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Miss Nepal Shuts Down Haters With Self-Confidence

Miss Nepal Shuts Down Haters With Self-Confidence

Beauty queen proves again that beauty comes from kindness and self-confidence.

A remarkable contestant has walked the runway to challenge the world’s traditional beauty standards. Indeed, it was a historic first for the Miss Universe pageant. At the age of 22, Miss Nepal has become an icon and champion for plus-sized bodies. At the pageant, Miss Nepal proudly showed incredible self-confidences while showing off her plus-sized figure on the global stage. 

This groundbreaking (and brave!) statement has garnered a mixed reaction from the public. Many openly supported her, expressing admiration for her beauty. Of course, others have been less supportive. Despite an onslaught of negativity and criticism, she has responded with refreshing honesty. She graciously opened up to share her journey and experiences.

Meet Jane Dipika Garrett (Miss Nepal)

Miss Nepal  – Jane Dipika Garrett  – expressed her surprise and gratitude for her significant progress after strutting her stuff in the November 2023 Miss Universe competition. As someone who aspired to be a model, Garrett had previously struggled with low self-esteem. 

The positive feedback she received during the competition was a transformative experience. She even mentioned how all the loving comments affirmed her decision to embrace and celebrate her uniqueness.

Garrett reflected on her experience, noting her surprise at the applause she received on stage. She emphasized that her participation was primarily motivated by a desire to represent her country and women globally. Her goal was never to seek out personal accolades.


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Miss Nepal Opens up About Self-Confidence and Being a Plus-sized Beauty Queen

Garrett’s journey to the Miss Universe Pageant has not been without several challenges. She acknowledged receiving negative comments and criticisms from some individuals. She described the many online haters as hurtful and dismissive of her medical struggles.

Garrett revealed her battle with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This condition leads to increased androgen levels in women and can cause weight gain, menstrual irregularities, acne, and excess hair growth. She shared how her recent weight gain, a symptom of PCOS, affected her mental health and self-esteem.

Determined to overcome these challenges, Garrett embarked on a journey towards self-acceptance and body positivity. Her confidence and radiance on the Miss Universe stage made a powerful statement and celebrated her successful journey towards embracing her body and identity.

Garrett’s participation in Miss Universe and her journey of self-acceptance highlights an important shift in the beauty pageant industry. Today, the pageant is moving towards a more inclusive and diverse representation of beauty.


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Other Big Beautiful Women With Great Self-Confidence

Garrett is one of the most recent examples of beauty coming from self-confidence.

Let’s broaden our perspectives. Acknowledging other plus-size beauties who have defied conventional size norms is important. They are role models for those who struggle with body image and acceptance. 

These individuals have also faced their unique challenges but have risen above them to celebrate their beauty and promote body shape and size diversity. Let’s consider some other plus-sized beauties whose names you’ll probably recognize:

self-confidence miss nepal

Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham is a renowned figure in the modeling industry, celebrated for her work as a plus-sized model. She has graced numerous high-profile fashion magazines and runways. Most of all, she broke through almost impenetrable barriers in the fashion world. 

Graham’s advocacy for body positivity and inclusivity in fashion has made her an influential voice in her industry. She has used her enormous platform to challenge conventional beauty standards and encourage women of all sizes to embrace their bodies confidently.

Tess Holliday

Tess Holliday is another influential plus-sized model and body positivity advocate. Known for her distinctive tattoos and bold style, Holliday has been featured in a variety of major publications. 

She made history as one of the first size 22 models to sign with a major modeling agency. Her message consistently centers around the importance of self-confidence challenging societal norms regarding beauty and size.


Lizzo, a multi-talented musician and entertainer, is celebrated not just for her musical prowess but also for her body positivity activism. She confidently showcases her plus-sized figure, both on stage and in her music videos. Her message to fans is clear: to love themselves in all their diversity. 

Lizzo’s impact transcends music. She has also become a symbol of self-love and acceptance for many, particularly in the music industry, which is often criticized for its narrow beauty standards.

Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah is quite an accomplished actress, singer, and producer. For decades, she has long served as an icon of plus-size beauty in the entertainment industry. Her influence is so great that she even earned the name “Hip Hop’s First Lady.”

She has consistently advocated for more diverse beauty standards in Hollywood and music. Her confidence and talent have led the way for more representation of diverse body types in film and television, making her a trailblazer and an inspiration for many.


Adele might be thin today. But she was a plus-sized songbird when she broke into the notably competitive music industry. The globally renowned singer and songwriter has also been admired for her talent and beauty as a plus-sized woman. 

Although her career has been primarily focused on her musical achievements, her presence, and style have also contributed to a broader conversation about body image in the entertainment industry. 

Adele’s journey, including her public discussions about body image, weight, and self-acceptance, has helped her legions of fans worldwide grow in acceptance of their own bodies.

These individuals represent a broader movement toward embracing diversity in body types across various industries. Their successes and advocacy have significantly challenged traditional beauty standards and promoted a more inclusive definition of beauty.

self-confidence pageant

Final Thoughts: Miss Nepal Inspires Self-Confidence and Body Positivity

We live in a time when social media influences conversations and dictates style. Hateful comments go viral with a few unkind swipes and clicks, making many people feel “less-than” due to their body size or appearance. 

Miss Nepal showed up on a runway to compete, knowing that she defied the “norms” of the pageant industry. She handled the online trolls with great dignity and called awareness to PCOS, a condition impacting women all around the world. 

Miss Nepal proves that while beauty may be present on the outside (and she is certainly a stunner), it’s what is inside your heart that really matters.

Psychology Explains the Importance of Strong Friendships

Here are some good reasons to have a few close friends

In a world where the fast pace of life can often lead us to feel isolated and disconnected, the value of strong friendships becomes increasingly clear. Psychology provides a deeper understanding of how each of our friends may enrich our lives. Indeed, many say these connections are essential for our mental and physical well-being.

Even health experts tout the vital role connecting with others can play. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention writes:

“When people are socially connected and have stable and supportive relationships, they are more likely to make healthy choices and to have better mental and physical health outcomes.”

The Psychological Impact of Friendships

Friendships are all about connection and support. Psychologists have found that having strong, healthy friendships can significantly impact our mental health. 

Friends provide a sense of belonging, an essential component for emotional stability. When we share our lives with friends, we create a network of support and understanding. That support can be particularly valuable during challenging times.

Strong friendships also contribute to our sense of identity. Our friends often reflect aspects of who we are or aspire to be. They play a crucial role in shaping our perceptions of ourselves and our world. Through these relationships, we learn about trust, empathy, and cooperation, vital skills for navigating life’s complexities.

friendships friends

The Role of Friendships in Stress Reduction

“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.” – Elisabeth Foley.

Life inevitably comes with its share of stress, but having close friends can help mitigate its effects. Engaging in heartfelt interactions with friends releases oxytocin, often called the “love hormone,” which can reduce stress and promote calm and security. Moreover, laughter and enjoyment, frequent components of friendly interactions, are natural stress relievers.

In times of stress, friends can also offer practical support and advice. Whether helping to solve a problem, offering a different perspective, or just providing a listening ear, friends can help us navigate tough situations more effectively than facing them alone.

Friends and Your Physical Health

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” – Walter Winchell.

The benefits of strong friendships extend beyond our mental and emotional well-being; they also positively influence our physical health. Studies have shown that individuals with a robust social network tend to live longer and have a lower risk of a range of health issues, including heart disease and stroke. This correlation may be due to the stress-reducing effects of friendship and encouraging healthy behaviors within social groups.

Additionally, friendships can play a critical role in recovery from illness. The emotional support and practical help friends provide can significantly improve recovery outcomes. Motivation and positive reinforcement from friends can also be crucial in maintaining healthy habits and lifestyle changes.

Nurturing and Maintaining Friendships

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.'” – C.S. Lewis

Given the significant benefits of friendships, investing time and effort into nurturing these relationships is important. Maintaining strong friendships requires communication, empathy, and commitment. It’s about being there for each other in times of joy and hardship. 

We need regular interaction. That means, though, we need a healthy blend of personal encounters and digital interactions. These can be through face-to-face meetings, phone calls, or digital communication, which helps keep the bond strong.

It’s also important to be mindful of the quality of our friendships. Mutual respect, trust, and understanding are the foundations of a strong friendship. Sharing openly and honestly, without fear of judgment, strengthens the bond between friends.

Overcoming Challenges in Friendships

“Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or tired, don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.” – Jon Katz

Like any relationship, friendships can face challenges. Misunderstandings, differences in opinions, and changes in life circumstances can strain friendships. However, open communication and a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives can often overcome these challenges.

Recognizing when a friendship may no longer be healthy is also important. Friendships that consistently bring stress or negativity need to be re-evaluated. While it can be difficult, sometimes moving on from unhealthy relationships is necessary for our well-being.

The Digital Age and Making Friends

“In the digital age, don’t forget to use your digits! Your fingers can dial phones, write letters, and hug your friends.” – Robert Breault.

Thanks to social media, friendships have taken on new forms. Social media and other digital communication platforms have made it easier to connect with people worldwide. These tools can be a great way to maintain long-distance friendships or to reconnect with old friends.

However, the science regarding real-world friends vs. connecting online is clear. It’s crucial to maintain a balanced blend of both online interactions with face-to-face connections. Physical presence and personal interaction still play an irreplaceable role in building and maintaining strong friendships.


Enhancing Personal Growth and Development

“Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.” – Ed Cunningham.

One of the less discussed but equally significant aspects of strong friendships is their role in personal growth and development. Friends often act as mirrors, reflecting our strengths and weaknesses, thus enabling us to understand ourselves better. They challenge us, celebrate our successes, and support us through failures. 

This environment of encouragement and honest feedback is essential for personal development. Through various experiences shared with friends, individuals learn to navigate different perspectives and develop resilience. We also learn to have a deeper understanding of human interactions. This personal growth not only benefits the individual but also enriches the relationships they have, creating a cycle of positive development.

The Role of Friendships in Enhancing Creativity and Joy

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” – Linda Grayson.

Friendships can be a tremendous source of creativity and joy. Sharing hobbies, interests, and activities with friends can lead to flourishing creative ideas. Collaborative endeavors, whether artistic projects, business ventures, or simple DIY tasks, are often more enjoyable and fruitful when undertaken with friends. 

The shared creativity not only leads to the production of something tangible but also strengthens the bonds of friendship. Moreover, the joy derived from engaging in fun activities, experiencing new adventures, and creating lasting memories with friends contributes to an overall sense of happiness and fulfillment in life.

The Impact of Friends on Mental Resilience

“In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips.” – Salman Rushdie.

In today’s fast-paced world, mental resilience has become a crucial skill, and friendships play a significant role in developing this resilience. When faced with life’s challenges, the emotional support provided by friends can be a lifeline. Knowing that there is someone to lean on can make a significant difference in how individuals cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. 

The reassurance that comes from a supportive friend can help one navigate through difficult times, making problems seem more manageable. Additionally, friends can offer different perspectives, helping break negative thinking cycles often accompanying tough situations.

Friendships Across Lifespan: Adapting and Evolving

“Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.” – Jon Katz

The value of friendships is not confined to a particular age or phase of life; rather, it evolves and adapts throughout one’s lifespan. From the playmates of childhood to the confidantes of adolescence. Later in life, those companions of young adulthood may grow into the companions of old age. Each phase of life brings its own unique friendship needs and experiences. These evolving relationships provide continuity and a sense of identity over time. 

As people age, friendships may change. Still, the fundamental need for connection and companionship remains. Older adults, in particular, can find great solace and joy in cultivating strong connections and combating feelings of loneliness and isolation. This adaptability of friendships across different stages of life underscores their enduring importance and value.


Final Thoughts on Why We All Need Strong Friendships in Our Lives

The importance of strong friendships is clear. These relationships provide emotional support, reduce stress, and positively impact physical health. Building friendships requires effort and commitment, but the rewards are immeasurable. In a world that can often feel lonely and disconnected, the value of a good friend is truly priceless.

Friendships are a source of joy and vital to a healthy, fulfilling life. As we navigate through the complexities of life, let us remember to cherish and nurture these essential bonds. Let’s end with a quote from Helen Keller, who had some wise words about friendships: “Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”

How Sleeping Separately Can Make Your Relationship Healthier

Here’s how better sleep can help couples grow.

The concept of sleeping separately to improve a couple’s relationship often exists in a cloud of misunderstanding. However, retiring to separate beds each night, while a seemingly unconventional idea, reveals surprising benefits for both partners’ emotional and physical health. 

This article explores the positive impacts of sleeping apart and how it can. It might sound counterintuitive, but many couples swear it brings them closer together.

Understanding the Stigma Around Separate Sleeping

Traditionally, sharing a bed has been seen as an integral part of intimacy in romantic relationships. It’s often perceived as a physical manifestation of togetherness and a shared life. 

However, this perspective overlooks the individual differences in sleeping preferences and needs that each person brings into a relationship. For instance, one person may snuggle under a blanket pile. But their partner would rather just have a light sheet over them. 

Acknowledging these differences is essential in understanding why sleeping separately can be a healthy choice for some couples.

sleeping partner

The Quest for Quality Sleep

At the heart of the matter is the quality of sleep. Good sleep is imperative for physical and mental health and emotional stability. 

Partners may have different sleep or work schedules. For instance, one partner might work overnight while their love works days. The awakening or going-to-bed habits may disturb one another. 

Another factor could be medical conditions like sleep apnea, which can disrupt the other’s rest. While the CPAP machine offers one partner a safe night of rest, the noise may keep the other awake.

By choosing to sleep separately, each person can create an environment conducive to their sleep needs, leading to better rest and, in turn, a happier, more harmonious relationship.

Strengthening Emotional Bonds When Sleeping Separately

Contrary to popular belief, sleeping apart doesn’t mean decreased emotional closeness. In fact, it can enhance it. When couples consciously decide to prioritize each other’s comfort and well-being, it demonstrates a deep level of care and understanding. 

Sleeping away from each other may not be a couple’s first choice. But when it becomes necessary for one reason or another, it can show the love that only comes from a sacrifice. 

This choice can lead to a stronger and more respectful relationship.

Individual Space and Independence

Maintaining a sense of individuality is crucial in any healthy relationship. Sleeping separately can provide a much-needed personal space, allowing each partner to unwind and relax in their own way. This independence can foster a stronger sense of self within the relationship, reducing feelings of dependency or loss of personal identity.

Communication and Emotional Intimacy

Choosing to sleep separately requires open and honest communication, a skill demanded of any strong relationship. Discussing sleeping arrangements encourages couples to discuss their needs honestly. But it starts with each person doing some self-evaluation to decide their preferences.

These reflections and honest conversations may spill over into other relationship aspects, enhancing overall communication. Moreover, intimacy isn’t solely confined to sharing a bed. 

Couples can find creative ways to maintain intimacy. For instance, some couples enjoy setting aside time for cuddling or having coffee together. This intentional commitment to emotional intimacy ensures a strong emotional and physical connection.

Addressing Challenges and Concerns About Sleeping Separately

Deciding to sleep separately might raise concerns about drifting apart or losing a romantic connection. It’s important to acknowledge these fears. It’s equally essential to start discussing them openly. 

Couples can set boundaries and create routines that make space for them to spend quality time together. It’s also crucial to remember that sleeping apart doesn’t have to be a permanent arrangement. 

Couples can experiment with what works best for them, whether separate beds in the same room or certain nights of the week spent together. If sleeping alone doesn’t pan out, you can go back to your earlier arrangements.

Respecting Individual Sleep Needs

Every individual has unique sleep needs and preferences. Factors like temperature preferences, movement during sleep, or even differences in mattress firmness can impact a person’s sleep quality. 

When couples acknowledge these needs and opt for separate sleeping arrangements, both parties prioritize each other’s health and well-being. Indeed, it may be a profound act of love and care.

Enhancing Day-to-Day Interactions

A good night’s sleep can significantly impact mood and energy levels. Almost everyone feels better after getting the appropriate amount of shut-eye each night!

Couples who sleep separately often find that they are more patient and kinder to each other. This improvement in day-to-day interactions can lead to a more harmonious and joyful relationship.

Breaking the Mold for a Healthier Relationship

Choosing to sleep separately is a personal decision that goes against societal norms. But norms are meant to be shattered! Don’t worry what others think – do whatever works best for your relationship. 

Remember that every relationship is different; whatever works for one couple may not work for another. The key is to find what best supports both partners’ health, happiness, and well-being.

If you know that but still feel embarrassed about sleeping apart from your partner, keep it between yourselves. Don’t discuss it outside your relationship until you’re ready.


How to Approach the Topic of Sleeping Separately With Your Partner

Approaching sleeping separately with your partner can be a sensitive matter. It requires tact, understanding, and a clear communication strategy to ensure both partners feel heard and respected. 

Here are a few tips to help have this conversation:

Start with Understanding Your Reasons

Before discussing the topic with your partner, it’s important to understand your reasons for wanting to sleep separately. Are you a light sleeper disturbed by your partner’s movements or snoring? Do you have different sleep schedules? Identifying your reasons will help you articulate your thoughts clearly and calmly.

Choose the Right Time and Setting

Timing is crucial. Choose a moment when both of you are relaxed and not preoccupied with other stressors. A peaceful, private setting is ideal, ensuring there are no interruptions. This conversation deserves both partners’ full attention.

Use “I” Statements to Express Your Feelings

When you start the conversation, focus on expressing your feelings and experiences using “I” statements. For example, say, “I have been having trouble sleeping lately, and I feel it might be affecting our relationship,” instead of, “You are causing me to lose sleep.” This approach is less likely to make your partner feel defensive.

Highlight the Benefits

Discuss the potential benefits of sleeping separately, such as improved sleep quality, more personal space, and a stronger relationship. Make it clear that this isn’t about pushing your partner away but improving your life’s quality.

Listen to Your Partner’s Thoughts and Concerns

After you’ve shared your thoughts, allow your partner to express theirs. Listen actively and empathetically. Their initial reaction might be surprise or concern, so be patient and address their feelings with understanding.

Reassure the Strength of Your Relationship

Reassure your partner that your desire to sleep separately does not reflect your emotional intimacy. Emphasize that this decision is about physical comfort and health and that you are committed to maintaining a strong emotional and physical connection.

Discuss Practical Arrangements

If your partner is open to the idea, discuss the practicalities. How will it work? Will you have separate rooms or separate beds in the same room? How will you manage intimacy and time together? It’s important to work out these details collaboratively.

Keep the Conversation Open

This discussion shouldn’t be a one-time conversation. Keep the lines of communication open and regularly check in about how the arrangement works for one another. Be open to adjustments or revisiting the idea if it doesn’t work out as expected.

Respect the Decision

Ultimately, the decision should be mutual. If your partner is uncomfortable with the idea, respecting their feelings is important.

For instance, one partner may be slighted when their love mentions how the non-stop snoring keeps them awake. Other solutions may exist. Consider investing in noise-cancelling headphones or a larger bed if that fixes the problem. So, if your partner wants to pursue other avenues, try their ideas first. That’s especially important if they had no clue about the problem until you dared to discuss it.


Final Thoughts on How Sleeping Apart From Your Can Give You a Better Relationship

Sleeping separately can be a healthy and beneficial choice for many couples. It allows for better quality sleep, fosters independence, enhances communication, and strengthens the emotional bond. By redefining the norms of intimacy and prioritizing individual well-being, couples can create a more resilient, understanding, and loving relationship. Remember, the heart of a healthy relationship lies in respecting and caring for each other’s needs, even when they lead to unconventional choices like sleeping apart.

Here’s Why Attraction is More Than Just Good Looks

Chemistry goes far beyond physical beauty.

When we think about attraction, it’s easy to jump straight to thinking about a partner’s physical appearance. After all, a stunning smile or captivating eyes first might draw our attention. But, looking deeper, it becomes evident that the chemistry in strong relationships often extends far beyond just good looks.

This article will look at how different factors play into attraction. Many are looking for someone who has a good personality, a funny sense of humor, shared values, intelligence, or the ability to “keep it real.”

The Undeniable Role of Chemistry in Attraction

Before looking into the often-indefinable qualities that make someone attractive, let’s take a look at chemistry – the initial pull toward someone. This concept is real, with studies describing the link between chemistry and attracting a partner or mate.

Chemistry in attraction is akin to a mystical force. It is an elusive “spark” that ignites when two people connect. It’s an unspoken, often instantaneous bond transcending mere conversation or physical appeal. Imagine it as a secret language only understood by the hearts involved. 

This chemistry arises from a complex blend of inexplicably aligned physical, emotional, and intellectual compatibilities. It’s like a dance where both partners move in perfect harmony, often without understanding the steps.

attraction chemistry

The Intangible Nature of Chemistry

What makes chemistry so fascinating is its intangible nature. You can’t see it or touch it. You cannot measure it. Still, its presence is undeniable. It’s in the way your heart skips a beat when that person is near. Or, it is how a simple conversation can light up your entire day. This chemistry is often felt in a shared glance or a lingering touch. You can also see it in that effortless conversation that could go on forever. 

It’s more than just shared interests or physical attraction. Rather, it’s a deeper connection that makes you feel understood, valued, and genuinely seen.

The Unpredictability and Magic of Chemistry

The unpredictability of chemistry adds a layer of magic to the concept of attraction. It’s not confined by our usual preferences or the “types” we typically go for. This unpredictability is what makes chemistry so exhilarating. You might find it with someone who, on paper, seems opposite to you, yet in their presence, you feel an undeniable connection.

Chemistry Defying Expectations

Chemistry often defies logic and expectation. It’s common to hear stories of people who met their significant others under the most unexpected circumstances or with someone they initially thought was not their “type.” This element of surprise in chemistry makes it all the more intriguing. It challenges our notions of what attraction should be, pushing us to explore connections outside our comfort zones.

The Transformative Power of Chemistry

The presence of chemistry can transform how we view someone. It can turn an ordinary encounter into something profound, leaving a lasting impression that continues to resonate. Chemistry can make someone’s imperfections seem endearing, their quirks charming, and their presence indispensable. It’s a reminder that attraction is not just about ticking boxes or aligning with preconceived standards but about the unique and often unexpected connections we form with others.

We cannot ignore the role of chemistry in attraction. It’s a powerful, often unexplainable force that is pivotal in connecting with others. With its unpredictability and transformative power, this chemistry adds depth and excitement to the human experience of attraction. It reminds us that sometimes, the most profound connections are the ones we never saw coming.

The Role of Personality in Attraction

Personality plays a crucial role in how we perceive others and how they perceive us. Qualities like kindness, humor, and intelligence often rank high on the traits that make someone attractive. These characteristics can create a magnetic pull that is just as strong, if not stronger, than physical appeal.

Humor and Attraction

Humor, in particular, has a unique power in the realm of attraction. A shared laugh can bridge gaps, ease tensions, and build a connection that transcends physical appearance. When someone makes us laugh, they light up an area of our brain that associates them with joy and positivity, making them more attractive in our eyes.

Intelligence and Emotional Connection

Intelligence, both emotional and intellectual, plays a significant role in attraction. Holding a stimulating conversation or empathizing with our feelings can create a deep, lasting attraction. This emotional connection often grows stronger over time. Indeed, it will usually outlive the initial allure of physical attractiveness.

Physical Attraction: Beyond the Surface

While physical attraction is, without a doubt, a part of the equation, it’s more complex than it seems. It’s not just about the symmetrical features or a perfect body. It’s sometimes the imperfections that draw us in. 

We may also admire how someone’s eyes light up when they talk about their passion, the infectiousness of their genuine smile, or how they move – all these elements can be incredibly attractive.

The Science of Physical Attraction

Science tells us that physical attraction isn’t just about societal beauty standards. It’s often rooted in biology and evolution. For instance, certain physical traits might subconsciously signal health or fertility, making an individual more appealing. But it’s essential to remember that these preferences can vary greatly from person to person.


The Impact of Shared Interests and Values

Sharing common interests and values can be a significant factor in attraction. Meeting someone who loves the same music, enjoys similar hobbies, or shares our worldview creates a sense of camaraderie and understanding. These shared experiences and beliefs can form the foundation of a strong, enduring attraction.

The Role of Values in Long-term Attraction

Values, in particular, are critical when it comes to long-term relationships. When our core beliefs and principles align with someone else’s, it fosters a deeper level of respect and admiration. This alignment can be a powerful force in sustaining attraction over time.

The Influence of Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence and self-esteem are often cited as highly attractive traits. Something is compelling about someone who carries themselves with a sense of self-assurance. This doesn’t mean arrogance or ego but rather a quiet confidence that speaks to self-awareness and self-respect.

The Attraction of Authenticity

Part of what makes confidence so attractive is its association with authenticity. When someone is comfortable in their skin, it allows their true self to shine through. This authenticity is magnetic, drawing others towards them.

The Power of Body Language

Body language is a silent communicator in the world of attraction. Someone may first notice how someone stands facing them directly and then makes admiring eye contact. Or they may pick up on the subtlety of their gestures, like a small smile, which can convey attraction more powerfully than words. These non-verbal cues often speak the loudest in the initial stages of attraction.

Understanding the Subtleties of Body Language

Reading and understanding body language can provide insight into how attraction works. A tilt of the head can mean curiosity to learn more about you. You might also notice the direction of someone’s feet pointing toward you in approach. Or, you might notice the mirroring of your movements. Each of these can indicate attraction.

Here's Why Attraction is More Than Just Good Looks

Final Thoughts on Why It’s Time to Admit That Attraction Is More Than Looks

Attraction is a multifaceted phenomenon that transcends mere physical appearance. It’s a blend of personality, shared interests, confidence, body language, and that mysterious spark of chemistry. Understanding these elements can enrich our relationships. It can also broaden our perspective on what makes someone attractive. Remember that attraction is a symphony. It is not just a solo performance, and it takes two to participate. This complexity makes it so intriguing and beautiful.

Here’s Why Toxic People Project Their Toxicity

When the toxicity gets to be too much, remember these facts.

We all live in a world with a wide range of people with unique personality traits – and shortcomings. That makes it essential to understand why some people develop toxic behaviors. Perhaps more importantly, we must understand why they then project their toxicity onto others. 

This article will help you better understand the psychology behind such toxic behaviors. It will also help you realize why they may behave so badly. But why does that matter to you? A little empathy might help them get on the right track. 

Understanding the Bad Behaviors of Toxic People

Toxic behavior is a term we often use in casual conversations, but we may not pause to understand exactly what it means fully. The terminology refers to those actions and attitudes that can harm or negatively impact the well-being of those around them.

The behaviors are many. But they can include the following:

toxic people

Subtle manipulative behaviors

Here’s a hypothetical example. Imagine you work with a colleague called Jane. She often notices and compliments you for all your hard work. But then she uses that flattery to trick you into taking on her share of the company’s workload. While it’s disguised as kindness, she’s actually manipulating you. 

Overt aggression

Let’s look at another hypothetical scenario. John, your co-worker, often raises his voice and bullies other team members when they make minor mistakes. He openly threatens to report co-workers to the manager, thus threatening his teammates’ source of income. John uses aggression and fear to manipulate people. But he does tend to get his way in the workplace.

 On the surface, these seem like pretty mean people. But if you could peel their behaviors back like an onion, you would likely find many personal struggles and psychological issues.

What Causes Toxic People to Behave This Way?

Toxicity is usually an incredibly complicated issue. We’ll look at some hypothetical toxic people and their projections to illustrate each point. Here are a few factors that might explain the “why” of such unacceptable behaviors:

Toxic people are insecure and have low self-esteem

Often, people who exhibit toxic behavior battle deep-rooted insecurities. They also have a pervasive sense of low self-worth. These negative behaviors, such as overly critical comments or sarcastic remarks, can secretly be a shield to protect their fragile self-esteem. 

For instance, Emily is insecure about her professional achievements. To cover her insecurity, she frequently undermines her more successful colleagues. She may do this not to diminish their accomplishments but to cover up her inadequacies – real or perceived.

Toxic people and past traumas

Traumatic past experiences can play an enormous role in shaping current toxic behaviors. Individuals with unresolved traumas might unconsciously project their internal conflicts onto others. 

For example, David was neglected in his childhood. Today, he destroys relationships with his clingy or overly suspicious behavior when he meets someone new. This projection is a way to cope with deep-seated fears and anxieties rooted in past experiences.

Toxicity means a need for control

For some, exhibiting toxic behavior is a means to exert control, often stemming from a sense of helplessness in other areas of their life. This need for control can manifest as micromanaging in the workplace or extreme possessiveness in personal relationships. 

Take Sarah, who feels out of control in her personal life. She learned to be overly controlling at work, imposing strict rules and monitoring her team’s every move. This behavior is how she compensates for her feelings of vulnerability elsewhere.

Toxic people and environmental influences

The environment one grows up in, including family dynamics, societal pressures, and cultural norms, significantly impacts the development of toxic behaviors. These behaviors are often both internalized and normalized over time. 

An example of this is Alex, who grew up in a family where parents often resolved conflicts through yelling. In that case, Alex might adopt this behavior unconsciously, believing it to be a normal communication method. The learned behavior reflects the environmental influences that shaped his understanding of interaction and conflict resolution.

The Projection of Toxicity

Projection is a psychological defense mechanism. During this process, toxic people transfer their unwanted feelings, thoughts, or traits to another person. 

The concept of manipulation in close relationships has been studied extensively. That included looking at its connection with different personality traits. Research conducted by the University of Michigan and published in the Journal of Personality identified twelve manipulation tactics used in close relationships. 

They also linked these manipulative tactics to five major personality dimensions. As a result, they connected how individual traits influence the use of specific manipulative behaviors. The study’s findings highlight the complexity and variety of manipulation in interpersonal relationships, underscoring the importance of understanding personality factors​​.

This research can provide valuable insights into the behaviors of toxic people. These primarily include blaming others, judging and criticizing, and manipulating relationships. By understanding the psychological underpinnings of these behaviors, we can better navigate and address the challenges posed by toxic relationships.

toxic people

Here are three ways toxic people might project their toxicity:

Blaming other people for their setbacks

Toxic individuals often blame others for their shortcomings or failures. This projection is a way to avoid facing their issues. It helps them completely avoid responsibility or fixing their setbacks.

Judging and criticizing

Persistent judgment and criticism towards others can be a projection of their internal self-criticism and dissatisfaction.

Manipulating relationships

Toxic people might manipulate others to fulfill their needs. Thus, they frequently project their insecurities and desires onto those around them.

How to Deal with Toxic People Effectively

Toxic people present a challenge – you want to understand or help them. But it would be best if you did so in a way that doesn’t trap you in their negativity. 

Some find it easier to disassociate themselves from the toxicity. But that might be nearly impossible in some situations (like within a workplace). 

Setting boundaries with toxic people

Establishing firm boundaries is essential when you are dealing with a toxic person. For example, imagine John, who limits communication with a co-worker who belittles him often. John communicates very clearly what behavior he won’t tolerate. He also limits interactions strictly to professional necessity. This decision was wise, as it safeguards his emotional well-being when dealing with the toxicity.

Practicing empathy

Understanding the reasons behind toxic behavior doesn’t excuse it. However, it can help someone take a more empathetic approach. 

Consider Lily, who realizes her friend’s constant barrage of critical comments stems from an unresolved insecurity. By understanding this, Lily can approach interactions compassionately while maintaining her boundaries.

Seeking support when dealing with someone’s toxicity

If toxic behavior impacts you deeply, it’s important to seek support. In the worst cases, a support network may be a significant other, a friend, or even a professional counselor.

Take the case of Sam, who feels overwhelmed by a family member’s manipulative tendencies. Sam reaches out to friends to ask for support. While Sam’s friends are concerned, they can’t offer much guidance. Eventually, Sam seeks the help of a therapist for guidance and support. This network can provide the necessary perspective and coping strategies to handle the situation effectively.

Self-care is essential when coping with toxicity

Dealing with toxic people is stressful – physically, mentally, and emotionally. Spending time after dealing with their behaviors is helpful to decompress and look after your needs. You might like exercise, journaling, or saying affirmations. You do whatever helps you reclaim your positivity.

Maria has a close family member constantly belittles her, making her feel small. She knows the person started doing this to feel better after a traumatic incident. While somewhat puzzled by this behavior, she tries her best to be kind. The person’s hurtful words leave her incredibly frustrated. But she has a good way to cope. After interacting with this family member, she runs three miles to “sweat out” the anger that builds up. It works like a charm for her!

Note: Alex, Lily, Sam, and Maria are not real people. Instead, they are merely hypothetical examples to illustrate these strategies.


Final Thoughts: Toxic People Project Toxicity, But You Can Counter Their Tactics

Understanding the roots of toxic behavior is the first step toward healthier relationships and creating more compassionate environments. It’s important to approach this topic with kindness. It’s also helpful to desire to understand rather than judge that other person. 

Change starts with awareness. And awareness starts with an often difficult but necessary conversation.

When you explore the complexities of human behavior, we can create a more empathetic, kinder, and supportive community where positivity and mental well-being are at the forefront. 

Let’s leave this with some food for thought: What will you do the next time you have to deal with a toxic person? 

71-Year-Old Wins Diving Gold Medal, Vows to Compete Until 90

Meet an incredible senior who proves that age is just a number.

Sports news is often a youth-dominated world of sports. In the sporting world, age is frequently viewed as a limiting factor. However, extraordinary stories occasionally surface. These incredible exceptions to the rule show people breaking through these age-related barriers. They also help in redefining our perception of what it takes to compete. One such awe-inspiring tale is that of 71-year-old diver Jorge Zegarra. Zegarra’s recent triumph in a global diving competition has become a poignant reminder that age is, indeed, just a number.

The Unwavering Spirit of Jorge Zegarra

Jorge Zegarra’s journey to the top of the diving world is a story of resilience, dedication, and passion. Returning to the sport after a significant hiatus, Zegarra, who dedicated 36 years to working within the diving federation, faced the daunting challenge of re-entering a highly competitive environment. Because of his dedication, his remarkable comeback came at the age of 71. His triumphant return speaks volumes about his enduring love for diving and his commitment to excellence.

Zegarra embarked on a rigorous training regimen, setting his sights on the prestigious World Aquatics Masters Championships in Kyushu, Japan, in 2023. 

This event is usually known for promoting swimming across generations. It also famously provides a sense of community among participants and local citizens. Thus, the location was the perfect stage for Zegarra to compete again.

compete diving

A Golden Performance Against All Odds

Competing in the 70-74 age category for the 10-meter platform diving event, Zegarra stunned audiences and competitors alike with his exceptional performance. Scoring an impressive 120.40 points, Zegarra showed the world not only his technical prowess but also his unwavering spirit. Zegarra’s victory, securing the gold medal against accomplished divers like British Jim McNally and Belgian Giovanni Dolcimascolo, transcended the sport itself.

This win was more than just a medal for Zegarra. Many observe how it was the culmination of a lifelong journey in diving. His coach, Gioconda Cabrejos, shared the immense joy and pride this sports medals achievement brought, highlighting the significance of this moment in Zegarra’s career.

A Testament to Timeless Passion and Determination

Jorge Zegarra’s story is a powerful example of how age need not be a barrier to achieving greatness. In fact, his resolve to continue pursuing his passion for diving into his 90s reflects a mindset that challenges conventional views on aging and athleticism. Zegarra’s dedication to his sport inspires individuals of all ages and backgrounds. As a result, he shows how it’s possible to compete with passion and perseverance.

Breaking Age Barriers Beyond Sports

The story of Jorge Zegarra resonates beyond the world of sports. It finds a similar story in the journey of 73-year-old model Colleen Heidemann, who has similarly shattered age stereotypes, this time in the fashion industry. Heidemann’s successful modeling began a career at an age when most would consider retiring. Hers is the tale of belief in one’s limitless potential to pursue one’s passions without regard for age.

Other Inspiring People Who Were Able to Compete in Their Senior Years

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The world is chock full of senior citizens who continue to defy age and achieve remarkable feats in various fields. In addition to Zegarra and Heidemann, you may enjoy reading about these inspiring senior citizens:

Seniors who continued to compete into their golden years:

  1. Hiromu Inada: At 86, this Japanese Ironman athlete became the oldest person to complete an Ironman triathlon. That grueling race includes a 3.86 km swim, a 180.25 km bike ride, and a full marathon.
  2. Iris Apfel: A style icon and New Yorker, Apfel, at 98, signed a modeling contract with IMG Models. Thus, she left her enduring impact in the fashion industry.
  3. Ernestine Shepherd: This 83-year-old from Baltimore began her journey as a bodybuilder at 56 and holds the title of ‘oldest competitive female bodybuilder’ by the Guinness Book of World Records.
  4. Kathryn “Kitty” Hodges: At 103 years old, Hodges became the oldest female tandem skydiver, proving it’s never too late to embark on thrilling adventures.
  5. Betty White: The legendary actress, well-known for her role in “The Golden Girls,” continued her acting career and humanitarian work well into her 90s. Of course, White was beloved by all. Largely, she earned respect for being a perfect example of career longevity.
  6. Harriette Thompson: This American runner ran her first marathon at 76 and continued running marathons into her 90s. She set a record for the fastest marathon time for a woman over 90 to compete at the San Diego marathon.
  7. Julie “Hurricane” Hawkins: At 105, Hawkins became the first female track and field athlete to set a world record in the 100-metre dash for the 105+ division.
  8. Nola Ochs: Ochs made headlines as the oldest person to graduate from college at age 95. Later, Ochs went on to complete a master’s degree.
  9. Rosemary Smith: At 79, this Irish race car driver became the oldest person to drive a Formula 1 car.
  10. Teiichi Igarashi: At 100, Igarashi became the first centenarian to climb Mount Fuji, Japan’s tallest mountain.
  11. Dame Judi Dench: Achieving fame in her 60s, Dench has received all seven of her Oscar nominations after age 60. Dench won the honor of Best Supporting Actress at 64.
  12. Momofuku Ando: At 61, Ando formed Nissin Corporation. They famously became the producers of Top Rame and Cup Noodles. As a result of Ando’s concept, his company redefined the instant food industry.

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Final Thoughts on How Zegarra Won and Promises to Compete Until 90

These inspiring stories of Jorge Zegarra and Colleen Heidemann are powerful reminders that age should not dictate our abilities. Nor should we allow it to limit our dreams. They represent a broader narrative of resilience and passion. They also tell the story of the enduring human spirit that continues to compete and win regardless of the passage of time. As society evolves, these narratives are essential in reshaping our perceptions of aging. Thus, these examples encourage us to approach our lives with the same vigor and enthusiasm, regardless of age.

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