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71-Year-Old Wins Diving Gold Medal, Vows to Compete Until 90

71-Year-Old Wins Diving Gold Medal, Vows to Compete Until 90

Meet an incredible senior who proves that age is just a number.

Sports news is often a youth-dominated world of sports. In the sporting world, age is frequently viewed as a limiting factor. However, extraordinary stories occasionally surface. These incredible exceptions to the rule show people breaking through these age-related barriers. They also help in redefining our perception of what it takes to compete. One such awe-inspiring tale is that of 71-year-old diver Jorge Zegarra. Zegarra’s recent triumph in a global diving competition has become a poignant reminder that age is, indeed, just a number.

The Unwavering Spirit of Jorge Zegarra

Jorge Zegarra’s journey to the top of the diving world is a story of resilience, dedication, and passion. Returning to the sport after a significant hiatus, Zegarra, who dedicated 36 years to working within the diving federation, faced the daunting challenge of re-entering a highly competitive environment. Because of his dedication, his remarkable comeback came at the age of 71. His triumphant return speaks volumes about his enduring love for diving and his commitment to excellence.

Zegarra embarked on a rigorous training regimen, setting his sights on the prestigious World Aquatics Masters Championships in Kyushu, Japan, in 2023. 

This event is usually known for promoting swimming across generations. It also famously provides a sense of community among participants and local citizens. Thus, the location was the perfect stage for Zegarra to compete again.

compete diving

A Golden Performance Against All Odds

Competing in the 70-74 age category for the 10-meter platform diving event, Zegarra stunned audiences and competitors alike with his exceptional performance. Scoring an impressive 120.40 points, Zegarra showed the world not only his technical prowess but also his unwavering spirit. Zegarra’s victory, securing the gold medal against accomplished divers like British Jim McNally and Belgian Giovanni Dolcimascolo, transcended the sport itself.

This win was more than just a medal for Zegarra. Many observe how it was the culmination of a lifelong journey in diving. His coach, Gioconda Cabrejos, shared the immense joy and pride this sports medals achievement brought, highlighting the significance of this moment in Zegarra’s career.

A Testament to Timeless Passion and Determination

Jorge Zegarra’s story is a powerful example of how age need not be a barrier to achieving greatness. In fact, his resolve to continue pursuing his passion for diving into his 90s reflects a mindset that challenges conventional views on aging and athleticism. Zegarra’s dedication to his sport inspires individuals of all ages and backgrounds. As a result, he shows how it’s possible to compete with passion and perseverance.

Breaking Age Barriers Beyond Sports

The story of Jorge Zegarra resonates beyond the world of sports. It finds a similar story in the journey of 73-year-old model Colleen Heidemann, who has similarly shattered age stereotypes, this time in the fashion industry. Heidemann’s successful modeling began a career at an age when most would consider retiring. Hers is the tale of belief in one’s limitless potential to pursue one’s passions without regard for age.

Other Inspiring People Who Were Able to Compete in Their Senior Years

kristen butler quote

The world is chock full of senior citizens who continue to defy age and achieve remarkable feats in various fields. In addition to Zegarra and Heidemann, you may enjoy reading about these inspiring senior citizens:

Seniors who continued to compete into their golden years:

  1. Hiromu Inada: At 86, this Japanese Ironman athlete became the oldest person to complete an Ironman triathlon. That grueling race includes a 3.86 km swim, a 180.25 km bike ride, and a full marathon.
  2. Iris Apfel: A style icon and New Yorker, Apfel, at 98, signed a modeling contract with IMG Models. Thus, she left her enduring impact in the fashion industry.
  3. Ernestine Shepherd: This 83-year-old from Baltimore began her journey as a bodybuilder at 56 and holds the title of ‘oldest competitive female bodybuilder’ by the Guinness Book of World Records.
  4. Kathryn “Kitty” Hodges: At 103 years old, Hodges became the oldest female tandem skydiver, proving it’s never too late to embark on thrilling adventures.
  5. Betty White: The legendary actress, well-known for her role in “The Golden Girls,” continued her acting career and humanitarian work well into her 90s. Of course, White was beloved by all. Largely, she earned respect for being a perfect example of career longevity.
  6. Harriette Thompson: This American runner ran her first marathon at 76 and continued running marathons into her 90s. She set a record for the fastest marathon time for a woman over 90 to compete at the San Diego marathon.
  7. Julie “Hurricane” Hawkins: At 105, Hawkins became the first female track and field athlete to set a world record in the 100-metre dash for the 105+ division.
  8. Nola Ochs: Ochs made headlines as the oldest person to graduate from college at age 95. Later, Ochs went on to complete a master’s degree.
  9. Rosemary Smith: At 79, this Irish race car driver became the oldest person to drive a Formula 1 car.
  10. Teiichi Igarashi: At 100, Igarashi became the first centenarian to climb Mount Fuji, Japan’s tallest mountain.
  11. Dame Judi Dench: Achieving fame in her 60s, Dench has received all seven of her Oscar nominations after age 60. Dench won the honor of Best Supporting Actress at 64.
  12. Momofuku Ando: At 61, Ando formed Nissin Corporation. They famously became the producers of Top Rame and Cup Noodles. As a result of Ando’s concept, his company redefined the instant food industry.

compete diving

Final Thoughts on How Zegarra Won and Promises to Compete Until 90

These inspiring stories of Jorge Zegarra and Colleen Heidemann are powerful reminders that age should not dictate our abilities. Nor should we allow it to limit our dreams. They represent a broader narrative of resilience and passion. They also tell the story of the enduring human spirit that continues to compete and win regardless of the passage of time. As society evolves, these narratives are essential in reshaping our perceptions of aging. Thus, these examples encourage us to approach our lives with the same vigor and enthusiasm, regardless of age.

18 Things to Never Say to Someone With Depression (and What to Say Instead)

Here’s how to be more supportive for someone who’s depressed.

Depression is a multifaceted mental health condition that affects millions worldwide. Its causes are as complex as the condition. It may stem from genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Understanding these underlying causes is crucial in empathizing with and supporting those who are depressed. 

In this article, we will first look at a few key causes of depression, providing a foundation for understanding this condition better. Then, we’ll look into a crucial aspect of support and communication: what not to say to someone with depression. We’ll cover eighteen unhelpful or potentially harmful phrases and offer compassionate alternatives to help foster a supportive dialogue. Once you start recognizing the complex nature of depression and learning the most supportive ways to communicate, you can be better supporters to those experiencing this challenging condition.

What Causes Depression?

Depression is not simple; rather, it is a complex mental health disorder. It comes from a variety of potential causes. Researchers find no singular cause of depression but point out how it may come from many factors. It’s also worth mentioning that research continues to evolve as scientists continue to learn more about our brains.


Genetic Factors and Depression

Depression can run in families. Some studies suggest the presence of a genetic link. If you have a close relative with depression, you are more likely to experience it yourself. However, no single gene is responsible for depression. It’s likely a combination of several genes that increase susceptibility.

Brain Chemistry and Neurotransmitters

The brain’s neurotransmitter systems, particularly serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, play a key role in mood regulation. Imbalances in these chemicals can lead to depressive symptoms. Medications that alter neurotransmitter levels are often used in treating depression, which supports this theory.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal imbalances can trigger or worsen depression. For instance, changes in hormone levels during periods like puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause can increase the risk of developing depression. Thyroid problems or changes in other hormonal systems can also contribute to depressive symptoms.

Physical Health Conditions

Chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease can increase the chances someone will have depression. That is likely due to the stress and physical strain of dealing with a serious illness. Additionally, the medications that doctors prescribe to treat these conditions can have side effects that worsen the depression.

Environmental and Social Factors

Environmental stressors such as exposure to violence, neglect, abuse, or poverty can make individuals more prone to depression. Traumatic events, the death of a friend or loved one, a difficult relationship, work stress, or social isolation can also trigger depressive episodes. Chronic stress can alter brain function, contributing to the onset of depression.

Psychological and Personality Factors

Certain personality traits may also increase the risk of depression. These personality traits can include:

  • Low self-esteem
  • Being overly dependent
  • Self-criticism
  • Pessimism

Additionally, traumatic experiences during childhood, such as physical or emotional abuse, can affect the way a person reacts to fear and stressful situations as an adult.

Lifestyle Choices and Depression

Lifestyle factors can influence mental health. Some impactful factors include the following:

  • Eating a poor diet
  • Being sedentary
  • A lack of sufficient sleep
  • Substance abuse and alcohol consumption

Each of the above can lead to or exacerbate depression.

Never Say These Things to Someone Struggling With Depression

Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to recognize the power of our words. Depression isn’t just a bad day or a fleeting feeling of sadness. Our language should reflect an understanding and respect for anyone who is depressed.

1 – “Just cheer up!”

This phrase, though often well-intentioned, oversimplifies depression. It’s not a matter of willpower or a choice that can be easily reversed.

What to Say Instead:  “I’m here for you. Is there anything I can do to support you right now?”

2 – “It’s all in your head.”

Being depressed is indeed a mental health issue. Still, this statement can come off as dismissive of the person’s real struggles.

What to Say Instead: “Your feelings are valid. I’m here to listen if you wan to talk about what you’re going through.”

3 – “You have nothing to be depressed about.”

Depression doesn’t discriminate based on external circumstances. This statement invalidates the person’s experience.

What to Say Instead: “Depression can be really tough. I’m sorry you’re going throug this. How can I help?”


4 – “Others have it worse than you.”

Comparisons are unhelpful. They can make someone feel guilty for struggling with their mental health.

What to Say Instead: “I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Your feelings are important. Let’s work through this together.”

5 – “You’ll get over it.”

This phrase can sound dismissive. It might also imply that the person’s depression is temporary or insignificant.

What to Say Instead: “I’m here for you for as long as you need. We can face this together.”

6  – “You’re just being lazy.”

Depression can drain energy and motivation, making daily tasks challenging.

What to Say Instead: “I see you’re having a hard time. How can I assist you with you daily tasks?”

7 – “Happiness is a choice.”

This phrase oversimplifies the complexities of depression. Sadness and depression are not the same thing. This language may also feel accusatory to someone who struggles with mental health.

What to Say Instead: “I care about your happiness. I’m here to support you in fi ding ways to feel better.”

8 – “This is all in your mind.”

 While depression is a mental illness, it’s not something that can be willed away or ignored. (See #2!).

 What to Say Instead: “I understand that what you’re experiencing is very real. I’m here to support you.”

9 “You don’t look depressed.”

Depression doesn’t have a specific look. This comment can make people feel misunderstood or like they need to prove their struggle.

What to Say Instead: “Depression affects everyone differently. I’m here to understand and su port you, no matter what.”

10 – “Snap out of it!”

This phrase is not only unhelpful but can also be hurtful. It implies that overcoming depression is easy and within immediate control.

What to Say Instead: “I’m here for you. We can work through this toge her at your pace.”

11 – “You’re just overthinking.”

While overthinking can sometimes lead to mental health struggles, this comment can sound dismissive of the person’s feelings and experiences.

What to Say Instead: “It sounds like you have a lot on your mind. Do you want to talk about it? 

12 – “You should get out more.”

Isolation can be both a symptom and a cause of depression. However, this advice is an oversimplification. People feeling depressed often have difficulty even waking up and showering in the morning, let alone going out to interact with the world.

What to Say Instead: “Would you like some company for a walk or a change of scenery? I’m here if you need me.”

11 – “You’re just seeking attention.”

This accusation can make someone feel ashamed or misunderstood, discouraging them from seeking help.

What to Say Instead: “I see that you’re struggling, and I want to help. Your feelings matter to me.”

 12 – “You should be more positive.”

Yes. a positive outlook can be beneficial. Still, it’s not a cure for depression. This advice can feel dismissive.

What to Say Instead: “I’m here to help you find moments of positivity, but it’s okay to feel how you feel.”

13 – “Depression isn’t real.”

Denying the existence of depression is both harmful and untrue. It’s a recognized medical condition.

What to Say Instead: “I understand that depression is a serious health condition. How can I support you?”

14 – “Stop feeling sorry for yourself!”

This phrase can make someone feel guilty for their condition, which is beyond their control.

What to Say Instead: “It’s okay to feel upset. Let’s talk about what you’re eeling.”

15 – “You should try being more social.

Socializing can be challenging for someone with depression. This advice can seem like a too-simple solution to a complex issue.

What to Say Instead: “If you feel up to it, maybe we can spend some time together. But no pressure.”

16 – “It’s just a phase.”

Depression is not something people will magically outgrow. This phrase minimizes the person’s experience.

What to Say Instead: “I’m here to support you, no matter how long it takes.”

17 – “You have to be strong.”

These words imply that experiencing depression is a sign of weakness, which isn’t true.

What to Say Instead: “Showing your emotions and asking for help takes strength. I’m proud of you for that.”

 18 – “I know exactly how you feel”

Even if you’ve been depressed before, everyone’s experience is different. This sentence can come off as presumptuous.

What to Say Instead: “I may not fully understand your experience, but I’m here to support you in any way I can.”

depression depressed

Final Thoughts on the Things You Should Never Say to Someone Struggling With Depression

Supporting someone with depression requires empathy, patience, and an open heart. Remember, the goal isn’t to fix their problems but to provide comfort and understanding. By choosing our words wisely, we can create a safe space for those battling depression. Your words must help them feel seen, heard, and valued.

15 Things Never to Say to an Adult Child Struggling in Life

Saying these to an adult child can strain your relationship.

Life can be incredibly complicated challenging, especially for adult children struggling with “adulting.” As parents, it’s natural to want to offer advice or share your wisdom, but sometimes, what we say can do more harm than good. 

This article will examine fifteen phrases you should avoid saying to your adult child facing difficulties and why they might be unhelpful or hurtful.

Why an Adult Child May Struggle

Understanding the root causes of why an adult child may be struggling is key to providing appropriate support and empathy. Adulting is complex and comes with challenges, some of which can be overwhelming. 

Here are some common life situations that may cause issues for adult children:

adult child

Your Adult Child May Face Financial Difficulties

One of the most common stressors for adults is financial strain. These could stem from unemployment, underemployment, student loans, or simply the cost of living. Financial stress can lead to myriad issues, including anxiety, depression, and a feeling of being stuck or unable to progress in life.

Your Adult Child Had a Romantic Breakup

The end of a significant relationship can be a profound source of distress. Romantic breakups can lead to loneliness, a loss of identity, and questioning plans. The emotional toll of a breakup can impact other areas of life, including work and social interactions.

Your Adult Child Experiences Workplace Pressures

The workplace can be a considerable source of stress. This pressure could be due to a demanding job, conflicts with colleagues or superiors, job insecurity, or feeling unfulfilled in their career choice. The pressure to succeed and climb the career ladder can be overwhelming, leading to burnout and mental health issues.

An Adult Child Can Have a Physical or Mental Illness

Dealing with a physical or mental illness can be incredibly challenging. It can affect every aspect of life, from daily routines to long-term plans. Mental health issues, in particular, can be debilitating, affecting their ability to function, maintain relationships, and meet societal expectations.

Yes, Your Adult Child Might Face Peer Pressure

Even as adults, individuals can face peer pressure. That can manifest in various ways, such as pressure to conform to social norms, maintain a certain lifestyle, or make choices that align with their peer group. That can lead to feeling lesser-than, low self-esteem, and anxiety.

An Adult Child Might Not Cope Well with Life Transitions

Adult life is full of transitions, such as moving to a new city, starting a family, or changing careers. While often exciting, these transitions can also be sources of stress and uncertainty. The pressure to make the ‘right’ decisions can be daunting and can lead to self-doubt and anxiety.

Recognizing these common struggles can help you approach your adult child with greater understanding and empathy. It’s important to remember that these challenges are a normal part of life and that your support can make a significant difference in how your child navigates these difficulties.

Here’s How These Phrases May Damage Your Relationship With Your Adult Child

The words we use with our adult children, especially when struggling, carry immense weight. The phrases we’ve discussed can inadvertently harm the delicate parent-child relationship. Understanding the potential impact of these words is crucial in maintaining a healthy, supportive bond.

Eroding Trust and Openness

When you use phrases that minimize or dismiss their feelings, your child might start to feel that their emotions and experiences are not valid or important in your eyes. It can lead to an utter breakdown in trust and openness, as they may no longer feel safe or comfortable sharing their struggles with you.

Creating Emotional Distance

Phrases that compare, belittle, or trivialize their experiences can create an emotional barrier. Your child might feel misunderstood and alone in their struggles, leading to a sense of isolation even when you are physically present in their lives.

Fostering Resentment

Criticism, even when well-intentioned, can breed resentment. If your child feels constantly judged or compared to others, they may harbor negative feelings towards you. This resentment can be a significant obstacle in maintaining a healthy relationship.

Hindering Self-Esteem and Growth

Negative or dismissive language can impact your child’s self-esteem and personal growth. Suppose they are constantly told that they are overreacting, lazy, or not trying hard enough. In that case, they may begin to internalize these criticisms, hindering their ability to cope with their struggles and grow from their experiences.

Preventing Effective Problem-Solving

When a child feels that their problems are not taken seriously, they may be less inclined to seek your advice or support in the future. Critical language deprives them of a valuable resource – your guidance and experience – which could be instrumental in helping them navigate their challenges.

Damaging Long-Term Relationship Dynamics

Repeated use of these phrases can fundamentally alter the nature of your relationship with your child. They may view the relationship as a source of stress rather than support, which can have long-lasting effects on how they interact with you and other family members.

Never Say These Words to an Adult Child

Here are the fifteen phrases to never say to your grown-up offspring:

adult child

1 – “When I Was Your Age…”

Comparing their struggles to your past experiences can minimize their feelings. Each generation faces unique challenges, and what worked for them might not be relevant for them. Acknowledging that their struggles are valid and unique to their circumstances is more helpful.

2 – “You Just Need to Work Harder”

Telling someone to work harder overlooks the complexities of their situation. It implies that their struggles are due to a lack of effort, which can be demoralizing. Recognize that hard work is important, but it’s not always the sole solution to life’s challenges.

3 – “You Should Be More Like Your Sibling/Friend”

Comparisons to others can create feelings of inadequacy and resentment. Appreciating your child’s journey and strengths is important, rather than measuring them against someone else’s achievements.

4 – “You’re Just Being Lazy”

Labeling your child as lazy is hurtful and dismissive. It fails to acknowledge the real issues they might be facing, such as mental health struggles or external challenges. Encouragement and understanding are more productive than judgment.

5 – “You Should Have Listened to Me”

This phrase can come across as I-told-you-so and can shut down communication. Focusing on the present and how you can support them in finding solutions is more helpful than dwelling on past decisions.

6 – “Just Cheer Up”

Telling someone to cheer up when they’re struggling can feel dismissive. It’s important to acknowledge their feelings and let them know it’s okay not to be okay. Offer a listening ear and support instead of oversimplifying their emotions.

7 – “It’s Not That Big of a Deal”

Minimizing their problems doesn’t make them go away; it just makes your child feel unheard. Take their concerns seriously and offer empathy and support.

8 – “You’ll Get Over It”

While this phrase is often meant to be reassuring, it can come across as insensitive to an adult child. It’s more helpful to acknowledge that their struggle is significant and offer to help the child through it.

9 – “I Don’t Know Why You’re Making This So Hard”

This statement implies that their struggle is their fault. It’s more constructive to acknowledge that life can be complicated and offer your support in navigating these challenges.

10 – “Everyone Goes Through This”

While it’s true that many people face challenges, this phrase can trivialize your child’s experience. It’s important to recognize that their struggle is unique and deserves individual attention and understanding.

11 – “You’re Just Overreacting”

Telling someone they’re overreacting dismisses their feelings and experiences. It’s crucial to validate their emotions and understand that their response to their situation reflects their current state of mind.

12 – “You Have So Much to Be Grateful For”

While gratitude can be helpful, using it to overshadow their struggles can feel dismissive. It’s more supportive to acknowledge their difficulties before gently guiding them towards a more positive perspective.

13 – “This Is Just a Phase”

Labeling their struggle as a phase can belittle the seriousness of their experience. It’s more helpful to recognize that what they’re going through is a significant part of their life journey and deserves attention and respect.

14 – “Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself”

This phrase can come across as harsh and unsympathetic. It’s important to encourage self-compassion and understanding rather than making them feel guilty for their emotions.

15 – “Why Can’t You Be More Positive?”

Demanding positivity can invalidate their genuine feelings of distress. It’s more beneficial to acknowledge their feelings and offer support in coping rather than pressuring them to adopt a positive facade.

What to Do for Your Adult Child Instead

Your goal should serve as a source of comfort and guidance, not criticism. Listen to all concerns, acknowledge their feelings, and offer help in a way that empowers them. Your support can make a significant difference in their journey through tough times. Sometimes, your loved one simply needs someone to them, letting them “think out loud” without judgment.


Final Thoughts on What You Should Never Say to an Adult Child

To maintain and strengthen your relationship with your adult child, it’s essential to communicate with empathy. You must also validate their feelings and offer support without judgment. Avoiding phrases damaging your relationship creates a foundation of trust and understanding. And that can be invaluable in helping your child through their struggles.

The 2024 GRAMMY® Gift Bags Are Worth $35,000…Here’s What’s in Them

The GRAMMY Awards® will be held this coming Sunday, February 4, 2024, at 8 p.m. ET. at Arena in Los Angeles and the Official GRAMMY® Gift Bags are in! 

We are extremely excited about this year’s event because our founder, Kristen Butler’s best-seller, The 3 Minute Happiness Journal, is included in the Official GRAMMY® gift bags. 

Kristen’s book will be in the GRAMMY® gift bags handed out to legendary artists and up-and-coming favorites. Some recording artists expected to attend include the following names:

  • Billie Eilish
  • Billy Joel
  • Doja Cat
  • Luke Combs
  • Olivia Rodrigo
  • Taylor Swift
  • Trevor Noah

GRAMMY swag bags

Each one of  the GRAMMY® gift bags will contain $36,000 of goodies to thank the celebrities for participating in the biggest ceremony celebrating the music industry. 

What Are the GRAMMY® Awards?

According to an official press release:

“The Recording Academy® represents the voices of performers, songwriters, producers, engineers, and all music professionals. Dedicated to ensuring the recording arts remain a thriving part of our shared cultural heritage, the Academy honors music’s history while investing in its future through the GRAMMY Museum® advocates on behalf of music creators, supports music people in times of need through MusiCares® and celebrates artistic excellence through the GRAMMY Awards® — music’s only peer-recognized accolade and highest achievement.”

3 minute happiness journal

About the GRAMMY® Gift Bags

The GRAMMY® gift bags are full of the most amazing items. 

Distinctive Assets is a Los Angeles-based entertainment marketing company credited with transforming the promotional craze of celebrity swag into a pop culture phenomenon, celebrates a milestone 25-year partnership with the Recording Academy® in creating the one and only official GRAMMY® Gift Lounge. They are also responsible for the show’s legendary Presenter & Performer Gift Bags. The GRAMMY Awards® will, as always, feature the world’s biggest acts, all of whom will be treated to a bevy of thank-you gifts in acknowledgment and appreciation of their participation.

Says Distinctive Assets founder Lash Fary:

“I believe our gifts are so well received because they range from functional to fabulous while embracing inclusivity and philanthropy. Our signature GRAMMY® Gift Bags have become an anticipated perk for talent, and I’m particularly excited to share what we’ve curated this year.”

What Is in the Grammy® Gift Bags?

Do you want to feel like a superstar? You can try some of these luxury items, too! Here are a few of the goodies the stars will receive:

3 Minute Happiness Journal: Create Happy Habits. Change Your Brain. Transform Your Life:

happiness journal grammy gift bags item

Kristen Butler, the creator of the widely acclaimed 3 Minute Happiness Journal, is best-known for the personal journey that inspired her work: from battling depression and financial hardships to achieving happiness and fulfillment. 

As the founder of Power of Positivity, an online community with over 50 million members, Kristen’s journal brings you new innovative prompts, affirmations, and methods to uplift your spirits and cultivate joyful habits in just a few minutes each day.

Through Kristen’s compassionate and persuasive guidance, you are encouraged to harness this power to enhance your mood and transform your life. The approach is simple yet profound—using minor, consistent actions for a lasting positive change. These are the same practices Kristen employed to turn her life around and realize her dreams.

1MD Nutrition CardioFitMD:

You can’t live a full life without having the best possible health.

Now, like the musical performers, you can experience the benefits of CardioFitMD, a comprehensive superfood beverage. It’s packed with a full-spectrum fiber and prebiotics blend, Bacillus coagulans probiotics, and 20 essential vitamins and minerals, delivering well-rounded nutrition daily.

Our unique fiber and prebiotic mix provides 20% of your daily fiber needs. Considering only 5% of Americans meet their fiber requirements, CardioFitMD bridges this ‘fiber gap,’ aiding in digestive, cardiac, and overall health.

You also boost your nitric oxide levels.  Why’s that important? As we age, nitric oxide production naturally decreases. CardioFitMD’s powerful beetroot powder helps to elevate one’s nitric oxide levels, enhancing circulation and heart health.

1MD Nutrition grammy gift bags items
photo courtesy of the brand


Birdwatching is such a great mindful activity. However, identifying the different species can be distracting while you’re trying to enjoy the relaxation. 

Forget traditional birdwatching methods! Introducing Bird Buddy, a solar-powered bird feeder equipped with a sophisticated camera. This innovative device connects to an app on your smartphone, alerting you whenever birds visit. It captures their images, creating a stunning digital album of your avian guests for you to cherish and share with loved ones. Featuring advanced artificial intelligence, Bird Buddy can identify over 1,000 bird species, including those rare ones you’ve always been curious about!

Experience unparalleled close-up views and identify nearly every bird species with this state-of-the-art bird box camera! Get closer than ever to your elusive feathered friends. Bird Buddy’s intelligent AI-powered bird feeder camera recognizes each bird that stops by, allowing you to populate your personal album with diverse bird species found in your area!

BIRDBUDDY grammy gift bag
photo courtesy of the brand

SOLAWAVE Kit, Including Gel Cleanser, Jelly Mist Toner, Nourishing Moisturizer, and Plumping Peptide Serum:

Celebrities will also receive products by SOLAWAVE’s Solabiome lineup. Featured items will be the following:

  • Solawave Solabiome Gentle Gel Cleanser: This cleanser offers deep hydration and soothing benefits, nourishing the skin’s microbiome. It effectively removes impurities and is suitable for all skin types. Enhance your skincare routine by combining it with our Jelly Mist, Plumping Peptide Serum, and Hydrating Cream for a radiant complexion.
  • Solabiome Jelly Mist: A revitalizing mist that hydrates, calms, and shields skin using a blend of synbiotics, mushrooms, Pro Vitamin B5, Gotu Kola, and Beta-Glucan. Ideal for all skin types. Use after cleansing and before applying serums. Complement with a complete skincare range for best results.
  • Solabiome Nourishing Moisturizer: This moisturizer deeply hydrates, evens out skin tone, and diminishes fine lines using a potent blend of Triple Hyaluronic Acid, Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-4, and Polyglutamic Acid. Suitable for all skin types. If you try this product, you’ll use it in the morning and evening after cleansing. Enhance its effects by pairing it with the Jelly Mist, Plumping Peptide Serum, and Gel Cleanser. Dermatologist tested and petroleum-free.
  • Plumping Peptide Serum: Formulated to balance the skin’s microbiome, this serum deeply hydrates with Triple Hyaluronic Acid and Avocado Peptides. Suitable for all skin types and using morning and night after cleansing. For optimal results, use in conjunction with the Hydrating Moisturizer. Dermatologist tested, gluten-free, and thoroughly cleansing.



solawave GRAMMY gift bag

photo courtesy of the brand

BlendQuik Portable Blender:

This product will let you enjoy healthy nutrition – you can jet-set like your favorite stars!

Step away from traditional, clunky blenders and enjoy the good looks of BlendQuik’s unique elegant cup style. This chic accessory in your kitchen or as part of your fitness gear allows you to blend in style, showcasing your ‘BlendQuik flair.’ It transcends being just a portable blender; it’s a trendy expression of your dedication to wellness and contemporary design. Delight in preparing your preferred drinks with a blender that matches your finesse. BlendQuik is the fusion of sophistication and functionality.

The BlendQuik Portable Blender redefines blending with more than just smoothies and shakes in mind. Its robust 10-blade system easily pulverizes ice, which is ideal for refreshing drinks on warm days. It also excels in grinding spices, transforming your culinary exploits into rich, flavorful experiences. For health enthusiasts or cooking aficionados, BlendQuik is the go-to gadget.

BlendQuik reimagines mobility, making it as fitting for the peaks as it is for your home kitchen. Featuring a rechargeable option that allows for over twelve blends per charge, it supports your health endeavors for about a week, wherever you may go. Its sleek, compact build is perfect for camping, gym sessions, office breaks, or relaxed home use. Quick and efficient charging means you’re always ready for a healthy drink with BlendQuik, your trusty wellness ally.

blendquik GRAMMY gift bags items
photo courtesy of the brand

Other Items In The GRAMMY® Gift Bags That Celebrities Will Receive

Our five favorites are only a fraction of the goodies in the Gift Bags that the celebs will receive on Sunday. Here are some other wonderful featured brands:

Artisan Books, BAGCEIT, Banila Co, Brownie Points, Carl Reads Minds, DANUCERA, Dyson, EpicLight Beauty, FLY LYFE, Furby Furblettes, Garnier, Goodal, Helight, HEYDUDE shoes, IF YOU SEE THEM by Vicki Sokolik, iHerb, Ilmma Beauty, imPRESS Beauty, INARU, INSTYTUTUM, Karma Nuts, Kérastase, KISS Products, KUDO Protein Popcorn, Living Prana Cakes, L’Oréal Paris, MONOPOLY KNOCKOUT, Music Connection, Nana’s All Purpose Alkaline Seasoning, Nativa SPA, Nature’s Garden, NaturGeeks, Olympia USA, OOVO, Orboot by PlayShifu, Pair of Thieves, Pardon My Fro, PeTA, poppi, Sattaché, SEE THE WAY I SEE, Serucell, Shinery, Smack Pet Food, Soapy Faith, STEM4Real, Sugarfina, The Hair Forge, TRUSS Professional, Wella Professionals, WEN by Chaz Dean,  Wesper, and Wine Enthusiast.

NaturGeeks Vegan Protein Bar
Natures Garden
Nature’s Garden Probiotic Yoggies
Karma Nuts
Karma Nuts










(photos courtesy of the brands)

Kristen Butler’s 3 Minute Happiness Journal Included In Official GRAMMY® Gift Bag

[Los Angeles] – The team behind Power of Positivity is excited to announce that Kristen Butler’s 3 Minute Happiness Journal has been selected to be included in the coveted gift bags valued at more than $35,000 for this year’s GRAMMY® Bag. This unique and innovative journal, designed to promote daily positivity and mindfulness, is set to bring a touch of joy to the esteemed talent of the music industry’s most prestigious event.

kristen butler holding happiness journal

Crafted with simplicity in mind, the 3 Minute Happiness Journal is an easy-to-use tool that empowers individuals to enhance their mental well-being in just a few minutes each day. Featuring guided prompts and thought-provoking questions, the journal encourages users to reflect on positive aspects of their lives, fostering gratitude and mindfulness.

Here’s What Kristen Butler Had To Say:

“We are thrilled to have my 3 Minute Happiness Journal included in the GRAMMY Gift Bag. Music has the power to evoke emotions and create lasting memories, and we believe that this journal complements the transformative nature of the musical experience,” Power of Positivity’s founder and CEO, Kristen Butler, says.

“As musicians and industry professionals gather to celebrate their achievements and contributions to the world of music, I hope my 3 Minute Happiness Journal serves as a reminder to take a moment for self-care amidst the fast-paced and dynamic nature of the industry,” the author adds.

happiness journal

The inclusion of the 3 Minute Happiness Journal in the GRAMMY Gift Bag aligns with a growing trend in the entertainment industry, emphasizing the importance of mental health and well-being. By providing a simple yet effective tool for daily reflection, the journal aims to support individuals in maintaining a positive mindset, ultimately contributing to their overall happiness and success. 

For more information about the 3 Minute Happiness Journal, please go here

3 minute happiness journal


In 2009, the Power of Positivity® was born after its two owners/founders (Kristen & Chris Butler) began their mission to celebrate the lifestyle of positive thinking and attitude. Today, the platform reaches more than 56 million followers through social media, books, and courses. 



The Recording Academy® represents the voices of performers, songwriters, producers, engineers, and all music professionals. Dedicated to ensuring the recording arts remain a thriving part of our shared cultural heritage, the Academy honors music’s history while investing in its future through the GRAMMY Museum®, advocates on behalf of music creators, supports music people in times of need through MusiCares®, and celebrates artistic excellence through the GRAMMY Awards® — music’s only peer-recognized accolade and highest achievement. As the world’s leading society of music professionals, we work year-round to foster a more inspiring world for creators.

For more information about the GRAMMY Awards and the Recording Academy, please visit and For breaking news and exclusive content, follow @RecordingAcad on X, “like” Recording Academy on Facebook, and join the Recording Academy’s social communities on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn. For media assets, please visit the Recording Academy’s Press Room

kristen butler holding happiness journal
Photo Credit: Michael and Anna Costa Photography

Original Press Release

15 Signs You’ve Found a Well-Adjusted Partner

Here are twelve key signs that you may have found yourself a keeper.

You cannot dream of finding that ideal, fulfilling relationship without thinking about the traits your desired partner might display. Often, the focus is on superficial qualities. But what truly contributes to a healthy and long-lasting relationship is the level of adjustment and maturity a partner brings to the table. Recognizing a well-adjusted partner is essential. That inner knowing when it’s the Right Person is necessary for the relationship’s health and mental and emotional well-being. 

In this article, we’ll explore fifteen key signs that indicate you’ve found a well-adjusted partner – a vital ingredient for a healthy, loving relationship. 

Fifteen Key Signs of a Well-Adjusted Partner

These fifteen signs range from their communication skills to how they handle conflicts; each is a building block for a lasting bond. So, let’s dive in and discover what makes a partner truly well-adjusted, considering the goal of fostering a positive, supportive, and enduring partnership.

well-adjusted partner

Sign 1: Effective Communication Skills

Communication ability is one of the most telling signs of a well-adjusted partner. This sign doesn’t just mean being a good talker. It’s about how they convey their thoughts and feelings and how they listen. A partner who listens attentively, responds thoughtfully, and expresses themselves clearly without resorting to aggression or passivity understands the value of communication in a relationship. 

They know that good communication is about balance – expressing their needs while being receptive to yours. This level of communication fosters mutual understanding and empathy, paving the way for a deeper connection and a stronger relationship.

Sign 2: Emotional Stability Signals You Have a Well-Adjusted Partner

A well-adjusted partner exhibits emotional stability, essential for a healthy relationship. Emotional stability here refers to the ability to manage emotions effectively in the context of a relationship. It also means they’ll generally respond to situations in a balanced way. It’s not about never feeling angry or upset; rather, it’s about how one handles these emotions. 

A partner who can experience emotions without letting them spiral out of control, who can discuss their feelings calmly and constructively, is showing emotional maturity. This trait is crucial when navigating the ups and downs of a relationship without letting emotions dictate actions.

Sign 3: Independence and Interdependence

In a healthy relationship, there’s a fine balance between independence and interdependence. A well-adjusted partner understands the importance of having their own space and interests outside the relationship. They encourage you to follow your dreams and maintain your individuality. 

At the same time, they can create a supportive and interconnected partnership where you can rely on each other. This balance shows a deep understanding of the dynamics of a healthy relationship, where both partners can grow individually and together.

Sign 4: Respect for Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is a key sign of a well-adjusted partner. That means recognizing and honoring each other’s space, time, and needs. A partner who understands the importance of boundaries will respect yours and clearly communicate their own. This mutual respect fosters trust and understanding in the relationship. 

It shows that your partner values your individuality. Additionally, it proves they are committed to maintaining a healthy, respectful partnership.

Sign 5: Positive Outlook

A positive outlook can significantly impact the quality of a relationship. A well-adjusted partner tends to have a positive yet realistic perspective on life. They can see the bright side of situations without ignoring the challenges. This attitude helps create a supportive and hopeful environment within the relationship, especially during tough times. Their ability to remain optimistic while grounded in reality can be a source of strength and inspiration in the partnership.

Sign 6: Responsibility and Accountability

Taking responsibility for one’s actions and being accountable is a hallmark of a well-adjusted partner. They understand that being responsible in a relationship means being reliable and keeping promises. It might also mean owning up to their mistakes. 

On the other hand, accountability involves acknowledging their mistakes and making amends rather than deflecting blame. This trait is vital for building trust and respect in the relationship. That’s because it demonstrates a commitment to honesty and integrity.

Sign 7: Adaptability Reveals a Well-Adjusted Partner

Change is an inevitable part of life and relationships. A well-adjusted partner shows adaptability – the ability to adjust to new situations and challenges. They are open to change and flexible in their approach, whether about making small adjustments in daily life or navigating significant changes together. 

This adaptability is crucial for the growth and sustainability of the relationship. That’s because it allows both partners to evolve and support each other through life’s transitions.


Sign 8: Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflicts are a natural part of any relationship, but how they’re resolved that counts. A well-adjusted partner possesses effective conflict-resolution skills. They approach life’s conflicts with a problem-solving mindset, focusing on finding solutions rather than winning arguments. 

They are open to compromise and understand the importance of addressing issues constructively. This approach prevents conflicts from escalating and helps build a stronger, more resilient relationship.

Sign 9: Empathy and Compassion

Empathy and compassion are key traits of a well-adjusted partner. They can understand and share your feelings, which fosters a deep emotional connection. Their empathy is reflected in how they respond to your emotions and experiences. 

A compassionate partner is supportive and kind, especially during challenging times. These traits create a nurturing environment in the relationship – one in which both partners feel valued and understood.

Sign 10: Honesty and Transparency Are Traits in a Well-Adjusted Partner

Honesty and transparency are foundational to trust in a relationship. A well-adjusted partner values honesty and is open and transparent in their communication. They share their thoughts and feelings openly, fostering a culture of trust and openness. This honesty extends to all relationship aspects, from day-to-day interactions to discussions about plans and dreams.

Sign 11: Supportive Nature

A well-adjusted partner is inherently supportive. They stand by you, encourage your goals, and help you overcome challenges. This support isn’t just about being there during tough times but also celebrating successes and joys together. 

A supportive partner is your cheerleader. Besides that, they are your partner in all life’s endeavors. Thus, their good nature helps lead you to a balanced and fulfilling relationship.

Sign 12: Healthy Social Relationships

Lastly, a well-adjusted partner maintains healthy social relationships outside the partnership. They have their own friends and social circle, encouraging you to maintain yours. This shows a healthy level of independence and trust. It also indicates that they have a well-rounded life, which is important for personal growth and a balanced relationship.

Sign 13: Shared Values and Goals

Having shared values and goals is a significant sign of a well-adjusted partner. This sign means that both of you have similar core beliefs and life objectives, which is crucial for long-term compatibility. A partner who aligns with your values understands and supports your life’s ambitions and morals. 

This alignment fosters a deeper connection and mutual respect as you work towards common goals and uphold similar principles. It’s unnecessary to agree on everything, but sharing key values and goals ensures that you’re both heading in the same direction and building a future that satisfies both partners.

Sign 14: Healthy Coping Mechanisms

How a person handles stress and adversity tells of their overall adjustment. A well-adjusted partner has healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s challenges. Instead of resorting to harmful behaviors or avoidance, they face problems head-on, seeking constructive solutions. 

They might practice self-care, seek support from friends or professionals, or engage in hobbies to manage stress. This ability benefits their mental and emotional health and contributes to a healthier, more stable relationship. It prevents negative patterns from developing. In addition, it ensures that both partners maintain their well-being during tough times.

Sign 15: A Sense of Humor Reveals a Well-Adjusted Partner

A sense of humor, especially one that aligns with yours, is valuable in a well-adjusted partner. Being able to laugh together, especially in the difficult days every couple experiences, can be a powerful tool for maintaining a positive relationship atmosphere. A partner who can see the lighter side of life, laugh at themselves, and find joy in small things adds a layer of lightness and joy to the relationship. 

This good nature doesn’t mean they don’t take things seriously. Rather, it shows how they have the ability to balance seriousness with fun, which can be a great asset in navigating life together.

well-adjusted partner

Final Thoughts on Recognizing the Key Signs of a Well-Adjusted Partner

Recognizing these fifteen signs in your partner can indicate a well-adjusted individual capable of contributing positively to a healthy, loving relationship. From effective communication to emotional stability, respect for boundaries, and conflict resolution skills, these signs are vital in building a strong, enduring partnership. Remember, a well-adjusted partner is not about perfection but striving for growth, understanding, and mutual respect. By acknowledging and appreciating these qualities, you can nurture a fulfilling and supportive partnership that stands the test of time.

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