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How to Make the Tastiest Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Even if you don’t follow a plant-based diet, you’ll still love these vegan cinnamon rolls. They have all the flavor of regular cinnamon rolls, just without eggs or dairy. Plus, they’re simple to make and only require a few unique ingredients, such as vegan butter, vegan cream cheese, and almond milk. You can most likely find these at your local health foods or plant-based store.

If you’ve never tried plant-based cheese or butter before, don’t let the idea scare you. Companies have perfected their vegan recipes in today’s world, so they taste just like the real thing!

How to Make the Tastiest Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

Without further ado, let’s get to making the best vegan cinnamon rolls you’ll ever have.

Supplies you need:

  • Large bowl
  • Whisk
  • Spatula
  • Measuring cups/spoons
  • Baker’s table or large cutting board
  • Rolling pin
  • Knife
  • Muffin pan
  • Electric whisk

Ingredients for vegan cinnamon rolls:

  • 1/2 cup melted vegan butter
  • 3/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup softened vegan butter
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp cinnamon

Directions for making the vegan cinnamon roll dough:

  1. Pour the melted butter, almond milk, and baking powder into the bowl. Use a whisk to blend thoroughly.
  2. Then, add the all-purpose flour and use a spatula to fold it into the mixture gently.
  3. Once you’ve thoroughly combined the flour, remove the vegan cinnamon roll dough from the bowl and place it on a cutting board.
  4. Sprinkle some flour on the cutting board and begin kneading the dough. Sprinkle a little flour on the dough as well, and knead for about 2-3 minutes.
  5. Then, grab a rolling pin and sprinkle it with flour as well. Roll the dough until it forms a large rectangle. You’ll want to roll both lengthwise and widthwise, going back and forth in each direction.
  6. Next, take the softened vegan butter and spread it on the dough. Make sure to coat it evenly.
  7. Now sprinkle the dough with brown sugar and cinnamon, covering the whole surface area.
  8. Time for the best part – forming the cinnamon rolls! Start at the bottom of the dough and roll vertically, tucking in the dough as you go. By the end of the process, you should have a thin, long cylindrical piece of dough.
  9. Next, pat the dough down to make sure it’s even. Then grab your knife and cut the vegan cinnamon roll dough into 1-1.5 inch pieces.
  10. Transfer the cinnamon rolls into a muffin pan next. First, make sure to coat the pan with butter or oil, so the rolls don’t stick.
  11. Bake at 400 degrees F for 20 minutes.

Ingredients for vegan cinnamon roll icing:

  • 4 oz vegan cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup softened vegan butter
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

Directions for making the vegan cinnamon roll icing:

  1. Wash out the bowl you used to make the dough. Pour the cream cheese, vegan butter, and powdered sugar into the bowl.
  2. Use an electric whisk to blend the ingredients until thoroughly combined. It may get a little messy, so make sure to wear an apron or clothes you don’t care about! Or, use a deep bowl, so the sugar doesn’t fly up when you mix it.
  3. Next, pour the icing over the warm cinnamon rolls, using a spoon to coat them.
  4. Warm a couple in the microwave and enjoy this scrumptious treat!

vegan cinnamon rolls

Baking notes/alternatives to the recipe

  • Allow the dough to rest for ten to fifteen minutes before baking. This ensures the dough stretches, which makes it easier to pull apart the vegan cinnamon rolls. Since you’re not using yeast in this recipe, you don’t have to wait around two hours for the dough to rise. While this means the cinnamon rolls won’t be as fluffy, they’ll still melt in your mouth!
  • If you aren’t totally vegan, feel free to use regular butter and cream cheese. If you choose to use vegan substitutes and have any allergies, pay attention to the labels before buying. Some butter and cheeses contain soy and tree nuts, so make sure to choose allergen-free options if necessary.
  • If you’re following a gluten-free diet, make sure to use all-purpose flour without gluten.
  • Want extra soft vegan cinnamon rolls? Use a baking dish instead of a muffin pan. Sometimes the rolls can get crispy if they have too much room between each other.
  • Store leftover rolls at room temperature for up to three days. You can also freeze them in an airtight container and allow them to thaw before eating.
  • If you find that the icing is too thick, add a little water or plant milk until you reach the desired consistency.
  • Ensure the rolls are golden brown before removing them from the oven.

With the holidays coming up, it’s the perfect time to bake these warm, comforting cinnamon rolls. We know it’s tempting to grab a Pillsbury mix at the store, but you’ll thank yourself for choosing the homemade option! Baking from scratch with love and care makes food taste better, after all.

So, put on your favorite playlist and tune out the world for a while. It’s time for some baking therapy to put your mind and soul at ease. Your troubles will seem miles away with the smell of cinnamon rolls wafting through your house.

vegan cinnamon rolls

Final Thoughts on Making Tasty Vegan Cinnamon Rolls That Will Warm Your Soul

Without a doubt, it’s been a rough couple of years in the world. But, don’t worry – these vegan cinnamon rolls will cheer you up, especially if you gather friends and family to share them with! There’s nothing like comfort food to lift your spirits and drown out your worries. Plus, this recipe only requires about an hour of your time, with prep and cooking included.

If you have some free time this weekend, we advise starting your Saturday off with this recipe. Once you taste this gooey, cinnamon-filled treat, we promise you won’t regret it!

We hope you enjoyed this vegan recipe! Let us know if you end up trying it.

Neuroscientists Use Brain Stimulation to Increase Cognition

Researchers have found that brain stimulation may help treat a variety of severe mental illnesses. Neuroscientists discovered that combining artificial intelligence with targeted electrical brain stimulation could enhance cognition. The University of Minnesota Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital collaborated on the study.

The pilot human study included twelve patients undergoing brain surgery for epilepsy at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. For the procedure, doctors place hundreds of microscopic electrodes throughout the brain to record activity. This data also helps them pinpoint the origin of seizures.

Alik Widge, MD, Ph.D., an assistant professor of psychiatry and member of the Medical Discovery Team on Addiction at the U of M Medical School, led the study. Widge collaborated with Massachusetts General Hospital’s Sydney Cash, MD, Ph.D., an expert in epilepsy research. Darin Dougherty, MD, a clinical brain stimulation expert, also participated in the study. The findings have been published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.

The team identified a brain region called the internal capsule, which improved cognition when activated by small jolts of electricity. The internal capsule, located deep within the brain, serves as a communication pathway. It assists in communication between the cerebral cortex and brainstem areas, an essential component for physical movement and sensory processing.

This part of the brain also governs cognitive control, the process that enables a person to shift between thoughts and behaviors. In people with severe mental illnesses, such as depression, this part of the brain functions abnormally.

“An example might include a person with depression who just can’t get out of a ‘stuck’ negative thought. Because it is so central to mental illness, finding a way to improve it could be a powerful new way to treat those illnesses,” Widge said.

Neuroscientists Use Brain Stimulation to Increase Brain Function

brain stimulation

For the study, the team developed algorithms to record patients’ cognitive control functions after stimulation. They tracked the data from both their actions and brain activity directly. This method provided stimulation boosts when the patients performed poorly on cognitive control lab tests.

“This system can read brain activity, ‘decode’ from that when a patient is having difficulty, and apply a small burst of electrical stimulation to the brain to boost them past that difficulty,” Widge said. “The analogy I often use is an electric bike. When someone’s pedaling but having difficulty, the bike senses it and augments it. We’ve made the equivalent of that for human mental function.”

The study marked the first ever to discover the following:

  • Targeted brain stimulation can enhance brain function in areas linked to mental illness;
  • Cognitive enhancement works particularly well in specific parts of the internal capsule brain structure; and
  • A closed-loop algorithm used as a controller proved doubly effective compared to stimulating at random times.

Some patients in the study suffered from severe anxiety along with epilepsy. However, when researchers gave them brain stimulation, they reported a dramatic decrease in anxiety. Instead of focusing on their distress and anxious thoughts, they could shift their attention to what they wanted.

Widge says this method could help patients with severe anxiety, depression, and other disorders that don’t respond to traditional treatments. This research should provide hope for people with mental illnesses that severely impact their quality of life.

“This could be a totally new approach in treating mental illness. Instead of trying to suppress symptoms, we could give patients a tool that lets them take control of their own minds,” Widge said. “We could put them back in the driver’s seat and let them feel a new sense of agency.”

Future of Brain Stimulation

The next step in the research will involve clinical trials. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved the target for improving cognition using brain stimulation. This means that once a trial receives final approval, they can perform research using existing tools and devices, such as AI. So, translating the results into real-life medical practice could happen quickly.

“The wonderful thing about these findings is that we are now in a position to conduct clinical trials to further demonstrate the effectiveness and then hopefully move to help treatment-resistant patients who are in desperate need for additional interventions to treat their illnesses,” Dougherty said.

Other Ways to Ensure a Healthy Brain

Not everyone can access brain stimulation technologies for improved mental health. So, we have a few tips for increasing cognition within your control:

  • Eat a healthy diet. If you want a healthy mind, you need to feed it the right fuel. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times before, but stick to fresh, whole foods and ditch the processed stuff. You’ll feel mentally sharper and more precise if you nourish your mind and body with natural, unadulterated foods. Think fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean meats, and unpasteurized dairy.
  • Use your brain wisely. Many people don’t think about how their daily habits affect their mental health. For instance, mindlessly scrolling on social media or watching TV will reduce cognition. Studies have previously linked excessive screen time to poor mental health. Instead, read a book, go for a walk in nature, or do a crossword puzzle to stimulate your brain.
  • Exercise regularly. In addition to eating well and maintaining mental health, you’ll need to move your body. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to obesity, diabetes, and other health problems, which adversely affect cognition. Make sure to get at least 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity each week.

brain stimulation

Final Thoughts on How Neuroscientists Boost Mental Health Using Electrical Energy

Everyone wants a healthy brain, but for people with severe mental illnesses, it often requires medical intervention. In a groundbreaking study, neuroscientists from Massachusetts General Hospital and the University of Minnesota have discovered how to improve brain function with electrical stimulation. The study involved 12 epilepsy patients undergoing surgery. When the doctors stimulated a brain region called the internal capsule, they noticed remarkable cognitive improvement. The patients had lessened anxiety and could think more clearly.

The study authors hope that the technology will become available in mainstream medical practice soon. A clinical trial should help expedite this process.

How to Make Fluffy Avocado Pancakes from Scratch

Have you ever tried avocado pancakes before? If not, they’ll surely win you over with their fluffy, moist goodness! Not to mention, avocados pack a punch when it comes to nutrients and healthy fats.

If you’re ready to try this unique spin on a traditional breakfast dish, read on for the recipe below!

How to Make Fluffy Avocado Pancakes from Scratch

Here is how you can serve up these delicious avocado pancakes.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • Large bowl
  • Spoon
  • Chef’s knife
  • Immersion blender
  • Electric or hand whisk
  • Pancake griddle or pan
  • Ladle

Ingredients for pancakes:

  • One ripe avocado
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 3 cups oat flour
  • 2 cups plant milk (whichever you prefer)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice

Directions for avocado pancakes:

  1. Cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. (Pro tip: your knife can do this easily. Hold the knife about eight inches above the pit and whack it with the knife, keeping your hands clear. The blade embeds in the pit; simply twist the knife to remove it).
  2. Next, scoop the fruit out of the skins, place them in the mixing bowl, and use a hand mixer or immersion blender to blend.
  3. Once they’re smooth and creamy, add the maple syrup and baking powder.
  4. Now pour the salt, oat flour, and plant milk into the mixture.
  5. Use an electric or hand whisk to mix all the ingredients.
  6. Once they’re thoroughly combined, add the lemon juice and whisk the mixture thoroughly.

Ingredients for topping:

  • 3/4 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup Maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 tsp ground cloves
  • Shaved chocolate
  • Crushed hazelnuts

Directions for making the topping:

  1. Place the Greek yogurt into a bowl. Next, add the maple syrup, vanilla, ground nutmeg, and cloves.
  2. Mix all the ingredients with a small spoon. After they’re thoroughly combined, set aside for now.

Time to Cook the Pancakes!

After all the prep, it’s time to get to the good stuff. First, put a dab of butter or oil into the pan. Grab a ladle and spoon the pancake batter onto the griddle or pan. Use the spoon to flatten and form it into a circle—Cook for a few minutes on each side. Depending on the size of your pan or skillet, you could make multiple pancakes at once to save time.

Cook however many you’d like, then plate them and serve. Pour the Greek yogurt mixture on top for an extra treat. Sprinkle shaved chocolate and crushed hazelnuts for the final addition to this culinary masterpiece. Enjoy!

avocado pancakes

Tips for Making the Best Avocado Pancakes Ever

  • If you’re cooking multiple pancakes, make sure not to crowd them. Leave a couple of inches between each one, so they don’t merge into a giant pancake!
  • Make sure you have fresh baking powder. If it’s old or expired, you’ll wind up with flat, dense pancakes. We all want light, fluffy pancakes in our lives, so check the expiration date first!
  • Blend the pancake batter thoroughly to avoid lumps or clumps. You may want to blend the dry ingredients first, then add the wet ones for best immersion.
  • Invest in a pancake griddle. You can undoubtedly make avocado pancakes in a pan, but you’ll get more surface area with a grill. It’ll save you time and create the perfect golden pancakes you’re looking for.
  • Clean the skillet or griddle between batches. If you don’t, you’ll have built-up butter or oil residue, which will start to burn. Wipe the skillet with a paper towel and add more butter between batches.
  • Don’t overcook your pancakes. This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s very easy to scorch such a delicate food. Turn them over when they’re starting to get dry around the edges, and you see bubbles on the raw side.
  • If you’re using coconut milk, opt for the refrigerated kind – it’s not as thick as the canned milk.

Avocado Nutrition Facts

Some people might think of pancakes as a dessert, but you can easily make them healthy. Not to mention, if you’re following a specific diet, you can customize them with sugar-free, low-carb options. No matter what dietary preferences you have, avocados provide plenty of vitamins and minerals. Let’s talk about the plentiful health benefits of this superfood.

A 100-gram serving of avocados contains the following nutrients:

  • Vitamin K: 26% of the daily value (DV)
  • Folate: 20% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 17% of the DV
  • Vitamin B5: 14% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 13% of the DV
  • Vitamin E: 10% of the DV
  • 15 grams of healthy fats
  • It also contains trace amounts of magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous, and vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), and B3 (niacin).

Avocados are one of the best sources of heart-healthy fats in the world. Most of the fat in avocados is oleic acid, also found in olive oil. This monounsaturated fatty acid can reduce inflammation and possibly lower cancer risk, according to studies. Another benefit of these healthy fats is that they don’t oxidize under high heat. That’s great news for making avocado pancakes!

Finally, avocados contain a fair amount of soluble fiber – about 7 grams, or 27% of your RDA. Soluble fiber feeds beneficial gut bacteria and keeps you satiated for more extended periods. A high-fiber diet reduces the risk of many diseases and also keeps blood sugar in check.

avocado pancakes

Final Thoughts on Making Fluffy Avocado Pancakes That Will Melt in Your Mouth

You may not think of avocado pancakes as a healthy food, but they have many essential nutrients. These pancakes contain all-natural ingredients such as avocados, Greek yogurt, and plant-based milk, so you can feel good about eating them! Not to mention, the fresh spices and nuts for the topping add plenty of flavor to this popular breakfast food.

If you’ve wanted to branch out and try new breakfast recipes, we hope you’ll try this one! With Christmas coming up, these green avocado pancakes make the perfect festive meal to surprise your whole family with.

Have You Befriended a Loyal Person? Look for These 10 Traits

Do you have a friend who is a positive influence in your life? They’re the person who is trustworthy, loyal, and always by your side. When you find someone who has your back and walks with you through life without judgment, you’ve found a gem.

In a world where disloyalty runs rampant, it’s nice to find a loyal person to call a friend. The loyalty that this person has towards you is not easily found and should be treasured. How do you know if your friend is one of the loyal ones or if they have a hidden agenda?

Ten Telltale Signs That Your New Friend Is a Loyal Person

Well, it’s not always easy to tell if someone is true blue. Many folks will use you to their advantage, but you must use your inner voice and allow your gut instincts to direct you. Here are ten traits that you will find in a loyal person, and you may be surprised to see all or some of these in your friend or lover.

loyal person

1. A Loyal Person Masters Empathy

A loyal person has mastered the art of empathy, so when things go good in your life, they’re happy for you. You will never see them jealous or upset just because the Universe opened blessings on you. Even if their world is in shambles, they will still be loyal enough to cry with you or rejoice in your strokes of luck.

Loyal individuals can put themselves in your shoes and see both the positive and negative things you experience. They can understand you differently as they can sympathize with both the good and things you manage, but they won’t judge you or think any differently.

2. They Display Humility

Folks who aren’t arrogant are humble. When they receive an award for a job well done, they don’t flash that award for all to see. They would never consider name-dropping to make themselves sound superior, which is typical of toxic friendships.

While they may have a bank account with more money in it than you’ve ever seen, they won’t dare brag about their wealth. It’s okay for a person to have good self-esteem and be confident, but there’s a staunch difference between confidence and egotism, and they’ve mastered it.

Think of the many Hollywood stars that were successful but obnoxious. Now, think of those who attained success but never let it affect their humble nature, like Oprah Winfrey. A loyal person will remain humble and never let their accomplishments make them arrogant.

3. A Loyal Person Values Honesty

What good is it to have a friend if they’re not honest with you? While you know that most foundations of any relationship build upon things like trust, did you know that it can encourage good behavior? Brigham Young University conducted a study under the direction of Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad and reported on IPL.

The study was to see the benefits that good friends have on your life. Dr. Holt-Lunstad found that those who had honest friends were less likely to have depression and stress, and they were more likely to encourage you to have good habits. You’ve known that having a friend that walks on the wild side can rub off on you, but it seems that having a friend with positive attributes is also infectious.

4. They’re Dependable

Isn’t it nice to have someone in your corner that you can count on every word they say? If they tell you that they will take you to dinner and a movie at a specific time, you can ensure they will be there. Whatever promises they make to you, they stand good on their word.

You know that when they tell you something they will say or do, it’s as good as gospel. It’s nice to have someone who honors the spoken word and has good follow-through.

5. They Respect Boundaries

Having boundaries is a good thing for your protection. However, it can be challenging to find a person that respects your limits and doesn’t try to push them for you. The loyal person must respect your values, principles, and beliefs, as they too have such morals.

Everyone needs a sense of identity and personal space, and this individual respects those needs. According to an article on Psych Central, when you’re in a relationship, boundaries are essential. They include the following things:

  • Considering the other person’s feelings
  • Demonstrating gratitude
  • Making honesty a priority
  • Allowing sufficient room for independence to thwart codependence
  • Showing respect for each other’s opinions, viewpoints, and feelings.
  • Never gaslighting or blaming the other person but taking responsibility for their actions.

loyal person
6. A Loyal Person Likes Routine and Structure

Some folks feel stifled by the predictable nature of friendships. However, a loyal person likes routine and structure as it makes them feel safe. They’re satisfied and find comfort in the patterns you’ve established in your relationship, and they don’t see it as dull.

Did you know that routines are very healthy for you? While everyone loves the free-spirited person, there’s something to be said for those who keep a structured schedule. An article published by Northwestern Medicine states that those who utilize routines are often the people who have less stress, have healthier sleep schedules, and have all-around better health.

7. Makes You Part of Their Life

There are so many people involved in friendships and relationships that want to be included. Have you ever been in relationships where you felt you were on the outside looking in? The loyal person sees you as an essential part of their life, so they will include you in many things that they do.

They want to make sure that you feel wanted and included, and they go out of their way to ensure that you are a part of their life.

8. They’re True Blue

Some people try to put on a façade and be something they’re not to impress others. However, you won’t find that in a loyal friend. They believe in being authentic, and what you see is what you get. The bond and emotional connection you have with this person are unique.

You can tell them your deepest desires and secrets and not fear they will look at you any differently. Not only does this person believe in you, but they encourage you to shoot for the stars. They’re like a cheerleader in the stands watching you play football, and you know you’ve always got their support.

This person lets you be honest, too, as you can let go of your ego as you have no one to impress. Together, you both have learned to share and respect the differences, but you know this person is the picture of loyalty as they love and accept you with no strings attached.

9. A Loyal Person Is Selfless

A person who has mastered being loyal knows the art of being selfless. They put the needs of others before themselves, as they use their heart to do the thinking and their actions come from their soul. They genuinely care about your feelings and happiness, so they want to make sure their actions or words won’t do anything to destroy it.

If you’re in a romantic relationship with someone selfless, you will notice that they worry more about your happiness than theirs, and they want to make sure that you feel safe and loved by them. Additionally, this is the kind of individual that would never even think about cheating on you.

10. They Know It’s Okay to be Vulnerable

Vulnerability comes with uncertainty, and when you put yourself out there, there’s always a risk that you will be judged or embarrassed by the other party. However, someone who is loyal knows that their past experiences might be what helps you to get through your troubles. They don’t mind digging up skeletons from the past and making themselves compromised if it’s helping someone else.

loyal person
Final Thoughts on Knowing the Traits of a Loyal Person

It’s so easy to find people who are disloyal to befriend, but when you find someone who is loyal and eager to accept you as you are, then you’ve found a treasure. When someone displays a faithful nature, they know that it’s okay to be vulnerable. They express humility, empathy, honesty, and selflessness.

One of the best qualities of a loyal person is that they do what they say they will do. How many friends have you had in your life that canceled on you last minute or ghosted you and didn’t show? When you find someone who stands by their word, and you never have to doubt, you have found a friendship that can last a lifetime.

If you’re so lucky to find this person in a romantic relationship, then you know that they won’t cheat on you. This is the kind of person you grow old with and raise a family, as they get you on a level that few ever have before. If you have such a loyal individual in your life, hang on to them.

15 Small Diet Changes That Will Make You Feel Great

Have you ever dieted in the past and ended up gaining back what you lost? Realize that your diet failed, not you. How can you change your eating habits and improve your health?

Fifteen Small Diet Changes To Enhance How You Feel

Do you feel sluggish and have unexplained aches and pains? Maybe your diet is to blame. Here are fifteen ways you can change your diet to feel great and still be satisfied.

1. Only Eat When You’re Hungry

Your body is a unique machine that is hardwired to tell you when it needs food or water. When you run on empty, you’ll feel your stomach growl, and your brain will register that you need food. After a meal, your digestive system will send signals that you are satisfied.

However, many people eat out of habit, boredom, or emotions. It’s easy to rack up empty calories while watching tv and mindlessly grazing. One of the most straightforward diet changes you can make is eating only when you feel hungry and stopping when you’re full.

diet changes

2. Keep Portion Sizes in Check

If you measured your regular meal portions, you might be surprised at how much you’re eating. According to an article published by Food Insight, amounts in the American diet have increased dramatically since the 1960s. The more food you have on your plate, the more you’re apt to overeat, warns the article.

The best way to regulate your portions is to use standard measuring cups, spoons, and a food scale. You can also trick your brain into thinking you have more food if you use smaller plates and glasses. Read labels carefully and stick to portion size, not just serving size.

3. Replace One Meal With a Big Salad

Perhaps one of your goals for diet changes is to have more plant-based meals. Instead of going vegetarian, you can make slight changes like substituting a meal with a tasty salad.

There’s almost an infinite variety of choices when it comes to healthy salad recipes. Dark leafy greens and multi-colored vegetables provide a wealth of nutrition and fiber. Just be careful of the dressings you use because they can be loaded with fat, sugar, and salt.

4. Don’t Be Afraid To Try New Recipes

Diet changes start in the kitchen, where you control food choices and portions. Are you tired of fast food that’s expensive and affecting your weight? Get creative and try new recipes that have fewer calories and are bursting with flavor.

Many international dishes are naturally healthy. Try researching recipes in magazines or online for inspiration. You’ll be learning about diverse cultures as well as foods and spices you’ve never tried.

5. Drink Water With Lemon

One of the reasons many people avoid drinking water is that they don’t like its blandness. However, your body needs this vital liquid to survive, and you may be dehydrated and not realize it. Plus, drinking water flushes out your system and may help you lose weight.

If you’re one of those who can’t take plain water, try adding some fresh lemon juice. A daily glass of lemon water offers several health benefits, states an article published by the Cleveland Clinic. It can boost your immune system, keep you hydrated, and may even help you lose weight.

6. Add Some Greek Yogurt to Your Day

Yogurt is a delicious way to add calcium and Vitamin D to your diet. If you choose Greek yogurt, you’ll also get an extra dose of protein. Plus, it’s a convenient breakfast or snack on the go that’s good for you.

Remember that all Greek yogurt is not equal. Pick a brand that’s not pre-sweetened or has other fattening ingredients. Read the label to ensure that your Greek yogurt contains live probiotic cultures for better gut health.

7. Skip Buying Fad Diet Foods

When you’re making diet changes, you may be tempted to fill your grocery cart with the latest diet foods. The health and fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar market in America. Unfortunately, these marketers don’t usually have your best interests at heart.

Just glancing at the nutritional labels on some popular fad diet foods can be eye-opening. Many of these foods are highly processed and often contain a lot of artificial ingredients. Some of them can have as many calories as possible or even more than a regular brand, just in smaller portions.

Do yourself a favor and pass on these gimmicky diet foods. Instead, buy nutritious whole foods that are minimally processed.

diet changes

8. Add Belly-Filling Fiber to Your Diet

You’ve probably heard and read about the benefits of adding fiber to your diet. It’s an essential aid for digestion, nutrient absorption, and feeling full. Do you get enough fiber in your diet?

An article published by the Mayo Clinic recommends that women have at least 21-25 grams of fiber a day and men at least 30-38 grams. You’ll get the most fiber from enjoying whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. A diet rich in fiber can help you feel full faster, so you may eat less.

9. Incorporate Juicing

Remember how your parents always wanted you to eat your vegetables? What if you’re trying to add more veggies and fruit to your diet, but they’re still not your favorite? The good news is that you can get their nutrients by juicing.

Juicers come in a variety of styles, brands, and prices that will fit most budgets. Consider investing in the best quality juicer you can afford. You’ll be amazed at the countless juice recipes you can make that are so delicious that even kids love them.

10. Choose Plant-Based Foods

You needn’t go vegan to enjoy more green foods in your diet changes. Try adding more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. These groups are full of healthy fiber and less cholesterol.

Maybe you could establish a Meatless Monday at home each week. When you try some of the delicious meatless recipes from around the world, you may never miss it. Plus, you’re kinder to the environment and the animals.

11. Don’t Skimp on the Protein

Protein is the basic building block of nutrition that your body needs to survive and thrive. Almost all your body’s systems require it, so it’s essential to incorporate it into each meal. A lack of protein can make you feel weak and unhealthy.

While lean meats are an excellent source of protein, they’re not the only source. You can also get it from dark leafy greens, legumes, nuts, eggs, and dairy products. To figure your daily protein requirements in grams, multiply your weight by 0.36, per a Harvard Health article.

12. Ditch Sweet Drinks and Sodas

Part of making dietary changes in your life is taking time for research. You may wonder why you’re making the right food choices but still not losing weight. The tell-tale clue may be in the beverages you drink.

Did you know that a can of regular soda can have as many as 170 calories and 46 grams of sugar? If you drink as few as three cans a day, you’re consuming over 500 empty calories and a whopping 138 grams of the white stuff. You certainly don’t need half of a cup of sweetener that will raise your glucose and add to your weight.

Don’t be so quick to exchange soda for power drinks or fruit juice. Both have as much sweetener and calories or even more. Your best bet is to enjoy water or an occasional diet soda.

13. Never Let Yourself Get Too Hungry

Some people erroneously believe that if they go without a meal or two, they can be healthier. While you may lose some weight by going hungry, it’s mostly water, and you’ll gain it back quickly. Plus, your body will go into starvation mode and will retain the fat for as long as possible.

If you wait until you’re hungry to eat, you’re more apt to overeat. It can also drain your wallet if you go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Avoid eating a heavy meal at night, which is not the best time to eat.

14. Use Mustard Instead of Other Condiments

What would a sandwich, burger, or hotdog be without your favorite condiments? You may pile on these extras without giving thought to their nutritional value. When you look at the labels, you might be shocked.

You’d think that since ketchup is made from tomatoes that it would be healthy. Did you know that a tablespoon of most ketchup has at least 3.7 grams of sugar? Don’t forget the mayo and salad dressings that are high in fat, sweeteners, and salt.

While you can use these condiments in moderation, consider using mustard when you can. It is low in calories and provides a burst of flavor to your food. You can also experiment with fresh herbs and spices for more flavor.

15. Snack on Nuts

Snacking may be one of the most challenging areas for making small diet changes. During the rush of the day, it’s easy to grab a bag of chips or a candy bar from the vending machine. Who knows how many calories most people consume when they are munching on snacks while watching tv or just relaxing?

If you want a snack that’s convenient, healthy, and delicious, you can’t go wrong with nuts. Walnuts, almonds, pecans, and cashews provide a punch of protein, fiber, and heart-healthy amino acids. Just watch your portion size because they aren’t low-calorie foods.

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Final Thoughts on Small Diet Changes

It’s easier to make lasting diet changes if you do so gradually. If you consider these tips and other lifestyle changes, you can manage your weight and be healthier. Your whole family could benefit from eating better together.

15 Encouraging Quotes That Will Melt Your Heart

We all need a little encouragement sometimes, and sometimes all it takes is a few encouraging quotes to turn things around. Whether you want to use quotes to encourage others or yourself, there are plenty of helpful options to choose from. These quotes can help with feeling hopeful, and they offer a comforting aspect that promotes your emotional well-being.

Reading encouraging quotes is a mood-booster and helps with positive thinking. The encouragement will also boost your self-esteem as you become more hopeful for the future. It gives you a positive outlook on life, work, and anything else going on in your life.

Encouraging quotes help you harness the power of positive thinking, helping you reframe your mindset. If you often complain or think negatively, these quotes can help you change your thoughts. When you can shift to a positive mindset, it encourages you to look for growth opportunities.

As you accept growth opportunities in your life, it leads to becoming a better problem-solver and leader. These encouraging quotes will help you feel inspired and ready to face whatever lies ahead. As you read through the encouraging quotes, write down your favorite ones to refer to later.

Fifteen Encouraging Quotes That Will Melt Your Heart

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1. “Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

You can’t expect to be happy if you don’t work for it. If you find yourself wallowing in self-pity and unhappiness, remember this encouraging quote. Happiness comes from what you do, so make sure your actions reflect how you want to feel.

2. “The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on.” – Charles Dickens

Refer to this quote for encouragement if you don’t feel like you’re getting enough done early on. It doesn’t matter what your timeframe looks like. You can start late and still gather the strength and courage to do more.

While Dickens’ quote references the timeframe of a day, you can apply this to any timeframe. Everyone gets things done at different paces, so don’t feel discouraged if you’re behind someone else. The only important thing is that you get started and keep pushing forward.

3. “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” – Willie Nelson

Sometimes all it takes to find encouragement is to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones. Your life is a reflection of your inner thoughts, so remember this quote as you go through your day. If you can replace each negative thought with something positive, you’ll quickly notice a difference.

This encouraging quote is an excellent reminder. With a positive mindset, you won’t struggle with finding encouragement anymore. You’ll be ready to face anything that comes your way, and your to-do list won’t seem as strenuous.

4. “We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” – Joseph Campbell

Things don’t always go as planned, but it doesn’t mean that you should give up. Stay encouraged and come up with a new plan. Sometimes when things don’t work out, it’s the universe’s way of telling us that there is another life waiting for you.

Follow the advice of Campbell and let go of things that aren’t meant for you. Don’t try to force things in your life, or you might miss out on what you could have had.

5. “Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.” – Bonnie Blair

You don’t have to be first to win. Winning is all about the way you look at it. Compare how you did this time to how you’ve done in the past.

The personal comparison to the past and present is the only one that matters, despite which place you took. When you can remember that you don’t always have to be first, you’ll find the encouragement you need to keep trying.

6. “You may not always have a comfortable life, and you will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once but don’t ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” – Michelle Obama

Life is unexpected, so your situation might not always be comfortable. As Obama explains, you might not be able to solve problems immediately, but you can make a difference. Never underestimate your power because, with courage, you’ll encourage others, too.

Remember this quote when discomfort or obstacles present themselves. Keep pushing through and working toward your goals because your hope for the future can make all the difference.

7. “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” – William James

As the first psychology instructor in the United States, James knew about facing difficult tasks. His outcome was successful, making his words of wisdom that much more encouraging.

Face your goals and challenges with a positive attitude, and you’ll receive positive results. Likewise, if you face things with a negative mindset, you’ll struggle to find success. Use this quote to encourage you to stay positive no matter what situation you experience.

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8. “You’re off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way.” – Dr. Seuss

This encouraging quote by Dr. Seuss will melt your heart and encourage you to keep moving. With your goals in mind, you’re well on your way to where you need to be.

Use this quote to remind you that you can make great strides today. The universe is ready for you to tackle your goals, so use the positivity from this quote to help you get started.

9. “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” – Jimmy Dean

You can’t control everything, and unexpected situations occur that set you off your path. While you can’t eliminate all issues and obstacles, you can adjust your mindset and actions. Come up with a new plan to achieve your goals because you can only control yourself.

Having to find a new path doesn’t mean you must stop moving forward. If you readjust, you can quickly get back on track and accomplish anything.

10. “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.” – Carl Rogers

You can’t achieve happiness and expect it to stay without effort. Having a good and happy life is a never-ending process. Keep working towards it, finding small, happy moments along the way.  Don’t wait to find happiness either, because as Rogers explains, it’s not a destination. Even when things are going great in your life, continue striving for happiness.

11. “In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” – Les Brown

No matter how your day started, you can make a change at any moment. With so many minutes in the day, you have plenty of opportunities for positivity and encouragement. When you use these opportunities, you’ll make a positive impact each day.

12. “No one is perfect – that’s why pencils have erasers.” – Wolfgang Riebe

If you can remember that no one is perfect, you’ll feel better about yourself and your life. Don’t strive for perfection because it’ll never happen, and it’ll lead to discouragement. Instead, aim to be better than you were before.

When you stop aiming for perfection, you’ll be nicer to yourself and have more positive thoughts. Plus, you won’t have the negative self-talk telling you that you’re not good enough. This quote will help you feel encouraged as you realize that mistakes are okay.

13. “The very least you can do in your life is figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof.” – Barbara Kingsolver

When you know what you hope for, you’ll have a goal in mind. With a goal, you’ll have a path to follow and meaning in your life. Once you know what you hope for, figure out how to make it happen.

You can’t just sit back and wait for your dreams to happen to you. Do the things that can lead you to where you want to be. If you don’t know where to start, make a list of what you must do to make your dreams happen.

14. “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – A.A. Milne

Never doubt yourself because you are an extraordinary person. Remember that you are brave, strong, and smart. The reminder will help you do great things as it encourages you to keep moving.

15. “Winning is fun, but those moments that you can touch someone’s life in a very positive way
are better.” – Tim Howard

You don’t always have to come out on top, so remembering this quote can be comforting. Sometimes, the most meaningful moments in your life are when you were able to help someone else. Remember this quote the next time you need encouragement because it helps put things back into perspective.

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Final Thoughts on These Sayings That Will Melt Your Heart

These encouraging quotes will melt your heart and help you feel better about moving forward in life. Things don’t always go as planned, and sometimes we lose motivation. No matter what’s happening in your life, these encouraging quotes can help you.

Write down or print your favorite encouraging quotes so that you can easily reference them later. Don’t forget to share the quotes with others, too, because everyone can use some encouragement.

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