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4 Ways To Deal With Insensitive Comments

Learn new, effective strategies to help you deal with insensitive comments.

Insensitive comments are painful and often shocking to hear. They can make you feel terrible and unsure about how to proceed. Of course, one deserves to listen to such statements.

But how can you go about handling these remarks and protecting yourself against them? Here are 4 effective strategies to help you deal with insensitive comments and 3 ways to build resilience on top of that.

Effective Strategies To Deal With Insensitive Comments

1 – Decide Whether You Want To Respond

Ideally, we’d live in a world in which responding to insensitive comments always nets positive results, but that’s not the case. Knowing the repercussions of speaking out could lead you to stay silent, while certain comments directed at you and a group you belong to are more likely to compel you to speak, says the Southern Poverty Law Center.

insensitive comments

When making your decision, consider the following things:

  • The type of comments
  • Who made the comments (A person with authority? A child? A family member? A friend?)
  • How were the comments made (Online? In person? To a large group? In front of children? At work?)
  • What were the circumstances of the comments? (At work? In front of children?)

These questions will ultimately be made based on your judgment and how you gauge the next step. If you decide to let it go, determine the boundary at which you will speak up. If you decide to speak up, will you do so now or after you have some time to think? Use your best judgment.

Remembering that letting go and deciding others aren’t worth your time and effort is also a valid strategy for dealing with insensitive comments.

2 – Set Boundaries

Positive interpersonal boundaries are crucial to maintaining good relationships with all the people in your life, from family members to colleagues and from friends to authority figures. This isn’t just about physical wellbeing, but about mental and emotional wellbeing, too.

Setting positive boundaries will show others what is and isn’t acceptable for comments about you and those around you. When someone crosses a line you’ve drawn, quickly point them back in the right direction.

Here are some tips for setting boundaries:

  • Start by determining your needs, including what constitutes basic respect.
  • Take into account the way others prefer.
  • Be clear and direct when naming your limits with others, and be equally clear and direct when you correct someone for crossing one of your boundaries.
  • Be assertive; don’t be afraid of being as fierce and stern as those trying to break your boundaries.
  • If you find it difficult to be assertive, start small and work your way up.
  • Understand that you deserve to have your boundaries respected and stand by them.

3 – Use Humor

In situations where you want to correct someone for insensitive comments but don’t want to jeopardize yourself, humor is a great go-to. Lean into the awkwardness created by that insensitivity and make a joke out of it.

When used in balance, humor helps relieve tension while offering a subtle correction. However, be careful not to use it too much, as that can become unpleasant and worsen the situation again. The goal is to offer a light-hearted, resilient response to the individual who made the insensitive comment and then, as quickly as possible, use that humor to move on to the next subject.

With any luck, the person the humor is targeted at will get the picture and take the hint not to make the same mistake again next time. If they don’t take the hint, though, you’ll need to buckle up with positive thinking and either start ignoring them or be more assertive.

4 – Be Understanding

A key strategy for dealing with insensitive comments is to understand the other person. It allows you to humanize them and understand that their remarks don’t define them, allowing you to handle these comments better.

Here are some ways to do this:

  • Try to see where the person is coming from and put yourself in their shoes. What is making them say this? Have they learned before that they shouldn’t? What message are they trying to get across?
  • Don’t stoop to the levels of those who are insensitive. Two wrongs don’t make a right, so don’t make bad comments to get back at them. This is an educational opportunity, not one to turn into a cycle of anger.
  • Surprise them with kindness. Learning to react with compassion first can be difficult, but it can also be rewarding. People are more likely to respond in a positive way to kind correction than angry antagonism.

Three Effective Ways To Build Resilience After Hearing Insensitive Comments


1 – Stop Catastrophizing

Catastrophizing is the act of exaggerating your experiences, making them world-ending scenarios instead of seeing them as the actual, realistic situations they are. This is a common feature of those with anxiety and can lead to decreased positive thinking and extremely high stress levels.

Events can be stressful or seem very severe when they happen, and insensitive comments from people you care about can seem disproportionately life-ending sometimes. After all, the people you trust have said something negative—something you never expected out of their mouths! It’s jarring, and it can be overwhelming.

Building resilience to this involves learning to stop the cycle of catastrophizing. These people are human and don’t always know that what they’re doing is harmful. It doesn’t mean they’re bad people or that you have to cut ties with them. And even if you do have to, think about the future! This will hardly matter in the long run, and one lost relationship isn’t the end of the world.

When you learn to stop catastrophizing, you learn to take control of your emotions, think critically about the things affecting you, and, ultimately, overcome the anxiety that may be holding you back. It’s an important trait for anyone!

2 – Practice Forgiveness

Holding a grudge can often involve repressing or hanging onto certain emotions that might be harming you more than you might expect. Not everyone is ready to forgive right away, but it’s a goal that you should work towards.

Research indicates that the act of repressing feelings or emotions is significantly worse for the mind and body. Still, forgiveness following reflection can lead to boosted positive thinking, more feelings of control, and more empathy overall.

First, acknowledge the incident that hurt you and how. In this case, you’d be acknowledging the insensitive comment, why it was insensitive, and how it affected you and may continue to affect you.

Next, commit to the act of forgiveness. You’d learn to think of the act of letting go as one that is performed for your own sake, and you need to take steps forward, slowly, toward this commitment.

Looking for the silver lining

Finally, seek the positive in the experience. What have you learned in this process? How can you grow from it? Will it ultimately strengthen your relationship with someone, or will it show you who your real friends are? Will it show others that your boundaries can’t be messed with? Why was this experience so important?

Many trauma survivors make it clear that forgiveness isn’t necessary, and that’s somewhat true, but not in the way you might think. Learning to forgive on your part—meaning to let go of the resentment and hatred towards someone who has wronged you—is an act that benefits you and is done only for your own sake. This is positive and necessary and builds resilience in the long run.

However, conveying to another person that you have forgiven them is unnecessary, and you can still decide not to continue a relationship with someone after you, personally, forgive them. It’s up to you if you still want to have a relationship with someone who continually makes insensitive comments towards you and others, but forgiving them in your heart is needed either way.

3 –   Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a technique that involves living in the moment. It means letting go of past pain and future worries and focusing on the here and now. Unsurprisingly, this is a big part of resilience – the ability to take each day one step at a time and plan for the future without drowning in anxiety over it or being weighed down by the past.

Emotions are the key factors that stand between you and achieving mindfulness. The feelings that you experience can be overpowering. This doesn’t just apply to receiving insensitive comments, but to everything in general that can happen in your life.

Here are some ways insensitive comments can lead to a need for mindfulness:

  • Again and again, you think about the humiliation you felt for being on the receiving end of the insensitive comments.
  • You regret how you handled receiving the comment and wish you’d been more successful in convincing the other person to stop.
  • You regret not speaking up when you heard the comment because you feel like you let them walk over you or like you failed to be an ally to another group of people.
  • You’re worried about having to deal with similar comments in the future.
  • You’re worried that your relationship with this person might be damaged if you say anything.

These painful thoughts shouldn’t be allowed to continue to dictate the future, but they can crop up in all sorts of scenarios in your life. But when you bring yourself back down to earth with mindfulness, you might realize that these things aren’t as bad as you thought.

Mindfulness meditation can boost positive thinking and relieve stress among many different groups of people, and it builds resilience because it makes you more aware of yourself and your body. You learn to trust your instincts, make healthy decisions, and avoid things that will harm you without worrying about the past or agonizing over the future.

Those who practice mindfulness have even been found, in studies, to experience lower levels of negative emotion when they look at things they’re afraid of. Their mindfulness keeps them grounded, so their thoughts don’t become overwhelming. That kind of resilience is tough to build but worth it in the end!

insensitive comments

Final Thoughts On How To Deal With Insensitive Comments and Build Resilience

It’s always awful to receive insensitive comments, but the good news is that you get to control how you respond to them. By learning to proactively handle insensitive comments and building your resilience against them and other external factors, you’ll enjoy a happier, less stressful life.

70-Year-Old Grandma Returns to Lifeguard Duty to Save Lives 

Take inspiration from this 70-year-old grandma who returned to lifeguard duty and continues to save lives.

Amid the nationwide labor shortage, a 70-year-old grandma decided to rejoin the workforce as a lifeguard. Robin Borlandoe, lovingly nicknamed “Lifeguard Grandma” by her community, felt that all kids deserved a safe place to swim.

However, Philadelphia city pools didn’t have enough lifeguards to reopen for the summer safely. Desperate for workers, the city appealed to the public, urging anyone with lifeguard experience to apply.

When Borlandoe heard the cry for help, she felt compelled to answer it. According to an interview with Fox 29 Philadelphia, she first became a lifeguard in the late 1960s. Just 16 years old then, she served the Kingsessing neighborhood in southwest Philadelphia.

While she hadn’t been on a lifeguard stand in 54 years, Borland had fond memories of the job as a teen. Knowing her city needed help, she grabbed her whistle and swimsuit without hesitation. She may have been a bit rusty, but that didn’t deter her from filling out an application.

“I decided to finally do it to do something for our kids, our community,” Borlandoe told the news outlet.

According to another interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer, she had enjoyed a fulfilling career in the health field. After retiring, she kept busy caring for sick relatives and didn’t plan on looking for another job. However, she changed her mind when she saw the Parks and Recreation Department’s recruiting campaign for lifeguards.

City officials rushed to fill positions before opening Philadelphia’s community pools this summer. Nationwide, many other cities have a critical shortage of lifeguards due to the pandemic and booming economy. The strong labor market may encourage young adults and teens who typically take lifeguard jobs to seek other employment.

Lifeguard Grandma Steps Up To Help Her Community


Despite labor challenges, cities throughout the U.S. have tried to recruit as many lifeguards as possible. Philadelphia city officials seemed to have a winning strategy, as they had enough workers to open 50 of 65 pools. In addition to a successful recruiting campaign, the city offered higher wages than in previous years.

“It’s been a journey,” Borlandoe said. “The call of what’s been going on in the city. We’re in a bad spot and I just wanted to do something.”

However, adjusting to lifeguard duty after a 54-year hiatus proved more brutal than she’d imagined. She discovered that training involved more physical demands than in her teenage years.

Lifeguards in Philadelphia must pass a challenging exam that includes one new requirement. In addition to swimming laps and treading water, lifeguards must recover a brick from the bottom of the pool. If applicants complete these tests, they automatically qualify for the position.

Borlandoe felt slightly overwhelmed by the new lifeguard test, but she wouldn’t back down from the challenge. She wanted to help children and families have a fun summer and ensure their safety. And it seemed other older adults shared that sentiment as well.

Including Borlandoe, 16 seniors aged 50 and older reported for lifeguard duty to help Philadelphia open more pools. Borlandoe’s loved ones supported her decision and felt that the “Lifeguard Grandma” was perfect for the job.

“Anyone that knows me would not be surprised that I’m going to do this,” she said.

Several younger people who read her story felt annoyed that news outlets put so much emphasis on her age. However, Borlandoe didn’t mind since it showed the public how the elderly could serve their communities. She said it provided a chance to put a positive spin on aging and demonstrate how elders can uplift young people.

70-Year-Old Grandma Hopes Her Story Will Inspire Others

Even though lifeguards in Philadelphia received a sizable pay raise, Borlandoe didn’t sign up for the money. She mostly felt motivated to rejoin the workforce so that children would have a safe environment during summer. For many children and families, pools provide a fun, affordable way to cool off in scorching temperatures.

However, the lifeguard shortage made it harder to access places to swim.

“They have no place to go,” she explained. “Pools are closed all around.”

Borlandoe believes that keeping pools open doesn’t just provide recreational opportunities. It also gives children a safe place to play and shelters them from increasing violence in Philadelphia.

Tragically, at least a hundred children under eighteen were shot in the city in 2022. One of these shootings happened outside Borlandoe’s home, killing three young boys.

“When you see it, it’s scary, and it’s very sad,” she said.

After witnessing the tragic event, Borlandoe felt motivated “to do something, no matter how small, to help out.” She hopes her story will encourage others to consider lifeguard positions in their cities.

“I’m very much committed to this,” she said. “This is my reputation. This is my community.”

Borlandoe takes her position seriously and doesn’t just think of it as a summer job. She knows cities need lifeguards more than ever to protect children from violence on the streets.

“We need to do something,” she declared. “We need to save our youth; save our future.”

If you have experience lifeguarding, perhaps this story will motivate you to serve your community! The American Lifeguard Association estimates that staffing shortages affect over 30% of U.S. pools. So, check with your local pools to see if they have open positions. Chances are they probably need you!


Final Thoughts on the Lifeguard Grandma Who Was Ready to Save Lives

Robin Borlandoe, a 70-year-old Philadelphia native, decided to come out of retirement to save lives. After seeing a recruitment campaign for lifeguards amid unprecedented staffing shortages in the city, she wanted to help. The retiree didn’t plan on reentering the job market but couldn’t ignore the city’s desperate call for lifeguards.

A shooting involving three children outside her home also influenced her decision. She wanted to ensure kids had a safe place to play during the summer and protect them from violence. Borlandoe hopes others will also consider filling lifeguard positions to keep their city pools open.

Al Roker Thanks Kind People Who Helped Him When Stranded

Al Roker’s shared story once again proves that kind and generous people exist.

The Today Show weatherman Al Roker and his wife, Deborah Roberts, found themselves stranded after their car wouldn’t start one evening. They’d just finished dinner at the Blue Plate restaurant in Chatham, New York, and realized their car battery had died.

However, with it being a Friday night, many people were around to ask for help. So, they took their chances and asked a stranger to jump-start their car. Luckily, the first people they asked had jumper cables and showed them some kindness.

Both Al Roker and Deborah Roberts shared the story on their Instagram accounts. Al even took a picture with the kind people who saved their day. The generous couple stood in the background while Al gave a big thumbs up over the opened hood of the car.

Al Roker Thanks Generous Strangers for the Kindness

“I left the lights on [in] our car during dinner and the battery died,” shared Al Roker on his Instagram. “But these nice folks gave us a jump!! Jump started our weekend!!”

Roberts also shared her version of the evening on her Instagram page.


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A post shared by Al Roker (@alroker)

“The kindness of strangers,” Roberts wrote in a post. “After a nice dinner, a bummer. The car battery was dead. What to do? I took a chance and approached a stranger for jumper cables. And Phil and his sweet family came to the rescue! No 5-mile walk for us tonight! Yay, Phil. Thanks for the #kindness @alroker.”

One person commented that the couple had angels watching over them, while another said, “Kindness still exists.” Another person wrote, “Good things happen to good people!!”

Maybe they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Or, perhaps fate intervened and urged the positive people to cross paths with Al Roker to fix his car. The universe works in mysterious ways sometimes, but luckily, it seemed to work in their favor that evening.

While Al Roker exercises regularly, he was thankful he didn’t have to walk five miles back home that night. If the kind strangers hadn’t come along, he might have had no other options. At least he learned a valuable lesson about turning off the car lights to save the battery!

He Jumped Right Back to His Routine the Next Day

After driving home that Friday night, Al Roker returned to his exercise regimen over the weekend. He posted an Instagram video of him and his wife walking Sunday morning as part of the Today 30-day walking challenge.

“And look who’s out on the road already. It’s Deborah Roberts,” Roker said in the video clip, giving his wife a high-five as she ran past him.

“Look at her go. There she goes. She’s going a lot faster than I’m going, but it’s not how fast you go. It’s what you get done, right?” he added.

Alluding to Friday night’s events, one Instagram user jokingly commented, “No jump-start needed this morning?”

Al Roker made sure to pay the act of kindness forward just a week later. On a Today Show episode, Adrienne Patterson drove 655 miles specifically to see Al in celebration of her 65th birthday.

Unfortunately, Al Roker took the day off to help his son pack for college. However, the meteorologist still called in to thank the woman for driving such a long distance to meet him! He also wished her a happy birthday during the call.


Al Roker Helped Others in Their Time of Need

In another Today show episode in April 2020, the popular weatherman surprised R3 food bank workers in San Antonio, Texas. The food bank worked hard to supply citizens with groceries and supplies during the pandemic. Many people had lost their jobs and relied on local food banks to put food on the table.

Al Roker reached out to two workers who had been delivering meals to needy people. Juan Ramos and Angela Williams worked tirelessly to ensure their community had enough to eat during a difficult time.

Al connected with them on a video chat, saying, “The things that you have been doing for your communities just kind of blew us away when we heard about it, so we wanted to do something for you to help you continue your mission.”

He told them to open their front door to reveal their surprise. The Today Show donated thousands of dollars worth of groceries to help keep the food bank stocked. Groceries lined the street in front of Juan and Angela’s homes, a moving sight in uncertain times.

Al Roker also ensured that some of the groceries and supplies would go to Angela. When he learned that she’d lost her job and relied on food banks to survive, he wanted to help however he could. She was touched by the gesture and invited the team over for dinner if they ever came to San Antonio.

Juan also thanked Al and the Today team for the heartfelt donation. He said that the R3 food bank had served at least 4,000 meals since the outreach program began. In an interview with Today, he said, “It’s not an option not to do what we’re doing. We’re going to do this. We’re going to help people.”

Perhaps we can learn a valuable lesson from Al Roker and the strangers who helped him. When we give to others unconditionally, the universe always returns the favor when we need it most.

al roker

Final Thoughts on Kind People Helping Al Roker

The heartwarming story of strangers helping Al Roker and his wife went viral on social media. After going out for dinner, the couple tried to start their car and realized the battery had died.

Desperate for help, they asked people around them if they could jump-start the car. Sure enough, a kind couple had jumper cables and quickly got the car back up and running.

Sometimes, we stumble upon the perfect people to help us in a difficult situation. Al and his wife expressed their gratitude for the couple’s help, and Al made sure to pay it forward.

WHO: Sugar Substitutes Stop Weight Loss

Find out more about sugar substitutes that may be stopping you from losing weight.

In a recent press release, the World Health Organization (WHO) unveiled its latest non-sugar sweeteners (NSS) guidelines. They now recommend against sugar substitutes for weight control or to reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).

This recommendation stems from a thorough analysis of available evidence. The data study indicates that the long-term use of NSS does not yield significant benefits for reducing body fat in adults and children. 

Additionally, the review suggests that prolonged consumption of NSS could potentially lead to adverse effects. These harmful impacts include increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and adult mortality.

Francesco Branca, the WHO Director for Nutrition and Food Safety, issued the following statement:

“Replacing free sugars with NSS does not contribute to long-term weight control. Individuals should explore alternative methods of reducing their intake of free sugars, such as consuming naturally occurring sugars found in fruits or opting for unsweetened food and beverages. NSS are non-essential dietary factors with no nutritional value, and people should strive to reduce overall sweetness in their diets from an early age to improve their overall health.”

This WHO recommendation applies to all individuals except those with pre-existing diabetes. It also encompasses all synthetic, naturally occurring, or modified non-nutritive sweeteners. These are not classified as sugars in processed foods and beverages. It also includes sweeteners sold individually for consumer addition. 

The observed link between NSS and disease outcomes in the evidence may be affected by the baseline characteristics of study participants and their complex NSS use patterns. Because of this, the recommendation is conditional according to the way WHO develops guidelines.

Thus, policy decisions based on this recommendation may require substantial discussion within specific country contexts. WHO advises that health policymakers must consider factors like the extent of NSS consumption in different age groups.

The WHO’s guideline on NSS is part of a comprehensive set of existing and upcoming guidelines on healthy diets, aiming to establish lifelong healthy eating habits, enhance dietary quality, and reduce the global burden of NCDs.

What Are the Sugar Substitutes WHO Warns Against Consuming?

sugar substitutes

Common examples of NSS include the following: acesulfame K, aspartame, advantame, cyclamates, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, stevia, and stevia derivatives.

It’s worth noting that all of these passed regulatory guidelines and research, gaining approval for use in our foods. But that does not mean they are helpful for your body. Let’s take an up-close look at each of those non-sugar sweeteners.

Check your food labels for these sugar substitutes:

Acesulfame K

Acesulfame potassium, or acesulfame K, is a calorie-free sweetener approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar. It is heat-stable and appears in a variety of food and beverage products. The body does not metabolize Acesulfame K and passes through the system unchanged. 


Aspartame is a low-calorie artificial sweetener commonly used as a sugar substitute. It comes from two amino acids, phenylalanine, and aspartic acid, and is approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar.

Aspartame is broken down into components during digestion and contributes a few calories. It has been extensively studied and approved for use by regulatory agencies. Still, it may pose risks to individuals with a rare genetic disorder, phenylketonuria (PKU), who cannot metabolize phenylalanine.


Advantame is a non-caloric sweetener chemically similar to aspartame but much sweeter. It is used in various food and beverage products. Advantame metabolizes into its components in the body, and studies have shown it to have a low toxicity profile. However, as it is a relatively new sweetener, further research is ongoing to ensure its safety.


Cyclamates are artificial sweeteners that were once widely used in the past. But today, several countries have banned them due to concerns about their potential carcinogenic effects. They often appear in combination with other sweeteners to enhance sweetness.

The National Cancer Center notes that while some early studies suggested a possible link to bladder cancer in rodents, more recent research and re-evaluations have provided mixed findings, and their safety remains a subject of debate. For that reason, cyclamates are not approved in the United States.


Neotame is an artificial sweetener that’s chemically related to aspartame. It is approximately 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar and has a similar taste profile. The body cannot metabolize neotame and excretes it unchanged. 


Saccharin is an artificial sweetener that has been in use for over a century. It is approximately 300 to 500 times sweeter than sugar. While early studies linked saccharin to bladder cancer in rodents, subsequent research has not provided consistent evidence of its carcinogenicity in humans. 


Sucralose is an artificial sweetener chemically modified from sugar. It is roughly 600 times sweeter than sugar. The body does not metabolize sucralose. Instead, the sugar substitute passes through without providing any nutrition or calories. 

sugar substitutes


Stevia is a natural, zero-calorie sweetener derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It is significantly sweeter than sugar. Its extreme sweetness comes from natural compounds called steviol glycosides. Stevia has been used for centuries. In the past decade, it has gained popularity as a sugar substitute. 

Stevia Derivatives

Stevia derivatives are compounds derived from stevia that have undergone further processing and modification to enhance their sweetness or taste profile. Some common stevia derivatives include rebaudioside A (Reb A), stevioside, and steviol glycosides. 

These derivatives are extracted from the stevia plant and undergo purification processes to isolate the sweet compounds. They are used as high-intensity sweeteners and are several hundred times sweeter than sugar.

Reb-A is one of the most widely used stevia derivatives, known for its clean, sugar-like taste. It has been extensively studied and approved as a food additive by regulatory authorities. Stevioside is another stevia derivative that is slightly less sweet than Reb A but still provides a significant sweetness. Steviol glycosides encompass a group of compounds found in stevia, including Reb A and stevioside.

These Sugar Substitutes Often Appear in Toothpaste and Body Care Products

It is essential to note that this guideline does not extend to personal care and hygiene products containing sugar substitutes, such as toothpaste, skin creams, and medications. Furthermore, this recommendation does not affect low-calorie sugars and sugar alcohols (polyols), which contain calories and are therefore not classified as NSS. 

Natural Alternatives to Sugar Substitutes

So if WHO believes those sugar substitutes will sabotage your dieting efforts, what should you eat? You will need to find your favorite natural sweetener.

Natural sweeteners are not non-caloric. But they do not contain sugar substitutes’ chemicals (or controversy). So if you do wish to sweeten things up once in a while, you can try these. And if you look for organic products, you can be sure you’re skipping the preservatives and artificial ingredients.

Natural sugar substitutes:


Derived from bees, honey is a natural sweetener with numerous nutritional benefits. It contains trace amounts of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Honey also possesses antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. Also, honey is known to soothe coughs and sore throats and may have wound-healing properties when applied topically. 

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a popular natural sweetener. It contains small amounts of minerals like manganese and zinc. Maple syrup also contains antioxidants and has a lower glycemic index than refined sugars. That means it causes a slower rise in blood sugar levels. It adds a distinctive flavor to dishes and is excellent as a recipe topping or ingredient. 

Coconut Sugar 

Obtained from the sap of coconut palm trees, coconut sugar is a natural sweetener. It has a pleasing, caramel-like flavor. It contains small amounts of nutrients such as iron, zinc, and potassium.

Coconut sugar also contains inulin, a dietary fiber supporting digestive health. While it is still a form of sugar, and you must eat it in moderation, coconut sugar has a lower glycemic index when compared to refined sugar. 

Date Sugar 

Date sugar is a natural sweetener rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It’s made from dried and ground dates. It retains the nutrients of whole dates, including potassium, magnesium, and iron. Date sugar has a distinct flavor. You can substitute it for brown sugar in baking and cooking. Due to its high fiber content, it has a lower impact on blood sugar levels compared to refined sugars. 

Please note that these natural sweeteners offer some nutritional benefits but still contain calories. Thus, you must consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Individuals with specific health conditions or certain dietary restrictions should consult a healthcare professional before incorporating these sweeteners into their diet.


Final Thoughts on WHO Warning Against Sugar Substitutes

In light of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent guidance on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS), it is crucial to reconsider our choices regarding sugar substitutes. The WHO’s recommendation against using NSS for weight control highlights the need for alternative approaches to achieve our health and weight loss goals.

While natural alternatives like honey, maple syrup, and other sweeteners derived from nature may seem appealing, it is essential to know that they are still sources of calories to enjoy in moderation. Incorporating these natural sweeteners can add flavor to our meals and satisfy our cravings while minimizing the overall intake of added sugars.

It is imperative to prioritize a balanced and diverse diet, including whole foods. Think of fruits and vegetables, which provide essential nutrients and naturally occurring sugars. These whole foods offer a range of health benefits and can contribute to weight management when consumed as part of a well-rounded diet.

Remember, achieving weight loss goals requires a comprehensive approach that includes regular physical activity, portion control, and mindful eating habits. Relying solely on sugar substitutes, whether natural or artificial, is not a guaranteed solution. Instead, it is crucial to cultivate a sustainable lifestyle that supports long-term health and well-being.

By embracing the WHO’s guidance and adopting healthier alternatives, we can progress toward our weight loss goals while enjoying the occasional indulgence in natural sweeteners. Let’s choose wisely, savor the flavors of natural alternatives in moderation, and embark on a journey of improved health and balanced nutrition.

Doctors Reveal 10 Benefits of a Water Fast

Learn more about the most common health benefits of a water fast from a medical perspective.

Water fasting, an ancient practice steeped in history and cultural significance, has found renewed interest in the modern age. At its core, a water fast involves abstaining from all forms of food and drink, except water, for a set period. 

Do you think your health might benefit from a water fast? Then dive into the scientifically proven benefits of this practice and let us guide you on your water fast journey. We will also discuss breaking your fast and returning to light eating.

Understanding a Water Fast

Water fasting is what its name suggests. It means restricting your intake to only water for a set period, ranging from 24 hours to several days or weeks.

The body responds to this change in fascinating ways. Initially, it uses up the stored carbohydrates for energy. As the fast progresses, your body enters a state of ketosis, which burns stored fat for fuel.

Prolonged fasting can even trigger autophagy, where your body cleans out damaged cells, enhancing overall cellular health. But more about these processes–and their benefits–later in the article.

Nine Key Signs That You Might Benefit from a Water Fast

Here, we look into physical and mental/emotional signs that may hint at potential benefits from a water fast.

water fast

Physical signs:

  1. Chronic inflammation: Symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, and recurring infections can be signs of persistent inflammation. Water fasting may help reduce this inflammation, providing relief from these symptoms.
  2. Digestive problems: Issues such as bloating, food sensitivities, irritable bowel syndrome, or generally sluggish digestion could indicate that your gut may need a reset. Water fasting could help cleanse your digestive system, easing these symptoms.
  3. Constant fatigue: If you regularly get enough sleep yet continue to feel tired, your body could need more rest. Fasting could give your digestive system the break it needs to recover, thus potentially alleviating chronic fatigue.
  4. Skin problems: Issues like acne, eczema, or psoriasis may signal internal imbalances or inflammation. Some people have reported clearer skin after a period of water fasting, as it can aid in detoxifying the body.
  5. An unhealthy relationship with food: Do you eat out of boredom, stress, or other non-hunger-related reasons? If so, a water fast may help you break these habits and reconnect with your body’s natural hunger cues.

Mental/emotional signs:

  1. Brain fog: If you often have difficulty focusing, struggle with poor memory, or lack mental clarity, a period of water fasting may provide benefits. The absence of a constant influx of food can allow the body to focus on other processes, potentially leading to clearer thinking.
  2. Emotional eating issues: If you often use food to cope with negative emotions, water fasting may offer a chance to break this cycle and build healthier coping strategies.
  3. Need for self-discipline: If you hope to cultivate mental strength and discipline, fasting can be a way to cultivate these qualities. It’s an exercise in mindfulness and commitment.
  4. Spiritual or emotional stagnation: In many cultures and religions, fasting is a tool for spiritual growth. If you feel spiritually or emotionally stuck, the reflective nature of fasting brings clarity and forward movement.

NOTE: It’s important to note that individuals who are underweight, pregnant, have certain medical conditions, or are under 18 should avoid water fasting. Always consult with a healthcare professional first.

Scientifically Proven Benefits of a Water Fast

Research has unveiled several potential benefits of water fasting, which range from physical to mental wellness. While the practice has many benefits, research continues to evolve. 

1 – Weight loss and metabolic health improvements

When you undertake a water fast, the primary cause of weight loss is relatively straightforward. You significantly reduce your caloric intake, which leads to a decrease in body weight.

However, the relationship between water fasting and weight loss goes deeper than calorie restriction. Researchers note that it appears to be connected to improved metabolic health, insulin sensitivity, and changes in how your body processes nutrients.

During a water fast, your body goes through a process known as metabolic switching. So, without glucose from food, your body begins to use stored fats as its primary energy source. This state is ketosis. This shift not only promotes weight loss but also improves your metabolism.

2 – Autophagy and cellular health

During a water fast, your body can stimulate a fascinating process known as autophagy. ‘Autophagy’ comes from the Greek terms ‘auto’ meaning ‘self’ and ‘phage’ meaning ‘eating.’ Essentially, it’s the body cleaning out damaged cells to regenerate newer, healthier ones.

Under normal conditions, autophagy occurs at low levels in the body. However, when food and nutrient intake is low, as in the case of water fast – the rate of autophagy significantly increases.

The body uses this process as a waste disposal and recycling system, allowing it to clean up parts of cells that may be damaged or no longer functioning optimally.

water fast

Here’s a more detailed breakdown of the autophagy process:

  1. Initiation: When the body is under stress, such as during a water fast, autophagy begins. The cell identifies the damaged components that they must shed.
  2. Encapsulation: The cell then isolates these damaged components by encapsulating them within a structure known as an autophagosome.
  3. Fusion and breakdown: The autophagosome merges with a lysosome, an enzyme-filled part of the cell, forming an autolysosome. The enzymes in the lysosome break down the damaged components into their essential elements.
  4. Recycling: These essential elements – including amino acids, fatty acids, and sugars – will be released back into the cell and start the creation of new cellular components, including energy production.

This process is crucial for maintaining overall cellular health and function. It helps remove damaged proteins and organelles, fights against infections by destroying bacteria and viruses, and even controls inflammation.

There is also growing evidence suggesting that autophagy plays a crucial role in preventing diseases, including cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, infections, inflammatory diseases, and insulin resistance.

While water fasting can be an effective way to trigger autophagy, it’s important to remember that this is a complex biological process and that the impact of autophagy can vary from person to person.

3 – Mental clarity and emotional benefits

Many individuals report a heightened sense of mental clarity during a fast, possibly due to the body not expending energy on digestion. Some research even suggests potential mood-enhancing effects of fasting.

4 – A water fast and anti-aging effects

Emerging mice research suggests that water fasting could slow aging processes. However, these studies are ongoing, and more human research is needed.

5 – A water fast can promote blood sugar control

Several studies suggest that water fasting could improve insulin sensitivity, at least in the near term. It can also regulate blood sugar levels, especially for those at risk of diabetes. However, individuals with diabetes or blood sugar issues should consult a healthcare professional before attempting water fast.

6 – Enhances heart health

Water fasting could benefit heart health by improving blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglycerides. These factors contribute significantly to heart disease risk.

7 – A water fast may protect brain function

Research on the impacts of fasting on the brain has been conducted primarily in animal models. In these studies, fasting has shown several potential neuroprotective effects:

  1. Improving Cognitive Function: Animal studies indicate that fasting can improve cognitive function. Mice on an intermittent fasting regimen demonstrated better learning and memory than those on a regular diet. This improvement may result from the increased production of a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) protein, which plays an integral role in memory, learning, and the generation of new neurons.
  2. Protection Against Neurodegenerative Diseases: There’s also evidence that fasting could help protect against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. For instance, in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease, intermittent fasting was found to slow the progression of the disease and enhance cognitive function. In models of Parkinson’s disease, fasting helped protect neurons from degeneration.
  3. Role of Autophagy: One of the ways fasting may exert these neuroprotective effects is through the process of autophagy. Autophagy, as mentioned earlier, is a process where the cells “clean house,” removing damaged components. In the brain, autophagy can help clear away misfolded proteins and damaged mitochondria that can contribute to neurodegeneration. By promoting autophagy, fasting may help maintain the health and function of neurons.
  4. Stress Resistance: Another theory is that fasting makes cells more resistant to stress. By experiencing the “stress” of fasting, brain cells may adapt and become more resistant to stressors that can cause damage. That is akin to the principle of hormesis, where a mild stressor (like fasting) improves the ability of an organism to resist more severe stressors.

While these results are promising, scientists do not fully understand how these benefits translate to humans. Also, the specifics of how fasting protocols (like the length, type, and frequency) affect these outcomes are still under investigation. 

8 – Promotes a healthy weight

While not a long-term solution for weight management, fasting can lead to significant short-term weight loss. It achieves this by shifting the body into ketosis. During this cycle, the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose.

9 – Can increase growth hormone secretion

Growth hormone, or Human Growth Hormone (HGH), plays a role in growth, body composition, cell repair, and metabolism. Several studies reveal that fasting can increase levels of HGH.

10 – A water fast may increase longevity

Animal studies suggest that fasting may extend lifespan, although more research is needed in humans to confirm these effects.

As with all health interventions, it’s important to note that individual responses to water fasting can vary widely, and it’s essential to undertake such a fast under the guidance of a healthcare professional. 

How to Start a Water Fast

Before diving into water fasting, take note of these crucial steps.

Pre-fasting preparation

Firstly, you must check with a nutritionist or doctor to ensure that fasting is safe. Prepare mentally and start transitioning towards a cleaner, healthier diet before your fast.

During the fast

Ensure you’re drinking enough water, getting plenty of rest, and listening to your body for any signs of distress. Avoid strenuous activities during this time.

Post-fast: Breaking the fast

When it’s time to end your fast, reintroduce food slowly and gently to avoid shocking your system. Start with small portions of easily digestible foods, gradually returning to your regular diet over a few days.

water fasting

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Water Fasting

Despite its potential benefits, water fasting isn’t without risks and side effects. Here are a few things to understand:

Common side effects

You might experience temporary fatigue, headaches, or dizziness during a fast. These are often part of your body adjusting to the fasting state.

Serious risks

More severe risks include dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and in extreme cases, re-feeding syndrome, a condition that sometimes occurs when food is reintroduced too quickly after a fast.

To minimize these risks, consult a healthcare professional before, during, and after the water fast. You should also never exceed the duration recommended by a professional.

10 Frequently Asked Questions About Water Fast

In this section, we address some common queries surrounding water fasting.

Can I consume anything other than water during a water fast? 

No, this process dictates that you consume only water. However, it’s crucial to stay adequately hydrated, and some individuals may choose to add a small amount of salt to their water to maintain electrolyte balance.

How many days should I water fast for health benefits? 

The duration varies greatly depending on individual health, experience with fasting, and professional guidance. Some may see benefits within 24 hours. However, others may fast for a few days or even a week.

Will water fasting slow down my metabolism? 

While there may be slight changes in metabolism during a water fast, it’s unlikely to cause a significant or long-term slowdown. Short-term fasting can increase metabolic rate.

How often should I do a water fast? 

The frequency dramatically depends on individual health and professional advice. For some, a short fast may be beneficial a few times yearly. But others may prefer regular short fasts, such as one day per week.

Is it safe to exercise during a water fast? 

Light exercises like walking or gentle yoga can be okay. But intense workouts are not recommended during a water fast. Your energy levels will be lower than typical, and strenuous exercise can be dangerous. Of course, everyone has different physical demands. Your doctor should guide you on this based on your unique health needs.

Will I lose muscle mass during a water fast? 

During a water fast, your body will initially use glycogen stores for energy, then switch to burning fat. While some muscle loss is possible during prolonged fasting, research shows this is typically minimal and much less than fat loss.

Can I take medications during a water fast? 

If you’re on any medication, it is crucial to consult your doctor before starting a water fast. Some medications require food, and fasting could alter their effects.

Is it safe if I have diabetes? 

People with diabetes should not undertake a water fast without medical supervision, as it can cause significant changes in blood sugar levels. Always consult a healthcare professional first.

What should I do if I feel unwell during a water fast? 

Listen to your body. If you feel unwell – dizzy, excessively tired, or nauseous – you must stop the fast and seek medical advice.

What is the best way to break my fast?

When ending any fast, it’s crucial to reintroduce food slowly, starting with small amounts of easily digestible foods like fruits or broth. As your digestive system adjusts, you can gradually reintroduce other foods.

Comparing Water Fasting to Other Types of Fasts

Water fasting is just one type of fasting. Here, we briefly compare it to other popular forms:

  • Juice fasting: Involves only consuming fruit and vegetable juices. The juice provides some nutrients and sugars. That can make it easier than water fast. However, it doesn’t induce autophagy to the same degree.
  • Intermittent fasting: This involves eating only during a specific window each day. It can provide some benefits of longer fasts while allowing daily food intake.
  • Dry fasting: This extreme form excludes all food and drink, including water. It carries much higher risks, and you must do so only under professional supervision.

water fast

Final Thoughts on Improving Your Wellness With a Water Fast

Water fasting is a powerful practice with potential benefits, from weight loss and improved metabolic health to enhanced mental clarity. However, it’s not without its challenges and potential risks. Each individual’s health and circumstances are unique.

Therefore, you must consult a healthcare professional before beginning water fast. Remember, your health and well-being are paramount and should always take precedence.

Howie Mandel Shines a Light on OCD

Learn more about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from Howie Mandel’s firsthand experience.

Howie Mandel, a renowned comedian and a familiar face on America’s Got Talent, is more than just a funny man. He is also a long-time advocate for mental health, particularly Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Mandel has lived with the condition since his childhood. Mandel is currently on a mission to reshape the public’s perception of OCD and eradicate its stigma.

Mandel’s comedic prowess has brought him fame and success. But his journey with OCD is far from a laughing matter. He has expressed his concern about how casually the term OCD is used in everyday conversations, emphasizing that it is a serious mental health condition that requires specialized treatment.

“People throw the term OCD around like it’s no big deal. But it’s a severe and very common mental health condition that needs specialty treatment.” -Howie Mandel

In his quest to educate the public about the true nature of OCD, Mandel has teamed up with NOCD, a platform dedicated to helping those with the condition. Alongside fellow comedian Maria Bamford, who has personal experience with OCD, Mandel is committed to dispelling enduring misconceptions and stigma associated with the disorder.

Mandel and Bamford draw from their personal experiences and desire to assist those silently suffering from OCD. Their goal is to challenge and correct the widespread misunderstanding of OCD as a mere personality quirk or a subject of humor. Instead, they aim to highlight it as a debilitating mental illness that can severely impact an individual’s life.


What Is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

OCD is a mental health disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts and fears that compel individuals to engage in repetitive behaviors or compulsions. Instead of providing relief, these compulsions often exacerbate the individual’s fears over time.

The disorder can instill self-doubt, create fear around loved ones, and disrupt personal relationships, careers, and overall health. The severity of OCD can be so debilitating that studies indicate that many of those with the condition attempt suicide.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder manifests in two main ways: obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive, unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings. Conversely, an individual engages in compulsion to attempt to eliminate the obsessions or decrease their distress.

Understanding obsessions

Obsessions often revolve around particular themes, such as fear of contamination or dirt, needing things to be orderly and symmetrical, aggressive or horrific thoughts about harming oneself or others, or unwanted thoughts, including aggression, or sexual or religious subjects.

These obsessions are not simply excessive worries about real-life problems but are often irrational or exaggerated fears.

Understanding compulsions

Compulsions typically include behaviors such as excessive cleaning or handwashing, ordering and arranging things in a specific way, or repeatedly checking on things. For instance, that could mean repeatedly checking to see if the front door is locked or the iron is off and compulsive counting.

These behaviors aim to prevent or reduce distress or stop some dreaded event or situation from occurring. However, these behaviors do not connect realistically with what they hope to neutralize or prevent or are excessive.

OCD Is Disruptive to One’s Quality of Life

The cycle of obsessions and compulsions can significantly disrupt an individual’s life. The time spent on these behaviors often leads to emotional distress and can cause severe problems in their relationships, social activities, and on the job.

For instance, a person with an extreme fear of contamination (an obsession) might spend hours washing their hands or cleaning their surroundings. As a result, it becomes difficult to complete daily tasks or maintain a job.

Moreover, the constant doubt and fear that characterize OCD can lead to feelings of insecurity and isolation. A person with OCD might fear harm coming to their loved ones if they don’t perform a particular ritual. That reaction may lead to strain in their relationships. They might avoid social situations or places that trigger their obsessions, leading to social isolation.

The severity of OCD varies from person to person. Some people might be able to manage their symptoms and lead a happy life with the proper treatment and coping strategies. However, for others, OCD can be debilitating and lead to severe outcomes, such as suicidal ideation. 

To illustrate the real impact of OCD and counteract stereotypes, Mandel and Bamford have collaborated with NOCD to create poignant videos. These videos inspire hope and emphasize the importance of specialized care for OCD. 

Mandel puts himself front and center, leading the charge to inform the public about his obsessive-compulsive disorder. He’s a relatable, likable, and familiar personality with a compelling story to share.

The Goal of the OCD Awareness Campaign, Featuring Howie Mandel

Stephen Smith, co-founder and CEO of NOCD, hopes this campaign will serve as a wake-up call for society. He points out that despite growing acceptance of mental health issues, many people with OCD still struggle to discuss their symptoms openly. Through these partnerships, NOCD aims to reach those who need help the most, provide evidence-based treatment online, and end the global suffering caused by OCD.

“We’re hoping that this campaign serves as a wake-up call for society. Even in a world that’s becoming much more accepting of mental health concerns, most people with OCD aren’t able to talk about their OCD symptoms openly. With these partnerships, we can reach those who need help the most, bring evidence-based treatment directly to them online, and end global suffering caused by OCD.” -Stephen Smith, NOCD co-founder, and CEO

obsessive compulsive disorder

Final Thoughts on Howie Mandel’s Fight to Destigmatize OCD

By reshaping the public’s understanding of OCD, celebrities like Mandel and Bamford can potentially effect significant change. With over 95% of those suffering from OCD undiagnosed and with effective treatments like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy showing positive results in 80% of OCD patients, their efforts are more crucial than ever.

As we anticipate more insightful commentaries, interviews, and videos from comedians Mandel and Bamford, we must remember that we all have a role to play in the fight against the misunderstanding and stigma surrounding OCD. Their mission is not just about changing perceptions; it’s about changing lives.

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