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10 Signs You Take Things Personally (and How to Stop)

Do you often feel like you’re under a microscope when you’re around others? Maybe you’ve been told that you need to relax and stop being so overly sensitive. How can you know if you take things personally regardless of the situation?

People who are overly critical of themselves may have learned it from childhood. Maybe a parent or another adult said something disparaging or insensitive that stuck with you. In these formative years, you often internalize this verbal abuse as truth.

For example, you accidentally drop and break something, and a callous parent says, “You never do anything right.” If you internalize this abusive statement, it becomes part of your negative self-talk. You send this negative affirmation into the Universe, and it returns more negativity.

Ten Signs You Might Take Things Personally

Nobody is above second-guessing themselves when they face undue criticism. However, you learn to filter out toxic comments and realize that you’re not always the target. Here are ten signs to recognize if you are taking things personally.

take things personally

1. You’re Obsessed with Other People’s Opinions

It’s only normal to want to make a good impression on family, friends, and strangers. An article published by the American Psychological Association discusses acceptance as a basic human need. Since people are social and need to belong, you can view a negative opinion as rejection.

Those who take things personally are forever second-guessing everything from body image to their points of view. Such an obsession can boost anxiety and lead to poor self-esteem. The only control other people have on you is what you allow.

2. If Criticism Overwhelms You, They You Might Take Things Personally

The key to dealing with criticism is to differentiate the type. Constructive criticism aims to give you a unique perspective for positive changes. These may come from well-meaning mentors or people in your circle.

Harsh criticism is often based on jealousy, negativity, or plain hatefulness. While constructive criticism still may sting, it can help you in the long run. If you take things personally, any type of criticism may feel like a direct attack.

3. You Often Feel Paranoid

Part of your need to be accepted includes the assurance that nobody is talking behind your back. You know that your friends and family support you and will defend you if necessary. Overly sensitive people have a challenging time trusting the loyalty of others.

If you see co-workers chatting in a corner at work, do you often assume they are talking about you? Do you find yourself over-analyzing comments and actions as possible criticisms? Such paranoia makes cooperation and comradery difficult for you at work.

It’s even more problematic for your social life or love interests. You might think others are singling you out as different and inferior. In a relationship, your constant doubts and sensitivity can push your partner away from you.

4. You Could Take Things Personally if You Always Question Motives

People who take things personally often can’t take any statements or actions at face value. They might be convinced that everyone has an ulterior motive for being in their circle. What others say may not be what they mean.

For example, your best friend might say, “That outfit looks stunning on you.” While you may offer a weak smile and brush off the compliment, you doubt they really feel what they’re saying. Are they implying that your clothes aren’t usually attractive?

The same worries accompany any generosity or favor others do for you. Did they offer to carpool your kids to school because you are a terrible parent? What’s their hidden agenda for being so nice to you and your family?

5. You Often Feel Guilty

Those who are hypersensitive are often people pleasers. You’ll usually go the extra mile to please others so they will accept you. Those rare times that you must say no make you ruminate and feel guilty for days.

To avoid such anxiety, you’ll be the first to volunteer and won’t decline requests, even if they’re inconvenient. You’ll often hide your emotions and opinions so that you don’t ruffle any feathers. Unfortunately, you’re only doing yourself a grave disservice.

You needn’t feel guilty by asserting yourself and showing others how you expect to be treated. If someone thinks you are their personal doormat, pull it out from under them without guilt. If you can’t, you may be taking things too personally.

Substance abuse can be your way of coping with unnecessary guilt. In the beginning, most people abuse alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or food to appease their anxiety. Soon, these crutches are controlling them and sabotaging their lives.

When you take things personally, you may quell your insecurities with addiction. Unfortunately, your problems are still there after the emotional high is over. Whether you’re addicted to a substance or activities like shopping or gaming, they can jeopardize your well-being and relationships.

take things personally

6. You Feel Threatened With Disagreements

Everyone has their own opinion, regardless of their relationship. It’s all part of being individuals. However, those who take things personally feel threatened if another person challenges their viewpoints.

It’s not only acceptable to disagree with others, but it’s also healthy. According to an article published by Harvard Business Review, it promotes flexibility, listening skills, and cooperation. You can only realize these benefits when you can look beyond your insecurities.

7. You’re Quick to Anger

Anger is a complicated emotion because it usually masks fear and other negative feelings. Rather than to show others your vulnerability, it’s easier to be angry and defensive. Taking things personally means that you can consider the most innocent comments as an insult.

One of the tell-tale statements is, “What did you mean by that?” You’re instantly angered before you even understand what the other person is saying. Angry people aren’t effective listeners and usually feel insulted.

These feelings constantly keep you on guard and distrusting others. After a while, your anger may morph into bitterness. If your rage keeps people at bay, it gives you a false sense of security.

8. You Might Take Things Personally If You Feel Misunderstood Often

Those who are high-strung often feel like they are an anomaly that nobody understands. You may feel disconnected from family, friends, and coworkers as if they look down on you. Instead of discussing your feelings, opinions, or ideas, you brood in silence.

It’s normal to think outside of the box and occasionally wonder if others “get” you. However, it becomes a significant issue if this self-doubt festers into isolation, anxiety, and depression. You may not realize that it’s okay to be different, and others don’t always need to understand you.

9. People Are Reserved Around You

Almost everyone has at least one person in their circle who takes themselves too seriously. Whenever they’re present, you notice that everybody is walking on eggshells. They’re trying their best not to do or say anything to get this high-strung person in an uproar.

If that person is you, now you understand why everyone may seem so nervous around you. It’s a double-edged sword that results in less genuineness and empathy. Everyone is second-guessing what the other is thinking and feeling.

10. You Are Hypercritical of Yourself

No doubt, you’ve accomplished goals over the years that should be a source of pride. When you work hard to gain knowledge and learn new skills, you’ve got a right to feel good about them. If not, you may be someone who takes things personally.

Successful people never stop learning and setting new aspirations. However, you may be dissatisfied regardless of what you achieve. You may downplay it to others or feel inadequate and undeserving.

Instead of appreciating your talents and skills, you are often your own worst critic. You can find fault in your best efforts and may never have a kind word for yourself. Perhaps it gives you a feeling of control to criticize your accomplishments before someone else does.

Many people who are workaholics and perfectionists take themselves too seriously. Nothing is ever done to their satisfaction, and they are constantly out to prove a point. If you’re first at the finish line, you may wonder why you weren’t there sooner.

When you’re hypercritical of yourself, you may feel the need to apologize for it constantly. Not only do you say you’re sorry, but you also try to make amends and try not to repeat the offense. However, high-strung people are like a broken record of apologies that aren’t necessary.

You needn’t apologize for insignificant mistakes or for not being “perfect.” This compulsion may stem from your insecurities and low self-esteem. It’s almost as if you are apologizing to the world for simply being yourself.

take things personally

Final Thoughts on Identifying That You Take Things Personally

When you realize that you’re not the center of everyone’s critical eye, it breaks the bonds of insecurity. The people who love you the most have your best interests at heart and want you to succeed. It’s all about learning to trust others and accepting yourself as deserving and worthy.

Additionally, you can’t enjoy life if you constantly feel like you’re singled out and all eyes are on you. Stop taking things personally and start being mindful and enjoying all that you’ve been blessed with today!

10 Habits That Reveal an Even-tempered Person

You meet lots of people in your everyday life, and some have better temperaments than others. Perhaps you find that even you have a hard time controlling your temper when dealing with stress and constant drama. However, an even-tempered person is someone who has mastered their response and personality flaws, and they’ve learned not to get too upset when things don’t go their way.

Some people fly off the handle at the slightest infraction. If their child gets a bad grade on a test, it’s enough to send them into a tailspin because things didn’t go the way they intended. At the crux of these issues is anxiety and the desire to be and do better.

People who frazzle easily and have a controlling nature usually become fearful when they experience a schedule disruption. Anxiety can make a person think and feel all sorts of things, but the standard culprit is it makes you high-strung. Think about it the next time you experience high anxiety levels.

According to the National Library of Medicine, someone experiencing a panic or anxiety attack might have sweaty palms, a racing pulse, nervousness, feel faint, and want to run to escape the angst they feel. A person with temperament issues probably feels these sensations in some form or another, so they may lash out, become very angry, or say things they don’t mean.

While they get dubbed as a person with a bad temper or someone who has a cantankerous personality, it’s probably an underlying mental health issue to blame. Still, some folks are touchy and uptight by nature. It can be a genetic link to mood swings, as genetics play a massive part in your demeanor.

The even-tempered person is the one who shows kindness even when their life is a wreck, as they’ve learned that you are going to have good days and bad days. They’ve mastered the old saying never to let anyone see you sweat.

Ten Habits and Behaviors of the Even-tempered Person

Are your moods even, or are you constantly wafting back and forth, and the people around you must walk on eggshells because of the fluctuations? Here are some undeniable signs of someone who has mastered the art of maintaining an even temperament.

1. An Even-Tempered Person Is Not Unreasonable or Foolish

One of the best things about this person is they don’t act irrationally when things go wrong. Additionally, they’re not big on impulsivity, so they take time to think their words and actions out carefully. Sure, they can speak candidly to people around them, but they will do it with the utmost respect.

They keep their cool by staying above the situation and never being controlled by it. They manage their emotions and deal with everything negative that comes their way in a pure sense. While they’re not the free spirit that’s carefree, they indeed tend to focus on the positive rather than the negative.

2. They’re Considerate of Others

The even-tempered person is conscientious about what they say to other folks, as their considerate nature respects the feelings of others. They’re known for being honest and never telling a lie, and they wouldn’t dare focus on your negative qualities to bring you down. Instead, they like to help build folks up to assist them on their journey towards happiness.

If they should ever hurt you, embarrass or shame you in any way, they would feel horrible and try to make it right. Their goal is to be kind, loving, and tender to others, and they wouldn’t tolerate someone belligerent or rude in their inner circle.

3. An Even-Tempered Person Does Not Hold Grudges

Just because a person has an even temper doesn’t mean that they don’t get hurt or offended on occasion. However, they are eager to forgive and wouldn’t think of holding a grudge. They believe in treating other folks with kindness and respect, and even if you do upset them, they won’t be mad for long.

Even if the situation is pessimistic at best, they will strive to find a way to make things more positive. They wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, even if you harm them first.

4. They Don’t Expect Perfection From Themselves or Others

The low-key attitude of the even-tempered person is terrific because it means they don’t expect perfection. They don’t hold themselves to a high standard that’s strangling, nor will they hold you to that standard either. This person understands that humans are fallible, and they know that there’s no way you can go through life without making mistakes.

People find that this individual is easy to get along with and have a relationship with because they do not obsess over a perfect world. From every connection to the activity they engage in, they have a realistic point of view.

5. They Like to Create a Positive Flow of Energy

The even-tempered person knows that there are both positive and negative energies in life. However, they strive to be a positive force that helps others. Some of these optimistic folks view themselves as a beacon of light to help illuminate the world.

Think of them as a mighty river, like the Mississippi, that flows into many tributaries and never stops moving and sharing. They would never want to be a reservoir and contain all their goodness without giving some of it to others.

6. Patience is Their Virtue

Someone who learns to manage their temperament is relaxed and understanding. They know that everything doesn’t happen overnight, and they’ve discovered that it’s foolish to expect such things. Even in the tensest situations, they have learned how to be calm and patient.

They hold firm to the saying that good things come to those who wait, so they don’t get in a big hurry about trying to push the Universe along.

7. They’re Very Helpful

A person with a good temperament is very accommodating to others. They try to find the good in people, focusing on this positive attribute even when someone is intolerable. While some folks in this life are unapproachable and want to steer clear from, the person with an excellent temperament is easily approachable.

They’re not going to tell you whatever you want to hear, but they will use compassion with their candor. They provide an excellent shoulder to cry on, and they have excellent communication skills to listen and help you.

8. Disagreements and Upset Bother an Even-Tempered Person

Because the person with a good temperament likes to keep things low-key, they’re agitated when there are disagreements or unrest. They want to face the issues head-on and not leave anything undone. These are the type of folks that don’t let the sunset on their wrath, so they try to work everything out.

When there are things like war and significant upheavals, it will cause them great anxiety. They tend to be fixers and not those who work well when everything is far from peaceful.

9. They See The Best in Others

One of the endearing qualities about this person is that they see your imperfections but never focus on them. They tend to find the good in you, even if you don’t see it. They believe that the world can be a better place if everyone stops judging a book by its cover.

This individual will be the first to help you reach your goals and be a better person, and just being around them makes you feel better. They positively affect the world around them, so folks draw close to their endearing nature.

10. An Even-Tempered Person Will Offer Brightness to Those Around Them

When you have a good temperament, you don’t want people to pay for every wrong they’ve done. Instead, you want to help people feel love and find hope in this crazy world and teach them a better way. This individual offers some brightness in a place that can often be dark and confusing.

They will always be open and honest with you. But the honest feedback builds you and helps you become a better person. Their worlds are constructive and never destructive.

Final Thoughts on Identifying an Even-Tempered Person

There are many desirable traits of a good person, and one of them is having a good temperament. These people are polite, generous, have good manners, and think of others before themselves. The best quality of these individuals is that they learn to make the best of whatever comes their way.

Sure, they don’t have a perfect life, but they’ve learned never to take things too seriously and roll with the punches. According to the National Library of Medicine, your temperament is primarily decided by your genetics, but you do have the power to change things. If you don’t like that you’re hot-headed and tend to fly off the handle when things go wrong, you can strive to be more even-tempered and kinder.

You can start today striving to be a better person and someone others look up to and respect. However, it’s going to take some work to get rid of bad habits.

12 Red Flags That Reveal Someone Has a Hidden Motive

Most people do favors and offer gifts from the kindness of their hearts. Their intentions are pure, and there aren’t any strings attached. However, some people are users and have a hidden motive for anything they do or give to you.

You’d like to think that everyone in your circle is genuine. However, there’s always at least one fake person in the bunch who’s nothing but self-serving. They specialize in using people and disposing of them when they’ve nothing else to give.

Twelve Signs That Reveal Someone With a Hidden Motive

On the surface, manipulative people appear to be charming and the perfect best friend. Soon, these slithering snakes, also known as toxic individuals, reveal their authentic selves when they ease into patterns of using others. Once they get a foot in your door, it’s challenging to get them out of your life. Here are some easy ways to know if a person has a hidden motive.

hidden motive

1. A Person With a Hidden Motive Is Only Nice When They Want Something

You’ll have some friends and family members who are always there when they need you. Yet, their hidden motive is often so subtle that you don’t realize this person duped you. For these toxic users, you’re only a means to get them what they want.

You can always tell when they’re on the prowl with their secret agenda. Their regular pattern is to appear at your door after an extended period of absence. They slither back into your space with one goal in mind.

They’ll be your best friend until you give in and help them. The moment you hand them the check or do a favor, they slip into the shadows and disappear. Unfortunately, they’ll be back with sugary words and their hand out.

2. It’s Different for Someone With a Hidden Motive if You Need a Favor

One of the beautiful things about friendship is that friends reciprocate kindness. A loyal friend strives to give as much as they receive. If you have a friend who is using people, their generosity always has an ulterior motive.

Toxic people often conveniently forget all the things you’ve done for them. But they are constantly reminding you of any favor they’ve done for you. Anything they do for you has strings attached, and they want the world to know.

3. They’re All About Themselves

There’s nothing wrong with loving yourself as a person and having self-confidence. When self-love is taken too far, a person may develop a narcissistic personality. Narcissists are some of the most toxic friends you’ll ever encounter.

Listen to your conversations with them and notice how they’re directed. Self-absorbed people can’t get beyond sentences with “I, me, my, and mine.” As you patiently listen to their current drama, it will be a one-sided monologue.

Should you get a word in edgewise, this egotist may say, “Oh really? How nice. But back to what I was saying about me.” They’re not the least bit interested in your input. Their hidden motive is to use you as a sounding board for their drama.

4. A “Moocher” Might Have a Hidden Motive

It’s common for friends to treat one another to dinner or an outing occasionally. Real friends keep the scales of reciprocity balanced and won’t take advantage. Still, there’s always that cheapskate pal who likes to party on your dime.

Some red flags to consider are the friend who conveniently forgets their wallet every time you go out together. They may offer to pay you back, but usually, these toxic people have amnesia when it suits them.

Why should they pay for anything if you’re so willing to flip the bill? It may be a hidden agenda, or it could be a flaw in their personality. According to an article published by Moneyning, extreme frugality can signify a mental illness.

Regardless of what motivates your mooching friend, it’s not fair to you. Some of these people go beyond money and are chronic borrowers. They use you like a virtual warehouse for their needs, and they often forget to return things.

5. They Use Guilt to Manipulate You

Chronic users are travel agents for guilt trips. Your toxic friend probably knows you well enough to know your weaknesses. They will push those buttons and manipulate you to get what they want.

When you say no, they’ll try their best to make you feel sorry for them. Some of their tactics may include tears and exaggerated emotions. If you’ve given in to their hidden motive before, they assume you’ll do it again.

6. You’re Their Last Resort

The chances are that you and your selfish friend have mutual buddies. For them to succeed with their exploitative ways, they need a collection of soft-hearted folks. If one person says forget it, they’ll move on to the next person in line.

You might be on the bottom of their list, which isn’t always a terrible thing. They may call you after weeks of no contact because they’re bored. This hoodwinker expects you’ll entertain them and possibly help them out of a crisis.

hidden motive7. They Don’t Keep Their Word

Some of the lines that freeloading friends use are classic. “I’ll pay you back Friday,” or “Next time, it’s my turn to treat.” Of course, Friday never comes, nor does your turn to be treated.

They figure that you’re an easy target and don’t mind being their ATM. These unreasonable requests go beyond mooching money. A toxic user will call you constantly for babysitting, rides, or to borrow something. They swear to return the money and the favors, but their promises bounce like their checks.

8. They Aren’t Grateful

Your parents taught you at an early age to show gratitude to others. You sincerely thank them when someone is kind enough to buy you a gift or do a favor. Another negative quality of a sponging friend is that they take your graciousness for granted.

They’re often like a spoiled child and overwhelm you with their wants. Rarely will you receive a genuine thank-you or any other gratitude? You can forget about them doing anything for you without them acting like you’re a bother.

9. They Get Defensive When Confronted

It stands to reason that people with a hidden motive are aware of their manipulative ways. There may have been times when you’ve had it with their freeloading and confronted the issue. At first, they may act shocked or indignant with your honest conversation.

Then, they’ll often go on the defense and try to shift the blame to you. An article published by Psychology Today explains that blame-shifting is abuse. It’s a tool that toxic people use to manipulate and control others.

The drama continues as they try to turn the tables and accuse you of being selfish and a rotten friend. All the negative qualities they want to pin on you’re the ones they struggle with in life. Unless you stand your ground, they’ll be back the next time they need you.

10. People With Hidden Motives Don’t Respect Boundaries

Regardless of whether a relationship is personal or professional, it must have set boundaries to last successfully. Those with a hidden motive will cross any line for their selfish interests. Each time they disrespect you, they erase more of your personal boundaries.

It’s often so subtle that you don’t realize you’re losing ground. The more you concede in more minor matters, the more they will challenge your will. Soon, they’ll have you on speed dial and won’t think about inconveniencing you.

11. They Create Negativity and Chaos

You and your genuine friends have each other’s best interests at heart. Being together cultivates positivity, inspiration, and joy. The scales of give and take are balanced, and you make each other better people.

Such isn’t the case with those with a hidden motive. The minute their number displays on your caller ID, you instantly feel anxiety and dread. If this pattern continues, it will shroud your mind with resentment, uneasiness, and hopelessness.

Manipulative people are virtual vampires who drain your time, energy, and resources. They lurk in the shadows with their hidden agendas and can’t tolerate the light of confrontation. These folks rob you of dignity and joy.

12. They’re Deceptive

You know the questionable buddy who is always down on their luck and wants you to be their savior? Much of their misfortune may be a result of poor decisions and negative behaviors. They often must create a façade and a believable sob story to draw you into their drama.

Many toxic people are pathological liars to the point that they deceive themselves. No matter how many lies you catch them in, they have a well-rehearsed rebuttal. If they’re dishonest with everyone else, why would they be truthful with you?

hidden motive

Final Thoughts on Fake Friends with a Hidden Motive

A friend’s motives are soon evident without them saying a word. You’ll notice the positive characteristics and actions of devoted friends. Close your heart’s door and your wallet to freeloaders and learn to say “no.”

10 Behaviors That Reveal a Disloyal Person

When you find a faithful friend, you have a priceless treasure. You may have countless buddies and acquaintances, but very few close friends. When you notice the signs of a disloyal friend, it can save you a world of hurt in the long run.

Some of your fondest memories probably revolve around you and your inner circle. Those who grew up with you are often as close as siblings. The years you spent laughing, crying, and growing together will always be in your heart.

Ten Telltale Signs of a Disloyal Friend

Within almost every circle of friends is a Judas-type character, as we know from the Bible. They may kiss your cheek while they stab you in the back. Here are ten red flags that may warn of a disloyal friend.

1. A Disloyal Person Will Make It All About Them

Everyone has at least one friend or family member who has narcissistic tendencies. These are the individuals who make every situation about themselves. An egotistical acquaintance may use you to pump up their ego or be their therapist.

Although friendship should be a two-way street, they’re too busy with their drama to even care about things in your life. You try your best to please them, but they are disloyal when helping you.

While they usually aren’t bad people in general, you can’t depend on egotists. They’ll just about always put themselves before anybody, including you.

2. They Surround You With Negativity

A friend may be disloyal if they chronically bombard you with negative energy. You dread answering their phone calls or text messages because you’re sure it’s nothing but doom and gloom. Sometimes you may deal with a friend with a toxic mix of narcissism and pessimism.

According to an article published by Psychology Today, pessimism can be contagious. If you spend enough time with that grumpy friend or mate, you will most likely adopt their attitude. Over time, this dark energy can affect your physical and mental health.

Maybe your pessimistic friend isn’t being loyal to your feelings. They keep whining and griping regardless of how you try to break free of that toxic energy. You may lose your optimistic outlook if you don’t make a quick exit from the friendship.

3. They Are Backbiters

Everybody is guilty of sharing a juicy tidbit they shouldn’t have said. Do you have a friend or loved one who is a perennial gossip? They spend their time delving into everyone’s closet to discover any hidden skeletons.

In the Yiddish culture, such busybodies are called yentas, and you may know a few. They love to call and text you about the latest scandals in the lives of mutual friends and family. If the stories aren’t spicy enough, gossiping people will often embellish them by telling lies.

Be assured that if this disloyal big mouth is filling your ears about other people, they are talking about you, too. A real friend won’t go behind your back and whisper your business. Plus, they won’t invent lies that make you look bad.

4. Disloyal People Say Hurtful Things

Disloyal friends show their true colors when they joke at other people’s expense. Of course, you and your besties may have insider jokes or good-natured ribbing. However, it’s unacceptable to make someone the butt of mean tricks.

After they’ve insulted you, they’ll often try to play it off by saying, “just joking.” These insensitive boors think they are the life of the party, and everyone should laugh. Even though they’ve cut you down in front of others, they dare to say you don’t have a sense of humor.

Nobody deserves to be humiliated in the guise of a joke. Hurting someone for their folly is unconscionable. If these bullies aren’t concerned with your feelings and dignity, they don’t deserve to be in your circle.

5. They Won’t Apologize

Even in the best friendships, you’re bound to have a few rifts. Different personalities can sometimes clash, and offenses will happen. However, genuine friends know how to apologize and make proper amends.

Apologizing goes beyond just saying you’re sorry. Not only do you acknowledge the wrong and its consequences, but you try not to repeat it. Toxic friends often think they can continually hurt you, and a flippant “sorry” will suffice.

In the worst case, some of these people will shift the blame when you confront them. Instead of apologizing, they may mention something from the past or pass it off as a joke. If a friend can’t care enough to sincerely apologize, mark them off your list.


6. They Are Fair Weather Friends

These are the fake friends who are always there when they need you. When all is sunshine and roses, they claim to be your best friend. However, they’re nowhere to be found when you’re down and need a hand.

They are usually self-centered people who may feel like they’re doing you a favor by offering their friendship. When you call, text, or message on social media, they claim they “forgot” to respond. Friends who ghost you aren’t worth your time.

Another type of fair-weather friend is the “guess who.” They are so moody that you never know who they will be daily. You may go to lunch together; they are jolly and caring, and the next day they completely ignore you.

Of course, your friend may have a mental issue that could cause severe mood swings. In this case, you can be supportive as they get the help they need. However, some people use others as a convenience and are not reliable friends.

7. Disloyal Friends Do Not Tell the Truth

Perhaps nothing can damage a relationship more than dishonesty. While some may see a trivial lie as harmless, it can lead to a lifelong habit. Who can you trust if you can’t trust your friend or partner to tell the truth?

You may have a pal who is a pathological liar. A study published by Victoria Dykstra et al. in the Journal of Adolescence discusses teen friendship and lies. They found that chronic lying can lead to poor-quality friendships and depressive symptoms.

If this pattern continues, it may have detrimental effects on adulthood. Friendship is built on mutual trust and has no room for lies and secrets. Once a friend has broken your confidence, it can be challenging to repair the rift. If you want a faithful friend, don’t choose a chronic liar.

8. They Don’t Respect Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are an essential key to lasting friendships. In his iconic poem, Robert Frost reminds people that to have good friends, you need good fences. Although Frost was talking about literal barriers, he uses them symbolically as boundaries.

Having a decent friendship is nearly impossible if that person can’t respect your wishes. These folks are constantly stepping on your toes and shrugging off your objections. Real friends tell each other how they want to be treated and do so.

Those who disregard your preferences aren’t only selfish but also disloyal and unfaithful. There comes a time when you must give these people a request to respect your boundaries. If they can’t, then keep your distance until they can.

9. Disloyal Friends Use Family as an Excuse

The old saying that blood is thicker than water doesn’t always ring true. Some people who aren’t even related to you can be better to you than family. Just because a person is a relative doesn’t make you a doormat.

However, a disloyal family member can be incredibly hurtful. If they talk about you behind your back, lie, or cheat, you needn’t keep them in your life. Even if you see them during holidays or reunions, be civil and go your way.

10. They Aren’t Dependable

Who doesn’t have that one friend in a group who is hopelessly unreliable? They will be the first to volunteer for anything needed, but they don’t show up. They are the friends that promise the moon and stars and deliver nothing.

Everyone has people in their family or friend circle who aren’t loyal. They’ll either be late or forget when you plan a get-together. While they have the best intentions, their thoughtlessness affects everybody else. It’s an unhealthy relationship because it causes you to harbor resentment.

Loyal friends keep their word and are dependable. Of course, anybody can make a mistake, but it’s nothing you should make a habit of doing. There are just some people that you cannot rely on at all.

The whole reason for friendship is to have people you love and trust. They create joy and bring out the best in you. A person who abuses you physically, verbally, or emotionally isn’t your friend.

Nobody has the right to hurt you or make you feel insignificant. Not even if they are family or your partner. Be kind to yourself and say goodbye to these folks.

Final Thoughts on Identifying (and Dealing With!) Disloyal People

Genuine friendship requires loyalty and trust to last. If those virtues aren’t there, don’t waste any more time, energy, or resources. Save those for people who value your friendship. You owe it to yourself to pour into those who take time to care and pour back into you.

9 Ways to Make A Home Gym (Without Expensive Equipment)

There’s never been a better time in your life to get in shape, regardless of your age. Whether you’re doing cardio, aerobics, or stretching workouts, you needn’t go further than your living room. Exercising in a home gym is convenient for busy people like you to stay fit and healthy.

Your first experience with exercise and a gym was probably in school. There was plenty of room for running, stretching, and working out. The gym teacher taught you basic movements like sit-ups, pushups, jumping jacks, and leg lifts. No fancy equipment was necessary, and you learned fitness skills to last a lifetime.

Nowadays, home gyms have evolved, offering a plethora of options to cater to various fitness preferences. If you’re inclined towards a low-impact yet effective workout, Pilates might pique your interest. Pilates focuses on strengthening the core, improving flexibility, and enhancing posture. It’s a versatile exercise method that can be adapted to suit different fitness levels and goals.

Investing in Pilates equipment for your home gym can elevate your workout experience. Items like a Pilates reformer, stability ball, resistance bands, and Pilates ring can add diversity to your routine and target different muscle groups. These tools not only enhance the effectiveness of your workouts but also provide support and resistance to challenge your body in new ways.

For guidance on selecting the right Pilates equipment for your home setup, visit Pilates Matters website, where you can find expert advice and recommendations tailored to your needs. With the convenience of home-based Pilates workouts and the accessibility of quality equipment, achieving your fitness goals has never been more attainable.

Training young people in health and fitness isn’t a new concept. According to an article published by World History Encyclopedia, the first gymnasiums were established in Greece around the 6th century BCE.

They were training sessions in the open air for young men. According to the article, the Ancient Greeks valued muscular bodies, so they honed running, wrestling, discus throwing, and gymnastics skills.

Although most global cultures valued strength, agility, and war training, the Greek gymnasium established the general concept. Later, the Ancient Roman Empire embraced the Greek gymnasium style and integrated it into their iconic Roman bathhouses. Eventually, the idea spread throughout the modern world.

Nine Ways to Make a Home Gym Without Purchasing Expensive Equipment

home gymWhether they’re called gymnasiums, fitness, or health clubs, they are a multi-billion-dollar industry worldwide. An article published by Statistica says that this global industry is worth about $98 billion each year and is increasing. As of 2019, 70.36 million Americans reported that they had gym memberships.

Are you one of those people in the gym statistics? You value your health and want to be in decent shape. Exercising in a fitness center may be great for your body, but not so wonderful for your time and money. What benefits are you receiving from your health club that you couldn’t get from a home gym?

The good news is that you needn’t attend an expensive gym for your daily exercise routines. Did you know that you don’t have to buy a bunch of expensive equipment to get in shape? Here are nine easy ways to create your home gym without fancy equipment.

1. Claim Your Space

In her iconic essay, author Virginia Woolf espoused the need for a successful writer to have a dedicated space. The same rule can be applied to setting up a home gym. It’s as simple as assigning a room or even a corner with enough space to move around safely.

Finished basements and garages make ideal workout places, especially if you want to add some inexpensive equipment. What if you live in a small apartment with minimal space? You can rearrange a couple of pieces of furniture temporarily for a spot.

If possible, try to find a space with a window. It offers you a lovely view of nature while you exercise. Also, you can open this window when you need a little fresh air.

2. Establish Your Purpose

Once you’ve claimed a suitable space, what’s the purpose of your home gym? Does your daily routine include running in place, jumping, or stretching? Maybe your exercise of choice is yoga or another meditative workout. If you’re adding simple equipment, how can you arrange it most efficiently?

3. Set the Mood

Have you ever noticed the appealing décor in gyms and health clubs? They’re often painted in bright colors and have accessories to inspire and motivate clients. The music is pumping, and everyone’s on natural energy high.

Part of having a home gym is creating an inviting space that will draw your attention. If you have an entire room, use your imagination, and paint the walls your favorite energizing colors. Hang posters, art, or inspirational words that encourage you to keep exercising. Play some of your favorite tunes and get with the beat during your fitness sessions.

Do you wonder why they hang full-length mirrors in fitness centers? You can easily see if you’re doing an exercise right by your reflection. Adding a mirror to your gym will keep you motivated as you see your body morph into better shape.

If you enjoy watching exercise videos or tutorials, you may consider mounting a tv on the wall. Also, keep track of your fitness goals with a hanging whiteboard. You can create the refreshing ambiance of a fitness club in your own home.

4. Identify Your Equipment Needs

While many fitness regimens don’t require equipment, it’s up to you if you need some for your home gym. When you’ve established the purpose of your exercise routine, you can decide what equipment you need, if any. Keep in mind how much space you have and any storage capacity.

Regardless of your routine of choice, simple equipment can help. A comfortable exercise mat, a few dumbbells, and some stretching bands won’t cost much. They can easily be stored in a container in a closet.

If you do decide to add equipment to your gym, try to keep it simple. Don’t pay a fortune for expensive, bulky machines that you don’t use and will end up in next summer’s garage sale. You can find high-quality used equipment for your purpose at bargain prices online.

Instead of buying gimmicky equipment that can only be used for one exercise type, invest in a piece with multiple functions. It can help you boost your routine. Plus, you want equipment that will fold up easily for storage if space is an issue.

home gym5. Comfort is Important

Garages and basements are the quintessential home gymnasium spot. They are separate from your living space, and you usually don’t have to take down any equipment. However, these spaces aren’t always climate-controlled.

If you want an exercise space that you’ll want to use every day, you must be comfortable. Consider safe portable heaters for winter and fans or air conditioners for summer. You can still sweat and get the most out of your workout without freezing or suffocating from the indoor temperatures.

6. Dress for Success

One of the reasons many people avoid public gyms is that they’re ashamed of their bodies. Or they aren’t comfortable exercising around other people. When you create a home gym, you have the privacy and freedom you may want.

For optimal exercising benefits, you need to dress the part. Of course, you don’t have to wear the neon leggings, leotards, and sweatbands of the 80s. Just wear simple clothes that are comfortable, breathable, and appropriate for your routine.

7. Get the Family Involved

Just because you’ve created a personal gym doesn’t mean you can’t invite the family. According to an article published by the Centers for Disease Control, working out with others can boost your motivation and make your routine more consistent. Plus, per the article, you may be more apt to try a new exercise with a friend.

You can claim this space as your own or use it with your family. It can be rewarding to get healthier with your mate and children. Some people enjoy inviting an exercising buddy to their home for support and camaraderie.

8. Other Supplies to Remember

Exercising at home can build up a sweat that can quickly dehydrate your body. You may want to keep a minifridge in your space and stock it with water and energy drinks. Some people have supplements on hand for a recovery boost after a hard training session.

You might also consider keeping a stack of clean towels in your gym. They are handy for wiping away sweat as you exercise or when you hit the shower. Even if your routine is simple and you don’t use equipment, you’ll want a sturdy chair in your space for some exercises and to rest.

9. Fitness Al Fresco

What could be more inspiring than exercising in the great outdoors? When the weather permits, your backyard can be your home gym. There’s plenty of space, and the fresh air will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Running and stretching exercises can be more exhilarating in a park or forest.

You can do yoga or just about any of your favorite exercises on the beach or wherever you feel comfortable. During inclement weather, bring your routine back indoors. A change of scenery always keeps your routine fresh.

home gymFinal Thoughts on Creating a Space for At-Home Workouts

Forget spending a fortune on a gym membership that you may never use. Creating space for a gym in your home will save you money and provide more motivation and accountability. You feel more inspired in your daily routine, and you’ll reap the rewards of better health.

7 Reasons Collaboration Is Better Than Competition

They always say that teamwork makes the dream work, but have you ever stopped and considered why collaboration is much better than the competition? Have you ever seen a one-person band at a circus or talent show?

One person is trying to do multiple things in hopes of entertaining the crowd. However, it’s a lot of stress to put on that individual trying to do it all. Now, instead of playing the drums, a harmonica, and all the different instruments by themselves, what if they had help?

A band can make a much better sound than one individual. It would reduce the musicians’ workload and produce a more pleasant experience for the crowd. No one can give 100 percent when they’re trying to multi-task and are distressed, but with some help, the options are endless. Teamwork works the very same way.

You’re very limited when you try to do it all independently, as you’re only one person. Now, when you add another person or maybe a lot of people to the mix, your abilities suddenly increase. Collaboration allows you to go further and do more in life, so why would you want to go it all alone when there’s help available?

7 Reasons Why Collaboration Is Better Than Competition

Some people prefer to work alone, but something beautiful can occur when you stop competing against others and learn to join forces. Here are some reasons why collaboration is always better than competing in work, social circles, and home.


1. Teamwork Boosts Skillsets

When you collaborate with other businesses, you’ll end up acquiring their skill set, and they yours. This new knowledge can make a huge difference in your ability to get your product to market faster because you can outsource the stuff you can’t do and vice versa. Thus, it boosts the capabilities of both of your businesses.

When you bring someone else onto your team, you increase the skillsets. For instance, you might not be the best typist in the company, but you’ve added to your abilities when you add an administrative pro that types 80 wpm. Having this person on your team means getting things out quickly because they can help with a faster turnaround.

Now, what if you added a person who had marketing, another one who had customer service experience, and so on. How much better could you make your team? The skills that you lack can be made up through others that join your alliance.

2. Collaboration Might Lower Expenses

Planning significant events come with lots of costs. However, if you have people alongside you who are helping to plan and organize, you can accomplish more and save. Take, for instance, a wedding.

Assume your child is getting married soon, and you’re planning the nuptials. If the bride and groom’s families don’t work together, it could end up costing way more in the long run. You’ve seen it too many times that the families are feuding and want little to do with one another.

However, how much money could they save if they pool their resources and connections? Perhaps the groom’s mother has a family member who bakes wedding cakes, which could significantly save. The only problem is that the other party won’t know unless they communicate.

The stress level isn’t as overwhelming when you work together, and the financial matters can split up equally. While the bride’s family traditionally pays for the wedding, times have certainly changed.

3. It Intensifies Brainstorming

You have a unique mindset that stems from your experiences. However, the person next to you has walked a different path with diverse learnings, so they don’t view things the same as you. The good news is that when you bring the two of you together, you can brainstorm and come up with better ways to get things done.

Have you ever put together a crossword puzzle? Puzzles can be pretty challenging, and it can sometimes be hard to find that one piece that should fit into the specific location. Nevertheless, when you bring in another person, they can often see things through different lenses.

They may be able to pick out that one puzzle piece that you’ve overlooked tons of times. Collaboration makes things go faster and brings new and fresh ideas to the table.

4. Collaboration Enhances the Creative Process

collaborationRivalry reduces your creative processes because it’s difficult to produce things you have no clue about. Consequently, when you work with your competitors, it gets those creative juices flowing. Remember, two minds are always better than one.

You have likely heard of the household brand of products, Procter & Gamble. But you might not know the story behind the large corporation.

The founders were brothers-in-law. They did not know each other when they immigrated to the United States. In fact, they met only after they married a pair of sisters from Ohio. Procter, a candlemaker from England, and Gamble, a soapmaker from Ireland realized that they could pool their resources and partner to build a cohesive brand. As they grew, they brainstormed to add other products to their line-up. Today, their company has worldwide name recognition.

5. Collaboration Increases Quality

If you’ve ever worked in a quality assurance department, they operate on the theory that another set of eyes on the outcome enhances the finished product. Assume you worked in a factory that made pizzas. Your job was to pull any pizzas off the line that looks lackluster and isn’t up to the company’s standards.

It would be a massive job for one person so that the team would have many players. The more eyes you have on an item, the better it will be. A company is counting on you to catch any errors before their final product heads to the marketplace.

Have you ever got something from the grocery store that wasn’t thoroughly checked by the assurance team? Do you know that these assurances are in place to protect the company from liability? While you may not be running a manufacturing line, it can be just as important to have someone else check things over.

6. Teamwork Reduces Tension

The workforce can be a competitive place. If every employee is constantly watching over their shoulder and trying to be better than the one sitting next to them, it can be a counterproductive environment. Sure, a little bit of healthy competition is okay, but you need to work with your fellow worker and not against them.

Change the way you look at those you work with each day. Rather than seeing them as your competitors, why not look at them as someone who can complement and add to your work. Don’t you all have the same goal anyway?

Whether you work in accounting and them in the sales department, you’re both still trying to do the greater good for the company. Learning to work together instead of competing with one another can change an entire business for the better.

7. Collaboration Builds Bonds

If you’ve ever dropped your child off at a daycare center, you’ve probably heard them sing the song “Clean Up.” This cute little jingle is meant to motivate the young ones that everyone must do their share. It teaches children from an impressionable age that they cannot do things alone and everyone must pitch in to help.

A three-year-old child would look at a messy playroom and be overwhelmed if they had to clean it all alone. However, when you add two or three more kids to the mix to help, the task no longer seems overwhelming. Additionally, they learn that they can help each other complete large tasks.

As much as adults mature and grow, it’s still about these basic things you learn in your formative years. A study mentioned in Forbes Magazine stated that 55 percent of employees would go to their peers for advice. To ask someone for advice on life or work means that you trust them.

When you work side-by-side with folks, you build bonds that are not easily broken. How much better would the companies around the country be if people started viewing each other as equals and collaborating with them rather than viewing them as a competitive threat?

Final Thoughts On Reasons Collaboration Is Better Than Competition

The significance of collaboration is vital in today’s multidisciplinary culture. In previous decades in the workforce, folks were required to do repetitive work on a production line. Sadly, it didn’t give them many opportunities to work with their fellow workers, which means their need for teamwork was less.

However, most of today’s jobs require that you network with people both in and out of your profession. Collaborating with your fellow employees as well as those from other businesses makes you a better person. You can learn new things, share ideas, and watch the growth and successes multiply.

Almost every aspect of running a business requires people to have a diverse skill set. A company is only as strong as its weakest members, so it depends on the stronger ones to take the rookie under their wing and show them the ropes. As the old children’s song says, “When we all work together, how happy we’ll be.”

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