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7 Things to Never Forget When Dating a Cancer

7 Things to Never Forget When Dating a Cancer

If you’re dating a Cancer, you’ve likely fallen in love with their compassion, deep emotions, and loving nature. The crab may seem tough on the outside, but they’re secretly soft and cuddly like a teddy bear inside. However, their complex, sensitive souls need to feel safe, so they often hide in their shells until they’re comfortable around someone. Born between June 21 to July 22, the empathetic crab has a heart bigger than their body and always puts others first. Those with this horoscope have a nurturing, motherly quality that makes others feel safe and protected around them.

This caring zodiac sign may seem like they have their heads in the clouds, but that’s their way of seeing the world. Cancers have a highly creative, imaginative mind and enjoy hobbies like writing, drawing, or sightseeing. However, this dreamy nature can make it difficult for them to live in reality, so they need a partner to help ground them. When dating a Cancer, you’ll realize they have a robust domestic streak and feel best when they’re safe at home. They’re creatures of comfort and take pride in making their homes cozy for family and friends.

By understanding a Cancer in a relationship, you’ll have a harmonious long-term partnership with your crab lover.

Understanding the Cancer Sign

When dating a Cancer, it’s essential to understand their unique zodiac signs to deepen your relationship with them. You’ll receive many astrological insights by getting to know them intimately and seeing how their personality reflects their horoscope. Typical Cancer characteristics include emotional depth, a need for security, a caring disposition, and heightened intuition. In addition, they have a protective nature, terrific imagination, and appreciation for domestic life. You may also notice that your Cancer lover needs plenty of solitude to recharge from the hectic modern lifestyle.

dating a cancer

#1: Cancer’s Emotional Nature

If you’re dating a Cancer, you’ll quickly notice their high sensitivity and empathy for all life. They consider every person, plant, and animal sacred, as everything has an essential purpose and role. However, their emotional depth can sometimes become a burden, as they tend to carry the world’s weight on their shoulders. They’re highly attuned to the planet’s many problems and can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the injustices everywhere. But, because they care so deeply about others’ suffering, they feel a calling to help however they can.

#2: Dating a Cancer Means Meeting Their Need for Security

A Cancer wears their heart on their sleeve and feels incredibly vulnerable to the world around them. Therefore, they need emotional security and stability in a relationship. The crab prefers long-term, stable relationships where they can entirely rely on their partner for reassurance and safety. If you’re dating a Cancer, Earth signs such as Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn make excellent partners for the sensitive crab because they have a grounding, supportive quality.

#3: Their Nurturing and Caring Disposition

When dating a Cancer, remember their caring nature and supportive behavior. They will go the extra mile to ensure their partner receives plenty of emotional support during difficult times. You won’t find a more nurturing, compassionate lover than a Cancer! It comes naturally to them to care for others, as it makes them feel needed and gives them a purpose. They never like to focus too much on themselves, preferring to focus their energy on healing others.

#4: Protective of Loved Ones

You’ll quickly become accustomed to the loyalty and protectiveness of the crab when dating a Cancer. Their deep sense of devotion and faithfulness to their partner makes them an ideal person to have by your side. As one of the most domestic, family-oriented signs, a Cancer wants a long-term, committed partner rather than a casual relationship. They want someone interested in building a future with them who will stick around for the long haul.

#5: Dating a Cancer and an Appreciation for Domestic Life

You won’t find a more domesticated zodiac sign than Cancer, as they pride themselves on having a cozy, warm home. They believe the home should provide comfort and stability in an ever-changing world and want everyone to feel welcome in their humble abode. The crab prioritizes home life and family values above all else, and they want a partner who shares their appreciation for domestic life.

However, if you’re dating a Cancer, remember to respect their need for solitude and introspection. They prefer having a partner with a stable, regular job so they have plenty of time for quiet.

#6: Their Imaginative and Creative Mind

When dating a Cancer, you’ll notice they have a propensity for creativity and artistic pursuits such as writing, drawing, or photography. Their innate imagination and love of the arts drive them to alternative careers where they can control the creative process. They don’t like being micromanaged by a boss and would much rather work for themselves doing something that brings them joy. They’re not afraid to take risks and think outside the box when carving their path in life.

#7: Their Introverted Nature

By nature, Cancers are a brooding, solitary, introverted bunch of people, but they wouldn’t have it any other way. They may seem standoffish or aloof initially, but they need time to get to know people before feeling comfortable. Even when they come out of their shell, they still need quiet moments and privacy to maintain their energy. Their introversion makes them feel drained around people, so they find solace in retreating to nature or their cozy, safe home. This aspect of dating a Cancer may take time to adjust to, but respecting this vital part of their personality is essential. You can always try compromising with them when you want to go out and explore; they don’t mind adventuring once in a blue moon, after all!


Final Thoughts on Dating a Cancer Tips

When dating a Cancer, remember their unique traits such as great compassion, loyalty, emotional depth, need for security, imagination, introversion, and homebody tendencies. They make excellent partners because they have a nurturing, supportive quality and want someone to stand by them for the long haul. The traits of a Cancer in love include being overly protective of their partner and spoiling them with domestic bliss by cooking delicious meals and keeping a cozy, comforting home.

It’s important to honor and accept their personality and offer the emotional support they crave in return for their love and compassion. So, if you’re dating a Cancer, try to remain open and understanding of their needs, and they will give you unconditional love in return.


7 Reasons to Try Dynamic Stretching (and How to Start)

Here’s how mastering dynamic stretches can support a healthy lifestyle.

In pursuing a healthier, more vibrant life, we often stumble upon various exercise routines and wellness practices. Dynamic stretching is one such gem that can significantly enhance your fitness journey while promoting natural health and overall well-being. 

Unlike its static counterpart, dynamic stretching involves fluid movements that prepare your body for physical activity and offer numerous benefits that will keep you returning for more. 

So let’s explore seven compelling reasons why you should consider incorporating dynamic stretching into your fitness routine, along with easy-to-follow tips to get you started.

What Is Dynamic Stretching?

Dynamic stretching is a form of exercise that involves active movements through a controlled range of motion to stretch and warm up the muscles and joints. Unlike static stretching, when you hold a stretch in a fixed position, dynamic stretching involves continuous and rhythmic movements that mimic the motions of the activity or exercise you’re about to perform.

These movements primarily aim to prepare the body for physical activity, such as sports, workouts, or any other form of exercise. It helps encourage blood flow to the muscles, activates the nervous system, and raises the heart rate, warming the body and improving overall performance.

Dynamic stretches typically engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously and promote functional flexibility, which is essential for movements involved in various physical activities. Incorporating dynamic stretches into your pre-workout routine can enhance flexibility, range of motion, coordination, and muscle activation while reducing the risk of injuries.

It’s essential to choose movements that are relevant to the specific activity you plan to engage in. For example, if you’re preparing for a run, you might perform dynamic leg swings and hip rotations to target the lower body muscles and joints involved in running. The key to success is to perform the movements with control. You may gradually increase the intensity based on your fitness level and the demands of your upcoming activity.

dynamic stretching

Precautions While Performing Dynamic Stretching Movements

  • Controlled Movements: Dynamic stretching requires controlled and deliberate movements to be effective and safe. Avoid rushing through the stretches or using jerky motions that could lead to injury. Perform each movement with precision and maintain proper form throughout.
  • Gradual Progression: If you’re new to exercise, start with less intense movements and gradually increase the intensity over time. Pushing yourself too hard too soon can strain muscles and lead to discomfort or injury. Listen to your body and progress at a comfortable and manageable pace.
  • Avoid Extreme Stretches: These movements should not push your body into extreme positions like advanced static stretches or yoga poses. The purpose is to gently warm the muscles and joints, not force them into uncomfortable or risky positions. Respect your body’s limits and avoid overstretching during dynamic stretches.
  • Never start an exercise routine without a physician assessing your current fitness status and capabilities.

7 Reasons Why You Need Dynamic Stretching in Your Life

Here are some compelling reasons why you should include dynamic stretches before you work out – or as a mini-workout all on its own.

1. Enhances Flexibility and Range of Motion:

These moves involve moving your muscles and joints through a controlled, continuous range of motion. Studies reveal how these moves can enhance flexibility and loosen tight muscles, allowing you to move more freely. As you gradually increase your range of motion, you’ll notice a remarkable improvement in your overall flexibility, helping you efficiently perform everyday activities and reducing the risk of injuries during workouts.

2. Boosts Blood Circulation:

According to several studies, the fluid movements of dynamic stretching help stimulate blood flow to the muscles and joints. Improved circulation ensures your muscles receive adequate oxygen and nutrients, enabling faster recovery and reducing post-exercise soreness. Additionally, the increased blood flow aids in flushing out toxins from the body, leaving you feeling revitalized and energized. To further boost your energy levels, consider incorporating a Supplement for energy into your routine.

3. Preps Your Body for Exercise: 

Dynamic stretching is a powerful warm-up tool before engaging in any physical activity. Gently engaging and activating various muscle groups signals your body that it’s time to get moving. That prepares your heart rate, body temperature, and breathing patterns for the workout ahead, reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing overall performance.

4. Improves Coordination and Balance:

The continuous, rhythmic movements involved in dynamic stretching challenge your body. As you practice these movements regularly, you’ll notice a significant improvement in proprioception—the ability to sense your body’s position in space. Enhanced coordination and balance optimize your workout routine and translate into better stability in daily life activities.


5. Time-Efficient Exercise:

For those leading busy lives, dynamic stretching offers an efficient way to integrate exercise into your daily routine. Unlike lengthy static stretching routines, dynamic stretches can be completed in minutes while delivering powerful results. You can easily sneak in these stretches to invigorate your body and mind, whether you have a few minutes before work or during a lunch break.

6. Supports Mental Well-being:

The mind-body connection is undeniable, and dynamic stretching emphasizes this connection. As you engage in rhythmic movements and focus on your breath, you can experience a sense of mindfulness and stress relief. That can positively impact your mental well-being, helping you stay centered and present.

7. Versatility and Fun:

Dynamic stretching offers many movements, making it a versatile and enjoyable addition to your fitness routine. From leg swings and arm circles to walking lunges and hip rotations, the variety keeps your workouts fresh and exciting. You can tailor dynamic stretching to suit your fitness level and target specific muscle groups, ensuring a personalized experience every time.

How to Start with Dynamic Stretching:

  • Begin Gradually: Start with gentle movements. Remember, you may increase the intensity as your body becomes more accustomed to the practice.
  • Focus on Form: Pay attention to proper form and technique to maximize the benefits and reduce the risk of injury. Perform each movement with control and avoid overextending.
  • Incorporate into Warm-ups: Use these moves before your regular exercise routine. It will help you reap the full benefits and optimize your performance.
  • Listen to Your Body: Be mindful of your body’s responses during dynamic stretches. If you experience pain or discomfort, modify the movements or consult a fitness professional.

Five Dynamic Stretching Moves to Try

Here are some moves you probably already know – see, it’s easier than you thought!

1. Leg Swings:

Leg swings target the hip and leg muscles, including the hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. The dynamic movement of leg swings helps increase blood flow to these muscles, improving their flexibility and range of motion. The swinging action activates the muscles’ proprioceptors, enhancing balance and coordination.

How to Perform Leg Swings:

  • Stand next to a wall or sturdy support for balance.
  • Swing one leg forward and backward in a controlled manner.
  • Perform 10-15 swings on each leg.

2. Arm Circles:

Arm circles engage the shoulder and upper body muscles, such as the deltoids, triceps, and chest muscles. The circular motion helps warm up and loosen the shoulder joints while promoting increased blood circulation to the upper extremities. This exercise enhances shoulder mobility and flexibility.

How to Perform Arm Circles:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. (Note: You may modify that for seated workouts if unable to stand)
  • Extend your arms out to each side at shoulder height.
  • Begin making small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles.
  • Make 10-15 circles in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions.

3. Walking Lunges:

Walking lunges target the lower body, focusing on the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexors. The dynamic movement involves stretching these muscles as you lunge forward, promoting greater flexibility and strength. Walking lunges also activate the core muscles, improving balance and stability.

How to Perform Walking Lunges:

  • Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Step forward with your right leg, lowering your body into a lunge position.
  • Push with your right foot, bringing your left foot forward into the next lunge.
  • Continue walking forward, alternating legs, for 10-15 lunges on each side.

4. Hip Rotations:

Hip rotations target the hip joints and surrounding muscles, including the glutes and hip flexors. This exercise helps improve hip mobility and flexibility, reducing the risk of hip-related injuries. The circular motion engages the hip joint’s synovial fluid, lubricating it and promoting smoother movement.

How to Perform Hip Rotations:

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. If you struggle with balance, you may place your hand on a sturdy wall or chair for support.
  • Place your hands on your hips.
  • Rotate your hips in a circular motion, clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Do 10-15 rotations in each direction.

5. High Knees:

High knees are an excellent dynamic exercise that engages the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip flexors. Lifting the knees towards the chest rapidly activates these muscles, increasing blood flow and promoting flexibility. High knees also serve as an effective cardiovascular warm-up.

How to Perform High Knees:

  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart.
  • Start jogging in place, lifting your knees as high as possible towards your chest.
  • Pump your arms in sync with your knees’ movement for balance.
  • Perform high knees for 30-60 seconds. Go slow at first; you can add more time or speed up your pace as you become fitter.

Final Thoughts on Making Dynamic Stretching Part of Your Exercise Regime

Dynamic stretching offers a treasure trove of benefits, enhancing flexibility, blood circulation, coordination, and overall well-being. Incorporating these fluid movements into your fitness routine can prepare your body for exercise, experience the joy of movement, and embrace a more natural approach to health and wellness.

Remember, the key to success is starting gradually, being mindful of your body, and enjoying nurturing your body and mind through gentle and consistent movement.

So why wait? Embrace the power of dynamic stretching and elevate your fitness journey to new heights!

This 4-Part Program Helps People Beat Depression

If you want to beat depression, you need good coping skills. Do you often feel depressed and can’t explain why? The better you know yourself, the more you’ll understand your moods.

Your feelings aren’t static, and believing you can always be happy is unrealistic. According to UCLA-Berkeley, researchers have identified at least 27 human emotions. You’ll experience them at different intervals and in varying intensities.

Feeling Sadness Versus Depression

It’s not uncommon for you to feel sad, gloomy, or “blue” now and again. If you’re like most people, your mood will be on the upswing again in a day or so. Such infrequent low feelings don’t mean that you are clinically depressed.

However, you should be concerned if these depressed feelings persist for two weeks or more. The Mayo Clinic explains that this is more than just melancholy; you can’t just snap out of it. Here are some of the warning signs of a depressive episode:

  • Feeling sad, empty, hopeless, or crying a lot
  • Outbursts of anger and constant irritability over minor things
  • Loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, like hobbies
  • Restlessness and anxiety
  • Extreme exhaustion, low energy, a lack of motivation
  • Changes in sleep patterns, such as sleeping too much or not enough
  • Changes in eating habits, like overeating or ignoring the food. These will also bring changes in your weight.
  • Difficulty concentrating and frequently distracted
  • Moving and thinking slower than usual
  • Persistent feelings of self-loathing, worthlessness, and guilt
  • Frequent obsession with death, suicide, and suicidal ideation
  • Unusual and unexplained aches and pains


Four Part Program to Beat Depression

Do you recognize any of these symptoms, and have they persisted longer than two weeks? Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses and perhaps the easiest to treat. You needn’t remain in a state of misery because there’s hope.

The earlier you start building your defense, the easier it will be to overcome it. You’ve already taken the most challenging step and admitted that you need help. Here is a four-part program that you can use to beat depression and feel better.

1. Don’t Ignore Your Depressed Feelings

For generations, society has discouraged people from showing their feelings. They considered such displays as a sign of weakness, especially for men. If you felt hopeless or sad, you were expected to ignore it and go on as usual.

Keeping a stiff upper lip may seem brave, but it can have negative consequences in the long run. A study published by the National Library of Medicine demonstrates the link between emotional suppression and adverse effects on memory.

According to UCLA-Berkeley, hiding your feelings may lead to coronary disease, high blood pressure, and some forms of cancer. Repressing your emotions may only make symptoms of anxiety and depression worse. Is the façade worth the risks to your physical and mental health?

Just because you act like nothing’s bothering you doesn’t mean it will go away. It’s like turning all your faucets on full blast and expecting your house not to flood. How can you healthily cope with your emotions?

One way to beat depression is to learn how to show your emotions. Instead of hiding behind a smiley face, it’s okay to admit that you are sad or depressed. Being honest with yourself may bring a sense of relief.

For example:

Things at home and work are going relatively well, and your stress levels are average. However, you feel depressed, and you don’t know why. You don’t want your family, friends, and coworkers to worry, so keep it to yourself.

Instead, allow yourself to become aware of your emotions. Are there any difficult circumstances in your life that you choose to ignore? Maybe you have some issues in the past that you need to address.

Have you felt more lethargic lately and can’t seem to get motivated? Perhaps you’ve been short with people and feel like you can’t stand yourself. These uncharacteristic actions probably have an underlying cause.

Remember that it’s okay not to be okay sometimes. People don’t expect you to be all smiles and laughter every day. Not only is it okay to admit that you’re feeling down, but it can be a step toward healing.

2. Accept Your Depressed Mood for What It Is

It’s often human nature to want to sugarcoat how you feel and deny that you have depression. You may even be disappointed with yourself because you think you aren’t strong enough to face it. Another coping skill to beat depression is to accept your low mood for what it is.

Don’t beat yourself up and think you are “less than” because you’ve been down lately. It’ll only make you feel worse and intensify your symptoms. Please acknowledge that you’re depressed and will do something about it.

For example:

You’ve felt blue for the past few days and shrugged off your moods. Your partner and one of your fellow employees have noticed and shared their concerns. They say that you just haven’t been yourself lately.

Instead of changing the subject, you can beat depression by admitting that your moods are down. They’ll probably offer you a compassionate listening ear. You’ve identified your depression, and now you want to know why you feel this way.


3. Do Some Serious Soul Searching

Let’s face it; everybody has an occasional bad day. You argue with your partner during breakfast. Someone cuts you off in a traffic jam, and you’re late for work. These stressors aren’t challenging to identify as culprits for your low spirits.

However, some bouts of depression aren’t that simple to find. These are the ones that last for days or weeks at a time. You may think everything is fine, yet you feel like you are sinking in the quicksand of despair.

Soul searching is another one of the best depression coping tools. Look at yourself in the mirror and open your heart. The vulnerability may feel uncomfortable, but it’s an ideal way to understand yourself better.

Example 3:

Think of this best depression coping tool as spiritual self-care. Don’t be afraid to be brutally honest with yourself. Here are six questions to ponder in your mind or even aloud:

  1. Do you have any repressed emotions weighing on your mind?
  2. Is your life dull, and do you crave a change or variety?
  3. Do you feel stuck in a toxic personal or professional relationship and don’t know how to exit?
  4. How are you hindering yourself from realizing your dreams?
  5. Have you set appropriate boundaries for yourself and others?
  6. What do you need to bring more joy into your life?

These are difficult questions, and you may not like the answers. However, self-reflection and genuineness are good ways to beat depression. You can also do some of this self-care work by journaling, meditating, or practicing mindful breathing.

4. Be Compassionate with Yourself

Since you’re striving to be more honest with your thoughts and feelings, consider how you treat yourself. How many people would you have in your circle if you treated them the way you do yourself? If you admit that there would be few, then it’s time to make some positive changes.

Have you ever paid attention to the conversations in your mind? Analyzing your self-talk can be another way to beat depression. You might be shocked when you constantly realize the negative comments you throw at yourself.

Often, people internalize negative statements others have made about them. It can play in a continual loop in your mind until you begin to believe them yourself. Maybe your mind whispers that you’re not enough: not attractive, not thin, not successful, or not intelligent.

These false beliefs can be so ingrained in your subconscious that they can become self-fulfilling prophecies. According to the law of attraction, whatever affirmations you send into the Universe will return. So, negative affirmations will only bring more negativity into your life that won’t stop until you change your mindset.

For example:

When you hear your brain buzzing with negative self-talk, stop it in its tracks. To beat depression, you must turn these mean-spirited statements into compassionate ones. It takes work to overcome years of abusive self-talk, but you can do it with practice and determination.

Change your “not enough” into “more than enough.” Tell yourself that you are beautiful, intelligent, successful, and worthy of love and respect. Refuse to allow anyone in your life who disagrees with your affirmations.


Final Thoughts on the Four-Step Program to Beat Depression

You may have unhappiness and feel despair, but you don’t have to stay this way. Consider trying these things to beat depression and help you fight and win. You can walk out of the shadows and see the sunshine again.

Science Explains Why You Need Daily Exercise

It’s not uncommon for people to dedicate only a few days to exercise. After all, not everyone has the time and energy to go to the gym every single day. Some people choose a workout twice or three times a week, trying to go all out to make up for the days they’re not present. It’s even more probable that you only work out one group of muscles daily to give yourself rest time!

Of course, different things work for different people, and you’re completely welcome to do workouts in this manner. But if you’re pushing yourself to go to the gym for results, the truth is that you may not need to do this. Instead, you may be better off doing simple, short exercises at home every day instead of forcing yourself to do something you find too tedious and unsustainable.

This isn’t to say that discipline isn’t necessary or to discourage other exercise methods. It’s merely an alternative for those who aren’t fond of typical gym routines or spend time working out excessively once or twice a week. As it turns out, you’re most likely to benefit from daily, simple, small exercises.

But how does that work? Is that possible? The answer is yes, and it’s all backed by research! Here’s how a recent study explains how often you exercise and, most importantly, not how hard or intensely that workout is.

1.      The Study

The study we’ll be discussing is entitled “Greater effects by performing a small number of eccentric contractions daily than a larger number of them once a week.” It was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, a peer-reviewed journal, in July 2022.

This study sought to discover whether brief, short exercise periods five times weekly may provide superior results to one single prolonged exercise session each week. This was done with arm-resistance exercises performed at maximum strength. Participants were divided into three groups:


  • A 6 x 5 group. This group performed six arm resistance contractions for five days weekly.
  • A 30 x 1 group. This group performed one arm resistance contraction for one day weekly.
  • A 6 x 1 group. This group performed six arm resistance contractions for one day weekly.

The results were simple and clear. The 6 x 5 group gained muscle thickness and strength by the end of the study’s duration. The 30 x 1 group only built muscle thickness by comparison and did not build strength. The 6 x 1 group, as likely expected, did not show any signs of improvement.

While this study is specific to high-intensity strength training, it’s somewhat accurate. Consistency is most important when it comes to exercise, and even doing a little bit every day is better than having several-day stretches of nonactivity. However, the best exercise to apply this principle is strength training performed with maximum effort.

2.      Can These Findings Be Applied?

This study focused on precise parameters, which can raise questions about its real-world and practical feasibility. The truth is that while it can and should be applied to exercise principles, the study’s findings should be taken with a critical eye and balanced with other rationales. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

·         True Maximal Effort

Maximal effort means your muscles must work as intensely and hard as possible. Six contractions at this powerful extent are sufficient to apply the aforementioned study’s findings. Still, you must be sure you’re forcing the muscle to do its absolute best.

·         Lack Of Ways To Measure Effort

Unfortunately, for the study’s purposes, using an isokinetic dynamometer was central to the assurance of maximal strength. Unfortunately, this is quite unfeasible for most people, as that’s an expensive and specialized piece of equipment!

·         Soreness

Such extreme pushes of muscles can cause significant soreness and may be a deterrent for those who want to do this regularly. It can also pose a risk of injury for those with disabilities or prior sprains and breakages.

The good news is that it’s highly likely that the principle of frequent, intense exercise as a better option than inconsistent workouts is still sound. You can apply these findings to various resistance and strength exercises. The critical part is the finishing contractions of these exercises or their eccentric portions.

But what do we mean by “eccentric”? To better understand this, here’s an explanation of the format of a strength training exercise. There are three primary phases in each exercise of this variety, namely:

·         Concentric

This first phase is about shortening the muscle you’re targeting and contracting it as far as necessary to overcome resistance or gravity.

·         Isometric

This second phase is the transition phase, where your muscle remains stationary after entering a concentric position.

·         Eccentric

This final third phase is when you lengthen the muscle while bearing the load from the concentric phase, and you bring that load back to the starting position to repeat.

Eccentric phases are the point where you lengthen your muscles to their peak. To achieve maximal effort here, you should slow down the return of your muscles to their initial positions. This increases the intensity of the exercise and provides significant benefits to muscle and strength gain, even when done for only short periods of time, five times a week.


3.      How To Maximise The Benefits Of Frequent, Short Exercise Sessions

If you’re aiming to focus on frequent and consistent but ultimately brief periods of exercise, you’ll have to ensure you’re getting the most out of the effort. Doing this incorrectly may prevent you from gaining the muscle strength and thickness that you’re hoping for. As such, you must ensure that your exercise allows you to reach your goals. Here are some tips for this purpose:

·         Choose The Correct Difficulty

At all times when performing strength training, you need to be choosing a challenging weight. Even when not aiming for maximal effort, the weight has to be sufficiently heavy that you can’t perform over twenty reps with the weight. Opt for something even more challenging for these short, frequent exercises. Ensure you’re careful – excessively heavy weight can cause injury, even when you have a spotter. Regularly check your difficulty as the weeks progress, as you’ll likely need to increase weight often.

·         Choose Good Exercises

According to studies, isolation and compound muscle-building exercises focus on a specific range of muscles, respectively. Each is practical for building muscle quickly. You’ll probably want to get a good mix of both types of exercises into your routine for good long-term results. Simple things like bicep curls and isolated movements are excellent for specific work, but pull-ups and back squats for compound muscle workouts are also fantastic. Try a few options and see what works best for you!

·         Take Rest Days

There’s a reason that, even during the study, the maximum amount of times the exercise was done was five days a week. This is because the human body benefits tremendously from various forms of rest for all functions, and exercise is no exception. Proper muscle repair, which builds muscles to new thickness and strength, requires multiple processes, such as protein synthesis. Most of these take a good amount of time to be kicked into gear, with studies showing that the minimum is twelve hours for some. This is why you should take a rest day after every three or four days of consecutive, back-to-back exercise. This will ensure that you’re not overtraining and that your body can build itself well.

·         Eat Well

When exercising, it’s tempting to apply the rules that diet culture has imposed on us. But eating well is quite essential for ensuring effective results. So, whether you’re looking to build muscle or get fitter in general, you should make sure that you consume enough protein for muscle repair, enough carbohydrates for energy, and enough healthy fats for health and satiety.

If you’re focusing on muscle growth, you should eat about 1.6 grams of protein per pound of your body weight. You’ll also likely want to seek out healthy cutting and bulking processes if long-term, serious muscle gain is your goal. However, you may have trouble reaching huge goals with only short sessions, even when they’re done frequently.


Final Thoughts On The Importance Of Exercising Often

Effective exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. For example, you can gain benefits from simple daily training with minimal reps. However, suppose you can dedicate your total effort and maximum energy to just ten minutes of certain workouts. In that case, you’ll be impressed by how much strength you can gain consistently, feasible, and sustainably.

You are, of course, always welcome to up the ante and do bigger, more intense workouts. After all, it’s not necessarily the intensity of the exercise that proves most effective, but their frequency. Of course, this doesn’t mean that this will be an easy process, but it will be one that you can feasibly fit into your everyday routine without suffering and losing motivation.

How fast might it take you to gain muscle in this manner? Serious weight training can take months or even years, with healthy eating on the side and intelligent, consistent routines. However, you can expect to gain around 0.5 pounds of muscle growth per month by doing short, intense exercises five times a week. If you take training to the next level, you may gain up to two pounds of muscle growth each month instead.

It’s essential to be patient when working toward a fitness goal. Opting for quick results over consistent, steady, slow progress is usually how you create unsustainable workout practices. Instead, work on consistency, self-discipline, and regularity before going for anything big. Even just two pounds of muscle per month can net you a whopping 24 pounds of growth per year, which is quite impressive!

How to Release Regret in 4 Steps

Regret is a powerful thing that can slowly but surely take over your life. On the one hand, you likely know that living in the past is unhelpful and unproductive. On the other, you may feel you deserve the negative emotions you’re experiencing thanks to the subject of your regret. Ultimately, keeping remorse within you and leaving it unprocessed is unhealthy. Here’s how to release regret in four steps.

1.      Identify and Acknowledge Your Regret

Many people who feel remorse and regret try to protect themselves from the pain of that regret through denial. But, unfortunately, that’s why it can take so long to admit that regret exists. So by the time you can pinpoint regrets, it’s been so long that you no longer view them realistically.

As with all instructions designed to help you overcome something difficult, the first step is to identify and acknowledge the existence of that difficult something. You cannot face, overcome, process, or reflect on something you cannot recognize or acknowledge. For example, regret may occur because of something you blame yourself for doing or for not doing, and it may involve feelings such as:


  • Anxiety
  • Loss
  • Anger
  • Sadness
  • Shame
  • Remorse
  • Overthinking
  • Defeat
  • Hopelessness
  • Embarrassment
  • Stress

These emotions are normal effects of being overly regretful, and it’s a prime example of how studies show the negative effects of regret and well-being. Worse still, you can get trapped in regret if you don’t release it, meaning these emotions will worsen further and further. So acknowledge and accept these feelings so you can think about them healthily. Use specific terms to refer to your emotions to acknowledge them.

Regret can also arise from a wide variety of different situations and circumstances. There’s no such thing as something too silly or “trivial” to be a regret. Of course, this emotion can take various forms for different people. Examples of subjects that may be the source of regret include:

  • Family – such as not settling an issue with a now-passed family member, not spending more time with your kids, drifting apart from your cousins, not putting more effort into a marriage, or not raising your kids how you want to.
  • Lifestyle – such as moving to the wrong town, not exercising enough in your youth, giving up a hobby or skill, or not saving enough money in the past.
  • Work – such as working too much, choosing the wrong career, not taking up a life-changing job offer, or going into business with the wrong person.

It is also essential to identify helpful or productive feelings of regret. When used well, some types of regret may propel you to do better, learn, change, and grow, and it won’t drag you down or make you unhappy. Of course, these regrets still need to be processed, but you may not find it necessary to “release” them in the same way as unproductive regret.

2.      Express the Regret to Yourself

To release something, you must express it. Nothing ever gets properly released without it being said. It can be tough to admit to things that hurt deeply, but it would be counterproductive to bottle them up.

Besides, studies show that emotional repression amplifies and worsens feelings over time in your subconscious, sometimes twisting the initial feeling into something uglier. As a result, you may lash out at others, behave in unhealthy ways, and experience worse feelings that you don’t understand the roots of.

This is why expressing your feelings is crucial to healing and releasing regret. You can do this in the following ways:

·         Write An Apology To Those You’ve Hurt

You are not entitled to anyone’s forgiveness, nor are you entitled to their audience. And even if they wanted to hear from you, sometimes you’re not personally prepared for that process or to be reasonable and rational about it. So that’s why you can begin to release how you feel by writing an apology to the people you’ve hurt and that are part of the regrets you experience.

Write everything you feel in these letters, even if you would never say it to those people. You never have to show these letters to anyone, so write without fear of judgment. This can help you to process the most painful experiences so you can truly feel them, paving the way for more analytical reflection later.

·         Write Letters To Yourself

Writing to yourself regularly, whether in a journal or by other means, is a beautiful way to process your emotions. You can write to your younger self, future self, or even your current self. Write these notes to yourself daily.

You can re-read these letters regularly, after certain intervals, or never. The goal is to express how you feel in a judgment-free zone and gently, as if writing to a friend who needs to hear a hard truth but who you also love dearly.

·         Seek Therapy to Overcome the Remorse or Regret

When regret is very powerful, you may benefit from seeking professional help from a licensed mental health professional. Finding a therapist who feels like the “right fit” for you may take a while, but the process will be very much worth it. A professional provides an unbiased, third-person perspective while teaching you the tools you need and can use to progress in your life.


3.      Be Kind To Yourself When You Release Regret

Regret can drive you to think the worst possible things about yourself. When consumed by guilt and shame, it is tough not to view yourself as despicable in many ways. Therefore, it is essential to release regret by being kind to yourself.

While you can admit the errors of your ways and take accountability for your missteps, it is equally important to remember that you are human. You, just like everyone else, are a human being, which means you’re going to make a few significant mistakes in your life. So don’t hold yourself to standards you wouldn’t hold anyone else to!

·         Distract Yourself

You don’t deserve to wallow in sadness forever! Instead, spend time immersing yourself in new hobbies, enjoying things you’ve always liked. Or distract yourself with something that makes you feel good. While distractions can be taken too far and eventually used as a crutch or form of denial, they’re also useful so you can take a break and recharge. You can’t release regret, process emotions, learn lessons, or make amends if you’re burned out from all that remorse.

·         Forgive Yourself; Don’t Carry the Remorse

Regret is often a source of powerful resentment that can damage your relationship with others and, ultimately, yourself. This is why it is endlessly crucial that you practice self-forgiveness. Own up to how you feel and what you did, but show yourself the same forgiveness you would give to someone else. Recognize your growth. Recognize that you have changed. And, of course, recognize that you will not make these same mistakes again now that you have learned. Then, finally, forgive yourself and let your character speak for itself and who you are.

·         Use Daily Affirmations to Overcome Feelings of Remorse

Don’t define yourself by your past regrets. Daily affirmations are a great way to remind yourself about who you are, what you stand for, and what truly matters. This will allow you to rebuild your confidence with positive words and ideas.

4.      Transform Regret Into Something New

Regret is a complex emotion that can be overwhelming, consuming, and confusing with everything it touches. But if you allow yourself to use it productively, it can be transformed into an emotion or experience that will serve you much better. There is something very powerful about overcoming regret and using it as a tool for your betterment! Here are some things that regret can be transformed into:

·         Empathy

Feeling regret and learning to manage it means you’re uniquely empathizing deeply with others who have regrets. They don’t even have the same regrets as yours. Therefore, you’ll be able to understand the confusion and pain they’re experiencing on a level that others may not. In addition, extending your kindness to others can often give you a sense of purpose, which is also a helpful way of dealing with regret and other negative emotions while improving well-being, say studies.

·         Use Remorse to Set New Goals

When you learn to process regret, you can use it to shape your future goals. While you shouldn’t use regret as the sole motivating factor for all future goals, you can use their experience and knowledge to create better future goals. You can also use regrets to inspire you to repair old mistakes in a healthy way.

·         Gratitude

Regret often involves statements like “I should have,” “Why couldn’t I?” and “What if.” Instead of using those statements, you can reflect on the past with a reframed and more positive lens.

For example, do not think, “I can’t believe I didn’t finish university!”

Instead, you should say, “I’m glad that there’s no age limit on going to university,” or “I am grateful for the experience I had outside of the university.” Research states that gratitude is a huge and essential part of healthy well-being and can significantly improve your happiness, which will also help you process regret.

·         Lessons Learned From Regret

One of the most valuable parts of regret is the lessons it can teach you. When you experience regret, it’s because there was something you missed or a mistake you made, and that’s an incredible learning opportunity. So, find the lessons that each regret teaches you and resolve to learn intelligently from them. This is how you’ll ensure you learn from your mistakes, which can help you overcome regret much more quickly.


Final Thoughts On Some Ways To Release Regret For A Fulfilling Life

You don’t have to let regret rule your life. Remorse and the past teach you valuable lessons. They also hold you accountable; knowing that you have to move on with your life is essential. The things you’ve done or left undone are not what define you. Instead, you are defined by what you choose to do after your mistakes and the decisions you continue to make moving forward.

20 Entrepreneurs Who Learned from Failure and Bounced Back

When you think of successful entrepreneurs, you don’t always know their stories. Many of them learned from failure and persevered. Their stories not only remind you that failure isn’t the end, but it’s also a reminder that massive success is possible.

Coming back from failure is more than possible, and you can find more success than you ever expected. Everyone has stories of setbacks because these experiences are necessary for life lessons. You can find inspiration in the growth and success of people who struggled to reach the top.

Their setbacks can also teach valuable lessons you would have had to learn the hard way. You won’t always get things right the first time, but you can learn from failure and people who have experienced it.

Twenty Entrepreneurs Who Learned from Failure and Bounced Back

Most startup companies don’t last, but the entrepreneurs who persevere go on to have successful businesses. You may be surprised by some of the successful people on the list, but it only shows that everyone experiences setbacks. Persistence is essential, as these entrepreneurs prove.


1 – Reid Hoffman

Hoffman co-founded LinkedIn, but he didn’t get there until he learned from setbacks. He once created an online dating and social networking site called SocialNet. This platform eventually failed, but he learned from it and bounced back.

2 – Jonathan Franchell

Franchell, founder and principal at Ironpaper, struggled to create a training program for his employees the first time around. He didn’t account for different learning styles, leading to a lack of retention or comprehension. Franchell also didn’t account for the lack of using the material in the daily work environment. Despite the early failure, the young entrepreneur kept a positive attitude and eventually thrived.

3 – Vera Wang

Many people know Wang as a fashion designer specializing in wedding gowns. However, she once aspired to have a figure skating career. She competed in figure skating competitions and dreamed of competing in the Olympic games but didn’t make the team.

Wang went on to work for Vogue, becoming a senior fashion editor. However, she experienced another setback when she applied for the editor-in-chief position at Vogue but didn’t get the job.

It wasn’t until she became frustrated by her bridal gown selection during her engagement that she decided to design her own. After that, she opened a bridal boutique and became an iconic fashion designer worldwide.

4 – Nicholas Woodman

The founder of GoPro, Goodman, didn’t find immediate success in his attempts as an entrepreneur. Before his GoPro success, he had two startup failures, including a marking and gaming platform.

5 – Meridith Valiando Rojas

As the CEO and founder of DigiTour Media, Rojas learned the importance of social media the hard way. One of her clients got dropped from a record label, showing her how important it is to market her artists. Without that setback, she wouldn’t have developed the skills it took to co-found DigiTour. Since then, she’s accomplished many other great things, including working her way up at Logitech.

6 – Akio Morita

The founder of Sony, Morita, wasn’t always a successful or well-known entrepreneur. His first product was a rice cooker than burnt the rice and never made it to the market.

He started with a friend with little money between them, building a successful business. Sony produced home video recorders, cameras, and other products, offered at an affordable price.

7 – Colonel Harland Sanders

Col. Sanders was 65 years old and living on little money before deciding to franchise his fried chicken recipe. He started by offering the recipe to restaurants in his area but got rejected over 1,000 times.

These setbacks didn’t stop him, and he eventually had more than six hundred franchises. The unexpectedly quick expansion was overwhelming, and Sanders sold his business while continuing to travel and film to promote the company.

8 – Peter Thiel

Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal, wasn’t always successful. His first hedge fund cost the company billions of dollars in losses. However, he bounced back, co-founded PayPal, built investments, and co-founded other companies.

9 – Leo Widrich

Widrich moved from his home country of Austria to found a startup in San Francisco, not knowing what he was getting involved in. Rather than giving up when money became scarce, he persevered and believed in himself. He went on to co-found Buffer, a successful tech business.

10 – Arianna Huffington

The co-founder of the Huffington Post, Huffington, had her second book rejected by 36 publishers. However, she persevered and went on to find success.

11 – Kathryn Minshew

Minshew put her life savings into a company with a few other co-founders. A dispute between them led to Minchew losing website access and all of her savings, receiving nothing in return. When she thought there was nowhere left to turn, she started over. Minshew learned from what happened and co-founded The Muse with a former member of her team who also lost access.

12 – James Dyson

Dyson didn’t find immediate success with his bagless vacuum cleaner. He spent five years developing his first model, and manufacturers in the United States still rejected it. This rejection led to him selling the vacuum in other countries first, finding major success.


13 – Henry Blodget

Blodget launched Business Insider, but his life wasn’t always a success story. He once worked on Wall Street until a civil securities-fraud complaint cost him his job. This complaint regarded a conflict of interest between the banking and research divisions. Blodget’s failure led him to launch a business, becoming one of the most trusted entrepreneurs in the business world.

14 – Evan Williams

Williams is a co-founder of Blogger and Twitter. Before finding success, he had two projects that didn’t work out. One of those projects was a podcasting platform, and the other was a project management software company.

15 – Walt Disney

Disney was fired from a newspaper in his twenties and had a venture called Laugh-o-gram Studios that went bankrupt. Additionally, he lost money on several Disney movies, including Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Bambi. However, he kept pushing and following his dream, eventually winning 32 Academy Awards.

16 – Fred Smith

FedEx is well-known these days, but it wasn’t always that way. Smith wrote the original idea for a college paper and developed the idea into what it is today. He took the ideas from his report that weren’t well-thought-out and learned what he could do to make it work. It’s now a highly used service that led to his success.

17 – Milton Hershey

Hershey opened his first candy shop when he was only eighteen years old. After five years, he went out of business. This setback didn’t stop him, as he continued being an entrepreneur.

He then worked for a confectioner, learning to make caramel with fresh milk. After some time, he was ready to try again. However, once again, he experienced setbacks two more times.

He persevered and had faith in his abilities, founding the Lancaster Caramel Company and successfully bouncing back. Hershey became interested in making chocolate, eventually founding the Hershey Chocolate Company. He found out how to mass-produce chocolate, leading to success.

18 – David Barnett

Barnett, the inventor of PopSockets, created the product to wrap headphone cords around to prevent them from getting tangled. His original idea was to produce a phone case with the PopSockets already on them, but it didn’t work out. With cell phones changing so frequently, he needed a versatile product. He went back to design PopSockets with an adhesive back so they could be attached to any mobile device.

19 – Jon Beekman

The founder and CEO of Man Crates, Beekman, failed at his first venture. He didn’t ask his customers what they wanted before developing his product.

He worked with his team to develop what they thought the customers wanted and found out they missed the mark. It was too late to change the plan when they realized the mistake. However, he became the founder of a successful company, bouncing back from his mistake.

20 – Soichiro Honda

Honda wasn’t an instant success, as he failed at his first idea. He tried selling the automotive parts he created to Toyota, but it didn’t work out. Later, he invented a 2-stoke motor to attach to bicycles before going on to manufacturing cars.

Six Reasons to Become an Entrepreneur

If you’re unsure if you should become an entrepreneur, assess what you want. Being unhappy is an indication that you need something new. These are some of the reasons to consider becoming an entrepreneur:

  • developing a work-life balance
  • not receiving deserved recognition at a job
  • being in control of your career
  • working on your passions
  • solving a problem that matters
  • setting your schedule

Nine Tips for Being an Entrepreneur

  • trust your instinct
  • focus on your business to keep it growing
  • build a high-quality team when it’s necessary
  • tell your story
  • ask for help from talented people
  • pay attention to your customers and clients
  • make decisions quickly by going with your gut
  • use data whenever you can
  • don’t give up even when setbacks occur


Final Thoughts on Entrepreneurs Who Learned from Failure and Bounced Back

You don’t have to stay at your job as an employee forever if you’re unhappy. Wanting more out of your life is what you need to consider your passions and decide where you want to be in the future. Don’t give up if your first entrepreneur experience doesn’t work out because there’s always another chance to try again.

As these entrepreneurs prove, finding your path to success sometimes might take a failure or two. Don’t give up on your dreams because you can try new methods until you receive the desired results.

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