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20 Signs of Quiet BPD to Never Ignore

20 Signs of Quiet BPD to Never Ignore

Here’s what most people don’t know about borderline personality disorder.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by emotional instability, self-image disturbances, and intense relationship difficulties. While BPD often manifests through overt symptoms, a lesser-known subtype, Quiet BPD, presents unique challenges in diagnosis and recognition.

In this article, we take a look into the world of Quiet BPD, shedding light on its elusive nature and highlighting the twenty signs that should never be ignored. By familiarizing ourselves with these subtle indications, we can empower ourselves to identify Quiet BPD early on. Thus, we can support individuals struggling with this often misunderstood subtype.

1. Intense Fear of Abandonment

Borderline Personality Disorder encompasses various presentations, including Quiet BPD. These individuals experience an intense fear of abandonment. This fear of rejection and the heightened abandonment sensitivity that individuals with Quiet BPD often face diminishes their sense of self. By exploring the intricate dynamics of abandonment sensitivity and its effects on emotional attachment, we understand the unique challenges people with this subtype face.

quiet bpd

2. Emotional Instability and Quiet BPD

Individuals with Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder commonly exhibit emotional instability, characterized by pronounced mood swings, emotional volatility, and reactive emotions.  But unlike the more overt manifestations of BPD, this subtype often internalizes their emotions. Thus, it’s more challenging to identify their struggles.

However, their emotional world remains tumultuous. As a result, they may have sudden shifts in mood that can be unpredictable and intense. Emotional volatility is a defining feature, causing their emotional state to fluctuate rapidly, often triggered by perceived rejection or abandonment.

These reactive emotions can lead to impulsive behaviors or self-destructive tendencies. So understanding and acknowledging the emotional instability experienced by individuals with Quiet BPD is crucial for providing them with the support and validation they need to navigate their emotions more effectively.

3. Chronic Feelings of Emptiness

Individuals with Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder often experience chronic feelings of emptiness, characterized by an emotional void, inner emptiness, and existential despair. This profound sense of emptiness pervades their daily lives. As a result, they have a relentless search for validation and meaning. Understanding their struggles with an emotional void and existential despair is crucial for providing support and helping them address their inner emptiness in healthier ways.

4. Difficulty Establishing a Sense of Self

Establishing a stable sense of self is a significant challenge for individuals with Quiet BPD. They grapple with identity disturbance, a lack of self-identity, and shifting self-perception. This struggle to establish a consistent and authentic sense of self affects their well-being. Recognizing their challenges with self-identity is vital for offering support and promoting self-discovery, assisting them in cultivating a more stable and genuine sense of self.

5. Self-Destructive Behaviors

Self-destructive behaviors, such as self-harm, impulsive, and reckless behavior, are common among individuals with Quiet BPD. These behaviors serve as coping mechanisms for regulating overwhelming emotions. Recognizing their tendencies towards self-destructive behaviors is crucial for early intervention and guiding them toward healthier coping strategies that promote emotional well-being and safety.

6. Chronic Feelings of Guilt and Shame

Chronic feelings of guilt and shame are deeply ingrained in individuals with Quiet BPD. They experience excessive guilt, shame proneness, and persistent self-blame. These negative emotions contribute to a distorted self-image and relentless self-criticism. Understanding their struggles with guilt and shame is essential for providing compassion and support, fostering self-acceptance, and assisting them in developing a healthier self-perception.

7. Intense and Unstable Relationships

Relationship difficulties are characteristic of individuals with Quiet BPD, often marked by frequent conflicts and a pattern of idealization and devaluation. Difficulties in maintaining stable connections can cause emotional distress for both parties involved. Recognizing their relationship challenges is crucial for providing support and assisting them in cultivating more stable and fulfilling connections.

8. Impaired Emotional Regulation

Individuals with Quiet BPD often struggle with impaired emotional regulation, resulting in difficulty managing emotions, emotional dysregulation, and high emotional intensity. Their emotions can quickly become overwhelming, leading to impulsive reactions and heightened sensitivity. Understanding their challenges with emotional regulation is vital for developing effective coping mechanisms, promoting emotional stability, and supporting their overall well-being.

9. Fear of Rejection Leading to Social Withdrawal

The fear of rejection drives individuals with Quiet BPD to engage in social withdrawal. It may also lead to avoidant behavior as a protective mechanism. They may isolate themselves socially and withdraw from relationships to prevent potential rejection and emotional pain. Recognizing their fear of rejection and understanding their need for social withdrawal is crucial for creating a supportive environment that encourages healthy social connections and respects their boundaries.

10. Perfectionism and Fear of Failure

Perfectionism and fear of failure are common traits among individuals with Quiet BPD, often resulting in unrealistic expectations, perfectionistic tendencies, and intense self-criticism. These traits contribute to their distress and hinder personal growth. Recognizing their struggles with perfectionism and fear of failure is vital for fostering self-compassion, promoting realistic goals, and nurturing a healthier self-image.

quiet BPD

11. Hypersensitivity to Criticism

Individuals with Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder often experience hypersensitivity to criticism, exhibiting rejection sensitivity, defensiveness, and overreaction to criticism. Perceived criticism or disapproval can trigger intense reactions and a defensive response. Understanding their heightened sensitivity to criticism is crucial for fostering healthier communication and providing support that validates their emotions and helps them manage their reactions more effectively.

12. Impaired Sense of Identity

An impaired sense of identity is commonly observed in individuals with Quiet BPD, characterized by shifting self-image, unstable self-concept, and identity confusion. They struggle with a lack of self-identity and experience difficulty establishing a stable and cohesive sense of self. Recognizing their challenges with self-identity is vital for offering support and assisting them in navigating the complexities of their shifting self-perception and identity confusion.

13. Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors

Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are a major concern in individuals with Quiet BPD. They often experience suicidal ideation and self-harm urges and are at an increased risk of suicide. Addressing and assessing the risk of suicide is essential to provide appropriate help and support. Recognizing the seriousness of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in individuals with Quiet BPD is crucial for intervention and ensuring they receive mental health care.

14. Chronic Feelings of Loneliness

Individuals with Quiet BPD commonly experience chronic, persistent emotional isolation and social disconnection. Despite longing for connection, they often struggle to form and maintain meaningful relationships, leading to a profound sense of loneliness.

This chronic loneliness takes a toll on their overall well-being and mental health. It can contribute to feelings of emptiness, sadness, and despair, exacerbating the other symptoms associated with Quiet BPD. The absence of meaningful connections and social support networks intensifies their emotional struggles.

It creates a vicious cycle of isolation and distress. Understanding their experiences of chronic loneliness is essential for providing support and helping them build healthier social connections to alleviate their emotional isolation.

15. All-or-Nothing Thinking

All-or-nothing thinking is prevalent in individuals with Quiet BPD, characterized by dichotomous thinking, an all-or-nothing mindset, and splitting. They tend to perceive situations or people as good or bad, lacking a middle ground.

This extreme thinking pattern can significantly affect their emotional well-being and relationships. Additionally, it may lead to intense fluctuations in their perceptions of themselves and others and contribute to unstable relationships.

For example, they may idolize someone as perfect and then quickly devalue them as entirely flawed. Recognizing their tendency towards extreme thinking is crucial for promoting more balanced perspectives and fostering healthier interpretations of themselves and others.

16. Intense Self-Criticism

Intense self-criticism is a common struggle for individuals with Quiet BPD, characterized by negative self-talk, self-judgment, and self-esteem issues. They persistently self-critically, often berating themselves for perceived flaws or mistakes. So, recognizing their intense self-criticism is essential for fostering self-compassion and helping them develop a healthier self-image and improved self-esteem.

17. Disassociation and Depersonalization

Individuals with Quiet BPD often experience dissociation and depersonalization, characterized by detachment and feelings of unreality. They may also experience occasional out-of-body experiences. These experiences can be distressing and may serve as a coping mechanism to escape emotional pain. Understanding their dissociative experiences is vital for supporting and encouraging healthier coping strategies. It may also help them manage their emotions effectively.

18. Chronic Anxiety and Depression

Chronic anxiety and depression commonly co-occur in individuals with Quiet BPD. Thus, it leads to ongoing emotional distress and mental health struggles. Addressing chronic anxiety and depression is crucial for comprehensive treatment and support. Recognizing their chronic anxiety and depression helps provide appropriate interventions. They also improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

19. Difficulty Expressing and Communicating Emotions

Individuals with Quiet BPD often face challenges expressing and communicating their emotions, exhibiting alexithymia, emotional suppression, and difficulty verbalizing feelings. As a result, they struggle to identify and articulate their emotions effectively. Understanding their emotional expression and communication difficulties is essential for fostering a safe and supportive environment. Encouraging them to explore and express their emotions healthily is also helpful.

20. Reluctance to Admit a Problem or Seek Professional Help and Support

Individuals with Quiet BPD may resist admitting their struggles and seek professional help and support. Therefore, overcoming this reluctance is vital for their well-being. Encouraging them to engage in therapy, explore treatment options, and build a strong support network can provide the necessary assistance and guidance for effective management and recovery.

borderline personality disorder

Final Thoughts on Identifying Quiet BPD

Indeed, identifying Quiet Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) requires recognizing the twenty signs that should never be ignored.

Early identification and support are vital for individuals with Quiet BPD. That’s because these interventions allow timely intervention and treatment. Thus, readers must educate themselves and seek professional help. We must also cultivate empathy and understanding toward individuals with Quiet BPD. Individuals with Quiet BPD can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives with proper support and treatment. We can create a supportive environment that fosters their well-being and growth by providing understanding and compassion.

10 Best Foods for Clean Eating

Clean eating is a diet theory that says you should avoid eating processed and refined foods or artificial ingredients, such as additives or preservatives. Instead, you choose to eat natural, whole foods. While it’s true that clean eating may help you feel better, other diets can do the same thing. It’s always good to strive to eat healthily. If you want to try clean eating, here are the ten best foods to start with and five reasons you should pivot away from processed foods.

Is Clean Eating Healthy? 

Many physicians advise that eliminating processed foods and eating a natural diet is a healthy lifestyle change–they highly recommend it. There are many different ideas on what foods you can eat on a clean diet. Some people won’t eat foods with hormones, while others say clean eating is not eating packaged foods or foods in jars.

However, this advice comes with one caveat–overthinking this lifestyle can become an obsession for a few people. According to the British Medical Journal, clean eating for some people verges on “Orthorexia Nervosa,” an obsession with eating only healthy and could be on the eating disorder spectrum.

If you think you may have an eating disorder, get help immediately to avoid harming your health. Except for in those rare cases, clean eating helps you live a healthier life.

clean eating

10 Best Foods to Start Clean Eating 

Now that you know about cutting processed foods off your menu, here are ten categories to add to your plate.

1. Fresh fruit

Generally speaking, you can’t go wrong with eating fruit. You’ll receive many nutrients if you choose to eat fresh, fresh, or canned fruits. If you eat canned fruit, be sure it’s canned in juice rather than syrup to avoid extra sugar. Some people worry that fruit is too high in sugar, but fruit’s fiber, vitamins, and minerals outweigh the concerns. Aim for five to eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Some of the best fruits you can enjoy for clean eating include these:

  • Bananas
  • Blueberries
  • Apples
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Oranges

2. Vegetables

Vegetables are another staple food to include in your clean eating. Buy them fresh, frozen, or canned for maximum benefits. They’re good grilled, roasted, boiled, or sauteed. The vegetables you love are the best to eat. Some veggies you may want to add to your clean eating diet include the following:

  • Kale
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Squash
  • Peppers
  • Cauliflower
  • Collards

Many grocery stores sell pre-cut veggies for easy preparation when life gets busy. These prepared packages help you add veggies to your diet without much effort. 

3. Legumes

Another natural food to add to your clean eating diet is dried legumes. They’re rich in resistant starch, a carbohydrate that leaves your small intestine and ferments in your large intestine. Resistant starches act like prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria in your gut. These starches help your gut’s overall function and protect you from dangerous bacteria growth. Adding beans to your diet helps you lose weight and feel full when you eat them. Add beans to salads, soups, or stews. Beans offer protein, iron, and fiber. The best beans to add to your diet include:

  • Lentils
  • Chickpeas
  • Kidney beans
  • Navy beans
  • Black beans
  • Lima beans
  • Pinto beans

4. Lean meats

Clean eating includes eating lean meats that are, if possible, hormone and antibiotic-free. Meat is a good source of protein. Protein is essential to regulate blood pressure, bone metabolism, glucose, and immune system. Every cell in your body contains protein. Add protein to your clean diet to help repair your cells and make new cells. Meat provides essential amino acids. Different types of essential amino acids work together to help proteins function.

Amino acids in these ways:

  • Have a healthier digestive system.
  • It provides you with energy
  • Maintains brain chemicals and hormone balance
  • Growth of tissues
  • Supports healthy hair, skin, and nails. 
  • Boosts your immune system. 

5. Whole Grains

Whole grain foods are those with the entire grain still on them. They contain germ and bran, two dietary fibers. Studies show adding whole grains to your diet is beneficial in preventing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and pancreatic, gastric, and colorectal cancers.

Skip overly processed bread, pasta, and rice. Instead, choose whole-grain alternatives like oats, brown rice, popcorn, or whole-wheat pasta. These are small changes, but they can significantly impact your health. 

6. Dairy or non-dairy products

Dairy products have lots of minerals and vitamins, including:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Zinc
  • Choline
  • Selenium
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin A

Some dairy foods like milk and cheese are great additions to your favorite dishes. However, you must choose coconut, oat, or almond milk for a non-dairy option. Most of these products are calcium-fortified. But be sure to check the food labels on these products. Many of them contain sugar, preservatives, and other fillers. 

overeating processed foods

7. Seafood

Seafood and fish are staples of clean eating. They are rich in omega 3, an essential nutrient for good heart health. Fish and seafood are also natural sources of vitamin D and selenium. Seafood includes all kinds of underwater animals, such as

  • Shrimp
  • Crabs
  • Scallops
  • Clams
  • Freshwater fish
  • Saltwater fish

Studies found that eating even a moderate amount of fish can provide you with health benefits and can prevent health conditions such as:

  • Strokes
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Heart failure
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Hypertension

8. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds maximize clean eating. They’re naturally high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Although high in fat, they are a good source of heart-healthy fats. Eat nuts in different dishes or by themselves for a quick energy boost during your day. 

9. Eggs

If you haven’t added eggs to your clean eating diet, you’re missing out on a significant source of nutrition. Benefits include the following:

  • Improves your brain function
  • Gives you energy
  • Repair your muscles and tissues
  • It helps your immune system
  • Lowers your risk of heart disease
  • Increases healthy pregnancy
  • Skin health
  • Eye Health
  • Weight loss

10. Olive or coconut oils

Eating healthy includes healthy oils like olive or coconut oils. Both plant-based oils are excellent sources of minerals and vitamins. Some of the benefits of these oils include. 

  • Lowers your cholesterol
  • It helps manage blood sugar levels
  • Antioxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory 

Choose extra virgin olive oil and coconut oils. Please read the labels to be sure they are pure, not recycled, oils. 

Why should you eat clean?

Eating healthy is always a good choice. When you eat healthy, natural foods, you receive numerous benefits. Here are five benefits of eating clean, healthy foods. 

1. Clean eating lowers your inflammation

These clean foods can lower the inflammation in your body. Inflammation is joint in many chronic conditions that damage your cells, heart, brain, and digestive system. Maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to stay healthy. 

2. Clean eating lowers acidity in your body

Some doctors suggest that acidity is terrible for your body, but other scientists aren’t convinced. You may want to try clean eating for some time to see if you feel better and have more energy. Discuss body acidity with your doctor and see if you need to make menu adjustments.

3. Control your blood sugar by clean eating

Processed foods are high in sugar and salt. Eating clean foods helps maintain blood glucose levels, allowing insulin receptors to work well. This helps your body produce hormones and keep your body weight. 

 Eating a clean diet gives you the maximum amount of nutrients. You’ll feel better, have more energy, and look younger when you eat healthily. 

4. Clean eating will help save money 

Another reason to eat clean, healthy foods is that you and your family won’t get sick as much. This means fewer trips to the doctor for costly prescriptions and fewer missed days at school and work. Buying fruits and veggies at a local market will help you save money. Clean eating enables you to avoid eating out, which is a considerable expense in your budget. 

5. You’ll live longer with clean eating

Consuming fresh whole foods like the ones listed will help you live a longer, healthier life. What you eat matters. If you consume sugary, fatty foods, your body will suffer. Not only will you not feel well, but it’ll shorten your life. The most significant contributors to premature heart-related deaths in multiple studies were the high consumption of salt and trans fats in processed foods, particularly partially hydrogenated oils. 

clean eating

Final Thoughts on Enjoying the Healthy Benefits of Clean Eating and Leaving Processed Foods in the Past

Clean eating is simply eating healthy whole foods. It shouldn’t be so restrictive. It would help if you didn’t eliminate it from your diet. Clean eating should include fresh, natural vegetables, lean meats, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and fruits. Healthy eating always makes you feel better. At the same time, processed foods make you feel sluggish and could contribute to inflammation in your body. Strive to eat healthily. If you want to start eating clean, these natural foods are a great place to begin. 

6 Types of Listening to Build Better Relationships

Many people have forgotten the art of listening in the modern world. We often find ourselves so immersed in responsibilities that we neglect one another. However, this doesn’t mean we can’t relearn how to connect with our loved ones. Something as simple as asking how their day went is an empathetic gesture that could make a noticeable difference.

Humans should all take a moment to slow down and enjoy the little things again. We have an innate desire to share stories and derive meaning from life. Even though we live in a fast-paced world, we can change our trajectory by putting our relationships first.

One way to do that involves learning different listening skills to improve your relationships. Various situations may call for specific listening types to understand the speaker better. For instance, a conversation with your boss will look much different than a talk with your spouse.

Most people can switch from one form of listening to another without much issue. However, it helps to learn new ways to listen, empathize, and connect more deeply.

Six Listening Skills that Improve Relationships


1. Critical Listening

Critical listening involves separating fact from fiction by using discernment. It means using reason and logic to evaluate a message before responding to the speaker. When you listen critically, you can form a solid opinion based on your learned information.

The workplace offers a perfect time to employ this listening skill. For example, if you’re in a meeting about a way to improve sales, you have a lot of data to sift through. In this case, you need to use systematic thinking to develop a winning strategy.

This skill also becomes useful when someone tries to sell you a product. The seller may use all the tricks in the book to get your business. However, knowing how to listen critically instead of emotionally can help you avoid scams.

2. Passive Listening

Introverts excel at this listening skill because they prefer to let others do the talking. They feel perfectly content to sit in the background while others take center stage. This form of listening involves absorbing the information given to you without reacting.

Introverts shine in this scenario because they have a supportive, level-headed nature. They feel honored when someone chooses them to confide in and don’t mind listening to people’s problems.

You might use this skill if a friend needs to discuss a problem. Naturally, you would let her talk without interrupting or expressing your thoughts. She may only need to get things off her chest and not seek advice. People often want to feel seen and heard and don’t necessarily need an opinion about their situation.

Passive listening can improve relationships by validating the speaker’s thoughts or concerns. When someone feels understood, they automatically lower their defenses and open up more.

3. Empathetic Listening

To become a good listener, practice showing empathy with others. This listening technique resembles passive listening, but it requires more of a reaction. Empathetic listening involves asking the speaker purposeful questions to gain their trust.

To utilize this skill, practice removing judgment and keeping an open mind in conversations. Even if you don’t agree with someone, you can still try to understand their perspective. Compassionate souls can relate to people from all walks of life. Because they can put themselves in others’ shoes, they make incredible friends who will always have your back.

Being a compassionate listener also means giving people your uninterrupted attention. Distractions abound in society, but the best listeners know how to shut them out during conversations. They also don’t feel awkward during breaks in conversation, especially around close friends or family.

You will enjoy more meaningful, supportive relationships by improving your empathetic listening skills. If you show empathy to the people in your life, they will give it back tenfold.


4. Informational Listening

This method resembles the first technique on the list, except it doesn’t involve much of a reaction. For instance, you must learn extensive information if you just started a new job. In this case, you will want to absorb the new skills without giving your opinion. However, even if you don’t talk as much, it still requires high intellectual engagement.

Your trainer or employer expects you to retain the concepts and ask follow-up questions if necessary. To learn new information more effectively, listen intently and take notes to review later.

5. Active Listening

The most common communication skill involves a concerted effort to understand the speaker. It means showing a genuine interest and remaining engaged throughout the conversation. It combines all the forms of listening since you have to absorb information while asking relevant questions. In addition, you must know when to remain quiet and let the other person talk without interrupting.

You can apply this skill to improve relationships in almost every facet of life. It can help you overcome conflicts and build new friendships by enhancing trust. Studies have proven that active listening makes communication more effective and fulfilling in relationships.

6. Reflective Listening

Finally, this technique involves affirming information to deescalate arguments in relationships. Repeating what the speaker said or asking clarifying questions shows them you care about their feelings. Understanding the person’s perspective can help rebuild trust and repair a fractured partnership, especially after a significant fallout.
This method also helps to reduce tension by meeting the other person at their level. Instead of trying to win the argument, you aim to relate with them and solve the issue. Approaching problems as a team rather than making it a competition creates a happier relationship.


Final Thoughts on Listening Skills That Create Strong Relationships

All relationships involve some form of listening to thrive. However, each connection requires you to listen in various ways depending on the situation. Knowing how to listen can build stronger bonds, whether training at work or hashing it out with your spouse. Plus, if you hear out others without interrupting, they will be more likely to give you that same respect.

How Mindset Shifts Can Increase Your Productivity

When it comes to mindset shifts for productivity, much of the advice you come across focuses on tactical habits, valuable exercises, and powerful affirmations. This is all fine. But to focus on this first would be like baking a cake before you crack any eggs.

Improved productivity, as with most things, is a process. You cannot skip a few key milestones or cut corners and expect any changes you make to last the test of time—even if, at first, you make progress and feel like you’ve “figured it out.” Before long, you’ll slip back to where you once were. So, suppose you’re looking to improve your productivity and overall have more outstanding balance and fulfillment in your life. In that case, this article is for you, and it begins with an important message:

Today is the day to lay foundations that will last the test of time.

It’s this continued progression and lasting impact that matters above all else. Because anyone can make a little progress over a short period. Chances are you have done that many, many times over the years. It feels great for a while. Yet you’re soon left wondering, “What did I do wrong? Why am I back here where I first started?”

It’s one of the most common productivity problems (and personal growth overall).

The good news is that it’s easy to fix (kind of) …

Mindset Shifts For Productivity That Lasts!

mindset shifts

Mindset is one of those topics that often comes up in a conversation about personal growth.

Understandably so, too, as it’s a key building block into what makes you, you.

Most of us are dealt a far-from-ideal hand in this regard. From a young age (a very young age!), you began to piece together life’s puzzle and make stories out of what you experienced, recognizing patterns and placing purpose to each one.

The problem is, all this happened whilst you were an infant. It is hardly a good time to place those all-important corner pieces of your puzzle that determine the much bigger picture.

Still, this is reality, and this is what you went through. It was mainly out of your control, with parents, siblings, people on TV, and whatever else happened to pass you by. You saw. Heard. Experienced. Built a series of beliefs.

Some of these beliefs are positive and likely help you to this day. They form significant aspects of your personality and positively affect your mindset and how you approach life.

Yet some of these beliefs are less than ideal, and although we each have unique ones, some are more common than others — it’s one, in particular, I’d like to focus on because it happens to impact you, me, and most of us in a genuinely toxic way.

Especially when it comes to your productivity.

It centers around the notion of hard work.

We were taught to work hard when most of us entered the education system. If in doubt, work harder, study longer; try to do more, and follow what those more competent students do…  These are the mindset shifts we must make.

Bit by bit, day after day, our beliefs around work—and what it means to be good enough, worthy enough, simply adequate enough to deserve attention and respect—become more and more associated with a work harder mentality.

If you want something, you need to work hard for it.

Now, look, this isn’t an anti-work piece or to glorify a poor work ethic. The point is to differentiate between work ethic and hard work (or the art of *just* working longer).

A good work ethic doesn’t equate to the amount of hours you put in. Work ethic centers around effort and application, the ability to think critically and question the best outcome. Sometimes this aligns with hard work and long work. Yet, often, this isn’t the case.

At least, it doesn’t have to be the case.

Yet it is because of our deep-rooted beliefs around work, which is becoming an increasingly toxic problem as this world gets faster and tightens its grip around your very being.

Welcome To The Hustle

This world we live in is fast-paced and intense. It’s relentless.

We are connected to everyone at all times. It never escapes us, the temptation to check email or scroll through social media; check in and do that one item on the to-do list.

We feel tired. We feel behind all the time; like we’re never properly caught up. There’s always more to do, and there is always someone who seems to be further along than we are. We see them on Instagram, sharing their seemingly perfect lives. They are better than us. More worthy. And because we are only ever connected to what’s going on in our own minds, we start to assume that they are happier and have it figured out. So, what do we do? We do what we’ve been taught to when in doubt: work harder… work longer… grind the gears… do more!

This is The Hustle.

You don’t have to work fourteen-hour days to be stuck inside it. It’s always around you, tempting you to do a little more or to compare yourself to someone else. We default to those deep-rooted beliefs when we slip into fragile states like these. It’s a vicious cycle and a true endemic of modern-age living as we push ourselves to the point of burnout.

We don’t help ourselves, either, especially when on a path of personal growth.

If anything, those who are more enlightened and aware face more demanding challenges because you appreciate the changes you must make. It’s like peeling an onion as one nugget of wisdom leads you to the next. 

It leads you to commit to this hack and that one, all in a bid to improve your health, mental well-being, and productivity.

Yet all you’re really doing is doing more.

That’s what The Hustle wants, and it is this that continues the vicious cycle.

Welcome To ‘The Flow’

To truly experience personal growth, you must make mindset shifts, deciding to step beyond the hustle and into flow.

Flow is that state where work and life take an easier tone. It’s more peaceful. Less busy; less all-consuming. You still need to work, and at no point is life easy. You still face challenges. Plus, you still have to navigate obstacles. Yet when you place yourself in a state of flow, you have fewer balls to juggle and less information to process.

It’s literally the opposite of what the hustle entails.

When in flow, you’re in a state of being. You get more done in less time because your mind doesn’t have to think as much. You take the steps you need to take. That’s it. It’s not about working hard, doing more, or pushing yourself because you feel you need to. You do the work you need to do and take the steps that lead you there.

Yet entering this state isn’t easy. It’s not natural. At least, not anymore. 

Way back in your childhood, it was. Young children slip in and out of flow throughout the day. They play, smile, love, and laugh because that is the essence of life.

It’s sad that so many of our beliefs steal this from us.

But just because re-entering this state isn’t easy doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It is possible, although the actions you take each day likely prevent you from taking these steps; even though you’re committed to your growth, health, well-being, and so much more.

Because every time you learn something, come across a new hack or tactic, follow someone, or decide to venture down this rabbit hole that… you make it harder to tap into flow because step further into the hustle, rather than away from it.

mindset shifts

Mindset Shifts For Productivity: Getting Started

The reason mindset is so vital to personal growth is because your current mindset (and beliefs) are what hold you back. It’s like you’ve walked through a door and stepped into a hallway, a new door in front of you that houses a world of possibilities on the other side.

That door you stepped through represents your past. It is an outdated version of who you no longer wish to be. Whereas that door in front embodies your growth journey. As you enter the hallway, you’re eager to close the old door and open the new one. You step toward it, slide it open, maybe even step through… yet your jumper’s caught on the old door’s hinge. So you are unable to go any further. A few steps forward, but a few backward steps follow as you struggle and squirm.

That caught thread represents your beliefs, mindset, and the many demons you possess.

You can want to grow. You can even be ready to grow. Perhaps you can compose yourself in the hallway and get all your ducks in a row. But until you cut that thread, you won’t get far.

This is why so much progress is a mere prequel to stagnation.

It’s a travesty and a true modern dilemma. That’s because when we try something that doesn’t work out and cannot figure out why, we slip back to that default setting of working harder. 

Working longer… Just doing more!

Around and around, we commit to more when we need to do less.

That’s the key here: LESS. 

And it’s how we’ll bring this article to a close, not with yet another so-called answer or solution to fill your brain with hope and distraction, but rather a question to help you reach the root cause:

What do you need to let go of?

Before we move on, let me recognize that this is a loaded question. The reality is you have much to let go of: fear, trauma, beliefs, outdated truths, people, ideas, hopes, dreams, the list goes on… your list is unique to you, and you likely only know part of what you need to.

But that’s the point. You need to explore and figure out what you need to let go of before making these mindset shifts and inviting new things into your life. Yet this is exactly what so much of your growth journey doesn’t involve. Because it’s easier to try that new hack, test the latest trend, and read the hottest book in the charts everyone beams about…

It can all help, to an extent, but if your jumper’s caught in the old door, you won’t go far.


Final Thoughts on Mindset Shifts to Increase Your Flow

Real growth requires a real exploration of you and your past. So you can better appreciate who you are. More importantly, you discover why you are—where all those beliefs came from and the specific steps you must take to overcome them.

We’re all on a different journey, but in that regard, we all share an eerily similar one.

So let today be the day you lay the foundations for the rest of your life by asking and truly reflecting on the question: What do you need to let go of? This is how to step out of the hustle, into flow, and let go of what was so you can embrace the productivity inside.

6 Things to Never Forget When Dating an Aries

If you’re dating an Aries, remember their fierce determination, indomitable will, and fiery spirit. Aries approach life courageously and takes the lead in all situations, so they need a down-to-earth, stable partner to keep them balanced. Born between March 21 and April 19, the ram possesses a positive, fun-loving spirit and endless energy. Since the ram is the first sign of the zodiac, it makes sense that they’re natural leaders and take life by the horns.

People born under this horoscope are most compatible with the other fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius. Both of these signs are passionate and driven, like Aries, helping to fuel the flames of the ram’s ambitions. The first sign of the zodiac also gets along well with Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra, as their airy yet pragmatic nature can offset the ram’s dominance and aggression. Below, astrology provides insights on what to remember when dating an Aries to ensure a successful, harmonious relationship.

Understanding Aries Traits

Aries’ characteristics include being passionate, fiery, courageous, and ambitious. These are typical fire sign traits that Leo and Sagittarius also possess, but Aries stands out because of their headstrong, stubborn nature. They won’t take no for an answer and will do everything possible to achieve their goals. They’re also spontaneous and adventurous, always wanting to see new places and experience everything the world can offer.

The fun, unpredictable Aries personality assures you’ll always feel energized and satisfied in a relationship with them. The ram is also fiercely loyal and protective of their loved ones. So, you won’t have to worry about them having a wandering eye when dating an Aries.

dating an aries

Dating an Aries and Adventure

Aries’ adventurous, spontaneous spirit ensures you will have no shortage of excitement in your relationship. They have severe wanderlust and will want to show you all the beauty and wonder on this marvelous planet. Their love of travel and risk-taking means you’ll have many new experiences to share, allowing you to build incredible memories. When dating an Aries, be prepared to go on plenty of unexpected adventures because they live on the edge! Despite their numerous responsibilities and drive to succeed, they have a childlike innocence and young soul. They always look on the bright side and seek every opportunity to live life to the fullest.

Aries and Independence

Dating an Aries means adjusting to their need for personal space and desire for autonomy. Aries’ independence may seem like they only care about themselves, but they greatly value having the freedom to pursue their ambitions and interests. However, they also have a nurturing quality underneath their tough shell and will always set aside quality time for their relationships. Though they may live a busy, demanding lifestyle, this zodiac sign will prioritize their partner and ensure all their needs are met.

Aries and Passion

When dating an Aries, you’ll quickly notice their intensity and energetic personality. They have an innate drive to succeed and follow their heart, making them excellent leaders. An Aries performs best in a career where they can call the shots and direct a group toward a particular goal. Aries’ passion ensures they will become prosperous and overcome any challenge they face in personal and professional life. Regarding relationships, this manifests as being assertive, fiery, and dominant. If you’re dating an Aries, ensure you have the energy to keep up with them because slowing down isn’t in their vocabulary! Aries is most compatible with partners who want to take on life with them and won’t hold them back. However, they also need someone who will give honest advice and help them direct their fire wisely without burning out.

dating an aries

Aries and Honesty

You won’t find a more honest, authentic sign than Aries, as the ram prides itself on truthful communication. Their directness and straightforward approach to life may seem off-putting to some, but they don’t mean any harm. They believe in being truthful and upfront in their professional and personal relationships. Aries’ honesty allows them to build strong relationships, and people learn to respect their no-nonsense attitude. When dating an Aries, don’t hesitate to share your feelings and opinions openly and not hide anything from them. You don’t have to worry about offending them because they have thick skin and would prefer you tell them the truth.

Aries and Impatience

Another thing to remember when dating an Aries is their fast-paced lifestyle and unpredictability. The ram needs someone who embraces their spontaneity and enjoys seeing new places with them. Aries’ impatience tends to get them in trouble sometimes because they can have a difficult time compromising. They know what they want and don’t like anyone standing in the way of their desires. Therefore, they’re most compatible with fellow fire and air signs who thrive amidst adventure and have a restless nature. Those of this zodiac sign can become bored and defiant when they feel like they can’t express themselves or release their boundless energy somehow.

Dating an Aries and Loyalty

When dating an Aries, you will have a faithful, protective partner who will never disappoint you. Aries’ loyalty knows no limits, and they will remain by your side no matter what you face. While settling down takes them a while, they have no problem sacrificing their independence after genuinely connecting with someone. When they fall in love, they soften their edges and become more gentle with people. You’ll start to see their nurturing, loving side as you get to know them better. Initially, they will only let you see their passionate, ambitious qualities, but they begin opening their hearts once they feel they’ve met someone special.


Final Thoughts on Insights on Dating an Aries

When dating an Aries, remember their passion, courage, independence, adventurous spirit, and desire for honesty. If you’re looking for the best dating an Aries tips, remember to respect and honor their unique qualities. Understanding the Aries zodiac in a relationship will create a harmonious, long-lasting partnership full of beautiful memories. Above all else, embrace their adventurous, passionate nature and enjoy the ride.

Trainers Explain How to Do Weightlifting for Weight Loss

How strength training supports losing weight.

Learn from expert trainers as they explain the proper techniques and strategies for strength training. Understanding the benefits and how to do weightlifting for weight loss can help you achieve your goals.

Weightlifting for weight loss is powerful because it helps burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. You can use strength training programs, free weights, circuit training, and more to help with your weight loss efforts.

Expert weightlifting and fat loss tips can help you lose weight and build strength. It offers benefits that promote your overall well-being and health. Before starting weightlifting for weight loss, consult a professional for guidance.

Understanding Weightlifting for Weight Loss:

Weightlifting or resistance training is helpful for fat burning and a metabolism boost. It boosts your weight-loss effort and promotes long-term weight management. During these exercises, you’ll typically use weights, including dumbbells, barbells, or weight machines.

Weightlifting for weight loss builds muscle, increasing your resting metabolic rate to burn more fat and calories when walking, working, sleeping, or sitting. Weightlifting offers more than just weight loss benefits. It also improves muscle strength, tone, flexibility, and balance.

weightlifting for weight loss

Physical benefits of weightlifting for weight loss

You should work all major muscle groups each week, building up to working them out multiple times per week. When doing weightlifting for weight loss, you’ll want to target your:

  • abs
  • back
  • chest
  • biceps
  • forearms
  • hamstrings
  • quads
  • calves
  • shoulders
  • traps
  • triceps

Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals:

Goal setting and progress tracking can help you reach your goal weight, but the goals must be realistic. Using these goals with weightlifting for weight loss is the best way to progress toward a healthy lifestyle. A sustainable approach helps you stay motivated and more likely to stick to your plan.

Realistic weight loss goals also prevent burnout because they aren’t too intense and won’t take long to achieve. Without realistic goals, you might get discouraged from not reaching them and give up entirely.

Setting goals when starting

You’ll want to use a sustainable weight loss approach for the best results that last long-term. Here are things to consider when setting your weight loss goals:

  • Set a healthy weight loss rate: You should aim to lose one to two pounds weekly. Losing more than two pounds weekly for an extended time could increase your risk of health complications. You might lose more than two pounds occasionally, especially when starting a consistent routine, but it’ll quickly taper off.
  • Set realistic, short-term goals: You may have a long-term goal you want to reach, but short-term achievements help encourage motivation and help you progress. Consider setting a goal of five to 10 percent of your starting weight, and continue setting more short-term goals as you achieve the first one.
  • Be specific: Your weight loss goals should be measurable, or you won’t be able to track your progress effectively. Rather than simply saying you want to lose weight, set a number to work toward. Your number could include pounds lost, inches lost, body mass index, or clothing sizes.
  • Make them sustainable: Forming sustainable habits can help you maintain your weight loss once you reach your goal. It allows you to develop life-long habits that improve your health and well-being.

Compound Exercises for Full-Body Engagement:

Compound exercises involve multi-joint movements, including squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These compound lifts engage multiple muscle groups and maximize calorie burn, helping you progress toward your goals. They also promote muscle activation, coordination, and overall fitness levels.

They’re also good exercises for mastering fundamental movements to prevent injury and help you master advanced moves later. Compound exercises promote increased calorie burn because they involve multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Incorporating High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT):

Integrating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) involves starting with a warm-up through dynamic stretching or light cardio, including jogging or cycling. Then, you’ll alternate quick bursts of intense exercise with lower-intensity exercises for a brief recovery in between.

Some ideas to start include high-intensity sprints, burpees, jumping jacks, and low-intensity walking or cycling. You’ll also have a cool-down period at the end that could involve static stretching or light cardio.

Incorporating HIIT workouts with weightlifting can enhance your weight-loss efforts by improving cardiovascular fitness. They can promote faster results while improving aerobic capacity and cardiac function.

These exercises promote calorie-torching and enhance your overall metabolic rate. They can help you burn more fat, while weightlifting helps maintain and build muscle. Using them together allows you to experience the benefits of both.

You can also use weights during a HIIT session to intensify your workout. Consider implementing HIIT workouts once or twice a week to embrace the benefits of using it with weightlifting.

Progressive Overload and Strength Progression:

Progressive overload involves progression in strength training, gradually increasing resistance and challenging your muscles. It promotes weight loss, muscle development, strength, and increased calorie expenditure.

Starting small is recommended, but once you get the hang of weightlifting for weight loss, you should increase the intensity. It helps you continually see results as you challenge yourself to do more as you progress. You can increase the weight or number of repetitions or decrease rest time between sets to promote results.

Gradually increasing the intensity can challenge your muscles to maximize development. As you build more muscle, you’ll burn more calories at rest. It also helps you avoid plateaus because your body won’t fully adapt before you increase intensity.

Proper Form and Technique:

Using proper exercise form and technique during weightlifting for weight loss can make a difference in your efforts. Proper form promotes movement quality and injury prevention while helping you achieve the best results. It also ensures you target the intended muscles to improve exercise efficiency.

Some of the best ways you can ensure proper form include:

  • learning the correct technique for each exercise
  • focusing on the position of your body
  • using your core for stability
  • being mindful of the weight movement
  • properly aligning your joints
  • watching yourself in a mirror

Consider temporarily decreasing your weight load to pay attention to your form. It’s easier to determine if you should change your posture when you aren’t pushing yourself too hard.

weightlifting for weight loss

Balancing Resistance Training and Cardiovascular Exercise:

Balancing resistance training during cardiovascular exercise is beneficial for weight loss. It helps with losing body fat while building muscle mass. Increased muscle mass leads to improved metabolism at rest, resulting in higher calorie burn.

When you incorporate cardio and weightlifting into your exercise routine, it offers an optimal combination. You’ll get a well-rounded approach with exercise variety that maximizes your fat-burning potential.

Nutrition and Recovery:

Proper nutrition and muscle recovery can help with your weightlifting for weight loss efforts. Maintaining a balanced diet, implementing nutrient timing, and getting adequate rest encourage optimal recovery and support your weight loss goals.

Allowing your muscles to recover is essential to a healthy weightlifting experience. Recovery means your muscles have had a chance to rest and recover through good nutrition and adequate sleep.

Your body must have enough energy to support your workout, so consuming nutritious foods is essential. Focus on consuming enough:

  • carbohydrates
  • proteins
  • fats
  • vitamins
  • minerals

Nutrient timing is when you eat at specific times based on your exercise routine to give you energy before and replenish your nutrients afterward. It helps you optimize your nutrient intake and utilization to boost your efforts. Consider carbohydrates and protein 30 minutes to three hours before exercise and again within 30 minutes to two hours after.

You also must ensure you drink enough water because muscle recovery requires hydration. If you’re deficient in vitamins or nutrients, consider taking supplements to make up for it.

Consistency and Progress Tracking:

Exercise consistency is essential for weightlifting for weight loss and maintenance. Tracking results also helps as it promotes accountability to help you stay motivated and accountable.

Monitoring your performance promotes long-term weight loss success because it allows you to see what works for you. Choosing exercises you enjoy and can include in your regular exercise routine can help with consistency. When you look forward to the workout, you’ll be more likely to do it regularly.

You’ll see your results better if you choose one day a week to track your weight or measurements. Checking daily can be discouraging because your weight can fluctuate, while weekly check-ins allow you to see long-term progress.

Seeking Professional Guidance:

Seeking professional guidance when starting weightlifting for weight loss can help you achieve optimal results. A certified personal trainer or fitness coach can provide individualized programs based on your needs and goals.

They’ll offer proper guidance and give support throughout your weight loss journey. Professional guidance also prevents your risk of injury because it can help you maintain good form.

A professional will provide feedback to ensure you’re doing exercises correctly for optimal results without complications. They’ll guide you through progression to help you challenge yourself without experiencing overexertion.

Working with a personal trainer can also help you avoid plateaus. They’ll introduce new exercises or vary your workout routine to enhance results.


Final Thoughts on Weightlifting for Weight Loss and Strength

Weightlifting for weight loss is an effective way to reach your goals and look and feel your best. Use these strategies for weight loss with weightlifting to help you look and feel your best.

Combining cardio and weightlifting for weight loss offers increased benefits, so vary your routine regularly. Focus on proper form and consider seeking professional guidance to optimize your results.

Stay motivated by tracking your progress and doing exercises you enjoy. You can achieve your goals and feel better about yourself while improving your health.

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