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10 Seated Yoga Poses That Decrease Back and Neck Pain

After a frantic day of juggling responsibilities at home and work, it’s no wonder your body aches. Since your back and neck supply vital support to your body, they often hurt the most. The good news is that exercise like seated yoga poses can bring you blessed relief.

What comes to mind when you think of yoga? Do you envision a motley group of hippies chanting and standing on their heads in a field? While the counterculture of the 60s was the first in America to embrace the ancient yogic practice, it’s now the norm for anyone.

If you are a senior or have issues with your bones and joints, yoga may seem an impossible challenge. However, adding a sturdy chair to modify your practice can make all the difference. According to an article from the American Osteopathic Association, yoga can increase flexibility and improve muscle tone and strength.

Do you want the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga that are tailored to your needs? Seated yoga, also called chair yoga, modifies classic yoga positions while you’re sitting in a chair. This unique practice makes the gentle stretches, and seated yoga poses accessible to seniors and young people alike.

Are These Seated Yoga Poses Right for You?

One of the advantages of chair yoga is that using a chair can provide more stability and minimize your chances of falling. However, there are various levels of this modified practice, and you may need to start as a beginner. A certified and experienced yoga instructor can recommend a level that’s comfortable and safe for you.

Seated yoga poses can be especially beneficial for seniors because most of the tailored positions are doable. Plus, it can boost your confidence and encourage you to do more. It’s also an ideal starting point for novices of any age, and the skills can be transferred to a traditional yoga mat.

When you practice chair yoga, you can enjoy many of the same benefits of traditional practice. A study published in the International Journal of Yoga found that this modified yoga is a feasible practice, especially for seniors who are at risk of falling. Per the study, it can potentially boost your mood, improve cognitive function, and strengthen the body.

Another benefit of yoga is its emphasis on mindful breathing. You may not realize how shallow your breath is until you start this practice. Conscious breathing can also ease stress, clear your mind, and soothe anxiety.

Ten Seated Yoga Poses Anyone Can Do!

Another perk of practicing chair yoga is that you don’t need a lot of expensive gym memberships or equipment. You can do these gentle stretches and poses in your home, in the backyard, or on the beach. All you need is a safe space, comfortable clothes, and a sturdy chair.

It’s up to you as to what ambiance to create, if any. Many people enjoy listening to soft meditative music or chimes when they practice. Some also light incense to help relax their senses and bring their thoughts into the present.

You can incorporate chair yoga into your exercise routine any time of day. It can help reduce problems like neck, back, and knee pain. Here are ten easy seated yoga poses to try.

In the yogic tradition, mindful breathing provides your body with a steady oxygen flow with each movement. Plus, this life-giving air reinforces the connection of your body, mind, and spirit. You begin each session with mindful breathing and continue throughout your poses while seated.

1. Warm Up Breathing

Take a deep breath through your nostrils, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Be aware as the cool air fills your lungs and saturates your body. Enjoy the warmth as it slowly leaves through your lips. Continue mindful breathing for three to five minutes.

Also, you can try following along this short video:

2. Shoulder Shrugs

Have you ever noticed how much tension is stored in your shoulders? Not only do they provide movement for your arms, but they also help support your neck and upper back. This simple exercise can ease your shoulder tension and pain while allowing you to relax.

As you’re comfortably seated, inhale through your nostrils while raising your shoulders toward your earlobes. Hold the position for one or two seconds, then exhale through your mouth as you lower your shoulders back to the starting position. Repeat this exercise five to eight times.

3. Mountain Pose

This iconic seated yoga pose benefits your lower back and hips. Sit straight in your seat with your feet flat on the mat about hip-distance apart and toes forward. As you inhale, pull your shoulders up toward your earlobes and out toward your back.

Pull your tummy gently toward your spine and feel yourself sitting straight and tall. Exhale and bring your body back to the first position. Continue to mindfully breathe and repeat this pose at least three to five times.

4. Neck Rolls (This is one of the seated yoga poses that you can perform either sitting or standing)

Have you ever awaken in the morning with stiffness and pain in your neck? You can also experience neck pain when you are overly stressed. This seated yoga exercise can ease the pain and tension while giving your neck more flexibility.

Inhale as you bring your shoulders up and curl them toward your spine until you feel gentle pressure in your shoulder blades. As you exhale, gently lean your left ear toward your left shoulder and hold it for two or three breaths. Inhale and bring your head back to the center and then switch and repeat steps for your right shoulder.

This video shows a variety of seated yoga moves to help the neck, back, and shoulders.

5. Arm Lifts

Set up straight and tall in your chair as you would in the mountain pose. Stretch your arms out in front of you. You can modify this exercise if you have shoulder problems by stretching your arms right above your lap.

As you inhale, lift your arms until they are above your ears. Your fingers should be pointing toward the floor. Now, exhale and lower your arms gently back to your lap with your fingers straight out. Your goal is to do at least three to five repetitions.

6. Pot Stirrer

This yogic exercise takes a little imagination. As you sit comfortably in your seat, spread your knees out as if you were sitting in front of a large pot. Bring your hands together out in front of your chest like you are holding a giant ladle.

While you’re mindful breathing, move as if you were stirring this great kettle. Feel the movement in your upper body, your hips, and in your arms. Stir for two to three minutes clockwise, then another two or three minutes counterclockwise.

seated yoga poses

7. Cactus Bend

Begin this exercise in a mountain pose. Stretch both arms straight out from your sides and bend your forearms up to form right angles. Your palms should be facing out toward the wall.

Take a deep breath and gently exhale while you bend your upper body toward the right. Take two or three breaths, inhale, and come back to the center position. Repeat these steps for your left side and do these repetitions three to five times.

8. Toe & Ankle Lifts

Here is an ideal seated yoga pose to work your feet, ankles, and calves. Sit comfortably in the mountain pose and breathe mindfully. Gently raise both heels up while keeping the balls of your feet flat on the floor.

Next, raise your toes upward toward your shins and hold for a couple of seconds. You will feel a pleasant stretching in your feet and lower legs. Do these lifts eight to ten times.

9. Seated Leg Lifts

You can strengthen your lower body with this seated yogic pose. Start in the mountain form and inhale while you lift your left leg. Place your left hand on this leg above your knee.

Hold for one or two seconds, then return to the starting position. Do three to five repetitions, then switch and repeat the steps with your right leg. Take a little break between the switches if you need to.

10. Relaxation

Just as with traditional yoga sessions, your seated yoga poses end with relaxation. After you’ve completed the first nine exercises, come back to the mountain pose. Close your eyes and relax and breathe for a while.

As you inhale, feel life, energy, and love enter your entire being. Allow all the tension, stress, and negativity to leave your body with each exhalation. Sit in this position for a few minutes and enjoy being in the present.

A Word of Caution About Seated Yoga Poses

In general, seated yoga poses are safe for most people of all ages. It’s even effective for people in wheelchairs. However, if you feel any pain during one of these yogic positions, stop immediately and rest.

Even gentle exercises like yoga require energy and hydration. Keep a bottle of water near your seat and sip as you need. If you incorporate these steps with your regular exercise, you may want a healthy snack later for recovery.

Final Thoughts on Giving Seated Yoga a Try

Even if you make a few modifications, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga in your daily routine. These ten seated yoga poses can help strengthen and tone your body while emphasizing mindful breathing. It’s also a beautiful way to relax your mind and revitalize your spirit.

10 Reasons to Try Dating Apps and How to Stay Safe

The world of internet dating has opened many options for people who would otherwise have a limited pool of folks to choose from. However, with the good things that dating apps have brought along, some safety concerns are to consider. If you are unlucky in love, then trying an online socializing platform may be the answer you need.

10 Reasons to Try Dating Apps

Have you considered trying an online dating app? But you are unsure if such a tool is the right fit for you? Maybe you’re scared because you’ve heard the horror stories on the news about people that entangle with psychopaths while finding love. Searching for a partner is not always easy, but it can be a lot simpler with an app to guide you. Here are ten reasons why you should try dating apps to find your soul mate.

dating apps

1. Dating Apps Give You Many Options

When you open your life to these apps, you open the pool wide to those similar to your personality. If you live in a rural area or work all the time, meeting someone to date can be challenging. Thankfully, you can have thousands of individuals to choose from if you only take the risk and try something new.

2. The Stigma is Gone

The stigma that once surrounded dating apps is gone. While you need to be safe, you can find quality people, just like you, who have been unlucky in love. Many couples have met, married, and have lived happy lives together, and they achieved it through the world wide web.

Who knows, maybe you will be one of the feature stories that showcase that true love can be found on such an app.

3. It’s Great for Overcoming Shyness

Many individuals are timid, so finding someone to talk to is difficult, let alone going on a date. If you tend to be on the shy side, you might do well behind a cell phone or a computer screen. Someone can get to know the real you without the nerves involved.

One word of caution is to be careful because people are often more accessible on the internet than in person. So be sure you are 100 percent honest because if the relationship goes further, you may have to prove that all the things you’ve said online are genuine. If you are deceptive in any way, it can ruin something good.

4. Using a Dating App Can Help Manage Your Schedule

It’s often a busy schedule that keeps people from fitting a relationship into their life. However, these online dating apps allow you to meet people lying in your pajamas if you wish. Yodon’t’t have to put significant requirements on yourself, and if it doesn’t work out, you can move on.

5. A Dating App Keeps the Workplace Separate From Your Personal Space

Nothing is worse than having a crush on someone from your job, and if things don’t work as planned, you must face them each day. However, online you can move on to the next person. Remember, these people are strangers. So it is not like you have to worry about bumping into them constantly.

Dating apps allow you to be discrete about your love life, and no one must know, which is another benefit.

6. Some People Want the Same Thing as You

Not everyone you meet wants to settle down and get married. Some folks hope to hook up for a one-night stand, while others seek someone to go out and have some companionship. Whatever you want or fits your life at this time, you can rest assured you will find someone else just like that online.

The beauty of having such a large pool to pull from gives you a better chance of finding someone suited for you.

7. You See the Heart More Than the Face

If you have low self-esteem, you may be afraid to put yourself out there and date. People with disabilities and shy personalities are often fearful that no one will give them a chance because of their imperfections. According to Vantage Mobility, some dating apps include people with special needs.

Check out sites like Special Bridge, Dating4Disabled, and Whispers4U, as all these sites have been around for some time and have a good reputation. If you have a disability, don’t focus on that when putting yourself out there. Instead, focus on your qualities. Indeed, you can learn what is inside the heart more than what you see on the outside.

8. You Know Where You Stand

There’s something about hiding behind an app or a computer screen that seems to give people guts. You can be more vocal about your wants and needs, and you do not need to worry about rejection. If you don’t like someone, or they don’t like you, then you need not worry about hurting their feelings.

The rejection is just part of dealing with such a massive crowd and weeding through the duds to find the one that might work.

dating apps

9. Dating Apps Can Be Exciting

Some people love online socializing because it gives them a rush. Some folks have even gone as far as to say that online dating is like bungee jumping off a bridge. If you cannot get much attention in relationships, you might feel overwhelmed by all the options.

According to a study done by Statistic, more than forty million people have tried these online platforms at least once. So, if they weren’t’t so fun, then so many folks wouldn’t love it.

10. It Is Affordable

There is no need to pay for a steak dinner for two with drinks to know have no spark with someone. Most of these apps allow you to join and chat for free. However, most do have some limitations on how much you can do without paying.

If you don’t want to spend a bunch of money trying to find the right one, then the online world may be right for you. You don’t need to empty your wallet to get some significant interaction, as even premium memberships are under $10 a month.

Three Easy Ways to Be Safe if You Try Dating Apps

If you don’t want to be another unlucky person who entangles with someone unscrupulous on an app, then you might want to learn some safety tips. Here are some things to consider before starting this journey.

1. Never Give Out Personal Information

It is not wise to give out personal information when first meeting someone. If an individual wants to direct you away from the app and wants a phone number from the start, be wary. Don’t answer any personally identifying questions.

Use the app for communication until time has passed and you feel safer. Also, it is safer (and perfectly okay) to use a nickname or your middle name until you feel more comfortable.

2. Always Meet in a Public Place

Avoid a meet-up at your home on the first date. It would help if you found a public place where there are cameras and plenty of witnesses. Be smart, as someone can pose as anyone they like behind a smartphone.

3. Don’t Send Money to Someone You Meet on a Dating App

If someone asks you for money or a gift card right away, they might be targeting you for fraud. Report any fraudulent users, and never send anything.

One of the most familiar online stories is that a person is in the military, and they must come home from an overseas deployment soon. They claim to need funds to get here as their spouse died and they have a child in a school stateside. It’s easy for predators to use military information and spoof them, so be careful when someone states they are in the military. If in doubt, ask for proof, and check to make sure it is authentic. You also have to be wary of the cheating spouse that uses this platform for nothing more than one-night stands–the “military” cover story provides them with the perfect reason to disappear.

dating apps

Final Thoughts On Reasons to Try Dating App

There’s absolutely no reason that you should sit home and be lonely when there are tons of people who would love to be with you. Dating apps have changed the way folks meet and mingle. If you thought you were destined to be single forever because you work all the time and live in a small town, using one of these apps may be what you need.

There are some caveats to consider when it comes to getting a date on the world wide web, as there are always some deceptive folks. However, things are safer than ever. Most sites require you to be verified, and they will block unsavory characters. The fact that you can date anywhere, anytime, and anyone you like is three significant pluses for this type of connection.

The bottom line is this. Do not ever think that no one will love you or that you can’t have a relationship you always dreamed of. The options around you only limit you, and the internet has opened things up so that you can consider people both near and far. Who knows, you may be one of those people who find their soul mate.

4 Latin American Countries Agree to Marine Life Protection Rules

Four Latin American countries bordering the Pacific Ocean have signed a massive marine protection agreement. Earlier this month, Ecuador, Panama, Colombia, and Costa Rica combined their marine reserves to create a vast protected corridor in the Pacific. This agreement will help protect and restore the ocean’s rich biodiversity and prevent overfishing.

Called the Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor (CMAR) initiative, the protected area will cover over 200,000 sq miles of territorial waters. The interconnected area includes the Galapagos Islands, Colombia’s Malpelo Island, and the Cocos and Coiba Islands in Costa Rican and Panamanian waters. Officials hope to protect the delicate marine life in the area, including squid, tuna, hammerhead sharks, and sea turtles.

Other animals migrate thousands of miles through this corridor each year, such as whales, sharks, and stingrays. The no-fishing zone would ensure the protection of these species as well. These waters teeming with life attract foreign fishing companies and local fisheries each year. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get away with illegal, unregulated fishing on the high seas. Tired of seeing their precious waters exploited for profits, the Latin American countries decided to take action.

The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, announced the marine protected area at Cop26 in Glasgow. He revealed that the nation’s reserved area would expand 160,000 sq km, in addition to the already-protected 120,000 sq km.

The previous day, Ecuador’s president, Guillermo Lasso, announced the Latin American protection zone. He said the current 133,000 sq km Galápagos marine reserve would expand by 60,000 sq km. Lasso said it’s long overdue for countries to act instead of talking about plans.

So, he believes the marine protected area serves as an essential step in the right direction.

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Four Latin American Countries Agree to Marine Life Protection Rules

It comes as a mutual agreement between the Ecuadorian government as well as local and commercial fishers. After five months of discussion and deliberation, they came to a unanimous decision to preserve marine life. Perhaps more countries will decide to protect their oceans due to a good example set by Ecuador.

Lasso added that the plan to expand protected marine areas came as a result of increased fishing. As more industrial fleets encroached upon the territory, it became clear that the Latin American countries had to draw boundaries. He said the expansion required massive debt for conservation, but it’s worth it to protect priceless ecosystems.

How These Nations Worked Together to Protect Marine Life

The four Latin American countries have been trying to create a fishing-free corridor in the eastern Pacific since 2004. That year, Panama, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Ecuador signed an agreement to protect their Pacific island territories. Since then, the countries have reserved marine areas around the Galapagos, Malpelo, Cocos, and Coiba islands. Not many people live on these islands, but an abundance of marine and bird species call them home.

Ecuador’s environment minister Gustavo Manrique says the no-fishing zone creates a “safe swim way” between Ecuador and Costa Rica. Important endangered migratory animals like whales, manta rays, turtles, and sharks travel these waters each year. Even though fishing generates significant profits for developing Ecuador, they’ve still committed to decreased fishing, added Gustavo. He said that the new marine corridor marks the first time countries with connected borders joined forces for global conservation.

The expanded Galápagos protected area would include two separate fishing-free zones. The first area would reserve 30,000 sq km northeast of the Galápagos Islands, where Ecuador and Costa Rican waters converge. The proposed mega marine protection area includes underwater seamounts of the Cocos Ridge, where many species migrate. The second area would protect an additional 30,000 sq km around the existing Galápagos marine reserve.

Protecting Wildlife a Top Priority for Latin American nations

To assist the Latin American countries’ efforts to protect marine ecosystems, the CAF Development Bank of Latin America donated $1 million. The CMAR agreement is part of a global, UK-led effort to conserve 30% of the world’s oceans and land by 2030. Each country that signed the CMAR also joined the “30×30” movement, with Colombian President Duque aiming to meet this goal by 2022.

In June, Panama expanded the Cordillera de Coiba marine protected area from about 17,220 sq km to 98,230 sq km – a four-fold increase. Hopefully, all maritime countries will follow suit to reduce overfishing and preserve marine biodiversity. Billions of people rely on fishing to survive, but it’s crucial to consume resources in an eco-friendly, sustainable way. By reducing commercial fishing and restoring local economies, depleted fish stocks would have a chance to regenerate.

While the agreement signifies progress for Earth’s oceans, we still have a lot of work ahead of us. This century has plummeted in populations of migratory species like turtles, rays, and sharks, especially the hammerhead shark. Hammerhead sharks migrate to breed in waters surrounding the Galápagos’s Darwin and Colombia’s Malpelo islands.

Unfortunately, they’re vulnerable to overfishing due to their valuable, large fins. According to Oceana, over 90% of hammerheads die once fisheries capture them, whether intentionally or not. Because of the high mortality rate, Eastern Pacific populations are endangered. However, the new marine protected area should help the hammerheads make a comeback.

Latin American nations show the world that we can’t protect our planet without a collective effort. However, by taking immediate actions to reduce our impact and allow life to flourish, we can restore ecological balance.

Latin American

Final Thoughts on How Eastern Tropical Pacific Marine Corridor Helps Protect Marine Life

Without healthy oceans, we can’t survive on this planet. Luckily, Latin American countries have led the way in protecting our oceans so all life can thrive. Recently, they signed a collective agreement to reserve an additional 200,000 sq km of Pacific waters. This area is targeted by commercial and local anglers because of its rich biodiversity and large fishing stocks.

However, now that it is deemed a no-fishing zone, the endangered species living here can begin to repopulate. If we can reserve 30% of our oceans by 2030, it will lower the stress on marine animals and help restore balance to the planet.


5 Things That Cause Memory Lapse (And How to Prevent Them)

How bad is your memory? Do you consider yourself a forgetful person? There may be a surprisingly simple and common cause behind frequent memory lapse!

Many different lifestyle factors and simple everyday events can be the cause of memory lapses. Luckily, these causes aren’t always serious, and they can be managed. Here are five things that cause a memory lapse and how to prevent them.

1.      Lack Of Sleep

Your mind needs sufficient energy to maintain a good and healthy level of memory. The National Sleep Foundation states that you need to get seven to nine hours of rest per night if you want optimal brain function! But it’s not as simple as just lying down and getting that technical amount of sleep. The quality of your sleep matters, too.

When you’re sleeping, your brain is doing a lot of healing and restoration work! The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke says that it works to maintain and build various neural pathways. These pathways allow you to make and keep memories. If you don’t have them well-kept, a memory lapse could occur!

But that pathway-building only happens when you get genuinely good-quality sleep. This means you have to go through every single natural stage of a standard 90-minute sleep cycle. This cycle can get disrupted by different factors. These factors include waking up repeatedly during the night or eating and drinking too late in the day. An uncomfortable sleeping environment can also sabotage your sleep cycle.

To prevent lack of sleep that causes a memory lapse:

memory lapse

·         Optimize Your Bedroom Environment

A cozy, suitable bedroom environment is ideal for sleep. Keep light levels low, maintain cool and comfortable temperatures, and charge devices outside of your room. If possible, ensure a calm, quiet atmosphere, too! You should also make sure that your bedding is comfortable and your pillows suit your sleep needs.

·         Stop Doing Taxing Things At Night

A lot of the things you do in the latter part of the day keep you up at night! Exercising can send a lot of adrenaline pumping through you and makes you feel invigorated, which is terrible for sleep. Eating a big meal or drinking alcohol or caffeine too close to bedtime will worsen sleep quality. Showering too late will wake you up (a warm bath is a better option).

·         Maintain A Regular Sleep Schedule

We get it – it’s tempting to sleep in when you don’t have work! And the “next episode” button of your favorite streaming service beckons on free nights. But don’t fall for it! A regular sleep schedule keeps your circadian rhythm even and allows you to fall asleep at a designated time naturally. You’ll also feel fresher when you wake up.

·         Put Devices Away

The blue light – and any light in general – from your electronic devices is keeping you awake. This light tells your brain that it’s still daytime, which stunts the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

2.      Depression

Few people realize that a memory lapse can be caused by depression! Compared to various other possible factors for memory impairment, studies have found that depression is the most strongly associated culprit.

Why does this happen? The truth is that research is still ongoing into this subject. Some research suggests that this is because of a neurotransmitter called glutamate. Glutamate is the most abundant of the nervous system’s neurotransmitters, and it can reduce in quantity due to depression. There is other research that implies depression can alter the structure of your brain, decreasing hippocampal volume, which may cause a memory lapse.

Of course, there’s also the simple fact that common symptoms of depression often contribute to poor brain health. You have trouble concentrating. Sleep is either too scarce or too constant. You’re down and dissociated all the time. It makes sense that you’d feel like you can’t remember anything in that situation!

To prevent a memory lapse caused by depression:

·         Seek Professional Help

There’s a lot of negative stigma against seeking mental health aid, but it’s often necessary. Mental disorders are just like physical ones in that they require professional treatment for proper care, management, and recovery. Getting help from a psychologist, therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist for depression tackles the root of memory loss instead of treating the isolated symptom. This is the ideal way to go!

·         Take Care Of Yourself

It’s hard to take care of yourself when you’re depressed. Ironically, the less you care for yourself, the more depressed you end up feeling! You don’t need to do absolutely everything for maximum self-care. Just taking the time to keep up your hygiene, eat relatively well, or follow the advice mentioned above for better sleep can work wonders. The slight positive hormone boosts you get from exercise can be beneficial, too!

·         Learn Stress Management

When coupled with depression, stress is a surefire way to end up burned out, overwhelmed, and exhausted. Learning a few stress management techniques is an ideal way to handle this. Cutting down on your commitments or spending some daily time meditating can already be quite helpful!

3.      Medications

Various medications can make you forgetful, and lots of them are pretty common! According to a Harvard Medical School Special Health Report, some of these medications are:

  • Alprazolam (Xanax)
  • Amitriptyline (Elavil)
  • Brompheniramine (common in cold or allergy medicine)
  • Chlorpheniramine (common in cold or allergy medication)
  • Cimetidine (Tagamet)
  • Desipramine (Norpramin)
  • Diphenhydramine (common in cold or allergy medication)
  • Nortriptyline (Aventyl or Pamelor)
  • Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
  • Paroxetine (Paxil)
  • Tolterodine (Detrol or Detrusitol)

If you are taking any of these medications, they may be the reason for your occasional memory lapse problems. Talk to your doctor about finding a replacement for them that will offer you the benefits you need without jeopardizing memory.

As a rule, it is always a good idea to thoroughly research and understand the side effects of the medication you are taking. You can prevent further memory lapse problems from medication by committing to this type of research in the future!

4.      Working Memory Overload

A memory lapse typically involves short-term memory or working memory. This isn’t an infinite resource; think of it like the RAM on your computer. Your working memory can only keep a certain amount of information available before it has to let some of it go. Research shows that most healthy young individuals can only maintain three or four simple items in their working memory!

This means that your memory lapse may be the cause of overcrowding in a healthy brain. You need to remember your new colleague’s name, buy tickets for that movie, and get eggs on your way home. That’s it – your working memory is now maxed out! This leaves you feeling like you forget something as you add more items into it anyway. You risk forgetting the newer information entirely or removing the older data to make room for the new.

To prevent a memory lapse caused by working memory overload:

·         Be More Mindful

To move from working memory to more long-term memory, you need to pay sufficient attention to them. The entire process of proper memory encoding for good memory retrieval is quite complex, say studies. Your cerebral cortex must collect information and then move it to your hippocampus, which then translates them into long-term data. If you’re distracted when receiving information, this won’t work! So try to pay close attention when information is being given to you.

·         Write It Down

Scribbling down a list of things you need to remember is incredibly beneficial in maintaining memory. Even the act of writing things down can make your brain encode this information, says research. And if you do forget, you’ll have written it down, so you have it somewhere, even if it’s not in your brain.

·         Know Your Limits

Pushing yourself too hard is sure to fatigue you and damage your brain health. If you want to avoid being forgetful, ensure you’re getting enough rest to allow for a sharp and healthy brain. Know your limits and learn to say “no” when you already have too much on your plate. Prioritizing what you need to do will ensure that you don’t forget crucial things!

5.      Nutritional Deficiency

Your brain requires nutrients to function adequately. If it lacks any of the nutritional components that it needs, you could suffer from it. Common nutritional deficiencies include:

·         Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Those who consume sufficient omega-3 fatty acids tend to have a higher brain composition of gray matter, says research. Gray matter plays a significant role in emotional regulation, decision-making, and, of course, memory! You can get some from fatty fish, avocados, flax and chia seeds, soybean, and walnuts.

·         Vitamin B12

Cobalamin, or vitamin B12, is a crucial water-soluble nutrient that plays a significant role in nervous system function, say studies. The older you get, the less likely you are to be consuming sufficient vitamin B12, which can contribute to the risk of profound memory loss. You can get this nutrient from animal kidneys or liver, fortified cereal, nutritional yeast, certain types of fish, and dairy products.

·         Vitamin E

Studies have shown that vitamin E is capable of improving mental performance significantly. It also protects the brain against free radicals, which may contribute to cognitive decline later on. You can get vitamin E from leafy vegetables, vegetable oil, nuts, fortified foods, and seeds.

To prevent a memory lapse caused by nutritional deficiency:

·         Eat The Aforementioned Nutrients

Make sure you’re getting vitamin B12, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and more. This should go without saying! Look up the recommended daily intake for your age group and follow that as closely as possible.

·         Talk To An Expert

Speak to your doctor or a dietician about foods that you can eat related to memory and brain health. Be sure to consume all the recommended nutrients for a healthy life.

·         Take Supplements

If you can’t get your nutrients from food sufficiently, try a supplement for them. Just remember to speak to a doctor before beginning any supplement regimen.

memory lapse

Final Thoughts On Some Things That Cause Memory Lapse And How To Prevent Them

A memory lapse is often a sign of an aspect of poor lifestyle. You may not be getting enough sleep eating enough nutrients. You may be overloading your memory. Or your medications or a mood disorder could be to blame!

Whatever the case, if you feel that your memory lapses are becoming overwhelming, you should seek medical aid. It could be the sign of something more serious. And even if it isn’t, a doctor’s advice is always helpful!

4 Things to Let Go for a Purposeful Life

Emotional baggage is a term used to describe a phenomenon whereby one carries past trauma, negative experiences, and feelings through their life. This can negatively affect you as you move through careers, relationships, and general life decisions. It’s like a plague of “trapped” feelings that always seem to weigh you down. So you must let go to lead a purposeful life.

This is a result of unprocessed emotions that get stuck in your brain. If you’ve never dealt with those feelings, they have no way of getting resolved. Worse still, they’ll go on to dictate your behavior, health, resilience, self-esteem, and everything else! That’s just how it is with traumatic stress – it stays with you, and it plagues and clouds everything you do.

To an extent, emotional baggage is a protective mechanism. The human brain naturally wants to learn from its past experiences and apply that knowledge as you live on. This is healthy in some measure, but human development requires further reflection. Learning to consider, process, and manage perceptions allows you to strengthen yourself instead of being weighed down by your trauma and pain.

It’s hard to find fulfillment when you’re living in the past due to emotional baggage. People often believe that they can ignore baggage to make it go away, but it has to be willingly unpacked. It can rob your life of meaning and leave you with so many regrets if not dealt with. Here are four ways emotional baggage can prevent you from living a purposeful life.

1.      Denial Prevents You From Having a Purposeful Life

Lots of people are in denial about their emotional baggage. It’s hard to face the realities of those backpacks and what’s in them. This is especially true when that baggage involves severely traumatic situations.

It’s reasonable to be afraid of revisiting the negative roots of your trauma, but this holds you back. This is especially true if you’re trying to live a purposeful life. You need to confront reality if you want to enjoy a meaningful existence, so you can’t hide from the past or pack it away. Denial stifles your growth towards purpose because:

a purposeful life

·         It Takes Away From What Matters

A purposeful life is all about focusing on the things that truly matter. Your focus is on the heart of meaning and isn’t clouded by any external factors. When you’re in denial, that can’t happen. You become so stuck in what you refuse to see that everything is fogged by that negativity. In essence, you lose the forest for the trees. You act based on subconscious pushes from your emotional baggage and allow it to control you. If you would stop denying those emotions, you’d finally be able to set them aside. Studies say this can even improve your decision-making skills.

·         It Makes Emotions Worse

If emotional baggage is bad for purpose, denial increases the negativity exponentially! Research has shown that when you’re capable of naming and acknowledging emotions, you can also reduce their severity. The same goes for the opposite: if you don’t name your feelings and deny them, they worsen over time. That’s not going to help you much in your quest for purpose!

·         It Adds Stress To Your Life

There’s no such thing as a genuinely stress-free life. But when you’re gunning for the fulfillment you seek, you’ll want to manage stress well. You need to be able to use your energy on positivity instead of losing it to excess pressure. Denying your emotions by leaving emotional baggage tightly sealed keeps you living in past trauma. Your brain can’t register that you’re safe because you’re actively keeping it in fight-or-flight!

·         It Stifles Your Growth

To learn from the past, one must confront and acknowledge it. When you have emotional baggage that you refuse to unpack, you stay in denial of those lessons. Instead of learning and growing accordingly towards a purposeful life, you repeat the same mistakes repeatedly. This burden leaves you stuck and stagnant.

2.      Lacking Confidence Holds You Back From A Purposeful Life

A lack of confidence can stifle you as you try to live a purposeful life. You need to trust yourself to feel comfortable with the discomfort of leaving your comfort zone to achieve goals. You need to be okay with the concept of failure and recognize that “failing” doesn’t define your worth.

But emotional baggage ruins any confidence you have. It keeps you living in the past that isn’t the current reality. In that past, you were hiding, victimized, and hurt. You don’t blossom, and you don’t even believe that you can. Here are some ways that a lack of confidence sets difficult hurdles in your desire for purpose:

·         Fear

Fear can hold you back significantly in life. Fear dictates your anxieties and can even make you paranoid. You’ve been hurt before. So you think about how you could be hurt again. You also don’t trust your capabilities in reaching new goals, nor do you trust yourself to handle future issues if they arise. You refuse to let go of your baggage as it reminds you constantly that you need to stay protected by playing it as safe as possible. As such, you never grow, never experience new things, and never leave your comfort zone. How can anyone enjoy a purpose-driven life like that?

·         Regret

Regret and guilt can cause you to stumble in life. While it’s good to learn from the past, dwelling on shame will ruin your emotional wellbeing. Your self-worth will begin to hinge on all your past mistakes. When you live a life directed by guilt, you decide that your regrets define you. This damages your self-esteem and confidence.

·         Doubt

Emotional baggage can make you question your abilities. This causes you to lose interest in things that should be driving your purpose forward. You don’t believe you’re capable of achieving anything, so you don’t bother. This self-imposed negativity is among the saddest effects of emotional baggage. It allows those who have harmed you to be a critical voice in your head continually.

a purposeful life

3.      Let Go Of Past Relationships For A More Purposeful Life

Not everyone necessarily has relationships at the center of their goals for a purposeful life. But, all the same, social health is typically a necessary part of a positively lived life. Humans are social creatures by nature, and there’s a lot of value in community and support systems. Without a good circle of support, it’s tough to get to the purpose you desire, especially since it’ll be tough to find like-minded people.

Emotional baggage is a huge factor in maintaining poor relationships. When you’re led by all this past trauma, you bring those feelings and insecurities with you into various interactions. You continue to live like the people in your life today will treat you the same way as those who contributed to your baggage. This is extremely unfair to those around you now and can drive people away.

Emotional baggage further affects relationships because it makes you:

  • Fear closeness due to commitment issues or a fear that others can hurt you if they know you well.
  • Become overly sensitive to the actions of others, causing you to take things personally and lash out easily.
  • Compares yourself to everyone around you, leading to toxic envy and further lack of confidence.
  • Need constant reassurance from others, bordering on codependent clinginess or neediness.
  • Have trouble opening up to new people.
  • Seek out relationships that repeat toxic patterns you haven’t unpacked from your baggage.
  • Project your insecurities and unresolved baggage onto others.

4.      Unwillingness to Change Prevents You From Living a Purposeful Life

To live a purposeful life, you must often engage in various lifestyle changes. After all, many people seek purpose through meaningful improvement or facilitate their personal growth to achieve their goals. If you have emotional baggage, this can be a significant barrier to those necessary changes.

Studies have shown that having emotional baggage can serve as a blockade towards healthy lifestyle alterations. This can involve areas of life such as:

  • Diet and healthy eating
  • Exercise and physical activity
  • Quitting vices such as smoking or substance use
  • Financial wisdom and budgeting
  • Moving house, especially to unfamiliar cities, states, or countries
  • Fear of leaving a comfort zone to perform lifestyle change

Why does this happen? It’s likely due to the burden of the aforementioned emotional baggage. You’re stuck in those old habits that come with the baggage, and that only worsens the load you have to carry.

In addition, ego and self-esteem can prevent you from having a purposeful and full life. A lack of these traits can make you too frightened or unconfident to move forward with lifestyle changes. You’ll face numerous anxieties about the possibility of your success in your attempts to make changes. If you’re too worried that you’ll fail, you may not even try. This stops you from living a purposeful life and keeps you stuck in an inferiority complex that isn’t very fulfilling!

a purposeful life

Final Thoughts On How To Let Go Of Emotional Baggage So You Can Live A Purposeful Life

Emotional baggage is the enemy of a purposeful life. Finding fulfillment in your goals and actions is only possible when you start to unpack and examine what’s in that metaphorical luggage. This requires a good deal of emotional healing, which can take time, energy, and effort. Many may even opt for professional help from a therapist or counselor to aid in this unpacking process. If you feel you need that, you shouldn’t be afraid to seek that help!

There are some things you can do to push for a purpose-driven life by handling emotional baggage. First and foremost, you must be brave and face those packed-up feelings. Releasing emotions by acknowledging and expressing them is an incredibly effective decision. You get to give yourself permission to see your trauma for what it is and genuinely experience its pain.

After that, you’ll have to dig at the roots of your baggage and find the trauma that it stems from. This can involve confronting the reality of past circumstances. For some, this may require unpacking childhood abuse. Many individuals will need professional help handling this complex issue, especially if trauma disorders like PTSD are involved.

Even once you unpack your baggage, the work isn’t done! You must constantly apply new, positive methods to ensure that baggage doesn’t build up again. It’s an uphill battle at times, but it’s very worth it. If you want a purposeful life that is meaningful and fulfilling, letting go of emotional baggage and healing their trauma is the best way to go!

10 Signs You Take Things Personally (and How to Stop)

Do you often feel like you’re under a microscope when you’re around others? Maybe you’ve been told that you need to relax and stop being so overly sensitive. How can you know if you take things personally regardless of the situation?

People who are overly critical of themselves may have learned it from childhood. Maybe a parent or another adult said something disparaging or insensitive that stuck with you. In these formative years, you often internalize this verbal abuse as truth.

For example, you accidentally drop and break something, and a callous parent says, “You never do anything right.” If you internalize this abusive statement, it becomes part of your negative self-talk. You send this negative affirmation into the Universe, and it returns more negativity.

Ten Signs You Might Take Things Personally

Nobody is above second-guessing themselves when they face undue criticism. However, you learn to filter out toxic comments and realize that you’re not always the target. Here are ten signs to recognize if you are taking things personally.

take things personally

1. You’re Obsessed with Other People’s Opinions

It’s only normal to want to make a good impression on family, friends, and strangers. An article published by the American Psychological Association discusses acceptance as a basic human need. Since people are social and need to belong, you can view a negative opinion as rejection.

Those who take things personally are forever second-guessing everything from body image to their points of view. Such an obsession can boost anxiety and lead to poor self-esteem. The only control other people have on you is what you allow.

2. If Criticism Overwhelms You, They You Might Take Things Personally

The key to dealing with criticism is to differentiate the type. Constructive criticism aims to give you a unique perspective for positive changes. These may come from well-meaning mentors or people in your circle.

Harsh criticism is often based on jealousy, negativity, or plain hatefulness. While constructive criticism still may sting, it can help you in the long run. If you take things personally, any type of criticism may feel like a direct attack.

3. You Often Feel Paranoid

Part of your need to be accepted includes the assurance that nobody is talking behind your back. You know that your friends and family support you and will defend you if necessary. Overly sensitive people have a challenging time trusting the loyalty of others.

If you see co-workers chatting in a corner at work, do you often assume they are talking about you? Do you find yourself over-analyzing comments and actions as possible criticisms? Such paranoia makes cooperation and comradery difficult for you at work.

It’s even more problematic for your social life or love interests. You might think others are singling you out as different and inferior. In a relationship, your constant doubts and sensitivity can push your partner away from you.

4. You Could Take Things Personally if You Always Question Motives

People who take things personally often can’t take any statements or actions at face value. They might be convinced that everyone has an ulterior motive for being in their circle. What others say may not be what they mean.

For example, your best friend might say, “That outfit looks stunning on you.” While you may offer a weak smile and brush off the compliment, you doubt they really feel what they’re saying. Are they implying that your clothes aren’t usually attractive?

The same worries accompany any generosity or favor others do for you. Did they offer to carpool your kids to school because you are a terrible parent? What’s their hidden agenda for being so nice to you and your family?

5. You Often Feel Guilty

Those who are hypersensitive are often people pleasers. You’ll usually go the extra mile to please others so they will accept you. Those rare times that you must say no make you ruminate and feel guilty for days.

To avoid such anxiety, you’ll be the first to volunteer and won’t decline requests, even if they’re inconvenient. You’ll often hide your emotions and opinions so that you don’t ruffle any feathers. Unfortunately, you’re only doing yourself a grave disservice.

You needn’t feel guilty by asserting yourself and showing others how you expect to be treated. If someone thinks you are their personal doormat, pull it out from under them without guilt. If you can’t, you may be taking things too personally.

Substance abuse can be your way of coping with unnecessary guilt. In the beginning, most people abuse alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or food to appease their anxiety. Soon, these crutches are controlling them and sabotaging their lives.

When you take things personally, you may quell your insecurities with addiction. Unfortunately, your problems are still there after the emotional high is over. Whether you’re addicted to a substance or activities like shopping or gaming, they can jeopardize your well-being and relationships.

take things personally

6. You Feel Threatened With Disagreements

Everyone has their own opinion, regardless of their relationship. It’s all part of being individuals. However, those who take things personally feel threatened if another person challenges their viewpoints.

It’s not only acceptable to disagree with others, but it’s also healthy. According to an article published by Harvard Business Review, it promotes flexibility, listening skills, and cooperation. You can only realize these benefits when you can look beyond your insecurities.

7. You’re Quick to Anger

Anger is a complicated emotion because it usually masks fear and other negative feelings. Rather than to show others your vulnerability, it’s easier to be angry and defensive. Taking things personally means that you can consider the most innocent comments as an insult.

One of the tell-tale statements is, “What did you mean by that?” You’re instantly angered before you even understand what the other person is saying. Angry people aren’t effective listeners and usually feel insulted.

These feelings constantly keep you on guard and distrusting others. After a while, your anger may morph into bitterness. If your rage keeps people at bay, it gives you a false sense of security.

8. You Might Take Things Personally If You Feel Misunderstood Often

Those who are high-strung often feel like they are an anomaly that nobody understands. You may feel disconnected from family, friends, and coworkers as if they look down on you. Instead of discussing your feelings, opinions, or ideas, you brood in silence.

It’s normal to think outside of the box and occasionally wonder if others “get” you. However, it becomes a significant issue if this self-doubt festers into isolation, anxiety, and depression. You may not realize that it’s okay to be different, and others don’t always need to understand you.

9. People Are Reserved Around You

Almost everyone has at least one person in their circle who takes themselves too seriously. Whenever they’re present, you notice that everybody is walking on eggshells. They’re trying their best not to do or say anything to get this high-strung person in an uproar.

If that person is you, now you understand why everyone may seem so nervous around you. It’s a double-edged sword that results in less genuineness and empathy. Everyone is second-guessing what the other is thinking and feeling.

10. You Are Hypercritical of Yourself

No doubt, you’ve accomplished goals over the years that should be a source of pride. When you work hard to gain knowledge and learn new skills, you’ve got a right to feel good about them. If not, you may be someone who takes things personally.

Successful people never stop learning and setting new aspirations. However, you may be dissatisfied regardless of what you achieve. You may downplay it to others or feel inadequate and undeserving.

Instead of appreciating your talents and skills, you are often your own worst critic. You can find fault in your best efforts and may never have a kind word for yourself. Perhaps it gives you a feeling of control to criticize your accomplishments before someone else does.

Many people who are workaholics and perfectionists take themselves too seriously. Nothing is ever done to their satisfaction, and they are constantly out to prove a point. If you’re first at the finish line, you may wonder why you weren’t there sooner.

When you’re hypercritical of yourself, you may feel the need to apologize for it constantly. Not only do you say you’re sorry, but you also try to make amends and try not to repeat the offense. However, high-strung people are like a broken record of apologies that aren’t necessary.

You needn’t apologize for insignificant mistakes or for not being “perfect.” This compulsion may stem from your insecurities and low self-esteem. It’s almost as if you are apologizing to the world for simply being yourself.

take things personally

Final Thoughts on Identifying That You Take Things Personally

When you realize that you’re not the center of everyone’s critical eye, it breaks the bonds of insecurity. The people who love you the most have your best interests at heart and want you to succeed. It’s all about learning to trust others and accepting yourself as deserving and worthy.

Additionally, you can’t enjoy life if you constantly feel like you’re singled out and all eyes are on you. Stop taking things personally and start being mindful and enjoying all that you’ve been blessed with today!

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