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12 Reasons to Avoid Venting To People

12 Reasons to Avoid Venting To People

Do you vent to others? Here’s why you should stop.

We often encounter moments where we feel frustration, anger, and disappointment. It’s natural to want to vent or share these feelings with others – it’s human nature. But venting to people around us might not always be the best approach. 

This content will explore twelve reasons you should reconsider venting as a coping mechanism. We’ll also look at ten healthier ways to relieve your stress.

12 Reasons Venting to Others Might Be Harmful


Do you vent when you’re fed up with something? Here are compelling reasons to reconsider.

1 – The Ripple Effect of Negativity

When you vent, your negative emotions can inadvertently affect the mood of those around you. This ripple effect can transform a brief moment of frustration into a prolonged period of negativity for everyone involved.

2 – Misunderstandings Can Arise from Venting

In the heat of the moment, our words may not accurately reflect our true feelings or intentions. It can lead to misunderstandings, especially if the listener interprets your venting as a personal attack or criticism.

3 – Temporary Relief, Permanent Damage

While venting can provide temporary emotional relief, it can also damage relationships in the long run. Friends and family might start to see you as someone who only brings negative energy, which can strain these important connections.

4 – Venting Might Not Solve the Problem

Venting about a problem doesn’t necessarily lead to a solution. In fact, it can distract you from actively seeking ways to resolve the issue. All you do when you vent is discuss the problem without solving it.

5 – Reinforcing Negative Emotions

Constantly discussing negative experiences can reinforce those emotions, making it harder to move past them. This behavior can create a cycle of negativity that’s difficult to break.

6 – Venting May Harm Your Reputation 

Regularly venting to others can affect how you’re personally and professionally perceived. People might start to view you as someone who is always complaining or unable to handle stress effectively.

7 – It May Become Habitual Venting

Frequent venting can become a habit, making it your go-to response whenever you face challenges. Repeated negative talk can hinder your ability to develop more constructive coping mechanisms.

8 – Not Everyone Is a Good Listener

Not everyone is equipped to handle the emotional weight of your problems. Venting to someone who isn’t a good listener can leave you feeling more frustrated and misunderstood.

9 – Potential for Gossip

Sharing your frustrations with others increases the risk of your private concerns becoming public gossip. Continual discussions like this can lead to further complications and embarrassment. Gossip, or revealing third-party information, has become so widespread that even top psychologists are now studying it. The takeaway from a study published in Frontiers in Psychology in 2019 – when in doubt, silence is golden.

10 – It Might Affect Your Mental Health

Constantly focusing on negative aspects of your life can take a toll on your mental health. It can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.

11 – Misplaced Anger Comes Along with Venting

Sometimes, the intensity of our emotions can be misplaced. You might find yourself directing anger or frustration at the person you’re venting to, even though they’re not the cause of your distress.

12 – Risk of Becoming Over-Reliant on Others

An additional reason to avoid venting is the risk of becoming over-reliant on others for emotional support. When you regularly turn to friends or family members to vent your frustrations, it can create a dependency on their validation and advice. Interestingly, the best Poker Apps says that this reliance on external feedback can also manifest in other areas of life, like making decisions in high-stakes environments. This dependency might hinder your ability to process and cope with your emotions independently.

Over time, this reliance can place an undue burden on your relationships. Your loved ones might feel pressured always to be available and have the right answers, which can be emotionally draining. 


Ten Alternatives to Venting

Understanding the drawbacks of venting helps you see why you want to stop. However, it’s equally important to have strategies for managing emotions more healthily. Let’s look into some effective alternatives to provide a more constructive outlet for your feelings.

1 – Journaling: A Personal Reflection

Journaling is a powerful tool for emotional expression. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can offer a sense of release, similar to venting, but without the potential negative impact on others. It allows you to process your emotions privately, giving you time to reflect and clarify the situation. This practice can also help identify patterns in your emotional responses and triggers, leading to better self-awareness and emotional regulation.

2 – Meditation: Finding Inner Peace

Meditation is a practice that helps in calming the mind and reducing stress. It encourages mindfulness, the ability to be fully present and aware of where and what we’re doing. Through meditation, you can learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment, which can reduce the intensity of negative emotions. Regular meditation can lead to a more balanced emotional state and improve mental health.

3 – Physical Exercise: The Emotional Outlet

Engaging in physical exercise is another excellent way to manage emotions. Activities like running, swimming, yoga, or even a brisk walk can help release endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters. Exercise also provides a healthy distraction from stressful thoughts, allowing you to focus on the physical activity. Movement can be particularly effective for managing anger, frustration, and anxiety.

4 – Professional Help: Guidance and Support

Sometimes, the best way to handle overwhelming emotions is to seek professional help. Therapists and counselors are trained to help you understand and manage your feelings constructively. They can provide personalized strategies and tools to cope with your emotions and offer a safe, confidential space to express yourself. It can be especially beneficial if your emotions significantly impact your daily life or relationships.

5 – Creative Outlets: Art, Music, and More

Creative activities like painting, writing, playing a musical instrument, or crafting can be therapeutic. They offer a way to express emotions non-verbally and can be incredibly cathartic. Engaging in creative pursuits can also boost your mood and self-esteem, providing a sense of accomplishment and joy.

6 – Social Support: Choosing the Right Confidant

While unchecked venting can be harmful, constructively sharing your feelings with a trusted friend or family member can be beneficial. Choose a good listener who you believe can provide the support you need. Sometimes, simply feeling heard and understood can be incredibly comforting.

7 – Mindful Breathing: A Quick Stress Reliever

Mindful breathing exercises are a quick and effective way to manage acute stress and emotional upheaval. By focusing on your breath, you can calm your mind and reduce the intensity of your emotions. This stress relief can be particularly useful when you feel overwhelmed and must regain composure quickly.

8 – Engaging in Nature Activities

Spending time in nature can be a profound way to manage emotions. Activities like hiking, gardening, or walking in a park can calm the mind. Nature has a unique ability to soothe and refresh the spirit. 

The fresh air, the sounds of birds, and the sight of greenery can help put your problems into perspective and reduce feelings of stress and anger. This connection with the natural world offers a peaceful backdrop for reflection and can inspire a sense of tranquility and well-being.

9 – Practicing Gratitude

Cultivating a habit of gratitude can be a powerful antidote to negative emotions. By focusing on what you are thankful for, you shift your attention away from anger and frustration. You can start a gratitude journal, listing things you are grateful for each day, or take a few moments to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. This practice can help reframe your mindset, reduce stress, and promote a positive outlook.

10 – Exploring Hobby and Leisure Activities

Engaging in hobbies or leisure activities that you enjoy can be a great way to divert your mind from negative thoughts and emotions. Whether painting, cooking, playing a musical instrument, or building model kits, hobbies provide a sense of accomplishment and joy. They offer an outlet for creativity and can be incredibly therapeutic. Immersing yourself in an activity you love can be a form of meditation, helping you relax and recharge.

By mastering a few alternative stress relievers, you can find healthier ways to cope with your emotions, leading to better mental health and more effective problem-solving. Remember that it’s best to find what works best for you and incorporate these practices into your daily life for a more balanced emotional state.


Final Thoughts: Venting May Do More Harm Than Good

While expressing your emotions is important, venting to others is not always the most beneficial approach. By understanding the potential downsides of venting and exploring healthier coping mechanisms, you can maintain better relationships, protect your mental health, and foster a more positive outlook.

Supermodel on Her Deathbed Shares Life Advice With Nurse

What did Gia Carangi say on her deathbed?

Gia Carangi, once a dazzling ray of light in the modeling world, rose to fame like a white-hot shooting star in the late 1970s and early 1980s. By the mid-80s, she was on her deathbed, giving a few words of advice to a nurse who had no idea who her patient was. 

With her smoldering good looks and rebellious spirit, Gia quickly became one of the most sought-after models of her time. She graced the covers of top fashion magazines. She also worked with renowned photographers. But behind the glitz and glamour, Gia’s life was filled with challenges and heartbreak.

In the mid-1980s, Gia’s career began to wane. The pressures of the fashion world led to drug abuse. She ignored pleas and advice issued by her mentors. Moreover, her struggles with addiction and a breakup with her girlfriend led her down a path of self-destruction. 

From the Runway to the Deathbed in Such a Short Time

Gia’s addiction spiraled out of control. As her mood swings intensified and her actions became riskier, the fashion industry dropped her. She had become a liability, burning out her once-hot career by her early twenties.

Instead of continuing to grace magazine covers, she found herself battling unemployment. By the early- to mid-80s, she had to sell her body to make ends meet. Combined with her still spiraling addiction, it was a tragic mix.

By December 1985, Gia’s health had deteriorated to the point where she landed in a hospital in Pennsylvania. She received a diagnosis of bilateral pneumonia. 

But the nightmare that Gia’s life had become was about to get even worse. 

A few days later, doctors delivered a more harrowing diagnosis: Gia had AIDS-related complex. At a time when the medical community had limited knowledge about AIDS, Gia’s prognosis was grim.

The following year, Gia’s health further declined. After a brutal attack left her on the streets, she was hospitalized again in October 1986. The severity of her condition and the limited understanding of AIDS at the time meant the entire staff treated her case cautiously. They sanitized every surface she touched – not knowing how it damaged Gia’s psyche. The attending medical staff also wore full protective gear when treating her.

During this bleak situation, Gia had a poignant conversation with a nurse. Unaware of Gia’s fame and past employment as a model, the nurse mentioned a photographer interested in taking pictures of her daughter. That’s when Gia gave the surprised nurse some advice.

deathbed advice

Gia’s Deathbed Words

Gia’s response was heart-wrenching and filled with regret: 

“Don’t do it. Even if she wants it, don’t let her do it. I used to be a model. You don’t want your kid to be a model.”

Tragically, on November 18, 1986, Gia Carangi succumbed to AIDS – at the tender age of 26. She became one of the first famous women to die from the disease. Despite her significant impact on the modeling industry, her funeral was somber. Only a few close family members and friends attended.

The fashion industry, known for its fleeting nature, had already moved on. The industry had already replaced Gia with another rising star – a beautiful 20-year-old woman called Cindy Crawford. The modeling agents even nicknamed Crawford “Baby Gia.”

Why Did Gia Tell the Nurse Not to Let Her Child Become a Model?

The modeling industry might appear to be a world of glamour, luxury, and fame. Still, it has a darker side that remains cloaked from the public eye. While the allure of becoming a top model is undeniable, the journey to the top is fraught with challenges. The climb to the top significantly affects an individual’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

We explore a few pitfalls of the fashion industry that might have caused Gia to offer that deathbed advice. These are best-guesses, nobody really knows what was in Gia’s mind when she issued the advice to her nurse.

1. Physical Demands: 

The pressure to maintain a specific body type or weight can be relentless. Models often resort to extreme diets, excessive exercise, or even develop eating disorders in their quest to fit the industry’s often unrealistic standards. This can lead to long-term health issues, including malnutrition, bone density loss, and metabolic imbalances.

2. Mental and Emotional Strain: 

The constant scrutiny and criticism can erode a model’s self-esteem and self-worth. Rejections, negative feedback, and the transient nature of success in the industry can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges.

3. Exploitation and Harassment: 

Many young models are vulnerable to exploitation, especially when breaking into the industry. Unscrupulous agents or photographers might take advantage of their naivety, leading to financial fraud or, in worse cases, sexual harassment and assault. A New York Times article explains how models are independent contractors. Thus, they do not receive many of the same protections as full-time employees. That leaves them vulnerable to manipulative people around them.


4. Isolation: 

Models live a nomadic lifestyle. They often travel to different cities or countries for assignments. That lack of roots can result in feelings of loneliness and isolation. Being away from family and friends, coupled with the competitive nature of the industry, can make genuine connections rare.

5. Substance Abuse: 

The high-pressure environment and the party culture that sometimes accompanies the fashion world can make models susceptible to substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol might be used as coping mechanisms. As a result, it can lead models to addiction and further health complications. We saw this with Gia, who took to her deathbed at such a young age.

6. Short-lived Careers: 

The modeling world is notorious for its ever-changing trends and preferences. Models can be in high demand one season and out of work the next. This uncertainty can lead to financial instability. It also explains the stress of constantly reinventing oneself.

7. Loss of Identity: 

Being constantly told how to look, dress, and behave can lead models to lose a sense of their true selves. They might feel like commodities, valued only for their appearance and not their unique personalities or talents.


Final Thoughts on Gia Carangi’s Deathbed Advice

While the modeling industry offers the promise of fame, wealth, and glamour, it’s essential to recognize the significant challenges models face. Aspiring models and those who support them should be well-informed and prepared for the industry’s demands. 

It’s crucial for aspiring models to:

  • Prioritize well-being and mental health
  • Seek support when needed
  • Remember that external validation doesn’t determine self-worth.

While explaining that advice to adults is easy, many models are teens. They are often just too young to understand all the pitfalls of the fashion industry.

Gia’s deathbed story is a stark reminder of the pitfalls and challenges that can lurk behind the glamorous facade of the modeling world. Her advice to the nurse underscores the importance of understanding the industry’s darker sides and the potential costs of fame.

Study Reveals How a Healthy Lifestyle Can Prevent Depression

Here’s proof positive that healthier living increases your quality of life.

In a time when mental health has become a pressing concern, a groundbreaking study sheds light on the pivotal role of a healthy lifestyle in preventing depression. 

Published in Nature Mental Health on September 11, 2023, the research, conducted by an international team from the University of Cambridge and Fudan University, looks into the intricate interplay between lifestyle factors, genetics, brain structure, and our immune and metabolic systems. As a result of their research, they reveal some compelling insights into how our daily habits can shield us from the clutches of depression.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Warns How Depression Is a Global Concern

Depression affects approximately 280 million people from all around the world, according to the World Health Organization. They also caution that this mental health concern has become an enormous global public health issue. 

Furthermore, the WHO notes that depression does not discriminate. Indeed, it can afflict anyone, irrespective of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. 

However, individuals who have endured abuse, significant losses, or other traumatic events are at a heightened risk of developing depression. Notably, women are more susceptible to experiencing depression than men.


Here are some other statistics shared by WHO (based on their 2023 updates):

  • An estimated 3.8% of the global population grapples with depression.
  • This number includes 5% of adults, with a gender breakdown revealing 4% among men and 6% among women.
  • Among adults aged over 60, the prevalence rises to 5.7%.
  • Depression is approximately 50% more common among women than men.
  • Over 10% of pregnant women and postpartum women worldwide experience depression.
  • Tragically, over 700,000 people succumb to suicide annually. That makes it the fourth leading cause of death among individuals aged 15–29.

The onset of depression usually stems from a complex amalgamation of biological and lifestyle factors, making it imperative to unravel these complexities to formulate effective preventative strategies.

The UK Study Reveals the Seven Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle

The researchers utilized the UK Biobank, a comprehensive biomedical database, to analyze data from nearly 290,000 individuals, including 13,000 who had experienced depression, for nine years. 

The study identified seven crucial healthy lifestyle factors that were inversely related to the risk of depression:

  • Moderate alcohol consumption. Although the study did not define this, the NIH notes that moderation means one drink daily for women and two drinks per day for men. 
  • Adherence to a healthy diet. The CDC suggests a diet full of fruits, veggies, whole grains and limited milk, dairy, and meat consumption.
  • Regular physical activity. Much research agrees that everyone needs daily movement for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Ensuring healthy sleep patterns. 
  • Abstaining from smoking. All doctors agree that ending the use of tobacco products is fundamental to a longer, happier life.
  • Maintaining low-to-moderate sedentary behavior.
  • Fostering frequent social connections.

Among these, getting between seven and nine hours of sleep per night emerged as the most potent factor. The sleep factor diminished the risk of depression, including single depressive episodes and treatment-resistant depression, by 22%. 

Frequent social connections, which generally reduced the risk of depression by 18%, were particularly efficient against recurrent depressive disorder.

Quantifying the Impact: Healthy Lifestyle vs. Genetics in Depression

Researchers categorized individuals into three groups based on adherence to healthy lifestyle factors: unfavorable, intermediate, and favorable lifestyles. 

Remarkably, those in the favorable lifestyle group were 57% less likely to develop depression than those in the unfavorable lifestyle group. When juxtaposed with genetic factors, lifestyle emerged as potentially more influential. 

Even among individuals with varying genetic risks for depression, a healthy lifestyle significantly slashed the risk, underscoring the connection between leading a healthy lifestyle and depression prevention.

Deciphering the Underlying Mechanisms

To comprehend why a healthy lifestyle mitigates depression risk, the researchers explored various factors, including brain structure and markers indicating immune system or metabolic issues. 

MRI brain scans from nearly 33,000 participants revealed that larger volumes in specific brain regions, such as the pallidum, thalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus, were associated with a healthy lifestyle. 

Additionally, lifestyle impacted specific blood markers, like C-reactive protein and triglycerides. Previous studies have implicated these factors to impact stress response, immune function, and metabolic health.

healthy lifestyle

How Do the Brain Regions Mentioned in the Study Connect to Depression and a Healthy Lifestyle?

The pallidum, thalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus (mentioned above) are integral brain components. In fact, each has a pivotal role in various aspects of mental health and overall well-being. 

The connection between these brain regions, a healthy lifestyle, and reduced susceptibility to depression is multifaceted.


  • Role: Involved in the regulation of voluntary movement and cognitive functions.
  • Connection: A healthy lifestyle, particularly regular physical activity, may enhance the functioning of the pallidum. Therefore, it may contribute to improving mood and reducing the risk of depression.


  • Role: Acts as the brain’s relay station, transmitting sensory and motor signals to one’s cerebral cortex. It also regulates consciousness, sleep, and alertness.
  • Connection: Healthy sleep, a component of a healthy lifestyle, is crucial for optimal thalamus function. Proper sleep can enhance the thalamus’s ability to regulate consciousness and alertness. As a result, it may mitigate factors contributing to depression.


  • Role: Central to emotion processing, fear responses, and pleasure.
  • Connection: Engaging in activities that promote social connection and pleasure, aspects of a healthy lifestyle, may positively influence amygdala function. Therefore, it potentially protects against stress and depressive symptoms.


  • Role: Crucial for memory formation and management of stress responses.
  • Connection: A healthy lifestyle, including stress-management practices, can support hippocampal function, potentially reducing vulnerability to stress-induced depressive episodes.

The Interconnected Influence of the Brain Regions on Mental Health

  • Neuroplasticity: Engaging in a healthy lifestyle, which includes regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and social interactions, can enhance neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to form new neural connections) in these regions, potentially fostering resilience against depression.
  • Stress Management: These brain regions are responsible for stress response regulation. A healthy lifestyle can modulate stress responses. Therefore, they may reduce the burden on these brain areas and lower depression risk.
  • Emotional Regulation: Emotional regulation, influenced by the amygdala and hippocampus, can be supported by a healthy lifestyle, mainly through practices that promote emotional well-being and social connection.

A Healthy Lifestyle Should Be Holistic for Best Brain Function and Depression Mitigation

These brain regions do not operate in isolation. Instead, they are components of an interconnected network that collectively influences mental health. A healthy lifestyle can holistically support the optimal functioning of these brain regions. Therefore, choosing healthier habits may reduce the risk of depression and enhance overall mental well-being.

The relationship between these brain regions, a healthy lifestyle, and depression is symbiotic. That’s because each aspect influences the others, weaving a complex tapestry that underscores the holistic nature of mental health.

A Holistic Approach to Mental Health

Dr. Christelle Langley, with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge, emphasized:

“We’re used to thinking of a healthy lifestyle as being important to our physical health, but it’s just as important for our mental health.” 

The study advocates for a holistic approach to mental health, where physical and mental well-being are not segregated but seen as interconnected facets of overall health.

Professor Jianfeng Feng, from Fudan University and Warwick University, notes the importance of early education about the impact of a healthy lifestyle on one’s mental health. The professor suggests that such education should start for children in schools. 

The findings of this study show the profound impact of lifestyle on mental health. They also pave the way for implementing robust preventative strategies against depression, intertwining physical and mental health in a cohesive approach towards holistic well-being.


Final Thoughts on the Connection Between a Healthy Lifestyle and Decreased Depression Rates

This study of depression and its impacts serves as a beacon, guiding future research and public health policies towards a more integrated, healthy life approach in battling the global epidemic of depression. The findings underscore the necessity of embedding healthy lifestyle education and practices into our societal fabric. In doing so, we can ensure that individuals have the knowledge and tools to safeguard their mental health through their daily habits and choices.



15 Ways to Attract More Positivity And Release Negativity

Here’s how to increase the positive and let go of the negative.

We live in a more fast-paced world than any preceding generations have ever seen. As a result, getting caught up in a whirlwind of stress, anxiety, and negativity is easier than ever. But what if we could shift our focus and attract more positivity? 

Pursuing a more positive lifestyle is not just about feeling good. Instead, it’s about creating a mindset that enhances our well-being, resilience, and happiness.

This journey towards a more positive life is not just a dream; it’s a practical and achievable goal. Understanding and applying specific strategies allows us to let go of negativity and embrace a life filled with optimism and joy. 

Are you ready to transform your outlook and experience the power of positivity? Keep reading to discover fifteen practical ways to make this change happen.

15 Ways Move Past Negativity and Increase Positivity

Here are proven strategies to help you move into a more positive life.


1 – Understanding the Power of Positivity

Positivity is more than just a fleeting feeling; it’s a transformative mindset that can significantly impact every aspect of your life. When you embrace positivity, you’re happier and better equipped to handle stress, forge stronger relationships, and enjoy improved physical health. 

But embarking on this journey requires more than wishful thinking; it involves deliberate actions and a conscious shift in how you perceive the world. 

By learning to focus on the positive aspects of your life and cultivating a sense of optimism, you can see a noticeable change in your overall well-being and outlook.

2 – Start with Self-Awareness

The journey to positivity begins with a deep dive into your mind. Self-awareness is about understanding your thoughts, emotions, and reactions. 

Ask yourself these questions:

How do I respond to challenging situations? What are my typical thought patterns? 

This introspection can be eye-opening. It helps you identify any negative thinking patterns and understand your triggers. Once you’re aware of these, you can challenge and change them. 

For instance, if you focus on your weaknesses, try shifting your focus to your strengths. This change in perspective can be the first step towards a more positive outlook.

3 – Cultivate Gratitude to Boost Positivity

Gratitude is a cornerstone of positivity. It’s about appreciating what you have rather than fixating on your lack. Start by identifying things you’re thankful for. 

These don’t have to be grand; even small joys count. Keeping a gratitude journal is a fun but practical way to make this a habit. Every day, write down three things you’re grateful for. 

This practice trains your brain to spot the positives in your life, gradually shifting your default mindset from scarcity to abundance and appreciation.

4 – Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the art of being fully present and engaged at the moment without distraction or judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts and emotions without getting caught up. 

You can practice mindfulness through meditating, deep breathing exercises, or simply by being fully attentive to your daily activities. Mindfulness helps you become more aware of your thought patterns, particularly negative ones. Thus, it provides a space to acknowledge and release them calmly. 

This awareness creates a mental environment where positivity can flourish.

5 – Foster Optimism and Positivity

Optimism is about maintaining a hopeful outlook on life, even facing challenges. It’s not about ignoring problems but approaching them, believing that positive outcomes are possible. To foster optimism, start by reframing negative thoughts. 

For instance, instead of thinking, “I’ll never be able to do this,” tell yourself, “I’ll find a way to overcome this challenge.” 

Also, try to visualize positive outcomes in various aspects of your life. This exercise can help shift your mindset from doubt and fear to hope and possibility, making room for a more positive and resilient you.

6 – Engage in Positive Self-Talk

The dialogue you have with yourself is compelling. Negative self-talk can significantly hinder positivity, often leading to decreased motivation and self-esteem. To counter this, actively practice positive self-talk. This concept means consciously replacing self-critical thoughts with affirmations and encouragement. 

For example, if you think, “I’m not good enough,” challenge this thought with, “I am capable and worthy.” It’s also helpful to speak to yourself as you would to a friend – with kindness, understanding, and support. 

Remember, positive self-talk is a skill that takes time to develop. So please be patient and persistent.

7 – Surround Yourself with People Who Exude Positivity

The people around you can significantly impact your outlook on life. Surround yourself with positive influences. Find people who uplift, support, and inspire you. The company you keep can make a huge difference in your journey towards positivity. 

Seek out friends and acquaintances who encourage you, make you feel good about yourself, and have a generally optimistic outlook on life. It doesn’t mean you should avoid friends going through tough times. Instead, balance your social circle with those who bring positive energy into your life.

8 – Take Care of Your Body 

Your physical well-being plays a key role in your mental and emotional well-being. Regular physical activity reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can even improve your mood. 

Do some activities you enjoy, whether a brisk walk, yoga, or a team sport. Nutrition is equally important; a balanced diet can improve energy levels and well-being. Don’t forget the importance of sleep. Adequate rest is essential for emotional resilience and positivity. 

By taking care of your body, you’re setting a solid foundation for a positive mindset.


9 – Embrace New Experiences

New experiences can bring a sense of excitement, growth, and joy into your life. They take you out of your routine and offer opportunities to learn and explore. 

Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, traveling to a place you’ve never been, or simply trying a new cuisine, these experiences can broaden your horizons and bring a fresh perspective. 

Each new experience is a chance to learn more about yourself and the world, contributing to a more positive and enriched life.

10 – Set Realistic Goals

Goal setting is a powerful tool for fostering positivity, giving you a sense of direction and purpose. 

However, it’s essential to set realistic and achievable goals. Unattainable goals can lead to having feelings of inadequacy and frustration. So, break your larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. That will give you the chance to celebrate your progress. 

No matter how small, this sense of achievement can boost your self-confidence and stay motivated.

11 – Practice Kindness and Positivity in How You Treat Others

Kindness, both towards yourself and others can have a profound impact on your mental state. Engaging in acts of kindness can boost your mood and create a sense of connectedness with others. 

This gesture could be as simple as complimenting someone, offering your help, or showing empathy. Don’t forget to be kind to yourself as well. Self-compassion is a critical aspect of positivity, allowing you to accept yourself as you are and forgive yourself for your mistakes. 

Every act of kindness, no matter how small, contributes to a more positive and compassionate world.

12 – Limit Exposure to Negativity

Our environment and the media we consume can significantly influence our mindset. Constant exposure to negative news, pessimistic viewpoints, and toxic relationships can drain your energy and affect your mental health. 

It’s essential to be mindful of these influences to foster a positive outlook. Consider reducing the time spent on social media or watching news that makes you anxious or upset. Evaluate your relationships and set boundaries with people who consistently bring negativity into your life. 

Surround yourself with positivity, not just in your physical environment but also in the digital and social spaces you frequent. That doesn’t mean ignoring the realities of the world but instead finding a balance that allows you to stay informed without being overwhelmed.

13 – Seek Professional Help When Needed

Sometimes, life’s challenges can feel overwhelming, and the weight of negativity seems too heavy to carry alone. In such moments, seeking help from a mental health professional is wise and courageous. 

It’s essential to recognize that it is not a sign of weakness to ask others for help. Instead, it is a step towards improving your mental health. 

Therapists, counselors, and psychologists can provide support and strategies. These tools can help you cope with negative thoughts and feelings, enabling you to move towards a more positive and fulfilling life.

14 – Reflect and Adjust

Attracting positivity into your life is an ongoing journey that requires regular self-reflection and adjustment. Take time to assess your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors periodically. 

Are your current habits supporting your goal of a positive life? What changes can you make to foster more positivity? 

This process of reflection is not about being hard on yourself but about recognizing areas for growth and making adjustments. Remember, small changes can lead to significant shifts in your overall outlook.

15 – Celebrate Small and Large Victories

In your journey towards a more positive life, it’s crucial to acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may seem. Each step forward, each positive change, is a victory in itself. 

Celebrating these moments can boost your confidence and motivation. Whether it’s maintaining a positive mindset throughout a challenging day, practicing self-care, or achieving a small goal, recognize and honor these achievements. 

These celebrations reinforce your positive changes and motivate you on your path to positivity.


Final Thoughts on Attracting the Power of Positivity Into Your Life

 The journey towards a more positive life is a multifaceted and continuous process. It involves a conscious effort to shift your mindset, embrace new habits, and make choices that align with a more optimistic and joyful way of living. Positivity is not about ignoring life’s challenges or pretending everything is perfect. It’s about focusing on the good, learning from experiences, and moving forward with hope and resilience. 

Each strategy discussed in this article offers a stepping stone towards a more positive you. Whether through practicing gratitude, engaging in positive self-talk, or surrounding yourself with uplifting influences, the power to change your outlook lies within you.

As you embark on this path, be patient and kind to yourself. Change doesn’t happen overnight, and there will be times when maintaining a positive outlook feels challenging. During these moments, remind yourself of your progress, no matter how small, and remember that seeking help is a sign of strength. Celebrate your victories. Learn from life’s setbacks. Most of all, continue to grow and adjust your approach as needed. 

The pursuit of positivity is a lifelong journey, one that is deeply personal and uniquely yours. Embrace it with an open heart and mind, and watch as the world around you transforms, reflecting your new, positive perspective. Shine on!

20 Left-handed People Who Shaped History

These lefties made significant contributions to history, science, and culture.

Have you ever wondered why left-handed people, a trait shared by only 10% of the world’s population, seem so well represented among history’s visionaries, leaders, and artists?  Undoubtedly, “lefties” had to struggle to get ahead throughout history.

In ancient times, being left-handed was often viewed with suspicion, sometimes even to the point of open hostility. Some cultures even attempted to “correct” left-handed children, lacking an understanding that hand dominance is meaningless.

Yet, left-handed individuals didn’t just overcome this stigma throughout history. Instead, they soared above it. As a result, they left legacies that changed the very fabric of our world. From the artistic strokes of Leonardo da Vinci’s brush to the resilient leadership of Winston Churchill in the heat of war to the inspiring speeches of activist Malcolm X, left-handed individuals have shaped our civilizations in myriad ways. 

Dive with us into the mesmerizing world of these southpaws. It is intriguing to see how they turned what many in the past considered a quirk into a mark of genius.

20 Left-Handed People Who Charted a New Course for Humanity

From the fields of astronomy to the corridors of power, from art studios to the silver screen, these left-handed individuals didn’t just contribute to their respective fields; they revolutionized them. Their profound and varied legacies remind us of the untapped potential within us all, waiting to unleash it.


1. Leonardo da Vinci: The Quintessential Renaissance Man

While many recognize him for his iconic artworks like the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci’s influence extended far beyond the canvas. 

Born in Vinci, Italy, this left-handed polymath epitomizes the Renaissance spirit. His voracious curiosity led him to explore fields ranging from anatomy to flight. Da Vinci’s notebooks, filled with sketches, inventions, and observations, display an intellect that sought to understand the world. He sketched everything from macroscopic landscapes to the intricate workings of the human body. 

His methodologies laid the groundwork for modern scientific illustration. In many ways, da Vinci set a benchmark for interdisciplinary pursuits. He also proved that art and science can intersect and elevate each other to new heights.

2. Marie Curie: Pioneering the Radiant Frontiers

Marie Curie defied norms in an era when men excluded women from scientific pursuits. This left-handed physicist and chemist’s groundbreaking work in radioactivity—a term she coined—shifted scientific paradigms. 

She remains the only person to have won Nobel Prizes in physics and chemistry. Her discovery of radium and polonium, her pioneering research on radioactivity, and her development of mobile radiography units during World War I revolutionized medical science and treatment. Curie’s tenacity and brilliance also ushered in new scientific eras. Moreover, many believe she paved the way for women in STEM fields.

3. Sir Isaac Newton: The Architect of Modern Physics

When an apple fell from a tree, it wasn’t just gravity that took shape but the foundations of modern physics. Sir Isaac Newton, the left-handed genius from Woolsthorpe, England, introduced the three laws of motion. 

Thus, he fundamentally changed our understanding of the universe. His magnum opus, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, is one of the most influential works in the history of science. 

Furthermore, his work in optics and mathematics, particularly the development of calculus, has underpinned much of the technological and scientific advancements that followed. Newton’s legacy is not just in the theories he crafted but in the methodological rigor and curiosity-driven approach he brought to the scientific process.

4. Jimi Hendrix: Strumming the Strings of Revolution

From the streets of Seattle to the cosmic stage of Woodstock, Jimi Hendrix redefined the boundaries of music with his left-handed strumming. Considered one of the greatest guitarists of all time, Hendrix’s unique style, combining rock, rhythm and blues, and jazz, brought forth sounds previously unimagined. 

Tracks like Purple Haze and Voodoo Child were more than just songs. Instead, they were anthems of a generation seeking change. His technique of using amplifier feedback as a musical instrument changed rock music’s soundscape, proving that innovation wasn’t limited to technology but found in the strings of a guitar.

5. Aristotle: The Pillar of Western Thought

Before universities existed, and long before the advent of modern science, there was Aristotle. He was a left-handed philosopher and teacher from Stagira, Greece. 

A student of Plato and teacher to Alexander the Great, Aristotle’s influence on Western thought is immeasurable. Venturing into biology, ethics, politics, and metaphysics, he posed questions and methodologies we still explore today. 

His approach to syllogistic logic set the foundations for modern scientific methodology, emphasizing empirical observations and logical deductions. 

From shaping early Christian thought to influencing scholars, Aristotle’s writings have transcended cultures and epochs, solidifying his role as one of history’s premier intellectuals.

6. Julius Caesar: The Left-Handed Colossus of Rome

When one thinks of empire builders, few can eclipse the shadow cast by Julius Caesar. Born into Rome’s turbulent politics, this left-handed tactician didn’t just navigate the labyrinthine alleys of power; he rewrote the rules. 

His military conquests, particularly in Gaul, expanded the Roman Empire’s boundaries and filled its coffers. But his audacious crossing of the Rubicon River, an act of rebellion, changed Roman history. 

By ending the Roman Republic and setting the stage for the Empire, Caesar’s life—and dramatic assassination—became pivotal chapters in the annals of history. His legacy also endures in our calendars; the Julian calendar he introduced in 45 BC remained in use for over 1600 years.

7. Babe Ruth: A Southpaw Who Changed the Game

Baseball, America’s pastime, found its greatest icon in George Herman “Babe” Ruth. This left-handed slugger transformed baseball from a low-scoring, strategic game to one where home runs brought fame and fortune. 

His larger-than-life personality and prodigious talents at bat made him a household name, influencing countless future athletes. Beyond his 714 career home runs, Ruth’s charisma was pivotal in saving baseball’s reputation after the 1919 World Series cheating scandal. Thus, he proved the importance of character in the world of sports. 

Even today, his name is synonymous with greatness, not just in baseball but across all sports.


8. Diego Maradona: The Left-Handed Man Who Dazzled the Soccer World

From the bustling streets of Buenos Aires to the grand stages of World Cup stadiums, Diego Maradona’s journey in football (soccer for Americans!) is the stuff of legends. His early life in the slums did not hint at the stardom that awaited him. Still, Maradona’s talent was undeniable. With a left foot that seemed to have a mind of its own, he controlled the ball in ways that left even seasoned players in awe.

His most iconic moment came during the 1986 World Cup. In a match against England, Maradona scored one of the most memorable goals in football history. Dribbling past multiple defenders, he showcased a breathtaking combination of agility, vision, and skill. This goal, along with his infamous “Hand of God” goal in the exact match, cemented his place as a football icon.

However, Maradona was not just a player. He was a beacon of hope and national pride for Argentina. Maradona’s success was a source of joy and unity in a country that has faced its share of challenges. His passion for the game and raw emotion made him relatable and endeared him to millions.

Off the soccer field, Maradona was equally captivating. His life, filled with highs and lows, mirrored the intensity he displayed on the field. Through controversies, personal struggles, and triumphant comebacks, Maradona remained intrigued until his last days.

His legacy is not just that of an athlete. Instead, he was a man who, with sheer talent and determination, rose above his circumstances to leave an indelible mark on the world of sports. Diego Maradona’s story is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and the human spirit.

9. Albert Einstein: The Left-Handed Maestro of the Cosmos

In science, few names evoke wonder and admiration like Albert Einstein. With his iconic wild hair and thoughtful gaze, this left-handed physicist radically altered our understanding of the universe. 

His theory of relativity challenged established notions of space and time, setting the stage for much of modern physics. 

Beyond E=mc^2, Einstein’s contributions span from the photoelectric effect to understanding atomic energy. His research would later pave the way for quantum mechanics.

A pacifist turned advocate for the responsible use of scientific discovery during WWII, Einstein’s legacy is not only as a brilliant scientist but also as a conscientious global citizen.

10. Mahatma Gandhi: This Gentle Left-Handed Person Shook an Empire

Mahatma Gandhi stands out as a unique figure who championed strength through non-violence. With simple clothing and a walking stick, this left-handed leader mobilized millions without raising a sword. 

Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violent resistance, or Satyagraha, became instrumental in India’s struggle for independence from British rule. 

But his influence did not only touch the Indian subcontinent. Indeed, his ideas inspired others to change history – holllike Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela in their quests for justice and equality. Gandhi’s belief in the power of peaceful protest and the potential for change through personal integrity remains a beacon of hope for oppressed communities worldwide.

11. Joan of Arc: The Left-Handed Maiden Who Became a Martyr

In the heart of France’s darkest hours, a left-handed teenager named Joan of Arc rose from obscurity to lead the nation. Guided by her visionary religious experiences, she took up arms. She inspired armies and achieved improbable victories during the Hundred Years’ War. 

Her influence was not just military; Joan’s fortitude and unwavering faith restored the confidence of a beleaguered French people. Joan of Arc was eventually captured and tried by the English. After her trial, the British burned her at the stake for unfair accusations of “heresy.” Still, her martyrdom solidified her as a symbol of resistance and faith. The Catholic Church canonized her in 1920. Today, Saint Joan of Arc’s legacy inspires and reminds us to stand up to oppression.

12. Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens): The Left-Handed Bard of the Mississippi

Mark Twain’s influence on American literature is profound. Born Samuel Clemens, this left-handed author’s unique blend of humor, observation, and insight captured the complexities of post-Civil War America. 

Twain was not just a novelist. Instead, he was an astute social critic, pointing out societal hypocrisies and injustices with wit and eloquence. 

As one of the foremost chroniclers of the American experience, Twain’s works remain an essential exploration of the nation’s soul. Indeed, he challenges readers to confront societal prejudices and injustices.

13. Martina Navratilova: The Left-Handed Queen of the Tennis Court

Across the annals of tennis history, few names resonate as profoundly as Martina Navratilova. This left-handed dynamo dominated tennis in the 1970s and ’80s, garnering 18 Grand Slam singles titles. But her influence extended beyond baseline shots and volleys. 

A defector from communist Czechoslovakia, Navratilova became a beacon for political freedom. As one of the first openly gay athletes, she also became an icon in the LGBTQ+ community, championing rights and acceptance. 

In combining athletic excellence with social activism, Navratilova’s legacy is not just as a tennis legend. Instead, she became a pioneering advocate for equality and human rights.

14. Ludwig van Beethoven: Harmonies that Reshaped Music

Even in the face of impending deafness, Ludwig van Beethoven’s left-handed brilliance crafted symphonies and sonatas that became the bedrock of classical Music. 

This German composer’s works, like the revolutionary Symphony No. 9 or the evocative Moonlight Sonata, transcended the norms of his time. His compositions bridged the Classical and Romantic eras. Thus, he infused music with a passion and intensity previously uncharted. 

Beethoven’s resilience in the face of personal challenges, combined with his undeniable musical genius, is an inspiration, proving that art can thrive even amidst adversity.

left-handed people15. Winston Churchill: The Left-Handed Leader of Great Britain

As the storm clouds of World War II gathered, Winston Churchill emerged as an indomitable force steering Britain through its darkest hour. This left-handed statesman, known for his oratory prowess and strategic insight, galvanized a nation against the looming Nazi threat. 

Churchill’s leadership was multifaceted. He organized wartime strategies. He also inspired hope with speeches that still echo today. Post-war, his vision was instrumental in establishing the foundations for modern Europe with initiatives like the ‘Iron Curtain’ speech. Beyond his political achievements, Churchill was also a prolific writer and artist. His multifaceted legacy underscores a single determined individual’s profound impact on history.

16. Charlie Chaplin: The Left-Handed Luminary of Laughter*

In the silent era of cinema, where words were absent and actions spoke volumes, Charlie Chaplin’s comedic genius resonated with audiences globally. With his bowler hat and cane, this left-handed icon created a character, The Tramp. This character captured the complexities and contradictions of the early 20th century. 

Through films like “Modern Times” and “The Kid,” Chaplin evoked laughter and poignantly commented on societal issues like industrialization and poverty. As an actor, director, and composer, Chaplin’s influence on cinema is immeasurable, establishing comedy as a medium to entertain and enlighten.

17. Kurt Cobain: The Left-Handed Voice of a Generation

In the grunge-filled streets of Seattle, the raw, unfiltered voice of Kurt Cobain gave rise to Nirvana. Of course, his band defined the ’90s music scene. This left-handed musician’s poignant lyrics and distinctive sound became the anthem for a generation grappling with disillusionment and searching for authenticity. 

Tracks like Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come as You Are encapsulated the angst and aspirations of youth. Cobain’s influence transcended music. Additionally, his advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights and gender equality made him a trailblazer in societal issues. Although his life was tragically short, Cobain’s impact on music and culture remains indelible.

18. Malcolm X: The Left-Handed Advocate for Equality

Amidst the civil rights turbulence of the 1960s, Malcolm X emerged as a potent and unapologetic voice for African Americans. His fiery speeches and candid critiques of systemic racism distinguished him from other civil rights leaders in American history. 

Born Malcolm Little, his transformation into Malcolm X after joining the Nation of Islam symbolized his rejection of the “slave name” and his embrace of Pan-Africanism. His pilgrimage to Mecca later in life revealed to him the possibility of unity between different races, leading to his evolution in perspective. His autobiography, co-written with Alex Haley, remains a seminal text, providing unparalleled insight into the black experience in America.

A gunman assassinated Malcolm X at the prime of his life, Malcolm X’s legacy continues as a testament to the power of transformation, resilience, and unwavering dedication to justice.

19. Nicolaus Copernicus: The Left-Handed Astronomer Who Moved the Sun

In the heart of the Renaissance, as the world stood on the cusp of a scientific revolution, Nicolaus Copernicus posited a then-heretical idea: the Earth was not the center of the universe. This left-handed astronomer’s heliocentric model, detailed in De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, challenged millennia of Ptolemaic cosmology. While met with resistance initially, 

Copernicus’s model paved the way for figures like Kepler and Galileo. That fundamentally alters our understanding of the cosmos. By positioning the sun at the center, Copernicus didn’t just change astronomy; he reshaped humanity’s perspective of its place in the vast expanse of the universe.

20. Pablo Picasso: The Left-Handed Visionary of the Canvas

Pablo Picasso is a colossus in art, where boundaries are continuously pushed and redefined. This left-handed Spaniard had an unmatched knack for innovation. Thus, he co-founded the Cubist movement, redefining traditional forms into abstract, geometric marvels. 

Works like Les Demoiselles d’Avignon and Guernica are not just paintings. Indeed, they profoundly reflect on society, war, and the human psyche. From the Blue Period to Surrealism, Picasso’s artistic phases display a restless evolution, constantly pushing, always evolving. His legacy is a testament to the boundless potential of creativity, proving that art isn’t just about portraying reality but reimagining it.


Final Thoughts on the Contributions of Left-Handed People in History

The idea that left-handed people are a quirk of biology diminishes the profound impact that these individuals have had on the world’s history. This eclectic group, drawn from diverse fields, eras, and cultures, showcases that being a ‘southpaw’ isn’t just about which hand one writes with. It’s about perspective, innovation, and often, defying conventional norms.

In a world dominated by right-handedness, these twenty individuals succeeded and thrived, often turning their unique viewpoint into a distinct advantage. Their stories are a testament to the power of individuality. They challenge the notion of conformity, urging us to embrace our peculiarities, for they might be the seeds of genius.

Moreover, in celebrating these left-handed luminaries, we are reminded that progress and innovation often come from the margins, from those who see and experience the world slightly differently. 

As we reflect on their achievements, let it serve as a reminder that greatness isn’t determined by which hand you use but by how you choose it. Ultimately, it’s not about left or right; it’s about making a mark that lasts.


Here’s Why Mental Health Advocates Need Self-Care

You can’t take care of your loved ones until you look after yourself.

Have you ever been in a place where you felt like you had no voice? It is a challenging space, and you shouldn’t have to feel that way. With many perspectives, it can be easy to believe your voice as an advocate doesn’t matter. But every mental health advocacy story matters, and everyone deserves to share it. 

It’s not only about telling your stories but giving someone the space by listening to their story. If someone is willing to open up to you, they trust you with their vulnerability. And with that level of trust, you are in a unique position. It is difficult to open up, but they are trusting you with their journey, and you can be an advocate for them. 

Advocacy is the public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. And we can be advocates for other peoples’ health and mental health. Sometimes, we are expected to advocate for ourselves; while necessary, it doesn’t always have to be that way. There is nothing wrong with reaching out for help because you shouldn’t have to feel how you feel. 

The Decline in Mental Health Around the Globe

mental health

Based on the World Health Order, mental health is a “state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.” Every single person has mental health, and everyone needs to take care of their emotional well-being proactively. 

Our culture has a complex history of shaming emotional vulnerability and, unfortunately, encouraging the suppression of it. Studies are proving suppressing your emotions makes you even more emotionally unstable and can result in concerning health outcomes. It’s taking time, but people are embracing how vulnerability is a strength. 

Vulnerability truly allows you to dive into how you are feeling and reach a space of stability. It’s been seen as a weakness for so long; this is why many people don’t believe in reaching out for mental health and even disregard their physical health. People deserve better than to stay in a place of intense, unaddressed depression, anxiety, or any other feeling. 

Showing Up for the People in Your Life

When someone is experiencing a mental health crisis or even just something they are dealing with, please listen to them with curiosity and empathy. You may not know all the answers, be an expert in mental health, or even know how to react in that moment, but you can make a difference in someone’s life. Believe it or not, some people rarely receive any support for their mental health and well-being, meaning your unwavering support can go a long way. 

Some were raised under the impression emotional expression was a sign of weakness, so you need to be patient with people who need to relearn what they have been conditioned to. Addressing mental isn’t easy, and it can be exhaustive, but you need to find a sense of peace within yourself. But the one thing you need to remember about supporting someone’s mental health is that you cannot negate your own. 

mental health advocate

Suicidal Thoughts and Ideations Are Common

When you have mental health issues you don’t want to address, suicidal thoughts and ideations can emerge. Suicide feels like an extremity of mental health, but it is not at all. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, in 2021, 48,183 Americans died by suicide, and an estimated 1.70 million people attempted. This also doesn’t account for the many millions more who think about it but haven’t made any attempts. 

If you want to help someone, being educated on suicide can save their life. You are not their counselor, and no one asks you to provide medical support. You also don’t need to add that extra amount of stress and responsibility. Knowing how to be there for them, seek out resources, and check up on them is more than enough. 

Your Mental Health Matters Too

Your mental health matters, too, and you need to be equally supportive of someone else’s as your own. This is significant, too, when you find yourself being victimized by the person you are trying to support. You can still be there for them, but you can establish boundaries. Boundaries are rules or limits you should be encouraged to establish and protect your well-being. It’s a way of firmly communicating what you need from someone and how they can better support you. This can include not engaging in specific conversations, spending time with yourself, etc. 

Barriers to Mental Health Support

It is not an easy journey to advocate for your own or other’s mental health because there are many barriers in the system. When someone says to reach out, don’t give up immediately when faced with a complicated, tricky process because you deserve better. No one should have to face these unnecessary barriers to mental healthcare, but the world still has a long way to go to create an equitable system that can fully support this community. 

mental health advocate

Final Thoughts: Take Care of Yourself so You Can be an Effective Mental Health Advocate

On a positive note, now more than ever, millions are speaking up about mental health, access to better resources, and revamping the current system. The person may often want to give up, but your support can help them along their journey. 

You can be a beacon of hope for them as they traverse their mental health journey. Recovery is possible, and even though millions will experience mental health conditions or challenges their whole life, it can be more accessible and less challenging when they have people who support them on their journey. 

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