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New Research Reveals That Kindness Slows the Aging Process

Scientists have studied how kindness can alleviate anxiety and depression, but now they’ve found that compassion can slow the aging process as well. Being kind doesn’t cost a thing, and it can turn someone’s day around. Think of how many people in the world feel stressed out, overwhelmed, and defeated daily. Even the teeniest act of kindness, such as opening the door for someone or smiling at them as you walk past, can have a dramatic effect on their mental state.

Plus, showing kindness to others, in turn, makes us feel better because of the impact we’ve made on someone’s life. If we all showed a little bit more love and compassion toward others, imagine what a different world we could have. Kindness becomes contagious when you share it; think of how many people pay it forward in a Starbucks line once they see someone else doing it. This behavior can apply to many different scenarios where being kind creates a ripple effect and encourages others to do their part.

“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.”  – Albert Schweitzer

Examples of kindness in daily life


Kindness means being friendly, generous, and considerate of the people around you. It also means showing compassion to those regardless of whether they return the sentiment. Kindness should come from a selfless place, simply because you care about humanity’s happiness and well-being. If we all adopted the mindset of serving others selflessly and saw others as an extension of ourselves, our world would undoubtedly become more harmonious.

Once you show compassion to others, the people around you will become “infected” with love and generosity. They will naturally want to imitate your giving nature because they see firsthand how it positively impacts others. Observing an act of kindness can boost oxytocin levels and cause spectators to pay it forward.

Even if you don’t feel naturally inclined to perform acts of kindness, everyone can learn to develop the habit. If you make it a point to do something kind for someone daily, you’ll start to see how good it feels when you help others. Then, it becomes second nature and will transform your physical and mental health.

Here are some ideas about how to show people kindness:

  1. Hold the door open for people
  2. Mow your elderly neighbor’s lawn
  3. Pick up trash in your neighborhood or at the beach
  4. Pay for the person in line behind you (ex. coffee, ice cream, groceries, etc.)
  5. Give someone a compliment
  6. Smile at every person you pass by
  7. Write a letter to your local police, firefighters, or hospitals to thank them for their service
  8. Bake a dessert for your neighbor
  9. Put on a free hugs T-shirt and stand at a popular place in town
  10. Donate to a charity
  11. Volunteer at your local soup kitchen, a food bank, or the area homeless shelter
  12. Give a random person a small amount of money, like $5 or $10
  13. Pay for your family to go out to dinner
  14. Clean up your parent’s home
  15. Wash your neighbor’s car
  16. Plant trees in your community
  17. Tell someone at the gym you’re proud of their commitment
  18. Grow a garden and share food with neighbors
  19. Donate old clothes or anything else you don’t use
  20. Tip your cashier or barista

Health benefits of being kind

Kindness can significantly benefit our mental, physical and emotional health. When you show compassion, the following things will happen in your mind and body:


1 – Boosts feel-good hormones

 Studies have shown that being altruistic, or helping others without expecting anything in return, stimulates the reward centers in our brains. Those feel-good hormones, such as oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, build up in our system, much like what happens when we exercise. They call this the “helper’s high,” which you can experience from doing things like volunteering. Showing kindness and giving our time to people less fortunate can lower depression and stress levels.

2 – Lowers blood pressure

 Giving donations can lower blood pressure and improve markers of heart disease. One study asked a group of people with high blood pressure to spend $40 on themselves, while they instructed the second group to spend money on others.

They found that those who gave away their money had lower blood pressure at the end of the six-week study. In fact, they saw similar results as people who adopted a diet and exercise program to decrease blood pressure.

3 – Reduces pain

Showing kindness can lower pain levels. A recent study found that people showed less sensitivity to an electric shock when they agreed to donate money to an orphanage. Also, people who believed their donation could make a big difference showed even less sensitivity to the shock. The study found that even thinking about giving to others deactivated parts of the brain that react to painful stimuli.

4 – Boosts happiness

In the UK, researchers found that happiness levels could increase in just three days from acts of kindness. The study separated people into three groups: the first group had to perform an act of kindness daily; the second group got involved in a new activity, and the third group did nothing. The first and second groups showed a significant boost in happiness.

However, make sure you switch up your kindness routine a little bit. Happiness researchers Sonja Lyubomirsky and Kennon Sheldon found people who performed a variety of kind acts throughout the week had greater happiness than those who did the same thing over and over.

As if these benefits don’t give us enough incentive to show more compassion, researchers have found that kindness can keep us younger longer!

Here’s how kindness slows down aging:

A recent randomized controlled trial performed by scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill discovered that aging might slow down when people engage in loving-kindness meditation. They put 142 adults in three different groups: a mindfulness meditation class, loving-kindness meditation, or a control group during a 6-week workshop. The meditation groups participated in six hour-long meditation classes once per week. They had meditation sessions at home for 20 minutes a day while listening to an audio recording as well.

Scientists then measured the length of their telomeres at the end of the study. Telomeres are protective caps at the end of chromosomes that help prevent damage, and as we age, they get shorter and wear down. Studies show that shorter telomeres can cause many health problems, including DNA damage and cancer. Telomere length and longevity go hand-in-hand.

Lifestyle factors such as eating healthy and engaging in regular exercise can delay the shortening of telomeres. However, negative lifestyle factors such as chronic stress and a lack of exercise can increase the rate at which telomeres wear down. Scientists found that the loving-kindness meditation group lost much less telomere length than the other groups. The mindfulness meditation group lost less than the control group, but still more than the loving-kindness group.

Researchers said that the loving-kindness meditation might work to “buffer telomere attrition,” which could slow down the effects of aging.

Other tips on slowing the aging process:

  • Make sure to exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes, three times per week.
  • Eat a healthy, nutritious diet full of healthy fats like avocado and salmon, protein such as lean meats, nuts and seeds, and lots of fruits and veggies. Avoid or limit processed foods and fast food.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking, as these dramatically increase the effects of aging.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Keep stress levels low and simplify your life as much as possible.
  • Laugh! Don’t take life so seriously because no one gets out alive anyway.
  • Keep your mind active with puzzles that will stimulate your brain muscles.
  • Drink plenty of water, especially if you exercise frequently.

kindnessFinal Thoughts on how kindness slows down aging

Kindness offers so many health benefits, such as lowering stress, improving mental health, keeping your heart healthy, and slowing down aging. Scientists have just begun to study the effects of kindness on anti-aging, but the results have been promising. Perhaps doctors will start to prescribe acts of kindness when people go for check-ups!

You don’t have to do anything that’s too over the top or lengthy to show kindness; merely holding open the door for someone, smiling at a stranger, or paying for a person’s coffee can turn their day around. Not only will you improve a person’s life, but you will feel the positive effects of showing kindness as well. Our world just couldn’t keep going without compassion and understanding, so make sure you reach out to the people around you.

You never know what people deal with on a daily basis, and kindness never goes out of style. Don’t hesitate to give all the love and generosity you can, because the world could certainly use more of it.

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference.” —Helen James

Doctors Explain the Causes and Signs of Sickle Cell Anemia

Most people are familiar with anemia, a condition that affects the red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body. At some point in your life, maybe you received a diagnosis of a standard form of anemia caused by a lack of iron in your blood. However, scientists have classified 400 types of this blood disorder, including sickle cell anemia.

Day in the Life of a Red Blood Cell

While your white blood cells are guardians of your immune system, your red blood cells are oxygen transporters. As your blood pumps through your pulmonary arterial system, millions of red blood cells infuse with oxygen to be carried to all parts of your body.

Blood returning through pulmonary veins discard carbon dioxide and are reloaded with oxygen in the lung’s arteries. Without these vital cells coursing throughout your vascular system, your body would die from a lack of oxygen. Did you know that your bones produce both your white and red blood cells?

The red ones are made in the red marrow of your bones and replenish continuously as the old ones die. When you study red blood cells under a microscope, you’ll notice that they are flat and rounded somewhat like a hamburger bun. Their unique disk shape allows them to store oxygen and move throughout your vascular system quickly.

If you are anemic, something affects your blood cells and disrupts oxygen transportation.

sickle cell anemia

Sickle cells moving through the bloodstream.

Facts about Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is one of the four types of sickle cell disorders, also called SCD. It’s a genetic disorder of the hemoglobin that produces irregularly shaped blood cells. Instead of being shaped like a disk, people with SCD have red blood cells formed in a half-moon design, like an old-fashioned sickle.

These sickle-shaped cells can’t flow through the vascular system smoothly and often get stuck. They also can cling to one another and make oxygen transportation difficult. When one beta-globin gene is affected, the person has sickle cell anemia.

When both beta-globin genes are affected, it is called Sickle Beta-Plus Thalassemia, or SB. Other beta-globin mutations include Sickle Hemoglobin C-Disease, Sickle Hemoglobin D-Disease, and Sickle Hemoglobin O-Disease. Each presents similar signs and symptoms and are more prevalent in specific ethnic groups.

Who is at Risk?

Medical researchers estimate that at least 100,000 people in the United States are born with sickle cell disease, but they don’t know the number of people who currently have it. Although research has proven that SCD is a genetic disorder that is inherited, it remains a mystery why these genes mutate.

People can inherit SCD regardless of ethnicity. However, if you are African American, the chances of you being born with sickle cell disorder are one in 13, say current statistics. These cases are also more prevalent if you’re a descendant from South Asia, Middle Eastern countries, or the Mediterranean.

Can You Be A Carrier of SCD?

Genetic predispositions can be either dominant or recessive. You can be a carrier of SCD without fully developing the disease. If your partner also has a recessive SCD gene, your children have a 25 percent chance of getting it. They will also have a 50 percent chance of being a carrier. These genetic predispositions are roughly the same for sickle cell disease, including sickle cell anemia.

low red blood cell

Here are five primary symptoms of a low red blood cell count.

Signs and Symptoms of Sickle Cell Anemia

Some of these signs and symptoms are present in other disorders, so talk to your professional healthcare provider if you notice one or more of them:

  • Sudden pain in the hands and feet
  • Low iron in your blood (anemia)
  • Problem with Growth (children)
  • Extreme pain in the bones
  • Cardiac problems
  • The spleen is enlarged and painful
  • Chronic infections of the respiratory system
  • Chronic leg ulcers
  • Abnormal Hemoglobin

Diagnosing Sickle Cell Anemia

To diagnose SCD, a blood test is conducted to check for abnormal hemoglobin amounts. Since this is a rare condition, it’s not the first conclusion doctors arrive at when someone presents with symptoms.

A routine hemoglobin test is conducted on all newborns in the United States. However, the problem doesn’t always show up until later in life. Children through adulthood can also be tested. The laboratory is looking for hemoglobin S.

If the test is positive for SCD, then the doctor will want to do additional testing to see if the disease has caused any secondary issues within the body. A genetic counselor is often involved at some point because the risk of complications is high.

One of the first things a doctor will want to check is to see the increased risk for a stroke. They use an ultrasound machine to look at the blood flow through the main arteries. This test is painless, and it’s so easy to do that they can use it on a child if they’re two years of age or older.

Treatment Options for Sickle Cell Anemia

iron deficiency

The main goal of managing this condition is to avoid painful episodes and stop any complications before they arise.

The ordinary course of treatment is to use medications, both herbal and prescription, and blood transfusions. Some of the medicines used are as follows:



This medication is known to reduce pain crises and the need for any transfusions. However, it does increase the risk of infections.


These injections help with the pain. They have some mild side effects like back pain and nausea.


Children from two months through the age of five are often given penicillin to prevent any infections from the abnormal hemoglobin levels. It’s easy for these children to contract pneumonia, which can be life-threatening at such a young age.

It’s not uncommon for an adult to take antibiotics for their entire life, especially if they have had to have their spleen removed or had previous cases of pneumonia.

•Blood Transfusions

A blood transfusion removes the abnormal hemoglobin and gives fresh red blood cells from the donated blood. It’s injected into the vein to help reduce any complications that might arise from SCD.

There are so many risks associated with taking foreign blood into your body. Your body can have an immune response. It will either build up excess iron in your blood, or you can develop an infection.

Excess iron can be quite dangerous in your body as it can cause damage to the major organs. These transfusions can cause a condition known as hemochromatosis, which is excessive iron in the blood. A second blood-cleansing treatment may be needed to purify the blood from this heavy metal.

•Stem Cell Transplant

A stem cell transplant is also known as a bone marrow transplant. The damaged marrow from the disease is removed and replaced with the tissue from a donor. It’s not always easy to find a donor, but it’s usually a person within the same family.

It’s especially crucial that a family member not be infected with SCD either, so they will need to be tested. There is plenty of risks associated with bone marrow transplants. So it’s only advisable for those who have severe complications from this disease.

After the transplant, the person will be required to stay in the hospital to be monitored for any complications. Even after the person discharges, their body can reject the transplant. There can be life-threatening complications that must be supervised by a medical team.

•Home Remedies

If you don’t like the idea of all the scary treatment options that come with this disease, you can use herbal remedies. Folic acid is known to help you make new red blood cells, which can alleviate many symptoms.

Eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables can also supply the body with the nutrients it needs to fight off foreign invaders, like an infection. Another critical step is to make sure you drink plenty of water. If the body should become dehydrated, then it can send you into a crisis mode with your pain.

You need at least eight glasses of water each day, but you will need more if you are out in the sun for an extended period. Any temperature extremes can send your body into crisis mode.

circulatory system

Nutritionists explain the fifteen best foods to boost your circulatory system.

Final Thoughts on Living with Sickle Cell Anemia

Managing the abnormal hemoglobin levels with SCD is difficult, but it can be done. It takes trial and error to find what works for you. However, by using more natural remedies and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, you will need less of the other medical interventions.

Nutritionists Reveal 22 High-Fiber Foods to Eat Every Day

Fiber is a crucial nutrient. It helps digestion and gut health, keeps our bowel movements smooth, and helps facilitate many bodily processes. Unfortunately, if you don’t eat a balanced diet, it’s also effortless to become deficient in this component. Make high-fiber foods a part of that lifestyle.

Are you not getting enough fiber in your diet? Don’t worry, and keep your positive thinking going! It can be surprisingly easy to get your daily fix of fiber. Here’s how nutritionists reveal 22 high-fiber foods to eat every day, in 5 neat categories.

1.    Beans and Legumes

Legumes and beans are famous for being borderline superfoods. They’re full of nutrients and are often easy to prepare, so they’re great ways to get your fiber fix. Here are some options to consider according to registered dietician and nutritionist Alex Caspero:

high-fiber foods

·         Lima Beans

Lima beans can be frozen or canned, and you’ll still get their fiber-packed benefits. Cook some with corn to create a delicious and filling succotash and get extra fiber from corn, or puree them with a mix of olive oil, lemon juice, and seasoning to create a hummus. One cup of lima beans provides 12 grams of fiber.

·         Black Beans

Black beans are packed with fiber, and they’re effortless to add to meals. They can be mashed and added to salads, soups, sandwiches, a sweet potato dish, or even wraps. One cup of black beans provides 17 grams of fiber.

·         Chickpeas

Chickpeas are great options for protein when you don’t want to eat meat. You can use them as a replacement for chicken in virtually every meal, but remember to season them well as they can be bland on their own. Still, that blandness means they taste good with lots of different dishes. One cup of chickpeas provides 11 grams of fiber.

·         Lentils

Lentils are highly filling and only take half an hour to cook in simmering water. They’re inexpensive and are fantastic as fillings for wraps, and you can use them to make lentil loaves. They’re also full of protein, which gives you more positive boosts than fiber alone, and one cup of cooked lentils provides 16 grams of fiber.

·         Peanuts

Believe it or not, peanuts are technically legumes, not nuts! They’re also rich in healthy fats and are easy to use. Eat them as a snack, toss them into salads, add them to relevant dishes, or get them through peanut butter. Half a cup of peanuts provides 6 grams of fiber.

2.    Fruits

The sweetness of fruit means most people enjoy them, so they’re healthy high-fiber foods that you can look forward to with positive thinking. They’re full of fiber and vitamins that give the body endless benefits! Here are some of the best to munch on for fiber:

freeze avocado

Dietitians explain why you should freeze avocado (and how!).

·         Avocados

They’re a bit of a “trendy” foot, but honestly, they deserve the hype! They’re full of healthy fats that keep you full, come with tons of vitamins, and can be added to sandwiches, salads, or eaten with toast. Half an avocado provides 7 grams of fiber.

·         Blackberries

Berries are versatile and have so many great benefits for the brain and body. You can use them fresh or frozen and still gain the same benefits. Add blackberries to yogurt, blend them into juices and smoothies, add them to a fruit salad, or just munch on some for a snack. One cup of blackberries provides 8 grams of fiber.

·         Raspberries

Raspberries don’t stay in season for long, so grab them while they’re good! They provide all the benefits of blackberries and can also be used frozen or fresh as needed. Just like blackberries, one cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber.

·         Apples

Apples are sweet, and there’s a reason the saying about keeping doctors away stars them! They can be eaten plain, with nut butter, or with another healthy dip. According to the author and registered dietician Keri Gans, apples have other positive sides, too, like their richness in vitamin C that keeps immunity strong and keeps the skin healthy. In just half a cup of them, they provide 7.5 grams of fiber.

·         Pears

Pears are very underrated in the health world. They can be eaten with nut butter or savory spreads for some added flavor. One medium-sized pear provides 6 grams of fiber.

3.    Grains

Grains are known for being full of fiber. As they’re such staple parts of daily meals, it’s relatively easy to consume enough of them as needed. Here are some grains to add to your diet for a positive fiber-filled boost:

·         Popcorn

Popcorn is known as a not-so-healthy snack food. Still, it’s a high-fiber food. And, when not smothered in unhealthy coatings like butter or caramel, it is surprisingly good for you, says registered dietician and nutritional therapist Scott Keatley. Don’t go for movie cinema popcorn – try getting plain popcorn and adding flavor with cinnamon or garlic powder. In just half a cup of popcorn, you get 7 grams of fiber.

·         Barley

Barley is associated most with drinks and soups, and you likely don’t think of it as a rice substitute. But it certainly can be one! Ten-minute barley can be cooked in a big batch and used in place of rice throughout the week. Mix it in with things like roasted vegetables, some healthy protein, and a little bit of dressing to make a filling meal option. One cup of cooked barley provides 6 grams of fiber.

·         Bran

Bran has a lot of potentials and can be added to so many different meals and drinks. As a versatile food, it’s great for adding to oatmeal, baked goods, smoothies, and much more. The type of bran you use determines its benefits, says Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics spokesperson and registered dietician Sonya Angelone. For example, oat bran has soluble fibers that keep you full and balance blood sugar, while wheat bran reduces constipation through insoluble fiber. Whichever you choose, the fiber provided by bran has lots of positive effects on the body, and just an eighth of a cup of bran offers 10.5 grams of fiber.

·         Wholewheat Pasta

You don’t have to give up pasta entirely to live a healthy lifestyle. Wholewheat pasta tastes just as good as the white pasta you’re used to, especially when mixed with a tasty sauce (like olive oil and lemon, or even a tomato sauce) and is excellent when tossed with cooked vegetables. This makes for a high-fiber meal, and one cup of cooked wholewheat pasta provides 6 grams of fiber.

overnight oats

Overnight oats satisfy your hunger and nourish the soul.

4.    Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are famous for providing healthy fats and other health benefits, but did you know that they’re also packed with fiber? Here are some great options to add to meals or munch as a snack, according to the author and registered dietician Keri Gans:

·         Almonds

Almonds are full of fiber, and they also have great benefits like vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids. They’re easy to eat as tidbits and can be added to salads, or even used to coat meat for a baked crunch. With all its positive sides, half a cup of almonds also provides 10 grams of fiber.

·         Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a superfood, plain and simple. They can be added to yogurt, smoothies, salads, and poke bowls, and just sprinkling them over any dish you’re eating is a great way to get them into your diet. They’re packed with protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and heart-healthy components. Just a quarter cup of chia seeds gives you 13.5 grams of fiber.

·         Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are just as easy to add to food as chia seeds are. They have plenty of healthy fats – specifically monounsaturated ones – and bring down cholesterol while packing a big fiber punch. Half a cup of sunflower seeds provides 5 grams of fiber.

·         Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are also easy to use, just like chia and sunflower seeds! They’re great additions to smoothies and yogurts, can be tossed into baked goods and breakfast foods, and add a fiber-filled kick with some essential omega-3 fatty acids. They lower inflammation in the body and can be great aids in fighting joint pain. A quarter cup of flax seeds provides 14.3 grams of fiber.

5.    Vegetables

Vegetables are everyone’s go-to for a healthy dish, and with good reason. They have so many positive components, like vitamins and minerals, but they’re also packed with fiber. Here are some of your best options on that front:

·         Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are great substitutes for normal potatoes. They’re full of vitamin A and can be used for sweet and savory snacks, too, says Gans. You can lightly fry some with healthy oils for sweet potato fries or toast them and top them with bananas, peanut butter, or honey. However you choose to eat them, half a cup of sweet potatoes provides 3.4 grams of fiber.

·         Artichokes

Artichokes are great for adding to pasta or Mediterranean dishes, and they give you loads of fiber. Of course, we do know that artichokes can be tough to prepare, but don’t worry – canned artichokes and frozen artichokes are just as good, states Caspero, and they can be added to wraps, frittatas, and salads with ease. Uncooked artichokes of a medium-size provide 7 grams of fiber.

·         Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are famously a bit of an acquired taste, but they’re a good alternative to cauliflower or broccoli when you’re tired of them, according to Gans. They’ve got lots of vitamin K and can make a delicious side dish when roasted with just a little salt, pepper, and olive oil. Half a cup of Brussels sprouts gives you 3.5 grams of fiber.

·         Split Peas

Split peas can seem complicated, but they only take half an hour to cook thoroughly, and Gans says they are fantastic for easy one-pot meals. They also have other positive sides, like iron richness, which improves circulation, and half a cup of uncooked split peas gives you 22 grams of fiber.

high-fiber foodsFinal Thoughts On These 22 High-Fiber Foods To Eat Every Day, According To Nutritionists

With so many different ways to get fiber into your system, you won’t get bored consuming the same thing every day to meet your daily requirements. Eat a wide variety of high-fiber foods in whatever way you prefer, and your body and digestive health will thank you!

Psychologist Reveals How Thinking Positive Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety and worry are typical by-products of everyday human life. Regardless of whether you are preparing for an interview or a romantic date with a long-term crush, we all have significant concerns about the outcomes. While the fearful feeling may be scary, psychologists reveal that this type of worry has a positive side to it. But how?

A good example is that of a gentleman worrying about an upcoming date. Positive outcomes such as the situation encouraging you to buy a new outfit to impress your potential new partner may help you reduce the anxiety regardless of the result. Through thinking positive, you will manage to put things under control and reduce your anxiety levels. In this piece, we have compiled various ways in which we can alleviate anxiety through thinking positive.

Understanding the real concept in “thinking positive.”

thinking positive

It’s okay to be sad for a while. It’s okay to show your emotions. Positive thinking doesn’t entail on burying your head in the sand and ignoring the negative situations in your life. As a human being, you are bound to encounter both good and bad circumstances.

Positive thinking allows you to accept and approach unpleasant situations more productively and positively. Always tame your mind to see the best in cases and never the worst. Slowly build an attitude that allows you to accept reality but not accept defeat.

Comprehending anxiety

As humans, we deal with so much anxiety, mainly emanating from wanting to live up to your expectations and life goals. Understanding anxiety and its causes might help you build a better and more positive mindset. Naturally, we all have a negativity bias that enables us to detect danger and alert us of impending danger.

According to psychologists, being fearful and anxious are fundamental tools to your survival. Nonetheless, higher anxiety scales are triggered continuously by the pressure and tension in modern life. When this happens, the brain releases cortisol, the stress hormone, which leaves you in a feeble state of flight or fight.

Eventually, after a constant re-occurrence of the repeated pattern, it becomes automatic, and the doctor may diagnose you with anxiety disorders.

7 Things to remember for thinking positive and reducing your anxiety

1 – Self-talk sessions are important

Self-talk revolves around the involvement of your subconscious mind. Little known to most individuals, your subconscious mind is susceptible on the low side, but it’s equally compelling on the upper scale. It all depends on how you control your mind: you may decide to have total control over your anxiety or forever remain fearful.

You are probably going to go with the former. You must acquire the skills to communicate with your subconscious mind effectively. You are probably wondering how to ace this perfectly without doing any detrimental damage to the brain.

Psychologists encourage you to think of your subconscious mind as the kid and the conscious mind as the guardian. Ask yourself, “How can I raise a more loving child?” Naturally, individuals want to be kind and understanding parents whom their kids can always come to in times of trouble.

You will be on the right track to thinking positively if you treat your subconscious mind with positive and understanding thoughts. A part of all human beings is good and kind. Highlighting your positive side doesn’t involve changing who you are but finding and enhancing your better self. Program your subconscious mind to concentrate on compassion and care instead of the fear that fuels anxiety.


2 – Redefine personal self-concepts

It’s remarkable how you define your life and describe yourself. How you think about yourself and tell your story enormously impacts how you deal with life and its anxieties. Take a moment to reflect on what you would answer if someone asked you to describe yourself, your achievements, and your story.

If you struggle to answer this question frankly and positively, then you have some redefining to do. Easier said than done, right? Here’s how you apply a positive self-concept in your life, personality, and routines to alleviate anxiety.

  • Visualize your life, feelings, personality, and behavior.
  • Set the good from the bad and maximize the good.
  • Acknowledge that the unpleasant events in your life are mistakes and lessons you could use as learning tools.

You will realize how easy it is to forgive yourself, rise, and get rid of anxiety one you have a clear and positive self-concept.

3 – Stop thinking negatively

As discussed earlier, whatever you feed your subconscious mind will supply you with it. As the adage warns us, “Garbage in, garbage out.”

It’s not any different from this. Negative thinking never did anyone any good.

Not only is negative thinking a backward habit that triggers anxiety, worry, and fear. Negative self-talk is also distracting–and we might not even be aware of it. You must break the chains and habits of self-criticism and negative self-concepts to deal with anxiety effectively.

Have you ever noticed how your body reacts after telling yourself you are frustrated, worried, fed up, and stressed? You begin to drain yourself the love and energy you need to continue. Does this narration sound familiar?

By watching your thoughts, you start to learn how your mind affects your soul, emotions, body, inner self, and, eventually, your behavior. Quit thinking negatively, start thinking positive, and stand a chance to see the kind of transformations you are about to enjoy.

4 – Believe in success

People often define a person according to their success in a career, family, relationship, and individual progress. While it’s a valid parameter that goes out to gauge mental health, personal success has a lot to do with thinking positive while alleviating anxiety. What makes you successful in whichever way described?

It’s simple: once you believe in yourself and manage your worries, you can achieve anything you desire. You cannot chase success if you have fear, low self-confidence, and a long list of concerns. You have to start somewhere.

Firstly, acknowledge that you can succeed. Start thinking about how to get there rather than the reasons why you can’t get there. Unrealized dreams always lead to a bitter life full of worry and low self-esteem.

pop meme5 – Unburden yourself

Scientists believe that carrying a lot of burden from your past could also lead to depressive and stress episodes. You might want to let go of any perceived pain and hurt from your past that prevents you from living a stress-free, safe, and secure life. Take charge of your life and be responsible for what you feel towards yourself and others.

The complete realization that you are responsible for your well-being is a fundamental step towards reducing anxiety. Have a stable relationship with yourself to create a conducive environment that doesn’t condone anxiety and worry.

6 – Be happy regardless

Everyone wants to be joyous and happy despite facing specific challenges in life occasionally. True happiness gauges your ability to return to a state of being unconsciously happy. This power makes it easier for you to believe in your ability to think positively, especially during difficult times.

As discussed above, you will always have full control over the choice you make when responding to various situations. To know that whatever happens, good or bad, will not change your state of happiness is an intense form of liberation. If you practice this, you may begin to feel calmer and more positive in times of a storm, which is a commendable change from how you would previously react.

7 – Learn to be a self-compassionate person

Cultivating compassion helps reduce anxiety and fear by re-framing how we view the world. Learn to see the world from a different perspective in which many events will happen, both good and bad. However, learn to avoid attaching your emotional self to an assumed negative outcome of an event.

For instance, you worry that your date is going to go well. You know it’s a 50-50 shot. Do not decide ahead that it will be a failed attempt at dating. If it does end up in a disaster, be compassionate to yourself. Remind yourself that you prepared well for the evening, chalk it up to a learning experience, and leave the venue a satisfied individual.

Self-compassion helps you see the world from different angles and cushions you from falling too hard.

Also, compassion for yourself and others allows you to accept suffering and a shorter way to move on from unpleasant events. It may seem a little hard, but when you are compassionate to those who may have harmed you, you untie yourself from the pain and suffering. It also helps them see your positive side, which prompts them not to repeat similar mistakes shielding them from future harm. You will likely handle things better if you don’t retain your regrets.

thinking positiveFinal thoughts on thinking positive to reduce anxiety

Generally, your outlook and attitude on yourself and your life highly determine how you manage anxiety and your mental well-being. Teaching yourself how to think and reason positively will eventually help you handle stressful situations in the best possible ways. We hope that this piece will guide you.

10 Ways to Feed Your Soul When It’s Running on Empty

When you feel empty and exhausted, your soul might need some serious attention. Our minds and bodies get rest every single night when we go to sleep, but our spirits only get rejuvenated by going deep within for answers. Unfortunately, we are each trained to look everywhere but within for comfort and peace, which might explain why our world looks the way it does today.

From an early age, we’ve all been indoctrinated into a system that seems to place money and achievements above everything else. We go to school, get jobs, buy houses, and work our butts off for retirement. But many people feel unfulfilled following this outdated, one-size-fits-all model. Perhaps our modern ways of living don’t address what our souls need. Maybe placing our value in consumer products and incomes can explain the chronic emptiness most of us feel.

What can we do about this problem plaguing modern society? How can we fill our souls instead of just our wallets and egos? We have a few tips for you below, so don’t worry if you’ve been feeling lackluster these days. Every problem comes with a solution, even those that seem impossibly complicated.

Here are ten ways to feed your soul when you’re running on empty:


1 – Get rid of negativity in your life.

Whether that means cutting certain people out of your life or turning off the daily news, too much negativity can take a toll on your spirit.

If you feel exhausted and empty, look at what you expose yourself to each day and adjust it accordingly. Instead of waking up to your social media and news programs, have a technology-free morning where you enjoy a cup of coffee while listening to the birds outside. Simplicity can remind us that we often create problems that never should’ve existed in the first place. It starts with the quality of what we put in our minds and who we surround ourselves with, so by keeping our mental state balanced and positive, we can positively influence the world.

2 – Clean your home.

More people have turned to minimalism to live a simpler, more peaceful life. The things we own often end up owning us after a while with the debt we accumulate from them. Plus, items can only bring us temporary satisfaction; once we’ve filled them, we often throw them in the back of our closet to collect dust. Then, we need our next fix, and the cycle continues.

Once you clean out your possessions and only keep the things you need, you’ll realize how little you require to feel content. Plus, cleaning your space will have positive impacts on your mental health as well, as messiness can increase stress levels.

think positive

3 – Simplify your life.

This process doesn’t just mean cleaning out your possessions. Indeed, it means taking a long, hard look at your life and figuring out what activities you need to engage in. We place so much value in doing rather than just being; this obsession with always needing stimulation takes a toll on our mental health. Ironically, filling our lives with activities and chores only leaves us feeling more empty.

People will call you lazy if you don’t want to work the standard 40 hours a week, but our “always-on” society just doesn’t serve our mental and emotional needs. If you’re going to work from home and start your own business, go for it. If you want a quiet life out in the countryside away from all the noise in the city, do it. No one has a manual on how we should live, so if you crave simplicity, create a life that permits you the freedom to have that.

4 – Give your body the fuel it needs to thrive.

When we consume unhealthy foods, they don’t just affect our bodies; they compromise our spirits, too. Toxic foods lower our vibration and leave us feeling exhausted because our bodies can’t process all the unnatural ingredients. Here’s a small list of healthy foods to include in your diet if you want to feel your best:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Lentils
  • Oatmeal
  • Broccoli
  • Apples
  • Kale
  • Blueberries
  • Avocado
  • Leafy green veggies
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Chicken

5 – Meditate

Scientists praise meditation for its ability to affect the mind and body in tangible ways. For example, it can lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve concentration, create mental clarity, decrease anxiety and depression, and reduce stress levels. Some types of meditation help increase love and compassion for yourself and others. Meditation allows you to disconnect from the senses and get to know your soul.

If you’ve been feeling empty and exhausted from the constant stressors of daily life, we can’t suggest meditation enough. It will allow you to expand your consciousness so that you don’t just identify with your mind and body. Instead, you’ll begin to see yourself as one with everything else in existence, which will help dissolve the ego.

Maybe the key to society’s ills lies in this ancient practice.

6 – Treat yourself to self-care

In our fast-paced lives, we don’t spend sufficient time on self-care and self-love. With all of our responsibilities, we barely have enough time left in the day to sit down for a meal. However, to give the best of ourselves to others, we have first to fill our cups. Make sure you take enough time each day to attend to your mental and physical well-being.


Here are the 30 best benefits of positivity.

7 – Get away from technology.

While modern technology does have its advantages, we overuse it and isolate ourselves from others by spending too many hours per day in the virtual world. We don’t spend as much time talking to each other, instead of giving into mindless distractions and neglecting our loved ones. Scientists have linked the overuse of technology to many health problems, including insomnia, anxiety, depression, and even addiction.

Instead of going outside to play, kids today choose tablets and video games. Families go to the park together and get on their phones instead of interacting with each other. We’ve lost a lot of our communication skills because of technology. Many people check their phones throughout the day because of the dopamine hits they get from notifications, which takes a toll on our mental health.

Make sure you put down your phone throughout the day to give your brain a break. Get outside, talk to friends in person, and enjoy the world without looking through a screen every once in a while.

8 – Exercise.

We don’t need to list the benefits of exercise, because scientists have been talking about them for decades. Unfortunately, we don’t need to move as much with our modern lifestyles, and a lack of movement might be the culprit behind the explosion of disease we’ve seen in recent years. If you’ve been feeling empty and exhausted, try moving your body in ways you enjoy. Getting your body moving will lift your spirits as well.

9 – Create a job you love.

Most people don’t like their jobs, and simply stay to pay bills and keep up their lifestyles. Perhaps this unhappiness with modern work environments explains the rise in entrepreneurship and people working at home. While we all have to take on adult responsibilities, we shouldn’t have to work like drones throughout our lives doing jobs that make us feel empty.

If you don’t enjoy your job, do a little research about the hobbies that bring you happiness. Perhaps you can turn your interests into a full-time job that feeds your soul and doesn’t leave you drained at the end of each workday.

10 – Get back to nature.

We have created our lives around nature, not taking into consideration our place in the greater picture. We’ve destroyed a lot of our natural environment, and maybe this explains why so many of us feel discontent in modern life. We’ve cut ourselves off from the very things we need to sustain our lives. So, of course, many of us feel empty and disconnected.

If you’ve been feeling exhausted and defeated by life, make sure you take time to connect with nature as often as you can. Even a 30-minute walk through a forest can do wonders for your spirit.

emptyFinal thoughts on ways to feed your soul when you feel empty

If you always wake up feeling tired and depleted, it might not be your body or mind that’s tired – your soul may just need some attention. Simple ways to feed your soul include getting back to nature, taking care of your mind and body with healthy living, and reducing clutter in your home.

If you want to go even deeper with cleansing your soul, look at your job satisfaction and the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes, a deep detox is necessary to feel like your best self again.

Research Reveals Remedies that Replace Medication for ADHD in Kids

ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neuropsychiatric condition that causes difficulty in concentrating, impulsiveness, and excessive energy. Of course, most parents know that doctors often treat it by prescribing medication.

The Attention Deficit Disorder Association defines it as the following:

“a highly genetic, brain-based syndrome that has to do with the regulation of a particular set of brain functions and related behaviors.”

As of 2016, The National Survey of Children’s Health reported:

Approximately 9.4% of children 2-17 years of age (6.1 million) were diagnosed with ADHD.

  • Ages 2-5: Approximately 388,000 children
  • Ages 6-11: Approximately 2.4 million children
  • Aged 12-17: Approximately 3.3 million children

Children diagnosed with ADHD often have erratic, inappropriate behavior patterns for their environment, especially in classrooms and other places where they have to sit for long periods.

Below, you’ll find some interesting statistics:

  • Boys get diagnosed twice as often as girls.
  • Furthermore, the average age of diagnosis is seven years.
  • Researchers estimate that ADHD affects 1 in 20 people under the age of 18.
  • Around two-thirds of people with childhood attention deficit disorders still suffer from symptoms as adults.
  • Adult ADHD usually presents with memory problems.

Additionally, adults face difficulty in following directions, planning, organizing, and focusing for long periods.


These eight nutrients help beat adhd.

Is ADHD a real disorder?

Some doctors and scientists believe ADHD doesn’t exist. For example, Jerome Kagan, professor, and psychologist at Harvard University shares the following message:

“…(ADHD) is an invention. Every child who’s not doing well in school is sent to see a pediatrician, and the pediatrician says: ‘It’s ADHD; here’s Ritalin.’ In fact, 90 percent of these 5.4 million (ADHD-diagnosed) kids don’t have an abnormal dopamine metabolism. The problem is, if a drug is available to doctors, they’ll make the corresponding diagnosis.”

Many professionals agree with the fact that medication for ADHD, especially in kids, just puts a bandage over a problem. In fact, the diagnosis may or may not exist. In other words, the doctors may just overprescribe the medication to get kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry. Even in cases where children show strong symptoms of ADHD, the drugs should only serve as a last resort. That’s because medicines can have powerful, long-lasting side effects.

Of course, most doctors disagree with Kagan about ADHD being a hoax. Instead, they say that enough evidence exists to treat it as a real condition. All three of the best-respected, most well-respected U.S. medical bodies – the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the NIH (National Institutes of Health) – agree unanimously that ADHD is a real, diagnosable condition.

Researchers note that the brains of people with ADHD differ from those without it. Furthermore, doctors first noticed people having symptoms of the disorder over 100 years ago. Also, most people with the disorder who get treatment have tangible results.

However, even though evidence exists to prove the validity and reality of ADHD, many authorities on health say that the disorder is over-diagnosed.


Read more about the Harvard psychologist who believes ADHD is not a genuine diagnosis.

The rise in ADHD in America

Some statisticians have found that around 5% of school-aged children get diagnosed with ADHD. In some areas of the U.S., where the majority of ADHD diagnoses take place, up to 33 percent of children get diagnosed with the condition. In fact, some states report more than 13% of school-aged children to have a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder. That percentage almost triples the number of plausible cases. According to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of ADHD diagnoses rose an astounding 41 percent from 2003 to 2011.

Some researchers believe that the marketing tactics of pharmaceutical companies have led to the rise in ADHD diagnoses and children taking medication for ADHD. However, it seems that adults now make up the dominant demographic of ADHD cases, perhaps because they didn’t get adequate treatment as children. According to research by the ADHD Institute, the disorder persists in 50-65% of adults diagnosed as children.

Risks associated with medication for ADHD

On May 1, 1971, the United States Congress approved the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), creating five classifications, or schedules, for prescription drugs. The higher the schedule, the more potential exists for abuse. Amphetamine, the main ingredient in Adderall and other medication for ADHD, is a potent nervous system stimulant. Congress lists it as a Schedule II drug in the U.S. because of its high potential for abuse and the possibility of causing severe physical or psychological dependence. Other drugs in this category include Vicodin, Oxycontin, and Ritalin.

Also, note that amphetamine exists in cocaine and methamphetamine. And children get put on drugs containing this ingredient at a very young age to treat ADHD.

Here are some of the most pervasive side effects of amphetamines, broken down into three categories: immediate, coming down, and long-term.


– a sense of wellbeing and euphoria

– higher confidence and motivation

– quicker reaction times

– sense of superiority

– dizziness

– headaches

– more talkative

– dry mouth

– increased energy

– hallucinations

– paranoia


– blurred vision

– tremors

– irregular breathing

– hallucinations

– seizures

– stroke

– coma

– violent behavior


– feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and irritability

– depression

– lethargy

– extreme exhaustion

– mood swings

– tension

– paranoia

– aggression that may result in violence


– chronic insomnia

– anxiety, depression and increased tension

– feelings of breathlessness

– dental problems such as cracked teeth

– malnutrition due to a lack of appetite

– reduced immunity and a higher risk of infections

– high blood pressure

– higher risk of stroke

– risk of kidney failure

– psychological problems

– paranoia

– propensity for violence

As you can see, medication for ADHD does not come without severe side effects in some cases. However, critics of pharmaceutical drugs believe that many psychological disorders can improve with natural remedies. Below, we will talk about a few natural ways to reduce ADHD symptoms in children without the harmful side effects of medication.

medication for ADHD

Natural Remedies that Replace Medication for ADHD in Kids

  1. Avoid food dyes and preservatives.

According to WebMD, some food colorings and preservatives can increase attention deficit and hyperactivity in children.

Colorings and preservatives that may increase symptoms of ADHD include:

  • D&C Yellow No. 10 (quinoline yellow): You will find this dye in juices, haddock, and sorbets
  • FD&C Yellow No. 5 (tartrazine): Check the labels of cereal, granola bars, pickles, and yogurt
  • FD&C Yellow No. 6 (sunset yellow): Look at labels on breadcrumbs, candy, cereal, icing, and soft drinks
  • FD&C Red No. 40 (Allura red): A quick look at the label will show this on child medications, gelatin desserts, ice cream, and soft drinks
  • Sodium benzoate: You will find this in carbonated drinks, fruit juices, and salad dressings
  1. Try biofeedback

Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback uses brainwave technology to correct behaviors and ways of thinking. ADHD patients have a combination of low brain activity in the cortical regions as well as hyperactivity in the frontal cortex. Therefore, this situation dramatically contributes to those behaviors.

In an analysis of fourteen EEG biofeedback trials, children diagnosed with ADHD showed “consistent beneficial effects for all outcome measures.”

  1. Give your kids plenty of opportunities to exercise.

Especially in a school setting, kids just don’t get enough time to move their bodies. Sitting still makes them restless and bored. Conversely, exercising helps children get a lot of pent up energy out of their systems. And the activity will help them feel calm and focused afterward. If they can’t exercise at school, make sure they have opportunities to play when they get home. Also, limit their time on technology. This can exacerbate ADHD symptoms, especially in children already prone to the disorder.

  1. A balanced diet can replace medications for ADHD.

A daily healthy dose of vitamins and minerals may help improve ADHD symptoms. These supplements include l-carnitine, magnesium, vitamin B-6, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, and calcium. Additionally, herbs such as ginkgo, ginseng, and passionflower may help ease attention deficit symptoms. However, check with your child’s doctor first, as some herbal supplements are especially potent for children’s developing immune systems.

  1. Make sure your children get enough sunshine.

Scientists only recently began to understand the importance of Vitamin D for brain function and immune system health. Not only does Vitamin D enhance one’s mood, but it also protects against brain inflammation. Thus, low Vitamin D levels also linked to disorders such as depression and dementia. Indeed, a 1,700-person study conducted by researchers at the University of Cambridge found that people with the lowest Vitamin D levels showed twice the likelihood of having cognitive impairments.

  1. Don’t give your kids too many sugary treats.

Sugar can significantly exacerbate the symptoms of ADHD. Thus, cutting it from your child’s diet could potentially replace the medication for ADHD. Undoubtedly, kids already display attention deficit symptoms should not eat a menu that’s high in sugar. That’s because sweets contribute to restlessness and inattention.

medication for ADHD

Final thoughts about how to replace medications for ADHD with natural remedies

Kids have so many distractions today. Indeed, it might feel impossible for many of them to stay on task, to begin with. So if you add in an ADHD diagnosis, it is no surprise that children who don’t get proper treatment for the disorder suffer in school and other social environments. However, giving them a proper diet, plenty of time to exercise, and reducing food dyes and sugar in their foods can help alleviate symptoms.

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