water, and have clear urine, get to a doctor.

2. Headaches

Most people don’t know that a headache is a sign of dehydration. When you get a headache, you reach for an over-the-counter treatment. However, it’s often the drink of water that helps more than the aspirin.

If you have a pounding headache and have consumed a lot of water, it can signify being intoxicated by water.

3. Frequent Urination

The average person should urinate around 6-8 times each day. Anything more than urinating ten times per day is a sign that you’re flushing electrolytes too.

4. Swelling of Hands, Feet, Legs

Massive amounts of water cause the cells in your body to expand, which your swollen extremities can identify. Not only will you see swelling in your hands and feet, but you will also see them turn a different color due to a loss of circulation.

5. Muscle Weakness

When there’s an electrolyte imbalance in the body, it will cause things like cramping and muscle spasms. A little bit of coconut water or a sport’s drink can help put things back in balance.

6. Exhaustion

When your body overloads on water, your kidneys must work overtime to flush your system. Anytime one of your organs is working more than it should, it can cause you to be fatigued. Even having the energy to get out of bed may be too much, so this is certainly something to watch.

Other things to watch for include these:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dilated pupils
  • Bradycardia, or a slowed heart rate
  • Pulmonary edema

water intoxication

Final Thoughts on Water Intoxication

Few people know that there’s something to drinking more water than your body needs. When you’re involved in sports or working outside, drinking more water to hydrate your body seems only natural. While, in theory, this is true, you must remember that your body has a delicate balance of electrolytes that cannot be disturbed.

Have you ever heard someone say that they needed to eat a banana because their potassium was low? Potassium is one of the main electrolytes, as well as sodium. Actual water intoxication is rare, but the cases don’t make the media as much as other illnesses, but it doesn’t mean it exists.

As long as you drink the recommended water intake for your weight and height, you shouldn’t have any problems. The actual issue is that most people don’t get enough water, let alone too much. However, there are times and situations where this can become a threat. If you’re one of the people at risk, knowing the intake limits and watching for any symptoms is critical.

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