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15 Daily Habits to Wake Up Smiling

15 Daily Habits to Wake Up Smiling

You usually awaken refreshed and smiling when you’ve slept soundly through the night. Your pleasant mood may last all day, and you tend to be more optimistic. The good news is that there are several things you can do to start your morning on a positive note.

How you prepare the night before will often set the mood for the next morning. Reviewing your next day’s schedule and preparing in advance, you won’t feel rushed when you awaken. Also, nightly self-care rituals like leisurely baths and beauty treatments prepare you for a restful sleep.

Fifteen Tips to Wake Up Smiling and Feel More Positive

Do you want to discover ways to awaken on the right side of the bed and be more positive during the day? It can be as easy as changing or adding a few tasks to your evening rituals. Try these helpful tips to boost your morning mood and have it last throughout the day.


1. Recall Your Dreams

Although you may not recall your nightly dreams, you still have them. An article published by the International Association for the Study of Dreams explains that everyone dreams. Your dreams are more vivid during periods of rapid eye movement, or REM, states the article.

Many cultures and religious traditions believe that dreams are your body’s way of understanding what’s happening in your life. Consider keeping a pen and paper on your nightstand to record your dreams. You can write them down at night or as soon as you awaken in the morning.

Tracking your dreams may be a way to peer into your subconscious and discover clues about things that bother you. Reviewing your dream journal may be a tool for finding solutions and making you feel better. You’ll spend more mornings smiling and being optimistic during your days.

2. Exercise to Start the Day Smiling

If you need another benefit of exercise, consider that it may kick off your mornings on a happier note. Plus, stretching and warming up your muscles can mean less stiffness and joint pain during the day. Even taking just fifteen to twenty minutes for a morning walk can make a noticeable difference.

Plan your morning exercise regimen early so it doesn’t cut your time short for other daily chores. Exercising encourages your brain to release endorphins, often called the “feel good” hormones. You’re strengthening and toning your muscles while smiling the whole time.

3. Start Smiling When You Leave The Phone Away From the Nightstand

Although it’s difficult to believe, humans have existed fine for thousands of years without cellphones, computers, and other technology. If you’re like most folks, the first thing you do when the morning alarm sounds is to grab your phone. Of course, you may need to check for emergency messages or missed calls, but the non-essentials can wait.

Why start your day with emails, spam, and endless social media drama? Plus, it wastes time you could spend doing something more productive. Make your loved one smile instead of scrolling on your phone and marking comments with smiling emoticons.

4. Meditate to Be Positive Throughout the Day

Remember those particular hormones called endorphins that increase your feeling of well-being? You can also boost them when you practice meditation. If you set aside a few minutes each morning to meditate, you’ll be more centered and have greater clarity throughout the day.

Sitting alone with your thoughts can also reduce your stress levels. Less stress means you’ll have more energy and be more optimistic. The boost in your mood can help you stay smiling instead of frowning.

5. Count Your Blessings

Even though you have problems in your life, you still have many blessings. Try making a list of the things you’re grateful for each morning. Think of your family, friends, pets, home, job, and everything that brings joy to your life. A thankful heart and a smiling face tell the world you are truly blessed.

6. Relax with a Cup of Tea or Coffee

Perhaps nothing makes your morning more pleasant than freshly brewed coffee. Maybe you prefer to read the morning paper with a cup of tea. Neither is inspiring if you must gulp them down in a big hurry.

Be kind and awaken early enough to sip your favorite beverage more leisurely. You can set your electric brewer to start a few minutes before your alarm clock buzzes. You could also treat yourself to a treat in your local coffee shop.

Are you trying to cut down or eliminate caffeine in your diet? Why not enjoy a refreshing cup of decaf coffee or herbal tea? Choose herbal teas that can help lower your stress and improve your mood.

7. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

How often have you rushed out the door with nothing but a cup of java in the morning? Your parents encouraged you to eat a balanced breakfast for a good reason. An article published by The University of Michigan explains that it helps your body perform best.

Give yourself fifteen to twenty minutes to enjoy breakfast with your family in the morning. Choose lean proteins, whole grains, fruit, and healthy fats. The Internet is a treasure trove of quick and easy recipes that you can prepare in advance for a nutritious breakfast.


8. Write in Your Journal

Think of your journal as a close friend with whom you can confide your deepest thoughts and dreams. Journal writing has many benefits, from improving your mood to minimizing stress. It only takes a few minutes to jot down your ideas and goals for each new day.

It can be a part of your morning meditation practice. When you sit down with your journal in the evenings, you can compare your thoughts and feelings. Not only can journaling give voice to your emotions, but it can enhance your creativity.

9. Try Deep Breathing Exercises

Before you get out of bed in the morning, take a few deep, cleansing breaths. Inhale deeply through your nostrils, hold for a few seconds, then gently exhale through your lips. Notice how it almost instantly soothes you and puts you in a positive mind.

10. Play with Your Pet

Pets are one of the greatest gifts humans can ever have. They love you unconditionally and bring abundant joy to your life. There’s nothing like being greeted in the morning with warm affection from your furry friend to raise your optimistic outlook on the day.

Caring for an animal friend can give your life more purpose and improve your mental health. Spending time with them in the morning can keep you smiling at their playful antics. Pets are a beautiful example of living in the moment and finding joy in minor things.

11. Listen to a Positive Thinking Audiobook or Podcast

Listen to an inspiring audiobook or podcast instead of weighing yourself down with the doom and gloom of morning newscasts. Listening to something uplifting while doing morning exercises or chores is fun. Maybe you can learn a new language or gain some valuable knowledge.

12. Soak Up Some Rays to Stay Smiling All Day

It’s so refreshing to awaken to the sunshine, smiling through your curtains. Did you know your body uses sunlight to make Vitamin D and improve your mood? Try to get a healthy dose of sunshine in the mornings and watch it brighten your day.

13. Stop Worrisome Thoughts in Their Tracks

It’s only human to worry about situations in your life, even before they happen. However, fretting and worrying can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. It can increase negative energy and make you feel like you’re carrying the world’s weight.

Meditation and journaling can help you deal with your thoughts so you worry less. When you minimize your worries, it boosts your positive side and enhances your overall well-being. You’ll spend less time fussing and more time living.

14. Don’t Oversleep

There’s nothing more tempting than to sleep in on the weekends and on your days off. Maybe you run a sleep deficit all week and are ready to crash on the weekends. While you deserve an occasional late morning, making it a habit can work against you.

Most people feel better when they go to bed at night and awake in the morning at the same time every day. It keeps your circadian rhythm balanced as well as your energy levels. You’re less likely to be sleep-deprived when you practice healthy sleep habits.

15. Wake Up Smiling if Your Bedroom is Clean and Organized

Have you ever noticed that your moods can be affected by your surroundings? If your bedroom looks like a tornado hit it, and clutter is everywhere, you feel stressed and restless. You try to fall asleep, but you can only feel guilty about not being awake and cleaning.

Conversely, a clean and organized bedroom becomes a private haven of rest. Make a habit of cleaning your room and making your bed every day. You’ll sleep better at night and greet the morning in the comfort of a lovely boudoir.


Final Thoughts on Waking Up Smiling and Positive

How you spend your first waking moments can set the pace for the rest of your day. When you are proactive and prepare the night before, it makes a big difference. You may never be a morning person, but following these hints can keep your optimistic levels high and you smiling.

10 Benefits of Burst Training (Burns the Most Belly Fat!) 

Burst training or High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can help you get into shape faster than regular workouts. If you’re looking for an aerobic exercise that builds strength, melts your belly fat, and makes you feel great, burst training could be for you. Here are ten reasons you should try burst training.

High-intensity interval training became popular several years ago, but a type of intense interval training was first introduced in the 1950s. Back then, this training method improved the performance of Olympic athletes. Today, many everyday people use burst training for their workouts. You only need to do four to six sets of thirty to sixty-second bursts of exercise at least thrice weekly. Don’t push yourself beyond this. Be sure you take some days to rest. 

Ten Good Reasons to Try Burst Training, Including Burning of Belly Fat

Here are some convincing reasons why you should give this workout a try. As with any new fitness program, check with your family doctor before you start–especially if you have any known health concerns.

burst training

1. Burst training boosts your growth hormone levels

Burst training stimulates growth hormones in both men and women. Growth hormones regulate the body’s muscles, tissue, bone, and fat. It also affects your metabolism, such as your insulin action and blood sugar levels. As you age, growth hormones decrease. 

2. Increase fat burning

Although cardio exercises are practical, they can’t burn fat as quickly or thoroughly as HIIT. On the other hand, burst training effectively burns fat because it depletes your stored glycogen(sugar) to use as immediate energy during the bursts. As a result, your body burns fat for as long as 24 to 48 hours to replace glycogens. A short 15-minute burst exercise gives you 48 hours of belly fat burn. What a great trade-off! 

3. Burst training takes less time for better results

HIIT works in circuits or intervals. You do a series of bursts, including strength training and cardio for at least 10x each. There are five different exercises within each circuit. Each circuit should take you at least fifteen minutes. For instance, one beginning 15-minute circuit of burst training could be:

  • Jumping with high knees
  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Ab lowers
  • Planks
  • Depending on your fitness level, you can modify these exercises if needed. You can do burst training can be done three times a week. It’s essential to take rest days to allow your body to recover. Other types of burst exercises you could include in the circuit are:
  • Biking
  • Jumping rope
  • Jumping jacks
  • High jumps
  • Running in place
  • Burpees

4. Burst training is easy

Burst training is efficient and easy to do. Everyone has fifteen minutes in their busy day to do HIIT. Do you want to lose weight and get into shape without joining a gym or buying costly exercise equipment? Burst training might be a good option for you.

Of course, your diet is also essential for losing belly fat. Some doctors suggest that 80% of your weight loss is through diet. So, eat low sugar, lots of fruits and veggies, and whole-grain carbohydrates. 

5. Revs up your metabolism 

One of the most significant advantages of HIIT is that it helps you continue to burn calories after you finish exercising. It increases your metabolism, so you burn belly fat for anywhere from 24 to 48 hours after exercise. Other practical exercises don’t rev up your metabolism as burst training does. This is because it causes your body to use up stored fat as energy. That’s why some people have lost weight and seen muscle mass growth after only two weeks of HIIT. 

Learn how HIIT workouts can help blast away fat.

6. Helps you lose belly fat

Most people would love to trim down a bit of belly fat. Wanting to lose the fat around your belly is a good goal because it’s dangerous. Belly fat surrounds your internal organs. This puts you at risk for several health problems, including diabetes, liver problems, and heart disease. It’s hard to lose belly fat because it’s these fat cells don’t respond readily to the fat-burning process called lipolysis. This fat just won’t let go. But burst training can help you get this fat moving. Exercising at a maximum effort burns your body’s stored sugar. It causes your body to burn for the next day or two, including your stubborn belly fat. Of course, you must eat right. If you overeat, you won’t see the results. 

7. You gain muscle with burst training

Besides losing belly fat, HIIT increases your muscle strength. Depending on what exercises you do in your circuits, this is where you’ll gain the most muscles. That’s why doing various cardio and strength training exercises for overall muscle mass is good. Most people notice they gain muscle in their legs and trunk. You’ll see a significant muscle change when you start burst training if you’re not that active. 

  • Exercises for arm muscles: Planks, push-ups, burpees
  • Moves to build your leg muscles: Jumping jacks, marching in place, jumping rope.
  • Exercises to build core or trunk muscles: Sit-ups, plants, shoulder taps, butterfly sit-ups

8. Boosts your oxygen

Aerobic exercises boost your oxygen input and output. It’s a great workout to get your blood moving. Your blood delivers oxygen to your body’s cells. When you breathe fresh oxygen into your lungs, your red blood cells bind with the oxygen and take it into your bloodstream. Oxygen helps

  • Replace old cells that wear out
  • Supplies energy for your body
  • Supports your immune system
  • Increases your ability to focus
  • Improves your sleep
  • Helps your mood

You need fifteen minutes of burst training three times a week to see improved oxygen consumption. Some say it can increase by almost 10% with HIIT.  

9. Lowers your heart rate

Burst training melts belly fat and improves your oxygen levels. It also helps lower your heart rate. Why is a low heart rate a good thing? A lower heart rate usually means you have a higher level of physical fitness. In addition, a low heart rate reduces your chances of a heart attack. Of course, when you’re doing HIIT, the goal is to elevate your heart rate for the best benefits. Most high-intensity exercises have a rest time. This could be approximately thirty to sixty seconds of work, then thirty to sixty seconds of rest or low-impact level exercises per circuit. This allows time for you to recuperate. Exercising like this will improve your heart rate and strengthen your heart. Other heart-related benefits of burst training include these:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lose weight
  • Lower resting heart rate 
  • More endurance
  • Lower BMI in people with normal blood pressure

10. It helps reduce your blood sugar

Burst training for only twelve weeks can lower your blood sugar. In addition, it improves your insulin resistance more than regular aerobic exercises. If you think you’re at risk for type 2 diabetes, trying HIIT may be worthwhile to see if it helps you manage your blood sugar levels. 

Are There Any Negatives to Burst Training?

Too much burst training could backfire on your health goals. HIIT does improve your endurance and helps you lose belly fat, but it can also stress your body. It’s best to do moderate amounts of HIIT workouts. Avoid burst training daily because it can stagnate your fitness and damage your health. Some of the negatives of HIIT include:

  • It may not be for everyone: It can stress your heart and immune system. Burst training can cause your body to release too much cortisol, a stress hormone. This can lead to autoimmune problems. 
  • Can make you dizzy: The alternating exercises can make you dizzy and feel nauseous. Your blood pressure is dropping too quickly, making you feel dizzy. Take longer breaks in between workouts. Shift to lower-intensity exercises. 
  • Sore muscles: This is common in all exercises, but high-intensity training can overexert your muscles to risk causing damage. 
  • Risk of injury: HIIT is a fast-paced exercise. If you do it the wrong way, you risk injuring yourself. Always stretch before and after you do a workout. Listen to your body. If you feel pain, stop the exercise. 

So, if you want to continue doing HIIT, limit it to no more than ninety minutes a week. Keep your circuits to fifteen to thirty minutes over a week. Rest in the alternate days. Never do HIIT two days in a row. It’s better to miss a day of exercise than push your body too hard. If you want, you can do strength training in moderation on rest days. 

burst training

Final Thoughts on Giving Burst Training (HIIT) A Try

Many people like burst training because of the fantastic benefits gained in a short amount of time. You can burn your belly, strengthen your muscles, and build your muscle mass quickly. Intensity training is a variety of aerobic workouts along with strength training bursts. Overdoing HIIT could be detrimental, so be sure to use moderation using it. 

If you want to lose weight plus improve your fitness, burst training could be for you. Then, you’re guaranteed to get into shape quickly. 

10 Acid Reflux Symptoms to Never Ignore

Some people have acid reflux symptoms without knowing it because sure signs of acid reflux mimic other conditions. You could have heartburn if you have a burning feeling in your throat or chest, especially at night when you lie down. Stomach acid backflows into your esophagus are called acid reflux. Acid reflux causes heartburn. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) is the medical name for acid reflux. Some use GERD, acid reflux, and heartburn interchangeably to describe the same condition.

But no matter what you call it, acid reflux symptoms are painful.

Ten acid reflux symptoms never to ignore

Here are ten acid reflux symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. If you have these signs, it’s time to see your family doctor.

acid reflux symptoms

1. Trouble swallowing is one of the early acid reflux symptoms

Foods that cause acid reflux irritate your throat. You may have trouble swallowing, or the irritation may cause a dry cough, sore throat, or wheezing. It’s easy to assume you have an allergy. Researchers say that approximately 20% of adults in the United States suffer from GERD. Other acid reflux throat symptoms include:

  • Choking
  • Tight throat
  • Constantly clearing your throat

2. A “lump in your throat” feeling might be heartburn

Feeling a lump in your throat is an easy-to-miss acid reflux symptom. It’s easy to dismiss it as allergies or a cold symptom. However, the stomach acid flows into your esophagus, which causes swelling in your throat tissue. This swelling pushes into your larynx, making you feel like a big ball in your stomach. 

3. Bad breath is perhaps the most embarrassing of the acid reflux symptoms

Besides heartburn, many people with acid reflux complain about having bad breath. As the stomach, acids, undigested foods, and bile get regulated into your esophagus, it seeps into your pharynx, causing bad breath. Others can smell the acid on your breath. As a result, you might burp, which only worsens the smell. People with acid reflux can also notice their bad breath when they open their mouths. You might have acid reflux if your breath smells acidic and pungent. 

4. Nausea can come from heartburn

Some people have nausea from acid reflux. When you have acid reflux, the stomach acid gets into your esophagus. Those acids make you cough and burp, which causes sickness. When you have nausea, you may lie down, which only worsens your acid reflux. If you experience a lot of nausea, especially after eating certain foods, be aware you may suffer from acid reflux. 

5. Hiccups that keep coming back

Hiccups can be embarrassing. You’re out for dinner with friends, and after you eat, you start hiccuping. Besides being annoying, it’s easy to miss hiccups as an acid reflux symptom. Heartburn irritates your diaphragm, causing it to contract and make you hiccup. 

6. Hoarseness is often overlooked among the acid reflux symptoms

Constant hoarseness is another one of the ignored signs of acid reflux. Many people attribute this symptom to allergies. Called reflux laryngitis, it’s a voice disorder that occurs from the swelling and irritation of your vocal cords from the backflow of your stomach acid into your throat. Your stomach contains enzymes and acids that digest the food in your stomach. When these enzymes and acids enter your esophagus, throat, or vocal cords, it causes hoarseness, sore throat, and throat clearing.  

7. Bloated stomach

Bloating increases the pressure in your abdomen and causes acid reflux by pushing your stomach enzymes, unprocessed foods, and acids into your esophagus, making you burp and swallow more air, resulting in more bloating. 

8. Chest pain (but don’t assume it’s one of the acid reflux symptoms–get help immediately)

Chronic acid reflux is known to cause chest pain. If you have pain in your chest, call 911 right away. Even if it’s acid reflux, you don’t want to risk it being your heart. 

Almost half of the people with acid reflux experience chest pain. The pain feels like it’s in your heart. But it is in your esophagus, near your heart. This chest pain due to acid reflux is called noncardiac chest pain. It’s a recurring pain behind your breastbone and close to your heart. It’s important to note that it can’t hurt your heart. 

9. When you lie flat, you get a burning sensation in your throat

Acid reflux often shows up at night when you lie down. Lying flat causes the acids and undigested foods to pool in your esophagus. It helps to avoid eating at least three hours before bedtime. You can also elevate your head at night to reduce the backflow of acids into your throat to sleep better. 

10. Choking in your sleep

Acid reflux may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with a choking fit. You feel like there’s something in your throat. This sensation is from the acid pushing back into your throat, causing burning feelings, so you choke. Skip late-night snacks and drinks that irritate your acid reflux. 


What causes these acid reflux symptoms?

Heartburn is caused or made worse by different foods and conditions. Here are some of the reasons why you may experience heartburn. 

  • Being overweight: Carrying extra weight pushed on your abdomen. The excess fat in your belly squeezes your stomach so that acid fluids push into your esophagus. 
  • Certain foods: Caffeinated drinks, dairy, alcohol, chocolate, and fatty foods can cause acid reflux. 
  • Smoking: Your esophageal sphincter is the closure that keeps acid in your stomach, not in your esophagus. Smoking causes your LES not to work correctly, so stomach acid creeps back into your esophagus and throat. 
  • Stress: Researchers think that anxiety and stress cause your brain to react to pain, making you more sensitive to slight increases in your acid levels. Stress may also decrease the production of prostaglandins, which protects your stomach from acid effects. 
  • Pregnancy: Being pregnant increases certain hormones in your body that can cause acid reflux. 
  • Medications: Drugs that may lead to acid reflux include aspirin, iron supplements, ibuprofen, blood pressure medications, anti-anxiety medications, antibiotics, and osteoporosis medications. 
  • Hiatus hernia: This type of hernia or hole in your diaphragm occurs when acid and other contents from your stomach are squeezed into your diaphragm and passed back into your esophagus. 

What foods trigger acid reflux?

Here is a list of foods that cause acid reflux. 

  • Alcohol, especially red wine
  • Caffeinated drinks
  • Carbonated drinks 
  • Chocolate
  • Fried foods
  • Fast foods
  • Pizza
  • Processed snacks like chips and crackers
  • Fatty meats like sausage and bacon
  • Cheeses
  • Spices like chili powder, black peppers, or cayenne powder
  • Herbs like peppermint or spearmint
  • Citrus fruits
  • Garlic
  • Onions

What foods prevent acid reflux symptoms from flaring up? 

Many foods won’t trigger acid reflux. Instead, eating these foods can help reduce the acid and help heal your throat and esophagus. It won’t happen overnight but stick to these foods for at least a month to see results. How fast you recover depends on the damage inside your esophagus. If there is damage, it could take longer. 

High-fiber foods

Foods high in fiber keep you feeling full, so you won’t overeat, reducing acid reflux and heartburn. Eat whole grains like these:

  • Oatmeal
  • Quinoa
  • Brown rice
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Green beans
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Root veggies, like sweet potatoes, beets, and carrots. 

Foods high in water

Eating water-based foods can dilute your stomach acid. So if you have acid reflux, you can eat these:

  • Watermelon
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Herbal teas
  • Soups with a broth base

Alkaline foods

Foods with a low pH are acidic. Eating alkaline foods with a higher pH level is best to offset your stomach acid. If you have acid reflux, eat these foods. 

  • Nuts
  • Melons
  • Bananas
  • Cauliflower
  • Most fruits and veggies
  • Beans and lentils
  • Unsweetened milk and yogurts
  • Soy products

Other tips for how to reduce your acid reflux symptoms:

  • Avoid overeating: Instead of three big meals a day, try to eat several small meals to keep your stomach from getting too full from a big dinner. It also decreases excessive stomach acid. 
  • Don’t eat too close to bedtime: Stop eating food at least two hours before bedtime to prevent backwash into your esophagus when lying in bed. 
  • Keep a healthy weight: If you’re overweight, try to lose weight. If you’re already at a healthy weight, avoid gaining weight with good eating habits and exercise. 
  • Quit smoking: Find ways to kick the habit of smoking. For example, nicotine patches and nicotine gum help reduce the urge to smoke. 
  • Eat a balanced diet: Try to maintain a healthy diet. Because acid reflux worsens as you age, now is the time to begin good eating habits. 
  • Lift your head: You can elevate your head approximately six to eight inches so it’s higher than your feet. 

acid reflux symptoms

Final thoughts on knowing these acid reflux symptoms 

Acid reflux is a painful condition. It causes burning in your throat, esophagus, and sometimes your chest. Some people ignore acid reflux symptoms or don’t realize they have it because some signs of acid reflux mimic other conditions. If you know you have acid reflux, some foods cause heartburn, throat pain, and even choking fits when you sleep. Other causes of acid reflux are anxiety, stress, and being overweight. The best prevention is maintaining a healthy weight, eating a well-balanced diet, and reducing stress. Because acid reflux is more common as you age, now is the time to start a healthy lifestyle. 

7 Environmental Factors That Make You Gain Weight

For decades, the rate of obesity in this country has been increasing, and there doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight. Despite all the advances in this arena, a large percentage of the population remains overweight. You know that genetic factors play a big part in why you gain weight, but what if there are environmental factors (like obesogens) you haven’t considered?

According to the National Library of Medicine, Americans now live in an obesogenic environment. What does this fancy term mean? It simply means it’s easier to gain weight than lose it.

Is it any wonder? If you drive down the street of your city, you will likely lose count of the number of fast-food restaurants around. You live in a society of conveniences, but these amenities have a hefty price tag.

Your health is in jeopardy when you don’t eat a well-balanced diet full of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. While there are some healthy options at your local eatery, it’s easy to opt for the greasy French fries and chocolate shake instead.

The 411 on Obsenogens

You know you need to change your diet, but so many chemicals are pumped into your food that can be causing things like insulin sensitivity. These chemical compounds are called obesogens.

If you’ve never heard this term before, don’t worry, as it’s relatively new. An obesogen is a foreign compound that can upset the metabolism in the body. Anytime the metabolism is disrupted, it can stop weight loss and lead to obesity.

gain weight

Where Obesogens Come From:

What’s shocking is that you will find these chemicals in many things around your home, and you don’t even know they’re there. These chemicals come in many products, but here are a few they list:

  • Plastic food containers
  • Non-Stick cookware
  • Hygiene products like deodorant
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Medical supplies
  • Toys
  • Canned foods that aren’t BPA-free

The list is vast, and the real problem is that these obesogens leak into the atmosphere. Once you breathe them into your system, they disrupt your endocrine system, and your hormones are off-kilter. How do obesogens promote obesity?

Well, they increase the number of fat cells within the body, and they also increase the storage capacity. Your body will retain fat rather than flush it. When you alter the fat cell production and don’t destroy any, then you gain weight.

Another alarming factor is that it shifts the energy balance within your body and stores your calories rather than burning them. Your body needs several calories to thrive, and these chemicals can mess with your basal metabolic rate. Another scary thought is that chemical compounds in these everyday household items can mess with your gut microbiota.

So the same way your body uses, stores, and eliminates food is disrupted. The gut and brain are connected, and the hormones that trigger signals to tell the brain that you’re full or hungry are disturbed.

Scientists also believe that when a young child is exposed to such chemicals in the formative years, it increases the chances of obesity as they age. Could metabolic syndrome, or the catch-all phrase used by doctors who don’t know why a person gains weight, be caused by obesogens?

Seven Environment Factors That Cause Obesity

It’s effortless to gain weight, and once you get it on your body, it’s challenging to remove it. How can you reach a healthful place and flush your body with the unwanted fat holding you back? Here are some environmental factors that you should consider.

1. Low Socioeconomic Status Contributes to weight gain

You can’t necessarily change your socioeconomic status overnight. However, your money on food may significantly impact your weight. Consider a cheeseburger from a fast-food restaurant. You will likely pay under $2 for this burger.

It’s a quick meal that requires no mess to clean up and fills the stomach for less. How much would buying the stuff and making the burgers healthy at home cost? Purchasing lean grass-fed beef will cost you $7-$8 a pound, but a 70/25 ground beef is only $4-$5.

Someone on a strict budget would have to consider the costs. What about fruit? A box of snack cakes for your child’s lunch is tasty and under $2. Consequently, if you want to pack fresh fruit like strawberries, it can set you back $7 for a pound.

Society cannot afford to eat better, mainly relying on government assistance. According to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, a person gets $210.07 a month to eat. Consider trying to feed yourself for $50 a week and eat healthy food.

2. Lack Of Physical Activity

A lack of physical activity is a big part of obesity. You can’t live a healthful life if you’re sedentary. Additionally, children grow up in homes where they watch their parents on electronic devices and do not get exercise, and they develop these habits.

You gain weight when you sit all day long, and the amount of people who don’t get outside and get fresh air is staggering. A study conducted by the CDC in 1997 showed that 40 percent of adults in this country were sedentary. However, the number has increased by over 80 percent since that time. The number of people who don’t make time for physical activity is alarming.


3. The Weather Causes You to Gain Weight

Do rainy days and Mondays mess with your mood? You’re not alone. Many people find that the gray sky causes them to feel blue. Most folks crave comfort foods like mac and cheese or biscuits and gravy when they’re sad. If the weather is particularly gloomy, you might eat for comfort more than hunger.

4. Family Celebrations Center Around Food

Americans love a reason to celebrate anything, and it’s also a good cause to put on a big spread. For your child’s birthday, there’s cake, pizza, chips, soda, and candy bags to take home. This is how a celebration is done, and it’s become ingrained into society that you use food as part of it.

However, you don’t need all that food to honor someone’s birthday. According to Babbel Magazine, they don’t celebrate individual birthdays in Vietnam. Instead, they have one day a year called Tet, where they all get together to commemorate growing older.

Maybe it’s time to change traditions significantly since the rate of obesity isn’t declining.

5. Engineered Junk Foods

There’s nothing wrong with a piece of chocolate cake on occasion. The real problem is that most premade foods are engineered.

Foods that go through a long manufacturing process don’t have refined ingredients mixed with many additives to help preserve them. These methods allow manufacturers to make them inexpensively, and the products have a longer shelf life.

6. Aggressive Marketing

Major companies spend millions of dollars each year on their advertising. Take, for instance, cereal. They focus on children by using cartoon characters, putting prizes in the box, and games on the outside of the carton.

It’s hard to resist them based on the marketing and cute pictures. Have you ever noticed that those sugar cookies in animal shapes are irresistible?

7. Misinformation Can Make You Gain Weight

If you talk to one healthful specialist, they will tell you that you must avoid carbs and eat more protein. Talking to another might say that a plant-based diet is where you will find good health. You may gain weight or lose based on misinformation, as each body has different needs.

The dieting industry is a multi-billion-dollar corporation. Everyone has the latest and most excellent products that promise to help you fight the battle of the bulge. Do you remember the soap that was supposed to wash fat away in the 2000s?

In reality, losing weight is a math equation, and you must reduce your intake to lower your body mass index. You will likely not lose much if you still eat junk food and convenience items. You may find that you gain weight, which isn’t healthful.

gain weight

Final Thoughts on Environmental Factors, Obesogens, and Gaining Weight

There are so many factors that go into your weight. If you find yourself in the obese category, it’s likely caused by several things. You may have genetic components, obesogens, environmental factors, and a lack of willpower that contribute, but it all comes down to what you put in your mouth each day.

Be careful where you get your advice regarding weight loss. Many will misinterpret the results of scientific studies, and they add their spin on things. The diet industry is a big market, so you must proceed cautiously.

The best thing you can do is to eat healthier, watch your caloric intake, and move your body more. Very few people will gain weight when they incorporate those three things into their lives.

Nature Improves Positivity in 6 Ways

Positivity, optimistic thinking, and mindfulness are all the rage in wellness communities and circles. Yet, simultaneously, we’ve grown farther and farther away from the natural world, becoming increasingly cooped up in concrete jungles or indoors, within the creature comforts of our homes and electronic devices.

Ironically, these two trends may be entirely at odds. The secret to positivity doesn’t lie in another wellness course or instructional videos on living your best life – though they can help, too! Instead, the secret may have been right before us the whole time, something we’ve drifted away from despite its benefits: nature.

Nature has a reputation for being one of the best healers known to the world. This isn’t an undeserved reputation. On the contrary, spending time in nature will likely make you happier and healthier overall. Here’s how nature improves positivity in six ways.

1. Nature Makes You Feel Awe and Positivity


When was the last time you truly felt awed by something? While it sounds simple, few positive emotions are more powerful than the incredible experience of awe. Though it seems relatively unimportant, it significantly affects positivity and can improve your mental health and well-being.

Studies show that looking at nature, specifically tall trees in a forested area, can produce incredibly optimistic emotions. Awe then improves positivity by:

  • Providing energy and motivation
  • Attuning you to the world around you
  • Granting understanding into the vastness of the world
  • Increasing desire for healthy social interaction
  • Improving prosocial behavior and relationships
  • Boosting physical health by reducing inflammation
  • Providing a sense of purpose
  • Encouraging better goal-making and direction
  • Promoting generosity and altruism
  • Reducing entitled or selfish traits

Few can deny that awe is a trait of positivity, emotion, and experience only brought on by feeling good things. The fact that just being in nature can inspire such feelings

2. It Lowers Stress

Stress is a common part of life, and it’s impossible to avoid it completely. That’s why stress-management techniques are so necessary to ensure continual positivity. You cannot stay optimistic if you’re focused on how stressed out you feel.

There are, of course, plenty of ways to find positive thinking and manage stress. But one great way to do this is by spending some time in nature. A study has shown that individuals who are in a natural environment experience benefits to their stress levels, such as:

  • Reduced heart rates
  • More balanced pulse speeds
  • Lowered stress scores on tests
  • Improved positivity and frequency of positive thoughts
  • Faster recovery from various stressful events and circumstances
  • Generally improved mental health and wellbeing

An additional factor here is that those struggling with mental health often sink into negative thoughts and play into a strong inner critic. This can contribute to rumination, a big symptom of anxiety and depression. Essentially, it means getting stuck in your thoughts unproductively. According to research, spending just about one and a half hours taking a nice walk in nature can reduce the chances of you ruminating later in the day.

3. It Improves Sleep

Sleep is essential to your overall well-being from a mental and physical perspective. For example, have you ever noticed how grumpy and irritable you get when you don’t sleep enough? It makes sense that positivity often relies on getting the right amount of sleep.

But plenty of people have problems falling and staying asleep. Insomnia, anxiety, and stress can influence your ability to drift off each night. There are plenty of ways to manage those things, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about. Instead, we’re here to discuss nature, which research says is incredibly beneficial to sleep quality.

This is because you expend energy when you spend time in nature while also reducing stress, which helps you get better rest. Nature also has properties that allow you to enjoy the best of sleep’s naturally healing effects. Besides, studies show that a lack of sleep – or abnormal sleep patterns in general – is the first sign of a mental health disorder, especially mood disorders like depression.

4. It Makes You Become Optimistic About Exercise


It’s tough to get the motivation to work out or get moving if it’s not something you naturally enjoy. But being out in nature can be an incredible way to gain the drive to move around a little. Unfortunately, people often think that the only good way to exercise is through a rigorous, strict regimen at the gym. Still, a little physical activity can do wonders for your mental health, improving your positivity significantly.

You’ll feel encouraged to move around and study when you’re in nature. This is because:

  • Nature allows for more interesting forms of physical activity that are more enjoyable and interesting
  • It provides more opportunities for positive socialization, as you’re able to form groups with those who also enjoy exercising in nature
  • Nature offers a nice break from stuffy gyms that can feel oppressive or overwhelming
  • Exercise in nature is often less severely strenuous, which in turn encourages you to work out with heightened intensity without as much exertion

But what, exactly, are the links between exercise and positivity and exercise. You’ve probably heard repeatedly that you can overcome even the worst moods by working out, but how much of that is scientifically backed? As it turns out, the answer is a little more complex. Here’s what we know for sure about these links:

  • When you exercise, the hormones in your body change – more feel-good hormones are released, and stress hormones are either decreased or balanced out by the aforementioned feel-good ones.
  • Exercise can release tension, other stressors, and negative emotions, allowing you to expend the worst of the heat of the moment through movement.
  • Exercise can also distract from the subjects of the aforementioned stressors and emotions.
  • As a coping mechanism, exercise is one of the best options, boosting your sense of control, improving resilience, and even increasing your self-esteem to better cope with problems without exercise’s aid later on.
  • Exercise can be inspiring. When you complete an exercise session, you learn how amazing it feels to accomplish something, and you’ll feel more encouraged to set and achieve goals.
  • Regular exercise is a fantastic sleep aid; we already know that better sleep improves an optimistic outlook.
  • Exercise helps to relax you on both a physical and psychological level.
  • When you have trauma, exercise can slowly teach your mind and body to become “unstuck” from typical post-traumatic stress, especially when used in conjunction with other forms of professional treatment.
  • Exercise can also sharpen your mind, which helps you to think and see more clearly, so you aren’t bogged down by anxiety and illogical worries.

5. It Can Enhance You Spiritually by Boosting Positivity

You may roll your eyes at being spiritually enhanced, but this is surprisingly more feasible than you think. Spirituality doesn’t have to be tied to religion, astrology, or stereotypical spiritual practices. It just means that your spirit and soul are in tune with your mind and body, allowing you to make decisions that serve the deepest parts of yourself.

Studies state that when you spend time in nature, you better appreciate the world around you. This means you:

  • Become more connected to your senses and mindfully exist more closely with the world
  • Feel inspired to impact the world in more notable and purposeful ways
  • Realize you are part of a bigger picture and that it’s not all about you
  • Better understand your place in the universe or what you want that place to be
  • Realize your problems are minor in the grand scheme of things, which gives you an optimistic view of them
  • Gain hope for the future
  • Are more social, grateful, optimistic, and altruistic

Many negative people are not in touch with their spiritual sides. They may even see being spiritually connected to themselves as embarrassing or silly. But by embracing nature, you may realize just how important spirituality is to your positivity and happiness.

6. It Helps You Breathe

People often fear the air pollution that exists in the world outside, but did you know that the concentrations of air pollution indoors are often much worse than they are outside? Specifically, this can happen between two and five times worse, which is even more extreme when comparing your city home indoors to relaxing natural outdoor spaces.

According to studies, individuals who spend more time outside, specifically in their local green areas, are less likely to experience severe or fatal respiratory conditions in their old age. This shows how good outdoor activity can be for your lungs and breathing, especially in nature.

Choosing places with high air circulation and minimal pollution is crucial, but for the most part, you can expect to reap these benefits anywhere in nature. Deep breathing and even more precise, healthier breathing can reduce stress and increase positivity throughout the day.

Research indicates that the human brain associates different breathing patterns with different emotions. You experience steady, deep, and regular breathing when feeling positive. When you’re feeling negative, from anxiety, stress, anger, or anything else, you experience shallower and quicker breaths. By relaxing your breathing through the wonders of nature, your brain calms down, sending optimistic signals to the rest of your body.

You can further encourage the benefits of breathing for positivity by doing breathing exercises when you’re out in nature. Of course, there are plenty of breathing activities that you can follow through videos online, but even just mindfully slowing down your breathing by counting your breaths in and out can work wonders.


Final Thoughts On Some Ways Nature Improves Positivity

Nature is powerful, and it’s unwise to forget about the lush greenery and the natural world that humans once intrinsically interlinked with. You can increase positivity in your life and mind by spending more time in natural spaces, whether parks, forest reserves, or greenhouses and gardens.

6 Stretches to Help Improve Brain Health

Being concerned about your brain health is essential at any age but can be even more critical as you age. Factors like stress, aging, and health conditions can affect your mind. Fortunately, physical exercises that include stretching may benefit your brain more than you realize, and it may be just what you need to keep cognitive decline at bay.

It’s fascinating that many cultures in the ancient world understood the intimate connection between body, mind, and spirit. Ancient practices like yoga and Tai Chi blend stretching, poses, and mindful breathing for total well-being. Thankfully, these stretches can be altered to your abilities so that you can enjoy the benefits without pain.

How Yoga Can Help with Brain Health

Yoga is a practice that goes back thousands of years to Ancient India. Today, medical experts acknowledge its health benefits, such as improving oxygen flow and increasing circulation. Researchers are also discovering that yoga poses and stretches may benefit your brain health.

If you’ve studied the central nervous system, you know that your brain’s gray matter contains all the neurons. It is responsible for learning, memory, senses, self-awareness, and muscle control. When you practice yoga, it may increase your gray matter and expand your mind’s memory centers.

When you’re feeling depressed, anxious, or irritable, it’s often difficult to think clearly. Plus, chronic stress can lead to several severe physical and mental disorders. Numerous studies confirm that yoga can decrease cortisol, relieve stress, and improve moods.

brain health

Tai Chi’s Benefits for Better Cognition

Tai Chi is also an ancient practice of movement and breathing. It was developed as a martial art in Ancient China. People of all ages and walks use Tai Chi for fitness, strength, and mental clarity.

You don’t need fancy exercise equipment or a gym membership to practice Tai Chi. All you need is a safe and comfortable space or room at home. Did you know that your brain shrinks as you age? The good news is that practicing Tai Chi may help. Indeed, it might even increase your brain volume and improve your cognition. It also has promising benefits in boosting memory in seniors.

Another brain-boosting trait Tai Chi shares with yoga is its combination of meditations. Adding to the physical elements may help increase your ability to focus. It can train your brain to be more mindful and not rush into decisions.

6 Stretches for Optimal Brain Health

If you are concerned about your mind’s health, try these six stretches taken from the two practices. Having an exercise routine is imperative as you age. Perhaps more surprisingly, these moves may help you avoid declines that come with an aging mind. All you need is a few minutes a day to devote to stretching.

Yoga Poses and Tai Chi Stretches for Brain Health

The beauty of yoga is that it combines stretching, poses, and mindful breathing. Using these three components benefits your brain health and your body and spirit. You can practice yoga exclusively or incorporate it into your daily exercise routine.

Inverted or upside-down yoga poses and stretches are beneficial. They stimulate blood flow to your brain, which nourishes your brain cells. Here are easy yoga stretches to try if you want to boost your brain health.

1. Mountain Pose

Let’s face it: your brain doesn’t function at peak levels when you’re sleep-deprived. This gentle stretch helps you focus on breathing and allows you to relax. If you do it in the evenings, you may sleep better and improve your brain health. Here’s how:

•Stand up straight with your feet on your mat, and your arms outstretched.

•Open your hand with your palms facing forward. Your pelvis should be neutral while your ab muscles are engaged.

•Now, pull your shoulders back and broaden your chest muscles.

•While facing forward, gently stretch your head and neck toward the ceiling.

•Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

2. Lotus Pose

This is a classic yogic pose that even most people who don’t practice yoga recognize. You’ll feel the tension drain from your muscles and joints. Such relaxation helps rejuvenate your tired body and mind. Here’s how:

•Sit comfortably on your mat with your legs outstretched and your back as straight as possible. Place a small cushion against your back for extra support and comfort.

•Bend your right leg, gently grasp your right foot, and place it on your left thigh.

•Bring your heel as close to your tummy as possible without causing pain.

•Next, bend your left leg, grasp your left foot, and place it onto your right thigh similarly.

•Join each hand’s index finger and thumb into a circle. Or you can cross your hands over your chest or bring them together as in prayer.

•While stretching is important, don’t forget to breathe deeply during this pose.

•You can stay in this position for fifteen to twenty minutes and clear your thoughts. Remember–relaxation is ideal for brain health.

3. Shoulder Stand

This yoga pose stretches your entire body while getting the kinks out of your spine. It’s also an inverted stance that increases blood flow to your brain. You can use a pillow to support your back if it helps. Here’s how:

•Lie comfortably with your back on your mat and your arms at your side.

•Now, raise your legs slowly upward as far as possible without pain.

•Place your hands flat on your lower back.

•Slowly raise your bottom and lower back while using your hands for support, elbows bent against the mat.

•As you mindfully breathe, raise your body until your chin touches your chest or as high as you can without hurting.

•Hold this position for a few breaths, then slowly lower your body back to the starting position.

4. Tai Chi Shoulder Stretching

Like most people, you probably carry a lot of tension. Not only can this stress cause physical pain, but it’s also detrimental to brain health. Try this gentle shoulder stretch to ease the tension. Here’s how:

•First, stand naturally with your legs shoulder-width apart and focus straight ahead.

•Hold your hands out in front of you with your palms facing down toward the mat.

•Now, raise your hands slowly until they parallel your shoulders.

•Turn your wrists until your palms are facing toward you.

•Bring your hands toward your face and gently push your chin back. You’ll feel a little stretch that shouldn’t be painful.

•Extend your palms in front of you.

•In the same fluid motion, lower your arms slowly to your sides while gently bending down your neck.

•Hold for two to three breaths and return to the starting position.


5. Tai Chi Neck Stretch

Do you often have pain in the back of your neck because of stress and overstraining? You may also battle headaches and problems with your concentration. This neck stretch can work to alleviate neck, head, and shoulder aches. Thankfully, you can do this at the office when sitting on the computer for hours is causing you strain. Here’s how:

•Stand neutrally with your back straight and your legs shoulder-length apart.

•Look straight ahead and relax.

•Extend both arms and hands at your sides with your palms facing upward.

•Next, slowly raise your arms toward your head.

•When they are parallel with your shoulders, turn your palms and slowly lower your arms.

•Do this movement as if you were pushing something toward the ground.

•Return to the starting position. Try to do at least 4-5 repetitions.

6. Tai Chi Back Stretch

Perhaps nothing is worse than an achy back due to injury, stress, and strain. Your spine protects your spinal cord, your brain’s primary connection with the rest of your body. Caring for your spine with stretches like this is essential to good physical and brain health. Here’s how:

•Stand comfortably on your mat with your legs shoulder-width apart.

•Hold your hands in front of you as if you were holding a basketball. Your right hand is on top of the ball, while your left hand has the ball from below.

•Stretch your left hand as if lifting the basketball toward the ceiling and hold for a few breaths.

•Gently return to the starting position, switch hands, and repeat these steps.

Final Thoughts on Stretches for Brain Health

Although these yoga and Tai Chi stretches aren’t too tricky, you should stop immediately if you feel pain. Some may have to be modified if you have a medical condition. Talk to a certified fitness instructor before you begin this or any other exercise routine.

You’re never too young to take your brain health seriously. Consider adding these stretches to your daily exercise workout. They can be part of a plan that keeps your entire body healthy and happy for years.

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