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Rooftop Solar Panels May Help Climate Change, According to Science

A team of international scientists found that rooftop solar panels could power a quarter to half of the world by 2050. The study marks the first comprehensive global assessment of the potential energy production of rooftop solar photovoltaics (RTSPV) technology.

Researchers from MaREI, the SFI Research Centre for Energy, Climate and Marine in University College Cork (UCC), collaborated on the study. Other international research partners contributed as well. The findings have been published in the journal Nature Communications.

Solar energy remains the fastest growing sustainable energy sector because of improvements in installation capabilities and reduced costs. Private residences, commercial and industrial buildings have all invested in rooftop solar panels. Researchers estimate that sun-powered panels will provide 25-49% of the world’s energy needs by mid-century. Despite these predictions, researchers have struggled to assess the costs and electricity generation of solar panels accurately.

To provide better assessments, the international research team tackled the problem head-on. The research team included lead author Siddharth Joshi and UCC colleagues Professor Brian Ó Gallachóir and Dr. Paul Holloway. Colleagues at Imperial College London, Columbia University, and Ahmedabad University also helped with the study.

Rooftop Solar Panels May Help Climate Change, According to Science

rooftop solar panelsThe authors mapped 130 million km2 of the global land surface for the research using a revolutionary Machine Learning algorithm. With this technology, they identified 0.2 million km2 of rooftop area, which they analyzed to estimate the potential energy generation of RTSPV.

Their analysis revealed that rooftop solar panels could provide a potential of 27 petawatt-hours per year globally. This investment would cost around $40-280 per megawatt-hour, with the most significant energy production potential in Asia, North America, and Europe. Additionally, they noted that generating clean energy from RTSPV would cost the least in India (US$66 per megawatt-hour) and China (US$68 per megawatt-hour). On the other hand, the UK and US remain the most expensive countries for deploying rooftop solar panels on a large scale.

Currently, rooftop solar panels comprise nearly 40% of global solar photovoltaics. They account for 25% of the total renewable energy additions in 2018, eclipsing the combined new installed capacities of coal and nuclear. With that in mind, it would also be wise to learn the different types of roof and roofing materials through experts like Carolina Home Specialists if you want to lower your home-building cost while ensuring energy efficiency. Visit sites like to learn more. Homeowners who need roofing repairs should consider seeking Riverview, Florida roof repair services that stand the test of time.

Since the late 1950s, rooftop solar panels and other solar installations have exploded in popularity. Between 2006 and 2018, the energy generation of RTSPV expanded from 2.5 GW to 213 GW- an 85-fold increase globally. In this same timeframe, installation costs of RTSPV technology have declined dramatically. From 2010 to 2019, solar energy prices decreased by between 42 and 79%, now ranging from $63 to and 265MWh.

Dr. Shivika Mittal, the Research Associate in Energy and Integrated Assessment Model at the Grantham Institute at Imperial College London, said:

“The cost of generating electricity from solar rooftop panels has declined significantly in the last decade. Our new data set will help governments or organizations, business owners to identify solar power hot-spots where they can mobilize new investment, and this would help in accelerating the adoption of solar power.”

As the world weans itself off fossil fuels and turns to clean energy, we have a chance to beat climate change. Researchers estimate that solar PV installation will add 15 million jobs to the global economy between 2018 and 2050. However, the potential of rooftop solar panels will largely depend on international development and the cost of storage moving forward.

Individual Homeowners Can Help Create a More Sustainable World

Many people feel that they have no power to make changes in the world. However, this study proves that individuals can help the world transition to a future powered by clean energy. Rooftop solar panels could provide every homeowner across the globe with sustainable electricity. Not only would this help with climate change mitigation, but it also saves money in the long run.

Co-author Prof. Brian Ó Gallachóir said: “This potential of 27 PWh per annum from rooftop solar is very significant. For comparison, our total electricity use in all homes around the world was 6 PWh in 2019. These results are very timely in the context of the global climate change conference in the UK next month. Rooftop solar PV not only helps to reduce emissions but also to involve homeowners directly in the energy transition.”

Of course, most of the energy generation potential lies in heavily populated areas in Asia, Europe, and North America. However, rural populations have a dire need for any form of electricity; in 2018, 800 million people globally lived in darkness. Researchers say that their findings have important implications for mitigating climate change using rooftop solar panels. Hopefully, every citizen will have clean energy powering their homes soon.

Senior author Dr. James Glynn commented,

“The open data generated in this research helps to quantify, locate and prioritize investment in zero-carbon electricity systems. By mapping the solar PV rooftop potential in high resolution globally, development banks and energy agencies in developing countries are better informed as to the technology’s role in enabling sustainable development towards climate action and affordable and clean energy.”

“For the first time, we can analyze the spatial and temporal characteristics of global rooftop photovoltaics with improved accuracy using a combination of big data, machine learning, and GIS. This study can aid in improved representation of rooftop solar photovoltaics in global energy systems,” said UCC researcher Siddharth Joshi.

organic vegetablesFinal Thoughts on How Rooftop Solar Panels Could Provide Power to Half the World by 2050

Across the world, rooftop solar panels and other sun-powered technologies have been gaining steam. Decades ago, solar power cost an excessive amount. Because of that cost, only large corporations and organizations installed it. However, solar panels have never been cheaper to install. In fact, around 40% of homes and businesses now have them. A study found that by 2050, solar panels could potentially provide a quarter to half the world’s energy demands.

So, don’t let the negative climate change news bring you down. In fact, governments, businesses, and homeowners alike have all been working toward a carbon-free future. We have monumental work ahead of us, but rooftop solar panels have already made an enormous difference. If you’re thinking about installing solar panels, check out Palmetto Roofing and Solar.

If You Want to Change Your Life, These 10 Changes Can Help

Are you happy with the direction of your life, or are there things that you want to change? Many people want to make alterations but don’t know where to begin. Ask yourself the following questions, as it may indicate it’s time to change your own life for the better:

  • Do you rest well at night?
  • Do you feel happy?
  • Can you remember the last time you cried?
  • Do the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness never cross your mind?

The chances are that you can’t answer all these questions unless you’re a fortunate person. Consequently, life is hard, and positive thinking isn’t the easiest thing to do. Your decisions today will affect your tomorrow, so it’s time to make changes to improve you.

Ten Actions That Can Help to Change Your Own Life

It’s not always easy to make changes, but you can do anything you want. If you’re ready to be a happier, healthier person, here are ten tips to change your life.

change your life1. Change Your Own Life by Altering Your Thinking

You’ve probably heard 1,000 times that anything you do requires a change in mindset. It’s a mind-over-matter issue, and you must start by altering how you think. Are you pessimistic and tend to believe that the glass is always half empty rather than half full? It’s a common problem, and it’s challenging not to be negative when there’s so much negativity around you.

However, make a mental note to counteract every negative thought that enters your mind. For instance, if you start thinking pessimistic thoughts, you should compensate it with something positive.

For example, when the idea races through your mind that your life is a hot mess and you want to throw in the towel, remind yourself that you have a job, a family, and a bed to lay your head in at night.

Taking charge of your mind and what goes into it will dramatically improve your outlook. There’s something to all this positivity people talk about every day.

2. Change Your Inner Circle

You’ve probably heard a parent or grandparent use the adage that you’re known by the company you keep. In fact, the people around you significantly affect your life. Have you ever had a dish of fruit sitting on your table, and one gets a rotten spot in it?

It’s common for fruit to rot and always starts with one piece. You can always tell when one bit is turning because you will see fruit flies and gnats start hovering around. If you leave that tainted fruit in the bowl, it won’t be long until the others begin to get bad spots, too. The bacteria and mold in the fruit infect the others, causing decay.

Now, use this analogy for your life. How many times has a friend’s bad or negative attitude rubbed off on you? Your friends are a significant indicator of who you are as a person, so it might be time to get some new, positive friends.

3. Give Back to the Less Fortunate to Change Your Own Life

It’s easy to be down on yourself when you don’t consider someone worse than you. Have you complained lately that your car wasn’t the best or your clothes weren’t a name brand designer like you want? What about the person who has no car and wears clothes with holes in them?

The things that you feel down about are sometimes the most trivial matters. Try donating some time and energy to help those in need, as it will drastically change your life.

4. Stop Trying To People Please

Human nature is to crave acceptance and want to be loved. While you want people to like you, it becomes a problem when you live your entire life to please others. It’s so freeing to rip off the mask and be honest.

You don’t need to live a façade, as the people who genuinely love and accept you will be there no matter what you do in life. Your life will be much better when you stop living according to the rules that others believe make you a good person.

5. Change Your Own Life by Making Time For Self-Care

You only get one life to live, and it’s up to you to make sure that you take care of yourself. When was the last time you had a break and just did what you wanted? Free time and date night don’t constitute going to the grocery store; you must do that to survive.

You need to make time to do the things you love. Remember that if you want to have the strength and energy to help others, you must first help yourself. People think life changes must be massive, but you can start with something as small as giving yourself an hour to read a book or watch your favorite show daily.

change your life6. Unplug it all

How many hours a day do you spend tied to a cell phone, computer, or other electronic devices? Pew Research Center did a study in 2018 regarding technology and the overbearing position in your life. They found that more than 52 percent of parents complained about their children’s internet usage but also admitted they had a problem.

How can you relax and unwind if your phone constantly ringing and dinging and your inbox is full? How can you ask your children to put down their devices when you’re unwilling to lead by example? Learn to spend time without electronics, and you will see how amazing you feel.

7. Find Your Purpose

Do you live a purpose-driven life, or do you feel like you have no reason to be here on earth? You can guarantee that your purpose is not to work and come home to cook dinner and do laundry. There’s something you were put here to do, and you must find what it is that fulfills you.

Tchiki Davis, Ph.D, wrote an article regarding finding your purpose. She states that often people feel that the world’s problems are much too big, and you’re much too small to handle them. However, there’s a thing you can do to make a difference. Most folks want a meaningful, fulfilling life but don’t know where to begin.

Davis suggests that people find out what drives and energizes them and who or what causes they would like to help. When you find your purpose, you can help improve your life.

8. Spend Time With the People You Love

No one is promised tomorrow, and you can’t go back and fix something once it’s shattered. Many relationships decay because people put jobs, the pursuit of money and happiness, and everything else before their relationship. Make time for the ones you love.

Before passing from this life, no one says they wished they worked more or made more money. Instead, most people say they wish they spent more time with the ones they loved. Change your life and make sure you include the people you love most in these changes, as people are what matter most.

9. Stop Procrastinating to Change Your Own Life

Do you tend to procrastinate? If you have something that you must do, you should do it and get it off your plate. Why put off things till tomorrow when you can accomplish them today? Some people are overwhelmed by the big picture to the point where they do nothing.

You will often see that you procrastinate regarding your larger goals. Get the big things out of the way first, then tackle the smaller, more manageable tasks. Stop being overwhelmed by where you want to be in five years and look at tomorrow when it comes to your goals.

10. Let Go of Your Regrets

When you hold on to things in your past, it will only hold you back. You want to move forward. But how can you grow and change if the past haunts you? Everyone makes mistakes, and there are skeletons in the closet that most folks try to bury.

If you put your focus on what’s behind you, you might miss the most precious things right in front of your eyes. Part of being mindful and living in the moment means that you must pay attention. Your past is not a prison sentence, and you no longer live there.

change your lifeFinal Thoughts on How to Change Your Own Life for the Better

According to the Social Security Administration, the average lifespan of a person is 76 for a male and 80 for a female. If you’ve spent a few decades on this earth, then you know that time flies. You wake up one day in middle age wondering where your teenage years went.

It’s time to be a happier version of yourself, and it’s time that you pay attention to the small things that matter so much. You don’t want to miss something right before you because you’re worried about something that might never happen anyway. So, it’s time to improve your life, and you can start with the simple ten steps listed above.

Five Perfect Keto Plan Tips for Meal Planning

You’ll want to start meal planning when creating the perfect keto plan. When you don’t know where to start, it can be hard and overwhelming, leading to mistakes. Planning for your keto diet can save time, money, and effort and ensure you stick to the diet plan.

Having a meal plan and structure is one of the most significant ways to ensure success. The extra time spent planning and prepping will help you keep your willpower on days of weakness. Plus, it helps ensure you include all the nutrients and vitamins you need.

Planning also helps ensure you don’t eat foods prohibited on keto. By thinking ahead, you’ll have everything you need to lose weight. You’ll also be more likely to adopt long-term healthy habits.

Changing your eating habits is hard enough, but keto requires following a strict menu. Because of the drastic change, it’s hard to stick to, and you might be tempted to give up quickly. Following these tips will give you the motivation you need to keep going.

What Is the Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet is a strict plan to improve weight loss and focus. It requires maintaining a specific ratio of carbs, protein, and fat so that your body reaches a ketosis state. If you follow a keto plan, you must drastically limit your daily carb intake.

keto planFive Keto Plan Tips

With keto being so strict, planning is essential. With planning, you’ll be more likely to stick to the dietary guidelines while still taking in enough nutrients.

1. Get Everything Ready to Follow a Keto Plan

Before starting your keto planning, getting your pantry and refrigerator ready is best. When following a strict diet, having everything ready and easy to access can make all the difference in your success.

Start by investing in food containers that are versatile and microwave-safe. Microwave-safe containers allow you to pack meals for when you won’t be at home, allowing you to stick to your plan. Having containers ahead of time helps you to plan your meals and portion them out accordingly.

As you prepare to start planning, you’ll want to remove temptations from your home. Get rid of any foods you are supposed to avoid to ensure you stick to your goals. You’ll want to make sure your refrigerator and pantry don’t have any of the following:

  • Grains, including wheat, bread, pasta, rice, oats, corn, and cereal
  • Sugar, including candy, cakes, and ice cream
  • Starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and parsnips
  • Legumes, including beans and chickpeas
  • High-sugar fruits, including oranges, apples, bananas, pineapple, and grapes
  • Low-fat dairy, including cow’s milk and low-fat cheese
  • Vegetable and seed oils, including margarine, canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, and grapeseed oil
  • Processed

If other people in your home don’t want to or can’t participate in the diet, you might be unable to eliminate all these foods. If that is the case, you should store all of these foods together in one place. Then, you’ll only have to avoid one cupboard, pantry, or shelf.

2. Make Your Grocery List and Stock Up to Stick With Your Keto Plan

Before your start date, make a grocery list and stock up on ingredients you’ll use often. Making a grocery list helps you stay on track and buy only what you need for your ketogenic diet. Some of the foods you’ll often use are:

  • Protein from seafood, meat, tofu, and yogurt
  • Healthy fats from avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, eggs, coconut milk, and nuts
  • Non-starchy vegetables, including kale, spinach, broccoli, onions, peppers, eggplant, and asparagus

You can stock up on frozen ingredients or things with a long shelf life. Then, you’ll have everything on hand when you’re ready for planning. Plus, if you need to come up with a meal on a whim, you’ll have plenty of keto-friendly ingredients.

Many pantry ingredients are processed and high in carbs, so you’ll want to stock up on ones that aren’t. Consider the following pantry staples to help with your keto planning:

  • Herbs and spices, including basil, dill, and cinnamon
  • Keto-friendly condiments
  • Seeds and nuts, including sunflower seeds, almonds, and macadamia nuts
  • Sugar-free sweeteners
  • Low-carb flour, such as flaxseed meal, coconut flour, and almond flour
  • Sugar-free drinks

You will also want to stock your refrigerator with keto-friendly foods. Stock it with ingredients for meals, but also stock up on snacks. Consider the following foods:

  • Beef and pork
  • Chicken and turkey
  • Leafy greens
  • Fish and shellfish
  • Full-fat dairy
  • Eggs
  • Fruit that is low in carbs

keto plan3. Start Simple and Find Your Favorites

When you’re starting the diet, you’ll want to start simple. Once you get more comfortable with the diet, you can experiment a little, but sticking to a basic framework can help. Start by choosing a protein, a low-carb vegetable, and healthy fat, then develop your meal plan.

If you’re used to a high-carb diet with lots of sugar, you’ll want to avoid switching to keto all at once. Start by gradually cutting back on those things while replacing them with keto-friendly options. Doing it this way helps you adjust gradually without developing side effects.

Additionally, as you switch from an unhealthy diet to a keto plan, you should start by cutting out sugars. Eliminate soda and candy from your diet, and cut out complex carbs from bread and pasta next. Last, eliminate starchy vegetables and high-sugar fruits.

Start simple by choosing easy recipes and finding a few favorites right away. Look at your favorite recipes and see if you can adjust them to follow your diet. You don’t have to do a complete overhaul of your menu when you do it this way.

Another way to start simple is by meal prepping for only a few days worth of food at a time rather than a whole week. Some people even like to meal prep for two weeks, but you don’t have to go that far. Do whatever amount you’re comfortable with so that you’re more likely to stick to it.

4. Batch Cook and Use Frozen Ingredients

Once you have your plan and you’ve gone grocery shopping, start batch cooking. When you batch cook, it helps you stay on track with your diet. Batch cooking is when you set aside a few hours to cook and portion out meals for the upcoming days or weeks.

The best foods to batch cook are stews, soups, casseroles, and sauces. Batch cooking helps you eat healthy and delicious dinners each night of the week without much prep work. While it takes a while to batch cook, it’ll save you lots of time and stress throughout the week.

As you batch cook, consider doubling the ingredients to separate them into multiple meals. You can store the extra food in containers for lunch or dinner another night or freeze it. When you freeze it, you have a portion of another meal already cooked and ready to dethaw for use.

You can also make cooking meals easier by using frozen ingredients. You can buy frozen, pre-chopped veggies at the grocery store if you use vegetables in your meals. Frozen food doesn’t typically spoil and makes batching cooking easier.

5. Learn How to Avoid the Keto Flu

The keto flu happens as your body works to adjust to your new diet. When your body stops using glucose and carbohydrates for fuel, it uses ketones and fat instead. Entering a state of ketosis is a big adjustment for your body.

Ketosis flushes stored water from your body, potentially causing your electrolyte levels to dip. When this happens, it triggers the symptoms of the keto flu, including:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Unexplained tiredness or fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Nausea
  • Muscle soreness, weakness, spasms, or cramps
  • Stomach bloating or pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Poor concentration
  • Confusion or brain fog
  • Lack of motivation
  • Intense sugar cravings
  • Insomnia
  • Impaired coordination

Luckily, the keto flu is avoidable, so learn as much as you can about avoiding it before starting your plan. The most important thing to know is to get enough electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Adding salt to your food can help, but easing into the diet slowly and drinking plenty of water is your best bet.

keto planFinal Thoughts on Perfect Keto Plan Tips for Easy Meals

While starting keto can be overwhelming, you can use these tips to ensure success. These keto plan tips for planning will help you prepare the best foods ahead of time. It saves you time later in the week and helps you stick to your plan even on busy nights.

Plus, planning for the diet can help you eat healthy breakfast and lunch options. Lunch is hard for sticking to your diet because getting processed food is the easiest option. If you have your meals planned and prepared beforehand, you won’t have an excuse to skip the healthy meal you have already prepared.

As you start your keto plan, use these tips to help you reach success. These diet planning tips will help you ensure you get all of your essential nutrients while sticking to your diet plan.

Astronomers May Have Just Found a New Planet Outside the Milky Way

Scientists from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard College Observatory may have discovered a new planet outside our galaxy. This discovery marks the first time that astronomers have detected a planet outside the Milky Way. NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory uncovered the mysterious celestial body, encouraging scientists to explore space at greater distances.

The possible exoplanet transits a star outside our galaxy, located in Messier 51(M51) spiral galaxy. It’s also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy due to its appearance. Exoplanets, or planets outside our solar system, orbit around a star other than the Sun. Until this latest discovery, astronomers have found all other exoplanets within the Milky Way galaxy. Nearly all of them have been less than about 3,000 light-years away from Earth.

Located about 28 million light-years away, the potential exoplanet in M51 would be thousands of times farther away than those in the Milky Way.

“We are trying to open up a whole new arena for finding other worlds by searching for planet candidates at X-ray wavelengths, a strategy that makes it possible to discover them in other galaxies,” said Rosanne Di Stefano of the Center for Astrophysics, a Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts, who led the study.

The journal Nature Astronomy published these findings on October 25, 2021.

Astronomers based their latest discovery on transits, where a planet passes in front of a star and blocks a portion of its light. This event results in a distinctive dip in the host star’s brightness, uncovering the exoplanet’s location. Previously, astronomers have used both ground and space-based telescopes to locate thousands of exoplanets. Telescopes such as those on NASA’s Kepler and TESS missions have found exoplanets by searching for transits, electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye.

Astronomers May Have Just Found a New Planet Outside the Milky Way

new planetDi Stefano and colleagues have employed a different method to search for these transits or dips in optical light for their research. They analyzed the brightness of X-rays received from X-ray bright binaries to find transits. These luminous systems usually contain a black hole or neutron star, pulling gas in from an orbiting star. Then, the gasses heat materials near the neutron star or black hole exponentially, creating a visible glow.

The bright X-rays take up a small surface area, so a planet passing in front of it could easily block most of the light. This would make the transit easier to locate since the X-rays might disappear. Astronomers could then detect new planets much farther in space than existing optical light transit studies. These studies rely on tiny decreases in light to locate exoplanets since they block only part of the star.

The team employed this method to detect the new planet in a binary system called M51-ULS-1. The binary system contains a black hole or neutron star orbiting a companion star, weighing about 20 times more than the Sun. The X-ray transit they discovered with the Chandra data lasted nearly three hours, during which time the light completely disappeared.

Based on this and previous research, the team believes the exoplanet candidate in M51-ULS-1 resembles the size of Saturn. They also estimate it orbits the neutron star or black hole at about twice the distance of Saturn from the Sun.

The study uncovered fascinating findings of this potential new planet. However, researchers say they need more data to confirm the possibility of an exoplanet. Unfortunately, the planet’s large orbit will keep it from crossing its companion star for about 70 years. So, researchers can’t validate the research for quite some time.

The Future of Uncovering New Exoplanets

“Unfortunately to confirm that we’re seeing a planet, we would likely have to wait decades to see another transit,” said co-author Nia Imara of the University of California at Santa Cruz. “And because of the uncertainties about how long it takes to orbit, we wouldn’t know exactly when to look.”

The team posited that a dust or gas cloud passing in front of the X-ray may have caused the dimming. However, they concluded that this wouldn’t have been likely due to the characteristics of the planetary event in M51. They believe the model of a new planet aligns with the data since the event wasn’t consistent with the passage of a cloud.

“We know we are making an exciting and bold claim, so we expect that other astronomers will look at it very carefully,” said co-author Julia Berndtsson of Princeton University in New Jersey. “We think we have a strong argument, and this process is how science works.”

If a new planet exists in the binary system, it probably had a turbulent and violent past. An exoplanet surviving in this system would have experienced a supernova explosion which created the neutron star or black hole. Its future may also hold some tumultuous events. Scientists say that the companion star may explode as a supernova eventually, unleashing vast amounts of radiation.

Di Stefano and her colleagues searched for X-ray transits in three galaxies beyond the Milky Way galaxy for the study. They used both Chandra and the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton observatories. The search included 55 systems in M51, 64 systems in Messier 101 (the “Pinwheel” galaxy), and 119 systems in Messier 104 (the “Sombrero” galaxy). After combing the galaxies for a new planet, it led to the single candidate in M51.

pop memeFinal Thoughts on Researchers Discovering a New Planet Beyond Our Galaxy

Humans have been intrigued by the vastness of outer space for millennia. Today, astronomers have made huge strides in helping us understand the universe and uncover its many mysteries. Our curiosity about the world around us leads to fascinating discoveries, such as new stars or planets. Recently, astronomers have detected an unknown planet outside the Milky Way for the first time.

In the future, the authors will continue to search for more exoplanets in other galaxies. Chandra holds essential data for at least 20 galaxies, including much closer than M51, like M31 and M33. This would make it easier to detect transits should they occur. They also want to search for X-ray transits in Milky Way X-ray sources to uncover new planets in unconventional environments.

Research Reveals Americans Are Less Physically Active Than Ever

A new Harvard study finds that Americans have forgotten the value of being physically active. Compared to 200 years ago, the average American gets about 30 minutes less exercise today. Despite all the technological advancements in workout equipment, perhaps it’s the technology itself driving sedentary lifestyles.

Between YouTube workout routines, gym memberships, home workout machines, and more, Americans have endless options for exercise. Yet, it seems we’re less physically active than ever, according to researchers from the lab of evolutionary biologist Daniel E. Lieberman.

The research found that body temperatures and metabolic rates of Americans have been falling since the Industrial Revolution. This downshift occurred alongside declining physical activity levels, suggesting sedentary lifestyles have caused these widespread physiological changes. The results of the study have been published in Current Biology.

The researchers discovered that since 1820, Americans had experienced a 6% decline in resting metabolic rate (total number of calories burned at rest). This decrease equates to about 27 minutes less moderate to vigorous physical activity per day than 200 years ago. Authors attribute Americans’ less physically active lifestyle to the widespread use of technology.

“Instead of walking to work, we take cars or trains; instead of manual labor in factories, we use machines,” said Andrew K. Yegian, the study’s lead author and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Human and Evolutionary Biology. “We’ve made technology to do our physical activity for us….Our hope is that this helps people think more about the long-term changes of activity that have come with our changes in lifestyle and technology.”

Scientists have observed for decades how Americans have become less physically active with the advent of technology. However, until now, they didn’t have exact data to quantify this drastic societal change.

physically activeResearch Reveals Americans Are Less Physically Active Than Ever

The paper provides calculations to show that Americans have, in fact, become lazier over time. The research indicates that historical records on resting body temperature act as a thermometer of Americans’ physical activity.

“This is a first pass estimate of taking physiological data and trying to quantify declines in activity,” Yegian said. “The next step would be to try to apply this as a tool to other populations.”

The work began as a rough calculation following the release of new research by Stanford University last year. The study showed that Americans’ average body temperature decreased from 98.6 to about 97.5 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1800s. The authors of this study came to the same conclusion: that slower metabolisms have caused falling body temperatures in the United States.


They cite a few reasons for the decreased metabolism, namely lower inflammation due to improved healthcare and climate-controlled environments. In the 19th century, homes had no central air conditioning and unreliable heating. Today, most people have access to heat and AC, reducing the energy expended to regulate our body temperatures.

Regarding overall health, improvements have occurred despite the negative impacts of our tech-intensive world. It’s undeniable that we have access to better medical treatment, hygiene, and food than people 200 years ago. These societal advancements have lowered our inflammation levels, perhaps due to increased comforts and fewer worries about survival. Lower inflammation leads to reduced body temperature and metabolism, researchers say.

“Physiologically, we’re just different from what we were in the past,” said Julie Parsonnet, MD, lead author of the study. “The environment that we’re living in has changed, including the temperature in our homes, our contact with microorganisms, and the food that we have access to. All these things mean that although we think of human beings as if we’re monomorphic and have been the same for all of human evolution, we’re not the same. We’re actually changing physiologically.”

Better Living Standards Led Us to More Sedentary Lifestyles

Harvard researchers believed that Americans being less physically active correlated with falling body temperatures. The human metabolism, which produces body heat and powers physical activity, may explain these physiological changes.

Scientists analyzed previous studies by other researchers to find more evidence about this theory. They wanted to know how changes in body temperature could affect metabolism and activity levels. So, they gathered data from two papers to quantify how the two were related. Then, they used this data to estimate decreases in physical activity since the 19th century.

The researchers noted that other factors besides being less physically active might affect metabolism and body temperature in the paper. This makes estimating physical activity levels a bit more complicated.

What’s Next for Gaining More Clarity on Why People Are Now Less Physically Active

Their future work would better understand the relationships between metabolism, body temperature, and physical activity. Hopefully, this knowledge will provide more insight into how being less physically active affected the health and morbidity of Americans in the industrial age.

“Physical activity is a major determinant of health,” said Lieberman, the Edwin M. Lerner II Professor of Biological Science. “Understanding how much less active Americans have become over the last few generations can help us assess just how much increases in the incidence of chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s can be attributed to decreases in physical activity.”

It seems that in modern society, we can’t have our cake and eat it too. Sitting too much can lead to many health problems, but life doesn’t require much movement today. In our artificial environment, we’ve figured out how to beat nature. However, our quest to conquer the elements has unleashed a new beast: diseases of modernity.

physically activeFinal Thoughts on How Americans Get Thirty Minutes Less Exercise Than 200 Years Ago

Thirty minutes may not sound like much, but the effects of being less physically active are apparent everywhere you look. Obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases have skyrocketed since the Industrial Revolution. We’ve made advancements in modern medicine and eradicated the most deadly plagues and pandemics. However, in place of those, we now have chronic illnesses primarily caused by everyday life.

A recent Harvard study found that Americans’ resting body temperatures and metabolisms have decreased. This reduction co-occurred with being less physically active, proving that we’ve changed physiologically over time. The impact of these changes isn’t yet clear, however.

The Secret to Dealing with Anger (Even When You’re Angry)

Are you seeking some effective new techniques for dealing with anger?

As a human, you have basic emotions that help you survive. You experience joy, happiness, anxiety, despair, and anger. According to the National Library of Medicine, anger is a response that originates in your sympathetic nervous system.

Dealing with anger is never easy, but many people think rage is all tied to being mad. When you’re upset, it doesn’t always mean that you’re ready to throw punches at someone. Instead, it can motivate you to make changes that help you stand up and advocate for yourself. However, the anger that creates problems in life is the one that can damage your physical health or put an end to meaningful relationships.

Understanding Stress Can Help in Dealing with Anger

dealing with angerIt all has to do with the stress hormones that are surging in your brain, and when you’re temper flares too quickly, it can be a real issue. How often have you heard a medical professional say you shouldn’t get all riled up as it’s not good for your heart? When you have too many of these stress hormones surging through your body, it can cause your immune system to weaken, your blood pressure to increase, and other issues.

Some folks deal with constant anger, while others only experience a surge of rage on occasion. However, the goal is to navigate your emotions and identify triggers to prevent the next outburst. You understand that inner turmoil bubbling up inside means you’re about to cross the line, so this is the time to employ strategies to help you deal with anger.

One of the easiest ways for people to experience anger outbursts is for someone to cut them off in traffic. Anger is the easiest emotion to show. The only problem is that when you give someone a piece of your mind, it does not always give you the release you crave.

Before attacking this problem at the source, you need to understand the roots of rage, the triggers that cause it, and the consequences when you cannot manage it.

Understanding The Origins of Your Anger

Assume someone bumped into you in line at the coffee shop and spilled their latte down your shirt. Now, do you turn around and explode in a fit of anger at them, or do you shrug it off as a simple annoyance? What makes one person able to laugh it off while the other individual becomes fighting mad? It all stems from the event, the personality of the person, and your current mood.

You might not be as eager to explore if you just got a job bonus. However, if they caught you on a day where you overslept and were late getting the kids to school, you might react differently. You may have a low tolerance for frustration, have high anxiety levels that make you nervous and overreact, or feel that the act was punishable and you’re the warden.

What Do the Big Five Personality Traits Have To Do With Anger?

Some people are more prone to get angry than others. For instance, if you have a high level of passion about a matter or are not the most agreeable person, you’re more likely to have rage issues. If you’re against a particular subject, you’re more likely to have a temper flare when confronted with an oppositional view.

According to Science Direct, the five big personality points define someone susceptible to becoming angry. They are:

  • Neurosis – When a person displays neurosis, they battle many unpleasant emotions they cannot control. This person may be depressed, have bouts of anger, and have a high level of anxiety.
  • Socialness – Vitality and the inclination to seek inspiration from others. A person who loves to be surrounded by people and is usually the life of the party.
  • Agreeableness – The propensity to be sympathetic and supportive instead of skeptical and aggressive to others. This person is easy to please.
  • Carefulness – The tendency to display restraint, act respectfully, and seek attainment. This person is often skittish and cautious when meeting people and entertaining new things.
  • Seeing experiences – This individual admires fine art, excitement, exploration, and bizarre concepts, which equals a creative and intriguing person.

Other Personality Characteristics Prone to Anger

While these five concepts are essential, other folks might be dealing with anger and have the following characteristics:

  • Privilege – This individual believes they’re on a higher plateau than others and their opinions and rights are superior.
  • Ruminating – A person who meditates often focuses their attention on things that are outside of their control.
  • Disguised – The person who uses external forces to regulate their emotions and often wears a façade.
  • Narrowminded – This individual can only see things in shades of black and white, and they ignore that there are other colors on the spectrum.
  • Inadequacy – This person has a fragile ego and suffers from poor self-esteem and a lack of self-worth.

Six Effective Ways for Dealing With Anger

Now that you know everything about anger issues and the personalities prone to these bouts of rage, you’re probably wondering how you deal with it. You’ve heard of courts ordering anger management classes to parents, and there’s a time when parenting brings outrage. However, dealing with anger must be scrutinized with self-awareness.

When you feel things spiraling out of control, you can stop yourself before you get to the point of explosion. Here are ways to get a firmer grip on your anger issues.

dealing with anger1. Count to Ten

It’s probably the easiest way possible, but thinking before you speak or react is a big part of learning to deal with your anger. When you feel the room’s mood escalate to a dangerous level, you need to start breathing and counting to get your emotions back in check.

2. Remove Yourself From the Situation

There’s something to be said for removing yourself from the situation and getting some fresh air. Fresh air can be very tranquil, and it does wonders to help calm that anger inside.

When you’re dealing with anger, use your counting strategies while walking around outside. Then, when you’ve calmed down enough to reason, you can come back in and talk about the matter or face the situation.

3. Get Sufficient Rest

Have you ever noticed that your emotions can be haywire when you haven’t had sufficient rest? How often have you felt you didn’t have control because you were so sleepy you weren’t firing on all cylinders?

Don’t ever face a situation where you know things will be stressful when you haven’t had an adequate amount of sleep. You may say and do things that are out of the normal range for you.

4. Consider Different Perspectives

Close-minded people often only see things through their lenses, but what if you stepped into another person’s shoes for a minute? Look at things how they do and see how they see things. Before you fly off the handle and say or do something you regret, take a pause and view it from another perspective.

5. Bring in a Third Party

If you feel your anger boiling inside and about to explode, it’s often helpful to bring a third party into the situation. This person can look at both sides and help you to gain some clarity. There’s a reason why the Bible says blessed the peacemakers in Matthew 5:9, and an unbiased person can bring harmony to a rough situation.

6. Find a Healthy Release

One of the most beneficial things you can do when dealing with anger is to find a healthy way to release those feelings. Some people punch walls or each other, but you don’t need to go to these extremes to find a release. Maybe you grab a basketball and head to the court. Take out all your rage on the ball and get some exercise too.

When you exercise, you’re releasing those feel-good endorphins in your brain that will help to calm you down. Some people will go outside and chop wood, throw darts at a dartboard, or write a letter releasing all their feelings and burning it. You may need to experiment to find some things that work for you.

dealing with angerFinal Thoughts on Dealing With Anger

While the American Psychiatric Association hasn’t created an official diagnosis for those who suffer from an anger disorder, other mental health issues can have this as a symptom of their problem. For instance, those suffering from borderline personality often have rage issues, as do those who have conduct disorder or ADHD.

Additionally, you don’t need a diagnosis to realize you have a problem with rage. Dealing with anger can be a serious matter, and if you don’t learn effective ways to get things under control, it can cost you big time. Some people have lost relationships, jobs, and even their freedom because they let their anger get the best of them.

Another outlet to consider is that many counselors deal specifically with personality disorders and rage. Getting outside help from the mental health community and peer groups can be advantageous.

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