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15 Beautiful Quotes Every Parent Needs to Hear

Parenting is challenging, but it’s the most rewarding job you’ll ever do. As you help your children grow and develop into good people, you’ll see things from an entirely new perspective. Many beautiful quotes can help parents remember how fulfilling the journey can be.

Sometimes, you might forget how great of a parent you are. You’ll make mistakes and question yourself once in a while, and that is okay. These beautiful quotes can help reaffirm that you don’t need to be perfect to be a great parent.

Positive quotes about parenting and be inspiring as they give you encouragement and strength. You can relate to many of the quotes, and the others can help guide you in a new direction. Use your favorite beautiful quotes to boost your spirits and encourage you to take action as a parent.

Beautiful Quotes for Parents

These beautiful quotes about parenting can help you on calm days and ones that seem out of control. No matter what stage of life you are in, every parent needs to hear these positive messages. If any of them resonate with you, consider writing the beautiful quotes down and referencing them often.

beautiful quotes1. “If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way, their children don’t have to be slaves of praise. They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence.” – Carol Dweck

The best thing you can do for your kids is teach them to handle obstacles with grace. If they can look at a challenge as an exciting learning opportunity, they’re sure to succeed and live happily. When a child takes on this motivational mindset, they’ll learn to feel confident about their abilities even without praise.

2. “I wholeheartedly believe that when we are fully engaged in parenting regardless of how imperfect, vulnerable, and messy it is, we are creating something sacred.” – Brene Brown

These beautiful quotes serve as a great reminder–you don’t have to be a perfect parent, but you have to be there for the hard times just as much as the good ones. As Dweck explains, if you are present and engaged as a parent, you create a sacred bond that can’t break. Parenting is imperfect and unpredictable, but it’s more special than anything else.

3. “Ideas and values are most powerfully communicated when they are embedded into family life, rooted in the being of the parents. Regardless of what we think we’re teaching, we teach what we are.” – Nathaniel Branden

Your child will understand and learn to love your family’s ideas and values. As children watch their parents, they begin to become what you are.

By practicing the values you try to teach, your children will pick up on that, too. While this isn’t always a perfect method, showing that you follow what you teach will help embed it into your family life.

Take Things in Stride by Remembering These Beautiful Quotes

4. “Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.” – Fanny Crosby

As you spend time with your kids, don’t stress about anything else. Push away thoughts on the past and future because living in the moment is more important. When you embrace the present, you can create a beautiful life that your children remember forever.

5. “It’s not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.” – Ann Landers

While it might be easy to do things for your kids, you should let them do it themselves. When you teach children to do something for themselves, you also teach them to be successful.

Not only are they learning to take care of themselves, but you also help boost their confidence. Each time you let your child do things for themself, it shows them that you believe in them. In turn, they believe in themselves a little more, too, which is a motivational feeling.

6. “Don’t compare your child to others. There is no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.” – Unknown

Every child is different, and they’ll blossom at their own pace. As a parent, it is essential to remember not to compare your child to anyone else. Even comparing them to their siblings is detrimental to their overall mental well-being.

Remember this beautiful quote the next time your child isn’t ready for something that someone else is. It’ll happen for your child when it’s their time.

beautiful quotesShape Your Children Today for a Better Tomorrow

7. “Raise your words, not voice, it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” – Rumi

When you want something to grow and flourish, care for it nourishingly. Raising your voice won’t help your child, but using the right words will. Remember this quote the next time you find yourself angry or upset with your child.

8. “We all create our own lives. Helping your children develop what is inside them is the best guarantee of them creating a rewarding life in the world around them.” – Sir Ken Robinson

Each person develops their life as they go along. As your children use what is inside them to move along their journey, you’ll want them to have the best chances. Make sure that you help your child develop what they have into positive influences for their lives and those around them.

9. “What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.” – Benjamin Spock

When you parent your children, go with your gut and follow your instincts as you make decisions. Good parents tend to have positive instincts, as Spock explains, so don’t doubt yourself or your parenting abilities. You know your child better than anyone else does, so you know what is best for them.

10. “Our children can be our greatest teachers if we are humble enough to receive their lessons.”- Bryant McGill

Kids see and interpret things differently than adults do. They also find joy in the little things in life. And these beautiful quotes remind all parents about the beauty around them. Plus, as children learn and grow, parents do, too.

Be open to receiving the lessons you get from your children. Most of the time, these lessons turn out to be the best ones of your life.

Be a Great Role Model

11. “The point of parenting isn’t to have all the answers before we start out but instead to figure it out on the go as our children grow, because as they do, so will we.” – Bridgett Miller

You can’t prepare yourself for parenting because every experience is different. Every parent figures out the answers as they go along and choose what they feel is best.

Learn to embrace this part of parenting because you’re growing alongside your child. Use the inspiring wisdom you gain each day to guide you along your journey.

12. “There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” – Sue Atkins

No one is perfect, even if they pretend to be. Don’t hide your flaws because everyone has them. Instead, be a genuine person by admitting your mistakes and trying your best.

13. “Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, every movement, and action affects. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than a parent.” – Bob Keeshan

Parents tend to blame outside influences for their child’s behavior, but it’s wise to look closer to home for the source. Your children model your words, movements, and actions. Since kids aren’t fully developed, their model of your behavior might look different than your actual behavior.

Remember this beautiful quote as you go along your parenting journey. Make sure you’re setting good examples for your child so that they can model positivity and good morals.

14. “While we try to teach our children about life, our children end up teaching us what life is all about.” – Angela Schwindt

You don’t know what life is all about until you start raising your children. Kids have a way of opening their eyes to all that is good in the world. As you teach your children to live and survive, make sure to pick up on what they’re teaching you, too.

15. “My childhood may be over, but that doesn’t mean playtime is.” – Ron Olson

This beautiful quote reminds you that you’re never too old to play with your kids. You might not be a child anymore, but you can still engage with your child, doing things they love.

beautiful quotesFinal Thoughts on Beautiful Quotes Every Parent Needs to Hear

These beautiful quotes for parents will help guide you on your parenting journey. No one is perfect, especially since parenting comes with many unexpected experiences. As long as you do the best you can and follow your instincts, you are a great parent.

Use beautiful quotes for parents to help remind you that you don’t have to be perfect. Your child loves you and models your behavior because they think you are great. Keep these positive quotes in mind, and you’ll remember what a blessing this journey is.

15 Travel Quotes Perfect for Vacation Planning

It’s easy to forget the importance of getaways, but these travel quotes will help you remember. Whether your trip is long or short, you must have something to look forward to. Plus, you must embrace the time you are off and learn to relax during your trip. Those who are planning to combine their wedding and vacation may want to consider the Cayman Islands. You may click here for more info on what makes this place a great destination wedding spot. Domestic travelers, on the other hand, may want to visit Biloxi, MS and stay at one of their casino resorts like the one at this page If you are planning to visit St. Louis, a trip to Missouri Botanical Garden may be enjoyed by your whole family.

These travel quotes will help you plan the trips you’ve always dreamed of. Plus, they’ll inspire you to visit new places you’ve never been to before. The quotes also help you commit to adventures and fully embrace life.

Travel Quotes Perfect for Vacation Planning

Spending time exploring new places will change your life, and these travel quotes will help you with your planning. Use these quotes to get inspired and excited about your future trips. If you need help with your vacation planning, you may visit sites like All World.

1. “It isn’t how much time you spend somewhere that makes it memorable: it’s how you spend the time.” – David Brenner

You can’t always take an extended trip, but you can still plan an exciting time. Even when you only have a few days off, plan activities that you’ll never forget. Spend your time in meaningful ways, and you’ll return to your daily life feeling refreshed.

travel quotes2. “The tourist who moves about to see and hear and open himself to all the influences of the places which condense centuries of human greatness is only a man in search of excellence.” – Max Lerner

When you plan a trip to a new location, remember this travel quote. Make sure you open yourself up to the influences of each place you visit. When you do this, you can see, hear, and experience life and culture in other areas of the world.

As you plan your trip, remember this quote and make an effort to experience the new environment. As Lerner explains, traveling with an open mind helps in your search for excellence.

3. “People should look for accessible vacation destinations the same way they look for any other vacation destination – based on their own personal tastes and preferences.” – Candy B Harrington

It doesn’t matter where you are going as long as you plan around your personal preferences. Choose places that will help you relax and that will be an enjoyable experience for you.

Don’t base your plans around what other people like because this is your trip. If you can remember this as you plan, you’ll come up with the perfect location for your trip.

4. “Think about it; how do you feel when you are planning a vacation? You feel excited and happy. Your stress level is diminished, and this also affects your work in a positive way.” – John Morgan

Sometimes planning a trip is just as much fun as going on one. As these travel quotes suggest, the planning process decreases stress levels and increases your productivity. When you’re thinking about the good time you’ll have, you’ll be happier in all areas of your life.

5. “I have never believed that vacations are luxuries. They are our necessities–just like shelter, clothes, and food, they make us feel like humans and not like animals that care only for survival.” – Alexander Babinets

As you plan your trip, remember that this is time for you to do the things you enjoy. Don’t think of it as a time of over-indulgence because you need this time to recover from daily tasks. You need this time to relax and let loose just as much as you need anything else in life.

6. “Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.” – Dalai Lama

While it’s nice to visit your favorite places repeatedly, you must switch it up sometimes. As you plan your next trip, choose somewhere you haven’t been before. It’ll inspire you and help you gain wisdom about the world around you.

Even when you visit a new location, you don’t have to travel far. There are plenty of places around the world that you haven’t seen before. Do a little research during your planning to find somewhere new within your travel boundaries.

7. “No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.” – Elbert Hubbard

This is one of the best travel quotes for trip planning. Even if you have just returned from a trip, start planning your next one. When your experience is over, and you return to real life, you might feel a little disappointed.

By starting the planning of your next trip, you’ll bring back the feeling of excitement. Use the time you have to plan something new and exciting, and you’ll always have something to look forward to.

travel quotes8. “I learned a long time ago that trying to micromanage the perfect vacation is always a disaster. That leads to terrible times.” – Anthony Bourdain

Leave time for spontaneous experiences and unexpected schedule disruptions. Even the most perfectly planned trip might not go as planned. Don’t try to micromanage every detail, or you’ll end up stressed out and disappointed.

Instead, make your plan but be open to disruptions and rearranging of your schedule. Your time off is a time for relaxation and fun, so don’t be too strict that it makes the experience terrible.

9. “An upcoming vacation gives us something to eagerly anticipate.” – Jaime Kurtz

No matter where you are going, you’ll look forward to it eagerly. This eager anticipation promotes joy and happiness in your life. You’ll be much happier than when you only have work and daily tasks in your future.

10. “A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.” – Robert Orben

Sometimes the perfect experience requires planning for nothing but downtime. Choose a location where you can relax so that you don’t feel like you’re missing anything. Everyone needs time to rest and recover from daily life without a time restriction.

11. “A vacation helps to relieve stress and boredom, gives us a change of scenery, provides us with adventure, and helps to bring us closer to the people in our lives.” – E. S. Woods

If you think you don’t need time off, then this is the travel quote for you. It would be best if you had time to destress and embrace the loved ones in your life. Plus, a change of scenery and a sense of adventure will inspire you and improve your productivity.

Remember this quote during your planning so that you remember how important time off is. When you remember that you need this time, the planning becomes more enjoyable and meaningful.

12. “Of journeying the benefits are many: the freshness it bringeth to the heart, the seeing and hearing of marvelous things, the delight of beholding new cities, the meeting of unknown friends, and the learning of high manners.” – Muslih-Uddin Sadi

Traveling improves your life in many ways that you might not realize right away. As this quote details, travel brings freshness to your life and allows you to see and experience many new things to do. You’ll meet people you wouldn’t have otherwise, and you’ll gain wisdom that you can’t find anywhere else.

13. “As you grow older, you learn a few things. One of them is to actually take the time you’ve allotted for vacation.” – John Battelle

It’s easy to say you don’t have time, but you must take a break from your daily life. You won’t enjoy life if you don’t ever make time for relaxation. Plus, you’ll be more productive when you return home than you would have been without a break.

If you’re reluctant to plan a trip, remember this quote about traveling. Please don’t feel bad for taking time off because it’s essential to your well-being.

14. “Each person deserves a day away in which no problems are confronted, no solutions searched for.  Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us.” – Maya Angelou

Everyone needs a chance to rest and recuperate without dealing with any problems. It’s a time for you to ignore the issues and stop searching for solutions. When you take this time, it helps you withdraw from your everyday stressors for a bit.

15. “A vacation should be just long enough that your boss misses you, and not long enough for him to discover how well he can get along without you.” – Jacob Morton Braude

When you plan for a trip, you’ll want to decide on the length of your trip. Don’t make the adventure so short that your boss doesn’t even notice that you’re gone.

However, it’s no longer temporary time off if your boss learns how to get the job done without you. Use this quote in your planning to help choose your trip length.

travel quotesFinal Thoughts on Remembering These Words to Inspire Your Next Vacation

Whether you’re in the final planning stages or haven’t started yet, these travel quotes will help you. These quotes will inspire you to plan trips that make you happy and help you relax.

Plus, travel quotes remind you of why you should plan a trip. Remember your favorite quotes as you start planning your next trip, and you’re sure to have the best time.

Drinking Tap Water Can Stop Ingestion of Microplastics, According to Research

New research discovered that tap water provides a protective barrier against harmful microplastics. This natural shield can help prevent everyday household items containing plastic from emitting tiny plastics. Products such as plastic bottles, food containers, kettles, and teabags have high levels of microplastics (MPs). Alarmingly, plastic cups, polypropylene baby bottles, and plastic teabags can release over a million MP particles per liter.

When plastics come in contact with hot water (70–100°C), it causes the chemical bonds in plastic break. This reaction releases toxic chemicals into the water, which then make their way into our bodies. A study found that microplastics in hot water are 2 to 8 orders of magnitude higher than MPs in drinking water. Of course, ingesting microplastics from any source can lead to severe consequences.

Studies have found that the ubiquitous nature of MPs affects “all spheres of life and ecology.” In humans, researchers found that exposure to MPs can lead to health problems such as:

  • Oxidative stress
  • Inflammatory lesions
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Neurotoxicity
  • Increased cancer risk
  • Cytotoxicity

Despite this troubling discovery, researchers have found that clean drinking water can decrease these health risks. While some people prefer filtered water to tap water, this latest study provides a reason to drink more of the latter.

Drinking Tap Water Can Help Stop Ingestion of Microplastics, According to Research

tap waterA team of scientists from AMBER, the SFI Centre for Advanced Materials and Bioengineering Research, Trinity College Dublin, and University College Dublin performed the study. The research was published in the Chemical Engineering Journal.

 Researchers found that tap water contains trace elements and minerals which stop plastics from degrading into microplastics. Microplastics release various toxins like trace metals and dangerous organic chemicals into drinking water. Previous studies on MPs have only utilized forms of freshwater, however. These types of water only exist in laboratories, therefore not considering impurities and toxins in tap water.

To imitate real-world conditions, scientists created synthetic drinking water (SDW) in the laboratory. They based preparations on WHO standards for safe tap water but modified it to mimic local Tap drinking water (TDW) composition. They found similar levels of MP released from plastics exposed to TDW and SDW. This shows that SDW is an effective model to analyze MP release levels from household plastics.

Professor John J Boland from AMBER and Trinity’s School of Chemistry, a co-leader of the research team, said this: “It is well known that plastics can degrade and release microplastics, which can get into the environment and be consumed by humans. Our research shows that many items such as plastic kettles, which are repeatedly used with tap water, can develop over time a protective skin that prevents the release of microplastics entirely.”

How Copper Prevents Microplastics from Leaching into Tap Water

The study found that these natural passivation films can reduce MP release by a staggering 99.8%. Plastics exposed to hot (40–100 °C) SDW and TDW gradually developed a Copper (II) oxide (CuO) passivation film. This occurred due to the presence of Cu2+ ions in the water samples. Scientists observed similar protective films forming on 97% of all food-grade plastics.

“Because tap water is not 100% pure H2O — since it contains trace elements and minerals, what we showed is that if you include these trace elements and minerals, the degradation of plastics in tap water is completely different,” Boland said.

The research revealed that copper oxide films could help block microplastics from entering drinking water. The natural phenomenon occurs during exposure of plastics to drinking water. Higher water temperatures enhance this effect, and the film builds up over time with the regular use of plastic products. Most importantly, researchers found that repeatedly cleaning the plastic items doesn’t wash away the CuO film layer.

“Rather than the plastics falling apart, the minerals coat the plastic and prevent any degradation, and so the product becomes microplastic-free. For example, that dark brown color in your kettle is a good thing. It is a copper oxide that forms from copper minerals in your tap water, which in turn comes from the copper pipes in your house — all these combine to give perfect protection to the kettle.”

Future Implications

This study promises a future of sustainable plastic that doesn’t leach harmful chemicals into the environment. Study authors say that more research is needed to understand the MP reduction mechanism further. They hope that existing plastic coating technologies can utilize these findings to create MP-free products.

“This discovery is important because we have learned that these types of protective skins can be manufactured in the laboratory and directly applied to the plastic without having to wait for it to build up naturally. This discovery also shows that nature is leading the way, pointing to solutions to what is a very significant problem facing our modern high-tech society.”

Three Ways to Lessen Your Exposure

While microplastics exist in virtually every part of the globe, you can still reduce your exposure. Follow these simple tips to steer clear of MPs:

  • Drink tap water instead of bottled water. Stainless steel or reusable glass bottles make great alternatives to plastic.
  • Don’t reheat takeout in plastic containers. If you’re taking food to-go, bring your plastic-free container when possible. Opt for silicone, cardboard, or biodegradable fiber containers instead.
  • Avoid or limit seafood intake. Since microplastics are so common in waterways, marine life regularly ingests them. Mussels and oysters, in particular, have high levels of microplastics.

tap waterFinal Thoughts on a Study Finding That Drinking Tap Water Inhibits Microplastic Ingestion

Unfortunately, microplastics have made their way into almost every ecosystem and creature on the planet. Since they’re so small, they go undetected much of the time, but they can cause lasting health problems when ingested. Luckily, researchers have found a way to lessen exposure to microplastics.

They found that drinking tap water, significantly when heated, can lower microplastic release by up to 99.8%. With regular use, household plastic items build up a protective skin comprised of copper oxide, which blocks microplastic ingestion. The study authors hope that this finding will lead to improvements in plastic products moving forward.

Ringworm Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Never to Ignore

Ringworm is an uncomfortable, itchy rash that appears on your skin. While it is a common and well-known occurrence, not everyone understands the details of it. Learning more about the symptoms, what can cause it, and the ringworm treatments can help you identify and heal it quickly.

Ringworm, caused by a fungal infection, can occur in any part of your body. It is typically a circular rash, with red around the edges and clear in the middle. This fungal infection occurs due to mold-like fungi on dead skin, hair, and nail tissues.

Many people think this skin infection has something to do with a worm because of its name, but that isn’t the case. Its name comes from the red work-like ring that appears on your skin. The condition is similar to athlete’s foot and jock itch, too.

This condition is highly contagious but can be treated easily in most cases. However, you will want to recognize the issue quickly and get treatment right away. Plus, knowing what can cause it can help you avoid catching the infection later on.

Signs and Symptoms of Ringworm

ringwormRecognizing the symptoms of ringworm can help you avoid catching it from others. Plus, you’ll know when to avoid going around other people to prevent spreading it to them. The telltale sign is a red, ring-shaped rash, but there are other things to watch for.

The ring shape typically appears on the buttocks, trunk, arms, or legs. However, before the ring develops, you might notice a scaly patch or itchy bump on your skin. Then, once the circle appears, it could appear as multiple circle-shapes.

The inside of the ring is typically clear and scaly but lighter in color. Sometimes, the center will be dotted with red bumps and itch excessively. You might also notice that the ring is bumpy or slightly raised, and sometimes it won’t appear at all.

If the skin infection occurs on your scalp, it’ll start as a small sore or bump. Then, it’ll turn scaly, and the skin might begin to flake. It’ll feel sore and tender when you touch it, and your hair might fall out in that area.

Many people are surprised to learn that this skin infection can occur on your nails, too. It can happen on your fingernails or toenails, causing your nails to become thick and discolored. Additionally, an infection on your nails can cause them to become extremely brittle.

This skin infection might cause your skin to peel or crack. Plus, along with itching, it can also cause a stinging or burning sensation. Whether you experience all of the symptoms or just a few, the situation is uncomfortable.

Ringworm Causes

As a highly contagious fungal infection, this condition is caused by mold-like parasites that live on cells. The parasites live on cells in the outer layer of your skin and can spread in a few different ways, including:

  • Direct contact with an infected person
  • Touching an animal with the infection, as it commonly affects dogs, cats, and cows
  • Direct contact with a contaminated surface or object, such as clothing, towels, or bedding
  • Prolonged contact to infected soil

The fungi that can cause the infection grows out of control in warm, moist environments. When it grows out of control, you’ll begin to notice the symptoms, and it becomes contagious. It’s commonly spread in public showers, locker rooms, and pool areas because it’s the perfect environment to grow.

Additionally, the infection spreads during close-contact sports. People who participate in wrestling commonly develop it because of the constant physical contact. Not only is the gym hot and humid, but the fungi transfer to many people and surfaces.

Another cause of the infection is wearing tight or restrictive clothing because it gives the fungi a place to grow. If your skin or the clothing becomes damp, it’s the perfect environment for the infection to develop. The clothes will rub your skin, creating small tears, and then it’ll hold any moisture in the tight space.

Likewise, wearing shoes that are too tight can also cause skin infection. Shoes that are too small can cause excessive sweating, making the inside of your footwear moist and humid.

Risk Factors

Some health conditions make it more likely to develop symptoms from the infection. People with diabetes, obesity, or immune systems problems have an increased risk. Plus, anyone with a minor skin injury is more likely to develop the infection than those without one.

People that live in a warm climate are more likely to develop the infection than others. When the temperature is consistently warm and humid, the fungi thrive and continue growing.

Children are more likely to get a skin infection, but it can affect people of all ages. The more items you share with others, the more likely you are to pick up the fungi.

Additionally, people that have frequent contact with animals have a higher risk of developing skin infections. You can always see the condition on an animal’s skin because the fur can cover it. So, you might come into contact without realizing it.

ringwormDiagnosis and Treatments

If your skin condition doesn’t improve within two weeks, you might need to see your doctor for treating ringworm. Typically, your doctor can diagnose the infection on sight, or they’ll examine scrapings for a diagnosis. Before seeing your doctor, you can try to clear up the affected area at home.

Over-the-counter treatments can help with fungal infections, which is typically what your doctor will suggest. The treatments come in the forms of lotion, cream, and ointment, and you apply them directly to the area. Once you use these treatment options, you’re likely to experience relief quickly.

However, you’ll want to continue using the treatment for two to four weeks, depending on the instructions. You’ll need to use it for full time, even if it appears to go away, to ensure it kills the fungus. Killing it ensures that the infection doesn’t return once you stop the treatment.

Make sure to clean the affected area before applying treatment, and keep it dry at all times. You’ll want to wash your hands each time you touch the area before touching anyone or anything else. Additionally, wash any clothing, bedding, or towels that you used.

If the infection is on your nails or scalp, you might need a prescription for an oral medication. It’s not as easy to keep those areas clean and keep creams or ointment on them. There are also antifungal shampoos for infections on your scalp.

Preventing Ringworm

This skin infection is difficult to prevent because the fungus is common and contagious before symptoms appear. However, you can take steps to prevent it. Start by educating yourself and those around you.

Make sure people know how it spreads and what to watch for. Plus, letting people know that you can catch it from pets can help, too. Encourage people to wash their hands after touching their pet, even if there don’t appear to be any issues.

You should also wash your hands often, even if you don’t think you touched anything that’s been contaminated. If you share items with others, sanitize the surfaces between uses. Plus, keep any shared areas clean and sanitized, and avoid sharing things that you don’t have to.

If you participate in contact sports, make sure to shower right after playing. Keep your gear and uniform clean, and wash it even when it doesn’t appear dirty. Avoid sharing your sports gear with other players, too, as direct skin contact can spread the infection.

Anytime you use a public shower or locker room, wear flip-flops and avoid going barefoot. These areas tend to be humid, making them the perfect environment for fungi growth.

Other ways to prevent the infection include wearing clean clothing that fits well. Avoid anything too tight, including your shoes. Shoes should fit in a way that allows air to circulate around your feet.

Keep your fingernails and toenails short to avoid getting fungi beneath them. Make sure to keep your nails clean, too.

The best way to prevent skin infection is by avoiding people and animals that you know are infected. If you see that they have a patch of skin that looks strange, avoid coming into contact with them. Don’t share items, clothing, or towels with someone who has an infection, either.

ringwormFinal Thoughts on Ringworm Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Never to Ignore

Ringworm is a common skin infection, and it is highly contagious. It’s uncomfortable and itchy, so you’ll want to treat it as soon as it develops. Knowing the symptoms and sources can help you get it under control right away.

Plus, knowing what can cause the skin infection can help you prevent it, too. If you know what to look for, you’ll learn not to come in contact with an infected person or animal. You’ll also know what steps to take to ensure a clean environment that is free of fungus.

Remember this information about ringworm, and share it with those around you. The more people that know, the easier it is to reduce the spread of skin infection.

Researchers Discover Why Dogs Have Attention Deficiency Disorder

A study by the University of Helsinki involving 11,000 dogs discovered why dogs have attention deficiency. They determined several factors that can make ADHD more likely in certain dogs. Gender, age, breed, behavioral problems, and environmental factors can lead to hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.

“Our findings can help to better identify, understand and treat canine hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention. Moreover, they indicated similarity with human ADHD, consolidating the role of dogs in ADHD-related research,” says Professor Hannes Lohi, leader of a canine gene research group at the University of Helsinki.

“Dogs share many similarities with humans, including physiological traits and the same environment. In addition, ADHD-like behavior naturally occurs in dogs. This makes dogs an interesting model for investigating ADHD in humans,” said doctoral researcher Sini Sulkama.

Professor Lohi’s research group collected comprehensive behavioral survey data on over 11,000 Finnish pet dogs. They based survey questions on human ADHD research to analyze hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention in the dogs.

The team focused their study on pinpointing environmental factors that can trigger attention deficiency in canines. Also, they wanted to determine any links to other behavioral traits. The study was published in the journal Translational Psychiatry.

What the Study on Attention Deficiency in Dogs Revealed

attention deficiency“We found that hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention were more common in young dogs and male dogs. Corresponding observations relating to age and gender in connection with ADHD have been made in humans too,” says Jenni Puurunen, Ph.D.

Dogs who spent many hours alone each day had more hyperactive, impulsive, and inattentive personalities than less isolated dogs. Sulkama added that dogs can become frustrated and anxious in long periods of isolation since they’re social creatures. Also, they can’t get exercise or attention when they’re home alone, which exacerbates the problem. They tend to release these pent-up emotions as impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity, all symptoms of attention deficiency.

In this study, researchers found a new link between canine attention deficiency and the owner’s experience with dogs. They determined that the ADHD symptoms occurred more often in dogs who weren’t their owners’ first pets. However, scientists still don’t know why this phenomenon occurs. Sulkama suggests one theory about why second or third dogs may exhibit more ADHD symptoms.

“People may pick as their first dog a less active individual that better matches the idea of a pet dog, whereas more active and challenging dogs can be chosen after gaining more experience with dogs,” explains Sulkama.

Certain Breeds Tend to Have Attention Deficiency Disorders

Across all dogs breeds, you’ll notice varying behaviors and personality traits. Genetics plays a huge role in how dogs act and their predisposition to attention deficiency. Professor Lohi explains that breeds trained for work like the German Shepherd and Border Collie exhibit more hyperactivity and impulsivity. But, they also have excellent concentration.

On the other hand, breeders consider a calm disposition beneficial for popular show dogs like the Chihuahua, Poodle, and Long-Haired Collie. Many people adopt these dog breeds as pets due to their easy-going nature. However, Lohi says inattention may occur more often in pet dogs since concentration isn’t as valued as in working breeds.

Among the 22 breeds studied, authors discovered the following:

Highest hyperactivity/impulsivity scores

  • Cairn Terrier
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • German Shepherd Dog
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • Smooth Collie

Lowest hyperactivity/impulsivity scores

  • Chihuahua
  • Rough Collie
  • Chinese Crested Dog
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Poodle

Highest inattention scores

  • Cairn Terrier
  • Golden Retriever
  • Finnish Lapponian Dog
  • Mixed breed
  • Wheaten Terrier

Lowest inattention scores

  • Border Collie
  • Poodle
  • Spanish Water Dog
  • Shetland Sheepdog
  • Labrador Retriever

Dogs with ADHD May Have Other Behavioral Problems

The study confirmed prior research linking attention deficiency symptoms to obsessive-compulsive behavior, aggressiveness, and fearfulness. ADHD often co-occurs with other mental health problems and illnesses, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Canines with OCD-like behaviors may chase their tails, obsessively lick surfaces or themselves, or stare off into space.

“The findings suggest that the same brain regions and neurobiological pathways regulate activity, impulsivity, and concentration in both humans and dogs. This strengthens the promise that dogs show as a model species in the study of ADHD. In other words, the results can both make it easier to identify and treat canine impulsivity and inattention as well as promote ADHD research,” Sulkama explains.

People with attention deficiency and impulsivity have deficits in the frontostriatal circuit. They also have abnormal activity in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and striatum. Similarly, people with OCD also have abnormal frontostriatal circuit activity, which involves the striatum, PFC, and ACC. In addition to ADHD and OCD, aggressiveness also involves the brain reward system, with neurological pathways linked to the PFC and striatum. Finally, fear and anxiety occur with abnormal activity levels in the PFC and ACC.

Researchers believe the Cairn Terrier would make a fitting model for attention deficiency research. It had a high mean score in hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattention, along with compulsive behaviors and aggressive tendencies.

The Academy of Finland helped support the study investigating how environmental and genetic factors influence canine behavior. The European Research Council (Starting Grant), the ERA-NET NEURON funding platform, and the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation also funded the study.

attention deficiencyFinal Thoughts: Researchers Discover Why Dogs Have Attention Deficiency Disorder

A new study by researchers from the University of Helsinki determined the cause of attention deficiency in dogs. When dogs don’t get enough attention, exercise, or stimulation, they act out with aggressive, fearful, or hyperactive behavior. Like humans, dogs are social creatures who thrive by connecting with others, exploring their environment, and overcoming challenges. When they spend long hours alone, it negatively affects their mental and physical health.

Researchers believe this study, the most extensive survey-based research to date, will help improve future ADHD research. Perhaps further studies will uncover more about how to prevent or treat ADHD in both humans and dogs.

In humans, prescribed ADHD medicines, a healthy diet, time in nature, meditation/yoga, and exercise can ease ADHD symptoms. Similarly, veterinarians from an animal hospital may prescribe stimulants like Ritalin to improve concentration and prevent dog nervous behavior.

Psychology Explains Why Kissing Is So Important in a Marriage

If you’re married, do you kiss your partner regularly? It turns out that kissing is way more important than what you might think regarding your union. Do you ever notice how you feel better, even giddy, after a make-out session with your spouse?

The biggest reason why kissing is important is that it’s a precursor to intimacy. Do you remember the iconic movie Pretty Woman that rocked the box offices back in 1990? Julia Roberts was a lady of the night who made money working in one of the oldest professions.

However, in the movie, she had one rule for all her encounters–she never kissed any dates on the lips. The reason she didn’t kiss anyone was that it was too intimate. A study cited by Times Union states that many men care more about who they kiss rather than who they sleep with while dating.

The psychology of kissing is that it’s an oral contact with another human being that is incredibly personal and very intimate. Have you ever wondered why giving kisses feel so unique and why there’s so much hype about the first kiss? There are many benefits to kissing the one you love, and it can affect you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Your body will respond to the physical stimuli when you’re puckering up with someone. Some consider it first base, but it goes way beyond the need to hit a home run. As you engage with your partner, your body is stimulated, making more of the hormone oxytocin. Did you know this hormone will help you bond better with your spouse?

Physical Benefits of a Kissing

kissingAccording to Eureka Alert, a female puts much more emphasis on a kiss than a male, as they see it as a guide of their esteem. An attractive person might not need kisses as much as someone who feels unattractive or has poor self-esteem. To them, it means they’re desirable outside the bedroom and in everyday life.

Most married couples kiss on the way out the door in the morning, but this becomes more of a habit than anything else. It’s the same as you grab your cell phone and cup of coffee as you leave. However, it has many benefits to your body that you don’t see. In the same article written in Times Union, they show that puckering up has the following advantages:

  • People who kiss each other daily live up to five years longer than those who don’t.
  • The blood rushes a kiss gives you can help heal blemishes on your face and dermatitis.
  • The rush of chemicals from a physical encounter causes the pulse to rise to over a hundred beats per minute, which can be as good as a workout.
  • Kissing someone passionately takes an astounding 29 muscles in your face, so it might help reduce wrinkles. If you need help keeping your skin tight as you age, you may need to pucker p a bit more.
  • Your lips are way more sensitive than the tip of your finger, and when you kiss someone, you’re stimulating all the significant nerves within the body.
  • Though it’s challenging to think about the saliva exchange when you kiss someone, it’s healthier than you might imagine. It can help you build a robust immune system to fight disease and keep you healthy.

Emotional Benefits of Kissing

Why do we kiss? It’s a great bonding experience for you and your partner, and it feels good. Sure, you can get caught up in all the physical aspects of the action, but the emotional benefits supersede them.

For instance, do you remember holding your infant child or another infant in your arms? What’s the first thing you want to do when you see the innocence and beauty of that little face? You can’t hold back and want to kiss them.

The people who feel that a kiss with your partner is all about getting your motor revved up for intimacy aren’t always accurate. See, part of a kiss is an instinct ingrained into you biologically. However, when you lock lips with your spouse, you connect on a level much deeper than you do with another person.

You involve emotions as well as your physical bodies, and this will strengthen your bond. The more you kiss one another, the closer you will feel. When your lips meet, your brain is charged and releases a chemical cocktail that helps you feel amazing.

kissingAccording to British Council, the rush of hormones in your body stimulates the neurotransmitters like serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine. So that rush you’re feeling is caused by your pleasure center, which is deep inside your brain and kicked into high gear.

When you stimulate this area of your brain, it’s like taking a little drug like cocaine, and the body starts craving it because of the rewards it offers. So, the next time you kiss and find you want more, it’s because your brain is invoking the pleasure and reward system.

Spiritual Benefits of Kissing

Last is the spiritual benefits that come from a kiss. It seems odd when you consider the belief that a simple lip-lock could impact someone more significant than yourself with your spouse. However, Viktor Müller and Ulman Lindenberger conducted a study to show the spiritual benefits of puckering up.

The goal was to investigate wavering occurrences in the brain and examine intra- and inter-brain connections during smooching. To put it into terms you can better understand, it synchronizes your brain to one another when you’re kissing someone. Remember, when you marry your partner, you become one for life, according to your vows.

A kiss puts your brains into a state where you can synchronize, making your connection more profound. Your brains connect, and your heart and emotions engage in the stimulation. Sure, you can look at the physical and science behind what’s happening, but you can’t ignore the spiritual aspects.

While there is some overlapping between the physical and spiritual worlds, some things are impossible to measure. You can’t simply dissect how much of a kiss is spiritual, but when your bodies become in sync and defy the physical realities, it connects on a higher plane.

When Muller and Lindenberge conducted their study, they unknowingly tapped into a realm few consider. There are ways to kiss, but a deep and passionate kiss is intimate and spiritual. It will do more for your bond as husband and wife than a peck on the cheek, as it supernaturally links you.

Some counselors tell people with marriage problems that they should kiss daily. It’s effortless in theory, as when you’re becoming very intimate with one another, you’re restoring the bond that was once there. While you may need to force yourself initially, it eventually becomes a spiritual link that brings you closer.

Regardless of what religion you affiliate with or your beliefs, most value intimacy and believe it should be reserved for married couples. This includes the Islam faith, Buddhism, Judaism, and even Christianity. Some cultures believe that a couple should wait. Why? Because kissing is such an act of intimacy, you connect yourself with this person in ways you don’t understand.

Kissing each other is only the gate that opens the door to a more profound physical, emotional, and spiritual encounter.

kissingFinal Thoughts on the Importance of Kissing in a Marriage

Do you feel that it’s essential to kiss your spouse every day? Some people view it as a mere sensual act, but it blows their minds to find that it’s emotional and spiritual too. The benefit of physical contact helps you to create a more balanced and healthy life.

Kissing is less about erotic experiences. Instead, it’s a sensitive act that has so much meaning. Additionally, it’s a representation of the emotional bond that exists between you two.

Marriage is challenging because it takes work. You don’t get married one day and become perfect the next. The union of two souls is about learning and growing together. However, it would be best never to take the intimate aspects for granted.

When you get mad at your spouse, you probably want to withhold things like kissing and making love. However, what you’re doing emotionally is more damaging than forgoing physical attributes. You’re breaking the bond that you have with one another.

The next time you get mad or want to walk out the door and never return, remember that you bond to this person on a deeper level because of your intimacy. Don’t withhold a kiss from them, as your relationship needs it as much as air to breathe.

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