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4 Red Flags a Pet Owner Has Become an Animal Hoarder

4 Red Flags a Pet Owner Has Become an Animal Hoarder

Animal hoarding, also known as Noah syndrome, involves the accumulation of many pets to the point where an animal hoarder cannot care for them. This is accompanied by an inability to comprehend or perceive the damage and harm caused by their behavior. This is occasionally considered a symptom of mental illness, but “Hoarding Disorder” is also diagnosable.

 There is a broad, complex range of factors that can be involved in the existence of animal hoarding behavior:

  • Addiction or dementia.
  • Compulsion, low self-esteem, or unhealthy attachment to animals.
  • Delusion can be a defense mechanism. It can also stem from more sinister disorders involving zoophilia.

But just because someone has many pets doesn’t mean they are an animal hoarder. Some people can healthily care for many pets. So, how can you differentiate pet ownership from hoarding, and at what point does it become a problem? Here are four red flags that a pet owner has become an animal hoarder.

 1 – An Animal Hoarder Exhibits Highly Secretive Behavior

Many psychiatric and psychological issues worsen because of the emotions of shame and guilt that the sufferer of these problems feels. As a result, they don’t want to talk to others about their issues for fear of judgment. This forms a downward spiral that leads to steadily worsening conditions and, further, continued isolation. This same pattern occurs with animal hoarders. 

animal hoarder

How Someone Starts Hoarding Pets

 There are three common pathways into animal hoarding, namely:

  • A typical, loving pet owner who becomes overwhelmed by a changing life circumstance can no longer keep up with their pets’ needs.
  • A person who wants to help and rescue animals feels it is their mission to do so, even when they can no longer feasibly take on additional pets.
  • An individual who cruelly seeks to exploit animals for their gain and therefore does not care about the welfare of each animal.

The first two of the pathways mentioned above start with good intentions. However, these individuals, especially those following the first pathway, will feel embarrassed when their situation spirals out of control. This causes them to become very secretive. They believe they’ll be able to get things back in hand with enough time and don’t want anyone to see their home until they’ve fixed the problem.

Someone Hoarding Pets Will Keep It A Secret

Unfortunately, for most people who have fallen into hoarding this way, the longer they refuse to ask for help, the worse things get; ultimately, nothing ever gets fixed. If a pet owner has grown secretive about their homes, pets, and situation, it could be a red flag that they’ve become an animal hoarder. Typical forms of secretive behavior include:

  • Closing the curtains or blinds at all times
  • Refusing to allow anyone into their home
  • Being cautious about opening the door too wide when leaving or entering the house
  • Glancing around worriedly before opening the doors
  • Being mean or cruel to drive away concerned individuals who want to come in

2 – An Animal Hoarder Has A Home In Disrepair

Animal hoarders have little time and energy to care for the increasing number of pets in their homes. As a result, what starts as a mildly messy space soon devolves into a constant buildup of dirt, grime, animal waste, and other issues. This ultimately causes a house to deteriorate. This may be because of any or all of the following reasons. 

  • Pets may become anxious and stressed or lack training in their poor home environments. These can all lead to destructive behavior. Animals might destroy furniture, tear fabrics like curtains, and chew on wall skirtings and furniture.
  • Animal waste is left to stink up the home, uncleaned, leading to the discoloration and deterioration of the items it touches. This also attracts bugs, such as flies and other pests.
  • A lack of willingness to let people into the home means that professionals can’t come in to fix things in or around the house.
  • A lack of funds, time, and energy means the house never gets cleaned, and problems are never fixed. This eventually leads to an overwhelming to-do list, and an animal hoarder will be unable to attend to the ever-growing chores.

Red Flags That Give Away The Home Of An Animal Hoarder

The problem is that it’s hard to spot these red flags when an animal hoarder is unlikely to let you view the inside of their home. Still, there are some common signs that you can look out for. Some of these are as follows.

  • You may see torn curtains in the windows.
  • The house’s interior can be messy or dirty.
  • Lights are rarely on due to an inability to pay utility bills.
  • The exterior of the house used to be clean but now appears unmaintained.
  • Metal fixtures on the house are rusting.
  • The house’s garden or yard has become increasingly unkempt.
  • There is an unpleasant smell coming from the house.
  • You haven’t seen the house owner take out the trash in a long time.
  • You have noticed no plumbers, electricians, or other similar professionals enter the house.

pet hoarder

3 – An Animal Hoarder Smells Of Ammonia, And It May Be Making Them Sick 

Hoarding households are known for their deplorable sanitation and hygiene practices. With animal hoarders, this means that animal waste builds up on various spots, like beds, cupboards, countertops, floors, and other interior surfaces, sometimes with layers up to six inches, according to research.

As you can likely guess, this comes with its fair share of grave health-related risks, breeding parasites, and pests. Even without seeing the inside of the house, one standard red flag is the stench of ammonia that permeates the area around the home. This can get so bad that the house is filled with toxic fumes that are nearly life-threatening.

Ammonia can make both animals and humans very sick, and you may notice symptoms of ammonia exposure in an animal hoarder, though it may be tough to spot if they’re good at hiding it. The worst exposure to ammonia occurs via either ingestion or direct contact with the skin or eyes, but inhalation and breathing can also cause ammonia to enter the body. 

Ammonia is a corrosive gas that causes a sharp, suffocating sensation when inhaled. On contact, it damages the body’s cells. Short exposure may not have any lingering or even noticeable effects. Still, long-term, continual exposure – such as that which is experienced by an animal hoarder living in that environment – will have effects such as:

  • Throat and nose irritation
  • Burning of the throat, nose, eyes, and respiratory tract
  • Coughing
  • Visual impairment
  • Lung damage, especially alveolar and bronchiolar edema

You can watch for these symptoms if you suspect a pet owner has become an animal hoarder. However, be cautious so you don’t get exposed to harmful gas during your careful perusal. 

Do note that one of the more insidious effects of ammonia is that it eventually leads to olfactory fatigue, which means someone continuously exposed to it may lose awareness of its presence. As a result, animal hoarders may not be aware of the fumes they are exposed to.

 4 – The Beliefs Of An Animal Hoarder Are Out Of Touch With Reality

Hoarding disorder is a diagnosable mental condition that can come with disordered forms of thought and perspective. Delusions are a relatively standard part of hoarding disorders, developing as a protective form of denial. These thoughts empower the hoarder to continue believing everything is okay. Common signs of this lack of touch with reality are as follows:

 They Don’t Think Their Environment And Condition Is That Bad

A vast majority of hoarders are deluded about the conditions of their environment. As a result, many don’t think their homes are as bad a state as they are, and some may even see their hoarding home as entirely acceptable. 

They Think Their Pets Are In Perfect Health

Despite the apparent adverse effects of animal hoarding on its pet victims, animal hoarders delude themselves into severe denial. They believe that their pets are lovely, according to research. As a result, they lack insight into reality and ultimately overlook the true extent of harm they are doing to their victims.

They Believe Only They Can Properly Care For Their Pets

Some people are more equipped to rescue and care for pets than others. But ultimately, multiple people can provide equally good homes for animals who need even the most particular care. But animal hoarders fail to see this. Instead, they often think that it has to be them who adopt more and more pets in need of help. Unfortunately, this is a widespread belief among those who followed the rescue mission pathway into animal hoarding. Their rescue efforts eventually become overwhelming, but they cannot say “no” to taking on new animals because they believe only they can care for them properly.

They Believe They Have A Special Ability To Communicate With Their Animals

study on animal hoarders revealed that a whopping 29% of those with hoarding disorder think they can speak with their pets on a deeper level. They believe they have an extra-special connection with their animals. While genuine bonds with deep connections form between pets and their owners, those with hoarding disorder take this further and think that what they have is unique and unique. This delusion is likely from the animal hoarded relying on their pets for feel-good hormones, social connection, and self-esteem.

animal hoarder hoarder

Final Thoughts On Some Signs A Pet Owner Has Become An Animal Hoarder

Animal hoarders are characterized by the accumulation of an overwhelming number of animals they cannot care for, even to meet the bare minimum standards. They fail to recognize their behavior as harmful to their pets and may not notice or acknowledge their home’s slow and steady deterioration. Spotting the red flags can save the lives of the animal victims of this behavior.

4 Natural Anti-Anxiety Tricks Most People Forget

Are you seeking holistic anti-anxiety treatments without all the risky implications of pharmaceuticals? If you’ve seen any doctor for your anxiety, they’ve likely offered a chemical cocktail to help ease the angst you feel. Sadly, taking pharmaceuticals will only mask those anxious feelings. Your underlying cause remains inside, untreated, and unresolved if this solution is all your physician provides.

Anxiety is one of the most horrific conditions you will ever experience. It makes you feel and think things that aren’t true. It can make you a prisoner in your home, take you away from your friends and loved ones, and make things like eating out impossible.

There are many ways that anxiety creeps into your life. Some people have genetic ties from a family history of mental illness. Maybe your parents were constantly overthinking, and your nervous habits have been taught. Others find that they never battled such worry until they suffered from trauma.

Four Natural Anti-Anxiety Tricks

There are many ways you can combat the angst you feel. Using these anti-anxiety tricks can change your entire life. Four hacks many forget can be influential in managing anxiety disorders.


1. Hug Someone for an Instant Anti-Anxiety Boost

When you’re anxious and overthinking, physical touch may be just what you need to soothe those fears. There’s lots of scientific research that shows that hugs can be healing. Researchers wanted to see how physical touch impacted depressed and anxious people. The goal was to give daily hugs to people to help improve their symptoms. The results were remarkable, as they discovered that with just eight hugs per day, a person who was once struggling with depression could achieve mental stability.

Even more astounding was that the person could obtain psychological growth when they upped the number to twelve hugs. If you’re a parent, you know children run to you when they’re afraid. The child wants you to pick them up, hold them, and soothe their fears.

Adults are much like that child, but the approach is different. Studies prove there are excellent resolutions to anxiety when you engage in things like hugging or touching. Did you know an anti-anxiety hack can be as simple as putting your hand on your chest during an attack? It helps to fix the imbalance of stress chemicals inside the body.

Having your partner hold you when you’re scared can produce a powerful chemical reaction in the body that can stop panic in its tracks. Some of the best anti-anxiety tricks involve the power of touch.

2. Exercise Releases Anti-Anxiety Hormones

When you feel anxious, a chemical reaction occurs inside your body that causes these sensations. Humans have an internal fight-or-flight response, which helps to keep you safe from harm. When an external trigger brings worry, this system kicks into high gear to keep you from danger.

It’s called a stress cycle, which occurs in your nervous system. However, you must complete the cycle to bring resolve. Ironically, your panic has a start, middle, and ending point, and many times, it’s easy to get stuck in the center and not complete the cycle. This is where learning anti-anxiety tricks can be beneficial.

During the Stone Age, people had threats from wildlife. A neighbor sees a person in peril, they open their door to let them in, then close it to keep them safe. Closing the door symbolizes the end of the danger.

Psychologically, the person felt better because they ended the threat, but there’s a bit more to what’s happening. Could it be the exercise that caused things to deescalate? When they took off running to their neighbor’s house, they moved their body, which is a powerful anti-anxiety cure.

According to the National Library of Medicine, exercise increases the endorphins in your brain, which helps to make you feel calm. Thus, by running, you’re completing the cycle. Today’s society is unlikely to be chased by a bear.

You can have anxiety creep in while driving to work in the morning. You need to find a way to complete the cycle. So the next time you start overthinking and your anxiety hits its peak level, try moving your body.

Maybe all you need to do to stop the worry in its tracks is dance, do some jumping jacks, or take a walk around the block. Since you’re countering the chemical process by releasing endorphins to help combat the stress hormones, movement may be all you need.


3. Feel Your Anxious Thoughts Instead of Denying Them

If a doctor told you to feel your anxiety, you would probably think there’s nothing in this world you would rather avoid. You’re looking for anti-anxiety tips and not to be stuck in it. No one wants to face their fears, as it’s uncomfortable.

Is it possible to detach yourself from the thoughts and feelings driving your body into this state? What if you called it out rather than running from it? For instance, why not identify what it’s doing to you during the next panic attack? Try saying things like:

  • “I’m overthinking, causing my chest to feel tight.”
  • “I feel numb due to my anxious state.”
  • “I feel like I can’t breathe from my worry, and it’s choking me.”

So you’re calling out the things this anxious state is causing you, and you’re detonating a bomb. You take power from this condition when you realize these temporary feelings will pass. Once you’ve identified your physical symptoms, it’s time to start the positive reinforcements. Try telling yourself these statements:

  • “This anxious state is temporary and shouldn’t last but a few more minutes.”
  • “I feel like I am dying, but I will not perish, as anxiety is something many people face.”
  • “Anxiety is commonplace, and my overthinking and worry have caused this heightened state.”

A couple of powerful anti-anxiety tricks are taking place. First, you’re telling your psyche that this has occurred before and nothing terrible happened to you, so you’re shutting down the fear. Second, you’re not running from the attack; you identify what it’s doing and face it head-on.

These are essential things to do when you’re detached from your body and feeling overwhelmed by panic. When you identify it’s just anxiety working, you’ll react differently.

4. Taking Away the Fear of the Unknown

Consider this example. Linda was tired of feeling horrible. Each day, she awakened feeling worse than before. She was sure she had cancer or some other ailment and was dying. Her mind would race, and overthinking caused her to head down dark pathways.

Linda visited many doctors who would run a battery of blood tests. Sadly, everything was normal, and the findings didn’t help her sickness. She was frustrated because no one could diagnose what she felt. Linda felt super anxious in this vulnerable state and always awaited impending doom.

However, one day, a doctor listened to her and ran some tests that other physicians avoided. It turns out she had systemic lupus. Once she could identify her issue, she researched how to combat common problems with this auto-immune condition and was empowered.

Why was it so important to put a name to her disease? It’s a common anti-anxiety trick because knowing the crux of the issue stops your mind from racing. She ran through scenarios like cancer, blood clots, heart disease, and everything that would take her out because she feared the unknown.

The same happens when you try this anti-anxiety solution for your chronic worry. You need to call it out rather than giving in to those fears and making things worse. Tell yourself this is your anxiety.

When you put your feelings into words, you’re taking away the power from the attack. Studies posted by The National Library of Medicine show there’s a reason why you can regulate your emotions and stress by simply identifying the root cause. It all takes place in the amygdala part of the brain.

Putting your feelings into words disrupts amygdala activity, which helps your body regulate your stress levels and emotions. So when Linda finally got the diagnosis she sought for years, she could take control of the situation by identifying it was lupus, not cancer or another ailment.


Final Thoughts on Natural Anti-Anxiety Tricks

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America states that more than forty million people in the United States suffer from anxiety. While many reach for pharmaceuticals to dull the pain and ease their worry, there are many holistic approaches that people forget.

Dealing with anxiety is a mind-over-matter thing. Learning to put these thoughts and feelings into proper perspective is the key to getting relief from chronic overthinking.

3 Habits That Raise Resilience

To both manage and process these things while also bouncing back from them, you need to have a healthy amount of the trait known as psychological resilience. The weight of problems, the world, other people’s expectations, and demanding situations can slowly drag you down over time. So, how do you become more resilient?

Most people don’t start their lives with a lot of resilience. It’s a skill that has to be sharpened and honed over time. It’s also a self-fulfilling cycle; whether that cycle goes up or spirals down is up to you. Never building your resilience means that you remain weak. Continually gunning for resilience means you get better each time!

So, how can you hone your mental strength and fortitude to withstand even the most powerful storms? Here are three habits to increase psychological resilience.

1.      Have Healthy Morning Routines to Increase Resilience

How you start your day surprisingly significantly affects your psychological resilience. Studies show that routines benefit resilient people’s productivity, well-being, and other common factors. This is because of a daily routine:


  • Begins your day with productivity, which you can maintain throughout the day
  • Boosts your confidence by starting you off on the right foot, so you have more strength and trust in yourself through the day
  • Reduces the stress that comes with doing things randomly and trying to stay on top of that randomness
  • Helps you to follow healthy habits in an adaptable routine
  • Helps you to gain energy to face the rest of the day
  • Prevents forgetfulness, giving you the mental space to adapt to things throughout the day

This is also partially why so many successful people have good morning routines. Their healthy habits have allowed them to thrive and overcome obstacles to rise to the top. Some good habits to add to a healthy morning routine include:

·         Get Moving to Be More Resilient

Morning exercise can sound unappealing to those not used to it, but it has many benefits. It can help to energize you and make you feel ready to face the day, boosting your confidence and sharpening your mind. It doesn’t have to be rigorous, either – you’re welcome to hit the gym, but you’re also welcome to simply If you really can’t fit some movement into your morning routine, do try to include it elsewhere in the day; studies show that it can improve your psychological resilience regardless, as well as your mental and physical health!

·         Wake Up With Your First Alarm

Do you fall into the habit of slapping the “snooze” button as often as possible before finally, grudgingly getting up half an hour or an hour later? It’s relatable, but it is likely affecting your headstart to the day. When alarm clocks ring, they jolt you awake and inflict grogginess by causing sleep inertia. This is when you face damage to your motor and cognitive abilities as you are rudely awakened from your Circadian rhythm. When you hit snooze, you repeatedly subject yourself to that. These effects may continue to affect you throughout the day, dropping your resilience on both a physical and psychological scale.

·         Wake Up At The Same Time Daily

Research shows that irregular sleep patterns can lead to decreased performance and well-being. The human body prefers to run on a regular rhythm, so it will naturally benefit from rising at the same time every morning – even on days off and when you have nothing to wake up that early for! When you don’t allow your body to run on a rhythm that works for it, you set yourself up for a rough and challenging day where your desire to be resilient decreases from the get-go.

·         Do Something You Enjoy

While focusing on productivity and getting things done is an excellent way to start a morning, don’t forget that it’s also a great opportunity for me-time. Listen to music you like, read a book you enjoy, or eat a meal you love to start the day feeling positive. As you do these things, mindfully appreciate and immerse yourself in these things, and appreciate them, so your gratitude also powers your psychological resilience!

2.      Always Keep Learning to Gain Resilience

It’s a crime that so many people think that learning stops after graduation. In reality, we never stop learning – we only start to reject new lessons. One of the most crucial habits for psychological resilience is to keep on learning and growing. You become stronger by overcoming hurdles and learning new things about yourself. This means you must actively do what you can to continue learning. Here are some tips in this regard:

·         Use Past Experiences As Lessons to Become Resilient

Many people would rather forget the negative or cringy things they’ve done in the past. But what’s more important than being free from past pain is learning how to use that pain to inform your present and future. Each mistake you have made, and each situation you have been through has the potential to teach you amazing things. By continually utilizing past knowledge, you never stop leveling up.

·         Embrace Challenges to Increase Resilience

Failing to grow your comfort zone is tempting, but learning anything notable without doing so it is sometimes tricky. Embrace challenges and take calculated risks. Even if you fail, you’ll gain something from these so-called failures – more lessons to use in your life as you move on! You’ll also learn new things about your capabilities, bolster your self-esteem, and encourage you to take on more challenges.


·         Welcome Change to Be More Resilient

Change is inevitable, and it’s not something that you can fight. Many fear change, preferring the safety and comfort of a predictable life. But holding onto the status quo will likely leave you stagnant or eventually blow over and force you to move forward. Those with high psychological resilience are excellent at adapting to new situations and embracing change, according to studies. So why not practice this habit to ensure continual growth?

3.      Do Visualization Exercises to Increase Resilience

Visualization is a powerful process. At its core, this is a relaxation technique where you use your imagination to create tranquil, relaxed, and happy feelings. It’s a common technique for:

  • Keeping sight of goals
  • Maintaining motivations
  • Managing stress and anxiety
  • Calming fight-or-flight responses
  • Bringing you out of survival mode
  • Distractions from distressing events
  • General daily serenity

Visualization is powerful because the human brain believes what it “sees,” even if those things aren’t necessarily real. While this can harm forms of cognitive dissonance like confirmation bias and self-fulfilling prophecies, it has positive effects that you can harness for psychological resilience.

6-Steps to Be More Resilient:

While you can do visualization anywhere if you need to calm your nerves quickly, when you’re performing a habit of resilience, you should dedicate a particular time to it. Try setting aside anywhere from ten to thirty minutes daily for visualization exercises. Some people find ten minutes to be sufficient, but if you enjoy doing it for longer, allow that time to relax! Here’s how to perform visualization to increase psychological resilience:

·         Step 1

Set up a peaceful environment. Find somewhere with a friendly, low amount of lighting. If it helps, you can also be entirely in the dark. Eliminate distractions by locking the door, leaving your electronic devices outside, and turning off noise-making items.

·         Step 2

Get yourself comfortable. Take off heavy jewelry and loosen any overly tight clothing, including scarves, neckties, and belts. You can wear something very comfortable, such as what you’d use to sleep, or you can even choose to be nude if you prefer. Then, choose a place to lie or sit in a comfortable position.

·         Step 3

Use deep breathing to slow your breathing down. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Take note of how your body, including your chest and stomach, rises and falls in response to your inhalations and exhalations. It can be helpful to count as you go, inhaling for four seconds, holding your breath for seven seconds, and then exhaling for eight seconds. Research shows that your brain responds to your breathing patterns and associates them with different emotions when you slow your breathing. Therefore, when you have slow, even breaths, you naturally relax.

·         Step 4

Now, choose the type of visualization you’d like to perform. For example, you can opt for generally pleasant imagery to manage stress and anxiety, or you can use this to manifest the achievement of your goals. You can even choose to use visualization as a form of personal affirmation–and to become resilient.

·         Step 5

For imagery-type visualization, think of a place that makes you feel happy and calm. For example, imagine yourself in a wooded forest near a river. Now, engage your senses in this imaginary landscape. See the swaying of the trees. Hear the gurgling of the river and the rustling of the leaves in the wind. Smell the relaxing scents of nature and the woody scent of grass. Feel the soft ground beneath your feet and the gentle breeze on your face. Before long, you’ll be completely absorbed in this imaginary place and will feel calm and relaxed.

·         Step 6

For manifestation-type visualization, you’ll need to imagine yourself achieving a difficult goal that you’ve been struggling with or that may be difficult. For example, you might imagine your strong confidence on the day of a big presentation. Or you may picture yourself in your dream job or home. Or perhaps you imagine positive social interactions at a daunting party that you’re frightened of because of social anxiety. It sounds far-fetched, but this works. Studies state that when you visualize good things, you reduce stress, boost resilience, and gain a better self-image.


Final Thoughts On Some Habits To Increase Psychological Resilience

Psychological resilience is crucial to a healthy, happy life with good mental well-being. It allows you to learn, grow, adapt, and be better while strengthening your relationships with others and yourself. If you struggle with being resilient, don’t worry! Incorporate these three habits into your life, and you’ll be able to sharpen the skill.

Scientists Explain 4 Sustainability Steps for Fashion

When people think of an eco-friendly lifestyle, they don’t often consider the fashion industry. You might think of minimizing plastic waste as not using straws, investing in a reusable water bottle, or opting for paper grocery bags to make a more sustainable environment. While these actions are beneficial, the fashion industry is one of the largest sources of plastic waste. 

The fast fashion industry and online influencers often promote having a new outfit for every life experience. This situation leads to throwing away clothes and filling the landfill with items that won’t decompose into the soil.  

Sustainable fashion involves an environmentally friendly design, creation, and distribution. Ethical fashion is a similar concept that relates to the treatment and rights of workers. For vegans, it also relates to avoiding using parts of animals, including fibers.  

Why Most of the Fashion Industry Is Not Sustainable

Sustainability in the fashion industry must involve methods that will continue to be effective long-term. However, the fast fashion industry is widespread and involves clothes purchased at low prices. When this occurs, people often wear the pieces only a few times before throwing them away.  

The fast fashion industry isn’t sustainable because it uses natural resources at high rates. It also exploits workers and produces lots of waste. These brands can market at least one new clothing collection weekly, while sustainable brands might have one per season.  

Fast fashion and new trends increase product demand, leading to mass production at the lowest possible cost. Brands want to give consumers what they desire and cultivate a culture of replacing clothing too quickly.  

Experts indicate that over thirteen million tons of clothing and footwear waste occurred within one year. Of the thirteen million tons, more than half ended up in landfills.


Polyester and Other Plastics

The fashion industry uses many resources to produce clothing, including fossil fuels. Polyester is a petrochemical product that uses oil and gas to make the material. It has overtaken cotton as the leading material used in fashion.

The clothing industry can use polyester in many items, which holds up better than other options. It’s often marketed as a sustainable material because it doesn’t use water or land like cotton. However, it uses other natural resources and leads to further detrimental emissions.  

Research shows that polyester also uses large amounts of energy during production. In one year, producing clothes emitted 282 billion tons of carbon dioxide. With that being the case, it radiated triple the amount of carbon dioxide as cotton production.  

Other plastics used in fashion include nylon, acrylic, and elastane. The plastics used in clothes are hard to recycle, leading to increased waste.  

Polyester and other plastics shed tiny plastics called microplastics that pollute oceans, freshwater, and land. It also can cause inhibited growth and reproduction in animals and deformities in marine life.  

The Collapse of the Rana Plaza Factory

Producing cheap clothes might be inexpensive for the consumer, but it’s highly detrimental to others and our environment. One instance is the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, where more than 1,132 people lost their lives. This collapse isn’t the only tragic accident inside fast fashion factories.  

Tragedies like these can show how costly seemingly cheap items are. Factories are not maintained appropriately, and they don’t prioritize employee well-being. Many factories contribute to building collapses and fire incidents without standards and proper maintenance.  

In Bangladesh, factory workers earn some of the lowest wages in the world. Many employees are women and girls, and work-related accidents and death are common. The factories also pour toxins into the planet, potentially causing diseases.

There Is Hope for the Fashion Industry

While this information might feel overwhelming, there is hope for sustainability in the fashion industry. They can use organic materials, biodegradable dyes, and engineer products with zero waste. Some brands already utilize these techniques, and you can find many sustainable options.

Some of the Things to Look for When Investing in Sustainable Clothing 

You can start making changes while the fashion industry and consumers are still learning. These changes help promote sustainability, and you’ll support brands who make an effort.

The things to look for include:

  • Low-impact organic materials: This type of material couple includes hemp, linen, silk, wool, cotton, cellulose fibers, and leather. These options are biodegradable and can compost into the soil rather than sitting in a landfill. 
  • Pre-existing materials: Look for manufacturers that use recycled fibers, up-cycled materials, and deadstock fabric. Deadstock fabric is a material that was never used and would otherwise be thrown away.
  • Eco-friendly dyes: The dyes and textile treatment processes can be toxic. Look for eco-friendly options to do your part. 
  • Low waste designs: Design often involves cutting out patterns and having leftover material. Low-waste designs find ways to reduce material waste, use less water, and decrease energy use during the manufacturing process.  
  • Locally made: There’s less shipping involved when choosing clothes made close to home, reducing the carbon footprint.  

4 Tips to Help Fashionistas Make Sustainable Choices

Sustainability in the fashion industry isn’t only about one concept. It includes multiple ways to achieve the goal of sustainability. Understanding the sustainability steps for fashion can help you make beneficial changes in your life.


1 – Do Your Part to Eliminate Purchases of New Clothes

Avoiding purchases of new clothes doesn’t only apply to what you purchase. It also applies to what you do with your unwanted garments.

Donating or reselling your used clothes eases the environmental burden of producing new garments. Right now, less than 15% of clothing gets donated or recycled.  

Additionally, doing your part means avoiding buying new clothes. Instead, shopping secondhand can offer styles you love while easing the environmental burden.  

One idea is to search for a used option online when you see something you love that’s brand new. You can get the same item for a lower cost while promoting sustainability. If you don’t love online shopping, you can browse resale shops for pieces you love. 

You can also find used sustainable clothing that is durable and long-lasting. When you shop this way, you’ll have pieces that last for years before becoming worn out.

2 – Find Brands that Use Sustainable Fashion

Some companies are working toward using more recycled and eco-friendly materials to promote sustainability. Experts indicate that making one pair of jeans takes 1,800 gallons of water. Producing clothes leaves a carbon footprint, but some brands have turned toward sustainability.  

Changing how you shop and opting for sustainable brands can make a difference. In the past, sustainable clothing was unaffordable or unattractive to some consumers. But that is slowly beginning to change. Some brands make attractive pieces sustainably, allowing you the best of both worlds.  

However, you must be careful of greenwashing, which occurs when a brand says they’re sustainable when they’re not. Some brands will claim to make sustainable changes to increase sales. 

Commonly, you’ll see brands using green graphics to imply sustainability. They’ll also ask you to donate your old clothes and offer rewards if you do. These greenwashing brands still encourage you to buy new items and don’t change the unsustainable production methods.  

Do research before changing your shopping habits by buying sustainable items. Researching sustainable brands can help you determine the ones that align with your values. 

3 – Focus on Choosing Timeless and Evergreen Trends

Fashion repeats itself, and pieces in style decades ago are becoming popular again. Choose high-quality items that won’t quickly go out of style so you can reuse them long-term.  

Choosing clothing that isn’t seasonal can help, too. You won’t have to buy so much if you have pieces that will work in your wardrobe all year. Your clothes likely have more ways to style them so you can use them throughout the year.

4 – Learn to Repair or Repurpose Your Clothes

Making clothes allows you to make ethical choices and create pieces you love. Learning how to sew can help, allowing you to fix holes or breakage instead of throwing things out. 

You can also learn to make new fashion pieces by upcycling what you already have. It allows you to have something new and unique without giving into the fast fashion industry. You don’t have to know how to cut, stitch, or re-stitch (although it could be a handy skill) because there are other options.

Consider bleaching jeans, repainting old clothing or shoes, adding a design, or using tie-dye. Once you become comfortable upcycling your clothes, you can practice new methods or ask someone to help you with your idea.


Final Thoughts on Making More Sustainable Fashion Choices

The fashion industry is detrimental to our climate as it uses high amounts of fossil fuels. It can also be dangerous to employees and people near factories. However, you can help make a change by implementing these sustainability steps for fashion.  

Sustainable fashion, including design, manufacturing, usefulness, and distribution methods, is environmentally friendly. You can make changes in your life to do your part in sustainability and give your money to brands that make positive changes.  

Psychology Explains the “Dark Triad” Personality

In the fascinating realm of psychology, the Dark Triad personality is an intriguing and multifaceted concept. This interplay of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy contributes to a complex and challenging personality construct. At the heart of this enigmatic triad lies a delicate interplay of self-importance, manipulative tendencies, and a disregard for others’ feelings.

Exploring the depths of the Dark Triad allows us to unravel the complexities of human behavior. It also shines a light on the intricacies of personality and its impact on personal and professional relationships. By understanding the implications of these traits, individuals gain a deeper appreciation of the dynamics at play within themselves and others. Thus, we can navigate the world of social interactions with greater insight and empathy.

In this exploration, we dive into the nuances of each trait. We also begin to understand their significance in shaping human behavior and their profound influence on the intricacies of personal connections and professional dynamics. Thus, through this psychological exploration of the Dark Triad, we embark on a journey to unravel the enigmatic aspects of human personality, seeking knowledge that empowers us to build more meaningful and authentic relationships.

Understanding the “Dark Triad”

Understanding the “Dark Triad” is essential in grasping the complexities of this unique personality construct and the maladaptive behaviors associated with it. This psychological concept involves the interplay of three distinct traits:

  • Narcissism
  • Machiavellianism
  • Psychopathy

dark triad personality


These collectively contribute to a potentially problematic personality profile. By delving into the “Dark Triad,” researchers can explore the antisocial behaviors of individuals exhibiting these traits.

Moreover, identifying the “Dark Triad” traits allows a deeper comprehension of the underlying factors influencing these behaviors. In psychology, contextualizing the “Dark Triad” role provides invaluable insights into human nature and its complexities. By identifying the specific characteristics of each trait, we can better grasp how they collectively influence an individual’s actions and interactions with others. It paves the way for effective interventions and strategies. It also helps to mitigate the impact of this intriguing personality construct.

1. Narcissism

Narcissism is one of the critical components of the Dark Triad, characterized by an excessive preoccupation with one’s self-importance, grandiosity, and a lack of empathy towards others. Individuals with narcissistic traits often overestimate their self-worth, seeking constant admiration and validation from others. Their focus on their own needs and desires can lead to disregarding the feelings and well-being of those around them.

Empathy, an essential aspect of human interaction, tends to be lacking in individuals high in narcissism. It makes it challenging for them to understand or show concern for others’ emotions. Narcissists frequently seek constant praise and validation from others, making them prone to attention-seeking behaviors. They may engage in self-promotion and boast about their accomplishments to elicit admiration and reinforce their self-perceived superiority.

Additionally, they often use manipulative tactics to maintain their self-image and exploit others for personal gain or recognition. This self-centered and grandiose behavior is a defining feature of narcissism within the Dark Triad, contributing to the complexity of this personality construct and its potential impact on social relationships and interactions.

2. Machiavellianism

Machiavellianism is another vital component of the Dark Triad, characterized by manipulation, cynicism, and strategic exploitation. Individuals high in Machiavellianism tend to display a tendency to manipulate others for personal gain, using cunning and strategic tactics to achieve their objectives. Cynicism is another prominent trait associated with Machiavellianism.

Individuals with this personality trait may view the world with skepticism and distrust, believing others are motivated by self-interest and unreliable. This cynical perspective enables them to anticipate potential threats or opportunities and stay one step ahead in pursuing personal gain.

Those with Machiavellian traits adopt a strategic, often unemotional, approach, prioritizing their interests above all else. This calculated and manipulative behavior is a defining feature of Machiavellianism within the Dark Triad. Thus, it contributes to the intricate nature of this personality construct and its potential impact on interpersonal dynamics and social interactions.

3. Psychopathy

Psychopathy, one of the three critical components of the “Dark Triad” personality, encompasses behaviors marked by impulsivity, recklessness, and a notable lack of remorse. Behavioral impulsivity is a hallmark of psychopathy, leading individuals to make hasty decisions and engage in reckless actions without fully considering the potential consequences. This impulsivity often leads them to engage in risk-taking behaviors, pursuing immediate gratification and showing little concern for the long-term implications of their actions.

Moreover, another striking characteristic of psychopathy is the lack of empathy and remorse. Psychopathic individuals have difficulty understanding and connecting with the emotions of others, which can result in a callous and insensitive demeanor. They often appear indifferent to the suffering of others and may exploit or manipulate individuals for personal gain without experiencing guilt or remorse.

This emotional detachment is central to their interpersonal relationships. Therefore, they may struggle to form genuine and meaningful connections with others. Psychopathy within the Dark Triad adds a layer of complexity to this personality construct, highlighting the potential risks and challenges associated with individuals exhibiting such traits.

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Interrelation of the Dark Triad

The Dark Triad characteristics of Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism are intricately interrelated, with shared features that lead to a complex behavioral interplay. These traits often manifest jointly in individuals, contributing to the development of antisocial behaviors and problematic personality constructs. One of the significant shared characteristics among the Dark Triad traits is a lack of empathy.

Individuals high in narcissism, Machiavellianism, or psychopathy often struggle to understand or genuinely care about the feelings and emotions of others. This absence of empathy can also lead to callous and manipulative behavior, as these individuals may exploit others without remorse or guilt. The personality overlap of the Dark Triad has a collective influence on interpersonal relationships.

Combining these traits creates a unique and challenging personality construct that can profoundly affect individuals’ thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Understanding the interrelation of the Dark Triad is essential for comprehending the complexities of human behavior and its potential impact on social dynamics and interactions.

Impact of the Dark Triad on Relationships

The Dark Triad traits can significantly impact interpersonal relationships, leading to challenges and social repercussions. Individuals high in these traits may struggle to form meaningful connections with others due to their self-centered and manipulative tendencies. The potential for manipulation and deceit in individuals with Dark Triad traits can cause relationship strains, making it challenging for genuine emotional bonds to develop.

Moreover, the lack of empathy and remorse associated with these traits may lead to a diminished ability to understand and support others’ emotional needs. Combining these traits can create a perfect storm of challenges in relationships. For example, a person high in all three Dark Triad traits may be:

  • Charming and charismatic initially (narcissism)
  • Manipulate others to gain power and control (Machiavellianism)
  • Show little regard for the emotional impact of their actions (psychopathy).

This combination can lead to emotionally abusive and toxic relationships, leaving the other party emotionally drained and vulnerable. Recognizing the impact of the Dark Triad on relationships is crucial for navigating the complexities of social interactions and promoting healthier, more authentic connections with others.

Implications for Professional Settings

The presence of the Dark Triad traits in professional settings can have significant implications for workplace dynamics and career impact. Individuals high in these traits may display manipulative and self-serving behaviors that can influence their leadership style, potentially leading to a toxic approach to management.

Moreover, lacking empathy and disregard for others’ feelings may hinder teamwork and cooperation. Thus, it creates a challenging work environment and hinders collaboration. The impact of the Dark Triad on workplace culture can be detrimental, affecting morale, trust, and overall productivity.

Recognizing the potential influence of the Dark Triad in professional settings is essential for fostering a positive and healthy work environment, promoting ethical leadership, and encouraging constructive interpersonal relationships among colleagues.

Coping with the Dark Triad

Coping with individuals exhibiting Dark Triad traits requires a thoughtful approach and a combination of behavioral management, psychological support, and social strategies. Setting boundaries is vital to protect oneself from potential manipulation or harm. Recognizing the signs of these traits can prompt seeking professional help or counseling to navigate the complexities of dealing with such individuals.

Developing coping strategies, such as maintaining emotional distance, practicing assertiveness, and building a support network, can aid in managing interactions with those displaying Dark Triad characteristics. Prioritize self-care and seek guidance from mental health professionals to ensure emotional well-being when faced with challenging relationships involving the Dark Triad traits.

Additionally, cultivating social strategies that foster healthy communication and assertive responses. Thus, we can empower individuals to handle interactions with greater resilience and emotional intelligence.

dark triad personality

Final Thoughts on Understanding the Dark Triad Personality

The Dark Triad personality encompasses three distinct but interrelated traits – narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Each has its characteristics, contributing to a potentially problematic personality construct. Narcissism involves an excessive focus on self-importance coupled with a lack of empathy and grandiosity.

Manipulation, cynicism, and a strategic relationship approach mark Machiavellianism. Psychopathy, on the other hand, involves impulsivity, recklessness, and a lack of remorse. Together, these traits can profoundly impact personal and professional relationships.

The psychological exploration of the Dark Triad provides valuable insights into the complexities of human behavior. By comprehending and addressing these traits, individuals can foster healthier connections, both personally and professionally. Acknowledging the existence of the Dark Triad allows us to navigate the challenges it presents with greater understanding and resilience.

As we continue to understand the depths of human psychology, we empower ourselves to forge meaningful connections. We also learn tonavigate the intricate tapestry of personalities with empathy, compassion, and wisdom. By doing so, we pave the way for more harmonious and fulfilling relationships in all aspects of life.

Genetic Research Explains Reason Why Males Often Die Younger Than Females

A new study reveals that Y chromosome loss may explain why men usually die younger than women. According to the research, the eventual death of the male sex chromosome can lead to heart muscle scarring. In some cases, this may cause fatal heart failure.

University of Virginia School of Medicine researcher Kenneth Walsh, Ph.D., said Y chromosome loss affects about 20% of 60-year-old men and 40% of 70-year-olds. While aging plays the most significant role in genetic changes, smoking, and genetic predisposition can increase the risk of Y chromosome loss.

Walsh added that men experiencing Y chromosome death might greatly benefit from a medicine that alleviates harmful heart scarring. He suggested the drug could help offset other male sex chromosome loss complications. These maladies may impact men’s health in various body parts besides the heart.

On average, women outlive men in the U.S. by five years. Walsh estimates the new research may explain almost four of the five-year disparity.

“Particularly past age 60, men die more rapidly than women. It’s as if they biologically age more quickly,” said study author Kenneth Walsh in a press release. “The years of life lost due to the survival disadvantage of maleness is staggering. This new research explains why men have shorter lifespans than women.”

Male Versus Female Chromosomes

In humans, each cell usually possesses 23 pairs of chromosomes. Twenty-two of these cells, called autosomes, express themselves the same in both men and women. The 23rd pair consists of the sex chromosomes, which differ between males and females. Women have two X chromosomes while men have one X and one Y.

However, many men lose their Y chromosome in some cells as they age, with smokers at an elevated risk. Y chromosome loss doesn’t impact male reproductive cells, so children don’t inherit it. This process seems to occur at an exceptionally high rate in frequently replaced cells, such as blood cells.

Previous studies have discovered that men with Y chromosome loss tend to die younger. They also suffer from age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s more often. Walsh’s study is the first to prove that chromosome loss directly impacts men’s health.

The findings appeared on July 14, 2022, in the journal Science.


The Study Showing Why Men Die Younger Than Women

Researchers used innovative CRISPR gene-editing technology to create a specialized mouse model. They wanted to gain more insight into how Y chromosome loss affects the blood. So, they removed the Y chromosome from the bone marrow cells of male mice.

The experiment resulted in accelerated rates of age-related diseases in the mice. It also made them more vulnerable to heart scarring and caused them to die much younger than average. The research team concluded that inflammation by itself didn’t cause these issues. They determined that the Y chromosome loss triggered a cascade of immune system responses. In turn, this caused tissue scarring, or fibrosis, in the mice.

Researchers believe this immunological reaction could cause rapid disease development. The authors added that tissue fibrosis could also accelerate aging, contributing to an estimated 45% of deaths in Western nations.

The researchers concluded that Y chromosome loss likely caused fibrosis in the mice. To investigate how chromosome loss impacts human men, they analyzed from the U.K. Biobank. Not surprisingly, it revealed that Y chromosome death contributed to cardiovascular disease and heart failure. It also found that chromosome loss could cause men to die younger.

Walsh explained how an entire chromosome could disappear: “The DNA of all our cells inevitably accumulate mutations as we age. This includes the loss of the entire Y chromosome within a subset of cells in men. Understanding that the body is a mosaic of acquired mutations provides clues about age-related diseases and the aging process itself.”

“Studies that examine Y chromosome loss and other acquired mutations have great promise for the development of personalized medicines that are tailored to these specific mutations,” he added.

Potential Treatment for Heart Scarring Due to Y Chromosome Loss

Even though it sounds terrifying, researchers also had good news to share from the study. When they gave mice an antibody that inhibits white blood cell activity, it reversed cardiac dysfunction. This finding provides hope that drugs formulated to treat fibrosis could prevent early death from heart disease.

Walsh noted that the FDA already approved one drug, pirfenidone, to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a type of lung scarring. The drug may also cause fewer men to die from heart failure and chronic kidney disease, though tests haven’t yet determined this. Further studies are needed to determine whether the medication could attenuate the impact of Y chromosome loss.

The authors believe that antifibrotic drugs may have a pronounced effect on men with Y chromosome loss. However, the research team noted that few tests currently detect chromosome loss.

Walsh’s collaborator, Lars A. Forsberg of Uppsala University in Sweden, developed an inexpensive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to solve this problem. While it detects Y chromosome loss, researchers haven’t yet tested it outside Walsh’s labs.

Walsh foresees a bright future for the PCR test: “If interest in this continues and it’s shown to have utility in terms of being prognostic for men’s disease and can lead to personalized therapy, maybe this becomes a routine diagnostic test,” he said.


Final Thoughts on Research Revealing Why Males Die Younger Than Females

A new study by the University of Virginia and Uppsala University found that Y chromosome loss causes men to die younger. On average, women outlive men by about five years. The researchers believe that male sex chromosome loss can explain most of this difference. They removed the Y chromosome from the blood cells of male mice and observed tissue scarring as a result. The team noted the same effects in human men.

While fibrosis contributes to 45% of deaths in industrialized nations, the researchers provided some positive news. Antifibrotic drugs have shown promise in reversing age-related diseases like heart failure and cardiovascular disease. Hopefully, treatments will improve so men won’t die of a largely unavoidable illness.

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