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4 Things You Can Learn About Your Health Through Your Body Hair

Body hair is a natural occurrence, growing from head to toe. Some people experience little more than a light fuzz over most of their bodies. Still, others have thicker growths on their torso and limbs. Some people shave or wax their body hair, while others let it grow free.

Regardless of your natural body hair and how you tend to it, pay attention to your hair growths. This vigilance is necessary because your body hair reveals much about your health. Here are four things you can learn about your health through your body hair.

1. Body Hair Reveals Hormonal Problems

Our hormones are responsible for the vast majority of how our body functions. They’re also responsible for the growth of many things, including our hair. So when our hormones become unbalanced, our hair is also affected. Here are a few potential causes of reduced or unusual hair growth:

body hair

·         Thyroid Problems

Located in the front of your neck is a small gland responsible for producing thyroid hormones in your body. The hormones secreted by this butterfly-shaped organ helps control your body’s energy usage. Without it, most of your body’s functions start to slow down – including the growth of your hair.

This condition is called hypothyroidism, which has been proven by studies to cause a particular kind of hair loss. If you notice you’re losing a third of your eyebrow hairs (especially on the outer edges), you might want to get a blood test to check your thyroid hormone levels.

·         Male Hormone Imbalance

It is normal and healthy for everyone to have male and female hormones at any given point. The problem comes when the natural balance is upset somehow – in this case, when there’s a sudden boost in testosterone or androgens. Both hormones are responsible for causing unwanted male-pattern hair growth, which is a condition also known as hirsutism.

To self diagnose, all you have to do is look out for hair growth on the upper chest, upper back, or above the belly button. If you have more than eight hairs growing around a single nipple, you can safely consider it abnormal hair growth.

That said, this is something that should be expected during and after menopause, as research has shown falling estrogen levels caused by menopause links with increased testosterone. So if you find the occasional hair on your chin, stay positive – there’s nothing to worry about.

·         Female Hormone Imbalance

Estrogen levels are also responsible for affecting your hair growth. Research has shown that low estrogen levels often cause hair loss, and inversely high estrogen levels create hair that’s thicker than usual.

Your estrogen levels can also change suddenly after stopping birth control or after pregnancy, which often results in hair shedding as well – though at least that is temporary.

·         Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Often shortened to just PCOS, it is a common condition that affects only about 1 in every ten ovulating persons. Studies have proven that the root cause of this condition is an imbalance of one’s reproductive hormones – usually an increased amount of testosterone – which results in issues with one’s ovaries.

Eggs typically produced and released monthly either suffer developmental problems or are not released at all. This disruption, in turn, creates a whole host of symptoms like adult acne, irregular period, thinning hair, and unwanted hair growth in other body parts.

2.    Body Hair and Nutritional Issues

You are what you eat – and our body hair is no exception to the rule. Our hair reflects what we put inside our bodies, and its growth is based entirely on the nutrition we receive. As a result, if there is an excess or deficiency in our diet, our hair growth is often one of its first things to be affected. Here are a few possible reasons why your hair isn’t growing as well as it should:

·         Excess Vitamin A

Positive thinking dictates that vitamins are the be-all and end-all solution to all your nutritional woes, but this isn’t the case. While vitamin A is essential for healthy hair growth and other bodily functions, too much of it can also cause vitamin A toxicity. This condition causes various health issues like dry eyes, dry skin, and hair loss.

·         You Don’t Eat Enough Protein

Protein is essential for proper body functioning and critical to hair growth. Research then shows that a protein deficiency will negatively affect your hair growth, as your body diverts the precious resource to more critical bodily processes. To avoid this, ensure your daily diet includes 46 to 56 grams of protein – the exact amount will depend on your body’s needs.

·         Iron Deficiency

While it is not the only potential cause of iron deficiency, heavy menstruation is a common reason for the condition – and people who suffer heavy menstruation will undoubtedly be familiar with its symptoms. After all, it’s hard to stay positive when you’re suffering from breathing difficulties and a lack of energy. Iron deficiency will also exacerbate your hair loss predispositions – so it’s best to have your iron levels tested as soon as possible. Thankfully, it can be quickly resolved with iron supplements.

·         You Need A Change In Diet, Overall

The health of your hair is entirely reliant on your diet and the nutrition you are obtaining from it. If you cannot give your body the essential vitamins and minerals it needs, it will be forced to divert what little it gets to essential body functions – often at the expense of your hair. So if you notice your hair isn’t as shiny as usual or has become thin and weak, you might want to consider playing around with your diet first. Sometimes, you only need more veggies, fruits, and protein.

skin tags

3.    Specific Disorders

When your hair’s health and growth are related to your body’s health, it’s only natural that illnesses will negatively affect your hair as well. This means that changes with one’s hair often ends up being an early indicator of illness. Here are a few possible syndromes and disorders that may be the cause of poor hair growth and health:

· Cushing’s Syndrome

Staying positive is important for a reason. Cortisol is an important hormone we produce when we feel stressed, and less commonly in response to steroids. Too much of it, however, causes all sorts of health problems. This is exemplified in Cushing’s syndrome – a condition where the adrenal glands produce excess cortisol. Common symptoms of the disease include purple stretch marks, weight fluctuation, increased acne, and hair loss from the scalp.

·         Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune conditions often cause your immune system to attack your own body. Research has shown a rare result of such diseases in cases where the immune system attacks the patient’s hair follicles. This attack can cause:

  • Alopecia Totalis (a total loss of hair on one’s scalp)
  • Alopecia Areata (hair loss in odd, circular patches)
  • Finally, Alopecia Universalis is complete hair loss on one’s body – including eyebrows and eyelashes.

Hair growth can, fortunately, be reattained with systemic steroids, though it isn’t a permanent solution.

·         Tumors

If you notice the development of hirsutism or the increase in levels of DHEAS and testosterone happened relatively quickly (for example, within six months), you might have a tumor on your hands. It’s not a very common situation, but research confirms that tumors can potentially release hormones that disrupt your hormone balance – which in turn causes all sorts of problems, such as hair loss.

castor oil

Learn about how castor oil can help promote healthier hair.

4.    Other Possible Disorders

Many conditions and disorders can easily cause hair loss or changes in hair thickness. This means paying close attention to the health of your hair may help quickly alert you to a situation. At the very least, give you an insight into your emotional and physical health. Here are some possible reasons behind the status of your hair:

·         Infections

Fungal infections like ringworm can cause hair loss in patches, usually at the infection site. This disease can result in a spot of hair loss, should it successfully develop on the scalp. Other infections like folliculitis can cause inflamed follicles, affecting hair loss. Identifying and treating these infections immediately is best to prevent further hair loss.

·         Mental Health Disorders

There’s a reason positive thinking is good for you. Your hair’s appearance and interactions with it often relate to your mental health. In turn, your mental health directly links to your physical health. For example, anxiety often puts the sufferer in a constant high-stress state. That stress could ultimately contribute to temporary hair loss or premature graying. Other mental disorders, like obsessive-compulsive disorder, can also cause one to pull their hair out. Consider talking to a professional if you’ve noticed a change in the state of your hair, and suspect that it may be linked to your mental health.

·         Skin Disorders

You probably don’t need a study to tell you this. Common skin disorders like dandruff and psoriasis can occur on the scalp, causing many problems. The former is just embarrassing and often easily treated, while the latter is usually considered a chronic disease. Either way, because of how they affect the scalp, such skin disorders may ultimately affect your hair growth as a side effect.

body hairFinal Thoughts On Some Things You Can Learn About Your Health Through Your Body Hair

Irregular hair growth isn’t necessarily a sign of bad health, especially if it’s rare or non-constant. You don’t have to panic about a little extra armpit hair or a single random strand of hair poking out from your stomach, so take it easy. Awareness, not anxiety, is critical.

Do you have a concern related to your body hair? Then don’t be afraid to speak to a doctor or relevant medical professional! It can feel embarrassing to discuss your body hair with others. But a doctor is non-judgmental and will help alleviate your fears and treat any issues you may have.

6 Ways To Beat Social Isolation Fatigue

As the current world pandemic continues to unfold, many individuals have begun to feel a certain type of tiredness. This is known as “social isolation fatigue”. If you feel excessively exhausted at the end of each day while you’re socially isolated, you’re likely experiencing this too.

Why does this happen? There are countless different reasons. Nervousness and anxiety, stress from financial difficulties or strained relationships, and the toughness of dealing with unpredictable lack of control all contribute. Here are 6 ways to fight against social isolation fatigue.

1.    Understand And Fulfil Your Basic Needs, Then Your Wants

There’s no denying just how much social isolation has affected our normal lives and structure. In turn, we impact our mental, physical, and emotional health. In the process of trying to deal with how our lives have been upturned into a difficult mess, we can often forget to take care of ourselves.

·         Eat Healthily

Studies have shown, however, that creating a consistent routine has a strong positive effect on your health. Trying to ensure you have meals at set times can help combat time blindness while making sure we have the right nutrition we need to stay healthy and energized.

·         Stay Fit

When you’re forced to stay indoors, it can be easy to neglect one’s physical health. Considering just how intertwined our mental health is with our physical, keeping up a consistent exercise routine becomes incredibly important. Doubly so since it can help combat both fatigue and stress.

·         Learn Something New

It’s easy to forget that just like zoo animals, our brains also need to be entertained and to have enrichment. Read some books, listen to some podcasts, or try picking up a new hobby all together! This helps you keep your mind active and occupied, which may be just what you need in such a situation.

·         Reach Out For Help

Being alone can be draining, and it can make even the simplest tasks seem impossible. If you find yourself struggling in any way, ask a loved one or a neighbor for support and guidance. Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor or a hotline for advice, either – they’re there to help you.

social isolation

2.    Don’t Watch News 24/7

It’s hard to keep up any sense of positive thinking when we are constantly buffeted by bad news every time we turn on our devices. It’s even worse when said news is available essentially 24/7! Here are a few ways to combat such negative effects:

·         Curate Your Feed

Choose one or two news sources you can rely on or trust, and only read headlines that are of immediate relevancy or interest to you – and no further.

·         Don’t Linger

Set a hard cap on how much time you’ll dedicate to reading or watching the news. Updating yourself twice a day and setting aside an hour for each update should be more than enough to catch up on what is happening in your community and the world at large.

·         Have A Second Filter

If you find yourself still struggling to remain unaffected, consider having a friend decide what’s important and relevant for you, and get your updates only through them. This can help ensure that you’ll only find out what you strictly need to know.

3.    Stay Socially Connected During Social Isolation

No man is an island – and they really shouldn’t be. Humans are hardwired by evolution to be social creatures. As a result, isolating ourselves from any form of social contact can be detrimental to our mental health, and is something you’d generally want to avoid. Here are a few tips and tricks on staying in touch with the ones you love:

·         Determine Your Most Crucial Connections

There are some folks we can confidently say that we cannot live without, and it would not be an exaggeration. Considering how hard it can be to keep up social connections (especially when we start getting exhausted), it’s best to identify a specific list of people you want to keep in your life no matter what. Your counselor and therapist can be on the list, but you ideally want to avoid visiting them physically to keep everyone safe.

·         Go For Video Calls Over Voice Calls Or Texts

As it turns out, studies have shown that maintaining face-to-face social contact, even virtually, has a significant positive impact on people. Being able to see the facial expressions of our loved ones in a conversation can be more energizing and infectious than just hearing them by voice alone, after all!

·         Try And Stay Up-To-Date On Communication Tech

With just how reliant we are on communicative technology to stay connected now, there’s no excuse to refuse to learn how to use platforms like FaceTime or Zoom. Learn how to set up a stream to share your baking sessions, or figure out a way to have everyone watch a movie together!

storm quote4.    Keep Your Mind Busy

Our brains naturally crave stimulation. Without stimulation, we tend to ruminate on the negatives – which can make positive thinking difficult. So for the sake of your mental and emotional health, it’s best to keep yourself occupied with activities. Here are a few suggestions:

·         Sing Along To Music You’re Listening To

Ever noticed just how much better you feel when you’re singing along with friends or to a song on the radio? As it turns out, there’s a reason for that. Studies have shown that singing with other people, both live and recorded, is actually highly therapeutic! So consider trying to put together a virtual karaoke session, or scream your lungs out with your favorite song – it may be just what you need.

·         Find Something That Absorbs Your Mind

It’s easy to find some sort of mindless activity to do – but if it doesn’t occupy our minds, then it often isn’t capable of keeping negative thoughts at bay. Instead, studies show you’ll have to find a task that puts you in a state of flow to truly fill up space and silence – for example, playing games or learning how to knit. Then only does it act as a proper buffer against social isolation fatigue.

·         Let Fiction Take You On Adventures

Do you enjoy binge-watching your favorite shows? Do you get overly invested in fictional characters and the worlds they inhabit? As it turns out, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Studies have shown that these fictional worlds and characters can act as social surrogates – and, by extension, make us feel like we belong somewhere. And what better time to catch up on all the shows and podcasts you’ve been missing out on than right now?

5.    Practice Healthy Habits Throughout Social Isolation

At the end of the day, we must keep ourselves healthy – both in body and in mind. By extension, this can help us manage our emotional distress. Plus, we face the exhaustion that comes with it, especially since our emotional, physical, and mental health are all so strongly intertwined. With that in mind, here are a few suggestions you can try:

·         Take An Online Exercise Class

There is plenty of research that shows just how important exercise is for our body and mind. As it turns out, there’s another additional benefit you can obtain if you get said exercise via fitness classes – social support and structure.  Studies have shown that even if the classes are virtually conducted or live-streamed, they can still provide a sense of community that you need.

·         Do Some Meditation

Taking a moment to simply calm your mind and accept your thoughts can be incredibly helpful – especially if it’s focused on being kind and loving. As it turns out, research has shown that learning and practicing self-acceptance via meditation can also help combat social isolation fatigue.

·         Go Out In Nature

After staying cooped up in your house so long, it is inevitable that you will develop some kind of cabin fever. As you can imagine, this is not great for our sense of isolation. The best way to combat this is to go out for a walk – a fact that is backed up by research, which suggests it can help us with our perspective and mental health!

quote6.    Set Goals With Rewards

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless when you’re isolated and alone – especially when it seems like nothing matters anymore. Letting such a situation flood your mind and senses completely, however, doesn’t help matters – and in fact, can easily send your mental health into a spiral.

Instead, research has shown that the best way to tackle it is to give yourself manageable goals. Here are a few pointers on how to do it:

·         Be Kind To Yourself During Social Isolation

It can be a struggle to just carry out day-to-day tasks. Even though it’s easy to beat yourself up over being unable to do them, there’s nothing wrong with rewarding yourself for doing the little things – especially if they’re all tasks you’ve been struggling to execute recently.

·         Identify What Is Immediately Accomplishable

Take some time to figure out what is immediately within your control. It can be as simple as cleaning out your closet, organizing your photo album, or learning a new recipe! This can help give you a temporary sense of purpose and accomplishment that is easy to achieve – which can be crucial for your mental health.

·         Give Yourself Short-Term Rewards

With just how many unknowns there are presently in the world, it can be incredibly reassuring to know that performing certain tasks or completing them will guarantee you some kind of reward or outcome. In a way, it helps one regain a sense of control over our environment and ourselves. Ant that can help combat learned helplessness.

social distancingFinal Thoughts On Some Ways To Fight Against Social Isolation Fatigue

Social isolation fatigue can be damaging when not managed or handled correctly, potentially resulting in long-term depression, anxiety, or even trauma responses. When you think about it, it’s easy to understand why. People are struggling to get through their everyday lives alone and in new ways with all the additional stressors of a pandemic and being separated from the world.

But you don’t have to be powerless against social isolation fatigue. By using the 6 methods we’ve discussed, you’ll be able to help your mind and body adjust to the changes around you. It’s no substitute for the way things once were, but it will certainly help a lot.

16 Healthy Smoothies That Will Help You Lose Weight

It can be difficult to try and lose weight. You have to stay motivated, stick to your food plan, and ignore the fact that so many unhealthy foods are delicious while so many “healthy” meals are bland and boring! Try a smoothie to add the variety you crave.

Luckily, the latter doesn’t have to be true. In fact, lots of great smoothies both taste great and aren’t just healthy, but can also help your progress! Here are 16 healthy smoothies that will help you lose weight.

1.    Banana, Ginger, Orange, and Strawberry Smoothie

Banana and strawberries are a combination that has gone well together forever. This yummy smoothie provides you with vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, fiber, and calcium all in one, and it also comes with the added benefit of ginger.

Ginger can help reduce inflammation, maintain satiety and naturally suppress appetite in a safe and healthy way, and even boost digestion. Studies have even shown that it helps with belly fat loss.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One banana
  • Two cups of frozen strawberries
  • One cube of peeled fresh ginger root
  • A quarter cup of orange juice


2.    Avocado and Pineapple Green Smoothie

This smoothie is delightfully creamy and sweet, which makes it great for those who have a sweet tooth or have trouble suppressing sugar cravings. The pineapple is to thank for this sweetness, and the digestive enzymes and anti-inflammatory properties that it boasts are fantastic for weight loss.

But the real hero in this smoothie is the avocado. It provides the rich creaminess as well as huge positive effects, including balanced blood sugar levels, increased satiety, healthy essential fatty acids, fiber, and tons of vitamins.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of pineapple
  • Half a peeled avocado
  • Half a banana
  • A handful of spinach
  • One and a half cups of coconut water
  • One inch of peeled ginger
  • A teaspoon of hemp seeds
  • One drop of liquid stevia
  • Five ice cubes

3.    Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

This smoothie tastes like a delicious milkshake treat, so the fact that it’s good for you is a great bonus. The peanut butter helps keep you full for longer and provides you with healthy fats that keep your body in tip-top shape.

Unexpectedly, the cocoa powder is just as good for the body. It provides satisfying flavor while boosting many aspects of health, such as fat loss, cognitive function, and even positive thinking!

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One frozen banana
  • Two tablespoons of peanut butter
  • One tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • One cup of almond milk (preferably vanilla-flavored)

get in shape

4.    Peaches, Oatmeal, and Yogurt Smoothie

Want a smoothie that tastes like a peach cobbler while facilitating weight loss? This one does that trick well. Its ingredients make it a great breakfast smoothie.

The peach is packed with nutrients, the Greek yogurt used has lots of benefits, and oatmeal has been found to help reduce bad cholesterol. On top of all that, the whole smoothie has a lot of protein in it, which fills you up and keeps you going throughout the day.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of sliced frozen peaches
  • One cup of Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • A quarter cup of oatmeal
  • A quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract

5.    Kale and Lemon Protein Smoothie

This smoothie may not be to everyone’s tastes, but no one can deny that it’s nutritious and very good for the body. As with any smoothie containing lemon, all the nutrients you gain from it are boosted because lemon juice helps preserve the polyphenols in antioxidants and food nutrition.

The kale in the smoothie provides additional benefits, too. It’s great for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, according to studies, and it’s full of vitamins that are good for the body.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of kale
  • Half a seeded and peeled lemon
  • Half a frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup of unsweetened almond milk
  • One scoop of protein powder (preferably plant-based)
  • Three ice cubes
  • Optional: Water, to desired texture

6.    Matcha Fruit Smoothie

Matcha green tea is often considered a “trendy” food, but it’s actually good for the body and worth more than a flash in the pain. Green tea provides natural caffeine that boosts energy without resulting in a crash later on, and it aids in fat burn, exercise effectiveness, and more, according to research.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • Two teaspoons of matcha green tea powder
  • Two frozen bananas
  • 2 generous handfuls of spinach
  • One large mango (can be frozen or fresh)
  • One cup of light coconut milk

7.    Chia Piña Colada Smoothie

Piña Coladas are usually packed with calories and not the healthiest for you, but this Piña Colada in smoothie form is quite the opposite. It can even be made ahead for a breakfast smoothie!

Though all the ingredients have nutritional benefits, it’s chia seeds that are the real hero here. Chia seeds are some of the most nutritious foods in the whole world, and they’re practically on the level of a superfood, which makes them a perfect, positive addition to any smoothie.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of frozen chunks of pineapple
  • One cup of coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • Half a cup of Greek yogurt
  • One teaspoon of coconut flakes

8.    Tomato Variant Spice Smoothie

Remember the V8 juice you had as a kid? This smoothie tastes just like it. Tomato smoothies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but tomatoes are packed with vitamins and nutrients that both keep the body healthy and facilitate weight loss.

The more important part of this weight loss smoothie is the spice – namely cayenne, which studies have found to contain active ingredients known to increase burned calories, suppress appetite, and even fight obesity.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • Two Roma plum tomatoes
  • Two husked tomatillos
  • One and a half ounces of baby spinach
  • One juiced lime
  • A pinch of cayenne
  • One cup of ice
  • One cup of water

9.    Banana and Strawberry Vanilla Smoothie

For those who still like the classic banana-strawberry combo but weren’t a fan of the ginger and citrus variant we discussed above, this one tastes like a milkshake! Strawberries provide vitamin C while bananas supply potassium and other nutrients that are chock-full of positive properties.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One frozen banana
  • Half a cup of frozen sliced strawberries
  • One cup of skim milk (soy milk can also be used)
  • A quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract

10. Carrot and Grapefruit Liver Aid Smoothie

This smoothie is designed to provide positive benefits to the liver, aiding in detoxification while promoting weight loss. Grapefruit is known to boost feelings of satiety while providing the liver with the tools it needs to function healthily, and according to research, carrots do the same!

Worried about the flavor? Don’t be! Honey and cinnamon come together to make this smoothie taste great.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One peeled grapefruit
  • One cup of baby carrots
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • Two teaspoons of honey
  • An eighth of a teaspoon of cinnamon, or to taste
  • One cup of ice

11. Chia, Coconut, and Mango Smoothie

This smoothie can be a breakfast smoothie if you like, but ultimately, it’s a fat-busting, nutrition-filled tropical delight. The mango and coconut provide a creamy burst of flavor and vitamins, while the chia seeds provide protein and tons of nutrition to boot.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of coconut milk
  • Half a cup of frozen chopped mango (preferably organic)
  • Two tablespoons of chia seeds
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Optional: Half a teaspoon of flaked coconut
butter coffee

Here’s how to make butter coffee for your ketogenic diet.

12. Coffee Cold Brew Smoothie

Replace your fancy, sugar-packed coffee frappes with this great cold brew smoothie. It’s low in sugar, has protein and healthy fats, and the caffeine can work its magic without worrying about unhealthy sugars.

Caffeine can provide the body with boosts to energy, cognitive function, and positive thinking, and it can also increase metabolism to help fat burn, according to studies.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of cold brew coffee
  • One cup of skim milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • One tablespoon of almond butter
  • One cup of ice

13. Chocolate Cherry Smoothie

This chocolate cherry smoothie has a laundry list of benefits. To begin with, it’s absolutely delicious and tastes a little like a fancy dessert treat. Since cravings often get in the way of diet efforts, it’s actually a scientific fact that enjoying the food you eat is key to improving the positive thinking necessary for successful weight loss.

The cherries in this smoothie are known for fat burn and can bring down inflammation while providing a mix of tartness and sweetness that satisfy the palette. The cocoa is great for antioxidants, the chia is fantastic for providing omega-3 fatty acids and a feeling of satiety, and the spinach has lots of fiber, protein, and other components needed for weight loss.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of frozen cherries
  • Half a cup of fresh spinach
  • Half a cup of Greek yogurt (preferably vanilla-flavored)
  • One tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • One tablespoon of chia seeds

14. Cucumber, Ginger, and Melon Smoothie

Cucumber and melon are a classic cooling smoothie combo. They both have lots of antioxidants, and the cucumber especially has plenty of positive nutritional factors that boost weight loss. Meanwhile, the ginger provides a kick of fat-burning and digestion-boosting.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • One cup of chopped honeydew melon
  • Half an unpeeled cucumber
  • Half a teaspoon of grated ginger, or to taste
  • One cup of ice
  • One cup of water

15. Fig and Pumpkin Fiber Smoothie

The reason this smoothie works so well for weight loss is because of its fiber and protein content. Mixed together, those two nutritional factors provide the body with energy and satiety.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • Three fresh figs
  • 1/2 frozen banana (preferably large)
  • One cup of milk
  • One-third of a cup of canned pumpkin
  • Two tablespoons of almond butter (preferably cinnamon-flavored)
  • One tablespoon of hemp hearts
  • Two or three ice cubes
  • Optional: Cinnamon, for garnish

16. Berry Chia Smoothie

There is simply no way to go wrong with chia, as we’ve talked about numerous times in this article. But berries are even better. Fresh berries are fantastic for providing fiber, protein, and other components, and their active ingredients apparently help fight inflammation and lower obesity risk.

To make the smoothie, just blend together:

  • Half a cup of Greek yogurt
  • Half a cup of skim milk
  • A quarter cup of frozen blueberries
  • 1/4 cup of frozen raspberries
  • A tablespoon of chia seeds

smoothiesFinal Thoughts On Some Healthy Smoothies That Will Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss food doesn’t have to be boring or bland. These healthy smoothies don’t just taste great, but they also provide you with fat-blasting components that can help you in your weight loss efforts!

14 Ways To Help You Relieve Stress (That Take Less Than 5 Minutes)

Stress is a standard part of everyday life. If not properly managed, it can escalate into serious problems such as burnout, anxiety, depression, and reduced or negative performance.

Unfortunately, with how busy your day can get, it’s not always possible to take time to handle stress in a healthy and positive way. Luckily, you don’t have to take a long time to lower stress levels! Here are 14 ways to help you relieve stress that takes less than 5 minutes.

1.    Refer To Yourself In Third Person

Have you ever noticed that you’re less hard on other people when compared to how hard you are on yourself? This thinking is why referring to yourself in the third person for just five minutes can be very helpful. According to research, this allows you to think of yourself the same way you’d think of a friend, instead of imposing unfair standards on you.


Here are some examples of how to do this:

  • “(Your name) wanted to complete most of their work by lunchtime, but they’ve failed.”
  • “(Your name) is so inconsiderate for wanting an hour to themselves every day.”
  • “(Insert your name) didn’t work hard enough on that assignment. There must have been something else they could do.”

This objectivity allows you to hear how harsh you are on yourself. If you wouldn’t impose such judgment on other people, don’t impose it on yourself! Realizing this can boost your positive thinking and bring your stress levels down.

2.    Be Aware Of The Stress

Awareness is vital in managing and relieving stress. Stress doesn’t have to be the worst possible thing – it can be an opportunity to improve and grow while letting you reset your mind.

When you acknowledge stress, you allow your brain to rewire itself by facing the stress head-on. According to research, this is teaching it to learn from what you experience, so you can better manage it in the future.

The next time you become aware of your stress, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this stress a result of a slow and steady buildup?
  • Is this stress because of a long-term issue?
  • Is this stress directly related to anything?
  • When was the last time I took a break?
  • What will help me now?

3.    Eat Some Honey

Honey has enormous positive benefits for the body. It can:

  • Fight depressive symptoms
  • Reduce anxiety symptoms
  • Protect and maintain brain function
  • Relax the mind and body
  • Improve positive thinking
  • Boosting energy
  • Satisfying cravings

You can eat a spoonful of raw honey once or twice a day if you like to help combat stress, or you can add it to drinks (like coffee or tea) or mix it in with yogurt or similar snacks.

magnesium gummies

4.    Breathe In Some Essential Oils

Essential oils are great for boosting health on all levels. They can be sleep aids, fight anxiety and stress, improve positive thinking, and even provide some physical benefits. The exact plus sides you’ll get from breathing in these calming scents differ by oil type, but almost all of them are great options to turn to when you’re stressed out.

Some of the commonly-used essential oils for fighting stress are:

  • Bergamot
  • Frankincense
  • Lavender
  • Orange Blossom
  • Roman Chamomile
  • Rose
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver
  • Ylang Ylang

Don’t be afraid to look up different essential oils and their respective benefits to find scents that you like with the benefits you seek. Ultimately, any kind of lovely scent that you enjoy can calm you, so don’t worry too much about the technicalities!

You can use a diffuser to allow the scents to roam freely in your living or working space. If you can’t do this, then a quick five-minute stress-relief option is to apply three essential oil drops onto a cotton pad, hold it in front of your nose, and inhale deeply ten times.

5.    Listen To Music That You Love

Music is an excellent “medicine.” The next time you’re stressed out, put on some tunes that you love. If you have the option of picking something that sounds more soothing, go for that one, but any music you love can help. In fact, research suggests that merely listening to music can make you feel more relaxed.

If you’re able to without disturbing anyone, you can sing along to the music you’re playing, too. Singing releases endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that can give you a significant overall mood boost.

6.    Do Some Stretches

If you work at a desk or spend most of your day in one position, a few stretches can work wonders for both your body’s physical state and your brain’s mental state. Stretching releases tension helps reduce the risk of pain or injury from work-related causes or long-time sitting, and prevents discomfort.

If possible, standing up or leaving the environment for five minutes to do some basic stretches can help bring down stress levels. If not, you can do some basic stretches at your desk for five minutes for similar results.

For a great stretch you can do both sitting or standing, try this one:

  • Start by clasping your hands together.
  • Push your hands upwards, palms facing the ceiling.
  • Stretch your arms and torso, holding the position for ten counts or 10 seconds.
  • Twist your torso from side to side for 30 seconds with your arms outstretched still.
  • Alternate between stretch posing and stretch twisting for five minutes.

7.    Smile

It’s a little cliche, but research indicates that just smiling can improve positive thinking and reduce stress. This is because smiling can bring down the heart rate.

Even if you don’t feel like smiling, try to fake it till you make it! With repeated practice, the smiling will become natural, and then genuine. Better yet, smiles are often contagious so that you might pass yours on to someone else!

8.    Hang Your Head Down Low

This advice sounds negative, but it isn’t. It involves the act of lowering your head until it is beneath your heart. Studies indicate that this has therapeutic effects on the body, specifically on the ANS or autonomic nervous system. This move will bring down your natural fight-or-flight stress responses, so you’re less on edge and less tense.

To do this, stand up and hang out arms and head downwards as if reaching both to your toes. If you can’t stand, just spread your legs a little while sitting down and hang your head between your knees.

9.    Eat Some Chocolate

Keep some dark chocolate on hand with you. Once a day, when you feel stressed out or need a bit of a break, snap off a square of the dark chocolate and eat it.

Dark chocolate improves cognitive function and positive thinking, which in turn can help to reduce stress. Unlike milk chocolate, it doesn’t have too much-added sugar, so you can enjoy something tasty without the worry of eating unhealthily.


Learn ten tips for keeping your romance alive, even during stressful days.

10. Massage Your Hands

A lot of people wring their hands together when they’re stressed out or anxious, but this doesn’t help matters and can even add to your tension. Instead of going that, give your hands a gentle massage to provide yourself with positive results instead. This break is excellent for people who work with their hands a lot (even if that work is typing all day!) and can bring down stress and anxiety.

To give yourself a hand massage, do this:

  • Start by rubbing lotion or cream onto your palms. You should use the cream that you like.
  • Massage the spaces and webbing between each finger.
  • Massage the joints of each finger.
  • Clench your fists, then release.
  • Flex your wrists slowly.

This overall hand stretch and massage can help relieve the tension that builds up from finger- and hand-related work, and the massage is right for your stress levels in general.

11. Chew Some Gum

If you have some gum on hand, chewing can be a great way to cut down on your stress levels. Flavored gum is your best bet, as the taste and smell can help calm you. A study conducted on 101 working adults revealed that those who chew gum as they are working experience lower responses to stress, as well as improved positive thinking.

Do note that you shouldn’t chew without putting your whole heart into it! The energy you use when chewing can help release pent-up tension, and vigorous chewing can help relieve stress at a much more effective rate.

12. Go For A Walk

Exercise has many positive effects on the body. It:

  • Keeps you fit
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Builds muscles and stamina
  • Aids digestion and metabolism
  • Reduces symptoms of depression
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves positive thinking

Just taking a five- or ten-minute walk outside when you have a break during a workday can help you feel much better. You don’t need to go to a park – just walking up and down the stairs, walking around the parking lot, or walking to and from your desk and provide you with some benefits.

13. Do Some Acupressure

You’ve probably heard of acupuncture before. Acupressure is that, minus the needles. This pressure placed on the correct parts of the body can help bring down feelings of stress and anxiety by releasing the tension, according to research. It also stimulates the healing functions of the body.

To perform some basic acupressure:

  • Start by using your fingers to locate the spot in your neck where the skull is attached to the neck muscles. They should be similar to little divots.
  • Press down firmly for the course of 15 counts or 15 seconds.
  • Release, then repeat, doing this for five minutes or until any neck tension dissipates

14. Drink Some Relaxing Tea

Tea provides a therapeutic effect to its drinkers that is quick-acting. Simply stepping away to make the tea can help relax you as you breathe in the scent and engage in the calming act of brewing your drink.

After that, it takes about an hour for teas such as green tea to kick in, providing you with long-lasting, relaxing effects, according to research. If you add some apple cider vinegar into your drink, you can gain additional benefits!

stressFinal Thoughts On Some Ways To Relieve Stress, That Take Less Than 5 Minutes

These five-minute ways to relieve stress are significant measures to help bring down pressure in your day-to-day life. Still, don’t forget to take the time to make more dedicated efforts to stress management, too! If you’re experiencing severe problems with stress and if these five-minute methods don’t help even temporarily, speak to a mental health professional.

Doctors Reveal 5 Reasons For Sweaty Feet (And How to Fix It)

Sweaty feet are uncomfortable, smelly, and often embarrassing. Many people try their best to keep the sweat at bay, but if you go about it the wrong way, you may not be able to solve the issue on your own. In fact, you might wind up making it worse!

So how, exactly, can you get rid of sweaty feet? To do so, you must first know the actual severity of your issue, and then you have to understand what is causing the sweating. Here’s how doctors recommend 5 reasons for sweaty feet, and how to stop it.

1.    Bad Footwear

Bad footwear options can be a big reason for sweaty feet, and for most people, this is the most likely cause behind their sweat-related woes. Here are some ways bad footwear can affect this problem, and how each issue can be prevented:

·         Too-Tight Shoes

When shoes are too tight, your toes are squashed together and there’s less room to move in, meaning there’s less room for airflow in the shoe and through the gaps in your toes. Board-certified podiatrist Danielle DesPrés, D.P.M., who works in the New York College of Podiatric Medicine’s department of medicine as an instructor, says this is what gets the temperature higher inside your shoes. As such, you should choose shoes that provide you with a little bit of wiggle room.

·         Wrong Types Of Footwear

Some popular types of shoes advertised as summer footwear are actually not particularly good for hot weather. Leather sandals, plastic slip-ons, and vibrant but very closed sneakers all look nice but trap heat. Step Up Footcare founder and board-certified surgical podiatrist Neyla Lobkova, D.P.M., recommends more breathable options, such as shoes with porous jute or cork souls, sandals with little material on top, or shoes that have air mesh toppers.

·         Wearing The Same Shoes Again and Again

It’s okay to have a favorite pair of footwear, but wearing only those non-stop lets fungus grow inside. This can cause itching, odor, and, of course, sweat. You’ll probably want to have an extra pair of shoes to cycle between, recommends DesPrés. This gives your favorites time to air out and not get too funky!

sweaty feet

·         Wearing The Same Socks All Day

If you tend to get sweaty feet quickly, you may want to bring an extra pair of socks or two along with you. This will allow you to swap out your current socks with ones that haven’t been collecting sweat and stench for the past few hours. In fact, Gary A. Pichney, D.P.M., who works at the Mercy Medical Center’s Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction as a board-certified surgical podiatrist, recommends always bringing a back-up pair.

·         Socks With Poor Material

Cotton isn’t a poor material by any means, but it’s pretty bad when it comes to wicking away moisture without collecting sweat and, eventually, working up a stink, says DesPrés. You’ll want to opt for socks that specially wick away sweat. An unlikely good material for this is wool, as wool keeps moisture away without absorbing it. Synthetic blends and specially designed socks may also have similar benefits!

2.    Lack of Cleanliness

If you don’t wash your feet enough, you’ll wind up with a lot of stench and sweat, says Amesh A. Adalja, M.D., an infectious disease expert and a Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security senior scholar. Soaping feet, while you’re in a bath or shower, is an easy way to combat this.

UCLA Medical Center’s chief of podiatric foot and ankle surgery Robert K. Lee, D.P.M., adds that this is because feet are coated in bacteria and that bacteria will feed on the waste from sweat glands, creating a stench and potentially increasing sweat production.

So when your feet get sweaty, wash them, and you’ll give bacteria less to feast on and break the cycle of sweaty (and smelly) feet. On top of that, washing your feet cools them down, preventing further sweating down the line. Just don’t forget to dry off well after to prevent bacteria from settling in damp spots!

While you’re soaking or cleaning your feet, consider adding some of these steps to your routine to further combat sweating:

flush toxins fat cells

·         Exfoliate

Exfoliating your feet helps to remove dead skin cells that bacteria like to feast on. Do this twice or thrice weekly and you’ll notice less odor and less stench.

·         A Tea Soak

Add 4 or 5 tea bags of sage tea or black tea to about one quart of boiling water, allow to steep and cool, then soak your feet for between 15 and 20 minutes. This works well because these types of tea are astringent, which essentially close pores and tighten up the skin to help reduce sweat.

·         Lemon Juice Application

Use cotton balls to absorb some fresh lemon juice, then dab it onto your feet’s soles right before you put footwear on. This works because lemon juice is a great deodorant and can also help to close the pores, according to the California Dermatology & Clinical Research Institute.

·         An Apple Cider Vinegar Soak

Just like tea, apple cider vinegar is an astringent, and it also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that keep your feet clean. Mix a 2:2:1 ratio of water, apple cider vinegar, and baking soda respectively, and soak your feet in the mixture for between fifteen and twenty minutes. Don’t want to do a soak? You can achieve positive effects from applying apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball.

3.    Lack of Hydration

It’s easy to think that water can’t help with sweat since sweat is also a liquid. But the physiology of sweat glands is such that they activate when you need to be cooled down. After all, that’s what sweat is for – to lower body temperature.

Hydrating yourself will not only have positive effects on your body overall, but it’ll also keep your temperature balanced, says Lobkova. Make sure to drink regularly at a minimum of eight glasses or 64 ounces of water per day. If you’re up and about or performing a lot of exercises, then increase your intake.

sweaty feet

4.    Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis refers to heavy and excessive sweating. If it’s not just sweaty feet you deal with, but virtually sweaty everything, then you may have hyperhidrosis.

Though it is quite an embarrassing issue to deal with, keep your positive thinking! It can be treated, according to doctors at WebMD. You should speak to a doctor about your issues if you find that you sweat in excess. Here are some possible treatments for hyperhidrosis:

·         Botulinum Toxin

You likely know of this treatment as Botox, which is commonly used in aesthetic procedures to reduce wrinkles. But did you know that it’s also approved by the FDA for use in the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the underarms? Some doctors also use it for the soles of feet and for the palms of hands. How does it work? Well, Botox halts the activation of sweat glands through the use of special, safe chemicals. Usually, multiple Botox injections are needed, but positive effects can last for a year.

·         Iontophoresis

This type of treatment is not very well understood, but most doctors agree that it works. It is used to treat sweaty feet and/or hands. You would place the affected parts (feet and/or hands) into a tray full of shallow water. Then, an electrical current at a very low level is coursed through the water. Most believe that this works by preventing sweat from reaching the surface of the skin. At first, multiple treatments per week are needed, but the sweating eventually slows or stops, and effects are positive.

·         Anticholinergic Drugs

This option is not particularly common but is offered to those who don’t see results from Botox or other treatments. Anticholinergic drugs work by preventing sweat gland activation, and studies on certain kinds of them have found them to be effective. However, they can come with side effects, and not everyone can use them.

·         Surgical Procedures

A last-resort option for those with severe hyperhidrosis is surgery. This is done to completely remove certain sweat glands in many cases. Conversely, in endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (which is a surgical option for hyperhidrosis), nerves that activate the sweat glands are removed. These surgical interventions cannot be reversed and may cause side effects, but research finds it to be largely effective.

5.    Hyperhidrosis – But Only On Your Feet

Is it mainly your feet that suffer from excessive sweating? If so, most doctors recommend simple antiperspirants and other similar products that can treat the area. Though you will have to use these antiperspirants very regularly, they’re a simple and noninvasive method. Here are some options:

·         Foot Powder

According to Lobkova, foot powders – especially those made from cornstarch and baking soda – can do wonders for absorbing sweat from feet. Any powders free of talc and deodorants can work.

·         Roll-On Antiperspirants

For those who have sweaty feet on a more chronic level, you can benefit from a drugstore-bought roll-on antiperspirant. Rub the product between the toes, on your foot soles, and potentially even on your shoes for effective relief, says Pichney.

·         Deodorant Sprays

These sprays can keep any funk low. Do note that you should make sure your feet aren’t sweating before spraying this product on!

·         Alcohol Wipes

Grab some alcohol wipes and wipe up your feet before you wear socks or shoes. This will clean up and disinfect your feet while closing up the pores to prevent excessive sweating.

·         Baking Soda

At the end of the day, when you get home and remove your shoes, sprinkle them with baking soda, both inside and out. The baking soda will absorb any additional moisture and can be easily cleaned away later if you want. This also prevents bad bacteria from growing overnight.

·         Cornstarch

Just like baking soda, cornstarch is great for absorbing sweat. After cleaning your feet, sprinkle them with cornstarch. Allow to rest for a few minutes, then put your footwear on and you’ll enjoy dryer feet throughout the day.

sweaty feetFinal Thoughts On Some Reasons For Sweaty Feet And How To Stop It

It can be awkward trying to manage sweaty feet, but maintain your positive thinking! Plenty of options, from the simpler solutions for mild sweating to the more cohesive solutions for chronic sweating, can help you bid farewell to your sweaty woes!

Therapists Explain Why You Must Show Vulnerability to Find True Love

Vulnerability is a big topic in people looking for their soul mate.

What does being vulnerable mean anyway? It merely involves putting yourself in a position where you could either be hurt physically or emotionally.

It sounds easy to let down your defenses to the one you love, but it’s not as easy as it may appear. You have a natural defense mechanism that is there to protect you from being hurt, and when you let down your guard, it means exposing the most intimate parts of yourself.

Many people push away love because they don’t like to share some of the most intimate parts of their hearts, and it’s pretty scary to expose yourself. When something goes wrong, the first thing you want to do is withdraw from the situation to avoid getting hurt. However, what if you stay and work through it?

Is it possible to control your instinct to defend yourself? So many people are missing out on love because they prefer to isolate and withhold the secret, innermost parts of their hearts. To accept and express affection requires vulnerability, and if you don’t master this art, then you may never find your true love.

Engage in The Act of Generosity


Generosity and vulnerability go hand-in-hand, according to the London Journal of Primary Care. Moreover, it improves your general feeling of wellness.

When you’re generous, you are showing an outward expression of the compassion and sensitivity you have deep inside. Being generous to a partner will show that you are willing to give your time and energy to help them.

Let’s assume your partner is sick and needs assistance. When they’re ill and can’t get out of bed, that’s when they need you the most. So, you clean their apartment and bring them chicken soup and tea. You’re allowing yourself to see them at their worst, and they are accepting your gift and showing their vulnerability, too.

Remember, being vulnerable is a two-way street. You’re not on your “A” game when you are down and out and sick. When you do a generous act like taking care of an ill person, it gives you both a sense of gratification. Another benefit is it helps to counteract the human desire to withhold from others.

Authentic generosity

You open yourself up for emotional exchanges you might not have the opportunity for when you isolate. Make a solid effort to give in a situation where you normally would stand back. Don’t expect reciprocal treatment for the act, but you should do something kind to help another person.

If you make a nice gesture in the hopes of getting something in return, then you miss out on the true spirit of generosity. Plus, you won’t learn how to be vulnerable. There are many ways that you can be generous. The easiest way to do so is by buying gifts or giving money.

However, these acts are a little less emotional and don’t have the same psychological impact as something from the heart. To be labeled a generous person, you must be willing to drop everything in your schedule to lend a helping hand. You will notice that you will look for opportunities to respond to people in need, even if it’s just offering a shoulder to cry on.

Commitment to your relationship

In a committed relationship, there should always be acts of generosity that go back and forth. You must learn to receive as much as you give, which can also be difficult for some. It’s the same reason why some women don’t like to have the doors opened and closed for them.

Allowing someone to do something for you removes your power to do it for yourself. Sure, any woman can open her car door, but it’s something special when her partner does it for her. It shows that he or she will care for her and go the extra mile to protect her.

Generosity is physical and emotional

Keep in mind that generosity isn’t just a physical display, either. Your words and actions can also be giving. Compliment your love on how they look and help them to destroy any negative self-image they may have. While this gift doesn’t cost a dime, its value is priceless.

Lastly, when you give to someone else, you feel liberated, energized, and less defensive. It will teach you how to be fulfilled in relationships. Many say that it’s essential to your emotional well-being, but it’s also a moral way to live your life.

Be Clear About Your Wants and Needs

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Another way that you can show your vulnerability is by communicating your wants and needs. Your self-protective defense wants you to keep your desires hidden, and in many instances, people turn to others to find gratification for those desires. When you hide your agenda, you risk falling into narcissism, according to researchers.

Additionally, during your isolated times, you develop an attitude that you don’t need anyone else and you can take care of yourself. It’s weird to ask someone for a need as it puts you in an inferior state where you may feel shame, and when you feel guilt, it’s often a painful emotion that you relate to childhood events.

Many children long to be understood, seen by others, loved, and touched by affection. Sadly, many didn’t get their needs met, so they develop shame when they ask for friendship and humiliation because they will never seem like anything more than an unlovable child.

Even in their adult life, they feel the pangs of humiliation asking their partner for the things they need. It may be as simple as needing to hear at least once daily the words “I love you.” Yet, many can’t even ask for such a simple request.

If you want to meet and build a relationship with your soul mate, you must be vulnerable. It will require overcoming your resistance to communicate with that person about your wants and needs. This also puts you in an uncomfortable position because you are putting yourself out there for rejection or even frustration.

Thankfully, when you make these simple requests based on your needs, you will become stronger and more aware that you are no longer a child who feels pushed into the corner. There’s no shame or humiliation in asking for your needs to be met.

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Offer and Receive Affection

You encourage vulnerability when you both offer and accept affection from others. Over time, you will learn that your soul mate isn’t going to use your vulnerable times to control you. When you share warmth and love with others, you say you’re ready to receive it in return.

Affection is both verbal and physical. It can be playful, tender, caring, or seductive. However, it’s given as an outward expression of your generous nature, fulfilling the needs of others and asking for your needs to be filled.

But how do you achieve this?

At first, you may feel anxious or uncomfortable as these behaviors are new and challenging to display. Your need to protect yourself will undoubtedly come into play, too. There’s always the risk that you will be hurt, or someone will take advantage of your generosity.

However, if you hold steadfast and put your doubts aside, then you will learn why vulnerability in love is so essential. Research proves that individuals who had issues from their childhood that stem from abandonment, control, emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and neglect often have problems with vulnerability. These people withdraw into themselves and walk on eggshells around others.

It makes it hard to have a meaningful relationship with someone who isn’t emotionally available. However, you can teach someone to be more vulnerable by giving them the tools they need to build confidence. Working with a therapist is a great place to start. If you want long and meaningful relationships, you must open yourself to the innermost parts you hide from others.

vulnerabilityFinal Thoughts on the Connection Between Vulnerability and Falling in Love

The beauty of finding your “person” or partner in life is that this person understands you better than anyone else. Some people note that they find it easier to let down their walls when it’s with the right one.

Your partner will make you feel like an equal and not less than in life. Research indicates that with therapy, your childhood battles and feelings of abandonment and neglect can melt away when you’re in a safe place. What is it that you hold back in love, and how has it affected your ability to have meaningful relationships?

If you’ve been unlucky in love, perhaps it’s time to explore if your lack of a vulnerable nature had anything to do with it. You can learn to open and expose those secretive places to someone who isn’t there to hurt you but they only wish to help.

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